IADS Leadership Positions - 2013

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ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

“ The times have come for us to gather together again, for debates to ignite and for the new leadership to emerge. The election procedure is of an outmost importance for the future of the organization and for it’s successful progression. Therefore, we would like to invite the most active, talented and ambitious dental students from our organization to be part of the 2013-2014 Leadership generation. May IADS prosper under your leadership and dedication! IADS Leadership 2012-2013”

Date: September 3rd, 2013 Voting procedure: Ballot voting by General Assembly Delegates Eligibility criteria: no more then 2 years after graduation

Executive Committee President Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “It shall be the duty of the President: 1. To serve as the principal official representative of the Association in its relations with governments, the dental professions, dental schools and organisations; and other international organisations; 2. To preside at all official functions of the Associations, at the opening of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the International Congress of Dental Students; 3. To direct the work of the Executive Committee; 4. To countersign the financial documents; 5. To submit annually a written report on the activities of the Association during his year of office, and his recommendations to the General Assembly; 6. To carry out such other duties as are assigned by the General Assembly, the Articles and the Regulations, and as custom and usage require of a presiding officer with approval of the Executive Committee. “

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General Secretary

Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “It shall be the duty of the Secretary General: 1. To serve as Secretary of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee; 2. To ensure the taking and circulation of the official minutes of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee; 3. To preserve and maintain the official minute book; 4. To circulate the agenda to all Organisation Members and the Honorary Life Members at least thirty days before the session of the General Assembly; 5. To be in liaison between the Executive Committee and Congress Committee; 6. To be responsible for investigations associated with the election of Members; 7. To submit a written report of his activities on behalf of the Association during his year of office, and his recommendations to the General Assembly; 8. To carry out such duties as are assigned by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Articles and Regulations and as usually appertain to the office of Secretary. - To receive membership applications and ascertain the paperwork is complete. - To uphold contact with affiliate member organizations - To Update and file constitutions, membership cards and member profiles in the General Secretary Folder. - Create certificates for IADS work “



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014


Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: 1. To serve as custodian of all monies and securities of the Association and to receive, hold, invest or disburse these at the direction of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise stated in the Constitution; 2. To sign all receipts, cheques, banking instructions and other financial documents, provided that payments and withdrawals from the bank and other accounts shall not exceed the amount fixed annually by the General Assembly; 3. To preserve and maintain the financial records of the Association; 4. To present to the General Assembly at the end of his year of office the audited balance sheet and accounts for the period from August 1st to July 31st; 5. To prepare the budget for the following year; 6. To pay the office-bearer only such expense as they can account for by receipts. 7. To manage finance with CoCo on congress fees (7% cap fees) 8. Send out invoices, keep track of membership fees “

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Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “ It shall be the duty of the Editor: 1.To edit and manage the IADS Newsletter and publications in accordance with the Articles and Regulations; 2. To collect and publish in the first edition of the IADS Newsletter every year the name and addresses of the following: the officers of the Executive Committee the Members of the Standing Committee the Organisation Members the Honorary Life Members the Supporting Members the Corresponding and Affiliate Members 3. To arrange advertisements and other forms of financial support for the IADS Newsletter; 4. To submit annually a written report on his activities on behalf of the Association during his year of office, and his recommendations to the General Assembly; 5. To carry out such other duties as are assigned by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Articles and Regulations as appertain to the position of Editor; 6. To appoint an editorial board to improve correspondence and reporting to the Newsletter. This should take the form of a National Correspondent appointed for each Member country. 7. To maintain and update an official IADS website providing information for dental students worldwide. “



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

International Exchange Officer Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: 1. To serve as custodian of all monies and securities of the Association and to rIt shall be the duty of the International Exchange Officer: 1. To serve as the officer responsible for the collection and distribution of all information which is of international and local interest to Members concerning his duties as set out below; 2. To direct the work of the International Dental Student Exchange Programme 3. To collect and integrate information relating to Dental education at the various Member schools and Associations and initiate projects of this nature; 4. To preside at Exchange Officers’ Meetings; 5. To submit annually a written report on his activities on behalf of the Association during his year of office, and his recommendations to the General Assembly; 6. To carry out such other duties as are assigned by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Articles and Regulations as are required of an officer responsible for Dental Student exchange. - To support the International Voluntary Project - To promote exchange report competition - To promote and arrange Exchange Fair “

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International Scientific Officer Duties: According to the IADS Constitution: “1.To supervise all the scientific work of the association as well as representatives from each member country (National/Local Scientific Officers) and coordinate in between them; 2.To coordinate the SCORE Committee and to preside the SCORE Meetings; 3.To collect scientific articles for the newsletter and to give his acceptance for them; 4.To serve as the officer responsible for the collection and distribution of all information referring to post-graduation studies; 5.To submit annually written report, during the IADS Meetings; 6.To inform IADS members about the upcoming scientific events; 7.To be in liaison between the Executive Committee and the IADS Scientific Congress Committee; 8.To carry out such other assignments given by the GA and to follow the Constitution outlines; 9.Be in contact with other scientific entities around the world like IADR etc. “



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

Committee Chairmen Date: September 3rd, 2013 Voting procedure: Ballot voting by General Assembly Delegates Eligibility criteria: no more then 2 years after graduation

Chairman of Prophylaxis Committee Description of the Committee Work: The committee consists of National / Local officers from each country member in IADS and the committee chairman. The committee runs projects that assist in enhancing the dental awareness level in public by organizing dental prophylaxis events and campaigns The preventive project “Healthy Tooth in the Healthy World”. • The project “Healthy tooth in the healthy world” is an international program which organizes preventive campaigns in order to inform the population about the importance of oral health. • World Oral Health Day (WHOD): FDI initiative and project during which prophylaxis activities are organized on March 20th of each year.

Duties: 1. Set the events agenda and strategies. 2. Ensure that all information, details and materials needed are easily accessible with the Editor. 3. Organize regular meetings with the officers to know the project’s feedbacks, suggestions and drawbacks on the national level. 4. Prepare yearly booklet for the national held event. 5. Keep the contact with FDI and guarantee the participation of IADS in WHO’d 6. Report to the GA.

Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold full membership of one of the full membership countries. 2. One year of significant efforts in assisting the committee on National or International level. Event organizing experience. 3. Communication skills and Public speaking skills are preferable.

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Chairman of Fundraising Committee

Description of the Committee Work: The Fundraising Committee has the role to engage the organization in partnership collaborations with companies and any other related entities, in order to obtain financial resources.

Duties: 1. Set up a strategic plan of activity for the year ahead 2. Work in cooperation with the other colleagues from the IADS Leadership in order to adjust the Sponsorship booklet and gain company collaborations 3. Organize regular meetings for the committee members to discuss new ideas and resources for fundraising. 5. Report to the G.A.

Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold full membership of one of the full membership countries. 2. One year of significant efforts in assisting the committee. 3. Financial/Marketing background preferred. 4. Project Management Experience. 5. Clear and concise project report and proposal writing skills.



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

Chairman of Committee on Recruiting Members

Description of the Committee Work: The committee shall build new bridges from IADS to non-members countries, in order to support their future involvement within the organization and it’s activities.

Duties: 1. Set a yearly recruitment plan with the Secretary General. 2. Investigate the best options for contact persons in the non-members countries; this shall be accomplished by addressing the Dental Schools/Organizations or IADS partners. 3. Insure that the committee has the proper ‘Marketing materials’, he/she can designate any member for this purpose 4. Organize meetings with the key persons to present an IADS portfolio of activities. 5. Facilitate the joining procedures with the Secretary General for the new countries. 6. Maintain the link with the Secretary General and synchronize their activities 7. Report to General Assembly.

Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold full membership of one of the full membership countries. 2. Public relations skills or experience is preferable. 3. Good English skills

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Chairman of International Voluntary Committee

Description of the Committee Work: The International Voluntary Committee has the role to manage the voluntary work activities organized under the patronage and management of IADS. The voluntary work activities have the goal to engage international dental students in dental healthcare services towards the population in need from remote areas around the globe.

Duties: 1. Management plan for the year’s international voluntary work 2. Organize and manage voluntary project activities 3. Assist the Fundraising Committee Chairman in the sponsor gaining procedure 4. Report to the General Assembly

Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold full membership of one of the full membership countries. 2. One year of significant efforts in assisting the committee. 3. Voluntary project organizing experience.



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

Chairman of Committe on Training Education

Description of the Committee Work: Train new trainers and sub regional trainings (TNT/SRT) is a unique program designed by students in topics related to the soft skills such as leadership, project management, stress and time management, fundraising, and presentation skills. Soft skills are increasingly becoming the hard skills of today’s workforce. It’s just not enough to be highly trained in technical skills, without developing the softer, interpersonal and relationship-building skills that help people to communicate and collaborate effectively. This program can be very beneficial on both the individual level, for the trainers and trainees; and on the organizational level, for the IADS. On the individual level, soft skills indulge positive energy in human relationship for working in symbiosis and explore infinite capabilities at the institutional and doctoral level. On the organizational level, this program will Improve IADS member skills in a variety of fields, Increase the performance of IADS due to improving leadership skills and moreover Increase the benefits that an individual gains from IADS.

Duties: 1. Direct and assist Training officers, Trainers. 2. Set the annual plan. 3. Organize Training of Trainers events (TNT-TOT), set the agreements with the National/ Local associations for that purpose and receive a full report after the event. 4. Guarantee and facilitate the marketing for the events. 5. Organize Training sessions during IADS meetings, on regional level and national levels. 6. Prepare certificates and certify the IADS Training sessions 7. Prepare the needed trainings to the IADS projects . 8. Update the Trainer status and the training progress worldwide 9. Work on the Sponsorship Booklet together with Fundraising Committee members (I just changed the syntax) 10. Assign the regional officers from the ex national officers or the trainers that assist the region.

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11. Evaluate the trainers with the Training supervisor (if present) 12. The selection and setting the criteria of the new trainers 13. The criteria needed for upgrading the Trainers 14. Organize meetings with the training officers and /or the trainers. 15. Set/modify the internal rules (with Training advisors- once present) 16. Attend the leadership meetings and know about the needs of the projects from the Training sessions and Trainers. 17. Participate in the IADS Magazine’s management, website news and the IADS marketing materials with the Editor 18. Evaluate the officers’ performance. 19.Report to the G.A. Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold full membership of one of the full membership countries. 2. Certified IADS Trainer (older preferred) 3. Regional officer, Chairman assistant or Oldest Trainer (Running membership) 4. One of The highest ranks of the committee 5. Training Events’ Organizing Experience (S). 6. Regular attendance of the committee meetings and events 7. Leadership skills for Trainers (advanced Course) 8. Report writing skills, stress management skills and Conflict management skills 9. Recruitment and selection skills.



ELECTIONS 2013 - 2014

REGIONAL DIRECTORS EUROPE, AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, ASIA PACIFIC, AMERICAS Date: September 3rd, 2013 Voting procedure: Ballot voting by General Assembly Delegates “The Regional Director is elected by the Region’s IADS Member Delegates at the Annual Meeting, in case that at least 33% of the Region’s Members are present. Otherwise, the vote is taken by all the Member Delegates who form the General Assembly” Eligibility criteria: no more then 2 years after graduation

Description: Every year IADS works to expand the association and its activities, in order to reach every dental school/organization in the world and promote our association. The Regional Directors positions were officially assigned at the Mid Year Meeting Portugal 2013 General Assembly in order to assist a better implementation and coordination of the IADS international projects within the designated regions.

Duties: 1. To assist the IADS Executive Committee and Chairman into the development of the IADS Projects within the Region. 2. To Lead all IADS international project implementations (Exchange Program, IDRP, Prophylaxis, Training, etc.) in the IADS organization members of the Region 3. To work in cooperation with the President, Secretary General and CRÈME Chairman, in the expansion of IADS and gaining new members in the Region 4. To work in cooperation with the General Secretary in order to motivate and support the inactive member organization from the region.

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5. To represent the IADS interests within the designated region and member organizations. 6. To represent the Regions’ interests within IADS by representing the members’ right and helping to solve the eventual issues which appear in the Region.

Advisale nomination criterias: 1. The candidate shall hold membership in one of the IADS member organizations from the Region he is applying for. 2. Former and current Presidents, Leadership officials from the member associations of the region. 3. 1 year of experience within IADS (international, national or local level) 4. Extensive knowledge of all IADS international projects. 5. Reside in one of the Region’s countries


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