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By Andrew M. Read-Fuller Texas, Dallas Maurits de Ruiter.


meeting was held virtually from October 1-10. Although this was the first time the meeting was not held in person, the attendance exceeded expectations with over 3400 surgeons and staff members participating, including over 600 trainees. The speaker lineup was diverse and engaging and included not only American and international oral & maxillofacial surgeons, but also comedian Jay Leno, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is one of the key physicians leading the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Among the lineup of presenters in the educational programming were several dynamic young international surgeons. Maurits de Ruiter, surgeon at Amsterdam UMC and Diakonessenhuis in the Netherlands spoke about perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea patient undergoing MMA. Alfred Lau, oral & maxillofacial surgeon from Hong Kong and

Alfred Lau.

Camilo from Once Upon a Whisky tours explains the correct way to drink scotch at the IAOMS Foundation event.

“The attendance exceeded expectations, with over 3,400 surgeons and staff members participating”

chair of the NextGen and Membership and Communications committees for IAOMS, gave an excellent presentation on autogenous bone grafting and growth factors.

Despite the physical distance between attendees, the IAOMS and AAOMS did not neglect the social events and networking opportunities that make their meetings memorable. The IAOMS Foundation hosted a scotch tasting event to toast the strong work of the Foundation in the past year as well as to prepare members for the upcoming ICOMS in Glasgow in 2021.

Although this has undoubtedly been a challenging year for all oral & maxillofacial surgeons across the world, the AAOMS/ IAOMS virtual meeting demonstrated the strength of the OMS community, and proved our steadfast ability to connect, learn, and laugh despite the obstacles and distance that stand between us. ■

1. IAOMS President Prof. Gabrielle Millesi virtually toasts IAOMS and AAOMS members at the scotch tasting event. 2. Dr. Anthony Fauci. 3. Dr. Victor L. Nannini, AAOMS President. 4. Jay Leno and AAOMS President Dr. Victor Nannini.

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