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26th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Pablo de Caso Udave

On this event, we commemorated the ver y oundation and reason behind the celebration or the Day o the A ronomist in Mexico. This was done by presentin the histor y o the two universities where IAAS has a presence in Mexico. A ter wards, we had a panel titled “Food Security in Mexico” with 2 representatives rom these universities, which were: Ph.D. Diana América Reyna Iza uirre (Universidad Autónoma Chapin o) and M. Sc. Eduardo Morales Osornio (Tec de Monterrey). We ended the event with a discussion between the attendees rom the local committees and the invited students rom other universities which have a ronomy students. We hope that, thanks to this event, these students et motivated to start a local committee within their own university.



27th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Pablo de Caso Udave

The event was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A brie welcomin in char e o the 2020 IAAS Chapin o board ser ved as an openin . A ter wards, candidates proceeded to present their workplans. Once the presentations were finished votin process was held and, based on the results, we are ver y happy to in orm about the IAAS members that orm the new board which will lead and mana e this local committee o throu hout 2021: ● Local Director: Zaida Abi ail Méndez Romero ● Local Exchan e Coordinator: José Alejandro Hernández Salazar ● Local External Relations Coordinator: Rosa María Márquez

Pérez ● Local Projects Coordinator: Zyanya Jazmín Castro Pérez ● Local Finance Coordinator: David Zarinaña Arizmendi ● Local Communication Coordinator: Mi uel Án el Cabrera Pablo Dear IAASer, It is a pleasure to address you once a ain on behal o the national committee o IAAS Mexico. In this edition, I will share with you 2 activities that were carried out durin this month. Be ore this, I would like to share with you why Februar y is so important or us. On Februar y 22nd o 1854 the first university dedicated to a riculture, the ENA (Escuela Nacional de A ricultura), was ounded in our countr y. From that day on, the 22nd o Februar y has been settled as a date to celebrate and commemorate the importance o our pro ession. Besides this important historical act, Februar y is the month when most o the Mexican universities o back to classes a ter the winter break. Both universities where IAAS has local committees, Tec de Monterrey and Universidad Autónoma Chapin o, are no exception or that.

Without urther ado IAAS Mexico says arewell until March, when sprin comes to us. We hope that you find this newsletter enrichenin and that you and your dear ones are keepin sa e.

Yours truly,

Pablo de Caso Udave

National Director o IAAS Mexico



Hello rom IAAS Greece,

Februar y was a month ull o meetin s, calls and email respondin . The webinar plannin demanded weekly meetin s that later became daily. The team consists o 12 people or anizin and communicatin in order or the webinar to be success ul and ull o knowled e. We reached out to pro essors rom our universities, who are experts in our webinar topic “Precision A riculture” and were ver y happy and willin to collaborate with us and brin this webinar to li e. The academic back round o this event is o much importance to us, as we want to reach out to the scientific side o the topic. Thank ully the team spirit and motivation is hi h and any di ficulty that comes in our way does not let us down but on the contrar y makes us stron er as partners.

Best wishes, Rika National Director o IAAS Greece


20th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Rika

Here we are in our weekly meetin discussin about the webinar, assi nin jobs and talkin about ever yone’s pro ress. Even thou h the workload was hu e, the smile rom our aces never le t and in these meetin s we were also han in out as riends which is ver y important or our motivation. Can not wait to see how the webinar will turn out!



Dear IAASer,

It is a pleasure to address you once a ain on behal o the national committee o IAAS Turkey. In this edition, I will share with you the activities that were carried out durin this month.

Currently, I am leadin in my countr y as the National Director o IAAS Turkey that can be considered reshly ounded, and re ion that we are part o , as the Re ional Director o IAAS MENA (Middle East and North A rica). Ver y recently, we have success ully accomplished our webinar (in 3 sessions) entitled ‘’Conventional & Advanced Plant Breedin ’’ as IAAS Turkey. Presence o hundreds international a riculture students rom 39 countries around the lobe has pleased and motivated me and the committee members o IAAS Turkey. Di erent approaches in terms o plant breedin and steps to take to commercialize those traits and/or varieties were discussed by the expert scientists rom Croatia, the UK, and the USA. And especially Q&A attract intensive attention by the students. Vlatko Galić (PhD) rom A riculture Institute o Osijek (Croatia) has iven a lecture about the enetic resources in maize and some competitional and conventional methods are discussed by Vlatko. Later. Then secondly, Dr. Abdellah Barakate rom the James Hutton Institute (UK) has discussed manipulation o meiotic enes and some advanced approaches in terms o plant breedin . Finally, Allan Wenck (PhD) current president o the SIVB, workin at BASF as Head o Trait En ineerin , also has iven a beneficial presentation on the topic o brin in traits to the world market and advanced plant breedin approaches. The unique contributions o the speakers are well appreciated and received by the students. Many students rom almost 40 countries have learnt about conventional plant breedin , advanced plant breedin (especially CRISPR technolo y) and the process and manners to make the new bred species commodified in public. Besides o my positions at IAAS, I am also ser vin to the Society or In Vitro Biolo y (SIVB) as Student Co-chair o Plant Biotechnolo y. SIVB is a pro essional society devoted to osterin the exchan e o knowled e o in vitro biolo y o cells, tissues and or ans rom both plant and animals (includin humans). The ocus is on biolo ical research, development, and applications o si nificance to science and society. To see such enuine interest and support rom the IAASers, motivation and dedication o my collea ues and my personal or anization experiences rom SIVB made it possible. We are better motivated and experienced. Commitment and will power are all matters to build the uture strate ic plans. Sincerely,

Alperen Öztürk




17th o March 2021 (O fline, Mahuwari, Nepal) Written by:

IAAS Nepal LC Paklihawa has launched the VCP "Upli t Mahuwari Villa e" with the aim to enhance the health and socioeconomic condition o the villa e. The project has been desi ned or the 26 months i.e. till 2023 and we have be un to work on it since the be innin o 2021. The first real-field pro ram be un rom 17th March 2021. Also, a undraisin pro ram ‘Dohori Saajh’ an exclusively musical evenin to support our project initiation was conducted. The pro ram was conducted in collaboration with 4 other student or anizations includin : a) A riculture Students' Liaison Forum (ASLF) Paklihawa b) Youth Red Cross Circle Network, Paklihawa c) One Health Nepal,Paklihawa d) Creative Veterinar y Students Association (CVSA), Paklihawa.

Orientation about the Pro ram The Pro ram was started with the introduction about the Villa e Concept Project to the local people o the area. For the avorability o the lan ua e, a member rom the same villa e helped us with the translation in their local lan ua e too. Ever ythin was explained on how it was aimed or the improvement o the health and socio-economic condition o the 30 households o the villa e with the support o local bodies, VDC and rural municipality. In the pro ram, there was the presence o Deputy Mayors, ward president and social workers too. 1. Sanitation Understandin the villa e condition, we undertook the sanitation pro ram as our first pro ram o the project. Initiatin rom the main roads and coverin all those 30 households, we collected wrappers, plastics, etc. and cleaned usin brooms. For this pro ram, 3 brooms and 2 Cap Plastic Dustbins alon with masks and loves were bou ht or volunteers. Villa ers really elt contented with all o these works Namaste and warm reetin s!

March marched with a lot o actions. From conductin meetin s and trainin s virtually, brin in VCP to li e has been the first success ul live event in IAAS Nepal. Villa e Concept project is actually takin its shape with ever y meetin s and plannin . We look or ward to makin VCP even more rand with collective support.

Re ards, IAAS Nepal



Greetin s rom IAAS Morocco, or Salam (that’s how we say it here) I hope ever yone’s doin reat and Happy Ramadan to the IAAS Muslim community all over the world. This month 3 o our members joined the re ional board o MENA: Nasrallah rom LC IAV, Oumaima and Hadil rom LC ENA , we can’t be more proud. Our countr y was also present in the MENA Directors Meetin and LC CHA or anized an alumni meetin with the local members and is pro ressin in the VCP. Finally IAAS Morocco is preparin or a new scientific event titled: “Moroccan endemics, Ar ania treasure” happenin next month. Take care o yourselves FamilIAAS and enjoy little moments. Best re ards,

Hadil RBIB

National Director o IAAS Morocco

MENA Directors Meetin

March 12th to 14th, 2021 (online, Zoom)

Meetin with Alumni

March 13th 2021 (online, Goo le Meet)

VCP visit

March 21th 2021 (online, Zoom) The first VCP visit by LC CHA was or anized to Douar bousshaba, amsekrout on March 21st , 2 o our members : Nouhaila LD and Assia VPP went there as a first step in this upcomin project.



20th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Goo le Meet) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

20th o Februar y 2021 (Bo or) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

The IAAS Conversation Club Goes Online by IAAS LC IPB was held with the theme "Be Productive with Simple Business Ideas" on Februar y 20th, 2021 via Zoom Meetin s. The theme was chosen due to the pandemic orcin us to do ever ythin virtually and durin the process we usually become unproductive. It also ser ves as a place or the participants to improve their en lish speakin skills. The event was attended by IAAS members and non-IAAS participants. The event was o ficially opened by Kharisma and Adhyra as the MC, ollowed by an openin speech rom Nisa Aisyah as the Project Leader o IAAS Conversation Club Goes Online 2021 and also by Dea Amelia Saputri as the Deputy Local Director o IAAS LC IPB. The next session was a presentation by Mr. Henr y Nu raha, S.Si, M.M who is a CO-Founder & CEO o etanee.id and a Business School Lecturer at IPB University. The insi ht ul presentation was ollowed by a short Q&A session. A ter that, it was time or the moment ever yone was waitin or which was the Focus Group Discussion where all o the participants were divided into seven roups and each roup had active discussions accompanied by the host and the moderator. The participants were iven the chance to ive their opinions and discuss their thou hts on business related ideas. To recall the presentation and discussions, a quiz was held usin Quizizz. Desi n Class is present as a orm o trainin or IAAS LC Unud members on Februar y 20, 2021 by invitin experienced speakers, namely Luthfi Fachruddin as VDCOMM IAAS Indonesia. This Desi n Class aims to increase their knowled e and skills, especially raphic desi n related to the basics o usin Canva and also indicators in creatin content that will be produced to suit IAAS Indonesia. The desi n class is expected to be able to improve the skills o IAAS LC Unud members so that they can produce content that is more varied, interestin , communicative, and in accordance with existin re ulations.


20th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Goo le Meet) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

Rakerta is an important annual event o IAAS LC Undip. Rakerta activities consisted o presentation o work pro rams or a year. The objectives o Rakerta are to in orm members about any pro rams or a year, determine the timeline o the work pro ram, and uni y the perceptions o work pro rams carried over or a year and approved by all members.



13rd o Februar y 2021 (Bali, Indonesia) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

IAAS LC Unud held the first FFB (Finance or the Better) with the theme "Finance Team Trainin in Finance and Bookkeepin ". This event was held on 13th Februar y 2021 via Goo lemeet. FFB is an event or finance team to ain basic knowled e related to finance and bookkeepin in IAAS LC UNUD. FFB was o ficially opened by Tasya Darpen as the Project Leader o FFB and also by Karen Hapuk A nes Ro er as the Local Committee Director o IAAS LC UNUD.

The event started with resume readin o our amazin speaker Mar ytha Putri Rahayu rom IOP 1 the ormer Treasurer IAAS LC UNUD (2019-2020). Next, our speaker delivered the presentation on "What's the Inside o IAAS LC UNUD Finance Team?". It was then ollowed by showin last year's bookkeepin and a Q&A session. The event is delivered with such a ood and relatable presentation that will certainly benefit us later on.


14th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

IAAS LC UNUD enjoy the sunday valentine by visited Pan san Villa e on Sunday, Februar y 14th 2021 which located in Petan , Badun . Our Villa e Concept Project in Pan san Villa e is a work pro ram carried out by IAAS LC UNUD as a dedication to the community. Pan san is located in Petan , Badun , Bali, Indonesia. This villa e is urther divided into 6 Traditional Villa es, 9 Banjar Dinas and 6 Banjar Adat. The area that we have made as our uidance is the armer association led by Pak Akita and there are also several Kelompok Wanita Tani (KW T). The Pan san Villa e Tourism Object in Petan , Badun , Bali has a panoramic view o the villa e which is still ver y ori inal. Providin a panoramic view o rice fields and has diversified plants, namely palawija. Hello IAASer, It’s an honor rom me can et a chance to share a monthly report rom IAAS Indonesia. Februar y is a special month because even thou h many LCs are oin throu h a transition period, several work pro rams have been carried out well. I hope that the spirit and sense o kinship will remain so that we can continue to be to ether until the end.

Best re ards,

Luthfi Fachruddin


8. I-Trainin by IA AS LC IPB

27th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

I-Trainin was held with the theme "Increasin the Opportunity o Sel Development” on Februar y 27th, 2021 via Zoom Meetin s. I-Trainin is an event or IAAS LC IPB members to ain new knowled e related to administration and finance. I-Trainin was o ficially opened by Kharisma as the MC and uided by Har yo Tetuko as the moderator, then ollowed by an openin speech delivered by Aurora He a as the Project Leader o I-Trainin and also by Muhammad Shaquille Wildanwan as the Local Committee Director o IAAS LC IPB. The event started with the first material on “Application Letter”, delivered by our amazin speaker, Phidju Marrin Sa ala rom IOP 25. It was then ollowed by a Q & A session and trainin session. Next, Garda Bramantyo rom IOP 25 as our second speaker delivered the presentation on “Understandin Stocks and Mutual Funds''. It was then ollowed by a Q & A session and trainin session. The trainin session involved us downloadin and tr yin the application ourselves. They both delivered such a ood presentation that will certainly benefit us later on. A ter the main event, the participants played a quiz that was held on Quizizz to test their knowled e on what they had learned today rom the presentations. Finally, we reached the end o the event, I-Trainin was o ficially closed by the MC and ended with documentation session.


27th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Luthfi Fachruddin

A riran er Workshop was held with the theme "Be Children's Hero in the Pandemic Era." This workshop provides an opportunity or IAAS LC IPB members to et trainin about creative and adaptive learnin or children especially durin this pandemic era. The a enda was opened by MC Alda and He a. Then, it continued with an openin speech rom Anisa Amalia as the Project Leader o A riran er Workshop, speech rom Muhammad Shaquille Wildanwan as as the Local Committee Director o IAAS LC IPB. Next, we had an introduction to Anisa Faujia as the moderator who will uide the workshop and the last but not least, the introduction o Nadyati Fazrin, Head o Competency Education Division in Kakak Asuh as the speaker who will ive us a presentation that will certainly ive us a lot o knowled e and share her reat experiences. We learned to ether about an over view o education at elementar y school level children durin the pandemic, understand the characteristics o children and the impact on their education, discuss creative learnin methods to provide their education and develop children's motivation in times o pandemic. A ter the presentation session, there was also a Q&A session which ave the opportunity to ask questions to better understand, share knowled e, and share experiences. Then, we continued with the most excitin a enda which was the Teachin Trainin Workshop which will be applied in teachin children. The workshop also includes ames that are easy to do. Hope ully, A riran er Workshop can improve the teachin skills o IAAS LC IPB members, especially prospective ran ers. This is a ver y valuable moment that is use ul or us to take a role or a better education! A ter the workshop was over, we had the submission o Token o Appreciation or the speaker by the Project Leader. Lastly, the a enda was closed with documentation o the participants and closin session by MC and recitation o prayers.



Hello IAASer,

It’s an honor rom me can et a chance to share a monthly report rom IAAS Indonesia. March is an interestin month, because this month, all LCs have finished ormin the cabinet and started implementin the annual work pro ram that was desi ned. I hope that the spirit and sense o kinship will remain so that we can continue to be to ether until the end.

Best re ards,

Luthfi Fachruddin Vice Director o Communication IAAS Indonesia 2021/2022 2. PROJECT AND REGULAR MEETINGS

March 1st, 2021 (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Iklima Jihan and Eka Agustin W IAAS LC UMY

IAAS LC UMY held the project meetings in March which are held five times, on 3rd, 12th, 16th, 19th, and 26th March, 2021. The discussion is about preparation for Live-In at the VCP, discussion of work programs, timelines, and guidelines for the Department Project for this period. Meetings are held in a hybrid manner, namely offline and online. While Regular meeting held on 1st, 8th, 15th, 22th, 29th March with aim to strengthen kinship in the realm of executive positions, exchange reports of each activity that has been carried out.


March 5th and 21st, 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Raninda STD IAAS LC UMY

This first Fun n Benefits of the month was held on March 5th, 2021. The meeting was held offline and online. For online, we used Google Meet while for offline we took place at Café 1912, Yogyakarta. Its activity was none other than the presentation of STD Department’s work plans for 2021-2022. The second Fun n Benefits was held on 21th of March, 2021. Almost with the same activity, it was held both offline and online. The offline one took place at Terraloka, Yogyakarta, while for the online we used Google Meet. The activity was a follow-up presentation of the revised work plans of STD Departmen IAAS LC UMY.



March 1st, 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Iklima Jihan Project IAAS LC UM

This event is a VCP Live-In event, where the VCP invites the Department Project to participate in the “Merbabu Budhaya” Cultural Arts Event. This event is held on the March 6th-7th, 2021. By participatin in this event, it opens up opportunities or us to min le and build intimacy with the community in the VCP villa e a ter lon absence due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



March 6-7th, 2021 (Jember, Indonesia) Written by: Muhamad Wahyu Saputra IAAS LC UNE J

Trainin and Toefl test with Texas is a toefl trainin activity by IAAS LC UNE J and the partner is 'Texas (Institute Lan ua e Guidance)' which will be held on March 6 – 7th, 2021. In addition, this activity also provides a toefl prediction test or the participants. The purpose o this activity is to provide opportunities or students and students to practice their En lish lan ua e skills and work on Toefl. Participants also et a toefl predicition certificate which is valid or 2 months.


March 6-th, 2021 (Surakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eurike J IAAS LC UNS

IOP is an IAAS Orientation Pro ram that is an event that is held annually by IAAS LC UNS to introduce IAAS to the new FamilIAAS. Start rom 9 AM in the mornin IOP is filled with introduction o IAAS World by Festus Yosa at Septian, IAAS Asia Pacific by Dewa Putu Adhi, IAAS Indonesia with Gracella Amaris and also IAAS LC UNS by Firda Noor K. Then ever y Coordinator will present their Department in ormation and plan in this one year. A ter this session, we played ames to ether. At the end o the event, we take photos to ether.



March 6th 2021 (Bo or, Indonesia) Written by: Adzkiya Taliya IAAS LC IPB

March 6th 2021 (Bali, Indonesia) Written by: Gloria A IAAS LC Unud

On Saturday, March 6th, 2021, A riran er 1 was success ully held by Project Department o IAAS LC IPB usin the hybrid method, which means it was conducted both online and o fline at the Yayasan Putri Bunda and Zoom Cloud Meetin s. This first A riran er brin the theme “Empower the Environment” and involved 14 hi h school and vocational hi h school students o Yayasan Putri Bunda, there were 32 participants in Zoom Cloud Meetin s and 5 volunteers rom IAAS Members. The presentation session o this event was presented by Irsyad Maulana, the Founder o Gudan store. This presentation was about how to empower land to be more productive by plantin plants in the pot. Continued with the practice session o plantin uava in pots done by the students o Yayasan Putri Bunda accompanied by ran ers. The next a enda was a sharin session with FamilIAAS by ormin roups and interactin with each other at the Zoom Meetin . Finally, this event was closed by the MC with a roup photo session conducted both at Zoom Meetin s and at the Yayasan Putri Bunda. The photo session was carried out based on the health protocol.


Partnership Class is present as a orm o trainin or IAAS LC Unud members on March 6th, 2021 by invitin experienced speakers, namely Bayu Rachmadya as CCLC IAAS LC Unud. Partnership class is a trainin activity or members o IAAS LC Unud which is mana ed by the PRP department to increase members knowled e about the field o partnership and procedures or findin and collaboratin with partners, thin s that can and should not be done in findin partners, and buildin personal brandin . Each department dele ates 3 members. Also a discussion with the speaker Bayu Rachmadya as CCLC IAAS LC Unud.



March 7th 2021 (Semaran , Indonesia) Written by: Fellicia Etano IAAS LC Undip

March 13th 2021 (Banjarbaru, Indonesia) Written by: Sri Rahwamati IAAS LC ULM

Webinar Public speakin is an activity held on 7th March 2021 by HRD, which aims to improve the quality o coordination amon IAAS LC Undip members in the implementation o the or anization or the next year. Contains o this activity is presentation o material about public speakin and critical thinkin . Besides that, an FGD was also held in order to provide a better understandin or all active members. VCP Socialization is activity in the orm socialization rom the Project Department to all members o IAAS LC Undip re ardin VCP It helds on 27th March 2021 at 9.00 am. VCP is the name or the assisted villa e o IAAS LC Undip which is the responsibility o the Project Department. VCP IAAS LC Undip is located in Gemawan Villa e, Jambu District, Semaran Re ency, Central Java, Indonesia. The assisted villa e is not only important or the Project Department but also all members o IAAS LC Undip. This activity contains historical descriptions, and work pro rams o the Project Department or related VCP so as to minimize the occurrence o miscommunication between department and members. Tar et o this activity were all members o IAAS LC Undip, which was carried out by displayin PPT, videos throu h ms teams app and also discussion sessions.


IAAS LC ULM has several activities and one o them is CAMELIAAS (Celebrate the Moment o Li e with IAAS) with the theme “Live, Love, Lau h On IAAS 7th Anniversar y. CAMELIAAS is an activity held to commemorate IAAS LC ULM Anniversar y. This activity also aims to build intimacy and stren then kinship amon ellow IAAS LC ULM members. The event was attended by IAAS LC ULM members. The event was opened by Nada and Fariz as MC, ollowed by remarks rom Salma Nur Hakim as Project Leader CAMELIAAS 2021 and also by Rada Febriani as Deputy Local Director o IAAS LC IPB. The next session was the department stand, this stand was held to introduce IAAS to all FAPERTA students, so that FAPERTA students would et to know IAAS more. Each department introduces its department with ames in it too. Then proceed with sharin sessions with alumni to stren then and share experiences that can be used as motivation or IOP 9 to brin IAAS even better in the uture. A ter that, it was time or ever yone to wait, namely the art per ormance and make a wish. This activity eatured video art per ormances made by IAAS LC ULM members. Make a wish is a orm or a common oal to brin IAAS to be even better in the uture. Finally CAMELIAAS was o ficially closed by our MC. The closin was ollowed by a documentation session as a memento.



March 10th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eka A ustin W. IAAS LC UMY

This meetin discussed about runnin pdh. With the aim o bein an identity or IAAS LC members, it also increases cash income.


March 13th 2021 (Jatinan or, Indonesia) Written by: Athhar Izaan Kautsar IAAS LC Unpad

VCP with KW T Malati Asih This year, VCP 2021 ocuses on producin and product launchin . Furthermore, artisan tea will be lab tested to determine its nutritional content so that quality and suitability are uaranteed. Currently KW T still need assistance rom the VCP team due to the lack o in ormation on KW T in business le ality process (PIRT, BPOM, halal, etc.), proper roselle cultivation, product ormulation, and preparation or dealin with external actors such as pandemic that has the potential to inhibits our activities. VCP team visit to Cinanjun Villa e was done a ter obtainin permission by implementin the health protocol. Besides our collaboration with KW T Malati Asih, this year we also want to start a new step by startin the new collaboration with youn people who are members o Taruna Kar ya in Cinanjun Villa e. All o the members are enthusiastic about learnin new thin s, many o them are still in hi h school so they are curious about ever ythin . Actually, in past, they learned a lot about waste mana ement in theor y, but lack in actual practice. Now, they want some concrete action about waste mana ement. So, VCP’s team come up with idea: it’s biopore. We choose this because they said that there are many potholes and will cause floodin when the rain comes. Other than that, the product o this biopore can be used as ertilizer and it can be sold. The Taruna Kar ya accept this idea and we both can’t wait to make thar happen. Our Plans : a. Community Development KW T can mana e rossele independently, orm roselle cultivation to post-har vestin , nutritional testin , business le ality processes, product ormulas, and product launchin . b. Education KW T will learn business le alization process and has insi ht in waste mana ement and biopores maintenance. c. A riculture and Environment Assemblin and installin biopores and also utilizin the yard to cultivative.



March 10th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eka A ustin W. IAAS LC UMY

This meetin discussed about the collection o cash with the aim o increasin LC cash income throu h re ular ees or each LC member.


March 11th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eka A ustin W. IAAS LC UMY

Talktar y is a routine meetin between the executive secretar y and the department secretar y. This meetin was held online on March 11th, 2021 and March 25th, 2021. The purpose o this meetin was to find out the activity reports o each department.


March 14th 2021 (Jember, Indonesia) Written by: Muhammad Wahyu Saputra IAAS LC Unej

Desi n sharin is an activity was or anized by Department o Public Relations and Partnership IAAS LC UNE J on March 14th, 2021. This activity aim to empower other IAAS LC UNE J members to practice raphic desi n usin Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Canva so tware as raphic desi n tools. Desi n Sharin will then become an internal IAAS LC UNE J orum where each member will discuss and learn about raphic desi n.


15. PRP Courses #1

March 14th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: A nes Herawati Nur yanta IAAS LC UGM

March 19th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Hashima IAAS LC UMY

On Sunday, March 14, 2021, we held the PRP Courses # 1 throu h Goo le Meet. These courses are divided into two rooms at the same time, PR with "Desi n Class" and Partnership with"Partnership". The course in the PR room was accompanied by our speaker, Fira Silvany, as Codept PR 2020 and Executive Secretar y 2021 IAAS LC UGM. The course was held at 19.30 WIB with an openin by Codept PRP, Elvira Valerie. Then the speaker explained the materials startin with a eneral knowled e o usin Photopea, application o desi n uidelines, and Photoshop tutorials as well as tips and tricks or tools in Photoshop, ollowed by questions and answers and ended with Kahoot ames. In another room, there was a partnership course with a speaker, An ela Vivian Wen, Mana er o Partnership IAAS LC UGM 2020. The Partnership Course started at 19.30 WIB, opened by the Mana er o Partnership 2021, Pan estika Chairina. The Speaker shared topics about the partnership in eneral, booklet, proposal, MoU, ToR, and tips or contactin partners. Then continued with a question and answer session. This course was ended with a photo session with all participants. From this course, we ot in ormation about desi n and partnership as preparation or bein a member o the PRP durin this period


Is a routine activity that must be attended by all members o the Exchan e Pro ram Department, this meetin is held in order to discuss the implementation o activities that will be carried out by the Exchan e Pro ram Department in this period.

17. PRP Courses #1

March 19th and 27th 2021 (Lombok, Indonesia) Written by: Azkia Insi IAAS LC Unram

This Job Raisin was hosted by Local Committee Mataram University on 19th March 2021 at Prima Budaya Jamur and on 27th March at Unram Farmin and Tri Utami Jaya . This is an activity rom IAAS LC Unram to visit and riendship o IAAS Mataram University’s students to these place. Prima Budaya Jamur, Unram Farmin and Tri Utami jaya is the expronas hostin place in Lombok, Indonesia. This activity aimed to increase cooperation rom that university with the hostin place, so that ood cooperation can be established



March 19th 2021 (Bali, Indonesia) Written by: Gloria A IAAS LC Unud

March 20th 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eka A ustin W IAAS LC UMY

En lish club is part o Skill Improvement Pro rams which held monthly by Exchan e Department IAAS LC Unud. The main oal is to provide riendly- un-sa e space or members to practice their En lish without ear o makin mistake. This club was held in orm o small roup discussion consists o 1 acilitator and 5 participants in each 4 roups. En lish club’s first session was held online this month on March 19, 2021 with the total o 16 participants rom all departments discussin on the topics, ood and travel. For about one-hour session, the participants were actively involved by sharin their ideas and thou hts with others in the discussion.


Local Committee Assembly (LCA) aims to improve communication between members and other departments, carr y out transparency o any activities that have been planned or have been carried out, and stren then the kinship o IAAS LC UMY members as a whole. The theme o this event is “preparin our journey” which aims to describe the work pro rams o each department. This event was held via Goo le Meet on Saturday, March 20th, 2021.

20. AGRIVERSE 2021

Februar y 20-th,- March 2021 (Surakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Eurike J IAAS LC UNS

A riverse is an international event that is or anized by IAAS LC UNS with two main events that are webinar and essay competition. The theme o A riverse is “Climate Adaptation .In Februar y we held the webinar while in March we held the essay competition.The competition rand final was held on 20th March 2021 with 5 teams to present their presentation durin the essay competition first round. The jud es o this event are Mr. Dimas Rahadia AJi Muhammad, Mrs. Andriyana Swtyawati, and M. Adhitya Pitara Sanjaya. Durio Team ot the first place in this competition, the second winner is Andeska Team and on the third place is Timi Team.


21. I-CL ASS

March 20th 2021 (Bo or, Indonesia) Written by: Adzkiya Taliya IAAS LC IPB

March 20-21th 2021 (Bali, Indonesia) Written by: Gloria A IAAS LC Unud

On Saturday, March 6th, 2021, A riran er 1 was success ully held by Project Department o IAAS LC IPB usin the hybrid method, which means it was conducted both online and o fline at the Yayasan Putri Bunda and Zoom Cloud Meetin s. This first A riran er brin the theme “Empower the Environment” and involved 14 hi h school and vocational hi h school students o Yayasan Putri Bunda, there were 32 participants in Zoom Cloud Meetin s and 5 volunteers rom IAAS Members. The presentation session o this event was presented by Irsyad Maulana, the Founder o Gudan store. This presentation was about how to empower land to be more productive by plantin plants in the pot. Continued with the practice session o plantin uava in pots done by the students o Yayasan Putri Bunda accompanied by ran ers. The next a enda was a sharin session with FamilIAAS by ormin roups and interactin with each other at the Zoom Meetin . Finally, this event was closed by the MC with a roup photo session conducted both at Zoom Meetin s and at the Yayasan Putri Bunda. The photo session was carried out based on the health protocol


IAAS Tainin "Lets Spread Your Win s Throu h Or anization" was or anized by EC on March 20-21, 2021 which attended with all sta IAAS LC Unud and our 3 beloved speakers Katherine Y Marpaun (Quality Board Partnership IAAS Indonesia 2020-2021), Luthfi Fachruddin (VDCOM IAAS Indonesia), Leni Maria Tari an (CCLC IAAS LC Unud). IAAS TRAINING is a discussion and workshops that held online or this year in webinar. IAAS TRAINING "Lets Spread Your Win s Throu h Or anization" with the hope that all sta o IAAS LC Unud can ive knowled e to all sta IAAS LC Unud in or anizin a committee


March 5th and 21st, 2021 ( Ma elan , Indonesia) Written by: Iklima Jihan IAAS LC UM

This activity was carried by means o obser vations (inter views) and discussions with key person and the Head o Kecitran Hamlet, Mr. Budi. The content o the discussion is about the problems and potentials that exist in a riculture there, which then tries to find solutions to develop it. In addition to knowin a riculture data and in ormation in the VCP, this activity also aims to stren then the IAAS LC UMY relationship with the VCP community, especially armers.



March 27th 2021 (Semaran , Indonesia) Written by: Fellicia Etano IAAS LC Undip

March 27th 2021 (Bo or, Indonesia) Written by: Adzkiya Taliya IAAS LC IPB

VCP Socialization is activity in the orm socialization rom the Project Department to all members o IAAS LC Undip re ardin VCP It helds on 27th March 2021 at 9.00 am. VCP is the name or the assisted villa e o IAAS LC Undip which is the responsibility o the Project Department. VCP IAAS LC Undip is located in Gemawan Villa e, Jambu District, Semaran Re ency, Central Java, Indonesia. The assisted villa e is not only important or the Project Department but also all members o IAAS LC Undip. This activity contains historical descriptions, and work pro rams o the Project Department or related VCP so as to minimize the occurrence o miscommunication between department and members. Tar et o this activity were all members o IAAS LC Undip, which was carried out by displayin PPT, videos throu h ms teams app and also discussion sessions.


On March, 27th, 2021, the Human Resource and Development Department o IAAS LC IPB has conducted an event called Coachin Clinic: TABLE T (Team Buildin and Leadership Trainin ). The speaker or this event was Kak Rahmat Hidayat, who is a Consultant o Unilever’s brand and then it was continued with a QnA session. The presentation was titled "Leadin in Di ital A e". A ter that, there was a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) where all o the participants were divided into 6 breakout rooms. In the breakout room, the participants were discussin the iven case study that includes these 3 outputs: 1. Buildin a communicative work environment 2. Emotional intelli ence in team buildin 3. Bein a leader under pressure and without a supportive environment. The results o the discussion were written on Goo le Jamboard, which is a collaborative di ital whiteboard. Then, this session was ended with a conclusion rom the speaker



March 27th 2021 (Bali, Indonesia) Written by: Gloria A IAAS LC Unud

March 27th 2021 (Jatinan or, Indonesia) Written by: Muhammad Fuad Hidayat IAAS LC Unpad

IAAS LC UNUD enjoy the weekend by joined Pan san Workshop with our beloved armers in VCP on Saturday, March 27th 2021 which located in Perbekel 'Pan san Villa e' Badun . Pan san Workshop is an event ocus on community empowerement to help communities partner in increasin their capacity in sel -development and economic level by trainin . Trainin held by Project department by IAAS LC Unud. Farmers et trainin about or anic armin , biodiversity, trainin to makin a proposal or undin , and trainin communities partner to become tourism villa es. Speaker Dr. I Gede Setiawan Adi Putra, Sp. , MSi. and Ir. Ida Ba us Gede Arsana as well as direct discussions between armers and speker and also discussion by participant.


IAAS Anniversar y is one o the events or anized by HRD Department. This event aimed to celebrate the anniversar y o IAAS LC Unpad and as a atherin place or all members. This events was held online on 27th March 2021 by Zoom meetin plat orm. IAAS Anniversar y was started by openin speech rom Shelsiya Nikela as a Local Committee Director and openin speech rom Fauzan Adnan as a Project O ficer IAAS Anniversar y 27th. The theme o the event is "Our Memories Be an Our Stor y". The main event is talk show session with Rahyan Nusantara and Willa Kusumah, alumni members o IAAS LC Unpad. Rahyan and Willa also shared about their journey and best part at IAAS LC Unpad. Besides, this event was accompanied by watchin the documentar y video IAAS LC Unpad. From this event, hope ully it will increase the sense o kinship and providin new members with knowled e about IAAS LC Unpad.



March 5th and 21st, 2021 (Surakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Raninda IAAS LC UMY

March 5th and 21st, 2021 (Surakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Nadia IAAS LC UMY

This atherin was hosted by STD Department o IAAS LC UNS on March 28th, 2021 at Kopi Kepi. The purpose o its activity was to discuss about ‘AGRITALK’ which will be held on the ourth week o April. Furthermore, its activity was held to stren then the relationship between two LCs: IAAS LC UMY and IAAS LC UNS.


Talktar y is a routine meetin between the executive secretar y and the department secretar y. This meetin was held online on March 11th, 2021 and March 25th, 2021. The purpose o this meetin was to find out the activity reports o each department.


March 28th and 27th 2021 (Lombok, Indonesia) Written by: Azkia Insi IAAS LC Unram

IAAS Desi n Class is one o PRP Department work pro rams, aimed to introduce the IAAS Brand to members o IAAS Indonesia LC Unram, encoura e the audience to think creatively, introduce the basic basic o raphic desi n , and provide tips and trick o raphic desi n. IAAS Desi n Class was held on Sunday, March 18, 2021 throu h an online zoom meetin plat orm with Hani a Dermawan Quality Board o Communication IAAS Indonesia 2020/2021 and Executive Secretar y I o IAAS LC IPB as the speaker. This trainin was conducted by erst deliverin the IAAS Brand material and practicin the desi n directly. At the end o the event there was a challen e to desi n accordin to the IAAS uidelines and was directly assassad by the committee and the speaker. Participants o this event were members o the IAAS Indonesia LC



March 31st, 2021 (Yo yakarta, Indonesia) Written by: Nabila PRP IAAS LC UMY

It starts on March 31st, 2021. A desi n class with the theme “Startin With The Rules o Desi n's” which aims to introduce IAAS LC UMY uidelines such as ont use, lo o placement, how to use Canva / Corel. The implementation is done online throu h the Zoom Meetin plat orm. This event was intended or all PRP members and some representatives rom other departments


March 28th 2021 (Jatinan or, Indonesia) Written by: Ahmad Rizki Trenadi IAAS LC Unpad

IAAS LC Unpad succes ully held the annual workshop, IAAS Desi n Trainin , on Sunday, March 28th, 2021 via Zoom Meetin s. As a workshop, Desi n Trainin was aimin to develop the practical skills o usin desi n so tware or members o IAAS LC Unpad, specifically intended or members o Departments outside the Public Relation and Partnership. This year Desi n Trainin was attended by 15 members o IAAS LC Unpad rom all departments. The event was opened at 13.00 WIB by Adine and Erin, as the MC, and ollowed by two consecutive openin speeches, the first speech came rom the Deputy Local Director o IAAS LC Unpad, Adinda Rosmaya and the second came rom the Project O ficer o Desi n Trainin , Ferrani Na y. A ter that, the event was handed by MC to the event’s speaker, Luthfi Fachruddin, who is also Vice Director o Communication o IAAS Indonesia. He was explained the basic o Adobe Photoshop use, how to make a desi n based on the SOP o IAAS, and step on do a mock up on tote ba . A ter the workshop session ended, there was a QnA session or participants to ask the Speaker. Then, a ter the QnA and the awardin certificates session, there was an announcement about Tote Ba Desi n Competition with Earth Day theme competition rom the Project O ficer o Desi n Trainin . The event was ended with photo session at 15. 24 WIB. We hope that a ter bein tutored and joinin the competition, the participants could develop their desi n skills and creativity (as the oal o this year Desi n Trainin ’s theme stated: “Explore Your Passion & Create Impact Throu h Desi n”) and the members also aware and understand to ollow the SOP Desi n o IAAS on desi nin related stu


1. Initial sur vey study in Sherpur Villa e, dehradun

9th o March 2021 (Sherpur Villa e, India) Written by: Ayan Chakraborty

On this day, our committee went or a initial sur vey study in Sherpur Villa e, dehradun. Sur vey was done to understand the current situation o villa e women. The sur vey was carried out 2 times . One time or the interaction with the local overnment and second time or the interaction with the villa e women.

2. Two days visit on DNA L AB and Kosen Ru u arm

14th- 15th o March 2021 (Kosen Ru u Farm, India) Written by: Ayan Chakraborty

14th -15th March: IAAS INDIA or anised a two days visit on DNA LAB and Kosen ru u arm or its members. They were brou ht in si ht o mushroom cultivation process . Hello and Namaste! Greetin s rom IAAS INDIA

We IAAS INDIA committee did some ew activities on the month o March, 2021. Belowaresome o the activities carried out IAAS INDIA committee.

With re ards,

Ayan Chakraborty Vp o communication and membership IAAS INDIA



Februar y 2021 Written by: Nasratullah Mateen

¡Hello amilIAAS! Throu h this note, we are pleased to announce Ar entina as a candidate member to be part o the IAAS community. In this way, we ormed an initial committee o 5 people: Fernando Marchisone (National Director), Ana Romero (National Coordinator o Exchan e), Catalina Pansa (National Secretar y), Celeste Clemente (National Coordinator o Communication) and Tomás Re (National Coordinator o Projects and Finance). We are students o the National University o Villa María and the National University o Córdoba, both located in the province o Córdoba (Ar entina) and we belon to the Bachelor's de rees in Environment and Renewable Ener ies, A ronomic En ineerin and Specialization in Extensive Crop Production.

We believe that Ar entina is a countr y with a lot o cultural, social and environmental potential, and we are sure that we can work ver y well on issues o current interest to represent South America. We want to be able to support the or anization in ever ythin they need, or anize national and international events and promote exchan e between Ar entina and the world.

In advance, we are ver y rate ul or your initial support and willin ness. I you have any su estions or queries, do not hesitate to write to us at ar entina@iaasworld.or and we will ladly respond.

In this way, we want to publicize both the national committee and the o ficial lo o o IAAS Ar entina. We look or ward to your support and count on us or whatever you need, reetin s! Greetin s rom IAAS A hanistan! Accept our warm re ards rom Kabul University, Kabul city o A hanistan. IAAS A hanistan is a candidate member and we are ver y happy to have joined this reat amily. Currently, we are workin on structurin our national committee in order to expand IAAS to local committees in near uture. We are committed and motivated to sustainin IAAS in A hanistan so as to become a ull member in later years. We aim to work on some scientific events with other committees in the AP re ion. Our team is plannin extensively to ully structure our national committee, set oals, objectives and strate y to expand IAAS to A hanistan universities. Once a ain, we are so happy to have joined this wonder ul amily and wish to do the best we can.

Kind Re ards,

Nasratullah Mateen National Director IAAS A hanistan



Greetin s rom IAAS A hanistan!

Accept our warm re ards rom Kabul university, Kabul city A hanistan. IAAS A hanistan is a candidate member and we are extremely happy to have joined and participated to work in such reat amily. Presently, we are workin on arran in our national committee in order to expand IAAS to local committees in near uture. We are committed and motivated to sustainin IAAS in A hanistan so as to become a ull member in later years. I’m the new member in this or anization as a vice director o communication and I’m tr yin to work or IAAS in the expected way, and we are tr yin to ulfill the empty positions as soon as possible. We aim to work on some scientific events with other committees in AP re ion. Our team is plannin widely to entirely edifice our national committee, set oals, objectives and strate y to spread out IAAS to A hanistan universities, and we are plannin to make several projects to introduce IAAS to other universities and related aculties. A ain, we are lad to have joined this incredibly amazin amily and wish to do the best we can.

Kind re ards,

Zaibunisa Noorzai Vice director o communication IAAS A hanistan


1. Key in ormation about hi her study in the USA

23 March 2021(Online, Goo le Meet) Written by: Plabon Shaha

The USA is the dream countr y or students rom where they want to complete their hi her study. But most o them are not aware o how to mana e scholarship in the USA or how to o there or completin their oals. Keepin that act in our mind, we had tried to provide important pieces o in ormation or achievin hi her study opportunities in the USA throu h a webinar on “Key in ormation about hi her study in the USA”. The webinar was sta ed virtually and arran ed by IAAS members o the JUST chapter. Nothin much le t to mention about the webinar because it was a celestial session or the interested participants. The chie speaker o the webinar was TAHMINA HOSNA, EducationUSA Advisor in American Corner Khulna. She is much experienced and workin with students or a lon period o time. She had a reed to conduct the event out o the spirit o helpin our re istered participants. The event was desi ned to know about the USA scholarship, culture, environmental conditions. The event has also provided whereabouts how to easily obtain bursaries in the USA, the procedure or applyin a bursar y, the criteria or choosin a university, how to persuade teachers and much more. Around 60 participants had joined the webinar. There were some ups and downs in the number o participants because o the absence o internet access and bad networkin condition. Another thin is, the webinar started with a mar velous presentation on “IAAS Ban ladesh” by FATIMA MIM, one o the members rom IAAS Ban ladesh JUST unit. Which helped participants to know about the aims and objectives o the mentioned or anization. The workshop went extremely well and the entire session exceeded ever yone's expectations. Overall, it was a antastic experience or all o the participants, and the pro ram went o without a hitch, demonstratin the precision o IAAS Ban ladesh JUST Dear IAASer,

I hope you are doin ver y well. You will be pleased to know that in March 2021, IAAS Ban ladesh has success ully or anized a Workshop on “Key in ormation about hi her study in the USA. “ This webinar was a reat opportunity or the students who are interested to o abroad or hi her study. The chie speaker delivered an excellent speech and described ever ythin precisely and also motivated ever yone a lot. The webinar has covered all necessar y in ormation to et a basic uideline or pursuin hi her study in the USA. Total re istered participants or contents were around 160. The pro ram was arran ed by our candidate local committee Jashore Science and Technolo y University. Due to pandemic situation some other pro ram have postponed.

Best re ards,

Saleha Khatun Ripta National Director o IAAS Ban ladesh



23rd o Februar y 2021 (Online, Goo le Meet) Written by: Martina

Also this year, as usual, the elections o the local ASA Napoli board were held. We are there ore pleased to present you:

Salvatore Meles , Local Director Simone Ascione , Local Secretar y Lui i La Ra ione , Local Vice President Riccardo Fornaro, Local Treasurer

Iaas Italia wishes the uys a ood job, we believe a lot in our uys!


27th o Februar y 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Martina

As you know, their activities are more oriented towards the world o ood technolo ies, especially in the production o beer! The beauti ul days o Februar y allowed the children to devote themselves to their hops rove. Greetin s rom IAAS Greece,

Durin Christmas break chan es have been made in the positions o our national team. In December the heads o the two local committees have met online to discuss a possible webinar in March. We are currently preparin this webinar by searchin or a topic with the or anizin team. This way we can all work to ether or our common cause which is a riculture and all o its aspects. We believe that this webinar will motivate our members and our whole team to achieve even more accomplishments in our IAAS amily durin these hard times. We are hopin , stayin optimistic and plannin new thin s or the uture that will help our communities, our universities and our own mindset. In this pandemic we are wishin ever yone stays sa e and well. Best re ards, Rika National Director o IAAS Greece



10TH o March 2021 (Online, Zoom) Written by: Katarina

Members o IAAS Croatia elected old/new National Board or 2021/2022 term. Our old National Board is oin to work to ether with newly elected members and in that way help them with preparation or the upcomin year. Our Dream Team now are: Katarina, Jure, Laura H. , Petra, Laura G. , Matija, Monika and Ian.

2. NEW MERCH, Wise Words o Croatian


March 2021 Written by: Katarina

Our members athered “old wise words” traditionally used amon Croats. Since IAAS Croatia is blessed with members rom di erent parts o the countr y, there are many interestin olk sayin s which You can find on our new T-shirts. Meanin could be lost in translation, but some o them are: “ TAK IMAM TE RAD” = “I have you so ladly” (literal translation) or I love my City. This one you can hear rom domestic people in the capital city, Za reb. “POMALO” = Take it easy. This one is characteristic or coastal part o Croatia and it is used in many occasios. For example, when makin plans, “Pomalo, we’ll fi ure that out”. “FJAKA” = Rest. When you haven had lunch then you deser ve to have “Fjaka” time. When you are chillin with your riends. “JEN GEMIŠT KAK I NIŠT ” = One drink like none. This one is said in the Northern parts o Croatia, but other parts a reed to it and accepted it. Gemišt is name or hal wine – hal mineral water,Croats avorite!

Greetin s rom IA AS Croatia

Dear IAASer, Let us know i You would like to learn more Croatian wise words. In the name o IAAS Croatia, we reet you all and can’t wait to see You soon!


Best re ards, Katarina National Director o IAAS Croatia

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