2 minute read
The importance of mammograms
Accessible mammograms for all
Evidence shows that screening women over 40 helps to save lives
Bermuda’s breast cancer screening guideline is for women over 40 years of age to have an annual mammogram, the cost of which is typically covered by health insurance. However, not every woman has health insurance, which makes cost a potential deterrent to getting a vital screening. As a not-for and diagnostic imaging so that all women, status, can access these screenings.
By using community contributions to the Centre’s Equal Access Fund to subsidise care for the underinsured or uninsured, the Centre encourages early cancer treatment. Public and corporate donations into this fund allow the Centre to provide screenings to anyone who needs them, regardless of their insurance or ability to pay. and introduce 3D technology in 2017, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre has long been Bermuda’s leading mammography provider. The Centre currently uses the Senographe Pristina™ with Dueta™ from GE Healthcare, providing patients with comfortable, nextgeneration 3D digital mammography.
For many patients, however, the human Paul J. Risk, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s on-site radiologist, elaborated, “Our patient service team is warm and attentive, so our patients feel at ease from the moment they arrive. Our schedule is designed to allow enough time so that our patients do not feel rushed. In addition, after talking with our compassionate technologist team. The technologists are highly experienced and are eager to answer questions and discuss what to expect during the experience.”
In fact, Dr Risk’s very presence as an on-site radiologist helps patients to feel comfortable.
When patients are called back for diagnostic appointments, he gives them and their physicians the opportunity to ask questions and better understand the imaging results. In addition to providing clarity around the diagnosis, he reduces the waiting period for patients; his timely review of the diagnostic images means patients aren’t waiting days or weeks for results.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre meets international operating standards and is accredited by the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR). The rigorous process of this voluntary programme ensures that the Centre’s mammography images meet the highest standards. It also provides the Centre quality control and quality assurance programmes, image quality, dose, and processor quality control.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre does not require doctor referrals for women aged 40 and above to receive their annual mammograms. Please call 236-1001 or visit www.chc.bm to learn more or to schedule your screening.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered charity engaged in the prevention, detection, treatment and support of cancer and other health concerns in the local community. 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, 236-1001 www.cancer.bm