Building Green 2012_Nordic Built

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Nordic Built - What is it Nordic Built is an innovative program started by the five Nordic business Ministers and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Innovation. •

The first part is focused on defining the common challenges and opportunities in the Nordic building sector, which has resulted in Nordic Built Charter, which is the core of the program.


The second Th d partt will ill be b a Nordic N di B Built ilt Challenge, Ch ll with launch on 8.11.2012. The construction industry and other industries will be invited to participate in a competition for the renovation of five buildings, one in each h off the th Nordic N di countries. t i The Th goall iis to t demonstrate the Nordic Built Charter in practice and promote cooperation through a stimulating challenge.


The last module is a joint Nordic funding program for innovation, R & D projects and demonstration projects for sustainable construction. There will be focus on the existing g building g stock and the implementation p of existing solutions in an economically sustainable way

Charter - The building sector supports

Charter - The 10 main principles

Stakeholders - companies signed the charter and act as ambassadors

Pedersen Tegl, Arkitektfirmaet C.F.Møller, Od Odense K Kommune, B Ballerup ll Kommune, K Albertslund Kommune, Rødovre Kommune, Boligforeningen Øster-Bo, Dansk Teknologisk Institut, DTU Byg, CENERGIA, BAT-kartellet Kanenergi, Reitir, Formconsult, Alta consulting, Basalt, arkitekter, VTT, A2f, Almenna, Arkitektur IS, FR, Hornsteinar, Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, Icelandic Ministry of the Interior


Next steps - Launch of competition on 8. November 2012

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