The site fronts onto the Sagar Sheth Road, which merges into the two-way Shantigram Road. As the neighbourhood context is majorly dedicated to Adani residential as well as commercial properties, this housing complex-”The Foresta” stands out within the context with the basic ideation of incorporating “Forest” - a whole ecosystem within the urban context. The initial idea behind the planning was to retain the “Green Heart” of the complex and provide interactive social spaces within the central green. But, such arrangement of clusters would possibly hinder with the sunlight and wind intake towards the clusters, nearer to the main access road. Thus, an arch-like trail of arrangement of housing towers have been laid out surrounding the central green. The housing complex is a mix of residential, commercial, and interactive recreational spaces.
THE FORESTA - HOUSING COMPLEX HOUSING . SHANTIGRAM, AHMEDABAD Name: Incremental and Social housing in Ahmedabad Area: 35240 sq.m F.A.R: 2.5 Built up area: 88100 sq.m Typology: Housing Site: Shantigram, Ahmedabad
Every city, region and country demand their own housing models and prototypes. That’s why housing design needs to negotiate many aspects simultaneously to achieve sustainable urban environments and inclusive dwelling communities. Located amidst the fast-developing area of Shantigram town, almost 20 km away from the city of Ahmedabad, “The Foresta” lies on a Polygon plot of area 8.57 acres, right opposite to Adani Meadows housing complex. It provides a range of various apartment types as well as shared community spaces that are spaciously planned and caters to the needs of the residents not only at the micro level but also at the macro level thus turning vertical isolation into horizontal connectivity thereby reinstating the notion of community.
The main motive is to depict how social, economic and environmental factors are interrelated in the design of housing settlements. The focus is into three key aspects that anyone involved in housing design should take into consideration: Time, environ ment, and community. Maximizing exterior exposure and increase availability of natural light along with creating a sense of community and belongingness.
The housing complex comprises of eleven towers, arranged in the curved spiral trail, surrounding the forest setup and are divided into three major typologies: 1 BHK cluster (4 towers), 2 BHK cluster (5 towers) and 3 BHK cluster (2 towers).
Because of the shape of the site with sharp angles, the major challenge was to efficiently place all the housing towers as well as the club house and commercial complex. Thus, a shopping arcade is placed at the NW corner of the site, nearer to the main access road, to cater to both the visitors as well as to the residents. The purpose of highlighting social interactions and enhancing community living has been served within the housing complex through micro interventions within the open spaces in the form of outdoor Amphitheatre (For cultural and social gatherings like dandiya night, Diwali celebrations, Holi celebrations etc.), Senior citizen parks, play area, tot lots (children play area), community club house, water body and the forest trail pathway, creating a whole ecosystem within itself.
Equally notable is the sustainable range of materials used for “The Foresta”, ensuring it will enjoy a long lifespan. The Facade components are chosen so that it reflects the culture of Ahmedabad and promoting use of local materials. Therefore, the entire housing complex along with its unique features and components, contrib ute to biodiversity and the wellbeing of the residents.
Consisting of a total of 703 apartments, each housing tower comprises of four units and associated services areas, with two sets of staircases and service and passenger lifts. Another important aspect that had to addressed was the “Incrementality” factor. Designated spaces catering to different age groups for social interaction and community living, is a key aspect of the housing proposal. There are four gates -2 entries and 2 exits, at the main access road side and secondary access road side, that caters to both residents and visitors. The basement is of two levels, dedicated to parking and services areas, that follows the similar shape of the housing towers building footprint, thus leaving out clear space for plantations within the central area and maintaining the rainwater percolation.
When we talk аbоut this profession in India, we саn definitely say that we are way behind; it’s as if we’re just getting our fооt on the first rung of the architectural journalism ladder. There is а need to inсоrроrаte а discussion from one’s side and raise an орiniоn. Lасk of орtimаl training in architectural writing is one of the foremost reasons why the subject has not gained greater stature in India. This is а platform where one саn stand up with the hidden talent of writing in front of the general public. Bаngаlоre-bаsed Арurvа Bose Dutta explored the unexplored vision of architectural journalism in India. She is а journalist who special izes in architecture. She is а role model for many аsрiring architectural journalists.
masses, who are not involved in architecture, rarely have the opportunity to explore architec ture and understand their purpose or meaning. As a result, there is a need for architecture to be communicated and curated not only for the architectural fraternity but also for people outside the architectural community. This is where Architectural journalism steps in. It takes advantage of the written word’s ability to reach the masses and increase communication about architecture and design. It also aids in holding the community accountable and developing a narrative with people and society about our built environment. The exchange of ideas, opinions, and recent innovations create openness and awareness about architecture through the use of words making architectural journalism, a vital discipline.
-Apurva Bose Dutta
ACADEMIC WRITING- on research questions
1. Architectural Journalism is an upcoming branch of Architecture. Comment on its importance in our society.
As far as design is соnсerned, it should be well соmmuniсаted by students or architects in written or verbal form. To beсоme an effective architectural journalist, а wide range of сhаrасteristiсs are required, including vast knowledge, years of рrасtiсe, the роwer of arguments, а lоt оf раtienсe, а thirst for awareness, and logic in arguments. Through this орроrtunity, we саn соnfidently state thаt the inclusion оf “Architectural jour nalism” in the соllege сurriсulum will mаke students mоre соmfоrtаble with the use оf architectural termi nology in асаdemiс projects as well as in professional projects. Understanding оf handling the words is an imроrtаnt skill in architectural projects. Journalism is surely the key to steps forward in life for individuals.
Architectural journalism is a niche of writing about Architecture, buildings, space planning and design. It encompasses the different articles we read in design journals, magazines and publications such as Architectural Digest, Architectural Records, etc. While impartial evaluation or critique of architectural work is the major focal point of such writing, it might also additionally include discovering about current develop ments in the subject or the industry’s viewpoint future. To a substantial extent, it strives to raise recognition about the buildings that have an effect on our lives and to grant a skill for us to share our thoughts about Thearchitecture.common
“The association of writing and architecture remains unexplored to its full potential. This is attributed to the relatively less awareness that the integration of these two disciplines can yield, which is not to stay oblivious to the fact that the awareness today is hugely more than in the past.”
It is this silent narration thаt we have to рiсk uр and write аbоut as it’s we, who саn асtuаlly design this narrative further.
The key aspect and point to remember while writing is to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism manner writing or copying any other person’s thoughts, methods, or text without citing properly. Cite the thoughts and textual content whenever you use someone’s ideas and methods. Citing the assets have to be performed the usage of the reference style of the journal you are writing. Adding a quote to the beginning or end of an article, blog, or different documents can assist efficiently in introducing or finishing your topic. Additionally, it may additionally offer a few aid or evidence for the claims you present. Finding statistics that aid your subject matter and incorporating relevant knowledge you own into your writing can grow the integrity of your writing. This also can improve or hold the belief between you and your readers as they evaluate your work. Specific dates, names, and citations for this kind of information additionally allow read ers to conduct research individually if they so choose. Non-biased writing is very crucial. When you write in a non-biased way, you’re writing ethically. This sort of writing builds trust together along with your readers that you are sincere with them. By providing all angles and considering different essential factors associated with a subject, you’re showing the most complete photograph you can. Some writers will present work that, at the surface, seems non-biased, but actually, they have been biased at choosing what opposing thoughts and arguments they desire to present. Knowing a way to use credible sources is an important part of being an essay writer. Whether you’re writing an academic paper or publishing a piece in a blog or a newspaper, or every other journal, maximum institutions, and publishing organizations have a blacklist of assets that they take into account to now no longer be credible and they require their writers to abstain from the use of as assets. A credible supply is written with the aid of using a person who’s a professional in their field and is non-biased.
2. Comment upon the do’s & don’t of original writing in Architectural Journalism. Original or innovative writing may be technically taken into consideration any writing of unique composition. In this sense, it’s a contemporary and process-orientated call for what has been historically referred to as literature, which includes the kind of its genres. Architecture has developed and advanced with the aid of using people from the very starting of their existence. “Architectural Journalism” is a brand new phrase however has existed and has come into the limelight for some decades. It is the aspect of understanding buildings, their structures, and expressing them with the power of words. It is a profession that expresses distinctive architectural masterpieces, on knowledge its motive, ideas, and service. Architectural Journalism is a medium to bridge the space among architecture, common people, and architects. While we take plenty of pride in assisting architects to locate their unique voice to speak about their work and values, we have faced time and again the undertaking of letting our words do the speaking in a field that tends toward build ing narratives through the use of visual mediums exclusively. Be it grueling design crits at some point in college or the esoteric uncaptioned sketches by grasp architects, architects are inspired from every quarter to hold their phrases and their works separate. The rest of the world, unfortunately, does now no longer see the world in implied lines and rhythmic repetitions. Be it to give an explanation for our design intent, share our impressions, or skip on our learnings – we should cultivate the ability to specific ourselves through the written word. This, of course, is where design writing and architectural journalism come in. Now, like every field there are some do’s and dont’s that have to be followed so as to maintain the integrity of the subjects and field.
Lastly, practicing ethical writing means that you develop and sustain trust between you and your readers, the institutions you write for, and other writers. It goes beyond simply not plagiarizing and includes writing non-biased arguments based on credible sources and showing respect for diversity.
Journalism seeks to observe and communicate what it learns of social importance, something called news, and in doing so is always in the process of creating a public by bringing it into synchronized conversation with itself. Theories of journalism provide explanatory frameworks for understanding a complex combination of social practice, product, and institutional arrangement. A basic intent of the theories is to set out ideal standards against which the performance of each news media system can be evaluated.
-News media can function as multipliers of efforts to promote social change.
-Individual rights are necessarily subordinate to the larger goals of nation-building.
-No government interference -Independent of authority -Right to report, comment on as well as criticize the government.
-Support authority rather than criticize or challenge it.
As the world’s news media adapt to changing social needs, new theories of journalism have emerged to update the basic model proposed in 1956. The Five Concepts typology, first introduced by media scholar William Hachten in 1981, is a major deviation from the Four Theories approach. The basic principle for this classification is that differing perceptions about the nature and role of journalism reflect the values of sociopolitical systems and historical and cultural traditions of the nations within which it operates.
COMMUNIST CONCEPT-Planned and built as part of the change and to help accomplish change.
Several modifications of the Five Concepts typology have been postulated since the mid-1980s. Within the Western concept, media student Robert Picard identified democratic socialism along with social responsibility and libertarianism as coequal subcategories. News media are operated for the citizen’s use and for the protection of the citizen’s social, political, and financial rights.
-Organize insurgents, -Destroy the legitimacy of the rulers, -Bring down the alien or rejected rulers.
-End government monopoly on information.
-Diversity of views is wasteful and irresponsible. -Consensus is a sensible goal for journalism.
-Stemmed from Lenin’s ideas of utilizing a newspaper as a cover for a revolutionary organization.
-State property as opposed to the privately-owned press in the authoritarian model.
Since the mid-1950s, increasingly complicated theoretical thoughts have expressed what news media ought to do underneath sure social norms. Normative theories of journalism, prepared from various perspectives, have provided exclusive criteria for evaluating and comparing news media systems. By the flip of the twenty-first century, the Four Theories model persevered to exert a titanic influence. Despite its oversimpli fied and value-laden view, the work has been widely mentioned in journalism and mass communication.
A new approach to theorizing the operation of the media in different social settings emerged in the 1980s when scholars challenged an ideological bias underlying the libertarian-authoritarian dichotomy. Accord ing to J. Herbert Altschull, all news media systems are agents of power, and beliefs about journalism in each system are held so passionately that they are not subject to rational or critical analysis. One system’s faith may be another’s folly.
News media should be free of interferenceoutsideto serve the public’s right to know. Journalism helps transform false con sciousness and educate workers into consciousness.class Serve the people, by seeking, in partnership with government, beneficial social change. Seek to learn and pres ent the truth and must report fairly and objectively. Provide for the masses and facilitate effective change. Unifying forces that serve the interests of the people by avoiding divisive reporting. Journalists are free of all outside controls and not servile manipulatedorby power.
National media policy is required. Being informingresponsiblesociallyandthepeople in a political way.
Changing media, political, and financial landscapes across the world have outstripped the Four Theories, however, as properly as two later typologies—Five Concepts and Three Movements. On the other hand, the Internet has additionally provided a handy capability for even the smallest corporations to produce their personal media, thereby developing a fragmented audience—an indicator of a Balkanization of the large society.
Therefore, the operation of a news media system can only be judged against the ideal values knowable for the specific society. In devising a value-free classification, Altschull conceptualized theories of journalism as three movements of a global symphony: market, Marxist, and advancing. The three movements differ in their journalistic purposes, articles of faith, and views on news media freedom.
Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater, and Elvin K. Wyly (2008) defines gentrification as:
(Source: Driver, Berjis. (2020). The Return from Water Scarcity to Abundance: Distilling the Core Values of Zoroastrian Wells for an Urbanizing India.)
Gentrification is the system of converting the character of a community through the inflow of more affluent citizens and businesses. It is a rather familiar and debatable subject topic in city politics and planning. Gentrification frequently will increase the financial cost of a community; however, the demographic displacement might also additionally end up into a primary social issue. Every nation is seeing a rapid rate of urbanization, including India. Cities and massive city facilities are experiencing a system of urban renewal and improvement that is forcing many towns to enlarge past their capacity.
“The transformation of a working-class or vacant area of the central city to a middle class residential and/or commer cial use”
In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Report Health Effects of gentrification defines the real estate concept of gentrification as: “The transformation of neighborhoods from low value to high value “. Historians say that gentrification came about in ancient Rome and in Roman Britain, wherein huge villas were changing small stores with the beneficial useful resource of the usage of the third century, AD. The phrase gentrification derives from “gentry”—which comes from the Old French phrase enterprise, “of slight birth” and “human beings of slight birth”. British sociologist Ruth Glass turn out to be the primary to use “gentrification” in its contemporary sense. She used it in 1964 to offer a reason behind the inflow of middle-income human beings displacing lower-income employee citizens in city neighborhoods; her in stance turns out to be London and its working-splendor districts which encompass Islington. Economists and aristocrats of America describe gentrification as a “natural cycle.” (Swapnil Vidhate, 2017)
In a modern-day globalized economy, cities are a growing variety, seen as catalysts of financial growth. There is a worldwide fashion over the last a long time to decorate the governance capacities of the towns and mainly of these towns which can be gateways to worldwide monetary linkages, with the aid of using devolving ad ministrative powers from the top levels of government. In advanced countries, the decision-makers and plan ners had renewed the whole town region as soon as it attained affordable age and length in such situations. Few of the western towns were absolutely renewed once they were demolished with the aid of using herbal or artificial calamities. Fortunately, India never skilled such whole glowing improvement or renewal of its towns. But nowadays, India is now not the exception for it. The Global South is the brand-new bankruptcy in gentrifying cityscapes and additionally the main fringe of gentrification. Indian towns and the peri-city regions of metro towns are experiencing a number of kinds of gentrification withinside the device of city renewal.
There are several approaches that attempt to explain the roots and the causes leading to the spread of gentrification namely: Demographic-ecological, Socio-cultural, political-economical and community networks. The first theory, demographic-ecological, attempts to explain gentrification through the evaluation of demo graphics: population, social organization, environment, and technology. The second theory is based totally on a sociocultural rationalization of gentrification. This theory argues that values, sentiments, attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and alternatives should be used to give an explanation for and predict human behavior, now not demographics, or “structural gadgets of analysis”. The third theoretical explanation of gentrification is political-economic and is divided into two approaches: Traditional and Marxist. The community-network ap proach views the community as an “interactive social group”. Two perspectives are noted: community lost and community saved. The “Community Lost” angle argues that the function of the community is turning into extra constrained because of technological advances in transportation and communication. The op posing side, “Community saved”, argues that community’s interest will increase whilst neighborhoods are gentrified due to the fact those neighborhoods are being revitalized. Gentrification has been notably endorsed with the aid of using neighbourhood governments, frequently withinside the shape of ‘city restructuring’ regulations. Goals of those regulations consist of dispersing low-profits citizens out of the internal town and into the suburbs in addition to redeveloping the town to foster mobility among each the critical town and suburbia as residential options. Higher incentive for assets proprietors to increase / enhance housing, discount in crime, decreased pressure on neighbourhood infra structure and offerings, elevated social mix, decreased emptiness rates, encouragement and elevated viability of in addition improvement are a number of the advantageous effect of gentrification while the negative influences are namely-Increased price and fees to neighbourhood offerings, Community resentment and warfare, lower in political participation, elevated price and fees to neighbourhood offerings A foremost idea this is related to and encompasses sure factors of city renewal and urbanization, however with unique moti vations and influences is the “Environmental unsustainability” issue of gentrification of India (McGaffey, 2018). With the World Banks’ estimation of over 56% of India’s population residing in town facilities in 2016, India’s towns are confronted with many demanding situations to imparting primary offerings like dwell ing spaces, water, electricity, and constantly growing populace. The growing call for offerings is forcing a lot of India’s foremost towns to increase past capacity, as a consequence developing their ecological footprint.
“Ecological footprint “is basically a measure of human impact on the environment. On an international scale whilst gentrification occurs, the general mass has the economic freedom and capacity to pay for availability of running clean water, electricity, appropriate garbage, and waste disposal. On the other end, there may be a focus wished at the environmental consequences of the displaced humans who don’t have the approach to
(Source: https://dailybruin.com/2017/03/09/jacqueline-alvarez-gentrification-of-la-detrimental-to-lower-income-population)
Every part of the country is undergoing the present process of massive urbanization in extraordinary forms. The newly shaped authorities’ rules and schemes are aiming to present the western appearance to city re gions with the aid of using well-deliberate and sustainable improvement. However, updated city improve ment in particular termed ‘gentrification’ is ignoring the unique inhabitants, mainly the ones belonging to LIG and EWS category. Thus, the system of gentrification has a more negative impact in our nation. The compelled displacement without resettlement is the principal situation of the system.
With over 40 buying malls, 8 five-big name hotels, seven golfing courses, cutting-edge commercial enter prise parks wherein there are places of work of numerous organizations and big numbers of elite high-up ward thrust rental blocks, Gurgaon is recognized as the ‘Millennium City’ through the neighbourhood authorities and departments. Yet with such city structure, it’s far a maximum uncommon metropolis – or alternatively a set of privately evolved gated enclaves, separated from every different through vintage village “abadis” that have been was slums, stretching ad infinitum alongside the Delhi–Jaipur highway. Gurgaon faces excessive infrastructure deficiencies, lengthy hours of electricity outages, non-existent public transit modes and acute traffic congestion. Unplanned establishments at a speedy rate have positioned excessive strain on Gurgaon’s civic infrastructure. Seven to eight hours of electricity outage is nearly an everyday occurrence. Up-scale residential enclaves and company commercial enterprise parks all offer energy backup through diesel generators, in conjunction with precise great inner infrastructure.
When we speak approximately Gurgaon, we will have a look at that how neighbourhood political elements formed through the rural-city dichotomy and conflicts among the neighbourhood authorities, impacted the transformation of Gurgaon from a non-descript rural city withinside the early Eighties to a top company hub for the workplace jobs outsourced from the West, through the flip of the millennium. (Chatterji, 2013)
Gentrification, as a concept, has come to characteristic as an umbrella term of class transformation, regard less of its widely divergent underlying motives and implications. United Nations states, “Urbanization is simply taken into consideration one most of the maximum essential worrying conditions that every advanced and developing worldwide places internationally must face. The worrying conditions variety based totally mostly on ranges of development and nearby factors.”
This is another angle to the environmental unsustainability of gentrification wherein many have little desire however to transport into slums and that they don’t continually have the cash to get access to basic amenities for sustenance. We can recognize this angle higher through case examples of Mumbai and Gur gaon. Mumbai has misplaced 871 hectares of land to the increase of slums withinside the metropolis. Not simplest does road and slum populace make a contribution to the wellbeing of the environment, the great of air, flawed waste disposal and overflowing quantities of garbage, they have got extreme influences at the fitness of this population. Mumbai’s improvement is crushing the poorest residents due to the fact the metropolis pushes the maximum underprivileged residents to the outskirts if you want to crate housing for extra prosperous residents. It has been glaring that withinside the context of Mumbai, gentrification is contribution to the slum populace and availability to primary needs. Gentrification forcing many habitants to overcrowded slums which have a huge effect at the environment, demonstrating one of the numerous meth ods gentrifications is unsustainable.
(Source: https://aap.cornell.edu/student-work/maurice-bradford.)
Location of the event: Akshara Theatre, Baba Kharak Singh Road, gate 5, next to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Baba Kharak Singh Marg Area, New Delhi.
On 27 th February 2022, “The Line up” productions had organized a continuation of the series of standup comedy shows that occur every Saturday in Delhi NCR. It was a 120 minutes show that took place at Akshara theatre in New Delhi. The event took place in a small theatre room on the basement floor of the Akshara theatres. The audience intake was limited to up to 15-20 people due to Covid-19 protocols.
Event Genre: Comedy No. of people attending: 15-20 In the world of instant coffee and two-minute noodles, it’s little surprise that maximum folks don’t have the patience to take a seat down through the complete length of a theater performance — to present ourselves absolutely to the plot, characters, or topic of the drama. After all, we’ve been given two-hour lengthy Bollywood movies for that, theater-skeptics will debate! Perhaps, that’s why stand-up comedy suggests that have observed that sort of thriving audience. Stand-up comedy is a show where a comedian performs in front of a live audience, often addressing them directly from the stage. The performer is called a comic, comic, or truly stand-up. It includes one-liners, stories, observations that can comprise props, music, or magic tricks.
Date of the event: 27 th February 2022
There were a total of three stand-up comedians who had performed at the event. Rahul Girdhar, Vijay Choudhary & Shubham Solanki are well-known stand-up comedians with combined views of more than 2 million. The host of the show was also a stand-up comic, Mohit Dudeja, famous for his style of observational comedy and crowd work. He started off the show by engaging the au dience in crowd work and jokes about careers, places, and everyday life.
Name of the event: The Lineup, Stand up Comedy Show
Duration of the event: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm(120 minutes)
Subham Solanki Rahul Girdhar
The final set was by Rahul Girdhar, who incorporated both crowd work as well as narratives about his own life and struggles of being the bride’s brother in a wedding. The fun element of the show was the five minutes set by the host, Mohit Dudeja, in between every performer. But it’s not his jokes or comic timing that you’ll be impressed with because, in a stand-up comedy show, you’re anyway expecting a certain standard of writing. It’s his confidence that is impressive. And since he’s the host, he is required to be impromptu and improvise his jokes according to the audience present and he did it brilliantly.
Vijay Choudhary
The first set was presented by Vijay Choudhary who lends a very chilled-out approach to his act concentrating on predictable Delhi-centric humor, and everyone’s favorite topic — “marriage”. Even the audience took an active participation into the crowd work.
The second set was performed by Subham Solanki, whose main approach was a comedy with puns and punchlines. There was an open spot, which featured a short act by an upcoming comedian, Manjeet Thakur who was given a fifteen minutes slot at the show. His main approach was towards jokes on engineering and everyday life.
With bold cracks on religion, sports, and politics — universal topics that interest everyone — The Lineup Stand-up Comedy provides you some comical, expected but overall, enjoyable laughs. Overall, It was a good show and such a series of stand-up comedies should keep going around the city for a fun evening of leisure and laughter.
-Computer-aided detection: This type of detection technique refers to the process of detecting plagiarism with the help of a computer system equipped with a plagiarism detection algorithm.
-Manual detection: This process of plagiarism detection is done manually by humans by comparing and verifying the given set of documents.
Plagiarism is very vast and dynamic i.e. there exist a number of obfuscation strategies that help to create the plagiarised text. Plagiarism.org has classified and ranked different types of plagiarism based on the severity of the intent.
Most academic institutions use some sort of plagiarism checker tool to make sure submitted assignments are original. In order to detect the plagiarism in source code of the program and free text (plain natural language text), the following given methodologies can be used:
“Plagiarism is the act of claiming or implementing authorship over someone else’s work, wholly or part of it without his/her proper authorization. “
With the evolution of the modern web, information and data is available to everybody and are just a click away from an individual. The different areas where plagiarism can be found in the literature, music, soft ware, scientific articles, research papers, newspapers, advertisements, websites, etc.
Paraphrasing means formulating someone else’s ideas in your own words. To paraphrase a source, you have to rewrite a passage without changing the meaning of the original text. Paraphrasing is an alter native to quoting, where you copy someone’s exact words and put them in quotation marks. In academic writing, it’s usually better to paraphrase instead of quoting, because it shows that you have understood the source and makes your work more original.
Copies of the Act and Rules can be obtained from the Manager of Publications, Publication Branch, Civil Lines, Delhi or his authorised dealers on payment. The procedure for registration is as follows:
Separate applications should be made for registration of each work; Each application should be accompanied by the requisite fee prescribed in the second schedule to the Rules ;
Chapter VI of the Copyright Rules, 1956, as amended, sets out the procedure for the registration of a work.
Application for registration is to be made on Form IV ( Including Statement of Particulars and Statement of Further Particulars) as prescribed in the first schedule to the Rules ;
What are the guidelines regarding registration of a work under the Copyright Act?
Theand applications should be signed by the applicant or the advocate in whose favour a Vakalatnama or Pow er of Attorney has been executed. The Power of Attorney signed by the party and accepted by the advocate should also be enclosed.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression.In copyright law, there are a lot of different types of works, including paintings, photographs, illustrations, musical compositions, sound recordings, computer programs, books, poems, blog posts, movies, architectural works, plays, and so much more!
Many types of works are eligible for copyright protection, for example: works, such as TV shows, movies, and online videos recordings and musical compositions works, such as lectures, articles, books, and musical compositions works, such as paintings, posters, and advertisements games and computer software works, such as plays and musicals
Photojournalism is journalism that uses images to tell a news story. It usually only refers to still images, but can also refer to video used in broadcast journalism. Photojournalism is distinguished from other close branches of photography (such as documentary photography, social documentary photography, street pho tography and celebrity photography) by having a rigid ethical framework which demands an honest but impartial approach that tells a story in strictly journalistic terms. Photojournalists contribute to the news media, and help communities connect with one other. They must be well-informed and knowledgeable, and are able to deliver news in a creative manner that is both informative and entertainining.
-Photojournalism is a type of journalism that depends on images to tell a story. It is not classical photography as the pictures taken are mostly or entirely related to a news story or event.
-Photojournalism is an important aspect to the news media. For most people who read newspapers or watch the news, it is the photographs that summarize what has been written.
-Photojournalists must take on the role of storytelling rather than see ing themselves as illustrators of articles
“The age of the citizen journalist and the providing of news photos by amateur bystanders have contributed to the art of photojournalism. Paul Levinson attributes this shift to the Kodak camera, one of the first cheap and accessible photo technologies that “put a piece of visual reality into every person’s potential grasp.”
-Photojournalism has reached the same status as all other forms of journalism. A status as a medium which is part of the daily stream of information and to which readers have a critical attitude.
The practice of illustrating news stories with photographs was made possible by printing and photography innovations that occurred in the mid 19th century. Although early illustrations had appeared in newspapers, such as an illustration of the funeral of Lord Horatio Nelson in The Times (1806), the first weekly illustrat ed newspaper was the Illustrated London News, first printed in 1842. The illustrations were printed with the use of engravings. The first photograph to be used in illustration of a newspaper story was a depiction of barricades in Paris during the June Days uprising taken on 25 June 1848; the photo was published as an engraving in L’Illustration of 1–8 July 1848.Versions of Roger Fenton’s Valley of the Shadow of Death, with and without cannonballs on the road. During the Crimean War, the ILN pioneered the birth of early photojournalism by printing pictures of the war that had been taken by Roger Fenton. Similarly, the American Civil War photographs of Mathew Brady were engraved before publication in Harper’s Weekly. The technology had not yet developed to the point of being able to print photographs in newspapers, which greatly restricted the audience of Brady’s photographs. However, it was still common for photographs to be engraved and subsequently printed in newspapers or periodicals throughout the war.
• Photography, on the other hand, depicts images taken with a camera.It is a much broader brush than photojournalism.
• Photojournalism can chronicle the life of the inner city, soldiers fighting on the battlefield, or a Little League baseball game
Henri Cartier-Bresson, (born August 22, 1908, Chanteloup, France—died August 3, 2004, Céreste), French photographer whose humane, spontaneous photographs helped establish photojournalism as an art form. His theory that photography can capture the meaning beneath outward appearance in instants of extraordinary clarity is perhaps best expressed in his book Images à la sauvette (1952; The Decisive Mo ment).Cartier-Bresson was born and attended school in a village not far from Paris. In 1927–28 he studied in Paris with André Lhote, an artist and critic asso ciated with the Cubist movement. Lhote implanted in him a lifelong interest in painting, a crucial factor in the education of his vision. In 1929 Cartier-Bresson went to the University of Cambridge, where he stud ied literature and painting.
• Photojournalism is a subset of the universe of photography. The most unique characteristic is that in photojournalism you capture what is •there.Photojournalism is the visual story telling dealing with the everyday lives of people and the many facets of their daily activities.
• Photography includes photojournalism as a category as well as fine art photography, photo illustration and others.
• Photography has a much wider range of specializations: product,editorial, scientific, etc
Davidson commences his review with ardent admiration for Ada Louise, and continues to douse the entire review in characteristic flattery, whilst complementing her critiquing style, her reliability as an honest crit ic, and her valor in occasional bravura essays.
The elation experienced by our reviewer, while flipping through ‘On Architecture’ is strikingly visible in his writing style. The fondness Davidson has for her work is evident in the detailed outlines he has made within the review.
Known for her well-reasoned and passionately held beliefs about architecture, Ada Louise Huxtable has captivated readers across the country for decades, in the process becoming one of the best-known critics in the world. Her keen eye and vivid writing have reinforced to readers how important architecture is and why it continues to be both controversial and fascinat ing. With a perspective of more than four decades, Huxtable examines the century’s modernist beginnings and then turns her critic’s eye to the seismic shift in style, function, and fashion that occurred midcentury--all leading to a dramatic new ar chitecture of the twenty-first century. Much of the writing in” On Architecture” has never appeared in book form before, and Huxtable’s many admirers will be delighted to once again have access to her elegant, impassioned opinions, insights, and wisdom.
“It takes a lot of moxie to open a piece of serious criticism with such a lofty declaration of the obvious, offered in praise, without sarcasm or irony.”
Foreseeably, Davidson agrees with Huxtable’s take on the Design realm, proceeding towards a brief descrip tion of the book and the theme. Further on, he resumes to celebrate the astute scrutiny displayed by Ms. Huxtable over the years, and he commends her on her meticulous observations and comprehensive ability on “recognizing the more baroque talents of Gehry, Daniel Libeskind and Santiago Calatrava”
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs is concerned with the problems of city planning and the strategy that planners followed throughout most of the twentieth century. The strategy of rebuilding has not been successful. It has not accomplished anything in eliminating slums or halting the decay of city neighborhoods. Jacobs blames not only the city planners but places the burden of the blame on the theorists and educators.
Jacobs begins the work with the blunt statement that: “This book is an attack on current city planning and rebuilding.” She describes a trip to Boston’s North End neighborhood in 1959, finding it friendly, safe, vi brant and healthy, and contrasting her experience against her conversations with elite planners and financiers in the area, who lament it as a “terrible slum” in need of renewal. Branding the mainstream theory of cities as an “elaborately learned superstition” that had now penetrated the thinking of planners, bureaucrats, and bankers in equal measure, she briefly traces the origins of this “orthodox urbanism. “The author is unhappy with the current state of city planning and wants new ideas introduced. The attack is not aimed at the practice of city planning, but rather at the principles, and what they are based upon. The author plans to propose different principles based on common everyday things like sidewalks and parks.
It’s said that “a woman with a dream is a force to be reckoned with “and Jane Jacobs emulated this. She was born on 4th May of 1916 to a former teacher and a physician. At the age of 18, she moved to New York City and took a particular liking to Greenwich Village; unaware of what great role it would play in her future or rather what role she would play in it. In 1943 Jacobs wrote an article on economic decline in Scranton. She later became a writer for the Office of War Information and thereafter a reporter for America. One of the major building blocks that led to Jacobs’s recognition and work was being awarded a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1958 to create a critical study of city planning and urban life in the United States. She was urged to explore urban design and look for ideas that would improve the way of thinking on city design to serve urban life including cultural and humane val ue. Jacobs’s efforts and dedication eventually led to the publishing of her book ‘The Death and Life of American cities’ which is arguably the momentous event of her career.
Buildings are an important part of the success of cities - naturally, architects are interested in the urban condition. In The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs provides a critique of 20th Centu ry urban design ideas. She advocates for the city to remain diverse, and somewhat gritty, instead of being cleansed and formalized like what was advocated for by many city planning authorities in the mid-1900s. Interestingly, Jane Jacobs was not trained as an urban designer, planner, or architect. Her observations come solely from her experiences living in and visiting cities. Most of her observations surround New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Her thoughts are expressed in a simple and clear manner that could only come from a non-architect, however, Jacobs is by no means a concise writer. Many of the ideas that Jacobs puts forth may be considered common sense, but those ideas were as im portant in 1961 as they are today. For instance, Jacobs claims that the key to safety in a city is having ac tive streets so that people are interested in watching the street for entertainment - this is her “eyes on the street” principle that seems so obvious. However, as with many of these ideas, it cannot be “designed” directly - getting eyes on the street requires a mesh of many variables including street width, building edges, diversity of services, public policy, etc. The final chapter of the book speaks to the need to account for many variables because enacting one or two ideas will never work.To be sure, there are criticisms of Ja cobs’s manifesto that should be studied by urban designers and architects. For example, many of her ideas are linked to the spread of gentrification in the cities she describes. In fact, Jacobs talks about Boston’s North End as a the worst slum in the city, but today the North End is far from a slum - it may even be considered somewhat gentrified. Obviously, many of Jacobs’s examples have evolved (or devolved) since the book was written in 1961.
The Death and Life of Great American Cities is most definitely a book that deserves to be on the shelf of every architect. In 1961, the book successfully challenged popular notions of city design and revitaliza tion, including Urban Renewal. It is historically important for its role in convincing designers and poli ticians to rethink planning policy. Today, the book serves as a reminder of what makes cities successful and also what creates unsafe and displeasing environments.
A photographic essay or photo-essay for short is a form of visual storytelling, a way to present a narrative through a series of images. A great photo essay is powerful, able to evoke emotion and understanding without using words. A photo essay delivers a story using a series of photographs and brings the viewer along your narrative journey.
The topic on which the photo essay narrative is based on is : “ LIFE ON STAIRS” The ideology behind the visual narrative is to incorporate two diverse words and show their visual representation through photographs.
REFERENCES: • ries_india.htmlhttps://worldarchitecture.org/architecture-news/cvngp/architectural_journalism_competition_se • https://architecturejournalismseries.wordpress.com/series-4-5/ • https://www.apurvabose.com/home/ • https://hyperallergic.com/63260/rereading-ada-louise-huxtable-5-essential-pieces/ • https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/career-advice/a2801-a-brief-history-of-architectural-jour nalism/#:~:text=Architectural%20Journalism%20is%20a%20medium,and%20now%20in%20digi tal%20format. • ists-every-architect-must-know/https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-fresh-perspectives/a885-15-active-architectural-journal • nav-varshney/https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/shadow-architectural-journalism-need-barch-curriculum-pra • https://medium.com/@sofiyasabreen/architectural-journalism-yet-another-kindred-profes sion-55c9be6fed47 • https://omnilogos.com/theories-of-journalism/ • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1068/a46288#:~:text=(2)%20Gentrification%20was%20 conceptualized%20in,more%20fundamental%20transformation%20in%20urban • https://dailybruin.com/2017/03/09/jacqueline-alvarez-gentrification-of-la-detrimental-to-lower-in come-population • http://www.ihrn.org.in/files/editor/Legal%20Reform/India%5C’s%20urban%20revolution-%20geographies%20of%20displacement%20beyond%20gentrification%20D%20Asher%20Ghertner.pdf • https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/plagiarism#:~:text=Plagiarism%20is%20 presenting%20someone%20else’s,is%20covered%20under%20this%20definition. • https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-paraphrasing-definition-examples-quiz.html • https://www.wipo.int/copyright/en/ • form%20of,news%20story%20through%20powerful%20photographyhttps://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/photojournalism#:~:text=Photojournalism%20is%20a%20 • http://ecoursesonline.iasri.res.in/mod/page/view.php?id=117642 • https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/28/books/review/Davidson-t.html • ies.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/21/books/review/jane-jacobs-death-and-life-great-american-cit • https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/oct/14/jane-jacobs-death-and-life-rereading
“Writing Could Analyse Relevance Of Good Architecture To Society”-Apurva Bose Dutta