The Seahorse #47

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Issue 47, October 2023 View this email in your browser


I have had a busy first 6 months in my role, and have really enjoyed spending time with a diverse mix of both current and prospective grantees. I am continually impressed with the work being progressed by both the organisations we partner with and the incredible individuals leading them. Whilst the direct financial support from the Foundation is often what is noted, I have really been struck by the enormous value grantees place on the pro bono, or non-financial support, provided by the Foundation. However, we know that not all grantees have the same priorities and needs at any given time so it is important that such non-financial support is effective, timely and ‘fit for purpose’ for each organisation. So, we are reviewing the ways the Foundation's resources can best be utilised for the benefit of our grantees – from convening networking forums to assisting in setting up evaluation frameworks or providing introductions or letters of support at different points in time. We will have further information to share on this in due course.

Site visit to St Kilda Mums warehouse in Clayton, Melbourne. (L-R) Deirdre MacKechnie (St Kilda Mums Chair), Ruth Holdaway MBE (St Kilda Mums CEO), Dr Alberto Furlan (IPF Senior Program Manager), Paul Conroy (IPF CEO).
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We are also making some procedural changes in the upcoming funding rounds, which will alter the timing of the open rounds for the Medical Research and Community Wellbeing grants for 2024. In addition, our program management team will also trial extending the period of time in which they engage with grant seekers from 6 to approximately 17 weeks in order to allow greater flexibility for all parties. See full details below

In recent months, the management team has been implementing our new grants management system, GivingData. Our new system is now live, and I want to pass on a special thanks to the extended team, from Foundation staff through to grantee organisations (that offered to test the new system and provide valuable feedback) for all their hard work and persistence.

Finally, we welcome back LouiseArkles to her role as Senior Program Manager for Environment after 12 months of leave while she completed her Masters of Conservation Leadership at Cambridge University. I have no doubt that the knowledge and ideas Lousie brings back to her role will benefit both the Foundation and the environmental sector Thanks also to Elena Mogilevski for managing the Environment program in Louise's absence.

Nurturing Nature

SIMS Seahorse release in July 2023 You had us at Seahorse ... In July, the Sydney Institute of Marine Science received wide media coverage (ABC and Channel Nine) of the release of over 350 juvenile White’s seahorses into Chowder Bay, Subscribe Past Issues Translate

Mosman, a milestone in the Sydney Seahorse Project. Each seahorse was tagged using a visual implant elastomer tag, enabling researchers to monitor their survival, growth and reproductive success in the wild.

The White’s Seahorse (Hippocampus whitei), otherwise known as the Sydney Seahorse, is a medium-sized seahorse species endemic to the Eastern coast ofAustralia. In recent years, populations of White’s seahorses have declined significantly

These population declines are largely attributed to the loss or degradation of critically important habitats such as seagrass and soft corals. In 2020, the White’s seahorse was listed as an Endangered species, the second seahorse species globally

The Sydney Seahorse Project addresses the key issue of habitat loss through the provision of artificial habitats named “Seahorse Hotels”, and the collaborative restoration of habitats, including the Endangered seagrass, Posidonia australis.

The project also aims to increase wild seahorse populations through a conservation stocking project, where seahorses are bred and reared in captivity and then released into the wild.

The Sydney Seahorse Project also has an exciting citizen science aspect – local SCUBA divers are encouraged to participate in monitoring the seahorses by submitting photographs of seahorses in Chowder Bay


$6.6 million across 11 grants

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Ganbina Youth Leadership Program participants Hariyett Peters, Connor Moore and Chenneil Fowler at Murray Life Adventures camp.

The latest funding round (Round 2 2023) awarded $6.6 million in grants. These comprised:

5 Early Childhood Development grants totalling $4,500,000, and

6 Community Wellbeing grants totalling $1,810,000.

The Ian Potter Cultural Trust was awarded $291,865 towards its latest round of emerging artist grants.


Open for conversations

Extending grantseeker engagement

Starting from Round 2, 2024, we are extending the period of time in each funding round in which program managers are available to engage with grantseekers.

Grantseekers wishing to submit an EOI for grants in Early Childhood Development or Environment in Round 2 2024, will be able to book calls with those program managers from November 2023 through toApril 2024.

Info sessions will be held in November 2023 (dates to be announced shortly) for the Environment and Early Childhood Development programs to answer grantseeker questions. Once the Info Sessions have taken place, call bookings will open.

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Grantseekers are reminded that before booking a call, it is important to:

1. Check your organisation's eligibility Take the short quiz on our website to ensure your organisation and project is eligible.

2. Check your proposal is within the current Funding Guidelines for the specific program area.

3. Attend or watch the most recent program area Info Session for further guidance on exclusions, examples of recent grants and Q&Awith grantseekers.

Please note: Medical Research remains by application only.

Funding Rounds 2 & 3 2024

We have changed the timing of rounds for some program areas. Medical Research will next open in Round 2, 2024. Community Wellbeing will next open in Round 3, 2024

Round ProgramArea Dates

2 Early Childhood Development Environment

Medical Research*

3 Arts Community Wellbeing Public Health Research

Info sessions from early November 2023

Calls to Program Managers commence November 2023

EOIs closeApril 2024

Full applications close 6 June 2024

* Medical Research is by application only

Info sessions from mid-February 2023 Calls to Program Managers commence late February 2024

EOIs close June 2024

Full applications close endAugust 2024


Welcome Workshops

Dates for the next grantee Welcome Workshops have been set. New grantees will receive an email inviting their staff to attend one of two workshops:

Melbourne: Wednesday 11 October

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Wednesday 18 October

If any of our current grant partners have new staff who would like to attend one of these workshops, please contact your program manager or XimenaAvalos Mendez to arrange an invite.

GivingData Update

We have now fully implemented our new grants management system, GivingData, but are still in the process of contacting current grantees to invite them to activate their new GivingData account.

To streamline this onboarding process, we are batching user account activations according to when grantees need to submit their next progress or final report or provide EFT details so payments can be processed.

TIPFEP 2023 is now available

The Ian Potter Foundation Evaluation Panel for 2023 has been released. Review the latest list of evaluators on our website.

The Object Based Learning Program enriches the academic environment of all students regardless of their area of study

The 2023 UMACAward was won by the Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney, for its Object Based Learning Program. UMAC, the International Committee of ICOM for museums and collections of Higher Education established the UMACAward in 2016.

It recognises and celebrates excellence and innovation in university museums and collections worldwide. It identifies recent outstanding contributions to all areas of

MAJOR GRANT - University of Sydney Chau Chak Wing Museum
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MAJOR GRANT - Viv's Place Brighter Futures Awards

museum and collections theory and practice, particularly those with interdisciplinary approaches and potential wide application.

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MAJOR GRANT - Qld Ballet


Dixon Centre

TheThomas Dixon Centre development designed for the Queensland Ballet has received commendations for:

SustainableArchitecture Category in the Great Brisbane Regional ArchitectureAwards,

PublicArchitecture Category in the Great Brisbane Regional ArchitectureAwards,

The complex has also been shortlisted for the 2023 NationalArchitectureAwards in the following categories:


HeritageArchitecture, and ColorbondAward for Steel in Architecture

Congratulations to Conrad Gargett and the project team at the Queensland Ballet.

MAJOR GRANT - Homes for Homes

Recognising innovation

Viv's Place won the Leading Housing Development Project category at the Australasian Housing Institute Brighter FutureAwards for Victoria.

National winners will be announced at the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute -AHURI conference in October

We wish the project team the best of luck!


Souths Cares secures funding

Souths Cares has been successful in obtaining funding for the Deadly Youth Mentoring Program through the National IndigenousAustraliansAgency. The funding agreement is $740k over three years, which means the program is fully funded.

South Cares has achieved program outcomes to be very proud of:

To date, 109 young people have completed the intensive mentoring and casework support.

93% of participants did not enter Youth Justice custody in the 12 months after exiting the program.

88% of participants have had no formal interaction with the Youth Justice System in the 12 months after exiting the program.

The Ian Potter Foundation is proud to have played a role in the program and its success by providing Souths Cares with funding to gain momentum and expand the program.

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Nick McDonald Crowley, Director, Capital Estate Developments; Carolyn Hill, NBN Australia; Tracy Longo, Chief Operating Officer, Homes for Homes.

Homes for Homes and Denman Prospect took home the NationalAward for Project Innovation at this year's Property Council ofAustralia GalaAwards.

Denman Prospect in theACTis the first entire suburb inAustralia to commit to Homes for Homes and was developed by Capital Estate Developments, part of the CapitalAirport Group owned by Canberra’s Snow family (who have also supported Homes for Homes with seed funding through their foundation).

The award recognises innovation that creates significant advancement and improvement within the property industry, so it was an invaluable opportunity to showcase Homes for Homes, and the impact it is making to a national and captivated audience.


Welcome back Louise

... is returning in early October after taking up an opportunity to attend Cambridge University to complete a Master of Conservation Leadership.

“... after an exciting year in Cambridge, where I stretched my academic muscles and extended my horizons, I'm pleased to be back in my role at the Foundation and eager to lead the Environment pillar with fresh eyes and a deeper experience of global conservation,” says Louise.

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Holiday season

Christmas closure

Our office will be closed from Friday 22 December through to Friday 5 January

We will re-open from Monday 8 January 2024.

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We produce this quarterly e-newsletter to keep our friends and associates up to date with all the news and recent grants made by The Ian Potter Foundation.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

Copyright © 2023 The Ian Potter Foundation, All rights reserved.

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