Bermuda Health & Beauty Magazine Winter 2021/22

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Health Beauty Price eless

winter 2021/22






OUR PRIORITY » Prescriptions & Over-The-Counter Medications » Health & Beauty Aids » Vitamins & Supplements » Dental & Optical Care » Special Order Service For Medications » FREE Prescription Delivery » MDS Blister Packaging Service » Compounding Pharmacy Service » Over-The-Phone Prescription Refill Service » Healthy Lifestyle Advice » Medication Reviews & Usage Counselling » On Call Express Glucometer & Supplies 100% Covered By Argus » Seniors Save Wednesdays » Charge Card & Gift Card Service » Open Daily & Holidays » 8 Convenient Locations Island-wide






The Phoenix Centre

3 Reid Street, Hamilton HM 11



Woodbourne Chemist

1 Gorham Road, Pembroke HM 08



Clarendon Pharmacy

31 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 10



King Street Pharmacy

38 King Street, Hamilton HM 11



Collector’s Hill Apothecary

2 South Road, Smith’s FL 08



Paget Pharmacy

Rural Hill Plaza, 130 South Road, Paget PG 06



Warwick Pharmacy

49 Middle Road, Warwick WK 05



Dockyard Pharmacy

Royal Naval Dockyard Sandys MA 01



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14 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21

Cancer care The story of Insulin Diabetes care revolution Your ideal body Online pharmacy Check your eyes Hair innovations Preventing cancer


Tips to boost wellness Mindfulness Covid-19: The end game Choose water/Quit smoking Medical professionals guide

Publisher Ian Coles Director of Marketing Lissa Fisher Art Director Tim Parker Editorial Contributions Peter Backeberg, Don Burgess Editorial, Advertising & Distribution: PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda. Tel: (441) 292-7279 Email: Website: Health & Beauty 2022 is published biannually by Bermuda Media. © 2022 Bermuda Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.


Associated media include Bermuda Business Visitor Your Future New Resident Guide Building Bermuda Going Green <RXU 2ƸFH Bermuda Real Estate Handbook Bermuda Channel House Garden Kitchen & Bath Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Improving the quality of life for cancer patients


orty years ago, cancer was a word hardly spoken aloud in the community. Patients were isolated for fear of contamination, and families were even afraid to use the same utensils. PALS began with a group of volunteer nurses to assist in getting patients home from the hospital with cancer. These patients needed a “pal,” someone to sit with them, read to them, or perhaps feed them. Robert Stigwood, a wellknown music entrepreneur, ƶOP SURGXFHU DQG D %HUPXGD resident, provided funding for two years for a part-time nurse. Today, Bermuda’s only home cancer care charity has JURZQ WR LQFOXGH ƶYH IXOO WLPH specialised nurses, a palliative care physician, and a full-time medical social worker who all see approximately 180 patients

Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

PALS nurses: L-R Reanna Stovell, Rosa Ward, Waynette Wilson, Kathy Fox, Merlyn Burgess

a month. PALS supports all patients with cancer at any stage of the disease. Some of its patients complete their cancer treatment and no longer require its specialised services; others require palliative care for pain and symptoms experienced with

end-of-life care. PALS continues to support the patient and his or her family medically, HPRWLRQDOO\ DQG ƶQDQFLDOO\ In addition to nursing support, 3$/6 RƵHUV GXUDEOH PHGLFDO equipment to its patients, including such items as hospital beds, commodes, shower

benches, and wheelchairs, all free of charge. PALS will assist patients (on an individual basis RQFH ƶQDQFLDOO\ VFUHHQHG that require assistance with purchasing food supplements, medications, and overseas medical travel for uninsured and underinsured patients. PALS receives no government grants and relies solely on corporate and individual donations, various fundraising events and its thrift shop, to continue to support its programmes. PALS spends more than $5,000 a day on patient care, and its annual budget is approximately $2 million dollars. PALS never charges a patient or his or her family for its services. $OO VXSSRUW ƶQDQFLDOO\ DQG through volunteering is greatly appreciated.



Insulin past and present


00 years ago, the discovery of insulin ZDV D OLIH DOWHULQJ GHƶQLQJ PRPHQW in history for people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The use of insulin to treat diabetes changed the prognosis of certain death to the opportunity of life. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which is needed to control blood sugar levels. From 1889 to 1920, various researchers experimented with dogs induced with diabetes that they then injected with insulin. In 1920, Canadian Frederick Banting researched a paper on the function of the pancreas, and considered that it may be insulin that was the answer to treat diabetes if they were able to isolate it from the pancreas. Banting approached John Macleod, a

physiologist at the University of Toronto with his idea. He gave Banting the use of a laboratory, about a dozen dogs, and a laboratory assistant, undergraduate student Charles Best. Banting adapted his protocol to use the pancreases of cows instead of dogs and this proved more successful. He and Best collaborated with a chemist, James Collip, who invented a way of purifying the insulin. In January 1922, a young Canadian patient named Leonard Thompson EHFDPH WKH ƶUVW SHUVRQ WR UHFHLYH LQVXOLQ injections, and it was successful in treating his diabetes. Since this time, much progress has EHHQ PDGH ZLWK WKH UHƶQHPHQW DQG administration of insulin, development of

new insulins, and advanced insulin delivery systems, all which have had a huge impact on the quality of life for those living with diabetes. Although this was a life-saving discovery, much more remains to be done to ensure equal access to insulin and other diabetes medications for every person living with diabetes, regardless of where WKH\ OLYH RU WKHLU ƶQDQFLDO FLUFXPVWDQFHV The Bermuda Diabetes Association (BDA) was formed in 1978, with a mission to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and LPSURYH WKH OLYHV RI DOO SHRSOH DƵHFWHG LQ our community. One of the BDA’s most important programmes is to assist people with diabetes who are either uninsured or underinsured to pay for their insulin, diabetes medicines and supplies. If you know anyone who requires assistance, please have them contact the BDA. Email:, tel: 297-8427 or visit the Resource Centre located at 22 Princess Street, Hamilton.

Call us at 297-8427 or email us at

Bermuda Diabetes Association


Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Freestyle Libre revolutionises diabetes care in Bermuda


ermuda welcomed the arrival of the )UHHVW\OH /LEUH ƷDVK JOXFRVH PRQLWRULQJ system, a new advanced diabetes technology, just over a year ago. The product remains in high demand from patients and physicians as a revolutionary way to achieve better diabetes outcomes. The Bermuda Diabetes Association (BDA) team are committed to training and education of the system to ensure its success. Regular checking of glucose numbers LV FULWLFDO WR HƵHFWLYHO\ PDQDJH GLDEHWHV Until recently, the standard way to do this was by obtaining a drop of blood from D ƶQJHU SULFN DQG KDYH D EORRG JOXFRVH reading using a blood glucose meter. This is known as self-monitoring of blood JOXFRVH 60%* 7KH )UHHVW\OH /LEUH ƷDVK glucose monitoring system avoids painful

ƶQJHU SULFNLQJ DQG SURYLGHV PXFK PRUH comprehensive glucose data, making it achievable for people to be able to obtain glucose levels which keep them within their recommended blood glucose target range, preventing short and long term complications of diabetes. The system works by wearing a sensor RQ WKH XSSHU DUP ZLWK D VPDOO ƶODPHQW

inserted under the skin. A separate reader GHYLFH LV VLPSO\ ŠƷDVKHGš RU VFDQQHG RYHU the sensor and transmits real time glucose UHDGLQJV DQG D SURƶOH RI WKH UHFHQW HLJKW hour trend of glucose patterns onto the screen of the reader. Frequent painless scans of the sensor enable full 24-hour glucose patterns to be recorded which is of huge value to help adjust medications, food intake, and physical activity to help achieve and reach blood sugar targets. The sensor is worn on the arm continuously to produce glucose readings for 14 days. People with diabetes, Type 1, Type 2 and those with Prediabetes have all found the use of the Freestyle Libre to be a “game changer” to their diabetes routine. In a motivational way, feedback can be instantly REWDLQHG WR PDNH PRGLƶFDWLRQV WR LPSURYH glucose patterns and see results. If you are interested in the Freestyle Libre, speak to your GP for a prescription for the system. Training sessions are held every week at the Bermuda Diabetes Association Resource Centre to learn how to apply and interpret the Freestyle Libre. Telephone 297-8427 for more information or visit:




Up to 14 days of glucose readings without finger pricks2 WHY PRICK, WHEN YOU CAN SCAN?2

1. Scanning the sensor does not require lancets. 2. A finger prick test using a blood glucose meter is required during times of rapidly changing glucose levels when interstitial fluid glucose levels may not accurately reflect blood glucose levels or if hypoglycaemia or impending hypoglycaemia is required by the system or when symptoms do not match the system readings. FreeStyle Libre and related trademarks are registered trademarks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Flash Glucose Monitoring system FreeStyle Libre. Illustrative images do not refer to actual patients. ADC 48304 v 1.0 11/21

Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22



Four tips to achieve your ideal body Introducing some simple habits to your lifestyle will help you develop a healthy new body composition


eople are always looking for the next fad diet to help achieve their goals around changing body composition. Unfortunately, there is so much information out there it makes things complicated. Most of the time, this overwhelms SHRSOH ZLWK FRQƷLFWLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ They are often confused and don’t know who to listen to and back out because it EHFRPHV WRR GLƸFXOW )RU WKH PRVW SDUW \RXU ƶWQHVV DQG QXWULWLRQ VKRXOG EH VLPSOH and straightforward. Don’t mistake simple for easy. There should be a little aspect of learning, new habit building and change that will challenge you. Follow these four steps to build a solid, healthy foundation for the rest of your life.


Eat more protein and drink more water

Prioritising protein may help you eliminate unhealthy habits at your meals. It is satiating, especially when it comes from ZKROH IRRG VRXUFHV OLNH SRXOWU\ PHDW ƶVK and dairy. You may be much less likely to over-consume calories at your meals by IRFXVLQJ RQ SURWHLQ ƶUVW DQG EHFDXVH LW KDV D KLJKHU WKHUPLF HƵHFW FRPSDUHG WR RWKHU foods, the body uses slightly more calories to digest and utilize it. Protein is not only very important for building muscle but also helps retain lean muscle mass. Focus on consuming 3-4 meals a day ( e.g., 3 meals,

VQDFNV DQG ƶOO XS ~ Ƅ RI \RXU SODWH with protein in main meals. Adding in water before or after a meal can also help with ƶOOLQJ XS 6WD\LQJ K\GUDWHG FDQ UHDOO\ KHOS with feeling better. Try aiming to consume 2-3 20oz water bottles each day.


Lift weights

Lifting weights, combined with VXƸFLHQW SURWHLQ LQWDNH LV RQH RI WKH best ways to achieve body recomposition (muscle gain/retention with a concomitant reduction in body fat). Weightlifting leads to better posture and balance, increased bone density, and fat loss maintenance. Working with a personal trainer can help you learn HƸFLHQW HƵHFWLYH DQG VDIH WHFKQLTXHV WR VLJQLƶFDQWO\ LPSURYH SK\VLFDO SHUIRUPDQFH and reduce your risk of injury. Personal WUDLQHUV ZLOO DOVR KHOS \RX ƶQG WKH EHVW SDWK WR UHDFK \RXU VSHFLƶF JRDOV


Cut back on certain habits

(YHU\RQH KDV GLƵHUHQW YLFHV 0RVW of us know what ours are. It might be snacking after dinner, eating out more than eating at home, or drinking alcohol and soda too often. The best way to cut back is to do it slowly, not cold turkey. For example, if you eat out four times a week, go twice a week and try to eat home-cooked meals. Or you can shift what you do when you eat out; instead of ordering pizza, try something new with a protein as the main dish. Moderation is key. Some people have to remove unhealthy snacks from their


house — if they aren’t there, you can’t eat them.


Take your rest days

:KLOH WKH ZRUOG RI ƶWQHVV DQG ZRUN life has told us otherwise, it’s so important WR WDNH WLPH RƵ IURP WKH J\P DQG OLIH WR relax, rest and recover. Working out too PXFK DQG QRW WDNLQJ GD\V RƵ PD\ GR PRUH harm than good – whether your goal is to increase performance, improve your health or change your body’s physique. Rest days are like putting gas in the tank. Taking 2-3 rest days a week will help you reach your goals much faster. The best thing to do on a rest day is to take it easy and take the day RƵ 0D\EH WDNH D UHVWRUDWLYH \RJD FODVV JR for a long walk, or focus on mobility and stretching. Maybe even book a massage or physio appointment once a month. Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

PHARMACEUTICALS 7IXEMP 2EREKIV 0MX[SRE ;SPǺI (right) and Assistant Retail Manager Ashontae Goater (left)

Pharmacy launches online e-commerce store

Par-La-Ville Pharmacy has developed an extensive website for online purchase, and islandwide delivery of products and prescriptions


re-pandemic, online e-commerce RƵHULQJV IURP ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV ZHUH mostly limited to a simple static holding page providing name, address and contact details. The set-up costs, recurring PDLQWHQDQFH IHHV VWDƵ UHVRXUFHV DQG time to develop a full-blown e-commerce website for a small business to serve a small local population made the endeavor ƶVFDOO\ GRXEWIXO 3OXV WKHUH LV FRPSHWLWLRQ from giant overseas online stores such as Amazon who stock vast arrays of inventory and deliver to your home in just a few days. ,Q HDUO\ WKH GHYDVWDWLQJ HƵHFWV of the pandemic were felt both here and overseas. Lockdowns, quarantines, and work from home orders resulted in less customers visiting brick and mortar stores in Bermuda. A decision had to be made “to be or not to be”, or in this case “to e-commerce or not to e-commerce”. Par-La-Ville Pharmacy Retail Manager,


.LWZRQD :ROƵH DQG $VVLVWDQW 5HWDLO Manager, Ashontae Goater ‘took arms against a sea of troubles’ and started to upload Par-La-Ville Pharmacy store products to the company’s website Customers can now browse more than 3,000 items held in inventory on-island, and delivered for free island-wide for orders over $50, and with a $5 delivery charge for orders under $50. 0V :ROƵH VD\V ţ:H WKRXJKW DERXW RQO\ RƵHULQJ D OLPLWHG VHOHFWLRQ RI WRS VHOOHUV but decided on building our whole physical inventory online as best we can. We are only a small company and team, so it was a lot of hard work, but our loyal customers really appreciate the result.” Ms. Goater says “We will keep building the online inventory, adding new products as they arrive. There are challenges with supply chain and lot of our suppliers are out of stock on some items, but we try our

EHVW WR RƵHU RXU FXVWRPHUV DOWHUQDWLYHV and if the item ordered is not in-stock, we will call and suggest something else.” Ms. Goater adds “In addition to front of store items, our website also allows you to UHƶOO \RXU SUHVFULSWLRQ PHGLFDWLRQ DQG KDYH it delivered. Vulnerable, elderly patients welcome this option, and this has also proved popular for busy executives, and parents who are trying to balance home schooling their children with working from home.” Medication delivery is free island-wide regardless of cost. Simply visit and click on SUHVFULSWLRQ UHƶOOV 7KHUH LV D VLJQ XS VWDJH IRU ƶUVW WLPH XVHUV DQG D KHOSOLQH DYDLODEOH for those who have questions or need guidance: 296-5511. Things didn’t end too well for Shakespeare’s Hamlet, so to quote from another Shakespeare play with a more RSWLPLVWLF ƶQLVK Š$OOšV ZHOO WKDW HQGV ZHOO š Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Why it’s important to have your eyes checked


rgus Optical and Sunwear provides a list of signs and symptoms that may indicate a medical emergency or urgent condition that could lead to vision loss over time 6SRWV DQG ƷRDWHUV LQ \RXU YLVLRQ Floaters are generally due to a normal age-related condition called “vitreous degeneration,” which occurs when the eye’s JHO OLNH LQWHULRU OLTXLƶHV DQG VHSDUDWHV IURP the retina. If you notice a sudden onset RI VSRWV DQG ƷRDWHUV YLVLW \RXU H\H GRFWRU immediately to rule out a more serious condition called “retinal detachment.” A sudden painful red eye with nausea and vomiting. This may indicate a narrow angle glaucoma attack. This can permanently damage vision in a short period of time and should be treated immediately by your eye doctor. Double vision. Many conditions can cause double vision, but, in some cases, it can signal an underlying health emergency such as a stroke. If you have a




sudden onset of double vision, see your eye doctor or family physician immediately. Sudden blurry vision in one eye. After age 60, your chance of developing a macular hole in the central part of the retina increases. Macular holes can worsen and cause permanent vision loss, so it’s important to visit your eye doctor for diagnosis and prompt treatment. Tunnel vision or peripheral vision loss. These may be a sign of glaucoma. Without intervention, peripheral vision loss could continue to worsen and even lead to blindness. Central vision loss including distortions such as straight lines appearing wavy may be symptoms caused by macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness among older Bermudians. Blind spots in your vision and unexplained blurred vision may be due


5 6


to diabetic retinopathy. Regular eye exams are important for diabetics, particularly those over age 60. By evaluating your retina, your eye doctor can provide valuable information to your general physician about the control and severity of your diabetes. Cloudy and blurred eyesight. Halos around lights at night and/or loss of bright color vision may be due to cataracts. Cataracts tend to worsen gradually over time and are not a medical emergency; however, they should be monitored regularly by your eye doctor. Tearing, irritated, or scratchy eyes may be due to dry eye syndrome. Dry eyes are generally not an emergency but may EH D FKURQLF FRQGLWLRQ WKDW FDQ DƵHFW WKH quality of your vision, especially as you grow older and your body produces fewer tears or your tear chemistry changes. Consult your eye doctor for advice about treatments.



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Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Headway: innovating the industry


hen it comes to environmentally friendly beauty products, make-up may have been at the vanguard of this movement, but equally important, and becoming more and more relevant, are skin and hair care products. Headway is committed to using natural, ethically made and sustainable products in LWV VDORQ DQG RQ RƵHU IRU UHWDLO purchase. “The relationship between the earth, our products and ourselves is becoming interlinked” says Headway owner Alison Williams. “There are many amazing products on the market today and at Headway we try to source and use those products with the best eco-friendly credentials”.

For example, Taninoplasty, derived from oak bark and grape tannins, is the natural way to smooth hair. It also has antiseptic, antioxidant and DQWL LQƷDPPDWRU\ KHDOLQJ

properties. You can tan without sun in a healthy way using SunFX, a product that contains only ecoFHUWLƶHG DQG QDWXUDO SURGXFWV nothing else.

Headway stocks products by Jane Iredale, a company committed to producing the cleanest makeup in the world. Headway’s Swiss Facial line Karin Herzog is gluten, paraben and cruelty free — a world patented Oxygen line by Dr Paul Herzog. Even the pigments Headway uses for permanent brows are healthy, vegan-free and 100% safe. Visit the new Headway Hair and Body in the Washington Mall.

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Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22



Cancer can be prevented Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre shares things you can do today, that will lower your risk of being diagnosed with cancer


ocally more than 300 people are diagnosed with cancer annually. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of cancers can be prevented and more than half cancer deaths can be prevented.

Preventing Cancer It is possible to change the course of some cancers in a population, including Bermuda. HPV is the cause of almost all FHUYLFDO FDQFHUV 7KH YLUXV ZKLFK DƵHFWV both males and females has also been linked to cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and throat. In addition to following a healthy lifestyle and cancer screening guidelines, vaccinating against HPV will be a step toward preventing these types of cancer.

There is strong evidence that an individual’s risk of developing cancer can be substantially reduced by healthy behaviour: • don’t use tobacco and reduce alcohol consumption • JHW VXƸFLHQW SK\VLFDO DFWLYLW\ • eat healthy foods in moderation • participate in cancer screenings according to recommended guidelines • get vaccinated against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

is likely to work best. Lung cancer screening is recommended for some people who are at high risk. Bermuda’s cancer screening guidelines can be found on the Centre’s website ( bermudas-cancer-screening-guidelines).

Vaccines Vaccines also help lower cancer risk. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps prevent most cervical cancers and several other kinds of cancer in both males and females. The hepatitis B vaccine can help lower liver cancer risk.

Healthy Choices Screening Tests Starting as early as 40 years of age, getting screening tests regularly may ƶQG EUHDVW FHUYLFDO DQG FRORUHFWDO (colon) cancers early when treatment

You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by making healthy choices like keeping a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, protecting


Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

CANCER CARE information/reducing-your-cancer-riskpresentations).


your skin and practising safe sex. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre provides a series of programmes highlighting healthy lifestyle choices which, together, can make an enormous impact on people’s likelihood of

Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

developing cancer and other noncommunicable diseases over their lifetimes. Presentations and workshops are provided free to the community and can be requested through the Centre’s website (

$ƵRUGLQJ KHDOWK FDUH FDQ EH FKDOOHQJLQJ not everyone has health insurance, and in other cases, health insurance may not cover the full cost of a needed service. As a registered charity, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre believes that everyone should have access to health care. Through the ongoing generosity of the local community, the Centre’s Equal Access fund can help subsidise the cost of mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsies and radiation therapy treatment at our Centre for those who are uninsured and underinsured. In addition to the physical illness and emotional distress caused by cancer, the high costs of care is a burden to patients, their families, and to the public. By preventing some of these cancers, the burden of cancer will be reduced, and the number of deaths caused by cancer will decline.



Fall into healthy habits Tips to boost wellness


FLHQWLƶF UHVHDUFK VKRZV KRZ ERWK our physical health and mental KHDOWK DUH DƵHFWHG E\ WKH GHFUHDVH in temperatures and an increase in time spent indoors during the fall months. However, having a clear understanding of what to expect and preparedness will keep you in tip-top shape for fall and beyond.

Maintain Adequate Vitamin D Levels During the summer, most people get their daily recommended dose of Vitamin D from sun exposure by spending about 10-15 minutes per day outdoors. But, with the sun out for fewer hours and beach GD\V D WKLQJ RI WKH SDVW IXOƶOOLQJ 9LWDPLQ ' requirements during the fall is a bit tricky. Research links low levels of Vitamin D to everything from increased colon cancer risk to anxiety. Though it’s best to get nutrients from foods, obtaining adequate Vitamin D from diet alone is not easy. Foods VXFK DV IDWW\ ƶVKHV VDOPRQ ODNH WURXW DQG DOEDFRUH WXQD HJJ \RONV IRUWLƶHG FHUHDOV and cheese are all Vitamin D rich. But, VSHFLƶF SRSXODWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ SUHJQDQW women and vegans, may want to consider a Vitamin D supplement. As, while the daily recommendation is 400-800 IU, some people need upwards of 1,000-4,000 IU

per day to keep their levels in the adequate range. Consult your doctor to determine what’s best for you.

Get Enough Sleep Contrary to popular belief, spending a few extra hours cuddled under the duvet isn’t necessarily helping you. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule is perhaps the most essential piece of sleep hygiene. As the sun rises later in the fall and

winter months, access to blue light is OHVV VLJQLƶFDQW DQG LQWHUIHUHV ZLWK RXU circadian rhythm. This hindrance throws RƵ RXU ERG\šV LQWHUQDO DZDUHQHVV RI WKH times to be tired versus alert. It’s essential to maintain consistent bed and rise times daily to combat your body’s craving for extra sleep. Perhaps the one thing working in favour of a peaceful slumber is the refreshing drop in temperature fall brings. Sleep studies show the best sleep patterns occur in a cool environment, especially for those who experience night sweats. Logging the recommended seven to eight hours of restful, restorative sleep each night is vital. If you struggle to PDLQWDLQ D KHDOWK\ VOHHS URXWLQH E\ ƶQGLQJ LW GLƸFXOW WR IDOO DVOHHS RU VXVWDLQ D UHVWIXO night’s sleep, consider supplementing your diet with CBD Hemp Oil products. You can ƶQG PDQ\ &%' RSWLRQV LQ GLVSHQVDULHV DW The Phoenix Stores in capsule, liquid and gummy forms.

Stay Hydrated Your body depends on water to survive and its overall good health. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to ZRUN HƵHFWLYHO\ )RU H[DPSOH \RXU ERG\ 14

Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

HEALTH widespread each season. Hence the need for a new vaccine each year. 2. Wash your hands often. Good health habits like washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rubs can help stop the spread of germs and prevent UHVSLUDWRU\ LOOQHVVHV OLNH WKH ƷX 3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. And, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the spread of germs through touch contamination.

Get Exercise The cooler temperatures are a reprieve from the sweltering summer presented as a gift before the cold winter. Fall is a perfect season to get outside and enjoy a run, walk or bike ride while increasing Vitamin D levels to make you happier and improve your concentration. If you require a less intense workout routine, consider 30 minutes in the garden or playing outdoors with your kids to burn an easy 150 calories.

Maintain Good Nutrition

uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate your joints. Most people understand drinking six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day is a reasonable goal. However, not everybody is the same and as such people UHTXLUH GLƵHUHQW DPRXQWV RI ZDWHU WR VWD\ hydrated. As a rule, if your urine is usually colourless or light yellow, you are likely well hydrated. And, if your urine is a dark yellow or amber colour, you may be dehydrated. Signs of dehydration also include dry skin, headaches, dizziness and lack of energy. It may seem counterintuitive, but folks are more likely to be dehydrated during the cooler months than in the warmer months as our thirst response diminishes during this time. Your body isn’t so quick to remind you to drink water. Though water is best for staying hydrated, other drinks and foods can help you stay hydrated too. However, some may add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Fruit and vegetable juices, milk, and herbal teas add to the amount of water you get HDFK GD\ <RX FDQ DOVR ƶQG ZDWHU LQ IUXLWV and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce and soup broths. Sports drinks are good hydration options for those planning to exercise more Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

aggressively than usual. The carbohydrates and electrolytes in sports drinks can help your body absorb water. But, be wary of those sports drinks which are high in calories from sugar and may contain high levels of sodium (salt). ,I \RX ƶQG LW GLƸFXOW WR GULQN SODLQ ZDWHU to stay hydrated, try adding one of the H[FLWLQJ ƷDYRXUV RI 1XXQ WR \RXU ZDWHU 1XXQ HƵHUYHVFHQW WDEOHWV DUH WDVW\ DQG loaded with electrolytes to keep you healthy and hydrated.

Prevent The Flu 7KH ƷX FDQ EH VHYHUH HYHQ GHDGO\ LI \RX have a health condition like asthma, heart disease or a weakened immune system. Though the trick is to not get sick LQ WKH ƶUVW SODFH KHUH are a few proven ways WR DYRLG WKH ƷX 1. Get vaccinated. The single best way to prevent seasonal ƷX LV WR JHW D ƷX VKRW each year, ideally early fall. 7KH ƷX YDFFLQH LV GHVLJQHG WR SURWHFW DJDLQVW WKRVH ƷX strains health experts believe will be most

Embrace seasonal superfoods. Pumpkins are good for more than just carving; they’re jam-packed with immune-boosting Vitamin A and are weight loss friendly. Plus, these low calorie, low carbohydrate gourds can be roasted, mashed, turned into a soup and used in baking. Loads of other autumn veggies can also add a healthy bump to your diet, OLNH ƶEUH ƶOOHG EHHWV 9LWDPLQ & SDFNHG brussels sprouts, and potassium-rich sweet potatoes. Hit up the farmer’s markets to discover which produce is in season and fresh – they’ll all be useful for you. Be sure to get an adequate supply of essential vitamins and minerals, preferably from your diet. If you need to supplement, ask your pharmacist about the good, reputable brands available in-store. One way to help keep you and your family healthy is by stocking up on healthy essentials including Vitamin C, L-lysine, zinc and immune-supporting herbs like echinacea. For a full range of supplements, hydration and CBD products, pop by The Phoenix Stores to chat with your pharmacist who is happy to make recommendations on \RXU VSHFLƶF QHHGV 15


Control your mind and emotions

Meditation and mindfulness can help you become a healthier, happier person


ccording to a Harvard University study, we are only fully aware of what we are doing about half the time. Which means, if you are awake 16 hours a day, eight of those are spent in a distracted, wandering state of mind. “(The Harvard study) actually goes further to say, 80 to 90 percent of that mind wandering can be repetitive and negative, ” says Kim Rego, a mindfulness teacher and coach at Mindful Bermuda. “Typically, when we’re distracted we’re eating more, we’re drinking more, we’re talking more, we’re working more. A wandering mind is an unhappy mind.” Importantly, being distracted can keep us from recognising our actual feelings of sadness or being overwhelmed, and


we are driving and have to stop short – it we end up, for example, just grabbing just happens. something from the fridge – without even Our minds also lean into this stay knowing that’s what we’re doing. safe-mode, which is expressed The good news is this through thoughts like, ‘did I do behaviour is entirely normal it right?’, ‘do they like me?’ or and through a practice of ‘have I done everything on mindfulness you can train my to-do list?’. your mind to recognise “That’s negativity bias and when it is distracted, opening it’s there just to keep us safe,” up your options on how you Kim Rego Ms. Rego explains. “But that perceive and respond to a variety part, if left unchecked, can have us of situations. thinking the world is coming to an end Ms. Rego explains that, in attempting to when we have a deadline, or anxious when keep ourselves safe, humans utilise a sort somebody hurts our feelings or doesn’t of built in “negativity bias.” respond to an email in time.” Physically this is seen in our instinctive One of the important goals of actions in moments of danger, like reaching our arm across a passenger when mindfulness is to ensure our wandering Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

MEDITATION minds don’t go unchecked, and one of the tried and tested practices to counter distraction is meditation. “What we’re doing is we’re becoming more in tune with our body and its senses its hearing, its seeing, but also its inner sense of like, ‘yeah, that’s right for me’,” explains Ms. Rego. Meditation is a millenniums-old practice that has taken on an almost mystical status, but Ms Rego says it is very simple in its essence: “I would simply say it’s training for the mind. We literally exercise our mind muscles and when we do this we are gaining more attention, we’re gaining more awareness.” She is also quick to point out that while the concept sounds simple it is not easy to master: “People say, oh just sit in the present, or just be here now, or whatever. Well, that sounds really easy. And it’s not. “When we start practising we realise how crazy our mind is.” For that reason Ms. Rego advises people new to meditation to start very slowly, doing short, regular sessions, building up over time. “I would say (start with) one minute a day,” she says. “If you asked any busy person if they had 10 minutes to sit and GR QRWKLQJ , EHW WKH\ ZRXOG ƶQG D ZD\ RXW of it. “What happens is in time your body wants more, and then you listen to it.” Another suggestion is tying the activity to a time of the day or an existing routine, with mornings shown to be a good time for many people. 6LPLODUO\ WR SK\VLFDO WUDLQLQJ WKH EHQHƶWV of meditation can be felt quite quickly but the true value builds over time. Importantly, Ms. Rego says meditation impacts our central nervous system and in doing so creates a wide range of physical and HPRWLRQDO EHQHƶWV “It is hard to pay attention when you’re

Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

tense. When you’re worrying, ruminating, analysing, judging, prophesising,” she says. “As we start to really feel our body we get released from the mind and there is a relief from the incessant thinking.” 6FLHQWLƶF VWXGLHV KDYH VKRZQ WKDW mindfulness helps people lower their risk of heart disease by bringing down blood pressure. It can reduce cognitive decline for both ageing people and Alzheimer’s patients and it can improve your immune V\VWHP E\ UHGXFLQJ LQƷDPPDWLRQ Meditation can also have a very real and positive impact on your interpersonal UHODWLRQVKLSV 7KLV LV EHFDXVH RI WKH VSHFLƶF impact of learning to be present. “Once you have established some stability of mind, then other things are accessible to you,” she says. One of those things is what she describes as the space between stimulus and response. “Like when you misunderstand somebody or you snap at a loved one or colleague, these things happen to us all WKH WLPH GHVSLWH RXU EHVW HƵRUWV Ť VKH VD\V “What happens with mindfulness, we’re actually training ourselves to cultivate this space where you get to choose, like, I don’t want to respond to that or I noticed that I’m really sad or I noticed that I was reaching for a cheeseburger. In that space is our power to choose our response.” As wonderful as training the mind VRXQGV DQG WKH SURYHQ EHQHƶWV SHRSOH have experienced from it, Ms. Rego says it is important to get guidance from a teacher or a community when beginning with meditation. “If you go online and bring up the EHQHƶWV RI PLQGIXOQHVV WKH\ ZLOO EH ORQJ and wide,” she says. “And yet, for a small number of participants, they can report

feeling more anxious or more hyperVWLPXODWHG RU PRUH HPRWLRQDOO\ ƷDW RU disconnected.” Dr. Willoughby Britton, a neuroscientist at Brown University, has done extensive UHVHDUFK RQ WKH SRVVLEOH ţVLGH HƵHFWVŤ RI meditation and mindfulness. In a 2014 article, published on, Dr. Britton says: “A lot of psychological material is going to come up and be processed. Old resentments, wounds, that kind of thing. But also some traumatic material if people have a trauma history, it can come up and need additional support or even therapy.” While there are presently a number of apps that can help you get started with and maintain mindfulness practice, including Headspace, Insight Timer and Calm, Ms. 5HJR DGYLVHV ƶQGLQJ D WHDFKHU RU MRLQLQJ D group in the beginning. As a teacher herself she has learned to ease people into the ideas and practice of meditating: “I often don’t start with the breath, I start with something like the feet on the ground. It’s fairly neutral. You notice how when you calm your nervous system, you have the ability to feel grounded, and be more aware and more attentive. “One of the most powerful and loving gifts we can give others is our attention, so we’re training ourselves for that.”



COVID-19: The End Game Continuing COVID cases, stagnating vaccination rates, PCR testing, masks, and SafeKeys. When will this all end?


ost of the world’s experts agree that COVID-19 is here to stay for the foreseeable future, but what does that mean for Bermuda? Premier David Burt says, “The old way of life pre-COVID isn’t coming back soon,” and has often referred to not eliminating this infectious disease but to “moving beyond the pandemic.” Some are suggesting that COVID-19 will have to be accepted and dealt with as an HQGHPLF GLVHDVH LQ WKH VDPH ZD\ WKDW ƷX occurs every year on the Island. )RUPHU JRYHUQPHQW FKLHI PHGLFDO RƸFHU Cheryl Peek-Ball says that, historically, the ƷX NLOOV WZR WR WKUHH SHRSOH HYHU\ \HDU here, and that similarly Bermuda could see deaths during what could be described as “COVID season” without any additional restrictions such as lockdowns. 7KH FXUUHQW FKLHI PHGLFDO RƸFHU 'U Ayoola Oyinloye, told Bermuda Health & Beauty magazine “We are living with the worst pandemic in 100 years, and at this time, we cannot predict when it will end. We do know that it will end, but when the exact circumstances needed for this to happen will occur, sadly, is unknown. Many experts feel that this will eventually become endemic and will be similar to seasonal LQƷXHQ]D $Q HQGHPLF GLVHDVH LV OLPLWHG E\ geography, is predictable, and can often be managed. For example, malaria is endemic in parts of sub-Sahara Africa. The vaccine is WKH PRVW HƵHFWLYH PHDQV RI UHGXFLQJ WKH spread of the coronavirus and living with this pandemic.” Kim Wilson, minister for health has stated that, unfortunately, it looks like COVID-19 will be a permanent problem for the Island. “The science and the evidence suggests that, perhaps, in three years time the pandemic will shift to an epidemic mode, and it may become a seasonal issue, like WKH ƷX %XW LW LV VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ORRNV OLNH regrettably, by all accounts, we are going to 18

have to live with.” Bermuda Health & Beauty magazine also sought the views of experts overseas. Dr. 1HHORƵHU 0RRNKHUMHH LV D SURIHVVRU DW WKH University of Manitoba in the Department of Internal Medicine and Immunology and the Canadian Institutes Health Research Sex and Gender Science Chair in Respiratory Health. She also says that it is unlikely that COVID will be eradicated soon, and that in places with high vaccination rates, like Canada and Bermuda, the disease could move to an endemic phase, while a high disease burden will remain elsewhere in the world. “In countries like Canada, where there are relatively high vaccination rates, and people are – for the most part – following public health protocols and restrictions, I can see it becoming endemic sometime in 2022. That would also hold true for Bermuda.” 'U 0RRNKHUMHH VD\V GHƶQLQJ ZKDW LV endemic and pandemic can be tricky. The other caveat she gives with COVID becoming endemic is “as long as we suddenly don’t see a highly virulent form of the virus. With some of the variants, like the Delta, it seems like the vaccines are working well.” The immunologist says that, going forward, people who have had COVID but not had the vaccine need to be wary. “Without the vaccine, the natural immunity people get from COVID comes down pretty fast. The long-term memory is much less in individuals who have had an infection. The vaccines are designed as such that the body develops memory. The ability RI WKH LPPXQH V\VWHP WR ƶJKW WKH YLUXV is much more enhanced than someone who has not had the vaccine but has had COVID. They will have some immunity, but studies have shown that natural immunity decreases rapidly after infection. It is not the same at all as getting vaccinated.” Dr. Mookherjee adds that it might become a normal way of life with people

getting booster shots every year or two, OLNH SHRSOH KDYH WR GR IRU LQƷXHQ]D ţ7KH ERRVWHU VKRW ZLWK WKH 3ƶ]HU YDFFLQH VHHPV to be working very well. The vaccines DSSHDU WR EH KLJKO\ HƵHFWLYH LQ SURWHFWLQJ against severe disease, hospitalisation, and death.” She adds that scientists are constantly tweaking the vaccine, as ZLWK ƷX VWUDLQV WR PDNH LW DV HƵHFWLYH DV possible against whatever variant might be dominant. The immunologist says it is likely that people will still have to wear their masks, keep social distancing, and other health protocols for the foreseeable future. “We will still have to do simple things like wearing a mask while travelling, wearing a mask indoors – these types of public health measures will continue for a while.” She explains that part of the problem is the low vaccination rate in many countries, and “pathogens don’t respect borders. Unless there is a certain equity in vaccination globally, these kind of public health measures along with vaccination are the best way to control infection rate.” Dr. Aaron White is the Jarislowsky chair in biotechnology at the Vaccine and Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan. He says it’s possible that one day the COVID vaccine booster may be combined with WKDW VHDVRQšV LQƷXHQ]D YDFFLQH +H WROG Bermuda Health & Beauty, “It seems like it is headed that way because the virus is staying one step ahead of the vaccine. The vaccines were good against normal COVID, but the virus keeps escaping immunity. It is mutating enough that, even if a person gets vaccinated, the virus is still able to colonise in them – severe disease is reduced – but colonisation is not 100% prevented. It’s kind RI WKH VDPH WKLQJ ZLWK WKH ƷX Ť +H H[SODLQV WKDW WKH ƷX YDFFLQH HDFK \HDU LV PDGH IRU VWUDLQV RI WKH ƷX VFLHQWLVWV think will be most prevalent. “But if another YHUVLRQ RI ƷX FRPHV DORQJ WKHQ WKH SHRSOH aren’t fully protected. That’s kind of what we are getting to with COVID.” Bermuda saw this situation develop with the Delta variant of COVID. Before September 18, 2020, the Island only had four deaths and 14 hospitalisations of fully vaccinated people. But, from September 19 to October 23, there were nine additional deaths and 19 more hospitalisations Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22

from those who had two doses of the vaccine. Even with those higher numbers, vaccinated people were far less likely to end up dead or in the hospital. During these two months, the death rate for unvaccinated people was one in 361 compared with one in 4,910 for those who were vaxed. For hospitalisation, one in every 199 unvaccinated ended up at King Edward compared with one in every 2,326 vaccinated. Dr. White adds, “As long as there are people who are unvaccinated, and the virus is able to colonise in people who are vaccinated, we will have low levels of this virus circulating in this population. This will make it endemic. There will always be small pockets of people who aren’t vaccinated that will keep the virus alive and moving from person to person.” He says that, until there is a vaccine booster covering all the current variants, it will continue to spread and won’t be eradicated. Dr. White adds that COVID’s early V\PSWRPV FRXOG HDVLO\ EH PLVLGHQWLƶHG as a cold, so people don’t take sharper precautions as they should. “There is this big pocket of people who don’t get severely

sick but spread it.” So how long will people have to wear masks and take other precautions from COVID? Dr. White says, “Until we see vaccination rates at 90%. The best thing is to get vaccinated.” Dr. Elaine Murray, an epidemiologist, science communicator, and assistant professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, described moving from the pandemic to endemic phase of what life will be like with COVID this way. “We don’t have the political or social will to eliminate or eradicate COVID. But that means we have to continue to control COVID. That’s the only other option. That is what endemic means. So, yes, our only viable choice left is COVID becoming endemic. It didn’t have to be this way, but our leaders made a choice. Now they need to make another choice: They need to choose an ‘acceptable’ level of COVID death and disease. Because pandemics don’t end by a disease just fading away, and pandemics don’t end with everyone able to completely forget about the disease. Pandemics end when we decide how much death and disease we’re VDWLVƶHG ZLWK Ť 19




Choose Water


ugar is a carbohydrate and occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain mainly due to extra calories in the diet. Sodas and other beverages are some of the main culprits of “added sugar”. There are profound health implications related to excess body fat. Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Drinking water is a healthier alternative to

sodas. It allows you to hydrate without the sugars. Fruits like limes and lemons can be DGGHG WR HQKDQFH WKH ƷDYRXU 6SDUNOLQJ water is a great option if you miss the carbonation of sodas. Always read the labels on the water you purchase since all waters are not created equal. There is a time to indulge in the sweeter side of life. However, balance things out with a refreshing glass of water. It does a body good, pure and simple.

ccording to the American Cancer Society and the US Surgeon General, this is how your body starts to recover: 20 minutes after quitting: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. 12 hours of smoke-free living: Carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal. 2 weeks to 3 months of smoke-free living: Your circulation and lung function begin to improve. 1 to 9 months of smoke-free living: Clear and deeper breathing gradually returns as coughing and shortness of breath diminishes. 1 year after quitting smoking: Risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%. 5 to 15 years after quitting smoking: A person’s risk of stroke is similar to that of a non-smoker. Contact Pathways Bermuda for a consultation. Tel: 441 236-0823. Email:

DRINK MORE WATER. Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day will help you get clearer skin, feel more energized, lose weight and keep you well hydrated. Start by simply bringing a refillable bottle to keep at work and opt for water when dining out.






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Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


Dr. Paul Risk We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Paul Risk, radiologist, diagnostic imaging department. As a breast specialist radiologist, Dr. Risk is a medical doctor who specialises in diagnosis of breast disease, using mammography and ultrasound. For the Centre, having an onsite radiologist

is about raising the level of patient FDUH RƵHUHG LQ WKH GLDJQRVWLF LPDJLQJ department, especially for breast health. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Dr. Risk graduated from Dalhousie University Medical School in 1988. After working as a general practitioner for four years, he returned to school for postgraduate training in diagnostic radiology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. He completed


Patrick Murray Patrick Murray hails from the UK and is a graduate of the University of Leeds, gaining membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He obtained his research doctorate investigating immunological changes that happen within head and neck cancer, sparking his interest in the treatment of cancer. In 2013, he was awarded a medical doctorate (MD research) from the University of Hull for successfully defending his thesis on immunomodulation LQ WKH KHDG DQG QHFN FDQFHU PLFURHQYLURQPHQW ƶHOG RI VWXG\ immuno-oncology. He completed his clinical fellowship at the Leeds Cancer Centre in the UK, the largest purpose-built cancer centre in Europe, before extending his training with a focus on high precision radiation techniques such as SBRT and SRS with a specialisation in head and neck cancer. In 2017, Dr Murray was awarded the esteemed BJR Barclay Medal Award for his BJR paper on “A systematic review of outcomes following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the treatment of early-stage primary lung cancer”. He worked as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust before moving to Bermuda to join Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy department as a radiation oncologist.

his four-year residency program in 1997 before being admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of &DQDGD )5&3& ZLWK D 6SHFLDOLVW &HUWLƶFDWH in Diagnostic Radiology. Dr. Risk worked as a general radiologist at St. Martha’s Hospital in Nova Scotia for 5 years before joining a large group of radiologists in Calgary, Alberta where he has worked since 2002. Within this very busy hospital and community clinic-based practice he helped foster and develop the small, dedicated breast imaging and intervention-focused group of radiologists ZLWK D VXEVSHFLDOW\ LQWHUHVW LQ WKLV ƶHOG RI diagnostic imaging. During these past 19 years he has played an integral role as part of this group providing the vast majority of breast imaging and breast biopsies for the greater Calgary area and beyond.


Chris Fosker Dr. Fosker MBChB, BSc, FRCP, FRCR is the medical director and radiation oncologist at the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, Director of Oncology at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and a consultant at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. $V D &OLQLFDO 2QFRORJLVW 'U )RVNHU LV TXDOLƶHG WR WUHDW FDQFHU patients with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapy and immunotherapy. Prior to moving to Bermuda, Dr. Fosker worked as a specialist at St James’s Institute of Oncology in Leeds, Europe’s largest purpose built cancer centre. Dr. Fosker has completed a Fellowship at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and has published research in a number of clinical areas as well as in medical education, service development and health economics. Aside from his clinical work he has held other positions of responsibility, including working for the Macmillan Cancer Charity as a policy adviser, and for NHS England as a clinical advisor. He is the recipient of a number of awards including the ‘RS Bush Award’ for academic excellence from Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Fosker received a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the University of Leeds.

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre. 46 Point Finger Road, Paget DV 04 Tel: 236-1001. Email: Health & Beauty Winter 2021/22


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