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EARTHVENTURE MAR-APR-MAY To Learn, To Move, To Give Meaning with Education Eco-house



HELLO READERS! Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. All praises to Allah who has given us strength to keep working and being creative. Amen. The magazine in your hand is a form of creation from students that join UKM IAAS LC IPB. The magazine named I-Flash themed "Earthventure" is our space to create a masterpiece and also a step to contain our ideas through a writing. It is known that a writing can not only become a container of our creativity, but also a right media to convey our ideas. We would like to thank all the related parties. Criticism and suggestions are very welcome for the improvement of I-Flash. to be better in the future. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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WHAT IS S EARTHVENTURE Earthventure is an idea to introduce the outside world from perspective of others, not only exploring the world but also learning about agriculture nowadays. M. Risky Fredo Pratama Director of Earthventure

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OPINI Bagaimana pendapat anda mengenai kondisi bumi kita sekarang?

Duta Pertanian PPKU 2016 Revita Elfrina Putri F24150020


enurut saya, kondisi bumi kita saat ini semakin menyedihkan. Di negara kita sendiri, masyarakatnya masih belum peduli dengan kebersihan lingkungan. Saya masih sering melihat orang yang melempar sampah dari dalam mobil ke jalan, membuang sampah di selokan, atau tempat-tempat lain yang sudah jelas bukan tempat sampah. Masyarakat Indonesia juga tidak biasa dengan budaya jalan kaki atau naik sepeda seperti di negara-negara lain. Alhasil, polusi udara semakin meningkat dengan semakin banyaknya kendaraan bermotor. Dari sisi pemerintah, sepertinya perbaikan transportasi umum

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harus segera diselesaikan agar penggunaan kendaraan pribadi berkurang seiring dengan masyarakatnya yang lebih menyukai transportasi umum yang nyaman. Sementara dari sisi kita sebagai masyarakat, tentunya harus lebih sadar dan peduli dengan lingkungan. Mulai dari buang sampah pada tempatnya, mengurangi jumlah sampah itu sendiri misalnya dengan membawa tumbler/botol minum dan goodie bag, serta memilih untuk jalan kaki saja jika pergi ke tempat yang jaraknya dekat. Segala hal kecil bisa berdampak besar jika dilakukan bersama-sama. Jadi, mari kita jaga bumi kita bersama!

Finalis IPB Green Environmental Ambassador 2017 Chandra Wijaya A24160175


umi kita saat ini jauh dari kata baik-baik saja. penambahan sampah terlebih khusus limbah plastik yang semakin menumpuk dengan cepat nya tidak sebanding dengan pengurangan nya akibat budaya hedonisme. Bahkan limbah plastik yang dihasilkan pun mencemari lingkungan, hingga air serta ekosistem nya. Di Indonesia sendiri Menurut peneliti dari Universitas Georgia Dr. Jenna Jambeck - yang dimuat dalam Jurnal Science, Indonesia membuang limbah plastik sebanyak 3,2 juta ton, dan berada di urutan kedua sebagai negara penyumbang sampah plastik ke laut setelah Cina. Sungguh menyayat hati membaca berita biota laut tak bersalah harus merasakan penderitaan karna sampah plastik yang di buang manusia dan terburuknya hingga mati. Ada banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk bumi tercinta kita, kurangi menghasilkan sampah berlebih dengan membiasakan zero waste, gunakan lah goodybag dibandingkan kantong plastik, dan tumbler dibanding botol plastik. Setelah kita memulai perubahan, mulai juga ajak orang di sekitar kita untuk ikut berubah untuk bumi yang lebih baik. Karna bukan bumi yang butuh kita, melainkan kitalah yang membutuhkan bumi.�

Mahasiswa Berprestasi FKH 2017/2018 Yoga Rivaldi B04150203


umi kita saat ini sedang manghadapi tantangan besar. Hal ini sebenarnya tak lain karena untuk kemaslahatan manusia itu sendiri sebagai penghuni utamalnya. Pertumbuhan populasi penduduk yang tak terkendali semakin menjadi faktor predisposisi yang dominan karena berdampak juga secara langsung pada peningkatan kebutuhan pangan, tempat tinggal, dan energi. Kondisi ini seringkali dimanfaatkan untuk menjadi pembenaran tindakan konservasi lahan-lahan hijau untuk kepentingan manusia tersebut Jika kita tinjau lebih jauh juga bisa kita dapati bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor (KB) manusia khususnya di negara kita juga terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan pernduduknya. Semakin murah dan mudahnya sistem yang digunakan membuat jalan-jalan di berbagai kota di Indonesia seolah selalu terasa penuh. Lagi, kondisi ini tidak sebanding dengan luasan lahan hijau kita yang justru cenderung terus menyempit. Pencemaran udara menjadi manifestasi nyata akibat kondisi ini. Hasilnya lapisan ozon bumi perlahan semakin rusak dan memicu pemanasan global yang mengancam hilangnya daratan di berbagai penjuru bumi. Oleh karena itu, tantangan bumi ini membutuhkan segera kesadaran dan tindakan nyata manusia untuk melakukan perubahan orientasi pembangunan yang memperhatikan aspek lingkungan dan berkelanjutannya. Semua hal yang telah dijelaskan diatas tentunya mau tidak mau harus dikerjakan untuk membantu dan memastikan bumi dapat tetap eksis hingga beberapa waktu kedepan.�

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orld food demand is increasing as the population grows. In Indonesia, the current generation of farmers is mostly over the age of 50 years and over. In the next few years, these farmers must be replaced with children born between 1980 and below or commonly called millennials. By comparison, the Netherlands which is the world's largest food producer in the world even though only has a population of approximately 6% of the total population of Indonesia is 17 million inhabitants. It is hard to imagine this generation, at its own will, to be a farmer. First, in their perception, farming (conventional) activities do not bring prestige nor high ďŹ nancial beneďŹ ts, when compared with other professions, such as doctors, pilots, lawyers and others. Although they have the best education in

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agriculture, both domestically and abroad, farming is not an attractive option. Some of them would prefer to work in leading food companies. Secondly, this generation has lost the natural touch to play with nature. Most of the time is spent indoors, both at home and school. In contrast to children in their parents' generation, rice ďŹ elds and gardens become an extinct land and become a playground. Though research says pollution in a closed room is worse than pollution in the atmosphere. Nowadays, food seems to be available on a child's plate in the upper middle class. They enjoy food without knowing directly what they have planted and picked. In this case, there has been alienation in the children of this generation with the natural surroundings. The conditions presented may be the socio-ecological implications of industrialized (capitalist) societies introduced with the term metabolic rift.

Third, this generation's access to agricultural production activities in Indonesia is still very low. As experienced by millenial generation of farmers in developed countries, such as the Netherlands for example, access to capital is a major concern. The expansion of capital access aims to sustain sector growth (such as through mechanization, expansion of production capacity, and market access), while also leveraging the generation's appeal to play a broader role in agricultural activity. In addition, instruments for the control of land conversion functions that combine well with land tenure systems that favor the expansion of agricultural land are inadequate. Land becomes an expensive and difficult to find input component (according to its best quality for agriculture), so it does not provide much opportunity for prospective new generations of farmers to own and cultivate their own land.

I can imagine, in the long run to the future, millennial generation of Indonesia still can not play a big role as a farmer to replace the next generation. We will observe inheritance over hereditary land-keeping, but also with the reduced number of farm families. Meanwhile, Indonesia is being flooded with imported food products which are increasingly worrisome in terms of food security. Answering from the theme, it is very difficult for the millennial generation to get involved in agriculture. Our challenge is how to make them realize that life is not just prestige and care about the environment they have. Countries with abundant natural resources can be super if all sectors are made productive.

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HILL Discover the eye-opening scenery from up above the hilltop at Wairinding Hill. Serving visitor with panoramic view, Wairinding is a vast savanna of green, when in wet season, or yellow-to-brown in dry season, both are best for not-so typical Instagram holiday post. And clearly, Sumba does not only provide majestic scenery, but visitors are also welcomed with the warmth of the people and children there. Their smiles surely not a thing to forget about!

BAWANA BEACH One of the unspoiled-yet-beautiful locations in Sumba is, no doubt, Bawana Beach. With a white sandy beach, clear blue sea, and the authentic five meters cliff with a big hole in the middle that looked sort of a gate, this beach is a true heaven on earth. the magic doesn’t stop there as Bawana serves iconic scenery in both afternoon and evening.


9 | Traveling


RATENGGARO VILLAGE Ratenggaro comes from two words, “Rate” means tomb and “Goura” that resembles the tribe name. And, yes, this area is once a tomb of Goura tribe. From afar we can clearly see a bunch of houses with up to 25 meters tall rooftops and a nice white sandy beach on the side of the village. Once you step into Ratenggaro, people of the village, especially children, will welcome you with open arms and warmth as they are really curious about foreigners.

Surrounded by lush greenery, rocks, and large cliffs, Lake Weekuri gives us a sight of clear turquoise water. The lake is indeed salty because it is located right beside the sea and only separated by karst cliffs. The magic doesn’t stop there as Bawana serves iconic scenery in both afternoon and evening.


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11 | Science Bulletin


ave you been following today’s news about education in our country? Well, apart from the fact that we’ve celebrated the National Education Day last month, which is on the second day of May to be exact, we have something else! Next time when you are on Youtube to meet your daily dose of video streaming, please check out “Video Klip Lagu: Semua Murid Semua Guru” published by Semua Murid Semua Guru. It’s a music video and of course it’s cool and fun! You can find some of your favorite Indonesian musicians in the video.

Semua Murid Semua Guru is a campaign initiated by Najeela Shihab to gather the emancipation of empowered people so that everybody can have meaningful contribution to build better education for all. “Education must not be understood only as schooling activities. Education is a collaborative process between kids, parents, educators, and the society and is happening through the entire lifetime. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to take their part in education. This is the central point of Semua Murid Semua Guru,” said Najeela.

A program that they are currently doing is #KIRIMBUDI. It’s a donation program (check out: that gathers fund to provide flash disks for millions of disadvantaged Indonesian children with lack of information access. Those flash disks contain videos about various profession and occupation that the children might’ve not ever dreamed of or dared to and education materials. It’s expected from this program that we will be able to reach and inspire those children. Semua Murid Semua Guru campaign is actually an evidence of the problems existing in the national education system. There still are 5 millions school-age children who are not attending schools. Those who are in schools still don’t get the education they need to prepare them to face the challenges of the 21 st century.

12 | Science Bulletin

On Asesmen Kompetensi Siswa Indonesia done by The Ministry of Education and Culture’s Research Center in 2016 we know that there are 77.13% of all Indonesian students are underperforming in math, 73.61% are in science, and 46.83% are in literacy. “The country regularly ranks towards the bottom of international standardised tests of student achievement – such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) – lower than neighbouring countries including Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand,” says Andrew Rosser the author of a new Lowy Institute analysis, “Beyond access: Making Indonesia’s education system work”. But that doesn’t mean that we must take this with such pessimism. Instead, we are expected to be more aware about education issue and to take more concrete actions like those who initiated Semua Murid Semua Guru. You can start by showing the good of what you are currently doing to the kids around you, give them inspirations, encourage them, and share everything you are good at. Everyone has their part to take in the education matters because educations are not only for the children. It is also for the teachers, parents, and the whole country; everyone is pupil by him/herself and also a teacher at once. Sources: Napitupulu, E.C. 27 April 2018. Kualitas Pendidikan Rendah. Kompas, halaman 11. Rosser, A. 2018. Improving education quality in Indonesia is no easy task, (online), ( (, accessed on 21 May 2018). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 2016. "PISA 2015 Results in Focus". PISA in Focus. No. 67. Paris: OECD Publishing

13 | Science Bulletin



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ejak tahun 2017, IAAS LC IPB mulai merintis wilayah binaan baru yang berlokasi di Kampung Jabal Rohmah, Desa Tapos 1, Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor. Dalam masa penjajakan ini, IAAS LC IPB membentuk tim khusus yang bernama Village Concept Project Team (VCP Team) yang memiliki tugas untuk menginisiasi kerjasama dengan wilayah binaan baru dan merancang program yang akan dilaksanakan di wilayah tersebut.

Contohnya dengan meningkatkan kualitas petani kampung Jabal Rohmah, baik dari aspek softskill mau pun hardskill mengenai potensi yang mereka miliki serta meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemauan masyarakat sekitar untuk mengunggulkan dan memanfaatkan produk lokal adalah tujuan utama VCP Team kali ini. Potensi yang diyakini ada dalam masyarakat Kampung Jabal Rohmah adalah Kelompok tani, kelompok wanita tani, pengelolaan hasil pertanian, mengasah kreativitas, dan perKondisi Kampung Jabal Rohmah dapat dika- baikan sistem pengolahan sampah. takan kurang terjangkau oleh pihak pemerintahan dan kondisi dari warga di dalamnya tergolong masih bergerak sendiri-sendiri dan belum guyub dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pertanian. Hal ini merupakan indikasi awal mengenai kondisi pertanian di wilayah tersebut. Harapan untuk mewujudkan pertanian yang lebih baik sangat besar mengingat adanya semangat positif yang disadari di dalam diri petani Kampung Jabal Rohmah.


14 | IAAS Events


Mutello Mutello merupakan produk desa binaan Village Concept Project (VCP) IAAS LC-IPB Desa Cikarawang, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Mutello adalah muffin berbahan dasar tepung ubi, memanfaatkan komoditas pertanian yang paling banyak dari Desa Cikarawang yaitu ubi. Tujuan pembuatan Mutello ini untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dengan memberikan nilai tambah dari komoditas pertanian mentah menjadi produk olahan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis lebih. Adapun tujuan bagi team VCP itu sendiri yaitu mewujudkan proses pertanian hulu sampai hilir, yaitu menerapkan penanaman, pemanenan dan pengolahan hasil panen yaitu Mutello dan memberdayakan masyarakat di Desa Cikarawang karena pembuatan muffin ini dilakukan oleh Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Proses Pengolahan Pengolahan komoditas ubi ini menjadi Mutello melalui proses panjang. Pertama ubi diolah menjadi tepung ubi melalui proses pengupasan, pengeringan dan masuk ke mesin pembuatan tepung. Kemudian tepung ubi dicampur beberapa bahan dengan komposisi yang pas kemudian diberi filling berbagai selai buah lalu di panggang dalam oven. Setelah itu diberi toping dan dikemas menarik. Sekilas Cerita Kegiatan produksi Mutello ini dilakukan oleh Kelompok Wanita Tani Melati Desa Cikarawang, diketuai oleh Bu Nurma. Peran tim VCP dalam pembuatan Mutello ini adalah inisiasi produksi, modifikasi resep Mutello, pengemasan dan pemasaran. Pada awalnya pembuatan Mutello ini mandiri dari Kelompok Wanita Tani Melati, lalu dirasa masih kurang menjual lalu tim membantu memodifikasi resep sehingga menjadi Mutello yang sudah beredar sekarang.

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griranger adalah salah satu langkah untuk mempermudah program VCP IAAS LC IPB dengan menanam basic pengetahuan dan pendidikan. Tema Agriranger kali ini adalah menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap pertanian dan meningkatkan pendidikan karakter pada anak-anak di MI AL AZKIA di desa Tapos 01. Agriranger rencananya akan diselenggarakan lima kali guna mencapai target dengan berproses di setiap pertemuan

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Agriranger telah dilaksanakan satu kali (Agriranger #1) dengan partisipan kurang lebih 100 anak MI AL AZKIA mulai dari kelas satu sampai enam yang diajar oleh 34 Ranger dari member IAAS LC IPB. Pertemuan pertama ini menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis, cara menerapkan 3R (reduce, reuse, dan recycle), dan mengasah kreativitas mereka dengan membuat kerajinan tangan dari botol bekas. Harapannya, Agriranger #1 memberikan kesan baik dan menyenangkan kepada mereka terhadap kehadiran ranger dan menerapkan ilmu yang diraih.



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Lifestyle: EcoHouse

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Global warming may potentially impact on everyone’s health and wellbeing, but it also making lifestyle changes to help save the planet, for example, an eco house building is obviously one of it. An Eco-house (or eco-home) is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. But this lifestyle is not very new. In fact, the first ecological house was intentionally built in 1972 in Eltham, London. The objective was to create an eco-friendly building with reused material, alternative technology, and recycling sewage. 21 | Lifestyle

In Indonesia, there is also a breakthrough, recently, in terms of eco house. Sandar Andara is one of the example. With the objective “Responsible Home-munity�, Sandar Andara pointed on four main features to promote clean environment, Waste Management and Recycling System, Rainwater Harvesting System, Productive, Edible and Vertical Garden, and Passive Energy Design System. Source:

22 | Lifestyle

MUSIC OF THE MONTH Childish Gambino – This Is America Ramengvrl – I’m Da Man Rich Brian – Glow Like Dat Alina Baraz X Khalid - Electric Bam Mastro – Idols

John Mayer - New Light HONNE – Day One MISO – Take Me Garden City Movement – Move On LANY - Bad, bad, bad

Figura Renata – Rasa dan Karsa Rio Satrio – Cerita Daun dan Bumi Adhitia Sofyan – Adelaide Sky Senar Senja X Asteriska – Savana Dua Senja Pohon Tua – Matahari Terbit 23 | Intermezzo

MOVIES OF THE MONTH *spoiler alert* Nick Fury, on the post-credit scene. With its nearly three-hour running time, Infinity War succeeded on making you sit on the edge of your bench and walking away from the film frustrated with the cliffhanger. There is a very fine line here between the bad guys and the good guys, but no one is safe here since Thanos punches every gut and turns everybody into *spoiler alert* ash (or dust?). One thing for sure, Thanos will return.

Is it worth the 10-years wait? Well, yes for me. Avengers: Infinity War doesn’t just assemble Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, it also brings together the Guardian of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Thanos and his sidekicks. And not to mention the appearances of Stan Lee *as always**he played as the bus driver, though, if you didn’t notice* and, of course,


24 | Intermezzo

SNAPFOOD Did you know that between 33-50% of all food produced is never eaten ? .

The value of this wasted food is

worth over $1 trillion. 1.3 billion Tons of food are end up at the dumping site every year. We could feed the whole world by those number. What do you feel now ? If you are willing to change this situation, then you should join us on #snapfoodiaas.

So, What is Snap Food ?

Snap food is an online campaign that is initiated by IAAS Indo-

nesia to take a part in solving one of our global problems in food waste by taking a picture or video to speaking up their thoughts about food waste itself and show people concrete action to decrease food waste through Instagram. Its’ generally impacts to appreciate our food and farmers works.

How to join Snap Food ? 1. Take a picture of your food that hasn’t been eaten 2. Finished your food 3. Take a picture of your finished food 4. Combine them into 2 frame 1 photo 5. Upload it to your own Instagram and Facebook every 6. Use hastag #SnapfoodIAAS #FinishYourFood #SDSNYouth 7. Tag @iaas_indonesia @kementerianpertanian @UNFAO

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26 | Intermezzo


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