my welcome pack

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Welcome Pack - Lite

“My website is up and I am so happy! I made a cold call to a buyer today, showed them the website, and they booked a job. What a great tool! Thank you.” – Janice Moses, Photographer agent, NYC (

Thank you for choosing liveBooksTM We know that your website is an important expression of who you are and the work that you do. For this reason, we encourage your input and welcome your questions throughout the site developement process. We are here to ensure that this is a smooth process and that the transition to your new liveBooks lite site is a success. This document will walk you through the steps, from design to going live, and provide you with some key guides that may prove helpful as you start to prepare images and use the editSuite™ software. We are always available by phone or email to discuss any issues regarding your new site. At liveBooks your success is our success, so please let us know if there is a way that we can better meet your needs. Enjoy the journey! Matt Bailey, VP Sales















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Welcome Pack - Lite

Overview of Design Process We want to make sure that your new liveBooks lite site represents you and your photography and we will work with you on a one-on-one basis to ensure that this is accomplished.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

“liveBooks puts the photograph first and the streamlined design makes it easy to navigate... The resulting website exceeds my expectations and the experience of working with their helpful staff has made it even more rewarding.” - Michael Jang, Photographer, SF (

We can facilitate or perform as much or as little of the design work as you like. We know that our clients are visual people and many like to take a hands-on approach to the design process. If this is the case for you, we will serve as a guide and a facilitator in the process. If this is not the case, we can do the design work for you. LiveBooks will build your new site to your specifications. In order to accomplish this we need to understand specifics of the aesthetic you are trying to accomplish. Generally, there are three approaches we can take to getting this done: 1) Review our list of example liveBooks sites (contact your sales representative for a current list of client examples) and choose a site or sites that we can work from as a starting point. We encourage all clients to review sample sites even if you have preexisting ideas, just to see the various ways that a liveBooks site can be deployed. 2) LiveBooks can emulate your existing website or other promotional materials. 3) Describe in a detailed email what you envision, or can create a visual guide for us in Photoshop® or similar software. Once we receive your basic preferences, we will build your site. Please send preferences to During this time you can be preparing your images according to the image prep instructions in the Image Prep section of this document. As soon as we have installed your site, we will deliver the site to you on a temporary URL so that you can view and test the site and so that you can populate it with initial images. You will be using our editSuite software to import the images. A quick guide to using the editSuite software is included in the editSuite Quick Start Guide Manual section of this document. Once you are happy with the site and ready to go live you can follow the instructions in the Going Live section of this document to provide us the information that we need to make your liveBooks site live. It can take up to 72 hours for the site to propagate. If you have an existing site, the transition will be seamless as your existing site will remain available until your new liveBooks site replaces it.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Options in the design process To get started, please send your preferences on points below to l Font (We can use any web friendly font. You may be asked to supply the font file if it is not a standard font in the public domain.) l Frame or no frame l Line style for frame (if used) l Color selections for background and inner frame l Placement of site title – top left or bottom left l Names of the menu items l Site name can be font treatment or a graphic l Logo can be incorporated liveBooks will need to gather information from you about each of the above options so that we can install your site. Once your site is installed and delivered, you will be able to upload content immediately. Specifically, your Home Page, Contact Page and Bio Page will be empty on delivery so that you can fill those pages with custom designed graphics that you upload using the editSuite*. If you would like, we can design a graphic to fill the pages for you. * The graphics used to fill these three pages needs to be a baseline. JPG (dimensions 920x562 pixels at 72dpi). This graphic can created using software such as Photoshop.

Summary Please, review the sample liveBooks sites and then compose design preferences in an email to us at including, at a minimum: 1) Site color 2) Font preference 3) Links to sites that you really like 4) Optional: Other information that you think will help us understand your design preference including sample documents (if any).

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Image Prep Instructions Image Specs Here are the imaging rules to prepare the images for upload into liveBooks site: l All images must be 72dpi. l All images must be saved as Jpegs. l All images must be RGB, (not CMYK). l All images must be saved as baseline (“standard”) jpgs. (Not baseline optimized or progressive). This is the default way that Photoshop and Save For Web export Jpegs. If you accidentally upload an optimized Jpeg, the images that are in the presentation with it will not show up on the site. To fix, delete the image. l All jpegs must use “normal” names using: any letter cap or small from a to z .. A to Z or number 0 to 9, or, -, or _or . and that is all. You can not use other symbols in the file name, like !, or $, or *, etc. liveBooks websites have the ability to accept two different image sizes, which we refer to as single images or double images. Double images are like “double page spreads” and single images can be paired with another image to make a diptych. A “double” or full-page image is an image with a max size of 500 px on the vertical axis, and ranging from a minimum of 366 px to a maximum of 750 px on the horizontal axis. (Max Size: 750 x 500 px, Target K size 90 - 110k). A “single” image (which can be shown in a diptych or by itself), is an image with a max size of 500 px on the vertical axis, and 365 px on the horizontal axis.* (Max Size: 500 x 365 px, Target K size 45 – 60k). * If an image is 366 px horizontal or larger, then it is considered by the computer to be a double, full-page image.

Suggested Image Prep Process The following instructions give you an overview of how to prepare images for your liveBooks site using Photoshop software. 1) Open the image that you want to prepare for your liveBooks site in Photoshop software. 2) Go to Edit>Assign Profile, and select the sRGB color profile. This will give a more accurate color for the web.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

3) You may want to increase the saturation a little bit as well as the sharpness (using the unsharp mask filter seems to work best) because when you save for the web you will lose a little punch to your picture, so increasing the saturation and sharpness helps. Be careful not to over-sharpen or over-saturate! Less is more. 4) Resize using the crop tool: For most images, you will only need to set the height (for example, to 500 px), leave the width blank and the resolution at 72dpi. For wider images, like panoramas, you will set only the width to 750 px and leave the height blank. 5) Complete resizing the crop by checking the box at the top. The image will become quite small. Use the zoom tool to enlarge the image to 100%. 6) Now you are ready to save your image to the web. Select Save for Web from the File menu. 7) When the Save for Web screen opens, choose the tab at top that says optimized. On the right, make sure the “Progressive”, “Optimized”, and “ICC Profile” boxes are not checked. What you see is how your image will look on the web. To see the difference, move the window to the side a bit so you can see the original image in Photoshop window behind the Save for Web window, so you can see the difference from the original to the Save for Web version. If you want to increase the saturation on the web version, cancel out of the Save for Web window and go back to Photoshop. 8) (Very Important) Before you save your image for the web you must make sure the Jpeg the “progressive” box is unchecked. 9) Now adjust the Quality slider to make your jpeg the correct file size. The correct size for a horizontal is between 90‑110k. The correct size for a vertical is between 50-60K.

NOTE: File sizes larger than the suggested amount will result in slower loading speeds. The above numbers are file sizes, not quality settings.

10) Save your JPEG for the web to an appropriate folder.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

EditSuite Quick Start Guide Overview Welcome to your liveBooks editSuite. Following is a quick overview of how to use the main portions of the editSuite to get your website up and running. Here is an overview of the liveBooks web creation process:

NOTE: Help Buttons are located throughout the software with links to online help.

This Quick Start Guide will walk you through some general setup items as well as how to upload your images and have them appear on your new site. The steps that are outlined are as follows:

STEP 1. Change your password! STEP 2. Rename your Portfolios and Libraries STEP 3. Upload your images, add image information, and store them in the libraries. STEP 4. Move your images into your portfolios using your Lightbox. STEP 5. Upload your home page, about/bio page, and contact page graphics. STEP 6. Personalize your site with transitions, site background colors and a custom loading page. STEP 7. Market your site by submitting your site to Google™ search engine.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Step 1: Change your password! 1. To Change your password go Edit Content>Passwords. The passwords screen will appear with brief instructions on the left and the user list on the right.

2. To change the password, select the user’s name in the User List and then click Edit. 3. The Edit User Details window will appear. Make the required change and then click Save. The window will close. 4. Then click Save.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

If you need to add a user, follow these simple steps:

1. To add a user, click Add. 2. An Add User window will appear. Type the new user name and the password (confirm password by entering twice) and click Save. The window will close. 3. Then click Save.

Step 2: Rename your Portfolios and Libraries 1. Before going live you may want to personalize your site by renaming your portfolios and libraries. To do this select Edit Content>Name Portfolios and Libraries.

2. Open the menu of portfolio/library that you want to see by clicking on the arrown. Select the portfolio/ library that you want to rename.

3. Click the Rename button. The Rename dialog box will appear. 4. Type in the new name and click Rename. 5. Click Save.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Step 3: Upload Images 1. Begin by preparing the images for uploading according to the Image Prep instructions in the Welcome Pack and User Guide. To upload images go to Edit Content>Upload Image. The upload screen will appear. 2. If you would like the editSuite to scale images down for you as they are uploaded, check the Scale Images Upon Upload checkbox.

NOTE: This will only scale images down, it will not increase the size of the images.

3. Select Upload Files. 4. The Select Files window will pop up. Find the folder that contains the images that you want to upload and then choose the image(s). Once you have selected all of the images that you want to upload choose Open. 5. The images will be uploaded into the acquire area in your Upload Image page. You will see thumbnails of the images appear in the top area as shown.

NOTE: Images will remain in the acquire area until they are moved into a library for permanent storage, or until you select the file and choose Delete Selected Files.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

6. Select images to move to a library for permanent storage on your site. Images must be moved to a library prior to placing them in a portfolio for viewing on the front end of the site. You can select images individually by clicking on the images that you want to move, or select all by clicking the All button. 7. Once you have selected the images you want to move, drag and drop them to the library listed on the right side of the screen.

The thumbnails will move from the holding area to the library.

8. You can move images to a different library by selecting the images that you want to move and dragging and dropping them to that library. You can place images in multiple libraries in a single upload process as needed. 9. Once you are happy with the placement of the images in the libraries click Save. The images are now saved to the libraries.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

To add image information follow these simple steps: 1. To add image information select an image in the library that you want to work with and select the Image Title/Comments/Keywords tab. 2. The image information section will appear. 3. Enter the image title. 4. Enter the image comments/descriptions. 5. Enter the Keywords. 6. If you want a border select the Border checkbox and specify the width and color of the border. 7. Click on Save.

Step 4: Move Images into Portfolios Using Your Lightbox 1. Use your lightbox to move images from libraries to portfolios for viewing on the front end of your website. To get to your lightbox choose Edit Content>Your Lightbox.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

2. To populate a portfolio with images for viewing on the front of your site choose the portfolio you want to work with in the Portfolios pull down menu. You will be able to see the images already loaded into this portfolio (if any).

3. Choose the library that holds the images that you want to import in the Libraries pull down menu. The images in the library available for importing into the portfolio will appear on the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: A “P” above the image indicates that this image is already included in a portfolio on the site. An “I” above the image indicates that there is information associated with the image.

4. Choose the image(s) that you want to import from the library and drag and drop it (them) to the portfolio in the sequence where you want the images to appear.

5. You can move (an) image(s) within the portfolio by dragging and dropping the image(s) to the new location.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

6. If you want to swap two images but retain the order of the rest of the portfolio you can select the Swap button and then click on the two images that you want to swap. The images will change places. 7. Smaller vertical images can be aligned to the left, the right or the center. To align a single smaller image in the portfolio click on the image and then right click to get the menu. Select the alignment that you want for the image. NOTE: You can also drag and drop the image to the alignment that you prefer. 8. Smaller Vertical images can also be grouped together for viewing.

9. Once you are happy with the portfolio click Save.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Step 5: Upload a Home Page, About/Bio or Contact Page Graphic 1. To upload a graphic or an external link to one of the pages (such as home page, about/bio page or contact page) go to Edit Content > Pages.

2. Choose the page that you want to edit from the drop down in section 1. 3. In section 2 choose if this page should be an image page or an external link page (note: some pages will not allow an external link). 4. If you choose an external link you must specify the link in the link section and specify if the link should open in the same browser window or a new browser window. When you are done click on Save.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

OR 5. If you choose an image file, then go to section 3 to upload a file and click on Upload Files. 6. The Browse window will appear. Choose the file in the browse window and click Open. (If you want to scale the image as you upload check the Scale Images Upon Upload box. NOTE: This option will only work to scale images down, it will not increase the size of the image.) 7. The Image will appear in the acquire area in section 3 of the screen. Drag and drop the image to the image preview section in section 4 of the screen.

8. Click Save. The new image will now show up on the page.

Rename a Page 1. If you want to rename a page on your website, To rename a page on your site choose the page that you want to rename from the pull down in section 1 and click Rename. 2.The rename dialog box will appear. Type in the new page name and click Rename.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Step 6: Personalize your site with transitions, site background colors and a custom loading page 1. To setup you site transitions and animations go to Styling>Transistion Picker. 2. To choose a transition style for your photographs, select the transition style from the choose photo transition pull down menu. To preview the transition click Preview and you will see the transition on the sample photo below. 3. To choose a menu animation, select the animation style from the choose menu animation pull down menu. To preview the animation click Preview and you will see the animation on the sample menus below. 4. To choose an animation style for your info window, select the animation style from the choose info window animation pull down menu. To preview the transition click Preview and you will see the animation on the sample photo below. 5. When you are satisfied with the transitions and animation styles, click Save. Your site will be updated with the new style.

Upload a Loading Page Graphic 1. To upload a Loading Page Logo, go to Styling>Loading Page Graphic.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Choose Upload Files to upload the file to be used as a loading page graphic. A Browse Files window will appear. Select the file that you want to upload click Open. 2.The file will appear in the acquire area in section 1 of the screen. Drag and drop the image that you want to use as your loading page logo to the image preview are on section 2 of the screen (on the right).

3. Set the Splash Time to the length of time that you want the image to appear.

4. Enter the text that you want to appear under the loading bar in the splash text field. 5. Click Save.

Set Background Color 1. To change your colors and transparencies for your site go to Styling>background Colors. 2. To change the background color for your site, choose the background color pull down to select a color. A color picker will be displayed.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

3. Choose the color from those displayed by clicking or enter the color information in the designated areas. Choose OK and the new color will be displayed for your review. NOTE: the background color of the site will not be updated until you click Save. To keep the color as is, click Cancel. 4. To change the info window color (the section of the site that pops up when displaying image information), choose the Info Window Color pull down and select a color. A color picker will again be displayed. 5. Choose the color for the info window from those displayed by clicking, or enter the color information in the designated areas. Choose OK and the new color will be displayed for your review. Set the transparency by adjusting the levels in the transparency box under the Info Window Color pull down. The level will be displayed below for your review. 6. To change the color of the thumbnail window, choose the Thumbnail Window Color pull down and select a color. A color picker will again be displayed. 7. Choose the color for the thumbnail window from those displayed by clicking, or enter the color information in the designated areas. Choose OK and the new color will be displayed for your review. 8. Set the transparency by adjusting the levels in the transparency box under the Thumbnail Window Color pull down. The level will be displayed below for your review. 9. Set the slideshow time to the number of seconds that you wish to be used on your site. 10. When you are satisfied with the colors, transparencies and slideshow timers, click Save.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Step 7: Market your Site by Submitting to Google Search Engine 1. To submit your site to Google search engine, go to Marketing>Search Engine. 2. Fill in Website Title in the Website Title box. The website title is the text that shows up at the top of your browser when your site is loaded. The website title is given high priority by search engines. 3. Fill in the Website Description in the Website Description Box. The website description is the information that shows up under the site title in the search results. 4. Fill in other site keywords in the Keywords section. Keywords are other words used by search engines, but they do not show up in the results. They are generally not given as high of priority by search engines. 5. Click Save. 6. Click the Submit Your Website to Google button and follow the instruction on the Google site to complete the submission.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Other Items: FTP 1. To upload a file or zipped webpage for client pickup, go to Edit Content > FTP. Begin by choosing what you want to upload, a file for client pickup or a zipped web page for client viewing by selecting from the pull down menu. IMPORTANT: If you are uploading a zipped web page for client viewing you must select that option here or it will not be displayed as a web page.

2. If you want to create a new folder for the items you are going to upload, click Create Folder button. To place items in a folder, double click on the folder to enter the folder prior to uploading images. To go up one level in the directory structure, double click on the arrow. 3. Once you are in the folder that you want to upload into, click on Upload. A File Browser window will appear. Select the item that you want to upload and select OK. The item will be uploaded and will show up in the list. 4. To rename an item in the list, click on the item and then click on the Rename button. 5. Use the Get Link button to launch a browser window and display the item. You will see the link to the item in the new browser window. 6. When you are ready to email your client with the link to the file or the web page, click the Email button. An email window will appear.

7. Fill in the client’s email address in the Email Recipient field. Enter a subject for the email message in the Subject field. You can add to the message by typing in the Message field. Be sure to leave the link in the message. Click on Send Email to send the email with the link to the client. r.2 :: lite :: v.5


Welcome Pack - Lite

Going Live After we deliver your new liveBooks site to a temporary URL and you have had the chance to check it and populate it with your images, we can go live at any time. To initiate the process, please send an email to letting us know that you are ready to go live. Please provide the following information: 1) Where your domain was registered 2) Username 3) Password If you have trouble remembering where your site is registered, you can go to, select “whois” and do a search for your domain name. This will tell you who the current registrar is. If you have forgotten your username and password, please contact your domain registrar (there is often a “forgot your password?” feature on their website that will email you a reminder). If you would like to set the new nameserver information yourself, please call our support number 800-253-2085 and we will provide you with that information. Please keep in mind that the change can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate. If you have an existing site, the change from that site to your new liveBooks site will occur seamlessly. Your old site will be up until the propagation is complete and your new site is live.

Email Information Prior to going live with your new liveBooks site, we will also need to switch any email addresses you currently have on that domain to avoid any downtime. To use an email client such as Outlook® to access your mail enter the following settings: Incoming POP: Outgoing SMTP: (does not require authentication) username: full email address (eg. password: will be provided to you OR, IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING: You can get your email via webmail by visiting: and use the name before the “@” in your address.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

LiveBooks Search Engine Compatibility If it seems that the GoogleTM search engine is not seeing your updated information, please be careful with submitting your information to Google too often as this will cause them to ignore your requests!

Why are liveBooks sites ranked so well in search engines? Each liveBooks flash site is accompanied by an HTML “ghost site” which is a text based version of your flash site. To Google and other search engines, the “ghost site” looks like a simple HTML text site that is built the way search engines like sites to be built. It includes your site title, description, keywords, image comments, title, and each jpg image name.

How do search engines rank sites? Search engines create a ranking by comparing a persons’ search to this info on all sites and assesses the ranking by which it deems most relevant. All text content is graded by priority. Your URL is top priority. Second is your site title, followed by site description, keywords, jpg image names, and image comments. To be ranked at the top, you want to have your name, and the word “photo” or “photography” in your URL. Whatever is in your URL should be repeated in your site title and description. In your site title, add keywords that describe the kind of work you do, like “food photographer” or “wedding photographer, NYC”, etc. Repeat these key words and add more in your site description. Repeating the key words at each level reinforces them in the ranking. Continue by adding your keywords. Here repeat your main keywords again, and add keywords that you are more loosely associated with. These words are given the least importance by the search engine, so do not put a lot of stock in them. They should stand to serve as support to the words above them in ranking. In summary, we can look at the ranking of content like a pyramid. At the top is the URL, and at the bottom your jpg image names and individual image descriptions.

Tips to help your site ranking: l The most important thing is to have your name and focus in your URL itself, and the same words in your site title, descriptions, and keywords. l Name your jpegs with words that point to your work. Image comments are also looked at, but these things have very low priority to the search engines, so it is not THAT important.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Other things you can do. l Buy a few more URLs which contain your name and your focus, set matching site title, descriptions, and key words. Have us alias all these to your main URL. Then, submit these new URLs on the search engines. This will greatly increase your ranking! For example. your main URL is www. You might also buy www.janedoephotographe and etc. Since keywords in URL’s are given the highest ranking by search engines, as well as links to your sites, this is a great way to super boost your ranking. l Add live-Books to your keywords. Our site is super well ranked, and our sites are linked to each other. Having the keyword will reinforce the strength of that link. l Analyze your competitors . If someone shows up above you in ranking, look at the keywords and try to come up with a better keyword strategy to trump them. You can hire us to help you do this. l Reciprocal Linking. Have as many sites link to you as possible. Search engines also put a lot of weight on how many sites link to you. The higher ranked those sites are in search engines, the higher credit search engines gives their link. You can see who is linking to you by searching search engines with this: link: www.yourdomainname. com. If you want to link to a friends site, add a link like this in your keyword window in your editSuite: <a href=“”></a>

Common Misconceptions. l It is commonly believed that putting hidden text (text which is the same color as the background so people do not see it but search engines do) helps. This does not work because the search engines disqualify any text that is same color as the background. Search engines actively seek to prevent this. l It is commonly believed that search engines will not find a site because there is a redirect at the root URL that send the viewer to /detected.php?page=&pass=. This is not true. There is invisible HTML code that prevents this. Hopefully this helps. The rules by which search engines play are always changing, and our team is continually developing new ways to improve liveBook site rankings.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Frequently Asked Questions Q: I am ready to go live, what do I do now? A: In order to go live, we will need the following information: n where your domain was registered: n your username: n your password: Q: How long will it take before my site is live? A: It depends on where you registered your domain but it usually takes between 36-72 hours for the changes to fully propagate and be final. Q: How much downtime will there be when my site is going live? A: The changes will occur seamlessly. Your old site will be up until the propagation is complete and your new site is live. Q: What does a “P” over an image in the lightbox mean? A: The “P” indicates that the image is already included in a portfolio. Q: What does an “I” over an image in the lightbox mean? A: The “I” over an image indicates that it has image information entered. Q: What does the Scale Images Upon Upload checkbox really do? A: This scales the image size down only, it will not increase the size of an image.

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Welcome Pack - Lite We are continuously developing new add on features for the liveBook webSites. Please e-mail us for an updated features list and pricing. If you don’t see what you need on this list, please e-mail us a request. Our future developments are based on client request.

Upgrade Menu/Guide Upgrade Name



Additional Web Portfolio

Add an additional portfolio to your site. (32 pages, 64 possible editable image positions).

$ 195

Additional Info Page

Pages like: Client List Page, News Page, Links Page, Press Page, etc. Whatever you need, we can do it for you.

$ 195

PDF Downloads

You can download beautiful, high quality PDFs of your web portfolios from your editSuite and e-mail them to clients and/or allow clients to download your web portfolio in PDF form directly from the front of your website.

$ 195

Request Info Forms

Add customized fields to your contact page that enable a client to enter their information and to request specific information from you. You receive the request by e-mail and can respond directly. (Example

$ 195

Home Page Upgrades

Custom-designed interactive home page in Flash. (Example,

$ 495 and up

Splash Page Intro

A splash page in Flash. (Examples,

$ 195 and up

FTP Upload for Your Clients

Web page that lets clients upload large files to your server for you $ 195 to receive. (Examples,

Print Comp Card**

Clients can choose any page in your book and print it in a layout that includes your contact information. Great tool for art directors that need to print and present your images to their clients!

Image Comments*

Ability to add title, comments and key words to each image. Clients $ 95 can see the title and comments on the website.

Customize website*

You may choose to make customized changes to the liveBooks website layout to suit your taste.

$ 75/hr

Google™ Compatiblity*

Add description and keywords to your site and post it to Google.

$ 195

$ 145

Client Access

Password protected area of your site that allows you to:

• Create customized portfolios for specific projects, jobs or clients. • Upload HTML and Flash web galleries exported from programs like Photoshop®, Aperture®, Light Room®, Iview™, etc. • Each project can have up to 10 HTML web galleries or custom portfolios.

Package 1: $ 495 Package 2: $ 695

Package 1 allows 4 separate password protected client projects live at once. Package 2 allows 10 separate password protected client projects live at once.

* These features are included in the Lite and Pro packages. ** These features are included only in the Pro package.

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Welcome Pack - Lite

Web Hosting: Very Secure, Very Fast: $7.50/mo. Web hosting: Your liveBooks webSite will be hosted on our dedicated severs which have been built from the ground up by us to optimize your web site’s performance. The servers are connected to the internet by a Multi-Homed OC-3 and Gig-E Backbone connections. Our servers are mirrored, load balanced, and automatically backed up every day. Disk Space and Traffic: l 500 MB Disk space (1GB = $5/mo) l 16 Gigabytes Transfer l FTP access l Webalizer site traffic statistics E-mail: l 5 POP addresses @ yourdomain (additional email accounts 70 cents/mo) l Browser-accessible Webmail l Aliases and forwarding ability l Amazing spam filtering technology included

All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. liveBooks and editSuite are trade marks of liveBooks, inc. Mac and Safari are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe, inc. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. Mozilla and Firefox are registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. Outlook and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. r.2 :: lite :: v.5


Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.