Published by IATEFL Slovenia October 2014
Seznam sodelujočih šol OŠ Naklo............................................................................................................. 2 OŠ Muta ............................................................................................................. 5 OŠ Zadobrova ..................................................................................................... 7 OŠ Trnovska vas ................................................................................................. 9 OŠ Staneta Žagarja Lipnica ............................................................................... 12 OŠ Franceta Prešerna Črešnovci ....................................................................... 15 OŠ Polje ............................................................................................................ 19 OŠ Prule ........................................................................................................... 20 OŠ F. Prešerna Črenšovci .................................................................................. 24 OŠ Šempas ....................................................................................................... 26 OŠ Poljane nad Škofjo Loko .............................................................................. 28 OŠ Montessori, 2. triada................................................................................... 30 OŠ Sveti Tomaž................................................................................................. 32 OŠ Komen ........................................................................................................ 34 OŠ Franceta Prešerna Črešnovci ....................................................................... 36 Danila Kumar International School ................................................................... 38 OŠ Ormož ......................................................................................................... 40 OŠ Dragotina Ketteja Ilirska Bistrica ................................................................. 42 OŠ Janka Glazerja Ruše..................................................................................... 44 OŠ Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu ........................................................................ 46 OŠ Tabor I Maribor ........................................................................................... 48 OŠ Štore ........................................................................................................... 51 OŠ Slivnica pri Celju .......................................................................................... 54 OŠ Šenčur ......................................................................................................... 60 OŠ Žiri............................................................................................................... 63 OŠ Tržišče ......................................................................................................... 66 OŠ Primoža Trubarja Velike Lašče..................................................................... 70 OŠ Cerkno ........................................................................................................ 72 OŠ Vransko-Tabor ............................................................................................ 80
EGSŠ Radovljica ................................................................................................ 84 Gimnazija Želimlje ............................................................................................ 86 Gimnazija Franceta Miklošiča Ljutomer............................................................ 89 Meow ............................................................................................................... 92 SGLŠ Postojna................................................................................................... 93 Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava ...................................................................... 96 Srednja gradbena in lesarska šola Novo mesto ................................................ 99
IATEFL Slovenia se vsem sodelujočim zahvaljuje za sodelovanje
OŠ Naklo
My dog says woof woof. But Hungarian dog says evevev. It's nice. Neža, 7.b
It is midnight and I can't sleep, because my dog is doing woof woof. Petra, 7.b
IF YOU WANT TO BE FAST, GO ALONE IF YOU WANT TO COME FAR, GO TOGETHER There was a tortoise named Beatrice. She lived in south Europa, in Italy. She had a dream, that someday she'll win the long distance race from Italy to north Germany. But the problem was that she was very slow, after all she was just a tortoise. She trided so many years before and even though she always failed, she tried again every year and she didn't give up. She was a tortoise, but she still competed with other animals, which were faster and bigger than her. One year, everything was going very well, she came all along the Austria. But the journey became boring withouth all her friends and even though she came so far, she never crossed the finish line. Her friends saw that she was very dissapointed and sad about that so they decided to help her. Next year all of her friends went to the journey to encourage her. For the first time, she really had fun because of them and she had much more powers than years before. After a good sleep in the north Austria, they wanted to continue the journey, but Beatrice's head really hurted. She was about to give up, but this time she wasn't alone. She had her friends, her best friends and they encouraged and helped her. A horse stepped on the chair and neighed: ''Jetzt werden sie nicht uberlassen? Wir sind mit euch, nicht wahr? Wieher, wieher! '' KATIE the cat: N채u, n채u, n채u..! (estonian)
MILOVOJ the pig: SCOBY the dog: Hunk, hunk Ham, ham! (Albanian) (romanian)
JEKATERINA the duck: Rap, rap, rap, rap! (Danish) MARCELO the cock:
ALBERTO the mause: Squitt, squitt, squitt! (Italian)
STEPKHANKA the frog: Kum, kum, kum, kum... (Polish)
PFERDI the horse:
Cocorico, cocorico!
Naturlich haben wir, wieher, wieher!
LUMPI the bunny: Oink, oink, onik.. (Slovenish)
They were successfull. She started to belive in herself and won the race. She could never make it withouth her friends – so IF YOU WANT TO COME FAR GO TOGETHER! Andraž Rakovec, Maja Drinovec in Črt Štrubelj
OŠ Muta
OĹ Zadobrova
OĹ Trnovska vas
OŠ Staneta Žagarja Lipnica
Zala Blaznik, 8. a OŠ Staneta Žagarja Lipnica
Zala Blaznik, 8. a
Ajda Sofrić 7. a OŠ Staneta Žagarja Lipnica
OŠ Franceta Prešerna Črešnovci
Živalijada Živali nekoč na svatbi bile od daleč so, od vsepovsod. Se slišalo je mijav, hov, reg, oink – vsevprek, nonstop. Ena žaba pa kar: bee, bee, beee! Strašno! Zakaj, kako?! Kaj ne veste, dan jezikov – govori lahko se vsevprek, vsepovsod, nonostop! Viktor Utroša, 7. r.
BALI Nekoč, v vasi mali, živel pes je Bali. Znan bil je po tem, da lizal rad je sladoled. A nekoč mu padel je na tla, ojoj, prejoj! Zavijal žalostno je houuu, houuuu, houuuuuu … Maja Kisilak, 7. r.
KRAVA Nekoč bila je krava, bogastvo njeno pa največje – trava. Vsak jo dan pod oknom Micke žvečila je na vse kriplje. Micki bilo tega je dovolj, jo nagnala hitro je na sosedov gnoj. Krava muka žalostni mu, mu, mu, ker rada spet šla k Micki bi domu. David Dogar, 7. r.
SOVE Nekoč živele pametne so sove, imele pa velike so - noge. Drevesa velika, največja so imele, zato bile najbolj so vesele. Bilo jih dosti je, juhuhu! Slišalo se brez prestanka je huhuhu, huhuhu. Aljaž Horvat, 9. r.
ŽABE Bil nekoč je ribnik, v ribniku bile so – žabe. So regljati se učile: rega, rega, kvak. A kaj ko slišal se je le: lega, lega, krak, krak! Melani Horvat, 9. r.
MAČKA Nekoč mačka mala se na cesti je igrala, veliko mijav, mijav jokala. Je mamico svojo dolgo čakala, in neverjetno! ob glasnem mijavu pa še zaspala. Laura Sobočan, 9. r.
PTIČKA Nekoč ptička sedla je na vejo. Čiv čiv glasno je dejala, in nališpan fant pod njo dobil nagrado je njeno – na svojo glavo. Žiga Kelenc, 9. r.
LISICA Res nekoč živela je zvita oranžno-bela in gozdna lisica. Je cele dneve le plenila, nikoli nič pametnega ulovila, si pa glavo razbila. Zdaj lisico strašno glava boli Cvil – cviiiiil – cviliiiiiiiiliiiii oglaša se mi. Matjaž Tigeli, 9. r.
OĹ Polje
OĹ Prule
WEEP WEEP It was crying ´weep weep´ Because it wanted to creep Its knee scars were deep So it simply went to sleep
BWEEAH When I went to the park I heard a whisper I looked behind me And it was my sister.
Why in such pain? I heard a BWEEAH I looked behind the tree and I saw a busy bee … Tea Andjelić, 8. b, OŠ Prule, Ljubljana MY DREAM I thought my sleep was deep, But when I heard sad weeps Under my sweet bed I realized the monster that creeps under me is also always sad. Ana Jovanović, 8. b, OŠ Prule, Ljubljana Mentorica: Bojana Mlinar Podobnik
OŠ F. Prešerna Črenšovci
PSIČKA DVA Nekoč bila dva sta psa, igrala sta se vse tja do neba. Pa prišel je očka že malce gluh, mijau mijau - zamijavkal je! Ati, le zakaj mijavkaš ti, saj vendar pes si že vse dni?! Draga moja psička, vedita, da le kuža tisti kaj velja, ki jezike tudi druge govoriti zna! Denis Horvat, 7. r.
LAČNA KRAVA Glej, pastirček, lačna krava! Tam na bregu vidiš jo, visoka trava!? Pelji ti jo tja na vrt, da ostal za njo bo le še krt. Mu mu mu, trave ni več tu! Alen Horvat, 7. r.
MUCKI Nekoč živela ena mucka je pa zgubila prijatelje je vse. Žalostna pela si je pesmico: mijav mijav, nič ni lepšega od pravega prijatelja. Pa si našla novo je prjatl´co, eno skuštrano je mucico. Zdaj skupaj pojeta si pesmico, mijav miiiijav, imava res pa srečico!
Nuša Horvat, 7. r.
OŠ Šempas
The Song Snakes are hissing, Boys and girls are kissing. The duck is missing.
Wolves bray and pray to have lunch. Hyenas laugh and that's all we have. Matic Konstantino, Meris Miskić , 8.b
Animals Donkeys bray and they say: »Ducks quack and they have luck! « Snakes are hissing, because couples are kissing. Everybody is laughing now, because outside is snow. Arjeta, Andreja, Lucija, Ajla in Tina, 8.b
The mouse and a pig Oink, Oink, Squeak, squeak, The mouse is big, The pig is small. The mouse eats cheese
And the pig eats bees. An Owl catches the mouseAnd the pig is smiling in the house. Viki, Hana D. , Tina, Kristina, 8.a
The sounds Fishes go swim, Cats go sleep, Cows go Moo, And dogs go play, But there’s a sound, Who no one knows, Just MEEEEE, What does the tiger say: ROAR, ROAR, ROAR, ROAR! Argjent, Matic, Tine, Urban, Arlind,8.b
OŠ Poljane nad Škofjo Loko
OĹ Montessori, 2. triada
OŠ Sveti Tomaž
OŠ Komen Klara Stanič, OŠ KOMEN Mentor: Mojca Uhernik-Pipan
A lonely wolf cries in the night and while his pack is out of sight he's all lonely since he's lost his fight.
But surprise awaits him in the morning, It's a tender warble, that wakes him up, on a branch a nightingale is calling him out of nightmares in the light.
They go and chatter with the monkeys, and listen hee-haw of the donkeys, the lion's roar fills their ears, the parrot's funny screeches erase last tears.
But when the night falls and stars go up, under the full moon she-wolf barks and sets a fire in wolf's heart.
Now they are howling and barking and yelling to greeet every single full moon they fall in love and their little wolves are joining them very, very soon.
OŠ Franceta Prešerna Črešnovci
Danila Kumar International School
JOKES The Cat and the Moon The cat, the cow and the goat were sitting on a bench at night and did some stargazing. “Look at the MEOWN!” said the cat. “It is pronounced MOOOOON!” replied the cow. But the goat said, “No, it is a MEEEEEWN.” Arijan Belec, 8m
The Two Pigs Pig 1 says, “What would I get if I mixed oil with ink, wise pig?” The wise pig says, “Oink!” Zachary Box, 8m
OŠ Ormož
OĹ Dragotina Ketteja Ilirska Bistrica
OŠ Janka Glazerja Ruše
V Španiji…
1. 2. Woof, woof, woof.
Woof. (prav)
(ti govori z njim. Jaz nimam pojma o španščini.)
Woof, guau, wogu, guof, guau. (Jaz biti iz Francije in jaz iskati najbližjo restavracijo.)
Woof, woof, woof. (Po ulici naprej in levo.)
LEGENDA: Guau - špansko za hov Woof – francosko za hov (…..) - prevod iz pasjega v slovenski jezik
Pripravila: Maja Hiter 7.b OŠ Janka Glazerja Ruše
OŠ Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu
OĹ Tabor I Maribor
Twitter´s tweeting - tweet, tweet and cats and dogs on facebook are poking. Meow, meow, woof, woof, smack, hiss, crash, bash, the fight began. Rumble, growl, the cat said ouch. The dog´s the winner and a huge sinner. Woof, woof. Ana Marković, Neli Šijanec, Nikita Arslanovski, Eva Heinrih, Matjaž Robnik, 9. A
Once there was a cat, named Meow which only said meow. And then came a dog, named Woof. Then Meow said meow and ran away. It ran over the road and the car hit the brakes. Screech!! But it was too late. Boom!!! THE END! Izidor Budja, Tim Soldo, Jan Čokolič, Tim Schaubach, 9.b in Matic Crnkovič Lazić, 9.a
Once I asked a chicken: »Good day dear lady, what’s with all that?« But she didn’t answer me. She just wanted to show me her brand new hat.
Then suddenly, she saw a little worm, and she ran after it very, very fast. That thing didn't end good, she failed on that test.
Did she catch it? No, she didn't have any luck. Now her legs hurt and all we can hear is: »Cluck, cluck, cluck.« Marina Veljković, 9.b
Quack, quack is this a duck? No, it’s not, it’s a fire truck! Chirp, chirp is this a bird? Yes it is, it is a bird. Clip-clap-clip-clop; clippety clop, is this a horse or am I wrong? Yes, it’s a horse, writing in Morse. Woof-woof, bow-wow, is this a dog, or is it a cow? Yes, it’s a horse, not a cow. Hee-haw, is this a fly, or just an old donkey eating pie? It’s not a fly, it’s just an old donkey eating pie. Patrick Majcen and Simon Stare, 9. a
OŠ Štore
OŠ Slivnica pri Celju
SAMIR AND HUNK One hundred years ago there lived a kid. His name was Samir. He lived in very difficult conditions, because there was war in Albania. One day Samir’s mum walked to his room and started talking about his dad. She told him that he had been missing for five days. In Albanian culture the oldest son had to accept the responsibility for the family if dad had died. Samir was the oldest, so he had to work every day although he was still just a boy – he was only seven years old! In Albania there was a shortage of food and water. Every day he went to the river and poured water into an old rusty dish. But the main problem was the food. He often had to fall asleep hungry. Nobody could help him because his mum was sick, his sister Ivana was only one year old and his dad was probably dead, because enemies threw bombs at his village every day. He didn’t know what he could do, so he decided to go to the forest to catch some animals. It lasted only about an hour and he was carrying his backpack and was armed with a machete. His mum warned him: “Watch out because enemies drop bombs everywhere.” Then he headed straight to the forest. He walked around the trees, crossed the rivers, but he couldn’t find anything. Five hours later he still found nothing and to make matters worse, it then started to rain heavily. He lied down on the leaves and thought about his mum, his sister and how they could live a bit better. Then suddenly he heard a voice: “Oink oink!” He looked around and saw a pig. He pulled the machete but the pig ran away. Samir ran after it and he caught the pig. He pulled his knife, but he couldn’t kill it. He felt sorry for the pig. He was hungry, but he couldn’t do it. Samir and the pig became friends and he named it Hunk.
He was hungry for three days already and he knew that he had to kill an animal, but not his Hunk. He started putting out baits and one day he heard: “Oink oink!” He ran and saw another pig, which was stuck in the mud. He felt very bad about it and tried to save it, but the pig was so hurt it soon died. He felt bad and sad about it but he ate it because he was so hungry. Then he went home. He took Hunk with him and his family was very happy when they saw them. In the meantime their dad returned and brought food and water, too. Hunk was still Samir’s animal and whenever it was hungry, it went: “Oink oink!” Samir was happy whenever he heard Hunk because he remembered they met in difficult circumstances. In Albania it is a bit better now, and Samir’s successors have enough food now. From time to time they still tell each other their grandfather’s story.
By Maša Zeme, 9.a OŠ Slivnica pri Celju
Halloween Worries
A dog and a pig are talking about what they are going to be for Halloween.
Pig: What are you going to be for Halloween? Oink oink? Dog: I would like to be food. Something hot. Woof woof! Pig: Then go to China. If you go there, you won’t have to ask twice to get hot. Oink oink! Dog: Woof! I wouldn’t go there if that was the last place on Earth to go to.
Pig: Hmm … I think I will be on the plate for Halloween. Oink oink! Dog: If I go to McDonald’s, I will be on the plate, too. Pig: Why? Dog: Because I am going to be a hotdog. Woof woof!
By Nina Šentjurc, 9.a OŠ Slivnica pri Celju
By Maja Mesarec, 7.a OĹ Slivnica pri Celju
OŠ Šenčur Tiger From the holly lands, to densed jungles, it roames strongly, proud, through trees. It watches, it waits, it jumps and roares: »Roar, roar, roar, roar.« In a second and quckly, In a blink of an eye, You'll see what strenght is behind. On the grass in an opened forest, There's a tiger, Thats's looking you back. Eating his prey it stops. One step, two steps, three steps. »Roar« That's what you get, If you oppose his strenght. »Roar, roar, roar, roar«
¿Cuál es ese sonido? Había una chica, que vivía felizmente en su casita de madera. Un día se despertó y preparó el desayuno. Pronto escuchó una voz extraña. Era como un perro que está a punto de vomitar. Ella miró afuera y vio a un cerdo. Lo preguntó: - ¿Hiciste tú esa extraña voz que suena como un perro que está a punto de vomitar? La respuesta fue: Kouro, kouro, kuh! La chica no dijo nada más y continuó con su camino. De pronto vio una vaca. La preguntó: - ¿Hiciste tú esa extraña voz que suena como un perro que está a punto de vomitar? La vaca respondió: ¡Muuuuuuu, muuuuuuu! La chica estaba desesperada y se fue a su casa. Encontró a un búho. Lo preguntó: - Dime algo querido búho. Ya no sé que hacer. ¿Hiciste tú esa extraña voz que suena como un perro que está a punto de vomitar? El búho respondió: - ¡Wuwoooowo, wuwoooowo! No, no fui yo. Fue mi amigo. El zorro. La chica estaba contenta y dijo: - ¡Gracias, lo encontraré! Regresó a su casa y allí vio el zorro. Gritó: - ¡Eres tú! ¿Qué tipo de voz es esto? El zorro miró asustado: ¡Egggggghh, egggggghh!
El zorro corrió hacia el bosque y la niña durmió muy bien esa noche y era feliz.
Tina Sgerm (OŠ Šenčur)
HRUPEN DAN Zjutraj, ko še spiš, vedno te zbudi, če na vasi si doma, glasen kikirikiki.
A LOUD DAY When you are still asleep It always wakes you up If you live in a village Loud crowing.
Zjutraj pride tudi poštar in zaslišiš hov, hov, hov. Skozi okno vidiš da, poštar stekel je domov.
In the morning the mail man comes And you hear a loud woof woof And you see him through the window How fast he runs home.
Ko pa vrneš se iz šole, pes mačko že lovi. Jezno mjavka mijav mijav »prosim, daj pomagaj mi«
When you come home from school You see a dog chasing a cat It meows meow meow »Please help me now«.
Mačka res je spretna, Spleza na drevo, kjer pa ptički veselo čiv, čiv, čiv pojo. Napisala Maruša Sirc 8.b, Osnovna šola Šenčur
A cat is really clever It climbs on top of the tree Where birds chirp so beautifully.
Maruša Širc
Written and translated by Maruša Sirc 8.b, Osnovna šola Šenčur
OŠ Žiri Tiergeraüsche
Ente:“Quak quak.“ Krähe:“Krah.“ Ente:“Quak.“ Krähe:“Krah krah.“ Ente:“Quak?! Quak quak quak quak!!!!!!!!!!!! Matic Likar, OŠ Žiri
A Slovene dog and an English cat A cat meets a dog dog says hov, cat says meow and they start a real fight. Neža Trček OŠ Žiri
Russian dog: GAV, GAV (I asked, who are you?) Spanish dog: GUAU (What are you talking about?) Russian dog: GAV (That dog doesn't understand me.) Spanish dog: GUAU, GUAU (But I don't understand you too.) Romanian dog: HAM, HAM, HAM (I'd like to play too!) French dog [with dictionary]: HAM, HAM (we're not playing.) Romanian dog: HAM (But what are you doing and how can I understand you?)
French dog: HAM, HAM (we're talking but we can't understand each other. You can understand me because I'm using a dictionary.) Russian dog: GAV, GAV, GAV (Why don't you tell us how to understand each other?) Romanian dog [to French dog]: HAM, HAM (Give me your dictionary and I can talk to them.) French dog: HAM, HAM (Of course, here you are.)
Romanian dog: HAM (Thanks) GAV, GAV, GAV,GAV (we're using a dictionary. It's very cool. Here it is. Try to use it.) Russian dog [to Spanish dog]: GUAU, GUAU (Do you understand me? Use the dictionary and answer.) Romanian dog: GAV, GAV, GAV (Yes, I understand you. This thing is great.) HAM, HAM, HAM, HAM (Let's talk in English now. We can do that now. Who is with me?) French dog: WOOF (Yes.) Spanish dog: WOOF (Of course.) Russian dog: WOOF (That's a good idea. Let's do it!)
THE END Miha Tratnik OŠ Žiri
OŠ Tržišče
OŠ Primoža Trubarja Velike Lašče VEČERNA Phh phh Ou ou Drr drr drr Oh oh oh Ku ku Nk nk nk nk Ia ia Ck ck ck Auuu auuu. Dren Gruden, 9. a
Debata Na travniku se paseta dve kravi. Prva reče drugi: “Bee.” Slednja ji odvrne: “Mee.” Nato se prva ovca razburi in ji zabrusi: “Ne spreminjaj teme!” Dren Gruden, 9. a
Žaba Špela in krastača Reza Špela: A si že vidla tisto kva kva kva? Reza: Vejž de rega rega kva Špela: Kako ji je pa kva kva kva? Reza: Men se zdi, de Mija kva Špela: Kva je fina kva. Reza: Pa kva pol. Manca Bavdek, 9. b
Dvojezična kmetija Petelin je zgodaj zbudil živali na kmetiji. Petelin: Kikiriki! Mačka: Spet me je zbudil, mijav. Pes: Kaj se pritožuješ, lenuh! Ovce morajo v ogrado hov. Mačka: Ti le, jaz pa še malo dremat, mijav. Ovca: Danes bon a kmetiji nekaj novega,bee. Pes: Če ti praviš, hov. Kokoš: Dobro jutro ko ko ko. Pes: Dobro jutro hov. Piščančki: Doblo jutlo, čiv čiv čiv. Pes: Dobro jutro, hov Mačka: Kje je gospodar? Pes: V Avstriji hov. Krava: Lej ga mu. Kaj pa je v prikolici? Pujs (iz prikolice): Hallo, wer bist du, dnk oink. Pes: Kaj pa štrama hov Pujs: Wie geht’s, oink oink? Krava: Pusti ga, saj ni pri pravi muu. Pujs: Ich bin oink oink, verstehen? pes: Bežimo hov, da se še kaj ne spomni! Natalija Tomažin, 9. b
OŠ Cerkno Once upon a time there was a dog named Goofie. He wasn't a normal dog. Dogs usually bark, but Goofie wasn't like that. When he went to visit other animals, he started to make sounds like them. So, one day, he went to his catfriend. The cat's name was Tom. It was meowing, so Goofie started meowing, too. After that he went to a bird named Tweety. It was tweeting. So Goofie was now half meowing and half tweeting. The next animal he went to was a mouse named Jerry. Mice squeak, so Goofie was now meowing, tweeting and squeaking. It was late, so he had to go home. His father, Scooby-Doo, heard Goofie meow-tweet-squeaking. He didn't like it, so he ordered Goofie to start barking again. Goofie didn’t listen and did even worse - he started croaking. Scooby-Doo got very angry and they started fighting. Then mother Daisy heard them, entered the room and tried to end the fight. She was trying her best for half an hour, but she couldn’t make it. After she gave up, she also started meow-tweet-squeak-croaking. After all, Goofie was still her little baby and she wanted to support him. Father, on the other hand, was getting angrier and angrier, but surprisingly, the next day also he started meow-tweet-squeakcroaking. In the end, Goofie, Scooby-Doo and Daisy were all meow-tweetsqueak-croaking. It was the best compromise they could make. And they lived happily ever after because they spoke the same language. Miha Koblar in Nika Poljanšek, 9. B OSNOVNA ŠOLA CERKNO
KAJ REČE LISICA? Pes reče hov, Mačka reče mjav, Ptič reče čiv In miš cvili. Krava reče mu, Žaba reče kvak In slon trobi. Raca reče kvak riba reče blup In tjuln reče au au au. Ampak obstaja en živalski glas, Ki ga noben ne pozna. Kaj reče lisica? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Kaj reče lisica? Ua-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pau! Ua-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pau! Ua-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pau! Kaj reče lisica? Hati-hati-hati-hou! Hati-hati-hati-hou! Hati-hati-hati-hou! Kaj reče lisica? Jof-čof-čhof-čof-čof! Čof-čof-čof-čof-čof!
Jof-čof-čhof-čof-čof! Kaj reče lisica? Velike modre oči, špičast nos, Loviš miši In koplješ rove. Majhni kremplji, Gor po hribu, Kar naenkrat stojiš pri miru. Tvoj kožuh je rdeč, Zelo lep, Kot angel v preobleki. Ampak če spoznaš Prijaznega konja, Ali se boš sporazumevala v abecedi Morsovi, M-o-o-o-rsovi, M-o-o-o-rsovi? Kako boš govorila s tem Ko-o-o-njem, Ko-o-o-njem, Ko-o-o-njem? Kaj reče lisica? Jača-čača-čača-čau! Čača- čača-čača-čau! Čača- čača-čača-čau! Kaj reče lisica? Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kau! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kau! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kau! Kaj reče lisica? A-hi a-hi a-hii!
A-hi a-hi a-hii! A-hi a-hi a-hii! Kaj reče lisica? A-uu-uu-uu-uuu! Vuu-uu-uu-uuu!
Kaj reče lisica? Skrivnost lisice, Starodavna je, Nekje daleč v gozdu, Vem, da skrivaš se. Kako se oglašaš? Bomo sploh kdaj izvedeli? To bo za zmeraj skrivnost. Kako se oglašaš? Ti si moj angel varuh, V gozdu skrivaš se. Kako se oglašaš? Ua-ua-uai-du vub-vid-bid-dum-uai-do Ua-ua-uai-du Bomo kdaj vedeli? Baj-budabud-dum-bam Jaz hočem… Mama-dam-daj-du! Jaz hočem… Jaz hočem vedeti. Abaj-ba-da bum-bum baj-du! Miha Koblar in Nika Poljanšek, 9. B
OSNOVNA ŠOLA CERKNO Avtorske pravice: Ylvis – What does the fox say
Was sagt der Fuchs?
Der Hund der bellt, die Katze miaut, der Vogel zwitschert, und die Maus sie fiept. Die Kuh die muht, Frosch der quakt
der und der Elefant trompetet.
Die Ente quakt, Fisch der flennt
der und der Seehund sagt au au au. Aber da ist eine Stimme, die niemand kennt … Was sagt der Fuchs? Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Was sagt der Fuchs? Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!
Was sagt der Fuchs? Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! Was sagt der Fuchs? Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff! Was sagt der Fuchs? Große blaue Augen, spitze Nase, die Mäuse,
jagt gräbt die Löcher.
Winzige Pfoten hoch den Berg, bleibst du ruhig stehen. Dein Fell ist rot, schön
so wie ein Engel in Verkleidung.
Aber wenn du Pferd triffst, sprechen
ein nettes willst du mit ihm in der Morsealphabet, Morsealphabet, Morsealphabet. Wie sprichst du dann mit dem Pferd, Pferd, Pferd? Was sagt der Fuchs? Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow! Was sagt der Fuchs?
Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! Was sagt der Fuchs? A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! A-hee-ahee ha-hee! Was sagt der Fuchs? A-oo-oo-oo-ooo! Woo-oo-oo-ooo! Was sagt der Fuchs? Das Geheimnis vom Fuchs uraltes Geheimnis
ist ein irgendwo tief im Wald.
Ich weiĂ&#x;, du versteckst dich! Was ist deine Stimme?
Werden wir es jemals wissen? Wird es ein Geheimnis bleiben?
Was sagst du? mein Schutzengel
Du bist im Wald versteckt. Was ist deine Stimme?
Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do! Werden wir es jemals wissen?
Bay-budabud-dum-bam! Ich will es … Mama-dum-day-do Ich will es … Ich will es wissen!
Abayba-da bum-bum bay-do! Miha Koblar in Nika Poljanšek, 9. B OSNOVNA ŠOLA CERKNO Copyright: Ylvis – What does the fox say
OĹ Vransko-Tabor
EGSŠ Radovljica
TRI MAČKE – THREE CATS – DREI KATZEN Nekega lepega sončnega dne so se tri mačke srečale. Kmalu so ugotovile, da prihajajo s čisto drugačnih koncev sveta. Poleg tega pa še govorijo povsem druge jezike. Pa poglejmo, kako so se sporazumele tri mačke:
Mačka Tačka: Čau, sem mačka Tačka. Kako pa je ime vama, mijav, mijav? Cat Fat: Hello, my name is Fat, I am cat Fat, meow, meow. (Cat Fat is purring with satisfaction.) Kater Kieter: Hallo, ich heiße Kieter, ich bin Kater Kieter. Woher kommt ihr zwei, miau, miau? Mačka Tačka: Jaz prihajam iz Slovenije, iz majhne vasice v velikem mestu Piran. Od kod pa prihajata vidva, mijav, mijav, mijav? Cat Fat: I come from Bristol. If you don't know where it is , it's a city near the coast, meow, meow, meow. Kater Kieter: Ich bin aus Berlin, eine Perle Niedersachsen, miau, miau, miau. (Kater Kieter schnurrt.) Mačka Tačka: Oh, ko bi le vedela, kje se nahajata vajina domača kraja. A le kako bi lahko to vedela, ko pa še nikoli nisem odšla iz Pirana, mijav, mijav, mijav. (Mačka Tačka prede.) Cat Fat: I travel a lot, but I haven't been to Berlin yet, but I would like to visit it. Maybe one day, I'll visit you, meow, meow, meow. Kater Kieter: Nun, ich war schon in Slowenien, aber noch nicht in Piran. Ja, natürlich, komm! Wie alt seid ihr eigentlich, miau, miau, miau? Mačka Tačka: Jaz sem stara 9 let in živim s svojima mlajšima bratcema. Naša mama nas je že zgodaj zapustila in vso skrb nad bratcema sem morala prevzeti jaz. Pa vidva tudi živita s svojima družinama, mijav, mijav, mijav? Cat Fat: I'm 8 years old and I live with my girlfriend and my little son Bob in a castle, meow, meow, meow. Kater Kieter: Also, ich bin 7 Jahre alt. Ich bin ledig und noch zu haben, miau, miau, miau.
Mačka Tačka: Tako, fanta, zelo lepo vaju je bilo spoznati, ampak bom morala že domov, ker me moja brata čakata z večerjo, mijav, mijav, mijav. Cat Fat: Ok, it was a nice meeting and an interesting conversation with you two. Bye, bye, meow, meow, meow. I hope to meet you soon somewhere, meow, meow, meow. Kater Kieter: Auf Wiedersehen und bis bald, miau, miau, miau! Mačka Tačka: Čau, in lep večer, mijav, mijav, mijav! Vse tri v en glas: mijav, meow, miau, mijav, meow, miau, mijav, meow, miau!
Napisali: Klara Grilc, 1.Ga Karin Komar, 1.Ga Ryan Moolman, 1.Ga Manca Rupnik, 1. Ga Philip Sodja, 2.Mb
Gimnazija Želimlje
A DIFFERENT (HEN) STORY A long time ago, in a land where the sun was shining the brightest and the moon was the biggest and the sea was the bluest, there lived a hen. This hen was very special, because it spoke a lot of languages. When she walked past other chickens, she greeted them: 'Petok, petok!' 'Tok, tok, tok!' 'Kokodak!' Gitgit Gidaak!' And all the chickens around the world thought she was crazy because she didn't say: 'Koko!' She was very sad because nobody accepted her. She wanted to become like everyone else. She tried to learn the 'Koko language'. Although she tried, it simply wasn't her style. One day she met a snail named Dug. She realised that he can't speak, but he can still be her friend. And so they hung out together every day, every night. They spoke only with their hearts.
The moral: Don't try to be like everyone else, accept who you are even though you are different. Some day you will find a friend who will speak your heart language.
English competition (animal stories) By Luka Gregorič, 3. A Zavod sv, Frančiška Saleškega, Gimnazija Želimlje Teacher: mag. Julijana Mary Dolenšek Vode, prof. I. Owl: huhu, huhu huhu? (What did the buffalo say to his son when he went to college?) Hawk: (No) Owl: Hu hu. (Bi son) Hawk: ... Hawk: (Well this is hawkward, but I don’t get it) Owl: Huhu, huhu. (Don't worry owl wait) II. Eagle: (I can’t get sick) Eagle: (Or I would be Ill-eagle) III. Mosquito: Bzzzzzzzz Bear: Rawrrrr (Stop it!) Mosquito: Bzzzzzzzz(Oh, am I bugging you?) Bear: Rawrrrrrr (Yes, it is unbearable) IV. Seal: (I’m moving out of town) Alpaca: (Alpaca your things) Seal: (No thanks, I don’t need your help) Alpaca: (that is the sealiest thing I’ve ever heard) V. Dolphin: (As one of the smartest animals I wanted to tell you a joke about Sodium and Hydrogen, but NaH) VI. Cat: Meow, meow (want to talk in Japanese) Chicken: Cock-a-doodle-doo (ok) Cat: Nyan, nyan, nyan (何か変わったことある?) Chicken: ko-ke-kok-ko-o (いいえ?) Cat: Nyan, nyan, nyan (なに言ってるかわからないよね?) Chicken: ko-ke-kok-ko-o (いいえ、彼らはしません) Goat: me-e me-e me-e me-e? (ねえ、私も参加することができます?) Cat: Meow (Goat, you’re not supposed to be here talking Japanese) Goat: Naaa (Look I don’t even know how I goat here.)
Gimnazija Franceta Miklošiča Ljutomer El perro: ''¡Guauuguauu! Yo soy Juan, guauu, de España, ¡guauu! '' Ein Schaf: ''Beeee! Beeee! Ich bin Lena, beeee, aus Deutschland, beee!'' Konj: '' Iii-haa-haa, ii-haa-haa! Jaz pa sem konj in prihajam iz Slovenije, natančneje iz Lipice!'' Cat: ''Meow, meow! My name is Sophie. Meow. I come from Great Britain. Meeoow!'' Iva Grilec, Mina Kovač, Tadej Grof Semenič, Klavdija Vincetič 1. letnik Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer
Kokoš iz Španije in petelin iz Slovenije se srečata. Petelin začne osvajati kokoš. Reče ji: "Hej kura, fajni kljun." "¡Oye chaval! ¿Pero qué te pasa? ¿Piensas que yo soy cura? Comprate lentes y vete a la calle principal, ahí si está iglesia con el verdadero cura." Petelin mirno nadaljuje: " Prav nič te ne razumem. Ampak tvoj glas mi je zelo všeč, lepa kura." "¿Qué dices? Además de ciego, también eres sordo. ¡Te estoy diciendo que yo no soy cura!" se razjezi kokoš. "Raje nehaj govoriti ta čuden jezik in pridi, da te peljem na pijačo in plesat Waka waka," vztraja petelin. "Ya estoy harta. Ciego, sordo y también tonto. ¡No soy vaca, soy gallina, estúpido!" reče kokoš in ga uščipne. Petelin ves presenečen odskoči in zamrmra: "What is wrong with that chicken?" Ko ga kokoš sliši, mu reče: "Oh, so you speak English, ¿inglés?" "Yes, of course," odvrne petelin.
"Oh good, because I didn't really understand you before. Anyway, why are you so rude? Why are you calling me priest and cow?" "I didn't say that! I said that you are beautiful and I invited you for a dance and drink. Would you like to go?" vpraša petelin. Kokoš presenečena odvrne: "¿En serio? Well yes, of course – por supuesto. Shall we?" Petelin presenečeno zakikirika: "To! Uspelo mi je! Yes, we can go to this bar. Pollo asado ." Kokoš se malce posmehujoče zahihita: "Ay, si tú supieras que significa eso, jajaja." in mu odgovori: "I think this one here is better, it's called El cerdo sabroso."
Sara Zadravec, Gabrijela Ščavničar, Timi Bencak, Benjamin Balažic 1. letnik Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer Velike žabe delajo kvak, ker so iz velikih mlak. Woof there’s a dog standing on the block. Beee birka csinal, a fiu pedig csokoladit kinal. Kokoroko vgriznil me je v roko. I dođe crveni Ferrari brin brin i mu ugasi plin. Pa skoči vun šponski zovec pa se dere blinn blinn. There’s a cat screaming miaw, because she’s being chased by a big cow. Nemški Pferd po imenu Merd dela hiiii, kar pomeni: “pazi se zdaj ti!” Oing oing, to je to, se vidimo nato.
Neja Romih Drožina, Patricia Srša, Tjaša Bukovec, Maša Doler
Love between bee and cow Once upon a time, a cow drank wine. She was from the East, so her biggest fear were bees.
The cow stopped at her farm, and then her stomach started the alarm. She said: »Moo, moo, where's the food, moo, moo.«
When the bee saw her alone, there was no turning back to home: »Bzzz, moo, bzzz, moo, come to bee Lou.« »Please don't hurt me. You are a good bee.« When the bee got to her door, A yellow, striped uniform she wore. She kissed her on the mouth, and they moved together to the South.
Since then it's never been bzzz and moo again, but vizz and mö in the beautiful land. Katja Vöröš, 2b GFML
Once upon a time, there was a little cute black cat. She was different - she had never had a family, she was always alone. So one day she decided she wanted to see the world. So she packed and took off. After a while, she ran into a dog. He looked mad and said, “Woof, woof”. The little black cat was confused, because she didn’t know what to answer. They stared at each other for a long time and then she said, “Kwak, kwak”. Now the dog was confused. He looked at her as if she was crazy and left. The little black cat was really sad - she couldn’t understand what went wrong. Slowly she started walking again and after a while she met a duck. The duck looked really happy, she smiled at the cat and said, “quack!”. As there was no answer, the duck repeated, “quack”. They stared at each other, and then the cat said, “woof, woof”, but the duck got scared and ran away in panic. So the little black cat was alone again. After a while she finally met another cat. He smiled at her and said, “meow”. The little black cat jumped at him and screamed, “quack”. The cat started laughing and asked why she sounded like a duck. The little black cat told him she had never had a family to teach her who she is, what to do and what to say. The other cat hugged the little black cat and told her, that now she would not be alone anymore and that he would teach her everything. She was different, but that wasn’t important, because he liked her just the way she was. “Meow.” “Meow.” Tina Klement, 2b GFML
SGLŠ Postojna
#1 There once was a mouse, who loved living in our house. It had much fun, but my sleep was none. And all of it wasn’t good for my spouse. Emina Avdić, 3. z
#2 There was a frog, It liked being in a bog. Frogs like to jump and they’re kind of plump, they can also surprise us in the fog. Teodora Nakova, 3. z
#1 A beam of sunlight gaggala gaggala go the old morning song Matic Palčič, 3. z
#2 I am sitting in a bar and watching the trees, suddenly a “meow”. Katarina Rupnik, 4. z
#3 I am walking past puddles, frogs doing “ribbit” my boots are all wet. Katarina Rupnik, 4. z
#4 Wind in my hair love in the air “cui-cui” in my head. Katarina Rupnik, 4. z #5
I sat on a duck it said “oh, quack, quack, get off! Or else I will drown.” Šejla Azemović, 3. z
#6 Under a tree I just can wonder how to be like a bird so free. Eva Dužnik, 2. z
By one old man I was once told that all the ducks across the world don’t use the same old sound of “quack”, they can “rap” or “mac” or even “vak”.
He also said that dogs say “woof”, but that’s not the only voice they use, they can also sound like “guau” and “blaf” and “wong” and “heu” and “guk” and “haap”.
I have one question just for you: Do you know who says “buu”? It’s not a ghost or something scary, it’s just a pig whose name is Harry.
And at the end when we were talking I saw something fluffy walking. It was saying “meo, meo”, oh, that’s just neighbour’s cat called Theo! Petra Režek, 2. z
Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava
¿Cómo suenan los animales?
El gatito hace miauu miauu, mijav, meow El perrito hace guauu guauu, hov-hov, woof La vaquita hace muuu muuu, muu, moo El cerdito hace oingg, oink-oink, oink
El patito hace cuakk cuakk, kuak, quack La gallina hace kokoroko, kukuriku, bock-bock El caballo hace hiii-hiii, i-ha-ha, neigh La ovejita hace bee bee, beee, baa
La ranita hace cruak cruak, rega-kvak, ribbit El conejito hace blinn blinn blinn ¡Y el pecesito hace FIN FIN FIN!
Jesika Kustec y Tjaša Karakatič, 2. letnik Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava
Dijaki 2a ANG2: Samira Hartmann, Hana Banfi, Valentina Ba탑ika, Attila Bogdan, Erik Feher, Maksimilijan Jordaki
Srednja gradbena in lesarska šola Novo mesto Once upon a time there was a crocodile, crocheting a bib. click clack- click clack - click clack - click clack click clack- click clack - click clack - click clack (birds) tweet tweet tweet tweet Suddenly a hippo flies in. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (birds) tweet tweet tweet tweet The hippo asks the crocodile: what U doin? Bellow-bellow rumble-rumble roar-roar growl-growl The crocodile answers: I am crocheting a bib. Drum-drum-drum (birds) tweet tweet tweet tweet The hippo says: SVAŠTA (WHATEVER) (birds) tweet tweet tweet tweet
(Nekje nekoč v puščavi je krokodil sedel na drevesu in kvačkal slinček.) kliklak-kliklak kiklak-kiklak čiv čiv čiv čiv (v ozadju) (kar na enkrat prileti nilski konj) bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz čiv čiv čiv čiv (v ozadju) (podvodni konj vprasa krokodila kaj počne?) (on mu odgovori) brom-brom-brom (kvačkam slinček) brom-brom-brom čiv čiv čiv čiv (v ozadju) (podvodni konj reče) SVAŠTA!! The end
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