Zalando Presskit

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Press Kit Facts & Figures Founders: David Schneider, Robert Gentz Members of the management board: David Schneider, Robert Gentz, Rubin Ritter Chairperson of the Supervisory Board: Cristina Stenbeck Founded: October 2008 Headquarters: Berlin Type of company: SE Number of brands online: Over 1,500 Number of products online: Over 150,000 (current collections) Markets: 15 – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, the United Kingdom. Fulfillment centers: Brieselang (2011), Erfurt (2012), Mönchengladbach (2014) Listing: Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

About zalando Zalando ( is Europe’s leading online fashion platform for women, men and children. We offer our customers a one-stop, convenient shopping experience with an extensive selection of fashion articles, including shoes, apparel and accessories, with free delivery and returns. Our assortment of over 1,500 international brands ranges from popular global brands, fast fashion and local brands, and is complemented by our private label products. Our localized offering addresses the distinct preferences of our customers in each of the 15 European markets we serve: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland and the United Kingdom. Our logistics network with three centrally located fulfillment centers in Germany allows us to efficiently serve our customers throughout Europe. We believe that our integration of fashion, operations and online technology gives us the capability to deliver a compelling value proposition to both our customers and fashion brand partners. Zalando’s shops attract over 135 million visits per month. In the second quarter of 2015, around 57 percent of traffic came from mobile devices, resulting in close to 16.4 million active customers by the end of the quarter.


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investors A list of current investors and ownership stakes: Ownership Verdere S.Ă€.R.L. (Kinnevik)

31.78 p e rc e nt

Global Founders GmbH

11.18 p e rc e nt

Anders Holch Povlsen

9. 35 percent

Tengelmann Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH

4.99 percent

Baillie Gifford & CO

3.05 percent


3.71 percent

Public Free Float

35.94 percent

Revenue growth


1768.0 1800



154. 0 2010




EUR, in millions


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l o c at i o n s Zalando’s headquarters are based in Berlin. At the end of December 2012 Zalando opened its first fulfillment center in Erfurt. With a logistics area of 125,000m² it is ‘Europe’s largest wardrobe’. In October 2012 construction began on a second custom-designed fulfillment center in Mönchengladbach which started operations at the beginning of 2014.

Z A L A N D O L O C AT I O N S - G E R M A N Y & E U R O P E L A S T U P D AT E : S E P T E M B E R 2 0 15














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e x pa n s i o n Within seven years, Zalando has managed to establish itself in 15 European countries.


Online since 2008 Germany

Online since 2009 Austria

Online since 2010 Netherlands, France

Online since 2011 Italy, United Kingdom, Switzerland

Online since 2012 Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Norway

Online since 2013 Luxemburg

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r e ta i l Zalando’s online store broke away from the boundaries constraining traditional stores and mailorder retailers, offering a broad and attractive selection of products with the added benefits of simple payment, delivery and customer care processes and unlimited opening hours. In its early years, Zalando’s commercials quickly raised awareness for the store’s offering, pushing Zalando’s aided brand recognition in Germany close to the 90 percent mark. Our efficient processes tailored to fashion and shoe retailing help to cement Zalando’s positioning as a German fashion retailer with a passion for technology. For all its progress and achievements, the e-commerce sector is still in an early phase of its development. The sector will continue to grow and shape shopping behavior over the coming years. Our continuous investments in our infrastructure, our tech platform and our processes provide Zalando with a sound base to move further.


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Mönchengladbach fulfillment center Construction began: Autumn 2012 In operation since: Beginning of 2014 Total area: Began with 75,000 m2, with an additional 50,000 m² to be added Dispatch: Several thousand packages per day Jobs: over 1,500 employees

Erfurt fulfillment center Construction began: Autumn 2011 In operation since: Summer 2012 Total area: 125,000 m2 Dispatch: Tens of thousands of packages per day Jobs: over 2,600 employees

Brieselang fulfillment center In operation since: Summer 2011 Total area: 25,000 m² Dispatch: Several thousand packages per day Jobs: around 1,200 employees


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fas h i on Our fashion buyers tour the world’s fashion metropolises and international fairs to track down the latest trends. Zalando is both a platform for established brands and a slingshot into the European market for young, local brands. At our headquarters in Berlin, we offer young designers access to Zalando’s fashion know-how and an opportunity to develop their own brands. Our customers expect an assortment covering the latest trends and tailored to their individual preferences. For them and for us, shopping is an emotional experience. That’s why we continue to look for ways to make it easier for our customers to discover new favorites on our platform. With new search and screening functions, assistance tools and our inspirational section we offer all our customers the right service to suit their particular needs.


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technology When Zalando went live in 2008, the store used a standard operating system that served its purpose, but had its limits for fashion lovers. A proprietary platform was needed to offer customers and fashion brands the product presentations they expected while keeping up with fast-changing assortments and the company’s growth. Today, this platform forms the heart of Zalando and covers everything from store operations to fulfillment and purchasing software. Zalando’s technology department has become one of the company’s driving forces.


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Z a l a n d o a s a n e mp l o y e r Zalando SE is probably the youngest company of its size in Germany, with an average age of just 30 years. The entire group is made up of more than 9,000 employees in Germany, about 3,800 of them in Berlin.


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TV S P OTS Zalando is not just a hit online. The company’s ads are known for their over the top, tongue-in cheek sense of humour, which is one of the main reasons why Zalando has reached cult status and gained 88% aided brand awareness (in the markets we launched before 2012) so rapidly.

“Warning” May 2010 marked the beginning of the Zalando TV ad cult – the ‘Warning’ ad was a brave way to rouse curiosity, warning customers instead of trying to convince them. “Please, never let your wife, girlfriend or sister discover Zalando!”

“ K o mm u n e ” The ‘Commune’ ad appeared in late 2010 to mark the start of that year’s Autumn/Winter season. A group of long haired hippies are interrupted during their discussion about unnecessary online consumption by a Zalando delivery man. Their newest female devotee had given into the online menace and ordered heels.


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“ C a mp i n g ” The ‘Camping’ ad really secured Zalando’s image as a humorous and cheeky brand. Alongside the usual tongue-in-cheek storyline, the ad also gave customers the naked truth about the company’s huge range and great service.

“bank robbery” ‘Bank Robbery’ saw a swarm of women charging the robbers in their local bank when Zalando packages are delivered. This was the first ad to concentrate mainly on the company’s clothing range. The campaign was awarded the Effie advertising award.

“zalando sports” As Zalando’s range continued to grow, men also started to catch online shopping fever – ‘Zalando Sports’ is launched and provides sports fans with everything they could ever need or want.


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“gameshow” ‘Game Show’ concentrated on the joy Zalando brings to their customers, as a Zalando delivery man correctly guesses which shoes produce which squeal of joy.

“virus” The Zalando Virus has broken out! The focus of this advert is the comprehensive fashion range available in the online shop. The message is clear: young or old, sooner or later the Zalando fashion virus will infect everyone!

“ r e d e mp t i o n ” Zalando provides some religious guidance to rid us of the shopping demon! The tongue-in-cheek ad ‘Redemption’ depicts a customer who has been possessed by the Zalando shopping experience.


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“ t h e b at t l e f o r c h r i s t m a s ” Zalando’s first Christmas ad, ‘The Battle for Christmas’ is a humorous take on the ultimate race to deliver presents – between Father Christmas and the Zalando delivery man.

“ fa s h i o n f o n ta i n ” The ad ‘Fashion Fountain’ gets us in the mood for summer and shows that nothing can hold back Europe’s largest online shop for shoes and fashion, not even when the internet is cut off. With a focus on the wide range of fashion in fresh colours – the new season is off to a fun start!

“real men” With the TV spot ‘Real Men’ Zalando presents their first fashion spot which is directed entirely to men. Finally the question is being answered on how men react when getting their Zalando package delivered. While women as generally known express their fashion joy with a scream, the new spot shows in a humorous way how real men expose their pleasure silently.


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“ F a s h i o n C o n t r o l” With the 12th TV commercial called “Fashion Control”, Zalando continues its self-ironic humor and communicates the brand message: Zalando makes you happy and fulfills fashion desires. From trendy to premium, from sporty to elegant - the people in the spot wear the right outfit and feel comfortable. They are then prepared for every fun - like for a spontaneous fashion show during a traffic stop.

“Schnee von gestern” The battle between the delivery man and Father Christmas continues in the TV advertisement ‘Schnee von gestern’. In last year’s ‘The Battle for Christmas’ the delivery man was victorious because he delivered faster. This time Father Christmas has discovered the many benefits Zalando has to offer, allowing him to get one up on his competition.

“ l o v e at f i r s t s i g h t ” Aired in Spring 2014, ‘Love at first sight’ shows how inspiring and fun fashion can be. As four women walk through the streets, men instantly fall in love with them. Their on-trend outfits and their positive attitudes play a huge role in this phenomenon.


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“ S h o pp i n g l i k e a m a n ” The second TV campaign aimed at men focuses on the convenience of online shopping and the extensive range of mens’ products available at Zalando. The ad features the ‘Zalando man’: he’s always wearing the right outfit and can tackle all kinds of problems with humour, intelligence and without getting carried away.

“ F REE YOUR F ASHION ” Zalando is launching into the 2014 Fall/Winter season with two new TV ads and is encouraging women all over Europe to express their own style. The ads depict breaking loose from the rules of fashion and the euphoria of fashion freedom; they present the new Zalando: more personality, more fashion, more fun.

“A r e yo u r e a dy ” “Are you ready?“ is the essential question that lies behind the Spring/Summer collection of 2015. The Zalando campaign marks the beginning of a new direction. The spot works with a reduced setup which primarily transports emotions and shows rituals of the “getting ready” process.


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OUR SUCCESS STORY 2008 october

Foundation of the company

2009 september

Zalando develops its first TV advertisement

2010 february

Zalando expands its assortment to include apparel


The Zalando Lounge is launched in Germany


Launch of our own shop platform


First creation of a private label

2 0 11 march

The first Zalando Magazine is launched

m ay

First international launch of Zalando Lounge in France, 5 countries to follow

j u ly

First self-operated fulfillment center in Brieselang


Launch of partner program in Germany

2 012 m ay

Designer cooperation with Kaviar Gauche

j u ly

A new Technology Team starts working in Dortmund


Opening of the first custom-designed fulfillment center in Erfurt Launch of the first smartphone app in Germany Zalando reaches break-even in the core region Germany, Austria and Switzerland


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2 013 m ay

The 2,000th employee is hired in Erfurt

j u ly

More than one million downloads of the app in Germany Beginning of operations in the second custom-designed logistics center in Mönchengladbach


Zalando becomes a German stock corporation (AG)

2 014 January

Launch of the iPad app in Germany


Designer collaboration with Eleonora Carisi After Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and France, the partner program is launched in Italy

m ay

Zalando becomes an European stock corporation (SE)

s u mm e r

International apps are rolled out


Zalando goes public and lists in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange


The Zalando share is included in the SDAX

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Zalando had a very successful year 2014 and publishes the first annual report “The Zalando Code”


Opening of Zalando’s first international technology hub in Dublin

M ay

Zalando launches the styling platform ZALON


The Zalando share is included in the MDAX

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i n t e r n at i o n a l a w a r d s 2 015

German Stevie Awards Silber: Silver: Company of the year

Swiss E-Commerce Award 1st Place: B2C Fashion & Accessories 1st Place: Mobile Commerce 2nd Place: Swiss E-Commerce Champion Special Award: SHEcommerce

Digital Communication Award Best Product Campaign, Topshop #WhereverYouAre

Germanys Best Online-Shops Categories: Fashion Online Only and Shoes

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Internet World Business Shop-Award (Germany) Best Online Pure Player

e-Commerce Polska Award (Poland) Category: Overcoming distrust

NetComm Ecommerce Awards (Italy) Best Pure Player

Webshop Award Belgium Categories: Baby & Child, Women, Men, Shoes, Accessories and Fashion

TW Forum Award (Germany)


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Stevie Awards People’s Choice Stevie Award for Best Customer Service (Retail)

Swiss E-Commerce Award 1st Place: Swiss E-Commerce Champion 1st Place: B2C Fashion & Accessories

BeCommerce Awards (Belgium) Best Webshop

Retail Award (Italy) Best Communication Campaign

European eCommerce Awards Silver: Best Cross Border Webshop of Europe

Twój Styl Doskonałość Mody Gala Fashion Award (Poland) Excellent Fashion Online Store


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a ta s t e o f o u r range of brands lifestyle ALDO Bruuns Bazaar Buffalo Carhartt Cheap Monday Converse Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren Diesel Dorothy Perkins Dr. Martens French Connection Gestuz G-Star KIOMI Lacoste LIVE Lee Levi’s® Mads Nørgaard Marc O’Polo Minimum mint&berry Nike Sportswear Only River Island Samsøe & Samsøe Scotch&Soda Tommy Hilfiger Vagabond Vans Zign


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premium 7 for all mankind Aigner American Vintage Calvin Klein Designers Remix Collection Fendi Filippa K Hugo Boss Jeffrey Campbell Just Cavalli Liebeskind Liebig Marlene Birger MCM Michael Kors Moschino Patrizia Pepe Paul&Joe Sister Polo Ralph Lauren See by Chloé Strenesse Tibi

sport adidas ASICS Bench Burton CMP F.lli Campagnolo Jack Wolfskin Lowa New Balance Nike O’Neill Patagonia Puma Quiksilver Reebok Roxy Salomon Schöffel The North Face Under Armour Venice Beach


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C o n ta c t s In case of any questions please contact: Boris Radke Corporate Communications Tel.: +49 30 209681038 Kristin Dolgner Corporate Communications Tel.: +49 30 200 088 124 Corporate Website


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