IAPI - What we achieved in 2013

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What we did this year - 2013 -

Some Numbers

€351,511.36 Total AVG of PR Jan-Oct

Just some of the PR we’re getting

Top 10 pages visited Jan-Oct:

23,054 unique website visitors (Jan – Oct) www.iapi.ie

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Members Home page Jobs Events Training Finding the right agency Blog About Postgrad IAPI homepage

990 people attended events (Jan – Sept)

Top 10 agencies who attended IAPI events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mindshare Mediavest Carat Publicis Dublin DDFH&B Chemistry Rothco CawleyNea Ogilvy Dublin Irish International


AD-vocacy IAPI continues to make representations, or asked to represent an industry view on a range of issues  Regulation of alcohol advertising  Advertising High Fat Sugar and Salt Products on TV  On-line behavioural advertising  Advertising of financial services products

A powerful industry voice on pitching •

• •

€10.6m cost to agencies to pitch in 2012 Top 100 CEOs/Marketing Directors received copies of guidelines Results already delivered  Dublin Bus, Irish Water, Philanthropy Ireland Aggressive PR value - €203,340

Our remit is broad reaching across the industry

Media Research IAPI has led the effort to integrate all the media currencies in Ireland; press, outdoor, TV, radio, on-line. • We’ve created a steering group made of JNRS, JNOR, JNLR, IAB, TAM • Examined how a structure for this might be governed • Looked at how it worked in five EU territories • Established the preferred research methodology to make it happen • Held two public briefings for media owners and agencies in May & October

IAPI devotes a lot of time to administering the CCCI. We conducted the first ever client satisfaction survey last month and a seminar planned Feb 20134 In addition we’ve been asked to participate in other more tangential areas…  The portrayal and representation of people with disabilities in Irish broadcasting - BAI  The marketing of breast milk substitutes, Dept. of Health/HSE

IAPI Census

Future Heads The Internship guidelines have been viewed

533 times since September

Media Induction pack has been viewed

807 times since April

“Delighted that this has been put together!� Siobhan Lavery, MD ICAN

ADFX Case Studies We updated our ADFX case studies section to include the 2012 winners, which we promoted during the year. www.adfx.ie/book

Women in Advertising

IAPI representation on various industry bodies has been refreshed and more women have been appointed to represent IAPI on the following boards/committees. • Sandra Alvarez, PHD, appointed to the board of the ASAI • Danielle Donnelly, Mediabrands, appointed to the JNRS

Mad Women Altogether


IAPI Training Top 5 Agencies

1 DDFH&B 2 Carat 3 Publicis Dublin Chemistry 4 Starcom 5 Mindshare Vizeum Mediacom Dublin

Bespoke Training

• Procurement Training for MDs • Communication & Presentation workshop • ADFX Masterclass x2 • What can theatre teach us about pitching?

Off the shelf training • European Advertising Certificate • The Eff Test • Creative Masterclass for Art Directors • Understanding your clients business • The changing digital landscape

Developed a new website: www.iapi.ie/postgrad

Advertising & Digital Communications Postgraduate Diploma

Highest number of students enrolled this year at


Introduced new lecturers and modules such as: • Measuring Advertising Effectiveness with Jane Reidy, Planner Cross Platform Media Technolgy with John Dunne, with Uk guest speakers Razorfish, Adapt TV & Brigttag • Overhaul of Pitch Night –27 November 2013 . 3 different briefs each addressing societal issues: male sucide, binge drinking & cyber bullying.

Meet some of our mentors:

We launched a pilot mentorship scheme under the Women in Advertising Committee. We have 20 mentees matched up with 20 mentors


Rant Night You seem to be making great head way – and certainly IAPI is looking a good deal better for it. Philip Sherwood, Director, JNOR Hi Tania. Well done to IAPI and all concerned. Rant Night was thoroughly enjoyable. Kevin Murray, Copywriter Rant night - Thanks for organizing Tania & Aisling . It's a winning format. You continue to bring a breath of fresh air to all things IAPI. Jimmy Murphy, Creative Director, Publicis What a clever format to listening to your peers views on the industry and what changes we can make. I found it hugely beneficial. Eimear Dennis, Account Executive Chemistry

Portfolio Lab

70 people registered to attend Portfolio Lab

37 Creative Directors & Designers took part

The Next Generation

Portfolio Lab Thanks to you both for organizing portfolio night. It was really enjoyable. You made everyone feel really comfortable and got the mingling going! And the setting was awesome. Well done and thanks again. Andrew McNulty, Creative Director, ICAN

Future Heads

Future Heads committee: • The Big Grill event – 40 attendees

Les Binet Talk on Effectiveness

Yesterday talk by Les Binet was excellent – probably one of the best talks that I have been at for a long time! Well done. Brian Sparks, Agency Assessments

Congrats on a great event yesterday. All the speakers were excellent. Jonathan Ryan, Brand Manager, Mondelez

Speed Dating – Screen Producers Ireland/IAPI

That was a great session on Advertiser Funded Programming. Speed dating is a productive format. Lots of interesting considerations regarding how to create and sell ideas in what in a very broad area. We met some very useful contacts. Many Thanks. Claire Corbett, Rothco

SPI/IAPI dating: Well done yesterday... Thought it worked well for all... Some interesting idea's... Obviously all agencies have same list but welcomed the opportunity to meet other production houses... Talk soon Gary Daly, Irish International Proximity

Ping Pong Wars

Goodness me, you guys and your amazing party have brought the industry to it's knees this morning. Not an ad will be made today! Seriously though, I'm sorry to have missed it (working in London) but just to say that it's injected a great sense of community into the industry and particularly for a relatively 'new' agency like Huskies, the team were delighted to be involved.

Anna Ryan, In the Company of Huskies

Ping Pong Wars



We launched ADFX 2014 with a seminar on Effectiveness. Les Binet, Head of Effectiveness, Adam & Eve DDB. Alongside April McRedmond, Kerry Foods and John Davey, Diageo

161 people attended

ADFX- rebrand

Re-branded ADFX We designed a new logo and are currently developing a new website which will be launched in January 2014.

Agencies currently taking part

We have developed an 8 Week Masterclass in Planning Effectiveness with former ADFX judge Karen Hand. How does it work? Three key elements to build a paper: the case, the argument & the story. Tailored around specific skills needed & individual ‘live’ client cases. Participant homework: deconstructing winning papers from U.K & Ireland. We also launched The Eff Test in association with the IPA in London

ADFX - Energiser

We held the first in our series of ADFX Energisers. IAPI Energisers are a series of thought provoking talks for IAPI members that run in the months preceding submission of your effectiveness cases. Fidelma Browne, Head of Public Communications at Health Service Executive and Mark Nolan, Head of Planning, Cawley-Nea TBWA, discussed their journey in the writing of their ADFX 2012 Gold winning case study HSE Quit. Next Up: Melissa Furze from O2 and Tom Kinsella Marketing Manager AIB, Nov 28th

IAPI One to Watch

The award was given to Jess Majekodunmi Jess graduated from the IAPI/DIT Advertising & Digital Communications Postgrad 2012

We Need You!

1. Fill in the online Pitch Database. 2. Answer the survey on pitching costs (Dec). 3. Send your staff to IAPI events. 4. Join in committees such as Future Heads & Women in Advertising. 5. Fill in the Census and Salary questionnaire (Summer 2014). 6. Encourage all your clients to enter ADFX. 7. Tell us your training needs and speakers wish list.

Always On! Twitter: @IAPI_updates Website: http://iapi.ie http://iapi.ie/blog b Blog:

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