4 minute read
from Face to Face® December 2020
On August 1st, 2020, INDIA hosted a global online
meeting for women in maxillofacial surgery. The event was designed to celebrate the journey of women in maxillofacial surgery in various aspects through a series of presentations and discussions, inviting great female maxillofacial surgeons from across the world. Dr Vanaja opened the event by commemorating the first female maxillofacial surgeon in India, followed by a presentation by Dr Neelima Mallick, an honored female maxillofacial surgeon in India. Dr Sabine Girod, a Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, continued with a presentation titled “Where are the women?”, highlighting the global status of women in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the modern world. The presentation was followed by Dr Patricia Radaic, a Consultant and Professor at Sirio Libanes, Brazil, and an AO faculty delivering a topic on “Professional Life experience of women as maxillofacial surgeons”. Dr Divya Mehrotra, Professor, KGMC, Lakhnow, India, also spoke about “The power of role models”, emphasizing the importance of equality in the professional life of a woman. Finally, Dr Victoria Beale, the President of the Society of Women in Maxillofacial Surgery (SWiMS), UK left a special message to young female maxillofacial surgeons on the values of a right attitude, perseverance, and commitment towards the field. The event lasted for about 2 hours 50 minutes and was attended by more than 700 delegates of both women and men from all over the world. As what Dr Patricia Radaic put in her presentation, a quote from Dr Daniel Laskin “Women do not need special attention, but equal treatment“, this global joined force of women in maxillofacial surgy has burned the spirit of gender equality in our field.
Thank you to Stryker India for supporting this event.

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As we reflect on a year faced with challenges and uncertainty, we are grateful for the resilience and the spirit that defines the global oral and maxillofacial community. We appreciate your patience, commitment, and support of the IAOMS and IAOMS Foundation as we adapt to the obstacles brought on by this global pandemic.
While the opportunity to connect face to face at events around the world has been limited this year, we appreciate your participation in digital programs and conferences in the absence of in-person events. In October, the IAOMS Foundation had the honor to host the IAOMS/AAOMS International Reception once again at the 2020 Virtual AAOMS Annual Meeting. In anticipation of the 25th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS) previously planned for Glasgow, Scotland, we hosted a virtual scotch tasting that introduced some of the finer nuances of Scottish whiskies. It was truly a pleasure to raise a glass with you and to take a whisky journey together from our respective homes. It was a warming reminder that even amid a pandemic, our colleagues and friends can come together for an evening of camaraderie. We would like to thank the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) for the opportunity to be a part of this virtual meeting.
Like many organizations, the IAOMS Foundation continues to explore new ways to support the needs of our specialty. As we look to the future, ensuring we have the ability to resume key programs and continue expanding research, education, and training opportunities for the global community of OMFS is imperative. The demand for education continues to expand, particularly in the current environment. We know the role of the Foundation will only grow more critical as we navigate through these challenging times. Please join us now, at the end of the year, by making a gift, in any amount, to help ensure we are prepared for the future. To make a gift, or to learn more about the IAOMS Foundation’s plans for the future, please visit www.iaomsfoundation.org.
On behalf of the IAOMS Foundation Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued commitment to our organization. The year 2021 will be a very special year for the Foundation and we look forward to celebrating it with you.

Larry W. Nissen
IAOMS Foundation Chairman