JUNE 2017
The European magazine promoting the effective use of IT in supply chain applications
Also in this issue: The benefits of Voice-directed technology for maintenance & inspection tasks Meeting customer demand and building
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future and not the past
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When implementing a new system, implement the
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IT +69:
CONTENTS Manufacturing and Logistics IT June 2017
Interview 5
Editor: Ed Holden
Newburgh Engineering
Special Technology Report 8
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Stuart Hall, Epicor Software UK and Ireland Matthew Robertson, NetDespatch
Nick McGrane, K3 Syspro Richard Watkins, Delos Partnership
Epicor: Planning and scheduling software – meeting customer demand and building
Paul Swaddle, Pocket App
foundations for the future
Gunnar Gburek, TimoCom
Maxoptra route planning leaves Total Hygiene flushed with success
John Bradshaw, Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions
DynaSys: Wander leaps to cutting-edge DSCP from antiquated planning system NetDespatch: It’s do or die: retailers must meet customer expectations through collaboration
Dirk Gelbrich, DENSO Publisher: Dean Taylor
Designer: First Sight Graphics Ltd, www.firstsightgraphics.com
K3 Syspro: The evolution of the digital supply chain in the changing manufacturing landscape Capgemini enables digital collaboration on a global scale at Barry Callebaut Delos Partnership: When implementing a new system, implement the future and not the past
Production: Carolyn Pither
Supply Chain Management
Circulation: Carole Chiesa
App: Mobilising and managing supply chains on the go Gartner: Debunk supply chain myths to optimise visibility
IT Manager: Ian Curtis
Transportation Management 34
Accounts: Sarah Schofield
Effective, digital, connected: Logistics 4.0 accompanied by TimoCom TimoCom: Why manufacturing companies should make logistics their core competence again
Published by: B2B Publishing Ltd PO Box 3575, Barnet, Herts, EN5 9QD UK Tel: +44 (0) 1707 664200 Email (publishing): info@logisticsit.com Email (editorial): editor@ibcpub.com No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publishers. No liability is accepted for any action arising from the contents of this publication; readers are advised to check any manufacturer’s or supplier’s claim for products. The publishers do not endorse opinions expressed in any article by an outside contributor. While every care is taken over photographs and illustrations, which are returned when requested, no liability can be assumed by the publishers for the loss of such materials.
Warehouse Management 36
Vanderlande: Unlocking the potential for robotics
Voice 38
Honeywell/BEC: The benefits of Voice-directed technology for maintenance & inspection tasks
Automatic Data Capture/Mobile Computing 41
Forrester: Healthcare industry lacks visibility of process status impeding digital transformation DENSO: Quad-core vs hexa-core – why a sports car is not always faster than a hatchback
Gartner survey reveals the number of enterprise mobile apps is not accelerating
Newburgh Engineering
Engineering excellence with IT Manufacturing & Logistics IT spoke with Matthew Jewitt, business systems director at contract manufacturer Newburgh Engineering, about the company’s extensive IT portfolio and how this helps to leverage major efficiency benefits for the company.
ewburgh Engineering specialises in contract manufacturing that supports the defence, nuclear, oil & gas, power generation and rail sectors. The company mainly produces lower-volume, higher-value parts supplied for use in safety - and mission-critical environments. The quality parts produced are highly complex, with sizes ranging from 22 m long to just under 4 m diameter. Newburgh was established in 1939 and has grown substantially over the years due to high demand, particularly in the defence and nuclear industries.
Newburgh had two UK facilities; in Rotherham and Bradwell. Two years ago, the business diversified into two operations; with Bradwellbased Newburgh Precision Ltd. focusing on the nuclear market, and Newburgh Engineering based in Rotherham. The Rotherham site houses the larger production capabilities; supplying a diverse range of solutions for a wider customer base.
Newburgh has achieved the exacting quality systems standards AS-9100 and ISO-9001 and comprises a workforce of over 60 people.
processes more effective and more profitable, as well as giving our customers better results.”
Shop floor data capture IT development Matthew Jewitt is the business systems director at Newburgh. His role involves managing all the systems that support the activities of the business over the two sites. This can range from design and production IT through to quality systems, as well as business development responsibilities. Previously, Jewitt was the company’s sales director and still has a lot of contacts within that area. He has also worked with the engineering team over the years, and so has acquired a broad range of experience within the business. “This really helps when deploying new systems and integrating them with our existing portfolio,” he said. “As a business, we are constantly looking at IT and other systems with a view to making our daily
The overall structure of the business – from the purchase order receipt to delivery – is run by the company’s Javelin MRP system, provided by the Vero software. “We have been using this system for about 15 years and over this time the solution has gone through various iterations,” Jewitt pointed out. “We are also currently looking to bring production / resource scheduling side of the system on stream. Over the past 12 months we have put in place a shop floor data capture regime utilising barcodes to give us more detailed information regarding all our working practices and the progress of parts as they progress through our production facilities.” Additionally, Newburgh recently went live with a scheduling module within the MRP system. “This will help us to control our resources, aid
June 2017
Newburgh Engineering
as from the solid models. These design packages have been used by the company for the past ten years, with regular upgrades having been implemented on a regular basis.
Data consolidation
our capacity planning and help us to be more reactive and receive better information regarding current lead times, suggested lead times for new work and also some what-if scenario planning,” explained Jewitt.
Production In terms of production machinery, Newburgh has a range of CNC machines. These run in conjunction with a DNC system provided by Seiki Systems. “This system controls the program management and delivery to the machines on the shop floor and also the delivery back into the system of the programmers once they have been proven – i.e. when everybody's happy with the results,” Jewitt pointed out.
Design programming On the design side, Newburgh uses Edgecam and Autodesk Inventor. The company makes solid models using Autodesk inventor or using customers’ solid models. It then uses Edgecam for producing CNC program codes that run the production machines. Edgecam is provided by Vero Software. The Autodesk AutoCAD system is provided by Quadra Solutions. The team of programmers uses this system to produce CNC codes from customers’ drawings and instructions as well
June 2017
One of the biggest changes in the business over the past 12 months has been the implementation of Microsoft SharePoint. Jewitt provided the background. “Previously, we had information stored on hard drives spread throughout the business. SharePoint has helped us to control everything better by moving all our data into one usable place where everybody can access and add information. It’s now much easier for people to find things, and it also allows us to build in a lot of systematic controls such as contract reviews.”
quality and calibration. Soon, we will also run our environmental system through SharePoint. This will improve the level of process automation all round. And because it’s a Microsoft product, everybody is familiar with how to use it almost immediately. Basic functionality features such as Word and Excel are so widely used and understood.”
Quality management Jewitt added that Newburgh has worked closely with Tower DMS, which has developed a SharePoint management software platform for engineering industries. Based in Sheffield, Tower DMS has configured and customised SharePoint for the company’s specific needs. “This has supported our journey towards achieving the quality standard AS-9100,” he explained, “and anyone who knows how challenging that can be will appreciate the effectiveness of the types of controls that we have put in place.”
Jewitt added that there are also greater levels of control that we can leverage with the company’s ISO systems. “It encourages us to ask the right questions when we go through Reporting and KPIs contract review,” he said. “You can more easily document all business activity and prove that activities were carried out at a Because all Newburgh’s core information is certain time so that when we are audited or now stored in the same place, the company you want to review our activities in the future now benefits from broader and more all the required information is there in one consolidated reporting information. Newburgh suppository. This allows us uses Power BI to extract to do workflows as well, so We are constantly looking to data out of SharePoint in we can automate a lot of either enhance the IT systems we order to survey KPI functionality. For example, data. “This allows us to already have in place, or source make better informed when a contract is completed the customer new ones in order to continually management decisions automatically receives an drive us forward as a company.” because all the data is email to invite them to accessible and cross– Matthew Jewitt, Newburgh. referenceable within in provide feedback regarding how that the same system,” said particular contract ran. It's little things like that Jewitt. “People don't have to schedule facethat make our lives so much easier.” to-face meetings as often as before. We can simply access all the relevant data from SharePoint – it’s all there. When we do have Automation meetings to discuss, for example, KPIs and analytics-related topics, we simply pull up all Jewitt remarked that the system is highly the required information from Power BI; all the flexible. “Because all our key information is live data is available straight away. Another now stored on SharePoint we can rely on it for benefit is that through using this system we a raft of different system disciplines, including also avoid a lot of data duplication.”
Newburgh Engineering
CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is also run through SharePoint. “The first thing we did was to build up the list of customers and contacts so that when we started to enter orders in SharePoint the customers were already listed in the CRM part of the system,� said Jewitt. “We are essentially building up blocks of data that are fully integrated within SharePoint.�
Document Management As well as the routine presentation and email benefits of Microsoft Office Excel with PowerPoint and Office 365, Jewitt poined out that another advantage of SharePoint concerns document management and control. “If someone changes a procedure all elements that were changed are immediately recorded in SharePoint,� he said. “All the previous revisions continue to reside on the system so that if we need to know what was changed and when, all the changes can be listed. It can also indicate which individual made the alteration, as well as the date and time of the change. All this is information is recorded and retained automatically. This makes all our core business operations a lot easier and more transparent.�
Environmental management Newburgh has already gained the ISO-14001 environmental standard. To complement this, Jewitt explained that Newburgh is currently looking to add environmental management to its activities run through SharePoint. “However, before we make a final decision on this we need to take a step back and determine that this is definitely the right thing to do,� he said. “We have to make sure we are not just putting everything through the same system for the sake of it; it needs to be the best tool for the job in hand. This remains work in progress.�
culture, and I think SharePoint will make the ongoing management of this regime easier and more efficient for us.�
CMM Newburgh uses a number of coordinate measuring machines (CMM) by Mitutoyo, PoliGlobo, DEA etc., as well as standard measuring equipment for measuring solid models and determining their tolerance ranges. The software installed on these machines is provided by QCT. Newburgh has been using QCT software for over 10 years, and, according to Jewitt, it has proved highly reliable and beneficial over that period.
Data capture, warehouse management and printing & labelling
Health & safety
The road ahead
In terms of data capture/mobile computing devices, Newburgh has a number of data capture terminals that reside on the shop floor. All the company’s time & attendance processes are run through the Javelin MRP system, as well as the shop floor data capture element, which is a barcode system that relies on route cards on the shop floor. Warehouse Management (WMS) is also run through the Javelin. For printing tasks in the factory, Newburgh uses Ricoh photocopiers and printers for network printing tasks.
Following on from its ISO-14001 environmental standard accreditation, Newburgh now has the health & safety standard ISO-18001 in its sites. “There is quite a good fit between the environmental and the health & safety standards,� said Jewitt. “In both cases, you are essentially talking about risk assessments and outcomes, and the management of both disciplines. I believe SharePoint will be our tool of choice for this type of activity, and we are currently looking into how best to achieve this as effectively as possible. We already have a very strong environmental and health & safety
Jewitt stressed that Newburgh is a company never to rest on its IT laurels. “We are constantly looking to either enhance the IT systems we already have in place, or source new ones in order to continually drive us forward as a company,� he said. “For example, we are currently looking at preventative maintenance & inspection solutions, which could fit very nicely within our integrated SharePoint approach. We are also looking at sourcing a new production scheduling functionality to complement our existing MRP system. This is all part of our evolution towards more automated thinking. Our improvement journey continues apace.�
June 2017
Special Technology Report
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Managing the demand curve Manufacturing & Logistics IT spoke with a number of experts from the vendor and analyst communities about recent developments and key discussion points within the Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP space – including those concerning planning unification, best of breed, integration, Cloud/SaaS and Big Data.
that can change in an agile manner on-the-fly.”
ajor developments, subtle
shortages respectively – are normally driven
enhancements and even more
through bonuses which encourage this
disruptive innovation
behaviour. Thus, over selling and under-
In terms of the main drivers for these types of
continues apace within many
forecasting gets congratulated. Sandbagging
changes, Castellina believes it is really about
technological disciplines on a
forecasts are caused by lack of trust of the
users having access to more user-friendly tools
very frequent basis, and the world of Demand
supply side. Hence, Sales & Marketing should
than they have had in the past. “I think this
Forecasting/Planning/S&OP solutions is
be rewarded on the basis of the accuracy of
requirement derives from the typical
certainly no exception. Indeed, there have
their forecasts. Where this is done, inventory
challenges that come along with planning
been some sizeable steps forward since our
levels decrease and customer service
today, using the tools that organisations have
last special technology report on the theme.
had for a long time,” he says. “When you are using spreadsheets to manage your plans,
So, without further ado, Richard Watkins, managing director, Delos Partnership, begins
Nick Castellina, vice president and research
there are many challenges – particularly within
our discussion by emphasising that Integrated
group director, Aberdeen Group, references
larger organisations that are using multiple
Business Planning (IBP) now should embrace
the theme of connected, collaborative and
spreadsheets and multiple tabs that are
all parts of a business into a single plan, which
holistic planning. “Individual aspects of
supposed to be connected but often aren't
can be reviewed through simulations to help
planning should not exist within a silo; they all
connected all that well. This makes it difficult to
manage the increasing levels of uncertainty
need to be connected to make plans that are
work to a plan that is based on business reality
faced by all businesses. “The unexpected is
going to allow an organisation to drive profit
– you may be taking a long time to create
now the new expected,” he remarks. “This
margins and drive everything to work in lock-
plans, waiting on people to provide their
means integrating financial plans, people
steps,” he says. “If you are forecasting
inputs, and dealing with older versions and
plans, IT plans and engineering plans with the
demand and you want to ramp up production
different types of formulas that can be broken.
simple integration of Sales and Operations.
but don't have access to the material you need
So, there are challenges that come with the
However, the real challenge is to ensure that
to meet that production, you are still going to
types of tools. The market’s newer planning
the performance measures which drive
have gaps. So, organisations are trying to drive
tools are allowing organisations to get away
business behaviour are correct. Over and
their planning tools to more users within the
from those challenges.”
under forecasting – which cause inventory and
organisation and rely on data to make plans
Nick McGrane, managing director, K3 Syspro,
June 2017
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
• IMD (In Memory Database) that provides
planning applications. “What was considered
planning, scheduling
almost real-time simulation planning to
cutting-edge months ago is now increasingly
and execution piece
assess options and plan more rapidly as the
seen as the standard for being invited to the
that forms part of the
environment changes.
table by organisations looking at implementing
considers that the
enterprise solution is
• Advanced algorithms allowing user
supply chain systems,� he remarks. “Whilst
key at the moment.
interactions only when exceptions are
ROI has always been an important part of
“ERP solutions like
detected, prioritising activity for those areas
supply chain projects, the current unsettled
SYSPRO now ship
that require it.
environment has increased the focus on this
with extensive ! % #$ " $ $ ! % !#" # %
Special Technology Report
• Enhanced mobility provided by the latest
aspect greatly. How rapidly a prospect will
forecasting, inventory
HTML user interfaces which allow users to
recoup their outlay and start to drive 'actual'
view data and collaborate seamlessly across
savings is becoming a key decision-making
advanced planning
any device in any location.
driver for prospective clients.�
and scheduling and
• Advanced analytics with the ability to slice
MES functionality,� he explains. “This enables
and dice data to make informed decisions.
the quintessential ‘one version of the truth’
• Cloud strategy helping to leverage best in
Garsmeur adds that change is the only constant, but the pace of that change is
maxim we talk about so often, as well as
class technology whilst enabling end user
accelerating and this is leaving manufacturers
assuring maximum efficiency in both planning
organisations to be business focused rather
and distributors stretched and without the
work and executing it on the shop floor, with
than spending their time supporting
ability to respond rapidly to these ever-shifting
real-time feedback supporting the supply chain
operational systems, patching servers and
requirements they struggle to manage their
and the financial well-being of the business.�
other non-value add tasks.
supply chains and to satisfy their customers’ requirements. “This unsettled environment has
In terms of the main drivers for these changes
led vendors to focus on technological
Online analytics
and developments, Garsmeur comments that
advances that deliver the ability to plan more
McGrane adds that there is an eye on the
DynaSys’s prospects are expecting mobility
rapidly and accurately, whilst deployment of
future too. “Online analytics may well replace
and Web 2.0 as a standard part of their
solutions becomes quicker and simpler,� he
traditional statistical algorithms in predicting future sales and stockholdings,â€? he says. “That smart, connected 5-axis machining centre may have already told the tooling supplier it has run out of bits by the time you get back to your office, or told the machine manufacturer it has developed a vibration when doing a rough pass – on aluminium only‌â€? McGrane makes the point that many of the things happening now have been available for some time. “SYSPRO has had fully integrated forecasting and inventory optimisation functionality for nearly 10 years, and advanced planning and scheduling functionality for nearly 20,â€? he says. “I do, however, think that the talk of Industry 4.0, Big Data and the like have caused people to look around a bit more at the extant systems and data they have, and are looking to extract value from those circumstances.â€? Pascal Garsmeur, product manager for demand & supply chain planning, DynaSys, comments that, in terms of what will be increasingly important from a technology standpoint will be the added value coming from:
June 2017
Special Technology Report
! $# % $ ! $ $ ! % !#" # %%
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
says. “Advances
manufacturers better balance orders with
the planning process as a 'core model', each
such as IMD for rapid
machinery and workforce capacity on the
plant can benefit from best practice and not
'real-time' planning,
shop floor, and how can they ensure the right
having to re-design the process for every site.
materials and right volume of suitably skilled
Using a planning solution that is deployed
deployments based
people are ready for speedy dispatch to the
through the cloud, each site can utilise the
on years of best
right production area without any expensive
core model with a rapid and stable roll-out of
practice and many
production hold-ups? Garsmeur focuses on a
the solution.”
hundreds of
number of key areas:
implementations to
• Ensure there is proper co-ordination of
demand and supply using a Master
‘Full truck load’
Production Schedule (MPS). This ensures
Also, with regard to logistics professionals,
demand is matched with the capacity of
how can they best plan and schedule their
collaborative features
machines, labour and material availability.
fleets in order to best serve their customers
and web access are all focused on allowing customers to more rapidly recoup their spend whilst improving
• Combine efficient production planning with Lean strategies.
while maintaining ‘full truck load’ and scheduling the most fuel-efficient routes
• Execution should be properly prepared with
wherever possible? Garsmeur believes one
anticipation of capacity, resources and
way to achieve this vision is to run a
inventory level. This anticipation is one of
distribution requirement plan that will take into
So, what methodologies should be embraced
the main benefits of best in class
account full truck loading, logistics cost
to ensure a more accurate forecasting and
production planning solutions.
optimisation and the simulation and definition
their supply chain operations.”
• To define the best plan, balancing demand
of an allocation model shared between
following points:
& supply, powerful simulation capabilities
distribution sites and production sites.
• Implement a structured Sales & Operations
are required. For instance, evaluating the
planning regime? Garsmeur makes the
planning process that is supported by the
infinite capacity plan versus the finite
Stuart Hall, sales director, Epicor Software UK
Executive team.
capacity plan (including stock policy,
and Ireland, observes that ERP systems, like
production constraints, service level...).
most other software supporting the
• Be driven by exceptions. • Use different planning levels and levels of
• Evaluate the risks arising from inventory
manufacturing industry, are changing. “What
anticipation due to capacity smoothing.
was considered innovative in effective
• Accurately classify products (Production
integrated manufacturing management 20
years ago is now considered clunky, out-of-
S&OP and IBP
date and not up to speed with the frenetic
dependent on the product life-cycle phase
Moreover, how can companies roll-out best
demands and pace of the modern industrial
(launch, maturity, decline).
practice planning & scheduling
sector,” he says. “That’s why the move
methodologies throughout multiple plants?
towards advanced planning and scheduling
(Sales, Marketing) to add their intelligence
And how can both the business and
software is vital. This software can, if used
to the forecast. This is a combination of the
operational arms of a business better manage
properly, be particularly effective in reducing
solution design (a nice and simple GUI)
production and demand planning for the
human error and the capacity for customer
and the business process (don't make it too
good of the whole enterprise? Garsmeur
order mistakes – giving those in control
onerous – let the planners be responsible
believes this is the main objective of the
advanced warning whenever an order is
for creating the base forecast and Sales to
planning process known as S&OP (Sales &
placed and highlighting when they’re running
add and review)
Operations Planning) and IBP (Integrated
low on a product necessary for that order.”
• Use appropriate forecasting methods
• Focus on making it easy for non-planners
• Invest in the training and development of
Business Planning) to provide global supply
planners. For example, CPIM to provide a
chain visibility and the ability to create a
Hall adds that many manufacturers find
broad understanding of supply chain.
balance between the demand and supply not
themselves guilty of over-committing to meet
just of one plant but for the whole supply
customer demand; and, as a result, find
stakeholders work together, specifically
chain (multiple plants, multi distribution
themselves struggling to meet customer
planning, sales, manufacturing & finance.
centres). “Ideally, this balancing act should
expectations. “This scenario can be avoided
include both value and volume to allow
by having the right planning and scheduling
for the sales team to ensure they have 'skin
informed decisions,” he says. “Once this
software that provides managers and
in the game'.
balanced global supply chain has been
business leaders with up-to-the-minute
created, the actual scheduling and execution
business data helping to predict future
And with regard to effective production
should happen more rapidly and with fewer
bottlenecks, staff and resourcing issues, and
planning & scheduling; how can
hiccups or unexpected surprises. By building
possible order conflicts,” he explains.
• Build a cross-functional culture to ensure all
• Include forecast accuracy as part of bonus
June 2017
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Special Technology Report
Artificial intelligence Hall also makes the point that the artificial intelligence (AI) element of more recent planning and scheduling software frees up workforce capacity with many tasks being handled automatically. “This allows time to be spent more effectively within the business and help to keep costs down,” he says. Andrey Reiner, expert in asset management, Capgemini, considers the Internet of Things (IoT) and greater levels of connectivity – and about data being collected and meaningfully translated into information that can then produce more accurate forecasts and better plan demand in the supply chain. He adds that this type of methodology can also be used to better manage the workforce; those people who could be very short-term event driven; orders
execute the manufacturing operations or those
Unification of planning
coming in on the demand side, things
Tim Payne, research VP, Gartner, points out
happening with the schedules in the plant,
From a planning perspective, Reiner considers
that one of the big trends Gartner has seen
deployment decisions to be made in the
that better connectedness of data concerning
develop over the past three years is the
network, delays from suppliers or in terms of
the workforce, machinery, the supply chain and
unification of planning. “This type of planning
shipments between facilities – this all needs to
third-party logistics etc. can provide
model moves away from the practice of putting
be planned. However, you also want that linked
organisations with a better, more fully rounded
together a demand plan, then preparing a
to your tactical plan. You have a number of
real-time view. For example, he explains that
network plan and then the production plan,
resources and can flex them to some degree –
there are now concepts whereby all of a
and from these plans putting together a
the people, the material, the machines,
company’s key operations can be viewed in
schedule,” he says. “People used to talk about
capacities etc. – but you also have an optimal
real-time on multiple panels. So, there is now
integrated planning, but it's really about the
plan; maybe a blend regarding cost, service,
greater real-time visibility and everything is
unification of planning. Certainly, many leading
profitability and so on, as well as a higher-level
becoming more connected.
companies recognise that breaking up
plan in terms of what I might want my supply
planning degrades the quality of the plan.
chain to look for in the future. And all these
Planning likes to be joined up.”
things increasingly have to link together. So,
with responsibilities for asset management etc.
In the case of the more technologically mature
both horizontal and vertical planning are
organisations and how they use their planning
tools, Reiner explains that, in the case of
Payne then spoke about the importance of
workforce scheduling software, for example,
both horizontal- and vertical-type planning.
people and tasks can be automatically
“We often talk about horizontal integration –
“A company might have a business plan and a
scheduled on the basis of qualifications or of
demand, inventory, replenishment, production
strategy that links, for
time availability etc. – so, there can be a
planning, production scheduling and maybe
example, to its plans
considerably high level of automation within the
even order promising and workforce planning.
to build a new
system. However, Reiner points out that there
The idea is to integrate planning across the
factory, new
will still be a need to interact with the system in
different domains of manufacturing, logistics,
production line or the
instances where there is an exception;
workforce, finance etc.; doing that internally
idea of bringing in a
something that occurs that is not part of the
within the enterprise but now also increasingly
new product for a
normal routine. So, management by exception –
wanting to do that outside of the organisation –
new market. This
interacting with the system only when something
what we call multi-enterprise planning that
should then link down
out of the ordinary or unforeseen occurs – gives
involves customers and suppliers.
to when these things will be available and
more freedom to the company with regard to a greater level of automation. However, adds
“There is also vertical integration to consider,
how they could be
Reiner, it also requires more trust of the system
because companies have planning happening
used, because you
on the part of the company.
at different levels of detail and granularity. It
will need to execute
! % $ " % #" "$# % %
June 2017
Special Technology Report
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
people-less planning,� he says. “We have found what that means is not automation of everything, but rather automation of different aspects. Planning is like a decision-making process – what am I going to make, where do I need to make it and how much inventory am I going to have to hold? So, these companies are starting to think a little bit more about those types of planning decisions and considering which aspects can they automate. Maybe there are certain types of planning decisions they can fully automate. Then, they will look for machine learning and other capabilities and advanced analytics to enable that. Maybe in terms of other decisions – such as where they will need to collaborate on something and get some buy-in on what-if scenarios – they could possibly automate the preparation of those scenarios and then feed that into an appropriate collaboration environment.�
on that strategy. For many years, the scenario
they can't run scenarios across their supply
has been about creating a plan and then
chain, they can't collaborate adequately if
handing it to execution. But things happen and
everybody is using different solutions,� he
there can be a lot of firefighting. So companies
says. “They might also be using different data
The best of breed debate
want this to be more intelligent and more
models, process models and analytical
Is there still an argument for best of breed
responsive in a way that keeps them closer to
models, and so interfaces are firing all over the
planning & scheduling/demand forecasting-
their corporate goals.
place. It makes getting a single version of the
type solutions? McGrane points out that he has
truth – a unified plan that people can work on –
seen and used great best of breed products,
“So, there is this vertical integration that has to
that much harder. Also, there are often gaps
and great built-in ERP functionality. “Given its
happen, and if you look at some of the
between the applications, which are filled with
proximity to the coal-face and multi-faceted
planning solution vendors’ roadmaps they are
spreadsheets. So, there is that kind of
functionality though, APS is particularly difficult,
trying to do the horizontal integration end-to-
unification drive.�
and requires strong leadership to adhere to a
end, unifying their solutions. They are also
market-relevant roadmap,� he adds.
working on more of the vertical integration. If
Payne also addresses the topic of
they are in the middle they might be trying to
digitalisation, and what that might mean for
Just like the manufacturing sector in general,
go down and get more granular – something
individual companies. “We see two major
and ERP systems, Hall reflects that the world of
that we call respond planning. If they are
groups here – first, many companies that are at
planning & scheduling is changing. “Unlike
already there they might be trying to go up and
a lower stage of maturity have fragmented
previous production and planning systems,
get into the optimised planning, which involves
planning and different parts of the planning
today’s modern ERP software automatically
better use of resources. And there are vendors
process happening in different places, with
plans production based on several factors
that are involved in the long-term functionality,
spreadsheet trying to oil the wheels between
such as plant capacity, and available materials
which is what we call configure planning. So,
those things. Digitalisation for them could mean
and personnel,� he
many vendors are trying to build out more of
getting to a unified planning solution; getting to
says. “In most cases,
those layers that allow for that type of vertical
something that everyone can work in to have a
this will render best of
alignment; because that is what the market is
single version of the truth. Strictly speaking,
breed solutions
asking for.�
this isn’t really digitalisation; we call it a
planning system of record. It's really about putting a robust foundation in place.�
Hall adds that some
Single version of the truth
of this change of
In terms of other drivers for change, Payne
Payne adds that if a company is already at
course comes down
points out that end-users increasingly do not
stage 3 maturity or above, digitalisation then
to a couple of
want lots of different solutions from lots of
often means automation of planning. “Many of
relatively simply
different providers. “They are fed up with the
those companies will say they have initiatives
fact that they can't plan in an integrated way,
for automated planning, lights-out planning or
“Manufacturers need
June 2017
! $% "# ! #" "$# %$ $ %
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Special Technology Report
more than ever to
players within the ERP systems space catching
demand planning solution or just another type
ensure their ERP
up in terms of the planning capability they
of solution. They might think doing it with
systems and
offer; in some instances, through the
spreadsheets or trying to do it with their ERP
Advanced Planning &
acquisition of a best of breed planning
system isn't good enough, and therefore want
Scheduling (APS)
solutions provide and in other instances
a demand planning tool. So, they want to buy
processes are the
through a rigorous R&D regime.
that capability but that's only the first stage on the journey towards integrating or unifying their
latest possible versions,� he says. “At
Garsmeur observes that most of the major Tier
planning. Because they want to join up their
the same time,
2 ERP companies already use a best of breed
planning if they are going to choose vendor A
solution approach with regard to Demand &
for demand planning, vendor A better also be
purchasers need to
Supply Chain Planning (DSCP). “A number of
able to provide the inventory, replenishment
properly research and
the larger ERP solution providers have
and production planning capability that the
analyse the system before buying it. It is
acquired best of breed solutions (for example,
user is going to need further down the line in
crucial that manufacturers pick a system that
QAD, Infor and Oracle) and developed
order that the user doesn’t have to go with
will be suitable for their specific needs and
interfaces with these solutions to their ERP
vendor A for demand planning, vendor B for
challenges. Picking a tailored ERP system with
solution(s),� he says. “Other ERP providers had
something else and vendor C for something
the right sort of planning and scheduling
developed best of breed solutions
capabilities might take longer, but will bring
incorporating functionality from several
greater efficiency and practicality in the long
acquisitions, such as SAP. However, the
Payne adds that companies are becoming
majority of mid-market vendors either partner
smarter, realising they need a certain type of
with a specific specialist provider or provide
functionally today while also knowing this will
For example, Hall explains that while it might
weaker forecasting functionality contained in
need to be able to fit the next piece of the
take some time to find a system that will
their core ERP products.�
jigsaw and the bit after that if they are really
#" % "! "# %" "# ! %$ " % $ $ " " %
going to build a solid foundation upon which
support planning and scheduling across
they can become more differentiated or more
multiple factories or plants, this is a core requirement of many manufacturers – so it is
‘Complete’ suite
innovative in the market. “So, the best of breed
essential that the chosen system incorporates
Watkins comments that many ERP systems
argument sort of goes away when you are
this need. “Again, this comes back to choosing
providers now try to provide a ‘complete’ suite
trying to build that foundation – the planning
a system that is modern, agile and flexible,�
of products to cover everything in a company;
system of record,� he says.
says Hall. “These qualities are vital so the
from clocking on into the People and Payroll
software can manage several different sets of
system to working out the Vision and Strategy
data and operations across different locations.�
of the business. “However, not all ERP systems
are strong – from a functional point of view – in
Have ways of best integrating these types of
Castellina believes best of breed still has a role
all areas,� he says. “In the area of Forecasting,
systems with other solutions developed to any
to play because in many instances the ERP
Promotional Management and Finite
notable degree over the past year or two?
tools may not have the required capabilities
Scheduling, there are a number of smaller and
Castellina believes that the development
dedicated to planning. “If organisations are
specialist software providers who understand
debate really depends on the particular
using ERP for planning it's probably because
their specific area, and it makes sense to
software vendor in question, and the ERP
they think it's good enough, but I think they can
integrate these with standard ERP systems,
system that a particular customer is using. “I
get more value from specific planning tools in
which will carry out the basic transactions
think better integration is becoming more and
many instances,� he says.
necessary to run a business.�
more available over time as the planning vendors continue to develop their tools,� he
Reiner believes the progress that has been
Payne considers that the traditional distinction
says. “That type of progress is something that
made by the best of breed planning solution
of saying do I go with my ERP vendor or do I
will always continue.�
providers is good in terms of the systems’
go best of breed has really changed. “With
ability to integrate with ERP. “When we talk of
regard to non-ERP vendors in the planning
Watkins considers that integration is getting
scheduling software, these planning systems
solutions market, roll back a few years and
easier, as the formats are simple and the
will typically come with an adapter that
they would say we do scheduling or we do
speed of interaction can be much quicker.
connects to an ERP system,� he explains, “so
demand planning etc. However, there has
McGrane believes the changes are subtle
there is some minimal integration effort
been such an extension that they either are
and apply to feedback. “For example, it may
involved, but we know how the integration
able to be what we call a planning system of
have been acceptable a few years ago to
works so the integration effort will be minimal.�
record or it's on their roadmap. This is because
dump MRP data out to feed an APS, schedule
Reiner has also witnessed some of the key
end-users increasingly don't buy just a
away and execute,� he says. “Now, it is
June 2017
Special Technology Report
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
correctly proposed more often than not that
distraction of having to administer their
want a unified data model. As mentioned
the APS will perform a schedule, and these
Demand & Supply Chain Planning solution.
earlier, it really shouldn’t be broken up.�
data (particularly dates) will be fed back into
The Cloud vendor supports and optimises the
the MRP to drive it – perhaps as MPS entries
hardware and systems allowing clients to free
Payne observes that all vendors talk about
– thus ensuring that supply and demand are
up their valuable in-house resources to work
Cloud, but says it is important to bear in mind
lined up appropriately.�
on more valuable strategic projects and
that there are different types of Cloud options
accelerate their journey towards the Effective
available. “You may have been a traditional
on-premise solutions provider and now you
Garsmeur maintains that end users are
offer them as Cloud solutions. But this might
looking for mobility and Web 2.0. “That is the reason why we are offering more and more
McGrane comments that SaaS has made
simply mean you are hosting the solutions; it
Cloud-based full web solutions,� he says,
software much more accessible. “According
may be the same software and it may be the
adding that integration tools such as Dell
to the annual manufacturing report
case that you haven't really done anything
Boomi now allow communication between
different – so you are essentially offering the
almost any systems – whether on-premise or
same capabilities that you were with your on-
in-ict/) funding is the primary barrier to 67% of
premise solutions.
manufacturers, even if the return is
guaranteed,� he says. “By moving the Capex
“On the other hand, if they are true Cloud
to Opex, they can mitigate the cost barrier.�
solutions actually built for the Cloud, like the hosted Cloud models they will be Cloud with
Continuing the Cloud theme, has the Software as a Service (SaaS) model and the Cloud
Richard Watkins: The Cloud concept is
subscription pricing, but will usually come
concept in general had any notable level of
helping companies support their global
with better user interfaces, more social
impact on the planning-related software
ambition to trade globally. There are still
collaboration capability and will probably
solutions market so far? “Yes, definitely,�
problems with accessing some countries
have an in-memory database. So, it will likely
remarks Castellina. “As I mentioned when I
using the cloud, but, on the whole, this is
be faster and perform better. They will
spoke about holistic planning and connected
getting less of a problem. With Sales and
probably have different planning paradigms
planning, you have to work across
Customer Orders happening all around the
and will usually be much better at running
geographic boundaries and across functions.
world, the cloud is making things easier.
multi-enterprise because there will be a range of integration protocols built in as part of the
Having a Cloud solution makes it easier for
Cloud platform. Also, companies will be able
your employees to access the system, so I think Cloud technology certainly has a
Under threat?
to use the elasticity of the Cloud to scale up
significant utility within the planning and
Is SaaS and the Cloud a threat to the on-
when they need to for greater performance
forecasting function.�
premise model? “I wouldn’t commit to saying
etc. They don't really get that with on-premise
that Cloud is going to take over,� says
solutions that are hosted in the Cloud – they
Castellina, “because there are organisations
don't perform in the same way.�
Strategic choice
that prefer an on-premise tool and there are IT
Garsmeur also believes the emergence of the
departments that prefer an on-premise tool.
SaaS/Cloud model has had a huge impact on
But Cloud is certainly a viable option and is
One foot in the grave
the planning related software solutions
something that can add tremendous value.�
McGrane’s view is that on-premise has one
market. “Moving to the Cloud is more than a
! $ % ! $ ! % ! ! $ #$ # $ ! #" "$# %$ $ %
Payne reflects that the on-premise planning
cars versus oil powered cars,� he says. “The
decision, it is a
model is certainly under threat from Cloud,
advantages are there for both oil and on-
strategic choice and
but he doesn’t think on-premise will
premise but the companies that produce
goes to the heart of
disappear from the market as a deployment
software and cars are pointing consumers in
how companies
model. “Some vendors will continue to offer
only one direction. I’ve heard through the
define their
an on-premise option and a Cloud option,�
grapevine that SYSPRO is building future
business,� he says.
he says. “However, I don't think the hybrid
versions for the Cloud and I know many other
“DynaSys Cloud
model is so viable. If organisations want
software companies are doing the same – just
DSCP provides the
more of a unified planning model they either
making Cloud software. Despite the
freedom to
need solutions that are all on-premise or all
advantages on-premise may have over Cloud,
companies to focus
in the Cloud. They don’t really want their
on-premise is quickly becoming outdated.
on their products
demand planning in the Cloud and their
Cloud is much more agile and suited to IR4
and customers
supply planning on-premise. The two things
and the SaaS subscription model suits a lot of
without the
need to be together because companies
businesses. Operational expenses are much
foot in the grave. “I think it’s a bit like electric
June 2017
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Special Technology Report
easier to work with
the quality of data and the massive amount of
organisations can potentially derive major value
than capital
non-qualified information available,� he says. “As
from Big Data.
expenditure. With
with all data, this is another input to the planning
SaaS being on a
process and there is still a need for that to be
Castellina makes the point that Big Data isn't a
cost-per-user model,
reviewed by the planner.�
technology as such; rather, it is a term for saying we are dealing with more data more quickly
businesses can
$# % $ % $ " % !#" # %
forecast costs much
Reiner believes Big Data has potential in the
today as a business community. “The planning
easier and there are
planning and scheduling world. “Big Data is
tools that are being built are designed to handle
no spare licences
really about understanding and contextualising
larger amounts of data and make that more
going to waste. On-
information that is coming through in large
consumable. So, I think on the BI side of things
premise is usually a
volumes, and in terms of applying that to
that is certainly an aspect that is being taken
cheaper cost per
workforce planning I can't see at this point of
care of, as organisations like to be able to plan in
user, but just less
time it having a great effect,� he says. However,
a more agile manner rather than having to run
he recognises that there is a desire to evaluate
reports overnight. I think faster computing
what it can offer, pointing out that it can involve
options certainly do have an impact on
Watkins considers that Saas/Cloud is
asking fundamental questions such as is the
definitely in competition with on-premise
data correct and invalid, who owns the data, who
solutions, and is being presented as such.
understands what the parameters mean when it
Payne considers that Big Data is predominantly
“But, if you look at the cost of a Cloud solution
comes into your data warehouse and what can
a maturity play. He elaborates: “You can
based on monthly payments, then the cost of
the data be used for? “The potential is definitely
increasingly use the data sources you have
on-premise is always very
there,� he says. “In the case of smart metering,
inside the company and get more granular. In
competitive/cheaper,� he says. “This must be
for example, you can class all the messages that
terms of demand sensing, for example, you
related to software companies trying to keep
come from the smart meters as Big Data and
would really be looking at the orders rather than
prices high for early adopters.�
consider what meaningful questions can be
aggregating and saying I have a demand for
asked of that data in order to inform our
1000 this month and next month, and for the
Garsmeur believes there is a threat for on-
decisions going forward.� Reiner adds that there
previous month I had a demand for 1200.
premise systems as more and more
is a role for organisations such as Capgemini,
Instead, you can create a statistical forecast by
customers are looking for a SaaS/Cloud
together with systems integrators and business
crunching at the order line level coming – seeing
solution and the flexibility this gives them.
consultants, to point out where and how user
the demand patterns. For example, there might
“The Opex versus Capex model appears to be gaining significant traction within the supply chain sphere,� he says. “A good illustration of this is the increasing number of vendors who are only offering Cloud-based solutions. Most of DynaSys' net new customers are opting to deploy their SCP solutions in the Cloud as they look to concentrate on their core competencies. Conversely, we don't see a strong trend of moving to a hybrid SaaS/on-premise solution.�
Big Data Is Big Data having an effect on the development and benefits of today’s forecasting and planning solutions? “Not yet, in my environments,� comments McGrane, “but you would have to think it is coming.� Garsmeur makes the point that Big Data is having an impact through the use of new forecasting methods such as predictive analytics. However, he adds that there is not a direct link between Big Data and a good Demand Planning tool. “One of the reasons is
June 2017
Special Technology Report
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
be more demand on a Monday than on a
Sullivan’s Connected Industries Growth
Tuesday, it might drop again on a Wednesday
Partnership Service, offers an overview of AI
and come back up on a Thursday. This can
and its relevance to business in 2017. The
Transportation: Planning and route optimisation
really help the short-term decision-making
study assesses the commercial viability and
With regard to a specific solution within a
process – you will probably need to put more
impact of retail applications for AI, either
specific vertical sector, Frost & Sullivan recently
stock in the warehouse on the Friday ready for
through integration with existing workflows or by
recognised BestMile with the 2016 European
the up-kick on the Monday if you are going to
creating new ones. It also explores strategies
Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product
meet your service levels. So, there is a Big Data
for navigating AI as a retail or information
Innovation, Based on Frost & Sullivan’s analysis
element in saying there is a lot of structured data
technology (IT) vendor, and the imperative for
of the fleet management software market.
that you have inside the enterprise, which you
both to adopt a data-focused mind set. Key
BestMile is one of the first providers of fleet
can crunch.�
market participants include Amazon, Ocado,
management solutions for autonomous vehicles.
IBM and Softbank.
Its open source integration protocol means that its solutions are compatible with vehicles
New and external data sources
“Improving and refocusing the customer
manufactured by various automakers, and its
experience online and offline must be the
software with any type of hardware. It delivers
Payne adds that there are also new and external
guiding principle for all retail businesses,� says
on-demand and fixed route planning services
data sources that are starting to come to the
digital transformation research analyst, Vijay
through a B2B2C Cloud platform that enables
fore. “You could, for instance, start looking at
Michalik. “Large tech-driven firms and retail
the real-time automated dispatch of vehicles,
weather data and that could have a big impact
tech start-ups are leading growth, particularly in
route optimisation, and energy management.
on where and how you sell products. A lot of
e-commerce, and data network effects may
The interface for its platform is accessible to both
products are weather sensitive and different
mean that laggards never catch up. Older e-
operators and passengers, providing real-time
demographics react in different ways to that.
commerce and brick-and-mortar retailers must
updates and functioning as a booking portal.
Also, you might have social data coming through
urgently adopt these technologies to regain
in terms of a sentiment that is being shown on
their competitive footing.�
"With no driver required to man the vehicle, fleet management becomes of strategic importance
rating websites. So, if you have your foundation working fairly well and you are running the
Retailers and tech industry players are investing
in order to improve capacity utilisation, reduce
business adequately, you can start to look at
in AI and creating opportunities that will disrupt
operational and marginal costs, optimise routes
some of these other sources of structured and
incumbents. Emerging use cases include:
and vehicles utilisation.� says Frost & Sullivan
unstructured data and see whether there are
• Chat Bots and Virtual Assistants: These AI
research analyst, Ankita Mukherji. "Improving
other cause-and-effect patterns that you could
tools of direct customer engagement allow
connectivity between all modes of transportation,
unearth to help you to improve your plan.�
for a seamless experience when ordering
BestMile’s solution will play a strategic role in
products. Chat bots have question-answer
journey planning services." The Award for New
and recommendation capabilities that make it
Product Innovation is part of Frost & Sullivan’s
a highly scalable yet personal sales channel.
Best Practices Awards which recognise
AI and retail
• Marketing and Segmentation: AI models can
companies in a variety of regional and global
progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and
use data sets to predict and prioritise the
markets for outstanding achievement in areas
machine learning, fuelled by the combination of
most successful campaigns and channels,
such as leadership, technological innovation,
Cloud, Big Data and new algorithms, is
and provide these insights to decision
customer service, and product development.
transforming the retail industry. Frost & Sullivan
Industry analysts compare market participants
Frost & Sullivan also states that exponential
comments that as AI leverages Big Data to
• Inventory and Supply Chain Optimisation: In
and measure
automate, predict and personalise, retail is
addition to increased accuracy and
performance through
testing and implementing these applications to
timeliness over traditional systems, AI tools
in-depth interviews,
garner robust competitive advantages.
can predict future supply-demand scenarios.
analysis and extensive secondary research.
According to Frost & Sullivan, the key focus for AI in retail is customer relationships. In times of
“In the AI age, data is digital gold and data
concerns for the retail sector in the UK where
inequality will prove a major battleground,� says
sales posted biggest quarterly fall since 2010,
Michalik. “Optimisation across all business
the refashioning of this industry comes as a
functions will require an ever-growing pipeline
breath of fresh air, with many opportunities to
of data collection that will demand new
Planning in the near future
hardware, software and networking
What are likely to be
investments. The market must also pay
some of the key
‘Global Artificial Intelligence Opportunities in
attention to security requirements for AI and
developments in the
Retail, 2017’, new research from Frost &
customer-analysis data collection.�
world of Demand
June 2017
$ $ % $# " # % # $ $ "#% #% " $ % % $! % $ ! %
Demand Forecasting/Planning/S&OP
Special Technology Report
Forecasting & Planning solutions over the next
Castellina anticipates more connected planning;
result in more
year or two? Watkins makes the point that in
connecting the individual aspects of planning to
the FMCG arena in the USA there is more
each other. He also foresees the continuing
development, more
around the development of forecasting
development of Cloud solutions from a planning
information being
consumer demand at EPoS level and then
perspective, and believes agility in planning and
available to the
working out replenishment to the store from
forecasting will develop further – “being able to
people who execute
DCs and back to the factory using the usual
make changes on the fly to ensure that you are
work orders, and
algorithms for replenishment. “This has yet to
doing things related to realistic business
more information
take off seriously in Europe, but will do over the
being available to people who supply
next five years,� he says. “It requires a genuine
services to you.�
commitment to be collaborative, and in turn it needs trust.�
Expanding the time horizon
! % $ " ! $ % ! " #" ! " %$ %#" "$# # % !#" # %
Reiner anticipates more ongoing developments
Payne considers that,
Garsmeur comments that the continuing focus
regarding solutions that can help companies to
in terms of
on 'new' planning processes such as IBP and
better understand their operations; not only
algorithmic supply
DDMRP seem to be creating a lot of interest at
today in real-time but also in terms of better
chain planning, we
the moment within the marketplace. “How
understanding what will likely occur tomorrow,
will see more predictive and prescriptive
much of this is long term and how much is due
next week, next month and next year. “So, it's
analytics. He also believes we will see a lot
to them being the current 'in vogue/trendy'
about expanding the time horizon and the
more machine learning, neural networks and
areas within the Supply Chain market will be
solutions that support this need,� he says. For
deep learning. “This will help with digitalisation
determined over time,� he said.
example, he makes the point that if I am a
and with degrees of automation,� he says. “A lot
service organisation and I am providing services
of end-user companies today are worried about
Garsmeur adds that, longer term, IoT and
to a number of companies and a company asks
the productivity of their planners. Many of the
smart things will interact to make decisions
if I can service a new fleet they have, or all these
planners are doing lots of manual tasks and
within certain parameters of acceptance. “If
stores that they have, as a service organisation I
slipping in and out of spreadsheets, and as
there are standard deviations of exception,
need to be clear about whether I have the
companies embrace new business models and
then you'll want human intervention, but if
capacity to handle this request. It shouldn't take
look at digital products and services and new
there's not, then these things can just interact
me three months to answer the question; it
markets they are increasingly realising they can't
and essentially run it for you,� he says.
should be a very quick response because
go on like this; they can't have this low level of
“Ultimately, it's about how we leverage these
otherwise I am likely to lose the business to
planner productivity where they are nurse-
different and better data sets to improve
somebody else. So, I need to think about
maiding the technology a lot of the time. That all
forecasts, to better understand our forecasting
visibility in terms of longer term capacity –
needs to be done at a higher level of
and how demand and supply interact.�
whether it's the capacity of my own workforce or
productivity. The planners can then do more
the capacity of my supply chain; because third-
value-added things such as looking at the
Hall believes Cloud-based systems and the
party logistics companies have limits – they are
different trade-offs and scenarios or developing
continued proliferation of Cloud migration will
asked to do all sorts of things that can affect the
their relationships with other key stakeholders
no doubt have a large effect on planning-
margins of the organisations they are supplying
within the company.�
related software solutions in the future, and
services to. “At some point, the supply chain
indeed in some cases are already starting to
can start to fail, so there needs to be a long-
Payne adds that there is also an issue regarding
do so. He adds that there are several reasons
term view of what your demand will likely be and
talent; having the right people for planning. “If
for this; including ease of communication and
you need to be able to give organisations within
you have more machine learning and you are
ability to pull down your business’s scheduling
your supply chain a view of what they need to
encoding more of the knowledge of your senior
data at a moment’s notice to any device.
plan for,� he says. “They have limited capacity
planners, then you are less likely to lose that
and need to plan in advance. If the supply chain
knowledge when they retire or move on. Another
Hall also comments that planning and
starts to break down it can have a knock-on
issue is planner turnover. It can be hard to keep
scheduling software is a constantly shifting and
effect sometimes involving liability and health &
younger planners in the role – many don't want
changing landscape. “It can be hard for
safety issues from a workforce management
to stay with one company, they want to move on
manufacturers to know which system can align
perspective. This is largely why long-term
to something else. So, encoding more of that
most closely with their business needs,� he
planning is so important.� So, with regard to
best practice knowledge into the algorithms
says. “Because of this, systems that can be
technology, Reiner explains that companies
means companies can hold onto that
responsive and demonstrate flexibility and
want a very quick and simple way of
knowledge more effectively, and this helps them
agility will always be sought after and in high
communicating between all the parties involved
to retrain and be far more value adding that they
in the supply chain. “This need will probably
often are today.�
June 2017
Planning and scheduling software – meeting customer demand and building foundations for the future By Stuart Hall, sales director, Epicor Software UK and Ireland.
ontinuous and rapid change in
flow of business, and increase communication
the UK manufacturing industry
across a company, or the implementation of a
in the last few decades has left
manufacturing execution system (MES) to
the industry almost
support the efforts of workers on the ground,
unrecognisable. Products and
and increase productivity.
processes remain a priority, but advancements in technology and the raised
Planning and scheduling software is another
expectations of today’s empowered
such solution. It connects all parts of a
consumers have driven manufacturers to
business’s manufacturing arm, allowing
invest heavily in digitally transforming their
accurate and real-time forecasting of
businesses through new integrated
customer demand, and scheduling of
technology solutions.
resources – from people, to machines, and raw materials. It is proving to be a vital asset
Today, more than ever, the ability to deliver
that allows businesses to optimise
high quality products, on demand and on
performance, reduce wasted time, decrease
time is what makes or breaks manufacturers.
unsold stock taking up space in expensive
We have seen a shift in consumer behaviour
warehouses, and ultimately boost profitability.
from passive consumers, where the brand once had the power, to empowered
choice, are constantly connected through
Up-to-the-minute information
their always-on digital companions, and who
Competing customer orders and contention of
expect to be able to get what they want, when
resources and supply have historically been
technologies is rapidly increasing, and the
they want it, and where they want it.
an issue for manufacturers, often leading to
line between the digital and physical worlds is
missed delivery deadlines, and even
blurring in most elements of our daily lives. An
overproduction. Planning and scheduling
example of this is the burgeoning world of e-
New challenges
software controls these situations by
commerce, where many consumers prefer the
Consumers can be, and are largely, fickle
providing manufacturers with up-to-the-minute
experience of purchasing products online,
when it comes to brand loyalty, and attracting
information, and automated recommendations
instead of visiting a physical store.
and retaining customers has become
given on what raw materials need to be
increasingly difficult and complex. This is
acquired, and how resources can be used
Manufacturers are undergoing a similar
posing new challenges for manufacturers as
most efficiently. It also effectively predicts
transition with their customers, who are keen
they make moves towards a connected future
potential bottlenecks and issues with orders,
to receive the same services offered by
via automation, and robotic assembly.
enabling manufacturers to take action and
internet giants such as Amazon and eBay–the
consumers, who have an abundance of
resolve future issues before they escalate
ability to buy online, choose the delivery date
Modern technology solutions have become
further – preventing delayed or incorrect
and time, and then track the order through its
critical in helping manufacturers meet
customer orders.
delivery process. Mass customisation is another trend forcing manufacturers to work
customer demand. Whether it’s an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to aid the
June 2017
The demand for new and more efficient
smarter, as there is no margin for error when
producing and delivering a personalised
burden for businesses, requiring not only
artificial intelligence and cognitive
product. Once a commitment to a customer is
human skill, but large amounts of man hours
technologies, will only continue to drive the
made–whether creating a custom-made
in order to realise the business benefits. The
manufacturing industry forward, and the
product or agreeing to a specific delivery
implementation of software does not reduce
rate of evolution and innovation in the
date–it is vital to meet it, or risk losing the
the need for skilled workers, but it provides
sector will show no sign of abating.
customer to one of your competitors.
Real business benefits It doesn’t matter if you are running a make-toorder, make-to-stock, or a just-in-time business, planning and scheduling software
In the push towards Industry 4.0, the rapid advancement of connected technologies, such as high-quality sensors, robotics, artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies, will only continue to drive the manufacturing industry forward, and the rate of evolution and innovation in the sector will show no sign of abating.”
needs to be pushed up the list of importance. Scheduling can provide real business benefits – minimising production time and
these workers with the tools to perform their
Investing and implementing in advanced
cost, and maximising factory efficiency.
roles more efficiently, reducing time spent on
and scalable technology solutions now –
However, it must extend beyond scheduling
manual tasks, and enabling them to
such as ERP, MES, and planning and
the manufacturing process and ensure the
disseminate the most relevant data to the
scheduling software – will allow
right resources are allocated across all
workers on the shop floor.
manufacturers to see immediate tangible business benefits, but will also lay a solid
parts of the business, and each business unit is working in the most efficient way. Traditionally, scheduling was a huge time
In the push towards Industry 4.0, the rapid
foundation from which they can take
advancement of connected technologies,
advantage of everything Industry 4.0 is set
such as high-quality sensors, robotics,
to bring.
June 2017
P Maxoptra route lanning
planning leaves Total Hygiene flushed with success otal Hygiene (Clos-o-Mat), the
supplier of specialist wash and dry toilets for the elderly and disabled, is reaping the rewards following the implementation of a
high-tech system to manage its mobile service operation. The Cloud-based Maxoptra dynamic route planning and scheduling software has already helped the company increase the productivity of its service engineers by more than 30%, improve customer service, and make significant inroads in the journey towards a paperless office. "Prior to the implementation of Maxoptra, service engineers would schedule their own workload and plan their own routes," commented Michael Delaney, service administration supervisor at Total Hygiene. "Despite the vast experience of our UK wide service team, this wasn't always the most efficient way of working. Moving to Maxoptra has allowed us to take control back to the office and we are now able to provide clients with timely updates further improving the service we offer." Total Hygiene (Clos-o-Mat) manufacture,
hospitals and healthcare facilities, retail
Total Hygiene originally selected Maxoptra as
install and maintain the Clos-o-Mat wash and
outlets, including Morrison's supermarkets,
it integrated with the company’s TomTom in-
dry automatic shower toilets. With more than
and private residences.
cab navigation system supplied by
55,000 units sold to date, some of which are
Communicate Better. Total Hygiene is
still in daily use at least 30 years after
"Maxoptra's simple to use interface and visual
currently using Maxoptra's manual planning
installation, Clos-o-Mat is the only
planning tools makes life easy for our
option, assisted by intelligence driven routing
manufacturer in this sector based wholly in
planners," continued Michael. "In fact,
and scheduling algorithms. As engineers are brought online the move to Maxoptra's
Maxoptra's simple to use interface and visual planning tools makes life easy for our planners. In fact, Maxoptra is so straightforward you can be up and running in minutes. Although easy to implement and easy to use the functionality offered, especially the ability to auto plan diaries, is immense.� – Michael Delaney, service administration supervisor, Total Hygiene.
automatic planning will be made and the system integrated with the company's asset management system. "My experience with Maxoptra has been very positive," concluded Delaney. "The system has done everything we hoped it would and
the UK and with a dedicated in-house service
Maxoptra is so straightforward you can be up
the support has been second to none. We
team. Offering nationwide coverage, the field
and running in minutes. Although easy to
have increased productivity, improved
based engineers install and maintain
implement and easy to use the functionality
customer service and we are confident that
equipment in tourist attractions, such as
offered, especially the ability to auto plan
the continued use of Maxoptra will contribute
Wembley Stadium and Cadbury World,
diaries, is immense."
to a rise in profitability."
June 2017
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Wander leaps
to cuttingedge DSCP from antiquated planning system ander Ltd. is a Swiss food
market has changed around
approval for the update to QAD EE and
and beverage
the company. Wander has
manufacturer, best known
been innovating product
for its wide variety of
lines but fallen behind in
technology. In addition to an
products. The company is strategically
outdated QAD ERP system,
positioned in the market as a manufacturer
Wander was using an old
and distributor of quality Swiss-made
program for its Demand and
products. Wander directly supplies the retail
Supply Chain Planning (DSCP).
market in Switzerland and exports products
The system had not been
through independent distributors into several
updated in more than 12 years.
European countries. In addition to its
DSCP systems have significantly
Ovomaltine product lines, Wander markets
evolved in that time and it
and distributes Twinings Tea and Caotina in
became obvious that the
German-speaking countries in Europe.
company’s existing system’s
The solution: Value approach analysis gets parent company sign off for DynaSys DSCP A QAD Q-Scan was the first step in getting ABF’s approval for the upgrade to EE and DSCP installation. Each of Wander’s
Accurate and timely planning is crucial to building an effective enterprise and replacing an outdated planning system. DynaSys DSCP has proven a great choice for us.� – Andy Eichenberger, demand planner, Wander Ltd.
departments and functions was assessed and determinations were made on areas that excess money or time was being spent or any gaps in the process.
Wander’s history dates back to 1865. The
age was creating an increasing risk
An analysis was then
company employs a staff of 250 at its
that the entire platform might fail.
presented to suggest
manufacturing location in Neuenegg, close to
where improvements
Bern, Switzerland. The company is part of the
“We knew our old planning system
TwiningsOvo group within Associated British
was not serving us well any longer
money saved and
Foods (ABF). Associated British Foods earns
and we would benefit from updating
profitability increased.
ÂŁ13.4 Billion in annual sales and has 130,000
our DSCP system as we upgraded to
employees worldwide in 50 countries. ABF
QAD Enterprise Edition (EE) for our
“The Q-Scan gave us
includes many brands; such as Twinings,
ERP solution,� comments Steffen Grill,
the ammunition we
Silver Spoon, Kingsmill, Patak’s, Jordans
IT manager, Wander Ltd.
needed to convince our
Cereals, Speedibake, Dorset Cereals, Ryvita,
“We wanted to replace it but we have
parent company of the
Blue Dragon and Mazola.
to meet our parent company’s very
value of upgrading to
strict ROI criteria and internal
QAD EE and replacing
justifications to be approved for
our old planning system
present and future project funding,�
with DynaSys DSCP,�
adds Ueli Trachsel, finance & IT
adds Grill. “After we
manager with Wander Ltd. “Going
received approval from
with a ‘Value
our parent company,
Approach’ was
we did the entire
The challenge: Outdated and increasingly unstable planning system needed replacement Wander has been successful for many years
critical to get
with its core Ovomaltine powder, but the
high level
June 2017
might be realised,
project in one attempt – which took more
planning and implementation resources but we got everything done as one. Having the DSCP pre-configured solution was very helpful. We were able to do the work within very clean timelines. The ‘go-live’ process went very well. We were able to ship products and get invoices out the first day.� “Our relationship with QAD was a bonus,� notes Stefan Stucki, head of controlling, Wander Ltd. “It made the conversion from our outdated system to DynaSys DSCP much easier – we didn’t have as steep a learning curve.� Wander’s onsite product team worked closely with a QAD project manager using a QAD standard product model solution implementation, Easy On Boarding (EOB).
The benefits: Planning is quicker and more accurate, system risk is eliminated and costs are reduced The first and most immediate benefit Wander Ltd. saw with the installation of DynaSys
• Reduced recurring costs for DSCP
QAD really helped during the project,�
DSCP was the elimination of the platform
maintenance & support compared with
concludes Trachsel. “They understood our
risks associated with its outdated system.
previous system hosting & support.
needs and how the product could address
Operating costs were also reduced and
• Faster and easier data extraction.
those needs – it’s what really made the
Wander now has richer functionality than
• Reduction in required stock with increased
project successful.�
was available before.
forecasting accuracy and better management of expiring stock.
Andy Eichenberger, demand planner,
• A common and familiar user experience
Wander Ltd., commented: “The new DSCP
between QAD EE and DynaSys DSCP,
system is a very different way of working
which decreased the learning curve for
than the old system. After managing our
users. The initial value
system for 12 years without an update, we
approach assessment
now have the latest DSCP. With DynaSys
estimated a value return
DSCP we have transparency and the ability
of over $40,000 each
to change things as needed rather than
year for DSCP.
being boxed into a rigid, unresponsive system. We can play around and use the
“Our long-term relationship with
system as we want and need.� Other benefits Wander has seen with the new DynaSys DSCP system include: • 50% time savings in managing product supersession impact when one product replaces another. • Easier and quicker capacity planning with
HIGHLIGHTS: Company: Headquarters: Industry: Products:
Wander Ltd. Neuenegg, Switzerland. Food and Beverage. Ovomaltine powder, bread spread and malt extract. Solutions Utilised: DynaSys Demand and Supply Chain Planning (DSCP).
a simple and more reliable set up.
June 2017
It’s do or die:
retailers must meet customer expectations through collaboration By Matthew Robertson, Co-CEO, NetDespatch. Whichever delivery channel retailers choose
n the age of instant gratification and
personalised experiences, consumers are
Barriers to innovation
to develop – and there were many identified
increasingly expecting more and more
Our research found that innovation is primarily
by the retailers in our survey – working
from retailers, particularly from the
hampered by three key barriers. The first
together for the same cause is key. Being
delivery stage in the buying cycle. This is
barrier is cost, the second is technology, and
open and sharing information, best practice
what makes partnerships so critical in today's
astonishingly for just under 3 in 10 retailers
and what has been achieved has been a
competitive commercial environment. Today,
(29%) their delivery development plans are
key part of the huge innovations the market
delivery is a key differentiator in winning
hampered by the partners they are working
has seen in recent years. If retailers want to
customer spend and a crucial part of a
with. Indeed, many retailers say that their
continue to meet and beat customer
brand's proposition and marketing strategy.
delivery partner could do more to help them
expectations this is a trend that has to
improve their business by sharing more
continue. With all this in mind, what are the
Our own research, which was conducted in
information with them.
main things to keep front of mind?
conjunction with eDelivery, showed that 42%
The fact that partners can be an obstacle
of the survey's respondents – around 50 out
against progress is jaw dropping. The
• Ensure a partnership approach.
of 120 retailers – would work with numerous
challenge though is not insurmountable. It is
• Confirm that you are offering what the
partners to best meet consumer expectations.
imperative for retailers to strive to offer what
This highlights that despite the operational
customers expect and therefore, partnerships
challenges such a structure might pose, a
are vitally important.
customer actually wants. • Work with suppliers across the board and aim for transparency and flexibility. • Don't overpromise – be honest.
significant number within the industry believe
• Embrace the power of click and collect to
that it is necessary nonetheless to take on
Click and collect is an example of an area
multiple partners in order to meet the ever-
that is primed for collaboration and which can
increasing demands of consumers.
play an important role in improving the
drive revenue for both online and offline channels. • Test and innovate when it comes to
customer experience. Click and collect also
delivery services.
On the positive side, new delivery models are
offers a huge opportunity for retailers and
being trialled and introduced by various
their delivery partners to work more closely
retailers pushing the limits of delivery, with
together to improve the customer experience,
I believe that with consumer expectations
innovations such as the delivery subscription
especially since it can drive additional spend
only going in one direction – towards
model expected to grow substantially.
creating more demands on the delivery
On the downside however, our research
Collaboration in this area in particular can
companies to have effective and beneficial
found that there is more to be done in terms
help deliver a quicker and more seamless
partnerships in place. This more often than
of exploiting additional innovations. 7 in 10
buying experience for consumers – many of
not will require working with numerous
retailers are not yet using lockers services,
whom are now often time poor due to busy
partners. Offering distinctive, fit for purpose
more than half are not offering same day,
lives. Happier customer's increases loyalty
delivery services is vital to win customers'
Sunday or evening deliveries, and 40% are
and spending which will benefit partners; so,
hearts, minds and purses, but it does
not offering click and collect.
click and collect has the potential to provide
require a close partnership approach.
aspect of the retail experience – it is vital for
benefits for retailers, partners and customers. 24
June 2017
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\\\ Manufacturing \\\
%)!*) &#&' ,&$, * ,'+,' * )( )!' %&( ,$ # ,! )&(
*,* +# '&+(,of the digital supply chain in the changing manufacturing landscape By Nick McGrane, managing director, K3 Syspro.
ou have to be able to hold your
There is no doubt that intelligent and
The data that can be gleaned from ERP is
nerve if you work in the supply
integrated ERP systems, such as we provide
worth its weight in gold. As well as providing
chain. Dealing with the
at K3 Syspro, enable strong supply chain
traceability, it also provides relevant
production and distribution of
models to function.
information to help manufacturers with
requires patience, knowledge and strong
They allow businesses to offer additional
recycling of materials, components and
team management. And you’re not just
services (such as aftercare) as ERP and its
products – something that is becoming
dealing with your own staff, but everyone
integrated solutions can now link the
increasingly important in the Circular
else’s too, with the added dimension that
necessary business functions throughout the
the chain can also stretch right across the
chain from end to end; an added value in this
day and age for both the customer and the
everything including regeneration and
goods in today’s world
company. Efficient data sharing also provides
Mind the gap – from digital supply chain to supply network
We talk now about the digital supply chain,
for the interrelationship of all business
although the word digital is assumed as
elements in the chain. This works for both
Given technology is a ‘given’ perhaps we
technology is embedded in all of our
suppliers and customers. It is easy now to
should now be talking about the supply
processes as surely as our DNA is in our
find out exactly where goods are through
network rather than the digital supply chain.
human form. The question is: Where can
efficient tracking systems, and customers now
But whatever you call it there is no doubt it is
this technology take us, and what are the
have the capability of rating everything from
vital that manufacturing and logistic
implications of this ‘digital’ revolution for
delivery to quality – thus providing feedback
companies get it right.
UK industry?
up and down the supply chain.
June 2017
\\\ Manufacturing \\\
But the future isn’t, in my view, just about ERP
isolation. It needs to be built on solid key
within these sectors. Changes coming include
business foundations.
AI (Artificial Intelligence), the increasing use of cloud-based technologies and the use of
Managing customers, forecasting and
cobots (collaborative working with robots).
synchronising supply and demand and meeting and co-ordinating customer requests
Engineering technology and the result of
are all must haves and not nice to haves. So
robotic handling, automation and
too is providing a structure for bringing
advancements such as machine learning also
products to market in unison with customers
allows companies to be able to consider
and suppliers. Then there is the returns
reshoring and bringing their manufacturing
process. It’s a lot to think about.
closer to home. Such cross-functional data enables businesses to revolutionise their
Our strategy at K3 Business Technology
supply network.
Group has been to develop solutions in close partnership with third party vendors with
Of course, being totally connected is not
expertise in specific fields. These run through
without its risks. There have been several
from the factory floor and providing Shop
recent incidences of large companies having
Floor Visibility right through to understanding
their systems hacked, which is why it is so
the customer journey through data analytics.
important to choose your technology
We provide everything from document
providers and experts carefully. The supply
management solutions, integration products,
network is no longer just about your own
right through to CRM, HR, Finance and data
technology, it’s about what is also happening
management solutions.
&! , ! %)(* , ,$'%+( ,$ # (*' +% ,$ +%'*", ,' *, *$' '*! (+#+ ,!+('%& '*$,'+,+ *%)## +% )(&$)'&+()#,%*$&#&*(!* ,
• Allowing all parties in the supply chain to
with both data and interconnectivity in your
better manage the resources.
supply chain. At K3 Syspro we have over
It is possible to develop several supply chains
three decades of knowledge and expertise
within a single organisation. Each can be
• Better planning for future needs.
helping manufacturers not only to implement
focused on a defined market with a cost
• A better customer retention record.
ERP technology but to help them to manage
structure and responsiveness level which is
their businesses effectively and transparently,
appropriate to the segment it serves, and this
It is clearly evident why it is so important
we have also developed integrated solutions
is where having the right technology is vital.
for companies the get digital supply chain
that provide seamless technology for every
Whatever stage you are at with introducing
part of the supply chain.
new technology into your business, make sure you talk to the right consultants who can
ERP systems enable strong supply chain
A strong supply network, supported by the
advise you appropriately on best-fit solutions
models to function but they cannot stand
best technology, contributes to overall
and how these will integrate with your current
alone. An integrated approach to the
organisational resilience. In today’s uncertain
network is a must if manufacturers and logistics companies are to make the most
economic conditions with Brexit and the general state of flux in international markets,
All of this means the digital supply chain is
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and all
this is vital. So too is being adaptable and
now more important than ever. Our Ebook
that comes with it; e.g. Smart and
flexible. Does your ERP system allow for
looks at the current position of digital supply
Connected Factories supported by the
change? Will it integrate easily with updated
chains and how they fit in and sit within value
Internet of Things.
software? What do you have in place to keep
chains. The aim is to try to bring some clarity
you ahead of the game and ahead of what
and offer practical tips and advice to navigate
Technology is only as powerful as the
your customers require?
through the confusing and daunting
people who use it. Visit our website
information with which manufacturers and
www.k3syspro.com to download our Ebook
logistics companies are often presented.
to find out how you can ensure you’re
Beyond simply planning – finding the best of breed solutions for your business It is no longer about logistics planning, but
ahead of the supply chain and not the
What people tell me is there are five things businesses want from technology in the supply chain:
weak link.
being in a business where understanding the best of breed ERP system can put you ahead
• Improving time to market for products.
in a highly competitive environment. Supply
• Cost reductions across different business
chain management doesn’t happen in
June 2017
\\\ Manufacturing \\\
Success story
) * &(&,*() #*$,digital collaboration on a global scale at Barry Callebaut apgemini, the global player in
consulting, technology and
Comprehensive approach
Higher level of real-time collaboration
outsourcing services, has
“We chose to work with Capgemini because
enabled Barry Callebaut, the
of their experience and comprehensive
Maarten De Schepper, business development
manufacturer of high-quality
approach to a global roll-out. Capgemini has
manager digital, Capgemini in Belgium, said:
chocolate and cocoa products, to maximise
a uniquely collaborative change
“As a forward-thinking organisation, Barry
the value of Google’s G Suite in more than 30
management style, extensive project
Callebaut wanted to move away from using
experience and end-to-end expertise for
predominantly email and cumbersome
every stage in the implementation process,�
databases for collaboration and knowledge-
The one year migration project has also seen
comments Steven Vandamme, chief
sharing without compromising document
Capgemini provide strategic, technical, and
information officer of Barry Callebaut.
security. We are pleased to see that the
change management services to support
implementation of G Suite has brought the
Barry Callebaut’s close to 10,000 team
Peter Boone, chief innovation officer at Barry
entire organisation a higher level of real-time
members around the world. The resulting
Callebaut, is convinced: “We can now really
collaboration and as a result, increased
improvements in real-time communication and
build on each other’s thoughts and I think
document control plus the ability to work
that this has also improved our levels of
together seamlessly as one team wherever
service and the kinds of products we offer to
Capgemini has worked with Barry Callebaut
colleagues are based, has enabled greater
our customers.�
since 2012. The two companies continue to
responsiveness to meet customer needs.
work together on the creation of new
collaboration tools and the implementation of
We can now really build on each other’s thoughts and I think that this has also improved our levels of service and the kinds of products we offer to our customers.� – Peter Boone, chief innovation officer, Barry Callebaut.
As a business to business (B2B) company, Barry Callebaut needed to equip its
digitisation has introduced needs that can no longer be addressed through traditional
order to provide anytime, anywhere, any
methods of delivering workplace services,
device real-time capabilities to its virtual
enterprises need to rethink the way they
teams across the globe. The company chose
address employee satisfaction, collaboration and productivity. Collaboration technology is
across the entire organisation in order to
integral to remaining innovative in today’s
create a mobile-friendly environment,
digitised workspace. The teams at Barry
enabling them to respond quickly to
Callebaut now have full control over
customer requests and manage content in
information exposure and are able to
manage internal and external flows of data.
June 2017
Callebaut’s teams are well organised and even more productive.
G Suite at a glance
Capgemini to implement Google’s G Suite
Cloud Platform, in order to ensure Barry
In an environment where widespread
workforce with the right collaboration tools in
additional applications hosted on Google
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\\\ Manufacturing \\\
*(,& #* *('&( a new system, implement the future and not the past If you want to transform your company, do not follow the path that some systems providers lead you down, writes Richard Watkins, managing director, Delos Partnership. organising things, and making decisions -
today, plus a bit. They then do a Fit/Gap
analysis, and then specify and configure the proposed solution. They carry out a
The environment is thrilling, stamping out the
conference pilot to provide a ‘User
fires that flare up every day. The adrenaline
Acceptance Test’ and sign-off, train the users,
pumps through the veins. But cracks appear
migrate the data and go live. This is fine, if
as customers do not always get their product
you actually want to implement what you do
on time. Quality starts to suffer. The hidden
today. But if you want to make yourself ‘World
factory is huge.
Class’, then the approach must be different.
The managing director is persuaded by the
The key is to get your people to understand
ll companies, more than ever,
finance director to get a new ERP system. This
and develop a World Class model – what we
need to be more competitive,
will bring order and control to the chaos.
call ‘Company II’. This must specify the roles,
more productive and more agile
Believing their business is somehow unique,
responsibilities, policies, procedures,
in an aggressively competitive,
they trawl through as many ERP systems as
measures and behaviour which you want to
uncertain world. Many
possible to find the perfect one. They get a
adopt in the future that will make you world
successful companies are emerging from a
consulting partner to ask their people what
class. For instance, Company II must include
state where they are very ‘entrepreneurial’.
they want – they say more accurate forecasts,
things like:
They are highly successful, but largely devoid
finite scheduling, inventory optimisation, and
of formal systems and for too long they have
finally they still settle on one of the three or four
been using spreadsheets for their daily
normally selected. In truth, any business just
systems will not work without the data being
business. Complex activities like forecasting,
needs to know what customers want, what you
> 98% accurate. This requires a culture
planning, stock control, bills of material and
have got, and turn that into a plan of what to
costing are manipulated in multiple
make and buy, and then count it all up.
&! )%", )' &($ , *, * ,&$,'+, *' + %, *+ #*,'+, ("*%$')(",)(","* *#+ ), +%#", #)$$, +"*#
1. Ensuring the data is accurate. Business
2. Acceptance of the need to operate with
formal ways of working, otherwise there will
Too simple and risky
be automatic chaos. That requires a
The business relies on John knowing how the product gets put together. Liz knows where
Some software companies bring an
fundamental behaviour change to respect
the components are in stores. Geri as sales
implementation approach that is often too
formal ways of working.
manager spends time in the factory and
simple and risky. They ask the client what
customers’ offices, making her orders get out
they do today (As-Is analysis) and what would
of the door. Meanwhile George, the MD,
they like to see in the future (To-Be analysis).
If the sales people are rewarded to forecast
spends all day developing products,
What they want in the future is what they do
low and sell high, then the system will be
June 2017
3. Creating consistent performance measures.
\\\ Manufacturing \\\
driven by unrealistic forecasts. They should
abnormal demand, and provide realistic
brave new world – Company II – should be
be measured by forecast accuracy. That
promises to customers based on Available
built around a three-stage cascade
will require a change in behaviour.
to Promise, to guarantee delivery.
education process built around pilots – not user acceptance tests. The project team
4. If the factory gets measured on output, then they will not follow the plan – they should
7. The value stream should be redesigned to achieve a velocity of at least 10%.
be measured on schedule achievement and right first time. 5. The company should stop working in
develop the model based on external education on best practise; they educate the senior team and then the managers. The
8. The processes and systems should create
managers develop detailed processes and
an end to end integrated world class
then educate users. There is a project team
supply chain based on partnerships, that
pilot, a managers’ pilot and a users’ pilot.
functional silos; people should work as
ensure visibility based on trust, and provide
The education and training ensures people
teams, with common goals.
a competitive edge.
know what to do when they go live. They can then start to be world class – living in
6. The planning system should recognise
The implementation of the change to the
the future.
June 2017
Supply Chain
Mobilising and managing supply chains on the go By Paul Swaddle, co-founder, Pocket App.
ll types of transportation services, whether trucking, public transport, aircraft, charter & shuttle bus services, railroads or shipping, and the warehouses that support them, are drowning in paperwork. Paper forms such as vehicle and equipment inspections, delivery confirmations, mileage tracking, safety inspections, and so much more, are a part of a logistics company's work. If an organisation is using paper, it's costing them hundreds of hours of unnecessary work every year. That's why mobile devices and applications have become the go-to tools for logistics and transportation professionals. With mobile apps, they can ditch the paper, stay connected, and manage their supply chains from anywhere. A range of new supply chain mobility devices and applications help companies do everything from track assets and shipments, to execute transactions and processes, and collaborate with internal and external partners. Tapping into these tools helps logistics executives improve supply chain functionality, productivity, and efficiency—no matter where they are.
Delivering and receiving crucial data in real time How do logistics mobile apps help? Perhaps the biggest advantage of a logistic mobile app is the ability to deliver and receive crucial data in real time to both business employees and customers. Apps can also be used to record and store valuable data which can yield more responsive business decisions. This makes it easier to perform accounting, billing, and regulatory reporting tasks. In addition, paper waste is eliminated, manpower is reduced, and human error is diminished. Which in turn will improve profitability and will enhance your bottom line. Also, access to accurate tracking and notifications which can be sent automatically at each stage of transportation will enable 32
June 2017
individual employees to be tracked with the built-in GPS enabled technology. This means that managers will always have direct contact with their drivers. This can be particularly useful with traffic management. That's because GPS technology can allow for real-time road updates which can certainly save time and money. Lastly, the opportunities to improve customer service by utilising logistics mobile apps are virtually endless. With the installation of an app, you can allow customers to track shipments, arrange updates to deliveries, or even live chat with a company representative. Businesses may also use an app interface to communicate their latest product news and offers with their customers. No matter what mode of transportation an organisation supplies or supports, converting to transportation and warehouse mobile apps for logs, inspections and work orders will generate savings. Moreover, they will get rid of redundant data entry, lost and illegible paperwork, and enjoy more accurate data than ever before.
Key benefits So, to conclude, the three key benefits of mobile applications for transportation and logistics organisations are: • Automation of existing paper-based processes – One of the main benefits which mobile technology introduces to the transport and logistics industry is the automation of existing paper based processes. Nowadays you can eliminate paper forms usage replacing them with instant mobile reports. This will save you time and you will be sure that your data is safe and sound and collected in one place. • Dynamically track vehicles and the cargo – The current generation of mobile technology allows logistics companies to dynamically track vehicles and the cargo and real-time insight enables customer service
improvement. Previously logistics companies were able to track deliveries each time they arrived at a key destination in their journey (depot, port, or at the customer's location). The current generation of technology makes it possible to track an individual parcel on a meter-by-meter, second-by-second basis. This is a great opportunity for customers especially for business companies. It also makes it possible to monitor the transport processes and to not only identify issues when they arise, but also to predict problems before they appear. • Flexible delivery process – The ability to change delivery schedules and routes while in-flight is another great benefit. It offers consumers and business customers a level of flexibility in control process. In addition to increasing control of supply chains it creates opportunities for new levels of partnership between logistics provider and customer, increasing customer retention. Different while-in-flight-processes make it possible to offer customers greater flexibility in scheduling services, as well as enabling the creation of new, more customised services for customers. Real-time information updates and recommendations based on this factor also help in business. Mobile applications are becoming an integral part of the workflow in the transport and logistics area and at Pocket App we offer many mobile apps for the sector that will optimise dispatch operation, inventory management, record keeping, tracking goods, performing inspections and more. Feel free to drop us a line if you feel our expertise could help your organisation.
Supply Chain
Debunk supply chain myths to optimise visibility
isibility is susceptible to the perils of myths due to the nature, complexity, confusion and hype surrounding it. Despite the clarity it seeks to provide to organisations, supply chain visibility is shrouded in myths arising from a combination of vendor hype and anecdotal evidence. 4. “These myths distract us from the real issues and solutions surrounding supply chain visibility, causing us to make decisions based on assumptions that are wrong, expensive or even dangerous,� said Christian Titze, research director at Gartner. “In doing so they stifle innovation and slow progress toward real goals, accomplishments and outcomes. By separating the truth from fiction, supply chain leaders can make more informed decisions about their visibility and multienterprise initiatives and investments.�
Top 10 myths Titze debunks the top 10 myths of supply chain visibility: 1. We can live without supply chain visibility No, you can’t. It should be every organisation’s goal to achieve supply chain visibility for multiple supply chain functions across the organisation; including your partner networks. Supply chain visibility capabilities lay the foundation – the capturing of plans, events and relevant supply chain data – to generate value and mitigate risk for an organisation. 2. Visibility can be achieved by our ERP Companies sometimes still utilise enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions to address supply chain visibility; however, such applications give only enterprise-level visibility at best and not the anticipated outside-in, networkcentric view. Consider ERP as one part of an overall visibility approach. 3. Visibility is equal to collaboration
Supply chain provides the architectural setup, connecting the company with its many business partners and systems in their networks. However, many companies have confused the concepts of collaboration and visibility, which creates misconceptions and puts obstacles in the path to a more effective supply chain. We need just one visibility platform or vendor Currently, no single vendor offers software with end-to-end supply chain visibility capabilities that address multiple supply chain management processes along a comprehensive set of use cases. Companies will likely purchase or use multiple supply chain visibility software packages to support their multiple use cases and achieve end-to-end supply chain visibility. Vendor offerings can be easily evaluated and compared Supply chain organisations and their partners may approach visibility initiatives with different use cases, legacy technologies and readiness levels. The capabilities and attributes of supply chain visibility software differ from typical business process software, so a new set of selection criteria is required during the review process. All visibility platforms are going multitenant Cloud Cloud adoption for supply chain visibility solutions heavily depend on the use case. Cross-domain use cases, like risk, are only utilising a multitenancy model. However, planning use cases show a preference for a dedicated single tenancy environment. Enterprises should not expect all supply chain visibility platforms to go to multitenant Cloud in the near future. Cloud is less secure than on-premises capabilities It’s important to remember that security is not one monolithic entity and to identify where security responsibility lies. The majority of Cloud providers invest
significantly in security technology and personnel, and realise that their business would be at risk without doing so. 8. Visibility deployments are simple Deploying supply chain visibility capabilities should be faster and easier than deploying core business applications, such as ERP or customer relationship management (CRM). However, Gartner research shows that the average implementation timeframe for supply chain executional use cases is about 5.1 months and 2.3 months for risk use cases. Implementation requires several months – not weeks, as some expect. 9. The network aspect is a secondary criterion Choosing which network to join is critical. Organisations are often surprised to find that their business partners are not on the desired visibility software platform, requiring additional work for onboarding and integration. 10. Visibility automatically delivers business benefits Business benefits do not come automatically, but are built on improved access to data, insights and agility. Supply chain visibility helps organisations to realise benefits that can be measured directly, such as inventory optimisation, and also indirectly, leveraging that insight for faster and more accurate business decisions.
Gartner client research ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
June 2017
Effective, digital, connected: Logistics 4.0 accompanied by TimoCom By Gunnar Gburek, company spokesman & head of business affairs, TimoCom.
Transparency, security and competitive advantages
A clear example is the new up- and download feature the IT service provider included in its business directory with more than 38,500 companies from 44 European countries. With this feature, customers can upload frequently requested documents to their profile so that potential business partners can download them. With it, the long wait for the necessary documents of transport orders such as e.g. letterhead, EU licence or goods in transit insurance no longer exists. Apart from saving time, making the documents available to download gives the company a competitive advantage: transparency. The more detailed and descriptive a business profile is the more trust is aroused and consequently the possibility of doing business increases. Since only verified customers have access to the documents via a secure SSL connection to TimoCom's applications, data security is ensured.
All that can be digitalised will be digitalised in the future. Information flow between all participants is optimised, while at the same time, work processes become faster and more transparent. The use of new technologies is an important characteristic of TimoCom and requires a high degree of adaptability from transport platform users – a requirement which the people involved in logistics are known for. Innovations in TimoCom's application portfolio based on efficiency for the user, are gratefully accepted and quickly implemented.
Interfaces to save time and plan reliably Whilst the business directory offers an optimal solution to create a network of already acquainted and potential business partners within the transport platform, TimoCom also connects individual technologies with each other. Interfaces are available in two different areas in the application. With the first, TC Connect, many users can transfer freight and vehicle offers from their own planning software directly into the transport platform with one mouse click. The rest of the customers can
he digital age of the industry sector has begun and brought with it new challenges. The concept logistics 4.0 characterises the industry and sets the scene for networking and process optimisation, men and machines, that is, transparency in favour of effectiveness. The European transport platform developed by TimoCom recognised the signs of digitalisation 20 years ago and assumed a leading role in this area. With up to 750,000 international freight and vehicle offers daily, the TimoCom transport platform is an ideal assistance system for optimising vehicle and warehousing space.
view these offers and contact the provider. With the second interface solution, TimoCom enables more than 210 telematics providers to display their position data in TimoCom Tracking. Together, customers benefit from the comfort of tracking the status of their vehicle in just one map. In other words: switching between different programs from various providers belongs to the past. In addition, it is possible to grant business partners permission to track one's vehicle. This way both can see where the vehicle is at any time. Here too, security plays an important role and even involves HGV drivers.
Data protection ‘hosted in Germany’ When using so many new digital services, TimoCom focuses on the highest security standard to protect its customers. Only verified customers receive access to the transport platform and have an authorised TimoCom ID. On the platform itself, the users operate under the protection of the already mentioned SSL connection. Anyone who sells transport services or buys transport services and would like to benefit from the TimoCom's range of services can inform themselves on the IT service provider's homepage or receive information directly from our customer care service in their native tongue.
June 2017
Why manufacturing companies
should make logistics their core competence again
ndustry is currently going through one of the most important technological transitions of the decade: 3D printing, machine-tomachine communication, the Internet of Things and Big Data influence the connections to customers and suppliers – and thus the individual supply chain. Even transport acquisition as part of this chain is changing significantly. The increasing digitalisation and automation do not only change communication but also influence the ways of consumer behaviour. The possibility to buy online at any time has an effect on the production as well as on the delivery.
acquisition. Here is where digital transport platforms offer the possibility to find available loading capacity and suitable transport service providers at short notice.
Laskowski, logistics manager of MC-Bauchemie Gruppe: "Outstanding quality, stable and realistic service commitments and flexible customer oriented solutions, alongside standard solutions are the key to a good customer relationship.”
Good reasons for digital transport procurement
Agile solutions vs. long-term planning
Find the right transport service provider at any time and keep the ability to react. According to Gunnar Gburek, head of business affairs at TimoCom, these are relevant arguments to take back transport logistics into one's own hands: "The future challenge will be, to deliver what customers want tomorrow – and possibly only tomorrow and not later. This does not necessarily mean a trend must emerge from which long-term business relationships arise."
Long-term planning for the production, trade and transport of such goods is becoming more and more difficult. Transport sellers from the manufacturing and trade sector must therefore consider the current ways of transport
The price itself is and will continue to be the decisive factor for many companies from manufacturing and trade when it comes to choosing a service provider. It is mainly about not losing one's flexibility, explains Lars
Optimising the supply chain by influencing transportation Whilst the consumer, i.e. customer behaviour, can only be controlled to a limited extent, the supply chain can be optimised by regaining control over it. Digital transport platforms offer the possibility to request transport quickly, easily and securely within a clearly defined user group. If someone is looking to start assigning transport orders digitally, they should not only keep an eye open for a high number of offers or an intuitive user interface, but also neutrality and security standards. The latter helps to support the company's compliance guidelines.
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June 2017
Warehouse Management
Unlocking the potential for robotics Workforce availability is set to be a major challenge for e-commerce distribution centres (DCs) in the next 5 years. However, collaborative robots (‘cobots’) are already being primed as the best possible response. The question is: how can the link be made between today’s technology and a fully automated future?
s the growth in online shopping continues, the response from retailers – particularly within their DCs – continues to be dynamic. Every year, the retail market shifts further towards an alignment with e-commerce, creating new business models and putting additional pressure on traditional warehouse processes. Due to the rapidity of such trends, space and labour constraints are a common challenge to operators of e-commerce DCs. Not only are storage and retrieval methods important considerations, but the processes within DCs are also labour intensive. As Western workers continue to be better educated, companies struggle to find skilled people to perform routine and repetitive tasks.
This combination of factors has pushed the idea of collaborative robotics – or ‘cobots’ – to the front of the queue as a viable solution. According to a report by DHL Trend Research, “…logistics workers will benefit from collaborating with robots, while customers will see faster service and higher quality.” Automation has made significant inroads into increasing operational efficiencies, improving ergonomics and reducing picking errors. However, automation at this level may have run its course, and DHL Trend Research argues that existing material handling solutions merely “postpone” finding an answer to the challenges outlined above. Excitingly, the reality of cobots is close at hand. A future in which robots perform the menial activities within a DC – while being managed by human operatives – is quickly becoming a possibility. Over the next few years, the question is regarding how DCs 36
June 2017
can reduce their operational risks while making the transition to cobots?
Intelligent technology It is most likely that the introduction of cobots will be a gradual process. Initially, the focus is expected to fall on robotising the DC processes that are most straightforward and labour intensive. For complex single item picking, DCs will need to invest in innovative and smarter solutions. With this in mind, Vanderlande recently presented its first smart item robotics (SIR) concept at LogiMAT 2017. “In September 2016, we started to prepare the SIR showcase based on our customers’ needs,” says Vanderlande’s director ecommerce Ruben Jakobs. “The feedback was amazing due to the fact that we’re being so proactive about robotic technology. This is because the e-commerce sector is going to need cobots that can handle individual items, not whole cases.” Vanderlande’s SIR solution currently sees a robotic arm positioned on top of a traditional order pick workstation. Guided by a series of state-of-the-art cameras, the arm is able to pick individual items and transfer them to a separate tote, thus mirroring the actions of a human operator. However, Vanderlande is already preparing the solution to handle many additional applications. “I think the reason to invest in such a solution is two-fold: to reduce costs and account for a lack of available workforce,” adds Jakobs. “Our SIR innovation was positively received, because it’s not only low risk, but a human operator is still required. As such, our shortterm vision is that it may only require one operator to oversee a number of workstations, for example.
“We’re also conscious that our customers are looking for intelligent technology. That is, their products need to be picked and packed in a smart way. E-commerce companies handle a substantial number of items, and for me, cobots will be doing the majority of work with individual products.”
Gradual integration Vanderlande’s SIR solution is expected to help e-commerce companies integrate cobots in a gradual way. After all, today’s technology is not yet at the stage at which a direct replacement of human operators can
Warehouse Management
be made, and robots are not equipped to handle all processes and product types. Therefore, the smart integration of human and robotic working environments is required. “We’ll factor in robots depending on what we can achieve from a technological viewpoint,” says Ruben. “In the end, we want to retain the interesting activities for humans in warehouses. In the meantime, cobots can begin to take over the physical workload while ensuring that DCs can revert to a manual operation at any time.” DHL Trend Research depicts a future in which physical tasks are performed by cobots and “the operator may perform the first part of the task while the cobot finishes the rest,” such as moving heavy items. The report even foresees a DC in which “workers will be given higher-level tasks, such as managing operations, coordinating flows, fixing robots, and handling difficult orders”.
Exploring the potential One of the benefits of cobots is that individual units can be retrofitted to existing workstations. In this way, it is helpful to ecommerce companies beginning to explore the potential for robotic technology in their DCs. It removes the risk from such a venture, and allows for the flexible deployment of both robots and operators. Vanderlande’s SIR solution also delivers a range of additional benefits in these circumstances. There is no requirement to ‘teach-in’ products, while item handling is both smooth and secure. In addition, one of the key features is the robot’s ability to intelligently stack items efficiently, in a similar way to a human operator.
confident that in six months, we will be able to use the latest technology to create an even more advanced solution. The speed of innovation is truly exciting. “At the beginning of this process, we spoke to many e-commerce companies to define their constraints and how can we help. That was the trigger to start the SIR project. Now, we’re thinking about how best to help our customers implement this technology in a gradual way. Ultimately, the time to act is now, and the benefits are already tangible for such a lowrisk solution.” *Robots in Logistics: a DPDHL perspective on implications and use cases for the logistics industry (Author: Tom Bonkenburg)
Advances in robotic technology show no sign of slowing down, and the next few years are set to be an exciting time for the industry. “I think there will be significant developments in cameras and software,” says Jakobs. “I’m
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Need to adapt to a rapidly changing market? Is the pressure on your warehouse increasing exponentially with the intense growth of e-commerce? Do the high number of stock items and short lead times compel you to take action? Need to optimize the flexibility of your processes? Experience how together we can continuously improve your operations and learn how automating your DC with flexible and scalable solutions makes life easier and faster! > vanderlande.com
V OICE technology
The benefits of Voice-directed technology for maintenance & inspection tasks By John Bradshaw, business development manager for Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions. aintenance and inspection
Similarly, in the warehouse and DC environment,
far greater picking and replenishment accuracy
(M&I) tasks undertaken for
the workforce traditionally picked and
than paper, together with the added
plant and equipment within a
replenished goods to a well-defined set of rules
convenience and flexibility of hands- and eyes-
diverse range of sectors have
involving paper pick lists. In the last 10 years,
free operation. The safety benefits are also
developed a series of well-
however, many warehouse operations have
clear: operators are not obliged to spend time
established steps over the years with the aim
discovered the benefits of Voice-directed
looking down at a pick list, searching for the
of improving the process by which engineers
solutions for picking and replenishment tasks.
next location whilst driving, or juggle clipboards and devices whilst picking heavy items. With the
and technicians capture and share information. In maintenance, repair and overhaul operations
Solutions consisting of Voice-directed
hands- and eyes-free benefits of Voice-directed
(MROs) such as aerospace, truck fleet,
processes offer substantial proven benefits over
picking, operators are more aware of their
automotive, process control, utilities and rail,
the conventional paper pick-list methodology.
these tasks have traditionally been conducted
Particularly for end-to-end DC Voice solutions
using tried-and-tested paper-based
using trained voice recognition, these
instructions and check lists.
advantages include substantial time saving and
With over 20 years of experience in Voicedirected solutions for the DC, Honeywell’s Vocollect Voice solution has proven to be a game-changer within the warehouse. As a natural progression, the core benefits offered by Vocollect Voice-directed solutions are now being recognised increasingly as a major benefit for activities in other industry sectors – M&I/MRO being an excellent case in point. Honeywell has developed a solution specifically designed for the requirements of processes outside of the DC: Vocollect Voice for M&I. For example, one Vocollect Voice M&I client is using the solution to capture information for the purpose of engine maintenance on an auxiliary power unit (APU), the engine that sits at the back of an aircraft and which provides critical auxiliary power. Vocollect Voice guides the engineer through a series of steps as part of a visual M&I process.
June 2017
Vocollect Voice is used both to capture information and also to direct the engineer’s
V OICE technology
working practices in a speedy and accurate
screen before submitting the data to the host
working so closely with Honeywell to uncover
manner. By using Voice, the M&I process is
prospective sites where Voice-directed
The third – and increasingly the most valuable –
processes. Having enjoyed a successful
technology can be used within M&I tasks and
optimised in such a way that some highly significant productivity and efficiency savings can be gained. From a time-saving perspective,
advantage concerns compliance and
partnership with Honeywell for a number of
using a Vocollect Voice solution for M&I tasks on
information. Many organisations must conform to
years, we are delighted to be one of only two
this type of engine typically takes around 45
various regulatory and standard requirements,
partners selected to work with their Vocollect
minutes, compared with around 2.5 hours when
and with Vocollect Voice this information can be
Voice M&I team. We are very much looking
using conventional pen and paper
captured and used in real time. It can also be
forward to building upon our already established
methodologies. Comparably impressive savings
used for historical purposes; one case in point
reputation of expertise in implementing Voice-
are achievable on other types of plant and
within the aerospace industry is the requirement
directed data capture solutions into a variety of
to keep detailed data for a number of years for
vertical markets and applications.”
Advantage: Voice
an air crash investigation.
retrieval in the event of an incident, for example There are three primary advantages in
M3UA UK The above article is based on the author’s
employing Vocollect Voice technology to an
Voice-directed solutions offer a highly
presentation on M&I given at this year’s M3 User
M&I/MRO process. The first concerns the use of
compelling value proposition for maintenance,
Association UK Conference (M3UA UK), held at
Voice commands and responses to optimise
repair and overhaul tasks in terms of time
the Best Western Plus Meriden Manor Hotel in
process and workflow steps. The second
saving, greater accuracy, improved health &
Solihull on 1 and 2 March. Honeywell works in
advantage relates to ergonomics; because
safety and better compliance. Vocollect Voice
partnership with BEC (Systems Integration) Ltd.,
Vocollect Voice is a worker-focused wearable
has evolved into a strong solution for MRO since
the UK-based supplier of data capture solutions
solution, maintenance personnel are able to use
first being embraced within the warehouse
for supply chain logistics and manufacturing.
tools more conveniently and safely, without the
BEC was the event’s Diamond Sponsor, together with Honeywell.
need for carrying paper check lists etc. Technicians also benefit from the ability to
Successful partnership
capture critical M&I information on a tablet PC
Philip Jarrett, director of sales & marketing at
and check the information for accuracy on the
BEC, comments: “We are really excited to be
Streamline Your Maintenance & Inspection Processes With Vocollect Voice Solutions 9 Real-time visibility of site-wide operations 9 Enhance compliance with standard operating procedures 9 Streamline documentation with step-by-step process guidance for faster operator training 9 Improve safety and increase productivity with hands-free operation 9 Intuitive solution to motivate and retain technicians
Call BEC today and speak to the experts: June 2017 www.logisticsit.com +44 (0)1254 688 088 or visit www.becsi.co.uk
V OICE technology
Success story
Puerto Rico distributor upgrades to Voxware’s VMS for real-time visibility and performance management Voxware, provider of Cloud-based voice solutions, has announced that Puerto Rico Supplies Group (PRSG) has upgraded its distribution centre to Voxware’s Voice Management Suite. With the new system in place, PRSG has improved the efficiency of its workforce and given its warehouse supervisors real-time visibility into its distribution operations.
The right products available at the right time
opportunities and goals every organisation we
centre director for Puerto Rico Supplies Group, commented:
Voxware was able to address both needs.
Phillips, president and CEO, Voxware. “For
“We live and die by our
Replenishment is a core business process in
Puerto Rico Supplies, we were able to
productivity. Operating at high
the warehouse and Voxware VMS
demonstrate real value with our unique VMS
levels of efficiency is how we deliver our
Replenishment ensures the right products are
offering to solve their challenges. We are the
customers a superior experience. Before
available at the right time. The new
only Voice provider giving its customers real-
using Voxware, we didn’t have the real-time
replenishment workflow allows the picker to
time visibility into their operations as a standard
data we needed to identify productivity
directly report shorts automatically and assign
feature and our subscription service
arlos Falcon, distribution
issues as they were happening. With Voxware in place, we can see clearly and immediately the factors impacting productivity and that helps us make the timely adjustments needed to operate at peak efficiency.” Seen by many as one of the most innovative
work with is looking to achieve,” said Keith
Before using Voxware, we didn’t have the real-time data we needed to identify productivity issues as they were happening. With Voxware in place, we can see clearly and immediately the factors impacting productivity and that helps us make the timely adjustments needed to operate at peak efficiency.” – Carlos Falcon, distribution centre director for Puerto Rico Supplies Group.
and technologically-advanced companies of its kind in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Supplies
replenishment for an item to move up the
guarantees access to the latest hardware without having to make costly investments.”
began using Voice technology in its
priority list when necessary. Additionally,
warehouses in 2010. The company quickly
because Voxware allows customers to pay on
realised the benefits of Voice and wanted to
a subscription basis, PRSG was able to
Since PRSG’s item selectors were already
further drive productivity improvements by
implement Voxware without a substantial
accustomed to using Voice, the transition to
implementing a Voice-driven replenishment
upfront capital investment. The subscription
Voxware’s solution was seamless while also
workflow, but was unable to get the project
also includes the most up-to-date version of
offering improvements over the company’s old
started with its previous vendor. Additionally,
Zebra hardware, which meant PRSG
system. Instead of having to complete labels
the company’s Voice hardware was being
eliminated the need for an expensive out-of-
by hand, Voxware enables team members to
discontinued, forcing a large capital expense
pocket hardware replacement.
print labels with the company number and route number already in place to save time and
to replace the hardware should it stay with “We make it a priority to understand the unique
the previous vendor.
June 2017
eliminate a manual task.
Healthcare industry
lacks visibility of process status impeding digital transformation Disparate, siloed content and processes, coupled with the dependence on legacy paper files, are affecting the digital transformation journeys of organisations in healthcare, manufacturing, financial services and government, according to a global survey.
• Manufacturing: content stored in too
he Forrester survey was
digital platform across industries. However,
commissioned by open-source
the top benefit varied across verticals:
pioneer Alfresco Software and
• Manufacturing: improved user experience
(67%) acknowledging that users need to
• Financial services: business agility (48%)
frequently or always reference external
• Government: more productive staff (67%)
information in a workflow application. The lack
"Digital transformation initiatives are being
Hampton continued: “The UK's recently
of content integration is most significant in
hampered by legacy technologies and the
announced Digital Strategy underlines the
manufacturing, with 83% reporting having to
bolting on of new solutions as a business
importance of and need for digital
scour multiple applications, systems and files
grows. Such an approach is creating content
transformation of businesses. Now is the
for vital information.
silos, affecting productivity and decision
time for organisations to kick their digital
making," said Paul Hampton, product
transformation projects into high gear.
The survey also found that organisations are
marketing director at Alfresco. "It is time to
Creating a cohesive and integrated digital
still reliant on paper legacy files, only 14%
leverage the technologies that will enable
business platform that will deliver the
have enterprise content that is virtually digital
effective content integration to deliver the
contextual information efficiently to users for
today. However, there are plans to convert to
right information, in the right context, in a
informed decision making and better
digital, data driven content in the next two
timely way."
customer service will be key.”
years, with half expecting to be virtually all-
Content silos continue to frustrate
digital then. Manufacturing and healthcare
organisations across industries. This was
Alfresco commissioned Forrester Consulting
organisations are more ambitious, with 58 and
most significant at the stage of process
to evaluate organisations' evolving needs
55% respectively intending to be virtually all-
initiation, where each cited a different pain
for technologies that support enterprise
digital in two years.
content and business processes. The
• Government: poor integration across
survey was conducted with 158 IT
revealed that organisations have content and documents scattered
across many locations, leading to two thirds
There is a desire to speed digital transformation efforts as organisations recognise the benefits of marrying process and content into a single integrated and
(53%) • Healthcare: better customer experiences (55%)
multiple data sources. • Financial Services: lack of immediately available content. • Healthcare: lack of visibility of process status.
many places. In the age of the customer, IT leaders must remove the barriers between process and content, and intensify integration efforts across the business to deliver greater productivity and agility.
Professionals at the director level or above in the US and the UK across manufacturing, financial services, government and healthcare sectors.
June 2017
Quad-core vs hexa-core – why a sports car is not always faster than a hatchback By Dirk Gelbrich, teamleader technical services auto ID, DENSO.
Not all processors are the same
processors became available, it was soon
production processes. The
Both quad-core and hexa-core processors are
work processes.
question of storage location,
multi-core processors, i.e. microprocessors
for example, can be
ptimised internal mechanisms
are a key part of high-quality
apparent that they would significantly speed up
which combine more than one complete main
While the aim has always been to maximise
answered through consistent material
processor core in a single chip. Multi-core
processor performance, the performance gain
monitoring. That is suitably complex. Many
processors have been developed to enable
does have its limits. After all, it depends on
dealers and logisticians thus rely on mobile
greater processing power. Costs also play a
implementation and the structure of the
data collection devices which are adapted to
role here, as it is cheaper to fit just one
software algorithms used. If databases supplied
modern requirements, and fitted with either
processor base on the motherboard, which
with available data come into play, additional
quad-core or hexa-core processors. Both
multiple processor cores then plug into. Multi-
mechanisms need to be looked at. According
variants have their pros and cons, which all
core processing has been on everyone’s lips
to Amdahl’s law – a model for accelerating
need to be weighed up when choosing the
for many years as a result of the considerable
programs through parallel design – the speed
right scanner.
advantages it offers. Once the first quad-core
increase/performance gain is limited by the amount of software capable of being parallelised. The model examines the relationship between the proportion of the program which can be processed in parallel and the acceleration resulting from parallel processing. And it is this very observation which is required in order for a multi-core CPU (Central Processing Unit) to be maximised. In general, hexa-core processors can achieve a greater performance gain than quad-core processors. Apparently.
A comparison from everyday life If the hexa-core processor represents a sports car with 350 hp, and the quad-core processor a hatchback with 82 hp, it shouldn’t be hard to work out which car reaches a faster speed on the highway. Apparently. In peak hour, however, both vehicles are stuck in traffic jams for the same amount of time, and proceed at the same speed. Stop-start. If the sports car and hatchback have a breakdown on the way and have to stop in the emergency lane to wait for help, they both wait for the same amount of
IT June 2017
time. But as sports cars often contain special
processor it is operating with must also have
parts, it may require a special workshop to
long-term availability. The hexa-core processor
DENSO Auto-ID Business Unit
repair its damage, while the hatchback could
is already reaching its limits in this respect. It is
potentially be back on the road that same day.
well possible for a device to be launched on the
In this case, the hatchback will be faster than
market in early 2017, but for the hexa-core
the sports car. What this comparison shows is
processor installed in it to no longer be
that there are always additional conditions
available by the end of 2017. Updates can, of
which play a role in the overall picture.
course, be performed, but this requires time
Processor availability is a particularly important
and resources – something commercial
factor in the direct comparison.
enterprises want to avoid if not absolutely
The DENSO Auto-ID Business Unit, part of the Toyota Group, has been operating on the European market for more than 30 years, and specialises in mobile data collection in all its facets. The BHT-1600 with quad-core processor was recently launched on the market. It is state-of-theart, but also durable, and delivers optimum results.
necessary. There is currently no indication that the conventional quad-core processors
Thinking ahead
installed in modern mobile data-collection
components haven’t been adapted? That’s why,
devices will stop being available in the short
when choosing a data-collection device with
As more and more companies are starting to
quad-core or hexa-core processor, it is
work with data-collection devices which
important to always consider whether, for
combine the advantages of a modern
The processing power of a quad-core
example, it is going to be performing table
Smartphone with mobile data recording, it is
processor is very high, and compatibility with
calculations or whether high resolution for
also important to take into account the device’s
other systems and devices is largely
games is more of a priority. However, the
life cycle. Smartphone life cycles are getting
guaranteed, though must always be checked
system interface is ultimately never the
shorter, as the focus in the telecommunications
separately. Comparing only the measurement
processor; it’s the humans. They are the ones
industry is different to what it is in retail and
values, the hexa-core processor yields faster
who decide whether they want to get to their
logistics. When designing and developing new
results, but its product life cycle is much
destination in a sports car or hatchback. And in
handheld terminals and scanners, a common
shorter, and its availability is not guaranteed.
the end, they are the most important and
requirement is that the product must be state-
Both processors are reliable. But what’s the
ultimate authority in the mix of performance
of-the-art, but also durable. As such, the
point of an advanced hexa-core CPU if other
gain, speed and processing.
We have been working for 30 years to develop just one single scanner. Yours. DENSO. Driven by quality. DENSO has been a leading supplier of quality data capture devices in Europe for more than 30 years. The result is a diverse range of models without equal – scanners and terminals exclusively designed to meet your needs, whether with advanced Windows CE or RFID technology, or Android-based in the style of a smartphone. They are so rigorously tested that they remain in service almost longer than we would prefer. Find out more at denso-autoid-eu.com.
The new Handheld Terminal RFID Handheld Terminal
Gartner survey
reveals the number of enterprise mobile apps is not accelerating ore than a quarter of
enterprises globally have not built, customised or virtualised any mobile apps in the past 12 months,
according to the latest mobile app survey by Gartner, Inc. This number is surprisingly high, Gartner analysts said, but it is still down from the year before. In the 2016 survey, 39% of respondents said they had not built, customised or virtualised any mobile apps in the previous 12 months. Speaking ahead of the Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit in Sydney next month, Adrian Leow, research director at Gartner, said that enterprises are responding slowly to increasing demand for mobile apps. "Many IT
mobile apps and are instead re-focusing on
lack of funds, worker hours and skills gaps.
teams will have significant backlogs of
responsive websites to address their mobile
Cost concerns are pervasive in IT
application work that need completing, which
organisations so this is not surprising, but it points to the need to enhance productivity
increases the risk of lines of business going around IT to get what they want sooner," said
Gartner's survey reveals that 52% of
with the budgets that IT development
Leow. "Development teams need to rethink
respondents have begun investigating,
organisations already have. Other barriers
their priorities and span of control over mobile
exploring or piloting the use of bots, chatbots
include a lack of business benefits and ROI
app development or risk further erosion of IT
or virtual assistants in mobile app
justification; however, a lack of understanding
budgets and the perceived value of IT
development, which is surprisingly high given
of customer needs may contribute to this.
how nascent these technologies are. Gartner refers to these as postapp technologies that
In terms of spending, the survey revealed that
According to the survey, those enterprises
belong to an era where the traditional app –
organisations' actual IT spend on mobile apps
that have undertaken mobile app
obtained from an app store and installed onto
is consistently lower than they forecast.
development have deployed an average of
a mobile device – will become just one of a
Despite 68% of organisations expecting to
eight mobile apps to date, which has
wide range of ways that functionality and
increase spending for mobile apps, the
remained relatively flat when compared with
services will be delivered to mobile users.
average proportion of the overall software
2016. On average, another 2.6 mobile apps
Application leaders need to understand the
budget is only 11%. Those that plan on
are currently being developed and 6.2 are
different postapp technologies that are
increasing spending in 2017 expect to do so
planned for the next 12 months, but not yet in
emerging to ensure their mobile app
by 25% over last year. For the past few years,
strategies remain relevant and succeed.
Gartner's research has shown that while organisations have indicated that they will
"While this response may be more indicative
increase their mobile app development
of greater awareness of these technologies
budget spend, the reality is that spending
than of anything else, it's still good to see that
allocation has decreased.
"It's encouraging to see significant growth in
enterprises have begun to consider these
the number of mobile apps that are planned,
technologies, because they will grow in
but most of this growth is in mobile web apps
importance relatively rapidly," said Leow.
Employee autonomy
commented Leow. "This indicates that some
According to the survey, the primary barriers
"Application leaders must turn around this
enterprises may be frustrated with developing
to mobile initiatives are resources related –
trend of stagnating budgeted spend on
as opposed to native or hybrid mobile apps,"
IT June 2017
mobile app development, as employees
Application trends will be discussed at the
The survey was focused on understanding
increasingly have the autonomy to choose the
Gartner Application Architecture,
organisations' activities around mobile app
devices, apps and even the processes with
Development & Integration Summit 2017
development, covering both business-to-
which to complete a task," Leow remarked.
taking place on 24 and 25 July in Sydney.
employee (B2E) and business-to-consumer
"This will place an increasing amount of
(B2C) apps, though the roles of the
pressure on IT to develop a larger variety of
respondents lean more toward expertise in B2E apps.
mobile apps in shorter time frames."
More about the survey
Further detailed analysis is available for
Gartner's mobile app survey of 163 IT and
Gartner clients in the report: ‘Survey Analysis:
business leaders from across the US, EMEA,
The Mobile App Development Trends That
Latin America and Asia/Pacific was
Will Impact Your Enterprise in 2017’.
conducted from October to November 2016.
Product News
Xplore launches
new XSLATE D10 rugged tablet PC
plore Technologies' flagship
Android rugged tablet, the XSLATE D10 with 10.1-inch screen, is now available with the upgraded Android 6.0.1
Marshmallow operating system. This latest OS improvement brings security, power management and mobile device management enhancements. The new Android 6.0.1, Marshmallow OS improves the battery life of the Xplore XSLATE D10 rugged tablet more than 10%, extending the use time beyond eight hours depending on usage and power management settings. Google's latest battery optimisation techniques work in combination with a new Marshmallow-specific application standby feature to prevent workflow applications from
indispensable to organisations seeking
It also comes with several collaboration tools
draining the battery and causing undue
greater worker efficiency and, therefore, faster
that enable hi-res image capture and video
disruptions to the user.
application responsiveness.
conferencing as well as multi-user login. The
A hot-swappable second battery option
The XSLATE D10 is noted for its user-friendly
tested, IP65-rated and ATEX/C1Z2-certified
provides up to 22 hours of continuous work
features, including a bright outdoor-viewable
Hazardous Location safeguards combine with
time. The upgraded XSLATE D10 tablets also
multi-touch display, eight standard I/O ports,
a 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD) to keep
provide IT managers and users with several
and 4G LTE, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi
workers productive – and their work protected
enhancements to the Android for Work and
– in every environment.
rugged tablet’s numerous MIL-STD-810G
Voice Assist APIs, each of which will prove
June 2017
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