I AGE PROPERTY - ISSUE 537 PART A(15 Mar 2018)

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͑Ꭱ ̴ⓠٰ䄵҂ღᭀ ѳຯ᳉ᰶᱧчহჹ䖾䯳ఏᢵᱰ‫ܧ‬ऐੳव҉Ƞ᝸ᤎ⩲䨭ऱప⮱ກჹ㈨݄ϔ৮喑 ̴䔅ᕂ็ॄ喤 ჹ䖾҉ͧⓠ≟す̭๔㦎㤱䙿̷ጯ䯳ఏ喑ᬄ̸᠒ᰶ ກჹȠ≈⺋ᆞᎱȠ㏤䉸Ƞ‫ݖ‬䓫ℾ ぶ‫͗็࡮ژ‬㦄ऺ৮❹ȡ ‫͚ڣ‬ϲ≈⺋ᆞᎱ喑ౕ͚పᰭ倅ࢂᰵ䨭䛼ᅞ䓫‫ݝ‬ᗷϧ⮱̭⮫̴ࡴ喍䊲䓴̭⮫̶࡮̴⨣喎

ᢵᱰ‫ܧ‬ऐ ͕ ͕ ₐ㻱‫ܧ‬ऐ᪴У ͕ ̭ ̭〆ᐼч䃎᰺ߎ ߞ㜨䯳ఏᬄ̸ 8*/& 15: -5% ࢄⓠΊ䙿⣺৮䙿͇ ҉ͧჹ䖾䯳ఏ㏼䨭ੳȠࢄⓠᢵᱰ‫ܧ‬ऐੳ喑 ͧᗕ᣽ӈჹ䖾䯳ఏ‫ڕ‬㈨݄ϔ৮喑Ꭳ᣽ӈჹ䖾䯳ఏₐ㻱‫ܧ‬ऐ᪴Уȡ 䯳ఏᬄ̸ ߞ㜨ч䃎ጵθߎ᝭喑᠒ᰶⓠ≟∕‫ڹ‬ч䃎ጵȠ∕‫ߎ⼻ڹ‬ጵ䉱䉕喑᠒ᰶͧੳ͇⼨ℾ჏ᝤ ᰺ߎ⮱็Ꭱ㏼侹喑᣽ӈϻ‫ڙ‬थᐧ⿸Ƞ⼻ߎ⩠្喑Вࣷ‫ܧ‬ऐ᝸㐚ߋ⤳ぶ̭〆ᐼ᰺ߎȡ



32 Beulah Road, Norwood, SA 5067 ͕ 0481 265 886 (10:00am-4:00pm) ͕ ᓛԎ : Jiu9winezhenpin

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