American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences
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Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industrial Robots in a Large Industry Using Mobile Device Khalid Masaud Saleh Al-Maadi1 and Dr. M.S.Saleem Basha2 Post Graduate Student, Mazoon University College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. 2 Assistant Professor, Mazoon University College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Abstract: The recent era is the technologies era and the technologies are always growing up. The improvement of the technologies make the life of the world much easier. There are a lot of technologies are invented nowadays in different areas such as: health area, mobile area, vehicle area and other areas. Although there are many technologies invented in different areas but a few of technologies developed in the domain of robotics. The improvement of technologies in the robotics area also is very necessary in the human life as it is one of the daily bases item used by them. One of the important points in the current system that the controlling of robots nowadays are using manually system which mean in order to control any robot it is required to click on the switch button manually. The user can switch button from ON to OFF or reverse. Therefore, the current system of controlling the robot is very complex for setback people, old person, people who have big offices or big place and other people who are finding difficulty to control the robot in their place because of some own reasons. Regardless of people who find difficulty to control the robot, the improvement of the controlling the robot from manual system to automated system is very important to make the life much easier in controlling the robots. The proposed system is about improving controlling of robots system using mobile application system. This project aims to create or implement a new mobile system which allow the users to control the robots. Thus, the proposed system is about implementing a new system called “ReMoCo". Keywords: Robots, Mobile Control. I. INTRODUCTION One of the important points and main issues in the current system that the controlling of robots nowadays are using manually system which mean in order to control any robot it is required to click on the switch button manually. The user can switch button from ON to OFF or reverse. Therefore, the current system of controlling the robot is very complex for setback people, old person, people who have big offices or big place and other people who are finding difficulty to control the robot in their place because of some own reasons. Regardless of people who find difficulty to control the robot, the improvement of the controlling the robots from manual system to automated system is very important to make the life much easier in controlling the robots. There are many issues and problems facing by the users in the current system for controlling any robot as showing below: In the current system the controlling of the robots is done manually by clicking on the switching button (ON/OFF). So there is no system which allow the user to manage or control the robots. In the current system, the user will also not has ability to check the status of each robots. The user need to go and check room by room manually. So the current system for checking the status are also very difficult and time consuming. There is no system which allow the user to check all status of the robots at the other building and somewhere in a large factories on the go. The proposed system that has suggested a software that can be installed in any kinds of remote devices and this software must has an ability to communicate with server to automate and control the functionality of activating/deactivating the robots. Each company will has only 1 server and the user can manage more than a company using the remote devices. The suggested software must be user friendly which allow the user to select certain device and update the robot status. The proposal also suggests maintaining database in order to store the main transactions done by the users. II PROPOSED SYSTEM Client and server model is the best model for developing the suggested system which it is controlling the robots via remote devices. In client server model, “The server application waits passively for contact, while a client application initiates communication actively” [1]. The new system should consists of the three elements AIJRFANS 15-446; © 2015, AIJRFANS All Rights Reserved
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which are: client, server and sensors. Server: Each Company will has one centralized server. This server should has database connection. Client: The client will be remote device and the remote device will be connected to the server. The connection the smart device will be socket connection. Sensor: Each robot socket will has unique sensor and these sensors are connected to the server. The below figure show the architecture of the new system and how does it work:
Figure 1: Proposed System Architecture Algorithm: Step A: The Application should be installed in remote device and the user must login to the application in order to establish the connection with the server. Once the user login, the remote device will start establish the connection to the server using Socket technology. Step B - C: The remote device will start establishing the connection with the server using TCP/IP Socket. TCP/IP Sockets is technology to make communication (sending and receiving data) between two different computers on a LAN or over Internet using IP address [2]. Step D: If the connection is established successfully, then the server will response to the client that the connection successful made. Otherwise the response to the client will be as failed. Step E: Once the connection made, the user can control the robots by selecting the sensor ID (Switch Socket No) and updating the status. Step F: The update will send to the server and the server will call the specific sensor (specific socket) and update the status. Step G - H: Once the status updated, the sensor will response to the server about the status and the server will update the database. III IMPLEMENTATION For the implementation it is suggested to develop the proposed system using four development tools which are: Visual Studio 2005, LabVIEW, Windows Mobile and Microsoft SQL Server. The client side will be developed using Windows Mobile Application (VB.NET) in Visual Studio and the server side will be developed using Windows Form Application (Vb.NET). The LabVIEW will be used to developing sensors and robots sensors. LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) and it is a programming environment created by National Instruments and it is used for industrial automation, instrument control, and data acquisition [3]. So it will be used for developing robots and sensors part. The Windows Mobile (WM) will be used to allow the Windows Mobile Application to connect with the server using TCP/IP Socket. Microsoft SQL Server will be used to store the maintained data by the user. Now a days the mobile with any operating system are highly functional and flexible platform to install or to control and connect with any device including robots as well. The main benefits of such mobile device is, it gives facilities to monitor or control the robots in an unstructured and complicated situation. The mobile companies and the other related companies are conducting sky scraping research to develop new ways of communication [4]. The below is the flow chat show how the implementation of the new is work: The robots were then connected to the Bluetooth server application and the Android application was started. This demonstration showed the case in which a user could switch between robots running different programs quickly and send those robot commands. Both commands executed very well on both simulations[5]. In this paper it has been demonstrated the control of robots using WIFI or any other data connection for SMS.The below figure is showing the WM application and it is developed by Visual Studio using VB.NET language. The client application is consist of 6 forms which are: login, main menu form, manage company details, manage robot socket details, update robot status and history.
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First the user needs to login into application and manage company and robot details. Manage company details form is to allow the user to add company details using details of the server such as: IP address and port. It could be the user may have more than company so the user can add server details (company details) in the system. Manage robot Details is to allow the user to add robot sensor. The user needs to define each socket. For instance: socket number 1 is the entrance switch of the company, socket number 2 is the family hall fans, etc. The user can assign the socket to villa with unique number. Update robot details is to allow the user to update the robot details by selecting port number , company number and the status to be updated (ON/OFF). Once the user entering the details, the user need to click on send button, Once the button is clicked, the client will send request to the server in order to update the status. The below figure shows that the user request send successfully to the server and socket port number 1 has switched from OFF to ON successfully. The below figure is the front panel and block diagram of the LabVIEW implementation.
Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture
Figure 3: Proposed System Implementation in WM – Login and Main Menu Form AIJRFANS 15-446; © 2015, AIJRFANS All Rights Reserved
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Figure 4: Proposed System Implementation in WM – Manage Company Form
Figure 5: Proposed System Implementation in WM – Manage Robot Form
Figure 6: Proposed System Implementation in WM – Update RobotStatus
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Figure 7: Proposed System Implementation in LabVIEW (Front Panel)
Figure 8: Proposed System Implementation in LabVIEW (Block Diagram 1)
Figure 9: Proposed System Implementation in LabVIEW (Block Diagram 2)
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Figure 10: Proposed System Implementation in LabVIEW (Block Diagram 2)
Figure 11: Proposed System Implementation in LabVIEW (Block Diagram 3) VII CONCLUSION The first controller implemented to test the S-Functions developed, follows the research done by Kanayama, in which a stable control rule is found using a Lyapunov function. The analysis for the final derivation of such a controller can be found on the literature referenced in [7]. T. Maria Jenifer et. al. has proposed a application that communicates with the robot through the Bluetooth[6] connectivity, but this system of controlling is a shot range communication. Instead to widen the range we have proposed to use wifi or any other means of data connections. To develop the suggested ideas a prototype has been developed. It has been successfully developed a new system which allow the user to control the robots. For establish this goal Client-Server technology has been used. The server-side application was developed in Console application using VB.NET language. The client-side application developed in Windows Mobile Application using VB.NET and it is responsible for allowing the user to connect to the server and control the robots. The client establish the connection with the server, send the request to the server and receive the response from the server. VIII
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Juma Saleh Al-Ghailani, Managing Director, Dr. Jamal Dawood Salman, Dean, Dr. Nassir Ahmed Khan, Head-Quality Assurance Department of Mazoon College, Muscat for having provided the opportunity to carry out this article. We deem it a great privilege to offer our sincere thanks to the Research and Development Center, Mazoon College, Muscat for their constant encouragement and support. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Development Of A Wireless Device Control Based Mobile Robot Navigation System Phey Sia Kwek, Zhan Wei Siew, Chen How Wong,, Bih Lii Chua, Kenneth Tze Kin Teo.IEEE 2012/ A Bluetooth-based Architecture for Android Communication with an Articulated Robot- Sebastian van Delden and Andrew Whigham, IEEE2013/ Mobile Robot Temperature Monitoring System Controlled by Android Application via Bluetooth T. Maria Jenifer, T. S. Vasumathi Priyadharshini, Raja Lavanya & S. Raj Pandian,IJACTE 2013/ Kanayama Y, et al. ”A Stable Tracking Control Method for a Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot” in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Workshop Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1991, pp. 1236–1241.
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