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Ian Magparangalan
A cool kat addicted to FRESH! I try not to be someone I'm not. Always keeping it 100 with myself and with others. You tell me, what it look like? and I'll tell you how it is. Staying true to my ethics, which is trust, loyalty, and reeesppect! I have a brain that is too fast for my mouth, so I either speak to fast or trip up my words. But if you listen real fast I ain't gotta slow down for you to catch up. I am a "Jack of All Trades", learning whatever I can and soaking up knowledge. What is originality if you can't do it yourself? I only want the best and I don't want to settle. Is that too hard to ask for? I believe that things happen for a reason, and life is what you make of it. If going with the flow ain't happening you make it flow your way. I've never been one to follow the norm, I follow the beat of a different drum...I am the exception to the rule. This is Me.