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Healthy habits
Fall into healthy habits Tips to boost wellness
Sour physical health and mental in temperatures and an increase in time spent indoors during the fall months. However, having a clear understanding of what to expect and preparedness will keep you in tip-top shape for fall and beyond.
Maintain Adequate Vitamin D Levels During the summer, most people get their daily recommended dose of Vitamin D from sun exposure by spending about 10-15 minutes per day outdoors. But, with the sun out for fewer hours and beach requirements during the fall is a bit tricky.
Research links low levels of Vitamin D to everything from increased colon cancer risk to anxiety. Though it’s best to get nutrients from foods, obtaining adequate Vitamin D from diet alone is not easy. Foods and cheese are all Vitamin D rich. But, women and vegans, may want to consider a Vitamin D supplement. As, while the daily recommendation is 400-800 IU, some people need upwards of 1,000-4,000 IU per day to keep their levels in the adequate range. Consult your doctor to determine what’s best for you.
Get Enough Sleep Contrary to popular belief, spending a few extra hours cuddled under the duvet isn’t necessarily helping you. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule is perhaps the most essential piece of sleep hygiene. As the sun rises later in the fall and winter months, access to blue light is circadian rhythm. This hindrance throws times to be tired versus alert. It’s essential to maintain consistent bed and rise times daily to combat your body’s craving for extra sleep.
Perhaps the one thing working in favour of a peaceful slumber is the refreshing drop in temperature fall brings. Sleep studies show the best sleep patterns occur in a cool environment, especially for those who experience night sweats.
Logging the recommended seven to eight hours of restful, restorative sleep each night is vital. If you struggle to night’s sleep, consider supplementing your diet with CBD Hemp Oil products. You can The Phoenix Stores in capsule, liquid and gummy forms.

Stay Hydrated Your body depends on water to survive and its overall good health. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to

uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate your joints.
Most people understand drinking six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day is a reasonable goal. However, not everybody is the same and as such people hydrated. As a rule, if your urine is usually colourless or light yellow, you are likely well hydrated. And, if your urine is a dark yellow or amber colour, you may be dehydrated. Signs of dehydration also include dry skin, headaches, dizziness and lack of energy.
It may seem counterintuitive, but folks are more likely to be dehydrated during the cooler months than in the warmer months as our thirst response diminishes during this time. Your body isn’t so quick to remind you to drink water.
Though water is best for staying hydrated, other drinks and foods can help you stay hydrated too. However, some may add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Fruit and vegetable juices, milk, and herbal teas add to the amount of water you get and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce and soup broths.
Sports drinks are good hydration options for those planning to exercise more aggressively than usual. The carbohydrates and electrolytes in sports drinks can help your body absorb water. But, be wary of those sports drinks which are high in calories from sugar and may contain high levels of sodium (salt). to stay hydrated, try adding one of the loaded with electrolytes to keep you healthy and hydrated.
Prevent The Flu have a health condition like asthma, heart disease or a weakened immune system. Though the trick is to not get sick are a few proven ways 1. Get vaccinated. The single best way to prevent seasonal each year, ideally early fall. strains health experts believe will be most widespread each season. Hence the need for a new vaccine each year. 2. Wash your hands often. Good health habits like washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rubs can help stop the spread of germs and prevent 3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. And, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the spread of germs through touch contamination.
Get Exercise The cooler temperatures are a reprieve from the sweltering summer presented as a gift before the cold winter. Fall is a perfect season to get outside and enjoy a run, walk or bike ride while increasing Vitamin D levels to make you happier and improve your concentration. If you require a less intense workout routine, consider 30 minutes in the garden or playing outdoors with your kids to burn an easy 150 calories.
Maintain Good Nutrition Embrace seasonal superfoods. Pumpkins are good for more than just carving; they’re jam-packed with immune-boosting Vitamin A and are weight loss friendly. Plus, these low calorie, low carbohydrate gourds can be roasted, mashed, turned into a soup and used in baking.
Loads of other autumn veggies can also add a healthy bump to your diet, brussels sprouts, and potassium-rich sweet potatoes. Hit up the farmer’s markets to discover which produce is in season and fresh – they’ll all be useful for you.
Be sure to get an adequate supply of essential vitamins and minerals, preferably from your diet. If you need to supplement, ask your pharmacist about the good, reputable brands available in-store. One way to help keep you and your family healthy is by stocking up on healthy essentials including Vitamin C, L-lysine, zinc and immune-supporting herbs like echinacea. For a full range of supplements, hydration and CBD products, pop by The Phoenix Stores to chat with your pharmacist who is happy to make recommendations on