The Templar Issue #IAM 16 #Nov/Dec2017

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM#16 November/December 2017

Smiljana Gavrančić (Serbia) – Editor, Founder & Owner

Victor Olliver (UK) - Associate from the Astrological Journal of the AA GB Sharon Knight (UK) - Associate from APAI Frank C. Clifford (UK) - Associate from the London School of Astrology Wendy Stacey (UK) - Associate from the Mayo School of Astrology and the AA GB Jadranka Ćoić (UK) - Associate from the Astrological Lodge of London Mandi Lockley (UK) - Associate from the Academy of Astrology UK Tem Tarriktar (USA) – Associate from The Mountain Astrologer magazine

Athan J. Zervas (Greece) – Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design 2|IAM INFINITY

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 About Us IAM – Infinity Astrological Magazine is a bimonthly online magazine, founded in 2015. IAM is for professionals astrologers, students of astrology and for all astrology lovers. Serbian astrologer Smiljana Gavrančić is the founding editor and owner of IAM. She specialises in exploring significant degrees in Mundane Astrology and her writings have appeared in the Astrological Journal, in The Mountain Astrologer blog and in ISAR‘s International Astrologer. As of November 2016, all issues of IAM have become part of Alexandria iBase Project, a digital astrological database. From March 2017 IAM is on featured in the Astrodienst section ‖Understanding Astrology‖ along with The Astrological

Journal and The Mountain Astrologer. IAM is associated with most relevant schools, journals and people in the astrological field. - Victor Olliver (associate from The Astrological Journal, The Astrological Association GB) - Tem Tarriktar (associate from The Mountain Astrologer) - Frank C. Cllifford (associate from the London School of Astrology) - Sharon Knight (associate from APAI) - Wendy Stacey (associate from Mayo School of Astrology and The Astrological Association GB) - Jadranka Ćoić (associate from The Astrological Lodge of London) - Mandi Lockley (associate from Academy of Astrology UK). Special members are Melanie Reinhart (The Faculty Of Astrological Studies), Roy Gillett (the president of The Astrological Association GB) and Athan J. Zervas (astrologer and Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design for the magazine). All of IAM issues are non-thematic and in every issue there is a cryptic phrase on the cover that refers to either the essence of the skies for the two months ahead or to a main article. But there is more to it! All cryptic phrases, when read together in a sequence, reveal a story in progress. It is like a puzzle and every issue adds one more piece to it. From the standard 70 pages of the inception issue (the cryptic phrase was The #782 Issue), today the magazine counts circa 160 pages per issue with the firm intention to grow even more in the future. About 60 astrologers from all over the world write in the magazine and more are always welcome. A future goal for the magazine is to organise conferences about astrology all around the world. 3|IAM INFINITY









THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Editor’s Letter the Templar Issue by Smiljana Gavrančić The Bridge Of Change: 29 º/0 º In the moment when the cover of this issue was sent to me, Asc was at 29º Virgo, MC was at 29º Gemini (in other word, all angular houses went over 29º of mutable signs – mutable signs accept the change easy), the Sun was at 29º Libra – cardinal signs accept the cahnge suddenly, very fast! I said to myself, OMG, this must be a big sign?! Ofcourse, I‘ve already knew it that a lot of articles in this issue as topic have - 29º! I‘ve also checked Draconic chart for that moment, and I found the Moon at 15 º Cancer (exaltation of Jupiter: The God Within Us)– which is the place of my natal Moon in my 8th house (transformation) in square with my Pluto at 21º Libra (ruler of my Asc – me) in my 11th house (astrology, but the house of change, too), and at the same time in trine with Venus at 16º Pisces (the ruler of my Pluto). So, that moment was familiar to my Soul, from past life... Do I have to tell you that I founded Infinity when my progressed Moon was at my natal Pluto (change, transformation)?


THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 So, as you all know, since 8th February 2017 We have decided to call my magazine IAM – Infinity Astrological Magazine. During spring, one issue had a title The Gate Keeper, and I said in my editor‘s letter than how axis 29º Virgo/29º Pisces is axis in the Zodiac where the gate keeper‘s spirit „vibes―. So, in this moment, „the gate keeper― within IAM is going to make a step forward, in order to transform himself more and more, ‘deeper and deeper‘, because, after 29º Libra (which is Asc of Israel, by the way-you will see in my article and Victor Olliver‟s too, we both are using the chart of Israel in this issue) – there is 0º Scorpio. The Templar „lives― at 0º Scorpio, he is much more stronger here than at 29 º Libra. This is still a journey throught the ‘Via Combusta‘ (15º Libra - 15º Scorpio), but only within the sign of Scorpio we can get rebirth, new, fresh start. Recently, Jupiter entered Scorpio (we have in this issue several articles about Jupiter in Scorpio – Frank Clifford, Rod Chang, Angela Tikis), and soon, during this issue, Saturn will touch 0º Capricorn – this place within Zodiac I link with Jerusalem (Israel). So, at 0º Scorpio The Templar „lives―, and at 0º Capricorn there is the famous Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. What I want to say? I want to say that when we come in our life in situation that we realize that we have to change something, becuse there are endings as well as beginnings – we should find within Us „The Bridge―. That bridge may be Chiron (do not miss Milla Basso‘s article about Chiron in this issue) as something which „lives― between Saturn (old) and Uranus (new), as an asteroid. I am sure that The Templar has some his wound/s (Chiron), and that he needs a healing. It is very promissing that the nature of 0º Scorpio supports him on many levels. When Jupiter entered Scorpio it may took The Templar on some journey, in space, but as weel as in spirit too. He is spiritual,too. When Saturn from 0º Capricorn makes soon (December 2017) sextile with 0º Scorpio – he may feel security. Over axis 29º Aries/29º Libra, there is axis of Asc/Desc of Egypt (and we have in this issue an article about Egyptian Bounds). We all know that in tarot, 16th card of Major Arcana is The Tower, which also presents some change, and I knew it that this issue (#IAM16) will be somehow important, and every time when I see 29º I know that something special is going to happen! I will continue with IAM trend and at the end of this letter I am pulling, right now, again, one tarot card which will give Us a sign about this issue, but also about the next one (Jan/Feb 2018). Okay, I got this: Ace of Wands! We can suppose that The Templar within IAM will give Us a lot of creativity and wonderful ideas in a time ahead, the new beginning for sure. As I already said, he „vibes― at 0º Scorpio where the huge energy „lives―. Also, Do I have to remember you that within the sign of Scorpio great knowledge lives too? He holds the Holy Grail and he protects his Temple! I want to thank you to all of you who helped that this issue looks so beautiful. During editing, I felt light and hope,and I am very grateful to have you ALL in my IAM Temple!

Smiljana Cover made by: Athan J. Zervas (Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design) The image of the cover is:''Gladiator'' Ceiling fixture by Fragiskos Bitros 9|IAM INFINITY

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Israel and 0º Capricorn Smiljana Gavrančić Although primarily connected to the sign of Cancer (because of Jupiter‘s exaltation – fortune, religion, spirituality), Israel is sensitive to the Great Cardinal Cross across the 0º degree of cardinal signs inside the Zodiac, precisely 0º Capricorn in this Great Cross. The 0º degree of any cardinal sign is very sudden in nature. Here, things both start and end abruptly and suddenly. These places inside the Zodiac are specifically ‗hard‘ due to the fact that the 0º degree of any cardinal sign is in a semisquare (45º aspect) with a so called ―Avatar degree‖ (15º of fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). As a consequence, countries somehow connected to the 0º degree of cardinal signs are automatically related to the Avatar degrees, making their destinies somehow more difficult. Finally, 0º Capricorn is an image of the famous Wailing Wall (Saturn is the essential significator for a wall, since it rules the sign of Capricorn), and also the image of the suffering of the Jewish community during the World War II, in concentration camps (Moon – the people, is debilitated in Capricorn).

―The Father of the Nation‖ – born in a country with the symbolism of “Avatar degrees”

David Ben-Gurion, the man who dedicated his life to the founding of the Israeli state in Palestine, the first Prime Minister of Israel and the Minister of Defense, later named ―the Father of the Nation‖, was born in Płońsk, Poland (former territory of the Russian Empire). It‘s often said that ―names are destinies‖, and there is a Star of David depicted on the Israeli flag. On the other hand, it‘s interesting that ―the Father of the Nation‖ comes from Poland, a country I mapped on one of the so called ―Avatar degrees‖ inside the Zodiac in my research (you can read more about it in my article ―Poland and 15ºAquarius‖). The cups of 9th house in David‘s chart (representing his purpose and the future life) on the cardinal 0º Libra, bringing him closer to Israel (0º Capricorn). A square is an aspect that ―pulls‖ us in a certain direction. In the moment of the declaration of Israel‘s independence (May 14th, 1948.), his progressed MC was exactly on 0º Capricorn! 10 | I A M I N F I N I T Y


Wars However, the establishment of the independent state of Israel and its existence has become the cause of frequent wars and conflicts with the Arabian countries, such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The warfare between Israel and Egypt ended with the signing of a peace agreement on March 26th, 1979, while the conflict between Israel and Jordan ended with the signing of a peace treaty on October 26th, 1994. Sporadic negotiations with Lebanon, Syria and other neighbor countries still haven‘t shown any results. On the other hand, Israel is currently involved in a third conflict with Palestine on the territories under its control since the six day war in 1967., in spite of the Oslo agreement (mediated by the U.S. and Bill Clinton) on September 13th, 1993. and the efforts invested by Israel, Palestine and peacemakers of the world. 11 | I A M I N F I N I T Y


Now let‘s take a look at Israel‘s chart. We find the 3rd/9th house axis across 0º Capricorn/0º Cancer, e.i. 29 º Sagittarius/29 º Cancer. The 3rd house describes neighbors, negotiations, while the 9th house speaks about foreign countries. So, even in the chart of Israel, we can spot the 0º degrees of cardinal signs!

The Oslo agreement of 1993 In the exact moment of the signing of this agreement, secondary Venus of Israel was on 0º Cancer, in retrograde motion. Venus is the ruler of Ascendant in Israel‘s chart, and speaks about the state of things in the nation, the capital city, and it‘s a general descriptor of diplomatic relationships. Retrograde motion is certainly the cause of the prolongation of the conflict despite the signed agreement. On the other hand, 12 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 secondary Venus (diplomatic relations) of the U.S. was on 0º Aries, while the Solar Arc Moon of the U.S. was on 0º Libra! In the chart of the United States, the Moon is the ruler of the 9th house (foreign countries) and describes events outside the territory of this country. All this automatically fits in a Great Cardinal Cross across 0º, the Cardinal T-square on 0º Aries, Cancer and Libra which automatically activates the point across the focus point of this T-square – which is 0º Capricorn in this case, a degree I linked to Israel.

Palestine If we take a look at Palestine‘s chart, we can spot the image of Israel in the symbolism of Saturn on 0º Capricorn, in the 4th house (territory). It‘s also interesting to take a look at the Solar Arc directions of Palestine in the time of the Oslo agreement signing, in 1993. The chart angles make a Grand Cardinal Cross across the 0º degrees.

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After World War I, Palestine became a British colony. In 1947. it was suggested that Palestine should be split into two independent countries – a Jewish one and an Arabian one. However, only the Jewish country of Israel was created, which annexed some territories that were supposed to belong to the Arabian (Palestinian) country. The parts of Palestine not included into the territory of Israel (the West Coast and the Gaza Belt) were then added to Jordan‘s and Egypt‘s territories. During the war in 1967. Israel claimed the territories of the West Coast and the Gaza Belt, where the autonomous Palestinian National Authority would be formed in 1994. Ten years later, in 2004, Israel retreats from the Gaza Belt, still keeping the West Coast under its control. The Palestinian organization Hamas overtook control of the Gaza Belt in 2007, forming an autonomous Palestinian government opposed to the Palestinian government on the West Coast. On November 29th, 2012. Palestine was upgraded to non-member observer state status in the United Nations. If we search the ephemeris for eclipse dates, we can find three eclipse events that could have influenced these events: The first was a solar one, which occurred after the six day war, on June 22nd, 1968. on 29º 30‘ Virgo which is quite the trigger for the Great Cardinal Cross on 0º degrees. After this eclipse, in February of 1969., the Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, the successor of the Father of the Nation, David BenGurion, suddenly died. Levi himself had an important role during the six day war. 14 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Then there was another solar eclipse on 29º 20‘ Virgo (On September 22nd, 2006.), in the aftermath of which Hamas took over control over the Gaza Belt (during 2007.). Palestine‘s status in the United Nations was upgraded after the famous lunar Millennial Eclipse in 2010. on 29º 21‘ Gemini. The last eclipse (a solar one) happened on March 20th, 2015. on 29º 27‘ Pisces. The last, 29º degree of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are definitely important, since they are the ‘gateway’ to the 0º degrees of cardinal signs.

The harmonic point on 4º Capricorn If we take a look at the relationship of Palestine and Israel in the chart of Palestine, then we need to make the harmonic point chart between Mercury (the ruler of Palestine‘s Ascendant) and Saturn which represents Israel in the chart of Palestine. We can spot the harmonic point on 4º Capricorn (inconjunction with the Moon (people of Israel) at 4º Leo in Israel‘s horoscope), exacly the degree where we can find the Solar Arc Sun of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during 2015. Across the Zodiac, on 4º Cancer, there‘s the Ascendant (Asc of Israel 29 º Libra) ruler in Israel‘s chart. On September 28th, 2015 there was a lunar eclipse on 4º Aries, which activated this harmonic point by making a square. The position of Venus in this chart is also interesting – exactly 0º of the cardinal sign of Libra. Anyway, the fact that the last U.S. president Barrack Obama‘s Solar Arc Sun was at 4º Libra in that moment (28th September, 2015) makes this very important, because it represents the involvement of the United States in the events between Israel and Palestine. This is also a representation of a conflict (square) between Obama and Netanyahu. The conflict seems unavoidable, since the White House warned the Israeli prime minister that it will stop giving support to its ally in the United Nations, also hinting at a change of course in politics when it comes to Near East. The warning came after the Israeli prime minister declared that he won‘t allow the Palestinians to create a country. Everything points to a possible beginning of a conflict between the U.S. and Israel in the autumn of 2015, the ‗gateway‘ to this being previously opened by the eclipse on 29º Pisces in March...

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Donald Trump in Israel 2017 Donald Trump (the current US president) had visited Israel on 22 May 2017. Tertiary Moon of US was exactly at 0 º Capricorn! In other hand, midpoint of Venus and Jupiter in US horoscope is at 4 º Cancer 26‘, in opposition with 4 º Capricorn – the harmonic point which I‘ve mentioned. In other hand, Trump‘s Venus (ruler of his MC) in Solar Arc is during 2017 at 4 º Libra, squaring 4 º Capricron. There will be the Solar eclipse at 4 º Capricorn on 26th December, 2019. This may be very important for the relationship between Israel and US, because, than Trump will have in Solar Arc directions Saturn at 4 º Libra. After all, in the horoscope of Israel we can see Venus (diplomacy, as ruler of 8th – conflicts) at 4º Cancer. Also, it is interesting that 8th house starts at 28 º Taurus 32‘, very close with 29 º Taurus – ‟anaretic‟ degree and the place of The Pleiades, or „Seven Sisters― (it‘s well-known that they are crying in myth).

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Trump is the only US president who had visited the famous Wailing Wall. Before him, Barack Obama had visited too, but in 2008, before he was elected. ~ Chart sources: "The Book of World Horoscopes" Nicholas Campion "Horoscopes of the USA and Canada", Marc H. Penfield,_David,_Barack,_Donald,_Benjamin

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor, founder and owner of IAMINFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, graduating in October 2010, after studying International Law at Belgrade University. She is an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.) and a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She specializes in mundane astrology and she practices karmic/hermetic astrology, astrology of degrees/archetypes (mythology, fixed stars) and synastry. She is writing her first book Special Degrees in Mundane Astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR‘s International Astrologer. Smiljana is a speaker at astrological conferences in Serbia and abroad. She blogs at in English and in Serbian.

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Happy Solar Return TMA! (24th November 1987 – 24th November 2017)

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM A GUEST Interview with Tem Tarriktar

Smiljana Gavrančić

IAM: The Mountain Astrologer (TMA) celebrates its 30th Solar Return on 24th November, 2017! IAM Infinity wish you all the best! We are so honored to host you in our Nov/Dec issue! It is a great number, 30 years you are on astrological market. We suppose you have a lot of memories? You leave behind you your 1st Saturn return, two Jupiter‘s returns also, which means that you‘re now grow enough to continue with your journey. Saturn enters Capricorn, and it will go over the Moon of TMA too – so big time infront of you? Can you tell us how did you get idea to found your magazine on 24th November, 1987? TMA: The magazine started as an 8-page publication. I wasn‘t planning on starting a magazine, but a one-page flyer wasn‘t enough to attract attention to my own astrological services at the time, so I wrote an article on the astrology chart of a local plutonium processing facility and added some 12-sign forecasts, plus my own ad on the back cover — and called it The Mountain Astrologer because I lived in Nederland, Colorado at the time. I didn‘t use astrology to time the start of the magazine, it just started happening. When I realized what I was doing (writing an article with the intention to make it a magazine), I took note of the time that I had started writing, which was about 12:05 p.m. We just posted our 30th anniversary issue (Dec. 2017/Jan. 2018 issue) for our digital subscribers, in which I tell the story of the early days of the magazine. I received a great deal of help from people inside and outside of the astro-community over the years to help TMA develop into an important hub for astrological communication, and hopefully it has helped the public understand what astrology really is. IAM: On 14th March, 2017, there was the first Pluto‘s crossing over the Moon of TMA (19° Capricorn 04‘). I suppose that TMA is going through some transformation and some kind of rebirth? For example, I founded my online magazine IAM, with progressed Moon at my natal Pluto at 21° Libra, and I use to say that IAM is my „baby―. So, are you preparing something new from TMA in a time ahead? Maybe TMA is enough now grow to have some its „delivery―? As the Moon is ruler of 6th in TMA chart – maybe some new people will work for it? TMA: The transit of Pluto over TMA‘s Moon appears to be upcoming staff changes (retirement, cutback of hours, etc.), which are scheduled to occur in spring of 2018. I am also thinking about who will run this business in the years ahead, if I can find the right person, someone who is interested in having their life taken over by a magazine — as mine was. I have done it for 30 years now, and some new leadership would be good for everyone (especially me!). TMA is clearly an entity with its own chart, having its own ―karma‖ — my work with TMA is clearly a relationship, not an ―ownership,‖ 20 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 although legally speaking I do own it. My own Sun and Ascendant fall on the Descendant of the magazine‘s chart, and its MC is conjunct my North Lunar Node. IAM: Jupiter just entered Scorpio, making crossing over Mars (ruler of 9th – publishing, abroad, etc.) at 0° Scorpio in TMA chart, and preparing to touch later Pluto and Mercury in 9th, too. Could this be some kind of growing in a year ahead? More pages, or more markets abroad? Or...? TMA: It could be more exposure for TMA overseas, or more significant collaboration with a hightraffic astrology website. Also, the number of ads in TMA has expanded in the last few months, as Mars also rules TMA‘s second house. It is unlikely to result in more editorial pages, though, because many issues of TMA already seems like a double issue to our readers. It is ―too much to read‖ before the next one arrives in the mail, we are told. But for those who can‘t get enough of the magazine, TMA has just this month made available 60 digital back issues from 1997–2006; many of those issues (with some incredible articles) have been out of print for years, so we finally had them scanned and made into PDF files — a total of 7,700 pages! (Info at: ). IAM: Two years ago, progressed Sun of TMA came at 0° Capricorn! What did happen than? Also, I wonder what may happen for about 4 years (2020/21) when progressed Sun will make conjunction with Neptune in TMA chart? TMA: Just as the progressed Sun entered Capricorn, a lot of time and energy was put in to modernizing the design, upgrading our fonts, and enacting some new marketing projects. The business changed from a sole proprietorship to a LLC. I also met with a business advisor and CPA who helped with our accounting and recordkeeping practices. When the progressed TMA Sun reaches the magazine‘s natal 11th-house Neptune, we‘ll probably be making videos or be involved in mass media projects. IAM: What do you think about astrological journals all over the world? And what kind of colaboration do you have with them? For example, IAM is so honored to have TMA‘s cover in every issue. TMA: We support other journals and other bloggers as much as possible. We often point authors to other journals if the article is too technical or specialized for TMA‘s readership, or if we are overbooked for the year ahead. And we will sometimes ask to reprint articles from other journals if we feel that most of our readership doesn‘t have access to that journal. Our blog appears every two weeks; we often review and list other astrological blogs. We routinely review books and software, and once every other year we compile and review the educational resources available to students of astrology. When I started TMA in the 1980s, there was much more competitiveness amongst astrologers and astrological organizations. In the last few decades, that has changed. There is now a stronger sense of community and much more cooperation, at least from my viewpoint. IAM: Do you have some advice for IAM? TMA: You are doing a great job of networking, staying open to many different writers and topics, and covering recent news events. I know that is a huge amount of work, and I congratulate you. (I like the Aquarius version of IAM‘s chart — it seems to fit better, doesn‘t it? And IAM‘s Sun is on TMA‘s Aquarius ascendant.) My advice is to get as much help as you can from people with different skills, or skills that balance your own skills. If you find a way to monetize what you are doing, that might help 21 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 you to find and pay those people to do things you don‘t have the time or inclination for. The trick is to find a good balance between Jupiter and Saturn. Good luck! IAM: The Mountain Astrologer and UAC 2018? TMA: TMA will have a trade show booth at UAC. I look forward to seeing everyone there in Chicago, especially TMA subscribers. IAM: Are you going to come at 50th AA conference and its 60th Solar Rturn in June 2018? TMA: I would love to be able to travel in June to my first AA conference. However, with UAC in May, and the demands of our publishing schedule, it would be a minor miracle for me to be able to travel overseas at that time. I have my fingers crossed! ~ If anyone would like to find out more about TMA, or subscribe to it, our website is and Tem can be reached at

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM A GUEST Interview with Wendy Stacey

„I am an Diamond In The Sky― Smiljana Gavrančić IAM: Hello dear Wendy! We are so honored and happy to host you in our regular column IAM A GUEST! As a chair person of The Astrological Association can you tell Us how one woman is dealing with that? If we take the fact that you are at the same time the principal at Mayo Astrological School, – do you have time for your private life, family, your wonderful dog Sky and some your new book maybe soon? WS: Thank you Smilijana and a pleasure to be interviewed. Yes, I do tend to juggle quite a bit but fortunately with quite a few planets in Leo and Virgo it all seems to get done. The AA is an honour to work for and serving the astrological community. We have a great board of people with specialised roles so we all have a lot to do. My family, pets and home also take up a lot of time but I wouldn‘t want it any other way. I tend to be buried in astrology work with teaching, student work, clients so the other things that matter to me such as completing my Unaspected Planets book and my 2020 and Beyond book tend to get delayed more than I hoped for – but that‘s OK. IAM: The Astrological Association will celebrate its 60th Solar Return in June 2018, when there will be at the same time 50th Astrological Conference „Diamonds In The Sky―?! You have your part in organisation of all of this as chair person of AA. Can you share with Us some details? I have to tell you that AA choosed such a beautiful title for the next conference! When I‘ve hosted Victor Olliver (the editor of Astrological Journal) recently, I‘ve asked him does he has some his own „army―, and he mentioned you as one of person among his army. So, now I am asking you, do you have some your own „army― to help you with organisation regarding events in 2018? WS: Organising conferences does get easier every year. The details are many but much of it is fun – particularly searching for the venue – the negotiations with that venue are always interesting. We, the board then decide on speakers and I send the invites out and co-ordinate the programme. There are always lots of little bits to do – which again, my Virgo and 6th house planets help and the rest of the board have their roles in what they do as well. Ha ha my army, Victor, Karen, Roy and the AA board, Frank Clifford, Cat Keane, I think I have quite a few.  23 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM: How did you get into astrology? Do you remember how and when you met Roy Gillett (the present president of the Astrological Association)? WS: I was first introduced to astrology when I went for a reading in 1987 when I was 19. I was going through a big yellow telephone book looking for something for someone and came across an astrologer and thought that might be interesting. I went for a reading and was so astounded I asked how I could learn this. I started classes the following Thursday and never looked back. I met Roy in 1999. I was doing my FAS exams and was trying to find birth times for some of the examples I was using and was directed to the Astrological Associaton which I immediately joined. Within a couple of months I saw an advertisment in the AA‘s then Transit publication asking for a new Treasurer who had finance and property experience. As an astrologer who had worked in chartered accounting, finance and had just started a property development business in West London I thought the advert was speaking to me... again, working in this way for the astrological community was so fulfilling. I never looked back... I contacted the office and Roy called me, we had a great long chat and he supported my application. We have been working closely for over 18 years now. He is full of energy and enthusiasm and is a tremendous support and asset to the AA. IAM: What are plans after 50th Astrological Conference? We suppose that something big is coming to Us? Some new cycle maybe? WS: We hope to build on the conference and offer attendees lots of new and wonderful things to enjoy. It will be a big celebration being our 60th birthday but also a great celebration for astrologers and to bring the community together. We are an eclectic group of all ages and backgrounds and have various approach to our great art so we are hoping this will be a memorable event. IAM: Since Victor Olliver came as editor of the Astrological Journal, We all feel some new spirt, new trend, new air! What do you think about the Astrological Journal‘s image in the world, its trend and its future? After all, I think that AJ is the oldest astro journal on astro market and for many of Us you are an symbol of prestige! WS: Victor is a dream editor! Yes, he has taken the journal and rocketed it... he has made it more inclusive, accessible, and injected a lot of fun and interesting stuff. The Journal has always been percieved as too highbrow and perhaps a little grey but he has managed to balance the highbrow and content with other interesting quality for everyone. IAM: What about Mayo Astrological School? Can you tell Us something more about school programe? WS: The Mayo school was established in 1973 by Jeff Mayo. I took over the school in 2007. I am proud to say we were the first school in the UK to offer online learning. We offer certificate and diploma programmes, hold events including an annual conference with the LSA each year. We have several webinars (many free to the public) throughout the year and our aim is to offer students access 24 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 to astrological learning, from anywhere in the world. The school is very Libra-Sag so has a gentle approach that focuses on interpreting the natal chart. Why I was drawn to the Mayo and what appealed to my 9th House Sagittarian Moon is that students come from all the globe. IAM: What do you think about your synastry with IAM old and new one chart? Is there some strong connection which explain our great collaboration since beginning? I AM using this opportunity to say you Thank You, in public, for all your support, energy, you are giving to our magazine! WS: You are welcome Smilijana, it has always been so easy and such a pleasure to support you not only because you do such a brilliant job – but your intentions are great and your heart is in the right place. I love what you are doing. Interestingly, the Saturn on the old IAM chart is on my Moon and in the new IAM chart, it is on my MC. Perhaps there is some ‘glue‘ there! Jupiter in the old chart is close to my Sun and in the new chart, my Venus is now on the MC. This is lovely synastry and clearly whatever chart, am always happy to support! IAM: Beside the UK‘s Charles Harvey award for ‗Exception Service to Astrology‘, will be some other award at the 50th AA Conference (June, 2018)? Maybe some Diamond for someone? WS: Ha ha, that hasnt been decided... everyone will have to come and see.  Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London School of Astrology. She is the Chairperson for the Astrological Association (since 2002), has written over 50 articles for students in the Astrological Journal and lectures globally on psychological, mundane, research and financial astrology. She is the author of books Consulting with Astrology (2012), Uranus Square Pluto (2012, The Houses by Element (2016), Astrology and Relationships (2016) and contributed to The New Generation (2012) and The Professional Astrologer (2016). In 2014, Wendy was the recipient of the UK‗s Charles Harvey award for ‗Exception Service to Astrology‗. Her website is and she can be contacted at

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IAM VICTOR Julie Burchill: the crab that roared Victor Olliver

British writer Julie Burchill‘s middle name may as well be Acrimony (making the acronym JAB). Whichever publication she writes for (it would be simpler to list the no-go titles) controversy is certain to follow. In addition to her countless print media opinion pieces and reviews, she has written books – including bestselling novel Ambition and lesbian teen romance Sugar Rush, adapted into an Emmy award-winning Channel 4 TV series. The self-described militant feminist and ‗Christian Zionist‘ lives a hedonistic lifestyle by the English south coast in Hove, East Sussex. How come she seems not to be like her Crab Sun-sign but more a Lion?

Over the last four decades Julie Burchill has discharged a prose blunderbuss at assorted targets, scattering brilliant and irregular shot for the entertainment of the cross-legged or hunched: for tetchy seated people who post a lot of short messages on Facebook and Twitter. Her word-projectiles rip through the faux flesh of exaggerated or self-concocted or celebrity stupidity or cupidity so that we, the seated, may wallow vicariously in the tomato sauce of manufactured gore. No one really dies or suffers injury – though a hit may trigger performance rage in ‗victims‘ prior to return fire in self-serving media storms comparable to a Mardi Gras. No one loses in Burchill rows, least of all Burchill herself: she lives in some comfort on England‘s sunny south coast for which she 27 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 gives her money‘s worth. She produces all the effects of controversy without the risks of real-world fatwa or vendetta. Her genre is like a video war game such as Call of Duty through which the ambient and purposeless anger of consumer loafers can be vicariously doused. Recliningly. God knows how many murders and random acts of violence she has headed off. Arise, Dame Jules! Burchill‘s passions may be countless and variable, long- or short-term: Israel, transsexuals, Madonna, Thatcher, ex-husbands, God or god; you name it – but each hate or love lacks nothing in authenticity. She‘s even taken a pop at astrology. A visceral passion is stirred, precipitating an internal storm of memorable phrases in a chain-reaction of guided, populist irrationalism. These phrases are the building blocks of (at best) sublime comic invective (or occasional, romantic billet-doux, depending on her mood) that can be tailored to suit just about any medium‘s demographic profile, whether The Sun‟s or The Spectator‟s or The Jewish Chronicle‟s or anything in between or beyond. Around the time of her second Jupiter-Jupiter opposition, she was plucked from nowhere at the age of 17 by a youth-slavering New Musical Express. She never really looked back and these days is still the biggest of the very, very few big freelance beasts of British journalism, the periodic newspaper star-signing and banner marketing name. She is also a notable salonnière, drawing any number of writers and others to her table – once at London‘s Groucho; these days, at Brighton venues – for friendship or a crosspollinating natter. Her manner at these leisurely craics is that of an adoring fan who seeks your instant intimacy (personal space soon narrows as she fills you in on her alcohol, drugs or literary consumption): yet, no matter the opiate of choice under which she claims to steer, the wise guest will notice how very alert she remains to her company, preternatural in her mind-reading and conversational anticipations. And she exudes a great blast of mind-altering warmth. All this contrasts wildly with the public persona which is uncompromising, predatory, boastful, bombastic, insulting; sometimes cruel or shameless – culturally sussed and super-canny and dedicatedly notice-moi. The pose prose is crystal sharp. Humour is her weapon of choice. No vogue word or idea dodges her conscription. She is a creative, hot-desking opportunist with multiple causes, even if at this moment she calls herself ―semi-retired‖ and is planning an autumn life of voluntary work.

The Burchill natal chart She was born on 3 July, 1959, in Bristol, UK. Burchill told me herself that birth clock-time is unknown so I have drawn up the midday chart and we should ignore houses and angles. I‘ve heard people express surprise that she is a Cancerian. Her ‗superior‘, mercurial, erratic and confrontational life-approaches hardly fit the traditional profile of the conservative, supposedly risk-averse Crab. Her horoscope reveals why the apparent disconnect. She‘s not labelled a ‗firebrand‘ for nothing. She has four planets in fiery, proud Leo – Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus in a dominant stellium – and pars fortuna in Leo, an indicator of means of success. She needs others‘ recognition to experience contentment, as well as ample space to demonstrate her gifts in a showy, noisy, possibly flamboyant way. 28 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Self-expression is integral to her primal nature to a highly advanced extent. Horoscopically, she‘s one of nature‘s show-offs, a conclusion any astrologer would reach even if s/he did not know the chart in question was Julie Burchill‘s. An added power bonus to this stellium is outof-sign Pluto, just seven degrees off in Virgo; the sign of its putative fall (unlikely to be of discernible relevance in my view in a personal chart). Here is the execution through the rigour of self-control. This underlines, among other things, her prose punch and analytical/critical bent, the withdrawal into the solo world of the mind and keyboard where her power is sourced (Mercury ruler and Pluto).

So, in many respects, Burchill is leonine: the socially adventurous queen bee (to mix species), generous and loyal – and capable of amazing generosity (Venus); bold, passionate and courageous, and an excellent organiser (she does not miss deadlines) – but inclined to pushiness, impulsiveness and boastfulness (Mars); an expressive and versatile ‗dramatist‘ in speech and writing (Mercury); and abundant with creative energy, hugely self-confident but probably highly stubborn and bossy and certainly inclined to perversity or surprise perspectives (Uranus). Though Leo is traditionally a warming sign, Uranus masks calculation and perhaps signals a blowy hot-cold sort of person: this, with social Venus close by in the blending stellium, suggests an individual who can adeptly and quickly turn on the charm but often for specific ulterior purposes. Leo Venus ramps up the showiness and likelihood of good earnings and a dynamic social life. Note, also, that her Venus is exactly conjunct pars fortuna, often denoting exceptional charm, striking good looks and the role of ‗partnership‘ (business or personal) as integral to progress. Uranus here draws her into 29 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 unconventional relationships and friendships: even if I didn‘t know her personal history I would have to say that private life is likely to be turbulent and prone to sudden partings (she is twice divorced). Saturn trine Venus can denote major difficulties and duplicities in close bonds, but also growing happiness in partnership with maturity. Uranus however assures a break from the norm in domestic set-up. She says she now lives with husband Daniel (who otherwise occupies a place in another part of town), but who knows? Few outside their long union are certain. Does she still talk to his sister Charlotte Raven, her former lover? She has been very rude about ex-husband Cosmo Landesman yet last December the pair made an appearance together at a public reading, recalling affectionately their first-ever meeting (lots of hot sex and cold vodka). The Leo archetype blazes in an unhindered natal chart – as in the case of Burchill – displaying an almost regal sense of entitlement to life‘s gifts and perquisites. If her Cancer Sun inclines her, perhaps surprisingly, to the personal security and cosiness of family – and/or to the adopted ‗family‘ of her social coterie – then Leo makes her their uncompromising defender. She will be ferocious in seeing off attackers, though the large-heartedness of Leo may allow forgiveness even if Cancer clings quietly to the hurt. When the newspaper columnist Suzanne Moore was accused of transphobia in 2013, close pal Burchill valiantly counter-attacked critics as self-appointed champion and drew a lot of flak. Burchill‘s personal needs are expressed overtly. The home theatre seeks a drama. (Fans of Black Moon Lilith [i.e. not a planet but a geometrical point - Moon‘s farthest point from Earth] – defined by some as an emerging feminine power archetype in the horoscope – may note that it is square the Leo stellium via Mars and Venus, indicative of power-related conflicts in the life and, at the very least, turbulent associations.)

When I met Burchill I had some small experience of Burchill‘s leonine nature a few years back, for good or not. The summons arrived by email one day: my then Madame Arcati media blog pleased her and she invited me to join her and others for lunch at the Hotel du Vin, Brighton. The moment we met she soaked me in charm, affection and admiration, as if we were old friends. Venus-pars fortuna could not be bettered in display. I was responsive: her Venus conjoins my Pluto (opposition Lilith); so that‘s another story of complicated mutual attraction and power triggers. How we all purred. I wondered whether we‘d rubbed noses before. At table she seated me between herself and her local vicar. When in later conversation the man-in-frock asked me what was the point of my Madame Arcati website, she suddenly turned from mid-bantering with someone to her left and replied for me – ―to tell the truth‖. I was impressed by that. Not just by the answer (judged correct if not flattering) but by her perceptual 30 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 multi-tasking and feline sharp ears. Afterwards, she invited some of us back to her apartment in Hove. There she said to me, ―I read your blog - and I never read blogs.‖ It was meant as a compliment but it was also another way of saying that big is looking down on small. I thought it mean-spirited of me to interpret her otherwise big heart in this way, especially after she spontaneously took down an Italian ceramic wall tile (featuring a pussy cat with the words ―Attenti al Gatto‖ – beware the cat) and gifted it to me on my way out. The next day she emailed me an invitation to join her and another at very short notice on a 5-star overseas holiday at her expense – yet another example of extraordinary Leo-Venus liberality. I refused of course. Friends thought I was mad not to say Yes to a freebie with (omigod!) Julie Burchill. But experience has taught me to beware idiosyncratic charm offences. It had struck me as odd, for instance, that she had asked me no questions about my personal life situation at the lunch or her flat – she never did. Later, she wrote of our ―bromance‖ in an email. And she sent me a truly excellent lyric poem she‘d penned for a pop star. Leo was in full gush; Leo-Venus at her most Santa-esque. But the truth in my mean suspicion was proved to me at a subsequent get-together in London. She‘d invited a few friends to join her and husband Daniel at a drinks in One Aldwych‘s Lobby Bar – she was celebrating a Sunday Times Magazine deal or something – I think she‘d sold them a short story. One well-known female tabloid hack was off her head on booze and gazed at me with undisguised dismissiveness as she draped herself over a sofa and chirruped at Julie. A small-time radio jock treated me to his absolute certainty that there‘s no such thing as an afterlife and that all psychics are frauds. No research was mentioned. I prepared to get away sooner than planned. Perhaps Julie sensed an attitude in me – I was now in an offish mood - but at some point she leaned over and muttered in a pissed, whispery snarl, ―Just remember, I‘m the star here‖, before quickly moving on and talking sweetly about something else. The distant roar of the lioness had just been heard in this boutique hotel jungle. Attenti al gatto? I had been put me in my place. It was a mark of her journalistic royalty that she had not even bothered to discover what my place might be.

Burchill and Israel – a love story Returning to Burchill‘s horoscope: Cancer Sun usually bestows a maternal air, moodiness and/or fluctuating interests (likely more so in Burchill‘s case with Moon in capricious but ever-curious and clever Gemini). In person the Crab tends to gentleness and accommodation as a rule, resorting to sidling ways if confounded. The combination of Cancer-Leo upholds fidelity and self-responsibility. Leo‘s wild, creative exuberance is restrained by the Sun-Saturn opposition – this is an individual who does not in general forget her responsibilities, but she tends to clash with authority. An uneasy alliance exists between others‘ power and her ego.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 What else? As I just mentioned, her Moon (emotional nature – and ruler of her Sun-sign) is in Gemini (the communicator/writer, ruled by Mercury in Leo): this tells me that she is a dominant presence, and comfortable in media settings. She will like the company of fellow communicators, writers, speakers and teachers. Her responses are sharp and direct. She won‘t be slow in repartee or reply to emails or texts. The instinct to speak up and out will be irresistible; nervous strain sometimes palpable. She has a need for much surface stimuli; is easily bored. Moon‘s trine to North Node in Libra speaks of excitability and a pronounced admiration for courage and achievement; but also of a less obvious quest for serenity and/or soul connection – through partnership, or relationship with a god or God or Life. Her growing interest in volunteering may apply here. Astrologically, the life challenge is to view all sides of an argument (see the nodal Aries-Libra axis). Given the tyrannous Leo richness of the chart this may appear to be a tall order. Nonetheless, the lesson is indicated – beneath the posing, posturing, blather and noise, the soul yearns for synthesis or harmony even if the ‗professional‘ in her seeks this through vain, one-sided victory. Perhaps her sense of kinship with Israel is part of this. On this last point, astrologers may like to note that modern Israel – which Burchill strongly identifies with - has (like Burchill) four planets in Leo (including Mars, widely conjunct Burchill‘s Mars) and that Israel‘s Mercury is one degree short of exact Burchill‘s Moon in Gemini, suggesting that the nation‘s extremely bold and courageous or ruthless qualities resonate sympathetically with her internal need to live life through passion, demonstration and certainty. Her heart is drawn to the country‘s spirit and turbulent narrative, quite aside from other considerations.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Typical Cancerians are already sensitive to mood. In Burchill, both Jupiter and Neptune are found in delving, sensitising Scorpio. Neptune here especially intensifies peripheral awareness, bolstering capability for picking up on all sorts of subtle cues (social, psychic, etc – think about the way she followed my conversation at the Hotel du Vin with her vicar while she spoke with someone else) and using this data both for insight and assault. Her claim to be indifferent to criticism is not really borne out by her Neptune (or Moon) – quite the reverse in fact. This blustery hubris is her Leo stellium talking, a proud beast that rarely admits a bleed. Neptune trine Sun, sextile Pluto (which co-rules Scorpio) - artistic talent and psychological insight are formidable. Square the Leo stellium, Neptune‘s love of dreams and glamour can get the better of Burchill – her celebration of a hedonistic lifestyle being but one expression of this escapist trait. Jupiter square Leo stellium points to huge creative energies but also to larger-than-life characteristics, a tendency to exaggerate, dramatise, over-spend or distort. These are not inevitable features, simply potential. The chart shape of Burchill‘s chart is called a Locomotive because the principal planets fill about twothirds of the wheel, leaving about one-third unoccupied: the planetary arrangement resembles a train and is often associated with people who leave their stamp on all that they do. The primary ‗engine‘ of this pattern is the Gemini Moon. If I did not know this was Burchill‘s chart I would say: ―At a glance this tells me of highly emotive judgements, excitability, volubility, endless curiosity about people and powerful reaction to opposition or disapproval. At best, intellect and intuition form a powerful duo foranalysis and expression. This person knows how to hit a nerve. In some with this combination, distrust of the so-called irrational way of life sits uncomfortably with a highly subjective life perspective.‖ With a beneficial sextile between Moon and the Leo stellium planets, media accomplishment is directly linked to contentious, mischievous and lion-hearted performance. It would be entirely fair to say that Burchill is making the most of her natal gifts – and you don‘t have to be an astrologer to see that.

PS: This piece, but for a few amendments, appears in my book Lifesurfing: Your Horoscope Forecast Guide 2015. At the time of release, I was no longer in touch with Julie – partly because of the goings-on at One Aldwych (as described above), partly because I didn‘t like her public comments on transsexuals following the Suzanne Moore social media eruption; and generally because as much as I admire the Beast That Is Burchill I did not feel any sense of personal communication between us: we were just semaphoring at each other in a one-sided opiate haze. One Monday morning in February 2015 there was a warm surprise message for me on my Facebook page – from Julie. This is what she wrote: ―I'm reading your book LIFESURFING, with me in it! The Israel stuff is UNCANNY! It's SO good! - JB XX PS Sorry if I was a pain, I was in my Neely O'Hara years. Failure has made me FAR nicer‖. How could I not be moved by such an outrageous play to my ego, leaving aside the hearty compliment?

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 What impressed me most was her failure to be predictable. She could have said, ―How dare you write about a private occasion and not seek my permission first! How you‘re going to suffer!‖ A surprise can cause me to warm to just about anyone, provided it‘s not a kick in the butt. But then her Mercury conjoins my Uranus, making a mutual friend of impulse and open communication. If I know JB at all it‘s largely thanks to her horoscope. And she has not challenged anything in this piece (yet). Julie Burchill‘s latest book is Unchosen: The Memoirs of a Philo-Semite

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers‘ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.

The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here is the details: . Alternatively, you can buy individual copies - email

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM A GUEST Interview with Meskalila Nunzia Coppola

Smiljana Gavrančić

IAM: Dear Meskalila, IAM is very honored to host you in our regular column IAM A GUEST! Welcome! You have been lived in India for 15 years, can you tell Us how did you get in touch with this country? Also, as I am mapping Zodiac by degrees, I found India ―vibes ―at 29° Taurus/ O° Gemini – does this place within the Zodiac mean something to you? MNC: Many thanks to you, dear Smiljana. I feel very honored to be hosted in IAM. • My attraction towards India was already alive from my childhood. And then I was so lucky to live my youth during the Seventies when the universe was in the right tune to guide me, a child of flowers, to discover my soul in India. My first 5 years were spent around the Indian subcontinent with my rucksack only containing astrological books and notepads for exercises. Then I settled in Tarapith, West Bengal for the next 10 years. • Honestly, I must say that I am not well acquainted with mapping Zodiac by degrees. The Anaretic degree in Taurus, and India! I need to delve into this subject with seriousness and dedication, as you Smiljana are doing since longtime. I will start by studying your research about this. Thanks for your precious work. IAM: Reading your biography, only one feeling followed me, all the time – ―She is so spiritual‖ – I said to myself! Also, I felt how you are caring, maybe this is my Moon in Cancer, in conjunction with your Sun?! What spirituality is for you? Is there some your own definition? Do you think that in one chart we can see on which spiritual level is some person? You are also so involved into karmic astrology? What about yoga in your life? MNC: Yes, surely your Moon is vibrating with my Sun under the qualities of Cancer: a good unification between mind and soul makes us very close to each other, even if we live many miles away.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 • Spirituality for me means searching for the source of joy wherever you go and whatever you do: both in the material word and in the divine dimension. I believe that spirituality requires human wholeness which embraces Dharma (righteousness according to the cosmic law), Artha (welfare), Kāma (pleasure) and Moksha (spiritual liberation). • If we deeply immerse ourselves into the Nodal story with its cycles we could reach the spiritual level of the person we are in touch with; however, I must admit that this can happen, up to a certain extent, as for any other astrological delineation. • Yes, I am deeply involved with karmic astrology; it is my favorite path towards astral landscapes. Astravidya is the name I have given to the karmic astrology that I practice: an integration of Indian and Tantric astrological principles with modern astrology. • Yoga has been very important in my life. I practice meditation, according to Tantra Vidyā in which I was initiated in Tarapith. Sometimes, while meditating, the difference between the cosmos and myself disappears. Whenever this state of grace happens, if on that very day I meet a consultant or a student, as soon as that person sits next to me, something happens: the chart, the person, myself and the interpretation or the teaching become the one and same entity. Then there is the necessary detachment from this meditative connection, and the consultancy takes its habitual flow enriched by the previous soul exchange. IAM: How did you get in touch with astrology and how idea for having annual astrological conference in Perugia – was born? MNC: I started to be interested in astrology since I was a child. I naively thought that the sky was a forest where I could have had a nice walk. When I understood the reality, I decided that as soon as getting adult I would have studied the laws of the firmament. • The Conference in Perugia was born from the desire to promote our celestial Discipline as an intercultural discipline: the various astrological methods are precious gems all under the one starry sky. IAM: Next year is very special for you, there will be X Astrological Conference in Perugia? Will it be somehow more special? What do you prepare? MNC: Yes, I think something special should be prepared. It will be a surprise. I hope you will be with us and give your precious contribution. IAM: What about astrology in Italy? Are there astrological schools? Does Italy love more traditional or modern astrological approach?

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 MNC: In Italy there are several astrological schools, including Astravidya founded and directed by me. Italians love the modern approach but traditional astrology is starting to be appreciated increasingly. IAM: As ISAR VP for Italy, you are bringing standards and some values in astrological world in Italy. Can you tell Us, in time ahead, will you organize again Isar exams (as part of annual astrological conference in Perugia)? MNC: Yes. I feel deeply involved with ISAR programs and its high standards. I am trying my best to organize ISAR exams as part of the annual conference in Perugia. IAM: What do you think about your Synastry with IAM old and new one chart? Have you noticed some karmic signs? Why did we meet in this life, here and now? Do you have some advices for IAM? MNC: To look for a karmic connection I should use the sidereal system with the Whole Signs Houses. A Synastry, especially between an institution and a single person requires the analysis of multiple factors and the reading of many subtleties. I will only select what immediately affects my attention at a karmic level. • Synastry with the old chart: the most important karmic connection is created by the stubborn Ardrā Nakshatra who links IAM‘s Venus in Gemini on the 11th with my Mercury in Gemini on the 6th. IAM‘s Venus is ruling the 3rd and the 10th. My dignified Mercury in Gemini on the 6th is ruling the 9th. Ardrā is connected to God Shiva who drank the poison during the ―Samudra Manthan-Churning of the Ocean‖ and protected the Cosmos from it. This connection may help each other in merging empathy and mental stability, especially when communicating our ideals and believes. In other words, sympathy must not become a loss of borders, and discernment should not turn into discrimination; here Ardrā is teaching us to be devoted to the cause but cautious. During the service, our sentiments and principles may be churned in the ocean of knowledge together with those of others. • Synastry with the new chart: again Ardrā! Here it creates a link between New IAM‘s Moon in Gemini on the 9th and my Mercury in Gemini on the 6th. New IAM‘s Moon is ruling the 10th. Ardrā gets much stronger here for IAM, as it becomes its natal Nákṣatrā. Everything I have said earlier here seems projected in the field where knowledge, service and collaboration can take place from afar. Awareness of this connection gets stronger if emotional needs and occasional changes are safeguarded as part of IAM‘s paths towards our shared goals. Sometimes small and dreary difficulties may arise between us, especially when unrestrained feelings may impinge upon unbiased but too critical evaluation of the events. Our reciprocal desire to cross over the horizons seems always alive and

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 positive, despite the necessity to merge swift mental energy with narrow or small stepladders that seemingly, may appear unexciting. • In both the synastries our karma crosses the path of devotional service. The karmic suggestion to IAM and to myself under the light of Ardrā is: let‘s continue working with our heart, emotions and mind in the spirit of service to the astrological community. Let‘s accept knowledge from whichever source we can get. Let‘s continue to be resolute and sincere to our mission, even when not enjoying the adequate appreciation we may deserve. And while being good advisers, let‘s avoid the risk to feel or to be felt as the saviors! Under the archetype of Ardrā ruled by Shiva and Rahu we all are a mixture of poisons and gems. • I don't know your TN, but if I take IAM as part of your identity, I can say that we probably met to help each other combining intellectual evidence with feelings. To undergo a good transformation, we may need to accept that our confusion is as real as our knowledge. Ardrā means moist and it is represented by a teardrop. It is ruled by the Shiva-Rudra, the Lord of the storms. By getting liberated from unintegrated mourning or sorrows, we may also avoid projecting our ―dry‖ storm around the environment. We may help each other to change our inner poison into moisturizing tears. The animal-guide for Ardrā is the faithful dog, ready to work in a responsible way unless he feels manipulated! And as a result, our evolution may also encompass the quality and furtherance of our faithful yet self-regulated service to the global astrological community. IAM: You are the founder and president of the Cultural Jayavidya Association? When did you found it and what is your main goal within the same? MNC: I found CJA on the 18th December 2007 at 15:29 in Perugia. The project was born from my desire to spread Astrology, Tantra Vidyā and Gestalt Counselling as tools for self-awareness and collective empowerment. The other goal was and is promoting collaboration between the various people on the various paths of knowledge, so that each diversity may not be experienced as menacing our personal roots, but as enriching and magnifying our backgrounds. Meskalila (Nunzia Coppola) is D.F.Astrol.S, counselor in psychosocial Gestalt, CIDA delegate, ISAR VP and MAPAI. In India, where she lived for fifteen years, she has followed the paths of initiation with Aghori Langta Baba and Jay Kali Brahma Mahi Tara Mahakāla Vināsini. She has trained children with severe multiple disabilities with Nada yoga. She conducts seminars on meditation and Chakras, according to the Shakti path. Expert in cultures, myths and oriental disciplines, she lectured for the Department of Research and sociological methodology at University ―La Sapienza‖, Rome. She is the founder of Astravidya School of Karmic Astrology. An expert in supervision, she conducts workshops by the means of astrological and ancient worldwide myths. She translated into Italian Deborah Houlding‘s ―The Houses. The temples of the sky‖, Edizioni Capone. She wrote with Michele Colafato and others ―Masters, spiritual leadership: paths, models and methods‖, edited by Edition Angeli, 2006. She wrote for the series Psicoguide, edited by Cittadella ―M come meraviglia‖ and ―D come desiderio‖. She wrote ―The Moon and her Goddesses. A way to karmic astrology‖ edited by By Edizioni Capone (Chiaraceleste). She is the founder and president of the Cultural Jayavidya Association. Her site is . She has been awarded as Global Outstanding Astrologer by The Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage. She also won the title of Woman Astrologer 2016 by the same Institute.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Jupiter In Scorpio An essay about the bridge crossed from 29° Libra to 0° Scorpio

Frank C. Clifford Lots to say about the ingress of Jupiter into Scorpio, but I'm particularly interested in the bridge crossed from Libra to Scorpio. The most obvious news item is the scandal of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. This is more about the final weeks/days/degrees of Jupiter in Libra, though. (Just as the economy 'collapsed' when Pluto was at the final degree of Sagittarius – the sign of over-extension, big pay packets and over-spending – its ingress into Capricorn showed the theme of austerity and promoting this idea in the years ahead.) Jupiter in Libra has, in part, been about addressing the imbalances between the genders, seen most vividly with the US Election. The Election (and Brexit) showed us how split the electorate truly was/is – a deep divide reflecting Libra issues linked to gender, our relationships with others, leadership, fairness and corruption. Despite many predicting a time for feminine energy to be at the helm, it seems a long way off. Jupiter, the planet of publicity, fame and 'broad casting', brings moral issues to our attention via the media. As always, we need to *witness* unfairness to want to do something right, to bring opposing factions together or make amends (Libra). Equal rights don't get kickstarted unless there's something unequal going on! We saw the hung jury in the Bill Cosby case as another instance – with the usual (often male) bewilderment of 'If it's true, why did she wait so long to complain?' What it really tells us is that it's tough to do battle with Jupiterian figures such as Cosby and Weinstein – the planet Jupiter is associated with larger than life, powerful promoters with relatively benevolent reputations in the media. It's also associated with belief – and who would believe one person standing alone over another who is rich, famous and powerful? Libra reflects the process of attempting to rearrange and realign that thinking. And the accumulation of *enough* voices so that justice can be done. As a degree, 29° Libra is really the last chance at diplomacy – the final attempt at a diplomatic solution – before it plunges into the no-holds-barred sign of Scorpio. 29° Libra is about taking a moral stand against injustice and speaking up about unfairness *before it's too late*. At 0° Scorpio, we must investigate further, read between the lines and sniff out the *real* story beneath. Or we can just get caught in the rollercoaster drama that both sign and planet can represent.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 It reminds me of when Saturn moved from Libra to Scorpio. While Saturn sat at 29° Libra, we in Britain started hearing about the sordid abuse history of Jimmy Savile. The links are very Scorpionic, but the moral stand was taken during the Saturn in Libra transit (and the *decision* to broadcast the evidence at the final degree of Libra). Saturn's journey through Scorpio reflected the coverups and investigations into the abuse of power in various institutions such as the BBC (all very Saturn in Scorpio), but Libra kickstarted it. For the Weinstein saga, Jupiter in Scorpio will unveil so many more (Jupiter) cases of the abuse of power (Jupiter in Scorpio) and the massive discrepancy between the rights and respect afforded to men and to women in Hollywood (and in any big money industry). We'll see advertised huge (Jupiter) abuses of power, coverups and secrets (Scorpio), but what will it ask of us? Will we question our own tactics, ethics and behaviours? Do we annihilate people based on emotional gut responses before considering the evidence reasonably? Does the end really justify the means? During this transit of Jupiter through Scorpio, we'll be asked to question our deepest beliefs (the ones that are truly emotionally gut-driven) and the value/morality of our motivations. Certainly Jupiter in Scorpio will help us look at the many inequalities and extremes in society, but don't expect too much to change *out there* just yet. Many of us will be too immersed in the sordid detail of these exposés to really look at ways to shift the imbalance. But in the next 12 months, we can work on ourselves, bit by bit. We might have to wait until Saturn and Pluto's sojourns into Aquarius to see society actively working towards a fairer plan of action … ~

The Final Degree in the Natal Chart: Poised for Change The final degree of a sign (29°, the thirtieth degree) in the natal chart is the end of an era. Known as the anaretic degree (or ‗degree of fate‘), it‘s often given a negative spin. Traditional astrologers awarded the malefics rulership over the final degrees of the signs, so that might be part of the reason. Some horary practitioners observe that the querent can do nothing to affect the outcome; it‘s too late to have control over the situation – it‘s a fait accompli. Whereas the 0° planet is taking initial steps on the road ahead and is in the process of envisioning, discovering and mapping out its journey, the planet at 29° senses the end of a familiar path. • We will encounter some of the most challenging facets of that planetary placement. • There‘s a feeling of inevitability and ‗fatedness‘; there‘s no going back; situations are irreversible or irretrievable. There may also be a fascination with that which happened before we were born that cannot be undone – a lifelong mission to come to terms with the circumstances we‘ve been saddled with at birth. • There‘s a knowingness about the dynamics of the sign; by now the planet is a seasoned player – it‘s earned its stripes – and is skilled in that sign; and equipped to deal with issues linked to it. With a natal planet or angle at 29°, we were born to finish the job of that sign; to display (eventual) mastery over its issues. Australian astrologer Anne Button ( ) has done much work on what she calls the ‗potent and insatiable anaretic degree‘ – a degree that demands closure and has an insatiable/craving feeling to it. She refers to that planet being in a ‗liminal‘ space. This is a 40 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 disorientating place of transition, waiting and not knowing – when you have left the tried and true (the comfort zone) but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else. It‘s about learning to navigate and live with the ambiguity and haziness of being in an in-between place.

29° in Forecasting What of the final degree in forecasting? Here are some observations: • It‘s the end of a chapter. We‘re poised for change, but before we jump into a new field of experience (and perhaps an unknown scenario) we must deal with a crisis of sorts … • It‘s a year when some of the most challenging aspects of the sign demand to be seen and resolved. It‘s the end of the line – can we meet the demands before moving on? It‘s the end of a 30-year era and often coincides with an intense twelve months (the final degree) that ‗packs a punch‘ – a time when exaggerated manifestations of that sign appear as life events. • We can truly make our mark by wrapping up long-term endeavours. Positively, that which has been mastered – skills that have been acquired – can be put to good use in these twelve months. This is where the last degree can truly come into its own. It can be a year of distinction or simply concluding a long period of endeavour.

This is an excerpt from Frank‟s article ‟The Power Degrees of the Zodiac: Considering the Meanings of 0° and 29° in the Horoscope‟, which won the ISAR award for Best Article of 2014–2016. An expanded version will be featured in his upcoming volume on Solar Arc Directions (due January 2018).

Frank Clifford has built an eclectic career as a consultant, publisher, lecturer, and writer of a dozen books (including Getting to the Heart of Your Chart). He recently completed a series of mini-books (Humour in the Horoscope, The Midheaven: Spotlight on Success and Dialogues (with Mark Jones)) and continues to write for (and guest edit) The Mountain Astrologer. In 2012, Frank won The Charles Harvey Award, a lifetime achievement award for ‗exceptional service to astrology‘. In 2017, he will begin courses online with The London School of Astrology,, 41 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Weinstein and the Anaretic Degree (29 º) Mandi Lockley The film industry was rocked by allegations in the New York Times on 5th October 2017./1/ that producer and studio executive Harvey Weinstein had been sexually harassing young women, mostly actresses, for decades. Following the first wave of accusations, on October 8th, he was fired from his own business, The Weinstein Company. He was also subsequently suspended from the British Academy and the American Academy, the organisations responsible for the BAFTA and Oscars awards. Born with the Sun at 29 degrees Pisces and the North Node at 29 degrees Aquarius / South Node at 29 Leo, he is sensitive to the 29th, anaretic degree. When a planet, natally or by transit, is at that critical degree it‘s said to be emphasised, powerful. According to the Café Astrology website /2/, with a natal planet at 29 degrees, ―there can be some real issues with decision-making in that part of the personality represented by the energies of the planet‖. It goes on to say that, ―it‘s also associated with a sense of urgency…it can be a point of poor choices, difficulties, crisis or overcompensation.‖ So, for Weinstein, with the Sun and Nodes in the anaretic degree, it‘s about poor decisions, crisis and overcompensation related to his life mission, purpose and direction. It also perhaps represents the playing out of some intense karma (Nodes) - the release of the need to be ‗king‘ of his creative domain (Leo), to be brought back down to the level of the common people (Aquarius). By transit, planets at the aneretic degree can bring crisis and on October 8th, when the scandal began to gain traction, transiting Jupiter at 29 degrees Libra triggered his Sun via a partile Quincunx and his Nodes via a partile Trine to the North Node and sextile to the South Node. Transiting Jupiter was also applying to a Trine with his natal Venus at 3 degrees Pisces (Venus in Pisces a fitting symbol for the actresses he‘s said to have abused). Appearing before reporters a few days later, Weinstein told them, ―we all make mistakes,‖ (reflecting the issue of poor decision-making associated with the anaretic degree) telling the press that he‘d been good to them and asking for a second chance (un-evolved Pisces is prone to inappropriately playing the victim). The Quincunx is interesting. It‘s an awkward aspect between two signs which don‘t see eye to eye and often plays out in the context of relationships. Adjustment is required. In this case, the justice and fairness urgently demanded by transiting Jupiter in the last degree of Libra, awkwardly meets his Sun in the last degree of Pisces. The Sun at the very end of the zodiac could mean that poor life choices are made out of a fundamental difference in how he perceives reality, himself and his life purpose, compared to reality as perceived by his multitudinous victims. The Quincunx from transiting Jupiter to his Sun highlights the irreconcilability of these different points of view - he continues to assert that the sexual acts between him and his accusers were consensual. That his Sun is un-aspected (although there 42 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 may be a Square to the Moon), lends it even more emphasises – he dances to the beat of his own drummer, led by his ego need, perhaps even unaware that his actions were causing so much emotional damage. But he knew he had the power to make or break a young woman‘s career and he used it. Natal Mars in Scorpio tightly Squared to Pluto in Leo is a powerful symbol for using sexual predation to satisfy the urge to wield power and control. Weinstein‘s wife, fashion designer Georgina Chapman, announced she was leaving him on October 10th, the day Jupiter ingressed into Scorpio /3/. On the 11th October, he was more contrite, saying in a statement to celebrity gossip website Page Six, ―I apologise to everyone I have hurt by my actions…I realise I need to work on myself and to change. I am in intense therapy and counselling.‖ Weinstein is now the subject of a number of police investigations in the US and beyond. We don‘t have a birth time for Weinstein, but transiting Pluto in Capricorn is currently Squaring his natal Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction in Aries. During Pluto‘s transit through Capricorn, the historical crimes and transgressions of powerful people and institutions have surfaced and often these have been ‗open secrets‘ or rumours that have circulated for years. Egregious behaviours and actions were tolerated or ignored because the victims felt they had no power, or actually had no power. Under Pluto in Capricorn, however, when a shift change occurred in the collective, these transgressions were finally acknowledged, with the sordid details rising to the surface for all to see and judge, precipitating a crisis. Collective shift changes are of course reflected in Pluto‘s long, slow transits through each sign. In Capricorn it‘s been about revelations that endemic within the culture of major institutions there exists a rotten boil that needs to be lanced, with not undeserving scapegoats (Capricorn) as the central focus. First it was banking culture (the early scapegoat being Fred ‗The Shred‘ Goodwin, CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group). Next, Plutonian crisis rocked the institution of television, in particular the BBC crisis around the exposure of Jimmy Savile‘s prolific child abuse. And now, with these allegations against Harvey Weinstein, it seems that the glamour has fallen away from the movie world, with many saying his actions are just the tip of the iceberg and such behaviour is widespread in the film industry. There is an Interesting astrological correlation between the timing of the full exposes of Harvey Weinstein and Jimmy Savile's abuses of power through sexual assaults on a huge scale (alleged in the case of Weinstein). The 'open secret' about Savile was finally acknowledged publicly when Saturn was just about to go into Scorpio and with Weinstein it was when Jupiter was just about to go into Scorpio. A few differences - there's been no suggestion that Weinstein abused children and also, unlike Savile, Weinstein is still alive to answer for his crimes. Proving that Jupiter isn't always the planet where you 'get away with it.' British actress Emma Thompson, when interviewed on the BBC‘s Newsnight /4/ show made the connection, asking, ―isn‘t it the same story as Jimmy Savile?‖ Referring to news stories that Weinstein was checking himself into rehab for sex addiction (addiction can be a negative expression of Pisces, a way for this sensitive sign to avoid painful realities), 43 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Thompson went on to say, “I don‟t think you can describe [Weinstein] as a sex addict. He‟s a predator – that‟s different. He‟s at the top of, as it were, the ladder, of a system of harassment and belittlement and bullying." Thompson has outspoken Mercury in Aries Sextile Venus and Square Mars and Saturn (speaking up for/fighting for women against male authority figures). She also has Venus in Gemini (again, speaking up for women) Opposite Jupiter, with both Squaring Pluto to form a T-Square, she concluded, "I didn't know about these things, but they don't surprise me at all, and they're endemic to the system anyway…this isn't about one man's crimes against women. This is about our system's imbalances, our system's gender crisis.‖ Under Jupiter in Scorpio there is the potential for this scandal to spread far and wide and of course, Scorpio in its worst expression can be about abuses of power of a sexual nature. Indeed, the #metoo campaign on social media has seen women (and men) in extraordinary numbers, from all walks of life, share, for the first time, their own stories of sexual harassment and abuse.

References How the scandal unfolded: 1 2 3 4 Charts,_Harvey,_Emma Mandi is a London based astrologer and author and former student of the London School of Astrology. She has written for the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain as well as for numerous websites, including her own Astroair blog. She published the e-book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark in 2012 and has also recently been published as a fiction author. She is committed to self development – emotionally, spiritually and intellectually – and believes in doing her best to live life purposefully, in service to others and in harmony with the cycles of the universe. These values are also the focus of her client work. 44 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Harvey Weinstein and the Privileges of Patriarchy Dorothy Oja

Women, have we had enough? Good men where are your voices about the abuses of women? Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, is now past its halfway mark through the sign. This means that we understand many of the situations that have come up socially, culturally and politically during this time. In part, Pluto in Capricorn concerns the patriarchal structure and the control it has wielded in many forms and institutions for centuries. Women have had to fight for equal rights for centuries. In many countries they are still second-class citizens and subjugated by men. Saudi women just recently were given the right to drive cars! Pluto is a 248 year cycle and there have been many changes in the status of women, at least in the United States in the past 248 years. And yet, women are still fighting for equal pay even today. Abusing and forcing women for sexual gratification is still very much in existence in modern culture as evidenced by this past week‘s appalling revelations. And what‘s worse, it was an open secret in Hollywood with many also condoning the behavior and/or looking the other way – the men‘s club – women as objects for pleasure. In the process, many women were victimized. For some women, these experiences have ruined or shaped their future sexual lives and that is an even further tragic consequence of abuse of power.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 This bombshell story is a perfect example of Jupiter in Scorpio which magnifies power, sex and money matters. The Weinstein saga, detailing decades of abuse, broke wide open just as Jupiter entered Scorpio on 10/10/17, to remain for one year until 11/8/18. A journalist was heard saying that most women have a Harvey Weinstein somewhere in their past or perhaps even in their present. This writer can certainly say yes. Sex is addictive and overpowering for some, so much so that it then often leads to overpowering others to get desires met. The negative use of power in combination with money is called entitlement. Because of wealth and status, some persons may feel that they can have anything they want because they can pay for it. Or to have anything they want without paying for it and simply use status as an exchange. (Does this remind you of a famous audio tape we first heard about a year ago?) Harvey Weinstein was born on 3/19/52, Flushing NY, time unknown. A major Hollywood mogul, producer, and studio executive, Weinstein started and ran Miramax Studios with his brother. He was an advocate for human rights and contributed heavily to Democratic candidates and agendas, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. One of the most telling aspects in his chart is Mars, which is powerful in its own traditional sign of Scorpio square Pluto/Leo within one degree. This strong fixed square brings with it powerful desires and shows the relentless pursuit of goals, which we know can work in multiple ways for good or ill. His female planets Moon and Venus are interesting. The Moon in Capricorn is in detriment (opposite the sign it rules, Cancer) and Venus is exalted in Pisces (universal love). A possible interpretation for this is that he loves women (Pisces) but disrespects (Moon/Cap) them or on some level perceives them as props and uses them for his desires. Additionally, the Cap Moon is square Saturn/Libra accentuating a possible cold and calculated attitude toward his emotions, and The Moon is within range of an opposition to Uranus/Cancer. All show some complicated and troubling feelings about what role women play in his life. He has an exact Jupiter/Aries opposite Neptune/Libra which may be squared by the Moon/Cap. We don‘t know the exact degree of the Moon but it is within range. He has Uranus in Cancer which may be opposite the Moon/Cap and square Jupiter/Neptune, albeit in a bit wider aspect. In any case, this is a loose Grand Cardinal Cross and contributes to his energetic drive to succeed and pursue goals. In terms of his welldocumented persuasiveness, we can see that in Mercury/Aries conjunct Jupiter/Aries, opposite Saturn/Neptune/Libra and trine Pluto/Cap. If you heard the audio tape of the actress who was wearing a wire, you have clear evidence of his relentless powers of persuasion. When Jupiter entered Scorpio on 10/10/17, it immediately made an exact trine to Weinstein‘s North Node @ 0 Pisces and his Venus @ 3 Pisces. More and more women are speaking out about their encounters and in some cases rapes, by Weinstein. He was also affected by the Great American Eclipse of 8/21/17, which made an exact inconjunct (150 degrees) to his Sun @ 29 Pisces assuring his life would be transformed and eclipsed – shadow to light. Transiting Pluto also took him down. Pluto made a station @ 19 Capricorn on 4/20/17, which was square his Jupiter/Neptune opposition and possibly close to his Moon. Reports cite that this story was in progress for 10 months and was ready to be printed in June but that NBC chose not to run with it; the reasons for this are not yet known. Pluto/Cap made another station on 9/28/17 @ 16 Cap and this was definitely the trigger for the New York Times to publish the exposé. These Pluto stations directly affected Weinstein‘s Jupiter/Aries opposition to Neptune/Libra and possibly conjoined his Moon/Capricorn. The research and writing was done by none other than Ronan Farrow, the son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, who is estranged from his father because of his sister‘s allegations of sexual abuse by Woody Allen.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 When a birth-time is unavailable, a 0 Aries chart cast for 12Noon is used. Adapted and expanded. Originally published in Dorothy Oja‘s newsmagazine, PlanetWeather.

Dorothy Oja has published her subscription newsmagazine, PlanetWeather for 20 years. She also writes a daily blog on FB: Planetweathernews. Contact Dorothy @ for a sample newsmagazine, information on her consultations, and her webinars. Her most recent project is The Relationship Club (check the FB page) – offering webinars showcasing astrologers with a range of views on relationships - all to enhance a better understanding of how we use astrology with regard to relationships. Dorothy‘s website is being refurbished. Dorothy‘s first book, Planetary Resonance, Everything Leaves a Trace is available on Amazon. She served the community on the Board of AFAN as Chair of its Legal Information Committee, and most recently 16 years on ISAR‘s Board, as developer and Director of its Ethics Awareness Program and Ethics Mediation.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Jupiter Ingress into Scorpio Rod Chang Jupiter will soon move into Scorpio on 10th October (UT13:20). This undoubtedly will unfold a year of Jupiter-in-Scorpio experience, in which our society, culture and politics will focus on Scorpion issues including crisis, fear, darkness, withering, death, transformation, reintegration of resources, reallocation of power, reorganization of affairs, and issues of safety, control and protection, etc. When considering what might come up in this upcoming year, we should never overlook those other planetary placements that happen within the same time-frame. From October 2017 onward, there will be various powerful planetary ingresses and patterns besides this Jupiter ingress – Saturn will enter Capricorn on 20th December 2017, Chiron will move into Aries on 17 April 2018, and more importantly the ingress of Uranus into Taurus on 15th May 2018. All these ingresses symbolise significant changes on economic, cultural, political and social development.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Background – Other Planetary Aspects Before the discussion of Jupiter ingress into Scorpio, we must make sure that we understand one thing – the ingress of a single planet or a single aspect often only gives us part of the whole picture. We should take into consideration the placements and aspects of other planetary transits in order to have a clearer vision of the global situation before us. At the moment, we need to pay attention to these following transit aspects: Jupiter-Uranus opposition, Uranus-Neptune semisquare, and Saturn-Chiron square. The 14-year long Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle symbolises people‘s longing towards reformation and freedom, changes of global view and philosophical perspectives, and technological advancements. Also, it is often associated to entrepreneurs, economic liberalisation and financial liberalisation. The upcoming Jupiter-Uranus opposition will take place before Jupiter moves into Scorpio, which might mean that people realise what free trade, as a result of globalisation, has brought forth. This opposition may also explain why people deny others‘ human rights, but at the same time insisting that such denial comes from their religious freedom of speech. Jupiter in Scorpio may be explaining the crisis originated from these attitudes, leading us to consider and contemplate such issues.

Uranus – Neptune cycle Besides, Uranus and Neptune are also worth our consideration. Lately, Uranus and Neptune continually form semisquares, and this will keep affecting us until the end of 2018. Not only does this aspect symbolise the significant awareness of people when they chase after their ―ideal‖ society, but also the first hard aspect of them after these two outer planets after their conjunction in Capricorn in 1993. This aspect also brings forth an important decision-making timing. Andre Barbault points out that the Uranus-Neptune synodic cycle is closely related to some important ideological progression, with the previous one (1821-1993) specifically chronicled the starting point of modernisation of human civilisation. Industrial Revolution undoubtedly has brought us a rapid economic and technological evolution, but it has also widened the rich-poor disparity. Karl Marx was concerned about how entrepreneurs deprived labourers and criticised European right-winged regimes – these all took place between 1846-1849, the first semisquare of the previous Uranus-Neptune cycle. At the same time, in 1848, a series of revolts broke out shaking the rulership of European monarchies, and the idea of liberalism and nationalism were thus seeded in Europe. Now, let us come back to our modern time. U.S. has withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Brexit has been taking place, nationalism and rightwinged politicians once again gain support, all of which are more or less a revolt against liberalisation and globalisation. Barbault also agrees that the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in 1993 is closely related to globalisation. In 1993, European nations started to undertake the Maastricht Treaty, which includes an organised, agreed foreign policy of the European Union (EU) for mainly security and defence, diplomacy and actions and an agreement on the citizenship of Europeans, leading to the establishment of European Union. Interestingly, during the chaos of Brexit taken place in 2016, we heard voices against how EU overpowered U.K. and how people opposed EU immigrants; nevertheless, we also heard about how the left-winged parties revolted against globalisation in these heated debates. 49 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 I am not saying that this aspect suggests us to give up on globalisation. Instead, the aspect asks us to see the merits of such process, like how people enjoy more freedom, how they undergo a closer economic and cultural interaction, and how the system of globalisation, on the other hand, is kidnapped and manipulated by multinational corporations, the rich and businessmen, leading to a more severe rich-poor disparity or even a negligence of local culture, which awakens a stronger sense of nationalism.

Saturn – Chiron Cycle At the same time, we should also pay attention to Saturn and Chiron. Saturn and Chiron, which are now at the end of Sagittarius and Pisces respectively, form a square, implying those wounds brought by regime, control, protection and hierarchy. Both planets will soon move into cardinal signs. Saturn symbolises the protectionism which prevails globally, and the careful consideration regarding sharing of resources among economic and cultural exchanges. Socially, such protectionist features would be manifested through the act of xenophobia and communitarianism. This Saturn-Chiron square will be most influential from the end of October 2017 to November, and it will resurface again in the summer of 2018. The previous Saturn-Chiron waning square happened at the end of World War II. They started to form an applying aspect in 1945, and continually formed 14 exact squares in 10 years until 1953 when they no longer formed any exact aspect but still had a square of 1-degree orb. It was the time when the western Europe started to reconstruct after the war and people also started to reflect on what authority was about. Communism also rose rapidly in eastern Europe and Asia at that time. What we are undergoing now is related to the Saturn-Chiron conjunction in Pisces in 1966, an era when Vietnam War, Arab-Israeli Conflict and Chinese Cultural Revolution took place. The hippies which were antiwar and promoted peace, together with African-American Civil Rights Movement, also happened at this time. European Economic Community, European Coal and Steel Community and European Atomic Energy Community, the three communities established after World War II, integrated and became an important structure for the latter European Union. From these backgrounds, we understand that the social changes we are undergoing through right now – Brexit, the rise of extreme right-wing parties, the threats from Russia, China and North Korean in Asia – they are all closely related to the 171-year Uranus-Neptune cycle and the Saturn-Chiron cycle. The yearly Jupiter ingress is also related to these happenings. Jupiter serves as the symbol of social norm and ideology whereas Scorpio symbolises the memory of wounds. We can observe if large-scale war, which countries have been trying to avoid since World War II, will be triggered again. Will people be reminded of their longing for peace and humanity and face the upcoming upheavals hand-inhand or will we succumb to the fear of Scorpio, showing our claws to defend and fight for resources to guarantee our own survival?

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Jupiter in Scorpio In mundane astrology, Jupiter is the index of social, economic and cultural norm. Its ingress is often associated with noticeable social issues. I still remember 12 years ago, last time when Jupiter moved into Scorpio, a Finnish band Lordi performed ―Hard Rock Hallelujah‖ in demon costumes in the Eurovision Song Contest and won. Next day, I saw an old gentleman in the Tube compartment holding a sign which read ―The End of World is Coming – The Demons Won Eurovision‖. Demons, Death, Apocalypse and the sense of danger are all closely related to Scorpio. When Jupiter moves into Scorpio again, we should expect to observe news related to these issues in the media once again: the several North Korean missiles tests which have shocked the world and caused quite an international turmoil; people‘s prediction on when the financial markets will collapse, not to mention the late earthquakes; hurricanes and volcanic eruptions that worry us. When Jupiter finally moves into Scorpio, such situations will only get worsen. Let us review what happened in the previous Jupiter in Scorpio period so as to have a better expectation for the upcoming one. The previous Jupiter in Scorpio era happened from 26 Oct 2005 to 23 Nov 2006. An outrage occurred in the suburb of Paris at that time due to an incident in which the police shot dead two unarmed Muslim teenagers. Similar riots also happened in Europe and the US in the same year. In Australia, the Cronulla riots that year, a conflict between Australians and Lebanese immigrants, caused a subsequent ethnic attack. In addition, if you still remember, the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy also happened during that period, an incident in which the Danish newspaper published 12 editorial cartoons that mostly depicted Muhammad and triggered Muslims‘ anger and protests. Interestingly, Jupiter in Scorpio may also manifest through political figures and acts. Angela Merkel was elected as the Chancellor of Germany for the first time in Nov 2005, and, as the first female Chancellor of the country, she has been in this position for 4 consecutive elections. At the same time, Liberia has also just elected Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as their first female President in 2006. The feminine Scorpio symbolises a determined nurturing power and a strong protective strength, which is closely associated with these important female political figures. No matter whether you agree with Angela Merkel‘s right-winged conservative political views, she gained much applause on her handling of EU economic crisis and her immense concern on refugee issue. In Spain, ETA declared to ceasefire in April 2006, but they attacked MadridBarajas Airport in December in the same year (Jupiter had already moved into Sagittarius). The Catalan autonomy referendum was also held at this period, and its result showed that most Catalonian residents approved of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia Bill. 51 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Now, in 2017, Catalonia is under vigorous conflicts against the Spanish government because of its independence referendum. Perhaps it is time for us to pay more attention on how this referendum unfolds. Moreover, in France in March 2006, students, labour unions and workers went on protests because of government‘s proposed First Employment Contract law. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron has just signed a new labour law which led to an outcry by the workers. In addition, Russia has long been the focus of eastern and northern European countries. In the previous Jupiter-Scorpio period, Russia and Ukraine came into conflict because of natural gas pipelines, which led to an energy crisis in Europe at that time. On the other hand, in Asia in 2006, we had two political crises. One of which happened in Thailand in which the army took control of Bangkok when Thaksin visited New York to attend a UN summit. The other one involved the missile test of North Korea that took place in July the same year, and its nuclear test in end-2006 caught global attention. After a Jupiter cycle, now we are observing if North Korea will become one of the nuclear countries. In Japan, Shizo Abe, who first became Prime Minister of Japan when Jupiter was in Scorpio last time, has just announced a new election. Also, in 2006 the alleged Livedoor Scandal sparked panic selling at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In China, that was the time when the media was under strict supervision and a lot of web sites were forced to shut down. There were also a series of incidents which resonate with Scorpion issues. Pluto was also reclassified by IUA and became a dwarf planet in 2006, and NASA announced the discovery of evidence that proves the existence of dark matter at the same year. A former Russian spy was poisoned and killed in a sushi bar in London. The bird flu virus caused widespread terror. Temperatures in Europe reached unprecedented lows. There was an energy crisis as a result of the natural gas issue between Russia and Ukraine. Financially, the real estate bubble started to appear in U.S. in 2006, which eventually became the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007-2008 that led to the global financial tsunami. When crisis happens, people will ensure personal safety in their own way. Some will shut the door to reduce the crashes coming from outside, and others will pull out their weapons to show their selfdefensive ability. What is of utmost importance is to protect the abundance of resources and one‘s own properties and to kick out those who take your food when a crisis takes place. Jupiter in Scorpio will lead the society to confront crises. How one responds to crises relies on Scorpio‘s insight, and such insight allows one to comprehend the complex political manipulation and power struggles. This Jupiter in Scorpio also reminds us to learn from experience and to gain 52 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 experience from pain. The water element of Scorpio is compassion, reflection, feelings, memories, recollections, moisturising and nurturing – these could be what we can best utilise when Jupiter is in Scorpio. Scorpio, as a water sign, is moist and cold in nature whereas Jupiter‘s nature is moist and hot. Though their natures are not exactly the same, their similar attribute, moisture, may imply that this year could be one for people to learn to ―moisten‖ and nurture each other.

Jupiter-Saturn Semisquare When considering the influence of Jupiter in Scorpio in the upcoming year, we should not overlook the fact that we are also in the ending phase of Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle. This cycle started in 2000 with a conjunction, and we experienced its waxing square in 2005, its opposition in 2010, and now its ending phase after the waning square in 2016. This not only signifies that the present development cycle that has been running since 2000 is coming to an end, but also reminds us that we have to abandon some out-of-date ideas and structures in order to embrace the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle. From December 2017 onward, Jupiter and Saturn will start to form a semisquare, and this aspect will repeat in March and September 2018. This semisquare could be seen as one of the important patterns of outer planets in 2018. From his observation on planetary cycles, Dane Rudhyar told us that this waning semisquare chronicles the end of this cycle, and is a period of darkness, withering and letting go. The Jupiter-Saturn square in 2016 implies that we manage to realise what ideas and social structure we should keep and what structures we should protect or revise after encountering all those conflicts. Now it is time for us to pack up things. We have to let go of those intense issues that we are not capable of protecting, regulating or revising. If it is our mind which caused all these insoluble issues, then perhaps it is time for us to let go of these mindsets. This waning semisquare, which pretty much symbolises balsamic moon, an almost invisible moon, and Jupiter in Scorpio more or less narrate a similar social atmosphere.

What happened in-between their waning semisquares and conjunctions in the last two Jupiter-Saturn cycles is worth our notice, especially those events which somehow brought an end to a certain era. For instance, in 1998 when Jupiter in Pisces formed a waning semisquare to Saturn in Aries, the British government, Irish government and most Northern Ireland political parties signed the Good Friday Agreement, a major political development related to the sovereignty of Northern Ireland. Moreover, in 1978 under Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Virgo, Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Accords following a secret negotiation witnessed by Jimmy Carter, the then U.S. president. All these agreements chronicle the end of conflicts. Perhaps waning squares remind us that it is time to send old 53 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 conflicts away in order to welcome a new historic era. Interestingly, 1998 is also the time that Europe started to use euro and a lot of currencies hence became history. On 31 December 1998, the nations who joined EU fixed their currency rates with euro. The development of euro has long had a close relationship to Jupiter-Saturn cycle. Thus, we may witness some major policy or adjustment on euro in the upcoming days. From what we have discussed in the above Jupiter in Scorpio section, we understand that this JupiterSaturn semisquare has been closely related to racial conflicts or even massacres. In the 1998 semisquare, we saw how the situation in Kosovo became intense – a racial massacre broke out on 28 February, and a war soon followed. In May 1998, a riot against Chinese broke out in Indonesia, causing a 1200 people fatality.

There were no Jupiter-Saturn waning squares in Scorpio and Capricorn in modern history, but we can put an eye on the last one which was in 1283. If we try to consider the history around this time, we can find similar patterns of what we are now undergoing in international conflicts. In 1283, Mongolians invaded Burma, and the Burmese King chose to buy peace with money, and in 2017, Burma is under the spotlight because of the Rohingya prosecution. Similar pattern can be found in Europe at that time. In 1283, King Edward I of England executed Dafydd ap Gruffydd, the last ruler of the independent Wales, by hanging, drawing and quartering. This not only was the first time this cruel method of execution was used in England, but also an event which ended the sovereignty of Wales as an independent country. Around this time, the parliament of Catalonia, a name which is frequently mentioned in news and media lately, was one of the first in Europe that banned the royal power to create legislation unilaterally. Now, with the same aspect formed again, the autonomy of Catalonia is once again challenged. Also in 1283, King Philip III of France outlawed Jews in villages and rural localities. The invasions of the great powers into their neighbouring countries, and the subsequent merging and independence of countries is nothing new in 54 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 history. These events took place again and again. However, with Jupiter in Scorpio, or we would say a semisquare of Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn, we can actually observe a special pattern in these events.

Faith, Courage and The Will to Survive In this upcoming Jupiter in Scorpio period, Jupiter will be stationary on 8 to 11 March 2018 and start to retrograde at 23 Scorpio. It will move directly again on 9 July at 13 Scorpio. Jupiter retrograde often makes us reflect on the current social development – What kind of society and culture do we want? When Jupiter is in Scorpio, its rulers, Mars and Pluto, ask us to find strength for survival. Pluto, which is in Capricorn, and Jupiter will form sextiles 3 times in January, April and September 2018 respectively. No matter how challenging and difficult it looks, a strong faith and survival instinct are going to keep us going. Mars will meet Jupiter in Scorpio in early January. When Mars returns to its home Scorpio, it will grant us courage and make sure our determination is strong enough so that our will cannot be shaken, allowing us to fulfil our hopes with such passion and initiative. In late June and early July 2018 when Jupiter is about to go stationary and go back to direct motion, Mars in Aquarius will also start to retrograde. Challenges and frustrations in such times will ask us to go inward for faith, willpower, religious devotion, survival instinct and the energy to live on. In these two months when Mars goes retrograde, it could be hope and faith, symbolised by Jupiter, that grant us the willpower so that we can guarantee our own survival. Similarly, when Jupiter is in Scorpio, we might encounter something which leads to self-doubts, doubts on religions, the world, and our very own existence. It could be time for us to go back to our own natal charts to explore Jupiter and Mars. Natal Jupiter describes our world view and our faith, which bring us positive thoughts and allows us to look forward to the future, whereas natal Mars gives us courage, determination and the survival instinct, which are our main driving forces when facing uncertainties and doubts. Finally I would like to share a quote from Pericles which keeps appearing in my mind during my studies of Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn.

Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it. Pericles

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the LSA and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around ten years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers. Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Jupiter In Scorpio Angela Tikis

Jupiter, the planet of justice, spirituality and wisdom, expansion and growth, is now transiting the sign of Scorpio initiating a time of real ―magic” in our lives. It is the magic of using the immense power that‘s hidden within our soul, waiting to be discovered and revealed and willingly be used on the process of transformation and rebirth. When it comes to Jupiter, we experience everything under the influence of a magnifying glass. Every tiny emotion or desire becomes huge and noticeable, leaving no room at turning a blind eye to that. There are two options in such a case: we either see it as an opportunity to have a clearer picture and evolve or we treat is as a monster which can paralyze us and ultimately sink us in the mud of terror and spiritual darkness. Jupiter is also considered to bring optimism and joviality but in Scorpio chances are we are not satisfied with superficial things. This does not necessarily mean that we will change in a moment; this would be more than a wishful thinking, it would be a miracle! It‘s only that the more we insist to fill our emotional gap or cover our inadequacies with meaningless pursuits, the more unhappy we will be, hiding from the truth we have to face. The optimism however sits in the desire of the soul to face the fears, resolve the psychological problems and the hurtful experiences which are firmly established at a profound level but not yet recognized. Scorpio is the ultimate sign of pain and suffering so Jupiter is here to test our endurance and strengths. At the end, we must consciously accept the challenges as part of life‘s journey, a transitional stage were we leave behind what‘s rotten and unproductive and that includes behavioral patterns, habits, relationships or our professional course. Do we have to ―cut them from the root‖? We have once there‘s no ―cure‖. But for what‘s worthy, we are given the magical power of transforming and therefore creating something beautiful and new from the old. The transit of Jupiter in Scorpio activates further the Fixed Cross as the Lunar Nodes in Aquarius/Leo were the first ones to trigger it. The Leo-light and the Scorpio-dark energies are not here to compete but to complement each other, bring darkness into light and heal. On October 26th as the Sun meets Jupiter at the 3 º 31‘ degree of Scorpio we have the starting point of this procedure. Mars will strongly activate need to take action on January 7th during the Mars/Jupiter synodic cycle at 17 º 55‘ being in tight square to the Nodes. Combing the watery element with the fiery spirit of Mars and Leo, we have the opportunity to use our internal flare of willingness and determination to expand at all levels – personally, spiritually, emotionally, romantically, socially or professionally. There‘s also a desire to learn, defend our ideas, goals and aspirations accompanied with a faith on greater visions. This may 56 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 ultimately lead to financial success, change and transformation, deeper understanding, deeper connection in relationships and passion. If not properly used or mastered, it may create the selfish will to impose our desires, fear and frustration emerging from psychological bottled-up feelings or anger. This may easily lead to financial risk, aggression and negativity, revengeful attitudes, addictive practices, sexual drive as a means of control or self-assurance and thus becoming manipulative and insensitive.

Let‘s look at examples of famous people with Scorpio Jupiter and see how they used the Lionel energy of creativity and self-expression to ―expose‖ their Plutonian side. Alfred Hitchcock was a film director and producer, referred to as the "Master of Suspense". He was a pioneer in his field as he set the foundations for the Psychological thrillers and Horror/Mystery movies. He was born on August 13 1899, a strongly Lionel men – Sun, Ascendant and Venus, and a packed 5th house. His Saturn (5th) opposing Pluto (11th) operated as making the others face fear as a 57 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 form of entertainment. His Moon/Jupiter conjunction at the 3rd degree of Scorpio explains how much aware he was of the dark side of one‘s self, how easily he could penetrate into the psychology of the others and artistically ―manipulate‖ and stir the hidden frights. The creator of Psycho, The Birds, Shadow of a Doubt, Dial M for Murder and more, debuted on television as the host of the anthology television series Alfred Hitchcock Presents (which he also produced) on October the 2nd 1955. During that time, transiting Saturn in Scorpio activated his progressed Mars/Jupiter/Moon in Scorpio while the transiting Jupiter/Pluto in Leo (coming on the spot light, self-expression) was squaring the above formation. Interestedly enough, after his death on September 29th 1985 a revival based upon the series debuted with great success. On that day, transiting Pluto was in the 3rd degree of Scorpio in exact to his natal Moon and Jupiter while transiting Saturn was once again in Scorpio.

Steven Spielberg is an American director, producer, and screenwriter born on December 18, 1946. The ruler of his Sagittarius Sun is in Scorpio along with his Moon and Venus in the 5th house. As a child Spielberg faced difficulty reconciling being an Orthodox Jew and he has admitted that he was feeling embarrassed for his family spiritual differentiation, a theme that he will later heal with enormous success. His career took off in 1975 when the Solar Eclipse of May 11th ‗75 at 19 degrees of Taurus activated his Scorpion Venus/Jupiter 58 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 conjunction in the 5th house. Several days later he released the film Jaws having transiting and progressed Moon in Scorpio and the North Node in the same sign. Years later, another Solar Eclipse on November 13º ‘93 at 21 º of Scorpio activated again his Scorpion Venus/Jupiter conjunction in the 5th house, while the Mercury/Venus exactly on his natal Moon urged him to speak on behalf of his family and their past. Saturn was transiting his 8th house, inevitably dealing and healing his fears and everything he was hiding from his self and the others. On top of that this was the time of his Jupiter return in Scorpio. On December 15, 1993 he released Schindler‘s List on the day when transiting Jupiter was on his natal Moon and his progressed Chiron, Pluto on his progressed Scorpio Jupiter and transiting Mars (traditional ruler of Scorpio) in exact conjunction to his natal Sun, declaring to the world his true identity and ultimately reconciling with his roots.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Angela is an OPA Satellite (The Organisation for Professional Astrology) for Greece. I am a full-time astrologer for about eight years and practice in Athens but thanks to internet technology I have clients from various parts of Greece and other countries. I approach the natal chart from a psychological point of view. By reinforcing the positive elements and by trying to eliminate the negative patterns, we automatically become masters of our lives. Astrology in Greece is often limited to popular predictions. As a result, most people and many astrologers themselves do not understand or do not promote it as a pivotal philosophical system of selfawareness. Fortunately, the younger generation of astrologers shows a substantial interest in the mystical, inner and psychological side of astrology, the knowledge of which I consider as essential for a correct interpretation of a chart or even for an accurate prediction. Personally, I try to do the best that I can to support this new generation. Email:

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Centenary Of The Russian Revolution Jadranka Ćoić

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of most important political events of the twentieth century. The revolution marked the start of new, better way of life and ended centuries long Romanov dynasty. But way to the revolution was long. At the beginning of the XX century Russia was deprived country, with masses of poor peasants and even poorer industrial workers. Years of costly wars; the Crimean War (1854-56), the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78) and the RussoJapanese War (1904-1905), left Russia with frequent food shortages. Empire of the Tsar Nikolai II was enormous, it included Finland, the Baltic States, most of Poland, Ukraine all the way to the Caucasus through Central Asia to the Arctic and the Pacific. The country that Lenin called: ―the prison of the nations‖, had only 43 percent population that were Russians. The oppression of non-Russian peoples was extreme.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 All of these is shown by T-square in the chart when Michael Romanoff took a power on 21st February 1613 (old calendar), T-square between Mars/Uranus square Sun/Saturn and Jupiter/Neptune, showing repression, hardship and unorthodox dealing with the problems and own people. Until 1861 Russia was feudal country and in 1861 the Tsar finally abolished serfdom, abolition was a scam, as the peasants were now obliged to pay huge rents for tiny plots of land, as well as payment for rights to work on them. The tools and methods used by peasants were barely changed since the late middle ages. Tsar rule was based on aristocracy and weak capitalist class. The industrialisation was financed by foreign capital. The Western shareholders owned 90% of Russia‘s mines, 50% of her chemical industry, over 40% of her engineering plants and 42% of her banking stock. There were constant protest but noting major happened until the January 1905 when workers in Petrograd, and women led by Vera Karelina and Anna Boldyreva went on solidarity strike. They were asking for 10 hours working day and higher wages. At the end on Sunday 9th January 1905, more than 150,000 Petrograd‘s workers, women and man together, went to Tsar‘s Winter Palace. Peaceful and dressed in their best clothes taking their children with them. After few hours after waiting the Tsars troops opened the fire killing thousands, The Bloody Sunday led to massive strikes through Russian, and forced the Tsar to promise formation of Duma, representative assembly for all nations and people in Russia, and to work towards reform. In August 1914 in order to support the Serbs and their French and British allies, Russia entered into World War I. This was the war for colonies, for markets and spheres of influence. Germany wanted an empire for itself, Britain had an empire on which ―the sun never set‖ and French empire was considerable too, Not only that the World War I revealed to Russians that the Russia was no match for industrialised Germany, Russia‘s casualties were bigger than any of the other nation included in war, but also food and fuel shortages put her on the knees. The outbreak of war shake the fake unity among the socialist movement through Europe. Before the war the leaders of the Second International – the parties of European social democracy – were all against the war, but at the start of the war, they all slowly but surely gave their votes for financing and continuing the war. In Russia like everywhere else the First World War resulted in such a huge increase in the number of women workers, and their importance for war effort was enormous. These were women that were left alone at home, after their man went to front, and they were responsible for feeding not only themselves but also the children. The first time in history women were needed! In the chart below Tsar Nikolai chart makes alive and activate the T square in the Romanoff chart, and Tsar Nikolai‘s Sun is exactly on the North Node of the Romanoff chart showing his destiny, his role in ending one dynasty. 62 | I A M I N F I N I T Y


And the women were the ones who started revolution. Revolution begin on 23rd February 1917 (8th March) as the women workers celebrating the International Women‘s day demanded the bread. Their slogans were: Down with the War! Down with the hunger! Bread for everyone! By the afternoon male workes from the nearby factories joined them. The next day the strike doubled in size. The demostrations were growing bigger by the day, and the Tsar ordered armed plice and army to attack the demonstrators. But some of the ary regiments refused to shoot the strikers, and on the third day mutinity spread accros the troops. The first to rebel was the Volinskiy regiment. Discussed with the treatment of the protesters they turned agianst their officers, marched out of the barracks and joined demonstrations. 63 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The end of Tsaris Russia began. On the 26th February the Tsar ordered the Duma to dipense. On the 27th whole city is on the strike as the 700,000 army troops joined 400,000 strikers. Slogans now were: Down with autocracy! Down with the war! The same day Petrograd Soviet of Wokers reemerged. On the 28th February the Tsar‘s ministers were arrested. On 1st of March there is a general strike in Moscow. On the 2nd of March Nikolai II was forced to abdicate in favour of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail, who abdicated 6 hours later.

Stellium in Pisces, in Tsar Nikolai‘s abdication chart activates T square in Romanoff chart. The Duma assumed authority and moved immediately to set up its own Provisional Government. At the same time the Petrograd Soviet a representative body of the city‘s workers assumed their powers. The leader of the provisional government was Prince George Lvov, appointed by the Tsar as one of his last acts while in power. From March to October dual power was a norm as these two bodies completed for power and control. Maybe Petrograd Soviet has more power as the Duma could not stop their Order no 1 which directed military to obey only those orders of Military Commission of the State Duma which did not conflict with the orders of the Soviet!

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The Provisional government had many challenges but the worst were in July 1917 when Prime Minister Prince Lvov was forced to resign and replaced by the socialist Alexander Kerensky. Kerensky tried to establish liberal program that included freedom of speech, equality before the law and right of unions to organise and strike. But Kerensky also decided to continue the Russian contribution in World War I, decision that proved extremely unpopular. The Petrograd Soviet favoured Russian withdrawal from the war, as Russia went more into political and economic chaos, power of Soviets and the Bolsheviks grew. The Bolsheviks were the fraction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, and in 1912 the formally separated and formed Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) or RSDLP (B) or simply called ―Bolshevik Party‖. At the head of the party was Famous Russian communist Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Lenin returned from exile in April 1917 and whit his revolutionary ideas regained total party support, while at the same time Bolsheviks explained this ideas to the workers. Membership of the Bolsheviks were steadily growing and from 24,000 in February, by September there were more than 200,000 members. In September 2017 Trotsky become chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. And Stalin after his released from the exile is Siberia, in April 1917 on the Party conference was elected to the Bolshevik Central Committee with 97 votes, the third highest after the Zinoviev and Lenin. The situation in the Russia was not a good one, war is in its third year and opposition to war was increasing, workers and peasants were not happy with distribution of work, or working hours, their pay and food situation. The members of the Army are together with the workers and peasants in theirs dissatisfaction with the war efforts. The situation was ripe for the action. But still Bolsheviks led by Lenin were waiting for the right moment, and they knew if they do not rise soon, the right moment would be lost forever. On the night of the 24th November Lenin arrives at the Bolshevik headquarters at the Smolny Institute and at 2am of the 25th November uprising begin. In Petrograd Bolsheviks lead by Leon Trotsky seized control of various factories and all points of communications, post offices and trains. Only left standing was the Winter Palace. Blank shot fired from the ship Aurora signalled the beginning of the attack at the Winter Palace, the Bolsheviks stormed in the Winter Palace and arrested Cabinet members on the spot. Not a shot was fired, while in Moscow situation was quite different. The Menshevik and SR leader of the Moscow City Duma organised a ―White Guard‖ which heartlessly massacres the workers. It took 6 days of violent and nasty street fighting before the Bolsheviks win, on November the 2nd. 65 | I A M I N F I N I T Y


Again there is T Square Moon/Mercury square Saturn and Uranus showing how philosophies of the people, deeply challenging and changing are stuck in between new ideas (Uranus in Aquarius) and order (Saturn in Leo). Moon Mars out of sign conjunction representing the people that are ready to fight to achieve good life, trine to Venus conjuct North Node. On the 27th October Congress of Soviets met again. Opening the meeting, Lenin declared, ‗We shall now proceed to construct the Socialist order!‘ The problems in front of a new government were ugly, total collapse of administration and transport, war, hostile German army in Ukraine, and a harsh internal opposition and opposition from the rich. Lenin‘s next declaration was Decree on Peace, a proposal for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops form the war, but the end to the war was not that easy. The Treaty of Brest Litovsk was signed on the 3rd March 1918, the allies did not attend the negotiations, leaving Russia to fight alone. It lost vast territories in the Baltic, Byelorussia and Ukraine but Bolsheviks wanted a peace, and no price for peace was too big. The treaty gave them opportunity to deal with problems in Russia itself.

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At the moment of the proclamation of the Communist Russia Lenin‘s Pluto and Mercury was activating T Square opposing Sun and Mercury of a new Russia. Overturning the power and changing the history, allowing changes settled deep in Russian society. In the first few years Russia achieved tremendous and radical changes. Soviet government introduced workers control in the factories. Workers had only one choice to take control of the workplaces and run them themselves. Old Tsarist legal system was completely changed, courts were established and judges were elected, but the judges could be recalled. The death penalty was abolished The Decree on Land, the abolition, without compensation, of private property, including lands belonging to churches, and the redistribution of the land amongst the millions of pure peasants who worked on it provided the food. Women won the vote, equal employment rights, equal pay and universal paid maternity leave. Less than a month after taking power the old marriage and divorce laws changed, and marriage become free, voluntary relationship, and the divorce can now be instigated by either partner,

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children was eliminated. Adultery was decriminalised. Homosexuality was decriminalised, laws against gays abolished and homophobia was challenged.

Leon Trotsky chart again activates T square of new Russia, His Sun conjunct Sun, same concepts, same dreams as the country, and his Ascendant oppose Uranus progressive wisdom. In the 1897 only 21percent of population was literate, and new government revolutionised the education system, within the year the number of schools was by 50 percent. The explosion of new art movement known as the Golden Age followed; symbolism and futurism were some among many others. All over the world socialist everywhere were looking at Russia as the freest society on earth, the country that abolished not only exploitation but also sexual repression. The new communist government was not only changing the laws it was also changing the attitudes. But the end of 1918 country was in a deadliest civil war, with no support from anyone. The White Army included the Cadets, who wished to continue the war against the Germany, part of Mensheviks 68 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 and Socialist Revolutionaries who did not agree with the communist government and joined the resistance, others included landowners, factory owners whose properties and lands were nationalised as well as the Russian Orthodox Church, and at the end royalist who wanted to restore the monarchy. On 30th August 1918 Fanya Yefimovna Kaplan tried to assassinate Lenin. By the end of January 1924 Lenin was death and Russia was isolated and exhausted. Although Lenin wish was not to hand power to Stalin that exactly what happened. By the 1928 Stalin was firmly I control, and destroyed the last inner party democracy. He launched his first ―Five Year Plan‖, and all that Lenin and the Bolsheviks were fighting in years before 1917 and in 1917 was lost.

Two of the malefic Pluto and Mars in Stalin‘s chart activate T Square in Russian Communist chart, Mars widely conjunct Sun and Mercury and Pluto MC, Stalin Uranus on Moon/Mars conjunction. Oppression and government by terror and fear. Unorthodox ways dealing with the people.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Note: Until February 1918 Russia used the Julian calendar, which was 13 days behind the Georgian calendar. All the dates in the text until February 1918 are in Julian calendar, but the charts are in Georgian. As Trotsky said in his History of The Russian Revolution:‖…before overthrowing the Byzantine calendar, the revolution had to overthrow the institutions that clung to it‖

Bibliography: Charts from: -

The Book of World Horoscopes - N Campion

October, the Story of the Russian Revolution - China Mieville Russia 1917 Workers‘ Revolution and the Festival of the Oppressed – Dave Sherry Ten Days That Shook the World – John Reed

Jadranka Ćoić was born and raised in Croatia and, in 1991, moved to London. She works as an accountant but spends free time either practising astrology or growing vegetables on her allotment in accordance with Moon cycles. Jadranka started to study astrology more than fifteen years ago with The Faculty of Astrological Studies. She is the Lodge‘s Beginner‘s Class Tutor, as well as organiser of the annual Astrology and Healing Seminar. Contact: 70 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Great Britain and 21º Leo „An Empire In Which The Sun Never Sets“

Smiljana Gavrančić This article was first published on 17th June, 2013 at

At the peak of its power (between XVIII and XX century) you could say that the Kingdom of Great Britain was ―an empire in which the sun never sets‖! This is an instant association to the sign of Leo (where the Sun is in dignity). However, the degree inside this royal sign we can link to Great Britain is the degree of Neptune‘s fall (distances, islands) – 21º Leo, considering vast colonial and overseas territories in the possession of this country, almost on every continent. By the way, Great Britain is traditionally linked to the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, because this is the country of Common Law, a country where every positive qualities of Saturn – order, discipline, accuracy, tradition – are exalted to the maximum. Following the end of WWII, a decolonization process started in which a large number of colonies got their independence, yet too small or economically challenged to survive as an independent countries, what is an image of the degree of Neptune‘s fall, 21º Leo.So, since it‘s characteristic for the British intelligence service to remove the secrecy seal from any documents after 40 years, making them public, isn‘t this also a symbol of the degree of Neptune‘s (secret) fall? 71 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Finally, this is an image of the famous secret agent 007, James Bond, a recent trademark of this country born from the pen of Ian Fleming - a man who was an intelligence officer and revealed the secrets of MI6 in his novels about James Bond. We could also link this degree to the famous mathematician, astrologer and alchemist John Dee, the personal astrologer and consultant of Elizabeth I, known by the ability to contact angels (Neptune) with the assistance of his self -proclaimed medium friend, Edward Kelly, who later caused his exile (fall) from England, to continue his alchemical research in the golden city (Leo) of Prague, under the patronage of emperor Rudolph, a great admirer of alchemy and the occult, prone to fits of madness – 21º Leo (insanity). Finally, this British oficially rejected Catholic religion and accepted Protestantism, which could again be linked to the fall of Neptune (religion, spirituality). According to everything, here (on 21º Leo) it‘s very hard to keep a secret, but also hard to keep any overseas territories in the composition of Great Britain, if there is no belief (Neptune) in the self.

Queen Elizabeth II The degree of Neptune‘s fall is also activated in the natal chart of Elizabeth II, the current Queen of Great Britain. Her Neptune is positioned on 22º Leo (in a very close conjuction to 21º Leo), carrying the exalted Venus on 13º Pisces (the degree of Mercury‘s fall) which is the ruler of 6th (colonies) house from 10th (her as a ruler figure) house, but also Uranus (independence) on the degree where Venus is exalted, 27º Pisces (unconditional love), which leads to the conclusion that all former British colonies eventually become independent and free (Uranus) countries. The important thing right now is, during Saturn‟s (borders) transition through Scorpio (transformation) from October 2012 to autumn 2015, that Saturn in the chart of Elizabeth II is in Scorpio, as the central planet of a fixed T-square. It‘s in a conjunction with her MC (her as a ruler figure), and it is the ruler of her 4th house (territory) from 10th house (her as a ruler). So, she has some challenges in front of her, therefore so does her country, because we can see the destiny of the entire British nation through her chart. Saturn always brings us back to something from before, checks and asks us to stop resisting, accept certain things and let them go. Saturn as the central planet of a fixed (incapacity to change, stubbornness) T-square is a planet especially important to take notice of and analyze. We can see that Saturn‘s dispositor, Mars, brings it to the sign of its rulership, Aquarius, which is a very good indication, and almost on the degree of Neptune‘s exaltation (21º Aquarius – dreams, ideals) conjuncting Jupiter (law), so it‘s fairly certain that Great Britain will fight for justice related to some territories. We can‘t overlook the applying opposition to Neptune (overseas territories) on the 72 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 degree of its fall, because it blurs the realistic view on things and refuses to look at things objectively. It‘s possible to get disappointed here, in the period of Saturn in Scorpio...

The second Uranus-Pluto square and activating the 2nd, Venus chakra Since we‘re under the influence of the second Uranus-Pluto square from September 19th, 2012. which activated the second (Venus) energetic level (chakra) inside every one of us, located on the planetary level in South America – this part of the world could be very important in the next period. So far we‘ve been convinced that this part of the world became very important in a religious sense, because the newly elected Pope comes from South America, Argentina to be precise. It‘s interesting that the Ascendant of Argentina is on 19º 30' Leo, in a very close conjunction with the degree of Neptune‘s fall (21º Leo), a degree we link to Great Britain! The fact that the secondary Sun 73 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 of Argentina (on the day of the second Uranus-Pluto square linked to South America) in trine with 21º Leo (Great Britain) says that there is a possibility of an agreement between Argentina and Great Britain after 180 years.

The sixth Uranus-Pluto square and activation of the 6th (Jupiter) chakra Since the second, Venus chakra is making a middle ring around the second, Moon chakra with the 6th, Jupiter chakra located in the England area on a planetary level, which will be activated on December 15th, 2012 when the 6th Uranus-Pluto square will happen, it‘s not a coincidence that the „old‟ problem between Argentina and Great Britain about sovereignty over Falkland Islands may be significant again. The first thing Cristina Fernandez, the president of Argentina, asked of the new Pope was to be a mediator in the Falkland conflict with Great Britain. On the other hand, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, said that everything can be negotiated with Argentina except the Falkland Islands subject. 74 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 If we take a look at the 6th Uranus-Pluto square chart , we‘ll find the ruler of Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter, on 22º Leo, very close to the degree of Neptune‘s fall, 21º Leo, which really accentuates the significance of this country in the period until the 7th Uranus-Pluto square (March 17th, 2015.)

It is obvious that in times ahead of us these two countries will try to put an end to this story in a diplomatic way, because it‘s been bothering them for 180 years. Falkland Islands are the oversea territory of Great Britain, but Argentina claims that Falklands Islands fall under its territory. On the other hand, there is a UN resolution calling both sides to solve this issue in a diplomatic, peaceful way. Argentina is more now than ever interested in solving this issue, while Britain is rejecting any kind of negotiations, still being ‗hurt‘ by an offensive attack by Argentina on March 19th, 1982. in the purpose of capturing the Falkland Islands (on the same day, 2013., the new pope Francis I from Argentina was inaugurated, which is also a subtle sign). The current Prime Minister of Great Britain at that time, the famous ―Steel Lady” Margaret Thatcher was forced to send the British army to the Island to defend its sovereignty. Before that event, she was ready to negotiate with Argentina about returning the Falkland Islands just like it happened later with Hong Kong which was returned to China. But, Great Britain was surprised and shocked by the Argentinian attack, which resulted in the today‘s unwillingness to negotiate with Argentina. The war itself lasted very short, from April 2nd to June 14th, 1982. and Britain won. 75 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Venus + Jupiter = Neptune I‘ll add another interesting information – Argentina was especially interested in regaining possession of this territory right after the discovery of great oil fields (Venus + Jupiter = Neptune = oil) in the territorial waters near the islands, which the researchers named the "Sea (Neptune) Lion" (21º Leo). It‘s very clear what will be the challenge for these two countries in the next period – to unite the 2nd chakra (Venus, Argentina) with the 6th chakra (Jupiter, England), to make a ring around the central, 4th, Lunar chakra (Moon) and become a channel for Neptune (oil in this case). By the way, it‘s Neptune where we find the field of collective, impersonal emotional relationships. It‘s through the Venus chakra where we enjoy the material values. We can live our dream in this energetic center (Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces – dream, and in the chart of Elizabeth II it is in Pisces, carrying the Sun in Taurus – materialization of the dream). As Argentina is linked to this energetic center, we can conclude that this country is, first of all, interested in the material gain, revenues from oil fields, to be precise. On the other side, we change things by modifying our beliefs and attitudes through the 6th, Jupiter chakra... So Great Britain should be the one to work on trust issues in this relationship, faith (Neptune in Elizabeth II‘s chart is on the degree of its fall), to open its heart and let go... Venus (2nd chakra) in the Queen‘s chart is on the degree of Mercury‘s fall (it‘s through the 5th, Mercury chakra where we open the way to 6th chakra), meaning that she should, alone in silence (fall of Mercury) make a change, achieve enlightment in some way, because it‘s how she will find the way to her heart with ease (trine)... (Pluto on 13º Cancer – 4th, Moon chakra near to 15º Cancer – centre of the soul) in which she will find a love for herself, and then for Argentina. Still, Queen Elizabeth II with Venus in Pisces trines Pluto is the mythical Persephone, so love towards the southernmost country in the world (Argentina) is something that lives in her chart. It‘s really necessary here for Great Britain to see the Beauty in the Truth, and the truth is that there are some unrealistic expectations and a sort of illusion... This country ‗refuses‘ to see things realistically.

Saturn return of Queen Elizabeth II Since Queen Elizabeth‘s Saturn return is also happening in this period of the 6th Uranus-Pluto square (from December 12th, 2014. to March 17th, 2015.) it‘s interesting to take a look at that chart, too.

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Saturn‘s natural cycle is around 30 years, and the 1st house in this chart represents the first period of 2,5 years. We find the Ascendant on 27º Cancer, close to 28º Cancer, degree where Mars falls, so this is a symbolic image of confrontations, a fight about something from the past – the ruler of Ascendant (of Elizabeth II) is the Moon on 29º (something from the past) Aries, in a separating (past) opposition with Mercury (negotiations, agreements) so this is all an image of unsuccessful negotiations in the past. It was hard here to align emotions (Moon) and reason (Mercury), the heart and the mind...

29º Cancer – ―The Third Eye‖ This Moon makes an exact square to 29º Cancer, the degree linked to the Third Eye (Jupiter chakra) located in the body between the eyebrows, between the left (Cancer) and right (Leo) eye. We know this degree is a very special degree because it‘s the place where two lights, two eyes – connect. This is the place inside the Zodiac which gives a broad perspective. The square here accentuates action, and the strong inner need of the Queen (and the British nation) to finish the things that were stopped halfway in the past (29º). 77 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The ability to accept will be very important here, and it‘s a big lesson for Queen Elizabeth II in the time of Saturn in Scorpio and returning to the natal position in her chart. Disposition (Mars in Capricorn) takes the Moon (Queen, nation) to the sign of its detriment (weakened dignity) in a conjunction with Pluto (transformation) in 9th house (foreign countries) from 10th house (her as a ruler) in the sign of Capricorn (Argentina), so Great Britain is really in a challenging period during which it will undergo a deep transformation that will bring liberation (Pluto on 11º Capricorn).

Chart sources:,_Queen_of_England Nicholas Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes"

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor, founder and owner of IAMINFINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, graduating in October 2010, after studying International Law at Belgrade University. She is an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.) and a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She specializes in mundane astrology and she practices karmic/hermetic astrology, astrology of degrees/archetypes (mythology, fixed stars) and synastry. She is writing her first book Special Degrees in Mundane Astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR‘s International Astrologer. Smiljana is a speaker at astrological conferences in Serbia and abroad. She blogs at in English and in Serbian.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Family Relationships You Can Pick Your Friends, But You Can't Pick Your Family

Wendy Stacey

There is something in the saying, ‗you can pick your friends, not your family‘. There is a lot of commonality between families and these are extended to planets in signs, houses, and aspects between them and even to the degrees the planets reside. This article doesn‘t address the reasons as to why these patterns may exist but is more of a listing of what we can expect with families. There are so many factors to consider and this article aims to introduce you to a brief encounter with family commonality with some examples. It is exciting but not surprising when you realise that your family and you share similar traits which are described through astrological phenomena. For example, my sister and I both have our Moons at 3 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also at the same degree of our eldest brothers Sun. There were endless card games in our childhood, a lot of competitive sports, family day at the races, plenty of pranks and still today if there is something we are unsure of we place bets with each other on what we think is the right answer. Other similarities in my family are that my mother has Aries rising and my brother has Mars on his Ascendant. Similarly, one of my own children was born with the exact same angles as me.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 A family I know have the following astrological configurations – the father has a stellium Gemini with Mercury only aspecting Pluto, the mother has Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini and their son was born with Sun and Venus in Gemini with Mercury unaspected. When a friend of mine‘s baby was recently born, it wasn‘t surprising that when the baby girl arrived, she had 25 Libra rising – the same degree as her father‘s Moon. The concept of families‘ sharing astrological configurations to the degree is an interesting one particularly when exploring people‘s birth time - confirming or rectifying it. Another example is the Clinton‘s. Bill Clinton has Sun and three other planets in Leo; Hilary has an unaspected Sun and possibly a Moon in Pisces. In fact more likely, given that her daughter Chelsea has a Pisces Sun. Bill has a Mercury/Saturn conjunction, Hilary a Mercury/Saturn square and Chelsea a Mercury/Saturn opposition. We make these links all the time but family relationships never cease to show us the wonder of astrology. This ties in with Gauquelin‘s hereditary theory where the findings showed that for example, a parent with Mars in a particular area of the chart is likely to have a child Mars in the same place. The probability of the child having this doubles if both parents have Mars in the same area in the chart, therefore there is evidence of psychological temperaments having a hereditary underpinning (Gauquelin 1979: 169). He also found that this was not evident with intervened births. Mavis Klein in her book Teach Yourself the Psychology and Astrology of Human Relationships discusses at length the interesting dynamics of family relationships. One of the examples she describes is of two successful men who through both their creative, imaginative, original, shocking works of Psychologist Sigmund Freud and his grandson Painter Lucien Freud. She notes the planetary aspects they share of Sun/Uranus, Sun/Neptune, Sun/Chiron, Mercury/Saturn and Venus/North Node.

The Royal Family The Royal family is a good example of family commonality. The following is not an interpretation of what they could mean but more a listing of some of these astrological points that weave through four generations of the current family. It would be expected that these astrological configurations would extend throughout royal history and Nick Campion‘s Born to Reign is an interesting book that addresses some of these threads. If we go back to King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II‘s father, we can see that he had MC and Jupiter conjunct in Leo (a sign not surprising for those who are born into or marry into royalty), a Scorpio stellium which includes his Moon. The Sun, Mercury and Mars were positioned in Sagittarius. A compatible partner, the Queen Mother had Sun and Mercury in Leo, a Scorpio Moon and four planets in Sagittarius with Jupiter trine her MC. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip each have Moon and Neptune in Leo so it is not surprising that Leo/Neptune traits would be evident in their 80 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 descendants. Their daughter Princess Anne has Sun, Pluto and MC in Leo and Prince Charles and Prince Andrew both have Leo rising. Prince Andrew and Prince Edward are both Pisces. The Jupiter/MC theme continues from George VI, with the Queen (and Prince Philip) possessing a Jupiter square MC, as does Edward. Andrew has his Jupiter trine his MC, Anne quincunx and Prince William‘s exactly conjunct it. Charles has no aspect between Jupiter and his MC and Harry has them both in earth but not in aspect. The Royal family also shares similar degrees of planets within their charts. Charles Carter associated the late degrees of the mutable signs to Royals charts and noted the following planetary placements; William with Neptune at 25 Sagittarius and ASC at 27 degrees, Queen Victoria had Saturn at 28 Pisces and Pluto at 27 degrees, Neptune at 28 Sagittarius and Uranus at 23 degrees, Queen Elizabeth II has Uranus at 27 Pisces, Charles‘s Jupiter is at 29 Sagittarius and Uranus 29 Gemini. Carter also makes reference to particular times and events in royal family history that pick up these late mutable degrees (Baigent et al, 1984: 329). There are also other degrees in the current Royal family that demonstrate an astrological lineage. Charles‘s Moon at 0 degrees of Taurus is exactly conjunct his mothers Sun. This also opposes William‘s Jupiter at 0 Scorpio which is conjunct his MC. The Queen also has a Scorpio MC at 25 Scorpio; Charles has his Sun at 22 Scorpio, both of which oppose William‘s Venus at 25 Taurus (which was the same position of his late mother Diana‘s Venus). Also similar to his mother, William possesses a Sagittarian Ascendant and Cancer Sun. Prince Henry (Harry), similar to his great-grandparents has three planets in Sagittarius and like his father has a Taurus Moon and Leo rising. His Moon opposes his great –grandfathers, George VI‘s and the Queen Mothers Moon. Harry‘s Moon also opposes his father‘s Sun (Campion 1993:166). His Mars in Sagittarius is only two degrees away from his late mother Diana‘s Ascendant, and her stellium of Uranus 23 Leo, Mars 1 Virgo and Pluto 6 Virgo straddle his Ascendant at 27 Leo and Mercury at 4 Virgo. Charles and Andrew also both share a Leo Ascendant and Aries MC. Charles has his Sun at 22 degrees of Scorpio which is only three degrees from Andrew‘s Moon. These brothers were born 12 years apart and were born with both of their Jupiter‘s at 29 Sagittarius. Charles‘s Saturn is also conjunct Andrew‘s Pluto. Quite another noticeable astrological feature in the current Royals charts is a Sun/Chiron aspect. The Queen, Charles, Andrew and Edward all have their Sun conjunct Chiron, Anne has it trine and William has it semi-square. There are several other factors that one could explore here as the family dynamics are expressed in a multitude of ways and the dynamics of any families‘ astrology are endless. The actual concept of 81 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 sharing astrological configurations (or not) with our family is intriguing and makes us think about how we are bound together, how our astrological family DNA is constructed and how this influences our relationships within our family and those that follow.

References Baigent M, Campion N, Harvey C. (1984) Mundane Astrology: An Introduction to the Astrology of Nations and Groups. London, The Aquarian Press. Campion N. (1993) Born to Reign: The Astrology of Europe‘s Royal Families. London, Chapmans Publishers. Clark, B. (1999). The Sibling Constellation: The Astrology and Psychology of Sisters and Brothers. London, Penguin Books Ltd. Elliot R. (1977) Astrology and the Royal Family. London, Pan Books. Gauquelin M (1969). The Cosmic Clocks. UK, Granada Publishing. Gauquelin M (1973). Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour. Santa Fe, NM, Aurora Press. Klein M. (2007) Teach Yourself the Psychology and Astrology of Human Relationships. Somerset, Capall Bann. Sharman-Burke J (1996) The Family Inheritance. London, CPA Press. Sullivan E (2001). The Astrology of Family Dynamics. U.S.A, Weiser Books. Birth Data, sourced from Frank Clifford‘s Solarfire Clifforddata and Nick Campion‘s Born to Reign Sigmund Freud, 6 May 1856,18:30, Freiburg, Moravia. Lucien Freud, 8 December 1922, 07:30, Berlin, Germany King George VI, 14 December 1895, 03.00, Sandringham, UK Queen Elizabeth (Queen mother, 04 August 1900, 11.31, London, UK Queen Elizabeth II, 21 April 1926, 02.40, London, UK Prince Philip, 10 June 1921, evening, Corfu, Greece Prince Charles, 14 November 1948, 21.14, Buckingham Palace, London, UK Princess Diana, 01 July 1961, 19.45, Sandringham, UK Princess Anne, 15 August 1950, 11.50, London, UK Prince Andrew, 19 February 1960, 15.30, London, UK Prince Edward, 10 March 1964, London, UK Prince William, 21 June 1982, 21.03, London, UK Prince Henry (Harry), 15 September 1984, 04.20, London, UK

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London School of Astrology. She is the Chairperson for the Astrological Association (since 2002), has written over 50 articles for students in the Astrological Journal and lectures globally on psychological, mundane, research and financial astrology. She is the author of books Consulting with Astrology (2012), Uranus Square Pluto (2012, The Houses by Element (2016), Astrology and Relationships (2016) and contributed to The New Generation (2012) and The Professional Astrologer (2016). In 2014, Wendy was the recipient of the UK‗s Charles Harvey award for ‗Exception Service to Astrology‗. Her website is and she can be contacted at

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 William and Catherine‘s Synastry A Fresh Persepctive Based On A New Birth Time

Natalie Delahaye In April 2011 I was commissioned by a friend of William and Catherine‟s to produce a compatibility chart as a wedding gift to the couple who were married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey, London. Because Catherine‟s time of birth has never been officially released, and there is no record of the clock- time on her birth certificate, I was very privileged to be given this information in circumstances that involved no intrusion, or any breach of privacy or trust. Despite being under no contract of confidentiality, I made the decision to wait a few years before sharing it with the astrological world. Birth time is that golden nugget of information for astrologers, essential for very particular chart calculations, but of little relevance to the rest of the world.

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born at 7pm on 9th January 1982 in Berkshire, England. Her Rising sign is regal Leo. Isn‘t that mane of hair a giveaway? This makes her Sun the dispositor of her chart, falling in the 5th house where it is exalted in its natural home. Traditionally, the Sun in a woman‘s chart is indicative of the marriage partner. In her case, a prominent man of royal lineage. Her sense of uniqueness and identity is met through creativity and children. Catherine‘s 5th house, is of course a fertile place for the bearing of royal children. Catherine studied History of Art at the university of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland. She has a love of fashion, and as the world knows, she first

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 caught William‘s eye when she strutted down the catwalk in a revealing dress at a St Andrews‘ charity fashion show. Catherine‘s chart has the markings of traditional, with her Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer echoing the UK 1801 chart. She was born on a full moon (lunar eclipse), and William was born on a New Moon (solar eclipse). They have been crowned as the solstice king and the lunar queen. Their first baby, Prince George, a ‗super moon child‘, born under a rare six- pointed star (grand sextile) on July 22nd 2013 at 4:24pm in London, UK, carries on the British tradition with his Sun in Cancer, like his father‘s, and Moon in Capricorn like his mother‘s Sun.

Kate has Saturn sextile her Ascendant, giving her a conservative, responsible vibe, bestowing an air of maturity that makes her seem older than her young years. She has a cardinal t-square formed from her Sun- moon opposition, with Saturn as the apex planet in the 3rd house. This chart segment points the area of tension in her life- the media. The ever-intense focus on her by newspapers, magazines and gossip websites is reflected by Pluto‘s conjunction with Saturn. It‘s very much a ―what doesn‘t kill you makes you stronger‖ kind of aspect. Saturn return is a pivotal karmic rite of passage for all, but especially so for a Saturnian type such as Catherine. She got married on her Saturn Return year, just six months prior to transiting Saturn uniting 85 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 with natal Saturn in Libra- the sign of relationships. So the timing of her wedding was exquisitely appropriate for life-long commitment.

In September 2012, William and Catherine- still very much in their honeymoon phase- were taking a break at a private chateau in Provence, southern France when the paparazzi captured shots of her sunbathing topless, while Willliam massaged sun-cream onto her back. At the time, transiting Saturn conjoined her Pluto, and the Pluto (exposure) Uranus (shocking) square was aspecting her natal Venus (feminine), which rules her 3rd house, (media). At the time of writing, William is demanding £1.3 million in damages for this distressing intrusion The whole experience must have evoked painful memories of his late mother Diana and the harassment she suffered at the hands of ruthless photographers. Jupiter (planet of justice) recently conjoined William‘s Mars, heading towards a conjunction with his Saturn, just short of exact when the 4 July [2017] court verdict was expected. However, this was postponed, and the court is now expected to give judgement in September of this year. Catherine‘s Capricorn Sun is conjunct South Node in the 5th house, opposite Moon in Cancer in the 11th house. This describes her service to the public, how she nurtures and relates to the masses on a global level, with her Descendant in Aquarius. She has a tightrope to walk between personal life and her public royal duties. Her Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, like William‘s: a great value for the homeland, family and tradition. Moon is opposite her 5th-house Sun, oozing public appeal, and seated in the 11th house of global consciousness and brotherhood and sisterhood, conjunct North Node. William‘s Sun falls there, lighting up her nodal royal path. Super-driven to accomplish on a grand scale, Catherine is set the life lessons that are concerned with navigating power in a focused way at the right gear. Planet of enchantment, Neptune, trines her Ascendant, suffusing her with a magical aura that could be described as ―fairy tale princess‖. Not knowing her birth time, some astrologers have speculated that she must have a glamorous, Venusruled Ascendant; this is understandable given that Taurus is on her Midheaven – the point that tells us of the public persona she projects onto the world. Also, as already noted, Neptune – the higher octave 86 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 of Venus – trines her Ascendant. Jupiter is on the cusp of the 4th house: the palace doors have opened wide to her. Prince William was born on 21 June 1982. He has a pronounced lust for life, amplified by his Sagittarian Ascendant and the solar eclipse. However, despite the enthusiastic urge to initiate, there is always the danger with New Moon-types that they can lack the drive to complete what has been started, especially if they‘ve made their mark on the world at a young age. This is where Catherine, born six months after William on a lunar eclipse, comes to the rescue. She is the Full Moon-type whose strengths lie in bringing what has been set in motion to a natural fruition. In their synastry chart, her Ascendant falls in his 8th house and his Pluto sextiles her Ascendant and squares her Moon. There is no doubt that at a deep level this is an emotionally transformative partnership. Catherine‘s Moon is on William‘s North Node, a strong indication of a soulmate connection. Theirs is a supportive, fated relationship that‘s heading in the right direction. She has a grounding, healing effect on him, evinced by her earthy Sun in a friendly trine with his Venus-Chiron in Taurus. Her Jupiter also trines his luminaries: she has empathic gifts and a cheery influence on his lunar sensitive moods.

They were friends for a while, before embarking on a romantic relationship. Kate‘s natal Venus is in Aquarius while William‘s is dignified in Taurus. The planet – the ‗Goddess of love‘ – expresses herself in different ways according to the sign of placement, and Taurus and Aquarius are totally different realms. While fixed Taurean love is rooted in the terra firma of earth sensuality, fixed Aquarian love is elusive, transpersonal and ethereal, as its air element suggests. His archetypical woman is a motherly, strong, goddess-like woman. Interestingly his late mother Diana‘s Venus was in Taurus, too. There are ample opportunities for accommodating different values, and expressions, within their marriage. Their Venuses may not be flowing with harmony (maybe she is torn between

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 city life and their country home whilst his love lies in the country) but her Venus trine to his Libra Mars (the latter closely conjunct her Mars) is a pointer to a successful union. So what role is Saturn – the planet of binding longevity in a marriage – playing? William‘s Saturn conjoins her Saturn in Libra and falls in Catherine‘s natal 3rd house of communication and intellect, as we have seen. This is where her t-square Saturn tension is felt. William helps to carry the task-maker‘s karmic weight of responsibilities, as he has been groomed to do so from an early age, as part of royal duties and his role as future king. William‘s Saturn squares Catherine‘s Sun: he gently disciplines and teaches her with his natural sense of authority. Catherine‘s Saturn falls in William‘s natal 9th house: she is his mentor as he is hers, in another sense. Her Saturn is sextile his Sagittarian Ascendant.

The Davison relationship chart

This variation on the composite chart was devised by Ronald C. Davison in the early 1970s. It‘s a chart that describes a relationship as a whole. It provides insight into the reasons why a couple has been brought together and the karmic lessons to be learnt by each. It also describes the dynamic of the relationship, revealing the essence and the resonance of two merged energies/people. The chart is calculated by using the natal date, time and terrestrial midpoint coordinates between the birth dates and times. The essence of the William-Catherine relationship [see their Davison chart], as shown by the composite Sun‘s sign in dynamic fire sign Aries, is to boldly take on action and challenges in a pioneering, highly individual way. Interestingly, the Venus of their wedding day chart conjoins their Davison Sun, with committed Saturn in perfect opposition, amped up by their Davison Mars. Their Sun falls in the karmic 12th house of the soul; the growth and learning takes place through dedication to selfless action and devotion to a higher ideal. Being of service is an important theme in the royal couple‘s chart, as would be expected, given their public duty positions. Their 6th house is the most occupied. William‘s Sun is conjunct the North Node, while Kate‘s Sun is conjunct the South Node. Some might see this as a continuation of what was begun before in another lifetime. 88 | I A M I N F I N I T Y


William and Kate‘s Davison Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, as are their natal Moons. Moon is squared by the Sun: what they want and what they need are in conflict. Their home, family and security are of paramount importance to them, but just as (or even more) important is their path to fulfilment (as well as their karmic contract together). Ruler of the Davison chart is Mercury in Aries. Mercury is at the critical, solstice point of 0°. There is a freshness and power to it. 0° is a prominent feature in many royal charts; for example, William has his Sun at 0° Cancer, and his son Prince George has his Venus at 0° Virgo. Communication is raw, direct and vital. Mercury is in trine to Uranus, indicating that they have an electric, mental connection, stimulated by progressive and original ideas. It‘s interesting that, as transiting Uranus conjoined their Davison Mercury in June 2010, it was announced that William and Catherine would be living together. This marked a breakthrough in their relationship after a few hiccoughs. Kate stopped working and devoted her time to William and her new role within their relationship. After several false alarms, wedding bells were finally on the cards, with their engagement finally announced in November 2010. Princess Charlotte, the royal couple‘s second child, was born in May 2015, just as Saturn was moving into the couple‘s composite 7th house. This underscores the increased responsibilities and duties of having a second child, deepening their commitment to each other. The Davison Sun‘s dispositor Mars is in peaceful warrior Libra. William and Kate also have their natal Mars in Libra. Libra, the sign of relationship, is in fact the most emphasised sign in the chart. However, their role is far from easy, shown by the composite t-square with Mars, Sun and Moon. While Kate and William are natural peace-seekers, who need time to think before they act, the fiery 89 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 warrior Sun sign calls for quick decisions. There‘s no time to sit on the fence when calls to action are a constant. The bedrock of Will and Kate‘s love is friendship, with Davison Venus in Aquarius in the 11th house, complementing William‘s Sun which falls in her house of friends, too. Davison Uranus in Sagittarius in the 7th house marks theirs an unconventional relationship, thriving on openness, honesty and spontaneity. The Saros series of eclipse on which Prince William was born started in AD 792, very approximately around the time of the start of the British monarchy – Egbert (born 770 AD) was crowned Saxon king in 802, recognised as the first sovereign of all England. This Saros series, which ends in 2036, is linked to transformation in the monarchy and a possible moving away from established traditions, which most likely will be replaced with a new set of foundations. (1) Since May, the North Node is to be found in Leo where it will stay until November 2018. The karmic shifts and destiny of the British monarchy are likely to come to light during this time. And it will be interesting to see what August‘s [2017] lunar eclipse in Aquarius and solar eclipse in Leo trigger in subsequent months. Last June, Prince Harry spoke frankly about his life and confessed that nobody in the Royal Family actually wants to be king or queen anymore. He went on to say that many royal members want to modernise the British monarchy, not for themselves, but for the greater good. William and Catherine make a thoroughly modern royal couple, part of the Facebook generation, carving out a new set of values, roles and images for the future, in the hope of transcending the old Saturnian rigidity and traditions of yesteryear. Royal aspiration no longer demands an interbreeding of bluebloods. The freedom now exists to make partner choices outside the narrow gene pool of nobility. ~ (1) Predictive Astrology, The Eagle And The Lark, Bernadette Brady, pp 234-236

Natalie Delahaye is based in Surrey, UK and has been a consulting astrologer since 2007. Natalie studied Astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London and is a member of the Astrological Association, UK. She has written for the Astrological Journal and Natalie has been interviewed live on CNN world news, on the birth chart of baby Prince George and held a regular slot on local radio. She read English and American Literature at Kent university, UK and her background is in Complementary Therapies. Her website is

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The Duchess‘ Kids Christina Rodenbeck

It is a curious fact that Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, is travelling back and forth between the Duchess of Cambridge‘s Sun in Capricorn and an opposition to her Moon in Cancer, as she becomes the mother of a tribe, a matriarch in the making. The change from neat family unit to small tribe happens with the addition of third child. The Cambridges‘ first son, George, was born as Pluto squared the Duchess‘ Mars. Now, Pluto brings her Solar power and yet disempowers her Moon. It‘s no surprise then, that the Duchess is physically disabled by pregnancy — and this third pregnancy promises to be a doozy. As with her previous two pregnancies, the Duchess is suffering from horrendous morning sickness - ―hyperemesis gravidarum‖. We do not have an exact birth time for the Duchess, so it‘s uncertain whether Pluto has finished its exact opposition to her Moon. It‘s certainly still in close orb. Pluto opposite the Moon can see a person bed-bound, or struck down by illness. What is certain is that Pluto will be making one final conjunction with her Sun in December — after having made two previous conjunctions, in February and July this year. The Duchess‘ power grows. She may decide to call it a day with the baby-making after this one. However, Pluto‘s square to Saturn in a couple of years could just call forth one more little Windsor. ~ (Since 1st September, 2017 you can find an exact birth time for the Duchess at thanks to astrologer Natalie Delahaye).,_Duchess_of_Cambridge

Christina Rodenbeck runs a busy astrological practice from her parlour, writes one of the web‗s most widely read astrology sites The Oxford Astrologer ( , keeps two cats, two daughters and a long-cherished partner amused — and when it all becomes too much, she retires to paint in her garden shed. She was brought up in Cairo and now lives in Oxford. Her books include Madonna in my Pocket; Meditation: Simple Routines for Home; Work and Travel (Busy Person‗s Guide) and Egypt (Fiesta).

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Love, Death, and Samhain LeAnn Lacy

Scorpio speaks of the inextricable link between death and sex. The ancient Celtic belief that the Sun‘s midpoint between the Autumn equinox and the Winter solstice marks a holy day that honors love, death, and the soulful connection between all worlds. This ancient holy day is now upon us. Known as Halloween to many, or Samhain (sow-een / rhymes with cow-ween), Dia de Los Muertos, or All Saints Day (and several other names, as well), this holy day occurs with the Sun‘s union with the 15th degree of Scorpio. This year Samhain commences (PST zone) at 9:36pm on November 6th, but anytime between October 31st and November 7th people around the world will be honoring the dead with sacred rituals, fun festivities, and special offerings to their ancestors and loved ones. It is at this threshold between worlds that the Sun‘s journey begins to descend towards the darkest time of the year. People of many faiths and spiritual disciplines believe this descent marks the time when departed souls of the preceding year are released from their earthly bonds, and are free to visit loved ones before departing for the ‗other side.‘ For many of us, this is a beloved time of remembering and honoring the dead, while celebrating the sacred joy of life. The ancient Celts believed this is also a time of honoring sensual love between embodied souls. Given the Scorpionic timing, it is no surprise that Irish myth tells us Morrigan, Goddess of Death, War and Guardian of the Dead meets her beloved Dagda only one night each year, on the eve of Samhain. On this sacred night, they may make love emodying the sacred union of two worlds, where the Goddess of Death makes love with the King of Life, surrendering to the sacred cycle of life and death. This year, when we celebrate the cross-quarter threshold, it will be as if we too are entering the unseen world, the irrational, the mysterious and the unknown. What changes will take place during this descent?

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 If we examine the November 6, 2017 (9:36 pm PST) chart, the cosmos reveals how we may descend into the underworld allowing ourselves to release what no longer serves us, while bringing new life to the hidden elements of our deeper selves. With Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio, we can expect the descent to bring uncomfortable truths to the surface. We might do well to reflect on where we have been less than honest with ourselves in our life, and allow our self to make any necessary changes to more authentically experience the deeper layers of our true self. Venus will be at the Anaretic degree of 29 Libra, opposite Uranus, indicating that the descent may entail unusual even shocking challenges in matters of love, resources and values for the collective. Given this placement, it may be useful to reflect on our values surrounding love and security between now and Imbolc (Feb 2). Have you sacrificed love for security? Have you neglected security for love? As you begin your descent towards the darkest time of the year, how might you value Aphrodite‘s need for security without dishonoring her need mutual love in your life? Moon opposes Saturn, also suggesting that we will need to balance emotional needs with security needs in our most intimate relationships between now and the Winter Solstice (December 21), perhaps even to Imbolc (February 2). With Mars square Pluto, both rulers of Scorpio will be squaring off, intensifying the drive for empowerment, penetration, and sovereignty. Although the descent may feel uncomfortable and uncertain at times, Moon in Gemini invites us to approach our relationship with a sacred Other from a place of curiosity, flexibility and humor, while Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to seek our most authentic sense of truth in matters of love, death and soulful connection with one another. A potential resource for our descent into soulful relationship with a sacred Other (including the Other that dwells within ourselves, as well as literal ‗others‘) would be Sun trine Neptune, which speaks to a spiritual feeling of unity and soulful love in the experience. Another resource might be Sun trine Chiron which promises to bring a sense of healing and restoration to our relationships. Hermes travelling through Sagittarius will make the journey as much of a quest for personal truth as it is will be an adventure that brings new insights, intuitions, and understandings to the collective. Although navigating this year‘s descent will involve a strong dose of intensity (Mars sq Pluto), it is likely a much needed sense of truth (Jupiter conj Sun) will emerge that restructures (Moon opp Saturn) our personal and collective values in innovative and progressive ways (Uranus-opp-Venus), bringing a sense of rebirth and renewal around the Winter solstice and Imbolc.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 LeAnn is an astrologer and clinical hypnotherapist in California, USA. In addition to an astrological counseling practice, she is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and an apprentice in Steven Forrest‘s Apprenticeship Program. She has also studied at Kepler College, and at Mark Jones‘ Pluto School integrating an evolutionary and therapeutic approach to astrological counseling. LeAnn has a BA in literature and liberal studies, a Masters degree in Teaching and Educational Administration, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. Her main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and soul centered astrology.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Can Evolutionary Astrology Reveal Our Prior Life? Marguerite dar Boggia

Jeffrey Wolf Green, Steven Forrest and Mark Jones have been espousing, lecturing, and writing on Evolutionary Astrology. According to Evolutionary Astrology, through the Pluto placements and the nodal axis of the Moon, details can be ascertained as to the unconscious dynamics and PRIOR KARMA that influences a person coming into this life./1/ I decided to test it out. This is the chart of a woman, we will call "Jane", whose son told me that in his last life he was cruel to his wife and she committed suicide by drowning. She is now his Mother. This is what he was told by his Aunt. Jane was never informed of any of this. This is Jane's chart. She was born on 12/9/1952 in Cali, Columbia/1a/. The time is from her mother's handwriting in her baby book.

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Declination Pluto (14+Cancer) and retrograde Uranus (17+Cancer) conjoin her ascendant (14+Cancer). (A declination equivalent planet is one whose degree of declination above or below the celestial horizon, has been converted to its planetary equivalent in longitude.) This means that Pluto is very influential. Planets conjoining the ascendant are extra strong. According to Healing the Soul by Mark Jones, "Pluto refers to a strata of the consciousness that is both fundamental and primarily unconscious, whereas the nodal axis of the Moon refers to experiences of the PRIOR LIFE, inter-uterine, early childhood 'ego' experiences that have arisen to express those deep unconscious drives."1b "Pluto conjoining the South Node of the Moon, indicates a pronounced signature of RELIVING THE KARMIC PAST."/2/ The Pluto conflict is between the desires of the soul for real growth and the ego or personality, which resists the intentions of the soul./3/ 96 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The ruler of the So. Node of the Moon reveals the prior life experiences. The Sun, (17+Sag.) ruler of the So. Node of the Moon, is in Leo. It is in the 6th house of health quincunx retrograde Uranus, declination Pluto and the ascendant. In her last life she died at a young age /4/ by drowning in the lake. What can be gleaned from the aspects as to her previous life? The Part of Fortune (20 Aries) conjoins the MC (parent). It suggests that her Father was wealthy or financially successful. The Moon ruler of the ascendant (herself) is in a trine aspect to Venus (husband) in the 7th house. She loved her husband dearly.

Capricorn is on the cusp of the 7th house. Saturn its ruler, signifies the husband. Saturn conjoins Neptune in Libra. To Jane, her husband (Saturn) is her IDEAL (Neptune) He is exceptionally handsome (Saturn exalted in Libra),and is admired by other women. She is enthralled by his personality and magnetism. Saturn is in sextile aspect to the Sun (his personality) and Pluto (magnetism & sexuality). Her father is signified by the ruler of the Midheaven. Aries is on the Midheaven. Mars, its ruler, forms a favorable sextile aspect to the MC and to the Part of Fortune. It denotes that her father has good fortune. In addition, Saturn is also the natural ruler of parent. Saturn, exalted in Libra, signifies that her father is wealthy. (Saturn sextiles Pluto in the 2nd house of money). Her husband marries her for her wealth. Venus (her husband) is in materialistic Capricorn in the 7th house. He does not really love her. Saturn (ruler of the 7th house) is in a discordant square aspect to Venus. Venus in Capricorn and Saturn exalted in Libra are in mutual reception, but they cannot help each other because the aspect is a square. It connotes discord in family life (4th house Saturn) and/or control (Saturn) by partner of Jane. Neptune square Venus denotes her delusions (Neptune) of love (Venus). Her Pluto and So. Node in the sign of Leo suggest that she had inflated pride, (Leo) narcissism and a need to be admired because she was special and wealthy. (The Sun is in a grand trine with the part of fortune, Pluto and the So. Node of the Moon). Pluto and the S. Node in the Taurus 2nd house suggest that she was JEALOUS and POSSESSIVE. (Taurus) She was self-willed. The Sun quincunxes Uranus (self-will). She was vociferously critical. (Virgo Moon in square aspect to Sun) Family life was unendurable. He longed for his freedom. Retrograde Uranus (freedom) is in a T square with the part of fortune in the 10th and with Neptune and Saturn in the fourth house of residence. Mars in Aquarius (freedom) quincunxes Uranus. He decides to abandon her. The tenets and beliefs of her religion (Jupiter) are no solace or consolation for her. (Jupiter squares the nodes of the Moon.) A square to the nodal axis (in her case, Jupiter) represents unfinished business on an evolutionary level and the reintegration point is signified by the node of the Moon that last transited it. In this case the north node of the Moon is the reintegration point./5/ This indicates that Jane has to go back into the past experience that caused her trauma. Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus in the 10th house. It suggests that issues of jealousy, possessiveness, (Taurus) and of control (10th house) were involved. She believed (Jupiter) she could control her spouse through her wealth, however, he was controlling her. Jupiter signifies our belief system. It is incumbent upon her to develop a philosophy of life wherein she blesses everyone and every situation realizing that all negative situations are opportunities for self97 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 unfoldment; and that real LOVE solves all problems. The North Node in Aquarius suggests that one of her lessons was to learn to "love with an open hand." The Sun forms an EXACT quincunx aspect to retrograde Uranus in Cancer. It is a SEPARATION aspect. She ends her life by drowning (Cancer is a water sign) in the lake. Uranus rules the 8th house of death. *** How did the aspects work out in this life? Uranus, is the subconscious urge for freedom. (Uranus conjoins the ascendant). The individual finds himself either divorced or free from the relationship. She divorced her husband after having 3 loving children. (Venus is in a sextile aspect to Mercury in the 5th house of children). Her husband had problems with alcohol (Neptune) and was abusive. (Neptune in square aspect to Venus.) The following are the eclipses that pertain to her Uranus-declination Pluto. On 1/4/92 the solar eclipse at 13:51 Capricorn activated Declination equivalent Pluto (14+ Cancer) and progressed retrograde Uranus (15:09 Cancer) conjoining her natal ascendant (14:47 Cancer). Every time there is an eclipse on her ascendant or descendant, this aspect is activated. It occurs approximately every 19 years in the same year as an eclipse on her natal Sun (17:55 Sag.) inconjunct natal Uranus (17:38 Cancer). On 12/9/92 the lunar eclipse (18:12 Gemini) opposed her natal Sun in the 6th house of health. At the same time progressed Ascendant (23 Leo) conjoined natal retrograde Pluto (23 Leo). Eclipses can be in effect for almost 2 years. On April 9, 1993, under the same aspect of progressed ascendant conjunct Pluto, with transiting Pluto at 25 Scorpio squaring natal Pluto (23 Leo), her car careened off the freeway on to the freeway below. It was on a ―Good Friday‖. She was grateful for her blessings and was saying a prayer while driving. On Monday she returned to work with only some bruises on her body. Then on November 17, 1993, under the same progressed aspects, she experienced a stroke and went into a COMA. On November 30, 1993 she had a second stroke and then went into another COMA for fourteen days. She does not recall her out of body experiences as some people do. It depends on one‘s point of development. For the chart progressed to Nov. 30, 1993 progressed Ascendant conjoined natal retrograde Pluto (23+Leo). Progressed Sun conjoined natal Venus. The soul was trying to tell her that her lesson was in relationships (Venus). Real love solves all problems. Progressed Moon sextiled natal Venus. This denoted that she would be given another chance. Venus rules the fourth house (end of life). Nineteen years later the same eclipses occurred, to wit: a solar eclipse on 1/4/11 at 13:38 Capricorn and on 12/10/11 a lunar eclipse at 18:06 Gemini. Progressing the chart to 2/15/12, a finger of god aspect, to wit: a YOD /6/, was formed by the progressed ascendant (14 Virgo) sextiling natal ascendant (14 Cancer) and both inconjuncting natal Mars at 14 Aquarius in the 8th house. A second yod was formed by the progressed Sun (18 Aquarius) sextiling natal Sun (18 Sagittarius) and both inconjuncting natal retrograde Uranus, (18 Cancer) the ruler of the 8th house of surgery and death! A yod aspect relates to destiny. Her soul was testing her to see if she learned how to handle life‘s challenges. Mars conjoining the N. Node connotes she has willpower. She was determined to survive. 98 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 In February 2012 she was hospitalized because she was constantly nauseous. The doctors could not explain her condition or find a cure. She was discharged from the hospital 5 months later on 8/3/12 and then went into a nursing facility. She stayed in the nursing facility for about a year until September, 2013 and then went home. While in the hospital she had various surgeries, one was on the stomach. That was pure hell! She is now regaining the strength in her leg muscles. She visited her beloved son when he became a Father. He sent her the money to visit him in Canada. It gave her great happiness. One day she will realize that real joy is from the soul and from its service to and love of all humanity. It knows that there is no separation as it is part of the OVERSOUL./7/ As of 1/1/17 she is able to use a folding wheelchair. In 2020 those two eclipses in Capricorn and Sagittarius occur again. We are destined to grow and evolve through experiences, which really are OPPORTUNITIES for evolutionary development. References 1Jones, Mark, Healing the Soul, Raven Dreams Press 2011, pg. 100 1aJane was born on Dec. 9, 1952 at 7:50 PM time zone 5 (EST) in Cali, Columbia, 76'W35'; 3'N25' 1bJones, Mark Ibid pg.17 2Ibid pgs. 153-154 3Ibid pg. 25 4Ibid pg. 203 Uranus in the 1st House or in aspect to Mars. This placement may correspond to memories of having died at a young age in recent prior lives. 5Ibid pg. 170 6Yod. A yod is formed by two sextile planets (or angles) with both quincunxing a third planet (or angle) It denotes DESTINY. 7Bailey, Alice, A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. 1925, pg 7 All souls are part of the Oversoul.


Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary of ISAR (The International Society of Astrological Research) She was a former publisher of Kosmos, (now called The International Astrologer) Secretary and Director of both ISAR and UAC. She was a co-founder of UAC. She now offers free of charge, online three pages weekly of the esoteric studies as was known by Pythagoras which can be accessed through her website, which she just created at age 90:

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The Transits Of Pluto: Transmute Or Die! Alan Oken

Abundance on all levels and on all planes of consciousness is the natural order. Obsessive attachment either to abundance or its lack is unnatural and creates chaos. A developed personality, one that is usable for the work of healing and service, requires an acquired attitude of loving detachment. We must therefore work to ―watch our movie‖ (after all, whether consciously or unconsciously, we are writing and producing the script!) and not just be starring in the film. The ability to ―witness ourselves‖—which is not to be confused with judging ourselves—is a very important step in actualizing our Soul‘s potential to externalize in the outer world. I am here speaking about an actuality. The externalization of the Soul is not a theory. –Alan Oken

The title of this article is both rather intense as well as containing a powerful pair of synonyms. The intensity comes from the fact that no matter what kind of contact we have with ―The Lord of Hades,‖ be it a transiting trine or stationary conjunction, the effects of Pluto are just that—intense! Pluto may be billions of miles away and rather tiny as planets go (in fact, he has been ―demoted‖ to a planetoid— an overgrown asteroid—in some astronomical circles), but Pluto is mighty in his effects and should never ever be underestimated by the astrology student. I was also contemplating an alternative title for this piece. This was, ―The transits of Pluto: An offer you can‘t refuse.‖ Now if the reader sees any link between my choice of titles and the Mafia, you would be right. Pluto does indeed rule the Mafia as well as any ―underground‖ group of gangsters, mobsters, and terrorists (in the case of the latter, those ―religious‖ terror groups also have a lot to do with the combination of Mars and Neptune). As for the synonyms in my title: ―transmute or die,‖ these words given out in a metaphysical context mean pretty much the same thing. Death is seen by the soul-centered astrologer as only a change or mutation of form. In this respect, death occurs repeatedly and forever as universes as well as people are born, live a certain lifespan and then die only to reincarnate in yet another form. So death in

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 effect---and this is a very important concept to grasp if we are to understand the transits of Pluto—is but a change of form and form itself is the result of the rate of vibration of matter. In soul-centered astrology we also consider matter on three levels: the physical, the emotional, and the mental. Some thing may physically die: a chair breaks apart. It is therefore no longer a chair but unless repaired and reassembled and thus reincarnated, the original chair has effectively died. In its place is a chaotic pile of wood, stuffing, and upholstery. An emotion can die: you fall out of love with your soon-to-be-ex-lover and try to reincarnate the relationship as a friendship but the original form of the feeling and the relationship that emerged from it has also effectively died. A thought-form can die. You hold a particular allegiance to a political party and its candidates but an inner change occurs in your way of thinking and you break your party membership. You may seek to reincarnate your political views and join a more appropriate party, but your original way of thinking that had motivated you into a certain form of political action, has for all practical purposes, died. All of the above death and reincarnation processes are plutonic in effect. Thus in terms of my title containing a pair of synonyms, this then is also true for transmutation is death of a previous form, thus permitting (evolutionary) change to occur. ―Die!‖ on the other hand is of course ―death‖ but has the sense of finality, without any hope of a redemptive reincarnation at work. And yet even in the finality of ―Die!‖ the plutonic process is still ever at work. I think the only real difference here between these terms from a ―practical‖ esoteric perspective, is that when we transmute we opt for conscious choice and cooperation in the process. This requires a certain bit of yielding to Pluto when he transits and knocks at our planetary door. When we let go and give ourselves up into this process, we will experience loss, there is no doubt of that. Loss is part of the Pluto process but I have really learned over these many years on this planet, that the giving up of the lesser will always produces the incarnation of the greater. It may not happen instantaneously (LOL!), but it does happen. The ―Grace‖ if you will is in how we given up what is being taken away from us. It is in the taking away that we have no choice, the choice is in how we let the object, feeling, thought, him or her, go.

The transits of Pluto: three general comments. 1. These transits take a relatively long time. There is an average minimum of 2 years for every Pluto transit. This time can be extended if the transit Pluto is making is a multiple of complex one. Example: natal Moon at 14 Taurus, natal Sun at 16 Capricorn, and natal Mars at 18 Cancer. Pluto will take nearly 4 years to transit these degrees, i.e. 1418 Capricorn. And if we add a degree approaching and about half a degree separating, we have just added a number of additional months to these plutonic effects on a person‘s life. 2. These transits have very profound consequences. In the case of the faster moving planets such as Mercury, Mars, and Venus, they make frequent and multiple transiting aspects to one‘s natal chart. But in the case of Pluto you get only a ―one-time shot.‖ It takes Pluto some 240 years to go the 360o 101 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 distance around your personal wheel. This means it will conjoin, square, oppose, sextile or trine a place in your horoscope once and only once. Yes, it goes back and forth over a planet or point several times in a single transit series (known as ―a station‖), but you only get ONE of these series in a lifetime. I am thus always appreciative of the fact that whenever I see Pluto aspects approaching to my chart—be they easy or hard aspects—of the need to learn the important lesson of these very intense and ―finalizing‖ aspects. As a Scorpio-rising person, release-death-empty space-renewal for me is very much a part of living. 3. Through its transmutations and deaths, Pluto closes certain doors and then opens others. Here we can see the major difference between the effects of Pluto and its lower octave, Mars with whom it shares rulership over Scorpio. Mars is the gun and the self-defense mechanism, anger, or fear in the heart of the man or woman who uses it. Mars/Ares is a very simple guy, who says in effect: ―Bangbang, you‘re dead!‖ Pluto then picks up from where Mars left off and pronounces: ―Yes you are indeed dead but I will take you through a portal that can restore you to immortality. This can be in Hades or in Heaven. How you are reborn into either of these places (for there are levels of being in each of these domiciles) depends on the Path that your life choices and karma have brought you.‖ I remind my FB Friends that both Hades and Heaven are also found on Earth. Pluto/Sun: The very nature of our personal identity is profoundly touched and conditioned when Pluto makes a major transiting aspect to our natal Sun. Pluto/Sun transits also have a great deal to do with the quality of our creativity, either raising it up or bringing in some highly destructive dynamics that complicate our life and its creative processes. At the current time, Pluto is in Capricorn, this especially affects people with the Sun in the cardinal signs. A key word of cardinality is ―motivation.‖ Pluto in aspect to cardinal suns will thus challenge the quality of motivation in relationships for Libra; challenge what the motivation for personal security is for Cancer; help strengthen or destroy the motivation for success and achievement in the life of Capricorn; and challenge personal motivation for creative self-expression for Aries. In all cases, the ―sense of self‖ is being transmuted and the test will be: ―Is this an upward or downward turn of one‘s evolutionary cycle.‖ For Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, and especially Scorpio, the Pluto in Capricorn trines and sextiles to these suns can be quite developmentally positive. In all cases, in all transits of Pluto, there will be loss (which is often a very positive thing). Pluto/Moon: Pluto‘s transiting contacts to the natal Moon bring up the underworld of our subconscious emotional lives. Feelings that have been either suppressed or forgotten come to the surface of memory either through our relationships, our dreams, or our internal meanderings and cogitations. Difficult transiting Pluto to the Moon aspects from mid-2012 to early 2016 have been and continue to be complicated by the presence of Uranus. This will cause ―houses to crash down‖ around us. False ―house of cards‖ will be swept away by winds of truth that we cannot avoid experiencing. The strong and positive transits to the Moon will be to the same signs mentioned above under ―Pluto/Sun.‖ This can have a lot to do with letting go of old and outworn methods of self-protection and stimulate emotional maturation. 102 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Pluto/Mercury: As a rather mental person, I very much appreciate the positive contacts between the Lord of the Underworld and the planetary Messenger. These transits allow us to deepen our understanding of the area in life where Mercury sits in the natal map (i.e. its house position). These transits also make what was previously unknown or kept secret from us, come out of the shadows of ignorance. Challenging transits between these two planets, give obsessive thoughts and a suspicious mind—definitely headaches!!! Lesson: objectify thought so you can see and separate the true from the false messages you are giving to yourself. Pluto/Venus: The underworld of wealth is found in mines. Positive transits of Pluto to natal Venus reveal hidden riches found in the attics, mines, and storehouses of our life. This description can be taken literally insofar as going into our storage closets, garages, and attics are concerned to fish out what is really valuable or what things need to die a decent death and a proper burial. This is a great time to regenerate resources, so it you have not seen it, used it, or missed it, you would do well, to sell it, toss it, or just give it away. Venus is very happy when she is involved in the Law of Circulation. This ―selling or tossing‖ process may also be applied to relationships that sap energy rather than give it. You may be the ―sapper‖ so if that is the case, this is a wonderful time to learn or relearn relationship skills. Pluto/Mars: This is a very powerful combination. If you have been waiting for the strength to blow up a mountain (or leave your job, or relationship, or your religion), a powerfully positive transit of Mars will allow you to do this. As I mentioned, this is not a swift and quick aspect, so expect the transiting trine from Pluto to your natal Mars to allow you to build the courage to inflect a ―righteous death‖ on the situation that needs a proper burial. Challenging Pluto to Mars aspects will impede or otherwise bring frustration to the ―transmute or die‖ situations in your life. Tensions will rise to the point that you will have no doubt about whom or what you have to leave. Helpful hint: Difficult Pluto/Mars aspects are very stressful. Take up a martial art, go to the gym on a more regular basis, run and do aerobics—you will need to circulate your energy so as not to get stuffed to the bursting point. Pluto/Jupiter: This combination of planetary forces has a lot to do with the challenge to and the need to transform one‘s belief system. This can occur from someone in the family breaking away from the religion you follow (transiting Pluto in Capricorn opposing natal Jupiter in Cancer), thus challenging your faith. The possibility may also appear that you need to explore a new belief system yourself (transiting Pluto in Capricorn square to your natal Jupiter in Aries). Transiting Pluto trine your natal Jupiter in Taurus or Virgo can bring greater financial worth into your life through the application of your beliefs in a practical way (Jupiter in Taurus) or benefits come to you from job opportunities (Jupiter in Virgo). Pluto/Saturn: One of the most challenging aspects is the square or opposition to natal Saturn from transiting Pluto. Such transits create very intense conflicts with authority figures (especially and including parents if the opposition is from Capricorn to Saturn in Cancer), corporations, bosses, governments, banks, police, etc. Internally there is the need to break with an oppressive power 103 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 structure. The conjunction of Pluto to Saturn in Capricorn is especially challenging as the power structure against which we are rebelling is the one we created ourselves! The positive dynamics between these two planets when in transit speak about the acquiring of more self-discipline and responsibility plus the positive power to handle these situations. This transit also speaks about either the improvement or replacement of a previous structure of ―law and order‖ in our lives and when positive (sextile or trine) that adaptation to this ―New Order of our Personal Universe‖ is far easier to accomplish then when the hard aspects are involved. Pluto/Uranus: Pluto by transit in easy aspect to Uranus allows us to understand and incorporate the ―language of the future‖ into our lives. It is difficult sometimes to recognize the messages that the youth are trying to give to their elders. The times when Pluto is sextile or trine your natal Uranus is the time when you can appreciate these ―trans-generational‖ voices. Conversely, transiting Pluto square or opposing natal Uranus will bring about social conflicts as Pluto/Uranus seeks for us to transcend generational separations. Pluto/Neptune: When in 1973-74 the transit of Pluto was conjoined my natal Neptune at 3 of Libra, it was also passing over the position of Neptune in the lives of all of my contemporaries (or would soon be doing same in 1975/76). This meant that all of us born in the mid-1940s (a huge mass of ―Flower Power Kids‖) were coming into the realization of our own destinies within that group. In effect the ―piercing of the Neptunian vail‖ was occurring allowing those of us who could see, a vision into our own (spiritual) direction. For the majority of people, the effects of transiting Pluto to natal Neptune challenges the status quo of personal illusions, opening those with the ability to objectify the process to the deeper meanings that lie behind external events. It is great blessings for spiritual grown if one can take advantage of it. If one is not sensitive to these great subtleties, then I think transiting Pluto to natal Neptune only increases the depth of personal dreaming. Please note: Pluto is currently animating the ―generational call‖ of all people born between 1990 and 1995 who have Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn. We saw this generational voice come forth in September and October of 2014 when these young people stood their ground in Hong Kong. We have also been witnessing their collective spirit at work when protesting the current world climatic conditions. In 2018 to 2020, the transit of Pluto will be crossing the exact Neptune/Uranus conjunction at 20-22 Capricorn. This is in the charts of all young people born in 1993 and 1994. They are 24-25 years old now in 2017 and in 2018-2020 they will be 26 to 28 years old. It will be at this time that this huge Pluto in Capricorn transiting natal Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn group will emerge with an even louder generational voice. Please keep in mind that these young people all have their natal Pluto in Scorpio sextile their natal Uranus and Neptune so that transiting Pluto will be in sextile to its own place at the same time. Pluto/Pluto: Pluto transiting its own place in the natal chart brings its nature to the forefront of one‘s life depending on the aspect and signs. For example, as pointed out in the paragraph above, in 2018104 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 2020 Pluto will be sextile its own place. What is its natal placement? This is in Scorpio sextile the Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn conjunction and in the case of 1993 births, also simultaneously square natal Saturn. The transiting sextile of Pluto in Capricorn will awaken all of these natal potentials bringing the voice of this generation out in fullness. One of the ―songs‖ they will sing is: ―Hey authority figures, do not screw up our future!‖ As they will be in their mid to late 20s, many of them will be creating social movements and organizations to this end while millions more will be joining them in a call to collective action. (Collective action is easy for them as they almost never leave their Smartphones or I-Pads!) It should be pointed out however that a huge number of people in this generation will take comfort and security in another form of collectivization—conforming to the status quo and doing what they are told in return for material security—and to save their necks! This will be especially the case among such young Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn/Saturn-in-Aquarius people living in China and North Korea as well as in the Arab states. Much more obvious social action will therefore arise from this generation in Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Alan Oken is available for private consultations and for mentoring in both esoteric and exoteric astrology. He also welcomes private students interested in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. You may reach him at as well as via his website:

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Some thoughts on...Neptune and that elusive ―Elsewhere‖… Anne Whitaker

‗The human comedy doesn‟t attract me enough. I am not entirely of this world….I am from elsewhere. And it is worth finding this elsewhere beyond the walls. But where is it?‟(i) The pull of elsewhere has dominated my life. As a child, lying tucked up cosy and warm in bed, listening to the wind beyond our walls tearing the world apart, I used to luxuriate in the contrast between in here and out there – and wonder where the Power came from to cause the winds to rage, and the sea to beat endlessly against the coastline of my native island. No doubt my wonder at the waxing and waning of the moon as she sailed the sky at night in her everchanging rhythm, weaving her way amongst the stars shining in their mysterious patterns in the clear nights of winter, spun a thread deep in my mind and heart, much later to be woven into my passion for the ancient art of astrology. My ‗real‘ life in childhood – eating, sleeping, going to school – was incidental to my inner life which was full of the really interesting questions: why are we alive, where do we go after death, do we live on several planes of existence at once, what is happening in other galaxies, if there are x million Catholics and even more Buddhists and Hindus, how come they are all Wrong and Damned and a few thousand members of the Free Church of Scotland are Right and Saved? 106 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 These issues, fed by reading, preoccupied me for years. It would take me a long time to understand and accept that my obsession with the big ―Why?‖ , from the moment I opened my eyes to the world, is not the norm for most of humanity. Sensibly, they just want a quiet uncomplicated life. Apart from my maternal grandfather, a loving and very broad-minded Christian – ‗remember, child: whatever our race, colour or creed we are all God‟s children‘– nobody knew what went on in my head and heart throughout my entire childhood.

There is no such thing as one biography of a life. Your perspective changes with the passage of time and the way life‘s inevitable challenges are dealt with. You rewrite your own history in your head all the time, mostly without realising it. For example, I never understood the full extent of elsewhere‘s pull until my mid-life descent into and return from the Underworld, a period which lasted seven years – undoubtedly the most difficult and the richest time of my whole life. I feel in better relation now to that mysterious elsewhere than I have ever been ! To me, elsewhere is the vast wave of which everything – universe, cosmos, galaxies, planets, Earth, all life forms – is a droplet. We arise from elsewhere, and that is where we return. Call it the quantum vacuum, the Zero Point Field, God, Buddha, Krishna, the Ground of our being, the Source, the One, the Twelfth House: the name we give it does not matter.

I have also learned that elsewhere is not somewhere else. It is here, present, now, everywhere – always. ________ Endnotes (i)

from Eugene Ionesco:quoted in Philip Yancey‟s “Reaching for the Invisible God” p25)

Anne Whitaker MA, Dip Ed, Dip Social Work, lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. She has a long background in adult education, generic and psychiatric social work, and private practice as a counsellor, counselling supervisor, and mentor. She has been an astrologer, teacher, and writer since 1983 and returned in May 2012 to part-time astrology practice, then teaching in 2014, after a very long sabbatical. Anne studied with Dr Liz Greene and the late Charles Harvey at the Centre for Psychological Astrology during the 1990s, obtaining their Diploma in 1998. Her first print book, ―Jupiter Meets Uranus‖ was published by the AFA in 2009. Anne writes at and , where her two free research studies ―Jupiter Meets Uranus‖ and ―The Moon‘s Nodes in Action‖ can be downloaded. They can also be obtained via where they were both featured in 2015. Anne has a regular column in the UK‘s Astrological Journal, also writing and reviewing for The Mountain Astrologer Magazine. Her other two e-books can also be downloaded from her sites. She is available for astrological consultations and short-term counselling both in person (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) and via skype. Details on either of her sites. Contact: email: and via Facebook and Twitter .

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 REPORT FROM PERUGA 2017 ―We Went Back To See The Stars ‖ Chiron, The Soul Wanderer

Milla Basso I decided to talk about the theme of Chiron because the symbol of the ―wounded healer‖ has led me to profound thoughts regarding the human condition in general. It has also brought me to wonder why ―destiny‖, through different kinds of paths, has led me, in the end, to take care professionally of fragile and ―different‖ people, of those who are often considered ―outsiders‖ by the mass. Knowing that ―nothing happens by chance‖, I started to approach the studies that influential astrologists (Melanie Reinhart and Paolo Crimaldi above all) had conducted on this planetoid or comet as you prefer, discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles T. Kowal in Pasadena CA USA. As regards, however ,the astrological study ,the first astrologer who worked on it was Zane Stein in Philadelphia USA ,establishing its natural Domicile within the Constellation of Centaur. What caught my attention and curiosity was the fact that Chiron has a singular motion, different from the other Planets, to the point that it is in fact called ―maverick‖, the non-aligned, and it moves within an orbit between Saturn and Uranus with an eccentric motion. Some think Chiron abodes within Sagittarius House IX – referring to the nature of Centaurus and of Spiritual Master expressed by the Sign – others, emphasizing the value of ―corporeality‖ and of its healing, see it as aboded in Virgo House VI. Furthermore, others see it as aboded in Libra, considering it the higher octave of Venus (like Neptune, with who Chiron shares the self-healing value, but on a more trans-personal level). In Libra we find the exaltation of Saturn which, together with the skills of mediation and balance, typical of the Sign, would seem to emphasize these Chironian qualities. I personally feel that the position of Sagittarius is more coherent with this symbol. I feel it is appropriate, at this point, to briefly explain the myth related to Chiron. He was born by the adulterous relationship between the Titan Kronos-Saturn and the Nymph Filira. When the two lovers were discovered by his wife Rea, Cronos fled changing into a horse. Filira gave birth to a son, half man and half horse and of which she was frightened and who she decided to abandon by asking Zeus to change her appearance. She became the tree of Linden. Young Chiron was adopted by Apollo who instructed him in all kinds of arts and knowledge; Chiron was wise and 108 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 patient, so different from the other Centaurs who were rash, impulsive and rough. He would become in future the teacher of heroes such as Jason, Achilles, Asclepius and Heracles. The myth says that it was the latter that accidentally hit Chiron‘s knee, with an arrow imbued with the poison of the Hydra, while he was killing the Erimanto Boar as one of his twelve labours. Despite his medical knowledge and the ability to cope with pain, after some time during which the wound would not heal, Chiron was forced to beg Zeus to make him mortal so he could end his suffering. His request was granted at the condition that the Titan Prometheus was freed from his chains and his punishment for having given the ―Fire of Knowledge‖ to humanity (Prometheus represents Uranus, the other Planet that, with Saturn, determines the orbit of our Planetoid). Zeus honoured Chiron by placing him within the Centaurus Constellation. I would now like to point out some interesting aspects on the psychological point of view. ➢ The demigod nature due to his origin: his father is Kronos who covets the Nymph Filira, from this the double nature, divine and human; humans are by their nature ambivalent and often harbour contrasting feelings, thoughts and emotions; the psyche-soma or body-spirit dialectic that characterizes our nature. ➢ The mother, after seeing the ―monstrosity‖ of her son, abandons him at his birth and asks Zeus, pushed by her guilt for her adulterous love, to be transformed in something different from what she was. She was granted her wish and transformed in linden (tree with known healing properties and which bark could be used to vaccinate) while Chiron, archetype of the adoptive son, would be raised by Apollo, who would become thus his father in music and in the curative and medicine arts. ➢ Following this, Chiron himself would become teacher of Asclepius and Heracles, recreating a sort of ―family‖ that he never had by birth; here we have the ―rejection‖ and the ―abandonment‖ but also the possibility to ―familiarize‖ with those akin to him, recreating the psychic nucleus that fulfills the need of love, acceptance and nursing of the first years of life. ➢ Some believe that the etymology of the name Chiron comes from the greek ―cheir-cheiròs‖, literally ―hand‖ (and for extension help, union): it is the hand that holds you during your journey, the cure ...; furthermore the glyph, composed by the letter K under which there is a small circle, reminds of a key that can open new doors (of conscience? of the soul?); lastly the greek letter ―chi‖ is designed with a big X … how not to think, by suggestive analogy, of the symbol of Cristòs and if his sacrifice to save humanity? ➢

So, ―care‖ as the ―healing process‖ as ―introspective journey‖ and first of all spiritual.

➢ The ―healing‖ action of Chiron, within the Birth Chart, be it radix (meaning how it is positioned at the moment we come to this world) or in transit (meaning, during its passage on the Planets of the Birth Chart), expresses itself in its cycle - that lasts about 51 years before returning on itself - in a period of our life when we start ―dealing with death‖. We are not young anymore, not old either, but we start walking the road that brings to the end of some phases: children leave home, for a woman menopause is close, each of us looks at the results, more or less successful, that we have obtained, we have started to feel the mourning for losing our parents and sometimes our friends, we are more aware that our body is destined to get old by watching it change but above all, I would say, we spiritually enter the perspective of the impermanence of the Whole. 109 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The Myth expresses these steps very well: ➢ 1-Refusal and abandonment: it is the so called ―wound of the soul‖, the pain we come in contact with. ➢ 2-Crisis: it is the awareness of the suffering and the challenge to want to look in its face and deal with it. ➢

3-Elaboration: our shadows, our demons have to be understood and integrated.

➢ 4-Healing: the process that has started goes towards its resolution, with timings and modalities that vary from person to person. In our biographies, Chiron puts us in front of challenges that we know how to accept and manage nevertheless we are not able to sense … so what we don't face today (meaning the wound, problem, discomfort) we will find again, possibly exacerbated, during the next transit of Chiron. It must be said though that when we are able to listen to the message of our ―inner travel companion‖ the transformative ―healing‖ process of the soul will make us die to ourselves to be reborn to a new light so that we can ―go back to looking at the stars‖! We will have the new understanding that we are not ―only‖ our body but also a Soul and that the laws that regulate the duality of human nature have to be avoid becoming ill. When I said before how the legend of Chiron had attracted and ―called‖ to me, I meant to say that in that moment (years ago now) I started to take in consideration this symbol-archetype in my Birth Chart to start with and then to extend it, during consults, to the people who had a biography characterized by strong existential wounds and that where then able to transform these experiences in creative and healing modalities, first of all towards themselves, and then towards others. I found, as predictable, important Chiron aspects in the Birth Charts of peers who worked to support and help others (social workers, psychologists, teachers...) Coming back to the ―double nature‖ I was talking about before: Chiron, says the legend, is the only non brutal Centaurus, and the fact of being born half human and half animal expresses the coexistence of soma and psyche, which brings the ―therapeutic power‖ of this Centaurus. It is known that there has to be a ―wound‖ before beginning to talk about ―healing‖ and it needs to be recognized: in Chiron the wound is the ―rejection‖ of his parent, the ―abandonment‖. Wounds are often physical as the one to his knee brought by Heracles, best friend of Chiron, such a insupportable wound to bring him to ask Zeus to give him mortality in order to end the pain and this was accorded in exchange of ending the pain of Prometeo who had given men the ―fire of knowledge‖ which had bought the Deities of the Olympus to be afraid of losing their power to the extent that they chained him to the Caucasian Cliff. Here is liver (and for analogy his courage, Jupiter and, again, Sagittarius) was constantly eaten by the eagle, in a cycle of death and rebirth: the liver would in fact keep growing again after it was eaten. Wounds are often also spiritual, they bring us to the suffering of our soul ... they can seem to be healed but sometimes they come back to hurt ... Wounds of the soul, cure, healing: the symbol was gaining shape and significance for me already starting with these words.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 I observed my Birth Chart to understand the message of my Chiron in house Pisces XI and in the meanwhile I tried understanding as much as possible regarding the myth and the astrological studies around this ―symbolic key‖ I retraced my life as a sort of ―autobiography‖, knowing that this in itself has a certain ―healing‖ valence: my wound was part of my personal biography, while the study of Chiron was taking me to the ―legend biography‖ where the wound is collective and enters a transpersonal life story that transcends ourselves and regards the others we are taking care of. The ―cure‖ puts in motion a ―healing‖ process: where we have Chiron (House, Sign, and Aspects), we identify the wound and we sense the cure, activating the healing process which is, in last analysis, a ―transformational journey‖. The legend tells us how the Centaurus brought up by Apollo was an expert in medicine, music and arts (all treatments for the body and the soul!); furthermore we know that these talents were fundamentally of a practical nature centered on the ―here and now‖, today we could say ―learning by doing‖ (educational practice borrowed from American pedagogy of Dewey), learn to learn finalizing our knowledge to be transmitted after ―elaborating and integrating it‖ personally, recognizing thus the value of our ―diversity‖, ―individual originality‖ and so ―creativity‖. To Cure is a ―vocational act‖ and in this sense I feel that the collocation of Chiron in Sagittarius House IX intended also as vocation is appropriate. Whenever we start an act of healing we create goals, we have expectations, that often talk to our projections: to resize our expectations can be helpful both for the healer and the ―wounded‖, most important is to not lose hope that the cure will work! In astrology the symbols connected to this practice, in my opinion, are Jupiter and Pluto in regard to the fantasies of omnipotence and power over the client while, on the other side, we find Saturn who brings us back to a healthy ―sense of the limit‖ versus the omnipotence, when it warns us also of the possible distrust and withdrawal from healing. As I was saying most important is to not lose the hope that the cure ―can work‖, and here again we find Sagittarius with the youthful value of trust! The specific qualities of Chiron in the legend describe him as a ―inner teacher‖, ―guide‖, ―shaman‖, ―catalizer‖, ―union of the opposites‖, ―healer‖, all qualities that well describe the transformative and elaborative nature of the archetype. The Chironian process in our life, when we put our hand on the experience of pain and suffering (ours or of others) brings us to travel alternatively between the worlds of Saturn (tradition / past / emotive stagnation) and Uranus (resilience / future / emotive elaboration) in line, on a metaphorical level, with the astronomical eccentric motion of the asteroid. We also think that the ―transgressive‖ and ―transformative‖ value of Chiron when it heals wounds takes in account the personal history of suffering and pain (it is the lesson of Saturn, here intended as origin of reality), it looks at the scar but does not eliminate it (as Uranus would do by following his revolutionary nature), instead it transforms it, it elevates it on the evolutionary level of the individual healing process, integrating it in the life experience of the ―healed‖. Jung, who integrated psychotherapy with astrology thus opening new horizons of thought and practice of healing of the human soul, would ask himself: ―Who heals the wounded healer?‖

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 This fundamental question on a epistemological level, and why not, also astrological and mythical , can only have one answer: ―the wounded healer must first heal himself to then heal others‖. In this way, Chiron, is ―evolutive‖; in particular during its transits, we have the opportunity to ―recontact‖ the infected wounds and heal them, in fact it will only be after we have taken care of ourselves, having worked on our traumas, recognizing and integrating them in our consciousness, that we will be able to ―take on ourselves‖ other people's wounds. Chiron here is our ―travel companion‖ (other Sagittarius value) who takes us by the hand bringing us over suffering and towards a new light. I would like to dwell, now, on the theme of the wound and the scar that it leaves. The myth recounts that Chiron, induced by the pain brought upon by Heracles arrow, is forced to fall to the ground on his knees and by doing so in a certain sense ―humiliates‖ himself: the soma-animal-selvatic-divine is wounded and the pain puts him in contact with his mortal part: it‘s his human heart that calls out to Zeus asking to transform him into a mortal (at this point how not to see some likeness with the sacrifice of Christ?). Independently of how we wish to see this character, I think that the important fact is given by the path that goes from the recognition to the elaboration and the overcoming of pain, of the suffering caused by the wound, by its acceptance, which often requires forgiveness towards those who have made us suffer and have abandoned us, who have betrayed us (I would like to stress how ―forgiveness‖ can be reconducted to values of Neptune, archetype that is strongly connected to the ―healing‖ processes as stated above) ... The teaching of Chiron in the Birth Chart, helps us to better understand the rejection we have received, especially in our first years of life, if not in our earlier lives for those who believe in reincarnation, not only but also starting from this awareness ―key of our healing‖... we can gift others with our ―cure‖, because we have first of all healed our existential wound. I think that the creativity of each of us, the recognition of our talent are the gifts Chiron gives us in order for each of us to give back to community that which is the ―gift of our authentic diversity‖. Going back to my Chiron in House Pisces XI: after living for a long time with ambivalent feelings of uncomfortableness and inadequacy when in group contexts I found myself, without understanding why, at the same time to be afraid to be ―assimilated‖ by the group, with the passing of years and experience I learnt to recognize the message of my Chiron. 112 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 I believe that this coincided with the return of Chiron on himself and the end of the first cycle of Saturn, when I was about 27 years old ... well, I learnt that those feelings of exclusion, of inadequacy, and so of suffering, where in truth childhood affective needs that had not been completely satisfied, but furthermore due to my recognition of my ―diversity‖, unicity and authenticity, where the meaning of who I was really, for myself in primis. As understandable, this did not happen in a short period! I started walking along an internal journey made of steps forward and stops, but at the end I understood that my diversity was my ―keystone‖ as per the teaching of Chiron: to put my empathy, my understanding of feelings, my emotive intelligence to the service of who lives in discomfort, with insanity and with all kind of addictions, but recognizing at the same time the importance of the ―limit‖ as per the teaching of Saturn. I can heal other people‘s wounds at the condition that I have first put myself in a ―safe position‖ (emotionally and spiritually), setting boundaries to the suggestive invites of omnipotence of Jupiter and Pluto! Today I can honestly say that ―taking care‖ of other souls has not only helped the healing of some of my wounds, but is a source of daily spiritual enrichment and new energy for me and, I hope, for the people that are part of my life. This is the lesson of my Chiron that keeps showing me the path with his arrow when the Light fades and the Stars are far away on the horizon.

BIBLIOGRAFY E. Bernhard ―MITOBIOGRAFIA‖ Adelphi Editore 1969 P. Crimaldi ―CHIRONE‖ Edizioni Librarie Federico Capone 1996 J.Dewey ―DEMOCRAZIA ED EDUCAZIONE‖ La Nuova Italia 1984 D. Demetrio ―RACCONTARSI. L'AUTOBIOGRAFIA COME CURA DI SE'‖ Raffaello Cortina 1996 L.Greene ―L'ARTE DI RUBARE IL FUOCO‖ Astrolabio 2005 J. Hillman ―IL CODICE DELL'ANIMA‖ Adelphi 2009 C.G. Jung ―L'UOMO E I SUOI SIMBOLI‖ Edizioni Tea 2007 C. G. Jung ―LA SINCRONICITA'‖ Bollati Boringhieri 1980 L.Livaldi Luan ―IL PROGETTO DELL'ANIMA‖ Edizioni Librarie Federico Capone 2011 L. Marinangeli ―RISONANZE CELESTI‖ Marsilio I Nodi 2007 M.T. Mazzoni ―IL MITO E L'ASTROLOGIA PSICOLOGICA‖ Edizioni Librarie Federico Capone 2012 M .Reinahart ―SATURNO CHIRONE E I CENTAURI‖ Astrolabio Ubaldini 2003 R. Sicuteri ―ASTROLOGIA E MITO‖ Casa Editrice Astrolabio 1978 I. D. Yalom ―IL DONO DELLA TERAPIA‖ Neri Pozza I Colibrì 2015

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Born in Milan June 22, 1963.I received a classical education, then a degree in Professional Education. I'm dealing with mental health rehabilitation. I've been studing astrology for 30 years; first selfeducated, then I completed four years of training with Eridanoschool of L. Fassio. I'm attending the first year of CIDA in Milan. I teach humanistic evolutionary astrology courses. Principal authors in my education: Greene, Rudhyar, Arroyo, Sasportas and Crimaldi.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 REPORT FROM PERUGIA 2017 Sacred Geometry and Body Movement Revival of Hellenism in the choreography of the early twentieth century and its platonic roots in the dance of Humanism

Chiara Gelmetti In the early twentieth century, the Western or western dance world is shocked by the arrival of an American dancer who will totally change the status of dance until then, opening up new perspectives and the possibility to rethink the dancing body and its ability of expression. From America to Germany and England, going to Russia and then landing in France, dancing and sharing with the students the study of dance and everyday life, drawing inspiration from nature and plastic models of Greek antiquity: Isadora Duncan gives us a new choreutic and choreographic vision and new models of didactic training.

Paul Berger, Isadora Duncan and her pupils, Grunewald School, 1908.

From Russia and from the Greek-Armenian origins Georges I. Gurdjieff, Duncan's coevident, makes a journey opposite hers, from the Middle and Far East to the West. Illuminated by the female rituals of the Sarmoung monastery, he will invent the "movements" that sacred dance in the PrieurĂŠ (near Paris) along with De Salzmann (dancer, student of Dalcroze) will teach his students in a dance school and life.

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It is based on Gurdjieff's book "Music for the Movements" with Wim van Dullemen on the piano

There is no free mind without a free body (Isadora Duncan)

It was in 1900 that Isadora Duncan (San Francisco, May 27, 1877 - Nice, September 14,1927) performed for the first time in Europe, London, opening a new perspective, a newold look at the possibilities of bodily expression, Body that investigates its movement, which excites itself beyond style and seeking a new style... daring to change a paradigm that strictly dictated its rules in the world of 19th-century dance. A real revolution: dancing on bare feet, running, walking, jumping, without corset and floating clothes inspired by the peplo of ancient Greece, using the music of famous composers that had never been used for the ballet ... Lori Belilove (Art Director of Isadora Duncan Foundation at the Kennan Institute) tells how it was inspired by wind, waves, clouds, and trees, and felt with certainty that all those movements that were in harmony with nature would look natural and beautiful . Inspired by the plasticity of Greek statues, those natural and beautiful movements, through the power of music, expressed pathos and ethos, proposed a new philosophy of the body,indeed through the body. Just four years earlier, Greece organized the first modern Olympic Games in Athens and in the twentieth century neo-liberal poetry reached absolute summits: C. Kavafis, G. Ritsos, G.Seferis and O. Elitis (the latter two won the Nobel Prize). There is renewed interest in the ancient world in the West, a look to the East, which Greece is leading to, seeking new stimuli and ancient roots, correlations, investigating their identity.

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Isadora Duncan, The Caryatids, Parthenon, Athens, 1913

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 "The Fourth Way is different from the other three ways because the main claim that is made to a man is to understand. A man must not do anything he did not understand, except for experiments under the direct supervising of the master. The more a man understands what he is doing, the greater the results of his efforts. This is a fundamental principle of the Fourth Way. The result ofwork is proportional to work awareness. " (P.D. Ouspensky) Georges Ivanovič Gurdjieff (Gyumri, January 14, 1872/1/ - Neuilly-sur-Seine, October 29, 1949), Greek father and Armenian mother, multifaceted spirit, philosopher, mystic, writer and dances teacher ... but what dances? Between 1887 and 1907 he formed a group called "Truthers of Truth", he travels numerous trips to the Middle East and India, leading him from Central Asia to Tibet. And he is very impressed by the female ritual dances she sees in the monastery of the Sarmoung Brotherhood. In Georgia in 1919 Gurdjieff met with artist Alexandre Gustav Salzmann and his wife Jeanne Matignon de Salzmann, who had studied dance under the guidance of Émile Jacques-Dalcroze, founder of Eurithmics/2/. In collaboration with Jeanne, Gurdjieff elaborates his "movements", or sacred dances, which he first introduced to Tiflis in June 1919. In the same year he fonds the Institute for Human Harmonization. Dancing the Enneagram What does it mean? And what is the enneagram? The Enneagram is an esoteric principle that allows to penetrate the essence of reality, considered in its entirety and in its various aspects. The Enneagram symbol represents the laws governing the physical world, a fundamental tool for understanding the living: human life, man's behavior, personal relationships, and social organizations. Dancing the Enneagram is the challenge that Gurdjieff proposes, where each individual represents one of the six regular decimals that result from any division of any number with divisor 7. Through the choreutic movement underlying the mathematical structure, the symbol The movement of creation in the seven days ... where numbers 3, 6 and 9 are excluded to draw the vertices of the unmistakable equilateral triangle circumscribed in the circularity, a space that outlines the figure of the enneagram. Any number divided by seven, with the exception of the multiples of seven, gives a decimal sequence of 0,142857. Let‘s see it better: 1:7 = 0,142857 etc… division one 2:7 = 0,285714 etc. division two 3:7 = 0,428571 etc… division three 4:7 = 0,571428 etc… division four 5:7 = 0, 714285 etc….division five 6:7 = 0, 857142 etc….division six So there are six dancers in the file taking as the "home / queue reference" the division sequence in the base one, each of them will represent a number. Moving each of the files forward (either in a simple or even very complex), recreates in the space, and with a number of steps forward, a new numeral sequence while retrospecting returns to the original layout then restarts to compose a new sequence until the six possibilities are exhausted and therefore all the combinations of the divisions given by the number seven. 118 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 From these numbers are excluded the three, six and nine, that is, the multiples of three, symbolizing here the divine, where the seven the power of the manifestation in action. If, starting from the circle figure symbolizing unity and being, I insert an equilateral triangle that divides my perimeter into three clusters and these circle arches divide them further in three parts I will get nine equidistant points. The vertices of the equilateral triangle will be indicated by 3 and by its multiples being this triangle the symbolic representation of the divine (and the trinity). If I then join the other points in the decimalbase sequence of the 1: 7 division, I get this figure said the enneagram. It is necessary to remove the myth from the hands of fascist intellectuals and convert it to humanism. (T. Mann, letter to K.Kereny, September 7, 1941) Body movement and inspiration to aesthetic and philosophical models of Greek thought. Both of these concepts emerge in the study of the Renaissance dance of the fifteenth century. The dances of the Enneagram of Gurdjieff and the bassedances of Jewish Guglielmo from Pesaro are compared with the number and the symbol, even the astrological ...

Let us once again turn to humanism ...

~ /1/ The year of birth is uncertain, between 1866 and 1877, while 1872 is the official date according to the French register, and as such engraved on the tombstone. „2/ Method to teach and perceive music through movement. Dalcroze realized that the body played an intermediary role between sound and thought and could become the direct instrument of feelings .

Graduated in philosophy with the highest marks and praise, she has had a multidisciplinary training in theater, dance and music, gaining professional experience in the Quelli di Grock Theatre Group in Milan, in the choir of the New Polyphonic Ambrosian, in the Piccolo Ensemble of San Marco and Amici del Loggione of the Teatro alla Scala. In 2003 he founded with some devotees of dance and ancient music, the Cultural Association A.D.A. Danze Antiche (of which she is today honorary president and main cultural animator), for whom she has held and held Renaissance dance courses in Milan and Gradara (PU). She is curator of the book "Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro" and the dance of the fifteenth century, published following the conference which she organized in the same city and whose reprint is being published (March 2017). Since 2003 she has held experimental dance seminars both in Italy and abroad and has conducted several dance seminars for CIDA, which she has been in for many years. She has collaborated with various humanitarian associations, including Zeroconfini onlus, for which she choreographed these performances: Viole-per-Enza and Artemisia Gentileschi in the Process in the Process, participating in both performances with the ADA Dance and Experimental Group.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Venus In Fall And In Detriment Ewa Krajewska This topic was Ewa‟s talk at the 49th AA GB Conference (September, 2017,Cambridge, UK)

Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central - Diego Rivera 1947

photo by Ewa Krajewska

The planet in fall or in detriment is in a very difficult placement because the nature of the sign where the planet is situated, is totally different from the nature of the planet, and that‘s why it cannot use its full power. We can compare it to a situation when we are travelling through a country that we don‘t know and we don‘t feel safe there. We don‘t speak the language used in that country, we know nothing about the culture of that place and for some reason we look strange. We intuitively feel that the local people don‘t like us, so we would like to disappear from that country as soon as possible, but we cannot. We have to stay and try to organise our life there. We have to get used to the fact that we don‘t fit in there, we have to learn the local language and respect the local tradition. Even though it‘s very difficult, we know that we have no choice and we have to do it, otherwise we won‘t survive. The planet in fall or in detriment has to learn how to act in the hostile environment. Such planet has to work harder and use much more energy in order to achieve its goals than a planet in good position. When a planet is placed in the sign of its rulership or exaltation, it can express itself easily because the nature of that sign and the nature of the planet are very similar. We can compare it to a situation when we are in our hometown, where we have family and friends who love and respect us and are ready to help us any time. Obviously, we are native speakers and we know the culture of that place, as we are the part of it. That‘ s why living there is nice and easy. If we want to achieve something, we don‘t have to struggle with any obstacles. We are just working on our goals and soon we can see the good results of our effort. When a planet is placed in a sign of non compatible energy, first it has to learn the rules of that hostile environment and search for the way how to express itself according to the rules of that sign. It takes a lot of patience and hard work but when the planet in fall or in detriment finds the 120 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 right way to express its energy, it can work pretty well. Such planet is much more motivated than a planet in exaltation or in its own sign. The individuals, who have the planets in fall or in detriment in their charts, don't develop the qualities represented by these planets quickly, which may cause a lot of problems, especially in the childhood. These people feel that they are different from their class mates and they cannot relate to them. On the other hand, they want to be accepted and recognised precisely in these areas which are represented by the weak planets. This need pushes them to work hard on developing these qualities. After years of work, they finally manage to find the right means of expression for the weak planet. Let's take a quick look at the nature of Venus in the natal chart. It represents beauty, harmony, culture, art, artistic talents, love, erotic life, relationships, agreements, alliances, pleasures, convenience, material goods, money. The dark side of Venus is vanity, laziness, superficiality, hedonism, lack of taste and lack of direct expression. Venus in the natal chart shows our approach towards love, what kind of relationships we create and what do we need in the relationships to feel loved and respected. Venus shows our sexual preferences, too. By analyzing the position of Venus in the birth chart, we also learn how we can earn money and what is our approach to finances in general. Venus shows if we are generous and like to take the financial risk, or on the contrary, we are mean, greedy and obsessively save money for though times. Venus also defines how we spend our free time, what are our passions, what makes us happy and what gives us pleasure. Other expressions of Venus are fashion and appearance. The placement of Venus shows us how we dress and what colours or designs make us feel comfortable. It also shows if we are the followers of the latest fashion trends, or we rather choose our own style as we want to stand out in the crowd. Venus also describes our artistic talents, taste and approach to art. Venus rules Taurus and Libra so it is "at home" when placed in these signs. In Pisces Venus is exalted. When Venus is in these signs of the zodiac, it is very strong so it can develop its potential without any obstacles, just like a person living in her/his hometown, surrounded by friends and relatives. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, so when Venus is placed in this sign, it feels like a guest. Nevertheless, the energy of Jupiter and Neptune is compatible with the nature of Venus, which is why it feels very good there, too. This can be compared to the situation of a person who is travelling from her/his hometown to another town, but still stays in the same country. The natives with strong Venus immediately draw attention by their beauty, kindness, fine clothes or artistic talent. Making money comes easily to them. They are extravagant because they believe in their financial success and know that they will always be able to earn more. Sometimes they are lazy because they want to enjoy their lives and they are focused on pleasures. The farthest from the sign of Taurus is the sign of Scorpio, the farthest from Libra lies Aries, and the farthest from Pisces is Virgo. In Aries and Scorpio Venus is in detriment. In these signs the qualities of Venus are not appreciated an they are even perceived as defects. Venus in Virgo is in fall. The sign of Virgo is associated with completely different values than beauty, love, comfort and money, so Venus is a true stranger there, just like a person who has travelled to the end of the world and has landed in an exotic country, of which she/he knows nothing about, and in addition the locals are very unfriendly. When Venus is placed in Aries, it lands at the hostile territory of the rulership of Mars. The sign of Aries is fiery, cardinal and masculine. The most important features of this sign are action, initiation of new projects, courage, independence, ambition, enthusiasm, rivalry and passion for sport. The other face of the sign of Aries is impatience, aggression, brutality, the desire to be always the first and the best one at all costs, lack of tact, selfishness, taking excessive risk, fear of failure and stagnation. How 121 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 the beautiful, peaceful, harmonious and lazy Venus feels in such environment? What is the approach to love, money, art and fashion of the individuals with Venus in Aries? In the sphere of love Venus in Aries brings sudden excitement and love at first sight. When a man with Venus in Aries sees a woman he likes, he immediately wants to get her. He doesn't waste his time on courtesy or long conversations. He is very direct and he doesn't hide his intentions. The longer the woman he likes doesn't show any interest in him, the more he becomes obsessed about her. Nevertheless, if the love conquest takes too long, he gets bored and quickly finds another woman who will be ready to go to bed with him on the first date. The man with Venus in Aries likes to fight with another men for the woman he loves. He is very satisfied and proud of himself because he has beaten his rivals. The most fascinating phase of romance is the very beginning and the love conquest. When the man with Venus in Aries has already had sex with the desired woman, he quickly loses interest, abandons her, and sets off for a new love conquest. He treats sex as purely physical pleasure and doesn't always combine it with feelings. In the field of love, the individuals with Venus in Aries are selfish and they don't respect the needs of their lovers. They are not particularly romantic, they don't like long talks about feelings nor romantic dinners with candlelight. They have problem with keeping up with fidelity, because they follow their instincts. When they see an attractive person, they start flirting immediately. They find independent, brave, energetic and creative people very attractive. They don't like people who are sensitive, cold (lunar and saturnian types), because they don't want to comfort anyone, nor waste time on someone who is arrogant and unresponsive. The ideal partner should be ready for any adventures and to surprise them all the time. If someone cannot stand their fiery temperament and abandons them, he/she will do them a favour, because it will save their time needed for finding a new fascinating love. When it comes to the financial sphere, the natives with Venus in Aries are extravagant and wasteful. They are impulsive buyers. They don't analyse how much a certain thing costs and whether they needed it at all. They invest the money they earned very quickly, often in innovative ventures. They want to be pioneers on the market in a given field. Although such strategy is very risky, it seems to work pretty well for them. They prefer to create their own business rather than work for someone unless they are managers. They earn money thanks to their creativity, independence, enthusiasm and courage to invest. They don't save money because they believe that money generates more money, so they constantly invest in something. The individuals with Venus in Aries can earn in such areas as sports, military, military equipment and all kind of management. They can also earn money as organizers of some events or thanks to their skills, as they often become experts in some field. They like to spend money on their hobbies like sports, military or vehicles. The individuals with Venus in Aries are very creative in the field of art. They are not followers of tradition or someone else's ideas, but they create their own, innovative and unique style. They create new trends in art and fashion, which seem to be too modern and too extravagant for others. Nevertheless, after some time other people will understand and appreciate their original ideas. Motion plays the key role in their artistic expression, so they can become great dancers, practice artistic gymnastics, figure skating or other sports in which the artistic expression plays a big part. The individuals with Venus in Aries intuitively know that beauty is not their strength and they feel that they must work on their appearance to look as good as others and even better. Often they want to compete with others and look better than anyone else in their workplace, school, university, etc. The desire to be the most beautiful and admired ones pushes them to work hard on their appearance. They are ready to do everything in order to look great. They can spend a lot of time in the gym, use very strict diets, undergo plastic surgeries or spend a fortune on fashionable clothes, just to look fabulous. 122 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Unfortunately, they are never satisfied with their appearance, even when actually they look great. They still want to work on their image to be even more beautiful, which may turn into a grotesque. They like simple but very sexy outfits that show the perfect shape of their sexy bodies. Sometimes their outfit is too provocative. Their clothes should be comfortable, sexy and practical at the same time, e.g. a sporty or military style. They feel good in lively, flashy colours. Women are short-haired very often which gives them a masculine look. We can find Venus in Aries in the birth chart of American actress and singer Liza Minnelli, whose most successful film was "Cabaret" from 1972. In that film, Liza was wearing skimpy and somewhat vulgar clothes, which were not very sophisticated, but thanks to this simplicity, she looked great. This kind of image was very provocative and was awaking men's imagination, which is typical for Venus in Aries. Interestingly, in 2004 and 2005 Liza Minnelli was proclaimed the worst dressed Hollywood actress, so her dressing style was not always iconic. Liza Minnelli has a typical male hairstyle (short hair that makes her look like a boy) but somehow it makes her look beautiful. The artist was married four times, and her last husband claimed that Minnelli was beating him when she was drunk. The artist has undergone some plastic surgery, which everyone can see, but she denies it.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 The Colombian singer Shakira also has Venus in Aries. When she was 10 years old, she joined the church choir, but she was kicked out because her strong voice, which sounded like bleating ram, did not fit in. The artist didn't give up on singing and tried to do everything in order to become famous. She wrote her own songs, recorded two albums, but they turned out to be complete failures. Only the third album, called "Pies Descalzos", released in 1995, brought her success. Hard work finally paid off. Shakira has become so popular at the Latino music market that it drew the attention of the US record companies. In 1998, she moved to Miami. In order to conquer the American music market, she had to transform because she wasn't considered attractive enough. First of all, she learnt English and started to sing in that language. She also changed her image. Shakira lost a lot of weight, dyed her hair blond and became more sexy. It's worth mentioning that dancing plays a big part in her artistic career. In her music videos and during the concerts, Shakira shows her original way of dancing and the sensual belly dance. She writes and produces her own songs, because she wants to have control over everything. In 2010, her song called "Waka Waka" became the official anthem of the World Football Cup, which made Shakira even more popular, so sport helped her in some way. Shakira's life partner is a Catalan football player Gerard PiquĂŠ, who is 10 years younger than her. The fact that a person with Venus in Aries is in a relationship with a sportsman and who is much younger is not a surprise.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Scorpio is a water sign, fixed, feminine, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The most important qualities of Scorpio are perseverance, courage, patience, strong emotions and the ability to cope in extreme situations. Scorpio is also associated with making an in-depth psychological analysis and with passion for discovering secrets. The dark side of Scorpio is lack of forgiveness, vindictiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, secrecy, taking excessive risk, fear of betrayal and fear of losing the material goods. How does the energy of Venus manifest when it is placed in the possessive and dangerous Scorpio? In the sphere of love, Venus in Scorpio brings great passions to life. The individuals with Venus in Scorpio desperately need great emotions and psychological and spiritual connection in the relationship. They must feel that they are in an unusual and magical relationship which is supposed to last for the rest of their lives. When they fall in love with someone, they will do anything to keep their partner, no matter the costs. They are very jealous and possessive, but at the same time extremely loyal and devoted to their loved ones. You can rely on them in any situation. Quite often, they excessively control their partner and even limit her/his personal freedom because they are afraid of betrayal. They treat their loved ones as a part of themselves, which is why losing their partner is very painful for them. Losing their partner would be like losing a part of themselves. The natives with Venus in Scorpio feel very insecure in the relationships, that's why their partners must constantly assure them that they are loved. They have plenty of complexes and they are afraid that they are not attractive enough to keep their partner, it is why they are so jealous. Actually, when they are not jealous, it means that they are not in love any more. Then they quickly break up and look for a new love because they cannot live without experiencing strong emotions. When they are abandoned, their whole world collides. They suffer very much and they remember it for the rest of their lives. They are very vindictive, so they can abuse their ex-partners. The individuals with Venus in Scorpio are interested in mysterious, seductive people. They like to fight for the person they love (the longer, the better) and even sacrifice themselves for love. Their perfect partner must have a well-developed intuition and be able to make a deep psychological analysis, otherwise Venus in Scorpio type doesn't feel this magical, emotional connection in the relationship. They avoid superficial people. Sex plays a very important role in their relationships and in their opinion it is the best form of knowing the other person deeply. They like sophisticated experiments in bed and breaking any taboos. When it comes to the financial matters, the individuals with Venus in Scorpio are never satisfied with what they have, even if they are quite rich. They are constantly trying to get more money, which can lead to workaholism, obsessive saving for the tough times and excessive financial risk. These people never lend money to anyone because they are afraid that they would never get it back. They are also afraid that someone could manipulate them, so before they start doing business with anyone, first they will discreetly investigate this person to make sure he/she is trustworthy. They perfectly hide their income and often even their relatives don't know how much money they earn and what exactly they do. They consider long-term deposits the safest and the most profitable. They invest in long-term ventures and they can wait years for profits as they know it's worth waiting for. They can earn money on the stock market, banking, psychology, esoteric knowledge, financial counseling, insurance and getting to know the secrets of other people. They can also earn money on medicine, especially if it's related to saving lives or working with people who are seriously ill, as they are not afraid of death. The natives with Venus in Scorpio have an incredible talent to find rich sponsors for their projects. They like to spend money on books about psychology and all kinds of esoteric courses, e.g. Tarot reading, palmistry, etc. because these fields allow them to discover the secrets of other people which gives them a sense of security.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 In the field of art, the natives with Venus in Scorpio like to show dark, repressed emotions, mysteries and psychological depth. Quite often, they go beyond social taboos. They are not afraid of controversy. As a matter of fact it makes their artistic works special. Their favourite subjects which often appear in their works are death and evanescence. The individuals with Venus in Scorpio don't like to stand out in the crowd. They dress in a way that allows them to disappear in the crowd because it makes them feel safe. They like to observe other people in a discreet way without being noticed themselves. Quite often they wear sun glasses even on cloudy days. Nevertheless, deep down their hearts, they want to be noticed but by certain people who they are interested in. Sometimes they dress in a very sexy and provocative way to draw attention of others. Even if they are in a crowded place, sitting in a corner, it's impossible not to notice them. They have a special, magical and mysterious personal charm which others find very attractive. They know how to be stylish, classy and very sexy at the same time. They like lively colours which create contrast, e.g. black and white or black and red. They look fabulous in black clothes. They also likes military style and motifs with death and skulls. Women prefer expressive eye make up, emphasizing their hypnotic look. We can find Venus in Scorpio in the natal chart of an English rock star, Ozzy Osbourne, who started his career in Black Sabbath. He co-founded this band with his friends in 1968. The band was named after a horror film of the same title. One of the members of the band noticed that people were waiting in long queues in front of the cinema to see this film and he thought that they apparently liked to be scared. He realised that making money on scaring people would be a good idea. Black Sabbath became famous for heavy, raw sound, cynical lyrics and dark, scary image. Their first album called "Paranoid", released in 1970, was a great success both in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Ten years later Ozzy Osbourne left the band and started his solo career, but he didn't stop shocking people. Once he bit off the head of a pigeon and one year later he did the same to a bat. Ozzy was accused of promoting Satanism and persuading young people to commit suicide. It didn't harm his career and even made him more popular. A person with Venus in Scorpio can gain a good reputation on this type of controversy. Ozzy often wears black clothes, sometimes he even paints his nails black and his look is emphasized by dark make-up. His wife, Sharon Osbourne, plays a big role in Ozzy's life. She is the manager of this eccentric artist, and she keeps her husband from falling into addictions (which had happened in the past) and from wasting his talent. Thanks to her determination, he is still able to earn money. Between 2002 and 2005, the Osbourne family took part in the MTV reality show called "The Osbournes." In this show, Ozzy seemed to be a nice, calm man, good husband and loving father, which is so different from his stage image. It was Sharon Osbourne, who took the role of a "black character", controlling all the family members who seemed a little helpless and lost. Interestingly, Sharon Osbourne also has Venus in Scorpio, so controlling the loved ones lies in her nature. Ozzy seemed happy to have someone around him who cares for him. Thanks to his Venus in Scorpio, he certainly appreciates his overprotective wife and treats control as a proof of a great love.

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We can find Venus in Scorpio in the chart of Agatha Christie, an English crime novelist. She is known for her numerous detective novels. Some of the characters of her novels became iconic, especially Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Agatha Christie also wrote 6 romances under the name Mary Westmacott. Nevertheless, she was recognised by the themes related to Scorpio, like death, crime and mystery. According to the Guinness World Records, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all times. Her novels have sold over 2 billions of copies worldwide. She is also the most-translated author. Her books have been translated to 103 languages. In 1914 she married Archibald Christie. In 1926, he asked for divorce as he fell in love with another woman. It was a huge shock for Agatha. By the end of that year, she disappeared for 11 days. Nobody knows what happened to her and it remains a mystery (typically Scorpio-like theme). She might suffered from amnesia but according to some theories it was made up in order to promote her books. In 1930 she married Max Mallowan, an archaeologist who was 14 years younger than her. She travelled with him to different archaeological sites, especially to the Middle East. She used that places as a background in her books. She was interested in the esoteric knowledge. During the WW II, she worked as a pharmacy assistant in the hospital in London where she learnt a lot about poisons. She used that knowledge in her books. Poisons are also related to the sign of Scorpio.

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Virgo is an Earth sign, mutable and feminine. This is the kingdom of Mercury, the planet of intellect, knowledge, intelligence, trade and travelling. The main qualities of Virgo are order, cleanness, planning, precision, science, intellect, modesty, diligence, harmony, the ability to observe the environment and to make a very detailed analysis. The dark side of Virgo are OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), criticism, cynicism, obsessive perfectionism and self-control. How does Venus work when it is placed in Virgo, in the territory of Mercury, where everything is subjected to reason? The approach towards love and relationships of the individuals with Venus in Virgo is very careful. Before they start a relationship, first they observe the person they are interested in. They analyse his/her behaviour in various situations to ensure that he/she is honest and reliable. Quite often the relationships of natives with Venus in Virgo have a practical sense, e.g. the partners share the bills for a flat or they work together. As a matter of fact, the individuals with Venus placed in Virgo meet their partners at the workplace or at school, university or different types of trainings. They have problem with expressing their feelings because they don't want to make fool of themselves. They are also afraid of criticism and rejection. Only when they trust the other person and know that they are fully accepted, they become more open. In love, they primarily seeking intellectual understanding, which is more important for them than sex or emotions. Most of them are not passionate lovers nor they like experiments in bed. Their ideal partner should be smart, kind, modest, resourceful, neat, have good manners and look after personal hygiene. When the person with Venus in Virgo is abandoned, he/she maintains cold blood and finds logical arguments for this situation, as his/her emotions are strictly subjected to reason. When it comes to the financial sphere, the natives with Venus in Virgo know very well how to save money systematically, but they are not mean. They are not impulsive buyers, either. Before buying anything, first they analyse if they really need certain item, then they compare the price of similar goods in order not to overpay. They hate wasting money or extravagance. They avoid financial risk so they invest only in safe undertakings, especially the ones related to education or travelling. These 128 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 people are afraid that someone will trick them or abuse them financially. They would not stand the fact that lazybones or ignorants could spend their hard gained money. Because of their innate modesty, they are underpaid as they don't demand good salary for their work. Quite often they work hard for little money. The areas profitable for them are education, travelling, trade, data analysis, ecology, foreign languages, repair, medicine, process of control, logistics or being an expert in a narrow field. These individuals love to spend money on travelling, books, electronic devices and various types of courses raising their professional qualifications. The natives with Venus in Virgo are gifted writers, poets, bloggers and speakers. In their artistic work, they include various moral teachings, which encourage their readers or listeners to reflect on their lives. They want their artistic expression to have an educational dimension. The natives with Venus in Virgo care a lot about their image, because they are afraid that someone would notice some small, compromising detail, such as the eyelet in the stocking, and would laugh at them. They wouldn't stand it, so they obsessively keep their look ideal. Their clothes are always perfectly matched. Venus in Virgo types hate extravagance, flashy designs, lively colours, or vulgarity. They dress in simple, practical and comfortable clothes, which at the same time are neat and elegant. They like natural fabrics and avoid artificial ones. They observe how others dress, so they know what is fashionable in a given season and they adapt to current trends. They always wear trendy clothes because they don't want to look silly nor to make fools of themselves as they hate being criticized. The individuals with Venus in Virgo have an excellent sense of colour and texture, which helps them combine clothing and accessories perfectly. They don't like to stand out in the crowd nor being noticed. They love clothes of good quality, but of a reasonable price, so they patiently wait for sales season to buy the clothes they found a few months earlier. They want to be recognised for their intellectual talents and not for their looks, however despite that, they want to look perfect in every way. Quite often they are on a strict diet and they undergo plastic surgery. We can find Venus in Virgo in the natal chart of the British artist Sting. Before he began his music career, he worked as a bus driver, a tax officer and when he graduated, he took up the job of a teacher. All these activities are related to the sign of Virgo because they consist of travelling, controlling procedures and sharing knowledge. Nevertheless, the passion for music has won and Sting chose artistic career. From 1977 to 1983 he was a member of a very successful band The Police. The group has won six Grammy Awards. Since 1981 Sting has also appeared as a solo artist and has been very successful. His music is harmonious and combines many genres of music from rock and pop to jazz, soul to reggae. Sting composes his own songs, writes lyrics and is a multi-instrumentalist. The lyrics of his songs often contain a moral message that encourages to reflect on the meaning of life. Sting's music is not only entertainment but has a deeper, more intellectual dimension, which is the domain of Virgo. Sting got married twice. His second wife is Trudie Styler, an actress and a film producer. Sting's wife has her own job and earns her own money, which is crucial for a man with Venus in Virgo. He would not support financially his partner. Sting leads a quiet life, avoids excess and controversy, though he has met with huge criticism when he said he didn't intend to leave a penny from his fortune to his children. The artist decided that his children should make money on their own rather than count on the inheritance of a rich father. Sting prefers to spend his money on himself, although he supports charities, which is quite surprising for a person with Venus in Virgo. Charity gives him an image of a 129 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 good person which might be important for him. Sting is also committed to protecting the environment. His clothes are always perfectly matched. Actually, they are more suited to a bank employee than to a rock artist. Sting follows fashion, but doesn't create it himself, e.g. he grew a beard when it became trendy. He wants people to talk about his music, not his appearance.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has Venus in Virgo in her natal chart. Before she became a politician, she had been a scientist. From 1973 to 1978, she studied physical chemistry. In 1986, she earned a Ph.D. in this discipline and was also a researcher. After the German reunification, she became a deputy in Bundestag. In 1994, she became the Minister for the Environment (a very Virgo-like theme). In 2000, she became the leader of CDU (Christian Democratic Union) and in 2005 a Chancellor. While attending the school in East Germany where she was growing up, she excelled at Mathematics and Russian. Both subjects are related to the sign of Virgo. She got married twice. She met her first husband, Urlich Merkel at the university where he was also studying Physics. They got married in 1977 and divorced in 1982. Her second and current husband is quantum chemist and professor Joachim Sauer. They met in 1981 but they got married in 1998. Her husband has remained out of the media spotlight. The individuals with Venus in Virgo find intelligent people very attractive as for them the most important thing in the relationship is the connection on the intellectual level. It is more important than sex or emotions. Angela Merkel was never interested in fashion, because knowledge is much more important to her than beauty. When she became a Chancellor, her style improved, 130 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 nevertheless, she dresses in a simple way. For most occasions she wears trousers and jacket. The only thing that changes is the colour of her jackets. This is the minimalism of Virgo. She wears a dress or a skirt and jacket only on special occasions, e.g. during the meeting with the Pope. Thanks to this simple style, she never looks silly, but on the other hand, she never looks brilliant, either. However, for the individuals with Venus in Virgo, fashion is not the most important thing in their lives.

Having graduated (Spanish at the University of Warsaw), she relocated to Mexico where she has worked as a tourist guide for almost 8 years. In the meantime, she was developing her interests of the esoteric knowledge. She was exploring the subjects of numerology, the runes and the Tarot reading. When she came back to Poland, she dedicated herself to astrology. She studied at the Warsaw School of Astrology and learned from the numerous lectures given during the conferences of the Polish Astrological Association, which she is a member of. Later on she was invited as a speaker to the further conferences and workshops organised by the association several times. In September 2017 she gave a lecture at the conference of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She appeared as a guest on the Polish esoteric TV channel in where she was describing the ancient PreColombian civilizations and the beliefs in modern Mexico. Soon she was given the opportunity to host her own programme about spirituality. She writes articles about travelling, spirituality and astrology, too. While living in London, she worked as a Tarot reader in a local spiritual centre and she gave the lectures about astrology for the Polish community. She gives also classes of astrology and individual consultations. She blogs in Polish and English.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 On the Importance of the Bounds (aka Terms/Confines) /12/

Lars Panaro A piece of astrology shrouded in mystery, yet utterly enticing and profound in their implications, the bounds are the only dignity in astrology that are purely planetary in character, lacking any extraneous qualities. Unlike other dignities they are uneven and lack a crystal clear rationale behind their formation and ordering. Despite all of this they are a remarkable tool for delineation.

Egyptian Bounds /3/ They form a key piece of traditional astrology whether we look to Hellenistic, Medieval or Renaissance authors. As astrology changed so did the bounds - they went from being one of the most important kinds of dignity, to that of a lesser stock. By the time we get to the late middle ages they are considered a ―lesser‖ dignity and awarded only two points in the almuten scoring system developed during the middle ages. The table of bounds above, for those unfamiliar, is read as Jupiter getting the first six degrees of Aries (meaning from 0 to 5dgrs 59m), while Venus takes the next 6 (from 6 to 11dgrs 59m) and so on

Yet in the Hellenistic period bounds were given a near equal footing with domicile and at times regarded as still more powerful. Firmicus Maternus says ―for when a planet is found in its own terms it is as if located in its own sign‖/4/ . Throughout the text he continually makes mention of planets being strong when placed in their exaltation, domicile or bounds. He even suggests noting the bounds of the 12th part placement of a planet. /5/ Far later in the text he goes so far as to say: ―Planets rejoice, as we have often said, in the first place when they are located in their exaltation, and secondly in their own terms, thirdly in their own houses‖./6/ It is worth noting that Firmicus also places a certain amount of

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 importance on planets exchanging bounds with one another - a form of mutual reception or generosity/7/ depending upon the configuration. We find many of these same ideas concerning bounds reiterated in early Persian texts on astrology. Once again much of the time the bounds are implied to be of greater importance for certain matters than domicile, especially when a planet resides in its own bounds. In The Search of the Heart, by Hermann of Carinthia, bounds are even awarded three points (instead of the usual two) in almuten calculation/8/ , which results in triplicity being bumped down the hierarchy (and rightfully so as triplicity does not appear to have been used as a form of dignity by Hellenistic authors in the way it came to be later on). For reasons unknown to this author, by the Renaissance, the bounds became very underplayed so as to barely be of any real importance in delineation as compared to exaltation and domicile. Triplicity was preferred as an essential dignity over that of bound and the three so called ―lesser‖ dignities (triplicity, term and face) were mainly employed to override the possibility of a planet being peregrine. Bonatti and others also state that reception could not occur by triplicity, bound and face alone but only when two of these combined/9/ . Let it be known that nothing like this appears in the early Hellenistic tradition. Having gotten the boring historical piece out of the way we can now proceed to unpack the bounds both conceptually and technically and then proceed to some examples:

Dignity: A planet having dignity by bound is strong in essential dignity and this placement will often override the negative indications of a planet in detriment /10/ or even when dejected (fallen). A dejected planet placed in its own bounds tells a story of resilience and light amidst a raging storm. Many imprisoned by the vicissitudes of life slip into the pits of madness and despair, yet there are indeed those who remain as the firm stone face unwithered by torrential waters. A planet in its own bounds is thus of a strong essence and produces things in accordance with its own fundamental nature.

Coloring: The bound a given planet is placed in colors the significations of anything and everything that planet rules or represents in the chart. This is often more subtle than the sign influence, though still strongly present. Valens‘ delineations of the 50 bounds is the best source for understanding this (aside from actual practice - the best teacher of all) (see Anthology)/11/ .

Ruler: Bounds are a curious oddity in that it seems more often than not the actual condition of the bound lord is not so important to delineation. It is the domicile lord‘s condition, and the exaltation lord‘s condition, that should always be prioritized. However the bound lord can be utilized a few different ways. If the exaltation and domicile lords of a given sign are corrupted then the bound lord may be summoned to manage the affairs of a placement in question (planet, lot, or cusp). Especially important is to see if the bound lord makes a close aspect to any of its bounds in any sign because then this 133 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 planet has more to say about governing the affairs of that house, again especially if the other two lords mentioned above are in aversion or debilitated. It can also be revealing to observe whether planets are in bounds of sect mates or non-sect mates as this can give subtle information regarding the fortune or misfortune a planet can give rise to.

Time Lord: There is a powerful time lord technique known as circumambulations through the bounds in which the Ascendant‘s movement by primary motion through the bounds is observed. The lord of whatever bound the Ascendant resides in for a given period of time becomes the chronocrator. One can also use primary directions on any planet, point or lot in the same manner and thereby derive bound based chronocrators for any and all aspects of life./12/

Elemental Association Because the bounds are a 5-fold division making use of the 5 starry planets it seems plausible to associate them with the 5 elements. From the Indian tradition we find that Parashara likens the planets to the elements in the following fashion:

Jupiter and Ether Saturn and Air Mars and Fire Venus and Water Mercury and Earth

Using the ancient Greek medical model they may also be arranged by the 4 temperaments (which are not 100% synonymous with the 4 elements, though very similar)

Mercury and Ether/13/ Jupiter and Sanguine Mars and Choler Saturn and Melancholy Venus and Phlegm

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Another possibility makes use of only the qualities which compose the 4 elements (again with Mercury being changeable):

Jupiter and Moisture Mars and Heat Saturn and Dry Venus and Cold

These principles outlined above have a much broader use than that of the bounds and it is up to the reader to decide how to make use of such ideas for practical delineation. Our point in illustrating this is that the bounds deal symbolically with the manifested universe as the 5 elements, 4 humors, and 4 qualities. /14/

Examples: Before beginning it is necessary to understand that I approach the study of any and all techniques in terms of how best they can serve me in a real delineation where I don‘t already know what is going on in the person‘s life. Therefore in the two charts analyzed below I do not focus exclusively on the bounds. Instead I integrate and highlight their use by relating them to other factors in the chart and other techniques so as to show how they help to weave a clearer portrait of the whole. This is how I use them to delineate charts so I see no reason to attempt to artificially present them here as though they are a stand alone technique. /15/ Carlo Gesualdo - Time Unkown (don‟t forget to ignore the house arrangement!) We find an emphasis on malefic bounds via the placements of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars whilst Mars squares both of the lights quite closely, dominating the Moon. The Moon would move into the bounds of Mars at roughly 1.5 - 2 years of age at there the end of Libra and then continue on into Mars‘ bounds in the sign Scorpio, where the Moon is dejected. Therefore Mars is making a doubly profound impact upon this chart than the squares alone reveal. Saturn is also notably in the bounds of Mars, making him more malefic.

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Gesulado‘s life is a strange one - he was a brilliant composer of vocal music, literally several hundred years ahead of his time when it came to the manner he employed harmony, all the while being plagued by mental illness and suffering. /16/ He brutally murdered his wife and her lover upon their discovery together. It is said that, in addition to being very violent and struggling with depression, he was also sadistic and engaged in sadomasochistic practices. One such example is that he kept a special servant whose job it was to ―beat him (Gesualdo) at stool daily‖. /17/ This sounds quite like a Saturn/Mars combination to me and in fact as curiosity seized me while writing this I found that Aleister Crowley, who also engaged in sadomasochism quite frequently, had Mars exalted and in the bounds of Saturn . . . . . . moving on . . . We can see how Mars‘ bound influence cannot be overlooked in light of the above, nor can the fact that most of the planets reside in malefic bounds or that Saturn makes a square to the nodal axis. /18/ On the other hand we also have a very prominent Venusian influence in his chart as the Moon resides in the bounds and sign of Venus, while Venus herself is strong in Taurus, in the bounds of Mercury and witnesses Pisces, her place of exaltation with Jupiter being turned away (though conjoined the Sun by antiscia). Venus thus also has a strong influence upon his life even though it is Feral (does not closely aspect another planet). This Feral character of Venus could easily speak to the fact that his music seems to be a place where he touched the heavens and transcended, however momentarily, his blighted existence. More negatively, taken together with the presence of the south node, it forms part of a testimony for never having a great relationship with any of his wives (to put it . . . well . . . mildly). Notice the bound

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 of Mercury makes Venus more Ether influenced and therefore changeable and more celestial (again please listen to his music to really understand what is being suggested). /19/ However we digress . . . Of extreme importance is the fact the Mercury and Venus exchange bounds. This is a combination that produces musicians and composers when related to profession (or to the person‘s nature) and we get a repetition of this theme by the fact that Moon resides in the bounds and sign of Venus and is close to an antiscia conjunction with Mercury. If the bounds of these two planets were not observed then their influence upon one another would go unnoticed and a great key to the chart would be missed. Despite not having an exact birthtime the bounds have afforded us great insight into the fundamental nature of the life as glimpsed through the nativity. Martin Luther

Luther is best known for initiating the protestant reformation in the early 16th century, initially through his work the 95 Theses. As a young man he studied law in college and sought meaning through philosophy but such efforts proved unfulfilling and he dropped out of school to become an Augustinian monk. He later became a Doctor and teacher of Theology and eventually had a violent split with the Catholic church over its raising money through Indulgences.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 His chart features the Ascendant in the bounds of Mars, Sun in the bounds of Saturn, Moon, lot of fortune and Jupiter in the bounds of Venus, Saturn, Venus and the MC in the bounds of Mercury, and Mercury in the bounds of Jupiter. Of the 7 celestial bodies we find a predominance of benefic bounds (including those of Mercury), one testimony that sets him at stark odds with Gesualdo, the latter being a murderer and sadist - the former being a very devout individual given to what he believed to be righteousness (flaws withstanding). Note that the MC is in the bounds of Mercury and that the Moon would have transitioned into the bounds of Mercury shortly after birth by primary direction (circumambulation), while the Ascendant would have followed with entry into the bounds of Mercury in Virgo a little later. All of this points to Mercury being more prominent than a first glance would reveal. Relevant to Luther Mercury produces intellectuals, scholars, teachers of arcane subject matter, those who study scriptures, and those who live by some form of allowance (this last one seems applicable to monks of which Luther was for some time). The Moon‘s domicile lord Mars and exaltation lord Sun are both turned away, but Mercury casts a superior trine ray to the Moon and into its own bounds. Therefore Mercury will exert the most lasting influence upon the Moon and the sign of Aries (9th house) as life unfolds. The same situation arises with respect to the 3rd house (also important for religion, especially in a night chart) in that we find the primary lords in aversion with Mercury making an inferior sextile aspect to its own bounds. Luther was drawn to the study of law, philosophy, and finally scriptures at a young age. We here direct attention back to the fact that Mercury is in the bounds/sign of Jupiter, significator of mainstream religion, philosophy and the study of law. Whether we are looking to Luther‘s time as a monk, his role as a writer or his role as the organizer of a new church, we would do well to note that the MC and its lord both reside in the bounds of the winged messenger. Rebelliousness is shown by Mars, here possessing dominion over four other planets aside from itself, amongst which we find Ascendant lord Sun, 10th lord Venus and the 9th house Moon. Mars itself is in its own bounds, further compounding the power of its celestial placement emanating from its nocturnal home of The Scorpion. Luther‘s Ascendant resides in the bounds of Mars of which Valens had this to say: ―The final 6° [of Leo] belong to Mars: very base and monstrous, destructive, injured, torpid, censured, unlucky‖/20/ (emphasis mine). Thus the Ascendant in the bounds of Mars compounds his already pervasive influence in the chart. Mars further rears its head as the significator of Theology /21/ , yet again very descriptive of Luther. If all of this Martial influence weren‘t enough we find that the Lot of Faith/22/ dwells within the bounds of Mars. The lot being under the influence of the red planet we turn to Abu Ali who says the native will be ―of bad faith and bad customs‖ (while Jupiter‘s sextile to the same denotes ―good faith and beautiful speech‖) /23/ . It is clear that the martial influence in matters of faith shows up as Luther rebelling against the mainstream church causing him to be be regarded as a man of ―bad faith‖ and one who is censured.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Much more could be observed beyond this brief analysis and we hope the reader will look deeper into this fascinating chart with a keen eye on the bounds. One more question remains - if Venus and Mercury strongly influence career and public life then why isn‘t the native a musician like Gesualdo? The simplest answer has to do with Mercury being located in Jupiter‘s sign and bound, regarded by Jupiter and, to push things a little further, in another Jupiter dignity by 12th part (Pisces and in the bounds of Mars). This overwhelming Jupiterian influence (not present in Gesualdo‘s chart) upon Mercury tips the scales toward a more scholarly direction. We even see the Lot of Work /24/ in the bounds of Mercury! Also important is the fact that the two planets do not witness one another and are not interchanged or strongly joined in any manner as they were in Gesualdo‘s chart.

Conclusion It is important to make use of the bounds for a myriad of purposes and we must never forget to examine them alongside other techniques within the context of the whole chart. It is also important to see if the Sun, Moon or Ascendant will shift bounds (most notably the latter two) at an early age because the bound lord will no doubt have a marked influence upon character as youth unfolds. A single technique rarely, if ever, points one toward surefire delineation of a given topic. Like any technique bounds are not to be used in isolation and instead serve as a way to narrow one‘s focus and find confluence when analyzing a given topic. It‘s all well and good to look back at a chart of someone we know or know significant life details and proclaim ―this placement shows this event or aspect of their life‖ but when we are delineating the chart of someone unknown to us, or striving to make prediction, then we need employ a multiplicity of techniques in an effort to narrow our focus and hone our gaze upon the message of the celestial bodies lest we get lost in a sea of endless possibilities, for indeed any one placement or aspect of a chart does potentially signify a near limitless number of things, and, when there is no way to narrow that down to a few possibilities, the mind will drown in its own speculations. Glory To God Alone ~ 1 Several different versions exist: Chaldean, the Ptolemaic and the Egyptian. There is even a strange set given by Vettius Valens (see Anthology) which yields a 7 fold division, instead of the normal 5 fold, including bounds for both lights and changing bound positions based upon sect - but it appears these were used for weather prediction and not in the same manner as other bounds. 2 Currently the most widely used set is the Egyptian as it seems these appeared most commonly in ancient texts. These are the ones we will be working with in this article, though the reader is free to explore any of the other sets for themselves and see which one they prefer. 3 Taken from with permission, © Deborah Houlding 4 Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice, Matheseos Libri VIII, translated by Jean Rhys Bram, Noyes Press, Parkridge New Jersey, p36 5 Ibid p78 6 Ibid p302, emphasis mine

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 7 According to Ibn Ezra this occurs when two planets exchange domiciles but form no degree based aspect 8 The Search of The Heart, by Hermann of Carinthia, translated and edited by Benjamin N. Dykes, PhD, The Cazimi Press, 621 5th Avenus SE #25, Minneapolis, MN, 2011 p48 9 For example take Jupiter in a chart wherein he resides in Saturn‘s bounds and triplicity (say in Gemini in a day chart) and is aspected by the latter. This would be a form of reception because Saturn is the triplicity lord of the air signs in a day chart and therefore receives Jupiter on two counts of dignity. 10 Not used in the same manner by early Hellenistic authors as it was by the medieval and renaissance astrologers. 11 Upon closer analysis it appears that his interpretations are largely a mixture of the sign lord with the bound lord coupled with the standalone nature of the sign itself and he takes into account the bound lord‘s resonance or dissonance with that sign. For example the bounds of Venus in Virgo are not considered good for marriage because Venus is dejected in the place of the Virgin etc. 12 Some authors prefer to prioritize the Hyleg over the Ascendant as the most important point to direct through the bounds. 13 Mercury takes on the humor of the planet influencing it the most in this system 14 We can relate this to the notion of coloring discussed earlier. If a planet or house cusp resides in the bound of Mars then it becomes fiery and imbued with heat, if that of Jupiter it becomes airy and sanguine etc. With Mercury taken as Ether the planet may become disconnected from the world and prone to be more changeable or malleable in itself. Apply this to both the planet‘s essential significations and its accidental ones 15 There is no such thing as a technique that can give highly accurate results when used in isolation and divorced from the chart as a whole 16 Words alone cannot convey this. The reader is therefore advised to listen to his composition Moro Lasso Al Mio Duolo - ―I am dying, wretched, in my grief‖. 17 18 The nodes are regarded as malefic and disruptive by Hellenistic authors and by later authors as expansive and contractive. When a planet is strongly influencing the nodes in the manner it is here (but is not influenced by them) then it governs and adds its nature to the native‘s ability to expand and contract. In this case Saturn, a malefic (and in malefic bounds), emphasizes the south node as it is constrictive like Saturn. Therefore his ability to expand was darkened, blighted and constricted contributing greatly to his depression and pessimism 19 Again the south node also has a notable influence on his music and to better understand this I‘d suggest reading about the Indian perspective on the south node (called Ketu) while listening to his music 20 Vettius Valens, Anthologies, Book I, Mark Riley‘s Translation - free online 21 This is found in Bonatti and probably a few other sources. In the middle ages Theology came to denote the rational study of scripture and religious doctrine and Mars is an apt significator for this as one is metaphorically slicing and dissecting texts, teachings, theories etc. to arrive at something more profound, not to mention it involved debate quite often. In Jyotish Mars is also associated with the rational thinking and reasoning. 22 26dgrs 50m Sagittarius. Taken from the Moon to Mercury and projected from the Ascendant; reversed by night. 23 Persian Nativities Volume I: Masha‘allah & Abu Ali, translated and edited by Benjamin N. Dykes, PhD, The Cazimi Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2009 p292

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 24 17dgrs 45m Cancer. Taken from Mercury to Mars and projected from the Ascendant, by day or night. Another version reverses the lot by night in which case it would fall at 2dgrs 48m Libra in the bounds of Saturn but closely aspected by Mercury and in the latter‘s triplicity

Hello. They call me Lars. My journey into the esoteric began rather suddenly and unexpectedly whilst pursuing a degree in Guitar performance and I have been on a strange, wild (and never boring!) ride ever since. Divination is a key to unlocking powerful Truths concerning the nature of reality, and when I became aware of it in the form of Astrology, it quickly became the vehicle for my journey of inquiry. I consider my approach holistic, artistic and very practical as I draw upon multiple traditions (Hellenistic, Medieval, Indian and Humanistic) and incorporate Tarot and Omenology into all of my readings. Contact:

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM HORARY Will the major sign the contract for the golf course? Tania Daniels The querent was a golf course designer, whom the local major had promised since quite a while a contract for the project of a golf course. Since these kind of sporting places need to be put into development plans and are thus subject of discussion between different opinion leaders, the major also had several groups against him. The querent had just left the meeting, and the promised contract had not been signed with an evident excuse. The querent wanted to know if there was still a chance of getting the job.

The querent is represented by the AC in Sagittarius and its ruler Jupiter. Jupiter is conjunct Mercury, who rules the 10th house and thus describes the major. The aspect is only slightly separating: the querent and the major had left the meeting only minutes before. Mercury is in his own domicile and 142 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 angular, describing his important role. He receives Jupiter in his domicile, so the major‘s position regarding the querent is favorable. Nevertheless, Jupiter is peregrine and in his detriment, describing the position of the querent as particularly weak. This is no wonder, as he has both malefics in his first house. Angular malefics usually show a negative outcome of the question. Mars rules the 5th house which describes the golf course, a position which could be positive for the querent, but Mars also rules the 12th house of hidden enemies, which in this case represent the opposing party or the ambientalists, whom he never had been the occasion to speak to. Mars is also the malefic out of sect and thus the major troublemaker of the two malefics. Mars is exactly conjunct Saturn, who rules the 2nd house of money and the 3rd house of contracts. Saturn describes limitations, lacks and restrictions which have to do with the houses he rules. This means, that the project faces unexpected problems (Mars L12) due to economics, contractual or normative restrictions. The reason that Mars is peregrine could be, that the golf course was supposed to be built on land which had still to be expropriated by the local administration. So while the main significators are conjunct, this conjunction refers to the past (recent meeting) and gives no indication regarding the future outcome of the question. However, Mercury is in the last degrees of its sign, so the major will lose influence soon. Indeed, the next elections were close, and he would not run again. So there is no applying aspect between the major and the querent. The applying sextle between Jupiter (querent) and Mars (golf course) is prohibited by Saturn, who is just a few seconds ahead of Mars. Now let‘s see what the Moon does. First of all, she is not really promising either, since she rules the 8th house of failure. The Moon is exactly in the same degree as Mars and Saturn and in the 5th house of the golf course, describing the querent‘s interest in it. However, the Moon and both malefics are inconjunct, there is no Ptolemaic aspect between them. The Moon‘s next aspect is a trine to Venus, the ruler of the 11th house. This is the second house from the 10th and thus the major‘s resource or, in other words, the next major (member of the same party). Venus is only two degrees a distance form the MC, thus climbing the stairs of success. The querent had been introduced to the future major who had promised to work together. But Venus makes no aspect to Jupiter or the AC and the squares to the planets in the 1st house are already separating.

Conclusion: I told my client, that there would be no contract for the project of a golf course. 18 months have passed now, and the querent has never been contacted by the new major.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 Tania started studying a master‘s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015 she became involved in Hellenistic Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller‘s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania‘s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM ARCANUM When It All Falls Down Kim Buckley

For issue 16 of IAM I thought why not look at number sixteen of the Major Arcana, which happens to be the Tower. The ruling planet for the Tower is Mars, although I really see a connection with Uranus and Pluto, because of the devastation and transformation it can sometimes bring. Looking at the imagery you can see there is a lot going on. The main object is a Tower and unlike most buildings it is built on unstable foundations, it appears to be on the top of a mountain so the fall is a long way down. Mountains in Tarot can often symbolise a difficult and lonely journey. The Crown at the top of the Tower reflects the couple‘s fall from grace. The lightning represents divine intervention striking the Tower chaos and destruction takes place, aggressive fire rips through the only safe place for the couple to be, leaving them with no option but to jump head first completely out of control and falling to their peril. It reflects desperation and fear and shows bravery and courage. There are also 22 knowledge pips known as Yods representing hidden truths, wisdom or revelations.

The Towers keywords are: destruction, devastation, crisis, revelation, action, turmoil, trauma, sudden, shake up, earth quakes, fires, terror, disaster, wake up calls, aggression, divine intervention, realizations, breakdowns, breakthroughs, eruption, upheaval, loss of control. The Tower comes directly after the Devil card where the imagery shows a couple that appear to be held prisoner chained to a podium that a Devil sits upon. The Devil in the card symbolises fear, addiction, greed, obsessions or whatever controls or dominates the couple‘s life. However the couple‘s chains are loose and at that point in time they have the freedom to make an informed choice and unleash themselves from an oppressive situation, and take full responsibility for their situation. The Tower strikes when the couple decide to dwell in the cesspit of their comfort zone, with no intentions of taking action towards changing their situation. Divine intervention is needed to wake them up, and will often come suddenly and holds no prisoners, bringing pain and suffering. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving if you build your life with false beliefs and structures it wont be long before the cracks start to appear and instead of paying attention to why there are cracks most people fill them in and carry on, until one day there is nothing left to fill and they found themselves standing in a pile of rubble. 145 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 This is a major life lesson normally connected to a relationship, money, health and can cause much devastation, turmoil , destruction and leave life long scars, but it is a necessary in order to restructure and rebuild on solid foundations. A Tower experience will often evolve when people do not have the strength or courage to face up to reality or the consequences of their actions. There may be so much fear attached to making the wrong decision that it makes sense not to do anything and wait until a significant event shocks them into changing their lives. The positive thing about Tower energy is the opportunity to change and step upon a path of healing, hope, and stability. The Star card is directly after the Tower and is the Universe‘s way of offering you the freedom to walk away with hope and the intention to, heal, and restore inner peace, harmony and balance. The Tower is a turning point in your life with the option to take responsibility for you‘re past actions and move forward, or revert back to the lifestyle you were living. So when it all falls down, remember you will always have the freedom to start over and use your experience to create a better way of being.

I studied two Tarot courses several years ago with the wonderful Sue Merlyn Farebrother who teaches at both Treadwells and the LSA check them out if you are interested in learning Tarot. Sue has over 30 years of Tarot knowledge and lectures all over the country. I will always be grateful to Sue for introducing and teaching me all about Tarot. I then went on to study Astrology at the London School of Astrology with the fabulous Frank C Clifford. I passed the Foundation course and I am still to tackle the diploma, but I am determined to go back and at least give it a go. Frank and Sue have been great mentors, they have inspired and motivated me to set up my own online business where I can combine my knowledge of Tarot and Astrology to empower and help others. I have recently completed the TF2 course with Tarot Foundations run by Biddy from Biddy Tarot, this has enhanced my intuition skills and was able to get a different perspective of the cards and their meanings. Further to completing TF2 I applied to be a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader , I managed to pass the required tests needed in order to become a Biddy Tarot Reader. I have also recently become a member of the International Tarot Foundation.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM ARCANUM Major Arcana VIII – Strength Tara Aal

Life-force is a bonfire Inspiration feeds the flames But without the fuel No spark would ever ignite Desire is the path to purpose Actualized through intention And the light of awareness

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 She is standing, with her hand gently resting on the beast. They now breathe and move together in perfect alignment, giving each other renewed purpose and enhanced potential. The Strength card represents the integration of our raw, instinctual drive with our refined and cultured selves. It‘s the union of our higher and lower natures. Strength invites us to honor the beast within, along with our capacity for thoughtful, socialized action. In human form, we do not exist on consciousness alone. Why would we live in this human skin, if only to deny and transcend that of which we are created? We have primal desires. We react like wild animals. We behave like animals because we are animals. But we so often relegate these lower aspects of our nature to deep, dark dungeons, releasing them only in contorted bursts and fits of desperation. When our beasts finally break free for these moments, the intensity of the repressed energy produces a perfect formula for debauchery, violence, and uncivilized behavior. We keep ourselves locked up like caged animals, and then try to make sense of our bedeviling darker sides. The Strength card offers an alternative option for working with life-force. Instead of using the assertive power of the masculine to forcefully control it, we can harness the flowing, receptive energy of the feminine. Our feminine nature wants to include and allow. By opening ourselves to the creative, sexual, wild nature inherent in our beings, we empower ourselves with potent vitality. Tempered with compassion, awareness, and maturity, we find the cage is no longer needed. And the animals‘ gifts surge through us, an infinite source of virility. Traditionally, the Strength card symbolizes the stage of life when we activate our capacity to unify our wild and civilized selves. Great spiritual progress is possible by responsibly honoring and working with our passion, lust, and hunger. These drives do not need to control us and we don‘t need to completely deny them. At this point in our journey, we can make room for both our socialized and untamed selves – and they work best together, as we embody more of our wholeness. Those of us who are spiritually minded can get caught in a trap of pursuing our soul‘s education by negating the ego and reaching for the light realms. I believe we are created to not just accept both the ego and Higher Self, but to alchemize them. There are so many facets to us, and yet our reasoning, by its very own nature, limits our experience of them. The Strength card is the part of us that wants to stand courageously in our own power, without excuses, and without apology. Leo is the astrological sign correlated with the Strength card. The domain of consciousness we call Leo is heart-centered. When we lead from the heart, strong in our vulnerability, life-force is free to move. As we are gifted with both beast and master, we hold the magic of pure energy combined with conscious direction. Because we have access to a higher mind, we can see and understand beyond our basic instincts, without denying them. We can transform our life-force into an effective tool that serves ourselves and the Universe; the ultimate creative use of ourselves.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 To engage in true Leonine experiences, we must stay centered in ourselves, trusting life to receive us, and our creative expressions. As Leo, we are a god, with the power of creation in our hands…and heart. Piscean experiences of life, spirit, and the arts are transcendental – losing oneself into the energy or process. But Leo stays, wanting to be found, noticed, and to shine in its most natural, glorious light. Neither of these perspectives is more spiritual – they are simply perspectives. When Strength shows up in a reading, it‘s time to blend your awareness and ability to reason with your animalistic wildness – to accept and activate your raw power with kindness, wisdom, and love. A profound initiation into the spirituality of humanity awaits you.

Tara Aal has been practicing and teaching astrology and tarot since 2011. She completed Laura Nalbandian‗s three-year Evolutionary Astrology program and is a certified Soulsign Astrologer through Adam Gainsburg‗s Immersion program. In her hometown, the Seattle area, Tara practiced astrology and tarot privately, at Stargazers Bookstore and Higher Wellness Health Care Practice. She was a co-host and repeating guest on local radio shows. Relocating to New York City January 2016 and Los Angeles February 2017, Tara offers private sessions and continues writing and speaking. She lectured at NORWAC 2014 and 2016 and will lecture at UAC 2018. Her website is

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM AROMA THERAPY Aromatherapy Remedies for those Tricky Planetary Transits Natalie Delahaye

Aromatherapy has an emotionally, mentally and spiritually balancing effect on us when we are knocked off kilter by a testing planetary transit. Each essential oil vibrates to a different frequency that resonates with the Sun, Moon and planets. In my column I will be suggesting oils that can be healing on days when the astrological weather is intense. Whether it‘s more of a base note, middle note or top note oil that is required for fine tuning, depending on the energy of the day. November 4th Full Moon in Taurus, Venus opposite Uranus It‘s a Relationship focused full moon with Venus in Libra playing a starring role as the dispositor of the chart and in opposition with independent Uranus in Aries. Relationship tension can tip the Venusian scales out of balance. To bring you back to Taurean terra firma, a massage with Rose, Vetivert, Frankincesnse and Geranium will help to attune the physical senses, calm nerves and deepen heart connections with others. 13th Mercury square Neptune While deeper levels of awareness and intuition are experienced during a Mars Neptune transit, this combo of ego driven energy (Mars)and non ego vibes (Neptune), can lead to psychic attacks, scams and deception. To guard against such scenarios, try a psychic protector and mentally fortifying Rosemary: add to tissue and sniff or diffuse.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 22nd Neptune stations direct Neptune, planet of dreams, imagination, illusions, inspiration and unity, is stationing to direct after 5 months of moving backwards. The fog is lifting, clarity is returning and dreams are easier to recall on waking. Note any unusual, lucid or surreal dreams within the next few days. Add a few drops of . blue- as- the- ocean yarrow with 3rd eye opening Clary sage, known as ‗clear eye‘. onto your pillow. 19th Mars Square Pluto It‘s volatile cosmic weather today, which can cause tension and the eruption of buried rage and ego battles with others. Juniper is an effective, oil for bringing up and banishing hidden emotions, creating peace and clearing negative energy. Juniper, was traditionally used in as a ‗smudge‘ to clear negative energy. Optionally, add a dash of lime-it is great for dispelling anger. 28th Mercury conjunct Saturn The tests of today are concerned with aspiring to be being real, authentic and truthful in thought and expression without being swayed by fears and negativities. It‘s a day for focusing and committing to something important. There may be a need to review it thoroughly while Mercury is in shadow phase and soon to retrograde. To bring the energy from head to heart and for heart-centred communication: diffuse a drop of warming, uplifting aniseed. December 1st Mars opposite Uranus Sparks fly during an electric Uranus Mars transit. Adrenalin junkies can have a field day and other folks may be accident prone. Try a yummy blend of black pepper and vanilla, essential oils for focus, grounding and comforting effects. If you can‘t get your hands on the foods, try eating foods with those ingredients. 3rd Mercury stations retrograde The cosmic gremlin shifting directions can bring disorientation and stress to some. Try letting go and going with the Mercurial tides and blast yourself with some Neroli (Orange Blossom): the classic anti stress remedy. Or any other of the citrus family; orange, tangerine or mandarin also hit the spot. 3rd Sun square Neptune For fears and apathy that this testing transit can bring, try soothing Cedarwood will help top get rid of mental catarrh. The incense as well as the oil will do the trick. 10th Venus square Neptune For disappointment in love, a broken heart and helplessness; find solace in a TLC blend of calming Blue Camomomile and ‗unconditional love and hug- in- a- bottle‘ Rose. 151 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 21st Sun conjunct Saturn This is a time passage, in which increased responsibilities are taken on. Feeling weighed down and under the weather? Some seasonal cheer of cheery Citrus Orange and mandarin will boost moods and energy levels. These are solar, feel- good fruits and boost the immune system. 23rd Mercury stations direct Try massaging a blend of throat chakra, expression oils, Sandalwood and Petitgrain, with sweet almond oil. As well as stimulating a flow of communication, these oils clear the mind and calm the nerves. 25th Venus conjunct Saturn The goddess of love and task-maker Saturn have both moved into Capricorn, commencing a new cycle of commitments in relationships at 0 degrees. The weight of a relationship is weighed and cemented socially, romantically and financially Stability, preservation and longevity are the hallmarks of Venus in Capricorn. Fixative oil Sandalwood, resonates with the energy of this transit. It is distilled from the heart of the wood and, like a Capricorn, reaches its peak later in life; and takes 60 years to reach maturity for distillation. Myrr is another Saturnian oil that preserves like Saturn, is an elixir of youth, and one of the oldest essential oils. Like sandalwood, it stimulates expression. Instructions and Safety There are many ways to absorb essential oil. You can either use a diffuser, add up to 5 drops to bath or have an Aromatherapy Massage. I suggest using 10 drops to every 40ml carrier oil for a massage. Always do a skin test for oils you‘ve never used, in the unlikely event of an allergy. To do this, add a drop to the back of your wrist, via a cotton bud, apply a plaster and wait for 24 hours.

Natalie Delahaye is based in Surrey, UK and has been a consulting astrologer since 2007. Natalie studied Astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London and is a member of the Astrological Association, UK. She has written for the Astrological Journal and Natalie has been interviewed live on CNN world news, on the birth chart of baby Prince George and held a regular slot on local radio. She read English and American Literature at Kent university, UK and her background is in Complementary Therapies. Her website is

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Transition Points in Relationships Exploring Transits by Saturn and the Outer Planets on Relationships - Part 2

Margaret Gray and Armand Diaz A - Should we talk a little bit about the four outer planets and their effects on relatinships? M – that‘s a great idea. Shall we start with Uranus? A – Uranus is never the first one from either end, but it‘s always a great one to start talking about – right?! M – it‘s so electrifying – A – Yes and unlike some of the other planets, you always know something is going on when Uranus is around. M – It‘s pretty exact to the minute transit wise, I find which is why it‘s so useful for rectifying charts. Another thing I wanted to mention re transits and manifestation. I remember Liz Greene mentioning this when I was studying with her several years ago. People asked her if all transits manifest and her reply was that the reason we often see a manifestation from the transpersonal planetary transits, is because they mirror powerful internal awakenings within us that are difficult to contain and so they are more likely to manifest externally. I‘ve paid attention to that over the years. With Uranus, there is such an electric charged energy. It feels like a very high voltage energy that is very sudden and unexpected! I think of all the planets, Uranus transits are the ones that are the hardest to assess what is going to happen, because it‘s usually the one thing nobody has thought about! A – I agree with that entirely. I‘ve also dealt a bit with this inner and outer thing. Part of it is that we incarnate on this earth plain so that we can work out our stuff with others. It‘s the slow obvious school! ‗Alright you read this part of the script and I‘ll read this part of the script and we‘ll see what happens‘. But you know it‘s all very uncertain. If you have a change happening within, it‘s going to eventually lead you to make changes without and if there are significant changes happening without, they are going to create changes within. I would think that even on a psychological basis these things always resonate with each other. You get tired of your job which is an internal thing, you don‘t do such a good job any more, you get fired which is an external thing, you have to think about your career path which is an internal thing…It‘s a chicken and egg type of thing, but I think in a metaphysical sense, we bring in these situations which are tough to work with and the inner and outer are two sides of the same coin. M – I totally agree – that‘s a great way to describe it. One thing we do know with Uranian energy is that when Uranus comes along and transits either the descendant – the important angle of relationship or the composite descendant or Venus or the Moon, usually we need more air to breath! We need some space because Uranus is about moving us forward towards freeing ourselves of anything that is encumbering us from evolving. So I think that‘s probably the most helpful thing we can say to an 153 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 individual or a couple – ‗this is a time when you need a bit of space. That doesn‘t mean there has to be a complete break in the relationship, just that one or both of you need some space‘ so that the next conversation is – how is that created and how is the other person likely to react when dealing with all of that. A – I want to say that I think for many people that is one of the most threatening aspects of a Uranian transit to relationships, even if it‘s the client themself who has come to us who wants more freedom. They still find it scary! ‗Why do I want more freedom, why do I not want to be with her/him 24/7‘. Even if they are the ones who want more freedom, they often have a very hard time with it! M – I think also because there is that fairytale, in fact Hollywood created an image of relationships that is so unreal. You and I have had clients say to us: ‗but if I really loved this person I would want to be with them all the time‘. We are fed this kind of fantasy and then people feel really bad because they feel they are not living it out. The planets can also help us to do a reality check – and say ‗well actually we are all still individuals and we are going side by side, so maybe instead of going side by side with this much space with Uranus, we need a few inches more or maybe just a little bit of time where we each do our own thing a little bit more, but that doesn‘t mean that the connection is broken – it just needs to stretch a bit‘. A – Uranus can change circumstance sometimes! Sometimes there is a really big change that happens and sometimes it‘s coming from the person who is going through the transit and sometimes it‘s coming from the partner and sometimes it‘s a change in the relationship. So who do you want to do next? Pick a planet! M – Let‘s go for Pluto! A – Ohhhhh! Well, for me the challenge with Pluto is that it often does represent deep transformation which is much less overt than Uranus, until you are really deep in it! With Pluto you don‘t usually realize what you are getting into as you get deeper and deeper into it and by the time someone realizes they have a problem or an issue, it can be really substantial. I think that the special thing about Pluto that makes it challenging, is that it grabs all similar emotions and brings them to the surface. So if I am a little angry at you for whatever, I am going to start thinking - ‗that‘s just what my mom did or what my friend did that day in the school yard‘ and you tend to bring it up in a volcanic way. We bring up buried stuff and throw it into the current situation. M – That‘s so true and that‘s what can feel very destructive and can feel harder to heal because it has gone so far and has been thrown out. It goes right into the underworld, into our unconscious and it pulls out unconscious material and can easily go into stuff that can go back generations and even into past lives, so it goes back and back and back. I think one of the things for anyone who is going through Pluto transits, either to personal points in their chart or to the composite chart, is to be aware of how to deal with that, to find ways of managing it. I think that‘s where Mercury comes in as well – looking at the Mercury of individuals in a consultation and saying – ‗how do you usually communicate? How is that working for you? Are there some other tools you might want to use at this stage to communicate the things in a way that is not destructive and explosive like a volcano? So that you are expressing how you feel but not dumping it on the other person!‘ That‘s something that isn‘t easy, as we also live in a culture where with social media, people are just vomiting this stuff out in public, without really thinking of where it goes and the effects. So how to not do that in a relationship, how to take a deep breath before saying something or monitoring how it‘s said – that can really help. 154 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Pluto is so primal that sometimes it‘s easy to cross the line into being disrespectful, without always meaning to. A – The primalness, the fear that Pluto can bring up is so strong. Astrologers often talk about the planet of death and rebirth. The emphasis always seems to be on rebirth, but it‘s the planet of death and there is a scariness to Pluto, a scariness to the emotional depth of it. There is sometimes just a sense of threat and the other side of that is that when people feel vulnerable and scared, that is one of the reasons why you get some of the manipulation and power plays and some of the underhandedness and things like that that are often associated with Pluto as well. It‘s good to be aware of that too. M – It‘s not for the fainthearted! There is a choice however and there are some times when couples are going through these major planetary transits particularly to their composite that one or other may opt out and say – ‗this is not where I want to go. I prefer to keep things on this surface and I liked things when they were much more light and airy‘ and they just don‘t want to go to those depths. I think that can be quite heartbreaking when the other person does want to go to those depths, or maybe has a more Scorpionic chart and they are left high and dry with that! So I think part of our job is to work with them if that happens. A – I would say that one of the things for the person who is having a Pluto transit to an important relationship point in their natal chart, is that often Pluto doesn‘t really let you go! With Uranus it can be – ‗we are done and dusted and out of here‘!! With Pluto it‘s more likely to be – ‗we are going to stay around and see this thing through whether you like it or not‘!! That‘s sometimes visible when people have broken up and the legal complications come in and you can‘t get away from it, even if you are emotionally done with the relationship, you have to keep dealing with it! M – So which planet are we going to look at next? A – Neptune! Neptune is the one that is the hardest to get a handle on – because it‘s Neptune! My sense of it is that Neptune frequently makes things look much better or much worse than they really are – it‘s a distorted lens! M – It‘s that fog of delusion/illusion. One of the things you and I look at with couples is when their relationships started – were there major transits in their own chart and in the composite chart, because when a relationship starts with these big transpersonal planets making aspects, it creates a flavor of those aspects throughout the relationship. When a relationship starts with Neptune transits it can feel very romantic. It‘s very hard to know though what‘s really going on and it‘s helpful to check if there enough other solid aspects to maintain the relationship once the Neptune aspects pass by and the rose tinted glasses come off. Particularly when one person is having a Neptune transit, they can later wake up and think – ‗who is this person I am with‘! The other person who felt totally idealized, suddenly falls from grace and thinks – ‗I haven‘t changed! I am basically the same person, but they don‘t seem to think I am so wonderful any more!‘ That can be quite challenging with Neptune transits! A – Indeed! When a relationship begins under the spell of Neptune you have to realign at some other point and that‘s when you have to look towards synastry and see if there is something that can glue the couple together! Some Saturn connections can make things work better, otherwise it can be a bit of a challenge! Neptune transits can sometimes be kind of a slow fading away – a dissipation of the relationship energy.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 M – Yes and that can be quite sad, especially if it‘s not mutual. If one person is still keen for the relationship to continue, it feels like something faded and there can sometimes be a sense of – ‗did we miss something? Could we have caught it?‘ Actually, it‘s just a process and as you said – it just fades! People just wake up one day and say – ‗what happened, there‘s nothing left here! Nothing to keep us going‘ or of course it can be a time of romanticism, a revival of that or sadly sometimes with Neptune there can be betrayal. People may discover that the other person has been having an affair. I remember with a couple years ago that one of them had been having an affair for 10 years and their spouse had no idea. It started to emerge during the Neptune transit to their chart. They started thinking that something was amiss and by the end of Neptune they found out the truth! That can also happen! A – There are a lot of things that can happen. Neptune can bring about some of the savior kind of thing and be this kind of – ‗well this person has a lot of troubles but I can save them, make them better‘. There can also be martyrdom for the relationship and pining for the loss of a person. There are a lot of possibilities and one of the things with Neptune that I think is so challenging, is that unlike all the other outer planets, it doesn‘t really offer much in terms of what your ego takeaway lesson is! Pluto makes you more genuine in relationships, Saturn makes you more realistic, Uranus allows you to see new versions of it, with Neptune your ego doesn‘t really get anything at all out of the process and that‘s very difficult! It‘s a spiritual process or something like that, but your ego doesn‘t get a take away!! M – A puddle on the ground would be how I describe Neptune transits - it‘s not easy at all!! And now we come to Saturn I guess! A – You know what‘s an interesting point to throw in – with Neptune and Pluto transits, especially now that Pluto is moving a little bit slower – an entire relationship can begin and end under one transit!! M – True! A – The whole little movie from beginning to end on one transit! M – So Saturn! I am a great lover in fact of Saturn in relationships, because of what you said earlier – we are in the realm of manifestation and of things having to happen and Saturn really helps us manifest. We can be romantic until the cows come home, or want all the death and transformation of Pluto, or have our individuality with Uranus and this can all be in our minds! Unless Saturn comes along – nothing manifests! So Saturn really makes us put our cards on the table and say what we are willing to do! Being romantic is no good if we are not willing to put in the work that a relationship requires and bring it into fruition and stick with it through the times when it‘s not all rosy. The times where one or other might be sick or loses their job and there‘s no money coming in - all kinds of situations! I think Saturn transits are a really good reality check! Is this real or not! A – Exactly – this is where people often feel that it is what it is, which is the negative side of things but it also helps people to be realistic to say – ‗ok, what do we want to do‘ and Saturn always seems to represent a decision! Whatever is coming up, whatever there is to deal with, are we going to deal with it by going forward, or are we going to deal with it by going apart? Sometimes in a very matter of fact way, which I think can be one of the problems with Saturn. It can be very matter of fact, people with strong Saturn or going through Saturn transits can have a little list of positives and negatives and if there are more negatives then we are splitting up! It can be a little cold that way, but Saturn asks you ‗here is the test and are you ready to continue in your commitment.?‘ 156 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 M – Well especially at the Saturn cycle – any phases of the Saturn cycle which is why even in popular culture there is the concept of ‗the 7 year itch‘ which is the cycle of 7 years into a relationship. It‘s that Saturn phase and often there is something, like an obstacle, in the way - something that needs to be overcome or worked with. A – Yes, every 7 years there is the Saturn cycle and often people come in at different points of that cycle 7, 14, 21 and even at the 29 – 30 year mark! I‘ve even had clients come in at the 36 year mark saying – ‗I don‘t know if I want to go forward‘! Every 7 years the relationship is up for renewal! M – I also want to say that on a general note I think these transits all affect us differently of course depending on our own chart. So if one person in a relationship has a very watery chart and the other person has a very earthy chart, the earthy person is more likely to find the Saturn transits less challenging, or they can deal with them a little bit easier. The watery chart person is probably going to find it easier to flow with the Neptune transits. So it‘s worth remembering that as a couple the nature of our own chart determines how we maneuver around transits. Transits can feel very threatening to one person - as if the world is falling apart whereas to the other person they feel ok and that they will get through this. However, if both people are the same – for e.g. if both people are very watery and going through a Neptune transit, then it can be bigger than the transit itself and can get a little sticky! A – Yes, those are good points. For e.g people with fixed energy tend to have a hard time with Uranus because they like the stability! Sometimes Uranus is exactly what they need. They need to knock the crust off of things but they tend not to love it! As you say, with Neptune transits to two people with lots of water in their charts there is just going to be no end to it! We are just going to be gushing positively or negatively for a year or two. It can just be over the top that way – outdoing each other.

Margaret Gray, MSW., is a consulting and teaching astrologer, based in Dublin, Ireland with a foot in Hawaii! Her work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach, integrated with a soul-based perspective. Her focus and interest is in the astrology of Relationships. Margaret is also a certified Mediator and works primarily with couples and families. She is the author of a chapter on Relationships in the book Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, which was produced and edited by Armand Diaz and two other colleagues. More information at

Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting and teaching astrologer based in New York. His astrology spans a range of schools and techniques, as he applies an integral approach to his work with an emphasis on the evolution of consciousness. Relationship work forms the core of his astrology practice, and he specializes in helping individuals and couples through transitional points in their partnerships. This is the basis for his most recent book, Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings. Armand is also the author of Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, and he is co-producer and co-editor of Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier. More information at . 157 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 November and December Tarot Horoscope Jessica Adams November and December 2017 are months of recovery and repair from the very tough Saturn in Scorpio cycle we experienced in 2012, 2013. The cycle ended on 23rd December 2014 leaving quite a lot of scars behind – especially in terms of your house, apartment, business or bank account, if you have Scorpio factors in your chart. The good news is, we have a Jupiter-Neptune trine to look forward to in December, coming on the back of a powerful New Moon in November. The Scorpio ‗weather‘ is positive and productive as the year ends. I am sure you know that this sign is about sex and property, but also legacies, inheritance, wills and all deadly serious finance. No wonder Bill Gates and Prince Charles both have the Sun in this sign.

The Coins/Pentacles in the Tarot The Pentacles or Coins suit in the Smith-Waite Tarot deck describes Scorpio issues very well, so it is no surprise to see these cards dominating the reading for November and December. Jupiter passing through Scorpio will fix a lot of the lingering issues still affecting the world economy, but also anything you need to finally lay to rest from the past. Saturn cycles always seem as if they‘re permanent, because Saturn manifests as people or situations which are frozen. There was a flashback - Saturn returned for a short time, from 15th June 2015 through 15th September 2015 but it was enough to leave a lot of us longing for easier times, financially. Well, November and December 2017 fit the bill. The inner planets crossing Scorpio will be in the company of Jupiter, the great healer and helper of astrology. Despite all the moaning (and remoaning) about Brexit, Great Britain will turn a welcome corner. In fact, on a similar Jupiter in Scorpio cycle many years before, council flat tenants were given the right to buy their property which created a new generation of apartment owners. However Jupiter in Scorpio manifests this time, through whatever government decisions, there will be particular advantages for people born with the outer planets in this sign, associated with the Eighth House and Pluto. The recent Saturn in Scorpio cycle was particularly hard because so many people were born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio. They were affected financially by this cycle as Scorpio rules banking. That was the Global Financial Crisis nobody could avoid. Now, there is hope. October 2012 through July 2013 was very difficult but Jupiter has a way of cleaning up – and clearing up – whatever remains. As we are also experiencing the Sun in Scorpio in November the spotlight will

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 be on good news. In the Tarot we might associate this with the Ace of Coins. A heavenly hand offers a large, glittering gold coin (or pentacle) from a cloud. In the distance there are new mountains to climb.

The Ace of Coins in Tarot The dominant card for November and December 2018 is the Ace of Coins and you will hear about bonuses, raises, settlements, wins and other gains in your circle which flow onto you, if you are lucky. You may personally gain from a new job offer, a contract or a pay-out if Jupiter conjuncts Scorpio factors in your chart. Sometimes there is a free offer or generous gesture on this cycle. You may be given something for nothing, or at a deep discount. You might be offered a fantastic deal, even if you are just subletting a spare room through Air BnB. It really depends on what level you operate. If you are in big business then Jupiter in Scorpio could deliver big results.

How Libra and Aries Benefit Libra and Aries in particular benefit from Jupiter in Scorpio in the solar chart (Sun Sign chart). Libra has Jupiter in her Second House. Aries has Jupiter in her Eighth House. And of course, if you have outer planets in Scorpio, sooner or later Jupiter will make the conjunction. In fact, the Sun‘s conjunction to your Scorpio outer planet should be a welcome moment of truth, no matter if the headlines are about job creation, currency exchange rates, new trade deals, interest rates and so on.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 How Jupiter Fixes Old Financial Fears What is it about Saturn that annoys this lady so much? (pictured above, in a painting by Pietro Liberi). In an attempt to avoid what they feared, the stuck, frozen Saturn people and organisations you had to endure from August 2013 through May 2014, gave you one obstacle after another. If you had heavenly bodies in Scorpio in those years you were dealing with world economies and sharemarkets manifesting Saturn. How did they do this? Classically through not moving or shifting, which is a standard Saturn response. Saturn devoured his children systematically. Did you hit brick walls? You met Saturn in Scorpio. In the Tarot we associate some of the pentacles/coins cards with this sense of being stuck, blocked or trapped. The Two of Coins card is a good symbol of the frantic juggling that many people and countries experienced during the Saturn in Scorpio cycle. Now, it is Jupiter‘s turn to open doors and present solutions and November-December is a key period in the cycle. Saturn is about freezing in the face of fear. That‘s why people, individually or en masse, got so stuck in this cycle – and that means you were stuck as well. Many people, companies and nations went into debt at this time. Jupiter in Scorpio will offer chances to recover from that debt. The Hermit in the Tarot bears a strong resemblance to traditional pictures of Saturn, below, with his scythe. The Hermit tells us that ‗you have to go it alone‘ and ‗you are on your own.‘ In contrast, Jupiter in Scorpio in November, December 2017 will tell us that ‗the universe is with you. We all stand to gain.‘

People Born in the Sixties – Neptune in Scorpio Saturn‘s conjunction to this generation‘s natal Neptune in Scorpio was historic and unforgettable. What it actually did was challenge a whole generation‘s reality function about credit cards, banks, savings, mortgages and business. Look at borrowed money in particular because that was a classic Neptune in Scorpio trap – and thus the Credit Crunch appeared during the Saturn in Scorpio cycle (you think you own the house but the bank does; you think shopping is an escape but it‘s often a credit card debt waiting to happen).

The Digital Currency Generation – Uranus in Scorpio These people are the innovators and inventors of the ‗new‘ economy and once Uranus goes into Taurus from May 2018, people born with Uranus in Scorpio will be swept up in the most radical changes we have seen in our lifetime. This goes beyond previous experiments with Bitcoin into a 160 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 global currency revolution. The process will begin in a meaningful way in November, December 2017 as the inner planets start to move through Scorpio.

The Financial Transformers – Pluto in Scorpio This generation is all about empowerment. Taking power and control away from the traditional ‗owners‘ (the Wall Street gurus and big business heads) and moving it back into their own hands. Jupiter will conjunct the Pluto position of a generation by late 2018 and that is going to put the steering wheel under their fingers. In the same way that Pluto in Virgo people took back control of their health from the giant pharmaceutical companies, by adopting vegetarianism, yoga and the rest – Pluto in Scorpio people are going to manage their own money and wealth.

Dates to Watch The Full Moon on Saturday 4th November is the very first clue we have about the massive changes that Uranus in Taurus will bring from May 2018. On that date, the Sun at 11 Scorpio is opposite the Moon at 11 Taurus. The Tarot card which sums this up is the Two of Coins, which shows a man juggling two coins in a loop, frantically trying to find the centre! In the background ships sail, reminding us about issues like export, international trade deals and global currency exchange. If you have anything at 10, 11, 12 Scorpio or Taurus in your chart that Full Moon will have a big impact on the way you see money, property or business. The New Moon on Saturday 18th November is a big, new start for several world economies and sharemarkets at once. The Sun stands at 26 Scorpio conjunct the Moon at 26 Scorpio. Again, if you have factors at 25, 26, 27 Scorpio you will be strongly affected.

Sunday 3rd December brings the historic Jupiter-Neptune trine. Jupiter at 11 Scorpio is trine Neptune at 11 Pisces and your chart factors at 10, 11, 12 Scorpio will be picked up by this, allowing you to resolve issues or take opportunities. I hope you can see how flow is also cash flow and when the cash flows around the planet we all benefit. If you follow Jupiter‘s many clues, signs and options, it really will be a Merry Christmas. Jessica Adams is the author of Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins) and her weekly horoscopes appear in Cosmopolitan. The Smith-Waite Centennial Deck by Pamela Colman Smith is available from The Book Depository online. Visit

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM LUNATON November/December 2017 Nona Voudouri November‘s 2017 Full Moon; Love or nothing The Full Moon of November 4th 2017 is one of a ―special‖ interest; it will be held at the 11th degree and 58th minutes of the Taurus Scorpio axis, and will mainly affect the representatives of the end of the first decan and the first half of the second decan of the Fixed Cross. Why are we talking about ―special‖ interest? The Moon‘s dispositor is Venus at 25 55' in Libra, within reach, almost touching the degree of the New Moon that preceded it. In critical degree. In exact opposition to Uranus. It is commonly known that Full Moons bring tension and pressure. So, it is not hard to imagine that Venus‘ image being in her home but in a critical degree, opposite to Uranus, is the evidence of completion of a major change that is probably being prepared some time ago. Uranus does not like stagnation, quietness and security. Here comes to bring inversions in relationships of every kind, once again, through its characteristic absolute and sudden way, prompting us to follow our evolutionary path. So, at this time, many will break bindings by inhaling clean air and others will experience the sudden love. Another feature of this Full Moon is the wedge formation that creates along with Neptune. Here, the planet of imagination, sensitivity, divine spark, in first reading receives in a positive way the Full Moon‘s energy, acting as a decongestant hand of help. It does not cease even in such a case, of course, to be pressed by the dynamics of the opposition to a certain extent. And so, depending on our own attitude and perspective, which side we will choose to see: Intuition, consciousness, these are words that suit. But let's not forget the illusion... Mystic Poseidon is seeking the dissolution of selfishness, demands self-sacrifice, to show his positive face, as the superior octave of the co-star on the scene of this full moon and this more earthly Venus. Another interesting element of the map is that we see the Sun in conjunction and the Moon in opposition to the Mercury – Venus midpoint. This Full Moon is ideal for expressing thoughts and ideas through art. It is ideal to express feelings and for many, it will be proven highly erotic. Those who will channel their energy creatively at every level will have made the best choice. We have the 162 | I A M I N F I N I T Y

THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 choice of making beautiful thoughts, communicating important sentiments of ours, of creating art. We also have the choice of fraud, self-deceit and exaggeration in pleasures. In any case, it is important what choice do we make, how we decide to turn this energy.

November 2017 New Moon: Like a volcano waking up The November New Moon on the 18th, 2017, takes place in the deep and fatal environment of Scorpio, and at 26 degrees and 19 minutes of the zodiac, an energy-charged point, the utter exaltation of Uranus, with which it has a quincunx aspect. It directly affects the Taurus, Leos, Scorpions, and Aquarius of the third decan, and those who have planets and mathematical points there. On this map we see the Sun‘s and Moon‘s dispositors, Mars and Pluto, in square aspect, the first one in detriment at 16 Libra and the second one at 17 Capricorn. Moreover, the degree at which the New Moon takes place is at the Saturn-Uranus midpoint. The Saturn-Uranus axis is one of tension and limitation, one that generates irritation and reactions. I believe that this New Moon has a strong political and sociological interest first of all, especially for the countries that are directly affected by her. The data we collect from her map predispose to sudden events of revolutionary nature, events that will have a violent character though, just as equally violent as their attempt to repress them. Mars - Pluto square also exports violence and its energy is often interweaven with terrorist attacks, accidents (including nuclear ones) and war combats. The positive thing is the Saturn trine with Uranus at the New Moon map, which can act as a safety valve in some cases. On a personal level accordingly, there will be a need for expansion due to an accumulated anger, and many will want to shake off what has become a burden and an obstacle on their way. In this case, the way we will try to manage our temper is a big part, since it is easy to somehow export or accept some kind of violence, or to face sudden changes that may not be of direct concern to us but somehow affect the environment and the people around us. It is known that every New Moon marks a new circle, and here, ideally, it would be helpful for those affected to use the dynamics of this energy decisively and willingly by turning to creative paths and not leaving feelings of frustration to be the cause of conflicts and provocative behavior. Another way is physical release as a counterweight, as long as we do not exaggerate resulting to cause injuries, so act with caution.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 December‘s 2017 Full Moon: The Need for Transcendence The last Full Moon of the year, which will most affect the representatives of the last few degrees of the first decan and those who were born by the middle of the second decan, is at 11 degrees and 40 minutes on the Gemini Sagittarius axis, with the Moon from the Gemini and the Sun from Sagittarius forming a precise T-Square with Neptune. We find the Moon‘s dispositor, Mercury, in the critical degree, the last one of Sagittarius, and actually stationary, in order to return to a seemingly retrograde course and to a conjunction to Saturn who is preparing to leave the sign of Sagittarius and entering his house, Capricorn. At the same time, we see the Sun in antiscia with Pluto and the Moon in contra - antiscia of course. Mars is at the 26th degree of Libra in a separating opposition to Uranus and at a 135-degree aspect to the Moon. When Neptune is staring, especially in aspect to Jupiter, issues of religion and church (clergy) come to the fore. It is a time when there might be a virus outburst once again, troubling public opinion. Events relating to the world of sea, the watery element in general, maritime transport, are likely to concern us. The T - Squares with Neptune on top, are never an easy situation. They entail a particular sensitivity and a tendency towards utopian thoughts and blurred situations, while our self-esteem index is often shaken. Here we are called upon to insist on the search for the essence, in whatever level and area we are affected. Here it is important to see the forest and not the tree. With Neptune as the top planet on the T-Square, with the Lights in antiscia and contra - antiscia with Pluto, and finally, with Mercury preparing for his retrograde motion in conjunction to Saturn, while Mars has already taken place the opposition Mars - Uranus aspect (but still in force), we can talk about a period of vague intentions, under intense psychological pressure. This planetary setting will highlight many people‘s tendency to adopt a more pessimistic way of thinking during the Christmas period. But the Universe is wise and always has a hidden magic key. In this case it is called Jupiter. In a trine of the exact degree with Neptune and eager to absorb the negative vibrations, as long as we allow him to. The fulfillment of a dream, the realization of each person's faith in himself or in what he regards as sacred, the artistic inspiration, the contact with the divine, love and help to the less lucky of us, are gifts of value, only if we turn our attention to these. If we give out from our heart, we will fill our soul. If we choose to express their idealistic aspect without self-interest, we will be compensated.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 December 2017 New Moon: The End and the Beginning The New Moon on December 18th 2017, is the last of the year, yet the word "end" fits here only as something that normally preceded, to bring the inevitable beginning to the absolute symbolism of this New Moon. It takes place at 26 degrees and 31 minutes of Sagittarius, influencing mainly the 3rd Decan of the Mutable Cross (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). We are observing her in the mysterious environment of the Galactic Center, being surrounded by Venus and Saturn, involved in an interesting stellium. Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, Saturn, all in Sagittarius. Accumulated need for expansion, spreading, accumulated need for a new beginning, painted with bright, optimistic colors. With the New Moon‘s dispositor, Jupiter having passed to Scorpio's sign, this need for expansion is likely to be translated in many cases into anxiety about money, sex, control, and power, while at the same time it is possible that it is ideally suited to the need for research, philosophical and psychological exploration of Self, the Divine within us. The Mutable Cross signs will want to shake off the pressure they were feeling in the presence of Saturn and here they should focus their attention: Saturn takes his last inhales in the sign of Sagittarius, counting backwards for his moment of entrance into Capricorn. In the last and critical degree of the zodiac, carrying all the experience of his journey there, it is like "sealing" this New Moon by giving his last lesson. It‘s like putting a "brake" and reminding others that it is their duty, the New Beginning, to include the essence of his teaching. As if reminding them that the limits they were taught should be kept as adult teachers do and not like students who are eager to take the break. Mercury, on the other hand, on this New Moon‘s chart, avoids the meeting with him and returns to meet Neptune with a square aspect. The truths and fallacies that we will be called upon to negotiate with ourselves and with others should be carefully separated from each other so that this new Circle is free from this aspect‘s ambiguity. Summing up, this new beginning carries in her luggage the wisdom distillations of Saturn's influence, who, anyway, is still present. There is still this kind of infinite momentum that leaves room for injuries and there is also the one that carries the memory of the healed wound that has matured.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Moon!

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Nona Voudouri was born and raised in Thebes. Her initial studies were on Music and Vocal Art. Her love for Astrology appeared at an early age. She completed her studies at the ―Alternative Education‖ astrology school. Also attended specialized seminars by distinguished astrologers from Greece and other countries. In 2017, she began a new cycle of courses that encompass Draconic , Mundane Astrology as well as the ancient art of Horary Astrology. She firmly believes that apprenticeship never ends. She collaborates with as a columnist

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 IAM HOROSCOPE November/December 2017 Cassandra Tundall NOVEMBER Aries The New Moon on the 18th aligns with planetary good guys Venus and Jupiter. This can assist you in starting fresh or getting the help and support you need regarding financial arrangements. Under the deep probing influence of Scorpio, you might feel the need to dig deep and discover some powerful motivations that aren‘t initially obvious. Taurus The need to break free from routine and the way you‘ve always gone about things will become important this month as your 7th house of relationships is heavily triggered. If you want to know something about someone, ask the question. Take a risk! The security you crave right now goes beyond the physical or the practical. Gemini With many new and interesting opportunities coming your way now, your curious nature will want to say yes to all of them. Your best bet might be to consider taking a more strategic approach and remain focussed on your big picture visions. It could be easy to mistake activity for achievement. Being too busy won‘t leave time for fun, rest or relaxation! Cancer Your social life is set to receive a cosmic boost this November, thanks to your ruler, the Moon. The 4th and 18th are particularly active days where you may find yourself having to compromise or go with the flow. A link between Mars and Pluto suggests you may have to make a choice between love and romance and your obligations. Leo A potent planetary see-saw is triggered this month in your home and career sectors. Ambitious plans may need to temporarily be put on hold as you attend to family matters. If possible, outsource some tasks or work from home. The compromises you make may feel frustrating this month, but will ease come December.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Virgo Home, family and your domestic scene begins a new and lengthy cycle from the 6th, as Mercury enters your 4th sector. Thanks to a retrograde phase, plans and logistics involving your home or family members may have a stop start feel to them. Keep your eye on the big picture as you attend to the details. Libra A plot twist in a significant personal or professional relationship is possible this month. Issues around money and joint finance may prove to be a bone of contention. A decision can be reached on the 4th. You may be pushed to make a compromise around the 18th. Agreeing to disagree until you have more information is your best bet. Scorpio A new all about you cycle has begun. With 5 planets in your sign throughout the course of November, embracing healthy selfishness may be necessary. Listen to the stirrings of your soul and follow your heart. A New Moon on the 18th can help you plant seeds to begin the new you. A tricky link between your co-rulers may require a temporary compromise first. Sagittarius This may be one of the quietest month‘s you‘ve experienced in some time, as planets pile up in your private 12th house. The much-needed rest and retreat will help you refocus and recharge. Mercury will enter your sign from the 6th which may inspire your curiosity or help you discover a new perspective about what makes you tick. Capricorn Energy planet Mars charges through your career zone this month, helping you make progress. A link between Mars and Pluto, in your sign, may trigger power issues. Tact and diplomacy will keep the peace and you might need to make a compromise. The 28th may bring a new piece of information out into the open. Aquarius A total of 5 planets illuminate your career sector this month. A new sense of optimism and inspiration may encourage you to strike out in a new direction, or find a role that feels more authentic. A colleague or friend may provide the support or information you need to move ahead with a new plan. Pisces Your quest for meaning and purpose may be inspired by continuing education or making plans to travel somewhere exotic. The New Moon on the 18th is an ideal time to put your plans into action. As planets pile up in your 9th sector, including your ruler Jupiter, you‘ll be encouraged to tick off the items on your bucket list.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 DECEMBER Aries 2017 may wind up with a plot twist in a major relationship. As your ruler faces off with unpredictable Uranus, the freedom/closeness dilemma may be tricky to deal with. A once every 30- year entrance of serious Saturn in your career zone suggests that your desire to succeed professionally will be important for you now.

Taurus Your debts, loans and savings (or lack thereof) may dominate much of your focus as 2017 draws to a close. With your patron planet Venus, and a Mercury retrograde phase in your 8th sector, the opportunity to re-do a few details may help launch you toward your big picture money goals for 2018. Gemini The last 3 years have tested and cemented your relationship reality. This month, Mercury your ruler, retrogrades through your 7th sector. A few final kinks can be smoothed out, for better or for worse. Balancing the details with big picture visions for the future will be your biggest challenge now. Cancer Attention to your health and well-being is paramount this month. Communication planet Mercury heads in reverse, suggesting that perhaps you need to re-think your current schedule. Carve out some time to organise your routine better, or say no to social engagements that aren‘t essential. Rest and relaxion can help you cope through the silly season. Leo December is where you come alive as you enjoy all life‘s pleasures as the Sun tours your 5th sector. Be sure to double check your schedule as Mercury retrograde may bring snafus and general miscommunications. A New Moon alongside Saturn may inspire you to re-ignite an old hobby, personal project, or even a romance! Virgo Family dynamics will occupy much of your energy this month as a pile up of planets enter your 4th sector. Changes to the plan are possible as Mercury, your patron planet heads in reverse. Regardless of how things work out, a New Moon alongside Saturn on the 18th, can help you stabilise family related plans for 2018.

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THE TEMPLAR ISSUE NOV/DEC 2017 Libra A new 3-year cycle that promotes stabile growth within your home zone begins this month. Serious Saturn makes his once every 30-year entrance from the 20th. Structure and commitment are possible, as you feel the need to grow roots and form a solid foundation to build your future. Scorpio Opportunities to explore your creativity can help promote deep healing and transformation this month. A link with Neptune will inspire you to find a sense of joy, helping you open up to new personal growth opportunities. Barriers come down as you replenish your soul with what nourishes you. Sagittarius A cycle of personal growth and maturity concludes this month, as Saturn ends his 3-year tenure in your sign. As heavy Saturn makes his way into Capricorn, you may notice that your jovial and optimistic self begins to return, just a little wiser this time around. A New Moon in your sign on the 18th, is the perfect time to implement the new you! Capricorn Saturn enters your sign, on the 20th, heralding a new cycle of responsibility and restructuring. As you reflect a new level of personal maturity, you may begin to easily let go of old habits, situations of even people. Gradually, you‘ll become more in-tune with the importance of time, therefore making better use of it. Aquarius In retrospect, December may prove to be a final swan song of socialising and connecting. Saturn, your patron planet begins a new cycle from the 20th, where you‘ll feel the need to explore your inner workings. As you process what is truly valuable to you, your energy for anything other than what is essential will be limited. Pisces While many will begin to wind down for the holiday season, you‘ll be busy making the most of Saturn‘s last days in your career sector. You‘ve worked really hard these last few years, and Saturn‘s next cycle will see your hard work pay off. A New Moon on the 18th can inspire you to manifest new career directions. Cassandra Tyndall is an avid professional astrologer, writer and teacher, based in Brisbane, Australia. Her interest in Astrology started when she was a child reading horoscopes in her mother‘s magazines. Known for her honesty, passion and insight, Cassandra offers consultations to people all over the globe. With over 10 years experience, Cassandra combines ancient and traditional methods with a modern day spin to enhance specific predictions and offers practical and inspired guidance. Cassandra is known and respected for bringing the symbolism of the signs and planets and using this as a tool for helping you discover inner knowledge, clarity, wisdom and benefit. Cassandra‘s work has featured in Wellbeing magazine, Women‘s Health and Fitness as well as numerous websites. She is the former president of the Young Astrologers Association (NSW) and was on the board of the Federation of Australian Astrologer‘s

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Stay With Us! We Are Looking Forward To Present You January/February Issue 2017 #IAM17 This Is Going To be the 1st IAM Solar Return (8th February, 2017)

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