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Hello guys! we’re back again with kind of mellow and “Galau” design. Sometimes we need to appreciate the rain and enjoy every moment it drops water from the sky. There are more positive effects of rain than the negative ones. So we’re here to make you realize about those positive effects. Designs are made by me and Nita. Hope you enjoy our design and articles on this edition. When you read it, maybe it is rainy outside, so don’t forget to bring your umbrella and hot beverage with you. No more talking and let’s dive into this.. . deeply, galau-ishly made I-FLASH. Enjoy! Lots of love Mundus



















Preparation now can pre problems — ahead of Bo stormy days this neverendi some things to chec 1. Clean and repair home gutters: Clogged ones can cause rainwater to back up and damage your roof and house.

4. Trim trees next to the nate branches weighed down strike houses.

and bushes house: Elimithat can be with water or

2. Inspect the roof: Look for 5. Make sure doors and loose or damaged shingles. windows are secure: Install 3. Look inside at ceilings and weatherstripping where necwalls: Any water damage could essary. be an indication of roof leaks.

event — or at least lessen ogor Dramaga’s possible ing rainy season. Here are ck on the home front: 6. Monitor spots where the ground meets your house:Look for water collecting. Dig a trench and redirect the water if needed. 7. Stockpile the sand bags: If you live in flood-prone areas, buy or collect sand bags to help divert water, debris or mud. Have them filled and ready to go before flooding happens.

8. Look for erosion: Check sloping property hillsides for signs of erosion or slipping, and shore them up if necessary. 9. Check street drains near your home: If they are clogged, call your city’s public works department. 10. Prepare a supply kit of clothes, food, medication and water: Take all the safety steps you would do for an earthquake.

Newbie november November has been a particularly exciting month for new members of IAAS, IOP 24. In November two very special events was held in order to welcome them into our family. Said events are:

IAAS ORIENTATION PROGRAM On the 5th and 6th or November, we headed to Villa Rumah Gunung in Puncak for the IAAS Hunts For New Members peak event which is IAAS Orientation Program. Candidate members presented the results of their socialization of each topics concerning agriculture to the general public of Bogor Agricultural University. Speakers was also present to widen our minds about leadership and agriculture. The second day was With the closing of IOP, our newest dedicated to outbond acivities with batch of members are warmly welthe goal of increasing teamwork and comed to our IAAS LC IPB family. bonding.

BUILDING ON SUCCESS Building on Success is a continuation of IOP. In this event that was held on the 12th of November 2016, our newest members are informed about the departments of IAAS LC IPB, what we do, and how they should participate in it. We also present them the seeds for success in IAAS in the form of knowledge, about leadership, about teamwork, and once again, about IAAS and how it all works together. Overall, it was a fun event for all batches, as it was also a time for bonding between members. Our newly accepted wonderful members are now ready to face challenges they may face ahead and we wish them luck. Once again, for IOP 24, we welcome you to the family!



the Science of


During any given minute, there are more than a thousand thunderstorms around the Earth causing some 6,000 flashes of lightning. Every minute! Thunderstorms are caused by rapidly rising and falling currents of air. The friction from this moving air creates electrical charges within a cloud. Water droplets and ice pellets fall, carrying charged electrons to the lower portion of the cloud, where a negative charge builds. A positive charge builds up near the top of a cloud. Most of the electrical energy in a thunderstorm is dissipated within the clouds, as lightning hops between the positively and negatively charged areas. Lightning becomes dangerous, though, when it reaches for the Earth.

HOW LIGHTNING STRIKES When the negative charge in the cloud becomes great enough, it seeks an easy path to the positively charged ground below. The current looks for a good conductor of electricity, or a tall structure anchored to the ground (such as a tree or a tall building). The negative charge sends out a feeler, called a stepped leader, which is a series of invisible steps of negative charges. As the stepped leader nears the ground, a positive streamer reaches up for it. Only then, once this channel is made, does the visible lightning happen. A return stroke runs from the ground to the clouds in a spectacular flash.

shock wave; we hear it as thunder. Since the bolt is actually several short bursts strung together, multiple shock waves are created at different altitudes; this is why thunder seems to rumble -- each shock wave takes a different amount of Though the bolt appears continuous, it time to reach your ear. is actually a series of short bursts. Most lightning strikes occur in less than a half ESTIMATING DISTANCE second and the bolt is usually less than Because light travels faster than sound 2 inches in diameter. (186,291 miles per second vs. 1,088 feet per second) you see lightning beTHUNDER fore you hear the thunder. When you see The air around a lightning bolt is super- it, count the seconds before the thunheated to about 54,000 degrees Fahr- der arrives. Divide this number by 5, and enheit (five times hotter than the sun!). you’ll know approximately how many This sudden heating causes the air to miles away the lightning was (5 seconds expand faster than the speed of sound, = 1 mile). which compresses the air and forms a

the importa

in agricultu

How does Monsoon happen? As a consequence region develops low pressure. The winds from high pr sea and Indian ocean, starts moving towards the lowthe equator and start blowing from the south-west dire these seas. This moisture-laden wind causes hea

In India, Monsoon refers to the rainy season. The humid south-west monsoon winds causes plenty of rainfall during the period between early June and Unlike other countries in high latitudes, October. India enjoys long hours of sunshine A large portion of Indian farmers still even during the winter months. So with depends upon rain-fall to carry out the winter precipitation (supplemented by agricultural activities. Since, agriculture irrigation) a second rabi crop is easily is one of the most important constitu- grown. ent on Indian economy (contributing around 16 percent of its total GDP), The amount of rainfall is the most immonsoon season has an indirect im- portant determinant of the type of crop raised. Wet crops are raised in pact on its economy as well. wet zone and dry crops in the dry zone. India has a tropical monsoon type of climate. So here the temperature in the Crops like rice, jute, sugarcane, etc. resummer months is high and the rainfall quire high temperature and heavy rainis heavy. High temperature and heavy fall for their cultivation. So these crops rainfall in the summer months are import- are cultivated in summer. ant for the growth of different types of Crops like wheat, barley etc. require moderate temperature and rainfall. So kharif crops in different parts of India.

ance of rain

ural sector

of high temperature over the Tropic of cancer, the ressure water-belts such as Bay of Bengal, Arabian -pressure belts. They shift their direction while crossing ection. The wind gets moistened while passing along avy rainfall across the various places in India.

these are cultivated in winter. Rubber trees require uniformly high temperature and regular rainfall all the year round. In the southern parts of the Deccan, the temperature is fairly high all the year round and the rainfall is well-distributed over 6 to 8 months. So rubber is grown in the southern parts of the Deccan. A large number of farmers depend upon monsoon-rains to meet the food requirement of their family. They engage in agricultural activities not to sell the crops, but for their own needs.

Normal rainfall is essential for adequate agricultural output. In a large country like India, it is essential to maintain the food prices. Food inflation may destabilize the entire nation. The food prices depend upon the agricultural output. Rainfall is said to be normal with it is falls between 96% and 104% of the average rainfall of the past 50 years. The average of recorded rainfall for the past 50 years is 80 cms. In spite of the introduction of improved irrigation methods, around 40% of our cropped area still entirely depends upon rain-water. Further, a number of dams, reservoirs, rivers, and canals are rain-feed and depends upon the monsoon rains.

What can I do on rainy Day Like this?

Well, sometimes rain makes our planned schedule goes wrong. But what’s the point of being angry on something you can’t control of? Instead of falling deep into your emotional state, I suggest you to do these activities that could help you enjoy every moment the rain give to you:

Grab your favourite books, newspaper, or whatever you read. Rainy day is the best day to read. Trust me, no other weather could drive you to read almost 3 books in your bookshelf in 5 hours. Get your chair near the opened window and enjoy the moment.

Open your windows, all of Pour some hot beverage on your favourite cup. them! Feel the fresh air the rain gives to you. Can you smell that weird-but-good smell comes out from beyond your window? that’s the smell of the ground being “killed” by the rain. Enjoy the smell of it. Trust me, it will help you relax.

Nothing can beat the sensation of drinking your favourite hot beverage on rainy day. The warm and lovely feeling you feel will cheer you up and makes you relax, therefore you’ll enjoy the weather.

Sing a song. Your favourite one. The atmosphere and the situation are perfect to sing you favourite song loudly. Let the whole world hear you sing that song. Don’t worry, your neighbor will not hear you singing.

Take your blanket, then sleep.

Are you tired of being emotional? Get your blanket right away and put your favourite socks. Then what? Go to sleep/nap of course! It is the only bliss you can have when it rains outside. Have a nice sleep!

Freshly Awaken, Time to fill your stomach with something hot.

You awake from your sleep? Great! Because it is time to eat! Foods are always been our best friend when we’re falling deep into our emotion, right? Time to pour that hot water into your cup of noodle, and enjoy the meal while it rains outside.

Now is the time to do something productive. You’re now fresh and ready to do something usefull and productive. Atleast, you can do some stretching or go to gym to train or make you more fit. Remember, what you do today will determine what would happen in the future. Stay positive and be happy guys!

We’ve all heard this before – to stay healthy an talking about staying away from water logged are 7 Essential Monsoon Health Tips To Safeguard You This Monsoon 1. Follow a healthy diet. This is the season where the body and especially the digestive system are most prone to infections. Diseases in the rainy season are mostly water-borne so make sure you only drink water that is filtered or boiled. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet in rainy season, which means that your favourite chaat, juices, golas, kulfis and other street food are off the menu. Preferably avoid raw vegetables and salads unless they are consumed at home where you can wash and clean them thoroughly. 2. Drink enough water, regardless of your activity levels. Do not compensate your liquid intake with carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks and beverages as the preservatives and sugars in them act as diuretics. Herbal teas with antibacterial properties are a good idea.

nd happy in the monsoons, we must take precautions during rainy season. And we’re not just eas or eating street food. We’re talking about overall health tips for rainy season which can make the weather even more enjoyable. 3. Avoid walking in the rain. As much as it is tempting, walking in rain water makes you prone to a host of viral diseases such as leptospirosis and can also cause numerous fungal infections at the feet and nails. So if your feet get wet, dry them immediately and do not stay in wet socks or shoes. Diabetics especially must take extra care and avoid walking barefoot as the ground is rife with all kinds of germs. If your clothes get wet, do not sit in an AC environment or change them immediately. Keeping an extra pair of clothes and footwear in the office is a good idea. 4. Keep clear of damp indoors: Damp walls are home to fungus growth and an absolute no-no if you suffer from asthma or any other breathing problems.

5. Don’t leave home without a mosquito repellent. Accumulated water is a breeding ground for insects and the monsoons are party time for malaria. Always wear or carry a mosquito repellent. The over cautious can take a dose of anti-malaria drugs. 6. Bathe twice a day. A shower as soon as you reach home in the evening will insulate you against infections caused by the build-up of sweat and dirt due to humidity. Take Vitamin C to boost your immunity. 7. Avoid touching your eyes: Eye infections like conjunctivitis, stye, dry eyes and corneal ulcers are common during the monsoons. This can lead to blindness if ignored. Refrain from touching eyes especially with dirty hands. those who spend long hours in front of a screen – television or computer – may also experience redness, itching or irritation. Consult a doctor immediately.

The LEGEND of the rain god Tlaloc was an important deity of rain and fertility of the Aztec mythology. Aztec people were living in Mexico during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. Tlaloc was pictured as a man wearing a net of clouds, a crown of heron feathers, foam sandals and carrying rattles to make thunder. Tlaloc brought on great wrath upon the Aztec people. He often used his lightning bolts to make the people sick. It is said that he had four different jugs of water in his possession. When he emptied the first one, it brought life to plants. The second would cause blight, the third brought on frost, and the fourth would bring total destruction

On eve of major UN conference, alarms raised that efforts to halt biodiversity loss are lagging collective future,” said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “It is critical that we make progress in mainstreaming biodiversity and transforming how societies value and manage it.”

Healthy oceans have a central role to play in solving one of the biggest problems of the 21st century – how to feed 9 billion people by 2050. Photo: FAO

1 December 2016 – Time is running out to stop the global decline in biodiversity and protect ecosystems that are essential for the livelihoods and well-being of billions of people, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity warned today, as more than 190 countries prepare to meet on this issue in Cancun, Mexico. “Protecting biodiversity and preventing further losses is an essential investment in our

Over the next two weeks, the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), known as ‘COP13,’ will discuss how to integrate biodiversity into policies relevant to agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism sectors. Protecting biodiversity is crucial for human well-being and economic development. For example, global benefits from coral reefs including tourism, fisheries and coastal protection are estimated at some $30 billion per year, insect pollination of over 40 commercial crops in the United States alone at $30 billion per year, and the international trade of medicinal plants is estimated to be worth around $60 billion per year.

Biodiversity loss caused by agriculture, infrastructure expansion and climate change will greatly affect these sectors. For instance, it is estimated that 40 per cent of land currently used for extensive agriculture will be lost by 2050. However, global agricultural production will need to increase by 50 per cent to feed the world population by 2030, making sustainable agriculture a pressing issue.

CBD has warned that around two-thirds of these targets are not on track to being met by their 2020 deadline. “Governments have made ambitious commitments to achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, but these declarations need to be matched with actions at the national level.” Erik Solheim, Chief of UN Environment said. “If countries do not ensure that national targets are set and achieved, their ambition will only remain on paper.” The Aichi Targets address issues ranging from the loss of natural habitats, sustainable agriculture and declining fish stocks, to access and sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources, indigenous knowledge and awareness of the values of biodiversity.

The red colobus in Zanzibar prefers coastal thickets and scrub. They are primarily arboreal and are highly sensitive to hunting and habitat destruction, and have been referred to as probably the most threatened taxonomic group of primates in Africa. Photo: UNEP GRID Arendal/Peter Prokosch.

“If we are going to save biodiversity, we need to work with these sectors that depend on biodiversity and whose activities have a considerable impact on the variety of life on our planet.” said Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention. “Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism are important sectors whose activities need to take biodiversity conservation and sustainable use into account in a coherent manner.” Since 2010, Parties to the CBD have been working to achieve 20 biodiversity goals known as the Aichi Targets, named after the Japanese prefecture in which they were adopted. However, the

Achieving the Aichi Targets goes hand in hand with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the CBD has stressed. While the protection of biodiversity is specifically mentioned in Goal 15, of the SDGs, biodiversity affects other goals as it is a source of economic growth, provides livelihoods for vulnerable populations, and can help eradicate poverty and hunger. Its protection is also crucial to climate change, and will help countries limit the global average temperature increase as specified in the Paris Agreement, which entered into force last month.

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