IN Magazine summer 2011

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IATEFL Slovenia Newsletter SUMMER ISSUE 2011, no. 51

Poročili o tekmovanjih za OŠ in SŠ Odzivi na konferenco Uporabni nasveti o Powerpoint predstavitvah Igre s konference v učilnico To be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:


Posebno ugodni pogoji za tekmovalce državnega tekmovanja iz angleškega jezika.

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IATEFL Slovenia newsletter Vol. 13, No 51, Summer issue 2011

Editorial S prihodom pomladi vsi na novo zadihamo in se (raz)veselimo življenja. Prav je, da se ozremo in postavimo pod drobnogled tisto, kar smo v tem šolskem letu doživeli, dosegli, se naučili ... Prav je, da nas pohvalijo za dosežke in trud, prav je tudi, da se skupaj veselimo in hitimo novim zmagam naproti, zato je ta izdaja biltena Slovenskega društva učiteljev angleškega jezika posvečena pohvalam mnogim. Vsem tistim učencem in dijakom, ki so v tem šolskem letu sodelovali, se trudili in nenazadnje pokazali izredno znanje; njihovim staršem, brez katerih prav gotovo ne gre; in seveda tudi vsem njihovim mentorjem, ki se vsakodnevno trudimo zanje, čeprav včasih ob obilici dela in skrbeh pozabimo, zakaj smo si izbrali to pot. A taki trenutki nas potrjujejo v prepričanju, da je še vedno mogoče biti učitelj in hkrati oseba, ki ob marsičem obdajajočem oblikuje te mlade ume. V društvu smo se zelo potrudili, da so bile vse aktivnosti, ki smo jih med letom organizirali, prijazne do vseh udeležencev, in upamo, da bomo tudi v prihodnje ostali institucija, vredna zastopanja vseh učiteljev angleškega jezika in ki ji bo čast in veselje pripadati. Upam, da bo ta bilten več kot le še en časopis in da ga boste z veseljem in ponosom shranili ter pokazali tudi sodelavcem, dijakom, staršem in drugim. Naj postane dokazni material, ki kaže na to, da je odličnost mogoča in da je tu, med nami. Sandra Vida, podpredsednica IATEFL Slovenia

Published by: IATEFL Slovenia, p.p. 1677, 1001 Ljubljana Email: tel: 041 907065 IN editor: Dolores Malić President: Jasna Cepuder Sedmak Email: Language editor: Tanja Nadu Printed by: Bograf d.o.o. Graphics: Petra Turk Articles, letters and other contributions should be addressed to IATEFL, p.p. 1677, 1001 Ljubljana Email: IATEFL Slovenia Board Members: Jasna Cepuder Sedmak Sandra Vida Marša Meznarič Eva Pišljar Suhadolc Beti Kerin Jasna Džambić Tjaša Lemut Novak Lea Sobočan Andreja Lakner Dolores Malić ISSN 1855-6833

Contents IATEFL Slovenia, Topolšica 2011 - Kaj pravijo udeleženci letošnje konference? .............................................................................................................. 4 Games evening at the Topolšica conference by Andreja Lakner ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Pasti in slasti Powerpointa by Lea Sobočan .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Mnenja tekmovalcev ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Mnenja mentorjev ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Tekmovanje iz angleščine za dijake drugih in tretjih letnikov by Beti Kerin ....................................................................................................................... 18 Tekmovanje iz angleščine za osnovnošolce by Tjaša Lemut Novak ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Dobitniki priznanj .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Osnovnošolski spisi ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Spisi srednješolcev ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Interview with James Hampson, British Council Slovenia by Jasna Cepuder Sedmak ................................................................................................ 28 Jezikovni center Mint ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 To be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:


IATEFL Slovenia, Topolšica 2011 Kaj pravijo udeleženci letošnje konference? Some of the plenaries and workshops were really inspiring. Irena Topolšica spa is a perfect place where you can get new ideas for class and recharge batteries physically and mentally. Renata Relaxing atmosphere, but learning and sharing experiences at the same time - fantastic combination! Janja It really is for the mind and the soul - interesting plenaries, workshops, plus it provides a space to meet old and new friends, to share ideas, not to mention the evening programmes :-) Petra KEEP good networking opportunities relaxing atmosphere incredible wellness + treat packages flexible organisers Predavanja so bila zelo kvalitetna – nov veter je zavel s poudarkom na pedagogiki, tj. posredovanju znanja oz. osredotočanju na odnos dijak – učitelj.


PASS ON A CHALLENGE • Miserable hotel staff (hopelessly inflexible waiters) • The relaxation massage course was great... • I would personally prefer more hands-on workshops with materials to take home. • I loved Lindsay’s talk in Global English – very innovative! • My own time slot was not good, though. • The choice of talks/workshops was great! • Very relaxing atmosphere, good presenters, lots of ideas that can be used in the classrooms. • Venue – just amazing! • I hope to come back next year. • Keep up the good work. „Energetični“ predavatelji so tudi zelo prijetna osvežitev. Po nekaj letih »pavze« letos prvič v Topolšici. Mislim, da je konferenca zadostila mojim pričakovanjem. Zanimive teme in pohvala kolegicam. (Pa da nam bo vodstvo šole lahko omogočilo prihode še naprej.) LP, Katja Černe, OŠ Renče

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V celoti gledano dobro organizirano, s celodnevnimi delavnicami, kjer je vsakdo lahko našel kaj zase. Prijetni in zabavni večeri s srečelovom – pohvala za izvedbo! Keep up the good work! Ester Satmari, OŠ Divača

Bilo je čudovito. Ob nabiranju novih spoznanj smo se lahko tudi razvajali. Včasih je bilo težko izbrati med delavnicami. Morda namig za tiste, ki imajo delavnice – včasih je moteče, če se preveč naslanjajo na PP-predstavitve. In hvala vsem za praktične primere.

Leni Dam me je opomnila, da moram dijakom dati več možnosti pri soodločanju o svojem učenju, pri tem, kako se bodo učili.

Želje: Še takih konferenc! Poletna šola za učitelje bi bila dobra poteza.

Pohvalila bi organizatorja, ambient, predavatelje. Dobila sem nekaj konkretnih idej za delo v razredu, predvsem od „English in Action“.

Na konferenci sem prvič in lahko povem, da bom zagotovo še prišla. Predavanja in delavnice so bile čudovite, najbolj bi pohvalila Tima Herdona in Lindsaya Clandfielda. Izbira kraja je super, saj se je lepo umakniti iz Ljubljane. HVALA za „super“ vikend!

Spodbudilo me je, da bom ponovno poskusila vnesti v svoje delo več avtonomije dijakov („project work, group work, choice“). Največja graja je namenjena »plenarcu« Blended Learning. Zanimiva izmenjava strokovnih mnenj. Ozavestila sem pomen medpredmetnega povezovanja, kreativnega in kritičnega mišljenja, ogromno praktičnih idej, ki jih lahko takoj „odnesemo“ v razred. Urnik je bil naporen, vsebine zanimive, večeri pestri. Hvala vsem, ki ste se trudili z organizacijo. Odhajam bogatejša in polna novega zagona. M. Oman

I’ve enjoyed the conference very much. It gave me the opportunity to actively speak English and I met a lot of new interesting and exciting people – teachers who deal with the same problems as I do in their classrooms. I loved the workshops and I can hardly wait for the new school year to begin and to introduce all the things I learnt here. So, good job boys and girls and I hope to see you next year with the same enthusiasm and positive energy. Maja

I learned that we are supposed to be more and more oriented at leraning how to assist the learner to learn better rather than being preocupied with how we can teach better.

Konferenca je bila dobro organizirana, vse je potekalo tekoče. Predavatelji so bili zanimivi, delavnice koristne, nekatere zelo uporabne. Dobili smo veliko idej za svoje delo. Čestitam!

Always include workshops for disabled children, please. Andreja Wastl Petrič

The conference was well organised and there were interesting papers discussed. All in all, no negative comments.

Fotografije: Jasna Džambić

Več o prihodnji konferenci pa v jesenski številki IN-a.

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naslednje Pridružite se nam naslednje leto tudi vi! Tema RE 2 SHARE. konference bo CA erenci lahko Udeležbo na konf čkah za uveljavljate pri to mostojni napredovanje. Sa narodni prispevek na med a 4 točke konferenci prinaš . Novost za napredovanje re to be naslednje leto - Da Powerpoint-free?


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Games evening at the Topolšica conference by Andreja Lakner This year, on Saturday evening, we organized the Games Evening. All the games that have been chosen can easily be used in the primary or secondary classroom as well. Below you will find the instructions and all the things needed for the games. The materials enclosed can be photocopied and used for the classroom purposes. We have also added some of the participant’s works. We hope you and your students will enjoy the activities!

they want or need to in order to get the same sentence you told the Kabals outside the classroom. 8. The first pair to solve the problem is the winner and the rest of the pairs can stop guessing. 9. Now the receptionists and the Kabals swap their roles and play the game explaining another problem.


LANGUAGE FOCUS: • Wh- questions practice • Yes/No questions practice • Expressing moods and feelings

THINGS YOU NEED: None HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Divide the students in pairs; they should decide who’s A and who’s B 2. Start the game with the following story: Once upon a time, far away in Africa, there lived a tribe called KABAL. The Kabals lived in a village called Kabal. They were very friendly and they lived a simple life. They had their own language, called Kabal. This language was a very simple one, too. Everybody could learn to speak it, since it had only one word – kabal. So, if the Kabals wanted to say »Yes.« they would say »Kabal.« (mime the intonation the appropriate geasture for yes). And when the Kabals wanted to say »No.« they said, »Kabal.« (again mime the intonation and add the appropriate gesture for no). Repeat some other expressions like »I love you. I’m angry. I’m hungry…), so everybody is sure how to behave as the Kabals. One day a Kabal came to London. He couldn’t speak any English; the only language he could speak was Kabal. Now, our poor Kabal comes to a London hotel (can easily be the Ritz, or another famous London hotel), and got a room. But unfortunately many things went wrong during his stay at the hotel. And whenever there was something wrong our Kabal went to the receptionist and tried to explain what the matter was, so they would be able to fix the problem. 3. At this point explain that all the students that have chosen A are the Kabals, and all the students that have chosen B are the receptionists. 4. Send As out of the class and give them the first problem (eg. There’s no hot water in my bath tub.) 5. They return back to the classroom and try to tell the receptionists about the problem. 6. The Kabals can only say the word KABAL, using it along with different moods and tones. They can also use as many gestures as they want, but they CANNOT use any paper or real objects to show what they mean. 7. On the other hand, the receptionists can speak English as much as they want to. They can ask as many questions as

I suggest you repeat the game at least three times (so As get Kabals three times), and you prepare little prizes for the winners (a small chocolate or a sweet, perhaps).

SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR KABAL’S PROBLEMS: • My wife’s going to have a baby – call the ambulance! • There’s no hot water in my shower. • Where can I polish my shoes? • Can I get some water for my monkey? • The bed is too soft – can I get a board to put it on? • I ran out of toilet paper – can I get a new roll?

PANTOMYME HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Divide the class into groups of 6 – 7 (if your class is not a very big one, you can divide it into two groups). 2. A representative of each group stands in front of the group and mimes a word / phrase / sentence. 3. The rest of the group members should try to guess what the representative is miming. The first group to guess is the winner. 4. Repeat the procedure several times; you can organize the miming acts according to how difficult they are to mime. LANGUAGE FOCUS: • Guessing words • Guessing phrases and putting the words in the phrases in the correct order • Guessing sentences and putting the words in the correct sentence order SOME SUGGESTIONS: • a parking ticket • a love potion • a flying carpet • an emergency exit • a couch potato

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A JOURNEY AROUND ENGLAND THINGS YOU NEED: • Cards with the names of English towns and cities (see below) • Some paper • A pen • Maps of England including all the towns / cities mentioned in the game (see below) PREPARATION BEFORE THE CLASS: • Prepare the paper (an A4 sheet per group). On the top of each sheet write one town / city mentioned on the LEFT – HAND side of the cards. • Place the cards with the names of the English towns and cities (see below) on the blackboard. HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Students work in groups of 4 - 5; they should decide on the leader of the group. 2. The leaders remain sitting at the group’s desks at the back of the class throughout the game; they are given the paper with the city / town written. 3. The rest of the students decide who’s first, second etc. and stand in a queue next to their leaders. 4. Place the groups at the back of the class, so that each group is equally far away from the cards on the blackboard. 5. At your sign the first students of each group run to the cards. When they find the town / city you have written on the piece of paper on the LEFT-HAND side, they see where their way leads (for eg. LIVERPOOL - LEEDS). They run back to their group and tell it to the leader; s/he writes it down. 6. Now the second students run to the cards on the blackboard to find LEEDS on their left-hand side. When they find it, they again see the town / city written next to it (MANCHESTER) and run back to the leader, who writes it down. 7. Repeat until the first group (the winners!) returns back to their initial town / city (in this case LIVERPOOL). 8. Now hand out the maps of England and ask students to mark their way (or just part of the way). THE FOCUS: The game has cultural background, since students get to know England and its towns / cities.







TEACHER MIA THINGS YOU NEED: • a handout with the lyrics of the song (see below) PREPARATION BEFORE THE CLASS: • Make enough photocopies for everybody to have one. (see next page) HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Divide students into groups of 4 (five is OK, too). 2. Give the students the text of the song MAMMA MIA (ABBA). 3. Play the song (you will find the song on You-Tube). 4. Now ask the students to write a new song. It should have the same melody, but different lyrics. 5. Ask pupils to perform their songs and let the others choose the best (they can vote or give points or…). 6. Mamma Mia is just a suggestion, you can use any other song. LANGUAGE FOCUS: • Making new songs • Finding rhyming words 8

ORIGINAL LYRI CS FOR THE SO NG: MAMA MIA I’ve been cheate d by you since I don’t know when So I made up m y mind, it must co me to an end Look at me now, will I ever learn? I don’t know how but I suddenly lo se control There’s a fire with in my soul Just one look an d I can hear a be ll ring One more look an d I forget everyt hing, o-o-o-oh Mamma mia, he re I go again My, my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia, do es it show again ? My, my, just how much I’ve missed you Yes, I’ve been br oken-hearted Blue since the da y we parted Why, why did I ev er let you go? Mamma mia, no w I really know, My, my, I could ne ver let you go.

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TEACHER MIA since i don’t know when I’ve been punished by you st come to an end mu it d, min So I made up my rn? lea r Look at me now, will I eve ly lose all hope den sud I but how I don’t know l tro con ’t There’s knowledge I can bling trem rt sta can I and k Just one loo ing, o-o-o-oh ryth eve et forg I One more look and in Teacher mia, here I go aga ? you id avo I can how , My, my again? up w sho I st Teacher mia, mu s you mis n eve ’t don I , my , My Yes, I’ve been very lazy me crazy School books just drive go? me let you ’t don Why, why lly know, Teacher mia, now you rea gonna blow. My, my, my braincells are

I’ve been cheating again, last week at the test So I passed quite an A, so now I can rest Look at me now, I’m a graduate Who cares what I’ve done, I’m the mayor’s only son He’ll cover up all the mess I’ve done Just one call and dad will solve everything Just one hug and he will settle the thing Oh, oh, oh Teacher mia, here we go again My, my, guess I must have pissed you Teacher mia does it hurt again? My,my, just the way I’ve tricked you Yes, you’ve been brokenhearted Blue since the day this started My, my will you ever let me go? Pija, Dragana, Sahide , Marša

Nina, Katarina, Lea

y English exam ting again at m I’ve been chea glish exam En y g again at m Sadly, cheatin expelled! en be ve ha I w, e, Look at me no always sees m w the teacher I don’t know ho within my soul There’s anger ssed the test would have pa I . d ie ud If I’d st arn everything le d t and I coul One more nigh e chance ve me one mor Teacher mia, gi sist me? re , how can you Please, please w. no y ad am re Teacher mia, I iss me. , just don’t dism Please, please d te ar he en brok Yes, I’ve been rted the day we pa Crammed since me pass? t le er ev u yo Why, why did w I really know Teacher mia, no again. ill never cheat w I se Please, plea d, Petra, Vera Davorka, Nena

I’ve been taught by you since way back when So I made up my mind it must come to an end Look at me now, will I ever pass? I don’t know how but I lost my pen There’s a block insife of my head I’ve been cheating wi th you since I don’t kn One more try and i’ll be out this school ow when And we’re made our mi nd this must never en Just one look and I forgot who you are. d. Don’t look at us now, or we’ll never learn You don’t know why but we suddenly tak Teacher mia, give me one more chance e control There’s a fire burning in the hall No, no how can you deny me? Take a look we can he ar the bell ring Teacher mia, will I ever pass? Turn your back and we ’ll know everything My my do you really care at all? Yes I’ve been late and lazy Teacher mia, out you go again And even made you crazy My, my we will not ass ist you Why why did I ever let you down. Teacher mia, out you go again Teacher mia please forgive me now My, my, we won’t rea lly miss you My my I will make it up to you Yes, we’ve been chea ting harder Until the day we’re sm Lisa Harsbarger, Susan Vuga, arter Why, why, didn’t we Robert Urekar and Ester Satmari ever start befre Teacher mia now yo u really know Now, now we will ne ver see you go.

Lindsay, Peter, Janja, Nina

ARE THE BEATLES 2KUL4SKUL? THINGS YOU NEED: • A handout with the titles of The Beatles’ songs (see below)


PREPARATION BEFORE THE CLASS: • Make enough photocopies for everybody to have one.

A: B: A: B: A:

HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Divide students into groups of 4 (five is OK, too). 2. Give each group a handout with the titles of the Beatles songs. 3. Ask the students to make dialogues using ONLY the titles of the songs. If you wish, you can set the topic for the poem (as we’ve done it at the conference). 4. A very nice idea is to record all of the poems and let students listen to them.

Hey Jude! Honey Pie! Good morning, good morning. I want to tell you, from me to you, I feel fine. Wait. I should have known better. I’m down, when I get home, I’m so tired. B: We can work it out. Like dreamers do. A: Hold me tight. B: I wanna hold your hand, Michelle. A: It’s only love. A & B: Let it be. I’m in love. Lindsay, Peter, Janja, Nina

LANGUAGE FOCUS: • Using the student’s imagination to create dialogues • Making simple conversation To be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:



THE BEATLES - TITLES OF THEIR SONGS 1. 4. 7. 10. 13. 16. 19. 22. 25. 28. 31. 34. 37. 40. 43. 46. 49. 52. 55. 58. 61. 64. 67. 70. 73. 76. 79. 82. 85. 88. 91. 94. 97. 100. 103. 106. 109. 112. 115. 118. 121. 124. 127. 130. 133. 136. 139. 142. 145. 148. 151. 154. 157. 160. 163. 166. 169. 172. 175. 178.


Across The Universe All Together Now And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All Back In The USSR Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite Blue Jay Way Come Together Cry Baby Cry Dear Prudence Dr Robert Eleanor Rigby Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Flying From A Window Getting Better Glass Onion Good Morning, Good Morning Got To Get You Into My Life Hello Goodbye Helter Skelter Hey Bulldog Honey Pie I Don’t Want To See You Again I Need You I Wanna Be Your Man I Want You If I Needed Someone I’ll Follow The Sun I’m Down I’m Looking Through You In My Life It’s All Too Much It’s Only Love Lady Madonna Little Child Lovely Rita Martha My Dear Michelle (The) Night Before Norwegian Wood Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Only A Northern Song Polythene Pam Revolution Sexy Sadie She Loves You She’s Leaving Home Sun King Tell Me Why Things We Said Today Ticket To Ride Two Of Us What Goes On When I’m Sixty Four (The) World Year Blues You Can’t Do That You Won’t See Me You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away

2. 5. 8. 11. 14. 17. 20. 23. 26. 29. 32. 35. 38. 41. 44. 47. 50. 53. 56. 59. 62. 65. 68. 71. 74. 77. 80. 83. 86. 89. 92. 95. 98. 101. 104. 107. 110. 113. 116. 119. 122. 125. 128. 131. 134. 137. 140. 143. 146. 149. 152. 155. 158. 161. 164. 167. 170. 173. 176.

All I’ve Got To Do All You Need Is Love Another Day Baby You’re A Rich Man The Ballad Of John And Yoko Birthday Can’t Buy My Love (The) Continuing Story Of Day In My Life Dig A Pony Drive My Car The End Except Me And My Monkey (The) Fool On The Hill From Me To You Girl Golden Slumbers Good Night Happiness Is A Warm Gun Hell Little Girl Her Majesty Hey Jude I Am The Walrus I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party I Saw Her Standing There I Want To Hold Your Hand I Will I’ll Be Back I’ll Get You I’m Happy Just To Dance With You I’m Only Sleeping (The) Inner Light It’s For You I’ve Just Seen A Face Let It Be Love Of The Loved Lucy In The Sky With The Diamonds Maxwell’s Silver Hammer Misery No Reply Not A Second Time Oh! Darling Paparback Writer Power To The People Rocky Raccoon Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Ahe Said She Said Step Inside Love Taxman Thank You Girl Think For Yourself Tip Of My Tongue Wait What You’re Doing With A Little Help From My Friends World Without Love Yes It Is You Like Me Too Much Your Mother Should Know

3. 6. 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 24. 27. 30. 33. 36. 39. 42. 45. 48. 51. 54. 57. 60. 63. 66. 69. 72. 75. 78. 81. 84. 87. 90. 93. 96. 99. 102. 105. 108. 111. 114. 117. 120. 123. 126. 129. 132. 135. 138. 141. 144. 147. 150. 153. 156. 159. 162. 165. 168. 171. 174. 177.

All My Loving And I Love Her Another Girl Baby’s In Black Because Blackbird Carry That Weight Bungalow Bill Day Tripper Don’t Let Me Down Eight Days A Week Every Little Thing Fixing A Hole For No One Get Back Give Peace A Chance Good Day Sunshine Goodbye Hard Day’s Night Help! Here There And Everywhere Hold Me Tight I Call Your Name I feel Fine I Should Have Known Better I Want To Tell You If I Feel I’ll Cry Instead I’m A Loser I’m In Love I’m So Tired It Won’t Be Long I’ve Got A Feeling Julia Like Dreamers Do Love To You Magical Mystery Tour Mean Mr Mustard Mother Nature’s Son Nobody I Know Nowhere Man One After 909 Penny Lane Rain Run For Your Life She Came In Through The Bathroom Window She’s A Woman Strawberry Fields Forever Tell Me What You See There’s A Place This Boy Tomorrow Never Knows We Can Work It Out When I Get Home Within You Within You Yellow Submarine Yesterday You Never Give Me Your Money You’re Going To Lose That Girl

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Pasti in slasti Powerpointa by Lea Sobočan

Pa je prišel ta veseli dan, saj so nam sprejeli predstavitev/ delavnico/govorni nastop na izobraževanju/konferenci/ sprejemu Nobelove nagrade! A vedno se najde kakšen, ki nam pokvari veselje in vpraša: “Pa Powerpoint? Ga že imaš pripravljenega?” Beh. Saj Powerpoint je že dober, samo kaj, ko gre vedno kaj narobe ali pa prepozno ugotovimo, da česa nismo naredili ravno najboljše. Upam, da vam bo nekaj drobnih nasvetov pomagalo pri pripravi vaše naslednje zahtevane predstavitve.

Pisava Velikost naj bo več kot 28, da občinstvo ne bo potrebovalo daljnogleda za branje vaše projekcije. Premislite tudi o uporabi gladkih fontov, kot je recimo Arial namesto Times New Roman. Če ni malih zavojčkov in okraskov, je pisavo lažje brati od daleč. Vedno imejte v mislih, da ste zvezda predstavitve vi in ne vaša projekcija, zato naj bo na zaslonu le malo besedila. Nikar celih povedi na prosojnico!

Barve Uporabljajte kontrastne barve, svetlo na temnem ozadju in temne na svetlem ozadju. Poskušajte uporabljati čim manj barv besedila, saj ta zmede občinstvo. V nasprotnem se bodo bolj posvečali lepim barvam na steni/platnu kot pa vaši nadvse zanimivi predstavitvi.

Oznake in alineje Ko boste govorili o procesu ali zaporednih dogodkih, uporabite številke, ko pa boste predstavljali več idej ali pogledov, uporabite oznake. Ne uporabljajte več kot dveh stilov oznak, ker bodo sicer zmedle občinstvo. Naši možgani imajo radi red in množica pikic, kvadratkov in diamantkov jih zmede. Če želite, da občinstvo ne bere besedila vaše prosojnice vnaprej, nastavite, da se bodo oznake prikazovale ena za drugo. To je priročno spravljeno v meniju Animacije, uredite le, da se besedilo prikazuje po odstavkih.

Slike Zakaj pa ne, če lahko! S sliko povemo več kot s tisoč besedami, vendar ne pretiravajte. Na eni prosojnici naj bo le malo slik, mogoče celo samo ena; naj bo velika in v ospredju. Če je zraven besedilo, naj bo postavljeno tako, da ne moti slike, nikakor pa naj ne bo na sami sliki. Če so slike le popestritev vaši predstavitvi, naj bodo majhne in nevpadljive. Pravzaprav premislite, če jih sploh potrebujete, ali pa bi se raje odločili za lepše ozadje. Zagotovo in brez vprašanja pa izpustite t. i. animirane gife – plesoče banane in skakajoči medvedki nimajo kaj početi v vaši predstavitvi, razen če so vaša tema prav plesoče banane.

Video Nočna mora vsakega predavatelja. Predstavitev je narejena, doma dela odlično, video je kot iz škatlice ... Do usodnega dneva, ko stojimo pred projektorjem in jecljamo tisti dobro znani stavek: “Pa saj doma je vse delalo ...” Powerpoint pusti, da videe do določene velikosti vgnezdimo v predstavitev, če pa so večji, morajo biti datoteke z videom na istem mestu kot predstavitev. Datoteke z videom si spravite na ključek posebej. Naj bo vaša mantra: “Imeti moram plan B.”

Prehodi Powerpoint ima celo goro “luštnih” prehodov, na primer šahovnico ali pa brisalce, še celo z zvočnimi efekti. Ne podležite skušnjavi. Traja kar nekaj časa, da se prehodi odvijejo in nova prosojnica prikaže. Med tem časom bo vaše občinstvo nemirno brskalo po telefonu, gledalo v zrak, v najhujših primerih pa načrtovalo vašo hitro odstranitev.

Zdaj je vaša predstavitev končana, popolnoma svetleča se in profesionalna. Zdaj je čas za vajo, vajo in še malo vaje. Najbolje je, da vse skupaj shranite na USB-ključek in se odpravite do prijateljice, kjer lahko preizkusite, če vse dela tako, kot smo si zamislili, še posebej slike in video. Pa tudi če ne, imate sedaj še vedno nekaj dni časa, da vse popravite. Zdaj si lahko tudi pogledate, če so vse slike dovolj vidne in ali se da brati besedilo na prosojnicah. Najbolje je, da se usedete približno dva metra od zaslona računalnika. Če ne morete prebrati besedila, ga tudi občinstvo ne bo moglo. Prej ali slej pride dan D in popolnoma samozavestni se odpravimo na konferenco/govorni nastop/delavnico/podelitev Nobelove nagrade. Ko prispete, boste seveda preverili opremo. Ali vse deluje, še posebej projektor? Se vas sliši tudi v zadnjih vrstah? Je zvok vaših videov čist in dovolj glasen? Vedno imejte v mislih, da so bogovi tehnologije muhasti in vam jo bodo zagodli, če se le da. Torej, vedno je dobro imeti natisnjene kopije predstavitve, če se kaj zalomi. Pa tudi če se zgodi, da projektor zataji in se računalnik skuja, ni nič narobe, če le imate plan B, v skrajni sili lahko tudi flomaster in velik kos papirja. Konec koncev ste zvezda dogodka vi in ne Powerpoint. Ko ste srečno preživeli predstavitev in popolnoma začarali občinstvo, je seveda čas za vprašanja. Držite se zastavljenega časa, tako občinstvo kot tudi organizatorji vam bodo hvaležni. Če so vam namenili uro, pripravite predstavitev za 45 minut, ostalo pa namenite vprašanjem. Vsi bodo navdušeni, saj jim ne bo treba hiteti in tudi vi boste bolj sproščeni, saj boste lahko vprašanjem posvetili dovolj pozornosti. Tako, vaše življenje je sedaj bogatejše za majhen vpogled v alkimijo priprave Powerpoint predstavitve. Svet Powerpointa je razgiban in raznolik in ko ga končno ukrotimo, se lahko nadejamo občudujočih pogledov naših slušateljev in zavistnih šepetanj ostalih smrtnikov.

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M n e n j a

t e k m o v a l c e v

1. What is your favourite English word? Why? odgovori tekmovalcev OŠ FIREFLY – I like it not because of what it describes but because of the way someone says it - fire and fly – two words I like pronouncing as they sound good to me. Both seem kind of magical. They represent something light and bright.

My favourite word is amorous because at the moment I feel very much in love.

Zala Meklav, OŠ Fram

BEAT-because it’s short and nice.

DELICIOUS-because the sound of the word simply matches its meaning. Urban Cotič, OŠ Dutovlje My favourite word is kazoo, because I love saying that word and it sounds awesome (;

Jan Drozg, OŠ Fram

Nika Bizjak, OŠ Fram Miscellaneous. I love the sound of it.

Anja Tavčar, OŠ Dutovlje

Tim Horvat, OŠ Mirana Jarca, Ljubljana

My favourite english word is RAINBOW, because its so beautiful and it sounds mystical.

Niman najljubše besede, ampak če bi že imela za izbirat bi izbrala LIKE, ker se lahko uporablja na več načinov in je nekako zmiraj pozitivno.

Natalyia Sitnikova, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

Ana Mezinec, OŠ Antona Šibelja Stjenka, Komen

SQUASH- because it sounds funny.

My favourite English word is »awesome«, because it means, that something is not boring or bad, but super.

Lana Macarol, OŠ Dutovlje

Neža Rozman, OŠ Veliki Gaber

My favourite word is COMBAT because it tags a lot of other words, and it’s French.

My favourite English word is sunshine - nothing special, but i like the the way it sounds when we say it. It is so reminding me on the sun and warm days and on my favourite color - yellow.

Dan Toškan, OŠ Dekani

Vita Maksl, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

Pumpkin. Because I think it’s funny. Love. Because I like the meaning of this word and it’s simple and nice.

My favourite English word at the moment is probably ILLUMINATE. Funny though, I never really had a favourite word, but the question made me find one. Why is »illuminate« my favourite word? I guess, because it somehow resembles light, enlightment, and it sounds really cool.

Nika Hauptman, OŠ Litija

Art. It’s such a simple word, yet it means so much.

Dominik Vrabič Dežman, OŠ Bistrica Tržič

My favourite English word is a computer because computer is my favourite thing to learn English and to have fun with friends. Every day I log in my computer and my friend and me talk and play games together. I also have some friends from Australia, the United States and Great Britain. We use computer programmes to talk.

Andraž Gorišek, OŠ Neznanih talcev, Dravograd

Video game. I love playing video games. I am very good at them. Matej, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice My favourite English word is »awesome«, because it means, that something is not boring or bad, but super. Tomi Merc, OŠ Videm

Tomi Merc, OŠ Videm Err. Probably “life”. Why favourite? Because it sounds so precious, easy, breakable and simple in four letters. I prefer English to Slovene because of the thousands of words that sound so wonderful if I say them, write them or think about them. What if I was born in the UK or the USA? Would my life be any different if English was my native language? It sounds really glamorous to me.

Zoja Krevh, Druga osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec Rainbow because that word reminds me that life is full of colours. Just like rainbow. Lotti Gosar, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice My favourite word is waterfall because it reminds me of the beautiful nature. I love its sprakles and sounds. The word goes off my tongue swiftly. Plus I love water.

Jaka Jerala, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice

odgovori tekmovalcev SŠ tekmovalcev SŠ odgovori My favourite english word is “aloof”, because this word sounds very interesting and unusual for the English language (but that is only my opinion).

My favorite English word is “ambivalent”. I like it because it means an inner emotional conflict, of which we experience many.

Kristina Gregorčič, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica

Aleš Sladič, ŠC Krško-Sevnica, Krško


Dalek. That is the name of a fictional race in one of my personal favourite and most famous British TV shows, Doctor Who. Tjaš Debeljak, Gimnazija Bežigrad

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2. Best school lesson odgovori tekmovalcev OŠ Well there usually isn`t very much for me to learn at our English lesson (I`m not saying that it isn`t educational, I just know everything we`re currently learning). My favourite lesson would be team work, like dividing students into teams and let them solve a team oriented exercise. I also enjoy the layouts our teacher gives us. They`re fun! Dominik Vrabič Dežman, OŠ Bistrica Tržič

Rada imam ure, pri katerih beremo v dialogu in ure, ko beremo o stvareh po celem svetu.

Well. We talked in English to each other most of the time and there was no boring stuff - such as writing definitions in our notebooks. Zoja Krevh, Druga osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec My favourite English lesson involves me sleeping though it. I like English in general but I find English lesson boring, since we usually learn stuff like how to order in a restaurant, how to buy things in a shop and so on. Dan Toškan, OŠ Dekani

Nika Hauptman, OŠ Litija

I like reading different articles in our student’s book and then discuss them. We go on the Internet a lot and check all the details about certain topics.

Zala Meklav, OŠ Fram Well - our teacher brought some lyrics of Christmas song and explained some Christmas traditions. Natalyia Sitnikova, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

My schoolmate Lana presented a poster about what famous people said about the Sun. At the end of the lesson we listened to a song from our book.

Anja Tavčar, OŠ Dutovlje

In my favourite English lesson we read a detective story from our books and then we looked for clues in the exercise and later we act it out.

Tomi Merc, OŠ Videm My favourite English lesson was when one of my schoolmates had a presentation of a computer game Aion and we made fun of him because he played that game. We tried to persuade him that it’s a boring game.

Andraž Gorišek, OŠ Neznanih talcev, Dravograd

I don’t really have most favourite English lesson, I like them all. But it’s more interesting if we have games in English, or we sing English songs and such things. Vita Maksl, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

I love every single English lesson, but I guess ma favourite one was when we all drew each other something for Christmas. Nika Bizjak, OŠ Fram

Mislim, da v petem razredu, ko smo peli pesmi, ki smo se jih naučili do takrat in na koncu nas je učiteljica slikala.

Ana Mezinec OŠ Antona Šibelja Stjenka, Komen

vocabulary knowledge.

We read the story The Tailor of Swaffham. I think it has a great message - you can travel all over the world but you always find the treasure you’ve been looking for “in your own garden”.

Tim Horvat, OŠ Mirana Jarca, Ljubljana

Jan Drozg, OŠ Fram

Lana Macarol, OŠ Dutovlje

We talk about cities in other countries.

It’s when we talk in English the whole class. It’s great and I often learn much new words.

When we talk about stories from the past in English.

Matej, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice

Jaka Jerala, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice

Žiga Kejžar, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Jesenice

We were learning a new tense.

All English lessons are the best. But right now I’m into the competition Scrabblitz where I test my English

odgovori tekmovalcev SŠ

odgovori tekmovalcev SŠ

Perfektna ura angleščine je po mojem mnenju takšna, v katero je vključeno bralno in slušno razumevanje, temu pa sledi še diskusija med učenci in profesorjem (seveda v angleščini) o slišani oziroma prebrani vsebini. Pomembno je, da vsi dijaki med učno uro pridejo do besede in se poskusijo razumljivo izraziti v angleškem jeziku. Ključno je, da dijaki premagajo strah pred pogovarjanjem v tujem jeziku (ker se bojijo napak, posmeha sošolcev, tujcev, s katerimi se morajo pogovarjati v angleščini ...). Več kot se pogovarjajo, manj napak delajo, nimajo strahu pred pogovorom s tujci, s tem pa je cilj pouka angleščine po mojem mnenju izpolnjen.

Moj najljubši del pri angleščini je bralno razumevanje. Zaradi tega bom rekel, da imam najraje, ko beremo kakšno zgodbo ali članek iz učbenika.

Kristina Gregorčič, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica

Aleš Sladič, ŠC Krško-Sevnica, Krško

Gledanje filmov ob koncu leta, ko so ocene že zaključene. Tjaš Debeljak, Gimnazija Bežigrad

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M n e n j a

t e k m o v a l c e v

3. A recipe for good English odgovori tekmovalcev OŠ There is no recipe just a wish to study and learn. Today, English is involved in our everyday life such as books, films and commercials. Here are many options to learn and obtain. All you need is inclination towards foreign languages. I practise English every day while speaking to my brother, reading English books and watching films without subtitles. Thus a lot of words stay in my memory and are there for conversation. Zala Meklav, OŠ Fram Listen and learn but you have to be at least a little talented for great knowledge.

I suggest watching TV programmes on English channels without subtitles or playing computer games. This is for those who don’t like reading. But the ones who prefer books, they are the best option for better English.

Jan Drozg, OŠ Fram

Start watching Cartoon Network at two years of age and never stop. Just joking, I don’t really sit down and learn, I’ve been watching TV for my whole life now and learnt English at a very young age. Nika Bizjak, OŠ Fram

Lana Macarol, OŠ Dutovlje

Read as much as you can. After some time you’ll start thinking in English occasionally.

The best way to learn English is to learn it when you are young or not too old. I learned English on TV when I was 6 years old. I also learned new words by playing computer games and reading English books.

Tim Horvat, OŠ Mirana Jarca, Ljubljana

Andraž Gorišek, OŠ Neznanih talcev, Dravograd

Just keep practicing and watch some moovies without subtitles and things like that.

Natalyia Sitnikova, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

There is no real recipe for good English knowledge, except maybe studying. ;D It really helps if we watch movies without subtitles, try to read books in English ( and do not look into the dictionary for every word) , if we use English in every day conversations with your friends and if we take English as a challenge and fun.

Vita Maksl, OŠ Šmihel, Novo mesto

The question may be written in Slovene but that doesn`t restrain me from answering in English. To tell the truth, my English knowledge originates from some lessons I took at the age of five, but most of my grammar knowledge was gained through numerous hours of watching English TV. You`ve guessed: cartoons! Later on, when I understood most of what was written, I went on the Internet. From there I absorbed huge amounts of new words and expressions. I am ,of course, still extending my vocabulary after all.

I learned a lot from movies and from computer. Nika Hauptman, OŠ Litija

Dominik Vrabič Dežman, OŠ Bistrica Tržič

I watch lots of cartoons. Urban Cotič, OŠ Dutovlje There is no exact “recipe”. I watch a lot of English and American films, read books and magazines in English and write letters and mails in English.

Anja Tavčar, OŠ Dutovlje Now, that’s difficult. Read English books, watch English channels or English films without subtitles and learn words. It is a biiiig plus if you had private lessons of English when you were younger or someone to teach you English before you started to learn it at school. Zoja Krevh, Druga osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec My recipe for good knowledge of English is simple. It is made of three steps, which are: 1 study hard 2 do your best 3 believe, that you can do it.

Tomi Merc, OŠ Videm There is no recipe for having good knowledge of English since it’s all in the feeling. You need to listen to what you’re saying, so you know if you are saying it right. Of course, you first need to know what is actually right. I learned that through films and documentaires. Dan Toškan, OŠ Dekani Nimam nasveta, ker se tudi sama angleščine ne učim ... (razen glagolov) (:Neža Rozman, OŠ Veliki Gaber

odgovori tekmovalcev SŠ Moj recept za dobro znanje angleščine: zmešamo tono prebranih angleških knjig, ki jim dodamo na ducate ogledanih britanskih in ameriških filmov (brez dodanih podnapisov), na koncu pa vse skupaj začinimo z obilico veselja in ljubezni do angleščine. (Pretiravanje z omenjenimi sestavinami je priporočljivo!)

Redno branje stripov filmov v angleščini.

Nimam nikakršnega recepta, vendar bi tako kot za vse ostale predmete rekel, da se je pač treba vsaj občasno učiti.

Kristina Gregorčič, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica

Tjaš Debeljak, Gimnazija Bežigrad

Aleš Sladič, ŠC Krško-Sevnica, Krško


in knjig ter gledanje

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4. V čem vidiš smisel

Napovednik dogodkov

tekmovanja iz angleškega jezika? Julij

odgovori tekmovalcev SŠ

4. 7. – 7. 7. Mislim, da je za dobro znanje kateregakoli jezika predvsem pomembno, da se mladi čim več ukvarjamo z njim. Tekmovanje iz angleškega jezika vzpodbuja dijake, da se (med pripravami na tekmovanje, če ne drugega pa vsaj na samem tekmovanju) še dodatno, ne le med poukom, ukvarjajo z angleščino. To pa seveda pomeni, da dijaki še bolj natančno opazujejo jezik in njegove zakonitosti. Poleg tega se mi zdi smisel takega tekmovanja tudi popularizacija in promocija angleščine kot svetovnega jezika, kar je v današnjem globaliziranem oz. globalizirajočem svetu izjemno pomembno. Kristina Gregorčič, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica Tekmovanje nas na nek način prisili, da še bolj izpilimo svoje znanje angleškega jezika, saj tekmujemo z najboljšimi v državi. Sploh pri pisnih nalogah (kratka zgodba, esej) se poskusimo izkazati še veliko bolj kot pri običajnem šolskem preverjanju znanja.

English in Action Teacher Training, Ljubljana

September Izobraževalna sobota za člane s ponovitvijo najuspešnejših delavnic s konference: september 2011, Ljubljana

26. 9. Svetovni dan jezikov

7. 10. – 9. 10. Iatefl Hungary conference, Budapest

Oktober Šolsko tekmovanje za 8. razred OŠ Šolsko tekmovanje za 2. letnik SŠ

Tjaš Debeljak, Gimnazija Bežigrad

November Je indikator znanja angleščine dijakov. Lahko bi bil bolj zanesljiv in z večjim številom udeležencev s strokovnih gimnazij.

Državno tekmovanje za 8. razred OŠ Državno tekmovanje za 2. letnik SŠ

Aleš Sladič, ŠC Krško-Sevnica, Krško


VIP Corner

NOVO! Tekmovanje za 7. razred OŠ predvidoma v decembru 2011

Very Important Pages

• vaje za izgovorjavo na podlagi znanih filmov ali govorov; „feedback“ o izgovorjavi • z besedili, vmes „gaps“, da si vse prej ali slej zapomniš

Februar Literarni natečaj Dickens predvidoma v februarju 2012 Regijsko tekmovanje za 3. letnik SŠ

• posnameš sporočilo in pošlješ – seveda v angleščini • naročilo angleških knjig brez poštnine

Marec Državno tekmovanje za 3. letnik SŠ

• spletni miselni vzorci

1. 3. – 4. 3. 2012

• spletni posterji

IATEFL Slovenia conference CARE 2 SHARE, Topolšica Novost: No Powerpoint - pure materials workshops


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Mnenja mentorjev st Simona Napa

OŠ Fram la težka nalones naj ne bi bi da ’ , ca en uč ga eškim jezikom Narediti ‘zlate kroženi z angl ob u no on ev rg dn ža ci em ga, saj so učen di v vsakdanj , glasbi kot tu ih ore z zanimilm om fi ip v pr ko ju ta an zn u em tn dejanskik doda i, podprtimi z mladih. Učitelj am ur i m ni uč nimi m šolanju vimi, interaktiv o pri nadaljnje aj ag m po ku otro visokih primi podatki, ki ki posegajo po i, nc če U h. lo sp anje pridoin življenju na veliki večini zn v o, aj ad vl ob k ob poslušanju znanjih in jezi h klepetalnic, ni ič . zl ra o ek ogledih filmov bivajo sami pr kih iger in ob iš ln na ču ra u glasbe, igranj nalogo, sabo zahtevno ed pr s ne da dih, ki vse ik ima s svetom mla Učitelj začetn m če ko te na elej reminjajo saj mora biti vs ije, te pa se sp og ol hn te ne ič je najbolj razl bolj vključuje ju tujega jezika an ev uč po i Pr n. ik, kar pomeiz dneva v da anja v vsakdanj besedišča zn st no če eš pomembna um ijo določenega do, zakaj se uč ve ci en o uporabili. uč da , ni do vse to lahk bo e kj a m iro ali struktur oz

Blaž Preglau OŠ Fram Učni načrt in učbeniki ne zajemajo dovolj snovi, da bi učenci dosegli zlato priznanje le s predvideno snovjo pri pouku. Pomembno je, da veliko berejo, gledajo angleške filme in poslušajo angleške pesmi. Učitelj jih mora usmeriti v pravo smer in navdušiti oz. ohraniti njihovo navdušenje do angleškega jezika. Pomemben je tudi posluh in talent za jezik. Učitelj začetnik mora dobro poznati interese in hobije zlatega učenca, ker ga tako lažje usmerja in motivira. Jaz skušam učencem predstaviti različne glasbene skupine, knjige in filme. Če se učencem dopadejo, bodo postali dovzetnejši do njih, iskali bodo nove skupine ali filme ter si tako širili splošno razgledanost in se učili kritično presojati. Pomembno je tudi, da zlatim učencem pri pouku posredujemo dodatno snov, jih spodbujamo k pisanju in pohvalimo dober izdelek.

j Mojca Šumla mesto

vo Kot učiOŠ Šmihel No e veliko ljudi. uj lik ob ca en gleščine ega uč iti za učenje an zikov Menim, da zlat uš vd na ce en m uč znanje tujih je teljica poskuša pomembno je ko ka i, at več zaslug za az ok in jim p rni družbi. Naj ltu ku ed m v ija m. in komunikac zlat učenec sa pa ima gotovo ca en uč a eg zlat u? itelju začetnik Kaj svetovati uč g. in , keep go Never give up


Barbara Kovač Jurančič OŠ Dutovlje Mislim, da je z zlatimi učenci podobno kot z zlatom samim že alkimisti so sanjarili, da bodo izdelali to žlahtno kovino, pa se jim sen še do dandanes ni uresničil; zlato je dar narave, ki ga moramo poiskati, izkopati in obdelati. S tankim posluhom moramo poiskati in odkriti tudi zlate (nadarjene) učence in jim s strokovnim znanjem pomagati, da zablestijo v polnem sijaju. Nadarjenost pa seveda ni dovolj - napredujejo lahko samo tisti, ki so radovedni, delavni, ki veliko berejo, primerjajo, se čudijo, dvomijo ter postavljajo vprašanja sebi in svojim učiteljem. Nasvet učitelju začetniku? Do istega cilja vodijo različne poti - vsak naj izbere tisto, ki mu najbolj ustreza. Nekoč edino zveličavne učne metode so se znašle na smetišču zgodovine in tudi danes tako opevani e-tehnologiji bo nekoč (čeprav se to sedaj čudno in nazadnjaško sliši!) odklenkalo. Dober učitelj mora biti predvsem dobro strokovno usposobljen, razgledan, odgovoren in čustveno stabilen. Predvsem pa mora imeti rad otroke - veliko jim mora dati, vendar od njih tudi veliko zahtevati in jim postavljati meje.

Anka Novak Ćeh ajić

OŠ Mirana Jarc a,

Ljubljana Učitelj težko sam naredi »zlatega« učenca. Tak učen talentiran, motiv ec je iran in delaven. Glavna zasluga gre staršem, ki ot pri tem roka usmerjajo in podpirajo. Vloga telja je, da omog učioča čim bolj kval iteten pouk, da učenec pri učnih se tak urah ne bi dolgoč asil in da bi od po čim več odnesel. uka

Silvija Ravnikar

OŠ Neznanih talcev Dravograd I think it depends on the pupils them selves whether they are successful at competitions or not. Language competitions are composed in the way whi ch allows only the pupils with talent for English languag e to succeed. That means it is not up to us, the teachers , that much, we are not the ones, who create the best speakers of English. School work can usually help to imp rove their writing skills but communicative skills they gain more by being somehow in contact with native speakers of English and English speaking countries – and watching TV and computers are one of the things they can take adv antage of when learning English. However, ‘The early the better’ is the most important thing in learning foreign lang uages. Each teacher beginner should find his/her own ways of teaching and always try to be professi onal, clear, amusing, creative and most of all, like the job he/she has chosen.

Ana Koce Jurjevčič

Gimnazija Bežigrad ”. 1. A golden student is a “self made man e!” alon 2. “Leave them (gifted) kids

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Alenka Pongrac

Marijana M . Ruter

OŠ Dekani

Zlatega učen ca težko nar ediš. Zahteva tekmovanju no znanje na je na izjemn tem o zahtevni ra skupino, tako vni za to star da samo pri o st no sp učenci, ki se že dolga leta evek učitelja ni dovolj. So učijo anglešč so predvsem ino, v predn tisti, ki so se osti jo začeli uči otroci s pom ti že kot maj očjo televizije hni in interneta jem. Če imaj ali bivanja n o poleg tega a tuše talent, je govita. To so kombinacija učenci, ki so zmati dani, nekaj eracijo, da jih (kakšen) na usmerjaš, do genpolnjuješ, sp znanju. So u odbujaš k no čenci, ki so ve mu m otivirani za dodamo še ka učenje jezika nček sreče, je . Če rezultat lahko zlat.

Darja Mihelj Škvarč učenca? šena formuKako „narediš” zlatega staja kakšna preizku ob o sk jan de to za če jbolj pomembNe vem, se. Zato je najbrž na za et sv ec en uč ak vs la, saj je so njegove vrline, š in prepoznaš, kje na oz sp ca en uč da no, opore, da svoje sanu lahko nudiš dovolj m o tak Le li. že si sa če je tudi doseže. učitelju začetniku. jde pristno Nasvet, ki bi ga dali itelj v svojem delu na uč da je, o bn em m e, snov, razNajbolj po zaznajo skozi metod ko lah ci en uč ga ki veselje, ija, ki se ustvari in mojem mnenju kem po je na uč Klj je. en polož no lepa. lahko vsaka ura izred na podlagi katere je

Druga osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec ustvarjalen in inovaPri svojem delu naj bo učitelj čim bolj oblike dela. Učence in tiven. Uporablja naj različne metode naj uporablja čim ku pou naj navaja na samostojno delo, pri bodo zanimive, naj ure e Učn več avtentičnega materiala. ostim in izmenja čim poučne, razgibane. Učitelj naj sledi nov več izkušenj z drugimi učitelji. rej prepoznati in jih Bodoče “zlate” učence je potrebno najp delo. Njihovo znanje je po potrebi motivirati za dodatno e, spodbujati branje v potrebno nadgrajevati, širiti besedišč različnimi tipi nalog. z o angleščini, seznaniti jih je potrebn stavijo »projekte« pred in jo Učenci naj samostojno izdeluje biti pripravljeni veliko v angleščini. Predvsem pa morajo delati.

Sonja Trontelj

Srednja šola Josip a Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica 1. Zlati učenec se v določeni meri ob likuje sam, s svojim sposobnostmi, ve i doželjnostjo, ambi cijami, veliko doda nega dela. Učitelj tmu pri tem pomag a, ga usmerja ter sp buja pri njegovem odustvarjalnem delu , kajti talent je po bno razvijati in kr treepiti, žrtvovati tudi precej prostega ča tako učenčevega sa, kot učiteljevega. 2. Učitelj začetnik si oblikuje svojo poklicno pot s pr bivanjem izkušen idoj in novih dognan j, ki temeljijo na nj strokovni izobraz egovi bi. Vse pa pogoju je njegovo veselje poklica, ki ga opra do vlja, predanost, vz trajnost, in to naj bo vodilo v njegov mu i karieri.

Florina Erbeli OŠ Litija 1. Zlat učenec je sestavljen iz svojega dela in dela učitelja. Svoj del vsebuje talent, trdo delo, odrekanje, veselje, motivacijo, srečo. Delo učitelja vsebuje trdo delo, izku-šnje, veselje, prenos motivacije na učence, srečo. Obe sestavini sta potrebni za uspeh. Če katera komponenta izostane, je verjetnost za uspeh občutno manjša. 2. Nikoli ne sme delovati proti sebi. Sledi naj svojim idejam, sanjam, željam, notranji motivaciji. Če bo zadovoljen sam s seboj, bo to zadovoljstvo izžareval navzven.

Stanka Veršič

OŠ Videm

Prvi korak je v prepoznava nju učenca z bogatim bese nadpovprečno diščem, teko čim govorom jezikovnih stru in uporabo ktur, ki jih še ni smo obravnav Takšnega učen ali pri pouku. ca je potrebno motivirati z do logami, ki mu da predstavljajo izziv, ter mu ne tnimi napočiva v coni dovoliti, da ugodja, kjer vs e dela z levo ro je potrebno iz ko. Za učenca delati program dela za nadarje z njim oblikov ne in skupaj ati načrt doda tnih dejavnos seveda sodi tu ti, med katere di tekmovanje iz angleščine (IA TEFL).

Janja Anžiček

ŠC Krško-Sevnica, Krško na je sisteučenca? Zelo pomemb 1. Kako narediš zlatega in sproijev ter kri ih rževanje visok matičnost, doslednost, vzd je poo tak v Pra . ure e snovi zadnje tno preverjanje predelan j v širino nadstandardnih informaci membno posredovanje politike, ki ormacij iz sveta zabave in iz snovi, „up-to-date“ inf oj vidi, kdo in znajo. Tako učitelj tak jih taki učenci zabeležijo vzaprav veliko takih informacij. Pra je nadarjen. Jaz podajam . Zelo je em čaj svojimi interesi in zna pa ti kažejo pot dijaki s in izvezijo izra anje in možnosti, da potrebno spodbujati pis . jah tve po svojih žel dejo projekte ali predstavi popuščati, iku: Držati nivo znanja, ne 2. Nasvet učitelju začetn redu. ost in pozitivna klima v raz sistematičnost, dosledn

Snježana Horvat

OŠ Prežihovega Vo ranca, Jesenice Učenec sam po se bi že ima posluh in talent za angleš Mentor ga le usm čino. erja, mu svetuje, ka ko bi nadgrajevali govo znanje iz jez njeika. Takšen učenec že samostojno be knjige, gleda risan re ke in filme ter osta lo.

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Tekmovanje iz angleščine za dijake drugih in tretjih letnikov Beti Kerin, koordinatorka tekmovanj za srednjo šolo



Regijskega dela tekmovanja se je udeležilo natanko isto število dijakov kot v lanskem šolskem letu, in sicer 576. Naloge na tem nivoju tekmovanja so se nanašale na bralno razumevanje, poznavanje britanske kulture in uporabe jezika (časi, besedotvorje, transformacije in popravljanje napak). Najboljših 15 % tekmovalcev se je udeležilo tekmovanja na državnem nivoju, kjer so se pomerili v slušnem razumevanju in pisnem delu, v katerem so napisali krajši sestavek kot nadaljevanje podane zgodbe ter esej.

Na tekmovanju za drugi letnik je letos sodelovalo 16 šol, ki so poslale skupno 35 filmov, kar je 9 več od lanskega leta. Naloga je bila posneti dokumentarni film, pri čemer so morali dijaki uporabiti predpisanih deset besed. Dijaki so žal tekmovali samo v dveh kategorijah, A in B, čeprav so imeli možnost tekmovati tudi tisti, ki spadajo v kategorijo C ali D.

Regijsko tekmovanje je potekalo v šestih mestih, in sicer v Ljubljani, Murski Soboti, Novi Gorici, Novem mestu, Slovenski Bistrici in na Jesenicah. Upamo, da bomo lahko naslednje leto ponudili možnost tekmovanja tudi v Mariboru. Novost v tem letu je bila prijava preko našega strežnika, za katero upamo, da vam ni povzročala preveč težav. V naslednjem letu bo način prijave enak, zato vas naprošamo, da ste pazljivi predvsem pri navedbi mentorja posameznim dijakom. Število tekmovalcev Kategorija Regijsko tekmovanje A1 384 A2 48 A3 17 B 90 C 37 skupaj 576

Državno tekmovanje 58 8 5 14 6 91

A1: za tekmovalce tretjih letnikov, ki se učijo angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli splošno gimnazijo oz. so v evropskih oddelkih A2: za tekmovalce tretjih letnikov, ki se učijo angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli strokovno gimnazijo A3: za tekmovalce tretjih letnikov, ki so več kot eno leto bivali na angleško govorečem področju, in tiste, ki so v oddelkih mednarodne mature B: za tekmovalce tretjih letnikov, ki se učijo angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli 4-letno strokovno šolo C: za tekmovalce tretjih letnikov, ki jim je angleščina drugi tuj jezik (tretje leto učenja)

Število priznanj po kategorijah Priznanje A1 A2 A3 zlato 9 1 1 srebrno 14 1 1 bronasto 35 6 3 skupaj 58 8 5


B 2 3 9 14

C 1 2 3 6

skupaj 14 21 56 91

Predpisane besede v kategorijah A in C so bile: EPIDEMIC, SWAP, JIGSAW, UTTERLY, OUTWEIGH, MAINSTREAM, SOLITUDE, REGRET, PERSUADE, PRAISE. V kategorijah B in D pa je bilo potrebno uporabiti: HANDWRITTEN, GRIN, PERMISSION, RENAME, SEVERAL, STRUGGLE, JOURNEY, RARE, STAFF, GENEROUS. Pri ocenjevanju smo upoštevali naslednje kriterije: pravilnost in ustvarjalnost pri uporabi podanih besed, jezik in izgovorjava, umetniški in splošni vtis. Število priznanj po kategorijah Priznanje A B zlato 5 5 srebrno 32 0 bronasto 39 0 skupaj 76 5

skupaj 10 32 39 81

A: za tekmovalce drugega letnika, ki se učijo angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli gimnazijo, vključno z evropskimi oddelki B: za tekmovalce drugega letnika, ki se učijo angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli 4-letno strokovno šolo, ki se zaključi s poklicno maturo C: za tekmovalce drugega letnika, ki so več kot eno leto bivali na angleško govorečem področju, in tiste, ki so v oddelkih mednarodne mature D: za tekmovalce drugega letnika, ki se učijo angleščino kot drugi tuji jezik in obiskujejo katerokoli gimnazijo ali 4-letno strokovno šolo.

Ponovno smo se lahko prepričali o visoki ravni znanja angleškega jezika, ki so jo naši dijaki pokazali na obeh ravneh tekmovanj. Iskreno čestitamo vsem sodelujočim, vsem mentorjem pa se najlepše zahvaljujemo za pomoč pri izpeljavi tekmovanj.

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Tekmovanje iz angleščine za osnovnošolce Tjaša Lemut Novak, koordinatorka tekmovanj za osnovno šolo

Letos je tekmovanje iz angleškega jezika za 8. razrede osnovnih šol v organizaciji IATEFL Slovenia potekalo že drugo leto. Tokrat se je število tekmovalcev in šol, ki so sodelovale, še povečalo. Pri organizaciji tekmovanja sta odbor in državna komisija upoštevala tudi predloge učiteljev mentorjev, ki so se lansko leto udeležili okrogle mize v Topolšici 12. 3. 2010 na temo tekmovanja. Zahvaljujem se vsem, ki ste se odzvali vabilu ter s svojo udeležbo in mnenji prispevali h končni podobi tekmovanja.

Letos smo na okrogli mizi, ki je bila 11. 3. 2011, zopet zbrali vaša mnenja in predloge ter tako prišli do odločitve, da v prihodnjem šolskem letu organiziramo in izvedemo tekmovanje tudi za 7. razrede osnovnih šol. To tekmovanje bo potekalo predvidoma v mesecu decembru, izvajano bo v skupinah in se bo precej razlikovalo od tistega za osmošolce. Več o tekmovanju boste lahko izvedeli na naših spletnih straneh in v dopisih, ki bodo prišli na šole v začetku septembra.

Informacije o tekmovanju Vse informacije o tekmovanju so bile tako v lanskem letu kot tudi letos objavljene na naših spletnih straneh: Tam so bili pravilniki, napotki za pripravo, dopisi in obrazci. Z letošnjim šolskim letom pa smo tu dodali tudi alinejo ARHIV, kjer si lahko tako mentorji kot tekmovalci ogledajo in naložijo naloge iz preteklih let. K vsem nalogam so priložene tudi rešitve. ARHIV bomo vsako leto v okviru državne komisije dopolnili, tako da bomo dodali naloge minulega šolskega leta ter s tem ustvarili nabor nalog, ki jih lahko uporabite pri pripravah na tekmovanje ali pri popestritvi ure, na primer pri dodatnem pouku ali delu z nadarjenimi. Še vedno si želimo olajšati vaše delo ter posodobiti in narediti kar se da učinkovito delo. To je bil tudi razlog, da smo z letošnji šolskim letom prijave za tekmovanje zbirali preko za to postavljenega strežnika. Ob tej priložnosti se zahvaljujem vsem tistim mentorjem, ki ste uporabljen pristop pohvalili in nas spodbudili, da nadaljujemo s svojim delom v tej smeri. Morda je bilo prvo leto malce težje, a drugo leto bo prijavljanje, dostop do nalog in kasneje rezultatov potekalo še hitreje in s še manj zapleti. Šifre boste tako kot letos dobili na šole, vsa dodatna pojasnila pa bodo na naših spletnih straneh in dopisih. Nekaj statistike z letošnjega tekmovanja: • 4841 učencev je sodelovalo na šolskem tekmovanju; • 1097 učencev se je uvrstilo na državno tekmovanje; • 1576 tekmovalcev je prejelo bronasta priznanja; • 478 tekmovalcev je prejelo srebrna priznanja; • 60 tekmovalcev je prejelo zlata priznanja.

V lanskoletnem poročilu sem veliko besed namenila pregledu nalog in izvirnosti učencev pri kreativnem pisanju. Tudi letos so učenci uporabili tako svoje znanje kot domišljijo. Pri ustvarjanju inovativne zgodbe, ki je imela podano znano osnovo (začetek, like), so se učenci odlično izkazali. Pri Janku in Metki so se znašli raznovrstni pravljični like in tudi liki iz vsakdanjega življenja; domovanja so bila v votlinah, hišah, gradovih, a tudi v hotelih s petimi zvezdicami; na pomoč izgubljenima otrokoma pa so pristopila raznovrstna pravljična bitja, skrivnostni dobrotniki, Al Kaida, navadni otroci in še bi se dalo naštevati. V državni komisiji smo ugotovili, da je bilo v letošnjih zgodbah občutno manj nasilja kot leto poprej. Za razliko od takratnih zgodb o Pepelki, kjer je bilo v več kot treh četrtinah vseh spisov (tisti, ki se še spomnite lanskega števila tekmovalcev, veste, da gre za izredno visoke številke) obilo krvi in orožja, so se letošnje zgodbe odvijale precej drugače. Seveda niso bile vse s srečnim koncem, niti niso bile polne pozitivnih likov oziroma preobratov na bolje … a samo nasilje in ubijanje je bilo v le redkih primerih, pa še takrat v manjšem obsegu. Spisi so bili polni idej – tako pričakovanih kot nepričakovanih, duhovitih, nenavadnih … Skratka, tekmovalci so poskrbeli za to, da je ta znana zgodba dobila povsem nove razsežnosti. Bravo! V državni komisiji smo se odločili, da vam tokrat namesto pogostih napak in primerov nalog, ponudimo v branje nekaj spisov. Žal ni dovolj prostora, da bi tu predstavili vse, ki smo jih izbrali, pa vendar upamo, da boste uživali ob branju nekaterih izmed njih. Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje. Na svidenje v naslednjem šolskem letu.

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D o b i t n i k i

Dobitniki zlatih priznanj za Gaja Humar Lana Macarol Svit Komel Tim Glibota Dominik Vrabič Dežman Dan Toškan Tim Horvat Lana Korun Nives Vrbek Julija Stopar Tomi Merc Patrick Sliško Neža Rozman Pino Pograjc Jan Drozg Petra Podlogar Minka Tivadar Sandi Letić Miha Kmetič Veronika Pucelj Zoja Krevh Luka Selan Katja Tepina Amadej Urbancl Zala Meklav Santina Likar Lana Škof Luka Mandl Simon Šlebinger Tara Grašič


Nina Artnak Natalya Sitnikova Rožle Toš Matic Tesner Valentin Vrbovšek Nika Bizjak Mojca Erzin Tia Ilievski Andrič Elmedina Reči Klara Bohnec Ana Arnejčič Vita Maksl Lea Rožman Andraž Gorišek Eva Stojan Amadej Šuperger Anja Rakovec Eva Rodi Minea Rutar Tjaša Kitanovski Jari Beguš Hana Feguš Sabina Kličić Tanja Civić Maša Remškar Mark Peter Zoran Jaka Pelaič Nika Hauptman Sabina Avsenik Julija Klavžar

p r i z n a n j Dobitniki zlatih priznanj za 3. Andrej Šterman Grega Ulen Jaka Javernik Tjaš Debeljak Staš Kotorac Guček Miha Mužič Jurij Vesenjak Rok Vahter Matevž Pristovnik Aleš Sladič Boštjan Petrič David Rifel Žiga Pirnat Kristina Gregorčič

priznanj za Dobitniki zlatih kategorija A: Žan Testen Primož Kočar Grega Rus Aleš Benčina Matej Trdin kategorija B: Domen Colnarič Matej Drobnič Mario Klarić Andrej Tomažič Kristijan Slatinšek

Ostali prejemniki zlatih priznanj na OŠ skupaj z mentorji in koordinatorico Tjašo Lemut Novak


letnik SŠ:

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2. letnik SŠ:

Zmagovalna skupina v kategoriji A (2. letnik) skupaj s koordinatorico Beti Kerin in Mojco Hergouth Koletič (MINT)

Prvouvrščena tekmovalka Gaja Humar na OŠ skupaj s koordinatorico in dire ktorjem BC Slovenia

Prvouvrščeni tekmovalci po posameznih kategorijah (3. letnik) skupaj z mentorji

Lana Macarol na OŠ skupaj Drugouvrščena tekmovalka BC Slovenia rjem kto dire in s koordinatorico

Ostali prejemniki zlatih priznanj na SŠ skupaj z mentorji in koordinatorico Beti Kerin

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Mojca Hergouth Koletič, MINT International House (podeljevalka nagrad za 2. letnike SŠ) in koordinatorica za SŠ Beti Kerin


James Hampson, direktor BC Slovenia (podeljevalec nagrad za prva tri mesta v OŠ) in koordinatorica za OŠ Tjaša Lemut Novak

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Fotografije: Jasna Džambić Pozdravni govor Sandre Vida, podpredsednice društva

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Direktor BC James Hampson in Mojca Hergouth Koletič, MINT International House

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Osnovnošolski spisi Vsi spisi so objavljeni z dovoljenjem avtorjev in v njihovi originalni obliki, tj. brez popravkov.


ki so Spisi, ljeni objavtevilki v tej š -a, IN rani i izb so bil osebej kot p imivi. zan

Gaja Humar

Simon Šlebinger

Osnovna šola Antona Šibelja - Stjenka Komen mentorica Darja Mihelj Škvarč

Osnovna šola Slave Klavore Maribor mentorica Petra Napast



Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. There are no more breadcrumbs – the birds ate them all during the night. The children walk through the forest and find a ...

Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. There are no more breadcrumbs – the birds ate them all during the night. The children walk through the forest and find a ...

... big dark castle made of steel, with tall trees surrounding it. The black birds which ate all the breadcrumbs last night are flying around the castle and making children shiver. It seems like Hansel and Gretel don’t have any other options, so they decide to take a closer look at the castle. The first thing they notice when they walk through the doors is a huge lady, dressed in black and red. She’s sitting on a throne, so Hansel and Gretel suppose she’s a queen. “I don’t really like children,” she says. “They’re all such stubborn things indeed. But I do like turtles. Do you two like turtles, children?” Hansel and Gretel gaze with their mouths wide open. This is such a bizarre thing to hear from a queen. “We do, your majesty,” says Gretel. “Brilliant!” the queen shouts, “To be eaten by turtles – what a great way to die!” before Hansel and Gretel realized what was going on, it was already too late. The queen’s guards grabbed them and carried them near the hole in the middle of the room. Of course, the hole was full of turtles. “Oh, no, you won’t!” shouts Hansel and kicks a guard. Not helping. That’s when the whole castle shakes and the black birds start to fly into it. In the mess of dark wings, their father appears. Hansel and Gretel run joyfully to him and start their way home. Father explains that his father had an unfinished business with the birds and so they owed him a favour. He also begs his children for forgiveness, because he let his wife treat them so badly. Hansel and Gretel are more than happy to forgive him, so they move to Finland and live there happily ever after.

... an abandoned house. It is very cold inside but they have to sleep inside since it’s dusk already. After a couple of hours of not being able to fall asleep, they decide to make a fire. Hansel went out to get some firewood, while Gretel tried to get a spark. She got a spark ... but it burnt the house. She ran outside and started shouting: “Hansel! Hansel! The house is on fire!” Hansel heard her calls and rushed back to her. They were worried about where they are going to sleep. They found an old blanket that hasn’t burnt yet. After that they tried to sleep under a tree, covered with the blanket. Finally, they fell asleep. Next morning, they woke up relatively late, around 11 o’clock. “It was a long night,” said Hansel. They were terribly hungry – they haven’t eaten for 2 days. They walked on while hallucinating because of hunger. After some time they found a castle. Yes, a castle in the middle of the forest. It was very large and painted in camouflage colours. They rang the doorbell and shouted: “Can we have a slice of bread, please? We’re lost.” They didn’t get a reply, so they decided to go inside. They found an evil man dressed in black, with a mask over his face. He asked: “What are you doing here?” They replied: “We’re lost in the forest and found this.” He then asked: “What are your names?” “Hansel and Gretel,” they said. He then removed his mask and Hansel and Gretel were shocked to see their father. They ran away as the father shouted: “Never come back!” And Hansel and Gretel are still roaming the forest, looking for a way out.

To be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:

Sonja Huč

Barbara Šviglej

Osnovna šola Šmartno pod Šmarno goro mentor Alan Paradiž

Osnovna šola dr. Ivana Korošca Borovnica mentorica Tanja Plohl



Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. There are no more breadcrumbs – the birds ate them all during the night. The children walk through the forest and find a ...

Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. There are no more breadcrumbs – the birds ate them all during the night. The children walk through the forest and find a ...

... cave. They decide to enter it, looking for shelter. They see a dim light that seems to be changing from shades of green to blue ... to purple. As they progress deeper into the cave, the light brightens and a world appeared before them. It was filled with a twinkling mist, also changing from shades of green to blue ... to purple. The colourful haze covered everything, so they couldn’t see very far ahead. They heard faint laughing as shadows flitted by. Hansel and Gretel kept walking and soon came upon a sign marked “Beware of souleaters!” Gretel was very frightened by the sign and wanted to turn back but realized she was hopelessly lost. A figure emerged from the haze ... slightly resembling that of a human. It had no official opening for a mouth, just a place where skin stretched sickingly through a hole like its mouth had been glued together. It had wide eyes with tiny pupils, no more than slits. It staggered closer with outstretched arms, a sharp hiss escaping its mouth. Suddenly the terrified children were lifted into the air and in what seemed like a lifetime but was only a few seconds, were dragged towards the souleater’s mouth. That night they both woke up screaming, realizing it was only a dream.

... an elf village. Because it’s dark, they can’t see anything, so they decide to sleep near the small houses made of branches and leaves. All elves wake up at midnight and they find children. They wanted to dance but now they are just looking at them and wondering if they are dangerous. Suddenly, somebody sneezes and Hansel and Gretel wake up. They tell them why they came here and elves listen carefully. Their king says they can stay with them but only if they would help. Next day they help elves and everyone is happy. But Gretel still misses her father. The elf wizard makes wings for them and they fly over the forest. They can’t find their home because of the fog, so they land in Venice. They like it so much, so they decide to stay there. They sell their wings to get some money and then they open a bakery called “Elf”. They become very rich and they find friends quickly. Ten years later, they get married and each of them had three children. They become very famous. They knew that they mustn’t speak about the elves and they changed it into the story that we all know today.

Anja Zupanc Osnovna šola Trzin mentorica Stanislava Jaklič

HANSEL & GRETEL Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. There are no more breadcrumbs – the birds ate them all during the night. The children walk through the forest and find a ... ... small Barbie house. They sit down and watch it. They open the small white door with red roses on it. Inside the house, there is a small bottle. They take it out and read the message on it. It says: “Use only if you must.” They open it and smell it. It doesn’t have a weird smell. So they drink it, like it is just water. Then they fall asleep. The next morning, they wake up and next to them, there is a huge butterfly. “What the hell is going on here? Are we dreaming? It can’t be true! Why is everything so big around me? And why are my clothes so much bigger than me? Oh, my god! That ‘water’ that we drank yesterday ... it wasn’t water. It had magical powers! We became smaller!” at the same time they hear a noise. It is a girl. They run inside the house and hide. The little girl takes the house and goes home. She puts it in her room and starts to play. She takes Hansel and Gretel out and puts some clothes on them. Hansel and Gretel think that she is so small; she wouldn’t get scared if they told her they are alive. So they tell her. The little girl decides to help them. They tell her the way to their father. She goes there and explains everything to their father. So the father decides to drink the liquid from the bottle and become small like his children. So, this SMALL family live happily ever after in a Barbie house. (There were a lot of Barbie dolls, too – so, Hansel and Gretel got a new mum.)

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Spisi srednješolcev Vsi spisi so objavljeni z dovoljenjem avtorjev in v njihovi originalni obliki, tj. brez popravkov.


Staš Kotorac Guček, kategorija A1

Rok Vahter, kategorija A1

I. Gimnazija v Celju

I. Gimnazija v Celju

mentorica Marjetka Pintarič

mentorica Alenka Jeromel

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind (M.K. Gandhi)

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be oneself (Montaigne)

Since its dawn, mankind has always been characterized by its policy of “an eye for an eye”. From simple tribal conflicts, family strifes and first codes of law to present day struggles of economic superpowers, this practice is alive as ever, and is still one of the things that define a human on the most basic level. Although formally abolished, and severely punished if it results in any harm, the humans still possess a sense of retaliation that is probably a remnant of our natural reflexes; if an animal feels threatened or hurt it will strike back to protect itself. This reflex has carried on through evolution and still persists in us today, as it influences every aspect of our lives, from personal relationships to global politics, despite some might not acknowledge that and proclaim humans as a pinnacle of evolution, a being that thinks rather than acts on instinct. There has been a wide an selection of books written on the subject, and many great minds spent their whole lives weighing, what is right or wrong, exploring human ethics. Many theories have been brought up, and as such, I am not going to foray further into this field, as I lack both the knowledge and experience to compliment my theory. But in my personal opinion, if the human race is truly to achieve a new age of enlightment, we need to arrange the society in which we live in, as it actively forces people in competition with each other, turns good friends into foes, as we struggle to make a living in this harsh world. The once common sense of empathy has almost been forgotten, and most people are willingfully able to hurt another in order to protect their interests, and achieve a better social status, acquire more wealth. This of course translates into every pore of human society, right up to the top level, where the stakes are higher and victims are more numerous. So if we really wish to part from our animal, we need not only to think of ourselves as a part of humanity, we need to think of humanity as a part of ourselves. As a wise man said once: Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

We live in a time of mass media, internet domination and television. Not only is it difficult to keep track of all these innovations, but it is very easy to lose the essence of oneself. Originality and individuality are rapidly losing their value and very little is being done to prevent this from happening. First of all I would like to expose the fact that many teenagers today form their identities from what they see on television. The correlation between increased student violence and violent TV shows is apparent. If children were thought that being yourself is the most important thing in life such mindless identity theft world never happen. Moreover I find it sad that generations upon generations of young people try to fit into their stereotypes, they do not see how great and unique each and everyone of them is. Why be like everyone else? Live life like you want it to. In contrast some people might argue that it is quite alright that people identify themselves within certain groups. While that is true, most often the case is that not only the younger people tend to bend themselves for the sake of fitting in, they almost completely obliviate what makes them a unique person as well. In conclusion I would like to say that it certainly is not all so grim but modern life has indeed taken its toll on people’s perception of themselves. Still many people don’t give in and they truly celebrate their awesome self.

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Viktorija Blažeska, kategorija A3

Boštjan Petrič, kategorija A3

II. Gimnazija Maribor

Gimnazija Bežigrad

mentor Emil Pečnik

mentorica Karmen Goršak

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind (M.K. Gandhi)

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind (M.K. Gandhi)

The fruit that tastes sweetest, the dish best served cold, no name put to it could ever hope conceal its true form and meaning - revenge. The offspring of envy and nest of corruption, it has been frowned upon since the times of Hamlet. We have been taught to forgive, turn the other cheek, even. One of the greatest virtues, rarely found in mankind, is the ability to reconcile, not retaliate. Admittedly, drawing rivers of blood for a drop shed at the touch of the odd poison-tipped spindle may be a matter of some satisfaction. It may bring partial peace, rest to the tortured mind, and finally - knowledge that what has been done is nothing but a losing game. Where there is pain, and plight, and pestilence, there can be no peace, no happiness springs out of suffering, no laughter out of tears. It is only through hardships that the genuine value of good things in life can be appreciated. Why not accept every wound as a heightening of the senses in preparation for something better, every offence as good-natured criticism? Deliberately acting against one who has hurt us would neither alleviate the pain nor turn back time. It could only serve as a lesson, as valuable experience that, in itself has the power to obliterate past mistakes. Revenge is a lonely cry in a void that fails to raise the dead, while it surely is tempting, it brings about a litany of further wrongdoings that destroy everybody on either side of the equation. Embracing the fact that two wrongs do not make a right, man could only take what is given to him and bear each burden with dignity, always looking up and into the eyes of future.

While Ghandi’s statement is perfectly logical and demands no deep reasoning to understand, I can see why it took so long for it to be voiced out. Many of the world’s governments have indeed not yet grasped the idea behind this statement. The basic idea is that every person and every nation in this world have quite a few scores to settle, some of them recent, some of them dating to almost beyond memory. If we were all to get out and started settling these scores tomorrow, the whole world would quickly end up dead, except for a couple of saints, which would be a hard blow to the economy and thus something we don’t want. However, the thing is that “revenge” is being practiced all the time in the criminal justice system. I feel there is an important difference between the two conceptions of punishment: “an eye for an eye” ultimately strives to annihilate the wrongdoer – whereas the legal system strives to prevent him from causing further harm to society – as soon as a criminal is believed to have become peaceful and repentant enough, he is allowed to return to normal life. Therefore, Gandhi’s idea needn’t be understood as a demand for the complete forgiving of everyone’s sins. It is merely a statement about the futility of revenge for its own sake and could also be seen as advocating a society of law instead of one of primitive emotion.

Kako lahko te spise uporabite v razredu: korak 1: Razred razdelite v skupine. korak 2: Glede na sposobnosti učencev in čas, ki ga imate na razpolago, se odločite, ali bo naslednje teme obravnavala vsaka skupina ali dobi vsaka skupina le eno nalogo: • vsebina - sestavite ogrodje, v katerem se ta spis nahaja, in določite, kje so osnovna izhodišča in teze; • jezikovna pravilnost - identificirajte kompleksne strukture in preverite, kako so sestavljene; • besedišče - poiščite primere bogatega besedišča in pristne kolokacije; • zgradba – najdite primere povezav med stavki, odstavki korak 3: Skupine naj vsaj 5 stvari iz enega od spisov uporabijo v svojem spisu. To be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:


Interview with James Hampson, British Council Slovenia Jasna Cepuder Sedmak


You have been a new director of the British Council for Slovenia since September 2010. From your point of view, what is the standard of English in Slovenia? The standard of English in Slovenia is obviously very high. There has been strong, continued investment since the mid to late 1990s recognising the important role that English has to play economically, culturally and in the everyday lives of people across the world. I meet people here who can speak several languages and here is an important point.Do I think English is important? Yes, of course. Do I think it should be the only foreign language young people learn? Of course not. Language is central to the work of the British Council’s cultural relations mission. It provides a common ground for people of different countries and cultures to exchange their views on what is happening in the world around them, to develop professional relationships and to build networks through international opportunity. I hope that through these encounters we can see greater levels of trust built between the people of the UK and the people of the world. English is at the core of the British Council’s work. It is enshrined in our Royal Charter as one of the charitable purposes for which we were established,

to develop a wider knowledge of the English language. Our English work across the world is focused on three groups of people: policy-makers who want to improve the prospects of their country and their people, teachers who want to deliver the opportunities into the classroom and learners who want the better life that learning English offers. For example, we are working with governments across the world helping to change the face of Englishmedium education and improve employment prospects for individuals and national prosperity through better international engagement. For example, our work in India since 2008 has already reached more than 17million learners there. We are helping teachers improve their own skills and methodology as they take English into classrooms across the world and providing advice on curriculum and text book development. Our work in Rwanda is helping to transform that countries’ economic development bringing English into mainstream education. Here in Slovenia we do three things: firstly, support very young learners of English - and their parents - through LearnEnglishKids and Learn English Family; secondly, support teachers of English through the range of materials available on Teaching English. You can find out more about this at Thirdly, we offer a range of examinations that can help the very youngest learners, to students who are going to study overseas and professionals working the private sector. UK examinations are well known throughout the world for their high academic standards and high quality. We offer a range of Cambridge ESOL examinations at 4 levels, all of which are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which is published by the Council of Europe. Young people, students and professionals can choose exams for general English, English for studying abroad and for immigration. Young children in primary school can take exams or people in a legal or business career can enhance their prospects by choosing an exam with us. We also offer examinations in accountancy, management and business administration. Some candidates take exams through us as part of their distance learning course of degree with a UK University. More information can be found at http://www.



What is the role of the BC? The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations. Our role is bulid trust between the people of the UK and the people of World. We do this by working in the Arts, English and Education & Society. We have offices in more than 100 countries across the world, in over 220 cities and towns. Our organisation was found-

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ed in 1934 to help counter the rise of facist propaganda in Europe. The founders of the British Council felt that culture and education could play an important role in building bridges between people. It did not stop what happened next, but we went on to build a global network of offices dedicated to developing strong relationships between the UK and the countries of the world.


How do you see the role the BC in Slovenia and what are your plans? We’ve been in Slovenia since 1992. Our programme here has changed a lot over the last 19 years. Obviously, the context has changed greatly since then. The UK and Slovenia are political, economic and strategic partners in the EU, NATO, OECD and the OSCE. Prime Minister Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Clegg’s meeting with Slovenia’s Prime Minister Pahor reaffirmed the shared interests between the two countries including EU Growth, budget discipline and opportunities for bilateral economic investment. Our role today is to support, develop and enhance the relationship between the UK and Slovenia at government, institutional and people-to-people level. We will prioritise our work in the Arts and continue to develop

our support in English. We will give Slovenia what it wants most from us: access to the UK’s art and culture, our society and ideas. Our work can can also help Slovenia to take further steps to open up its economy through the creative industries, its education system through English and its society through the arts. Partnerships are really, very important to us. The relationship between our two countries will be better if we are working with partners, young people’s opportunity to have international opportunities will be greater if we are working with partnes and we can help make a positive cultural and economic impact if people are willing to partner with us. I want people to see us as relevant to them and a gateway to engaging with the UK.

James Hampson I Director British Council Slovenia T: +386 (0)1 300 2035 I M: +386 (0) 31 600049 I BCTN: 8477 1035 BlackBerry: I BlackBerry Messenger: JamesHampsonSlovenia

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Jezikovni center Mint Jezikovni center Mint International House že več let sponzorira nagrade za najboljše na državnem tekmovanju. Pogovarjali smo se z Mojco Hergouth Koletič, profesorico nemščine in angleščine in direktorico jezikovnega centra Mint International House ter podpornico državnega tekmovanja iz angleščine.





Zakaj ste se odločili, da z nagradami podprete državno tekmovanje iz angleškega jezika? Zato, ker je znanje zelo pomembno, in ker smo nadvse veseli, ko vidimo »jezične« navdušence, ki vselej presežejo pričakovanja svojih mentorjev in si nagrado resnično zaslužijo. Nagrade, ki jih podelimo, so spodbuda za nadaljnje učenje, saj dijakom omogočimo brezplačno opravljanje enega od Cambridge ESOL izpitov.

Zakaj ravno izpit Cambridge ESOL? Univerza Cambridge je najboljša univerza na svetu, in tudi izpiti Cambridge ESOL so podprti z izčrpnimi raziskavami in analizami in so zato preverjeno natančni, ustrezni ter objektivni. Odlikuje jih tudi svetovna prepoznavnost, saj jih priznavajo številne izobraževalne organizacije, univerze, delodajalci, vladne službe in agencije kot dokaz znanja jezika in s tem ti izpiti omogočajo tudi študij ali delo v tujini. Mint International House in Britanski Svet sta v Sloveniji edina pooblaščena izpitna centra, kjer lahko opravite izpit.

ing to adults) in se odpravijo za eno leto (ali več) poučevati angleščino v tujino in si s tem naberejo dragocene izkušnje za katerikoli kasnejši poklic;


Kako ocenjujete znanje angleščine in drugih tujih jezikov v Sloveniji? Znanje angleščine se iz leta v leto dviguje, k čemur, poleg kakovostnega pouka, veliko prispevajo tudi mediji, internet,... – svet je vse manjši, možnosti za komunikacijo v tujem jeziku vse več in angleščina si je v nekaj desetletjih utrdila status lingue france. Opažamo, da je več povpraševanje po bolj specializiranih tečajih, kjer se prepletata jezik in stroka. To je vsekakor izziv za učitelje angleščine. Pri drugih jezikih pa žal, zaradi angleškega primata, opažamo nazadovanje, kar ni dobro. Otroci in mladostniki se zadovoljijo z angleščino, ostali jeziki se jim zdijo skoraj nepotrebni ali vsaj precej manj pomembni. Pa ni čisto tako: ne smemo pozabiti, da se vsakdo raje pogovarja v svojem jeziku in Francozi, Nemci, Španci, Italijani, Rusi ... vas bodo mnogo hitreje sprejeli »za svoje«, če boste znali njihov jezik, četudi bo znanje slabše od angleščine – pomembno je sporočilo, s katerim priznavamo spoštovanje do drugega jezika in kulture – samo pomislimo, kako smo veseli tujcev, ki se potrudijo naučiti vsaj malo slovenščine! Vsak jezik, ki ga znamo je pomemben. Znanje angleščine postaja že samoumevno, pravo prednost pa bo predstavljalo znanje še drugega in tretjega tujega jezika.

S čim v vašem jezikovnem centru še lahko pomagate učencem, dijakom in študentom? Ponudba je precej bogata, kjer lahko vsakdo najde kaj zase: od konverzacij za dodatno nadgradnjo znanja z native speakerji, kakovostnih inštrukcij, ko zadostuje že nekaj ur, do priprav na maturo, Cambridge izpitov in priprav na izpite, ki jih vodijo pooblaščeni uradni izpraševalci, za piko na i pa jih lahko pošljemo še na kakovosten tečaj v tujino.

Lahko pri vas dijaki in študenti pridobijo kakšno kvalifikacijo, ki omogoča delo doma ali v tujini? Ja, zelo smo ponosni, da smo v Sloveniji ustanovili prvi in doslej edini Teacher Training center pod okriljem Univerze Cambridge, ki je namenjen mladim učiteljem in študentom angleščine ob zaključku študija, pa tudi drugim študentom, ki si med študijem vzamejo leto odmora ali celo dijakom, ki takoj po maturi ne začnejo s študijem. Z odličnim znanjem angleščine (ni nujno, da so študenti angleščine) pri nas lahko opravijo mednarodno kvalifikacijo za poučevanje angleščine (CELTA – Certificate in English Language teachTo be up-to-date with what is going on, visit our website:



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