Ian Edward Prentice e ianedward@hotmail.co.uk w ianep.co.uk t +44(0) 7756 742 330
100 Opinions / Outer Book. Collection of 100 opinions on 100 words, from 100 people. Each opinion was documented in a miniature handmade book, ten of which were placed inside a larger hollowed out book. The idea being ten editions of ten.
100 Opinions / Outer Book. Collection of 100 opinions on 100 words, from 100 people. Each opinion was documented in a miniature handmade book, ten of which were placed inside a larger hollowed out book. The idea being ten editions of ten.
Design for Print booklet. A 16-page booklet on Designing for Print Production. The manual covers topics including page layout and grid systems, typography and colour processes, and digital print processes and specialist finishes. Complete with contents, introduction and glossary of terms.
Communication is a Virus. Collaborative project with David Gasi. Awareness campaign for scams and get rich quick schemes. Resolves included a series of mock-scam flyers, website and blog, raising awareness on the issues and encouraging audience interaction.
Christmas Postcards. Art direction and collaborative project with Tim Wan. Coursemates submitted designs around the theme “If you could do anything this Christmas..� Collated and hand screen printed in red and gold. 16 designs were produced and split in to two packs of eight, and sold.
Recognition Day. A live brief submission for Cog Design’s Recognition Day. Resolution is a hand illustrated carrier pigeon, exploring the methods of sending a message of thanks.
Speaking From Experience / Visual Map.
Project addressing the problem of first-year students not knowing their way around Leeds upon first moving, nor where certain buildings are. Resolve has two parts; an A1 CMYK colour separation silk screen print, identifying buildings around Leeds, and an A2 ‘key’ on trace,
to be placed over the top of the visual piece. Each building is in location, categorised by type, and contains other data displayed within, revealed by the key.
Speaking From Experience / Visual Map.
Project addressing the problem of first-year students not knowing their way around Leeds upon first moving, nor where certain buildings are. Resolve has two parts; an A1 CMYK colour separation silk screen print, identifying buildings around Leeds, and an A2 ‘key’ on trace,
to be placed over the top of the visual piece. Each building is in location, categorised by type, and contains other data displayed within, revealed by the key.
What is a line? A collection of visual drawing and mark making explorations, based on the definition that a line is: a formation of people, objects or things on besides/behind the other. The resolved piece is an A1 screen print, originally hand illustrated then digitally composed.
What is a line? / T-Shirts. Following on from the previous resolved prints; a limited edition set of hand-silk screened T-Shirts (available to buy). 1/ Collection of hand illustrated animals, print on the front and rear of the T-Shirt. 2/ Four-way colour separation bear print.
What is good? Packaging project. Promoting ‘live music in intimate venues’ around Leeds. Box and outer sleeve holds a pocket-sized book about five intimate venues around Leeds, (info, interviews, gig listings etc), a pair of earplugs and travel-sized deodorant.
Summer Photobook. A series of four photobooks, taxonomically displaying a number of photographs taken over the summer period (‘09). The books are hand made and bound so they turn in a conventional page-to-page manner, as well as in a continuous concertina fold.
1/ Photographs of typography; 2/ Photographs of non-typographic design; 3/ Photographs of colour/texture; 4/ Miscellaneous photographs.
Ian Edward Prentice e ianedward@hotmail.co.uk w ianep.co.uk t +44(0) 7756 742 330