- In Depth / Bedding -
A perfect night’s sleep
Choosing g the right g duvet for f y your g guests can be a tricky yp process. Here two high-end bedding companies discuss avoiding some of the pitfalls, and explain the lengths they have gone to produce a product fit for a luxury B&B, BILL LUMLEY, investigates.
Luxury Lux L Lu u uxxu urrryy B ury Be Bed ed & B ed Br Breakfast re ea akkfas a fa ast - 14 as 14 - A Au August ug gu gus usst 2 u 2018 01 0 018 18 18
- In Depth / Bedding -
or the consumer market buying a duvet has been a highly confusing procedure according to Jonathan $WWZRRG ZKR FR IRXQGHG KLJK HQG bedding company Scooms with his wife Emily. Last month Scooms announced it had launched a trade department to supply the luxury B&B market. Explaining the move, At twood tells Luxury Bed & Breakfast: “Going to D UHWDLOHU D FRQVXPHU PLJKW VHH GLÎ?HUHQW items each purporting to be the best duvet. We decided to cut out all that clutter and asked: if you want the best night’s sleep, what is the perfect duvet?â€? Often there are things out there that are not necessarily appropriate, he says. For example, KH VD\V ZLWK DQWL DOOHUJ\ EHGGLQJ V\QWKHWLF material has more dust mites than natural ma terial owing to the fact that it doesn’t breathe as much, and it traps moisture. “There is a lot of misconception in the mar ket, and our goal was to create the perfect duvet, at a reasonable price point,â€? he says. In conducting their research and development they looked at the science behind what makes a great duvet and they came up with a list of elements they refer to as The Scooms Seven. He explains: “We found that natural materi als were far better than manmade materials. Then we looked at temperature regulation, which is where natural materials come into their element. Down is the best natural mate ULDO EHFDXVH LW KDV ORWV RI VPDOO Č´ODPHQWV WKDW trap more air and keep you insulated in the winter, but at the same time there are lots of gaps which let moisture through, so the next thing is moisture control: people sweat an awful lot. If you have a luxury
THE SEVEN Natural materials
Temperature regulation
Moisture control
cuddles nor hugs you. We have developed the right mix of down inside the duvet in the right cotton casing so that it hugs your body. It sounds a small thing but it makes a vast GLÎ?HUHQFH Č‹ KH VD\V Next, they looked at the whole construction so the down does not move. “It actually has a liner inside it as well, so the down is completely sealed in, preventing any small down from coming out, so it is very well protected,â€? he says. “Also, the quality of materials is great from a longevity point of view: down lasts a lot longer and can withstand washing and cleaning. He adds: “When it comes to allergen resistance natural materials are a lot better WKDQ PDQPDGH Č´EUHV WKH\ GRQȇW JLYH RÎ? SHWUR FKHPLFDOV Č‹ The positive environmental theme does not end there, with all Scooms’ products’ down being washed in thermal spring water, thus proving very good for the environment.
Body contouring
Clever construction
Allergen resistance
All season comfort TOGS TO OGS
B&B you really don’t want lots of your guests sweating under a duvet. A synthetic duvet traps moisture and leads to dust mites.â€? They also developed what they refer to as body contouring. Attwood explains: “Imagine WZR GLÎ?HUHQW VL]HG SHRSOH LQ D EHG $ GXYHW can ‘tent’ and go right over the top of one of them and thus feel neither as though it Luxury Bed & Breakfast - 15 - August 2018
T i ll Scooms Typically, S supplies li 4.5 and 9 tog duvets, so they can be used in summer or winter mixed and matched. Attwood says: “They are designed with LQJHQLRXV FOLSV WKDW Č´W WKH WZR WRJHWKHU ZKHQ they are doubled up for the winter season. :H KDYH IRXQG SHRSOH OLNH GLÎ?HUHQW WHPSHUD WXUHV Č‚ HYHU\ERG\ LV GLÎ?HUHQW VR SDUWLFXODUO\ for the B&B market. “In the weather that we have been enjoying this summer you just want a 4.5 tog duvet, but in spring and autumn you may prefer the heavier 9 tog. They two can be clipped
- In Depth / Bedding -
together or used separately.â€? Underlying further the company’s green cre dentials, the duvets also come in plastic free green storage bags, which during the summer months can keep the spare one protected. ČŠ$OO RXU GRZQ LV (XURSHDQ VLQJOH VRXUFHG and ethically sourced, so we can source through the entire supply chain. We built the brand around high standards and ethics. “All the duvets are delivered from the company’s UK warehouse and everything is delivered free the next day.â€? Scooms is clearly the sort of brand you will H[SHFW WR Č´QG LQ KLJKHU HQG % %V $WWZRRG says: “We are not in the business of making FKHDSHU GXYHWV QRW OHDVW EHFDXVH RI WKH KLJK grade materials we use.â€? He insists that if you look in some duvets you can recognise that while they consist to DQ H[WHQW RI DQG SXUSRUW WR EH Č‚ HVVHQWLDOO\ down duvets, there is often a considerable amount of dust and other material. Attwood claims: “We have found that when people across all age groups try our duvet they almost invariably come back and say it is the best night’s sleep they have ever had. Many peo ple have tried lots of other duvets and struggled WR Č´QG RQH WKDW HQDEOHV D JRRG QLJKWȇV VOHHS :H have had silver surfers, people who have had operations knee or hip oper rattio ons who appreciate having weight them. suddenly justt tthe jus he rig right ht wei we eight htt ov h over er the th hem m. Peo People p su ple sudde ddenly nly y
realise the importance of sleep and once they JHW RXU GXYHW WKH\ UHDOLVH WKH GLÎ?HUHQFH LW makes. If your B&B has phenomenal bed linen DQG GXYHW LW PDNHV D PDVVLYH GLÎ?HUHQFH Č‹ He says the company is experience a highly positive reaction from the luxury B&B market so far. “People are increasingly realising the importance of sleep. We have found in the luxury B&B market they want a brand that is seen as being luxury rather than one that is any old sort of bed linen,â€? he says. Once people try this bedding people want to get it themselves, he claims. Later this year the company will be launch a pro gramme whereby the luxury B&B can have a card placed in the bedroom saying who the bedding is provided by and guests can order it to have delivered the next day to the B&B or to the guest’s own house. Combined with a commission structure, this provides some revenue for the B&B owner and may end up covering all the cost of providing the high HU HQG EHGGLQJ Jeanette Sadler is hospitality business manager at The Fine Bedding Company Hos pitality Division She says that there are factors that luxury B&B owners should consider when buying guest room duvets for luxury rooms. “There are more considerations than hotels now actively ever before, as many hote elss are no ow a ow ctive iv ly y ORRNLQJ WR FRQYH\ HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ IULHQGO\ ORR R N NLQ LQJ W J R F R FRQ RQY RQYH\ Q H\ \ HQY HQYLUR LU QPH LUR PH P HQWD QWDOO OO\ OO\ \ I IU IIUULH LH HQ QGO\ GOO GO\
Luxury Bed & Breakfast - 16 - August 2018
messages to guests as well as meet consum er’s high expectations in terms of quality, comfort and hygiene,� she tells Luxury Bed & Breakfast. Ȋ2IWHQ WKH ȴUVW GHFLVLRQ LV ZKHWKHU WR RSW IRU QDWXUDO ȴOOHG SURGXFWV Ȃ RIWHQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK UHDOO\ KLJK HQG EHGGLQJ RU WR FDWHU IRU WKH KXQGUHGV RI JXHVWV WKDW PLJKW QHHG ȴEUH ȴOOHG
- In Depth / Bedding -
products that won’t aggravate allergy symp WRPV 0DQ\ Č´EUH Č´OOHG SURGXFWV DUH QRZ VR advanced that often guests cannot tell the GLÎ?HUHQFH EHWZHHQ IHDWKHU DQG GRZQ DQG V\Q WKHWLF Č´EUHV RQH VXFK H[DPSOH LV ZLWK RXU QHZ 6PDUWGRZQ GXYHW WKDW PLPLFV WKH Č´QHVW *RRVH down on the market. This product also has exceptional environmental credentials, made from recycled materials and in an ECO factory.â€? Another key consideration she says is the practicality of the products, for example the cost and ease of regularly washing duvets, pillows and toppers, and whether twin beds QHHG WR EH WXUQHG LQWR D GRXEOH RU NLQJ VL]H “Housekeepers require products that have EHHQ GHYHORSHG VSHFLČ´FDOO\ WR PHHW WKH GH mands of busy commercial environments and high turnover rooms: products that are easy to use but don’t compromise on quality, that are HÎ?RUWOHVVO\ ZDVKDEOH SUHIHUDEO\ LQ KRXVH DQG are extremely long lasting (maintaining loft and structure). This is why our Spundown and Boutique Silk ranges are so popular.
7KH FRPSDQ\ȇV DZDUG ZLQQLQJ (FR )DFWRU\ XVHV 100% renewable energy sources and has a 19% lower carbon footprint on key product ranges compared to an industry standard duvet. The majority of cotton used is from BCI sources (Better Cotton Initiative – ensuring sustainable, ethical cotton production). 6DGOHU DGGV Ȋ2XU QDWXUDO ȴOO SURGXFWV DOVR FDUU\ WKH KLJKHVW VWDQGDUGV DQG FHUWLȴFDWLRQV in the industry regarding ethical sourcing. These globally recognised quality assuranc HV FHUWLI\ QR OLYH SOXFNLQJ RU IRUFH IHHGLQJ practices occur in creating our feather and down duvets and pillows, and products are fully traceable.�
THE IMPORTANCE OF FINISH “The quality of the product – not only how it IHHOV Č‚ EXW KRZ LW LV Č´QLVKHG LV LPSRUWDQW 4XDO ity seams and edging will enhance the luxuri ousness of the product and ensure products withstand regular use without deteriorating. &KRRVLQJ \HDU URXQG GXYHWV FDQ SURYLGH D JUHDW GHDO RI ČľH[LELOLW\ VKH VD\V HVSHFLDOO\ in the UK where the weather can be unpre dictable. “Altering the tog can help the quality of sleep in environments that might be too hot or too cold when the UK is experiencing weather extremes,â€? she adds. She says there are key characteristics of the Fine Bedding Company Hospitality Divi VLRQ WKDW GLÎ?HUHQWLDWH WKH GXYHW SURGXFWV WKH company supplies from other brands. “The company is part of Trendsetter dsetter Inter Inter national, which has over 100 years ars RI H[SHUWLVH LQ Č´OOHG EHGGLQJ DQG QG we manufacture and supply its own n exclusive product ranges, designing ning g and innovating in partnership with hoteliers’ needs in mind, delivering ring comfort, high quality and environ on mental credentials hotel guests wil willl love. Being the manufacturer also so means that it can custom make and d WDLORU RUGHUV WR VSHFLČ´F UHTXLUHPHQWV Č‹ PHQ QWV Č‹ she says. An example of this she says iss the e FRPSDQ\ȇV WZR LQ RQH =LS DQG /LQN /LQN Dual Layer Topper. “This product ct
has been created from the feedback received from hotels around the issues associated ZLWK =LS DQG /LQN EHGV 7KH VROXWLRQ SURYLGHV the upmost comfort and a product that can convert in seconds from a super king topper to two twin toppers. No storage is required as it eliminates the need to have multiple toppers. It’s also, fully washable!â€? she adds. ČŠ:H KDYH DOVR FUHDWHG RXU RZQ 6PDUWČ´O PLFUR Č´QH Č´EUH 2XU GXYHWV DUH FUHDWHG WR EH OLJKW OX[XULRXV DQG EUHDWKDEOH EXW RÎ?HU WKH same tog as heavier duvets. They wash and dry incredibly well and wrap around the body.â€? As with Scooms, the Fine Bedding Company has strong environmentally friendly credentials.
Luxury Bed & Breakfast - 17 - August 2018
There are several common mistakes hospi tality owners make that can be avoided when purchasing duvets, she says. “A common perception is that heavier duvets are warmer than lighter products, which isn’t the case as it’s the tog rating is the indication of warmth. The weight of a duvet is about preferred comfort for the guest, for that tucked in feel, but there is a shift in the con sumer market towards lighter more breatha ble bedding for quality of sleep,â€? she explains. “The second scenario we experience is that there is an assumption that feather and down is EHWWHU DQG WKLV PD\ KDYH EHHQ WUXH \HDUV ago, but most of the time hoteliers now prefer WKH SUDFWLFDOLWLHV RI Č´EUH Č´OO NQRZLQJ WKDW WKH\ are not compromising on the guest experience. She says a single product will never meet expectations across the board, but there are products that tick a lot of boxes for most hoteliers and guests. “Offering alternative pillows can often be enough of an option to meet guest’s sleeping preferences and choice can even extended b ext be xtend nded e to to different options of duvets. The T h he e choice of products in our col lection generally means we can le ectt ec meet everyone’s requirements mee m and, an a nd at the end of the day, it is generally down to their individ gen g ual u al preference and need.â€? Thiss is clearly where B&Bs like Th T Mowbray in Eastbourne are Th Mo The M offering offe of eriing n guests a valuable service giving by g ivin them a pillow menu – a iv selection sel se e eccctio of five pillows from which choose to ch to hoo h o the one that promises guests gu uest st the best night’s sleep (see ((se (s se B&B Profile page 18). see