Day of Languages 2015

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European Day of Languages 2015 POZABLJENE ZAKLADNICE BESED


Osnovna šola Col LOVE NEVER AGES Osnovna šola Miroslava Vilharja Postojna Ljubezen Pet prijateljev Razbito okno Prijatelji V dolini tihi Potovanje Njeno življenje Junaki Dan ljubezni Ples Sanje Vikingi in Nodi Žurka Uhu, stric Batman Prisluhnimo tišini Cirkus besed Rešitelj Zmešnjava besed Telebajski Maša in Tjaša Bežanje Zabava Rojstni dan Hribi Počitnice Osnovna šola Poljane nad Škofjo Loko Bloody History of a Love Story HIDDEN BOOK TREASURE MESS IN MY ROOM Osnovna šola Prevole Two friends, one girl Osnovna šola Slivnica pri Celju DON’T TRUST THE ENEMY! BEST FRIENDS UNUSUAL FAIRY TALE ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN’T GOLD LOVE IS BLIND MAGICAL POWERS PRINCE ON A WHITE HORSE DON’T RISK IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO THE SUPER STORY THE DUAL PROBLEM THE BALL IN FROG’S HANDS 2

THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT Osnovna šola Gustava Šiliha Velenje Osnova šola Žiri Kidnapped Chicken Licken Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava DANCE AND LOVE WEIRD MORNING CHRISTMAS DAY It felt like a hundred years ago. Nothing is ever quite true. Tyler asks, is this a problem for me? No, I say, it’s fine. And he laughs. Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava ­ MADŽARSKI JEZIK Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava ­ ŠPANSKI JEZIK Un día aburrido de Pepe Un loco al teléfono Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča­L0JABBIv92XQpMiAiUT4IWPw3bjK h732UEfo/edit#slide=id.p3 Srednja zdravstvena šola Murska Sobota REMEMBERING SARAH Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) OKUS SVOBODE ZMENEK IZGUBLJENI RAJ LJUBEZENSKI PROBLEM Gimnazija Murska Sobota ME as a poet


Osnovna šola Col English 1, 2, 3, 4 Open the door! Let's look in! This way! Start with English. In English, please! We learn English: Crosstalk, Brush up time. Reach out Breakthrough. Now you're talking! Marjetka Puc, 6. r. Bibliografija Downman, L., (1966). Let's look in. Stockholm: ​ Almqvist & Wiksell. Berglund, I., (1973). Open the door: engelska för fackskolan. Falkenberg, Sweden. Berglund, I., (1974). Reach out. Falkenberg, Sweden. Malmström, ( 1975). Now you're talking. Nacka, Esselte studium, Sweden. Brozović, B., Gerčan, O., (1976). We learn English. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. Walker, M., Mellgren, L., (1977). This Way.​ Kbh.: Grafisk, Sverige Webster, M, Castanon, L. (1980). Crosstalk. ​ Oxford: Oxford University Press. Howe, D. H., (1981). Start with English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Brozović, B., Gerčan, O., Zorić, V. (1986). In English, please. Zagreb: Školska knjiga. Knight, M. (1969). Brush­up Time. Sveriges radio. Richards, J. C., Long, M. N. (1984). Breakthrough: a course in English communication practice. Oxford: ​ Oxford University Press. English 1 /2, 3, 4/, ​ Kos, M., Pilgram, (1982). English: Angleški učbenik za 5. razred osnovne šole. Maribor: Obzorja. 4

LOVE NEVER AGES Our story begins at Morgat, a little town on the coast of France. Day came. And when the west wind with its sweet breath has given life in every wood and when small birds are making melodies, we were lost in a world of water. We shall be broken to pieces on those rocks! Then there was a crash! A great blackness came over me. All the voices on earth could not have wakened me. It was a dream, a vision. »I'm Mary,« said the girl. She was pretty with fair hair and blue eyes. »Shall I get better, Nurse?« »Of course, you must keep quiet and rest.« »I need someone who will take care of me, and I love you. Will you marry me, my dear?« »What about your work?« she said softly. »I shall work better if I have a wife to help me. And I live a life of ease and happiness.« »I'm not one to rebel against you wishes. Sir, I will be your humble wife.« «Mine is real love, love of a human being.« There was silence. And he loved and served her so devotedly that between those two was never spoken a jealous word, nor so much as a cross one. That is my story. I think it must be true. Well, even if it is not true, there is nothing bad in it. And it would be better if many of the true stories were not true. Who does not believe this, is a brute beast. Bibliografija Toudouze, G. (1953). King of the Undersea City. London: Longmans, Green and Co LTD. Thornley, N., Thornley, G. C. (1958). Claire's wish. London: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd. Paltock, R. (1960). Peter Wilkins. London: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd. /Peter Wilkins combines the elemnets of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels and the Arabian Nights./ Chaucer, G., (1985). The Canterbury Tales. Oxford: ​ Oxford University Press. Maruša Leskovic, 9. r., OŠ Col 5

Osnovna šola Miroslava Vilharja Postojna Ljubezen

Nodi ​ je do ušes zaljubljen v ​ Piko Nogavičko​ . Popila sta ​ Usodno vino​ . Nodi ji je kupil Železni prstan​ . ​ Grof Drakula ju je poročil v ​ Hotelu Transilvanija​ . Za poročno potovanje sta šla ​ Gor čez Izaro​ . V ​ Pekarni Mišmaš ​ sta naročila poročno torto. Slavje sta nadaljevala ​ Na skrivnostnem ranču​ in zdaj sta noro zaljubljena. Iza Vidmar in Metka Črnugelj, 7. b Pet prijateljev

Raziskovalka Dora je ​ Pet prijateljev peljala v ​ Planico​ . Tam jih je pričakala ​ Princeska z napako​ . Prijela je mikrofon in zapela ​ Ne grem na kolena​ . Vsi so jo poslušali z veliki ušesi, kar naenkrat pa je začela izvajati ​ Božičkov pokol​ . Ker se je je ​ Franček prestrašil, je prišel ​ Kuža Pazi​ in zalajal ​ na Princesko z napako​ . Lea Mekina, 7. A & Teja Šabec, 7. b Razbito okno

Grozni Gašper je pridirjal in tako zakričal, da so popokala vsa okna. Na pomoč je priskočila ​ Babica v supergah in nato še ​ Gasilec Samo​ . Potem so zapeli ​ Oj, kozarček moj​ , medtem ko je ​ Kuža Pazi​ čuval hišo. Vse skupaj je bilo ​ Kot v filmu​ . Gaber Kobal, 7. b


Pet prijateljev je v ​ Druščini 6. B​ . Tam je ​ Nekdo kot jaz​ . Nekdo izmed njih se imenuje Leon​ . V ​ Druščini 6. B je tudi ​ Lola​ , ki bere knjigo ​ Flora, preprosto magično​ . ​ Pastirci se sprehajajo po travniku s ​ Kekcem​ in pojejo ​ Kuža Pazi​ . Nato pridejo ​ Trije prašički​ . Flora Kavčič, 7. c


V dolini tihi

V dolini tihi​ niso živeli samo menihi, saj tam je živel ​ Harry Potter​ , ki ni bil ​ Gašperjev​ foter. Pepelka​ je bila iz pepela, saj nikoli nič ni vzela. Neža Novak, 7. c Potovanje

Sulejman Veličastni je povabil ​ Slončico Elo z ​ Motorji ​ na ​ Skrivnostni ranč​ . Tam sta s Petimi prijatelji​ , ​ Petrom Panom​ , ​ Pujso Pepo in ​ Palčico spila vino iz ​ Ene žlahtne štorije​ . Peter Pan jih je ponesel še v ​ Ledeno kraljestvo​ , kjer sta jih pričakala ​ Franček in ​ Nodi​ . Na koncu so šli še ​ Gor čez Izaro​ v ​ Hotel 13​ . Anja Čeč in Kaja Boškovič, 7. c Njeno življenje

Janko in Metka sta živela v hiši. Prišel je ​ Harry Potter ter nahranil ​ Volka in sedem kozličkov​ . Šel je v mesto in od tam prinesel ​ Bum bum čigum​ . Urban Novak, 7. b Junaki Harry Potter​ je poletel v zrak in v roki držal ​ Sekiro odrešitve​ . Zakričal je: ​ Ni me strah! Marko​ (ki) ​ skače​ , je priskakal k ​ Železni peči​ , se pogrel in zapel ​ Srečo na vrvici​ . Mimo sta prijahala ​ Pika Nogavička​ in ​ Robinson Crusoe​ . Lucija Posega, 7. c


Dan ljubezni

Pujsa P​ epa in ​ Maček Muri sta na ​ Dan ljubezni odšla v ​ Jurski park​ . Na klopi sta začela brati ​ Vampirski dnevnik​ . Mimo je prišla čarovnica. Rekla jima je, da bosta imela ​ Peklenske počitnice​ . Ko sta sedela v parku, je ​ Luna zasijala na obalo in začela sta peti ​ Ružo crveno​ . Lea Mekina, 7. a & Teja Šabec, 7. b Ples

Ko se zmrači, ​ Ronja, razbojniška hči​ , pride na ​ Gosji ples​ . Vidi ​ Pepelko​ , ki poje ​ Here for you​ . ​ Kuža Pazi​ ​ Sekiro rešitve​ . Ronja pride domov in prebere ​ Princeskin dnevnik​ . Teja Vilhar, 7. c Sanje

Janko in Metka​ ​ Na kolesu​ pomagata ​ Groznemu Gašperju​ ​ Out of the Silent Planet​ . Aljaž Kaluža, 7. c Vikingi​ in ​ Nodi

Vikingi in ​ Nodi rečejo: ​ Gremo mi po svoje​ . Hodijo po ​ Sobi 102 in Nodi si reče: Slonček Benjamin​ je ​ Čarovnik iz Oza​ . Serena Cej, 7. b Žurka

Rori je ​ Rdečo Kapico odpeljal na koncert skupine ACDC., kjer je ​ Harry Potter izvajal akrobacije z letečo melo. Tam sta bila skupaj ​ Pika Nogavička in ​ Grozni Gašper​ , saj sta bila zaljubljena do ušes. Zabavali so se kot ​ Lolek in Bolek​ . Tine Vidmar, 7. a


Uhu, stric ​ Batman

Kuža Pazi, Marko skače​ ! Sneguljčico​ lovita ​ Tom in Jerry​ .

Skender Ismaili, 7. c

Prisluhnimo tišini

O, ​ Martin Krpan​ , Pegam in Lambergar​ , Pepelka​ se je spopadala s ​ Smrkci in na koncu jih je vzel ​ Grozni Gašper​ .

Sebastian Luzar Lazar, 7. b

Cirkus besed

Pepelka​ je zaljubljena v ​ Harryja Potterja​ . Sneguljčica​ in ​ Pepelka​ se družita s ​ Porednimi puncami​ , Trapaste blondinke​ berejo ​ Spričevalo​ .

Lara Đakovič, 7. b


Harry Potter ​ in Pet prijateljev ​ so rekli​ : Ni me strah, ​ saj nas ​ Kuža Pazi​ . ​ Robinson Crusoe​ in ​ Peter Pan​ sta prišla s ​ Sekiro odrešitve​ . Lina Vončina, 7. c Zmešnjava besed

Kuža Pazi čuva ​ Lolo​ . ​ Kosobrin se gre ​ Iskanje Eve​ . ​ Harry Potter je prijatelj z ​ Mašo in Tjašo​ . ​ Sneguljčica in sedem palčkov​ berejo ​ Spričevalo​ . Jovana Mitrovič, 7. c



so dobili ​ Spričevalo 1. Mamo so oblile ​ Solzice​ , oče pa je rekel, da ​ Košarkar naj bo​ , in začelo se je ​ Iskanje Eve​ . Jaka Dekleva, 7. c Maša in Tjaša

Trapaste blondinke​ , Daša, Maša in Tjaša, so ​ Poredne punce​ . Na ​ Peklenske počitnice​ gredo, tam ​ Zlati zob​ dobile bodo.

Anja Bizjak Lederer, 7. c


Tik tak tok je bilo slišati bitje srca ​ Treh prašičkov​ , ko jih je lovil volk. Vsak je ​ Šel po svoje​ . Najstarejši je zagledal hišo in vstopil. Notri je zagledal ​ Hello Kitty in ​ Piko Nogavičko​ . Tajda Zrimšek, 7. b Zabava

Druščina 6. B razreda​ je bila v ​ Hiši strahov​ . Poslušali so ACDC in brali ​ Grajski strah​ . Maks Suša, 7. b Sneguljčica je palčkom brala ​ Flora, preprosto magično​ , ko je kar naenkrat skozi vrata na metli pridirjal ​ Harry Potter​ . Takoj nato je prišel ​ Gasilec Samo in odpravil nered. Laura Žmak, 7. b


Rojstni dan

Lola in ​ Trnuljčica sta v ​ Sobi 102​ . Pridruži se jima še ​ Harry Potter in skupaj praznujejo ​ Rojstni dan​ . Kaja Nikolić, 7. b Hribi

Greva gor v hribe​ , Rdeča Kapica​ , poslušat ACDC. Pod svobodnim soncem​ sta prišla ​ Lolek in Bolek​ in vprašala: Kam so šli vsi cigani? Črt Gombač, 7. b Počitnice

Spet so počitnice in vsi nekaj počnejo. ​ Tri sestre se lovijo po družinskem labirintu in princeska spet ​ piše ​ svoj ​ dnevnik​ . Mama in oče zopet ​ iščeta Evo in ​ Grozni Gašper spet nagaja Petru. ​ Kekec pa kot vedno živi ​ Življenje kot v filmu in si prepeva. Mislim, da se mu bom pridružila tudi jaz. Eva Todorov, 7. b

Osnovna šola Poljane nad Škofjo Loko

Bloody History of a Love Story One lonely day Mr Dracula met Mary and her basket. They fell in love. They hoped that this story will be written on 100% recycled paper. The next day they flew away home in the castle in Transilvania. They ate a lot of garlic. But Mr Dracula forgot that garlic was bad for him. Mary wanted to kiss him BUT HE HAD SUCH BAD BREATH because of the garlic he ate that she couldn't do it, but then Shia Leboeuf appeared and shouted: »Nothing is impossible, so just do it! Make your dreams come true!!!« So Mary did it. And they both died. Nejc Jereb, Nejc Marolt in Anže Podrekar, 8. razred


(the book titile which were used: Love Story, Bloody History, Dracula, Fly away home) HIDDEN BOOK TREASURE Fly away home and run for your life, because you are changing their skies. The love story in the ghost house between two worlds. Ben's amazing birthday down the river with the girl on a motorcycle. The lazy farmer got the white oryx on the treasure island. Who wants to be a star in the Barcelona game with the slave boy of Pompeii? Erika Kos and Nika Guzelj – 8.b (All of the verses are book titles of our abridged readers in the school library.)


MESS IN MY ROOM When I got home, the house by the sea, the magic garden, black beauty horse. I went up to my room, I see the big boom!!! But how are you going to get down the stairs? I'm falling for you. Kill the sister, kill her. I will never do that, mother said. But why?, mother asks. Because she made a mess in my room. I ran down the stairs and I broke my leg. Tadej Habjan, Marcel Stržinar, Jaka Košir – 8.a (​ The poem was composed with the help from the following books: Freckles, The house by the sea, The magic garden, Black beauty, Falling for you, Vilenica)


Osnovna šola Prevole Two friends, one girl

It was a beautiful evening and Zorro was under Cinderella’s window playing on a beautiful guitar. Cinderella paid no attention to him, because she didn't know any English. But she yelled "te amo me amore". Cinderella slammed the window and Zorro went home disappointed. When he came home, he called his friend, ​ Ö​ tzi, the Iceman. He was invited for a chat to the Blue Cat Club. There Zorro told his story about Cinderella and the Mummy translated the Cinderella’s words. That moment Cinderella came to the club. Zorro was surprised and introduced Cinderella to the Mummy. Then the Mummy was immediately in love with her, but Cinderella paid no attention to him. She ran away home. At home there was a surprise. In the room on the bed she saw the magic cooking pot, which her deceased mother left to her. Next to it there was a letter saying: "My dear little girl! I am going to leave this pot for you. I think now it is the right moment that you use it". Cinderella trashed it and went to bed. In the morning the Mummy and Zorro came. They started to quarrel. Cinderella looked away, burst out laughing and went to the magic jar. There a beautiful prince was waiting for her. They feel in love and soon they got married. Also Zorro and the Mummy found their true love... Rebeka Lidija Muhič, Polona Breceljnik, Nika Blatnik, Urška Turk, 7. razred Books that we used: Cinderella, The Mummy, The Magic Cooking Pot, The Blue Cat Club, Zorro

Osnovna šola Slivnica pri Celju DON’T TRUST THE ENEMY! A long, long time ago, there lived Little Red Riding Hood. She had an older brother named ​ Pinocchio. Pinocchio had a lovely wife. They got married about two years ago. His wife’s name was Sleeping Beauty. They had three kids. The oldest one’s


name was The Frog Prince, the middle kid’s name was The Beast and the third kid’s name was … Snow White. Snow White was the prettiest of them all. She also had a magic mirror. She often said to the mirror: “Mirror, mirror in my hand, who’s the prettiest girl in this world?” And the mirror used to answer: “You are, Snow White. There’s no one prettier than you.” Then one day the mirror fell down onto the ground and it broke. She cried and cried, but she was only heard by Maleficent. Maleficent said that she could help her … and poor Snow White couldn’t resist her offer. Just as she was about to say yes to the offer, Pinocchio came and stopped them. He lied and lied and lied … so his nose grew really big. He punched Maleficent and expelled her forever and beyond. Years ago he did the same thing to Evil Queen, Jaffar and Cruella De Vil and he sent them away on a faraway island. However, Pinocchio didn’t know that Maleficent stole the Descendants spell. Now all the evil characters have descendants. Maleficent named her daughter Maleficent Junior Longer for Mal, Evil Queen named her daughter Evie, Jaffar named his son Jay and Cruella De Vil named her son Carlos. Now they’re making a plan to escape from the island. Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prince, The Beast and Snow White have no idea what is going on on the island. They are living a happy life. At least for now. Sara Žafran, 7. a BEST FRIENDS

The wolf and the seven little goats were best friends. One day the wolf gets a fever. The little goats call the doctor named Rapunzel. Doctor Rapunzel said that the wolf has a fever called Cinderella. The little goats were very worried. The wolf’s mother the Golden Goose and his father Pinocchio were very sad. They cried for three days. Then after three days the wolf got better. Everybody was happy. The wolf and the seven little goats can now play together again. Žan Debelec, 7. a


UNUSUAL FAIRY TALE “Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who had always wanted a child. And one day their wish was granted” (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 44). A beautiful girl was born – she was so beautiful that the sun was shining only for her. ​ “On her fifteenth birthday the princess pricked her finger and fell down dead” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 173). But she wasn’t really dead – she was only sleeping until a prince found her. ​ “Just as his lips touched hers, she opened her eyes and awoke, and gazed at him tenderly” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 181). When she looked at him she said: ​ “My prince, you have broken the spell and now I am free”​ (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 12). They walked through the whole world until the girl was 18 years old. Then the prince asked her to marry him. They were both royal lineage but they didn’t know. The prince decided to ask her father if he could marry her but when he came to “the house”, he saw that it was a real castle. The prince came in and asked: “Can I get your daughter’s hand?” And her father answered: ​ “Find me a boat which can sail on land and sea and you shall have my daughter's hand” (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 41). The prince went looking for the boat and after one year he eventually found it. But because this took so long, he almost forgot his princess. ​ “All around the castle wild rosebushes began to grow, and every year the thicket grew taller and thornier” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 178). When he finally came back, he went straight to the princess and asked her: ​ “Youngest princess, let me in. Have you forgotten what you promised me by the water of cool, cool spring? Youngest princess, let me in.” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 25). The princess stood in front of the mirror and said: ​ ““Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” The mirror answered: “Your majesty is the most beautiful here, but the young queen's beauty shines a thousand times more clear”” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 199). When she heard that she was very angry. But the prince calmed her down and said: ​ “We shall find our way home in the end!” ​ (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 28). The king was happy the boat was just like the one he wanted, and so he let the prince marry his daughter. And when they were standing in front of the altar, the prince said: “Never fear!” And she said: “When I’m with you NEVER!” Of course they lived happily and had a child which was very beautiful. Nelly Zupanc, 7. a REFERENCES ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ Grimm's Fairy Tales​ . London: Cathay Books Limited, 1985.


● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm​ . Köln: Taschen, 2011. ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN’T GOLD

Rapunzel and Snow White were sisters and they lived on a farm with their mum Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel didn’t want to work, she only enjoyed looking herself in the mirror. She was lazy and she wanted to get married to a prince on a white horse. Her sister Snow White, on the other hand, was much different. She used to work every minute and she was a very good girl. One day Sleeping Beauty said to Rapunzel: “If you keep on looking in the mirror, you won’t be happy. One day a devil will come and he will take you away.” “Hahaha, mum, what are you talking about? You’re not young anymore. I think you have to see the doctor,” said Rapunzel. After one year Sleeping Beauty died. After they buried their mum, Rapunzel went straight to her mirror, looked into it, and there she saw the handsome Prince Charming on the white horse. He said to her: “Come into the mirror, we can get married and live happily ever after.” Rapunzel did not hesitate for a second – she stepped into the mirror right away. But just as she entered the new world, Prince Charming changed into Rumpelstiltskin. Now, he was ugly and looked like a real devil. Rapunzel was scared but she couldn’t do anything. He tied her hands and took her to an ugly castle. From now on, Rapunzel’s life changed completely – she had to work all days and lived very badly here. She was very sorry because her mum had warned her, but she didn’t take her seriously. It was too late for her now and she never returned home again. And her sister Snow White? Well, all the hard work eventually pays off. She lived happily and got married to a nice husband. Ana Skale, 8. a

LOVE IS BLIND It was a beautiful day. Rapunzel went on a date with her boyfriend Rumpelstiltskin. He was small, fat and rich. He lived in a big castle near the river, lake and forest. His mum was the queen named Sleeping Beauty. She lived in the kingdom called Goodhell. She was very ugly, small, fat and evil, and she didn’t want Rumpelstiltskin 17

to love Rapunzel. She thought Rapunzel was ugly, and she wanted Rumpelstiltskin to fall in love with Snow White. In her opinion, Snow White was very beautiful and perfect for her only son. However, Rumpelstiltskin didn’t share his mum’s opinion, and he didn’t like Snow White at all! One day Sleeping Beauty called Snow White, the magician Hansel, and witch Gretel in her castle. They went to a dark room and sat down on the chairs. Sleeping Beauty said: “Today Rumpelstiltskin has a date with Rapunzel. We must find a way to prevent this love. Any ideas?” “I have it,” said Hansel. “We can cut Rapunzel’s hair so that she will turn ugly, and then we will take her to prison.” “That is a good idea but mine is even better,” said Gretel. “We can make a special poison which will make her look ugly.” “Yes, that’s a splendid idea!” said Sleeping Beauty. “First we will cut her hair and then Gretel will give her the poison and say that this is a special potion for long hair. She will drink it and become ugly. Then we will take her to prison, and my son will get a good and beautiful wife.” So they all went to the castle called Beautylove, where Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin were on a date. When they entered the castle, they saw only Rapunzel because Rumpelstiltskin went for a drink into another room. Then Hansel secretly cut Rapunzel’s hair and Gretel gave her the poison. She became as ugly as a toad. But Rumpelstiltskin saw what they did to his girlfriend, and quickly ran towards her. He grabbed her and took her away to the 12 mountains. There they lived happily and he didn’t care if she was ugly. She liked her just the way she was. Sleeping Beauty was very angry and died after three months. Snow White found a new love – the magician Hansel. And the witch Gretel opened a school for magicians. Maybe they all live happily today. Who knows? Ana Skale, 8. a MAGICAL POWERS A long time ago there was a castle. And in that castle lived the frog prince named Rapunzel. But Rapunzel wasn’t a normal frog! It was a magic frog! Rapunzel could do all kinds of magic things like turning people into frogs, and turning frogs into people … But Rapunzel had a problem. He accidentally turned himself into a frog, and couldn’t change himself back into a man – the prince. So he started getting worried. He asked the Golden Goose to help him, but she was out of power too. He needed another plan! He went to the library so he could find some useful things there in order to change himself back into a man. He read some very old books and realised that Rumpelstiltskin could change him into a man. He went to Little Red Riding Hood to ask her for a favour. He asked her to find Rumpelstiltskin and bring 18

him to him. Little Red Riding Hood understood him and after two months she brought Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpelstiltskin changed Rapunzel back to a prince and everybody lived happily ever after! Benjamin Lipnik, 8. a PRINCE ON A WHITE HORSE “​ Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who had always wanted a child, and one day their wish was granted.​ ” ​ (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985: 44) The child’s name was Ariel. She was a very happy child. When she was eight years old, her parents died in the car crash. Ariel was very sad. She was crying all the time. She moved to her grandmother. Years later Ariel grew up into a beautiful girl. She was in love with a boy. His name was Louis. When Ariel went to high school, she always had a lot of homework. Someday when she was doing her homework, she fell asleep. She woke up in Wonderland. She was frightened and she started crying. The frog heard her and came to her. “​ Stay calm, and dry your tears,​ ” ​ the frog said. (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 22) “Where am I,” Ariel asked. “You are in Wonderland. Now come here, you need to meet someone. You have to meet my best friend, his name is Hansel. He has a sister. Her name is Gretel. But they are caught in the house of an old lady. The old lady is very creepy – she wants to eat Hansel. But Hansel is smart. ​ Every morning the old lady crept to the pen and cried, “Hansel, stick your finger out so I can feel if you are fattening up!” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 68) Be very careful what you are doing. Be quiet.” Ariel was scared and she couldn’t move. The frog tried to encourage her: “Come on, Ariel. Let’s go. Wait! Look! There is Her Majesty and she is just talking to the mirror.” “​ Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all?​ ” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 199), Her Majesty was heard. The frog warned Ariel to be quiet because Her Majesty could kill Ariel with her eyes. Ariel didn’t understand what the frog was saying, and the frog didn’t have time to explain for his boss called him. Ariel was alone again. She didn’t know what to do. Then she saw a spider and screamed very loudly. Her Majesty saw her and came to her. Her Majesty had an apple in her hand. She gave it to Ariel and said: “Take this apple and you will feel much better.” Ariel had one bite of this seemingly delicious apple and suddenly she woke up. ​ “Just as his lips touched hers, she opened her eyes and awoke, and gazed at him tenderly.” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 181) Ariel was thrilled, because Louis has just kissed her.


A few years later Ariel and Louis went to prom together. When they were 26, they got married. And now they have a beautiful family. Ariel can really say that she met her prince on a white horse in Wonderland. Brina Gorza, 8. a

(­and­prince­eric.jpg) REFERENCES ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ Grimm's Fairy Tales​ . London: Cathay Books Limited, 1985. ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm​ . Köln: Taschen, 2011. DON’T RISK IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO There were three children in the family. They lived in a small village on a farm. The first child was big, the second one was beautiful and the third one was small and frightened. One sunny afternoon – when the first child came into the house – he said: “How can I live, how can I die? There is nothing to touch, there is nothing to see. I am so sad, I am so hurt, I want to have my own piece of world,” and he decided to find his own way. Some years later the beautiful child said: “I want a better life. I want a beautiful bride,” and he left his family. Just the third child stayed











The first son was travelling for a long time until he came to a caste in the biggest and richest kingdom in the world. He entered the castle proudly and asked the king for his daughter's hand: “I am asking my magnificent king of all years for his daughter's hand.” The king answered: ​ “Find me a boat which can sail on land and sea and you shall have my daughter's hand.” (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 41) The young man was speechless. The king believed he was joking and put him in jail. The most beautiful had bad luck in his life too. He went to a new village and fell in love with a real beauty. But the girl loved someone else and she broke the boy’s heart when she married the man she loved. She said to him: ​ “There was once a donkey which had been a patient and faithful servant for many years, but when he grew too old to carry heavy loads his master decided to not feed him anymore. (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985, 15) That was you. Your parents don’t want you any longer because you left them. You decided to get the old life back with the rich girl. But that is not going to happen just because you are beautiful.” He was so disappointed that he got ill and died. And what happened to the smallest and the most frightened of the three brothers? One day as he was working with his mother on the fields of their farm and while his dad was working in the house, someone knocked on the door. ​ “And when they saw that it was white they opened the door.” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 36) The white woman was the mayoress and it was a bit unusual when she came into the house. All the family members gathered around the table to see what was going to happen. The mayoress said that the king ordered their son to visit him. They were all thrilled. Mum was quiet and she was smiling. Next day their third son when to the castle in the most beautiful clothes he could find. When he came in, the king told him: “How splendid His Majesty looks in his new clothes! And how well they fit!” (Stories from Andersen 1993, 93) The boy stared at the king and he asked: “His Majesty??” The king answered: “Yes, His Majesty, you are the new prince of the 21

kingdom, but the question is if you want to be the prince.” The young boy didn’t understand, so the king explained: “My daughter wants you for her husband. She fell in love with you some weeks ago and she talks and dreams about you all the time. She can’t live without you anymore. Please take her for your wife. I can’t listen to this anymore.” The young boy, now called His Majesty, took the king’s daughter for his wife at the moment when the king said this. They were happily married for years when the king died, and after the king’s death they got the kingdom. ​ “All around the castle wild rosebushes began to grow, and every year the thicket grew taller and thornier” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 178), but the couple’s love never ended and they lived happily ever after. So why taking the risk if you don’t have to? Why giving your life for nothing? Live and be happy with what you have and maybe you will be the young prince one day. Gregor Gračnar, 8. a REFERENCES ● ANDERSEN H. C. ​ Stories from Andersen. ​ London: Tiger Books International PLC, 1993. ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ Grimm's Fairy Tales​ . London: Cathay Books Limited, 1985. ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm​ . Köln: Taschen, 2011.

THE SUPER STORY Once upon a time there lived a prince. He fell in love with a beautiful princess. But the princess had an enemy. The enemy was an evil witch that lived in the forest. She wanted to marry the prince. So she put a spell on the prince that turned him into a frog. That way she could keep him all to herself. She kept him in a house made out of candy. There she had already trapped two children, Hansel and Gretel. “​ The following morning the witch locked Hansel in a cage, and forced Gretel into becoming a slave.​ ” ( That evening the frog prince escaped through the window and jumped into the woods. Meanwhile the princess was looking for her prince all over the town. Suddenly, the queen (the princess’s step mother) walked up to her and offered her an apple. Unfortunately, the apple was poisoned. The queen hated the princess, because she 22

was prettier than her. “​ The girl eagerly took a bite and fell into a state of suspended animation​ , causing the Queen to triumph.​ ” ( The frog prince was jumping through the forest and he saw a slipper on the ground. “​ The Prince pocketed the slipper and vowed to find and marry the girl to whom it belonged.​ ” ( He suddenly saw his princess sleeping on the ground. He tried to wake her, but it was pointless. “​ The enchantment came to an end by a kiss and the princess awoke and conversed with the prince for a long time.​ ” ( The prince then realized that he was no longer a frog. He said to the princess: “​ My princess, you have broken the spell and I am free.​ ” (Grimm’s Fairy Tales 1985: 12) But he knew that he has left Hansel and Gretel in the candy house. He ran to the house and saved them from the witch. And then, of course, they lived happily ever after. Maja Mesarec & Patricija Tanšek, 8. a REFERENCES ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ Grimm's Fairy Tales​ . London: Cathay Books Limited, 1985. ● Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ​ Cinderella​ . [On­line]. Available:​ (September 28, 2015). ● Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ​ Hansel and Gretel​ . [On­line]. Available:​ (September 28, 2015). ● Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ​ Sleeping Beauty​ . [On­line]. Available:​ (September 28, 2015). ● Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ​ Snow White​ . [On­line]. Available:​ (September 28, 2015). THE DUAL PROBLEM Once upon a time there was a girl, well there were actually two of them. They were named Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. They were both beautiful. What they didn’t know was that they were twins. Their parents were divorced since they were little girls. But every little girl grows up one day, and so did they. They started to ask where their mom and dad were, but they were just told that they were going to find that out soon. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you about their parents. Well, their mom was Rapunzel and their dad was Pinocchio. They both cared for their little girls a lot because they really loved them. Days had passed and the prom was approaching fast. Like every girl they wanted to look beautiful, they didn’t want anything to go bad. One day they went shopping for a dress in a very big shopping centre. They didn’t expect anything special to happen there. They went into the same store at the same time. They saw each other and 23

they looked the same, everybody was asking them if they were sisters but they just said no, and that they didn’t know each other. Snow White was really brave and she went to say hello to Sleeping Beauty. “Do I know you, you seem familiar to me,” she asked. “I don’t know,” replied Snow White. “I have an idea! Let’s go somewhere for a cup of coffee,” said Sleeping Beauty. And they went to the café. They asked each other a lot of questions and they kind of became friends. But they didn’t buy the dresses for the prom. When they went out of the store, Snow White asked one more question: “What are your parents’ names?” Sleeping Beauty was kind of confused, she didn’t know what to say. And then she said: “Well, I don’t have a dad but my mom’s name is Rapunzel.” “Hmm … That’s weird, I don’t have a mom, I have only my dad,” Snow White said. They smiled and said bye to each other. When Snow White arrived home, she asked her dad if she has a sister. Her father’s cheeks turned red, but as he said: “No, dear. You don’t” his nose suddenly began to grow. “Dad, you’re lying, I have a sister, right?” asked Snow White. Then her dad admitted: “I’m sorry, my sweet child. I wanted to tell you before but I didn’t want to make you mad. Sit down. I’m going to tell you everything about it,” he started. “With your mom we started to fight about little things and then we decided to divorce because we couldn’t live like this forever. And because you were always my little girl, I took you, and your sister was shy and she really adored your mom, so your mom took her. We knew that one day you would both grow up and that you would start to ask about your mom or that your sister would start to ask about me, but we didn’t care about it. When I think about it now, when I’m older, I kind of want us to be a family again, and I don’t want to fight about anything more. However, your mom probably thinks different,” dad explained. The sisters met again early in the morning and Snow White explained everything to her sister. They both went to their mom. Rapunzel was so happy to see her other daughter. When Rapunzel said that she misses Pinocchio and his long nose, they all smiled. Soon they became a happy family again, and at the prom the sisters looked beautiful and their dresses were perfect! Maruša Užmah, 7. a THE BALL IN FROG’S HANDS Once upon a time there lived Rumpelstiltskin. His home was a small cave. He was very lonely, because he didn’t have many friends. One day he went to a supermarket and he saw a beautiful girl there, and he fell in love with her. She had lovely, long and golden hair and blue eyes. He didn’t know what her name was and where she lived, but he wanted to know that. He asked one man in the supermarket: “Who’s that girl?”, and the man answered: “Her name is Rapunzel and she lives in a big


tower in the forest.” Rumpelstiltskin thanked the man and went home. He wanted to find her home. Next morning he went to her tower. When he arrived, Rapunzel was preparing her home for the party. She stood on the ladder when Rumpelstiltskin said: “Hello, my little princess.” She suddenly turned around and fell on the ground, but he caught her. “Ooo … who is my hero?” asked Rapunzel. “It’s me your loyal prince and I am impressed by your beauty.” When he put her down, the little frog jumped into her arms. Rumpelstiltskin asked: “Who the hell is this?” Rapunzel explained: “This is my lovely little frog, it is my best friend.” “Ooo … It’s so adorable,” said Rumpelstiltskin but he didn’t really mean it because he hated frogs. “I and my frog are preparing the party for Sleeping Beauty because tomorrow is her birthday and we will choose a man to kiss her. Maybe she will wake up if the man truly loves her. Do you want to come to the party?” Rapunzel invited Rumpelstiltskin. He promised to come. Then he went home and the frog followed him. In the forest they met a wolf which said: ​ “What is it that bumps and clatters in my stomach, now in tatters? I thought six little goats would there moan, but now I’d say I’m filled with stone.” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 37) The wolf was thirsty so he drank water from the river and then fell into it. The goats were happy. Rumpelstiltskin invited all the goats to go with him to the party. They said yes and everyone had a smile on his face. At midnight Rumpelstiltskin danced all around the fire and sang: ​ “Oh, it’s so good, and surely no shame that not a soul knows Rumpelstiltskin’s my name!” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 205) When he was dancing, the frog took his ball and went back to the tower. The party started at 4 p.m. and Rumpelstiltskin was late because he didn’t find his favourite ball. When he finally arrived, he saw that Rapunzel had a big party with a cake, a swimming pool, a lot of balloons and food etc. Everybody stopped dancing when Rapunzel said that they were going to choose a man who is going to kiss Sleeping Beauty. Rumpelstiltskin and the frog shouted at the same time: “Can I kiss Sleeping Beauty?” The frog with the ball in its hands looked at Rumpelstiltskin very angrily, so Rumpelstiltskin immediately said: “I am just joking. I am in love with you, Rapunzel, so I want to kiss you.” The goats took the frog to the Sleeping Beauty’s room. The frog jumped onto her bed and kissed her. Nothing happened with Sleeping Beauty, but the frog changed into a frog prince. He kissed her again with more love and ​ “just as his lips touched hers, she opened her eyes and awoke, and gazed at him tenderly” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 205). Everybody was happy. They danced and sang all the night. Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin agreed to meet at 10 o’clock a.m. He was very happy because he wanted to surprise her. 25

Rapunzel was crying next morning because Rumpelstiltskin was late again. The frog prince said: ​ “Stay calm and dry your tears” ​ (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 22). The next minute someone yelled: ​ “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” (The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm 2011, 54) “You will see what I have prepared for you.” She smiled and let down her hair. He climbed up and gave her a ring and said: “You are the only one who I want to live with for the rest of my life. Would you like to marry me?” “Yes! I love you very much, so yes I want to marry you!” she replied. The frog prince ran to Sleeping Beauty and told her the happy news. Some months later the prince started to live with Sleeping Beauty, and after three years they got married too. And all the goats were happy too, because they didn’t see the wolf again. Actually, all people and animals lived happily for the rest of their lives. Nika Pungeršek, 8. a REFERENCES ● GRIMM, J. and W. Grimm. ​ The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm​ . Köln: Taschen, 2011. THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT Once upon a time there lived a couple – Robin Hood and his lovely wife Sleeping Beauty. Every day he went into the forest to hunt animals or find some other food for lunch. One day he met Little Red Riding Hood there, and much to his surprise she asked him if he was looking for a present for his wife. Robin Hood was a bit confused, so he asked her what she meant. Little Red Riding Hood told him that tomorrow was his wife’s birthday. Then Robin Hood remembered and decided to get tickets for a concert with Musicians of Bremen – they were the greatest band in the world! However, when he wanted to buy the tickets he realized they had sold all the tickets already two days ago. He went all depressed to his best friend Small John. Small John was always full of advice and he told him about Rumpelstiltskin and his super powers. Robin Hood decided to visit Rumpelstiltskin right away. But Rumpelstiltskin wanted something in return – he wanted a glass shoe from Cinderella and Robin Hood agreed. He told everything to Small John and they both decided to steal Cinderella’s shoe. They met in the forest at midnight, then smuggled into the castle and stole her shoe. Robin Hood took the shoe to Rumpelstiltskin and 26

he gave him the tickets. When Robin Hood arrived home, he gave the tickets to his wife. She was very happy and she thought that this was the best present ever. Next day they went to the concert. But there was Cinderella too and she told Sleeping Beauty what had happened with her shoe. She had also seen Robin Hood and his friend Small John taking it. Sleeping Beauty was very upset and disappointed with her husband. Despite his apology she left him. Just then the Musicians of Bremen started playing their greatest hit “Woof, Miau, Cock­a­doodle­doo”. Peter Mansutti, 8. a

Osnovna šola Gustava Šiliha Velenje

Her mother didn’t like her walking home alone on winter afternoons when it started getting dark at four, so to stop her mother coming for her in the car, Leonor said some ‘older friends’ would go with her. 1 “Can I help you?” said a friendly voice. 2 “Let’s go have coffee somewhere,“ he said and paused, frowning. 3

There’s a pause now, a silence that very quickly becomes embarrassing. 4 I know you always do what your parents want. 5 I don’t answer him straightaway, because there’s too much detail that I can’t, or won’t, tell. 6 I don’t even know I’m going to say the words until they come out of my mouth, and when they do I feel slightly faint. 7 And then, suddenly, he grabs my arm. 8 She tried to rush forward, but her feet seemed to have no strength in them; and, for a second, she could only stand motionless, staring, with a terror­stricken, at the little


blue hood above the black water. 9 “What are you doing?” 10 The situation was becoming critical. 11 It was a great relief to hear Robin saying, “Hallo, Hallo?” with increasing irritability. 12 He walked back into the restaurant and joined the rest of the group, flopping to the ground exhausted, his hands shaking visibly. 13 The tears were running down my face. 14 Klara Hojan, 9. razred References: 1

Rendel, R. (1998). Going Wrong. Arrow Books. Page 16, line 2.


Rendel, R. (1998). Going Wrong. Arrow Books. Page 58 , line 21.


Rendel, R. (1998). Going Wrong. Arrow Books. Page 150, line 24.


Rendel, R. (1998). Going Wrong. Arrow Books. Page 95, line 33.

2 26.

May Alcott, L. (2014). Little Women. Oxford: Universitiy Press. Page 43, line

9 24.

May Alcott, L. (2014). Little Women. Oxford: Universitiy Press. Page 109, line


Ellis, J. (1989). A Daugher’s Promise. Pan Books Ltd. Page 75, line 22.


Ellis, J. (1989). A Daugher’s Promise. Pan Books Ltd. Page 377, line 9.


Ellis, J. (1989). A Daugher’s Promise. Pan Books Ltd. Page 211, line 23.

4 Bone, I. (2003). The Song of an Innocent Bystander. Puffin Books. Page 68, line 22. 6 Bone, I. (2003). The Song of an Innocent Bystander. Puffin Books. Page 123, line 25.


13 Bone, I. (2003). The Song of an Innocent Bystander. Puffin Books. Page 99, line 22. 7

Hornby, N. (2001). How to be Good. Penguin Books. Page 184, line 9.


Hornby, N. (2001). How to be Good. Penguin Books. Page 65, line 4.


Hornby, N. (2001). How to be Good. Penguin Books. Page 153, line 18.

Osnova šola Žiri Kidnapped Chicken Licken Pam and Rick live in a big town. They have a chicken called Licken. Licken has yellow feathers. Rick likes going on holiday with their grandpa Scarlet Pimpernel. Grandpa: Hello, Pam. How are you? Pam: I'm fine, thanks grandpa. Grandpa: Where is Licken, Rick? Rick: I don't know, grandpa! Licken doesn't like holidays. Pam and Rick were looking for Licken but they didn't find him. Licken wasn't in the kitchen, he wasn't in the bathroom and he wasn't in the living room. So the grandpa thought he could be Kidnapped! They sat into the car and drove along the street. They didn't find Licken so they asked the policeman. His name was Zorro! He didn't know where was Licken. But he rememberd his friend detective Tom Cruise. He asked him for help. Several days Tom Cruise was searching all about Licken. Somebody told him that the chicken could be on an old farm beside the wood. All of them countinued their way of searching. It was already dark, and they were all tired. Grandpa stopped the car and all went out. They saw many stars In the sky and a little light in a distance. They followed the light. When they came to the farm, they saw Licken sitting in the kitchen with a farmer. Pam knocked the door, entered the room and ran to Licken. They were finally together and went home happily. Ana Eržen, 8. a Naslovi zgodbic, ki sem jih uporabila: ­ Pam and Rick ­ Kidnapped! ­ Chicken Licken 29

­ Scarlet Pimpernel ­ Tom Cruise ­ In the Sky ­ Zorro

Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava DANCE AND LOVE I said earlier that dead things don’t always stay dead. I remember last Christmas,”said Sir John,” at a little dance at the Park, he danced from eight till four without once sitting down. When he was young, Mr Bennet had made the mistake of falling in love with a pretty but foolish young woman. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, either, no matter how hard I tried. I felt much more depressed than sexy. An odd moment of complete silence hung over the Glade. I must go back to her,because i must. There was a moment of stunned silence. The next evening was spent at a dance at Lady Middletons London home. I see the woman and my heart stopped. Lukas Magdič and Erik Horvat Literature Richelle Mead, Frostbite (Vampire Academy) p. 4 Sylvia Nasar, a beautiful mind, p. 273 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, p. 3 P.CC and Kristin Cast, Betrayed (A house of night novel), p. 150 30

J. D. Salinger, The catcher in the rye, p. 103 James Dashner, The Maze runner, p. 57 Sylvia Nasar,a beautiful mind,p.217 Philippa Gregory, the other Boleyn girl, p285 Jane Austen,Sense and Sensibility,p51 Richelle Mead, Frostbite (Vampire Academy), p.105 WEIRD MORNING By stepping to one side a little and craning my neck, I could see the condemned man. He had slept with a woman he didn’t know very well in the last three months. I suppose that sounds brutal, but it seems a little soft and weak doesn’t it? Pearhaps that’s just the way I feel to­night. It was just nice. I went around the room, very quiet and all, looking at stuff for a while. It was just so… weird. Lara Šijanec and Tadeja Bogar Literature Philippa Gregory, The other Boleyn girl, p. 1 Nick Hornby, About a boy, p. 5 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The diamond as big as the ritz and other stories, p. 176 Richelle Mead, Vampire academy, p. 106 J. D. Salinger, The catcher in the rye, p.171 James Dashner, Maze runner, p. 33 31

CHRISTMAS DAY Suzie:​ I’m Suzie, I’m old, and I know everybody. Suzie:​ The next time we meet, I’ll say, Marla, I can’t sleep with you. Marla:​ What is wrong with you? Suzie: I told ‘em I was your sister­ they don’t know no different, I said we were both adopted. Marla: ​ I love you, Suzie Rae. Don’t forget that. Suzie: No, you don’t feel it now. Some day, when you are old and wrinkled and ugly, when thought has seared your forehead with its lines, and passion branded your lips with its hideous fires, you will feel it, you will feel it terribly. Marla: I know everyone thinks I should admire you and think you’re marvellous and free, but I don’t, I think you are selfish and heartless, that’s the truth. Suzie: But I guess we don’t always get what we want, do we? It looks like all I’m going to get is a baby brother or sister, and a stepfather who is moving in tomorrow with his foozball table and who knows a lot about quadratic formulae. Oh, and a throne someday. Marla:​ Big deal. I’d rather have a boyfriend. Suzie: ​ I’m not… that drunk… anymore. Marla: ​ She looked so plaintive, I couldn’t say anything expect, yeah, it’ll be all right, but my heart sank to my boots at the thought of her going out in front of a horde of pissed­up tosspots of the type I fucking knew would be there that night. This was the worst Christmas ever... Lara Horvat and Ana Zelko Literature: Hornby Nick, About a boy, p. 35 Palahniuk Chuck, Fight Club, p. 24 32

Dashner James, The maze runner, p. 105 Denby Joolz, Stone baby, p. 173 Cast Kristian, P. C., Chosen, p. 220 Wilde Oscar, The picture of Dorian Gray, p. 29 Joolz, The pride of lions, p. 29 Cabot Meg, The princess diaries, p. 161 Mead Richelle, frostbite, p. 197 Denby Joolz, Stone baby, p. 27 It felt like a hundred years ago. Marcus seems to think he needs adult male company. A father figure. And somehow your name came up. I don’t think. I don’t think anything. You’re his mother. You make the decisions. He was somewhere very close to sleep when a voice spoke in his head, a pretty, feminine voice that sounded as if it came from a fairy goddess trapped in his skull. The next morning, when everything started going crazy, he’d wonder if the voice had been real or a part of his dream. He pretends he has a child so he can join single parent groups and chat up single mothers. Neither boy said a word for a while. He never wanted me round his flat every day. I just went. And he bought me those shoes, and at least he listens when I say I’m having a hard time at school. You just tell me to get used to it. And he knew who Krik O’ Bane was. Kurt Cobain. After a lot of deliberation, he decided to keep his mouth shut and went with Minho for his second day of training, below a bleak and colourless sky. Timoteja Mejaš and Martina Lebar 33

Literature James Dashner, Maze runner, p. 368, 214,174, 218 Nick Hornby, About a boy, p. 126, 132, 169, 170 Nothing is ever quite true. ​ Tyler asks, is this a problem for me? No, I say, it’s fine. And he laughs. ­”These are joyful thoughts.” ­”You can suck shit.” ­”Go ahead and cry!” ­”You killed someone!​ You will go to hell!​ ¨ ­”Which is worse, hell or nothing?​ ​ This was better, than real life!​ ” Álmos Kovač and Vito Hozjan Literature: Oscar Wilde, The picture of Dorian Gray, p. 112 Palahniuk: Fight club, p. 62, 85, 194, 38, 141, 206, Wilson: Fairy Tales from Scotland, p. 152, 161

Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava ­ MADŽARSKI JEZIK Hirtelen ébredt, mintha valamilyen elmulasztott feladat riasztotta volna föl, azon nyomban felült, végignézett a szobában, az arca eltorzult, jó erősen lehunyta a szemét, fejét felhúzott térdéhez szorította, a takaró alatt görcsösen mozgatta a [1] lábujjait.​ Ötig nem érkezett életjel a szobájából. […] Az ebédet visszaküldte, csak [2] egy csésze hideg teát ivott.​ Akkor határozta el rá magát, hogy visszatérjen a


[3] [4] világba. Az igazi világba.​ Mindjárt fel is ugrott az ágyról s megállott az asztal előtt.​ [5] Nagyon boldog volt, tevékenységi láz ütött ki rajta.​

Perša Lara, 4. b [1]

Lázár Ervin: Kisangyal. Budapest, Osiris Kiadó, 2006. 90.


Márai Sándor: A gyertyák csonkig égnek. Szombathely, Helikon Kiadó, 2007.

15. [3]

Jókai Mór: Az aranyember. Budapest, Európa Könyvkiadó, 1994. 450.


Móricz Zsigmond: Légy jó mindhalálig. In: Légy jó mindhalálig. Kamaszok.

Forr a bor. Budapest, Gabo Kiadó, 2007. 11. [5]

Móricz Zsigmond: Forr a bor. In: Légy jó mindhalálig. Kamaszok. Forr a bor.

Budapest, Gabo Kiadó, 2007. 416. 1 Bemegyek, ha az ég a pokollal szakad is össze.​ Luca egy nagyot nyelt, a szempillája verdesni kezdett. 2 Akkor már a falhoz lapulva álltak a fegyveresek, egymáshoz bújtak, alaktalan tömegükből, mint a sündisznó tüskéi meredeztek a géppisztolycsövek. 3 S most már hangokat véltem hallani, segélykiáltásokat a falon 4 át […]​ Abban a szorongatott állapotban mintha fölemelkedett volna valami bennem. 5

Furcsa érzés volt egyedül lenni. 6 Az előszobaajtón hosszan csöngettek. 7 Én meg

8 valami elhatározott tehetetlenséggel nem léptem át a szoba küszöbét.​

Somi Miša, 2. a __________________________________________________ 1​

Mikszáth Kálmán: Különös házasság. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1982.

163. 2​

Déry Tibor: Két asszony. Szerelem. Niki. Budapest, Ciceró Kiadó, 2005. 38.


Lázár Ervin: Kisangyal. Budapest, Osiris Könyvkiadó, 2006. 132.



Füst Milán: A feleségem története. Budapest, Magvető Könyvkiadó, 209.


Németh László: Bűn. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó. 62.


Ottlik Géza: Iskola a határon. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 115.


Janikovszky Éva: Szalmaláng. Móra Kiadó, 150.


Mészöly Miklós: Saulus. Pécs, Kalligram Kiadó, 1999. 66.

Volt aztán két iskolatársam, akikhez nagyon különös érzelem fűzött. ¹ Többnyire oláhcigányok. ² ‒ Anyám rokona volt ‒ mondta mellékesen, mintha röstellené ezt a kapcsolatot. ³ ‒ De akkor magát is lebombázzák innen a hegyről, Dániel bácsi. ​ ⁴ ‒ Ne szemtelenkedj, te bikfic, mondta, kicsit elkomolyodva. ​ ⁵ ‒ Na jól van, meggondolom. ​ ⁶ ‒ Nincs semmi baj, kérem ‒ mondta hűvös, nyugodt hangján. ​ ⁷ Delet harangoztak, indulnia kellett […]​ ⁸ Pál Péter, 3. a ______________________________________ ¹Babits Mihály: A gólyakalifa. Budapest, Osiris Kiadó, 2006. 6. ²Mikszáth Kálmán: Különös házasság. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1982. 207. ³Márai Sándor: A gyertyák csonkig égnek. Helikon Kiadó. 43. ⁴Németh László: Bűn. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó. 91. ⁵ Ottlik Géza: Iskola a határon. Budapest, Magvető Könyvkiadó. 195. ⁶ Jókai Mór: A kőszívű ember fiai. Budapest Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó. 74. ⁷ Janikovszky Éva: Szalmaláng. Móra Könyvkiadó, 2004. 183. ⁸ Szabó Magda: Régimódi történet. Budapet, Európa Könyvkiadó, 2007. 517.


Mind a ketten ott guggoltak a sínforma vasgerenda előtt, s komolyan pillantottak egymásra; az asszony, mint aki aggodalmait osztja meg egy férfiemberrel, Lajos, 1 mint aki sorsa létráját fogja meg ezekben a támogatást kereső pillantásokban.​ 2 ‒ Azt hazudta nekem, kitakarított.​

‒ Arra is fütyülök – hangzott a szükszavú felelet, s mindjárt utána a kérdés […] 3 ‒ És veled mi van?​ 4 ‒ Mondom, összeköltöztem Magdával.​ 5 Ezen a barátságtalan szóváltáson ismét nagy tért vesztettek.​

Ki értette volna ezt a bánatot, férfiak és nők szemérmes, elvonult életét, csendes szertartásaikat, cseresznyefa bútorokkal, foszladozó családi képekkel, hímzett emlékjelekkel, pipatóriummal és régies könyvszekrényekkel megrakott lakásaikat, e hosszú és sötét előszobából nyíĺó, naftalin, alma, széna, befőtt, szitált dohány illatával sűrűn megtömött szobákat, ahol a függöny, a csillár, az almáriom, az ősök üvegszemű, hideg áhitattal bámészkodó arcképe, minden őrizte egyfajta megrettent 6 áhítatban ezt a szomorúságot.​

Ferenc Grega, 4. b ____________________________________________________________ 1 ​

Németh László: Bűn. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó Budapest, 1982. 111.

2 ​

Szabó Magda: Az ajtó. Budapest, Európa Könyvkiadó, 2007. 240.

3 ​

Janikovszky Éva: Szalmaláng. Budapest, Móra Könyvkiadó, 2004. 208­209.

4 ​

Ottlik Géza: Iskola a határon, Budapest, Magvető Könyvkiadó Budapest, 5.

5 ​

Jókai Mór: A kőszívű ember fiai, Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó Budapest,

1982. 61. 6​

Márai Sándor: Szindbád hazamegy. Szombathely, Helikon Kiadó, 2006. 91.


1 Akkor éppen nagyon nevetni való idők jártak.​ A nevetés már fele út a gyűlölés és 2 megszeretés között.​ Teri kihozta a szobából a kézitáskát, s a tízpengős a Lajos 3 4 markába került.​ Se meg nem ölelte, se kezet nem adott neki, mint egyébkor.​ 5 Dühösen köszörülte a torkát, összehúzott szemmel nézett.​ […] nem szólt semmit, 6 felment az emeletre.​ Ha valaki később visszagondolt erre a jelenetre,

nevetségesnek tűnt, de akkor mindenki úgy érezte, pontosan tudja az eset 7 jelentőségét.​

Vegi Noémi, 1. a _______________________________________________ 1​

Jókai Mór: A kőszívű ember fiai. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Kiadó, 1982. 424.


Jókai Mór: Az arany ember. Budapest, Európa Könyvkiadó, 285.


Németh László: Bűn. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1982. 436.


Mikszáth Kálmán: Különös házasság. Budapest, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1982.

242. 5​

G. Szabó Judit: Különös sziget. Budapest, Móra Könyvkiadó, 2008. 139.


Márai Sándor: A gyertyák csonkig égnek. Helikon Kiadó, 6.


Lázár Ervin: Kisangyal. Budapest, Osiris, 2006. 211.

Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava ­ ŠPANSKI JEZIK Un día aburrido de Pepe ­Ana Jimenez Garcia,Un conjunto especial;p.9. Cada dia toca la guitarra y canta viejas canciones de los Beatles, de Santana y de los 38

Doors. ­Lorenzo Guerrero,Indagaciones por Madrid,p.7. Coge el telefono movil, marca el número de Lucia, pero desgraciadamente le responde el contestador. ­Loreto de Miguel y Alba Santos,Muerte en Valencia;p.12. Pepe está un poco nervioso. ­Loreto de Miguel y Alba Santos,Lola;p.20. Coge un autobús que le lleva a la parte alta de la ciudad. ­National Geographic;Por las calles de Barcelona;p.14. Dice que las cosas están decoradas de forma artistica en toda la ciudad, hasta los puestos de flores. ­Loreto de Miguel y Alba Santos,Donde esta Marguesa?;p.15. Hace tres años que se separó de su mujer y está empezando a cansarse de la soledad. ­Victoria Lopez Sanjuan,Ruidos en el adosado;p.25. El perro ladra y ladra. ­Flavia Puppa,Una nueva vida;p.30. Un día hacia las cinco de la tarde, estando Prospero en la cafetería, entró un hombre de mediana edad pero con el pelo cañoso, la ropa gastada y los zapatos sin lustrar. ­Clotilde de Toledo,Una estrella en peligro;p.56.


Una señora con grandes gafas de sol y un pañuelo en la cabeza abre la puerta y baja. ­Maria Garrido,Ocurrio en El Retiro;p.36. Pepe, ¿le ofrezco al señor un café? ­Flavia Puppa,El viaje;p.23. Gracias. Megi Gomboc, Miša Somi, 2. a Un loco al teléfono

­¿Toni? Es Juan quien responde: ­¿Qué haces en su casa? (Clotil de Toledo: La cajita de hueso, p. 31) ­¡No te preocupes[…]! (Ana Jiménez García: Un conjunto especial, p. 66) ­¡Tú eres imbécil! – le responde Juan. (Flavia Puppa: El viaje, p. 17) ­¡Oh, gracias! (Clotilde de Toledo: Una estrella en peligro, p. 30)


­Bueno, bueno, estás imposible, ahora parece que te molestan las andanzas de las señoras de la corte … (María Garrido: Ocurrió en El Retiro, p. 7) ­¿Quieres un café? (Loreto de Miguel y Alba Santos: Muerte en Valencia, p. 15) ­¡No seas estúpido! (Nicolas Gerrier: Huellas en la nieve, p. 15) ­Perfecto. (Loreto de Miguel y Alba Santos: Muerte en Valencia, p. 15) Oskar Nemec y Laura Jeneš, 2.a

Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča­L0JABBIv92X QpMiAiUT4IWPw3bjKh732UEfo/edit#slide=id.p3


Srednja zdravstvena šola Murska Sobota REMEMBERING SARAH 1 ​ On an evening in the latter part of May a middle­aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blackmore or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line​ . He was known for his paintings which he masterfully made with his old brushes that his father gave to him when he was just a little boy. Everyone respected him, but things like that didn't matter to him. He thought little about fame and fortune, only art was the thing that filled his heart. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. They called him James, no one knows why, but they just stuck to the name. One day while he was shopping for some supplies, he stumbled across a beautiful mistress who was searching for some motivation in the shop. He asked »May I help you madam?« She was suprised. »Oh my, you're James, aren't you? I love your work.« He blushed and answered »Well, thank you and yes I am James as you recognized it. So, you're familiar with my work?« »Yes.« she answered with confidence. »Your work inspired me to start painting. I'm not the best but I give my best to have my own gallery.« He was really suprised that someone found the same lifestyle as him. He asked if she already had a motive of some sort. »I'm looking for motivation here in this little art shop.« she said, but sadly she didn't find any motivation there. He asked her if he could take her somewhere where she could find her motivation and inner peace. She agreed and he asked her name.


»My name is Sarah and I'm glad I ran into you today, see you later.« They quickly parted ways to prepare for a trip. She took a camera, brushes, paint and a canvas to paint on. He just took food. Later that evening he stopped by her house and honked twice to grab her attention and to hurry up. She packed her stuff into his trunk and they drove off to a cliff. She took a lot of pictures of him, she felt a strong connection between them and then fell asleep. The sun was rising and James woke Sarah up. »We're here.Hurry up.« Both rushed up to the cliff to witness the sun rising as Sarah prepared her canvas and her art stuff to paint. He stopped her and told her to just enjoy the moment. Sarah took a deep breath in and he started to have an euphoria, she interlocked her hand with his and she gave him a quick kiss. 2 »​ No, no, no,it cannot be,« he cried​ ; He was afraid of his insecurities, he didn't want to get broken. Sarah hugged him and asked what was wrong. James cried »I wasn't good enough for anybody.« He always loved sincerly but no one gave him the love he deserved. Sarah said that she felt a strong connection between them as she looked into his eyes. »Lets give it a shot« she said while he was depressed. »Now, tell me everything.« 3 He felt a terrible joy at the thought that his secret, and that the man who had painted the portrait that was the origin of all his shame was to be burdened for the rest of his life with the hideous memory of what he had done. Secrets are rarely betrayed or discovered according to any programme our fear has sketched out​ . He told her everything. He told her about how his mother beated him and how he had to undergo an operation because of his mother. Sarah was disgusted and a tear rolled down her cheek. She grabbed his hand and took him to his car and they drove off to her apartment. She started to show him her paintings and explained him what they meant. All paintings showed strong emotions. 43

Sad emotions. She explained him how her parents died in a car crash and how she had to live at her grandmother's. He started to feel butterflies in his gut which wasn't a common sighting. James then rushed home and picked up his brush. He painted portraits of Sarah. This went on for weeks. He invited her to see some paintings. Sarah was full of joy and drove to his place. Some drunk behind the wheel crashed into her car and they both died in the cold rain. James called her a million times but no answer. He accidentally had the daily news turned on his TV. James couldn't believe it that she had a car crash and started to hyperventilate. Years went by and James settled, he found a wife and had two beautiful children, his career was blooming and had his own gallery, he called it »Sarah's Art Shop« and displayed all of portraits of her. It was her biggest dream. Marsel Šarkezi, Andre Keglević, Janko Horvat, Dominik Hašaj Literature: Hardy T., Tess Of the D'Urbanvilles, 1891, p. 4 Wilde O., The Picture Of Dorian Grey, 1890, p. 198 Austen J., Sense And Sensibility, 1813, p. 52

Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota 1) Mine eye and heart are at mortal war, when most I wink, then do mine eyes best see. But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee, then thou, whose shadow shadows doth make bright.


How careful was I when I took my way that to my use it might unused stay. The other two, slight air and purging fire and I am still with them and they with thee. Thus can my love excuse the slow offence of my dull beare when from thee I speed. Is thy spirit that thou send'st from thee like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore. Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day and make me travel forth without my cloak to let bare clouds overtake me in my way hiding thy bravery in their rotten smoke? Jana Šabjan and Aneja Đurinek, 2. a Literature The complete works of William Shakespeare by W.J.Craig, M.A. Trinity College, Dublin, HENRY PORDES LONDON 1983


2) Tell me, all past yeares are, till age snow white haires on thee, though at next doore wee might meet. In scarlet town, where I was born, when green buds they were swellin', to the town where she was dwellin', and when she drew the curtain by, tho' your heart's blood were a­spillin'. From all solicitation from mee, will, if thou stirre,or pinch to wake him, thinke, bath'd in a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lye, than by my threatenings rest still innocent. Simon Kreslin and Izak Jurjevčič, 2. a Literature: Mirko Jurak, English poetry,DZS 1980 ( John Donne, Song p.55, Annonymous: Barbara Allen's Cruelty p.51, John Donne, The Apparition p.63)


3) ''Love Conquers All'', said the gold clock. The struck notes succeeded .themselves in the quiet room with a pleasant silver tone. So graceful, so absurd, the clock struck three. Suddenly, she seems quite grown up – more than fifteen. In ignorance and innocence I built my own confines, and by the time I was old enough to know what I had done. one could find endless reasons for our abstinence­ fear, virtue, ignorance, perversion. There was nobody to tell, nobody to ask, so I was obliged once more to fall back. Lucky in work, unlucky in love. Love is of man's life a thing apart. It happened, that is all. so I kept it to myself and thought. Literature:

Margaret Drabble: The Millstone, Penguin Books 1968 James Gould Cozzens: By Love Possessed, Crest Books 1959 Nika Martinec and Luka Železen, 1. a 4) Nobody believes in a material heaven or hell anymore, and you make yourself ridiculous by talking about them. Why yes, I'm, uh, sorry. All right, old son.


Listen, dear. You think of me as so awfully grown­up, and of course I have to impress all these folks when I'm in the pulpit, but you can see through it and – I'm just a big bashful kid, and I need your help so. Her eyes dropped before his. Ria Grof 1. a Literature:

Sinclair Lewis: Elmer Gantry, OUP 1983 5) Mister, Luster said. What, he said. I found it, Luster said. What, he said. Nothing, Jason said. I don't know, I said. I don't know what I did. Please stop, Luster said. Let's then go to hell. We are going to the town. Does he still give you money, I said. No, he said. I go to get then.


Through the fence, between the curling flower space I could see them hitting. They were coming toward where the flag was and I went along the fence. Listen at you now, Luster said. They were hitting little across the pasture. I went back along the fence to where the flag was. I know, I know, Uncle said. Tim Šömen 1. a Literature: William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury, Vintage Books 1987 OKUS SVOBODE Pot do tebe vodi skozi gozd čarobni, v njem so dobre vile in možje hudobni. Pot do tebe najti včasih ni mogoče. Še si v mojih kartah skrita moč usode. Tiho prideš vame, kakor klic divjine. Divji ritem meri čas, noč je kratka, dan mineva, ko mi pamet vzame strast, vse je daleč, glas odmeva. Zvok ostaja raven, dno žari. 49

Želja in hrepenenje omahne. Jaz lebdim. Maja KLEMENČIČ, 1. g Literatura: Simon Gregorčič – Zlata knjiga Tone Pavček – Angeli Antologija Slovenske erotične poezije – V tebi se razraščam Feri Lainšček – Ne bodi kot drugi Tomaž Šalamun – Sonet o mleku ZMENEK Žrtvi ljubezni spita v mladi zori, telesi sta še bridki po zanosu. Telo, dotik, dih, gladka tuja žena speča mineva živa. Zdaj jo jutranja luč prevleče: zmed las, obarvanih nevarno rdeče. Ti si moj angel. Tvoja sreča je prekrhka, dotik jo izpari. Ljubim skrite misli, zašepetane besede. V globinah ljubezni je skrita uganka, kaj vzame, kaj da ti usodo neznanka. Vse hrepenenje je v srcu umrlo, vse bolečine je vase zaprlo. Sara Kurbus, 1. g 50

Literatura: MILAN JESIH – Soneti TOMAŽ ŠALAMUN – Sonet o mleku NEŽA MAUER – Zmenek FERI LAINŠČEK – Ne bodi kot drugi KOVIČ, ZLOBEC, MENART, PAVČEK – Pesmi štirih IZGUBLJENI RAJ Po gozdu hodil sem sam s seboj, pri srcu mi večkrat je hudo, zdaj zapuščam hišo znano, svoje Ljube in mirni krog. Nad ravnico v megli violina poje, samotna se hiša je skrila za breg, zdaj so le še neka pota, včasih slišim klic demonov. Na bregu stojim in v morje strmim, pogled duhov, vabljenje rosnih boginj in bes, ki v srcu tičal je, od zora do mraka rosam in potam. Dan z dnem se mučim, da bi zmogel. Zalo rad bi ustanovil roj, prihaja popoldne, temelj dneva, pesek naj bo vloga dreves. Mitja CENER, 4. d 51

Literatura: TOMAŽ ŠALAMUN – Sonet o mleku SIMON GREGORČIČ – Zlata knjiga GOETHE JOHANN WOLFANG – Lirika FERI LAINŠČEK – Pesmi za ženski glas in zvonove Grška lirika 20. stoletja LJUBEZENSKI PROBLEM Napravi to zopet, ne bodi kot drugi. Ne oziraj se. Ona je ti. Mladost je pač mladost, čez jarek skače, kjer je most. Veliko besed sem že pozabila. So se v tujini zgubile. Kdor ljubi, hoče. Dve svetleči krogli, dva ljubimca. Vse resnično je minilo. Ne oziraj se nazaj. Vse, kar si ti in kar nisi, obstajajo trenutki. Damjana ČRNKO, 1. e Literatura: FERI LAINŠČEK – Ne bodi kot drugi NEŽA MAUER – Zmenek TOMAŽ ŠALAMUN – Sonet o mleku ERVIN FRITZ – Dejansko stanje Antologija Slovenskih pesmic 52

Gimnazija Murska Sobota ME as a poet I stand in the road and listen To the laughter of the bright day, Feeling in my breast The transforming breath Like an undeserved gift. I pass in wonder: Nobody knows me, Nobody invites me, I looked down All around. Some funny forces run this funny world, Who listens nowadays to rhyme or song, A poet's heart may bleed, bleed all along, But no­one cares and life goes on. Ana Palčič, 1. b Literature: An Anthology of Modern Yugoslav Poetry, 1962 Državna Založba Slovenije


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