2 minute read
Begin Again Mitchell Dvorak
2022 is set to be an amazing year for the IAOMS and its members. As we welcome a new president and officers, our volunteers and staff are renewing their commitment to advance the field of OMF surgery at every stage of its practitioners’ careers while connecting them with the community of their supportive fellow surgeons. We strive to care about our members with the same passion they show for the health and happiness of the patients whom they’ve dedicated their lives to help. We extend our thanks to every member who makes this possible, and we welcome you to enjoy our programs and events this year. We are also happy to introduce Xander Sobecki, joining IAOMS staff as Manager of Marketing and Communications.

The IAOMS is excited to once again join with the Asociación Latinoamericana de Cirugía y Traumatología Bucomaxilofacial (ALACIBU) for a five-day virtual conference from May 9-13. Each day will include a variety of sessions presented by master surgeons from across the specialty, with a spotlight on the next generation of young OMF surgeons presenting their work from all around the world. There is no cost to register, and attendees qualify for 2.5 hours of educational credits per day of content.

The 25th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will be a much-needed reunion for our members in the spectacular backdrop of Vancouver, Canada. Registration will launch in June, stay tuned to our communications for announcements of speakers and social events. We can’t wait to see you again!
Available on multiple listening platforms for every device and schedule, the latest season of the IAOMS Podcast sheds light on how each region has contributed with unique milestones and innovations to the surgical field. Get a feel for the culture and heritage that have led to the current practices, and learn about the trailblazers of OMS who have left their mark in our history.
Issue 66 / March 2022
Editor-in-Chief Deepak Krishnan
Assistant Editors Noor Al Saadi Lilis Iskandar
Graphic Designer María Montesinos
Executive Committee 2022-2023
Board of Directors Alejandro Martinez, President Gabriele Millesi, Past President Sanjiv Nair, Vice President Rui Fernandes, Vice President-Elect Brett Ferguson, Treasurer Larry Nissen, IAOMS Foundation Chair Mitchell Dvorak, Executive Director
Members-at-Large Nardy Casap Alfred Lau, Fred Rozema
Regional Representatives Imad Elimairi, Africa Tetsu Takahaski, Asia Nick Kalavrezos, Europe Leopoldo Victor Meneses Rivadeneira, Latin America Ian Ross, North America Jocelyn Shand, Oceania Nabil Samman, Editor-in-Chief, IJOMS
Committee Chairs G.E. Ghali, Education Alfred Lau, NextGen Henry Garcia, NextGen Sean Edwards, Research
Paul Sambrook, IBCSOMS Representative Ed Dore, 25th ICOMS-2023, Vancouver
FACE TO FACE Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ©Copyright 2018. International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois, USA. All rights reserved under international and Pan American copyright conventions. Cover image Florian M. Thieringer.
CONTACT US International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons IAOMS Foundation 200 E. Randolph St., Suite 5100 Chicago, IL 60601 USA / communications@iaoms.org