fo r Financi al Profe s s i on a l s
International Association of Registered Financial Consultants
Synergy for Financial Professionals broadly describes the IARFC Sponsorship Opportunities. There are many ways that we can work together. You and your associates can become General Members, or if qualified, Registered Financial Consultants速. Your organization may have access to our domestic and international members. While the IARFC is far from the largest financial services association, the membership is strong, active, engaged and growing.
Demographics The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants membership is a diverse population of professional financial advisors. More than 80 different broker/dealers and many insurance companies are represented by our members.
Other Parameters 79%
Offer Investment Advisory Services
Offer Life/Health Insurance Annuities
Provide Registered Representative Activity
Offer Fee Based Plans
Offer Mortgage or Real Estate Services
Have not filed any E&O claim in the past 5 years
Have been members longer than 5 years
Membership Age 25%
15% 10%
5% 0%
Assets Under Management Millions
IARFC Financial Plan Competition The IARFC launches the 2013-2014 Financial Plan Competition. Awards bring both public and industry recognition to IARFC members and incoming young professionals.
IARFC 2013-2014 Financial Plan Competition
Financial Plan Competition participation is limited to undergraduate students in financial planning programs at US-based universities. Plans are submitted by a single student, or teams of two or three people. Every plan is based on case data provided by IARFC. Finalist teams present their plans in person. Final judging and award presentation is held live in late spring.
Sponsorship The IARFC Plan Competition is partially supported by corporate and individual sponsorships. Participation as a sponsor for the IARFC Plan Competition is mutually beneficial and allows for various levels of interaction with the students.
“ It is refreshing and encouraging to witness the inheritors of the financial planning industry. All submitted plans showed hard work and the finalists were of outstanding quality and detail. Those who will follow us are informed, intelligent, innovative and industrious.” — veteran financial advisor David Stitt on this past year’s competition.
Benefits • A ll announcements to the financial services media, IARFC members, financial planning educators and the advisor community promote the sponsors. • Sponsors are identified in articles in the IARFC Register magazine. • S ponsors are listed in the Journal of Personal Finance, which is distributed to Registered Financial Consultants, faculty members, libraries and corporate officers. • Sponsor brand gains valuable exposure among all the participating students. • C ontact information for participating students is provided to corporate sponsors for recruiting or image building.
20 13 – 20 14 s Ve ga s — Fi na lis ts C om pe te in La B e P ar t of th e Ju dg in g The IARFC has extended its invitation to students to participate in the 2013-2014 Financial Plan Competition. The finalists and their faculty advisor will enjoy a 3 day, 2 night trip to Las Vegas to present their comprehensive financial plans to a live audience. We invite the IARFC members to join the competition and become part of judging process. Expenses incurred by participating in the judging of the Financial Plan Competition are not the responsibility of the IARFC.
Become a Sponsor Sponsorship levels
Unable to sponsor but interested in mentoring.
Why sponsor the Financial Plan Competition? All of us in any profession have an inherent responsibility to continue the legacies and skills of that profession. To that end, the IARFC Financial Plan Competition, is a way to get handson development of young people by teaching them the skills necessary to provide the services we currently give, to the next generations. I believe that no person ever achieves success without one hand up on the rung above him lifting themselves — and one hand down lifting someone else. Often we don’t have the time to personally go do this. By pooling our assets we can encourage the next generation to do the right things for their clients. Someday I will retire. I have clients who are younger than me and I want someone to look after them as I would have. It’s part of my responsibility to ensure that there are capable people to advise them on their asset requirements for the future. Lester W. Anderson, MBA, RFC® IARFC President
Send more information on Corporate Sponsorship. Interested in judging the Financial Plan Competition. Please print or type information below. Mr.
_________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name _________________________________________________________________ Firm or B/D _________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code ________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________ E-mail
Payment Information: Credit Card
Check made payable to IARFC
___________________________________________ _____________ Credit Card # (Discover, MasterCard, Visa, AmEx) Exp. date ________________________________________________________ Signature
PLEASE MAIL OR FAX THIS COMPLETED FORM TO IARFC International Association of Registered Financial Consultants P.O. Box 42506 Middletown, OH 45042-0506
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Fax: 513.424.5752 Phone: 800.532.9060 Email:
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities Silver $1,000
Register Ads - 2 times, 1/3 page, full color
Register Articles
Journal of Personal Finance Listing
Register Ads
Journal of Personal Finance isting
E-mail Campaigns
Web Banners & Partner Listing
Gold $5,000
CE @ SEA™ - Presentation
Register Articles (Advertorial) - 1 time, 1,000 word maximum
Register Ads - 2 times, 1/3 page, full color
Journal of Personal Finance Listing
E-mail Campaigns - 1 time
Website Banner/Skyscrapper & Partner Listing - Partner Listing only (12 consecutive months)
Sponsor provideds to IARFC (Email Campaigns to thier list 2)
IARFC Membership Amy Primeau Domestic Membership 513.424.6395 x307
Platinum $7,500 Register Articles - 2 times, 1,000 word maximum
Register Ads - 4 times, 1/3 page, full color
Register Ads - 4 times, 1/2 page, full color
Journal of Personal Finance Listing
E-mail Campaigns - 4 times
Web Banners & Partner Listing - Partner Listing & Sky Scrapper (12 consecuturive months)
Sponsorship Program Wendy M. Kennedy Editorial Coordinator 513.424.6395 x308
Main Numbers 800.532.9060 513.424.6395
Diamond $10,000 Register Articles - 4 times, 1,000 words maximum
Register Ads - 4 times, full page, full color
Register Ads - 2-times, inside cover, full page, full color
Journal of Personal Finance Listing - inside cover, company listing
E-mail Campaigns - 6 times
Web Banners & Partner Listing - Partner Listing, Banner Ad (12consecutive months)
International Association of Registered Financial Consultants Financial Planning Building 2507 North Verity Parkway P.O. Box 42506 Middletown, Ohio 45042
Webinar - (2 , 1 hour sessions)
CE @ SEA™ - Presentation (cabin and travel expense not included)
The IARFC is a network of credentialed financial consultants. The IARFC’s mission is to help financial advisors exchange planning techniques, provide education and practice management tools, and give deserved recognition to those practitioners who are truly committed to ethical standards and continuous professional education.
Opportunities The IARFC offers several opportunities to position your company’s name, products and services in front of IARFC members and non-members in our database.
Print The Register and Journal of Personal Finance are direct links to every member. Readers say these publications are the most valuable information they receive, with unparalleled ideas and strategies.
Web Place your company’s banner ad on the IARFC website in the Member Benefits Program section or on the home page of the IARFC website. Electronic Marketing Campaigns choose one of the levels of e-mail marketing to our database. Starting this year we are also offering Sponsored Webinar programs quarterly.
Member Discounts Boost your company’s brand recognition with IARFC Member Discount Program. Target your message to IARFC financial professionals by offering your company’s products and services at a discount through e-mail, web ads and more. The Member Discount Program adds value to IARFC members through a menu of relevant offerings with discounts and incentives. Three value-added participation options are available. The IARFC will tailor a program to suit your needs — or you may choose from our Silver, Platinum and Gold Levels.
Events & Awards Be part of IARFC’s highly respected professional events and awards programs that feature industry leaders and advanced practice management content. Attendees at these events are experienced professionals looking for strategies and products to increase their effectiveness with clients. The Loren Dunton Award Financial Planning Competition CE @ SEA™
CE Workshops: Business Owner Consulting, Branding, Loan Cancellation, etc.
Silver Register Articles
Register Ads
Journal of Personal Finance isting
E-mail Campaigns
Web Banners & Partner Listing
CE @ SEA™ - Presentation
Taking advantage of Synergy for Financial Professionals opportunities with the IARFC is an excellent way to increase brand recognition while supporting the IARFC’s mission. The IARFC is eager to work with companies, either through existing IARFC programs or offers tailored to your company’s needs. Review the detailed elements of the IARFC business partnership inside.
Contacts: IARFC Membership Amy Primeau Domestic Membership 513.424.6395 x307
Sponsorship Program Wendy Kennedy 513.424.6395 x308
Main Numbers 800.532.9060 513.424.6395
International Association of Registered Financial Consultants Financial Planning Building 2507 North Verity Parkway P.O. Box 42506 Middletown, Ohio 45042