1 minute read
1.1 Project Partners
by iatefl
Project overview
The PRELIM project is a unique initiative, supporting the development of over 3,000 English language teachers across the world. Supported by English UK, the British Council and IATEFL, 17 UK Language Institutes worked in partnerships with 20 English Teacher Associations (ETAs) in ODA countries to deliver tailor-made online courses seeking to raise teachers’ confidence in the English language classroom.
1.1 Project partners
Main project partners
Project Management British Council, International Association Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), English UK
Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE)
South Asia Country Projects
Sub-Saharan Africa India
Cote D’Ivoire English Language Teachers Association of Afghanistan (ELTAA) The University of Sheffield, English Language Teaching Centre, UK (Sheffield)
Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) New College Group, UK (NCG)
Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT) Oxford International Education Group – EFL, UK (OIEG)
Association of English Teachers (AINET) International House London, UK (IH London)
Cameroon Bilingual Teachers Association (CABITA) CELT Centre for English Language Teaching, Cardiff, UK (CELT)
Cote d’Ivoire Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (CINELTA) International House London, UK (IH London)
Wider Europe/ Central Asia Guinea Bissau
Uzbekistan English Language Teaching Association – Guinea Bissau (ELTAGB) Inlingua, Cheltenham, UK (Inlingua)
Language Teachers Association of Zambia (LATAZ) Celtic English Academy, UK (Celtic)
English Teachers’ Association of Georgia (ETAG) Languages United Ltd, UK (Languages Utd)
English Language Teachers’ Association, Serbia (ELTA Serbia) Bell Educational Services Ltd, UK (Bell)
Uzbekistan Teachers of English Association (UzTEA) Centre for English Studies, UK (CES)