Iam #17 Immortelle Jan/Feb 2018

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Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

About Us IAM – Inφinity Astrological Magazine is a bimonthly online magazine, founded in 2015, in Serbia, but since 8th February 2017 our magazine got its rebirth, under the Athens’ Sky (Greece)! IAM is for professionals astrologers, students of astrology and for all astrology lovers. Serbian astrologer Smiljana Gavrančić is the founding editor and owner of IAM. She specialises in exploring significant degrees in Mundane Astrology and her writings have appeared in the Astrological Journal, in The Mountain Astrologer blog and in ISAR‘s International Astrologer. As of November 2016, all issues of IAM have become part of Alexandria iBase Project, a digital astrological database. From March 2017 IAM is on featured in the Astrodienst section ‖Understanding Astrology‖ along with The Astrological Journal and The Mountain Astrologer. IAM is associated with most relevant schools, journals and people in the astrological field. - Victor Olliver (associate from The Astrological Journal, The Astrological Association GB) - Tem Tarriktar (associate from The Mountain Astrologer) - Frank C. Cllifford (associate from the London School of Astrology) - Sharon Knight (associate from APAI) - Wendy Stacey (associate from Mayo School of Astrology and The Astrological Association GB) - Jadranka Ćoić (associate from The Astrological Lodge of London) - Mandi Lockley (associate from Academy of Astrology UK). Special members are Melanie Reinhart (The Faculty Of Astrological Studies), Roy Gillett (the president of The Astrological Association GB) and Athan J. Zervas (astrologer and Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design for the magazine). All of IAM issues are non-thematic and in every issue there is a cryptic phrase on the cover that refers to either the essence of the skies for the two months ahead or to a main article. But there is more to it! All cryptic phrases, when read together in a sequence, reveal a story in progress. It is like a puzzle and every issue adds one more piece to it. From the standard 70 pages of the inception issue (the cryptic phrase was The #782 Issue), today the magazine counts circa 160 pages per issue with the firm intention to grow even more in the future. About 60 astrologers from all over the world write in the magazine and more are always welcome. A future goal for the magazine is to organise conferences about astrology all around the world.




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Happy Birthday IAM! Karin Hoffmann- Astrodienst It is truly amazing what you have created together with your editorial team, Smiljana! Within a very short time, the Infinity Astrological Magazine has become a ′force to be reckoned with′. There is no fast food for astrologers in this bi-monthly astro book. The articles are thorough, meaty and substantial - real food for thought. INFINITY describes this magazine perfectly: you come up with a huge variety of articles and astrological directions - the sky is the limit! Or is it? We at astro.com are happy to cooperate with you and watch your further development. All the best for IAM′s future from the Astrodienst team - Congratulations!!

Wendy Stacey –The Astrological Association Great Britain Many Happy Solar Returns to the Infinity Astrological Magazine! For two years the IAM has published a broad and interesting variety of articles and through its success and global reach it continues to educate people in our art, contributes to bring the astrological community together, and raises the standard of astrology. This has been a herculean effort by one woman – Smiljana Gavrančić, whose efforts and dedication has taken this magazine from strength to strength. I wish IAM a wonderful birthday and thank you Smiljana for all your hard work. Lots of love and wishing you a great festive season.

Frank C. Clifford – The London School of Astrology When a project is undertaken with love and a community spirit, it is worth celebrating and supporting. Infinity Astrological Magazine has been a bright new light in the world of astrological publishing, bringing together a collection of writers, approaches and ideas. It is truly a collaborative project but it is one lovingly steered by Smiljana, who puts in so much work every issue to make each occasion a special one. Thank you, Smiljana, and thank you to everyone who supports this stellar magazine. Happy First Birthday, IAM!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Jadranka Ćoić – Astrological Lodge of London Happy birthday to IAM! It is unbelievable how much can be achieved in a such short time, when someone put the heart in the project. What I am wishing you; three things: LOVE, HOPE AND STRENGTH! Love to continue being amazing online magazine, Hope that you will always be better and more giving and Strength to have courage and stamina to do what you are doing already well. Happy birthday! I already know you will be stuning again!

Anne Whitaker A new venture for a New Age…many congratulations, Smiljana, as IAM reaches its first solar return and you open IAM’s first office at the start of 2018. Using the Internet –here, at its best– to bring together such a wide range of talented and knowledgeable astrologers from across the world community is a wonderful achievement. Linking IAM with the Alexandria I-Base project ensures the preservation of these writings for future generations of astrologers and astrology students. Also, recent association with Astrodienst and with The Mountain Astrologer who publish regular selections from IAM’s bi-monthly content means that the interested general public as well as the astrological community benefit from IAM’s broad scope. Dr Nicholas Campion’s having collected a list of almost one hundred dates from around 1260 AD to around 3000 AD “…at which the Age of Aquarius can begin…” ( p127 ‘Astrology, History and Apocalypse’ (CPA Press, 2000)) has made me for a long time cautious of using the term ‘Aquarian Age’. Nevertheless, just a quick glance at Smiljana’s horoscope along with the charts both of IAM and IAM’s first solar return makes it difficult to avoid! Smiljana’s Aquarian Sun, Mercury and South Node in the third house clearly echo natal IAM’s eleventh house ruler Mercury at potent 0 degrees Aquarius in its third house, sextile cooperative, pioneering Venus in Aries in the fifth. IAM’s solar return chart, with 5 Aquarius Rising, then a stellium of Mercury, Sun (both conjunct South Node) and Venus in Aquarius in the first house are telling us something loud and clear: If there is indeed an Aquarian Age dawning, then IAM is out there, helping to bring it on!

Cover made by: Athan J. Zervas (Critique Partner/Associate for Art & Design) 8


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Editor’s Letter Because, We Are Immortelle... ‘‘I AM Going Home’’ I am the night! I was born with the Sun in Aquarius, in 3rd house (under the horizon), and with the Moon in Cancer (night) in 8th house. My Soul is old and it has very deep wound! I am the pain! My rising is Scorpio! But, I am immortelle, too... Even my name means herb immortelle (in Serbian, smilje). My magazine had a storm in past, but since #The Retrograde Kiss issue #IAM12 (March/Aprl 2017) it got „the pill“ of immortallity. Totally without planning, during night, on 8th February, 2017, under the Athens’ sky in Greece, my magazine got its new name, and new energy. Than I’ve realized how the storm (from the past) was with purpose, to bring in my life new person/s. I would say that IAM is a baby girl (the Moon was in Cancer, just like mine)!What meant to be, will always find its way! Dear God, protects Us, always. I was not before so close with prayers, not even with my orthodox religion (I am an Aquarius with Uranus at Asc – I do not love rules!). But, when storm comes on your door, there is the only one solution – the Universe wants to make you closer with your inner „light“, and that „light“ is God! When ever I finish editing, I have one small ritual – I pull one tarot card from the deck, in order to get some message in which direction magazine will go after this issue. And, I got this time Justice, the card number 8 (infinity, immortallity...). Justice is also about making some decisions in a time ahead. This is an interesting message because I’ve already made decision (recently) how I will open my Astro Center IAM INΦINITY (on 11 Jan, 2018 09:30am, Kikinda, Serbia). The chart for „my office“ will have even 3 planets in Scorpio, in 8th house (so, again 8), Sun/Venus conjunction at 21º Capricorn, and Mercury/Saturn conjunction at 0 º Capricorn in 10th. I put Asc on my natal IC – I will work from home, ofcourse, and in Neptune in 1st house I see my overseas „contacts“ with all of you, because 100% of my job is going over internet! My new office will have two adresses, like my magazine, too – one in Serbia, the other one in Athens (Greece) where the sea (Neptune) will be around me. Jupiter is ruler of my IC in Pisces, and my Jupiter lines goes through Athens – „I AM going home“! Draconic Moon/Pluto of Greece Democracy 1974 is at 15º Capricorn (together with my draco Fortuna), just accross my natal Moon (ruler of my 9th, in my 8th) at 15º Cancer! There, I can get „my own ground“, in order to make my inner balance. There my Soul is in balance! Draco Mercury/Saturn conjunction of Greece Democracy 1974 is exactly on my natal Pluto (ruler of my Scorpio rising) – at 21º Libra (Spica). It is interesting that in the chart of my Astro Center IAM INΦINITY I have Mercury/Saturn conjunction too! The more interesting is this – Asc of Greece Democracy 1974 is at 13º Cancer (Sirius fixed star), and in draco chart of my Astro Center axis 3/9 goes over 13º Capricorn/13 º Cancer!!! Draco Asc of my Astro Center is at 23º Libra making strong conjunction with Uranus of Greece Democracy 1974 – I would say that I was there in past life, together with astrology, and yes, maybe it was not so easy with Uranus, but, as in this life I have Uranus at Asc, I will take a risk, because, I am taking with me My Heart! 9


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

I AM going again, at the same place, to change the past, because Uranus gives Us the free will, and it will support Us if we have courage in our spirit, and for that, you need to pray, to trust that all will be alright, even when all around you is looking like one big storm and chaos! Keep The Faith!!! And look stellium in Cancer in Draconic chart – Moon/Jupiter at 3º Cancer,Mars at 5º Cancer conjunction Venus at 3º Cancer in Greece Democracy 1974! Now I can say that there was my big family. However, in this life, I have Vertex at 3º Cancer! Astrology is an amazing tool, indeed! Now, i want to show you the chart for the moment when I’ve decided to call this issue Immortelle... It was on 3rd November, 2017 (0:09, Kikinda, Serbia). The Moon was at 23º Aries – which is Desc of draconic chart for my Astro Center, and at the same time opposition with Uranus at 23º Libra in Greece Democracy chart! Venus was at 24º Libra, conjunction draconic Asc of my Astro Center (and Uranus of Greece). Uranus in transit, right now, is crossing over 24º Aries for the last time (before it enters Taurus on 15th May, 2018). My Solar Arc Venus is at 24º Aries...

Love you... Smiljana



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM THE GODFATHER talk with Athan J. Zervas

Episode #01 – 8th February, 2018 Smiljana Gavrančić



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: Hi Athan, IAM is so happy and honored to host you again, in our #Immortelle Issue. Our first interview was for the issue #Retrograde Kiss Issue (IAM12, March/April 2017). That was your first IAM cover, too. On 8th February 2017, totally without planing, you said “We should maybe call INFINITY Astrological Magazine – IAM?’’ And, all started... , and you are the “Godfather’’ of IAM! New spirit, new, fresh energy, new logo, all new came in our magazine. That was just two days before the Lunar Eclipse at 22º Leo (which is the MC of IAM). You are familiar with the fact that I love to explore Zodiac by degrees, and I’ve found how IAM is „sensitive“ at 0º Taurus, e.i., we can say that IAM „vibes“ at 0º Taurus within the Zodiac. Can this information help you to tell us (from the point of numerology) what kind of destiny IAM can have during 2018? I was „playing“ with letters and numbers, too, and I’ve found that words – INFINITY Astrological Magazine are number 17 (this issue is #IAM17 – the Star from tarot deck), e.i. 8, which is so fitting with the symbol of infinity, isn’t it?! Also, if we take a look on date when IAM was founded, we can see that IAM is 1-1-2, e.i., personal number of our magazine is number 2? I hope I did not make some mistake, but you will correct me... So, I was impressed how IAM is number 2, because my favorite card in tarot deck is the High Priestess (2nd card), she presents the Moon’s energy, she is very spiritual, with deep „underworld“ knowledge, and I really love her so much. What can you tell us about number 2? At the same time, during 2017 IAM was in a year of number 2, which means that during 2018 IAM will be in a year of number 3 – can we expect some changes in 2018, and when exactly? Number two is the Moon, as well as numer 3 is – Jupiter? ATHAN: I am very honoured for being here again and for being IAM’s so called godfather too, of course. I can vividly recall the moment those three letters appreared in my mind’s eye and I can certainly say that I did not pick that moment but instead, the moment picked me. I feel that I was a channel for the change and not the godfather, but since it was a name that came out of this peculiar channeling, let’s say that I am the godfather. The new IAM is indeed a number two life path, a number that conveys the meaning of a friendly cooperation or of a deep friendship. Number two is also a sort of a channel number that supports and nurtures the evolution from number one to number three. In that sense, two can be assigned to the Moon (or the Moon to the number). In our case, we should consider the fact that IAM’s number two life path derives from an other number, the master number eleven. Eleven has slightly outwordly connotations, and it is the channel that messages from above come through. Inspiration and higher understanding is the path of IAM magazine! Every birthdate has a cornerstone number and it is interesting that mine is 11/2. In numerology, the relation of someone’s cornerstone number to someone else’s life path number is of great importance. 12


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The next annual cycle IAM is going to experience is a number three cycle. Three is a number relevant to communication, written or spoken word, and to creativity. For a magazine is of course a great number, it brings more creative articles, expansion and expression. Three can be linked to Jupiter because of its expansive nature and the wisdom gained, but three can be also linked to Saturn, because three gives a plastic shape to things. When a word has being spoken it is out there, you can’t take it back, even the alphabet letters you use to express yourself in writting have a standard shape. During the number three annual cycle, IAM should be careful for mistakes, open but careful to the ideas expressed therein and of course mindful of the editing process. It could be a good time to consider about printing the magazine too. IAM: If we focus on 2018 and the draconic chart of IAM, we can see Venus at 29º Libra and Uranus will hit her on 12th May 2018. I use transit to the draconic chart (only conjunctions and oppostions)- what is your feeling, what may happen? Venus is ruler of 7th house in IAM chart and she is dispositor of Jupiter at 23º Libra in 12th house, also, in IAM chart we can see Venus and Uranus in the same sign (Aries), so this opposition of transit Uranus to the draconic Venus is important... And, if we take now the fact that IAM ‘‘vibes’’over 0º Taurus/0º Scorpio, it seams that axis 29º Aries/29º Libra is very important axis, it is a messanger for big change. I have to add that #The Templar Issue (#IAM16) I’ve maped at 0º Scorpio, and now all start to be an puzzle, isn’t it?! Jupiter recently also crossed over draco Venus of IAM (9th October, 2017). Also, Jupiter crossed over draco Mars (ruler of Asc of IAM) on 31 October, 2017 – on that day, #The Templar Issue was out.. So, Uranus will go retrograde and cross over our draco Venus few more times, rigth? So, I would say this will be one process for all what Venus presents in the horoscope of IAM. What do you think? ATHAN: First of all, if IAM vibrates at 0º Taurus/Scorpio, then the natal Mercury at 0º Aquarius is trouble! This is an inside joke the readers might not quite get of course, but nevetheless IAM must talk the stuborness away and that is a hard job for a magazine. Back to the draconic chart now, surely this back and forth of Uranus opposite draconic Venus implies a lot of internal change due to external circumstances. Venus as a ruler of the draconic 5th house is a marker of the inherent creativity of the magazine and as a ruler of the 12th house is a marker for hidden past that could be harmful and restrictive. As a ruler of the tropical 7th and 12th house signifies both partners and known enemies but secret enemies too. We get a double reference to the 12th house in both charts. It all could mean that the magazine should be more alert and careful around new things and people because the inner need to be more creative might open a sort of Pandora’s Box… IAM: Also, Neptune is going to ‘‘hit’’ draco Sun of IAM (15º Virgo) during 2018, e.i. on 5th May, 2018! The Sun is ruler of MC in IAM chart, and I think that maybe our magazine may be more involved with videos, movies, etc, e.i. maybe we will be more in touch with social medias? What would you say? And ofcourse, Neptune will go retrograde and this opposition is going to repeat again.... We must not forget 6th January 2018 too – transit Jupiter will be in conjunction with draconic Uranus of IAM (17º Scorpio). In natal chart, and in draconic of course, Jupiter and Uranus are making an opposition, but the Sun in Aquarius and Saturn in Sagittarius help them (with sextile/trigon).



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

ATHAN: That sounds excellent creatively/artistically wise and I hope that I can be an active part of this process, God willing and Time permiting... IAM: Of course, we can’t forget the lunar eclipse at 4º Aquarius in July 2018, very close with the Moon at 6º Aquarius in draconic chart of IAM, and one more eclipse before that, in February there will be the lunar eclipse at the end of the sign of Aquarius, which will „hit“ draco Mercury at 27º Leo (it was already ‘‘hitted’’ on 21 August, 2017 by the solar eclipse, right?). If we are talking only about natal chart of IAM – in August 2018 there will be the solar eclipse at 18º Leo, and IAM has the Sun at 19º Aquarius - the summer 2018 may be so important for us, and if we add here that at the same time secondary progressed Moon of IAM will touch 0º Leo, and make an exact opposition with Mercury in IAM chart at 0º Aqurius – what do you think, feel...? ATHAN: Draconic Moon and Mercury are about the presence and the inner resources of the magazine. Tropical Moon and Mercury are about reaching to a higher state, being known to a greater audience and about the money of course. An eclipse is always associated with a significant change, so I guess something impοrtant happens having to do with a shifting from a form to another one. The natal 3/9 axis is activated by the year’s eclipses, an important axis for an online publication, so there you have it... ;) IAM: You will probably now laugh, but I did the same with Victor Olliver, the editor of the Astrolgoical Journal. So, as I am doing for AJ March/April 2018 issue a column about special degress for the Astrolgoical Association – I found how asteriod Victor/a ‘‘vibes’’ exactly where it ‘‘vibes’’ (you all will find out in March 2018), and I’ve checked the same for IAM. So I found that asteroid Athan/asia in IAM chart is at 3º Aquarius (in conjunction with Mercury at 0º Aquarius)! In August 2018 progressed Mercury of IAM will be there, and in October 2018, progressed Moon from 3º Leo will ‘‘hit’’ it! Maybe that will be so interesting period for you as IAM artist & critique partner, we will see, however, what do you think? ATHAN: I feel that the inside joke I mentioned before is definitely on me now! Did it have for asteroid Athan to be in Aquarius too? This is a plot! I am relly looking forward to reading all about it. IAM: I forgot to say at the beginning of our talk, that we have during 2018 Jupiter in 1st house of IAM, and it is a great sign that we can grow. Do you think , after all what we talk, there is a possibility that during 2018 at least, IAM starts with some online membership for its readers, or we will still stay free magazine during 2018? Saturn will be still in our 2nd house (where it is in natal chart too), and somehow I am wondering should I make all this much more serious...?



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

ATHAN: Well, if you are not really sure, why don’t you make a poll about it? Ask the readers what they really think and whether they would like to show their appreciation in a more material way. IAM is definitely worth a lot if you come to think of it... IAM: What would you love to say more about IAM in 2018? Maybe I did not ask you something important? Oh, I just got an idea – by profections, what is the IAM’s destiny in 2018? ATHAN: Directing with profections, 2018 is a Sagittarius rising for the magazine. A year of abundance and expansion. It is a year about money and resources too. I would say IAM needs to mature a bit more now. Transits of Jupiter will be important, especially Jupiter conjuncting the Asc but also squaring the natal Sun. It could be a bumpy ride though, since Saturn is in the activated house for the year making resources and stamina an important factor. IAM: I have one birthday wish  When I’ve asked you last time to pull a tarot card for IAM, you got the Tower, which was so powerful, and big changes came into magazine – for example, we started colaboration with ASTRODIENST, the old IAM’s energy is sleeping, we put it in past, forever! And I am feeling that real transformation really started since 16th issue, e.i. #The Templar (Nov/Dec 2017). I feel that now the magazine is finally „clean“ in energetic sense. So, can you pull one card for the end of this talk? What brings 2018 for IAM? ATHAN: Last October, I was in Egypt and I had my French Tarot deck with me when I got inside the King’s Chamber in Cheops’ pyramid. I am going to draw a card from the same deck (suspense drum music). Arcanum 18, the Moon, came up! How interesting.. (gulp!). A card that is tied to women and female energy. The Moon is powerful during the hours of the night and according to medieval tradition, speaking or even shouting to the moon could make a wish come true. Being a night card, it is associated with sleep. It is interesting that you said that ‘‘the old IAM energy is sleeping’’. So my wish for this year is that the barking of the dogs should not awake the sleeping past. There is indeed a bunch of dark nuances around the card, but I think that this has to do more with the medieval line of thought about women, their subordinate societal role, their lack of freedom to act and the fear of the female power men have always had... Nevertheless, caution is needed as well as a firm grip of what is real and what is not. IAM: Thank you so much, for your spirit and all what you’ve done, what you are doing and what you will do for IAM! Until next year, when we will host our ‘‘Godfather’’in Episode #2, thank you! ATHAN: Thank you for your confidence and your patience. Cheers!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Athan is an idiosyncratically sanguine astrologer currently living in Athens, Greece. He studied translation and interpretation but did not wish to go professional since his interest in Astrology gave way to much more insightful translations of the human predicament. He speaks Greek, English, Italian, French, Spanish, just a tad of German and he studies Hebrew. He is lazy. A self-taught astrologer, he defines himself as eclectic, using both traditional techniques and modern concepts in his work. He is a founding board member of the Hellenic Friends of Astrology, a non-profit organization for the dissemination of educated Astrology in Greece through seminars, lectures, publications and symposia. He has been acting vice president in 2016 and editor of “12 Magazine”, the quarterly print edition of the organization. A lecturer and a consultant with 10+ years of client-work experience, he is also a radio producer with his own show running weekly since 2013. He has an online presence in Greek astrology sites with monthly columns and he is an active blogger with his blog being of course all Greek to you. email: athanzervas@gmail.com Greek blogspot: www.athanastrology.blogspot.gr www.infinityastrologicalmagazine.com




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Istanbul Transition from 29º Capricorn to 0º Aquarius

Smiljana Gavrančić

The largest city in Turkey and the only city spanning on two continents, Europe and Asia, Istanbul used to be the capital of three empires: Roman (330-395), Byzantine, i.e. Eastern Roman Empire (395-1453) and Ottoman (1452-1923). Istanbul was founded on May 11, 330. It used to be called Constantinople (New Rome or the Second Rome, after the emperor Constantine the Great) and Carigrad (Tsargrad, “the city of the emperor”). The city has important strategic position for the development of trade and culture. After the fall of Western Roman Empire, Istanbul became what is now referred to as Byzantine. Being the largest city in Europe, Carigrad was center of Hellenic world, so the Greeks called it simply Polis (“city”). Byzantine Empire had Greek culture, so it became the center of Orthodox Christianity after the split from the Roman Church. There were many churches in this empire, including the largest world’s cathedral Hagia Sophia. Istanbul is still the seat of the Carigrad patriarch, the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church. While Catholic Christianity is related to Jupiter, the Orthodox Christianity is ruled by Saturn, i.e. the sign of Capricorn.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Since my research work in the area of mundane astrology includes mapping of Zodiac and assigning certain degrees within the circle of 360 degrees to certain countries or cities – the transition from 29º to 0º was immediately indicative, since the city has its European part and its Asian part and in a way it represents some type of border between the East and the West. I mapped the Turkey at 29º Virgo/0º Libra, which is pretty unstable spot inside the Zodiac, for it is part of the Grand Cardinal Cross, i.e. degrees we associate with start of seasons and they are in semi-square (45º) with central degrees of fixed signs, so-called Avatar degrees (15º Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) – 0º Aries (spring), 0º Cancer (summer), 0º Libra (autumn), 0º Capricorn (winter). See my article Turkey and 0º Libra.

2020 and Grand Conjunction at 0º Aquarius I have mapped Istanbul itself at 29º Capricorn/0º Aquarius. This spot within Zodiac is very powerful one, for soon, on December 21, 2020 there will be a Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0º Aquarius, announcing the arrival of some new age. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction happens every 20 years and stays in the same element for 200 years. The change of element, which will happen on December 21, 2020, is called the Grand Mutation. This will definitely be the end of the rule of the matter, since the previous Grand Mutation happened in the earth element on January 26, 1842. Jupiter and Saturn conjunction then happened in the sign of Capricorn, at 8º, and it was the beginning of the modern materialism. It is interesting that the axis of the Turkish Republic 1923 falls on 7º Cancer 47’/7 º



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Capricorn 47’, i.e. very close to 8º Cancer/8º Capricorn. At the same time, In December 2020, secondary Moon of Turkey will be at 29º Capricorn, getting ready to touch 0º Aquarius! Since Ascendant of Turkey is in the sign of Cancer, the Moon (as the ruler of Cancer) represents the capital of the country, but it also tells the story of the general situation in the country. Turkey’s Moon is also at 29º, but of the sign Gemini. There is an aspect of quincunx between 29º Gemini and 29º Capricorn, requiring internal adjustment to the new situation, which may open for Turkey in the moment of the Grand Conjunction at 0º Aquarius in December 2020. Why? Because after 29º Gemini (Ankara, as the capital) there is 0º Cancer, much more conservative and traditional sign than 0° Aquarius that comes after 29° Capricorn and that represents Istanbul – will the largest city in Turkey and the very important spot on the world map maybe want some other future in the symbolism of 0° Aquarius (freedom, respect of human rights, etc.)? Istanbul is known for protests, and through the history the 0º Leo/0º Aquarius axis appeared in moments of civil revolutions, riots, wars. For example, the First World War started in the symbolism of 0º Aquarius – when the Serb from Bosnia, Gavrilo Princip, on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo carried out the famous “Sarajevo assassination” (which was the cause of the World War I) – his progressive Moon was exactly at 0º Aquarius, while his progressive Ascendant was at 8º Capricorn (the spot of the last Grand Mutation in the earth element in 1842 and Desc of the Republic of Turkey 1923). Sarajevo itself, the capital of the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina – was mapped at 0º Aquarius. Three nations live in the city: Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. Sarajevo is often called the “powder keg”, for the WWI started in this city. Later, during the civil war in the 90s, we witnessed Sarajevo being the very vulnerable spot in the Balkans… See my article Sarajevo and 0º Aquarius.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Now, the interesting part is the following: I also mapped Spain at 29º Capricorn/0º Aquarius, which makes sense for one part of Spain, Catalonia, wants the change, independence, freedom (0º Aquarius). See my article Spain 29º Capricorn.

How have I noticed the significance of 29º Capricorn/0º Aquarius for Istanbul? Firstly, I did progression of the chart of Roman Empire for May 12, 330, since Istanbul was the capital of that empire. Roman Empire has its Ascendant in Taurus, and in the moment of Istanbul founding, the secondary progressive Venus (the ruler of the Roman Empire’s Ascendant) was at 29º Capricorn! That same Venus, the ruler of Ascendant of the Roman Empire (capital of that empire) was at 0° Aquarius in Solar Arc directions for May 11, 330!

Then, I found Taurus Ascendant in the chart of Byzantine Empire, which means that Venus here too descries the capital of the empire as in the previous case. Here, 29° Capricorn is emphasized through the position of the Sun and MC -- 28 º Capricorn 19’. Even the Moon (people) is represented by 29º, but of Taurus, the spot occupied by Pleiades (known also as “weeping sisters”), cluster of stars indicating difficult fate in the chart of the person or state.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Battle of Manzikert (often referred to as the Manzikert Catastrophe) from August 26, 1071 is considered to have been the decisive event that directly caused the later fall of the Byzantine Empire. Both progressive and Solar Arc axes IC/MC of Istanbul were across 0º Aquarius/0º Leo! Tertiary Sun of Byzantine (the ruler of Byzantine Empire) was at 0º Scorpio, in square with the transition from 29º Capricorn to 0º Aquarius! Solar Arc Jupiter of the Byzantine was at 29º Libra, also in square with 29º Capricorn! In the chart of Byzantine, Jupiter is in 8th house (disputes, wars). In the chart of Istanbul, the Jupiter (essential signifier of religion) is in 9th house (house of religion), in conjunction with the Venus and in the sign of Jupiter’s exaltation, in Cancer, where Jupiter feels great. This is certainly depiction of significant, large, religious object in Istanbul, the church of Hagia Sophia. When the construction (ordered by the Emperor Justinian I) of this structure was finished in 537, Solar Arc Jupiter of Istanbul was at 29º Capricorn! The last degree of the sign of Capricorn was certainly an indication of the later change that will come in time, for after 29º Capricorn there is 0º Aquarius – the father of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, later made the museum out of Hagia Sophia.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Hagia Sophia was firstly the orthodox church (only between 1204 – 1261 it was under the rule of Roman Catholic Church), until the fall of Istanbul under the rule of Ottoman Empire, when it became imperial mosque – on May 29, 1453 until 1931. It was secularized and opened as a museum on February 1, 1935 – secondary cusp of the 12th house in the chart of Istanbul was at 29º Capricorn, and the 12th house in mundane astrology represents institutions of closed nature, like museums, but also the places of silence, places of praying… this is the field of spirituality.

The first Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I (orthodox theologian), the greatest codifier of the Roman law, came to power on August 1, 527. At that moment Solar Arc Fortuna of the Byzantine Empire was at 29º Capricorn! As we know, Fortuna is very important and very personal point within person’s horoscope, composed of three parts and always representing the relationship of Sun, Moon and Ascendant. For that reason, the movement of Fortuna in progressions and Solar Arc directions indicates very important moments in person’s life (if discussing personal chart) or at the level of state (in mundane astrology). Fortuna moves fast, even faster than the Moon, and that is why it is so important!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Antique underground water tank between Hippodrome and Hagia Sophia in Istanbul – Basilica Cistern, which supplied water to the center of the Byzantine Carigrad, was constructed during the reign of Justinian I and had been used for a long time. It is known for its marble supporting columns. Basilica Cistern was officially reopened for public on September 9, 1987, after reconstruction works. Secondary Mercury (the ruler of the Moon – people, from 29º Gemini) of Turkey was at 28º Capricorn 24’, in conjunction with the Sun of Byzantine at 29º Capricorn! Secondary Venus of the Byzantine (the ruler of Asc in Taurus in the chart of Byzantine) was at 29º Aries, calling out 29º Capricorn (through the square). Solar Arc Jupiter of Turkey (the ruler of MC in the chart of Turkey – reputation of the country, its rulers) was at 29º Capricorn! Solar Arc Fortuna of the Byzantine was at the same spot as it was when Justinian I came to power on August 1, 527 – at 29º Capricorn! Solar Arc Ascendant of Istanbul was at 29º Aries, calling out 29º Capricorn (through the square)!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

At the time of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020, Solar Arc Mercury of Istanbul will be at 29º Capricorn! At the same time, tertiary Sun of Byzantine will be at 29º Cancer and will be calling out 29º Capricorn, as the degree across from itself, while Solar Arc Asc/Desc axis of Byzantine will be across 29º Libra/29º Aries. All that shall activate the Grand Cardinal Cross across 29º, having the tendency to transform into Grand Fixed Cross across 0º! This is the sign of the great “opening” in which the Turkey shall be included. The Grand Cross indicates the release of energy – it is inevitable… Before this conjunction at 0º Aquarius, there will be introductory event -- solar eclipse at 0° Leo on January 21, 2019, that will call out 29º Capricorn/0º Aquarius.

Woman at 2019 elections? The year 2018 will be interesting for Istanbul, for on January 31, 2018 at 11° Leo there will be lunar eclipse, and Istanbul has Moon (people of Istanbul) at 11° Leo in its chart! Since the Moon in the chart of Istanbul is in the 10th house (city government) and since it represents a woman, this may be related to some important female figure from the city government. Another eclipse during 2018 will affect city government, for it will happen exactly at the position of Istanbul’s MC at 20º Cancer – this time it is solar eclipse at 20º Cancer on July 13, 2018! On January 10, 2020 (in the year of the Grand Mutation) there will be eclipse at 20º Cancer (MC of Istanbul), but this one will be lunar eclipse. But, since Istanbul does not depict only that city because it is the largest city in the state, we may reasonably expect to see a woman as a candidate in 2019 elections. For now, there is one woman and her name is Meral Akşener. She is a great opponent of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and she founded her own party on October 25, 2017. On one of those days tertiary Moon (woman) crossed the Ascendant of the Republic of Turkey 1923. I want to emphasize this – on December 21, 2020 progressive Moon (woman) of Turkey will be at 29º Capricorn, ready to touch 0º Aquarius!

Constitution change on 2017 referendum At the last referendum in Turkey on April 16, 2017, Solar Arc Mercury and Saturn of Turkey were exactly at 29º Capricorn! Constitution changes that were won by this referendum gave great powers to the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The reform stipulated holding of presidential and representatives elections at the same time, every five years, so next elections would be held in November 2019. As I have already mentioned, on January 21, 2019 there will be an eclipse at 0º Leo that will introduce the Grand Mutation on December 21, 2020 at 0º Aquarius. If Erdogan wins, he is expected to rule maybe until 2029. But, it remains to be seen if the symbolism of 0º Leo/0º Aquarius axis shall bring some type of rebellion, revolution in Turkey, or more precisely in Istanbul, the place of crossing between the East and the West, the place of connection between the conservative (29º Capricorn) and modern (0º Aquarius). 25 IAM INΦINITY

Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Let us take a look at the horoscope of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, for the spirit of this man still strongly lives in the collective unconscious. I would say that it shall remain there forever, since he was the founder of the modern Turkey. If we do progression of his chart for October 3, 2005 when Turkey officially started negotiations with European Union, there is his tertiary Moon (describing events at the level of 2 days) exactly at 0º Leo, activating 0º Aquarius/0º Leo axis, clearly showing how much freedom spirit and the need to progress into the future (0º Aquarius) were characteristics of this man. Then, in progressions for May 28, 2013 (when protests started in the famous Istanbul Taksim square) there is progressive Sun of Mustafa at 0º Leo, again clearly indicating the presence of revolutionary spirit at the Istanbul square. The year 2020 will be interesting, for Mustafa’s progressive MC will come to 7º Capricorn 42', and his progressive IC at 7º Cancer 42' – this activates natal Asc/Desc axis of the Republic of Turkey 1923 at 7º Cancer 47' / 7º Capricorn 47', as well as natal Mars (fight) of Turkey at 7º Libra 24' in 4th house of Turkey’s horoscope (territory, opposition in the country). To be more precise, there will be a cardinal T-square with Mars at 7º Libra being the planet in the center of events. Does Mars in Libra in 4th house have enough strength for change? Mars in Libra is in exile, and in 4th house Mars is not strong (according to the rules of modern astrology, this house belongs to the sign of Cancer, and Mars is in fall in Cancer). I have to say that I used the book of Marc Penfield, American astrologer as a source for Mustafa’s horoscope, ant the author stated that the date and time of Mustafa’s birth were unreliable, but since this horoscope got before me, i.e. the Universe has put it in my way, I take it as something important that “speaks” to me and give me conclusions, because for some reason I am supposed to see this version of Mustafa’s horoscope. On the other hand, www.astro.com offers rectified horoscope of Mustafa, created by my respectable colleague and famous Turkish and world astrologer R. Hakan Kırkoğlu, who used 29º Leo as an Ascendant in this chart, but also the completely different date of birth (January 4, 1881, 20:29, Salonika, Greece). I wish to remind you that any horoscope “works” for any astrologer, for we astrologers are only “channels” to share the information… On the day of Constitution change referendum in Turkey (April 16, 2017), progressive Moon of Mustafa was at 28º Sagittarius 36' (very close to 29º Sagittarius), the same spot as progressive MC of this man, which is a clear sign that Turkey is sensitive to the Grand Mutable Cross across 29º Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

To change beliefs – in order to have circumstances changed... In the end, I have to repeat why the 29º Cancer/29º Capricorn axis is significant. It is the axis that represents our Third Eye or more correctly, the transition from 29º Cancer to 0º Leo is the spot between two lights, the Moon (as the ruler of Cancer) and the Sun (the ruler of Leo). The Moon and the Sun are our eyes, and the spot between them, at 29º Cancer is the place of Jupiter chakra, our 6th energy center, our Third Eye. Here, the intuition is our most powerful weapon. Here, beliefs are changed in order to have circumstances change. As an example of the state that “vibrates” at 29° Cancer – I list the Netherlands, the country that went so “far” and is so advanced… See my article The Netherlands i 29º Cancer. It seems that Istanbul and Turkey will face a great turning point in 2020, and we will wait and see...

~ Chart sources: All charts are taken from "Horoscopes of Europe"; Marc Penfield



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Smiljana Gavrančić is the editor, founder and owner of IAM-INΦINITY Astrological Magazine. She obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education ―Johannes Kepler‖ in Belgrade, graduating in October 2010, after studying International Law at Belgrade University. She is an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.) and a member of ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She specializes in mundane astrology and she practices karmic/hermetic astrology, astrology of degrees/archetypes (mythology, fixed stars) and synastry. She is writing her first book Special Degrees in Mundane Astrology. Her writings have appeared in The Astrological Journal, and on The Mountain Astrologer blog and ISAR’s International Astrologer. Smiljana is a speaker at astrological conferences in Serbia and abroad. She blogs at www.astrologsmiljanagavrancic.blogspot.com in English and in Serbian. Contact: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM VICTOR An ‘‘out-of-bounds’’ talk with Victor Olliver 12 Victor/ia

Smiljana Gavrančić

IAM: Hi Dear Victor! We are happy to host you in our Jan/Feb issue 2018 #Immortelle, because we are celebrating our 1st Solar Return as IAM New! You have been a great supporter since the May/June 2016 issue #Victor’s Oil Issue. So, I imagine this talk as some kind of fun (Venus is ‘‘out-of-bounds’’ during this talk), and I will start with this question – Are you familiar with the fact that there is an asteroid Victor/ia and that it is in your chart at 12 º Pisces. As every asteroid has its nubmber, Victoria is listed as - 12 Victoria and it is a large main-belt asteroid. It was discovered by J. R. Hind on September 13, 1850. The Moon was at 21 º Sagittarius than, making conjunction with Saturn of AA GB. In the chart of the AA we see asteroid Victor/ia at 21 º Gemini, just accros. Isnt’ it interesting? Also, I have to add now this, during preparing issue 12th #The Retrograde Kiss Issue – big change came and we started to call our magazine IAM. What number 12 means for you in your personal life, any meanng? Also, I have to notice that image for 12 Victoria reminds me on the AA logo, isn’t it?! So many signs? VO: Thank you Smiljana – and congratulations on IAM’s first solar return; it’s a huge achievement to put out a magazine of this scale virtually alone! Now as to the asteroid 12 Victoria, I know of this celestial though I have yet to use it in my chart work. Have you seen an asteroid-only chart? It looks like an exhausted dartboard, pockmarked and muddling. Asteroids should be used sparingly. In my own birth chart, 12 Victoria is conjunct my Moon in Pisces which is at the apex of a mutable Venus-Saturn t-square –the two planets in opposition in the 12th degree: I think I deduce from this that feminine energy reigns over me and gets expressed via empathy, intuition, psychic eye-openers. If 12 Victoria means anything, then it redoubles the Moon’s message in my 1st house, Aries-Mars associated – which you could say has a Victor-Victoria resonance. My rather aggressive old Madame Arcati blogging persona would fit into this. She and I are often not amused. With each other. I agree 12

Victoria looks a bit like the AA logo! 29


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: In the chart of new IAM, Victor/ia is placed at 2º Aries, conjunction Venus at 3 Aries. What would you say about this? Are you feeling that in IAM chart you can be „our Venus“?  On the other hand, in the Draconic chart of IAM, Venus is at 29º Libra, and Uranus will “hit” her several times in near future. Are you in some kind of transition, generally? I would say that something new and big is coming to you? VO: I can’t quite see myself as Venus (at least not in public) but it’s a lovely thought. In IAM’s chart, the strength of Venus works to your favour in finding friends and influencing people. As to myself, I would say that emotionally and in my business,’ transition’ is one word for it, and that personal life has been stormy of late. This could be a prelude to new things, just as IAM has had to endure a number of ’storms’ in its birth period. IAM needs to prepare itself for a lively ride on the way up. Fasten your seatbelts. IAM: Your Uranus is at 3º Leo, as modern ruler of your Aquarius rising, and around October 2018 progressed Moon of IAM will be in conjunction with your Uranus – what we may expect than? VO: Let’s hope there isn’t a fall-out! When La Luna and Uranus meet up, the energies can be convulsive – but also stimulating and radical, if the cocktail mixologist knows what he or she is doing. If it’s any comfort, my birth Uranus is located in the 6th house (Placidus) which I think brings a benevolent caring theme. If however we apply Whole Signs, then my Uranus is close to Descendant in the 7th, which perhaps introduces IAM to quite a wild new set of people who may prove alarming but useful. Does IAM like wild things?



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: I did a composite chart of you and our magazine, and I found asteroid 12 Victor/is i at 8 º Capricorn. This may be so interesting if we take the fact that your Draconic axis Asc/Desc goes over 7º Cancer 50’ /7 º Capricorn 50’? Past life connection? Or...? VO: My draco chart certainly suggests a ’parental’ role but also one to do with the reach of the magazine. Oh but look – draco Pluto is at 8 º Cap too on top of poor old 12 Victoria in the composite. Shades of Mommie Dearest? Perhaps in a past life I was unsparing in my use of hair brushes as a punishment tool – can you imagine? I hope I didn’t leave lasting bruises. I have been reborn to atone! Pluto shall guide you to power or influence. IAM: I notice your draconic Mars at 21º Scorpio (which is my natal Asc, btw) ! In IAM Solar Return 2018 there will be Jupiter and the Moon – Mars is ruler of your 9th and ruler of your NN in 9th – what we may expect? VO: That’s a good draco Mars I’ve got there, better than the natal one in Cancer (odd how Moon/Mars is a recurring theme in my chart – more Victor-Victoria?), and it could be said that I help amplify you in some way (or there’s mutual empowerment). The 9th is my favourite house because I am forever thinking of how to break out of whichever stockade I find myself behind – so the 9th always tells us of expansion, growth, anti-boredom, provided one maintains a sense of proportion. Education comes into this too – and of course IAM is a great educator. I am determined to live and die abroad. I do not wish to be buried on a rainy day in Worthing.

IAM: John Addey was one of the creators of the AA! His progressed Sun was at 0 º Leo when he founded the AA. Your progressed Sun is right now at 29 º Cancer (where Wendy Stacey – the chair person of AA, has her draconic Sun, and where Roy Gillett, the president of AA-has his draconic Saturn) – I may say now that 2018 will be so so important for you as the editor of AJ? About the most important degrees for the AA you willl be able to read my article soon , thanks to your invitation to me to discover ‘‘sensitive’’ degree for AA...



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

VO: Gosh, that’s very interesting. 2018 is important for AA affairs because of the 60th anniversary, and the 50th AA annual conference in June 2018. We are celebrating the history of the organisation and many of the greatest thinkers and practitioners who have helped make Journal into the magazine it is today. So it’s an especially great honour to be editing Journal at this time. IAM: On the other hand, in your Dwadasamsa chart, you have all houses over 29 º, and axis 2/9 there goes over 29 º Capricorn/29 º Cancer and your progressed Sun now „moves“ it. How do you feel about this? They used to say that at 29 º Cancer there is very special place within the Zodiac where we have the strongest intuition. And as we all know, this axis will be, very soon, so important on the mundane level, when Jupiter and Saturn make a meeting at 0 º Aquarius! VO: I certainly feel prog Sun in the anaretic degree of Cancer – on a number of different levels, and certainly home situations have required a sharpening of antennae. Instead of ’knowing’, I have had to intuit things so much more. There is a sense of a chapter drawing to a close before Leo flares up a new awareness and way of living, probably to take me to my coffin via some fascinating experiences much more to do with the self or self-interests. As I write this, my prog Moon is in the 29th degree of Taurus: so the next two-and-a-half ahead years will find me more emotionally attuned to essential character but perhaps at odds with radix Moon in Pisces – it is this that is making me most curious at the moment, because life itself serves the triggers through events. The build-up to the grand conjunction in 2020 on a mundane level looks to me very troubled as various different ’redundancies’ or anachronisms in the world go into a death rattle, a last blast of fury. Could be messy economically and in other ways. Trump, Putin and Jim Jong-un are part of this death rattle. Three dinosaurs raised from a cryogenic melt as the world literally and metaphorically warms up. On the micro personal level how this affects me I cannot say. The grand conjunction will occur in my natal 12th – so, you were asking earlier what 12 means to me! But the plethora of anaretics might lead one to think that a ’liberation’ is on the cards. IAM: In IAM chart, asteroid 12 Victoria is placed at 4º Scorpio, in our 12th house. Are you some kind of our „protector“ from the shadow? ;) For me, 4 º Scorpio is very powerful degree, there is the place of Pluto’s exaltation (and at the same time the Moon’s fall degree). In my orthodox culture, there lives one saint, she is a woman and she is St. Paraskeva. VO: I admire how you draw together many techniques and chart systems in order to add dimension to interpretation. So far I could be Venus, Pluto or 12 Victoria herself to IAM! I must remain modest! In Chandra Symbols, Scorpio 4 º means the following: “A loud roar as a tornado approaches.“



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

“The storms of the world come right through where and when they are needed. They must wipe out ordinary consciousness and bring into play every kind of released spirit and force. When we live in the thick of storms and with always another threatened or impending, we are impelled into depth emotions, tumultuously drawn to activate the undersoul, personally and collectively. You sense the violent urgency, for everybody round about, of whatever you are going through. And so you are plunged into storms to seek cleansing and release, to bring up what is under there and let it play itself out freely. You do this with temptations toward every obsessive or addictive state imaginable and with a tremendous guiding force leading you through any and every extreme, to make all of existence come alive from deep inside--elementally, primally, and regeneratively.” Is this you Smiljana? IAM: At the end, can you call Madame Arcati ‘within you’ to wish happy birthday to IAM? VO: Yes, Madame is close and she’s coming through now…. Oh… ouch…. Madame Arcati: “Thank you, asshole – I thought you’d never stop! Fancy keeping me waiting like that. Ever heard of one-liners? Of course, Smiljana poppet, you should have interviewed me, not this dreary puppet (no poppet) who edits The Astrological Journal. He’s just a sad old recluse who lives by the sea (no sex life – tragic; no one will have him), whereas I am the four winds, the seven continents and the 13 star signs – or is it 12? Shall we argue over this? I could have told you a thing or two about VO’s anaretics! But it’s your birthday which brings me here – or rather IAM’s birthday. I see IAM’s North Node is on Victor’s Uranus, you may want to watch that. Careful as you go, poppet. Xxx.” IAM: Thank you Victor, very much! VO: Thank you! A pleasure! Your timing was perfect as you caught my mood. XXX

The Astrological Journal is available to members of the Astrological Association - here is the details: http://astrologicalassociation.com/shop/membership.php . Alternatively, you can buy individual copies - email office@astrologicalassociation.com



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Victor Olliver is the editor of The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association. He is also media officer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Based in the UK, he trained to be a barrister before becoming a magazine feature writer, and then an editor on a number of publications including magazines, newspapers and electronic media. He has two awards from the Periodical Publishers’ Association for his celebrity and travel journalism. He graduated with a distinction diploma in natal and mundane astrology from the Mayo School in 2012. Victor is also the author of the annual Lifesurfing series of astrological forecasting books.

www.victorolliver.com http://madamearcati.blogspot.co.uk



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Bitcoin Zeynep Özlem Yalçın

Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency and digital payment system that was created on January 3, 2009 at 18:15:05 GMT. It was introduced just a few months after the collapse of the global banking sector. We don’t know where and by whom it was created. It is anonymous like the buyers and sellers. London is assumed as the location Bitcoin was first mined. It is debatable, but major activation of the natal and progressed angles during important events validate London city. Bitcoin doesn’t use any central authority or banks. People aren’t obligated to pay any transaction fees or provide their real identity. Many companies have been accepting this cryptocurrency as a source of payment, allowing their products, services and even houses to be bought with it. Many people asking to buy this cryptocurrency, because it is untraceable and safe against bankruptcies. Bitcoin removes obstacles of movement and storage of cash while preserving the anonymity of cash. Users are hidden, and its origins are mysterious. Bitcoin was worth $0 in 2009, and not traded on any exchanges in 2009. Its first recorded price was in 2010. Someone spent 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas on May,18 2010. Now Bitcoin fluctuates between $13.000-20.000. As the seventh house and its ruler signify the buyers, Aquarius on the cusp of the seventh house indicate investors seeking independence and freedom. They don’t want to be obligated by the rules of the banking system. They are new age, digital buyers. Neptune in the seventh and close to the cusp of the eight signifies anonymous buyers and hidden money.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

As Venus is associated with money, Venus at 0°Pisces corresponds to new energy, becomes prominent in some way by being extreme and unique, a rule breaker, not having limits, bringing innovations. It may have many falls and starting over again. Mars is also prominent in Bitcoin’s natal chart. Mars is out of bonds, and it is strongly associated with innovation, trendsetting and originality. Bitcoin made us to be familiar with a totally new concept, cryptocurrency. Its energy is also difficult to control, and enhances buyers thirst for risk. In the fifth house, house of gambling, this is even more noteworthy. Its conjunction with Pluto provide hidden power, tremendous resistance, strength, passion and courage. Transit Saturn’s conjunction with Mars and Pluto in the coming months may bring restrictions on the amount of investments. Saturn, ruler of the seventh house oppose Uranus. Bitcoin emerged during the Saturn-Uranus cycle. Uranus is associated with awakening and revolution. The Saturn-Uranus cycle is concerned with breaking down existing structures, particularly government ones, and re-establishing them. It is renowned for periods of economic crisis. Stock market crush and global economic restructuring enhanced demand as it doesn’t use banking system. It correlates with the collision of collective forces that bring change. Disruptive innovations occur at that times. Bitcoin is the outcome of these new innovations. It inherently becomes more disruptive to the order and the establishment as it becomes more adapted. Thus, Bitcoin is based on a disruptive technology, in that it has the potential to replace currency and the Central Banking system. Bitcoins’ prenatal eclipse took place on Aug 1, 2008. In Bitcoin’s chart, the solar eclipse degree of 9° Leo is rising. Bitcoin is deeply connected to that eclipse and it will act as a vehicle for the eclipse’ expression. In that eclipse chart, Venus and Mercury were also in the sign of Leo in the sky. Venus-Neptune opposition indicates idealisation, disappointment and dissolution with money. People are more likely under this confusing and deceptive influence to fall victim. When I was writing this article, Saturn just about to change signs into Capricorn, its ruler. European Union states and legislators agreed on Dec,15 on stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on exchange platforms for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In Bitcoin’s 2018 solar return chart, SR Saturn is in partile conjunction with natal Pluto. In the yearly profection chart, profected Moon conjunct natal Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. As Pluto rules over dark underworld, crime and criminal elements, terrorism, rebellious activities and things that are hidden, Saturn’s move into Capricorn will hinder these issues through bringing restrictions and control in regulations. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto seems to imply formalization on new digital currencies. When we look at the chart via annual profections, Bitcoin had a ninth place profection year in 2017. Aries activated for the ninth year of Bitcoin’s chart. The planet located in the sign and the ruler become activated. Thus, Mars and Moon were the time lords for that year. As Moon was in the ninth house in natal chart and SR Moon conjunct natal ascendant and south node, Bitcoin’s ninth place profection year was directed towards fluctuations. Transits to the lords of the year, Mars’s transits to natal planets and transits through the profected sign were important. When transit Mars opposite natal Uranus, Bitcoin reached 10,000 USD on Nov, 29 2017. In the solar return of 2018, the ascendant is Virgo; the natal second house is effectively brought to the ascendant, and financial gains will be the area of focus. Virgo intercepts both 1st and 12th and bringing 12th house issues into the fore. Hidden matters and loses may stand out more with this solar return. Natal Saturn also conjunct the degree of SR ascendant that may impose limitations and less freedom of movement. SR Saturn is in partile conjunction with natal Pluto. Governments may impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict Bitcoin.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The symbolism of the new solar return can be felt as much three months before the solar return. From October, 4 Bitcoin is influenced by the new solar return as well. Bitcoin will move into a tenth place profection year in 2018. Then Taurus will be activated for the tenth year of Bitcoin’s chart. Thus, Venus will be the time lord for that year. As Venus is well-situated natally, it may go well for Bitcoin. Natal Venus conjunct also SR part of fortune. The ruler, planet of expansion Jupiter conjunct Mars. Mars is well-placed in SR 2018. It is in 2nd, in Scorpio. This indicates investors passion for financial gain and demand will increase. But then, Venus, ruling the 2nd is in the same sign with its ruler Saturn, conveying the connection between the two which restricts financial gains through regulations. We witnessed significant activity when Saturn made Capricorn ingress on Dec, 2017. Saturn sextile Venus which is at 00 Pisces. When the aspect was exact on Dec, 22, Bitcoin price fell 37% compared to the peak price on Dec, 18. Another major aspect these days is Pluto square MC. Bitcoin has also a Plutonic nature. Mars’s transit on year lord Venus around Nov,16 and transits through the profected sign Taurus are the important dates.

The main planetary aspects when highlighted by transit may signal move in Bitcoin’s price. In SR chart, there is a stellium in Capricorn. The year lord Venus is also in Capricorn. Saturn’s transit in this sign will be noteworthy in 2018. Saturn’s transit to the natal chart’s Pluto by late Dec, 2017 and Mars by early Feb, 2018 may cause dramatic rise or fall. It will be determinative of its permanence. There will be a lunar eclipse on Jan, 31 at 110 Leo that conjuncts ascendant degree. Saturn will conjunct Mars also end of June and early November next year. Saturn will square Moon end of January, mid of July and end of October in 2018. The Solar Return chart for the year 2018 is presented below, along with Bitcoin’s natal chart in the outer wheel: In SR chart, Uranus is in the 8th of other people’s money, and in a trine to Mercury. So, there is the possibility here of some sudden fact. We have already witnessed sudden gains. Mercury-Uranus aspects also suggests that Bitcoin is open to new ideas, which may take the form of new information or new concepts to be developed. Uranus will change sign into Taurus in May, thus a new era for cryptocurrencies’ role in transforming the financial system will begin. As Bitcoin was released during Saturn/Uranus opposition, Saturn/Uranus cycles must be tracked. These are Saturn/Uranus trine (2017-2018), Saturn/Uranus square (2021-2022), Saturn/Uranus conjunction (2032).



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

References: Rod Chang, The craziness of bitcoin bubble, Dec 7, 2017 Maurice Fernandez, 2018&Saturn in Capricorn, The Career Astrologer, December Solstice 2017

Zeynep Özlem Yalçın is an astrological consultant specializing in horary, electional and classical astrological technique. She received certifications as a horary and an electional astrology practioner from AstroArt School of Astrology. She graduated from advanced and master classes at School of Wisdom of Sky. She spoke at the 49th Annual Conference of Astrological Association. She writes daily astrology forecasts on her social media accounts called Astrolojisu.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The First Solar Return for IAM INΦINITY Sharon Knight The new look IAM will be celebrating its first birthday on the 8th Feb 2018.

The SR Ascendant is Aquarius rising with Sun, Mercury & Venus all tucked up in the 1st house. This is a year of the individual with beauty and brains. A tongue in its head – Mercury joys in the 1st. True, both the personal planets are under sunbeams but nonetheless, they protect the Sun, the light of life. As this is a nocturnal chart, Luna is the Luminary to consider. She is Angular, in a feminine sign and accompanied by the greater benefic, Jupiter. In fact she is in Hayz, a position of strength. She can see all the planets in the first by square, and Saturn by sextile. She is in the terms of Saturn, so there is a connection between the two. Both the malefics are in aversion to their own signs, so Sun and Moon have a free hand in the affairs of the 1st and 10th as their landlord is away from home and can’t see what the King and Queen are getting up to! 40


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

From the Moons viewpoint, she holds the whip hand. A strong woman in charge with a big jovial assistant. However, she is in sign of Scorpio where she has her depression. It may be, matters don’t exactly work out as hoped over the year, but nonetheless, it won’t be a hard year. Friends and associates may bicker amongst themselves (Sagittarius on the house cusp and Mars in 11th) but they will direct their zealous, crusading energies to helping spread the news and “protect” the entity of IAM. The next aspect of the Moon is to immediately conjoin and cross the MC before going on to square Venus, ruler in the SR of the 4th and 9th. There may be some extra work required to balance home life with all matters relating to the 9th such as education, overseas, more travelling and of course, higher education to mention just a few. This is made more apparent as in the natal, the 4th sign is Aquarius. The magazine is produced primarily from the family home. Home life is brought to the Ascendant of the Solar Return indicating this is a pivotal year. Perhaps even a change of location? Although with a Fixed sign in play, this isn’t quite so probable. Considering the vast sweep of astrologers around the world who contribute to this brilliant baby, we can see how some of the contributors may “move” certain issues in one direction, whilst the following month, sees another focus. As this baby grows and grows, it gets stronger and stronger, and the fixed angles on the Solar Return chart show this baby is here to stay. In the return Chart, Mars, ruler of the radix, is in partile trine to his place in Aries, indicating boundless energy and zeal with matters connected to finances, support and community. Looking at the Profection of the Natal chart, we come to the 2nd house of the radix, which is Sagittarius. In the Solar return chart, Sagittarius is, as mentioned earlier, the 11th sign. Here is what Lilly has to say about the 11th house : /1/ The Eleventh House It doth naturally represent Friends and Friendship, Hope, Trust, Confidence, the Praise, or Dispraise of any one; the Fidelity or falsenesse of Friends; as to Kings it personates their Favourites, Councellours, Servants, their Associates or Allyes, their Money, Exchequer or Treasure; in Warre their Ammunition and Souldiery; it represents Courtiers, &c. in a Common— wealth governed by a few of the Nobles and Commons, it personates their assistance in Councell: as in London the tenth House represents the Lord Major; the eleventh the Commoncouncell; the Ascendant the generality of the Commoners of the said City. We could conjecture that friends will contribute to the assets of IAM. Indeed it is friends and colleagues who ”feed” this baby with the most wonderful varied diet of astrological articles. The eclipse on the 15th February falls very close to the position of the Solar Return Venus. This could see some events being brought into play regarding a tug between home and overseas. IAM may take on more of a ”teaching” role or may relocate its home base. Whatever happens will be enduring. The eclipses on the 27th July and the 11th August could see seeds being sown that will bear fruit some months later. The eclipse of the 27th July is very close to the Ascending degree of the Solar Return chart. The August eclipse falls at 18 Aquarius, within a dgree of IAM’s Sun. Truly interesting times ahead. It looks as though this 1st anniversary will see IAM grow in stature, helped along by friends and colleagues, who will work together zealously to ensure this remarkable baby continues to spread its information all aroudn the world!

Happy Anniversary IAM. May you live long and prosper! /1/ Lilly Christian Astrology. Regulus 1647. Pg 56.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Sharon Knight is a qualified, practising professional astrologer with over 25 years experience. She hold the Certificate and Intermediate Diploma from the Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioners Diploma (QHP). She is Chair of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), having been Secretary for the previous four years. She is a Fellow of the Association (FAPAI) and has written and edited their quarterly newsletter for the past ten years. The APAI is the only professional body in Europe that represents qualified Astrologers. Members have to hold a Diploma from a recognised educational establishment to be accepted. She has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University (2004) and a Diploma in Phytotherapy or, Herbalism (SAC Dip) as it is more popularly known. She is also a certified Life Coach. Sharon is a member of the Board of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. In January 2016 she was awarded the title “Astrologer of the Year, 2016” at the 26th International Astrological Conference 2016, Organised by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology. Sharon is a featured speaker at numerous international conferences over the years. www.astrologersharon.co.uk




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM A GUEST Interview with Fragiskos Bitros F+M FOS

Smiljana Gavrančić



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: Hi Fragiskos! IAM is happy to host you in our Jan/Feb issue, when We are celebrating our 1st Solar Return, too. When I was preparing myself for this interview, I’ve took a look on chart for the moment when I responded to your email (3rd May, 2017, 01:54 am, Kikinda, Serbia) and I found there a lot of signs which will help me to make this talk with you interesting. So, that wast the time of retrograde Mercury (it was placed at 24° Aries within the Zodiac) and that is the first sign that you came to us as someone from before! More over, Athan J. Zervas, associate for art&design in IAM and IAM Crituque Partner (he choosed your work for #IAM13 cover - #The Gate Keeper Issue) has his South Node exactly at 24° Aries. The South Node speaks about the one life before previous life, so I am more than sure that you two know each other from past lives. If I add now that my Solar Arc Venus (art) is this year at 24° Aries too, we got one puzzle. I do not know your chart, yet, but I will take a look on it, when I come soon in Athens (as we’ve agreed recently). Also, I’ve fund more signs – Ascendent for that moment was at 7° Aquarius (which was 12th house in Athan’s past life, the house of secret societies, unknown places, secret temples, etc), but at the same time in Draconic chart (the memory of our souls on that moment) Ascendent was at 7° Virgo – which is the place of my MC (career) in this life. So, it really seams We all know each other from before, there is some memory in our souls.... Can you tell us – how did you feel when you saw you work as IAM cover? You did not know Us yet, We did not know you, too. I wonder what kind of feeling did you have then? FRAGISKOS: Well, at first let me thank you for this interview. It's been great talking to you. Now, Astrology is something I've always loved. I've used to - and still do - admired planets' magic as long as their influence on people. It's like having two DNA strands; the astrological one that is being created on birth and the genetic one. It really overcomes me when someone can exceed his/her horoscope by becoming a better person … From that point, you may understand how great was the feeling when I saw my work in your cover – and twice! The fact that I didn't know you when you came across my work isn't random. And I strongly believe that nothing in life is random. IAM: It is also interesting that during December 2017, January and February 2018 – Uranus (big opening, the planet of freedom and change, the modern ruler of Aquarius) will cross over 24° Aries for the last time (since it is in Aries from March 2011 till May 2018). So, you and I – have this talk during December 2017, and our readers will be able to read it – in Jan/Feb issue 2018 #Immortelle Issue #IAM17. If I now tell you that Sabian Symbol for 24 Aries (that so important spot for our meeting) is: ‘‘A double promise’’ –The first thing that comes to my mind is this – you sent email to both of us, to Athan and to me, and We both gave you a promise We will put in #The Gate Keeper Issue that cover image is original work by Fragiskos Bitros. So, you got a double promise? How you would take this? Be free to take this on your own way, creativity is more than welcome in IAM....



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

FRAGISKOS: I will give you some additional information that will surprise you and that has to do with Uranus again! Our connective link is Angela Tikis and she has the Sun at 24° Aries!!! She was the one who called me in April and said: Frank what a coincidence! My first article in IAM has your design “Medusa” in front page!!! The first thing that came in my mind was a blank as I had no idea where did that come from… Then I started reading your magazine and I was really impressed! After that I've spoken to Athan, I've read about him and I've discovered his incredible astrological knowledge. But, the question remained unanswered: How did he find me? So, I came to the conclusion that was Uranus' surprise! These are the surprises of Uranus!! Magic! That's why I love astrology that much! Everything has an explanation which is so accurate! IAM: The Moon (maybe the most important within the Zodiac) was at 11° Leo on 3rd May, 2017. During 2018 exactly at 11 Leo – there will be the lunar eclipse (31 January, 2018). Interesting, there will be my birthday on 30 January 2018. So, right now, when we talk, I do not know yet what will be IAM cover for Jan/Feb issue #Immortelle Issue #IAM17 (because, that is Athan’s „job“), but for example, if he again chooses your work – is there something in your work till now, which reminds you on the word – immortelle? By the way, my name (Smiljana) means herb immortelle (smilje in Serbian). Later, Athan told me his name in Greek means the same. So, I have to ask you now one more question – what does your name Fragiskos mean too? Are you maybe immortelle too?

FRAGISKOS: My Mars is in Leo 24th degree but it is interesting that my progressed Mars is right now retrograde and he is at the 11th degree of Leo! Once again we are connected! As about imortelle.. Well, let me think… There is one Collection that brings the word "immortelle" in my mind – the "Roots" collection. It was inspired by a yoga exercise. It is exactly this sense of the everlasting rooting in the ground, where your body spreads out and your soul grounds deep letting you feel whole and secure…But, also, when extending one's roots towards another and suddenly becoming adored and necessary…




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Now, as far as it concerns my name… "Fragiskos" is combined to different interprentations:...I can tell you just the starting point and the end of my name F is for future, always looking ahead R A G I S K is for kid, the child within O is for outlook, pleasing to all S is for sweet, your pleasing way... But all these are my point of touchable and untouchable…!!! And this is my unity!!! IAM: How did you get idea to open your company F + M FOS? I’ve visited your website and I have read how idea came up, but please, tell Us more... Have you ever check the horoscope of your company too? FRAGISKOS: Well, all I've ever wanted was a place where ART will culminate… Let me explain that! When you visit a Gallery there is an exhibition of a particular artist upon a particular field of creation. In my showroom, different aspects are combined and the dominant idea is one: ART… Furthermore, my inner need for expression led me to this decision. That's the reason for the history behind each creation. For example, the "Gladiator" http://www.fmfos.com/product/Gladiator Large Ceiling lighting fixture that you hosted in your previous cover. You know… I had been searching for this material for years... I travelled all the way to India to find it! It is being worn by divers so as to study and film the sharks! But for me it was a reminder of Medieval Warriors... Soldiers in armour have always been part of my imagery - their uniform giving me a sense of security made the inevitable clash of war more fun... Up to this day, just the idea of an armour is enough to make me feel safe when I get angry or troubled... Another example is my "Dream” Collection http://www.fmfos.com/product/Circle%20Dreams%20Ceiling It reflects the infantile innocence...the security of my childhood... the swing at our country house in Penteli, which - in those days - was surrounded by a forest without a single other house in sight! The same setting... the pine tree that seemed gigantic to me, the hand-made swing built by dad, the zillions of pine needles, pine cones, and my brother and I were Nature's minute beings... Wondrous childhood, carefree years, so far from the "here and now"!!! I captured that image in this design, and it still brings me peace every time I look at it!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: One more interesting thing – one of my favorite word is – LIGHT, and in your work there is a lot of light. What is light exactly for you? FRAGISKOS: Light and its interaction with the shades and colours are the dominant elements of the house. It is the colorings of the imagination that feel you up with emotions. It is the revelations of sensations for the objects that are alive to people who enjoy living with them. IAM: If I tell you now that the lamp would be the Moon (nighty light, because during night we need it) – what the Moon means to you? FRAGISKOS: Moon is everything in my subconscious… Everything I want, I need and I desire. Everything that Sun sees and Moon reveals… It is the child inside that continues its existence and – at the same time – becomes parental and responsible. Moon reflects my inner world that constantly "fights" against outer reality. That is the reason for me being so emotionally active and sensitive, too. You know, I may sometimes be misunderstood by the people around me because they cannot comprehend the aspect I see things around me. But, eventually they do… It may take some time but, yes, they do… And everything is ok then… The little boy keeps on playing…!

IAM: Do you love astrology and have you ever had an astrological reading with an astrologer? FRAGISKOS: As I've mentioned before, I LOVE astrology. It is a vivid part of my life and not only I enjoy it but I have also studied it for two years in a school. Of course, I've spent long hours discussing and exploring the influence of the stars and planets on humans but, mostly, on me.I think that "Astrology can help life because it shows I can't experience anything that doesn't belong to me. It also resolves the apparent conflict between determination and responsibility, because birth is the beginning of following a certain path. To follow is responsible living. To follow the path is called determination" as Dietrich von Heymann once said and I can't help but agree with him. IAM: If I am in Athens (or some of our readers) and we want to buy some your work, where we can find you? FRAGISKOS: My work is available in my store F+M FOS in Glyfada , 7 Vouliagmenis Ave. There everyone can meet me in person having the opportunity of either buying something that is already on sale OR asking for his/her own design. It is my ultimate goal - and simultaneously my pleasure - to accomplish the owner's bonding with the particular object he chooses not only as a decoration of his house but also to live and dream along. What is certain is that everybody will leave our place with a big smile!



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: At the end, I would love to ask you this – You came in IAM with #The Gate Keeper Issue. Your work was again IAM cover in #The Templar Issue. There were two issues between (#The Secret Garden Issue and #Let’s Kiss & Make Up Issue). In my last editor’s letter (for the #The Templar Issue) I said how The Templar is now finally in his own touch with the light, more spiritual, because he took his own spiritual journey. After all, he knows the holy secret, and my magazine is a Temple for me... By the way, my favorite card from tarot deck is the High Priestess, and she presents the Moon (nighty light), which is the lamp, again... What you would say about all these, and what is that you like most of all in IAM?

FRAGISKOS: Light helps people being passionate. What is important to understand about Light as an Idea, is that approaches a closed off area opening the door to the unknown. It seeks what is hidden or concealed and – at the same time – acknowledges the Shadows when looking beyond the obvious. Light allows to become calm and wait patiently for your inner voice to lead to dreams and imagination… What I really enjoy in IAM is that you have managed to place astrology in our everyday life. Even for people who have never been occupied with astrology, can now better comprehend its meanings along with the significance that has in our lives. Your magazine poses a challenge to go deeper – to look beyond and surface situations to what is forbidden and – why not? – obscure to many people. I wasn't aware of your magazine and I'm now really sorry. But, since I came across, it's not paradox to refer that has become a guide and a fellow partner to my subconscious' quest…




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM ARCANUM reading for IAM 2018 to INΦINITY

Kim Buckley Smiljana has asked me to pull cards for the next 6 issues of IAM so we can have a look at what the next six months are likely to have in store. The January / february issue is called Immortelle this is the meaning of Smijania’s name it means everlasting. Immortelle is an everlasting flower that is found near rocky cliffs. It is used as an essential oil that acts as an anti ageing remedy for the skin. Immortelle also has a similar meaning to immortal which means to live forever, which also connects with the magazines title Infinity. Issue 17: Immortelle (January /February 2018) Four Pentacles and Death The Cards chosen are the Four of Pentacles and Death, interestingly the Four of Pentacles is ruled by Capricorn a sign associated with skin , rocky mountains and old age. The Death card is ruled by Scorpio a sign also associated with death and regeneration so both cards fit nicely with the meaning of Immortelle and what it is used for. There is strong connection to number 8 both cards add up to 8 and it is also issue 17 which adds up to 8. In Tarot number 8 corresponds with the Strength card which features the Infinity symbol. Scorpio the Death cards ruler also rules the 8th house. So this is a reminder that that I AM is going from strength to strength and has the capacity to last for a long time. IAM could expect some sort of change perhaps some new writers, or articles connected to regeneration, tradition, taboos, authority, finance, transformation, power, control or the underworld.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

As this is the first issue of the year it brings fresh energy and the opportunity to let go of controlling certain aspects of how the magazine is structured, IAM should look at new ways of building followers and establishing itself as a magazine that will be there for the long term just like Imortelle it has the opportunity to last for a long time. Issue 18: The Title – Uknown, yet (March /April 2018) The Knight of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles For Issue 18 that is yet to be given a title the cards selected are the Knight of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles. They are both Court cards from the Earth Suit that is connected to practical matters, earthly desires, tangible results, health, wealth and things we can see and touch. The title may be one connected to the material world. They say everything the King of Pentacles touches turns to gold so maybe the title could have Midas in it. The Knight is ruled by Virgo and normally represents someone in in their late twenties early thirties who is sensible, focused and determined. It can also represent a quest or journey for wealth, success and growth. Or receiving news that will impact your material world. He is the slowest of the Knight’s he understands that things take time to grow he is methodical because he wants everything to be perfect. The King of Pentacles is ruled by Taurus and is the highest ranking Court card of the earth suit. He can represent a male figure who is 30 plus , abundance , wealth , power ,stability ambition and control. He is a fatherly figure who loves to look after other people by providing practical guidance, financial assistance. The King is all about reaching a milestone in the material world and being proud of worldly accomplishments. Having both the knight and king of Pentacles together could talk about IAM moving up a level or having articles related to earthly matters such as finance, health, property, royalty, farming, tradition or world leaders. IAM may welcome some practical or financial changes that will help with the stability of the magazine. If things have been moving slowly and plodding along, it may experience some growth or recognition for its efforts and hard work within the Astrology community or by Astrological Associations.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Issue 19: The Title – Uknown, yet (May/June 2018) Two of Cups and the Queen of Wands The title name for Issue 19 still need’s to be chosen I would imagine it to be connected to love, passion, soulmates or romance. The Two of cups is the element of water and ruled by Venus and the Moon and it normally appears when there is a union about to form between two people who have mutual respect and love for each other their cups are filled to brim with happiness , abundance, romance and love. It is a very special bond that unites two souls and their hearts together. The Queen of Wands is ruled by Aries and Pisces and is associated with creativity, fire, passion. As this is issue is number 19 is also connected to the Sun card which is a card of creativity, passion, optimism, positivity, growth and success. I see this as a very happy time for IAM and the opportunity to really shine. There could be articles regarding travel, summer or following your heart. Both cards together are so positive and are associated with passion , creativity and love. There could also be the opportunity for another person to join Smiljana complimenting and injecting love, art and creativity into IAM . We could find articles on love, partnerships, soulmates. Or the Editor Smiljana may find a new love enters her life and this inspires her passion for creativity and this will reflect in the magazine. Whatever this issue is about should bring much joy, happiness and enjoyment for IAM readers. Issue 20: The Title – Uknown, yet (July/August 2018) The Sun and The ACE of Wands Again there is no title set for Issue 20. Tarot card 20 is Judgement which is ruled by Pluto and it is associated with rebirth , a wake up call or second chance. The Title could have a connection to Pluto maybe phoenix rising . As both cards are the element of fire and the Ace of Wands a power card and reflects a new beginning this would fit nicely with the symbol of the phoenix rising from the ashes to begin again. The Sun is number 19 of the Major Arcana and ruled by the Sun it is a very positive card and associated with your inner child , following your heart , optimism , purity, growth , success and positivity. When the Sun appears it reflects a time of happiness when things are going really well a time of recognition and achievement.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Ace of Wands is a root / power card and will appear when opportunity comes knocking it is connected to passion , creativity ,inspiration , ideas and new beginnings. It is exciting energy maybe IAM will be offered a new opportunity that will be loaded with the potential to grow at a fast rate. Such positive cards full of happiness, growth, joy, success, creativity and abundance. It’s IAM’s time to shine and get recognised for all that the Magazine has achieved so far. lots of great articles, new creative ideas. Maybe Smiljana will travel during this period and find that she is offered a new opportunity from abroad. Whatever happens this is exciting passionate energy for everyone involved with the Magazine to look forward to.

Issue 21: The Retrograde Kiss – Episode #2 (September/October 2018) 9 of Cups and The Star Tarot card 21 is The World. With the 9 uf Cups, they are both known as wish cards in fortune telling and when they appear the client is normally told to make a wish. Perhaps this issue will be connected to dreams come true , emotional fulfillment or reaching the promise land. The cards selected are the Nine of Cups and The Star card. The Nine of Cups is the element of water and ruled by Pisces it reflects emotional fulfillment, happiness, satisfaction and all your dreams come true. The Star card is number 17 of the Major Arcana and is ruled by Aquarius. The Star appears when you are about to enter a period of healing, harmony and life is full of hope and possibilities. Whatever visions and dreams IAM had could now start to manifest and bring much joy and happiness . It feels like after a period of waiting and reflecting IAM can now move on from any blockages or limitations that were holding the dreams and visions of the magazine back. The cards are full of love, purity, positivity and optimism, this could reflect with the articles that appear in this Issue. Maybe something on Cosmic Ordering or the law of attraction or how to make dreams come true.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Issue 22: The Title – Uknown, yet (October/November 2018) 7 of Wands and Magician As the Major Arcana’s final card is number 21 The World , Issue 22 would correspond with number 4 The Emperor. Number 22 in numerology is known as a master number so the title for this issue could be connected to mastery. Something like Master of your own destiny or Master of Magic. We will have to wait and see. The Cards selected for Issue 22 are The Seven of Wands and The Magician. The Seven of Wands is the element of fire and ruled by Mars and the North Node. It will appear when there is a lot of action going on . When we are faced with several challenges at once it reminds you to keep your feet firmly on the ground and focus on one thing at a time. As you can see from the card imagery the guy stands above the wands so he has the advantage of beating off whatever challenges come his way. This could be a very busy time for IAM and a need to focus on one thing at a time rather than several things all at once. There could be articles about challenges the world is facing or articles connected to Mars type energy. Joining the Seven of Wands is the Magician number one of the Major Arcana and ruled by Mercury . The Magician will appear to remind you that you are capable of making magic , you have the tools , knowledge and power to create anything you set your mind too. It is a time of new beginnings and feeling confident about taking action in making your creative visions come true. As this is the last issue for 2018 IAM could be very busy tying some things up to make way for new creative visions for 2019. Summary Overall the Tarot cards pulled for IAM for the next 6 months all have a positive vibe. According to the cards selected there are no major obstacles or challenges that will get in the way of IAM’s growth and success. There are lots of opportunities for new writers to join and established Astrologers / Tarot Readers to add their creative and informative work throughout the year . I see a lot of growth and this will be a reflection of all the hard work, time, effort and dedication of the magazine's editor smiljana and contributions from worldwide Astrologers and Tarot Readers. 2018 looks like a year of recognition and achievement for IAM loaded with potential new developments. I look forward to watching how IAM grows over the next year.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

I studied two Tarot courses several years ago with the wonderful Sue Merlyn Farebrother who teaches at both Treadwells and the LSA check them out if you are interested in learning Tarot. Sue has over 30 years of Tarot knowledge and lectures all over the country. I will always be grateful to Sue for introducing and teaching me all about Tarot. I then went on to study Astrology at the London School of Astrology with the fabulous Frank C Clifford. I passed the Foundation course and I am still to tackle the diploma, but I am determined to go back and at least give it a go. Frank and Sue have been great mentors, they have inspired and motivated me to set up my own online business where I can combine my knowledge of Tarot and Astrology to empower and help others. I have recently completed the TF2 course with Tarot Foundations run by Biddy from Biddy Tarot; this has enhanced my intuition skills and was able to get a different perspective of the cards and their meanings. Further to completing TF2 I applied to be a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader, I managed to pass the required tests needed in order to become a Biddy Tarot Reader. I have also recently become a member of the International Tarot Foundation. www.psychicpassage.co.uk/



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Are we immortal souls in a mortal journey? LeAnn Lacy In honor of the ‘immortal’ theme of this issue, I thought it would be fun to explore the immortal journey of our dear host and founder of IAM, our beloved colleague Smiljana. In this article we’ll have some fun musing with Smiljana’s birth chart (along with IAM’s chart) to take a quick peak into the journey of her soul through the sea of Time. When I look at Smiljana’s birth chart, the feature that immediately grabs my attention is the 29th degree nodal placement in the 9th and 3rd house axis squaring her ASC-Uranus conjunction. It seems our dear Smiljana has reached a crucial threshold in the journey of her soul. This particular lifetime carries a sense of urgency in 3rd and 9th house matters, which speaks to why IAM had to be born. Smiljana’s soul is on a clear mission to teach, write, and publish not only her own astrological insights but to showcase (Leo) astrologers from around the world (9th house) as well. This particular anaretic degree correlates to the Sabian symbol of an unsealed letter that contains vital and confidential information, which speaks so clearly to her soul’s journey with IAM. The MC of IAM’s chart conjuncts Smiljana’s North Node, and the nodal axis of the IAM chart align with her natal MC, cpointing to how IAM serves as a vehicle for her soul’s mission to publish and promote astrological insights from around the world. Smiljana’s natal nodes squaring her ASC-Uranus conjunction speaks to a deep past where the need to communicate and share her astrological discoveries and insights was somehow thwarted or, at best, was kept secret (Scorpio, and Uranus ruling intercepted Aquarius in the 3rd) bringing her soul to the current incarnation where it aims to liberate (Uranus) secret (Scorpio) knowledge, making it accessible to seekers of knowledge around the world (NN 9th house). Smiljana’s chart has three retrograde planets in her 10th house, with retrograde Mars ruling her 5th house opposite Venus, ruler of her 7th house. This tells us that IAM and Smiljana’s career path is rooted in relationships from her soul’s deep past, and will flourish in the current incarnation through building partnerships with astrologers around the world. In addition to professional relationships, do we dare speak of partnerships from Smiljana’s deep past that are romantic in nature? I would be remiss to ignore the 10th house retrograde themes along with the SN rulers that speak of her past life career being entangled in a great love story (Venus opposite Mars rx ruling 5th/7th houses; Venus trine and opposite SN rulers, Uranus and Saturn) which seems to have played a crucial role in her past life career(s). Was this love story challenging? Perhaps it was, given the tension of the Venus-Mars rx opposition still resonating through her chart. Does this love story want to emerge once again in her current life? Will it have a new or different ending? Is this love story immortal?



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Given that the Venus-Mars opposition is supported by her 8th house Cancer Moon, we could say that this love story will continue onward in this life, as if it is immortal. Enduring even beyond the realm of death (8th house), it seems that this love wants to re-emerge in Smiljana’s current life through 10th house experiences (via IAM perhaps?) that will connect her with deeply soulful, transformational people and encounters (opposition rules 5th house/7th house). As for the deep past of her soul, could it be that this retrograde Mars, ruler of her 5th house, speaks to a familiar soul that returns to Smiljana through IAM? Given the unresolved challenges of her soul’s deep past with this opposition between Mars rx and Venus, it seems as if there is a love story that remains unfinished. Could it be with this 10th house link to the 5th and 7th that this soul Smiljana knew so long ago may reunite with her via their shared love for astrology, spirituality and IAM’s mission to promote astrology around the world? In both professional and personal areas, it seems with the solar arc of Pluto squaring her nodal axis this year, along with the solar arc of Mars conjunct her natal Pluto in the 11th, the Pluto and Mars transits during 2018 will empower Smiljana and IAM to more deeply engage in her soul’s mission to promote astrological knowledge, respect diverse perspectives, and cultivate a global astrological community. After this brief examination of Smiljana’s chart, I find it fascinating how clearly her chart tells us that she has been working towards building an astrological community and nurturing relationships with fellow astrologers for many lifetimes. While this was a fun inquiry into the musings of immortality, it seems this brief look at Smiljana’s chart indicates that the readers and writers of IAM are connected across and through Time with Smiljana – and through our connection we contribute to her deep soul commitment to promote and publish astrological insights from every continent on the globe. ~ Chart sources: Smiljana Gavrančić /30th Jan 1980, 01:40am, Kikinda,Serbia/ IAM /08th Feb 2017, 00:50, Athens, Greece/

LeAnn is an astrologer and clinical hypnotherapist in California, USA. In addition to an astrological counseling practice, she is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and an apprentice in Steven Forrest’s Apprenticeship Program. She has also studied at Kepler College, and at Mark Jones’ Pluto School integrating an evolutionary and therapeutic approach to astrological counseling. LeAnn has a BA in literature and liberal studies, a Masters degree in Teaching and Educational Administration, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying Depth Psychology and psychotherapeutic techniques at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. Her main areas of astrological interest at the moment are family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and soul centered astrology. www.healingheartmindsoul.com



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Palmistry Today: Modern Hand Analysis Frank C. Clifford The art of reading character, motivation and the future from our palms is no longer shrouded in mystery. There are simple and accurate ways to engage in some DIY hand-reading. Palmist, author and teacher Frank Clifford explains how. Palmistry (or hand analysis, as it is often now known) is finally being given the thumbs up in some scientific quarters. Leading scientists have been discovering connections between our hands and inherited talents, behaviour and health patterns –scientific findings that not only back up what palmists have been declaring for years, but also provide further insight into this fascinating subject. Palm lines are formed in the womb and develop over a lifetime. The lines are directly linked to nerve endings from the brain and are not a result of hand folding or excessive use. Research has noted, for example, that the Heart Line (which runs horizontally under the fingers and is linked to emotional and sexual development) can change greatly during puberty. In addition, lines in our palms begin to fade if our mental faculties fade, either temporarily (e.g. during a breakdown) or with age. When we recover, so do the lines. But how can the subject help us? Our hands are living mirrors, reflecting personality, needs and drives –as well as future possibilities. By interpreting the language of the hands, we gain an immediate ‘aerial view’ of our journey in life, a road-map of our individual life path. Palmistry can zoom in on the important aspects of this journey, make us aware of alternative routes and prepare us for the exciting road ahead. Learning to read palms opens up a whole world of insight, but can also be great fun and a great deal easier than people think. When interpreting the palm, there’s room for many common sense associations that aid quick interpretation. Here’s an example: The Head Line has been linked to the way we think and process ideas. The horizontal line, below the Heart Line, can be straight or curved. When we think of the word ‘straight’ we might picture a direct, uninterrupted course, without digression; words such as linear, conventional, conformist, orderly, and unbending. Indeed, a straight Head Line is found on someone with a level-headed and practical mentality.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

This person works from A to B in a straightforward manner and will prefer to do things according to a set plan. The word ‘curved’, however, brings up notions of bending, meandering, shooting off at an angle, and taking a new turn. A curved Head line suggests a mentality that is more lateral in its thinking and allows for more flexibility and change. Such a person would think of new ways of working or approaching a problem, and be able to ‘bend’ by working around any preconceived notions.

Frank’s Party Piece When others discover what I do for a living, palms often appear under my nose for inspection. So over the years I’ve devised a number of ways of picking up instant information without delving into specific lines and their courses. I callthe following method my party piece because it’s quick to do, easy to remember and offers insights into our current needs and behaviour. I hope you find it useful. First of all, shake your hands and lay them palm-up on a desk or solid surface. You’ll notice that some fingers naturally lie closer to each other than others, while some stick out from the rest. It’s rare to have all the fingers with equal distances between them. In general, fingers held close together betray a conservative person who prefers not to take risks. When fully splayed, however, expect a bohemian type determined to do things his or her way. Keep two points in mind. Firstly, regardless of which hand you write with, relative finger positions on the left hand show traits that apply mostly in your personal life, while on the right hand, these are characteristics seen more vividly at work and in social situations. Secondly, finger positioning shows current needs rather than fixed behaviour patterns. Only when the finger has begun to bend towards (or away from) another will this reveal a long-term character trait. • Thumb tip held close to the palm: Self-contained, private and wary of intrusion; at present others will be in your life ‘by invitation only’. • Thumb tip held away from the palm: Open and needy–what you see is what you get; you are currently selfconfident in presenting yourself and relaxed enough with others to encourage intimacy, but you may have trouble saying ‘no’ and discriminating. • Index finger held away from the middle finger: Confident and independent; you are currently feeling ready to assert yourself and your desires. • Index finger tilted towards the middle finger: Shy and lacking in confidence or courage; at present you are seeking reassurance and feeling unsure of your abilities. • Middle finger held close to the ring finger: Duty-bound, guilt-ridden or reluctant to let your hair down; you are currently feeling put-upon but may secretly enjoy being a martyr. • Ring finger separated from the middle finger: Focused on personal projects; you are now determined to enjoy your life and put family duties to the back of your mind. • Little finger jutted out away from the palm: Independent and unwilling to be tied down; at present you are seeking space from, or avoiding, a full-on relationship. • Little finger curled in on itself appearing ‘reticent’: Fear of intimacy; at present you are unwilling to focus on your sexual needs or get physically involved. 60


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• Low-set little finger, where its base a ‘step’ down from the base of the other fingers: Focused on problems with one parent, who may have been either physically absent or emotionally remote; right now, you are feeling the need to address this but should avoid letting parental issues dominate or mar personal relationships in adulthood.

Self-determination Our hands are our personal autobiographies, but not all the chapters have been written yet. Lines change to reflect our actions, reactions and decisions in life. The choices we make and our reactions to the events and people we encounter all shape our lives and, in turn, the lines on our palms. Our actions and reactions of today will show in our hands tomorrow. We influence our environment and it also affects us. The hands reflect this two-way process and are a living testament to the power we have to shape our own destinies. With palmistry, we are reminded that the future is negotiable

Rings On Our Fingers Is the wearing of rings random? When we choose to wear a ring on a particular finger, is the subconscious at work or do we simply place rings on fingers that fit? Modern hand analysts believe that we can gain insights into current mental preoccupations (or worries) by noting which fingers bear rings. These reveal matters that are foremost in our minds and the personality traits we wish to emphasize and reinforce at the present time. Of course, wearing a ring does not cause any of these circumstances or traits. It is simply that the desire to wear a ring reflects and ‘coincides’ with a current problem or urgent need, as revealed by the finger in question. It’s interesting to note that the size of the ring adds emphasis to the particular meaning. A very large ring, for instance, reveals that the matter has become quite an obsession. In addition, the presence of the ring provides support and back-up in an area in which we feel insecure at present. Here are quick profiles on the meanings of rings on the digits.

A Ring on the Thumb A ring on the thumb reveals a wilful, stubborn temperament; we can be hell-bent on doing things our own way regardless of outside influence or suggestion. We like to have control over our environ ment and, while wearing the ring, feel that we need additional support to do so. If worn on the left hand it will show that this need for autonomy is dogmatically applied to our personal life; on the right hand this need might be inflicted upon co-workers and in the pursuit of professional projects! One client began wearing a ring on her left thumb a short while before our consultation. I asked her if she was attempting to take greater control of domestic issues (left hand). She said no, but later revealed that her mother-in-law had moved in temporarily and had started to run the household! I asked when she’d first moved in: it was four weeks ago. And when had my client begun to wear the ring? A few days later.

A Ring on the Index Finger A ring on the index finger indicates that we need to exhibit traits of leadership and confidence, although the underlying motive may be to hide shyness, low self-esteem or protect a fragile ego (especially if the index finger is shorter than the ring finger). It also says we’re keen to understand our life purpose. When the index finger is longer than the ring finger, the wearing of a ring can highlight the control freak in us or suggest that we want to impose our authority on others. 61


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If the ring is worn on the left hand, we may play the role of the bossy homemaker with the henpecked spouse; on the right hand it shows that we want to be firmly in control of our destiny or be in charge at work. A few months ago, I found myself on a train sitting beside a very friendly and sociable young man, who was chatting to everyone up and down the carriage. It was a little over-the-top but he wasn’t trying to convert anyone to some pseudo religion or sell timeshares, so he came across as personable more than anything else. When he discovered what I did for a living, he was quite dismissive, saying, ‘You mean like ‘cold readings’?’ Somewhat taken aback, I persevered and asked him something about himself (if I had wanted to spend my life talking about myself, I wouldn’t have become a consultant palmist!). But the young man was very reluctant to have the spotlight turned on him. I noticed a bold ring on his right-hand index finger, and (silently) I wondered whether this was a way to bolster his self-confidence and mask esteem issues or uncertainty. It turned out that he was a big fan of self-help guru Anthony Robbins, master of ‘awakening the giant within’ through his own brand of NLP, esteem- and confidence-building programs. I mentioned the ring he was wearing, but I was careful not to ‘tread’ on this sensitive area. The remarkable aspect of our encounter was that, without knowing the symbolism for the ring on an index finger, he announced to me that it was his ‘Tony Robbins ring’ – one he’d bought after the first workshop and had worn it (‘for some reason’) on this finger ever since.

A Ring on the Middle or Ring Finger A ring on the middle finger is not particularly significant (although some palmists suggest it reflects a fear of loneliness), nor is the wearing of a ring on the ring finger (although as a sign of romantic commitment it emphasizes the astrological qualities of Venus and the Sun). The middle finger doeshave a link to commitment, maturity and society (all words associated with the middle finger and the planet Saturn). Youngsters often wear rings on this finger to show their status as adults, and gay couples (particularly before the legalization of same-sex marriage) have worn commitment rings here. We give people ‘the finger’ or flip them ‘the bird’ to suggest that we’ll do things our own way and to hell with their experience or opinion; it’s an impudent, scornful anti-authority signal. My palmistry colleague Robin Lown links a ring on the middle finger to deeprooted mother issues, and I’ve begun to see this when listening to my clients’ stories.

A Ring on the Little Finger Have you ever noticed how top businesspeople wear signet rings on their little fingers? Like the finger itself, a ring worn here has multiple interpretations. On the left hand we may be living through temporary sexual or romantic problems. We may also have a need for freedom in a personal relationship (more importantly, this will be shown when the little finger juts out away from the rest of the fingers). At times, money takes over as the prime motivator in getting romantically involved (the gold-digger may wear rings on both little fingers!). Sometimes there are sexual difficulties or physical worries. For example, we may feel inadequate in the bedroom. (This latter point must be backed up by other features in the hand.) I’ve always remembered the particularly vivid example of a client who revealed that for the whole time she wore a ring on her left-hand little finger she was also experiencing an on-going gynaecological problem. After her hysterectomy she took the ring off, declaring that it ‘no longer felt right on my hand’. This is an extreme case (and wearing a ring on the little finger should not be seen as revealing a medical issue), but I’ve noticed that wearing a ring on this finger can highlight (rather than ‘cause’) anxieties or physical problems time and time again. When the ring is worn on the right hand, the emphasis is more on acquisition, usually at the expense of putting energy into developing sexual desires. Money-makers, people obsessed with financial 62


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gain and avaricious types often wear a ring on their right little finger. The larger the ring, the greater the obsession with the almighty dollar; and this can be an overcompensation for a lack of sexual contact or intimacy. ~ This is an edited and expanded extract from the new version of Frank’s book, Palmistry 4 Today

Frank Clifford has built an eclectic career as a consultant, publisher, lecturer, and writer of a dozen books (including Getting to the Heart of Your Chart). He recently completed a series of mini-books (Humour in the Horoscope, The Midheaven: Spotlight on Success and Dialogues (with Mark Jones)) and continues to write for (and guest edit) The Mountain Astrologer. In 2012, Frank won The Charles Harvey Award, a lifetime achievement award for ‘exceptional service to astrology’. In 2017, he will begin courses online with The London School of Astrology, www.flareuk.com , info@flareuk.com




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM A GUEST retro talk with Tania Daniels

Smiljana Gavrančić

IAM: Hi Tania, We are so happy to host you during retrograde Mercury period. We call this issue #Immortelle Issue and this interview #The Retro Talk With Tania Daniels... So, I’ve opened the chart for the moment when I am starting with questions (9th December, 2017, 3:24:30 am, Kikinda, Serbia). As you are an traditional astrologer, but also someone who is doing regressions, what can you tell Us – what do you see in the chart? Any strong signs? TD: This first thing I noticed is that you use a lot more symbols than I do. The second thought is, that I would look at this horoscope as a consulting chart in which you (the interviewer) are represented by the AC in Scorpio and its ruler Mars and me, the guest, as the ruler of the 7th house in Taurus and its ruler Venus.



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I then notice that you are probably in a rush and not feeling too well or maybe just kind of exhausted, since Mars is in its detriment and also represents your 6th house, which might describe illness or simply a huge workload. Anyway, Mars is leaving its detriment in just a minute. Considering the hour in which you draw up the chart, you must have been quite tired! I am represented by Venus in your second house. So I do represent some kind of resource for you (thank you, btw.) I am under the beams of the Sun, ruler of the 10th of career/success. So in your eyes (as you draw up the chart) I am somewhat invisible (in the astrological world?) at the moment, but will go combust on Jan 7th, in the 3rd house. However, this is a superior conjunction and Venus receives the Sun in her triplicity, so I am not too worried about it! I also notice the North node on the MC, and imagine the importance these interviews do have for you and your Journal. Last but not least, the Moon has just left a sextile from Mars (you) and translates is light to Venus, me. Nice. IAM: You were born in Germany, and I know that you took a part in Berlin’s Wall event, e.i. the Fall’s of Berlin Wall event. I remember that you saw one photo about this topic in my article #Berlin and Axis 20 Aries /20 Libra and you have told me – „I am on that photo!“ So, what about Saturn (the wall) in your chart? I ask you about Saturn because it was built during Saturn’s time in Capricorn, it ended its story during Saturn’s time in Capricorn, too, and right now, we are waiting that Saturn enters again Capricorn (in the moment when we are doing this „retro talk“, Saturn is at 28 Sagittarius 42’)... TD: Well, I grew up in West Berlin. So the wall was for me not so much about some kind of „lack“ or „denials“ as it might have been for EastBerliners but rather about obstacles and difficulties to reach places. Remember that West Berlin was in the heart of Eastern Germany! So to leave West Berlin or return to it, was possible but kind of a obstacle course on the transit highway. In my chart, Saturn is exactly square my Sun/Mercury conjunction. So the obstacle is omnipresent....It's me learning who I am. And that I do have a lot to learn! IAM: You are now living in Perugia (Italy), so how did you get there? Was Italian language hard for you? I have read in the Astrological Journal recently that you are doing so easy with languages, so tell Us, what is the secret, I suppose your 3rd house and Mercury – support you so well? TD: I came to Perugia by „chance“. I wanted to study Veterinary medicine in Rome, but this was the only faculty which was not offered in Rome. So I had to choose between Naples and Perugia. I choose Perugia and lived with Napoletans. One became my hubby, years later.



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At that time (age 19), I already spoke Italian fluently. I had been studying Italian since I was 14 or 15. Four evenings per week, for 2 years or so. You can imagine for what reason I have spent my time not with friend,s but on books! My Mercury in Aquarius did the rest. Actually, I do speak Spanish, English, Italian, French and German. IAM: How astrology came into your life? And why do you prefer traditional over modern astrology? Also, it is interesting for me that you are doing regressions too. So tell Us, all, We are so looking forward to hear your answers... TD: Leonardo da Vinci brought me to astrology. No kidding. In late 1998 I read a short astrological interpretation of the Last Supper. I was bewitched. A few months later I started studying it. As many of us, I first learned modern astrology. Then I needed years to forget it and learn traditional. It just made so much sense to me. It was logical, profound and at the same time in the tradition of natural magic. I felt, this was for me. Regressions on the other hand did fascinate me for years, but I had not the courage to go to somebody. I started learning autohypnosis and had amazing results. At some point, I could easily enter into a deep state of hypnosos and just needed a pen to write down what I was seeing. That's my Neptune in the 1st. I have lots of copybooks full with material. You published an article about one of my experiences in the IAM issue #12 (opening windowsconnecting times). At the moment, I am not doing regressions, but I plan to return to them at some point and in the meantime write all up. Two more articles are already nearly finished. IAM: You are also mother of three kids, where do you find time for all? Does anyone of them show an interest for astrology? Your husband – how does he look on your astrological life? TD: I have to concentrate my time into a minimum... I always feel that I am not doing anything and that I should do more. As many of us, I guess. My kids could read astrological glyphs at age 3 or so, but are totally disinterested at the moment. My husband is my best horary client. And the most difficult one. And before going to a meeting, he always asks me if Mercury is retrograde. He absolutely respects my work. IAM: What about your synastry with IAM chart? I suppose that you now understand why you are part of IAM? TD: Ahah, sure, IAM Mars is conjunct my Moon/Venus conjunction which also exactly squares the IAM Moon. And we have the same AC and Sun sign and IAM Saturn is sextile-friendly to my Sun/Mercury. IAM: Using an traditional approach, what can you predict for IAM during 2018? TD: IAM has Scorpio rising with Mars in Aries and is thus represented as a dynamic and creative journal (Mars in the 5th). At the end of March 2018, Mars opposes the AC. Since he rules also the 6th house, problems regarding organization/workload cannot be disregarded anymore. You might get problems with a business partner. The situation could clear and require a decision at the end of July, when Mars squares from the 9th house, asking for a decision which has to do with foreign contacts. Also Saturn obstacles Mars in March and May and need to be resolved until December 2018. Saturn wants to define communication/media/marketing and possibly the location/office. He still is in the second house, not the best time to make money with IAM, even though Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd, will cross the AC in Mid December and then twice in June and July 2018, which will bring opportunities to IAM. At the same time IAM has the Mars opposition in March, Venus enters its 5th house of creativity where she is exalted. Good time to find a creative partner/designer or something like that.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM: At the end, I usualy pull one tarot card to ask the Universe what kind of message the Universe wants to tell Us, what this retro talk brings to all of Us. So, I got the Chariot? What would you say now? TD: Well, I am not a Tarot reader and I do not really know much about it. But the chariot makes me think on a crossroad. The legs of the two horses go in different directions, but the animals are looking in the same direction, and so is the king. This is not really about a decision to be taken but rather to pay attention of not being lead astray. Since it it the king, who is guiding the chariot, the is crucial and has to do with career and success. I would translate this card with: trust, you are already on your path.

Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 Tania started studying a master’s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015 she became involved in Hellenistic Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller’s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania’s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia. www.taniadaniels.com www.facebook.com/Klassische.Stundenastrologie



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM HORARY Will they go to New Zealand?

Tania Daniels A couple of friends and their two kids told me last Christmas, that they wanted to go to live in New Zealand. Tired of the difficult situation in Italy, they wanted to try their chance elsewhere. This was their third time. The first time, they had decided to go to Ireland and then they tried in Germany. None of these options had worked out for several reasons. Now I wondered if they would really go and live so far from home. Obtaining a visa for NZ is not easy and they were aware that it might have been rejected. One thing required for the visa was a signed job contract for at least one family member. They did have a contact in NZ who had offered him a job, but at the moment of the question, they had just exchanged a few emails, so the situation was totally unsure and everything was still to be checked and eventually organized. Here is the chart:

The hour ruler is Mercury. The chart is radical; the lord of the hour rules the sign ascending. The hour ruler always gives a first hint of what the outcome of a question will be. Mercury represents change, movement and communication. In this chart, he is retrograde applying to combustion, indicating delays and unexpected problems, because the Sun rules the 12th house.



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Since I am the querent, my friends are represented by the 11th house in Cancer and its ruler Moon. She is in her fall, describing the afflicted state of my friends. They felt exhausted and hopeless in Italy. But the luminary is going to leave the sign of its fall after 3°16’. This shows that something is going to change, even though the Moon has no essential dignities in Sagittarius. The Moon is technically already in the 4th house, but considering that she still has to change her sign, I would consider that she has still to enter the 4th house, which represents “home”. Since it is a new sign for the Moon, this “home” might be a new one. The Moon changes from a fixed to a mutable sign, so the family will leave a situation of stagnation and will become more active or motivated (mutable fire sign). The country they wish to live in is represented by the 9th house in Aries and its ruler Mars. New Zealand is well known for its native inhabitants, the Maori. Their tribal dance HAKA, often used before a sports match in order to frighten the adversary, is famous and very Marsian, perfectly describing New Zealand in this chart.

The Moon does not make any aspect in its current sign. For many astrologers, this is a condition of “void of course (VOC)”. However, the Moon is already in orb with Mars. Lilly says /1/ „A Planet is void of course, when he is separated from a Planet, nor does forthwith, during his being in that Sign, apply to any other”. This seems to suggest, that whenever the Moon does apply to a planet only after she leaves her current sign, although she is already in orb, the aspect is not to be considered. Porphyry, a late Hellenistic astrologer, had a different concept. He writes /2/ It is termed void of course whenever the Moon does not conjoin any one [of the planets] either zodiacally or partilely or by aspect or by kollesis or within 30 degrees of the next conjunction [with the Sun]. Porphyry's concept describes a situation in which the Moon is in the middle of nowhere, like an astronaut floating in the space, realizing that his shuttle had just departed without him. However, it refers to a very rare situation, in which the Moon within 2,5 days does not apply to any planet. I do think that what is really meant by VOC, is simply that the Moon is out of orb to the next applying planet. This situation happens much more often than the VOC Moon depicted by Porphyr. There is a situation of vagueness and undefinition or pause. Nothing new happens (for good or bad). The situation does not change. 69


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Turning back to the chart above, we see that the Moon is not void of course, since she is applying Mars by square. Thus, this picture represents a classic case in which the desired thing can come through, but only with problems and trouble and the result might turn out different than expected, the more so as we find Mars angular, in his own sect and in his own triplicity. While it is true that Mars, in this case, depicts New Zealand, he is, nevertheless, a malefic and thus describes problems and the need to struggle. So from the perspective of the radical chart, the answer is yes, they will go, but they have to prepare for some trouble. The Moon needs roughly 8° to reach Mars so this might be an indication of the time needed. However, the Moon is slow, so it might take some more time. Now let’s turn the chart and look for more information.

In this chart, the lord of the hour, Mercury, rules the 12th house of unexpected problems and the 3rd house of communication. He is angular but retrograde, going into combustion. The bureaucratic requirements in order to obtain a visa and, the translations and paperwork (3rd house) are going to cause tension (Mercury in opposition to the 1st house representing the couple) and they might consider giving up (combustion). Since the Sun describes their 2nd house of money, recently separated from the 8th house of debts, the documents risk being far more expensive than expected. However, the ruler of the 9th is Jupiter, the major benefic and he is in their 4th house which describes the foreign country as their new home. Jupiter is connected by an exact trine to Venus, the ruler of the 5th: their kids who will enjoy New Zealand. Jupiter is also linked by a sextile with a mutual reception with Saturn. Saturn rules the 7th house of the couple’s New Zealand contact person and the 8th house of debts. In order to obtain a visa, the husband needed a job contract (6th house ruler Jupiter) and the contact person (7th house ruler Saturn) was going to offer it. 70


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What happened? On November 13th, 2017 the family received the message that the visa had been obtained. They left Italy on November 27th. They had taken a bank loan to afford all the necessary expenses, which is shown by Jupiter, the ruler of their 8th house in the 2nd. Until the very last moment, they had no idea if they would obtain the papers and lived in continuous stress until the moment of their departure, which is not surprising with Mars angular.

In the transit chart cast for the day of the family’s departure to New Zealand, transiting Mars (radical 9th house ruler) is in conjunction with Jupiter (turned 9th house ruler in the turned 4th house, “home”). The Moon is in Pisces, the turned 9th house. Transiting Fortuna trines both Jupiter and Venus in the horary, which describes their enthusiam. With Saturn in the 4th and Mars angular and Mercury soon going retrograde towards a conjunction with Saturn in the 4th viz. the family’s 6th house, they will have issues regarding home and employment/health problems, but they will surely manage them.

~ /1/ William Lilly, Christian Astrology, p. 112 /2/ Porphyry the Philisopher, Holden translation, American Federation of Astrologers, 2009, p. 18



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Tania Daniels, born in 1972 became interested in Astrology in 1998 and finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 Tania started studying a master’s course in Horary at the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) with Deborah Houlding. In 2015 she became involved in Hellenistic Astrology and is currently completing her studies with Chris Brennan. She has also enrolled in Robert Zoeller’s Medieval Astrology Course. Tania’s articles are published in German, English and Italian in the main astrological journals. She gives readings in Italian, German, English and Spanish. Her other interests are Ayurveda, naturopathy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Tania has three children and lives in Italy near Perugia. www.taniadaniels.com www.facebook.com/Klassische.Stundenastrologie



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Shining Uranus on Miss. Peregrine’s backyard Alejo López “I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen. […] ‘I don't mean to be rude’ I said, ‘but what are you people?’ ‘We’re peculiar,’ he replied”. Ramson Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

I like to think that Uranus was probably rising when Miss. Alma Lefey Peregrine, in a desperate attempt to save her children from a falling bomb, created a time loop to hide them safely. But it was not. On September the 3rd 1943 at 21:07 in Wales, Uranus falls either at the end of the 1st house, in the middle of the 2nd or in the 3rd one (depending the house system of your choice). However, it is conjunct to Mars, ruler of the Ascendant. Mars-Uranus could speak of a sudden attack… The movie Miss. Peregrine’s home for peculiar children, based on the Ramson Riggs’ book and released in 2016, is a lesson about Uranian behavior. Uranus stands for extreme creativity, eccentricity and being in the borders of the known world. Thus, the children in the movie are no regular ones, but peculiar with strange abilities or characteristics. Because the normal world has no place for their kind, they were forced to build this home: a place (or rather a time frame) to gather and be safe under the care of Miss. Peregrine. Uranus as a celestial body is also quite peculiar on its own right and the only one named directly in Greek style. We all know that a strong Uranus in an astral chart may bring the feeling that one does not belong to this world, that one is cut off from the rest of people. Thus, one may shed away from showing others one’s own peculiarity. Extreme creativity tends to come in hand either with a fearful attitude to express it or with an exceptionally defying stance. Uranus’ mythological enemy, Saturn, rules time. The Lord of Death, of decay, of limitations and material form. Saturn reminds us that we are limited, that our lives will eventually come to an end and the we shall all face an ultimate extinction. As we are all aware, Saturn was the last of the planets known by the Greeks. Though some astronomers say that Uranus was visible in the open sky but they could not spot it as a “wanderer” because it was moving so slowly... they thought it was just another star. So it seems that this pale-blue planet was able to escape the trespasses of time.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

In fact, Uranus, unlike Neptune or Pluto, fades away after the first mythological stories. Its astrological meaning points to breaking up with the stretched limitations of Saturn, escaping from its conditioning, being free… of time. The peculiar children also need to escape the dungeons of time if they want to survive. In their own way, they get to live forever. For Miss. Peregrine has a very unique peculiarity, she is an ymbryne, which gives her the ability to play with the rules and regulations of time as we know it. She is outside the boundaries of Saturn, free from the burden of gravity (she can even turn into a bird and fly), and creates a time loop in which they can all live eternally. So every September the 3rd, at 21:07, just before a bomb falls on the house, the day is reset back 24 hours and they all get to live the entire period once again. But, of course, every light casts a shadow. Even though they are safe in this tricky clockwork device, time goes on. If any of the peculiar children try to leave the loop, the time passed will quickly catch up making the fugitive suddenly grow old. So, in a very strange way, they are not fully free from the strings of Saturn, but only temporarily (eternally) deceiving him.

In fact, the peculiars are rebels: to society and to other peculiars from which they try to escape. They are hiding from evil Hollowcasts. Hollowcasts were created by accident when some mean peculiars wanted to achieve eternity without needing to live inside a time loop. They wanted total freedom, no boundaries or conditioning. But the experiment did not go as they expected. They turned into monsters. This story reminds us that of Uranus, eating his monstrous children both because he was disgusted by them and because he wanted to ensure his eternal reign. In fact, to want to leave a time loop is to reject peculiarity. Being a peculiar bonds you to it. To try to escape it is to deny one’s own nature. And that is why Jacob, our main character, is envied by the others as he does not know yet he is also a peculiar and thus is free to exit the loop and decay. Uranus is much related with the desire of improving nature, of fixing what is not naturally right: the history of science probes the dangers of this desire. As I shall speak of it later, an extreme Uranian intensity in a chart will lead to a very tense and rigid Saturn. In fact, Saturn dominates the lives of the Hollowcasts. After their failed lust for absolute freedom and eternity, they have moved to the opposite desire: to regain normal shape, to look like other humans, to seem ordinary. In order to do that, they need to eat other peculiars, they need to devour other’s eccentricity.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

So the whole story is continuously touching Uranus and Saturn themes: eccentricity, time escaping, rebellion, destroying other’s creativity and fearing risking one’s own. Very often, movies can teach us about astrological psychological manifestations in the psyche. This story about peculiarities seems to teach us about the difficulties and the psychic fragmentation that may occur when a person is strongly influenced by a transaturnian planet such as Uranus. I will try to illustrate that if Uranus is heavily strong in a chart, the psyche will polarize: it will either over-emphasize Uranian qualities or over-express the Saturn and Moon functions of the psyche. This idea has been named Uranian Polarity by the argentine astrologer Eugenio Carutti. To carry the gift of peculiarity sets you outside of society. These children find the need of hiding in the cages of their time loops. Yet because we are humans, we long to belong and be part of a larger group. Thus, the Uranian person feels compelled to be different and yet to be accepted by others. It is a very complex nature that stands for singularity and breaking rules while secretly desiring to be allowed into regulated groups. We have a paradox emerging: the more this rebel nature is stressed, the more the environment will cast it out and ask rules to be followed. This pressure may be resolved in different ways. A possibility would be to escape from regulations and any emotional contact in order to be free. Or, in dread of being an outcast, the denial of one’s own creative and unique nature. Faced with the awareness of life constant inconsistency and change, some may get scared and hide in the world of form, regularity and monotony. In this case, the Moon and Saturn, in their desire to constrain, conserve and protect, will get over-emphasized and they will try to keep Uranus “under control”. Thus, we see a polarity emerging. On one extreme, the expectation of total freedom, constant change and eternal creativity. On the other, the safety that can shelter from the unexpected and broken: a very scared Moon and a tremendously rigid Saturn that prevails order, stability and uniformity.

Now, let’s study this polarity in this movie. Though they have tremendously unique and eccentric gifts, they are bond to the rules and regulations of one peculiar in particular: Alma Peregrine. Among the group, Alma is the most peculiar one: unlike all others, she is not a child. So she is somewhat aware of the aid of Saturn, she is more mature than the rest. In fact, in order to cope with the children’s eccentric and Uranian gifts, she stresses the other extreme of the polarity: that of the Moon and Saturn. She clearly states that her ultimate job is to protect (Moon) children. In order to do so, she sets time boundaries (Saturn). She is constantly calculating to the second the time her young ones take for each activity and where they are supposed to be at every instant. So that their incredible amount of eccentricity and peculiarity is encapsulated in her caring and strict orders.



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This is a lesson any Uranian must learn. That though creative and beyond the frontiers of the known world, one must respond to the rules of manifestation. And indeed, creativity and freedom in an extreme measure and with no Saturn awareness will turn into a locking cage by themselves. This is what happens to the peculiar children. Though eternally living they are forever bound to be perpetually young: if they leave their loop, time will catch up and they will age and die. Thus they are children forever. And this resembles the psychological situation of the Uranian person who refuses to grow up and wants to remain in a Peter Pan state as maturing means taking commitments, making decisions, giving shape to creativity and thus renouncing to the “everything-is-possible”, “anything-could-happen” feeling of the Uranian idealistic mind. As a result, the hyper-creative potentiality becomes sterile because it never faces the tribulations of shape so it can never mature to something else. On the other hand, if by fear of the unexpected and changing, one gets fixed in one structure and configuration that provide safety, one locks eccentricity outside and will eventually hate all of those who enjoy their uniqueness, who defy the system and dare to be different. Because a shadow is casted upon them as a constant reminder that deep inside a rebel is waiting to come out. Thus, Holllowcasts hate peculiar children. Maybe it brings a bit of anxiety or distress to know that some people may be locked up in this inner struggle. And one would desire to be able to put forward a solution. But because this is Uranus, perhaps, trying to set a solving rule that could apply to everyone may not be the key. For our comfort, and being this a Hollywood movie after all, by the end of it Jacob gets to a certain kind of alchemy between the two poles. He gets to accept his peculiarity and he decides to use the privilege it provides: travelling through time using different time loops. Thus the boundaries and limitations became a gate for creativity and freedom. Perhaps, this is what every Uranian can hope for: to have Saturn, Moon and Uranus in a perfect alchemy that provides the shape, the mould and the substance for creative processes. However, I would like to insist in trying to cope with the angst that emerges from this polarity. Uranus is the god of the unexpected. And perhaps, if we hold to the uncertain, great things will come to pass. “Stars, too, were time travelers. How many of those ancient points of light were the last echoes of suns now dead? How many had been born but their light not yet come this far? If all the suns but ours collapsed tonight, how many lifetimes would it take us to realize we were alone? I had always known the sky was full of mysteries— but not until now had I realized how full of them the earth was.” Ramson Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Alejo López, born in 1983, holds a degree in Performing Arts and has recently become a psychologist. He started studying humanistic astrology in Argentina, his country of birth, when he was twenty. After a few years of wandering and travelling throughout Europe he decided to formalise his studies. Currently, he holds the STA Horary Practitioner Certificate and is pursuing his astrological education at the Faculty of Astrological Studies.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM SUPER LIBRA big, burly and with scaly fins

Marilena Marino Happy New Year, All! And Happy First Solar Return, IAM! And what better way to enjoy 2018 than with big burly men in fishtails, right? At least that’s what the New foundland and Labrador Beard and Moustache Club will have us believe, following the launch of its 2018 calendar featuring — you guessed correctly — bearded mermen in scaly fins.

(Instagram @ newfoundland.bmc; Photo credit: Ritche Perez)

In an original twist to the nude charity calendar, these furry fish are not posing in front of the camera out of vanity — although I’m sure they can’t stop looking at their own pictures with a mixture of pride and amusement. Calendar proceeds are going to Spirit Horse NL, a mental health organisation offering therapeutic interaction with horses. Rasing funds and awareness for the charity is a priority, in light of how costly it is to acquire and upkeep horses. Challenging persistent gender stereotypes is a happy byproduct that the group embrace wholeheartedly. As stated in their announcement post/1/, the campaign aims to “show the world that ‘real men’ don't care about silly definitions of what ‘real men’ should look, act, or dress like.” Designed with the local community in mind, the Merb’ys, as they like to call themselves in Newfoundland slang for ‘Mer-buddies’, have taken the world by storm. With interviews and TV appearances in the US and Canada, the calendar has now had orders from over ten different countries, including Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Europe, with pre-orders exceeding 500 copies as of early November 2017. 77


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The idea came to Hasan Hai, founder and president of the Beard and Moustache club, after seeing a picture of a bearded merman (not a real one!) on Facebook, and a few calls and a recruitment ad/2/ later, he was inundated with close to eighty volunteers for the photo shoots. The photos certainly don't disappoint. The calendar — which can be previewed online/3/ — features bearded mermen posing in pumpkin patches, pubs, and on various beaches. It certainly beats the usual smellies I get for Christmas...

(Hasan Hai, via: Facebook; Photo Credit: Andrea Edwards)

Hasan, pictured above, kindly provided his birth details when I asked him. Unsurprisingly, his natal chart features a strong Neptune — rising, conjunct his Sun, trining his Mars, and squaring an MC-hugging Moon in Virgo. Hasan’s progressed Moon at the time of the media frenzy in November was also at 14 Pisces, conjunct transiting Neptune, and in a T-square with his natal Sun, Neptune, and Moon. Any surprise that he is “making waves” right now? Hasan’s emotions, identity, sense of self, and of what it means to be a man are all tinged with Neptunian hues. Lost in a mist of idealism and compassion /4/, giving and helping others are the most natural modi operandi for Hasan. According to a CBC interview /5/, “he’s a regular do-gooder with another community group, Project Kindness”. Like water permeating everything on its path, Hasan’s soul thrives on a strong sense of communion with all things. He may sometimes find refuge in a world of myth and illusion, when the harsh realities of the world overwhelm him, with water and all its wondrous creatures of old — from the Kraken to mesmerising sirens and the Lady of the Lake — offering a much-needed uplift. Magic, dream, fantasy, and merging with the community are fundamental ingredients of Hasan’s psyche. With strong Sagittarian influences, also reflected in his choice of charity, Spirit Horse NL, Hasan is driven to dissolve dogmatic thinking and unquestioning beliefs. Chart ruler, Jupiter, is exhalted in watery Cancer in the seventh house, and is the focal planet in a kite formation with Saturn, Mercury, and Chiron. Extraordinary opportunities for growth come through partnerships (Jupiter in H7)/6/ and Hasan’s capacity for self-expression (Mercury in H1). 78


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Creativity and play heal old emotional and spiritual wounds (Chiron in H5, inconjunct Moon and Neptune), while also breaking traditional beliefs and ethnic/national barriers (Saturn in H9). Additionally, his natal Mars is in a square with Uranus, and sextiles his North Node and Pluto (wide orb). Challenging and transforming traditional male stereotypes is in Hasan’s DNA. “It’s the beard inside that counts,” he remarks in another CBC interview/7/.

It’s easy to see how these energies play out in the calendar venture. In itself a Saturnian object to mark the passing of time, the charity calendar becomes a vehicle for Neptunian compassion, reaching global proportions and dissolving barriers within and without the self. Undoubtedly the Merb’ys have all had to overcome personal blocks in the process, but they have done so with good humour (Jupiter), and the ripple effects have stretched across oceans to reach countries far and wide (Jupiter and Neptune). I, for one, can’t help but giggle each time my eyes land on my Merb’ys calendar.



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(Photo Credit: Darell Sharpe)

References /1/ Facebook account for NL Beard and Moustache Club, https://www.facebook.com/newfoundlandBMC/posts/1430679070320076 , [accessed: 11 November 2017] . /2/ Hasan Hai’s Facebook account, https://www.facebook.com/hasanhai/posts/10159254315415156 , [accessed: 11 November 2017]. /3/ NL Beard and Moustache Club website, http://www.nlbeardandmoustacheclub.com/product/merbys-2018-calendar , [accessed: 11 November 2017]. /4/ Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche, Penguin, 2006, pp.96-98. /5/ CBC News, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/beard-moustache-club-1.4069423 , [accessed: 11 November 2017]. /6/ Stephen Arroyo, Exploring The Astrological Key To Jupiter, CRCS, 1996, pp.179-182. /7/ CBC News, http://www.cbc.ca/life/wellness/don-t-call-them-mermen-newfoundland-and-labrador-s-merb-ys-are-fishingfor-better-mental-health-care-1.4390221 , [accessed: 11 November 2017].



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

My name is Marilena, and I am a professional astrologer. Astrology has been my passion for almost thirty years. I collaborate closely with both the Astrological Lodge of London and the Astrological Association, two of the world’s most prestigious and longest running astrological organisations. I’m also a contributor to magazines, including the Astrological Journal and IAM – Infinity Astrological Magazine. You can view some of my work for the Astrological Association on the Astrological Association’s channel on YouTube, in the Student Corner. I will publish more video interviews with master astrologers in due course, so subscribing to the channel will ensure you are notified of any new uploads. If you’re interested in my training, I’m a past student of the London School of Astrology. There I had the honour of learning from some of the leading lights in the field, including Frank Clifford, Darby Costello, Melanie Reinhart, Lynn Bell, Mark Jones, and Wendy Stacey, to name just a few. I’m currently studying advanced horary at Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology, under the tutorship of Wade Caves. I can provide both one-off sessions or ongoing mentoring and guidance, depending on your needs and finances. Please feel free to get in touch for friendly, confidential advice on whatever is weighing on your mind. Details of the types of readings available can be found under Personal Astrology.




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Uranus Transits to the Natal Chart Wendy Stacey

When outer planets transit points in our chart we can be sure of one thing – things will never be the same again! Whatever the order in the cosmos at any point in time we know it is mirrored with whatever is taking place on our planet. When outer planets through transits trigger out own birth chart we can expect change. We frequently see this taking place around us in our own lives and all of those around us. We see it with our friends and family, within our work and if you are a practising astrologer you will find it reflected in the context of your consultations and with the clients you attract. We are reminded that our own birth chart is not just a blueprint of the cosmos from when we were born but it also represents the transits which triggered our own parent’s lives and their birth charts at the time of our birth. Over the past five years with the ingress of Uranus and Pluto into cardinal signs and Neptune moving into Pisces we have seen a lot of change globally. These transits not only capture the astronomy of birth for the next generation but also mirror the present landscape of social, economical and political thought. Outer planet transits are generational so when they trigger our own birth chart we get pulled into things that are bigger than us and this can be overwhelming as we often feel like we have no control over what is happening. Where the outer planets reside in your own horoscope will play a large part in how they are experienced. If you have good aspects to Uranus you ‘hold hands’ with the planet; if you have strong Aquarian or 11th house emphasis or if Uranus is a focal planet, such as being angular, by chart shape, unaspected or involved in a major configuration then the transit can feel somewhat easier, perhaps even exciting and certainly familiar. For example, someone who has Uranus trine their Sun, when Uranus comes to conjunct the natal Sun it will not be a stranger. It might feel like a good friend coming to visit. It might be unexpected and you might not always want them around, but it is not uncomfortable. You also might acknowledge that once they have left, the house will never be the same again. Your familiarity with Uranus can determine whether this is a pleasant experience – or not.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

When Uranus aspects our natal chart it usually represents where, when and why we resist change and how we are awakened. This is a time where we discover new things about ourselves (and possibly others). It is where we need to break free and change stale patterns in our life. Uranus transits are where we can cut things out of our lives. Unlike Neptune and Pluto transits, the pain is not so lasting or felt as deep. As Howard Sasportas reminds us, Uranus is where we are caged and where the shackles need to be broken, and at any cost. Uranus is where we do not go back – only forward. It is where we want to (or are forced to make) change and move on. Unlike Neptune and Pluto transits there is no longing or grieving but more of a sense of relief; a feeling of being liberated from whatever was holding us back. Uranus transits have a sense of urgency, a sense of necessity and often when Uranus triggers points in our chart we repeatedly surprise ourselves and others. Uranus transits are ultimately unsettling. They shake things up and depending on what Uranus is transiting in the chart, will depend on what area of life is unsettling. Uranus transits get into our head and we become preoccupied. They can stop us eating, sleeping and invade our ability to concentrate. They are intellectually heavy and trigger thought processes. It is a time when we can become intolerant and quite ruthless in our actions by our need to cut the boring or decaying things from of our lives and when we do this, we justify it intellectually, rationally and logically. I remember in the mid 1980’s when I was in my first year of astrology classes I was surrounded by many women in their early 40’s who were either thinking of leaving their husbands or had just recently done so. They had come into astrology, were learning a lot about themselves in a way they had never had before and wanted to break free from the cage they felt they lived in. These particular women had married young, had children at an early age, spent much of their lives as housewives and had arrived at a stage in their lives where they wanted ‘out’. They wanted to explore life, other relationships or wanted to embark on a career, something that felt was not available to them as they were bringing up their children. They were experiencing their Uranus opposition! I realise this is a generalisation and one befitting to a generation quite different than the present day but it was still interesting to observe. What aspect Uranus makes by transit and to what points in the chart will make a difference in how it is experienced. The angles, the luminaries’ and the astrological houses in our birth chart are particularly sensitive as these are more personal to our time and location of birth. When transiting Uranus aspects the other planets in our birth chart they bring in the collective and although the transit is still significant, it is often outside our immediate world. When Uranus transits our Sun we are confronted with the need to change our identity in some way. It is a time to ask ourselves, ‘who am I’? and ‘what is my purpose in life’? What may need to be cut are the people or things in our life that no longer serve our new-found purpose. We need to remind ourselves that it is ok to change and that discarding is part of the process. When Uranus transits our Moon there is a tendency to switch off and a need to evaluate what we no longer want to influence us, to assess what we carry from the past and our conditioning that stops us from moving forward. Whilst we look to change the behavioural patterns in our life which may include areas such as our diet or home life we might find ourselves not as emotionally available or appear not to care. Transiting Uranus to the Moon wakes us up, makes us contemplate tomorrow and is a time where it is very difficult for us to go backwards or to ‘fall’ back to sleep.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

When Mercury is transited by Uranus we can be sure to think about things in a different way. We might find we change our mind or want to take a different path. During this period, it is important to note that what comes into our mind will preoccupy us. We can have flashes of genius or have interesting foresight but can also experience quite crazy and irrational perspectives on things. We will require stimulation and the space to process these thoughts otherwise they will dominate our everyday. It can feel a little crazy and unnerving but can also feel exciting. When Uranus transits Venus there is often a shift in our relationships – who we wish to relate to and how we relate. It throws us off balance and it is a time to appraise who and what is valuable in our life. During this period, we often attract Uranian people into our lives who teach us about ourselves. These people often help and support us in our attempt to release ourselves from the rigidity of what and who is constraining us. It is a period where money and possessions mean less and the larger things in life mean more. When Mars is triggered by transiting Uranus it can be a very exciting time and life can become incredibly manic. Life can feel a little dangerous and where we heat up as the adrenalin gets racing. It can feel like standing on the roof of a high-rise building and looking down – just wondering... Here we act more physically as we are energised. Uranus-Mars is associated with accidents and this is due to operating on a level where your body needs to race. This can be quite a confrontational time and the ‘I don’t care’ mode can be easily adopted without thinking of the consequences. This is a time where we need to cool down and use the energy constructively. When the angles are triggered by Uranus it brings change on a very personal level and how we are perceived by others – it affects how we behave and describes the initial response we get by everybody, from our partners and friends, the public, our family and generally how we show people (or shock them) by the changes we are making. We are tired of sameness and want to inject something new and exciting into our persona. If Uranus transits our Ascendant and starts its journey through the first house this will spotlight our appearance – how we are seen by others, how we project ourselves. We might want to change our own personal style which might be a radical change in clothes or hair style or colour. Uranus is not so concerned about what people think but makes changes because it desperately needs change and mostly because it can! When Uranus transits our second house we often change our body image. We are not so bothered about what people think or what society demands of us. The value we place on our own physical body, personal possessions and things of substance are re-evaluated and are require cutting from our lives to re-establish ourselves and reaffirm our existence. When Uranus transits our third house we want to might want a change of environment. We might think about why we hold the opinions we do, why we think the way we do, how and who we communicate to and how mobile we are. During this period, we feel the urgency to address this and make necessary filters and changes so we can be free to process things and make changes to enhance our lives. 84


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Transiting Uranus on the IC and travelling through the fourth house can often bring a cut to the apron strings or our home life in some way. Disassociation with family or discovering some skeletons in the closet might occur. Uranus through the fourth house is concerned with re-inventing the family so parenthood or a break from family or home life if stale can occur. Independence is key here or perhaps the need to find a new clan. When Uranus journeys through the fifth house we understand our need to break free and rebel. Special focus and finding space to pursue intellectual creative talents may ensue or we may have a change of heart towards who we think we are. This is also where we break free from the child and parent within us. We feel the need (or are forced to) either grow up and find one’s true expression in life or break free in search of thrilling experiences. When the sixth house is visited by Uranus we are reminded of what is stale in our daily routine and makes us question the tedious and unnecessary in our lives. This period can bring the need to replace what is boring in life with something that is exciting. This is when we want to change our habits and create new patterns. We are awakened to where we fit into the scheme of things and question our part in the process of life. Here we dispose of all that is not good for us and work on enhancing our life. When Uranus transits our descendant and seventh house we can often discard the people in our lives which we no longer feel we are connected to – who we no longer have anything in common with, or who we no longer share the same perspective, share the same objective or do not like any more. We might also attract and be attracted to people that support our new image and outlook on life. This angle and house makes us think about the relationships that define who we are and how important they are. The eighth house corresponds to crisis and change and Uranus is comfortable here. Here transiting Uranus awakens us to what we have buried or denied, bringing the truth to light. We discover from our unconscious what has been hidden and things that have lain dormant or suppressed. This period might awaken us to our passions, our fears, our rooted desires and our need to destroy all that cannot support these. When Uranus travels through the ninth house we have revelations. We are awakened to the dogma which holds us back and long to explore new meaning in our life. Here we seek the truth and Uranus travelling through this house will bring new perspectives and a new world view. A shift in what we know and what we believe is highlighted during this time. Uranus in the tenth house or when it triggers the MC is often reflected by our need to be seen differently. This can feel like a calling where we need to evaluate our mission in life, how we want to be seen, what needs to change and what is cut from our life during this transit is parts of our life where we have uncomfortably conformed and where we feel constrained. We replace what we feel we ‘should’ do with ‘what we feel is right’ although we may not know what that is at the time of transit we have faith that all will be well in the end. As Uranus journeys through the eleventh house, its most comfortable sector of the zodiac, we find ourselves wanting to change our alliances and break free from those who hold everyone back. A yearning to feel personally liberated and liberate others can be experienced at this time. A need to express our reasoning feels necessary. Here we want to even the odds, create equality and express our views. We may attract people who challenge our opinion, find ourselves in places where we find policy disagreeable and the call to rebel is loud. When Uranus makes its way through the twelfth house we might often find an extreme call to help those who are in need. Uranus in this house uncovers hidden truths and buried mysteries and during this period we might want to shed light on specific ills of humanity and pinpoints the hidden drives and agendas which create them. Uranus in the twelfth is isolating and can be upsetting and we might feel the need to retreat from the world whilst we re-gather ourselves. 85


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The aspect that Uranus makes with the various points in our chart also has some bearing on how the transit is experienced. The conjunction will always be felt the strongest and is sure to bring life-changing experiences into our life. The opposition will always involve ‘another’ and is therefore usually about relationships. It can also be about balance and we might feel thrown off course. The square is always challenging and frustrating and will require resolving a problem. Trines and sextiles are usually easier and might bring out the confidence to bring out a previously inhibited talent. Presently, as Uranus travels through the sign of Aries those with planets in this sign can be sure to experience an interesting and exciting time. Perhaps rather than exciting it is more challenging for those who have planets in Cancer and Capricorn, as transiting Uranus makes a square to these water and earth signs. With those with planets in Libra, it will be an uneasy time in relationships. Those with cardinal planets will be triggered as Uranus makes its journey through the raw, fiery and inhibited sign of Aries. A commonly asked question is when looking at outer planet transits is what orbs to use. Normally one would use a one-degree orb but this can vary depending on the planet that Uranus is aspecting. For example, if one of the luminaries’ is triggered by a transit of Uranus it will be felt much sooner than when it is only one degree away so consideration is needed here. Another consideration is whether the transit is applying or separating. An applying transit will be much stronger than if it is separating. When a transit is separating it is effectively fading out, the heart of the matter has already been realised. Aspects that are applying are still building and are therefore more powerful. Another important point to remember is that the orbits of the outer planets during parts of their cycles will be retrograde and can therefore trigger certain points of the zodiac (as well as birth charts) several times. Tracking the journey of the planet can help us understand pivotal times (such as exact aspects and stationery points) and help us understand the nature of the cycle and how it pertains to our birth charts and those we are working with. Working with Uranus transits can be difficult, particularly for those who do not have a strong Uranus in their own chart. Uranus transits can feel scary as they tempt us to take a leap, force us to change, let go of the things and people we no longer need. Uranus transits can be ruthless and inflict pain and in the pursuit of wanting to reinvent ourselves or certain aspects of our lives to move forward in life, it can appear we no longer care. When Uranus transits activate our chart, we think about the future, we do not look back. The choice to change is our own and as Howard Sasportas reminds us, if we do nothing then choices and change will be made on our behalf. It is often difficult to understand the process at the time but similar to all outer planet transits hindsight is a wonderful thing.

~ References Sasportas, Howard. (1989). Gods of Change. Penguin Group, London. Tompkins, Sue. (1989), Aspects in Astrology. Element Books, Dorset, UK.



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Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London School of Astrology. She is the Chairperson for the Astrological Association (since 2002), has written over 50 articles for students in the Astrological Journal and lectures globally on psychological, mundane, research and financial astrology. She is the author of books Consulting with Astrology (2012), Uranus Square Pluto (2012, The Houses by Element (2016), Astrology and Relationships (2016) and contributed to The New Generation (2012) and The Professional Astrologer (2016). In 2014, Wendy was the recipient of the UK‘s Charles Harvey award for Exception Service to Astrology‘. Her website is www.wendystacey.com and she can be contacted at wendy@mayoastrology.com





Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Meghan Markle Horoscope Jessica Adams

Born with the Sun in Leo. Nicknamed Meg by the media. Madly in love with a British captain. Beautiful, but born into a family with sister issues. Fated to wed in the month of May. You think I’m talking about the Meghan Markle horoscope here? No, it’s Princess Margaret. Prince Harry is in for an interesting time in the decades ahead!

What does the Future Hold in the Horoscopes of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? The biggest clue to the years ahead, when looking at the Meghan Markle horoscope, is her uncanny similarity to the late Princess Margaret. Let’s look at how the two astrological birth charts, decades apart, show identical patterns – and how that is going to bring a note of extravagance into the usually low-key British royal family.

Were the Stars Aligned? When Prince Harry told the BBC that ‘the stars were aligned’ when he met his future wife Meghan Markle in July 2016, was he right? His mother, Diana, was a huge fan of astrology as we know. Perhaps Harry knew – or maybe he was guessing – but his future bride Meghan Markle’s horoscope does show a strangely fated connection with the House of Windsor. 88


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Meghan was born on 4th August with the Sun in Leo, just like the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, Princess Anne and Princess Beatrice. The zodiac sign of Leo is the King of the jungle, with his lioness, the Queen, by his side – and the sign of the lion has always been associated with the British royals and their coat of arms. This is the basic astro.com chart for Ms. Markle.



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How Meghan and Margaret – the two Megs – Compare

Sharing the Queen Mother’s birthday is not the only astrological coincidence between Markle and the royals. She has an uncannily similar birth chart to the late Princess Margaret in particular. Neither women were ever going to be ‘tamed’ lionesses and like Margaret, Meghan will not make a natural domestic house cat. There are other similarities – note the famous Leo ‘cat’s-eye’ look they share. This is a tale of two Megs!



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Astrological DNA in the Meghan Markle Horoscope Just like Princess Margaret, Meghan is divorced. Also like Margaret, Meghan has fallen for a military man. The handsome flying ace, Captain Peter Townsend, whom the Queen’s younger sister could never marry, was a muchawarded Royal Air Force hero. Their love story has recently been fictionalised in the Netflix hit, The Crown. Prince Harry also served as a Captain and Meghan has clearly found him irresistible. (The Princess Margaret horoscope is below, also in its basic form, from astro.com).

The Lure of Television and Film As well as falling for two Captains, both women have also been drawn to TV and film industry types. Markle’s first husband Trevor Engelson, is a successful Hollywood producer. Margaret’s husband Antony Armstrong-Jones was an Emmy-award winning filmmaker for CBS. Not only is Meghan the latest in a long line of Leo women to rule the family, she also has the same taste in men. Pictured below, are the two Leos who precede her. (Pinterest).

Sister Issues and Sibling Rivalry Like Princess Margaret, the ‘spare to the heir’, her sister, Queen Elizabeth, Meghan also has sister issues as her halfsister Samantha Grant has been accused of sibling rivalry in some newspapers. It was not clear, at the time Meghan’s engagement was announced, if she would even be invited to the wedding. This sibling rivalry could go on for years! The sibling issues between Margaret and Elizabeth were recently fictionalised in The Crown (Netflix).

Big Charity Fundraisers and Big Spenders – Chiron in Taurus The birth charts of Meghan and Margaret both show Chiron in Taurus, the sign of big charity fundraising and also extravagance. Like Margaret, Meghan will make a fortune for good causes, but she is also going to raise eyebrows as a big spender as the years go by. This will become a lifechanging moment in the marriage when Uranus (radical change) moves across Chiron in Markle’s chart. This can only happen once in her and Prince Harry’s lifetime. Margaret and Meghan are both marrying with the Sun in Taurus too, so this emphasises the tremendous theme of money, possessions, property, ownership – as well as serious fundraising – in the new royal marriage. In fact they are both May brides as you can see from this old invitation to Margaret’s wedding.



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Harry and Meghan, for Richer, for Poorer What about Harry’s horoscope? He has his Moon in Taurus next to his future wife’s Chiron. Meghan will either cost him a fortune, or help him make one, so let’s hope Meghan’s long-time connection with World Vision (as global ambassador) or the United Nations will see the benefits. It is all or nothing, financially, for Meghan and Harry. She could either help him clean up his financial act, or take him to the cleaner’s.

In any case, Meghan’s horoscope shows a fantastic new role involving children in 2019. This is also the year that a special child will come into her life. The first Meg had her wedding on 6th May 1960 – and we now know that 19th May is the crucial date and month for Harry and Meghan too. Will history and astrology repeat? Despite Meghan’s biracial background, she certainly has a striking resemblance to the late Princess Margaret, her future husband’s Great Aunt. Will history also repeat itself in other ways?

Jessica Adams is the author of Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins) and her weekly horoscopes appear in Cosmopolitan. The Smith-Waite Centennial Deck by Pamela Colman Smith is available from The Book Depository online. Visit www.jessicaadams.com



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Mad About Each Other: Harry and Meghan Christina Rodenbeck

Let’s focus on some good news. Prince Harry, brother of the future king, is going to marry a successful, mixedrace, working woman in her 30s. She’s American, divorced and brought up largely by her single mother. Her family is not out of the top drawer, but out of that capacious middle one. All of those ordinary facts make Meghan Markle an extraordinary bride for an English prince. In fact, Meghan Markle is special. She is born under the sign of special, Leo, and all Leos are kings and queens in their own realms. And this one also has her North Node in Leo, so she is moving away from being a commoner (South Node in Aquarius) towards being regal. It’s obvious from her chart, that Ms Markle is not driven by status or money. Actually, her Midheaven is ruled by Mars in Cancer in the 12th house — that is a passionate carer, someone who wants to pioneer tenderness. She may have a bit of a world-saving thing going on too. (Princess Diana’s Sun was just 2° from Markle’s Mars — right on Harry’s Descendant.) And what an extraordinary match between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry astrologically speaking. Unlike his brother, who managed to find his textbook astrological partner, Prince Harry has, as usual gone rogue. He and Ms Markle have chosen a relationship that’s going to make them both grow as individuals. Neither is the “safe” option for the other, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good match: just an unusual one. 93


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When you look for synastry between lovers, you need to take into account the aspects between Venuses, Moons and Suns. There is some traditional synastry here, but it’s not stunning. True, Markle’s Leo Sun sextiles the Princes’s Libra Venus; and his Virgo Sun is close to her Virgo Venus. That’s a loving exchange and a lot of friendship too, but it’s got some fizz and sparkle to it, since it sextiles. Also, they have opposite Rising signs — Capricorn and Cancer — which is excellent for partnerships. Then although both Moons are ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra are not that compatible. It’s an earth-air mix, so they will always have to work at understanding each other’s needs. This is airy ideas versus practical action. They will be drawn together by their need to create harmony. The Suns are in neighbouring signs which might be considered friendly, but not necessarily. The compatibility is not by solar sign clearly. Elsewhere in the chart, you can see this is a sexy, passionate relationship. Her Mars activates his Descendant, the angle of partnership (and maybe she does remind him of his mother a little). That can be pretty exciting, and her Pluto is on his Venus. Not only that, Markle’s Libran stellium lights up Harry’s 8th house — sex and legacy. But you have to ask: what do these two get from each other? Because with charts this different, these two clearly have a lot to teach each other.



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First of all, Markle’s planets across Libra and Virgo fall in Harry’s 7th and 8th houses. He gets a partner (her Sun in his 7th), and intimacy (her Moon in his 8th plus all that other stuff). It’s great for him that their relationship has, despite the odds, been so private. Note that her Lilith-Uranus conjunction falls in Harry’s 10th house: a black magic woman breaking into the cold, stone establishment. In Markle’s chart, Lilith is a liberating force. She gets something else though. His Sun falls in her important third house of communications (and siblings). Markle is a natural communicator, with that charming stellium in the third. That plus the Leo Sun: no wonder she took up acting so successfully. Prince Harry is going to enhance her “voice”; in fact, you could say that he’s going to make it “royal” (sunny). She probably has a lot to say too. Then look at what Harry does to her fourth house of roots and family. Suddenly, a place that had only the lone Pluto is filled with power and purpose (and love). Perhaps the most interesting contacts between these two chart are the mutual Moon-Chiron aspects. Harry’s sensual Taurus Moon is right on Markle’s Chiron, the highest planet in her chart. Chiron is, of course, the planet of the healer — but also of the maverick, the outsider. It could be that despite her beauty and talent, Markle has felt like a social outsider (Chiron in the 11th). Harry’s going to solve that one for sure. Then her Moon-JupiterSaturn makes a nice trine to Harry’s Chiron in the 5th, the wounded child. I suspect that he was hurt even before the death of his mother — maybe around the age of eight his childhood was stolen. Markle can repair that for him, allow that child the privacy and space to breathe.



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What is more there are also Moon-Uranus connections in both directions — this is an emotional catalytic conversion. It’s exciting — and maybe a little crazy-making. They stir up each others emotions — no wonder they seem to be madly in love. And it’s interesting that in their sweet “we’re engaged” interview, they both said that what brought them together was their desire to change things. Now that is Uranian. These two are compassionate idealists, but they share a practical approach. For both of them, the planet of compassion is strongly placed. The Prince has Jupiter Rising in Capricorn — and this has become more and more evident as he gets older. His efforts to help disabled soldiers and broken children have been remarkably hands-on and dynamically practical since he left the army. His Jupiter in Capricorn is echoed by her Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra, the sign of partnership. As well as plans to change the world, these two have another scheme: babies. I think they are both eager to be parents — although there may be some unusual aspect to their parenting (maybe they are going to adopt a whole rainbow tribe), or there may even be some difficulty. Harry has a Ceres-Moon conjunction in Taurus. These are the two mothering, nurturing planets in the sign of hugs. He must be an absolute softie when it comes to children. He’ll make a doting father. That conjunction will be getting a yearning opposition from Jupiter this year, so he’s ready to go. Her Ceres speaks directly to his Mercury in Virgo, which must have been activated by Jupiter when they first met — and of course she has the Moon-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction that is eager for the responsibility and joy of parenting. Finally, take a look at their composite chart and the lovely Moon in Cancer, which speaks of a famous tribe, or famous parents, the Venus-Mars conjunction in the 12th (a secret passion), Libra Rising with Saturn and Pluto (a powerhouse partnership that get things done),



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These two will be a force for change. They already are. Meghan Markle is the change. When Harry’s great-great etc grandpa was gadding about with gout, ermine and actresses, hers was chained in the bottom of a slave-ship. Not so very long ago… And look at the composite chart. Uranus, the catalyst, opposes Chiron, the wounded healer. This is a common aspect, but here it creates a T-square with the Sun in Virgo. Perhaps they see themselves as servants (Virgo) of the broken (Chiron) and the outsiders (Uranus).

Christina Rodenbeck runs a busy astrological practice from her parlour, writes one of the web‘s most widely read astrology sites The Oxford Astrologer (www.oxfordastrologer.com ) , keeps two cats, two daughters and a long-cherished partner amused — and when it all becomes too much, she retires to paint in her garden shed. She was brought up in Cairo and now lives in Oxford. Her books include Madonna in my Pocket; Meditation: Simple Routines for Home; Work and Travel (Busy Person‘s Guide) and Egypt (Fiesta).



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Stars Were Aligned- Part 1 An Astrological Look at the Relationship of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz

When Prince Harry made this remark about the stars being aligned for him and Meghan Markle, he may have been speaking metaphorically. For astrologers, however, the advent of a grand intercontinental romance suggests a more literal approach to looking at the stars – in the sky and in their charts. Margaret and Armand sat down for a discussion of the two charts and their relationship to each other. Margaret: The first thing I notice is that Harry has both the Moon and the North Node of the Moon in Taurus in the fourth house, and that’s important for relationships because it puts an emphasis on creating a peaceful home. If you look at it in terms of past lives, it seems that things were very tumultuous, very public, and this lifetime is about creating a good space in the home. Armand: Yes, but we also have to remember that he’s royalty, so in part his home is his country. So, it’s not just that he personally wants to have a good home, but that he wants to further a sense of hominess in the country. Margaret: He has the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the eighth house, so he has all this transformative energy coming from that house, and he’s got to find his own identity and how to be of service in this life. There’s also a lot of death around his experiences, which sadly of course was so evident with his mother, Princess Diana. I also think it shows in that he’s been of service working with veterans, where there is a lot of death and disability. I wonder if he will be drawn to working around issues of death and dying, like hospice, as his mother was.



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Armand: Yes, and as much as we can see the emphasis of the Moon and the eighth house, his chart ruler is Saturn in Scorpio, and it is the most elevated planet – very close to the midheaven, although on the ninth house side so maybe placing a more philosophical, big-picture approach to it. But it does have to do with Scorpionic issues around death. Margaret: Saturn in Scorpio often finds it hard to trust, and especially in his position it could be particularly hard to have trust, so I think that being in a relationship brings up all those issues as well. Then I see that he has Chiron in the fifth in Gemini and his Mercury is in Virgo in the eighth, so the wound is to communication in childhood. He described recently that when his mother died it really wasn’t talked about, and it’s only lately that he’s started talking about it more, and he’s gone for some counseling to work through some of that. Armand: I think about the South Node in Scorpio in the tenth house, too. While we can maybe go back to past lives for this, it is also his early experience with his mom, and her very prominent death. He is, or was, known mainly as the child whose mother died tragically. That was his first prominent public role. You can see how he might be less than enthusiastic about this publicity and the burdens of a public life. He would be well aware of the costs of being a public figure, and maybe in some sense try to move away from it. He may be cautious not to “burn out” in that tenth house, and not let his public self become too much of a drain.



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Margaret: He also has that Mars/Uranus in the eleventh house in Sagittarius, in the house of groups. Uranus in the eleventh is often about not feeling part of the family, part of the group, and he is in a sense an outsider. He’s been more rebellious, and his upcoming marriage is a kind of a rebellion against some of the expectations of royalty in Britain, which he can do because of that Uranus in Sagittarius. He will challenge the system. Armand: Uranus in Sagittarius and his chart ruler in the ninth reinforce each other in terms of exploration, and even travel. Margaret: What I think is interesting is his Pluto and Saturn in the ninth. I would interpret this as growing up within a system that is somewhat rigid. There’s a lot of power there in the house of belief systems. That kind of surprised me. From the little I know, it doesn’t seem like him. Armand: Well, he certainly grew up in a relatively rigid structure, but he has also challenged it. Margaret: Moving on to Meghan, she has a very interesting chart. While he has Sun Virgo, which is about service and humility, she has the Sun, Mercury, North Node in Leo, which is very much about her voice being heard and really being out there in the public eye. Even though her Cancer ascendant is also very nurturing, interestingly, neither of them has a lot of Water in their chart. She has a little more than him.



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Armand: He has his chart ruler in Scorpio, along with Pluto. I guess that’s a little Water, but it’s not a very watery chart. I’m struck by the fact that she has a Cancer ascendant, and so her house of partnership is ruled by Capricorn, and she has both the ruler of the ascendant (the Moon) and the ruler of the house of partnership (Saturn) conjunct in Libra, next to Jupiter – and she finds a partner who is both Saturnian and with a (Sagittarian) ninth house emphasis. It’s like she is seeking a partner who represents that Saturn/Libra formality, and he certainly does that! Margaret: It’s true, it’s quite a regal stellium, isn’t it? And one of the things about the Moon in Libra is that the person can be very diplomatic, and it’s there with Saturn in the third house. Her chart really shows great communication skills, and I think that is complimentary to his chart, where communication skills are much more withdrawn. He has that Mercury in Virgo in the eighth house that is good for communicating about deep things, but isn’t really good for chit-chat. Whereas for her, it’s so easy to stand up there and talk. Armand: I think she resonates with the formality that goes with the whole royal station. More, in fact, than he does. Harry represents the breaking of the mold, but Meghan is more comfortable within the constraints imposed by it. All of her Libra stuff resonates with his one planet in Libra, Venus. It’s almost like he’s saying, “get me a partner who can do all of this formal stuff and play that game.” And she does that. Her Leo planets and North Node say, “Yeah, I could handle being royalty... or hanging out with them, at least.” Margaret: Absolutely, and I think there is also that ability to lead, as well, and I think that will come in very useful for both of them. The other thing is that she has Mars in Cancer in the twelfth house – the ability to be very nurturing, but it’s also very hidden. Armand: Well, you know what I find very interesting is that she has a Cancer ascendant, and the United States is a Cancerian country (Sun in Cancer), and he has a Capricorn ascendant, and the UK is Capricornian (1066 chart for coronation of William). So, it’s almost like they are partnering across the two countries. Margaret: Also, we often see with the couples we work with that one person’s ascendant in a partnership is the other person’s descendant, even if they aren’t conjunct. And that’s a good strong connection for couples. One thing that’s very important in her chart is that yod, with the Chiron apex to the Neptune and Pluto, which means that the release point is Uranus in Scorpio in the fifth house. I think it’s interesting that Chiron indicates a fear of lack of resources, and it gets healed by marrying into a family that has a great deal of resources – although of course she has her own wealth. Also, her humanitarian work, I wonder if that is going to be a way of bringing together the Neptune and Pluto. And then there’s that fifth house Uranus, and she may be doing something very innovative in terms of working with children. When we relocate her chart to England, that gives her a Libra ascendant and it puts her Sun and Mercury right up at the top of the chart, at the midheaven. During the interview they gave at the wedding announcement, Harry even said that she would be very “good for the job,” and of course, marrying into royalty is taking on that job. Armand: A second indication of that is that in her natal chart, her midheaven is ruled by Mars, and as you were saying it is a bit hidden in the twelfth house. And yet, her Mars is right on Harry’s descendant – by six minutes of arc – so as his partner, her reputation is explosive. Margaret: It also speaks to a very strong physical attraction. In looking at the synastry, his Sun in Virgo connects with her Venus in Virgo, even though it isn’t a really tight conjunction.



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Armand: Meghan’s Moon lands on Harry’s Chiron, and that seems to bring out a more uncomfortable side of his Moon in Taurus, and he has had some difficulties in life with lunar matters. Margaret: I’m not sure that I agree with that. I think that his Moon on her Chiron can be very healing and nurturing for her. The Moon is the one thing that can land on Chiron and not flame up the wound, as Liz Greene has said. The Moon can have compassion for the Chiron. I’ve found that in couples, that the person with Chiron feels that the Moon person understands them and can empathize. Armand: That’s the way it feels for the Chiron person, but how about the other way around? How does the Moon person feel? Margaret: If the Moon feels needed – and the Moon in Taurus is very nurturing – I think it would work okay. There are some differences between their Mars. He has Mars in Fire, while hers is in Water. Plus his Mars is with Uranus, and so it’s very dynamic in comparison to her more family-oriented Mars in Cancer, which is more protective. It helps that his Mars is in the eleventh, so that it can express itself out in the world. For example, he’s very into sports. Their Venus’ are different as well. Harry’s Venus in Libra is much more social and outgoing, while Meghan’s Venus in Virgo can be more reserved. And of course, their Moons are different, his in Earth where it is more tactile, and hers is in Air, which is more intellectual. So there are some differences. Armand: I think that what they have is a kind of compensation. His Venus is the lone planet in Libra, and she has a stellium around to support it, and her Venus in Virgo is supported by his Sun and Mercury. So, I feel that although there are differences, they should work out easily enough because there is a lot in each other’s charts that resonates with the other’s Venus. We do see differences in terms of their two Venus’, or their two Moons, but when we look at it in terms of other planets, there’s really a lot of support. If Meghan’s approach to partnership is Virgoan, Harry’s Sun makes for pretty good company. Harry’s Venus in Libra can probably appreciate the energy of Meghan’s Libra stellium. However, I do think that the image of the relationship is an area where they may have to be more conscious in working out differences. The same if true of the Moons. So, I think that in terms of big picture things, it’s fine, but there could be some challenges in terms of day-to-day expectations. Maybe their public life is a little easier in some ways than the more practical, “who’s going to pick up milk on the way home?” side of things (as if picking up milk is likely to be an issue). We’ll talk more about Harry and Meghan’s astrology in the next issue, when we focus on the progressed and composite charts.



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Margaret Gray, MSW., is a consulting and teaching astrologer, based in Dublin, Ireland with a foot in Hawaii! Her work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach, integrated with a soul-based perspective. Her focus and interest is in the astrology of Relationships. Margaret is also a certified Mediator and works primarily with couples and families. She is the author of a chapter on Relationships in the book Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, which was produced and edited by Armand Diaz and two other colleagues. More information at www.astrologypsychological.com

Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is a consulting and teaching astrologer based in New York. His astrology spans a range of schools and techniques, as he applies an integral approach to his work with an emphasis on the evolution of consciousness. Relationship work forms the core of his astrology practice, and he specializes in helping individuals and couples through transitional points in their partnerships. This is the basis for his most recent book, Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings. Armand is also the author of Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, and he is co-producer and co-editor of Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier. More information at www.IntegralAstrology.net




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Mercury: Memory, Magic and other Musings Diana McMahon Collis Mercury is arguably the most controversial of the planets, and yet possibly the most underestimated. Its identity as a personal planet is not as clear cut as Venus or Mars, which, at least traditionally, have a clear gender identity of female/male. Mercury might be better described as the hermaphrodite. At best, there is a duality, from the connection with twins sign Gemini. Mercury has an AC/DC quality, with currents going both ways. But this division and possible merging are only the tip of the iceberg. There is a related potential masking, because this planet is a master of disguise turning the face you want to see (perhaps a Gemini trait, again).

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The plot goes deeper. There are two levels of communication hinted at already through the signs this planet rules: Gemini representing verbal words and Virgo relating to internal analysis through thought. Somewhere between those possibilities a lot of confusion can arise – as we perhaps all know through those periods in time when the planet is retrograde, appearing to move backwards against the flow of the other planets. But what do we really mean by all of this? There is much talk about machines going wrong, travel routes and plans getting messed up and so forth, when Mercury is retrograde. Not to mention misunderstandings. But humans can be pretty adept at misunderstanding one another, even when the planet is in forward motion! This is arguably just one of many complicated, internal, brain processes involving matching inside information with outside data. Another example is tricks with memory. Mercury is the trickster symbol among the planets – a magician of sorts – and sometimes a thief. As representative of the troubles with being human, this planet may represent theft of thoughts by one part of the brain to another - that moment when we’re quite sure we’ve put something in a ‘safe place’, but simply cannot retrieve the item because we cannot remember where that place was! In fairness, part of the mind can be very impatient and might not take into account that this has happened due to an external time lapse – maybe quite a considerable one. It might well have been to do with having had to wait for someone else to be ready for something, too, as we try to juggle all the variables in our complicated, many-faceted, unfolding life stories. 104


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As a real-life, personal example: my husband doesn’t much enjoy DIY and will usually put off such jobs as long as possible. Since we moved to a new property, several items, such as mirrors and coat racks, had been sitting on the floor for months, waiting to be hung on various walls and doors. Finding the right fixings for these was the first job, and even that took quite some research, shopping around, talking to friends, seeking advice – in order to understand what kinds of walls we had and what types of fixings would be practical (so far very Mercury, all this thinking, chatting and searching around!) By the time we finally got around to the various fixing jobs, I had forgotten where one of the smaller mirrors had been stored. It’s in a cupboard somewhere, probably! One that now has all sorts of other paraphernalia in it. It will take some time and patience to go through that cupboard, in hope of recovering the missing mirror. Time and patience are also qualities much needed when communicating with other human beings, if we are to understand needs, desires and actions to be taken. Mercury needs help from Saturn, at the very least, then. So many work efforts could come out more smoothly if the right information was given, at the start of each project. Or if we knew what questions to ask. Or if no assumptions were made. Someone once said that assumption is the mother of all mess ups. But we humans sometimes don’t like to ask too many questions – perhaps our inner, Mercury ‘voice’ doesn’t want us to appear foolish – especially if it’s in a rather judgemental or critical sign. Or maybe we are worried about taking up someone else’s time – Mercury in a worrisome sign like Virgo, or more of a people-pleasing sign like Libra or Pisces? That’s just the view from our side, relevant to our own, internal dialogue – involving Mercury with itself, or perhaps with another planet it is aspected to! What if, then, the person we need to ask questions of is quite impatient, anyway? Perhaps they have Mercury in Aries or Aquarius and are assuming we will be able to think as fast as they do or deliver faster. Or maybe a Mercury in Pisces, or Mercury aspected with Neptune, type will expect us to be as psychic, or at least as sensitive, as they are, in the hope we will automatically know what they need. None of that is probably going to work out well! I know many people who have psychic and empathic qualities; they pick up thoughts and feelings sometimes before other people really know what they’re thinking and feeling. It can be quite impressive. But sometimes they get it wrong, too. They’re human, after all. The psychic wires get crossed. And why wouldn’t they? After all, if we humans can’t always remember where we put things – which might mean that one part of our brain isn’t completely in touch with other parts - how can we expect to fully pick up on someone else’s thoughts and ideas? Especially any half-formed ones? One of the great complications and benefits of being human beings is, surely, that we can ‘change our minds’ in a flash. The mental cogs are forever turning. We may have a flow of ideas that keep evolving. The first thought or idea is taken over by another, better one. Perhaps Mercury is in a phase of gaining great momentum in speed. We find that we’ve already moved on, before fully developing our first set of ideas! The image is licensed by www.rfclipart.com/andreyvoronin http://rfclipart.com



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We possibly expect other people to keep up with us, too, even though the mind in this state is rather like a butterfly, rapidly on the move. How can anyone easily capture that? And, again, their thinking style may be quite different. Perhaps there’s a slow thinker there, who likes to delve deeper into an idea and stick with it. That might be a native with Mercury in Taurus or Scorpio, or another ‘fixed’ sign. Probably quite different from a cardinal Aries or mutable Gemini or Virgo Mercury style. Thinking in terms of wider numbers and the world stage now, when it comes to how humans communicate in a global sense, then it’s potentially really confusing! We don’t all speak the same language, of course. And even in countries where we appear to do so, we have variations of regional accent. And, above and beyond that, we’re frequently not ‘singing off the same hymn sheet’, as it were, or ‘on the same page’. What one person thinks is a good approach is another person’s idea of a complete mistake. And something in the tone of a sentence might convey a quite different meaning to the one actually intended. The email is sent, but how is it received? And I don’t just mean in terms of the practicalities of whether Hotmail or Outlook send it across that day. How are the words read and interpreted? Maybe this is where Mercury is such a multi-faceted planet and deserves extra attention. Because interpreting is probably exactly what we’re doing, when we try to deal with another person’s thoughts or words – and sometimes even with our own ideas. What is it we’re really trying to put across? What do we really mean? And what do we really believe? Maybe Jupiter, Saturn or Neptune, as different as they may be, can help us to slow down and reflect on that. If we look further back at the history of alphabetical letters, we can see that they were just signs, really. They stood for something else. Meaning itself is an ‘add on’. Whatever was it like when we didn’t have an alphabet? People drew in pictures. Pictures say more than words, perhaps sometimes more clearly, even. But we live in a society of words, with the ability to communicate with them ever more important. If we don’t get computer literate we will be left behind. Mercury in the world of computers is even more of a god! He has assumed even greater importance. But, as an editor, I have to cringe sometimes at the variations in written output to be found around the Internet! To be fair, though, not all Mercury’s are equal, or equally powerful. Without wishing to get into any sort of karmic assessment mode here, we do live in a society where students are graded and where how the written word is handled counts for a lot. Sometimes our Mercury can take all the help it can get, in order to help us make the grade! There must be many ways in which Mercury is potentially hampered, through placement by sign (in traditional astrology there is a clear, strength and weakness system). Or by type of house – maybe an angular Mercury has more prominence in speech or articulation on paper than one that is cadent? Perhaps Mercury in one of the famously ‘mute’ houses (4th, 8th or 12th) has more trouble speaking out than in the other houses? If this was a section in a book I would look to cite copious examples from charts within my practice and beyond, but it’s more of an exploratory article, with a meditative quality – intended to stimulate thought and debate (my own and yours). So perhaps you will forgive if I only mention a few factors here. Such as the case of a man with Mercury in Scorpio who was very sensitive that neighbours shouldn’t know his business. And the woman with a grand water trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, who suffered with dyslexia and dyspraxia – experiencing mental and practical, space-related confusion, as well as frequent memory lapses. (For privacy reasons their charts cannot be included at this time).



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Of course, it might be down to how we use the attributes of our planetary ‘lots’ in life. Taking the example of a famous genius in Albert Einstein, he had Mercury conjunct Saturn and Fortuna in fast-moving Aries. He had the perfect mix of mental, firework brilliance with sufficient Saturnine discipline to go over ideas and theories and put them to the test. Humans do need to be able to liaise with one another at the everyday, Mercury level, too – in so many spheres of life. Clearly, understanding one another’s viewpoints can help us when we want to organise ourselves politically, in groups, and rally support. And when we want to hear the word of God (or some other religious or spiritual message) – perhaps best aided by Jupiter or Neptune? Or, perhaps more privately, when we want to practice a guided meditation. Or when we are simply learning something new. Or need to work out how to defuse and sort out some conflict (although some people use Mercury skills to create it!) No doubt we can think of a whole host of other reasons that make language and hearing one another important, whatever our individual goals and aspirations may be. In terms of writing and visual language skills, we haven’t yet even touched upon the important of capital letters or writing in lower case, let alone such Virgo-detail technicalities as correct spelling and punctuation. What is probably key, across the entire Mercury realm, is the potential for us to be able to simply understand one another. Without aims towards mutual understanding and co-operation, usually involving effective listening and hearing as well as anything said or intended, we may be headed for wherever the infamous Tower of Babel exists! (or its modern equivalent).



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I was intrigued at how, when I looked into the etymology, the word ‘babble’ was related to Babel. People sometimes excuse themselves for ‘babbling’ or say things like ‘but you don’t want to hear my babble’. Yet if we don’t pay heed to someone else’s thoughts and ideas and the feelings behind them, where does that leave us? Probably in a rather inept place, given that our society is increasingly focussing on emotional intelligence. Crikey, even the staff at my local express supermarket are paying more attention to customer service lately and ensuring that customers’ needs are understood. Everywhere you go these days, there’s a survey to be filled in as to how your assistant operated today – and you could win big if you fill in the online form. But it’s probably the effort at customer service that really matters. In a time of ongoing austerity, businesses need customers. There is more of a need to pay attention to the customer’s real needs and preferences. We are all so much more discerning these days (in the so-called Age of Aquarius, or working towards it) and Mercury ‘material’ matters. Feedback is sought and truly means something. In the work sphere, there is more of a focus now on listening to employee input too, at least in many of the better companies. It’s no longer a case merely of the boss ‘knowing best’, as hierarchies devolve into group working. We don’t always know where the best solution will come from. How will Mercury transport those ideas? And where do they come from? As someone who deals a lot with writing, and who supports others to write, these things fascinate me. I read a lot about good ideas transmitting through a more relaxed state of mind. But is that how most writers write? By the way, does anyone have an idea as to why it’s sometimes easier to write at night rather than during the day - perhaps it’s a nocturnal versus diurnal planets phenomenon? Where Mercury is located by sign and house in the horoscope potentially speaks volumes (no pun intended) about areas such as speech and thought, at least, as well as any attitude towards how information should be treated. And it is fascinating how one person’s need to discuss, in order to clarify matters, move situations forward or alleviate anxiety, is another person’s idea of ideas being diluted, matters getting out of hand or going too fast, and generally causing more anxiety! My own Mercury is in Libra, so I’m forever seeing both sides of an argument whilst wanting a peaceful solution and a win-win outcome. It’s in the 12th house, where I struggle to bring inner thoughts out into the light of day (probably why I’ve ended up as a writer – so I can practice doing so!) My intuition is often strong but I haven’t always trusted it fully - and sometimes fail to see the fuller picture (it’s a bit dark in that house, sometimes!) I also have to be careful not to allow the 12th house Mercury mind too much ‘rein’, because thoughts can have the power to imprison there. But planets in their aspects are also significant for when it comes to looking at how people arrive at solutions (and conclusions). My husband and I share a square of Mercury and Mars, but our Mercury’s are in opposite signs. We can therefore guarantee that, in most situations, we will arrive at the opposite answer! It is the classic case of polar opposites and it affects ideas, energy levels and timings, producing quite a challenge for harmonious coordination.



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He says go left, I suggest going right. He thinks morning is the best time for an appointment, for me it’s afternoon. It’s almost a joke how differently we think from one another. We have had to learn to compromise, to give and take, especially with Mars in the mix of our shared T-square! It is a bit of a firework framework there. One of his famous expressions, when he’s said something that he knows I will react to in a fiery way, is from the old instructions on fireworks: ‘light blue touch paper and retire’!

It’s probably a lot easier for people with Mercury’s in trine to flow in harmony. (Does anyone know of cases of couples with this?) Some say that squares and conflict can produce creative outcomes. But if the Mercury’s involved are in the more private and quiet houses (4th, 8th, 12th) it’s quite possible for people to keep their thoughts to themselves, possibly nervous of saying the wrong thing, or getting into a row! Perhaps the sextile is the ideal aspect - or the conjunction - although it might also depend upon the sign(s) involved and the general condition of the planets in the chart. Of course, Mercury is the traditional significator for the astrologer in Lilly’s 17th century methodology. I think this still fits, these days, for the astrologer as someone who needs to interpret at all levels, including: the client’s needs/desires, what the planets say about other people – and the need to tiptoe carefully around third party issues in a reading.



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The whole matter of how to deliver information, as an astrologer, could be described as strongly Mercurial. Arguably, we need to be at the client’s level (or at least make things understandable), whilst presenting any insight we may be able to offer in a consultation, with the astrologer acting as something of an ‘authority’. If we want to help the client at a powerful level, we likely must also show that we are trustworthy – emphasising confidentiality, showing we are people who can be confided in, with any sensitive information the client may like to discuss. And ensuring it’s clear that we are acting professionally and in earnest, in our capacity as an advisor, witness, sounding board – whatever our appropriate role will be at the time (in my experience, this varies, depending on the client’s needs). There is also the idea, from traditional practice, of the astrologer as a magician – someone who can perform with consummate skill and see the ‘move’ that a planet can make, in a chart (and, by implication, life), for the best outcome. That might especially relate to electing the best date and time for an endeavour – perhaps something that is practiced a little less in our fast-paced world, these days. But surely electional astrology has a place in business and politics, if not for wedding dates! In any client practice there may be a need to move carefully around delivering sensitive information and ‘loaded’ ideas, of course. Here, knowledge of our own Mercury can help us – and it may be as well to be aware of how the Mercury synastry works with the client (Mark Jones and Frank Clifford have good reflections on these matters in their writings and discussions, eg in the LSA/Flare booklet Dialogues: Tools for the Working Astrologer). Even considering such matters may be a Mercury type of practice, where we need to think about the face we present to the client. How much should we tell the client about issues such as death, for example? How do we deliver with some diplomacy quite sensitive suggestions for the matters that clients might not have yet seen so clearly themselves? That is part of the gift we can bring, of course, as types of counsellors – whether through psychotherapeutic skill or intuitive knowing, both of which may be quite valid in their own ways. People sometimes ask how it ‘works’ with an email reading; quite simply, I read the symbols just the same as if I were sitting with someone and discussing them in person. The difference, overall, is time-based; if they wish to reply on anything they can email back and I will answer any queries. There is some trust in involved in my own symbol reading and interpretative ability, along with intuitive insight. But the more I have worked in that way, the more I have found it does work – although I can’t be certain exactly how or why! I do know it’s a method that will suit some people more than others. As an astrologer, I felt guided into listening to intuitive prompts for the get go – and the same applied with tarot card readings, even though there are established meanings for all the cards. How the images and symbols ‘read’ on the day is very specific to that moment and that client! I would be the first to admit then, that, despite having had a solid training in astrology before I felt happy with seeing clients professionally, my first readings involved what might be described as some sort of Mercurial and Neptunian magic of the mind and intuition, to arrive at the kinds of answers my clients were seeking. It was evident that these were not people who had come to learn about character development or personal insights, or to better their relationships; it was a case of ‘in at the deep end’ and I needed to deliver specific outlines of events with quite specific dates, around issues such as work and house moves. I needed to put my carefully prepared character report to one side and focus on the matter at hand. Luckily, what I noted on the printout of transits and progressions spoke to me in quite a powerful way, on the spot. All I can say about that is: thank heavens for Mercury!



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Diana McMahon Collis writes professionally on astrology, tarot, health, metaphysics and spirituality. She specialises in the ‘mind body spirit’ field as an editor for small publishers and at www.WritersWorkshop.co.uk, providing mentoring, editing and manuscript appraisal services to non-fiction and fiction authors. She graduated in 1985 from Reading University, with a BA in Film, Drama and English. In the 1990s, Diana established a London-based client astrology and tarot readings/consultation practice and attained the Company of Astrologers Advanced Certificate in Theory of Astrology and Practice of Horoscopy. Simultaneously, she developed a career in Sun Sign horoscope writing and broader journalism. She has given weekly consultations and introductory talks at Champneys Forest Mere health resort in Hampshire, introduced a nutrition programme for clients with weight concerns at Stepping Stones in Surrey and continues to provide consultancy to private clients via email and Skype. In 2001 she co-founded Tarot Association of the British Isles, subsequently training and mentoring tarot readers and reviewing reading service applications, whilst providing independent classes and seminars on astrology and tarot, locally and online. Personal interests include popular music, genealogy, gastronomy and playing with new writing ideas; she occasionally updates a website and blogs, at: http://mindbliss.co.uk, http://celestialspot.blogspot.co.uk, /https://goldencup.wordpress.com/



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Some thoughts on…my job as an astrologer Anne Whitaker



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Introduction Every so often, someone – usually an open-minded member of the public who has just found out what I do – asks me what my job as an astrologer is, and what the values and perspectives are are which I bring to my practice. Here is my response. (Other astrologers may well have a different take on this topic. So – any practitioners, clients or students of astrology – or open-minded members of the public reading this – are most welcome to send me their comments!) My job as an astrologer is to help other people understand themselves more clearly, in order to assist them in leading lives which they experience as being both fulfilling and useful. I don’t know what the balance is between fate and free will any more than any one else does. But the birth chart or horoscope suggests strongly that we come into this world, not as tabulae rasae (blank slates) but with certain characters on the stage poised to live out a complex drama as the process of our life unfolds from birth to death.

Unfolding patterns: fate/free will balance: Both astrologers and astronomers, via planetary observation, can look at and correctly plot the unfolding pattern of energies through space-time. After that, as an astrologer I step into a different realm than that of observation of the external, material, planetary world. By looking at an individual’s horoscope, I can examine the essence of that moment in terms of its meaning, and then speculate with moderate accuracy about what some of the branches manifesting in that person’s life may be. Identifying the exact branches through which the energies symbolically represented by the planets in a horoscope may play out in the everyday world, is much more hit and miss. Personally this cheers me, since it appears to suggest a creative balance between fate and free will in the universe; chaos theory in contemporary physics also has strong parallels with the astrological paradigm. Both the language of astrology and the language of quantum physics tells us that not everything is pinned down. Indeed, a view and a model are slowly emerging, despite considerable resistance from the diehard defenders of reductionism, which can demonstrate convincingly that the lenses of astrology and quantum physics are focusing on the same underlying, all encompassing Reality. The perspectives offered by contemporary writers, astrologers, depth psychologists, and scientists, such as Richard Tarnas, Liz Greene, the late Charles Harvey, Stanislav Grof, Brian Swimme, Rupert Sheldrake, and others — including recent books by astrologers of the quality of, for example, Armand Diaz, Bernadette Brady and Kieron Le Grice — have been of inestimable value to me in the last few years. I urge any readers who are keen to expand their own perspectives to explore those writers’ work.

Consciousness - the key My view, based on my personal experience as well as those of clients and students over more than 30 years, as well as extensive reading and study, is that the key dimension in determining how a particular planetary pattern will play out in a person’s life is the level of consciousness at which they are operating at the time the inevitable challenges of life come their way.



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Most astrologers have had the humbling experience of looking at the horoscope of a client which looks so difficult that the impending consultation feels very stressful, but upon encountering the client, they meet someone who has faced, dealt with, and grown through hard experiences that would have flattened a less aware person. We can never predict the level of awareness of a client we have never met, although we can have a pretty good idea that, e.g., Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct Pluto square the Moon is going to be no walk in the park. I am personally very hesitant about both the accuracy and the wisdom of predicting at all, especially for individuals, in any more than a “describing the core and speculating about the branches” kind of way. Predicting that a specific branch will manifest may well close down possibilities rather than open them up, which also takes us into the realm of self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, when Uranus was about to cross my Pisces Descendant in 2005, beginning its seven or so years’ traverse of my 7th house, I became concerned about what this might mean for my marriage. The rather problematic implications of Uranus’ impact on the relationship realm that practising astrologers see every day in their students’ and clients’ lives, as well as their own, worried me. However, a profound, totally unexpected spiritual experience on my husband’s part linked both our spiritual journeys into walking the same path at the same time. This has had a supportive, deepening effect on our marriage and not one I could possibly have envisaged before Uranus crossed my Descendant. I think that effective astrologers in consultation are poised on the interface between fate and free will – on the one hand helping clients to confirm who they are, which they probably already know, if they are honest with themselves; but on the other hand helping them to see, and to broaden, the range of possible expression of the energies with which they have been born.

The astrologer’s input The astrologer’s ego should have a minimal influence on the process of reading another person’s horoscope. It’s impossible to keep ego completely out of it. It’s impossible to be completely objective, to avoid making mistakes; but what the person takes away should be as much theirs, and as little the astrologers, as is possible. To maximise this outcome I feel it is very important to have my work regularly supervised by an experienced and well-qualified colleague. I am fortunate in this to have the support of a very experienced astrologer who is also a psychodynamic psychotherapist. The main focus of my astrological work now is in vocational guidance, and in helping people who feel themselves to be on a developmental path which is rooted in whatever their sense of meaning may be, to gain an enhanced sense of clarity and perspective. Having been very much influenced by Buddhist philosophy in the last decade, in my own life I try to practice living in the present as effectively and mindfully as possible. ( Not easy…but well worth the effort!) I’m only interested in working with clients who are prepared to take responsibility for themselves in relation to the way in which their inner world is connected to the unfolding of their outer life. Astrology appropriately used should enhance the sense of personal responsibility – not take it away and hang it on the planets, or even worse, on the astrologer !



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Working within limits In my view it is important for people not to become too dependent on a symbolic context – astrology and astrologers like relationships, drugs, sex, alcohol or the national lottery can become highly addictive. The great symbolic arts, eg astrology, tarot, palmistry , I Ching, should be consulted with deep respect, and with considerable restraint. In sum – I think it is my job to send people away feeling more able to operate constructively and honestly in their world than when they came in, by supporting their courage and confidence to lead their own lives using their own judgement. However, I also consider it important to have a refer-on list of reputable therapeutic practitioners of varying disciplines, if it becomes apparent from our reading that the person consulting me needs some form of ongoing help. In assessing this, a long background as a counsellor as well as an astrologer I regard as being of immense help to me – and therefore, I hope, to my clients….

Anne Whitaker is a writer, astrologer and astrology teacher based in Glasgow, Scotland. Her work appears in many contexts including the UK’s Astrological Journal, The Mountain Astrologer, Infinity Astrological Magazine and Dell Horoscope magazine. She holds the Diploma from the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, UK, and postgraduate Diplomas in Education and Social Work. Find Anne on Facebook, Twitter @annewhitaker, at www.astrologyquestionsandanswers.com and email: info@anne-whitaker.com



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Serpent of Reality Lars Panaro

The author cannot claim credit for the ideas that follow. Instead please consider them merely a retelling of Primordial Truths. Glory To God Alone.

Before the “mystic Power” [Kundalinî, the “Serpent Power” or mystic fire] can make of thee a god, Lanoo, thou must have gained the faculty to slay thy lunar form at will. - The Voice of The Silence /1/

The “Power” and the “World-mother” are names given to Kundalinî—one of the mystic “Yogi powers” . . . It is an electro-spiritual force, a creative power which when aroused into action can as easily kill as it can create. - HP Blavatsky in The Voice of The Silence /2/



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Introduction The Lunar Nodes are a strange beast in astrology. Amidst the Grahas /3/ they behave in such a way that there are many and varied ways of approaching them which do not invalidate one another, even when appearing rather different. The other Grahas are obvious in their associations and their functionality. No one will dispute that Venus, for example, is the significator for marriage and love. But the nodes cannot be so easily pinned down or reduced to a single or a few significations. Below we offer some contemplations and leave those interested by what we say to research and study the techniques and ideas presented further, as the author has yet to actually stretch the theories presented to their limit.

Part I The idea that north node = good and south node = bad, is patently unphilosophical and has confused many people, astrologers and clients alike. Furthermore there is a habit amongst astrologers regarding the south node as dealing with past lives and an area you need to leave behind, whilst the north node deals with what you need to “go toward”. This is yet another oversimplification and is very much a product of linear thinking rather than holistic thinking. One of the goals of this article is to impart a perspective of dealing with them that is non-linear. Traditionally speaking the nodes of the Moon are the head and tail of a dragon or demon (Asura in Sanskrit which is not exactly synonymous with demon as it is understood commonly in the west). In India they are called Rahu and Ketu. Both ancient Indian astrology and ancient Hellenistic astrology saw the nodes as deeply disruptive and cruel (malefic) points of influence amidst the horoscope. Classically speaking Rahu is associated with darkness (Tama), and thus this has lead some astrologers to believe that Rahu reveals an area of life we are unfamiliar with, yet should I turn off the lights in my own bedroom it would be erroneous to proclaim that I am unfamiliar with said bedroom, so this thinking seems rather flawed. Rahu is associated with foreigners and unknown experiences, places, people and things - as we discuss Rahu, Amrita and Moksha below, the reasons for these things should reveal themselves. The name Rahu itself also means “the seizer” and indeed, more than any other Graha (this word also carries the connotation of “seizing”), Rahu powerfully seizes our consciousness and magnetically pulls us toward those planets/signs/houses touching it or surrounding it. Ketu is associated with smoke and mist (Dhuma) and its name means “flag” /4/ . Parashara speaks of Rahu and Ketu as “the army” when assigning societal roles to the various Grahas. While a flag or banner can be thought of evoking a military context and the idea of marking one’s captured or explored territory, it is more likely that the type of flag or banner implied by its name is that of a prayer banner or religious symbol. Such symbols were originally employed in temples, in homes or even in public spaces to remind us of our Stainless or Divine nature, rather than to mark some kind of egoistic “territory” /5/ . Many astrologers believe Ketu represents an area of life “already explored or mastered” and therefore something one needs to “get away from to grow” . . . We reject this notion and hope to illustrate why throughout this article. Yet either way as Rahu does take us into unknown territory, so Ketu brings with it a subtle and mystical familiarity to whatever it influences in a horoscope. Finally both nodes create blindness and obscurity, whether through darkness or mist, to those areas of life they influence./6/ 117


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Part II Numerous articles and books already exist upon the subject of the nodes and how they are calculated, how they move, how they behave in combination with all signs/houses/planets etc. We recommend that the reader study the astronomy behind the nodes if they have not already done so as it will complement the ideas presented here. Any standard treatment on the nodes from an Indian perspective will make it abundantly clear that the nodes are cruel (Krura) grahas (what westerners like to call malefic) and how they often greatly disrupt or destroy the sign/house/planets they influence. An excellent treatment of them is found in Light On Life in the section on planets and psychology: “RAHU - Originality, individuality, independence, insight, ingenuity, inspiration, imagination; OR confusion, escapism, neurosis, psychosis, deception, addiction, vagueness, illusion, delusion KETU - Universality, impressionability, idealism, intuition, compassion, spirituality, self-sacrifice, subtleness; OR eccentricity, fanaticism, explosiveness, violence, unconventionality, amorality, iconoclasm, impulsiveness, emotional tensions” /7/ These are a wonderful summation of the types of things to expect when delineating the nodes. Yet beyond mathematical origins, beyond mythological entities, beyond being shadow planets, what else can we say about the nodes and how they work? As all the planets and elements of a chart represent various aspects of our embodied consciousness, so too do the nodes have their place within this hierarchy of the human psyche and the consciousness of the manifested world at large. The nodes have often been associated with Kundalini Shakti - the energy that resides in a dormant capacity at the base of the spine (Muladhara, or root, chakra) and is poetically described as a coiled snake. Upon awakening this energy is said to rise to the top of the head, burning away the various veils of Maya /8/ that keep a person bound to the notion of “I” and uniting their seemingly individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness Brahman. It may be because of this that the Karmas associated with the nodes either seem extremely fixed (Dridha) or extremely unfixed (Adridha) - but not necessarily a blend of both (Dridha-Adridha) - a paradox indeed! While this may very well be the case, there is not necessarily much practical use in associating the nodes with Kundalini Shakti, nor is there much use in theorizing or knowing intellectually about Kundalini Shakti . . . In the most advanced systems of Yoga (if they can even be called systems) very little emphasis is given to models of consciousness such as is outlined in the various Tantric schools of philosophy /9/ , and this is because the emphasis is on BEING rather than doing (theorizing about them or knowing them intellectually).



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This emphasis on BEING can be summarized by a few slokas attributed to the Indian Sage Dattatreya: “13. Neither birth nor death pertain to you; You have never been a body. It is well known that “All is Brahman”; The scriptures have stated this in various ways.

14. You are That which is both inside and out; You’re Shiva; you’re everything everywhere. Why, then, are you so deluded? Why do you run about like a frightened ghost?”/10/

“12. The Self is said to be like the sky. Indeed, It is like the sky; It’s pure Consciousness, without any stain. It is truly the all-embracing Whole” ./11/

[BEING over doing because knowing spiritual things does not make one spiritual . . . ]

We here wish to emphasise the nodes in relationship to the Advaita Vedanta teachings espoused by Dattatreya and others. Rahu, the head of the dragon, is the part of us that is hungry for the nectar of immortality (Amrita) and won’t be satisfied by anything less /12/ . This nectar is symbolically represented by Ketu, significator of Moksha. Thus Rahu yearns for Ketu as the devotee yearns for his Beloved. Yet it is also said that God longs for his devotees, for it is through Man that God enjoys the play (Lila) that he has so crafted or appeared as: “As a devotee cannot live without God, so also God cannot live without His devotee. Then the devotee becomes the sweetness, and God its enjoyer. The devotee becomes the lotus, and God the bee. It is the Godhead that has become these two in order to enjoy Its own Bliss” /13/ God “manifests” for the purpose of Delight (Ananda). Ketu is the surge of Delight - the ‘cup that runneth over’./14/ “From Delight all these beings are born, by Delight they exist and grow, to Delight they return”/15/ /16/



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As Rahu possess us we long for Ketu - Moksha, Stillness - as Ketu possesses us we long to bask in Delight and share it with the world. In light of this we can understand the sign/house/planets that sit with Rahu as those aspects of life, inner and outer, that pertain to circumstances that beckon us toward Inner Stillness. Much of the time Rahu destroys the things represented by the sign/house/planets it sits with or influences (rasi aspect), or brings a sense of deep dissatisfaction which leads to innovation /17/ etc. In this sense the sign/house/planets can represent things/people/experiences in the world that in some manner /18/ obstruct the Dragon’s quest for its own Tail /19/ and therefore are often destroyed or re-envisioned so that Sachidananda /20/ may find a purer vehicle for expression. After devouring these aspects of life Rahu cannot possibly be satisfied or satiated (especially since he lacks a stomach and a digestive tract . . .) and there is often a lack of fulfillment with those areas of the chart we find Rahu enmeshed in. Thus those areas of life touched by Rahu are to be sought within or regarded as stepping stones beckoning one toward Inner Stillness. Speaking in terms of classical schools of Yoga, the desire for a partner (Venus) may instead become ecstatic devotion to God (Bhakti); the desire for conflict (Mars) may instead become the path of Hatha; the desire for expansion (Jupiter) may instead become the path of Jnana, and so on with the rest of the planets. /21/ Whether a sign/house/planet interferes with Rahu’s quest or aids in it, is indeed a subtle matter to delineate and understand and not something we can fully explore in this article. We wish to remind the reader that a good astrologer rids his/her mind of the notion of good/bad, failure/success, when delineating - viewing things from a viewing point over that of a point of view. The notion of “skipped steps” that circulates in a modern interpretation of the nodes is an erroneous notion fueled by a Judeo-Christian value system of virtue/sin and is found nowhere in the ancient Wisdom traditions of the world. It is also a dangerous concept that further enmeshes the mind in ignorance (for it can make one believe that there is more to do in order to be free etc. whereas traditions like Advaita teach the exact opposite - that one is already Stainless and surrender to God is all that is needed). It is also important to keep in mind that some desires are so strong that they need to be pursued to the end before a person becomes free of them, while others are capable through sheer Will and Divine Grace of transcending such desires instantaneously. The nodes very much pertain to strong desires, strong karmas and/or samskaras, but we cannot say a person is succeeding or failing in life based on how the nodes are playing out for to do so is again to reduce life to a sin-virtue mentality. While Rahu is ravenously searching for Ketu - Inner Stillness (Moksha) - the latter is, in a sense, seeking activity or play. Moksha manifests in a person most simply as Joy, Bliss, Delight, Play etc. and Compassion (Self Sacrifice). Ketu often points to an area of life in which a person feels deeply connected to their True Stainless Nature and therefore the sign/house/planets Ketu influences can become areas of life a person feels drawn to sacrifice themselves to, often in a grand display of religious fervor or even madness should other factors so agree (more subtly this shows up as a deep seated attachment or desire). Such a sacrifice is typically made with an egoistic attachment to the results and since no worldly thing can replace The Divine, the sacrifices Ketu draws the lunar consciousness into are often deeply problematic and deeply unfulfilling. True Self Sacrifice comes in the spirit of giving as a celebration of Truth and nothing else. Sometimes such Sacrifice is more somber as in Joan of Arc, while sometimes it is more blissful and joyous as in Sri Ramakrishna.



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Ketu entails SERVICE in its highest and most authentic form because it represents our most direct connection to Truth. The sign/house/planets Ketu influences are areas that remind us of our Stainless Nature and therefore often serve as gateways to Yoga (UNION - not exercise . . . and certainly not with tight pants and beer . . .), but they can become impediments instead if they are approached in an egoistic and selfish fashion. While it is tempting for the lunar consciousness to covet the bliss of Ketu for itself alone or to stay behind the shroud of ecstasy and comfort that can also manifest, the more fulfilling path to take is that of Sacrifice. That which Ketu touches is that which is best Sacrificed and Shared for the Greater Good of all as a celebration of The Divine! /22/

Part III All of this brings us back to the Moon which represents Manas - the sensory input aspect of consciousness that is subject to change /23/. A simpler way to put this is that the Moon represents the personality self, the lower mind (in contrast with the higher mind). This lunar form is “pulled” in two directions by the nodes. They both disrupt the earth bound consciousness and its concepts/attachments and expectations so as to remind us of our True Nature. The nodes are two halves of the same axis, two extremes, and any opposites become one and the same when they reach such extremes. Thus we should always keep this in mind when looking at either node. The Moon’s natural house is the 4th - the angular house dealing with Moksha. The other two houses in this triad are the 8th and the 12th. Thus Moon - Rahu - Ketu are to 4th - 8th - 12th and their respective lords. The lords of the 8th and 12th house are considered the most malefic lords in the chart. Yet if we choose to see them as parallel to how we’ve described the nodes above we can see that their “job” is to destroy (8th/Rahu) and dissolve (12th/Ketu) those things that keep us from SELF Realization. The beauty of viewing the triad of houses beginning with the 4th as signifying Moksha is that the most difficult Karmas (8th/12th) in life become stepping stones toward Liberation, while the notion of happiness (associated with the 4th house and the Moon) becomes a necessary component to receive Divine Grace and thus Moksha. The mind is the vessel - the mirror which must be clean and steady to reflect The Sun of Truth. Practically speaking we can look at Rahu/Ketu and the Moon (waxing is more akin to Rahu while waning is more akin to Ketu) and use the lords of the 8th/12th and 4th to find confluence (repetition of themes). The 8th lord is beckoning us Within (often through destruction) similar to Rahu while the 12th lord is beckoning us toward Sacrifice similar to Ketu. Our Lunar nature yearns for happiness and enjoyment amidst the world of forms and the 4th lord allows us to find a stable rootedness with which we can enjoy the fruits of existence and bend (but not break) with the winds of life. In the realm of mind Rahu’s influence in a chart shows up as things we obsess over and that violently seize our attention, often causing mental exasperation. Ketu’s influence can appear instead as those things we love and enjoy and bring us a sense of bliss and which we are afraid to give up or lose. Both Rahu/Ketu things and thoughts can deeply entrance the mind or inspire fear and terror. With Rahu it is about the unknown and what lies beyond the pale; Ketu attaches us to something that allows us to access a deep sense of BEING and which we may become deeply afraid to lose. This tunnel vision, in either nodal direction, is a limitation on our capacity to see everything as The Visage of God.



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Conclusion The nodes beckon us beyond the mind, beyond the known, beyond much of what we think we know. In delineation we must always use great care when analyzing them and always be open to being astounded, humbled, shocked and amazed by what they yield and even what they conceal, for often we do not get the whole picture in one sitting. Rahu and Ketu are great teachers, and anything associated with them can be regarded as coteachers in the scheme of life - whether the good, the bad or the ugly.

“God had opened my eyes; for I saw the nobility of the vulgar, the attractiveness of the repellent, the perfection of the maimed and the beauty of the hideous” /24/. - Sri Aurobindo ~ /1/ http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/voice/VoiceoftheSilence _eBook.pdf, p12 /2/ http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/voice/VoiceoftheSilence _eBook.pdf, p12 footnote 31 /3/This is the Sanskrit term employed for what are called planets by the Greeks /4/ Yet this word, Ketu, it appears, can be translated in a http://spokensanskrit.org/index.php?mode=3&script=hk&tran_input=ketu&direct=au





/5/A quick notes on the nodes as the Army of consciousness: an army’s proper function is to protect and serve its civilians, not to run amok conquering others and committing mass murder, as is often the case in warfare. Thus the army is a metaphor for service to Truth, sacrificing oneself for something greater. Thus the nodes take us beyond our egoistic center, a theme explored throughout this article /6/ This is extremely important in Synastry /7/ Hart de Fouw & Robert Svoboda, Light On Life; An Introduction to the Astrology of India, First published 1996 Penguin Books, Reprinted 2011 by Lotus Press, USA, p92 /8/ Also the title of a very good song by the band Cynic /9/ Some system of chakras or systematic model of consciousness exists in virtually every major tradition of the past /10/ http://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/ Song-of-the-Avadhut-by-Dattatreya.pdf, pg 18 /11/ Ibid, pg 56 /12/See the myth concerning the churning of the ocean by the Devas and Asuras for more about this. /13/ Sri Ramakrishna, The Gospel of Ramakrishna, p305 /14/ Psalm 23, King James version. It is also translated thusly: “my drink is abundant”. The full verse reads: “You spread a table for me in full view of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my drink is abundant. Only goodness and steadfast love shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for many long years” (Tanakh A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text, copyright 1985 by The Jewish Publication Society).



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/15/ Taittiriya Upanishad, III. 6, translation by Sri Aurobindo, taken from The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo (free online), p98 /16/“Why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms?” For we have put aside the solution that it is compelled by its own nature of Force to create, obliged by its own potentiality of movement and formation to move into forms. It is true that it has this potentiality, but it is not limited, bound or compelled by it; it is free. If, then, being free to move or remain eternally still, to throw itself into forms or retain the potentiality of form in itself, it indulges its power of movement and formation, it can be only for one reason, for delight.” - Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine (free online) p98 /17/ Innovation can truly only come from within when stillness predominates. Such stillness is only obtained through surrender and since most of the time people do not surrender, the “Universe” forces them to do so often through traumatic external events, disappointing experiences etc. /18/ We have to understand that this does not always mean in an adversarial way. In many cases Rahu with the Sun or Moon will pertain to the early death of father or mother. This early death can be a source of sorrow and an experience that drives a person to ravenously seek the Stillness already and always present within, but it by no means tells us that the parent themselves was mean or abusive toward the child. /19/ This is the Ouroboros symbol of old. /20/Various Sages speak of God as Sachidananda; Being (Sat)-Consciousness (Chit)-Bliss (Ananda) /21/ This is a major simplification of Yoga and by no means represents the author’s total understanding . . . so please no eye rolling . /22/ It is common for Ketu to appear in the chart as a deep seated fear. In this situation a person has likely replaced The Divine with the false idols of those things represented by the planet/sign/house surrounding Ketu and feels that if they lose this, they too will be lost. Yet this is deeply unconscious, not something they can often speak freely about. /23/“Manas or the mind in coordination with the sense-organs, receives impressions from the external world, transforms them into determinate perceptions and conveys them to the experiencer or the ego. Thus manas is produced and is capable of producing also” (http://indianphilosophy.50webs.com/samkhya.htm ). /24/ Aphorism 21 http://www.hinduwebsite.com/divinelife/auro/auro_aphorisms.asp

Hello. They call me Lars. My journey into the esoteric began rather suddenly and unexpectedly whilst pursuing a degree in Guitar performance and I have been on a strange, wild (and never boring!) ride ever since. Divination is a key to unlocking powerful Truths concerning the nature of reality, and when I became aware of it in the form of Astrology, it quickly became the vehicle for my journey of inquiry. I consider my approach holistic, artistic and very practical as I draw upon multiple traditions (Hellenistic, Medieval, Indian and Humanistic) and incorporate Tarot and Omenology into all of my readings. Contact: liberastronomiae@gmail.com www.larspanaroastrology.com



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IAM A GUEST Interview with Marilena Marino (SparkAstrology.com)

Smiljana Gavrančić

IAM: Hi Marilena! We are happy to host you in our regular column IAM A GUEST! From Jan/Feb isue you will have your regular column „IAM SUPER LIBRA“ - We are so excited! What will you write about in your columns? MM: Hi Smiljana, and thank you very much for the opportunity! I am thrilled to be able to contribute to IAM, considering the growing success of this magazine. With all that Libra in my chart, I like to keep the tone light! I will be drawing inspiration from current news and trends, like this month’s article on bearded merpeople! Hope this approach will tickle your readers’ imagination, and bring out a smile on their faces. I do love to laugh myself! IAM: Can you tell Us how you got into astrology and why is your webiste called #SparkAstrology? MM: I was struck by the astrology bug when transiting Uranus first conjoined my natal Jupiter. I spent a couple of Summers as a guest at a millionaire’s villa when I was a child, a privilege that I have never since enjoyed. As well as a spotlessly manicured garden and stunning views over Torino, this villa also had a games pavillion and a well-stocked library. Apart from playing my first ever video game there, I discovered semi-professional astrology magazines. I was entranced. I had always known about Sun signs, but to discover the multidimensional heights and depths of astrology blew my mind. I have been hooked ever since, and graduated to books and astrological consultations throughout my teen years and in my twenties. In the ensuing years, there was a long phase of detachment, which came to an abrupt end when I joined the Astrological Lodge of London a few years ago. While the Monday evening lectures were ever so engrossing, I wanted more, in fear of having missed something as a self-taught astrologer. So I enrolled at the London School of Astrology, where I completed my studies in the Summer of 2017. I’m currently studying horary at Deborah Holding’s School of Traditional Astrology. 124


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My website is called SparkAstrology.com in honour of Uranus, signifying a moment of ultimate clarity, the spark of enlightenment that awakens all astrologers. Uranus is angular in my chart, unsurprisingly, and is also strong in SparkAstrology.com’s chart, rising as it does in the first house. IAM: It’s well-known that you are doing a great job for the Astrological Association of Great Britain? Can you share with Us how it all started and when? You are also collaborating with the Astrological Lodge of London? Do you have in your chart something over 21 of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces)? Or, was something there in your progressions when the collaboration started? MM: My chart ruler, Venus, sits at 23 Virgo, and my North Node sits at 20 Pisces, in my Sixth House. There is a lot of synastry between my chart and that of the AA. Jupiter was transiting my First House when the collaboration started, a planet that I see as signifying this grand and noble organisation. When Jupiter entered Libra in 2016 I challenged myself to seize every opportunity that came my way, even if I doubted the outcome. I’m happy to report that this approach worked out beautifully for me. The AA was looking for a student officer, I made some proposals for how I would engage students, and, as they say, the rest is history. The Astrological Lodge is my home. The Lodge is really the pre-cursor of the AA, from a historical perspective. I’ve been a regular for several years, and I’ve built a relationship with many patrons there, so it’s natural for me to want to help it grow and spread the love of astrology further in the London area. To date my practical contribution has been limited, but I have plans for the website and to enhance engagement with members. IAM: Why does the editor of the Astrolgoical Journal, Victor Olliver, call you „SUPER LIBRA“? MM: As well as the Ascendant in Libra, I also have five planets in the same sign – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus. You see, I am very Libran, except that my Mercury-Uranus conjunction makes me less diplomatic and indecisive than your average Libra. I’m often abrupt, unsubtle, and quick in my decisions. I’m also rather impatient, with an angular and out-ofbounds Mars in Capricorn, so it’s a good thing that I can act promptly! IAM: What does Italy mean to you? MM: The first thing that springs to mind when I think of Italy is SUNSHINE! I love and miss sunshine, after about twenty years in Grey Britain. I am, however, very fond of living in London, and I can’t see myself ever moving back to Italy. Once you get used to the UK’s open-mindedness, can-do attitude, and customer service, the thought of going back to Italy fills me with dread. My siblings’ misadventures with Italian public services and work conditions are a constant reminder of why I’m happier here. IAM: You will be a speaker at the upcoming 50th AA Conference #Diamons in the Sky. It must be such a big event for you, if we take the fact that AA celebrates in 2018 its 60th Solar Return. What will be your topic and how do you feel about all this? MM: This goes back to my Jupiter return earlier in 2017. I received an email invite offering the chance to all to speak at next year’s conference, and decided to seize the opportunity, in Jupiter-return style. I will be speaking about social media, with practical tips for astrologers. Many in our field are terrified of these new tools in our 125


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arsenal, and I want to help them embrace them more. I have worked in the field of digital media for many years, so I’m keen to pass on my knowledge, and especially the lessons I learnt with SparkAstrology.com. IAM: What do you think about your synastry with IAM? MM: Yet another strong synastry! IAM’s Jupiter and Uranus placements are aligned with my Sun-Moon midpoint. IAM’s Mercury and Sun trine mine perfectly. IAM’s Moon is on my MC, and IAM’s MC is in my Eleventh House. A match made in Heaven! IAM: Is there maybe some meaning for your name Marilena? I wonder what it may mean, because I’ve decided to call this issue of IAM - #Immortelle, because my name Smiljana means herb immortele (smilje in Serbian). So, as this is our 1st Solar Return with new name IAM, I think maybe it would be interesting to hear what your name means? MM: My name is derived from Mary Magdalene, or Maria Elena, so it has a biblical reference. Allegedly, Marilena has a variety of meanings in Hebrew, including „Rebelliousness“, which fits me quite well. In Latin it means "Star of the Sea" and in Egyptian „Beloved of the God Amun“. So, you see, I can pick a different meaning depending on my mood! IAM: At the end, can you use some divination skill and tell Us what kind of destiny IAM will have during 2018? For example, to pick one card from tarot deck, or ..., what ever you want to use? MM: IAM will be enjoying a Jupiter transit through the first house, like I did last year. I’ll give you the same advice I gave myself – seize all opportunities that come your way, even those that may at first seem unattainable. The Gods are on your side this year. May you thrive, grow, and reach new heights with the help of Jupiter! Thank you, Smiljana!  My name is Marilena, and I am a professional astrologer. Astrology has been my passion for almost thirty years. I collaborate closely with both the Astrological Lodge of London and the Astrological Association, two of the world’s most prestigious and longest running astrological organisations. I’m also a contributor to magazines, including the Astrological Journal and IAM – Infinity Astrological Magazine. You can view some of my work for the Astrological Association on the Astrological Association’s channel on YouTube, in the Student Corner. I will publish more video interviews with master astrologers in due course, so subscribing to the channel will ensure you are notified of any new uploads. If you’re interested in my training, I’m a past student of the London School of Astrology. There I had the honour of learning from some of the leading lights in the field, including Frank Clifford, Darby Costello, Melanie Reinhart, Lynn Bell, Mark Jones, and Wendy Stacey, to name just a few. I’m currently studying advanced horary at Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology, under the tutorship of Wade Caves. I can provide both one-off sessions or ongoing mentoring and guidance, depending on your needs and finances. Please feel free to get in touch for friendly, confidential advice on whatever is weighing on your mind. Details of the types of readings available can be found under Personal Astrology. https://sparkastrology.com/



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Your Tarot and Astrology Predictions for 2018 Jessica Adams

Almost 110 years ago, the Bohemian artist Pamela Colman-Smith created the Smith-Waite Tarot with Arthur Waite. Both Londoners were in the Golden Dawn, a secret magical society whose members included W.B. Yeats and Oscar Wilde’s wife, Constance. I am currently writing a book, Astrology and Tarot so have spent the last year researching Pamela’s life and times. The deck is just as powerful now as it was at the turn of last century and as the Golden Dawn members were trained in astrology, it is no surprise to find each of the cards encoded with zodiac sign, planet or asteroid images. The deck works very well with transit-based astrology prediction. How does 2018 look for you, and the other 11 signs of the zodiac? Let’s take a closer look – this spread of cards was chosen towards the end of 2017 – the question was: ‘What is the most important thing I can pass on to each sign of the zodiac about the year 2018?’

The Nodes in Leo, Aquarius, Cancer and Capricorn It’s all about the Nodes, for the most part, in 2018. They form the backdrop to the year as a whole, and although it is important that Jupiter makes the ingress into Sagittarius, as we will see (below) it is also crucial to note that the Nodes leaving two signs, and moving into two more, will create a huge ripple effect right around the zodiac.



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Capricorn as Catalyst Sometimes it takes something as basic as one group of people born under one zodiac sign, to start the changes. I am sure you know that Saturn will be in Capricorn for the first time in 29 years in 2018. Not only that, but Pluto is in Capricorn too – and the South Node moves to Capricorn in a rare pattern, at the end of this year. Capricorn people on the world stage, but also in your personal and professional life, will be at the core of all change. Why? Money! The Ace of Coins is the Tarot card which turns up for this sign and it is important for many reasons. One of them is the direct clue about Capricorn’s Nodal cycle in Leo and Aquarius in the Second and Eighth houses of the chart. The time has come for Capricorns to reach for their karmic rewards and use a large amount of money, saved or made, to help the wheels go around for other people. Uranus, the planet of revolution, moves into Taurus, the sign of currency, taxation, banks and the world economy, in May 2018. There is another clue. Uranus will trine the Capricorn Sun position of vast groups of Decemberborn people across the planet as he makes the ingress in May. This is a radical change and a wake-up call for this sign, ruled by earth, and very much interested in security and future investment. The whole planet is about to see the wheels go round in a brand new way, economically. Which sign turns the wheel? Capricorn. When the wheel turns, the money goes round. When the money goes round, people can move forward with their lives. You may or may not be directly involved with Capricorn people in 2018 but even through six degrees of separation, their financial, business or property moves are going to affect your world.

How Great Britain Triggers a New Economy People are sometimes surprised to learn that countries have zodiac signs too. The signs are based on the Sun position of the nation, when it became a legal or constitutional entity, or when it achieved independence (for example). The United Kingdom in her modern form was born with the Sun in Capricorn, so as you can see, Brexit will have a huge impact on her economy. Remoaners who predict gloom and doom for Great Britain are quite wrong, according to the astrology and the Tarot surrounding the situation. If the nation is prepared to reach for wealth, then she’ll have it. The source is likely to be Asia in general, and according to the charts, China in particular. When the pound drops to a realistic trade price for the rest of the world, deals will be done.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, Pluto in Sagittarius and the Staves Suit Here is one example of what cash flow can achieve – the space to travel, study, teach, publish and grow! Sagittarius rules academia, education, multimedia, publishing and the world of vast ideas and knowledge. It is unusual to find both Pluto and Jupiter here. Jupiter will move into the sign he rules, on 9th November. Even before then, Mars races through Sagittarius from January 27th to March 17th.



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This is important, because Saturn will have just departed this sign, releasing a lot of stuck, blocked and frustrated energy, as the goals so many people set for websites, books, courses, workshops and the rest across 2016, 2017 were delayed or sometimes defeated by Saturn. The relief and release of this cycle ending, accompanied by the ingress of Mars into exactly the same area of your chart, will make January-March a time of tremendous achievement, if you are prepared to unleash your talents as a student of life, mentor, guide, teacher, author, writer, publisher, blogger and so on. The Staves suit (also known as Rods in some deck) is about words and wordsmiths – communication – and Aries, Gemini and Libra all received Staves cards in the 2018 reading.

Aries, Gemini, Libra – Journeys and Journeys of the Mind One fire and two air signs are of course connected by the natural ‘flow’ of being connected by sextiles and trines. The Sagittarius transits also create trines and sextiles, so these three types are all linked with the journeys (and journeys of the mind) which rest ahead in 2018. Sagittarius is of course about travel, as well as export, and the ‘travel in the mind’ that comes with the worldwide web. It is possible that as early as the closing days of January we are going to see Aries, Gemini and Libra push ahead with the plans, concepts, trips or intellectual ventures which were frustrated or put to one side, during 20162017. Aries has Jupiter and Pluto in the Ninth House of exploration and intellectual adventure. This is rare and important, but remember that as a fire sign ruled by Mars, you can be too quick to take off, and too slow to ground the situation before you depart. Even though the prospect of taking your ideas or knowledge into a new area – very likely a new location – is irresistible in 2018, try to make sure that you are in a stable position before you head out.

Gemini – Born to Connect Gemini is ruled by Mercury, of course, the messenger of the Gods and has a natural facility for the worldwide web, multimedia and often the world of publishing. Be it a telephone, smart phone or microphone, Gemini was born to connect. The Nodes dominate the year in the signs of Leo and Aquarius which rule the Third and Ninth houses of the Gemini chart, so again – there is this sense of destiny with a particular publication, blog, magazine, book, television show, Twitter channel and so on. The Nodes often have a strangely fated quality about them and if you (or others) sense some kind of historic repetition, it’s probably true.

Libra – Planting the Idea This emphasis on the Third/Ninth house of the horoscope is carried through with Libra, who has both Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius in the Third, opposite the Ninth, in 2018. I mentioned the delays and blockages of 2016-2017 when describing your project, course, concept or big idea. This should look like history by Christmas Day and although there is a bit of mess or muddle to sort out in early January (thanks to Mercury Retrograde Shadow) by January 10th you are on your way at last. From February, thanks to Mars powering through Sagittarius, you should be making up for lost time with your book, script, concept or curriculum. In fact, by the end of 2018 you could have achieved something remarkable. The Staves cards in the Tarot of Pamela Colman-Smith reveal small leaves on each branch. This is a reminder to you, to plant your knowledge in the right place so it can thrive and prosper. Libra, location is crucial in 2018. You need the right city, region, country or nationality to truly connect and communicate – and create the right space for what you have in mind.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces – Relationships and Karma The Tarot cards which turned up for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces could not have been more different from the run of Staves which turned up for Aries, Gemini and Libra. Some were Major Arcana, some were Minor Arcana, but all spoke about the complexities of human relationships and the need for overdue changes. 2018 finds the North Node entering the sign of Cancer, which traditionally is ruled by the Moon, symbolising motherhood, and associated with the Fourth House, which rules the family. On 6th November the Node enters Cancer – yet as early as Saturday 19th May the situation is being set up by Venus, the planet of ‘give and take’ moving in, too. Debts and credits which are emotional, spiritual and psychological will be traded all year. For Taurus this is very much about the family, as the North Node’s departure from Leo (which rules the Taurus Fourth House of close relatives and ancestors) is a big change. As the year goes on, the karma will complete between Taurus and his/her family members, even if we’re talking two or three generations before. Remember, we also had eclipses in Leo in this same zone of the Taurus horoscope in 2016 so there is quite a lot of deep emotion to shift. I can’t help but look at the Taurus horoscope in terms of Jupiter moving into Sagittarius and the Eighth House as well. This is where we find the family inheritance, no matter if it’s about property, money or some other kind of story which is passed on. Sometimes the story has nothing to do with finance, but everything to do with karma. For Taurus, 2018 should bring a sense of relief, release, closure – and progress. Everyone is given a chance to move on, or the family ‘inheritance’ can be moved forward. I can’t help but think of Her Majesty the Queen (Taurus) at this point as the House of Windsor has an inheritance on many levels, both karmic and financial.

Cancer and the Inner Search Cancer also has a lot of healing to do, in terms of close personal relationships. This may be family, partners, tight friendships or any other precious bond. If there is also a Taurus person or another Cancer in the family, or within a partnership, you can see how the astrology is working. With the Node moving into Cancer, your awareness of the need for emotional stability and a sense of belonging is deepened. If it is lacking, then it may be necessary for you to go on an inner search to discover what it is that is missing from yourself and your life. Again, I can’t help but think about Prince William in this context (Cancer) as his mother, the Princess of Wales, was also born under Cancer and his grandmother, as we have seen, is a Taurus. If you were born under the sign of the crab then you have a great need for a sense of deep belonging. I sometimes walk down the beach near my Australian home in the summer and watch the crabs scuttling around me, diving for their holes in the sand, in one large group. It doesn’t really matter what your household, family or other clan happens to be. You need to feel you fit, and that others fit you. If that is not the case in 2018 there is some work to do, but it could be the most stunning turnaround for you. An inspiring, powerful time of transformation when you find yourself again and return to some very special relationships with renewed energy. It’s rather like alchemy or chemistry. If the recipe has not been there, then you are in a strong position to find a new way to mix it, with new ingredients.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Virgo and Strategies Virgo also has some big choices to make in 2018. I am sure you know that Neptune has been in Pisces, alongside Chiron, for many years. Pisces is the opposite sign to Virgo and so you are likely to begin 2018 feeling a sense of opposition, or polar opposites around you. No wonder you feel you must defend yourself, or attack first. As you may also know, the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Pisces are linked by virtue of their being earth and water signs, so perhaps people born with the Sun here will be part of your story, either directly, or at a distance. Either way, you must now lean hard on your intuition to fix a situation in your life. You need to assert yourself and either finish off your rivals, opponents, detractors, enemies or critics once and for all – or just keep them at bay in a more powerful way. I mentioned Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces. We associate Neptune with distorted vision and fuzzy eyesight, because this planet is associated with sea mist and swimming goggles. Neptune was also found in 1846 when anaesthetic was used publicly for the first time, so a sense of ‘everything going black’ or ‘blacking out’ is very common on a Neptune transit. In other words, Virgo, you need to regain normal vision and clear perception to deal with who and what is against you. It is time to remove the blindfold, and it was no surprise to find that the Two of Swords is your card for 2018. You need a strategy; a plan. Pisces is the last of these signs to be grouped together under these watery transits, which speak so much about human relationships and people politics. I mentioned the Node in Cancer before (the North Node) which is making a rare appearance in the family sign. Right opposite Cancer is Capricorn, and the South Node here in 2018 will fall into your Eleventh House of groups. This year will be about a family-styled group of people in a society, team, club, association, union, band or other formal network. Alternatively there is no label for what you all share, but you are most certainly in it together, for several months – even if you have been thrown together by fate.

Scorpio and the Family Scorpio experiences the departure of the North Node of karma from Leo and the Fourth House of family at the end of the year, yet it will have an impact throughout 2018. Part of the reason for this is the Leo eclipse of 2017, which has set up a situation, far into the future, when Scorpio people must deal with the reality of being part of a particular family. This may be the children you have created, or it may be your mother’s or father’s side of your particular clan. This is a transformative and important year, as the Sun travelling through Leo from the final week of July to the third week of August will cross the same place where it was drawn into an eclipse in the American summer of 2017. There is a sense of ‘new must follow old’ and perhaps you already know the old order is passing away, even as you read this. Scorpio people are no strangers to deep feelings and you understand the human story better than most. This year you will be writing your own story, but it is important that you neither race to the positive new ending, without processing changes first – nor dwell on what is transforming, getting stuck in the process. Try to let go of whatever is now leaving your life in terms of the family or household – perhaps the ancestors going back generations. Allowing this to take its place in your life story is wise as it will allow a new chapter to unfold at exactly the right time. Again, as I write this, I am conscious that Prince Charles is a Scorpio and so far we have seen three key members of the British Royal Family born under Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio drawn into the same Tarot patterns – all involving the cards of human relationship and change.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Pisces and Group Politics Pisces, you are used to politics within a group, even with friends, as since 2008 Pluto (power) has been passing through Capricorn and your Eleventh House of networks. Issues about who or what is in control, or top dog, have dominated. If you are at all insecure or threatened by others in the group, now is the time to drop it, as it will be impossible to achieve anything great together, unless you all respect your differences and find a way through. The South Node in Capricorn suggests karma and past life debts and credits, so if some faces in the group seem familiar, or the issue has a very old ring about it, you will know why. As you are an intuitive sign who quite naturally transcends boundaries, you may want to cheat a little and try to read the minds of the others involved, or read their feelings in greater depth. Go beyond what is obvious (the differences between you, or the need for space, or the ego demands) and look to what might connect you, unite you and bind you.

Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius – Repair and Recovery in 2018 If there is a common theme binding these three fire/air signs, it is about repair, recovery, reconstruction, healing, therapeutic experiences and overdue progress. The patterns we have been discussing in the heavens in 2018 with the Nodes changing signs, Jupiter and Uranus changing signs, unusual emphasis on Capricorn and so on – are also picked up in the solar charts for Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Leo and the Mind, Body and Spirit Connection The unusual emphasis on the zodiac sign of Capricorn in 2018 comes from Saturn, Pluto and the South Node all inhabiting that sign. For Leo, this is about the Sixth House, which rules the body, mind and spirit connection. This year is not going to pass without challenges for Leo in that department. However, it could also end up being a triumph and a transformation, depending on how dedicated late July and August-born people are to working on themselves. I suspect the eclipse in Leo last year has also had an impact, but whatever the cause, 2018 is the time to address the way the mind/mental state affects the physical working of the body. It goes the other way too, in astrology. The physical state of the body can affect the mind. Some classic examples of this are the impact of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, alcohol or illegal drugs (and even prescribed drugs) on the nervous system. This is something Leo may need to learn more about this year. On a more esoteric level, the aura and chakra system may have a bigger part to play than is first suspected. What links Leo to Aquarius this year is not only the Nodal axis stretching across both signs; it is the capacity of Aquarius to heal. Perhaps it will be an Aquarian expert who helps, via a bestselling book. Maybe there is a late January or February birthday in Leo’s world who can provide the right advice, encouragement and support. Ultimately, though, Leo the lion must grasp the mettle and change herself and her world, by her own efforts.

Aquarius and Healing This is the other sign affected by the Nodes shifting to Cancer-Capricorn at the end of the year. For Aquarius, it is Cancer which rules the Sixth House of mind, body and spirit. People born under the sign of the water-bearer are naturally gifted at giving a group, community or circle of friends what is needed.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Like the Aquarius of Ancient Rome, who carried the water for the Roman Baths, they supply the ‘pool’ with whatever is necessary and so feed an entire network. This is why Aquarius rules the Eleventh House of groups in astrology and why it is also ruled by Uranus the father of a diverse group of Titans. He was, in mythology, the father of the human family with all its differences. Thus, Aquarians have a gift for supplying/feeding/giving and although it is not necessarily personal nor intimate, in 2018 they may find they become much closer, spiritually, to their fellow human beings – through healing. This may be literal, so there is someone who is ill to care for. The healing may be psychological or emotional, so Aquarius will be called upon to act as a rock to lean on. Maybe a Leo in the Aquarian world will reach out. (Both signs have Sixth House node patterns in 2018). Of course, Aquarius may also see what it is like to be healed, on the other side of the fence. The Sixth House and its association with duty and service works both ways. Perhaps the ‘service’ will be performed for you, as well as by you! Either way it has huge implications spiritually, because in 2018 Aquarians have Saturn, Pluto and the South Node all in the Twelfth House, which describes the soul, the psyche and the inner world. For Aquarians in 2018, the therapeutic process of transformation and renewal is tremendously important on a karmic and unseen level. If you do happen to be involved in Reiki, yoga, spiritual healing or other alternative modalities, this could be a year of revelation for you.

Sagittarius and Children The Tarot cards are very clear about the need for healing with Leo and Aquarius, and in fact the Aquarian card for 2018 is Strength, which clearly shows the zodiac sign of the lion, where we find the North Node for most of the year. For Sagittarius this also holds a very special message about past pregnancies, children or younger people as a whole. There is a natural trine/sextile pattern or angle in the Sagittarius horoscope stretching from Uranus and Chiron in Aries in the Fifth House of parenthood or substitute parenthood – and the nodes in Leo and Aquarius. In turn, this picks up the Sun position of a great many Sagittarian people. I have referred a lot to the changeover of planets and points this year, and Sagittarius feels it too. Uranus is departing the Fifth House, where it has been since 2011, giving Sagittarians very particular stories about pregnancy, adoption, IVF, termination, sons, daughters, stepchildren, godchildren, nieces, nephews, grandchildren – and younger people as a whole, through paid or unpaid work. Uranus departs the Fifth House as Chiron arrives. That’s quite an exchange. The Tarot card which turns up for Sagittarius is the Queen of Swords and in Pamela Colman-Smith’s design, you can clearly see the trapped or buried child, carved into the stone on the foundation of the Queen’s throne. This is a potent clue about the necessary healing to come, which draws in some of the experiences with pregnancy, babies or children over the last six/seven years. I am sure you know the myth of Uranus and Gaia. She was his wife, but every time she gave birth to another child (another Titan) Uranus would reject the baby and push it back inside her womb. The situation eventually became unbearable so Gaia fashioned a scythe and asked one of the trapped children to take it and castrate their father, so the sex would stop, and thus the endless cycle of imprisoned youngsters. Saturn took up the responsibility, cut off the penis and testicles of Uranus, and all the children broke free.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The synchronicity between astrology, Roman mythology (from which astrology is drawn) and Pamela’s Tarot can be stunning. So it is with this card, which quite clearly shows a woman with a sword who is barely aware of what she is sitting on – a throne with the face of a child she has forgotten about, or a pregnancy she no longer remembers. Maybe it was the opportunity to pursue a relationship, years ago, that might have led to parenthood – that has been well and truly relegated to history. This is perhaps the most personal card and reading of them all, as Sagittarius must find his/her own path through it and find a way to address that younger face, which has been carved in stone since the transit of Uranus through Aries and the Fifth House began, back in 2011. What is the message for you and where can progress begin? There may be a need here for some quite deep psychological or spiritual healing, before Uranus leaves this sign once and for all. He will spend months away from it, from May 2018 and this will give Sagittarius respite, before the process of confrontation and change can begin.

Jessica Adams is the author of Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins) and her weekly horoscopes appear in Cosmopolitan. The Smith-Waite Centennial Deck by Pamela Colman Smith is available from The Book Depository online. She will be holding Astrology and Tarot workshops in London and Brighton in 2018. For more information please visit www.jessicaadams.com



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Saturn in Capricorn Rod Chang As we all know, Saturn is “going home”. It will ingress into Capricorn on 20 December 2017, and stay there until March 2020 before its next ingress into Aquarius. It will then retrograde and move back into Capricorn in July 2020, and move out from Capricorn again in December that year. Dur-ing this period of time, issues symbolised by Capricorn, like order, moral values, systems, govern-ments, authorities, organisations and institutions may confront Saturn’s challenges. Although some astrologers suggest that Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn could be a good thing since it is its ruler, I observe that the ruthless challenges of Saturn would still remind these companies, organisations and structures of traits which are out of date and which need improvements.

Saturn symbolises order, regulations, structures, worries, obstacles, slowness, time and experi-ence. Traditionally, Saturn is cold and dry. Its paleness and slowness made it be seen as a malefi-cent symbol of old men, patients and damages. It rules Capricorn and Aquarius, and is opposite to Cancer and Leo, which are ruled by the Moon and Sun respectively. Symbolically, it resonates with the loneliness, isolation and distance of Saturn.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Adda Seal which depicts the Sumerian god Enki with two rivers pouring from his shoulders. The two-faced figure is his vizier Usimu. On the left is the sun god Utu-Shamash. 2300 BCE. (British Museum London) https://www.ancient.eu/image/6225/

Capricorn is a cardinal sign of earth element. The earth element symbolises the material realms of our daily living, and all the objects that we can sense also fall into this element. It specifically emphasises how one approaches the world with practicality and pragmatism. What makes Capricorn different from the other earth signs is that Capricorn is a cardinal sign, which implies that astrologically it is a sign with immense initiative energy. When merging the symbols of earth element and cardinality together, we can derive that Capricorn symbolises a progressive yet pragmatic approach, and it lays a strong emphasis on planning, strategy and execution. Mythologically, Capricorn is related to Ea, the goat-god in Babylonian mythology. Ea built up civilisation and society, and it corresponds to Enki, the Sumerian god of wisdom and creation. Enki is also the god of water, and the keeper of the divine powers “Me�, the power of civilisation and creation. This reminds us that Capricorn is closely related to societies, civilisations and structures, and this can even be extended to institutions including countries, companies, organisations and communities.

Other Planetary Influences When Saturn returns to Capricorn, its domicile sign, the society will easily focus on how it is influ-enced by countries, governments, companies and institutions. What are the functions of these organisations? Are they practical or pragmatic? Are they reliable? Do they fulfil our needs? If not, should they be ruled out? 136


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

From what happened in recent years, it seems like we are in an era of transition. First, Jupiter and Saturn will form a semi-sextile, which implies that something originated from the past will end before winter of 2020 to give room to the blossoming of a new era. Second, Jupiter, which symbol-ises social changes, has just moved into Scorpio, a sign which is related to truth, withering, death, crisis, rebirth, grasping and letting go. Third, Uranus will move into Taurus in 2018. Taurus governs monetary systems, financial markets, land tenures and agriculture systems, this ingress will inevitably signify tremendous change on them, while simultaneously our relationship to the land and our perspective to our own body will also begin to change. Lastly, Chiron will also leave Pisces and enter Aries in 2018. People’s revolts against deprivation of personal rights will be greatly intensified. Under these ingresses, it would be difficult for us to hope for safety and stability. Our natal Saturn and transit Saturn will both tell us how to make ourselves safe and protected. Saturn in Capricorn illustrates that we would rely on our own personal experience more, or we would follow the suggestions of those authorities and national leaders. Of course, we should be very careful of these advisors but not follow suit. Both our own experience and authoritative figures could be the object that Saturn inspects.

In my previous article on Jupiter in Scorpio, I mentioned the obvious influence of Uranus-Neptune semisextile in the upcoming months. Uranus and Neptune formed a conjunction in 1993, which was when the Maastricht Treaty started to be effective among European Communities members, a historic moment of European integration. This aspect is also closely related to the development and changes of European Communities, which is worth our notice. Also, Saturn-Chiron square will exert its influence till December 2017, which possibly would inflict economic liberalisation policies, and conflicts among conservatism, nationalism, liberalism and socialism. In this Saturn in Capricorn era, Saturn will form a series of significant aspects. We all know that it will form a waning semi-sextile with Jupiter and a waning square with Chiron, both of which sym-bolise the ending of a cycle. Also, before its ingress into Capricorn, Saturn will form a trine with Uranus. This aspect not only implies political conflicts between conservatives and liberals, but also the expansion of political power of the middle class who eagerly fight for social development. In addition, it could also mean how governments support and protect those investors in financial markets. However, in December 2017 when Saturn is moving into Capricorn, these interactions will become less obvious and observable. The governments’ attitude might change, or they may have something “more urgent” to deal with. This Saturn-Uranus trine will become intense again in June to November 2018, and the above influences might become visible again by then. 137


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Throughout 2019, we will be under the influence of SaturnNeptune sextile. Lots of astrologers believe this aspect is closely related to religious fanaticism, Middle-East situation and economic bubbles. We should observe what was going on in 1989 when Saturn was in Capricorn and con-junct Neptune – it was when those eastern European nations freed themselves from control by the USSR, and the time when Al-Qaeda established. These topics may come into the limelight again in 2019. Similar situations could possibly take place in other regions, or these nations and organisations might undergo subsequent yet critical development by then. Besides, Saturn will tightly conjunct the south node in 2019, which implies that our society will obviously experience the Saturnian attributes – economic depression, suppression, authority, conservation and fear.

Saturn-Pluto Conjunction The upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction has caught many astrologers’ attention. These two planets will form an applying aspect from February to July 2019, approaching each other again starting from November 2019, and form an exact aspect on 13 January 2020. The influence of this exact aspect will sustain till mid-March. They will be in contact again from July to November 2020, but there will be no exact aspects formed. Since both planets are the symbol of fear and ending, lots of astrologers perceive this aspect as the timing of crisis, especially when knowing that World War I actually began in July 1914 when Saturn started to form a conjunction with Pluto in Cancer. If we try to study the reasons and background of this war, like extreme nationalism, fighting for colonies and armament races, it is not easy to stop ourselves from associating these topics to what is going on around us nowadays.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Astrologically, Saturn is depression, conservation, safety, security, suppression, authority and con-trol, whereas Pluto is crisis, fear, death, rebirth, manipulation, slavery and hidden entities – all of these words bring forth intense feelings and fear. When these two planets meet, we are exposed to those truths that were hidden in the past. We see that those scary and threatening objects ac-tually have long been there – it is just that we have overlooked them. However, in times of Saturn-Pluto conjunction, those filthy issues hidden beneath the carpet will all be exposed. Fear will trigger xenophobic behaviours and self-protections, regardless of whether it is in social, religious, political or economic sense. People fear that once the doors are opened and changes are invited in, those rights or privileges that they have long held tight will no longer be guaranteed. Indeed, we can observe intense religious, racial, sexual or hierarchal conflicts in previous Saturn-Pluto conjunctions. One of the pivotal lessons of Saturn-Pluto aspects is to master our fear. Be it the fear of social con-flicts, economic recessions, or of casualties as a result of natural disasters, catastrophes or war, people approach such fear in their own way. Some will learn and understand, some will accept and embrace it, while some will shut the door tight and refuse to acknowledge it. However, when Saturn and Pluto are both in Capricorn, they both require us to confront these issues head-on in a practical way. Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich is not an appropriate way to confront Saturn-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn.

Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, and Changes on Political and Economic Aspects The previous Saturn in Capricorn era took place from February 1988 to February 1991. Actually, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all in Capricorn at that time – Saturn and Uranus formed a con-junction in February 1988, whereas Saturn-Neptune conjunction took place in November 1989. These three aspects actually formed a conjunction for a very long time at that time. In my previous Jupiter in Scorpio article, I mentioned 1993 being the start of Uranus-Neptune cycle, which is closely related to globalisation, communism, socialism and religious reform. If we also take Jupiter into account, it was in Cancer in 1989 forming an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. Thus, a lot of incidents happened in 1989 that could be associated with the Jupiter-Saturn semisquare in 1998. We will also face three Jupiter-Saturn semisquares in 2018. Hence, when we consider the upcoming influences of Saturn, we should also take into account the roles of Uranus-Neptune semisquare, Jupiter-Saturn semisquare and Saturn-Pluto conjunction, for these placements and aspects imply the trend and development of the incidents happened in aforementioned timings. When researching, I discovered that a lot of major events actually link up the previous three Sat-urn in Capricorn eras, which took place in 1929 to 1931, 1959 to 1961, and 1988 to 1991, together with the Saturn-Pluto cycles. Also, there is a surprising thread running through Saturn-Uranus-Neptune cycle and the Jupiter in Scorpio era. In the upcoming two to three years, we will once again confront these aspects. In order to list out the associations among incidents, the historical events will play the main role in this article for the sake of demonstrating astrological attributes.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Eastern Europe, USSR and Cold War The Velvet Revolution of Eastern Europe is likely to be the most well-known incident between 1988 to 1991. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 when Saturn was in Capricorn; in 1989 when Saturn visited Capricorn once again, Berlin Wall was torn down and eventually demolished. Lots of Eastern European nations also left USSR at that time and pursued liberty. The upcoming Saturn in Capricorn period starting from December 2017 could possibly imply that the liberty status of these nations and their relationships with Russia would be our concern. During the Uranus-Neptune semisquare before this Saturnian ingress took place, lots of Eastern and Northern European nations became anxious about Russia’s movements.

The invasion of USSR into eastern Europe and the Cold War are closely related to Saturn-Pluto cycle. The Cold War after WWII and the development of communism in eastern Europe and Asia between 1946 to 1948 corresponded with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Soon after the Velvet Revo-lution (when Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all in Capricorn), Cold War, in which US and USSR were in hiatus, ended in 1991. George Owell first used the term “Cold War” in an essay “You and the Atomic Bomb” to describe the threats of nuclear war. In 1947, when Saturn and Pluto were conjunct, American economist Bernard Baruch used this term to describe the hiatus between US and UUSR. We should also pay attention to 1982 and 1983, another Saturn-Pluto conjunction, when there were actually major nuclear crises - on November 2 1983, Soviet officials misinterpret the NATO exercise as a nuclear first strike, causing the last nuclear scare of the Cold War. Now, in 21st century, we are concerned about the relationship between US and Russia, and the European nations also worry about Russia’s active military enforcement. Another incident in this 1989 Saturn in Capricorn era was that the Socialist Republic of Serbia passed constitutional changes revoking the autonomy of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo on 23 to 28 March. This triggered six days of rioting by the Albanian majority, during which at least 29 people are killed. This series of conflicts eventually led to the outburst of Kosovo War in 1998, when Jupiter and Saturn were forming a waning semisquare. The unstable situation of this region was also the major reason of WWI. 140


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Middle East, Al Qaeda and ISIS Iraq invaded Kuwait twice, in 1961 and 1990 respectively, and both invasions happened when Sat-urn was in Capricorn. Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party had even garnered support of the States when he escaped to Egypt in the sixties when Saturn was in Capricorn. The Gulf War outburst in 1990, another Saturn in Capricorn era, and this war did not really end in 1991. In 2003, the States started another war in the region, as the government at that time based its rationale for the war principally on the assertion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and select U.S. offi-cials accused Saddam of harbouring and supporting al-Qaeda, while others cited the desire to end a repressive dictatorship and bring democracy to the people of Iraq. Osama bin Laden formed Al Qaeda on 11 August 1988 – it was when Saturn turned retrograde and moved from Capricorn back into 25 Sagittarius, and it formed a conjunction with Uranus at 27 Sagittarius (Galactic Centre). Besides, Saturn formed a semisquare with Pluto. Al Qaeda originally was a troop against USSR in Afghanistan, but it later became a major Islamic force which went against the West. In August 1998, embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed, and Al Qaeda, the culprit of the bombings, walked into the global spotlight since then. That was when Saturn formed a waxing semisquare with Uranus and Neptune, and a quincunx with Pluto. It further manifested its horrifying threats to the world in the 911 event in 2001, when Saturn was in Gemini and formed an opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius. In October 2006 when Saturn was in Leo and formed a square with Jupiter in Scorpio, a trine with Pluto and an opposition with Neptune, Al-Qaeda in Iraq rebranded themselves as “Islamic State of Iraq”. This organisation not only was closely related to Al-Qaeda, but a lot of troops of Saddam Hussein joined them right after the second Persian Gulf War.

Saturn-Pluto conjunction is also closely related to the first Persian Gulf War and the political atti-tude of those nations who were once colonies and whose independence were supported by their sovereignty states. Although the influential power of ISIS is weakening in Middle East now, the conflicts between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam, 141


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the independent movement of Kurds, and the rival-ries in Middle East would possibly become more visible in the upcoming future. When confronting those enormous institutions and the restructuring of power of Saturn in Capri-corn and the extreme religious actions and religious defence indicated by Jupiter in Scorpio, we may once again observe or encounter the challenges brought by some fanatic religious organisa-tions to other regions or the actions of someone trying to protect their own faith. We will discuss later in this article the relationship between the SaturnPluto cycle and the division of Christianity. Therefore, the aforementioned religious implications obviously are not limited to any particular religion.

Israel and Palestine Palestine proclaimed itself as an independent state in 1988 when Saturn moved backward from Capricorn to Sagittarius, and then back to Capricorn again. Although Saturn was at 29 Sagittarius in Palestine’s national chart, we can still regard this as Saturn’s work since it was already in Capricorn in February 1988. The first wave of modern Jewish migration to Ottoman-ruled Palestine began in the 19th century. This large-scale migration took place in 1881 when Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto were all in Taurus with Saturn and Neptune forming a tight conjunction (Saturn and Pluto had not been conjunct yet). Many astrologers have noticed that the Saturn-Neptune cycle is closely related to conflicts in Middle-East and between Israel and Palestine. In 1928 to 1929 when Saturn was in Capricorn, there were two major conflicts between the Jewish and Palestinians. When WWII ended in 1947, during which Saturn was conjunct Pluto, another flock of Jewish flooded into Palestine again. United Nations thus partition Palestine between Ara-bian and Jewish regions, which results in the creation of the State of Israel. The establishment of Israel and the subsequent rivals between Israel and other Arabian states began in 1948 under this Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

African Independence Movements and Apartheid of South Africa in the Sixties When Saturn was in Capricorn in 1959 to 1961, as we have mentioned before, Saddam Hussein, the late president of Iraq, accepted the support of the U.S. and became a strong Middle-East mili-tary power, but he triggered the Persian Gulf War in the nineties, and was executed in 2006 when Jupiter was in Scorpio. Although lots of astrologers insist that Saturn in Capricorn was not the sole influence behind the revolutionary wave of 1988 to 1991 and both Uranus and Neptune in Capri-corn were also another major force. We can observe that a lot of African nations actually started their independence movements in the previous Saturn in Capricorn era in 1959 to 1961, many of which declared independence in this time frame – Togo, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Ivory Coast, Chad, Central African Republic, Senegal and South Africa all became republics in this era. A few African countries also underwent independence movement at this time, and Rwanda and Algeria declared independence in 1962 after Saturn left Capricorn. A political riot outburst in Algeria in the nineties, the independent revolution of Rwanda took place in 1959, and its civil war happened in 1990 – all were when Saturn was in Capricorn – and Rwanda genocide happened in 1994 when Jupiter moved into Scorpio.



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Union of South Africa was fully sovereign in 1931 and became a republic in 1961, both of which were when Saturn was in Capricorn. Apartheid also started in 1948 when Saturn and Pluto were conjunct. Nelson Mandela was released in 1990 and the Apartheid was gradually dismissed soon after that. It was a politically important moment for South Africa – Saturn, as you already know, was in Capricorn. The African National Congress led by Mandela won the general election in 1994 when Jupiter was in Scorpio. All these placements and associations support the view that we should pay attention to South Africa and Rwanda in the upcoming 2 to 3 years.

Nationalism, Fascism and Independence Movements in Europe In an earlier Saturn in Capricorn era, the independence movements and international rivals as a result of nationalism were closely related to the start of WWI. The occurrence of this Saturn in Capricorn actually was inbetween the two world wars. We know that the western nations in that time were mostly suffering economic crisis, and lots of economists claim this point as the begin-ning of the subsequent 10-year long Great Depression. It was also when a lot of Jewish people left Europe and went back to Israel to re-establish their own country, which later triggered conflicts with the Arabs. What deserves our attention more is that this was also the period which witnessed the rise of the far-right and fascism in Europe, including Spain, Portugual and Italy. Hitler gradually consolidated his regime in this era.



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In my previous article, I mentioned that the upcoming outer planet placements and aspects would be closely related to the history of Catalonia region. In 1283, the General Court of Catalonia ap-proved the first Catalan constitutions which banned the royal power to create legislation unilater-ally, and it was when Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn formed a waning semisquare. Lat-er, in 1714, when the war for the Spanish throne between the Bourbon and the Habsburg Dynas-ties ended, King Philip V of Spain succeeded the throne eventually. In order to take revenge on the Catalonia region for their support of the Habsburgs, the King banned the Catalan Constitutions. It was when Saturn, Uranus and Pluto were all in Virgo, with Saturn and Uranus being in conjunction and had a 9 degree orb to Pluto, which could still be considered as conjunction from the perspective of mundane astrology. Interestingly, in 1931 when Saturn was in Capricorn, Catalonia actually had once become Catalan Republic. However, after the negotiations between the republican min-isters of Spain and Catalonia, the Catalan Republic became the Generalitat of Catalonia, a Catalan autonomous government inside the Spanish Republic. The invasion of the dictatorial regime of Franco into Catalonia in 1939 once again terminated its autonomy. We had Saturn-Chiron square and Jupiter and Saturn were in the last 45 degrees of their waning phrase. After Franco’s death in 1975 when Jupiter and Saturn were in semisquare, the Spanish Constitution officially restored the country's democratic government. Then, in 2006 when Jupiter was in Scorpio, a Catalan autonomy referendum was held for the first time , which resulted in 78.1% of voters supporting the bill on a turnout of 48.9%. For 2017, we know that we will encounter Saturn-Chiron square, Jupiter-Saturn semisquare, Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn in our upcoming one to two years; together with Saturn-Pluto conjunction which would start to exert its influence in 2019, there is a strong implication on whether Catalonia can achieve its independence with revision of constitutions. Its development probably will keep attracting our attention.

United Kingdom and its ex-colonies After the previous discussions, we should have noticed that the relationship between kingdoms and colonies always confronted changes when Saturn moved into Capricorn or formed an aspect with Pluto. During 1786’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction, Britain acquired the island of Penang from Malaysia, the first colony of the British Empire in Southeast Asia. In 1948’s Saturn-Pluto conjunc-tion, Malaysia restored its autonomy, and other British colonies like Singapore and Borneo also took part in the independence movements in the Saturn in Capricorn era in 1959 to 1961. The pre-sent Malaysia was not formed until 1963. In 1929 to 1931, Gandhi employed nonviolent civil disobedience which eventually triggered the independence movement of India. During 1947’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction, India and Pakistan be-came independent of Britain. We saw the influence of Saturn in Capricorn in 1959 to 1961 on Cy-prus and those African colonies. When Saturn and Pluto started to form conjunction in 1982, Can-ada totally became independent of Britain. When Saturn moved into Capricorn in the nineties, the rivalry between Britain and Northern Ireland was intense, with the Irish Republican Army carrying out a number of terror attacks. We probably know very well that the Good Friday Agreement was signed in the previous Jupiter in Scorpio era. On the other hand, the Falklands War began in 1982 when Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Libra. Argentina was undergoing the 1982 Latin economic cri-sis. Argentina’s occupation of the Falkland Islands gave rise to a brief patriotic movement in Brit-ain, which helped the Conservatives win the general election in 1983; Argentina’s defeat, on the other hand, led to the removal of the military dictator Leopoldo Galtieri and a democratic gov-ernment structure. Saturn in Capricorn often implies that nationalism gets heated. We can ob-serve if Northern Ireland and Scotland would fight for their independence once again, or if Brit-ain’s overseas territory will grab global attention. 144


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Beside the independence movements of colonies, there is another issue of Britain which is closely associated to Saturn-Pluto cycle. British coal mines were nationalised in 1947 and the Railways of Britain were nationalised to form British Railways. However, in 1993 when Saturn and Pluto were in square, the Railway Act 1993 was introduced. After several amendments, the Labour Party re-cently suggested relative policies on nationalising the railways system. Probably we would observe development on this Act.

American Civil-Rights Movement

The American Civil-Rights Movement was in full swing in 1959 to 1961, and this was when Saturn moved into Capricorn. We know that racial segregation and conflicts, colonisation, and slavery have long been associated to Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn-Pluto aspects. In America in 1784 when Saturn was in Capricorn, Thomas Jefferson proposed in 1784 to end slavery in all the territories, but his bill lost in the Congress by one vote. Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Aquarius in 1786, and the United States Constitution was created in 1787, and interestingly the thirteenth amendment was passed in 1865. This amendment suggested to fully abolish slavery and involuntary servitude, and Saturn and Pluto were conjunct at that moment. We probably have noticed that racial conflicts are getting more overt after the inauguration of Donald Trump, and we should devote more attention on the rights of different races, LGBT groups and women, all of which correspond with the issues of Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn-Pluto as-pects.



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After paying attention to the rise of far-right parties and fascism after 1929, we inevitably have to put our eye on the rise of McCarthyism too, a practice which rose around 1947 that, in the name of fighting against communism, arrested those who criticised the government and put them to trial. The most famous case must be that of the Hollywood Ten, after the screenwriters and direc-tors refuse to co-operate with the House Un-American Activities Committee concerning allega-tions of communist influences in the movie business. The ten men are blacklisted by the Hollywood movie studios on the following day. These men were accused of being members of communist parties, and they lost their jobs and were put into jail. It was when Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Leo. At that time, the idea of anti-communism prevailed in America, and many people were arrested for treason or subversion. When talking about patriotic emotions, some of us may be aware of Trump’s criticism against the protest of soccer players, blaming them being non-patriotic and insulting the national flag. From the above example, we probably realise that Saturn-Pluto aspects may easily bring forth nationalistic actions because of fear and self-protection. What is more interesting is that the Texas v. Johnson incident also happened in 1989 when Saturn was in Capricorn. In this incident, Gregory Lee "Joey" Johnson, then a member of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, participated in a political demonstration during the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas. Johnson poured kerosene on the flag and set it on fire. They eventually won the case, and his action of burning national flag was regarded as an act protected by freedom of speech as stated in the constitution. We should also notice that it was 1984 when Johnson burned the flag, which was right after Saturn and Pluto got conjunct in 1983.

Eastern Asian Region In 1988 to 1991 when Saturn was in Capricorn, Burma and South Korea underwent large-scale protests led by democracy movements. North Korea, on the other hand, was found having nuclear weapons and its first nuclear test took place in 2006 when Jupiter was in Scorpio. South Korea and North Korea had their first official contact in 1990; at the same time, the Saffron Revolution hap-pened and Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested in Burma. In 1988, the university students of Taiwan organised a protest for democracy movements, which eventually led Taiwan on it path to democ-racy. Across the strait, the infamous June Fourth Incident happened in China in 1989. Earlier in 1959 to 1961, South Korea had some intense protests for democracy; at the same time, the Cul-tural 146


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Revolution happened in China. It was also when the Chinese government ruled Tibet with a heavy hand and the Dalai Lama fled.

China’s territorial claim around the South China Sea is the main reason behind tensions among South-east Asian countries. Besides, China also plays a vital role on the North Korea nuclear issue. At the moment, President Xi Jingpin almost dominates the sovereignty. He implements control over Internet and media with a heavy hand. However, with the arising political conflicts of Hong Kong, the isolating relationship with Taiwan after Tsai Ingwen, a pro-Taiwan Independence candi-date, was elected as President in 2016, and what China went through in the previous Saturn in Capricorn periods in the 20th century which all shocked China, we had better cautiously keep an eye on China’s development. Also, let’s not forget to pay attention to the political stability of Korea and the SE Asian countries in the upcoming two years. From the observation of Saturn-Pluto conjunctions, we realise that there are always major events happening, especially large-scale racial conflicts or civil wars. In February 1947, Taiwan had a very large-scale antigovernment uprising, the February 28 Incident, triggered by a dispute between a cigarette vendor and an officer of the Office of Monopoly which eventually led to civil disorder and an open rebellion that lasted for days. The violence spread and led to indiscriminate lynching of Mainlanders, with an estimated 10,000 casualties. Also, in 1947, 400,000 people were slaughtered during a mass migration of Hindus and Muslims into the new states India and Pakistan. During the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in 1983, the Black July anti-Tamil riots, generally regarded as the beginning of the Sri Lankan Civil War, began in Sri Lanka, killing between 400 and 3,000.



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Financial Crisis When discussing the 1929 Saturn in Capricorn era, inevitably we would discuss the infamous Wall Street stock market crash. This incident happened in October, and Saturn was in retrograde mov-ing back to 26 Sagittarius, the degree around the Galactic Centre. This not only affected the finan-cial markets and banks of the States and European countries and in turn led to the Great Depres-sion, but also invoked people’s dissatisfaction towards their governments changing their support to far-right political parties and fascism, which is one of the main reasons behind WWII. In 1931, Pluto was in Cancer and Saturn was in Capricorn, forming an opposition. In November 2017, Sat-urn once again approached 26 Sagittarius, a degree that invokes riots and disorders, and it will be conjunct Pluto two years later. The financial markets have been skyrocketing this year, and a lot of astrologers have already warned about this over-optimistic attitude towards investment.

Another financial crisis happened in Latin America in 1982 under similar planetary placements. Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Libra at that time. To Latin America, it was not simply a financial crisis because it triggered conflicts across the continent. The dictator of Argentina at that time tried to redirect people’s dissatisfaction out of this crisis by invoking the Falkland war, eventually causing his own downfall. 148


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Gender Issues and Human Rights Issue Feminist movements and LGBTQ equal right movements seem to be related to this series of plane-tary placements too. In 1988 when Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all in Capricorn, the Con-servative government led by Margaret Thatcher enacted Section 28, stating that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of ho-mosexuality as a pretended family relationship". However, the World Health Organization re-moved homosexuality from its list of diseases. The first female country leader elected in a general election also appeared in 1960 in Sri Lanka as their stateswoman when Saturn was in Capricorn, and female citizens in Sri Lanka that time were granted the voting right. Perhaps it would surprise you, but women in Geneva only started to have voting rights in that time, and it was limited to Geneva only, not the whole Switzerland. Swiss fe-male citizens outside of Geneva had to wait till 1971 to vote. In 1914 when Saturn and Pluto were conjunct, the United States House of Representatives rejected the proposal of letting women vote. Does letting women vote mean shaking the patriarch society? Will this deprive men of their rights? Will recognising the existence of LGBTQ group mean invading the rights that heterosexuals have? Saturn and Pluto aspects fear that one’s own rights will be deprived, and we can see such implication manifest among these social conflicts. These gender issues also are related to Chiron in Aries. When Chiron moves into Aries in 2018, we can expect obvious development of gender issues to happen. Cancer-Capricorn axis often triggers controversies over birth control. In December 1920, the Papal encyclical Casti connubii issued by Pope Pius XI stressed the sanctity of marriage, prohibited Roman Catholics from using any form of artificial birth control, and reaffirmed the Catholic prohibition on abortion, whereas FDA of U.S. authorised the first oral contraceptive pills in 1960. Interestingly, the famous Barbie doll of Mattel first appeared in 1959. Although it is a widely popular doll, it often invoked sexual and racial controversies, both of which are closely associated to Capricorn or Cancer-Capricorn axis. What is more worth our notice is colonisation and slavery. Although most countries have already forbidden slavery, it actually still exists in our society in disguise – see how some employees en-slave themselves or get enslaved by employers. From the news, we see how some people treat their housemaids as slaves, maltreating them by offering harsh dining, sleeping and living envi-ronment. We can see the obvious influence of Saturn in Capricorn over regimes, kingdoms, systems, struc-tures and racial conflicts, and it may even bring forth doubts. When Saturn returns to Capricorn, its own sign, it will not bring stability to politics as we expect; instead, whoever have privilege or advantage on gender, racial, or politic issues, the neglected or invaded ones will also take action responsively. We can expect some traits related to independence movements, racial conflicts, the rise of far-right political parties, gender issue, LGBTQ rights issue, 149


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human rights issue, and anti-slavery appearing when Saturn is about to leave Sagittarius, and situations would get clearer once Saturn moves into Capricorn.

Fear of Death, Nuclear Weapons, Chemical Weapons and HIV Both Saturn and Pluto symbolise the fear of death, and this explains why Saturn-Pluto aspects of-ten brought forth mass casualty in history. Wars and Epidemics often are main causes behind such deaths. When Saturn and Pluto form aspects, we, on one hand, witness mass casualties because of conflicts and wars, but on the other hand we see how the contemporary try their very best to stop the recurrence of tragedies. When we have discussed conflict between USSR and NATO in previous sections, we mentioned that it was the climax of Cold War and nuclear crisis in 1983. In fact, in 1946 after WWII, when Saturn and Pluto were conjunct, prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru appealed to the United States and the Soviet Union to end nuclear testing and to start nuclear disarmament, stating that such an action would "save humanity from the ultimate disaster.�

Besides USA and USSR, France also decided to develop nuclear weapon in 1958 when Saturn was in Capricorn, and had started nuclear tests since 1960. At the same time, within the framework of the United Nations, the principle of nuclear non-proliferation was addressed in negotiations as early as 1957. The NPT (Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty) process was launched by Frank Aiken, Irish Minister for External Affairs, in 1958. Also, due to similar nuclear threats from North Korea, leading UK and USSR also started nuclear bombing tests at that time. In 2017, The United Nations passed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which is the first legally binding interna-tional agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons, with the goal of leading towards their total elimination.



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Also, the Nobel Peace Prize of 2017 went to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN. It means that it may be possible for us to promote nuclear elimi-nation under Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Besides nuclear weapons, chemical weapons are another concern. In 1990 when Saturn was still in Capricorn, U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed a treaty to end chemical weapon production and began destroying their respective stocks. Then, in 1992 to 1993, United Nations negotiated a ban on chemical weapons. In early 1993, the treaty was signed and soon the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was formed, and it was when Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Scorpio formed a square.

Nuclear crisis was not the only threat in 1982 and 1983 when Saturn-Pluto conjunction took place in Libra. It was also when two separate research groups led by Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier independently declared that a novel retrovirus may have been infecting people with HIV/AIDS. We know how much fear it had caused in the eighties. People know little about the virus and thus act-ed discriminatingly to patients, like claiming this disease was the punishment of God on homosex-uals. Patients were isolated. Such reaction corresponds with the meaning of Saturn-Pluto conjunc-tion in Libra – fear in intimacy and partnership.

Religious Reformation There was something spectacular happened in 1517 which worth our notice. At that time, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn, and Uranus was about to move into Taurus – these outer planet placements are what we are going to experience in 2019. In 1517, Ottoman Empire occu-pied Egypt, and an ambassador from Portugal had his first official contact with China. Perhaps this could be related to the tense situation of Turkey and Middle East, and the world’s interest on Chi-na nowadays. What is more important is that Martin Luther published his 95 Theses and posted them on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church in 1517.



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We cannot say that this single act boosted religious reformation at that time, especially when Jan Hus and John Wyclif had already criticised the Church publicly in the 14th century, and their words have had influence ever since. If we try to explore the history of how the Church split, there actually lies the influence of Saturn-Pluto cycle. In the Council of Chalcedon held in AD 451, the See of Constantinople was elevated to a position "second in eminence and power to the Bishop of Rome" and Rome thus filed a protest against the reduction of honour given to Antioch and Alexandria. It was one of the major devia-tions between Constantinople and Rome. Pluto was in Cancer and Saturn was in Libra at that time, forming a tight square. The Byzantine Iconoclasm in AD726 worsened the conflict between Pope of Roman Church and Constantinople where the emperor of Byzantine Empire resided. Saturn was in Aquarius whereas Pluto was in Leo (they would form an exact opposition after 2 years). From the observation of these history, I believe we should not limit our focus on the reformation of church or conflicts among different denominations. Instead, we should realise that at that time the Church actually possessed great political rights. The conflicts between the king and the pope were often because of economic advantages and political rights. These are also attributes of Sat-urn and Pluto. When considering East-West Schism, we should not only think about religious dif-ference. Reasons Behind Independence Movement, Patriotisms and Racial Conflicts: Definition and Denial of Self Under Saturn-Pluto aspects, we often observe incidents which involve mass casualties. This could be diseases and natural disasters, but it could also be political conflicts, be it racial, hierarchal or religious. There are always a number of complicated factors behind them; for example, the main factor behind East-West Schism was not only differences on religious perspectives but also huge economic and political feedback. We may also observe a number of different reasons behind the arguments over Brexit or inde-pendence of Catalonia. Some claim that Brexit allows Britain to lower government expenditure, and some blame that Catalonia’s independence movement is mainly because of economic consideration.



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However, let us put it this way – when nationalism movements or independence movements, self-identification, gender identification, LGBT social movements and religious conflicts take place, we often wonder why people would be willing to take great risk to get injured in order to protect or fight for such recognition or rights. Why are these movements and conflicts which take place in times of Saturn in Capricorn or Saturn-Pluto aspects so intense? When we look back and review the meaning of Saturn, we realise that “definition” is one of those Saturnian attributes. So, how do we define ourselves?

Who am I? Besides by names, gender and occupations, we define ourselves by our race and blood. When one identifies strongly with something outside, this object becomes the symbol of their self-identification. There could be numerous reasons behind people’s support of Brexit or Catalonia’s independence. To those Brexit supporters, it may signify Britain’s return to its past glory, whereas to those supporters of Catalonia independence, their recognition to Catalonia’s language and cul-ture, together with its glory and its historical independence movement, overshadows their support to the Spanish King. Without the support of such intense self-identification and emotion, people will not come out to sacrifice their freedom and life. When things that people use to self-identify or define themselves (Saturn) disappear (Pluto), this could mean the disappearance of an identity (nation, religion, faith, organisation or football team that one supports), and this actually is equivalent to a sense of self-denial which is symbolically similar to death itself. From this perspective, perhaps we could better understand those “negligi-ble” voice for independence and those vigorous reaction as a result of suppression, changes and restrictions of nationality, homeland, faith and sexual orientation. Next time, when we are going to laugh at those pitiful voice for independence, those silly Brexit slogans to “take back control”, or those Trump supporters who believe that America will be great again, let us stop and think for a second – this may be stupid and laughable to you, but to these people who identify themselves strongly to their countries and homeland, it is a sense of self-worth which is absolutely undeniable. 153


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Saturn Retrograde and Station

After Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn on 20 December 2017, it will start to station at 9 Capricorn from 12th to 22nd April; then, it will start to retrograde until 6th September 2018 when it is at 2 Capricorn. This retrograde will be very important because it will start its retrograde at 9 Capricorn, a degree which Sun will pass through on 1st January every year. To many newly-established countries and institutions, this is their Sun’s position. For example, in UK’s 1066 chart, its Sun is at 9 Capricorn, and in its 1801 chart, its Sun is at 10 Capricorn. When Saturn stations at this degree, it implies that we should pay more attention to the system of these countries and institutions, or it could be that their leaders will confront challenges. Saturn will once again start to retrograde from 30th April 2019 to 18th September. During its retro-grade, we should be more cautious on constructions, legislation, and organisation or work and projects. We may encounter some frustrations, but this may mean that we discover something which need to be re-evaluated or reconsidered. We may also tend to go inward to find a different way of construction. Eventually, Saturn will move backward from Aquarius into Capricorn in July 2020, and will stay retrograde until 29th September, move into Aquarius again on 17th December. Symbolically, this is a valuable opportunity for us to review – when Saturn is in Aquarius, we may be keen to establish or construct new structures and systems; when Saturn goes back to Capricorn, it will remind us to assess our upcoming plans and projects with a sense of practicality and a materialistic approach. When Saturn is in Capricorn and Jupiter is in Scorpio, extremism, patriotism and far-right fascism will arise once again. When political divisions appear and when different parties conflict, perhaps we should bear in mind what we learn from history (Both Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scor-pio are associated to “lessons from history”), and understand the wound from social divisions, conflicts and extremism. Scorpio, which Jupiter is currently in, is a water sign which symbolises emotional persistence, memory and recollection. Besides getting agitated, we may also manifest our empathy and listen to different voices with an open mind. This may lessen our pain. Saturn in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries means that people no longer want to be puppets of the authorities, and they will act accordingly to respond. Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus may ask us to use a practical yet innovative approach to confront the upcoming years. 154


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Individual Level Individually, Saturn symbolises how a person protects, secures, and becomes more mature and independent. It is how we see our responsibility to our society and family. What is more important is our attitude. If this is your critical Saturn timing, like if your Saturn is also in Capricorn, it means you are going to undergo your Saturn return. Then, the most important thing to do is to introspect about your natal Saturn – its sign, house and aspects will inform what you should cautiously han-dle. Saturn return which takes place around 28 years old is the most challenging placement. It symbolises the trial for people to become an adult, and that is why it is so important for people to focus on their Saturnian issue in their natal chart. The second Saturn return around 57 years old will require the individual to return his experience to the society. He/She will see what he/she has achieved after all these years. However, he/she will also consider the difference between their own thoughts and social ideology and their retirement plan. Some people might even start to ex-perience the solitude and ageing process of Saturn, while others might choose to do sports, live a healthy lifestyle and adjust themselves so that they can proactively participate in the society. If your natal Saturn is in Aries, Cancer or Libra, you might also confront challenges when Saturn is in Capricorn. What is going to happen might be related to the theme of your Saturn return. For those who are yet to experience Saturn Return, they may undergo these incidents to have a deep-er understand of their own responsibilities and their lifelong challenges, which are their Saturn issues. Major events that happened three and a half years, seven years, fourteen years or twenty-one years ago may also be related. For those whose natal Saturn are in other signs, though they may not encounter challenges as intense as people aforementioned, they still have to observe if transit Saturn will form aspects with any of his natal planets. If so, pay attention to that planet’s placement, sign and house.

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the LSA and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around ten years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers. Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network. www.rodmagic.pixnet.net/blog www.academyofastrology.co.uk



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Venus In Capricorn Ewa Krajewska Venus and Capricorn are contradictory. Venus is the planet of money, love, pleasure, harmony, relaxation, beauty, art, talents and even vanity and overspending money. Capricorn, instead, is the sign of hard work, professionalism, ambition, criticism, discipline, severity, seriousness, authority, the ability of working in long-term projects and most all, patience. How does Venus work when she is placed in such a hostile place of the Zodiac for her and how does it influence chart's owner life? Venus in Capricorn is neither in detriment nor in fall so actually her placement in Capricorn is not that bad. Nevertheless, the energies of Venus and Capricorn are not compatible. When a planet in a natal chart is placed in a sign which doesn't resonate with its energy, it becomes even more active. The owner of such natal chart feels that the matters represented by that particular planet are his/her weakness and that's why he/she puts more effort to develop them. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn in their natal charts treat love and relationships in a very serious, practical and cautious way. They are not interested in flirting, romance or short term relationship because they consider it a waste of time. They don't like going out to clubs, discotheques nor romantic dates with candle light. In their opinion this is just stupid and not serious enough. They are looking for a serious and long-lasting relationship which must be official, in other words, a marriage which would last for the rest of their lives. Capricorn is related to traditions and keeping social order. People with Venus in Capricorn seem to be very serious, rigid and even arrogant as deep down their hearts they feel that they are better than others. Holding an image of cold and proud (unless they have the Sun, Moon or the ascendant in Libra, Cancer, Leo, Taurus or Sagittarius), makes difficult relating to other people and finding friends or potential partners, especially in the young age. They are not spontaneous nor funny so it is very difficult for them to have fun with other teenagers. They feel much better in the company of adult people who have a serious approach to life. When they are young, they feel lonely quite often as they can't find a right, i.e. a serious partner. As they are very wise, they know it's better to be alone than in a bad company but if they find a right partner, usually this is a person who is much older. The point is that the individuals with Venus in Capricorn mature very slowly so when they are young, they are not aware of their emotional needs yet. They need time to grow up, to realise what they expect from their partners and what is their role in the relationship. When they are about 30 years old, after their first Saturn return, they finally are grown up and they realise that they had chosen a wrong partner so they decide to break up. They don't want to waste more time on living with someone who doesn't suit their needs any more. On one hand they suffer that they have to break the social rules but on the other hand, they are searching for a perfect love. They are very practical so they prefer to end a bad relationship and look for a better partner who will make them happy. It's a wise decision because they are finally mature so now, 156


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being 30 or even 40 years old, they know what they really need in love and partnership. A person with Venus in Capricorn is often shy and self-controlled, so he/she has difficulties in expressing feelings. A woman with Venus in Capricorn won't make the first step because she knows it wouldn't be correct. She wants to act according to social rituals and normally a man makes the first step, not a woman. She will be waiting for ages and hoping that the man of her dreams will start a conversation with her. Acting like this, she misses a lot of good opportunities to start a relationship. If Venus in Capricorn is in a chart of a man, he will be terrified to make the first step because the fear of rejection will paralyse him. The woman he is in love with will be tired of endless waiting for any sign of interest from his part so she will find another man who will show her affection. As people with Venus in Capricorn are very proud and serious, they fear rejection very much. If someone would reject their feelings or laugh at them, they would feel very humiliated and wouldn't be able to stand it. Their whole world would break down if the person they love would reject them because it would hurt their pride too much. That is the reason why they prefer to be alone, even if they are passionately in love with someone. When they are over 40 years old, suddenly they realise that they are not young any more and that they wasted their youth. Quite often they start relationships with younger partners because this is their way to prolong their own youth. When they are over 40, they are more spontaneous and they allow themselves to do crazy things which they didn't want to or simply couldn't do when there were 20. Fortunately, Venus in Capricorn conserves their beauty so even if they are 60 years old, they still look very attractive. If it comes to financial matters, the individuals with Venus in Capricorn act in a strange way. On one hand the financial security is crucial for them but on the other hand they are not able to value their work properly so they agree to work for very law salaries. They think that the only way to become rich and to gain the financial stability is through hard work. They don't believe in such things like luck in gambling or lotteries. In most cases they are very professional and they are excellent specialists in their environment but they don't realise it. Sooner or later they will learn to demand more money for their work or services, especially when they realise that people who are less talented or even lazy earn more than them. Such situation will awaken their ambition and motivate them to change their approach towards money. Usually it happens after the first Saturn return, when they are around 30 years old. Building a financial stability before reaching that age may be difficult as they are losing money in strange circumstances. When they turn 30, they are much wiser and they know how to build their financial security. The most important thing that they have to learn is to value themselves and their work. People with Venus in Capricorn don't like spending money as they prefer to save it. They must have some savings on their bank account, otherwise they feel very insecure. They know how to survive a financial crisis having little money and they are even proud of themselves cutting all unnecessary expenses. They don't spend money on entertainment and they don't buy anything without analysing if they really need that thing. They like investing money in different courses which broaden their professional skills. They believe that it will help them to develop their professional career, get a promotion and a better salary. This strategy works very well for them. They don't throw out old or broken things because they think they may still use them or need them in the future. They fix broken things which other people don't use any more, like old furniture pieces, electronic devices and give them a new life. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are not interested in fashion at the young age. They prefer to be admired for their wisdom, intelligence, honesty and seriousness and not for their looks. They even despise people who wear nice, expensive clothes and pay a lot of attention to their visual image. When they are young, they often wear old-fashioned clothes, e.g. of their grandparents because they like it much more than the modern style. Wearing old clothes make them look ridiculous. Other teenagers laugh at them and even treat them as losers. That's why they have difficulties in building friendships and they feel rejected by the society. Quite often their family members or friends give them their old clothes. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are very happy about that as they don't have to spend money on new clothes. If they have to buy clothes, they often go to a 157


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second- hand shop. When they turn 30, they realise that wearing nice clothes, going to the beautician and hairdresser is very important and that a good image doesn't make them less intelligent. When they mature, they realise that the bad taste in fashion had a negative influence on their relationships with other people and even affected their love life. Wearing ugly clothes made them unattractive. When they are over 30 years old, they change their style and start to dress properly. They know what kind of clothes make them look attractive. They prefer dark colours, especially black. They dislike colourful patterns or big jewellery. They style is modest, simple but very elegant and expensive at the same time. They feel comfortable in smart business suits. Quite often they have to wear uniforms at their work place as a lot of them work at different type of offices, banks or law companies. The fact that they have to wear suites at work is a true blessing for them as they don't have to worry how to match different clothing pieces, colours or materials. When they are over 40 years old, they even become fashion gurus for others. Nobody laughs at their style any more as they look perfect on every occasion. The artistic work of people with Venus in Capricorn is underestimated in the young age. For some reason those individuals can't develop their own ideas. They have to obey their parents or teachers. Most of their artistic projects are criticized by their teachers and rejected by the society which is frustrating. Very often they work very hard on developing their talent from the early age because they are forced to do it by their demanding and ambitious parents. They posses very high technical skills but they are not able to express their artistic creativity as they are not spontaneous. After the first Saturn return they are mature and aware of their artistic talent and expression so they want to bring their own ideas to life and reject everything that is imposed by someone else. They finally want to use their great skills in order to express their artistic inspiration. When they are over 30 years old, they gain respect in their artistic environment and become an inspiration for the next generations of artists. Their success is long-lasting. Edith Piaf, the legendary French singer, had Venus in Capricorn in her natal chart. Although she had the Sun in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, her artistic talent was expressed by Venus in Capricorn. Her songs seem to be very serous and dramatic. Her singing style, full of pathos and sadness, is very typical for Venus in Capricorn. Edith Piaf was wearing simple, modest black dresses which made her look more serious. Nevertheless, her modest style was very attractive and impressive. Edith Piaf became a legend and a great inspiration for next generations of artists. Her love life was complicated. She was searching for the perfect love, that's why she was disappointed by men. Her second husband, Theo Sarapo was 21 years younger than her. Edith Piaf was raised in very poor conditions so she had to grow up very quickly. She had no time to enjoy her youth. Being in a relationship with younger man, she somehow could turn back time and experience youth in older age.



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Steve Jobs also had Venus in Capricorn in his natal chart which opposites Jupiter an Uranus in Cancer. This aspects had a strong influence on his Venus and enabled him to earn a fortune on electronic devices. Jobs earned a lot of money thanks to excellent managing skills and hard work. The electronic devices produced by Apple became so popular because of their unique design which is very simple but very elegant at the same time. In this case, simplicity and minimalism of Venus in Capricorn was the key to success for Apple products. Steve Jobs was wearing jeans, black sweater and white sneakers which was an equivalent of a suit for him. He wasn't interested in fashion at all and his clothing style was simple and modest. He had the opinion of a serious, cold and even arrogant person which is one of the faces of Venus in Capricorn. In this case it was intensified by the Moon and Mars in Aries. He met his wife, Laurene Powell in 1989 when he was 34 years old and he married her two years later.



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We find Venus in Capricorn also in the natal chart of Justin Timberlake. Although his musical style (pop, R&B, soul, funk) is entertaining, he puts a lot of work in performing and producing his songs. Justin started his musical career in a boy band called 'N Sync which was a typically commercial project. The members of the band had to fit in the specific roles imposed by the record company. They weren't able to develop their own artistic ideas nor were they responsible for the image of the band. They had to listen to music producers, stylists or choreographers and do what they were told. The whole 'N Sync project was quite lame and trashy so it was difficult to imagine that a member of this band could ever become a successful and respected artist. It's worth mentioning that Venus in the chart of Timberlake is squaring Pluto. This aspect can bring a trashy artistic expression which surprisingly is the key to success because people love it anyway. Justin Timberlake was able to break free from the lame boy band image and become a respected artist. 160


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When he started his solo career, he finally could make his own artistic projects come true. He also became a fashion icon. He wears very elegant suits which is unusual as for a pop star but Venus in Capricorn feels very comfortable and looks perfect in this kind of clothes. Nowadays, he is treated with respect and nobody laughs at his look or music any more. He was dating an actress Cameron Diaz who was 9 years older than him but they broke up. He married another actress Jessica Biel who is one year younger than him.

Joachim Löw, the coach of the German national football team, has got Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Mars. He is famous for his elegant look. He always wears elegant suites during the matches, although most of the coaches prefer to dress comfortable sports wear. Löw was even hired for a commercial of cosmetics. We might have thought that an individual with Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn would look terrible but this is not true. Joachim Löw became a fashion icon and his obsession with perfect image is legendary. Löw met his future wife when he was relatively young (he was 18 at that time) but he married her 8 years later. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn don't start a serious relationship so quickly but when they decide to marry, they hope the marriage will be long-lasting. 161


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Having graduated (Spanish at the University of Warsaw), she relocated to Mexico where she has worked as a tourist guide for almost 8 years. In the meantime, she was developing her interests of the esoteric knowledge. She was exploring the subjects of numerology, the runes and the Tarot reading. When she came back to Poland, she dedicated herself to astrology. She studied at the Warsaw School of Astrology and learned from the numerous lectures given during the conferences of the Polish Astrological Association, which she is a member of. Later on she was invited as a speaker to the further conferences and workshops organised by the association several times. In September 2017 she gave a lecture at the conference of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. She appeared as a guest on the Polish esoteric TV channel in where she was describing the ancient Pre-Colombian civilizations and the beliefs in modern Mexico. Soon she was given the opportunity to host her own programme about spirituality. She writes articles about travelling, spirituality and astrology, too. While living in London, she worked as a Tarot reader in a local spiritual centre and she gave the lectures about astrology for the Polish community. She gives also classes of astrology and individual consultations. She blogs in Polish and English. www.ewakrajewskaastrology.blogspot.com



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Shanti Devi The child who recalled her past life

Marguerite dar Boggia The life of Shanti Devi is one of the most renowned cases on reincarnation. She was born on December 11, 19261. In her previous incarnation she was known as Lugdi Chaturbhuj and was born on January 18,1902. She died at the age of 23, just after giving birth to her son. In 1996 I gave a lecture at the ISAR conference in Chicago on Reincarnation using her charts. I obtained the birth data and the personal information from the renowned astrologer Mr. K.N. Rau. This is the chart of Shanti Devi, who recalled her previous life when she was less than four years old. The publicity in India of her recollection was so enormous, that it was equivalent to the reappearance of Krishna. Mars the ruler of the ascendant, in the 1st house, was in sextile aspect to the part of fortune in the 3rd house (publicity - communication). Its sextile aspect to the North Node of the Moon endowed her with fame, public admiration and approval.



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What can be gleaned from her chart assuming that she recalled giving birth to a child and dying. Aries (15:14 Aries) rising, Sun (18:33 Sag.) and Venus (23:23 Sag.) in Sagittarius and Jupiter (22:30 Aquarius) in freedom-loving Aquarius suggest a personality who prefers independence and freedom. Declination equivalent2 Sun (11:27 Capricorn) conjoins the Midheaven (9:52 Capricorn). She is a very dominant personality! Pluto (15:23 Cancer) is in an exact SQUARE aspect with the ascendant-descendant (15:14 Aries/Libra). It strengthens her determination NOT to enter into a relationship, as she might again die. She had a fear (Saturn) of death, with Pluto (15:23 Cancer) sesquisquare Saturn (1 Sag.) in the 8th house. Pluto is co-ruler of the 8th house of death. Saturn (1 Sag.) from the 8th house, forms a sesquisquare to the ascendant (15:14 Aries). Pluto endows her with an indomitable will and intuition. (In her last life Pluto was in a GRAND CROSS involving the ascendant and descendant). Saturn (1 Sag.) forms a quincunx aspect with the part of fortune (2:55 Cancer) from the 8th house and is in square aspect to the Moon (6:13 Pisces). The Moon rules the 4th house; the 'End of Life'. It suggests that misfortune and death might result again if she pursued the same course as in the last life. If she had children they might die. Uranus (25:32 Pisces) in the 12th house forms a quincunx aspect to Neptune (26:57 Leo) in the 5th house of children and Jupiter (22:30 Aquarius) opposes Neptune. Venus (23:23 Sag.) rules the 7th house (relationships) and is in square aspect to Uranus (25:32 Pisces) in the 12th. This again reinforces her determination to remain single, otherwise a destiny of CONFLICT might be imprinted in her nature and despair might ensue. Venus prefers relationships, while self-willed Uranus demands freedom and independence. Sun (18:33 Sag.) and Venus (23:23 Sag.) in Sagittarius in a sextile aspect to Jupiter (22:20 Aquarius), endow her with confidence and good fortune (Jupiter). She is financially secure. Venus rules the 2nd house of income. Her aspirations in this life are not of a material nature, but a spiritual yearning as signified by Sun and Venus in the 9th house trine Neptune (26:57 Leo). In her last life she was devoutly religious3 and enjoyed material pleasures. In this life, planets in the 9th and 12th houses signify spiritual striving and development. Jupiter, the ruler of the 9th and co-ruler of the 12th is in the sign of Aquarius which rules astrology. She studied astrology (Uranus (25:32 Pisces) trines Mercury (27:44 Scorpio). She met the renowned Vedic astrologer, K.N. Rau, whose school of astrology is one of the largest in India. Saturn (1 Sag.) forms a quincunx aspect to Mars (4:41 Taurus) in its detriment. Mars rules her first house and is in the first house. This suggests that she had challenges to work out with over-possessiveness and/or jealousy. (Taurus detriment) Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation. This helps both energies to be harmonious. Here is how Mr. Rau learned of this case. One of his students was a relative or a friend of the family of Shanti Devi. He told K.N. Rau that when he was young, he studied at her house, where it was quiet. He said that from the age of about three or four she would refer to 'her house' and 'her house had many sweets.' She also referred to 'her husband'. When he tried to learn the name of her husband, she would not reveal it. Eventually she did reveal it, when she was promised that he would write to her husband. He did write to her husband.



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When her husband was contacted he sent his brother instead of himself. She was indignant (Aries rising) and said, he was not her husband, but his brother. She wanted to be taken to her husband. Later her husband did visit her with his new wife and her son. When she saw her son, who was ten months older than she, she was emotionally overwhelmed (Moon in Pisces) and ran to give him her toys. She demanded to know why her husband remarried, when he promised not to remarry, (Mars in Taurus). When her husband spoke to her alone, he asked, since she had arthritis and could not move very well, how did she become pregnant. When she described the whole intercourse procedure, and mentioned other matters, he then believed that she was his former wife. The publicity was equivalent to the reappearance of the Christ. Thousands of people were at her door. Mars is in sextile aspect to the part of fortune and the N. Node of the Moon in the 3rd house of publicity. She was so famous that Mahatma Gandhi invited her to his ashram. He appointed a committee of prominent individuals to investigate and report on their findings. The report was published a year later in 1936 when she was ten years of age. They all traveled by train to Mathura, where she had been born in her last life.3 In Mathura, she was emotionally overwhelmed at seeing her Mother. (Mars sextile Moon, (Mother). She recognized people and knew the dialect. When taken to her husband's house she knew where her money was hidden in a hole under a flower pot. When the flower pot was lifted, the money was not there. Her husband explained that they used the money, as she had wished, to give to the Temple. She never married and never had children. She died on 12/27/87 at the age of 61. Her destiny was to inform people that there is life after death and we live more than once. This is the chart of the first incarnation. What can we discern from it!



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We have here a heavily tenanted eleventh house that SCREAMS, "freedom", "independence". In addition, the planet ruling freedom, Uranus (19:24 Sag.), is highest in the map. It conjoins the Midheaven (22:31 Sag.). Subconsciously she did not want children. Consciously, she wanted a family and children. The Moon rules the 5th house and it is exalted in the sign of Taurus. Her ideal (Neptune) was to have a family and a home of her own (4th house). This is confirmed by exalted Venus (2:24 Pisces) in a trine aspect to the part of fortune (00:25 Cancer) and to Neptune (29:22 Gemini). The exalted Moon (9:01 Taurus) conjoining the South Node of the Moon (10:14 Taurus) in the 2nd house, suggests this was a lesson area. Jupiter in its fall in Capricorn suggests that excessive materialism hinders spiritual development. At the age of ten, when progressed Venus conjoined natal Venus, Lugdi was married to Kedarnath Chaube. He owned two shops selling cloth (yardage). His previous wife had died. He had his own well, in which Lugdi bathed. In 1915 when she was about 13, her child was stillborn after a Caesarian section. The ruler of Cancer on the cusp of the 5th house (children) is the Moon (9:01 Taurus). Mercury (7:24 Aquarius) and Mars (12:45 Aquarius) are in a square aspect to the Moon and the Moon semi-squares the IC (22:31 Gemini). A child was denied. A second child is signified by the 7th house. The Vertex4 (25 Virgo) in the 7th house, trines the Sun (27 Cap.) On 9/25/25 when she was pregnant with her second child, a son was born through a Caesarean section; but Mercury (7:24 Aquarius), ruler of the 4th house was sesquisquare to the cusp of the 4th house (22:31 Gemini). The Moon (9:01 Taurus) was also sesquisquare to the Vertex (25:10 Virgo). Nine days later on 10/4/25 Lugdi died. Her Sun, the ruler of the 6th house of health, was in a quincunx aspect to Neptune in the 4th house signifying: 'end of life.' Saturn (19+Cap.) is the final dispositor5 and Pluto (17 Gemini) forms a quincunx aspect to it! She will NOT fulfill her soul's desires for this life. The ascendant (18+Pisces) and descendant (18+Virgo) are in a GRAND CROSS with Pluto (17 Gemini) opposition Uranus (19+Sag.) Pluto rules the 8th house. This signifies a karmic (Saturn) condition. Uranus in Sagittarius again shouts "freedom". Pluto (death) obliged when the progressed Midheaven (16:35 Cap.) was in a quincunx aspect to Pluto (17 Gemini), progressed Saturn (22:27 Cap.) was quincunx the IC (22:31 Gemini) and the progressed ascendant (24:53 Aries) was in a square aspect to Jupiter (25:25 Cap.) Transiting Uranus (22+ Pisces) was on her ascendant (18:34 Pisces). I am not certain if the following has any value bearing on 'reincarnation charts;' but declination equivalent Uranus (9:57 Capricorn) in the chart of Lugdi became the Midheaven (9:52 Capricorn) in Shanti's chart. Lugdi's Sun in Capricorn, became the Sun in Sagittarius in Shanti's chart and Lugdi's ascendant in Pisces, became Shanti's ascendant in Aries. ∆∆∆



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1.Shanti Devi was born on December 11, 1926 at 1:47 PM in New Delhi, India -05:30 (IST); 77°E12', 28°N 38'. In her previous incarnation she was known as Lugdi Chaturbhuj and was born on January 18,1902 at 10 AM in Mathura, India 05:30 (IST) 77° E 42': 27°N28'. The birth data and the personal information are from K.N. Rau, the owner of one of the largest astrology schools in India. 2.A declination equivalent planet is one whose declination degree above or below the celestial equator is converted into a degree of longitude. 3.Shanti Devi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 3a.The Case of Shanti Devi - Carol Bowman Past Lives 4.The vertex is the intersection of the prime vertical and the ecliptic in the west. It acts as a minor descendant. Charles Jayne associated it with karmic destiny. 5.A dispositor is a planet that rules the sign that another planet is in. A final dispositor is one on which all other planets are dependent, either directly or indirectly, through the process of rulership.

Marguerite dar Boggia formerly served as Membership and Corresponding Secretary for ISAR (The International Society for Astrological Research). She was past publisher of Kosmos, as well as past Secretary and Director of ISAR and UAC (United Astrology Congress). She was a co-founder of UAC. Her present efforts are to aid in the expansion of humanity’s consciousness by offering, three FREE pages weekly online of the Ageless Wisdom studies as was known by Pythagoras and Plato. She can be reached at www.FreePythagorasTeachings.com



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Modern Templars Serving Ancient Purpose Victoria Faith Smoot The Knights Templar, founded in 1119, served the interests of the Crusades in protecting the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and enhancing its treasures. Their power and influence in politics and finance throughout Europe survives as an enigma and legend to this day. Banking practices in our day derive directly from the Knights Templar. In 1307, their leaders were captured and killed in Paris. Some members escaped this purge and disbursed to other parts of the world, their treasures lost and still searched for. As Masons, many of them were builders of the temples and cathedrals places at very specifically chosen locations. Therein lies the clue to their greater purpose. The Knights Templar are the guardians of the Earth’s grid of electromagnetic ley lines. The higher and ongoing purpose for the Knights Templar lives on in the work of those who study, know and work with this Sacred Geometry of the Earth. The Templars still serve from the etheric plane to inspire and call people to learn and serve the purpose of preserving the Earth as a place where people can grow and thrive to realize their purpose and bring the Earth to the highest and best fulfillment in the cosmic community.

I have been fortunate enough to meet and know some of these people who walk the same path of purpose. They are: Mary and Dean Hardy, Peter Champoux and Joey Korn. Their stories are amazing and real, and resources for each are included. Mary and Dean Hardy: I met Mary and Dean Hardy on a plane to Egypt in 1981. When the full moon in March joined the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, a group of us climbed the Great Pyramid by moonlight. In the morning, we greeted the Sun as the Earth bowed in its rotation toward it. At the time I only knew that I would be learning a lot more about this experience in years to come. That year, the Hardy’s held their annual gathering that year of learning about working with the Earth’s energies through pyramids, obelisks, essential oils, standing columnar waves, and using the Great Invocation to help balance and preserve the grid and deflect tornados and hurricanes to harmless paths. 168


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I have been attending their conference most years since then. That is where I started learning about the Knights Templar. In the 1990s, Mary Hardy began learning intuitively from the Templars more about her past and her purpose when she visited the south of France. She and Dean came to understand more about what they were doing to assist in preserving and supporting the grid so that humanity can evolve their consciousness and grow in the Light. This can be interpreted and described in as many ways as there are individual faiths and sacred rituals, ways and means that invoke positive energy we know most commonly as Unconditional Love. The Knights Templar were the first Masons and alchemists. This is not just the turning of lead into gold, but also the process of turning gross humanity into “Christed “ beings capable of knowing and serving their purpose in Divine Order. One of the things the Templars were involved in was the building of temples and cathedrals all over Europe. Temples, cathedrals and churches are located on these Spirit lines, especially where they intersect. These structures were built in addition to and in keeping with the tradition of the spiritual centers and sites of ancient civilizations, such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge. These sacred sites were designed and built to keep the Earth in balance through times of catastrophic earth changes and to help maintain the grid in full function, and they still do. The Hardy’s experienced “lost time” on a motor trip from Indiana, and developed communication with guiding entitles who visited them. They were inspired and spiritually directed to build, with the help of engineer Ken Killick, a scale model of the Great Pyramid for balancing and healing the energetic columnar pathways of the body, meetings, and meditations on their property at Allegan, Michigan. It is one of a network of locations connected by energy lines, or ley lines, in order to help balance the grid and modify destructive weather for the Great Lakes area of North America. Sacred Geometry is at work on the Earth, just as it works in the alignments of stars, such as in your birth charts of planetary positions at the time of your incarnation on Earth. Sacred Geometry is universal. Read more about the work of Temple of Sakkara and the Sisters of the Emerald Fire (from the Heart Center) started by the Hardy’s at www.templeofsakkara.org . From this website you can read more information about the Templars and about their history. Mary teaches that, like herself, anyone can call on Templars to find out where to go when lost or for achieving a purpose. One time a few years ago, I was invited to join a friend at an Egyptology conference in Toledo, Ohio. I did not feel the directions he had given me were right somehow, and sure enough, I found myself totally lost. I decided to calm my mind and ask the Templars for guidance and proceeded to pay attention through inner focus about which turns to take. I asked them to take me to my friend Daniel. Before I knew it, I was pulling up to a hotel where the valets let me park in front of the door without taking my keys, and I walked into the lobby just as my friend was coming down the stairs from the second floor. An annual Temple of Sakkara conference has been held at Dumont Lake in Allegan, MI in July or August each year. I am pleased to join many presenters to give astrology lectures and consults at this retreat each year. See www.templeofsakkara.com .



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Ley Lines and Alignments

Sacred Geometry of Place Peter Champoux calls himself a Gaiagrapher. He started working with the memory lines, or ley lines in the area of Massachusetts where he is from. Now he practices all over the world researching ley lines, and circles around power points on each continent of the World Grid. Gaiagraphology combines the Western Geomancy and the Eastern Feng Shui. He provides a service for anyone who wants a study to be done on their location, using, much as Astrologers do, the inquiry about the experiences that a client has during the timeline of their living at the location. Of ley lines, Peter says: “Ley lines are pathways for memories around and throughout our earth. These memories are seen in relationship to a series of like elements or with a combination of such relationship qualities: mountains, lakes, bays, fault lines, plutons, composition of earth minerals, holy places, cities, conflicts, etc., . . . . “Augmenting these series are natural and or cultural events that coalesce to create a ley. These events drill karma or memory deep into Ley Lines. A contemporary example of a karmic hole drilled into a ley is the destruction of the World Trade Towers along the City ley line. “Indigenous cultures honored ley lines as a benefit to the People by placing stone constructions (such as piles or standing stones) and ceremonial centers along leys. These culturally specific actions were utilized to focus telluric energy. This was done to promulgate health of the individual and society. The prodigious stone construction efforts by the English shows the important role of Ley's influence.



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“Ley lines are the nervous system of the earth and impact the nervous systems of biology. Ley Lines are wave forms drawn as a line, they spiral and undulate like human DNA. It is thought that this morphogenetic resonance field facilitates the transmission of memories held by the land into the cellular memory of the body through the DNA. Leys that are kinked or blocked can create a geopathic condition affecting DNA, health and social peace. Leys free of encumbrances (karma as such) conversely carry grace and power that benefits health and social peace by connecting our biology with that of the living healthy earth.” Peter Champoux has wonderful books on his work that can be found on his website at < http://www.geometryofplace.com/ley.html> with this subject and more along with contact information. Dowsing Joey Korn is a Geomancer, or dowser, and teacher. He also teaches the Kabbalah. I first came into contact with Joey through a mutual friend and we enjoyed an inspiring correspondence via email for years. He often discussed the work of his beloved teacher, the painter Walter Russell, who developed the metaphysical study of Cosmogony or Oneness with the Universe through heightened consciousness and the relationship between energy and matter. He gifted me with one of his favorite works by Russell, The Divine Iliad. A wonderful book that introduces Walter Russell is The Man who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. When I finally got to meet Joey face to face for the first time in Toronto, he immediately knew who I was. And of course, I got a set of dowsing rods from him. Geomancy is the practice of dowsing with divining rods the energy lines in any location indoors or outdoors to locate these energy lines of the grid that completely covers the globe. Joey Korn demonstrates how detrimental Earth energies affect us and how we can use blessing to make them beneficial to us. He has a YouTube video demonstrating how one can work with divining rods as well as muscle testing, or reflexology, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoTea1qjwYw Everything that has happened at any location where goes into the grid and is carried along those lines between power centers where the lines intersect. This may often result in memories and flashbacks, as well as detrimental experiences and even illness when that line is carrying negative energy. As his main mission, Joey Korn demonstrates the Simple Blessing Process in a YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjJDUWDA6_M that cleans and requalifies the energies. I also learned from our mutual friend how Joey plots the Tree of Life on any bed with dowsing to achieve maximal restful and restorative sleep. See more about Joey Korn and his work at his website on Spiritual Dowsing http://www.dowsers.com and the subpage www.dowsers.com/simple-blessing-process-by-joey-korn/



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Joey Korn writes: “In my dowsing & space clearing work over the past twenty years, I find that the most powerful way to keep the energies around you, in your home or in your office, balanced and beneficial is to keep your own energies balanced and beneficial, as well as those who share the space with you. This includes the Earth energies associated with what many call “geopathic stress”, because we make the Earth energies detrimental with our negative thoughts and emotions, with our own negative or inappropriate reactions to our stresses and strains of life. I’ve devised a very simple blessing format to help keep your energies balanced. You can also use it to bless others, food & water, objects you wear, or just about anything you can think of. Blessed objects, such as jewelry, will hold the energy you bless them with and will continue to help you if you wear them. If you will include these five components to a blessing, and do it often, it will help to keep your energy pattern balanced and beneficial, as well as the energies around you. This is easy to memorize or learn and integrate into your throughout-each-day life. Try to let your negative thoughts and emotions remind you to say this blessing. Negative thoughts and emotions are what I call “negative blessings.” Turn your negative blessings into positive, purposeful blessings. It’s important to say your blessings with feeling and envision the process; don’t just recite the words. The five components of this Simple Blessing Process are: 1. Address the Divine in some way. 2. Ask to be blessed and/or charged with energy. 3. Make a statement of what you want to accomplish. 4. Express gratitude. 5. Close the blessing in some way. Each component is important. The first three are to make it work; the next two are for you. It is important to feel and express gratitude and to turn our blessings over to a Higher Power. So here's a simple blessing with options to tailor your blessing for your purpose;

Dear God (or however you address the Divine) Please bless me and charge me with energy To bring healing and balance to my complete being, Physically…Emotionally…Mentally…and Spiritually, * Thank you Amen



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Feel free to share this with others. * This is where you could add a statement requesting help with something specific that you want to bring into your life, but it’s not necessary. Just state what you want help with in your own words, if you like. Remember that the blessing is complete within itself, as it is above.” -- from the website http://www.dowsers.com

With the use of dowsing and blessings, we can each be a grid keeper for our own space in this world. But wait, astrologers; there’s more!

Astrology is about the Sacred Geometry of the Sky in your birth chart as a two-dimensional map. It is used in combination with various techniques and for personal purposes. In correlation with the Sacred Geometry of the Earth, using distinct methods of working with reflected planetary paths of orbit on the Earth help people determine the best locations for living, spending time for a vacation, or as some do for their Solar Returns. Two of the most popular techniques are:

AstroLocality (an example shown above) reveals the power places that will best support your personal intentions derived from the location of the chart. It focuses on your natal chart with your intention and the planets in your chart that relate to that intention. Thus, if you are looking to find love, a stable career, an enriching home and community, spiritual growth, or creative fulfillment, different locations will be more or less beneficial for your pursuits, and can be pinpointed through using your natal astrology chart. There are many websites on the Internet to find where astrologers who offer this service.



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Next . . .

Astro*Carto*Graphy (pictured above). Developed by Jim Lewis, this was ingeniously built upon research in relocational astrology that already was a century ripe. The idea had fascinated astrologers well back to the 1800s. A relocation natal chart is used according to your location. It is placed over an astro map or Astro*Carto*Graphy. It is basically your astrology chart imprinted over the world map. It is believed that the influence of these lines attribute to different experiences, or luck, in different locations, depending on which lines, are influencing a specific place. For example living somewhere under a Sun line or Jupiter line is considered lucky and living under a Saturn or Pluto line can bring on difficulties or challenges. Many websites about Astro*Carto*Graphy are on the Internet. “Lewis' contribution was to take time and place beyond the narrow focus of a single horoscope and recast them onto a world map. Lewis' Astro*Carto*Graphy, then, is an angularity map that displays orbit tracks of the lights and planets for all horizons and meridians ... for the birth moment. The premise behind it, again, is that people will experience the intrinsic natures of the planets at locations where their natal planets fall angular. Lewis himself received many thousands of letter corroborating this notion from customers who were so impressed with the technique that they felt impelled to write to him and explain the detail of their lives. He advertised that changing one's locale could substantially change the prevailing conditions of one's life circumstances.� (Continuum magazine.) These are summaries and introductions of the work of keeping and using the World Grid in Unconditional Love from different points of view and experience. Each is worth investigating, so use your research instinct and the suggested resource links to guide you.



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Victoria F. Naumann Smoot has studied and practiced astrology since the early 1970s. She began teaching “Keys to Astrology” in the ‘80s at the WRAC conferences in Cleveland. Victoria’s interests include consulting for life path and purpose, research, history, archetypes and symbolism, particularly of ancient Egypt. She is an adjunct faculty member of The Cleveland Institute of Art. She is the editor-in-chief of the ISAR’s journal, The International Astrologer, an ISAR.CAP, and a certified professional with OPA. You may contact her at vpeltz@gmail.com , or message her personally on her Facebook under: Victoria Naumann Smoot




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IAM ARCANUM Major Arcana 0 – The Fool

Tara Aal



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In the space between, I am suspended Relieved of the past No attachment to the future I have stepped from something Yet to land on anything I am free To begin

The Fool in the Tarot is the beginning before the beginning – zero ground. Some say a fool holds the greatest wisdom. Has the “fool” figured it out – that most of our thoughts, stories, and behaviors are silly? We don’t go a bit crazy, we are crazy, trying to be serious, sane, and able to justify what we say and do. I’m not suggesting we all recklessly step off the cliff into chaos, but I am suggesting we lighten up some and cultivate the ability to be silly and appreciate our silliness. When we try too hard to be wise, we often end up being foolish. The Fool teaches us to break free from the past and our pre-defined reasoning, to embody beginner’s mind, heart, and spirit. The zero symbol can represent all possibility – nothing has broken out of it, yet. It symbolizes coming full circle, and the entirety of a cycle. The Fool stands in the center of this symbol, ready to emerge in a new direction. The Fool is not starting with nothing, for she carries the essentials, and distilled wisdom of the previous cycles of evolution. As we move between incarnations, our Essence remains constant as we continue our greater journey of growth. The Fool is how we begin, and naturally, also how we end – armed with our Essence and the stored wisdom of our experiences. This same concept applies to each new day and moment, on a smaller scale, as we are never the same. When the Fool appears in a reading, we can be assured a new cycle of life, growth, or experience is beginning. This is a time to have faith, and to trust in ourselves and life with a certain amount of innocence. No matter what has preceded, new liberation, joy, and adventure are possible. Imagine you are jumping from stone to stone in a river. The Fool is akin to the moments you are between stones. As someone once suggested to me, you might learn to delight in the suspension, like a ballerina dancing in the air. Whether you like it or not, it’s time to take the leap, for only this will lead to your next step on solid ground, in the direction of your truest desire. To do anything less will keep you in a cage, endlessly running on a hamster wheel that always leaves you exactly where you’ve always been. Uranus is the planetary correspondence with the Fool card, and reminds us to expect the unexpected. Uranus can represent the non-local masculine; consciousness that never changes and is free from form. In mythology, Uranus was excited to have children, for he loved the idea of them. Once birthed, he wanted nothing to do with them – the idea and ideal of them were destroyed by their reality. In some respects, the Fool is our freedom from the collection of things in our past. Uranus can facilitate a break with reality in positive ways, meaning our perspective shifts to the extent we are living a new life! The Fool brings us back to our Essence and neverchanging, never-ending consciousness. From here, we can choose the direction and shape of our next endeavor, phase, or even identity.



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As with anything Uranian, it is prudent to slow down and pay attention enough to avoid careless accidents and injuries, physical and otherwise. Beginner’s mind does not mean using ignorance to be irresponsible and reckless. It does mean being willing to look and listen in new directions, and to follow the call of our spirit, without a precharted course. The Fool card challenges you to be open, optimistic, and youthful. It grabs your hand, pulling you to be courageous and take a risk – to be more of what and who you are by shedding layers of costumes, customs, and beliefs that do not fit. In accepting and honoring the ending that came before, and welcoming a beginning of unknown course or outcome, you are available for life. You won’t have to determine when to step outside the circle onto the new path – you will simply land in the perfect moment.

Through her own commitment to personal growth, Tara supports others in discovering more truth about themselves. Tara believes in the healing power of acceptance and allowance – in first receiving ourselves and each other as we are, and as we change. With her ability to quickly get to the root and meaning of things, she helps others shift perspective and create new options. Tara has been a writer and teacher for many years, and has been practicing astrology and the Tarot since 2011. She completed Laura Nalbandian’s Evolutionary Astrology three-year program and is a certified Soulsign Astrologer through Adam Gainsburg’s Immersion program. Currently, Tara is living in Los Angeles, leading a metaphysical writing team for Sage Goddess. She offers private sessions, lectures, and workshops. She is a regular presenter with EA (Evolutionary Astrology) Zoom Meetings, and columnist for Infinity Astrological Magazine and Conscious Community Magazine. Tara is very passionate about using and sharing the astrological technique Planets on the 1st (choosing a new experience of yourself). Tara also enjoys painting, drawing, music, and photography. She loves using images in her work, and you can expect to find her journal pages, mind mapping diagrams, photos, and paintings in her presentations and publications. Much of her inspiration comes from nature, and she loves to explore the outdoors. www.TaraAal.com



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Francesca Furino

“There is urgent work to be done on the Will..” Roberto Assagioli

The astrology of the past and that of the future are today divided by a subtle line - waiting for Spiritual Teaching to enter into full use... If on the one hand we can affirm that the ancient astronomical knowledge was acquired empirically, thus making direct experience of the influences that were attributed to heavenly bodies (Gods) – somehow, being subjected to them - today as evolved beings, we are able to understand thelephatically for example some of the most advanced teachings, thanks to a more advanced use of our psychic field, and to more evolved functions such as intuition, that from an ecstatic, flashing vision of a detail allows us to reveal instantaneously the perfect synthesis of a given event. So, over time the use of the astrological instrument has changed, as far as the subjective vision of reality is at least. For centuries the dominant culture has supported the development of the separating mind (vision) at the expense of a multifocal and coinciding vision of those psycho-sopho-logical values - which Astrology as discipline has always enclosed in itself. Thanks to the contribution of avant-garde currents, we are witnessing the re-discovery of a 'Renaissance' astrological model which identifies in the psychic quality of inclusion each and every concrete and abstract aspect of reality: the real strength of modern man. To learn the astrological system was - and is - an initiatory experience. Astrology in itself is based on the law of analogy, and in particular on the cause-effect law (or Karma Law) where personal responsibility can do a lot to make a change in one's reality. 179


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The individual develops the ability to sustain tension and to engage in the struggle between opposites - evil and good, darkness and light, unconscious and conscious ... which results in an initial acceptance of one's own nature, with all its negative and positive aspects. *** Until the Positivism, human knowledge of the spheres 'stopped' at seven visible planets (plus the fixed stars). Nonetheless, the 'Celestial Model' (observed by the Earth) depends primarily on the observer's capacity of deeping the vision. By discoverying the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), the scenario related to Saturn's sphere of influence took a massive change ... as well as the human psyche concretely achieved greater use of its potentiality. In the course of the Era, as living creatures, men questioned the origin and meaning of life... as well as the concepts of consciousness and self-knowledge which started to develop. Any human being manifests itself in the “Life breath” (such concept finds its roots in the Greek term Psichè = Soul), in the synthesis of the body-mind-emotions and spirit (vital breath) which allowed humanity to acquire a self- and a world experience through forging the personality. Empirically observing the celestial alignments above him, he created his own inner sky.

*** Zodiac vision has undergone some important 'changes' throughout history... we know that in a distant past some constellations (Leo-Virgo and Aquarius-Pisces) were merged together, thus allowing to experience ideally only 10 archetypes (from Greek eïdon = orao = to see). Just think about the Egyptian Sphinx, the half-human, half-animal ideal model/1/ that 'points' directly to the Orion Constellation reproducing a perfect, encoded geometry of the Universal Archetype... 'as above, so below', we may recall. The zodiacal mandala is therefore a perfect, geometric 'scale' reproduction of an ideal model containing all possible human experiences that consciences in their journey on Earth undergo entering into direct contact with the informing and vibrant Cosmic Entities, known as Great Lives. Very distant stars in our system (in particular, Sirius, the Pleiades and the Seven Sisters of the Big Bear) emit 'qualitative' informed energy pouring through the constellations and the Sun (our System’s primary star), which at the same time distributes this energy through the whole System, to all planets, and reaches all the kingdoms of Nature (human, animal, vegetable and mineral) on Earth. Only in more recent times imaginary lines plotted in specific points on the celestial sphere have been related to the development’s degree of the intuitive and imaginative faculties - the abstract mind - of the human being. Thus, it was possible to subdivide the Earth's surface into sectors and quadrants, and to observe the apparent motion of the Sun on the celestial sphere during its annual course, identifying the 12 constellations as we know them today in the Tropical Zodiac.



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But from a sidereal point of view, according to the ancient wisdom, they eventuallly amount to 14. However, the full perception of their influences nowadays seems unlikely to be grasped, primarily due to a delayed development in the human conciousness at the collective level. These higher principles of psycho-spiritual energy have been defined as Cosmic Rays: streams of 'qualitative' energies transmitted to planetary centers and received by the human body through seven centers, known as chakra. Macrocosm and microcosm herewith meet. This great Synthesis causing effects at solar, planetary and individual level creates the network of relationships that connects the infinitesimal atom to the Great Lives, and the correspondence between any point in space, in our body, and in the Soul. Our Higher Self, moved by the eternal principle of Love, the same vibrating energy throughout our Solar System. Man by definition unites Sky and Earth; he builds the Rainbow Bridge, or Antahkarana, through which the substance passes from one plane to another, from form to essence, in the arc of many lives, during many evolutionary cycles. The human presence on planet Earth is certainly a conquest... and every step towards a greater awareness of all its aspects must also be seen in relation to the growth of the sense of responsibility towards its brother-human beings and towards the planet.

But all this is possible when a satisfactory degree of personal integration is achieved, at the level of the Personality. Satisfied with the need for self-awareness, man acquires self-confidence, and once he has recognized in others the common path, he can finally choose to collaborate in the construction of a better collective life. At this level, the conscious man allows his Higher Self, the voice of the Soul, to be heard.... Today we know that the mental apparatus, in a fully mature individual, is able to grasp the most "thinner" aspects thanks to two of the most evolved psychological functions: imagination and intuition, linked together by thought, function capable of capturing that language and transforming it so as to render this comprehensible in the mind. However, the first in-depth investigations into the mental body were conducted only in the last century as long as the first psychic maps about the functioning of the psyche were also drawn. The meaning of “psychology” (study of the mind) is outlined at that time; and philosophy and medicine meet new fields of research and application, also driven by the great cultural revolution and by the emerging progress that will bring society to structural changes. The concept of unconscious took form becoming increasingly clear, thanks to great pioneers such as S. Freud and C. G. Jung. The unconscious is meant to be a great reservoir of both internal and external information, beliefs and images... often perceived as uncomfortable or ‘monstruous’ for the ordinary conscience when unacceptable or improper instances end up being crowded into it after having been repudiated. Jung, on the other hand, senses that beyond grief, an opportunity to redeem a destiny marked by pain and difficulties might exist. 181


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In Italy, the first great pioneer to develop these concepts further was Roberto Assagioli, founder of the Psychosynthesis, an integral method of care and self-education able to accompany the individual towards his own bio-psycho-spiritual development through the implementation of his talents. In establishing a daily practice, Psychosynthesis would focus on the various levels and different nature of the psychic activities, distinguishing between some manifestations of the lower unconscious (considered to be less evolved); other manifestations received by the ordinary consciousness, and the existence of a transcendent ego the true essence of Personality. It was the prelude to the creation of the super-conscious, the principal container of man's resources and talents. Assagioli’s theses were then warmly encouraged; the longlasting exchange with his friend Jung, along with topics from the scientific world and the oriental disciplines, found perfect location within the vast container of Psychosynthesis (1926). In particular, influences from other intellectuals of the time, such as the humanist D. Rudhyar, the main exponent of transpersonal astrology, increased his interest, already shared with Jung, for a modern person-centred astrology... being seen as a study of the pre-eminent human characteristics – the human typologies - that would start from self-recognition (actualization), to belonging to a larger context, to carrying out a mission on Earth, up to the possible development of the higher qualities of the Self and the service to be rendered to humanity. A map graphically represents the psyche, just as astrologically, the Birth Chart represents the model of archetypal experiences througout life which can foster an understanding and harmonious development of all potential and innate qualities carried by the individual. With respect to Jung, who had classified the four-partition of psychic functions on the basis of astrological temperaments: feeling (water), sensing (earth), thinking (air), intuiting (fire), Psychosynthesis Star Diagram adds impulse-desire and imagination, sustained by the Will, the pivotal function capable of coordinating and directing the psyche towards a harmonic fusion. *** Assagioli suggested to first perform a personal psychosynthesis - in order to move towards the inter and transpersonal process – before engaging in cooperation (and service), that is once evolved elements such as brotherhood and compassion were ultimately incorporated... This is the first attempt to open up to a profound spiritual psychology, shared by all human beings, which enhances the interaction of those aspects, even the unconscious ones, often in contrast with the powerful energies recognizable at the conscious level. Nonetheless, self-realization is only possible through adequate training; through the use of the Will - true "engine" of the human psyche which becomes the arrow, the catalyst and transforming element of all energies “being poured” in the unconscious. So, in a process of self-realization, many of the "superior” qualities descend from the higher psychic regions and manifest themselves in our conscience... But it might not always occur through induced stimulations (such as meditation techniques, hypnosis, etc.); much more often, they are caused by unpredictable episodes of spiritual awakening which can also cause dismay to whom experience them.



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Therefore, we must well interpret these energies, in order not to give rise to misunderstandings or lightness, and to better support the person in addressing these “new” potentials. *** The high educational value of astrology has been extensively re-considered in this pioneering period, using a new interpretative line that clarified this evidence. If the collective unconscious could be comprehended as a reservoir of psychic energies expressed through symbolic images - present in fairy tales and myths of all peoples as a sort of “unconscious” psychological heritage – we know that personal unconscious already contains seed ideas or a priori forms called Archetypes. Jung says that the archetype persists through millennia, but it requires new interpretations. Archetypes are unshakable elements of the unconscious, but they change form continuously. The archetypes, as models of behaviour, are precisely those inherited infinite possibilities of representations that originate, as we have seen, from the “qualitative” informed cosmic flows. At individual level, self-awareness consists in the integration of these innate images progressively freeing man from the obscure dominion of prejudice through a cognitive act of self-reflection. Thus, we arrive at the primigenous image which coincides with the Zodiacal Symbol (process of actualization). The 12 Cosmic Archetypes (the Zodiacal Signs) tell us about the symbolic path towards home, towards the Absolute, undertaken by the individual, starting from the dualism present in every manifestation from which a third element always originates. And this “trinity” is presented in all its submultiples: both for quality (triplicity of signs) and for element (quadruplicity - Fire, Earth, Air, Water), whose intersection originates the corresponding Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed Crosses, and the 6 axes of a Horoscope. In the process of actualization, the symbol par excellence is the archetype of the Sun. Think about the adoration of Horus, the Sun God, whose very ancient symbol – d – does represent the Personality, in all its aspects - and it is always the Present, the Here and Now of our life. This archetype became prominent when declined the lunar symbolism and so did the kingdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother, binded to the unconscious, to the humid, uterine environment in which life has its origins... by Jung also associated with the dark and “cavernouse” side of the psyche. The Moon – b- is our Past. It represents the history of past incarnations absorbed and preserved within the amygdale, and only on some occasions can such memories be pushed back to consciousness in order to be elaborated. At each rebirth a new story will be written otherwise. Finally, the Asc is the sailing ship that leads man to experience himself through the 12 behavioural models. It is the conscious aspect of the process, the Future that will outline the spiritual aims to be pursued in this incarnation. In this way, all forms can be experienced throughout life (archetypes), they can inhabit all the dimensions of life, opening up their own energy...



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From a psychosynthetic point of view, when these “collective” images become part of our field of consciousness, they develop their own energy, quality and strength and start acting spontaneously, often in a non-ordered way, like many actors/protagonists on one’s inner stage, in search of an “I”, the Director who is able to coordinate them. That director is our Will – it can be identified in the central circle of the Birth Chart - and the planets as time moves on will form multiple sub-personalities through their interrelations, playing with different roles on the inner theatre. Astrologically, when we are ready to leave the path of self-actualization - after three major Jupiter cycles (about 35 years) - we usually feel ready to jump on the path of the Soul, discovering the Higher Self. An important quality may result from this conscious journey: the more will the Personality strive to keep cohesive all its vehicles, the more integrated and ready it will be to serve the design of his Higher Self. *** Before diving into the observation of a chart, it is of paramount importance to reflect on the act of educating that, as Astrologers, we wish to activate. Education derives from the Latin ex-ducere = to bring out, that is, to bring out what is already inside. Technical preparation, together with personal ethics principles, are combined with the desire of bringing authentic help, of creating a relationship of trust. Thus connecting the Soul of Astrology with the Soul of the individual, Assagioli says. The educator is like an ideal model, a living representative of the future psychosynthesis of who is receiving the educational act. Education is, in fact, an art... without fixed, rigid methods. Each attitude must be suitably dosed and made flexible, according to the different men types, and the moment they are transiting; these aspects are well reflected in a Birth Chart. However, there is an intelligent preparation at cultural level that can greatly facilitate the work. It is good to know the various techniques, to deeply hold and use them wisely. But above all, the essential point is self-domain and self-education... No matter how, if we want to create the “atmosphere”, to radiate, to represent the quality that we want to infuse- of understanding, of intuition and plasticity -we cannot ignore to carry out our own personal therapy. Psychosynthesis has always insisted on the self-educational aspect. The motto: "Know, Master, Transform yourself" perfectly synthesizes this principle. In order to fully achieve self-fulfilment it is necessary to work on the subconscious to bring out complexes and stereotypes (only in this way will we be able to fully contact the original archetype!).



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We need to collaborate with what is conscious by making direct experience of psychosynthesis techniques and know how to apply them, so as to be able to evoke with our higher unconscious the innate qualities and perform our personal psychosynthesis as in an alchemical work. Assagioli recommended to dive into the psycho-spiritual “magnetic field” of Astrology, to “be overwhelmed” by it, and so to align with more evolved energies before connecting with the chart prepared. He was also used to bless a horoscope... the profound, meditated study of astrological symbols allowed the telepathic and intuitive contact needed to write contents. Moreover, Discernment is a quality to be developed in every free moment: it is the union of concrete and abstract mind at the service of the educational task to be carried out. A bridge that is activated when our personal and transpersonal Self (the Soul) begin to align so as to easily establish the appropriate operating level in the following astrological investigation. Ideally, we proceed from a Personality development program which facilitates an effective astro(psycho)synthesis at personal level - (self)actualization chart. Then we need to harmonize, as we shift to the Soul development program – (self)realization chart. Before each subsequent step is made, every practice is effective if an “inventory” of the pre-eminent characteristics is drawn up, either they emerge in the therapeutic, educational or in a meditated study of a chart, Assagioli recalls. In preparing a delineation, the first, fundamental, connections to be observed naturally concern the “traditional” attributions, such as elements and triplicity, crosses, relations with the opposite signs and with those adjacent to them; regarding the planets, observing decanates, rulership, dignity, exaltation and fall, etc... Finally, when this is well structured, we begin to establish a deeper contact with the esoteric aspects of the chart, analyzing the attributions of rays with respect to signs and planets, and how the configurations already analyzed take on a deeper vibration and meaning. A focussed attention - which is forged with time and after having observed and analyzed multiple charts - must be trained first. Then the connection with the higher spiritual energies will be facilitated so as to perceive the level of selfawareness (personal evolution) of the individual whom the chart has been prepared for. To be able to correctly address a personal psychosynthesis, due reference should be made to self-empowerment in working with clients... by leading them in taking, where possible, their own measure of responsibility througout the process. We therefore work actively with the client, suggesting an inventory of their conscious complexes, of their ambivalences... In observing the chart, polarity and/or weak or missing elements, oppositions and squares, etc. will be mentally annoted in order to identify the related conflicts. The manifestations on physical-emotional-mental and spiritual level will certainly help understanding the polarization - that is, which of these levels the individual is most focussed on.



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Through the planetary configurations, we experience our sub-personalities, not only as causal factors - projective models, introjected from the external. Or as centres of innate qualitative energies that determine specific “creations” in individual reality. There is more. Often, in fact, in a Transit Chart, these configurations do not indicate any particular events or inner changes that we would expect in that circumstance. As we have seen, the planets are to be considered as lenses, as focal points through which the informed influences of the 7 cosmic rays are expressed in the space, and by resonance on individuals. Groups, as well as nations are ultimately governed by the astrological signs and by the rays just as individuals are, and these rays affect them through the ruling planets. In her writings, A. Bailey quotes that [the planets]... were the heavenly bodies in direct astral and psychic communication — morally and physically — with the Earth, its Guides and Watchers. The visible orbs furnish our humanity with its outward and inward characteristics and their Regents […] with spiritual faculties ./2/ It is therefore useful to remember that each person will be simultaneously under the influence of “classic” and esoteric rulers – the latter manifesting the quality of each specific ray perceived at a subtler level by the psyche. The more will we proceed in our evolution, the less we will perceive the so-called "pure" influence of the planets. This is true at both individual and collective level. Since archetypal behaviours (constellated aspects in a chart) are triggered by certain events, sub-personalities would begin to react either on the level of Personality (classic rulership) or according to the vibration of the ray (esoteric rulership) as intuitive emanation. Hence, for a certain moment in time, it is more appropriate to cast the Progressed Chart /3/ in order to understand how higher-level influences are effectively working on the background and how the three vehicles (physical, emotional and mental) can be brought back to an harmonious functioning, at the stage of integration needed to the Personality to evolve towards the mission of the Soul. A wise understanding of the psychological functions activated in these cases - both actively and by reaction - will guide each process towards the most adequate resolution, moderated and coordinated by the good use of our central Will. Perhaps the most powerful Act of Educating is expressed here... when the conscious (psychosynthesis) astrologer supports the client in the delicate process before the many “scattered” forces emerge and start flowing towards integration... From a logical point of view, the acceptance of the opposite polarities concept signifies to replace the principle of non-contradiction - upon which Aristotelian logic and major topics covered during the past millennium have been based - with the principle of complementarity, and this can have incredible consequences in the paradigm shift to which all men of Good Will are cooperating, sustained by Universal Love. The re-conjunction of opposite polarities can never be seen as an ending point, but as an initial complexity that pushes to transformation, making an infinite number of partial - often suffered - synthesis, towards selffulfillment.



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It is simportant here to remember that the Synthesis is not the additional sum of the two polarities, but the vertical solution completed in a central point at the higher level. Assagioli defines the concept of polarization (and synthesis) as one of the most useful keys for understanding us, others, relationships, peoples, eras, cycles, etc.. But also.... as the guide which helps taking the right position, and as the most important secret of life, a principle of continuous application. ~ Francesca Furino PLC Italy- Psychosynthesis Life Coach in-formation Psychosynthesis Counsellor Psychological Astrologer References: 1/ Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter 2/ Alice A. Bailey – A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol III - pag. 305 3/ One of the most popular techniques is called “Secondary Progressions”. Astrologers “progress” a chart. System that equates one day after birth to one year of life (the day-for-a-year method).

Essay presented at the IX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASTROLOGY Perugia, Sala dei Notari, 1/2 Luglio 2017



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IAM LUNATION January/February 2018

Nona Voudouri Full Moon on January 2, 2018; Τhe Wolf The first full moon of the year takes place at 11 ° 37 'of the Cancer Capricorn axis and affects the Cardinal Cross signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), especially those who were born at the end of the first decan and early in the second. Sun, has just been separated from conjuction with Venus and is going to meet Pluto. The Moon, powerfull, in its home, in the sign of Cancer. The Moon in this position always speaks about the need that is imprinted in our deep cell: This security we feel in the womb, sheltered from the mother's "shell". The emotion in depth. The need to express that feeling. The Sun in Capricorn, on the other hand, is associated with responsibility, seriousness, ambition. The structure and organization as a “backbone”, is essential for any kind of creation. Authority. The latter becomes even more intense, with the converging session of the Sun with Pluto, but also with the stellium in Capricorn, which shows that the themes of the sign are at the forefront. There is also a good and a difficult zone here: Pluto's participation in a full moon is never an easy one, because the emotional tension is enormous, so potential emotional explosions are easy to come in as a wave as we are affected either internally or manifested as external events. Anything that pushes us to feel insecure can easily rebound during the days that full moon’s energy flows, and it will have the starting point for those that we can hardly manage. Resentment in this case may come from what we cannot control. So, it is easy to get feelings of jealousy or anger, for example. The fact that the Full Moon is in Cardinal Signs means that there will be a need for action to take a stand against all of this. And impulsive action is not what is best to do when it comes to this kind of relief. What is negotiatable with the Sun in Capricorn is seriousness and limits. What is the good news? A Kite pattern is created with the participation of Mars and Jupiter’s conjunction in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, with the Sun as the focal planet. This is a positive pattern that here is helping to spell the energy of the full moon creatively; We are at the beginning of the year and this time there is a need to make a new start. We have the opportunities to put limits on what affects us emotionally, what does not help us. Let's do things seriously. The trap here is the urge, the rush. Not only because the Full Moon is in Cardinal signs, but also because the Mars-Jupiter conjunction favors the hurried, perhaps frivolous movements that can easily happen when we are emotionally charged. So: Controlling the spontaneous emotional expression that may come from "heavy" and oppressed emotions and channeling to new goals with creative mood and seriousness. Yes, we can express our own emotions but not manipulate the others. Happy New Year, Blessings and Joy for everyone. 188


Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

New Moon on January, 17, 2018; Terms and limits New Year, and its first New Moon will occur at 26° 54' of Capricorn. Here, the influence is primarily concerned with the third decan of the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) which are called in the midst of a "crisis" to nullify and make a new start. With the two Lights (Sun and Moon) and four planets (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto) in Capricorn, the message is clear: The first New Moon of the Year is not what would be described as a family product advertisement, where Mom would open the window in the morning to let the light inside while the rest of the family start their day cheerful and smiling. We are in a Saturn area and here the soil is hard and made of stone: Capricorn is the epitome of gravity, laborious work at all levels, limits, emotional and literal. It is introverted but also consistent, competitive and fair. Let's not forget that this New Moon will lead to a Full Moon Eclipse; The year 2018, begins with demands. Besides, the sign that hosts the New Moon is equally demanding , which is "besieged" by Pluto and Venus who is preparing to enter the last degree of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn, especially in Mars's exaltation degree, is not in a position where it can unfold its harmonious and sweet nature. Here, it becomes inaccessible but at the same time, charming. There is also a tendency for violence and power that is highlighted by the participation of Pluto. During these days, there will be a great deal of need to confront their deep feelings, to control situations and relationships and to seek the absolute at all costs. Here comes the word "crisis", mentioned at the beginning, to find its place. Simultaneously, all the aforementioned planets are in a square with Uranus, who, in turn, makes a quinqux with Mars. Given these data, the climate becomes more explosive, with a tendency for collisions. The feeling of dissatisfaction can lead to breaks, not only with others but also with ourselves, in the field and the degree of influence that exists correspondingly. "What I want to do" is in conflict with "what I have to do". When the main actors are Capricorn and Scorpio, things are never obvious and simple. The action can be hidden and there is a background. Mars, however, is preparing to touch the eclipse degree of August 21, 2017, which was decisive and caused many events, characterized as "American Eclipse". Judging by the map of this New Moon, the forthcoming period will give birth to certain situations that could literally turn “explosive”. The sextiles of the New Moon with Mars, and Jupiter’s with Pluto, are a safety valve. At least they can be used as such on a personal level. The former aspect is creative and the New Moon, as every new beginning, is linked to creation. The latter, is very helpful in economic matters, which is always important in a chart where the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn have the leading role. This is a good counterweight to a promisingly demanding New Moon that invites us to address seriously and consistently any crises or changes that may arise.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Full Moon (and Total Lunar Eclipse) on January 31, 2018; Redefining It is the first eclipse of 2018 and it takes place at 11° 37' of Leo. Those whose planets and Ascendant are close to that degree, will be more affected. Specifically the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) who were born in the period between the end of the first decan and the middle of the second one. An eclipse of Moon on the Leo - Aquarius axis always exacerbates psychological pressure on issues that arise in relation to ourselves, and those opposite to us. In the sense of the whole and our position in it. It is always necessary to balance two opposing actions amidst emotional burdening. Leo is our core, the center of our self from where every mood for creation, everything symbolizing the essential expression of our own, personal universe, emerge. Aquarius is the one who can and must work in a common context as a part of the All, while feeling free. Here basically lies the battle of balance: Who are we and what position can we take as a part of the whole without losing our uniqueness? The fact that the Moon is in a relationship with Ceres here, makes the need for negotiation between these two even more intense. On the chart of the eclipse, Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, in conjunction with the Sun. The Moon tends to apply a quinqux to Neptune. The probability that the boundaries between what we want and the one that actually exist will be inconceivable if we want to get rid of controversial situations. The need for release from what affects our being will be intense but not without a cost on our soul. When we go through such periods, the tension is strong, therefore we must remember that hasty decisions lead to disappointment and regret. Mercury, who is on the threshold of Aquarius, carrying all his experience from the sign of Capricorn on his shoulders, would say: Think carefully and practically before you move towards your release, whatever it concerns. Do it, as long as you are sure you still want it afterwards. Anyway, when Neptune is present, either the feeling of frustration or the blurry image we have due to emotional turmoil, are not good counselors. An eclipse never stops straining those who are directly affected at first, but at least it is not one of the most difficult. However, it has the ability to draw from the depths, a wound that can be transformed into a scream and shake off a burden. It may bring a feeling of weakness and weakening of the immune system of the body, to those who are affected. Nevertheless, it is an eclipse that can help us weight what we want, with ourselves, and put our wants and musts on a scale look at them straight in the eyes. That is how life goes on: Through small or even greater crises, redefining the paths we need to take.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

New Moon (and Partial Solar Eclipse) οn February 15, 2018; Let it be February’s New Moon is also the second eclipse of the year. A Solar this time, since solar eclipses always occur on a New Moon and Lunar ones on a Full Moon. It takes place at 27° 07' of Aquarius and will mainly affect the signs of the Fixed Cross (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), born around mid-to-end of the third decan. Aquarius is the sign of the collective, the sign of "we". Here, the Sun and the Moon in this sign, make a sextile with their modern ruler, Uranus, which is something quite supportive. Emotional constraints will be undesirable and we will feel the need to repel things that choke us in order not to be part of this new beginning. The Venus-Mars square on the chart of the eclipse, makes that even more evident. It is an aspect of internal and external conflicts. How much do we accept our own feelings and the feelings of others? Saturn’s sextile (the traditional ruler of Aquarius ) with Venus can help dealing with this in a more contained, safer way. Another aspect that creates confusion is the square between Mars and Neptune. The actions may not have a clear goal, and our daily energy may feel "weak". Under the influence of this aspect, there is an inability to focus on action, either literally because of a physical impairment, or metaphorically, in terms of psychological weakness. The course of Venus, which tends to make a conjunction with Neptune, will bring some disappointments, so restraint is necessary. Yes, liberation from our own burdens especially, in order to become lighter. It is an eclipse, hence let these kind of emotions disappear ideally. Jupiter also creates a square with the Lights, inflating the influence, perhaps our expectations too. It is good to remember that even though Jupiter is not negative, even in square aspects, it often brings a more subdued action, magnifies what it finds in its path, whether it is for our benefit or not. What is interesting is the parallel aspects of Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, with Mars and Pluto. There is a violent energy that is not visible on the chart at first sight. It is very likely that this eclipse will be activated in the future and this energy may be manifested in the form of events of the same nature. Let's not forget that this eclipse is almost opposite to the eclipse of August 21, 2017, at 28° 52'of Leo and a solar eclipse, is activated when the Sun reaches its counterpoint again. Astrologers know that the first eclipse of the Saros series has always been a matter of great importance. In this series (150), the Lights were in opposition with retrograde Saturn, at the same position that Venus is today on the chart of the eclipse of February. Of course, it is impossible to analyze all the connections between the two eclipses, but at least we can emphasize the significance of Saturn. However, beyond the cosmic interest that each eclipse has, on a personal level, it is important to remember that with regard to this particular eclipse, it is important to keep our ability to discern as much as possible, without exaggeration, responsibly, looking forward to the Future.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Nona Voudouri was born and raised in Thebes. Her initial studies were on Music and Vocal Art. Her love for Astrology appeared at an early age. She completed her studies at the ―Alternative Education‖ astrology school. Also attended specialized seminars by distinguished astrologers from Greece and other countries. In 2017, she began a new cycle of courses that encompass Draconic , Mundane Astrology as well as the ancient art of Horary Astrology. She firmly believes that apprenticeship never ends. She collaborates with www.Oroskopos.gr as a columnist




Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

IAM HOROSCOPE January/February 2018

Cassandra Tyndall

JANUARY 2018 Aries A rare meeting between your patron planet and optimistic Jupiter can set the tone for 2018. As the first week rolls into the second, you may be inspired by a new direction or increased enthusiasm. A sense of meaning and purpose can be found by exploring territory you’d normally avoid. This terrain can include your emotional or financial life, or both. Taurus A new calendar year will bring a new meaning to a fresh start as your ruling planet joins the Sun on the 10th. This phase, known has Cazimi, is a purifying and cleansing phase for Venus. As powerful Pluto is also in the mix, you can confidently put 2017’s struggles behind you and emerge as a force to be reckoned with. Gemini The last several weeks have been a challenge for you Gemini, but now, you’re finally able to tie up loose ends and move forward. Mercury changes signs on the 11th and will swiftly join Saturn. A new sense of groundedness and clarity can help you begin the new year with a concrete resolution toward your goals, especially the financial ones.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Cancer The main planetary focus for January is your relationships. January 2 is a key date as the Full Moon in your own sign can trigger deep healing or an overwhelming emotional response. A release, surrender or letting go is possible, where you let your guard down and enjoy the romance and connection the cosmos has on offer for you now. Leo An intense alignment between the Sun, Venus and Pluto on the 10th may instigate a post-holiday season health kick. Healthier eating and exercise will do you the world of good now, both for your body, mind and spirit. 2018 is set to be a busy and productive year, so doing the right things now will help you last the distance. Virgo Mercury moves into your 5th house of fun from the 11th. This will bring fun and frivolity back into your life after the last several weeks of confusion and delays. A meeting with Saturn on the 11th may inspire you to commit to more joy and good times in 2018. Time spend with loved ones, children or doing what you love will be a massive return on investment on your overall happiness. Libra As the old year becomes new, you may find a sense of groundedness and stability with your family. Connecting to your roots or the past may be highlighted under the Full Moon on the 2nd. A potent alignment between your ruler Venus, the Sun and Pluto on the 10th will make your personal priorities crystal clear in 2018. Scorpio A rare pairing between Mars and Jupiter from the 6th – 8th will offer you a sense of direction and purpose as the new year begins. You may get clear on a personal goal or find a renewed sense of meaning and purpose on a personal project. An optimistic attitude combined with a ‘can do’ approach will set the tone for plenty of opportunity and abundance throughout 2018. Sagittarius Time out to reset, re-focus and contemplate will be especially important for you as 2018 begins. It will be the work you do behind the scenes that will drive momentum and focus this year. Your patron planet aligns with Pluto on the 15th, bringing the potential for progress or a much-needed break-through regarding a financial plan or ways to improve your income. Capricorn Clarified perspectives that align with your personal priorities will be the theme of this year. Now that your ruling planet is in your sign, themes of restructuring will be highlighted. With a pile up of planets in Capricorn this month, the focus is fully on you. A New Moon on the 17th is ideal for setting your intentions for the year. With a link to unpredictable Uranus, be sure to have a backup plan.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Aquarius 2018 will have a less social and a more introspective and private tone to it. Your ruling planet, Saturn is now in your 12th house, embarking a 3-year journey. You may commit to a spiritual path, tapping into your intuitive abilities or give yourself a well-deserved sabbatical. It will be what you choose to say no to throughout 2018 that will give you the greatest reward. Pisces Jupiter and energy planet Mars align from the 6th-8th. 2018 may start with a bang as you put into action your plans, hopes and dreams for the year ahead. Travel, publishing or academia may be high on your list of priorities. What you say yes to and choose to pursue throughout this year will bring greater meaning to your life.

FEBRUARY 2018 Aries Adventure and discovery are key themes this month as your patron planet tours your 9th sector. A link from Neptune on the 17th/18th may prompt the desire for escape, or even a sabbatical. Getting in touch with your spiritual side is also highlighted. February may not be your most productive month, but tapping into new discoveries that stir your soul with be well worth it.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Taurus The most divine alignment between your planetary ruler and romantic Neptune occurs on the 22nd. Highlighting compassion and forgiveness, any hiccups or missed opportunities for connection from earlier in the month can be restored. Your best support may come from your dearest friends, your alliances, or even your work colleagues. Gemini An eclipse in your discovery sector on the 16th may open up a new world of possibilities for learning, travel or international opportunities. It may the connections you make online that pave the way for you to expand your reach. New friendships and alliances can be formed that may prove to be long lasting pillars of support. Cancer A New Moon will trigger your financial sector on the 16th. With Mercury in the mix, new ideas on how to create the financial security you crave can help you make solid plans. As this is a South Node eclipse, surrendering old ideas or how things ‘used to be’ can liberate both your mind and your bank account. Leo A fresh start is possible in a significant relationship as a New Moon eclipse lights up your 7th sector on the 16th. Slates can only be clean however, if you’re prepared to let the past go. Communication is the key to release as Mercury aligns with this lunation. Venus and Saturn also connect, suggesting that the support you receive now, will be long lasting. Virgo Mercury, your patron planet tours your 6th sector and joins the New Moon eclipse on the 16th. You’re cosmically prompted to scale back non-essential tasks and responsibilities in order to free up your most precious resource, time. There is a fine line between being of service and being a slave, this eclipse can help you realise the difference. Libra Solid progress can be made socially or creatively as a New Moon eclipse on the 16th will inspire a heightened sense of joy. This includes your friendships, hobbies, romances and children. If you’re looking to attract more fun into your life, you may have to let ideas go around how you think things should be. Scorpio New beginnings are possible under the New Moon eclipse on the 16th. As this lunation aligns with the South Node, letting go of the past is your key to moving forward. Mercury in the mix offers the chance for open and insightful conversations, where togetherness and long-lasting support from loved ones can be achieved. Sagittarius The 12th sees a link between your patron planet Jupiter and the Sun. If you’re feeling overstretched, you may need to reassess your priorities. If you’re not doing enough to establish your desires, then the Sun’s light can help you push forward. A South Node eclipse on the 16th can help you let go of distractions or old ways of thinking.



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Capricorn As a new level of personal responsibility emerges, this month’s astrology invites you to look at your bottom line. While thee is plenty of opportunity to set new intentions, and create momentum around your income and cash flow, the secret of your success will lie in letting go of old attitudes and habits around money. Aquarius Progress is possible under this month’s New Moon eclipse on the 16th. New intentions about the person you wish to be, and what you wish to achieve can be made. However, new beginnings don’t begin until the old is surrendered. Your challenge is to be brave enough to let go of old ideals or attitudes. A link between your ruler Saturn and Venus suggests you have the support to make it happen. Pisces Rest and retreat may be needed under the New Moon eclipse on the 16th. Falling in your most private and personal space, you may need time to rest and restore as you detox from unwanted or old energies, as you welcome the new. One of the most fortunate links between Venus and Neptune occurs in your sign on the 22nd. This annual event can prompt new inspiration and help you move forward in a situation close to your heart.

Cassandra Tyndall is an avid professional astrologer, writer and teacher, based in Brisbane, Australia. Her interest in Astrology started when she was a child reading horoscopes in her mother’s magazines. Known for her honesty, passion and insight, Cassandra offers consultations to people all over the globe. With over 10 years experience, Cassandra combines ancient and traditional methods with a modern day spin to enhance specific predictions and offers practical and inspired guidance. Cassandra is known and respected for bringing the symbolism of the signs and planets and using this as a tool for helping you discover inner knowledge, clarity, wisdom and benefit. Cassandra’s work has featured in Wellbeing magazine, Women’s Health and Fitness as well as numerous websites. She is the former president of the Young Astrologers Association (NSW) and was on the board of the Federation of Australian Astrologer’s



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

The Volatile Connection Between Redheads and Mars Edward Snow

Research links red planet to feisty behavioral traits on earth You may not be old enough to remember Maureen O’Hara, the strikingly beautiful Irish actress whose red hair, crystal-green eyes and porcelain white skin were so dazzling she was dubbed “The Queen of Technicolor” by Herbert Kalmus, the man who invented that color film process. O’Hara’s full head of vibrantly menacing red hair wasn’t much of an asset in the many black and white films she made early in her career. But her hair was spectacularly on display on the head of Mary Kate Danaher in The Quiet Man, the film classic she co-starred in with Hollywood legend John Wayne. In the storyline, Wayne’s character Sean Thornton returns from America to Ireland to reclaim his homestead and escape from his past. Sean’s eye is caught by Mary Kate, a beautiful but poor maiden who is the younger sister of ill-tempered Will “Red” Danaher, who did what he could to drive a wedge between them. This sparks-flying love story won an Oscar for its director John Ford in 1952. And – in the movie role she often described as her favorite – O’Hara did nothing to damage the reputation or mystique of feisty, strong-willed redheads the world over. Reportedly, throughout her life, O’Hara strongly identified with the sassy, independent heroine she portrayed with such flare on the silver screen. “I loved Mary Kate Danaher,” she once told a Hollywood beat reporter. “I loved the hell and fire in her. She was a terrific dame, tough and didn’t let herself get walked on.”



Jan/Feb 2018 Immortelle

Fiery Archetypal Energy Professional astrologers have long believed they know where this fiery archetypal energy is coming from. That would be the red planet Mars, a fiercely competitive and combative source of combustible celestial energy. Where Martian energy is working in the birth map is where astrologers invariably look for fireworks of one kind or another. According to some explanations, the stereotypical redhead is supposed to be hot-headed, tempestuous, dramatic, high-strung and sensitive. In support of these claims the medical community has identified a genetic sensitivity to pain among redheads. This sensitivity to physical pain can affect temperament and could possibly tip over into volatility, they suggest. This, no doubt, is true. But astrologers make an impressive case linking redheads with the fourth planet from the Sun. If the traits described for Mars are accurate, the planet must necessarily occupy a prominent position in the redhead’s birth chart. In 1988, research astrologers Judith A. Hill and Jacalyn Thompson published the results of a statistical study simply titled Mars and Redheads. The authors noted that hair color is a feature of personal appearance, which astrologers traditionally link to the ascendant or rising sign on the birth chart’s Eastern horizon. The ascendant is constantly changing with the rotation of the earth, traveling 360 degrees through the 12 astrological signs in 24 hours. So Mars (and every other planet) can be observed rising above or setting below the horizon at some point during any given 24-hour period. If Mars is indeed the energetic life force astrologers describe, and the rising sign influences personal appearance as astrologers say, it’s reasonable to assume the red planet might be found at or near the ascendant in the birth charts of redheads more frequently than expected by chance. Astrology is a complex symbolical system and redheads are much too complicated to be captured by a single astrological signature or indicator. Not all redheads have Mars rising in their birth maps, and not everyone born with this planetary picture is a redhead. However, Hill and Thompson hypothesized that people with red hair should be born with Mars within 30 degrees of their rising sign or ascendant more frequently than others. Conversely, the red planet should be seen setting within 30 degrees of the descendant less frequently when compared with randomized control groups populated by non-redheads.

Impressive Odds In their original study of 500 redheads, the astrologers found 136 redheads (or 27.2 percent) had Mars within 30 degrees of the ascendant, which was significantly higher than the percentage found for the randomized control groups. Among non- redheads, the percentage dropped off significantly to 16.9 percent and 19.4 percent. The researchers calculated the odds at a million to one against the likelihood this result occurred by chance. Hill and Thompson also found that Mars was located within 30 degrees of the descendent only 9.8 percent of the time in the birth charts of redheads compared with 16.9 percent and 19.4 for non- redheads in the control groups. Significantly, the odds for Mars turning up less frequently at the descendant in the birth charts of redheads were calculated at 350,000 to one against chance. Both results were demonstrably higher than the 95 to one ratio needed to show statistical significance.



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In a recent review of the Mars and Redheads study Canadian research astrologer Kenneth McRitchie says the Hill and Thompson study is particularly interesting because it associates implicit astrological properties with an explicit physical trait. Importantly, the result has been replicated by subsequent tests. And it has withstood various critical challenges, like the claim the result could be explained by the Mars-dawn factor. McRitchie explains that this particular artifact arises from the slight demographic preference of babies to be born near sunrise, and the slight astronomical tendency of Mars to be situated near the Sun in the sky. In response to this criticism, Hill and Thompson submitted their experimental data for independent testing by Beverly Steffert, PhD, and research associate Michael O’Neil. The pair verified the accuracy of the experiment and was able to demonstrate that the Mars-dawn factor contributed a Mars variation of less than one percent, which did not explain the experimental findings. In a paper published on the www.astrologicalreviewletters.org website, McRitchie describes various successful efforts to replicate Hill and Thompson’s results. What he finds especially intriguing about the research is that it suggests “the distinct possibility of experiments that fully leverage known biochemical and genetic factors. “Red hair requires elevated levels of trichosiderin and this can be precisely quantified from hair samples. The scale of trichosiderin levels could hypothetically be correlated with Mars frequencies. Also, genetic factors for red hair are known and these factors can be explicitly evaluated from DNA samples provided by participants. “In general, DNA indicators appear to have some of the same properties and complexities commonly attributed to astrological signatures in that the traits they carry are not always expressed in the same way, and there can also be numerous related contributing configurations. Consideration of both DNA and astrology together in a crossdisciplinary study of red hair could potentially begin to answer many as yet unresolved questions in both fields,” he said.

~ Edward Snow is Managing Editor of the Astrology News Service (ANS). He is a former news reporter, publicist and public relations executive and has been a student of astrology for many years. http://astrologynewsservice.com/



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