How to succeed at college without drugs and alcohol Why it’s vitally important to avoid substance abuse in college
RU PDQ\ VWXGHQWV WKHLU ̰UVW UHDO exposure to drugs is when they begin college. Regrettably, there is a more casual attitude toward drugs and alcohol on campus, which makes experimenting with legal and illegal substances appear less risky. And EHFDXVH DOFRKRO LV RɓHQ FRQGRQHG DQG ever-present at house parties, sporting events, and other student get-togethers, many college students end up drinking alcohol more frequently. If there’s any doubt about the negative H̯HFWV RI GUXJV DQG DOFRKRO RQ FDPSXV here’s some sobering statistics, reported by the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: • )RXU RXW RI HYHU\ ̰YH FROOHJH VWXGHQWV drink alcohol, half of which binge drink. • Almost 2,000 die every year due to alcohol. • Nearly 100,000 are sexually assaulted or raped due to alcohol. • Close to 600,000 are injured when intoxicated or due to other people’s intoxication. • About 700,000 are assaulted by a student who has been drinking. • Suicide attempts and health problems D̯HFW VWXGHQWV • Academic problems due to drinking plague 25 percent of all students. Getting familiar with common situations on campus, and the myths and realities behind them, will help students make smarter choices about substance abuse and make college a more rewarding, fun, and healthy experience. 7KH ̰UVW SHRSOH \RX PHHW DW FROOHJH may not turn out to be your best choice for making long-term friends. You’ll come across people unlike anyone else you’ve ever met, and you may feel you need to LPSUHVV WKRVH SHRSOH WR ̰W LQ ,I \RX IHHO pressured to go to parties where there is a lot of drinking, while it’s not easy to dodge social pressure, remember, you don’t have to say yes. There are plenty 14
of students who participate in social activities without taking drugs or drinking alcohol. If one group of friends doesn’t take no for an answer, this group may not EH WKH EHVW Ě°W IRU \RX *RRG IULHQGV ZLOO understand and support your sobriety. When refusing to attend an event where you know there’s going to be excessive substance abuse, always GHFOLQH Ě°UPO\ DQG SROLWHO\ 'RQČƒW XVH judgmental language that may lead others to believe you feel morally superior to them. In a friendly way, explain why you choose to remain sober. You might be surprised how many other VWXGHQWV ZLOO DSSODXG \RXU GL̲FXOW GHFLVLRQ DQG \RX PD\ HYHQ Ě°QG \RX make friends who are looking to lead a similar lifestyle. If you are at a party or other event and see something that seems risky or unsafe, don’t hesitate to say something. 6SHDN XS DQG Ě°QG D IULHQG ZKR FDQ help you take action to resolve or avoid the situation. Leaving when you feel uncomfortable can be tricky, especially if you’re with a friend or group of friends. Trust your own judgment.
Some students say that they use alcohol and drugs to reduce stress. But this can lead to a downward spiral of poor academic results and more stress. Drug and alcohol use decreases your academic skills and can have a negative impact on your cognitive skills for up to 48 hours. So if you get wasted on Sunday night, you may struggle to do well in class QRW RQO\ RQ 0RQGD\ EXW RQ WKH GD\ DÉ“HU that as well. Studies on marijuana have shown that LW FDQ FDQ DĚŻHFW WKH VOHHS F\FOH GHFUHDVH focus, lead to memory loss, increase overall fatigue, increase heart rate, and even cause anxiety and panic – ironically, things many users are trying to reduce. ,I \RX VXĚŻHU IURP VRFLDO DQ[LHW\ WKH temptation to drink is strong because \RX PD\ Ě°QG WKDW DOFRKRO PDNHV LW HDVLHU to loosen up and socialize. But don’t be fooled. While you may feel more relaxed XQGHU WKH LQĚąXHQFH WKH PRUH \RX WDNH the worse you’ll feel, as alcohol and many drugs are considered depressants. Further, routine drinking can lead many into addiction. Make your room on campus or apartment into a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable place to be. When you go out, visit places where you don’t have to be social, such as the campus library, and ZKHUH \RXČƒOO Ě°QG OLNH PLQGHG SHRSOH Along the way, you’ll no doubt encounter others who are struggling with social DQ[LHW\ E\ VKDULQJ SHUVRQDO H[SHULHQFHV you’ll develop healthy ideas for avoiding unhealthy habits. Other things you can do at college to have fun without getting wasted are to throw sober parties – watch movies, dance, listen to your favourite music, play cards or other games, or think up other creative activities. You can also explore your new city or surrounding FRXQWU\VLGH *R WR D FRĚŻHH VKRS PRYLH or concert with a friend. Check the college directory for student groups or FOXEV WR Ě°QG D OLNH PLQGHG JURXS WKDW you can connect with. Coming up with ideas to avoid the lure of drugs and alcohol can be a major part of the fun in and of itself. Avoiding the temptation of drugs and alcohol can help you succeed in college and make you a stronger person than you might have imagined. It’s also possible to have even more fun in college while sober. Your Future 2021