Btec print project 3 brief

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Internal verifier: John Crossley

BTEC Level 3 Print Media Production Project 3 – Factual Writing for Print Introduction: This brief aims to develop learners’ understanding of, and ability to apply, the techniques and skills required to produce factual material for print-based media. Through following this Brief learners will understand the qualities essential to successful factual communication. Learners will develop an understanding of factual writing techniques as well as the key research techniques that are used to develop and gather ideas and content. Following this, learners will generate a series of Ideas for their original article, and then conduct primary and secondary research on their chosen topic. Finally learners will employ a range of page layout and graphic design techniques to draft and design a final factual article layout.

Brief – You wish to develop and provide a freelance article for the Guardians website. Research the qualities necessary for effectively writing factual articles, following this choose a topic to write about using the topics outlined on and conduct primary and secondary research into your chosen topic. Using your understanding of page layouts and graphic production, design and develop your article, annotating as you make changes to the layout and structure. Finally reflect on the effectiveness of your article.

Summary of Learning Outcomes: Assignment 1 – Understanding research methods and factual writing techniques In this assignment you will develop an understanding of the techniques and writing styles that are used in factual articles and guides. You will provide an analysis of two different factual articles and critically evaluate the effectiveness of each article. Following this you will develop an understanding of the various research techniques that are used and will create a section in your portfolio that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each of the research techniques.

Assignment 2 – Conducting Primary and Secondary research In this task you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the various approaches to conducting research. You will need to comprehensively explain the nature and purposes of research in the creative media Industry, Presenting your work visually and ensuring that you are using subject terminology correctly.

Assignment 3 – Developing the final factual article This assignment will see you writing and developing your factual copy, developing layout templates and drafts, and combining your images and copy to produce your final article for the guardian competition ensuring that there is an appropriate level of developmental annotation throughout your portfolio. Following this you will be required to provide an evaluation of your chosen article, this will consist of a self evaluation, and a gathering of peer response data in the form of a focus group or a questionnaire, this will help you to gather some additional opinions before submitting the article to “The Guardian”.

Assignment Writer: Robert Maddison Assessors: John Crossley, Rob Maddison, Brian Martin

Assignment 1 – Understanding Research methods and Factual Writing techniques (Assignment Deadline –08/05/2015) Overview – In this assignment you will develop an understanding of the techniques and writing styles that are used in factual articles and guides. You will provide an analysis of two different factual articles and critically evaluate the effectiveness of each article. Following this you will develop an understanding of the various research techniques that are used and will create a section in your portfolio that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each of the research techniques.

Task 1 – Understanding Effective factual communication During this task you will be critically evaluating the qualities necessary for effective factual communication in factual print products. The first article is a drink awareness article, and the second you can choose from the Guardians website. 1. Drug awareness booklet from FRANK 2. A guardian article of your choice -

POINTS TO CONSIDER What kind of factual document is it and how can you tell? Who produces it? Who is it aimed at? Create a summary that evaluates the following • What writing techniques are used to communicate successfully with the audience? (use of introduction, structuring into sections, length of text, use of terminology, use of persuasive language, use of rhetorical questions) • What additional techniques are used to communicate successfully with the audience? (use of supporting illustrations and diagrams; typography choices, eg use of colour, bolding, font) • Compare the articles using the chart attached to the bottom of the brief

Task 2 – Research methods In this task you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the various approaches to conducting research. You will need to comprehensively explain the nature and purposes of research in the creative media Industry, Presenting your work visually and ensuring that you are using subject terminology correctly. Using InDesign and ISSU, Publish a digital guide that outlines the different ways to conduct research. •

Explain the difference between QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE research.

Explain the difference between PRIMARY and SECONDARY research.

Give a brief detailed description of SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of each kind of research, such as: Questionnaires, Focus Groups, market research interviews, internet forums, government statistics, readership surveys, circulation figures, media planning agencies etc.

You need to show that you understand the PURPOSE and ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES of each kind of research.

Assignment 2 – Conducting Primary and Secondary (Assignment Deadline –29/05/2015) Overview – Building upon what you learnt in assignment 1 about research techniques, choose a topic and then choose an appropriate research technique to use in order to gather vital information about your article topic.

52.3 P3 combine factual copy and imagery for an identified purpose in an appropriate print format working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

Task 1 – Idea Mind map Generate a mind map that focuses on two different article ideas. Aim to diversify your topics, and try to have two topics that could use two different methods of research. When these are complete, choose a topic and exlain your choice in the form of a summary.

Task 2 – Obtain research and images from appropriate sources •

Obtain either first hand research (in the form of an interview) or second hand research in the form of using secondary sources (websites, books, reports)

Create a sheet detailing key facts and quotes that you might use, giving the sources for that information. (Use fact sheet at the bottom of brief)

Obtain original images and choose up to five images to include in your final print production, edit the images in Photoshop to reflect the professional standard that you are aspiring to create.

M3 combine factual copy and imagery for an identified purpose in an appropriate print format effectively, showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance D3 combine factual copy and imagery for an identified purpose in an appropriate print format showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

52.4 – P4 comment on own work with some appropriate use of subject terminology. M4 explain own work with reference to detailed illustrative examples with generally correct use of subject terminology.

Task 3 – Presenting research - Using a double page in InDesign, present the findings of your research. - Create a contact sheet from the original images that you have take

Assignment 3 – Developing the final factual article (Assignment Deadline –19/06/2015) Overview – This assignment will see you writing and developing your factual copy, developing layout templates and drafts, and combining your images and copy to produce your final article for the guardian competition ensuring that there is an appropriate level of developmental annotation throughout your portfolio. Following this you will be required to provide an evaluation of your chosen article, this will consist of a self evaluation, and a gathering of peer response data in the form of a focus group or a questionnaire, this will help you to gather some additional opinions before submitting the article to “The Guardian”.

D4 critically evaluate own work in the context of professional practice consistently using subject terminology correctly

Task 1 – Writing factual copy and combining copy and layout draft 1 During this task you will write accurate factual copy for an identified purpose, with precise recognition of audience and you will express ideas fluently using technically correct written English. Using the research that you conducted for assignment 2, begin drafting your written article. During this task you will be required to write an initial draft and combine it with a page layout. Using appropriate techniques, you will highlight and annotate the changes that you wish to implement between the first and second drafts.

FIRST DRAFT – (800 words) Writer/director Cecil Castellucci stated "The best flowers are fertilized by crap." Remember this when writing your first draft, let your ideas flow and use your research section to inform the writing process. You will be combining factual copy and imagery for an identified purpose and placing it in an appropriate print format showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations. You will be developing a series of block layout drafts that are based on real layouts, creating a series of mastheads, • SKETCHED DRAFT/BLOCK DRAFT - Sketch out a draft layout, scan and import into your portfolio, Or using the shape tool develop a block draft that is based on an original idea or an existing magazine layout. • COMBINED DRAFT – Bring together your copy and your pictures and present your article in a conventional format.

SECOND DRAFT – (600 words) Make appropriate changes to your text, taking into consideration the key conventions of language and the written structure of your article. Create a masthead/Title for your article using Adobe illustrator and a range of font packages ( Present your article professionally, adhering to page layout conventions, and annotate to show the developments and changes that you have made between the first and second draft. IN INDESIGN – Present your finished factual article in an appropriate format demonstrating consideration of the appropriate conventions of your media format, as well as demonstrating innovation and imagination in the presentation of your article and its layout. • Use annotation boxes to talk about the changes that you have made to the • Demonstrate and depict the text editing process in the form of a developmental timeline.

Some useful links Effective writing guidance - 7 Habits of effective writers -

Task 2 - Evaluation

During this task you will be required to critically evaluate own work in the context of professional practice consistently using subject terminology correctly. You will need to create a self-reflection, conduct a focus group, and present the results. 1.FOCUS GROUP1 – Conduct a “Focus group” consisting of three to four people lasting no more than five minutes. Design a series of semi-structured and/or un-structured questioning points (no more than Five questions) to ask the focus group, cover a broad range of topics in your questions for example – (aim to expand on these questions further) - Who would you say is the target audience for the article/leaflet? - How clear is the communication in the article? - What improvements would you make to the aesthetics/looks of the article? And do you think that it is appropriate for its purpose/subject content?

- To what extent do you think that the article/leaflet meet its needs/requirements? - Where would you expect to see this article/leaflet? Use appropriate means to record the responses of your focus group so that you can present your findings later on, this can include voice recordings, videos and/or note taking practices 2- Create a section that allows you to reflect personally on the process of developing your topic, conducting your research, and creating the article. Ensure that you comment on if the article turned out as intended, what went well and what you found difficult.

Learning outcomes (Specification) Unit 2 – 1

Be able to extract information from written sources

Written sources: e.g books, journals, websites, magazines, newspapers, handouts
Reading: with concentration; skim-reading: scanning; using index; using word search; using phrase search E 
 xtract information: eg write notes, summarise, highlight text, annotate document, underline passages, copy and paste extracts Unit 3 – 1

Understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries 
 Types of research: quantitative research, eg programme ratings, readership circulation figures, hits on a website, box office figures, sales of CDs and DVDs; qualitative research, eg film reviews, game reviews, fanzine websites, attitudes to media products, responses to news coverage, responses to advertising campaigns, discussion M 
 ethods and sources of research: secondary research (books, journals, reference-based books and directories, periodicals, newspapers, film archives, photo libraries, worldwide web, searching internet forums, CD Rom databases, audio material, ratings, circulation figures, government statistics); primary research (interview techniques, observations, questionnaires, surveys, types of questions, focus groups, audience panels, participation in internet forums); data gathering agencies, eg Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB), Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd (RAJAR); self-generated eg, own video, audio or photographic records of events P 
 urposes of research: audience research (audience data, audience profiling, demographics, geodemographics, consumer behaviour, consumer attitudes, audience awareness); market research (product market, competition, competitor analysis, advertising placement, advertising effects); production research (content, viability, placement media, finance, costs, technological resources, personnel, locations)


Be able to apply a range of research methods and techniques 
Secondary research: quantitative research, e.g programme ratings, readership circulation figures, hits on a website, box office figures, sales of CDs and DVDs; qualitative research, eg film reviews, game reviews, fanzine websites, attitudes to media products, responses to news coverage, responses to advertising campaigns, searching internet forums 
Primary research: quantitative research, eg questionnaires, surveys; qualitative research, eg interviews (face-to-

face, telephone, email), focus groups, participation in internet forums, audience panels; selfgenerated, eg observations, own video, audio or photographic records of events A 
 udience research: audience classification (socio-economic, geodemographic, psychographic, ethnographic, age, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, education); media preferences; product preferences; buying patterns M 
 arket research: product market; competition; competitor analysis; advertising placement; advertising effectiveness P 
 roduction research: content; resources, eg personnel, talent, finance, suppliers, facilities, locations, logistical support; costs; viability; placement, eg publication, broadcast, webcast, podcast, audience 
Interpreting results: collate; evaluate; summarise 3

Be able to present results of research Format: written report; oral presentation, eg individual, group, PowerPoint, overhead transparencies, multimedia, video diary, audio diary; illustration, eg graphs, pie charts, bar charts, graphics, video clips, audio clips Content: procedures; data; findings; conclusions; proposals Quotation and reference: bibliography styles, eg Harvard, Modern Languages Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA); quotation and citation; footnotes; acknowledgements; credits; appendices; acknowledgement of copyright material, eg print, film, video, audio, photographs, published letters; disclaimers

Unit 52 – 1 Understand the qualities necessary for effective factual communication in print products 
Factual communication in print: informative documents, eg leaflets, instruction manuals, how-to guides; factual journalism, eg reporting on events, research findings; copy; supporting illustrations and diagrams; typography choices, eg use of colour, bolding, font 
Effective communication: clarity; conciseness; accuracy; avoiding ambiguity; bias; register; evidencing of argument; referencing sources; legal constraints; codes of practice 2 Be able to produce factual copy for print
Research content: primary sources, eg contacts, interviews; secondary sources, eg reviews, internet, 
archives, broadcast material; validation of sources P 
 roduce copy: apply rules of written English, eg grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation; register; tone; style, eg formal, informal, slang, dialect; explanations of jargon; draft; redraft; review; revise; correct; use word- processing software 3 Be able to present factual copy and imagery for an identified purpose in an appropriate format 
Visuals: eg diagrams, illustrations, maps, graphs, tables
Sourcing materials: original copies; photography; books; magazines; journals; web pages; legal and ethical 
constraints, eg copyright, permissions
Identified purpose: intended audience; product role; purpose within context
Format: eg leaflets, flyers, manuals, newspaper articles, magazine articles, packaging, labels 4 Be able to reflect on own work
Sources of information: self-evaluation; comments from others, eg audience, peers, tutors, clients P 
 rocess: planning; preparation; time management; reviewing work in progress; technical competencies, creative abilities 
Finished product: extent to which intentions have been realised; appropriateness to audience; content; style; skills evidenced; skills development; areas for improvement

Rank each 1,2 or 3

Drug awareness


Clearest target audience Most effective use of structure. (intro, paragraphs, conclusion) Most effective use of language to convey information Most effective page layout Most effective use of diagrams or illustrations Most effective use of Colours fonts Most clear and concise Least ambiguous Best use of sources and references to back up argument Source Content Quotation Website/Book Reference

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