Ignou Brand Manual

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Introduc on The Indira Gandhi Na onal Open University (IGNOU) began its journey 25 years ago with 4,000 students. Today, we have over three million students on our rolls, making us not just the world’s largest, but perhaps also its most inclusive, university. As we grow and evolve, transforming the higher educa on landscape of the country, it is important that we communicate effec vely with all our stakeholders about the essen al iden ty and personality of our ins tu on; of who we are, what values we stand for, and why we seek to do things the unique IGNOU way. With this in mind, we engaged domain experts to evaluate and audit Brand IGNOU, undertake an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, assess stakeholder percep ons – right or wrong – that are associated with it, and finally, suggest a roadmap, that will help us reinforce and reposi on IGNOU as a revolu onary change agent in this our Silver Jubilee year. The process involved me culous research, extensive focus group discussions, and several brain-storming sessions at the highest decision-making levels of the University, to take into account our aims and objec ves, values, mission and philosophy, and expanding role and responsibility as a pioneering ins tu on of higher learning in the country. Our new tagline – IGNOU: The People’s University – which emerged from this branding exercise captures the essen al spirit and ethos of our ins tu on, and will, in the days to come, help us re-focus and re-dedicate ourselves to the task that lies ahead. The key findings of the Brand Strategy Document, of which the tagline is but a small if essen al part, is available on our website. This Brand Iden ty Manual is yet another outcome of the same branding exercise. You will see inside a smarter version of our prized logo and other tools by which IGNOU can create for itself a recognisable, dis nc ve and modern communica on iden ty. There are also easy-to-follow guidelines on using these tools. Adhering to these will enable all Schools, Centres, Divisions and Ins tutes of the University to present a consistent and unified face to the world, be it through adver sing, official sta onery, online presence, printed material, public signages and University merchandising. A branding exercise, in the end, is not just about colour, form, logo or other externali es that help communicate the dis nc veness or promise – to borrow a word from the marke ng lexicon — of a brand, it is also about real and substan al changes on the ground, of newer, more efficient ways of delivery. But effec ve and though ul communica on remains the essen al first step. May I, therefore, suggest that we henceforth adhere to these guidelines in all our communica ons products, both internal and otherwise.

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the logo OVERVIEW The logo is the most important branding tool at our disposal. Therefore we have a duty to treat it with care, a en on and respect. It is essen al that use of the logo should follow the guidelines outlined in this manual. The logo must not be manipulated or altered in any way, shape or form. The various elements of the logo must be used together and should never be separated. The primary logo has been carefully designed with a specific drawing and le er spacing, and must never be changed. The new logo or iden fier is a complete unit comprising the University symbol, the word IGNOU, the tagline ‘The People’s University’ and a ver cal separator. Earlier, only the symbol was being used while the text accompanying the symbol was not standardised, nor were any other standardised element or colour scheme . Now, the colour scheme, font usage, size of text, etc., have all been standardised in the new logo. The elements that make up the IGNOU primary logo are known as the logotype and symbol. Those elements, when combined with the primary logo, are used to iden fy the University and its ac vi es. In all our communica ons, this logotype and symbol are used as the primary iden fier.

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the logo CORE ELEMENT The iden fier is the core element of IGNOU’s visual iden ty. It should be seen on everything we do — from le erheads to job adver sements to merchandising. The iden fier consists of four elements: the symbol of the University, the Indira Gandhi Na onal Open University logotype, The ‘People’s University’ tag line and a ver cal line separa ng the symbol from the IGNOU logotype and tag line. It should not be redrawn, digitally manipulated or altered. The symbol should not be used independently of the IGNOU logotype, tag line or the ver cal separator. The iden fier must always be reproduced from a digital master artwork. This is available in .eps, .jpeg and .gif format. Please ensure the appropriate artwork format is used. File formats .eps: All professionally printed applica ons .jpeg: Microso programmes .gif: Online usage Colour The iden fier only appears in the two variants shown on this page — the top one is when the iden fier is used with a ver cal orienta on while the second one is to be used for horizontal orienta on. The colour combina on is: Cyan (85%), Magenta (45%), Yellow (0%) and Black (0%) for the blue text and Cyan (0%), Magenta (0%), Yellow (0%) and Black (100%) for black. These colours are unique to the iden fier and should not be used elsewhere on the University’s communica ons. Accessibility The iden fier must always have good contrast with the background to ensure maximum impact and accessibility. Applica on The first iden fier shown here should be used when the iden fier needs to have a ver cal orienta on while the second example should be used when the iden fier needs to have a horizontal orienta on. Indira Gandhi Na onal Open University | Brand Iden ty Manual


the logo EXCLUSION ZONE In order to maximise its visual presence, the iden fier requires a surrounding area clear of any other graphic elements or text. The exclusion zone is equal to the height of the IGNOU logotype text (See illustra on). Always allow at least this amount of clear space around the iden fier. It is important that this rule is observed and the exclusion zone is maintained at all mes. The recommended minimum clearance is to protect the iden fier. The iden fier will appear on many different applica ons and formats and this will help to give it clarity and presence. This is not a placement guide. It is a minimum condi on and when prac cable, the clearspace around the logos should be increased.

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the logo APPLICATIONS The iden fier can be used in different applica ons. If a monochroma c (one colour) logo is required, use black (C-0%, M-0%, Y-0% and K-100%). Do not use any other colour. When the iden fier has to be used against a black or dark coloured background, use the reversed out versions shown on this page. Always use the digital master file while using these iden fiers and do not redraw or copy or scan from any exis ng versions. Great cau on must be taken to ensure the artwork is not stretched. If the logo sizes have to be changed, please use the master digital artwork to increase or decrease sizes propor onately.

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the logo RECOMMENDED SIZING Iden fier size consistency is important when producing a wide range of communica ons. Shown here are the recommended sizes for reproduc on across various formats. Minimum size: 24mm DL & A5: 40mm A4: 50mm A3: 75mm Placement The iden fier must always appear in a set size and posi on on all of IGNOU’s communica ons. Minimum size The iden fier must be clearly visible and reproduced consistently. For this reason, a minimum size has been established. The size is 24mm measured across the width of the iden fier. The iden fier does not have a maximum reproduc on size. Alterna ve sizes The iden fier is reduced or enlarged propor onately to accommodate alterna ve sizes. Please always use the master digital artwork for increasing or decreasing the size.

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the logo POSITIONING TOP Consistent posi oning of the iden fier is vital. The iden fier can appear in two set posi ons. Either at the top of the area or at the base, ranged le , as shown in the examples here. Iden fier size and posi on A5 Iden fier 40mm le margin 7mm top margin 7mm A4 Iden fier 50mm le margin 10mm top margin 10mm A3 Iden fier 75mm le margin 20mm top margin 20mm Landscape formats The top and le hand margins remain the same for the corresponding landscape formats.

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the logo POSITIONING BASE Iden fier size and posi ons are shown here for cases where the iden fier has to be used at the base. Iden fier size and posi on A5 Iden fier 40mm le margin 7mm base margin 7mm A4 Iden fier 50mm le margin 10mm base margin 10mm A3 Iden fier 75mm le margin 20mm base margin 20mm Landscape formats The base and le hand margins remain the same for the corresponding landscape formats.

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the logo SECONDARY IDENTIFIERS Under IGNOU’s organisa onal structure, the University’s ac vi es are carried out by three types of bodies — Schools of Study, Centres and Ins tutes, and Divisions. The iden fiers for each of these Schools, Centres and Ins tutes, and Divisions have been created by using the primary logo together with the name of the School, Centre or Ins tute, and Division, as indicated in the three examples shown here. These are secondary iden fiers. The total width of the logo is double the width of the primary logo being used. For example, if the width of the primary logo is 30 mm, the total width will be 60 mm as shown in the example here. The name of the School, Centre or Ins tute, and Division is posi oned 2 mm below the primary logo as shown in the illustra on here. Please note that these examples are not drawn to actual size and only shown here as illustra on. Since names of Schools, Centres and Ins tutes, and Divisions could be of any length, the secondary iden fiers have been designed to accommodate up to three lines for the names. The font sizes for one, two and three-line departmental names are as follows: one line: 14 point type two lines: 12 point type three lines: 10 point type All divisional iden fiers are available as master file formats. They must always be reproduced from a digital master reference and should not be redrawn. They are available in .jpeg and .eps format. Please ensure the appropriate artwork format is used. At present, all Schools of Study, Centres and Ins tutes, and Divisions are being wri en in black in the secondary iden fiers. However, once a colour scheme is worked out, digital master artworks for all divisional iden fiers with appropriate colour schemes will be created. For the moment, always use the master digital artworks provided. Indira Gandhi Na onal Open University | Brand Iden ty Manual


the logo ADDRESS IDENTIFIERS It is important to use standardised address iden fiers so that the logo iden fier and the address iden fier do not clash or provide redundant informa on. For this reason address iden fiers have been standardised as shown here. Do not use address iden fiers in any other format. Always use the master digital artwork for the adress iden fier. Apart from .eps and .jpeg formats, a Microso Word document template has been provided as well. However, the word document template can be used by only those users who have the following fonts loaded on their terminals: Hindi: Kru dev 010 English: Myriad In cases where the address iden fier is being used together with the primary logo please ensure that the primary logo is always posi oned at a level higher than the address iden fier. In case of publica ons, the primary iden fier should be used on the cover page, while the address iden fier should be used on the back cover.

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the logo LOGO USAGE BY VEHICLE The use of the iden fier on vehicles has been indicated in this page and the next. The primary iden fier should be used on the le hand and right hand front doors as shown in the example. The address iden fier can be used below the primary logo. On larger vehicles such as vans, the primary logo is used on front driver and passenger seat doors while the address iden fier is placed near the back of the vehicle as shown in the example here. Please always use the master digital artwork for the primary and address iden fiers.

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the logo LOGO USAGE BY VEHICLE In case of cars, the front windshield should have only a s cker with the text IGNOU wri en in IGNOU Blue while the back windshield should have a s cker with the IGNOU website address wri en in IGNOU Blue. Master digital artworks for both s ckers have been provided for this purpose. Please always use the master digital artwork.

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typography OVERVIEW Whenever the wri en word is used in any communica on, the typography used becomes important. Consistency in the use of typography plays an important role in reinforcing a brand. Typography, including in headlines and body copy, apart from the one used in the primary and secondary iden fiers, should be produced in such a way that it is easy to read so that no vital informa on is missed. There are key considera ons when selec ng typefaces, par cularly for an ins tu on like IGNOU, as it produces and uses a wide range of adver sing and printed material which have to appeal to a diverse group of stakeholders. One of the key factors in any new iden ty is the use of a specified type family for text or running copy. Using a consistent family of typefaces visually reinforces the iden ty of a brand. For day-to-day use, the typography selected should be widely available so that any user can easily use the fonts recommended. Myriad has been selected as the primary font and it has been used in all iden fiers for which master digital artworks have been provided. It is strongly recommended that, for all iden fiers, the master digital artwork, which are in uneditable .eps , .jpeg or .gif formats, be used. For all e-sta onery, master digital templates have been created in Microso Word format. In these templates, Arial has been used as it is available on almost all computers. For Hindi text, the primary typeface used is Kru dev 010. These fonts are IGNOU’s unique handwri ng and add emphasis to the personality of its iden ty.

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typography PRIMARY TYPEFACE Myriad has been chosen as the University’s primary typeface for all printed communica on while Arial has been chosen for all electronic communica on. This means Myriad should be used for all printed publica ons/brochures, etc., of the University meant for external communica on. The regular font should normally be used, although the bold typeface can be used when there is need to highlight something.

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typography SECONDARY TYPEFACE For all electronic communica on of the University, Arial should be used as it is a widely available sans serif typeface and computer font packaged with Microso Windows, other Microso so ware applica ons, Apple Mac OS X and many PostScript computer printers. As a result, this typeface is usually available with all users. No other font should be used for electronic communica on. Also, in situa ons where Myriad is not available, the use of Arial is recommended.

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typography ALTERNATIVE TYPEFACES If the design of any item is commissioned from professional designers, they may use two other alterna ve fonts. Calibri — regular and bold — is recommended as an alterna ve sans serif typeface.

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typography ALTERNATIVE TYPEFACE Similarly, Georgia — regular, bold, italics and bold italics — can be used as an alterna ve serif typeface by professional designers.

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sta onery OVERVIEW A suite of sta onery incorpora ng logos has been created. It is important to s ck to the formats recommended here to project a consistent brand image. The following templates are available: (i) Business cards (ii) Le erheads (iii) IGNOU Le erhead (iv) School Le erheads (v) Centre/Ins tute Le erhead (vi) Customised Le erheads (vii) School Customised Le erheads (viii) Standard Envelopes (ix) Heavy Duty Envelopes (x) Mailing labels and (xi) Customised slips

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sta onery BUSINESS CARDS This page shows a typical layout for a business card as an example. The images are not of actual size. The business card must always be printed in full colour. Recommended Stock: Ivory Board, 350gsm Use only oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery LETTERHEAD TYPING FORMAT The example on this page shows the typing format to be used in all le ers from the University to outsiders as well as within the university. This le er template is set in Arial 10 point copy with 12 point linefeed (leading). All copy is upper and lower case. All University le ers should be set in Arial and no other font should be used. The le ers are typeset ranged le and ragged right. The le erhead must always be printed in full colour. Only white paper of minimum 100 gsm should be used.

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sta onery IGNOU LETTERHEAD The IGNOU logotype and the address iden ďŹ er are to be posi oned in the le erhead as shown here. Only use oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery DIVISIONAL LETTERHEADS Le erheads for different Schools, Centres and Ins tutes, and divisions will follow the standard format but will have one extra departmental iden fier to be posi oned as indicated in the example on this and the next page. Only use official digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery CUSTOMISED LETTERHEADS Customised le erheads can be produced following the format indicated on this page. Please note that the addi onal informa on is placed just beside the main IGNOU logo typeface while all things remain the same. Only use oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery SCHOOL CUSTOMISED LETTERHEADS The format for School customised le erheads is indicated on this page. Please note that all things are the same except that the school iden ďŹ er has been added. Only use oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery STANDARD ENVELOPES This page shows a typical layout for a standard envelope as an example. Please maintain this format and posi oning whatever the envelope size.

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sta onery HEAVY DUTY ENVELOPES The format for heavy duty envelopes is indicated on this page. Please note the posi on of the School iden ďŹ er in cases where it is necessary.

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sta onery MAILING LABELS The format for mailing labels is indicated here. Only use oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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sta onery CUSTOMISED SLIPS The format for complimentary cards/slips is shown in the examples here. Only use oďŹƒcial digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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electronic sta onery OVERVIEW For a strong ins tu onal image, all electronic messages too should iden fy the sender in a standard and clear manner. Templates have been prepared here for the following communica on items: fax sheets, memo sheets, media releases, agenda sheets, minutes of mee ng cover sheet, minutes of mee ng notes sheet, e-mail typing format, e-mail signature styles and form layouts. All the templates are available in Microso Word document format to help speed up an user’s workow.

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electronic sta onery FAX SHEETS TEMPLATE A template for fax sheets is shown here. Please use this format consistently. Please always use the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery MEMO SHEETS TEMPLATE A template for memo sheets is shown here. Please follow format consistently by using the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery MEDIA RELEASES TEMPLATE A template for media releases is shown here. Please follow format consistently by using the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery AGENDA SHEETS TEMPLATE The template for agenda sheets is indicated here. Please follow format consistently by using the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery MINUTES COVER TEMPLATE The template for minutes cover is indicated here. Please follow format consistently by using the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery MINUTES NOTE TEMPLATE The template for a minutes note is indicated here. Please follow the format consistently by using the master digital template.

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electronic sta onery E MAIL TYPING FORMAT The template for an e-mail message is indicated here. Please follow the format consistently. It is possible to create a default e-mail signature through your e-mail program. As in the example, you can set up the program to automa cally add your signature to the end of every e-mail you send. E-mail signatures should be blue or black text. To keep a professional look and to minimize file size, do not add any addi onal graphics, logos, slogans, or messages to your e-mail signature. The signature style shown on this page are suitable for all Windows versions. Name Type is Arial Bold, All Caps; point size is 10. All Caps should be created by uppercase le ers and not by choosing an All Caps style from a forma ng menu. Job Title Type is Arial; point size is 10. Company Type is Arial Bold; point size is 10. Department Type is Arial; point size is 10. Contact Informa on Type is Arial; point size is 10. Telephone and fax numbers should be listed on same line. Mobile phone lis ng is op onal. E-mail / Web address Type is Arial, Lowercase; point size is 10. “The People’s University” tagline (op onal) Type is Arial Italic; point size is 10.

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electronic sta onery E MAIL SIGNATURE STYLE Two other op ons for signature style are indicated here. These op ons can be used for Windows OďŹƒce 2003 version onwards. In all cases please use the digital master template to maintain standardisa on and consistency.

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electronic sta onery FORM LAYOUTS A template for a form layout is indicated here. Please follow the format consistently by using the master digital template. The top por on is shown in this page.

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electronic sta onery FORM LAYOUTS The template for form layouts is indicated here. The bo om por on is displayed here. Please follow the format consistently.

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adver sing OVERVIEW Adver sing plays a key role within our marke ng ac vity and is one of the most visual expressions of our iden ty. Therefore it is vital that we create a consistent image to ensure that we reect the values and strengths of the University and also inform and mo vate the audience. The design, size and format of adver sements will be determined by the publica ons in which they are to appear and the amount of informa on they need to communicate. Copy should be edited to a concise length.

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adver sing PRINT ADS TEMPLATE The adver sements on this page illustrate the standard format recommended for job adver sements. Please note that the font to be used is Arial and depending on the size of the adver sement, the point size to be used is 10-14 points. Impact can be created in both colour and black and white. Copy is set in upper and lowercase, ranged le and ragged right.

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adver sing BASIC SIGN The purpose of the basic logo in or on and near University buildings, in adver sements and in all kinds of signages is to provide a unique opportunity to build public visual awareness. The basic logo typeface when used in display adver sements must have the dimensions indicated on this page. Only use the master digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size. All signages should be used with either an IGNOU blue, white or silver background. In case of IGNOU Blue background, a reversed out version of the signage will have to be used.

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adver sing POINTERS For pointers the dimensions to be followed are as indicated in the images on this page. The standard format should be used everywhere. As a general rule the IGNOU logo typeface need not be used in direc on pointers. Only use the master digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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adver sing POSITIONING — TOP When placing the basic iden ďŹ er the dimensions to be followed are as indicated in the images shown on this page. The bo om example is of a signage. Only use the master digital artwork. Do not try to reproduce, scan or trace the logo from this manual or any other printed or digital applica on. The examples shown here are not drawn to actual size.

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merchandising OVERVIEW Quality merchandising enables the University to uniquely connect with a wide range of people and helps it to reinforce its branding and establish rela onships with poten al and current students and other stakeholders. In this and the next few pages are examples of merchandising using the new branding and the University will strive to maintain this consistent approach as new items are produced.

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merchandising T SHIRTS For T-Shirts we recommend the style indicated here with the main IGNOU logo typeface being used in the front while the tag line is posi oned at the back. T-shirts should always be made in any one of two colours: IGNOU Blue or White. In case of IGNOU Blue T-shirts, the iden fier and tag line must be in white or or it can be in IGNOU Blue, provided it is used with highlighted material such as plas c coated finishing or rubber coated finishing or laminated finishing. For white coloured T-Shirts please see the next page.

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merchandising T SHIRTS An alterna ve format is indicated here with the full IGNOU logo typeface including tag line used in the front while only the University’s website address is posi oned at the back. This format is especially recommended for light coloured T-shirts while the format in the previous page can be used for dark coloured T-shirts. In case of white coloured T-shirts the colour combina on must be as shown in the example with the main IGNOU logo typeface being the standard typeface in IGNOU Blue and Black. The website address is also in IGNOU Blue and Black. Please use the master digital artwork for the logo and the University website address. The main IGNOU logo typeface and website address may also be used with highlighted material such as plas c coated finishing or rubber coated finishing or laminated finishing.

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merchandising CAPS The format for caps is shown here. The main IGNOU logo typeface with tag line should go in the front while the University’s website address should go at the back of the cap. Please use digital master artwork for logo typeface and website address. In case of white coloured caps please use the Blue and Black combina on shown in the example. In case of dark coloured caps please use the reversed out version as shown in the example. The main IGNOU logotypeface and website address may also be used with highlighted material such as plas c coated finishing or rubber coated finishing or laminated finishing.

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merchandising COFFEE MUG Two different op ons are shown here with regard to use of the University’s branding iden fier on merchandising such as coffee mugs. Please note that in the first example the main IGNOU iden fier in primary format has been used while the second example uses the IGNOU iden fier in horizontal format. All coffee mugs should be white with original logo colours. Please use the master digital artwork for the IGNOU iden fiers.

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merchandising KEY RING & MOUSE PAD The use of the main IGNOU logo in keyholders and keychains is indicated here. Please note that the background colour of the keyholders and keychains can be IGNOU Blue, White, Black or metallic Silver. In case of IGNOU Blue or Black please use the reversed out version of the IGNOU iden fier. In case the keyholders or keychains are made out of wood, please ensure that the wooden texture is covered by a coat of dark coloured paint or varnish such as dark brown, dark mahogany, dark chocolate black etc. For wooden keyholders and keychains, please use the reversed out version of the IGNOU iden fier. Please use the master digital artwork for the IGNOU iden fiers. The bo om exmple is that of a mousepad.

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