Open letter March

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I Strengthening HR INFOCUS: The four4 year period of the 11th Plan heralds an overall faculty/staff growth, thus redefining the concept of HR Management within the IGNOU system

Bars No Barriers 8

SPOTLIGHT: IGNOU’s free education initiative has given prisoners a new lease of life through the first-ever placement drive for jail inmates in the country held at Tihar Jail




IGNOU OPEN LETTER is Printed by Printek Grafix, 148-D, Pocket-F, GTB Enclave, Delhi110093 and Published by Ravi Mohan, Chief Public Relations Officer, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi. New Delhi 110068. Ph: +91-11-29571000 (30 lines); +91-11-29535924-29 Fax: +91-11-29535933; E-mail: Managing Editor: Ravi Mohan Photos: Rajesh Sharma/Amlan Paliwal Advisory Council: Prof P.R. Ramanujam, Dr Latha Pillai

ndira Gandhi National Open University, in addition to providing higher education at the Graduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral levels, has a strong presence in the skill development and vocational education sectors across the country. This is reflected in the number of Diplomas and Certificates awarded by the University during the last five Convocations. Out of the seven lakh qualifications awarded by the University in the last five years, 2.5 lakh (35 percent) were graduates and above, and 4.5 lakh (65 percent) were Certificates and Diplomas. This emphasis on skill development is well in line with the objectives of the University delineated in the IGNOU Act, 1985: “To strengthen and diversify the Degree, Certificate and Diploma courses related to the needs of employment and necessary for building the economy of the country on the basis of its natural and human resources; provide education and training in the various arts, crafts and skills of the country, raising their quality and improving their availability to the people”. A seamless transition from the Certificate/Diploma to higher-level university degrees is also intended through such activities. The course-credit pattern and the modularity of the various courses, which constitute several programmes leading to a qualification, were in vogue in IGNOU from its very inception. In this connection, it is very important that the University system should promote the Diploma to Degree transition for aspiring Diploma holders. In the technical education system, there are avenues in specific universities for Diploma holders to join at the second or third year of the Engineering Degree Programme. A similar pattern is necessary for the conventional universities and the Open University System as well. The fact that a vast majority of these Diploma holders are working people from industry or working in grassroots-level organisations lends further credibility to this proposal. Making Diploma or Advanced Diploma holders eligible for admission to a University Degree has been an established practice in higher education systems all over the world. In the US University system, 46 percent of the admissions to University Degree programmes are through the Associate Degree (Credit equivalence to the Advanced Diploma) programme of the vast and robust network of Community Colleges over there. This will be a major step towards linking the skill development sector and vocational education with higher education, that is the major forte of the University System. In the proposed National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF) of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, this transfer from the vocational sector to the higher education sector is being facilitated. Certificate (16 credits), Diploma (32 credits), Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree (64 credits) — which is a terminal qualification — are the qualifications prevalent in the skill development and vocational education sectors. The difference between the Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree specifications are that the Associate Degree provides additional content, which will make the candidates well-prepared for University education in the concerned discipline. A look at the Statistical Bulletin on the 2010 status of the Open University System of China indicates that the Associate Degree, which is in between the Certificate and Bachelor’s Degree, is the largest qualification base over there. In 2010, 4,12,400 students graduated with an Associate Degree, 6,914 received a Bachelor’s Degree and 38,000 received Certificates from the China Open University System. Similar possibilities of acquiring two-year Associate Degree/Advanced Diploma qualifications and making students employable in the work-sector and at the same time giving them opportunity to acquire a higher qualification from a University, as and when they want, are in existence in all developed and fastly-developing countries. IGNOU has initiated the two-year Associate Degree Programme through the Community Colleges in line with the recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission and the Planning Commission, Government of India. After a two-year-long academic deliberation involving expertise from all over the country, we formally launched the programme in 2008. The first Associate Degrees are being awarded in the forthcoming Convocation of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Such efforts in skill development that provide multiple horizontal and vertical pathways for mobility are very necessary for making people employable and enhancing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER). The Governments of Haryana and Madhya Pradesh, Indian Army, Indian Navy, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Jindal Education Initiative, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Apparel Promotion and Exports Council (APEC) of India and about 300 Civil Society Organisations in the public and private sector are the partners of IGNOU in this nationwide Community College Initiative.

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V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai


‘Tap opportunities in tourism sector’


ven a little bit of training in the field of tourism will contribute to employment, which is why ever y state must realise the worth of this sector, said Union Minister for Tourism Subodh Kant Sahai at the national seminar on ‘Skills Development in Tourism & Hospitality Sector in India’, organised by the School of Tourism and Hospitality Ser vices Sectoral Management (SOTHSSM) on March 18. “In the tourism industr y, even if we spend a meagre amount, the returns are enormous. IGNOU is doing a great job in this field by training even school dropouts,” Sahai said in his valedictory speech. The minister also pointed out the importance of those pursuing the courses and said, “Domestic tourism is also a big area of activity. People indulge in religious pilgrimages to Amarnath, Vaishno Devi, and other places, and wherever such activities happen, your requirement is absolutely necessary.” The seminar comprised of two technical sessions – the first focussing on the challenges of skills development and the second, a panel discussion on the human resource development in the tourism & hospitality sector. “This industr y contributes to seven percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The public and private sector together can meet 40 percent of the demand, but the question comes as to how other industries could innovatively deal with this industr y,” said Vice

Union Minister for Tourism Subodh Kant Sahai addressing the gathering at the seminar organised at the IGNOU Convention Centre on March 18.

Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai. Invoking the University’s collaboration with the Madhya Pradesh government, the VC extended his hand towards collaborating with the Jharkhand government by requesting Sahai to take necessary action for the same. “Home catering, such as the famous Dabbawalas of Mumbai, is growing in a huge way and can be a lucrative growth opportunity for the country. All we need to do is tap the skills and channelise the capacities. There should not only be job seekers, but job creators as well. The

entrepreneurial skills should be honed at skills development level,” said Pro-VC Prof K.R. Srivathsan. According to Dr Harkirat Bains, Director, SOTHSSM, “We are offering programmes ranging from Certificate to Ph.D. to meet various demands of the tourism and hospitality sector. The recently introduced certificate programmes in Housekeeping, Front Office Operations and Food & Beverages Ser vices aim at educating students in some of the core areas. They add value by upgrading skills and make students employable immediately.”

Promoting vocational education in MP


he University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Commissioner of Higher Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh (MP) to offer Certificate, Diploma and Associate Degree programmes through Community Colleges. “Our government has declared 2010-2020 as the ‘Decade of Innovation’. We need to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth in education and skill development. We have the largest youth population in the world. We need to explore all means to provide them employable skills,” said VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai.

Registrar U.S. Tolia.

“The community college will identify academic programmes on the basis of a need analysis of the local job requirements and opportunities and incorporate these findings into the curriculum, and if so required, shall take assistance from

IGNOU in identifying the programmes. Programme delivery is the responsibility of the Community College,” said the MoU signed by Registrar U.S. Tolia. The MoU highlighted the roles and responsibilities of both the institutions and said, “All the programmes offered by the community college shall have enrollments twice a year i.e. July and January, for which term end examinations will be conducted twice a year i.e. in December and June.” Programme-wise list of registered students shall be submitted to IGNOU within 15 days of completion of admissions.”


Dr. M.S. Senam Raju with his Academic Co-ordination Division staff members at the IGNOU campus in Maidan Garhi, New Delhi.

Strengthening HR INFOCUS The four-year period of the 11th Plan heralds an overall faculty/staff growth, thus redefining the concept of HR Management within the IGNOU system


he four-year period beginning 200607 has not only witnessed an impressive growth for the Indira Gandhi National Open University — the People’s University — but also resulted in empowering its academic and nonacademic staff on all counts. Numbers speak for themselves. The University appointed 146 academics during the 11th Plan Period (2006-2011). The total number of academics who have been promoted, at least once during 20062011, stands at a record 122, while the number of administrative staff promotion has reached 300 in the same period. The period beginning November 20062007 has been a golden era as far as the


the Human Resource practices within the IGNOU system are concerned, and the role of Academic Co-ordination Division and Administrative Division is crucial in achieving this goal — the goal of nurturing a large pool of academics in the Decade of Innovation. “Promotions given in the Administrative Division from November 2006 till date show the University has taken care of each and ever y individual when it comes to honouring one’s skills, dedication and hard work. In Group A cadre, the University promoted 98 individuals; in Group B cadre, 143 staffers were promoted while in Group C (technical cadre), 60 people were given promotions in last four years,” informs U.S.

GROWTH-O-METER 146 Academics appointed during the 11th Plan Period (2006-2011) 122 academics promoted at least once during 2006-2011 300 members of administrative staff promoted in the same period 93 Consultants (Academic) and 215 Consultants (Administration) hired in the same period

342 (227 Teachers and 115 Academics) Ph.D. holders are in IGNOU at present

Tolia, Registrar, Administrative Division (see the graph). The Academic Coordination Division at IGNOU is entrusted with the responsibilities of Establishment, Administration and other service matters pertaining to Teachers and Academics of the University. “IGNOU hired 93 Consultants (Academic) and 215 Consultants (Administration) since November 2006present, a record of sort for the University. Senior-level superannuated teachers who have retired from ser vice were also appointed on re-employment basis to utilise their experience and expertise in the development of various programmes and courses of the University,” says Dr M.S. Senam Raju, Director, ACD. The Division is also entrusted with the responsibility of co-ordinating appointment of Adjunct professors and engagement of

he or she has undertaken Consultants, On-line Experts, with specific objectives. In Web Developers and Project this context, it is the Associates, etc. on full-time responsibility of the as well as part-time basis for researcher to commit various academic activities to himself/herself to the study support the permanent undertaken. The RTA faculty appointed for Scheme is a unique move in per formance of certain core this period and will benefit functions and all other highly meritorious full-time development needs. postgraduates,” stresses Dr “The idea is not only to V. Venugopal Reddy, strengthen the faculty in Director, Research Unit. terms of numbers, but “Promotions given in IGNOU is heading for a also sustain and nurture a paradigm shift in its large pool of academics the Administrative research policy and who can help the nation Division from research facilitation achieve its educational November 2006 till processes in the context goals in the Decade of date show the of the global scenario of Innovation,” says Vice University has taken full-time research, partChancellor Prof V.N. time research and Rajasekharan Pillai. care of each and In the same period, the every individual when systemic research under the open university and number of Ph.D. holders it comes to honouring distance education (including Administration) one’s skills, dedication systems. rose to 342 (227 and hard work.” “The University has a Teachers and 115 — Udai Singh Tolia, research project scheme. Academics) in this period. Registrar, IGNOU Paid research study leave, The number of research in addition to the scholars (both full-time sabbatical leave scheme, and part-time) stands at are available to teachers 540. These include 38 and academics. Participation in national M.Phil., 376 part-time, 35 full-time and 91 and international research conferences RTAs. is facilitated by travel grants,” says “About 800 teachers and academics Prof Pillai. with Ph.D. and higher-level research “IGNOU has a faculty strength of over qualifications are working in the University. 1,000 with doctoral and post-doctoral An exclusive Research Unit was created in qualification who are occupying permanent the University recently to coordinate all full-time positions as Assistant Professors, these research activities,” adds Prof Pillai. Associate Professors and Professors or “Research is a process of systematic equivalent academic positions as collection, investigation and analysis of Assistant Directors, Deputy Directors and information to increase a research Directors.” scholar’s understanding of the study which


“In addition, the University has a rich pool of over 40,000 par t-time academic counsellors. A large number of ver y eminent scientists and academicians are also ser ving the University as consultants, Emeritus Professors and Chair Professors. The University also provides family residential facilities for over 400 teachers and other staff,” adds the Vice Chancellor. “IGNOU has 62 Regional Centres in its own buildings or in rented premises. The University is in the process of building facilities for all the Regional Centres. Laboratories for specific science programmes and an Inter-University Consortium for Technology-Enabled Learning are also housed in the Campus,” informs Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr Latha Pillai. The University, as did other autonomous institutions across the country, also bore a major additional burden on account of outgo toward salaries and wages. The payment of arrears due to the generous award by the Sixth Pay Commission also added to the outgo. Payments toward salaries and wages – due to both higher payout and recruitment – went up from 35.68 crore to 86.12 crore. As a result, the percentage-expenditure under this head, which was hovering

around 18 percent till a few years ago, ballooned to nearly 25 percent. “IGNOU was one of the first Universities in the countr y to implement the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission, including clearing the arrears,” Prof Pillai points out. Added to that, the non-plan expenditure toward staff welfare – due to the reasons aforesaid – also shot up from `9.23 crore to `57.02 crore. These expenses are toward

contributions for the new pension scheme, bonus, pension, gratuity, leave encashment, leave salary, honorarium and other welfare schemes. “This expenditure is also a necessar y part of the University’s effort to keep its staff and faculty satisfied and maintain high productivity levels,” says Prof Pillai, adding that a concerted effort has been made to ensure that senior faculty members have independent rooms and


he Inter-University Consortium (IUC) of IGNOU works as a nodal point to undertake various collaborative activities involving ODL, e-learning, new knowledge creation and appropriate technology. It organises a variety of training programmes and workshops for the faculty/staff towards meeting these aims.

Web 2.0 Tools IGNOU and other State Open Universities, in the last 20 years, have moved from print material to web-based courses for delivery of instruction. Web 2.0 is the current generation World Wide Web. It is a software which supports group interaction and is being used in the higher education sector, particularly distance education. The traditional approach to e-learning or online courses is merely uploading the text/printed

material with objectives and a few multiple choice questions. By using the new web services (web 2.0), which has a potential to make learning more personal, social and flexible, we can create learning communities. IUC conducted a training for the faculty of State Open Universities as well as for the faculty of IGNOU. Programmes ranged from three to five days. Each faculty was provided with an individual terminal with Internet facility. They developed individual blogs, worked on Wikis, created and posted their audio and video clippings. The training was appreciated by all the participants and was rated as Very Satisfactory. The faculty listed the areas where they can use the web 2.0 technologies. These are: Providing news and announcements to the students, designing course material collaboratively,


tutoring, guiding, editing, and hosting their powerpoint presentations, etc.

Research Methodology Course for RTAs Distance Education has come a long way and it will stay and grow significantly in the foreseeable future. Research is an important mechanism for growth and development of distance education. Importance of research has been recognised as it helps shape a university’s character and influence. Open universities, especially in India, must take the issue of research seriously if they wish to be in the forefront of higher education nationally and internationally. Research Unit was established in IGNOU in October 2008. The objective of this unit is to register full-time/part-time M.Phil and Ph.D. candidates and to

U.S. Tolia, Registrar, Administrative Division, with newly-recruited Data Entry Operators at IGNOU.

personal assistants. All of them have also been issued laptops to increase efficiency and productivity. With increased salaries, the University also had to incur a much higher expenditure toward terminal benefits, compared with earlier years. Total Quality Management remains the highest priority in all areas of operation of the University. Expenditure on staff welfare rose from

9 ` .31 crore to `57.83 crore – an almost sixfold increase. As a percentage of expenditure, this was a jump from 4.03 percent to 12.94 percent of expenditure. Against this backdrop, there has also been a concerted effort on the part of the University to curtail expenditure. This is the reason why the share of non-plan administrative expenses to total expenditure has fallen significantly from

28.24 percent in 2006-07 to 17.14 percent in 2009-10. New strategies are also being evolved to mobilise resources so that the University can continue to work on its mandate without any financial impediment. In addition, maximising non-monetary inputs and achieving cost-effectiveness in operations and economy in spending also remain the guiding principle of the University.■

IUC for Technology-enabled Flexible Education and Development (IUC-TEFED)


t aims to facilitate convergence and sharing the knowledge through a judicious mix of media and technology; undertake R&D related to social and economic development through ODL-based programmes; stimulate further thinking on development of education and employment of people with disabilities, educationally-backward and weaker sections in general; pool talent available in the society such as open universities, conventional universities, and NGOs... Pro-VC Prof. K.R. Srivathsan at a Web 2.0 workshop at IGNOU.

conduct workshops on Research Methodology for the research scholars. IGNOU has engaged Research and Teaching Assistants. Keeping the impor tance of research in distance education and the objectives of Research Unit in view, IUC conducted a training-cum-workshop for the Research and Teaching Assistants enrolled in IGNOU on Research

Methodology. More than 70 RTAs and Ph.D. scholars have been trained in batches. The duration of the programme was three days. RTAs found the programmes very effective and liked the sessions on “How to write the Review of Literature, Research Designs and use of SPSS package for analysis”. They said the training should be given for more days.

Future IUC will conduct Capacity-Building programmes for Open Universities and private universities. The training areas are Developing and Designing Online Courses, Developing e-content for various programmes and developing short video capsules on soft skills or any other theme related to life skills.


Tihar Central Jail authorities with the inmates who appeared for the first-ever placement drive for prisoners, held at Tihar Central Jail No. 3..

Bars No Barriers SPOTLIGHT IGNOU’s free education initiative has given prisoners a new lease of life through the first-ever placement drive for jail inmates in the country held at Tihar Central Jail in New Delhi


wenty-nine-year-old Siddharth Jailtey knew that his hopes of earning a livelihood and leading a dignified life again could never transform into reality when he was sent to jail three years ago on charges of kidnapping and murder. What he didn’t know was that these hopes had already started taking shape the moment he enrolled in IGNOU’s Master’s Programme in Public Administration at the University’s Study Centre in Tihar Central Jail. Thanks to IGNOU’s ‘free education for prisoners’ initiative, Siddharth holds an appointment letter from a leading company today. “When I landed in jail, I was in trauma and depression and everything was ruined for me. But now, due to this campus interview


there is a ray of hope that whenever I get out I can earn my livelihood easily,” says an ecstatic Siddharth, who will be working as a Marketing Executive with Agrawal Movers and Packers once he is released within six months. The story is the same for several other inmates who got a new lease of life through the first-ever placement drive for prison inmates in the country, held at Tihar Central Jail No. 3 on February 25. Under the dynamic leadership of Tihar Jail Superintendent Manoj Dwivedi and guidance from Director, IGNOU RC Delhi-3, Dwarka and Campus Placement Cell (CPC), seven companies created history and came to look for potential managers and executives at Asia’s largest prison. These included

Representatives from one of the companies interviewing a jail inmate.

utilised their time to gain education and vocational skills. Secondly, they all expect to be released within a year or so, and finally, they were keen to rehabilitate themselves and lead a new life,” said Neeraj Kumar, DG (Prisons), Tihar Jail. NEW CHAPTER FOR INMATES Most of the inmates who sat for placement have completed The companies conducted their education and gained interviews for 46 Learners pursuing multiple graduation degrees Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate and Post-graduate “This placement drive in jail, thanks to IGNOU. “After I was sent to jail, it programmes from IGNOU. Out has spread a vital was a painful and stressful of these 46, 40 were given message of giving time for me as I had no clue appointment letters for jobs dignity and respect to what to do next. However, I ranging from Accountants to all prisoners. It will was motivated inside the jail Computer Operators, Store prevent these inmates by officials, NGOs and Managers, Marketing and from returning to the IGNOU. I studied day and Pharmaceutical Sales life of crime and night. Now, I am about to Representatives. abuse. The academic complete my Bachelor’s in “Forty-six inmates were empowerment Tourism Studies from IGNOU chosen by prison authorities attained while in jail and also planning to pursue for the placement drive as they will give them a new LLB,” says 26-year-old Dilip fulfilled three criteria. Firstly, lease of life.” Kumar, who was booked they had impeccable conduct — Dr. Neeta Kapai, Dy Director, under Narcotics Act in 2005. inside the jail where they Campus Placement Cell

Vedanta Enterprises, Agarwal Movers and Packers, JRA Associates and Chartered Accountants, Good Housekeeping, Creative Innovation, Predo Security Services Pvt. Ltd., and ASP Sealing Products Ltd.

POPULAR PROGRAMMES Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) Bachelor’s in Social Work (BSW) Bachelor’s in Tourism Studies (BTS) Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS) Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE) Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN) Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC) Certificate in Human Rights (CHR) Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE) Master of Commerce (M.Com) Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) Master’s in English (MEG) Master’s in Sociology (MSO) Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)

Apart from these programmes, there is also a huge demand for Law and Foreign Languages programmes like Russian and Chinese.


He was one of the 46 inmates who were up for placement. The idea for such a placement session, Kumar said, stemmed from the need to help inmates in their rehabilitation following their release. “For the first time we are vouching to the corporate houses for the integrity and good conduct of these people. Many of the inmates received multiple offers. We have left the decision on selecting an offer on the candidates,” Kumar said. Jail inmates at the inauguration of the IGNOU Special Study Centre at Nagpur Central Jail.

Providing access to quality life IGNOU has set up a great example of social importance by promoting and achieving inclusive education through the establishment of Learner Support Centers (LSC) in 47 Jails under the overall supervision and support of 27 Regional Centres, as seen in the table below.


Regional Centre Ahmedabad Aizwal Aligarh Bhopal

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Bhubaneswar Chandigarh Chennai Dehradun Delhi-1 Delhi-3 Guwahati Jabalpur Jaipur Jammu Karnal Khanna Lucknow

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Madurai Nagpur Noida Patna Portblair Raipur Ranchi Srinagar Shimla (not a SC) Varanasi

City Location 1 Agra Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, Narsingh, Rewa, Sagar, Satna, Ujjain


Jaipur, Ajmer

Amritsar Lucknow, Bareilly, Allahabad Trichy Nagpur Meerut

No. of Jail SC 1 1

9 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3

Total Students


902 126 7 24



15 756

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

25 314

Total Enrollment (Current) Cumulative Enrollment (1994-2011)

2,929 6,579

Shimla Varanasi, Gorakhpur


13 35 144

FREE EDUCATION INITIATIVE IGNOU announced its ‘Free Education for Prisoners’ initiative in the 2010 academic session and waived off fees for all jail inmates across the country who wish to pursue the University’s programmes. According to Dr Neeta Kapai, Deputy Director, CPC, this move has been a significant milestone in encouraging and rehabilitating prisoners in order to improve their quality of life post release. Regular academic counselling sessions are provided either by the RC staff in some jails or nearby Study Centre counsellors are deputed to volunteer counselling sessions in some courses. Study material and library facilities are provided through IGNOU to all jails under the supervision of an IGNOU Coordinator and supporting staff. Assignments and exams are attempted by all students within the jail premises. IGNOU is also making efforts to provide study material in vernacular languages for some inmates. “This placement drive has spread a vital message of giving dignity and respect to all prisoners. It will prevent these inmates from returning to the life of crime and abuse, since the academic empowerment attained while in jail will give them a new lease of life. The activity has not only given a tremendous boost to their morale, but encouraged other inmates to follow suit,” says Dr Kapai. Listen to Sandeep Bhatnagar, another undertrial in Tihar, who was also picked up by one of the companies. “This is not just an appointment letter. It is an assurance of a rehabilitated life in a society, which would have otherwise shunned me. I can now hope for a speedy acquittal by sending this letter to the court to convince them to acquit me soon. I can assure my wife and children of a decent life in Delhi.” For people like Sandeep, who were wondering how they would support their families once they were released, IGNOU has given them a hope of taking a fresh shot at life.■


Regional Placement Cells in J&K


n Expert committee of the Govt. of India has recommended an allocation of `1 crore to IGNOU for setting up Regional Placement Cells in Jammu & Kashmir. This was announced at the EDGE 2011 Conference, held in New Delhi from March 9-11. The EDGE 2011 Conference, organised by EDGE Forum, with IGNOU as a Knowledge Partner, was inaugurated by Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Union Minister for HRD and Communications and Information Technology. IGNOU agreed to launch an initiative platform for registering students in J&K for job placements. The Regional Placement Cells aim to provide a platform for prospective employers to communicate with job seekers of Jammu, Srinagar and Leh through virtual job portal, job fairs, placement drives and walk-in interviews; provide career specific counselling and guidance; carry out competency mapping of all job aspirants; map their aspiration levels with aptitude level; identify skill gaps for repair measures and interventions; prepare and train job aspirants to plug skill gaps; assess and certify existing skills of the youth for verbal career mobility and lateral professional movements. The RPC would have a Placement Officer, qualified counsellors, soft skill trainers and support staff. The placement cell may be initially located in the Regional Centre and later shifted to a convenient location. The Cell would have a placement committee with members from local educational institutions, IGNOU centres, industry representatives, and students.

Vice Chancellor Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai addressing the gathering at the EDGE 2011 Conference, held in New Delhi from March 9-11. Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister for HRD, and Prof C.N.R. Rao, eminent scientist, were among the dignitaries who attended the conference.

The RPC can also forge partnerships with J&K Entrepreneurship Development Institute and various Chambers of Commerce and Industries. According to estimates, the online cost of setting up the RPC will be `3 lakh, while recurring cost of running the centre will be about `17 lakh per annum. The Expert Committee feels that two RPCs, one each in Jammu and Srinagar, may be set up on pilot basis and extended financial support for three years. The Expert Group recommends an allocation of `1 crore for it. The annual EDGE conference brings together Vice-Chancellors, Presidents, Directors, Professors, Education Councils,

Entrepreneurs and policy makers to interact, collaborate and understand the prevailing trends in the higher education sector. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Shaping the Future of Indian Higher Education’. Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, who was also the Academic Programme Committee Chairman of EDGE 2011, said, “EDGE is the foremost platform for the stakeholders in Higher Education sector in India and the world to converge. Interactions at the platform will help us act together towards identified goals with a beneficial intent for the education sector.”■

Seminar on improving education via ODL


he Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Distance Education ProgrammeSarva Shiskha Abhiyan (DEP-SSA) organised a three-day seminar to improve quality of education through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The seminar on ‘Teacher Education through Open and Distance Learning in the Context of Right to Education’ was held at the IGNOU Convention Centre from March 22-24.

The main objectives of the seminar were to develop a strategic plan of action for improving quality of education through the ODL mode. As part of capacitybuilding activities under SSA, the seminar documented and shared innovative practices in Teacher Education Programmes for in-service teachers. “Teacher education system is a power plant and if it works efficiently and proactively, the health of the system will be in accordance to what

the society demands. The teachers and educators themselves have to ask: Am I a professional in real sense of the term? Is the education set-up turning out the right professionals into the system? Do the qualifications insisted by the NCTE bring about a change? If yes, then do we have a system to give the entire professionals a chance to enhance their personality?” said Prof Suman Karandikar, Director, Centre for Educational Studies (CES), IIE, Pune.■



IGNOU to train KV teachers


GNOU has joined hands with the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS) for a national level training programme for KVS teachers. The programme has been launched under IGNOU’s Distance Education Programme — Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (DEP-SSA). A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to this effect was signed between IGNOU Registrar (Admin) U.S. Tolia and KVS Jt. Commissioner (Admin) O.M. Prabhakaran on March 14 in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai and Minister of State for Human Resource and Development (HRD) Dr D. Purandeswari. “There is a need for continued professional development of teachers to meet the demand of quality in education. This step is of immense significance in view of the importance of teacher training in the light of the Right to Education Act,” Dr Purandeswari said. The target group for the training includes primary teachers, graduate teachers and post-graduate teachers. Under the present collaborative programme, the teachers of KVS would be required to undergo six months training, including at least a 15-day face-to-face programme with pre-training assessment and post-training follow up, feedback and assessment. The training would focus on content upgradation of teachers with respect to

VC Prof. Pillai, MoS for HRD Dr. D. Purandeswari, DEP-SSA Director Dr. Anita Priyadarshini and others at the MoU signing ceremony in New Delhi on March 14.

their own special subject areas. They would also be given in-depth training on new knowledge and its relevance to their work. Teachers would re-learn new and innovative classroom management techniques and strategies for improving quality of teaching. A team of experts would draw up a detailed training design, which would be periodically reviewed. Feedback on the training would be taken for continuously upgrading the quality of

the programme. The training would be conducted in English and Hindi medium. The teachers would have to undergo an evaluation. Certificates would be provided by IGNOU upon completion of the programme. Others present at the event included Dr Anita Priyadarshini, Director, DEP-SSA; Anshu Vaish, Secretary, School Education and Literacy; and Avinash Dikshit, Commissioner, KVS.■

Corporate Governance

BCA syllabus revised

Web portal for students, PIs




NEWSSCAN GNOU’s Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC) has announced admission to its two-year, full-time MBA programme in Corporate Governance for the July 2011 academic session. Graduates in any discipline with a minimum 50 percent aggregate marks (45 percent for reserved category) from a recognised university are eligible to apply. Shortlisted candidates will be required to appear for an entrance exam, group discussion and personal interview. Application forms will be available from March 31. The last date for receipt of application forms is April 30. Classes will commence from the first week of July. For more details, please visit■

GNOU’s School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) has revised the syllabus for the Bachelor’s Programme in Computer Application (BCA). The existing BCA (pre-revised syllabus) would be discontinued and accordingly, no fresh admission would be made in BCA (pre-revised syllabus) from July 2011 cycle onwards. A communication has been sent to all prospective students who have applied for the programme through the Admission Form attached in the Common Prospectus of Jan. 2011. All such candidates are also required to remit the difference fee of `200. Students already registered in BCA (prerevised syllabus) up to January 2011 admission session would continue their studies in the same syllabus.■


rom distance learning, we have come to distributed learning,” said Pro-VC Prof K.R. Srivathsan, while launching the International Division’s (ID) state-of-the-art web portal at the University’s Electronic and Media Production Centre (EMPC) studio. Jointly designed and developed by the Advanced Centre for Informatics & Innovative Learning (ACIIL) and the International Division, the web portal offers various facilities at different levels to both students and Partner Institutions (PI). It provides support for better programme coordination as well as guidelines for those interested in working with IGNOU and is supported by a Wiki area that allows PIs to publish information and interact with their students.■



Defence Minister A.K. Antony felicitating Colonel Anand Swaroop in New Delhi.

Prof. Vimala Veeraraghavan, Emeritus Professor, SOSS and Pro-VC Prof. P.R. Ramanujam at the twoday national conference on Psychological Measurement, held at the IGNOU Headquarters on March 4-5.

Psychological measurement


odern societies, including India, are in a flux and need the intervention of disciplines like psychology to understand the complex problems and issues faced by people,” said Pro-VC Prof P.R. Ramanujam while inaugurating the two-day national conference on ‘Psychological Measurement: Strategies for the New Millennium’, organised by IGNOU’s School of Social Sciences (SOSS). The conference, held at the Convention Centre on March 4-5, focussed on two major concerns with regard to psychometry. Firstly, what is the extent to which the contents and methods have changed with the changing world and how do we justify the use of old testing procedures, if we do; and secondly the concerns about the use of American and European testing tools on Indian population – do we have other choices that we can adopt? Can we standardise these tests in Indian context? Can we search for innovative methods? While releasing a souvenir of abstracts, Prof Ramanujam said, “This conference is aimed at evolving strategies to understand


the psychological measurement in the context of highly individualised, social and cultural settings, wherein the old techniques may be found wanting.” In his message published in the released souvenir, Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai remarked, “There has been a dearth of psychological equipment and test material that are entirely standardised in Indian conditions and exclusively for the Indian population. Experts in the field have made many attempts to devise psychological tests, but very little publicity has been given to their efforts.” “Psychological measurement is one of the most significant areas under the field of psychology. Measuring entities is a challenge mainly because these entities are intangible. Within the span of the century, psychological testing has come a long way,” said Prof Gopinath Pradhan, Director, SOSS. Emeritus professionals like Prof A.K. Sen, Professor (Rtd.), Delhi University, Prof Ajit Mohanty, JNU, and Prof Amulya Khurana, IIT-Delhi, shared their work and communicated their contribution to this field.■

IGNOU’s School of Foreign Languages has introduced two new courses in Urdu and Arabic languages, from the July 2011 academic session.

IGNOU learner leads a grand first


GNOU has yet another reason to hold its head high with pride, as one of the students of the University has led the first-ever Indian skiing expedition to the South Pole. Colonel Anand Swaroop, a student of IGNOU’s MBA in Human Resource Management, led an expedition of the Indian Army to successfully traverse the long distance of the Antarctic region and finally hoist the Indian tricolour at the geographic South Pole to commemorate the Army Day on January 15. The expedition, consisting of eight members, was formally flagged off by Army Chief Gen V.K. Singh on November 1 last year from the national capital. The team, which established its base camp at the Indian Glacier on the Antarctica coast on November 24, commenced their journey on skis on November 26 from Hercules Inlet. In the initial week, the team skied for four to six hours every day averaging 25 km per day. In the process of covering a distance of 1,170 km, the team faced extreme cold temperatures in the range of minus 15 to minus 40 degrees Celsius. “It was very difficult to predict the weather there, as it used change every few hours. We used to start in bright sun and hardly half-an-hour later a storm would come up. But we never stopped and kept going,” said Colonel Swaroop, who successfully completed his MBA in the December 2010 Term-End Examination.



‘Learn Russian language soon’


he School of Foreign Languages (SOFL), IGNOU, will soon launch a Russian Language and Culture programme in collaboration with the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC), New Delhi. The announcement was made in response to the United Nations declaration of Februar y first week as the ‘Know Your Neighbours’ week. The proposal to launch the Russian Language and Culture programme shall be placed at the for thcoming Academic Council meeting of IGNOU, Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai said, adding that the Regional Centres of the University may collaborate with the counterpar ts of the Russian Centre for the programme. Yelena Shtapkina, Deputy Director, Culture & Information, RCSC, stated that the Russian Language taught in many universities of the world does not match the Russian standards and as a result, candidates have to pass an additional test to qualify for a job. “RCSC is ready to facilitate an appropriate teaching of the Russian language by providing native teachers to IGNOU, as per mutually agreed upon terms and conditions,” she added. Prof Manu Mittal, Chairperson, Centre for Russian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru

VC Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai and Yelena Shtapkina, Dy. Director, Culture & Information, RCSC, at the inauguration of the programme at the IGNOU Headquarters in New Delhi.

University (JNU), New Delhi, said that it is essential to have exposure to the languages of neighbouring countries. She also assured of all possible help to be given by JNU to SOFL, IGNOU. SOFL Director Prof G. Chaudhuri announced that the classes for the twomonth Russian Language and Culture

programme will be held twice a week – Fridays and Tuesdays – at the IGNOU campus. It has also been made compulsor y for all faculty members of SOFL to learn the language. At the same time, this programme is also offered to all faculty members and officers of IGNOU.

Meet six-year-old potter Divya, courtesy IGNOU


mall is big. The adage is converted into a reality by six-and-a-half-year-old Master Divya Prakash Pandey. A student of the Certificate in Craft and Design Programme (CCDP) under School of Engineering and Technology, Master Pandey has not only been tagged as the youngest learner at IGNOU, but also the youngest student ever enrolled in a university across the world. Master Pandey has set the University’s mantra of ‘Age no bar, Pace no bar, Place no bar’ right by passing the CCDP in July 2010 session with 76 per cent marks. A Class II student at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Vigyan Vihar, New Delhi, Master Pandey was interested in pottery since childhood. During the course of his


studies, he created fusion in craft and design as well as magic. He designed a famous magic trick, ‘Water of India,’ besides designing different patterns and creating innovative ideas. The CCDP is developed under the IGNOUKhadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) project and aims at upgrading the knowledge and skills of artisans engaged in pottery. This programme envisages no pre-requisite educational qualification for the target group of rural artisans and interested youths. It introduces artisans to conceptual designing as well as cost analysis and marketing of products. Master Divya Prakash Pandey giving shape to one of his ideas.


Empowering Anganwadi workers


ontinuing its endeavour to undertake capacity-building and skill development initiatives, IGNOU has collaborated with the Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, to provide a training module for Anganwadi workers in the state. The University has already dispatched 10,000 copies of the module to the Department. The collaboration is an extension of a partnership between IGNOU, UNICEF and Department of Women and Child Development, Govt of Madhya Pradesh, for the Anganwadi Workers Project, Vidisha, 2008-2009. The first phase of the project, which was implemented in Vidisha district in Madhya Pradesh, aimed at designing and developing a training module for Anganwadi workers, while the second phase targeted at imparting training in the areas of nutrition, health, education and women empowerment. IGNOU started the training with 48 Anganwadi workers in the first batch on December 11, 2008. A total of 20 batches, comprising of 1,014 workers, were trained by the University. Keeping in view the encouraging results, especially the perceptible qualitative improvement in the capacities of the Anganwadi workers, the state government adopted the ‘Vidisha Model of Training’ and


Almost 10,000 copies of the training module for Anganwadi workers have been dispatched to the M.P. government.

collaborated with IGNOU for provision of the training module to the newly-appointed 10,000 Anganwadi workers. In a letter to Vice Chancellor Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, B. Raja Gopal Naidu, IAS, Principal Secretary, Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, has stated, “The Department of Women and Child Development has received 10,000 copies of the training module prepared with the technical assistance of IGNOU, which shall henceforth be used for the training of Anganwadi workers in the state. I commend IGNOU and its team for partnering in the process of capacity-building of the Anganwadi workers in the state.”

CTKS organises training in Ayurvedic Therapy


he Centre for Traditional Knowledge Systems (CTKS), IGNOU, in collaboration with the Foundation for the Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) and the North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong, conducted a six-month residential Ayurvedic Therapy Training, in Bangalore recently. As many as 40 youths from the northeastern region were trained in Ayurvedic Therapy in two batches. While the MoU for the first batch was


Induction programme at Karnal Regional Centre

A participant during the training in Bangalore.

GNOU Regional Centre, Karnal, organised an induction programme for the January 2011 session students of B.A. in Psychology (BAPC) and M.A. in Psychology (MAPC) on March 2. Dr Ashok Sharma, Regional Director and Academic Counsellor of MAPC and BAPC programmes, welcomed the students and discussed the dynamics of distance education and the structure of the University. Giving insights into the MAPC programme, Dr Sharma said that Psychology is not just a subject to read, but also a skill to practice. He gave the students many useful tips on how to complete the programme in minimum duration. The students were also shown the video of the first tele-induction programme, wherein Prof Vimala Veeraraghavan, Programme Coordinator of Psychology at School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, had introduced the programmes in the presence of the Vice Chancellor and the Pro-Vice Chancellors at the EMPC Studio in New Delhi.

Dr. Ashok Sharma giving the courseware to a learner at the induction programme.

signed between IGNOU and FRLHT on November 26, 2009, the agreement for the second batch was inked between IGNOU, FRLHT and NEC on December 9, 2009. Participants have secured jobs in Ramaiah Hospital and Amruth Hospital in Bangalore; and Ayurvedic Centre and Spinx Spa-cumMassage Centre in Shillong. IGNOU and NEC offered scholarships for a total of 60 trainees. While 40 participants have already been given the certification in the two batches, the remaining 20 will be trained in the third batch, which will commence at FRLHT on April 4.

SOGDS has launched three new programmes — Certificate/Diploma in Gender and Nutritional Security, Certificate/Diploma in Gender and Labour and Certificate/Diploma in Gender in Cinema.




Keeping the legacy alive

Gyan Vani FM Stations January, 2004: Union HRD Minister Murli Manohar Joshi inaugurates Gyan Vani FM Stations at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi.


he Centre for Traditional Knowledge Systems (CTKS), in association with the Educational Development of North Eastern Region Unit and the School of Performing and Visual Arts organised a demonstration, felicitation and orientation programme for traditional Gurus of the ‘Certificate Programme in Indigenous Art Practices (CIAP) from March 9-11. Various Gurus registered with the North Central Zonal Cultural Centre (NCZCC), Allahabad, were felicitated during the function, organised under the Guru-Shishya Parampara Scheme of the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. They also demonstrated their respective traditional art forms at the event, held at the IGNOU Convention Centre.

15th Convocation

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee inaugurates Kisan TV Channel. IGNOU launches PG Diploma in Audio Programme Production, PG Diploma in Radio Prasaran, PG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking and PG Diploma in Geriatric Medicine.


UGC Chairman Prof. Arun Nigavekar delivers the Seventh Annual Anuvrat Endowment Lecture on ‘Education for Peace’.



February, 2004: Dr. K. Kasturirangan, former Chairman, ISRO and Member, Rajya Sabha, delivers the Convocation Address at the 15th Convocation, held at IGNOU Headquarters in New Delhi.

Upcoming Events 5


1. VC Prof. Pillai with the Gurus registered under NCZCC, Allahabad. 2. Guru Prabha Singh from Uttar Pradesh presenting an Awadhi folk song. 3. Guru Ram Charan Yadav from U.P. presenting the Pai Danda folk dance. 4. Guru Bachau Lal presenting a Birha folk song. 5. Guru Lakhan Lal Bharve from M.P. presenting the Gudum Baja Folk Dance.



1. 22nd Convocation Ceremony -- April 2, 2011, New Delhi: Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal will deliver the Convocation Address at the 22nd Convocation of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, to be held at the IGNOU Convention Centre.


Medicinal Plants – Bel Fruit

Agro-Forestry in Watershed Management

The Nightingale of India: Sarojini Naidu

Plastics and the Environment

Fresh Water Pearl Culture

The Bel fruit has considerable medicinal value when it just begins to ripen. The ripe fruit helps construction of skin, coolant and laxative. Bel contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, niacin, Calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Agro-Forestry, the deliberate cultivation of trees with crops, can complement efforts in Watershed Management by providing a set of tree-based conservation and production practices for agricultural lands.

Famously known as Bharatiya Kokila (The Nightingale of India) Sarojini Naidu was a child prodigy, freedom fighter, and poet. She was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress.

Although plastic is certainly a globally important product, there are many environmental concerns associated with its use. Most plastics are not biodegradable. In addition, burning plastic can sometimes result in toxic fumes.

Freshwater pearls come from freshwater mussels. They are produced in Japan and the US. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission requires that freshwater pearls be referred to as “freshwater cultured pearls”.

Mass Communication and Its Importance

Silkworm Rearing

Outside the realm of interpersonal communication exists another form of communication, which involves communication with mass audiences. The channels through which this kind of communication takes place are referred to as mass media.

Silkworm rearing is an extensive month-long exercise starting from egg stage and terminating in adults laying eggs and dying their natural death. They pass through five larval instars intervened by four moults, cocoon and pupal stage.

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