Unit 16 brief

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Internal verifier: Ian Ellis Assignment Writer:

UNIT 16: Film and Video Editing techniques UNIT 2: Communication Skills for Creative Media Production

John Crossley Assessors: John Crossley, Ian

Summary of Learning Outcomes: 2.1 2.2

Be able to extract information from written sources Be able to create a report in a media production context

16.1 Understand the development and principles of editing 16.2 Be able to prepare moving image material for editing 16.3 Be able to edit moving image material.

Ellis, Holly Whelan, Rob Maddison Grading Criteria: UNIT 2 P1 use appropriate techniques to extract relevant information from


written sources

Unit 16 aims to develop learners’ skills in, and understanding of, moving image postproduction processes. Learners will do this through exploring the professional practice of editing, and developing their own technical and creative skills. Learners will also develop an understanding of how their work can affect the final outcome of a production. Unit 2 aims to ensure that learners are able to communicate effectively in creative media production contexts in writing and orally.

M1 use appropriate techniques to extract information from written sources with some precision D1 use appropriate techniques to extract comprehensive information


from written sources

To prepare for a job interview as a video editor in a small video production company.

UNIT 16 P1 describe the development

Assignment 1 – Development and Principles of Editing (Unit 16 P1M1D1) Extract information from written sources (Unit 2 P1M1D1) Be able to create a report in a media production context
 (Unit 2 P2M2D2) You need to develop your understanding as fully as possible of the development, purpose and conventions associated with film editing to impress your interviewer.

Stage 1 – Observation/Note taking  Making notes on Film Editing Texts and Presentations. You will need to highlight text, summarise, highlight relevant points both on the text and in your notebooks. Your final report will contain referenced quotes and summaries of concepts found in other written texts.

and principles of editing with some appropriate use of subject terminology M1explain the development and principles of editing with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology D1 Critically assess the development and principles

Stage 2 – Video Editing Report – (see Powerpoint guide and film clips)  Explain the development of editing: in-camera editing; following the action; multiple points of view; shot variation; manipulation of diegetic time and space; film, video; analogue; digital  What are the Purposes of editing: storytelling, e.g. engaging the viewer, development of drama, relationship to genre, creating motivation; combining shots into sequences; creating pace  What are the editing Conventions and techniques: seamless;

of editing with supporting arguments and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject terminology correctly P2 apply editing preparation techniques with some

continuity; motivated; montage; jump-cutting; parallel editing; 180o rule; splicing; transitions, eg cut, dissolve, fade, wipe; cutaways; point of view shot; shot-reverse-shot; providing and withholding information; editing rhythm; crosscutting; cutting to soundtrack

assistance M2 Apply editing preparation techniques competently with only

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Create report: content; structure; linguistic register; summary; index; presentation; visuals, eg illustrations, graphics, charts, graphs
 Contexts: eg for client, for employer, market assessment, market analysis, product analysis, self-evaluation. Revision: proof-reading (spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity of expression, structure of content); electronic checks (spelling, punctuation, grammar, thesaurus)

occasional assistance D2 Apply editing preparation techniques to a technical quality that reflects nearprofessional standards, working independently to

Stage 3 – Editing Experiments – produce a series of edits to demonstrate your skills and understanding to your interviewer. Export and upload to You Tube and add to your Tumblr  180 degree rule, withholding information, continuity, Kuleshov effect, lip sync, jump cut, parallel edit, green screen, motion graphics, pull focus, cutting on the action Assignment 2 – Preparing material for editing (Unit 16 P2M2D2)      

Import footage in to Movies Folder. Complete Rushes Log, identifying any faults or strengths of clips Clarify the Purpose of the Edit and Complete Edit Decision List Set Up Premier Pro - New Project saved on desktop but backed up in the Apple cart at the end of the session and Set Scratch Disk – place all rushes and audio into capture scratch folder Create a new timeline from clip (using the settings from your clip)

Assignment 3 – Editing Moving Image Material (Unit 16 P3M3D3)

professional expectations P3 apply editing techniques working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance. M3 Apply editing techniques to a good technical standard showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance. D3 Apply editing techniques to a technical quality that reflects near-professional standards, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

Stage 1 - Editing Use Premier Pro to edit footage into a 2-3 min show reel, with a title sequence including your name. Use on screen text to annotate the sequence to highlight editing techniques demonstrated in the clips. Include some of the following editing process: appropriate transitions: cut, dissolve, fade, wipe appropriate conventions: create juxtapositions, intercutting; pace effectively; convey information effectively; use sound to create impact; synchronise sound and vision; mix soundtracks; overlap sound; Stage - 2 Collating and Sharing Export and upload show reel to You Tube/embed on your Tumblr Collate all of your documents in a PDF and submit to Moodle. Checklist:  Video Editing Essay  Pre-production documents, Rushes Log, Edit Decision List, Script  Hyperlinks to all video experiments and show reel

Assignment 4 – Extension TASK (P3M3D3) Learners have the opportunity to submit one other piece of film editing work they have completed during the course (e.g. music video). This is intended to give the learner an opportunity to demonstrate a greater range of editing techniques.

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