10 minute read
CHITCHAT limericks and haikus – multilingual with English translation

5LIMERICKS AND HAIKUS multilingual with English translation Luis Quevedo
Escribes poesía? Eso lo dejo a mi mente cuando reúne palabras aisladas que se sienten/lucen mejor cuando están juntas.
Chitchat poems Do you write poetry? I leave that to my mind when it puts together isolated words that feel/look better when put together.
Shibani Das
Only those are worthy of honour and glory The ones who work without any desire for fame and power The world recognises them through their work because nothing grows and prospers without labour!
Payam Afzali
Can’t change the whole world, Fortunately, we can change one patient’s whole world.

Snow Luo

A scene at sundown, The waves rumble and tumble. Our secret, their past.

Jorge I. Ravelo SPANISH
Se deja de querer, sin razón alguna sueños se desvanecen son el nuevo día vacío infinito, que recorre el alma solo el amor, nos trae la calma. you stop loving, for no reason dreams fade With the new day Infinite emptiness, which runs through the soul Only love brings us calm.

MAY 9–13, 2022 / 7:00 PM–9:30 PM CST
The IAOMS/ALACIBU NextGen Online Conference will provide a dynamic and robust five-day program with live presentations followed by question and answer opportunities. Each day will include a variety of sessions presented by master surgeons from across the specialty as well as the next generation of young OMF surgeons. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in 2.5 hours of educational content per day throughout the duration of the conference.
Thank you to our Emerald Level sponsor for supporting this conference.
Points and Counterpoints in OMS
Improving Your Results in Dental Implants
Evolving Protocols and Practice in Orthognathic Surgery
Insights and Novelties in Trauma
What’s New and What’s Effective in TMJ Surgery
Visit www.iaoms.org/nextgenonlineconference to register today.
initiative from Egypt
By Noor Al Saadi Oman
Matkhabeesh Weshak (Don’t hide your face), is a society-driven initiative founded in Egypt in 2018 to support individuals born with craniofacial anomalies. The initiative was founded by Prof. Karam Allam at Sohag University, Egypt. Working to raise public awareness and promoting society acceptance for individuals with craniofacial anomalies; the initiative had arranged an art exhibition in association with medical students from Sohag Medical university. We take the opportunity to present few of the most outstanding artworks by medical students.

The following art piece is by AFNAN ELKHIOUTY, a second year medical student. She is interested in crochet handicrafts. She crocheted an extraordinary amigurumi doll inspired by people with Vitiligo. The following crewel embroidery is by ROA’A ELSAYED. She is a fifth year medical student. She embroidered an outstanding art piece inspired by a girl with Vitiligo.

The following pencil sketches are by AHMED ESAM. He is a fourth year medical student. His exceptional art work was inspired by two children with craniofacial anomalies.

The following colourful sketch is by ASMAA HAZEM. She is a second year medical student. Her beautiful art work was inspired by a child with bilateral cleft lip.
By Jose Luis Molina Moguel Mexico
ONE DAY, while I was operating on a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, for some reason the orthodontist asked me if he could enter the operating theatre as a second assistant.
Everything went well in surgery, there was a little bleeding on the right side, and I asked the orthodontist to gently compress using his finger in the cheek area. That day, we finished the surgery without problems.
However, on the evening visit, I noticed that the patient had a right facial paralysis. It was my first time to encounter such a complication, although I had my share of experience in doing these osteotomies.

I talked to my teachers in the United States, and after seven days, purulent discharge began to drain from the right side. We thought that the etiology of this unusual complication was likely to be muscle necrosis in the area of the facial nerve caused by that finger compression.
The patient recovered three months later without any problem, but this experience made me turn to sculpting “the monk”. I went and bought plasticine and started working on a sculpture of a monk with it. It was about 30 cm tall, and he was looking up to heaven asking God to help him. When I found out that clay and plasticine could get damaged easily, I converted my medium to bronze, which is almost indestructible. so, it was surgery that turned me on to sculpting! ■

DR JOSE LUIS MOLINA MOGUEL was recognized for his 50 years of meaningful contributions to the oral and maxillofacial surgery on January 8th 2022 in Mexico City.
Friends, mentees and colleagues met at the Mexican
Academy of Surgery, a national body which he serves at as the Secretary. A unique honor for an OMS.

Left to right: Ricardo Vidaurri: President of OMS Interhospitalaria Assoc., Alejandro Martinez IAOMS President, Jose luis Molina Moguel, Felipe Cruz Vega: President of the Mexican Academy of Surgery, Javier Davila Torres: Secretary of the Mexican Academy of Surgery (OMS), Jose luis Cadena: President of AMCBMC (Mexican Association of OMS). IAOMS President Alejandro Martinez with Prof. Jose Luis Molina Moguel


VAN GOGH SUNFLOWERS Acrylic on fabric


Ramtin Dastgir Iran Ramon Aleman El Salvador

CAPRI ON MY MIND Acrylic on canvas

Stephanie J. Drew USA

Ravi Hebballi India BONITA Acrylic on canvas

KAROO SPACE Watercolor

John Fisher South Africa
ANATOMY OF THE NECK Prismacolor pencils on Strathmore paper TEARS OF JOY Digital Art
Victoria Manon USA Moorthy Halsnad Scotland UK

Amir Marashi USA
FOOTPRINT Digital Photograph
Ebrahim Mohammadi Iran

HOPE Digital Photograph
Maria Iliana Picco Diaz Mexico WINTER’S EVE Oil

John Moenning USA


Ahmed Merza Iraq
THE QUEEN Photography THE HERMIT Photography

Dipesh Rao India DREAM CATCHER Poem THE MONK (BURROWING OWL) Photography

Ideas and opinions never coincide, what is true, can you ever decide?
There are times when you wish you implode, seeking refuge in the will-o'-the-wisp alone.
On these bumpy roads of yesterday, on which you drive, Going further until you arrive.
To let a mind cripple with history, has no ability to release it from its misery.
Peering into the distance to find, the right blend of euphoria and peace of mind.
There is no moment like now, to be in it, but how?
Close your eyes to see, the light that illuminates you is in me.

Shravan Renapurkar USA
Tabishur Rahman India

Kohei Sakaguchi Japan BIRTE'S PICTURE Oil painting

Birte Siegmund Germany
SKULL STUDY Graphite and white pencil on toned gray paper

Marcel Zetina Mexico

Pearlcid Siroraj India KING OF CLAY Graphite on paper DREAMS Poem

As I slowly drift into the realm of the night, My eyes wander into a divine sight, I cross the river in all its might, I hold the log and hug it tight, I cross again back to shore, With a peaceful snore, In the dreams of my sleep, I wander yore, Treasures of midnight, wandering in my mind, People I have met who have been benovelent and kind, I crossed my path in the deepest of my dreams, Of people whose words I cannot comprehend what they mean, Of trust and friendship they spoke at first, But Then their words like a volcano it burst, Trust and patience is all I had hoped, My dreams at times lay shattered and broke, As again I drift into a seamless night, It takes me in to canopy of darkness filled with light, Where joy and hope filled the room, Into the valley of flowers in all its bloom, As I drift back into a seamless night, My dreams take me afar into a wondrous sight, Melting the night into a day so bright. My eyes wander into a divine sight. Gokul Venkateschwar India
Lists of OMS
IAOMS Podcast Series Season 5, Episode 2: History of Specialty in Asia
OralMaxFax Podcast Riddhi Patel DMD Cleveland children’s surgery center, Cleveland, Ohio Maryam Akbari DMD, MD, MPH Lincoln Medical center, New York, USA
Let's Talk Oral Surgery 009 - How to Future-proof Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with Dr. Srinivasa Chandra Dr. Marcus Hwang OMS resident at the Oregon Health & Science University
PCOMS listen on demand Dr. Jay Tabije OMF surgeon in Manila, Philippines
Oral and dental surgery Dr. Jason Portnof West Boca Medical Center Medical Moments with the Palm Beach Health Network
Everyday Oral Surgery | Surgeons Talking Shop Dr. Grant Stucki OMS resident at University of Illinois at Chicago Los Angeles, California