
In Bermuda, sugary beverages are one of the primary causes of diabetes and obesity
In Bermuda, seven out of 10 people are overweight, and one in three are reported to have diabetes, but experts say that number is likely to be much higher –
One of the major factors causing this
and other serious chronic diseases on the Island is our consumption of sugary drinks. With up to 21 teaspoons of sugar in some sodas, eliminating these sugary beverages from your diet is a great place to start if you want to improve your health.
Before you consume that Coca
Cola, Tradewinds iced tea, Sunkist, or Ginger Beer, visualise the number of teaspoons of sugar you’ll be consuming. Would you consider eating up to 21 teaspoons of sugar? It would be many more, of course, if you have several sodas a day.
Sugary drinks provide no nutritional value whatsoever, and evidence suggests that our brains don’t react to drinking a soda by letting us know we feel ‘full’ – as it does with most foods. So, we are tempted to drink more and more.
Ice teas that use labels such as ‘ginseng,’ ‘antioxidant,’ ‘all-natural,’ or ‘sweetened with honey’ can be very misleading. They can have 30 to 60 grams of sugar – which is 8 to 16 teaspoons.
So, what should you drink? Water should be our primary beverage, but few of us drink enough water. Experts say you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses a day. It’s easy to remember as the 8 x 8 rule.
So, think about what you’re drinking because one of the easiest things to do to lose weight and improve your health is make changes with your beverages. Your body will thank you for it.
Sugar is a carbohydrate and occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain mainly due to extra calories in the diet. Sodas and other beverages are some of the main culprits of “added sugar”. There are profound health implications related to excess body fat. Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Drinking water is a healthier alternative to sodas. It allows you to hydrate without the sugars. Fruits like limes and lemons can be
you miss the carbonation of sodas. Always read the labels on the water you purchase since all waters are not created equal.
There is a time to indulge in the sweeter side of life. However, balance things out with a refreshing glass of water. It does a body good, pure and simple. www.bwl.bm
What is diabetes and why does this disease occur?
endocrine system (your glands and the hormones that they produce), whereby the pancreas stops producing insulin or produces too little; or where the cells in your body are resistant to the insulin that your pancreas produces. Insulin is the hormone that ‘unlocks’ the cells in your body and allows the sugar (glucose) in your blood to be used for immediate energy needs or stored away for later use.
How many types of diabetes are there, and which one is the most complex?
There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. A third type called gestational diabetes can sometimes develop in pregnant women.
• In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s own cells attack the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, destroying the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar and keeps your body at healthy glucose levels. After diagnosis, people with Type 1 diabetes must take insulin, requiring several injections per day
or use of an insulin pump. Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, and treatment is ongoing over a lifetime. With careful management, good lifestyle choices and the development of newer and better technology, people with Type 1 diabetes
• With Type 2 diabetes, your body’s cells become less sensitive to insulin, so your pancreas must make more insulin to control your blood sugar levels. This is called insulin resistance. Over time, if not managed, elevated blood sugar levels result in damage to your body’s tissues, causing complications such as diabetic neuropathy, damaged blood vessels, kidney disease and vision loss. Treatment for Type 2 diabetes may or may not include medications, but always involves healthy lifestyle choices.
• Unlike Type 1 and 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes is caused in part by physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. During this important process, pregnancy hormones can reduce or block the
If you have any of the following symptoms, visit your doctor for a complete and
proper evaluation. Symptoms of diabetes may include urinating often, feeling very thirsty, feeling very hungry (even though you are eating), extreme fatigue, blurry vision, lack of interest or concentration, cuts or bruises that are slow to heal, weight loss, even though you have not reduced your calorie or food intake (Type 1), tingling, pain or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2), vomiting and stomach pain.
New technologies in diabetes, such as continuous glucose monitoring, are an opportunity to empower patients through education and training, making them more responsible for their self-care, with the support of health professionals, as
comprehensive patient care with better metabolic control and fewer acute events such as hyper and hypoglycemia. Continuous glucose monitoring systems, such as Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre system, allow people with diabetes to track their glucose levels easily and without the comfort at treating the condition.
One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, so it’s imperative to focus on your breast health. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the more effective treatment will be.
Conduct regular self-examinations and schedule your annual mammogram with the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre. If additional diagnostic imaging is recommended, we conduct breast ultrasounds therapy treatment in Bermuda, all with no co-pay.
If you are 40 or over, call 236-1001 to schedule your next mammogram.
Bermuda’s breast cancer screening guideline is for women over 40 years of age to have an annual mammogram, the cost of which is typically covered by health insurance. However, not every woman has health insurance, which makes cost a potential deterrent to getting a vital screening. As a not-forand diagnostic imaging so that all women, status, can access these screenings.
By using community contributions to the Centre’s Equal Access Fund to subsidise care for the underinsured or uninsured, the Centre encourages early cancer treatment. Public and corporate donations into this fund allow the Centre to provide screenings to anyone who needs them, regardless of their insurance or ability to pay.
currently uses the Senographe Pristina™ with Dueta™ from GE Healthcare, providing patients with comfortable, nextgeneration 3D digital mammography.
For many patients, however, the human
Paul J. Risk, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s on-site radiologist, elaborated, “Our patient service team is warm and attentive, so our patients feel at ease from the moment they arrive. Our schedule is designed to allow enough time so that our patients do not feel rushed. In addition,
after talking with our compassionate technologist team. The technologists are highly experienced and are eager to answer questions and discuss what to expect during the experience.”
In fact, Dr Risk’s very presence as an on-site radiologist helps patients to feel comfortable.
review of the diagnostic images means patients aren’t waiting days or weeks for results.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre meets international operating standards and is accredited by the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR). The rigorous process of this voluntary programme ensures that the Centre’s mammography images meet the highest standards. It also provides the Centre
quality control and quality assurance programmes, image quality, dose, and processor quality control.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre does not require doctor referrals for women aged 40 and above to receive their annual mammograms. Please call 236-1001 or visit www.chc.bm to learn more or to schedule your screening.
and introduce 3D technology in 2017, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre has long been Bermuda’s leading mammography provider. The Centre
When patients are called back for diagnostic appointments, he gives them and their physicians the opportunity to ask questions and better understand the imaging results. In addition to providing clarity around the diagnosis, he reduces the waiting period for patients; his timely
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered charity engaged in the prevention, detection, treatment and support of cancer and other health concerns in the local community. 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, 236-1001 www.cancer.bm
Forty years ago, cancer was a word hardly spoken aloud in the community.
Patients were isolated for fear of contamination, and families were even afraid to use the same utensils. PALS began with a group of volunteer nurses to assist in getting patients home from the hospital with cancer. These patients needed a “pal,” someone to sit with them, read to them, or perhaps feed them. Robert Stigwood, a well-
and a Bermuda resident, provided funding for two years for a part-time nurse.
Today, Bermuda’s only home cancer care
specialised nurses, a palliative care physician, and a full-time medical social worker who all see approximately 180 patients a month. PALS supports all patients with cancer at any stage of the disease. Some of its patients
complete their cancer treatment and no longer require its specialised services; others require palliative care for pain and symptoms experienced with end-of-lifecare. PALS continues to support the patient and his or her family medically, emotionally, and
In addition to nursing support, PALS
patients, including such items as hospital beds, commodes, shower benches, and wheelchairs, all free of charge. PALS will assist patients (on an individual basis once
with purchasing food supplements, medications, and overseas medical travel for uninsured and underinsured patients.
PALS receives no government grants and relies solely on corporate and individual donations, various fundraising events and its thrift shop, to continue to support its programmes. PALS spends more than $5,000 a day on patient care, and its annual budget is approximately $2 million dollars. PALS never charges a patient or his or her
and through volunteering is greatly appreciated. www.pals.bm
Females experience unique causes, symptoms, and outcomes. Here’s what to know.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, according to the World Health Organisation.
Heart disease also strikes men, but women are more likely to have unique symptoms, be misdiagnosed, have worse outcomes, and die from their disease. What’s more, certain conditions appear to increase heart disease risk in women. These include preeclampsia and eclampsia, gestational diabetes, migraine headaches with aura, early onset menopause, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
increase awareness that heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death
where prevention could make the greatest impact. A Women’s Heart Alliance survey of more than 1,000 women 25 to 60 years
cause of death for women in the United States.
Dr. Holly Andersen, director of education and outreach at the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Presbyterian/ Weill Cornell Medical Center, and Dr. Jennifer Haythe, a cardiologist specialising in cardiac health during pregnancy at the Center for Advanced Cardiac Care at NewYork-Presbyterian/
Women are less inclined to call 911 when they think they may be experiencing heart attack symptoms.
and that number has been increasing. Preeclampsia is an independent predictor of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. Women who have had preeclampsia should be mindful of having their blood pressure, fasting glucose, and cholesterol checked annually.
Women are less likely to be referred for cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack.
men’s. Women may experience shortness of breath, nausea, palpitations, jaw discomfort, or overwhelming fatigue, according to the American Heart Association.
Women are less likely to receive bystander CPR in public than
only CPR can help save a life. Visit HandsOnly.org to learn more.
After the age of 65, hypertension is more common in women than men
After the age of 65, hypertension (high blood pressure) is more common in women. Go for an annual physical and have your doctor check your blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease risk factors. The American College of Cardiology recommends a blood pressure target of 120/80 or lower.
If you had COVID, it’s even more important to get your heart checked: a large study published in Nature Medicine in February found that having COVID before January 2021
burden at one year. This article was adapted from NewYork-Presbyterian’s Health Matters.NewYork-Presbyterian’s Global Patient Services Program starts you on your journey to the very best medical care that you or your loved one deserve. For more information, contact: Simone Barton, CEO, Bermuda Heart Foundation & CORE Heart Health Center. Tel: 232-2673. E-mail: coreadmin@bdaheart.bm. NY Main
Many Bermudians don’t consider purchasing an adjustable bed for their home, thinking they are only for use in the hospital. However, those that have opted to use
why it is a good idea.
Adjustable beds allow for the head and foot of the bed to be raised or lowered. There can also be an option to have the entire bed frame raised or lowered. All of these features make it much easier to get in and out of the bed. It also makes it easier for someone who may be assisting with bed mobility. And perhaps most importantly, can provide relief at the end of the day, due to pressure to the back, legs, and feet.
related to snoring and breathing
edema in the legs, heart conditions, muscle conditions and more.
All in all, an adjustable bed can help you to get a good rest while still maintaining its aesthetic appeal in the home.
It can help with your longterm health as well. While many of us may not have health conditions today, an adjustable bed will aid in preventing symptoms that may add to comorbidity.
Medical House Ltd. Tel: 292-3622. Email: medicalsales@medicalhouse. bm. www.medicalhouse.bm
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death, according to the American Cancer Society.
of headaches.
When you stop smoking, your senses of smell and taste get a boost. You may notice that food tastes and smells
nose recover from being dulled by the hundreds of toxic chemicals found in cigarettes.
Stopping smoking has been found to slow facial ageing and delay the appearance of wrinkles. And giving up tobacco stops teeth becoming stained, and you’ll have fresher breath.
Cigarette smoking increases the risk of cancers of the mouth and throat, lung, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, kidney, bladder, stomach, colon, rectum, and liver, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. Some studies also link smoking to breast cancer and advancedstage prostate cancer.
Smoking also greatly increases the risk of debilitating, long-term lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It raises the risk for heart attack, stroke, blood vessel diseases, and eye diseases. Half of all those who keep smoking will eventually die from a smoking-related illness.
That’s why it’s so important to quit. No matter how old you are or how long you’ve smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier. But quitting is hard because tobacco products contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive, naturally occurring chemical in tobacco. Even so, many Bermudians have quit with help, and you can, too.
Quitting tobacco is not
easy, but it can be done.
Whether you smoke cigarettes, use smokeless tobacco, or are trying to help a friend or loved one, Pathways Bermuda will show you how it can be done.
This is how your body will start to recover.
People breathe more easily and cough less when they give up smoking because their lung capacity improves
In your 20s and 30s, the lung capacity may not be noticeable until you go for a run, but lung capacity naturally diminishes with age. In later years, having maximum lung capacity can mean the
an active, healthy old age and wheezing when you go for a walk or climb the stairs.
Within 2 to 12 weeks of stopping smoking, your blood circulation improves. This makes all physical activity, including walking and running, much easier. You’ll also give a boost to your immune system, making it
easier to fight off colds and flu. The increase in oxygen in the body can also reduce tiredness and the likelihood
To quit smoking, contact Pathways Bermuda for a consultation.
Tel: 236-0823. Email: info@pathwaysbermuda.bm. www.pathways.bm
-(441) 236-0823
Sour physical health and mental
in temperatures and an increase in time spent indoors during the fall months. However, having a clear understanding of what to expect and preparedness will keep you in tip-top shape for fall and beyond.
During the summer, most people get their daily recommended dose of Vitamin D from sun exposure by spending about 10-15 minutes per day outdoors. But, with the sun out for fewer hours and beach
requirements during the fall is a bit tricky.
Research links low levels of Vitamin D to everything from increased colon cancer risk to anxiety. Though it’s best to get nutrients from foods, obtaining adequate Vitamin D from diet alone is not easy. Foods
and cheese are all Vitamin D rich. But, women and vegans, may want to consider a Vitamin D supplement. As, while the daily recommendation is 400-800 IU, some people need upwards of 1,000-4,000 IU
per day to keep their levels in the adequate range. Consult your doctor to determine what’s best for you.
Contrary to popular belief, spending a few extra hours cuddled under the duvet isn’t necessarily helping you. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule is perhaps the most essential piece of sleep hygiene. As the sun rises later in the fall and
winter months, access to blue light is circadian rhythm. This hindrance throws
times to be tired versus alert. It’s essential to maintain consistent bed and rise times daily to combat your body’s craving for extra sleep.
Perhaps the one thing working in favour of a peaceful slumber is the refreshing drop in temperature fall brings. Sleep studies show the best sleep patterns occur in a cool environment, especially for those who experience night sweats.
Logging the recommended seven to eight hours of restful, restorative sleep each night is vital. If you struggle to
night’s sleep, consider supplementing your diet with CBD Hemp Oil products. You can
The Phoenix Stores in capsule, liquid and gummy forms.
Your body depends on water to survive and its overall good health. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to
uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate your joints.
Most people understand drinking six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water each day is a reasonable goal. However, not everybody is the same and as such people
hydrated. As a rule, if your urine is usually colourless or light yellow, you are likely well hydrated. And, if your urine is a dark yellow or amber colour, you may be dehydrated. Signs of dehydration also include dry skin, headaches, dizziness and lack of energy.
It may seem counterintuitive, but folks are more likely to be dehydrated during the cooler months than in the warmer months as our thirst response diminishes during this time. Your body isn’t so quick to remind you to drink water.
Though water is best for staying hydrated, other drinks and foods can help you stay hydrated too. However, some may add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Fruit and vegetable juices, milk, and herbal teas add to the amount of water you get and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce and soup broths.
Sports drinks are good hydration options for those planning to exercise more
aggressively than usual. The carbohydrates and electrolytes in sports drinks can help your body absorb water. But, be wary of those sports drinks which are high in calories from sugar and may contain high levels of sodium (salt).
to stay hydrated, try adding one of the
loaded with electrolytes to keep you healthy and hydrated.
have a health condition like asthma, heart disease or a weakened immune system. Though the trick is to not get sick
are a few proven ways
1. Get vaccinated. The single best way to prevent seasonal each year, ideally early fall.
widespread each season. Hence the need for a new vaccine each year.
2. Wash your hands often. Good health habits like washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rubs can help stop the spread of germs and prevent
3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. And, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the spread of germs through touch contamination.
The cooler temperatures are a reprieve from the sweltering summer presented as a gift before the cold winter. Fall is a perfect season to get outside and enjoy a run, walk or bike ride while increasing Vitamin D levels to make you happier and improve your concentration. If you require a less intense workout routine, consider 30 minutes in the garden or playing outdoors with your kids to burn an easy 150 calories.
Embrace seasonal superfoods. Pumpkins are good for more than just carving; they’re jam-packed with immune-boosting Vitamin A and are weight loss friendly. Plus, these low calorie, low carbohydrate gourds can be roasted, mashed, turned into a soup and used in baking.
Loads of other autumn veggies can also add a healthy bump to your diet,
brussels sprouts, and potassium-rich sweet potatoes. Hit up the farmer’s markets to discover which produce is in season and fresh – they’ll all be useful for you.
Be sure to get an adequate supply of essential vitamins and minerals, preferably from your diet. If you need to supplement, ask your pharmacist about the good, reputable brands available in-store. One way to help keep you and your family healthy is by stocking up on healthy essentials including Vitamin C, L-lysine, zinc and immune-supporting herbs like echinacea.
For a full range of supplements, hydration and CBD products, pop by The Phoenix Stores to chat with your pharmacist who is happy to make recommendations on
strains health experts believe will be most
To lose weight and begin leading a healthier lifestyle, here are four foods that you should stop eating now
Bermuda is one of the most obese countries in the world. Seven out of 10 in our community are overweight
Thirteen percent of the population is reported to have diabetes—the second highest among developed countries. And because of the high rate of diabetes, the number of lower limb amputations among Bermudians is higher than all other nations.
Paradoxically, we spend $11,000 per person on health
more in health care than the average of the 30 countries comprised of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Yet we are not a healthy island. Far from it. The undeniable evidence is that we are spending far, far too much on treating the symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle. Heart disease is four times higher than in Japan, Korea, and France, and is the leading cause of death in Bermuda. Life expectancy on our island has fallen to age 65.
“People are dying at 50,” says Dr. Neil many patients with diabetes. “And these are not just diabetics that are dying. These are people with poor diets and not enough exercise who are dying of heart attacks because of how they choose to eat.”
In the Western world, fast food is often blamed for the rise in obesity. Although we don’t have the ubiquitous McDonald’s arches looming over Front Street, we still have a “fast food” culture in Bermuda. There is, of course, KFC, grandfathered in before Parliament outlawed franchises in Bermuda.
up their breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner from food trucks or roach coaches (as they are fondly referred to)—and then there are the pizza outlets. We have also seen the emergence of frozen yogurt and donut shops. Improving your diet isn’t easy, but the rewards are well worth it. The best time to start is today. Here are four foods that you can stop eating now to help you begin on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
Doughnuts have no purpose in your diet; they provide loads of calories and
Doughnuts can wreak havoc on your health
your regular diet, you will gain about 1 extra pound every 10 days.
So, what’s wrong with eating a doughnut now and then?
“Some people say it’s ok to consume everything in moderation,” says Dr. Leonard Gibbons, PH, MPH, HT, RD. of Bermuda Wellness and Outreach Centre. “I don’t think this is the best advice. Some foods, such as doughnuts, are highly addictive for some people. If you tell them to eat in moderation, what’s going to happen? You’re going to keep going back for more doughnuts. So, some foods we need to avoid. If you can’t control the food, or the food is controlling you, you need to just cut
Dr. Gibbons also says pizza is another food to avoid. “You see people coming out of certain restaurants with these huge pizzas, which are made with vegetables you are getting is in the tomato sauce, and there’s a lot of cheese, which of course has a lot of fat. This is not healthy food. Some people don’t want to rock the boat and speak out against these businesses because it’s about
are supporting jobs.
calories, while a chocolate-iced doughnut contains 350 calories. According to the website Family Doctor, 3,500 calories equal 1 pound. If you add a doughnut a day to
Pizza restaurants are pushing food that is feeding the problems of obesity in our community
But these restaurants are pushing food that is feeding the problems (of obesity) in our community. We need to step in and push back against these types of foods. We need to let people know so that they can make some healthy choices. Until we do that, we will continue down this road where the level of obesity on the island will continue to rise.”
A typical slice from 14 inches of regular-crusted cheese pizza contains between 250 and 350 calories and 10 and 17 grams of fat, says Livestrong. com. Add pepperoni, sausage, increase your calorie and fat intake to almost 500 calories per slice with 26 grams of fat. Yes, that’s a whooping 500 calories per slice— and who has just one slice? The high fat content in these pizzas comes largely from saturated fats, too much of which can raise your risk of developing heart disease and, of course, cause excessive weight gain.
Again, the addiction factor is something to be aware of in frozen desserts, says Dr. Gibbons, especially where children are concerned. “When a child does something good, we reward them, and we give them something sweet. It’s like saying to a young person in one way ‘why don’t you taste a little alcohol?’ What it can set young people up for is a life-long struggle. They are told they can eat these things as a reward. So, whenever they feel down, where do they go?” questions Dr. Gibbons.
So how can we help people in Bermuda to make better decisions about their eating habits and their health? The ice cream and yogurts shops do the opposite, with their brightly coloured facades making children want to go there.
A prime example of the environment around us that does not promote healthy living.”
“The fact that there’s yogurt, or low fat, in the name in no way exonerates
what’s in your cup,” says David Katz, M.D., founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center. “It’s not an alternative to yogurt, it’s an alternative to ice cream.”
And of course, it is a processed food— despite some brands being marketed as
conducted a survey of major US frozen yogurt brands and came across ingredients such as guar gum, maltodextrin, sodium citrate, cellulose gum, disodium phosphate, and propylene glycol monoesters, to name just a few don’tsound-like-food ingredients.
But perhaps the bigger problem, says the
there’s long ingredient lists full of additives
sodium aren’t far behind. Indeed, sugar can be represented by a whole host of sneaky aliases on an ingredient list: fructose, dextrose, corn syrup, juice concentrates, polydextrose, and pure cane sugar are all, in a word, sugar.
Plus, frozen yogurt and ice cream are
often loaded with sugary toppings that add even more calories.
So, before you indulge in a frozen snack, think about what you’re putting inside your body. You’re not making a healthy choice. A 16-ounce cup with toppings could easily add up to a weight gaining 500 calories.
“In Bermuda, one of the staples is macaroni and cheese,” says a local doctor. “We make it with
is. And then you have cheese, which has quite a bit of fat, and, when you put that all together, the calories you are consuming is very high. Bermudians love to celebrate with food. They like to see you eating and enjoying yourself. That’s a common way of socialising. Often you are
likely to include macaroni and cheese, and unless you practice limiting what you eat, you’re likely going to be consuming too much unhealthy food.”
Macaroni and cheese dishes are likely to be extremely calorie dense, high in fat, and have few nutrients.
Taking a boxed mix and preparing according to the package directions, 1 cup contains about 376 calories. However, Bermudians tend to have their own “secret recipe” for mac and cheese, which is likely to be prepared with lots of butter and cheese, making it extremely rich and with even more calories and fat content.
Kraft Mac and Cheese has 20 ingredients. Wikipedia says that the product sold in the United States includes Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 to make the food a brighter colour. In Europe, food that contains Yellow 5 requires a warning label saying, “This product
attention in children.”
So next time you’re tempted to reach for that box in the cupboard to feed the kids, you might want to think again.
Yoga can calm your mind and body and is also a natural energy-booster
Given its origins, it’s somewhat surprising that yoga has in Western culture. And yet these ancient teachings from the heart of the Asian subcontinent, with their combination of low-impact physical exercise
consciousness, have emerged as an ideal antidote to the stressful, even manic, pace of modern life.
The philosophical and spiritual teachings of yoga date back thousands of years and can be found in the tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Interestingly, the early yoga traditions did not emphasise any particular form of physical exercise.
What they did present was a pathway to personal enlightenment, i.e., an understanding of the nature of life and access to a higher consciousness.
These goals are achieved through individual practice and experience, usually under the instruction of a teacher or guru.
Some of the more prominent gurus expanded on the original teachings of yoga, forming new lineages of practice and knowledge and took these out into the wider world.
It is this inherent process of evolution that goes a long way in explaining yoga’s adoption, in many forms, across the globe.
What we know as yoga here in Bermuda is a form of hatha yoga, which itself dates back to the eleventh century and has been steadily adapted during its time in the West.
adaptation is the emphasis on yoga as a physical practice, where teachers lead students through a series of poses, or asanas, which stretch the body, building strength and stability in the practitioners.
But, as yoga teachers will point out, there is more going on in a yoga class than a few sun salutations and a couple of oms.
“My teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda, told me that hatha yoga is the calling card,” says Frances Marshall of Living Yoga, which she runs from The
The therapeutic application of yoga to help clients (one on one or in small groups) heal at the structural, mental and spiritual level, using their own internal compass to assist in the healing process. The yoga therapist aids and assists in this process, guiding the client, while keeping safety at the forefront, always.
Structural issues, head to toe, are aided using the practice of hatha yoga to realign to the body’s natural blueprint through yoga poses, breathing practices, deep relaxation, and fascia
Yoga Centre in Hamilton. “The physical practice is what gets them through the door, then the psychological and emotional
Frances has been teaching yoga for more than 40 years, and she says what keeps people coming back is the remedy yoga provides for the stress of everyday life: “I’ve had people do
time I have relaxed in 10 years.’ They come in thinking its just ‘physical,’ but then they see they can let their guard down, let go of stress.”
Returning to the originations and goals of yoga, the mind, body, and spirit are not seen as separate, and health, or well-being, relies on all three being actively maintained and nourished.
Frances, who is nearing the completion of a yoga therapy
International Association of Yoga Therapists, says regular practice leads to changes in the whole being.
“Yoga is appealing, and helpful, because people have
lost their sense of joy; they are bogged down in their minds, especially with negative thoughts,” she says. “With regular practice, yoga becomes a lifestyle, a way of life, and eventually the whole person shows up.”
While there are variations depending on the teacher, Frances says, when the teacher is approaching yoga from a “holistic point of view,” a hatha yoga class follows a consistent routine that allows for all aspects of a person to engage.
This includes participants
release while strengthening and toning the systems of the body, most notably, the nervous system.
PTSD/Trauma, and restlessness are aided through breathing techniques, mindfulness and/or meditation practices, intentionality and deep rest, etc. to better calm and regulate the thoughts and balance the nervous system.
At a spiritual level, the goal is to help clients understand and appreciate the wellspring from which all healing occurs. Clients are taught how to integrate the tools of yoga for greater wellbeing, purpose and connection with this innermost self, where true and lasting wellness emanates.
sitting for a couple of minutes, or lying down if they can’t sit, and checking in with the body and mind to see how they feel and the types of thoughts they are having.
Warm-ups, often in the form of yoga poses, follow, and then, the part most people are familiar with, practicing a series of poses, or asanas, which stretch, strengthen, and relax the body
“We are trying to move the Frances. “Back, forward, side-toside, twisting, and extending.”
After the asanas, there is a period of deep relaxation, usually 10 to 15 minutes; this is techniques that get rid of the toxins released from the muscles during the asanas.
“The asanas squeeze toxins from the muscles, and the breathing helps to release them out of the body,” says Frances.
with another check-in, to see how you feel now and to either set an intention or look at an intention and see where you are with it.”
Yoga, practiced as Frances describes, has been the subject of extensive studies for its impact on health. Overwhelmingly, the studies
reduced stress and anxiety, increased strength and
on life, better eating habits, and even reduction in chronic conditions like back pain, depression, and migraines.
also a chance to understand or experience a higher self, a sense of wisdom and joy.”
When the original gurus of yoga developed their practices, they could not have foretold the future we live in today; yet, their teachings have stood the test of time, slowly adapting through individual and group insight to form a practice that, thousands of years later, seeks the same goals – peace of mind, body, and spirit.
quantify but equally important goals of yoga practice.
“The results can be instant,” she says. “For example, if it is
relaxed in a long time, that can be a profound experience.
“I also believe yoga should include learning something, particularly about self, an insight, or an ‘aha’ moment. It is
In her yoga therapy sessions, which are one-onone consultations that use the principles of yoga to help people improve well-being, Frances describes a similarly simple, yet comprehensive, approach to healing: “It is about identifying the things in your life that are causing you harm and implementing new practices that get you back into balance.”
One who has trained beyond the Registered Yoga Teacher 500 level with specialised yoga therapy training. One who hence can be listed as a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and can use that seal behind their name.
Contact The Yoga Centre for an appointment or enquiry. Joanne Wohlmuth, Tel: 799-0108, Email: jewohlmuth@logic.bm or Frances Marshall, Tel: 535-9642, Email: francesmarshall04@gmail.com
With the right lifestyle, experts say, you will increase your chances of living years longer. What’s the recipe for success? There’s no magic pill, but here’s some anti-aging habits that have helped millions of people to enjoy longer, fuller lives — and age gracefully.
Moving naturally throughout the day — walking, gardening, doing housework — is an important factor in slowing the aging process. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to your errands, don’t always take the car.
Surround yourself with your loved ones and close friends. Make family your priority. Close family connections help and loved, and lead to positive mental wellbeing. Nurture your family connections and have people around you that care about you.
An active social life and mixing in a positive, supportive
community has been linked to a longer life and a greater sense of wellbeing. Maintaining social connections is a crucial element of happiness and aging successfully. So, cherish your faith group, spiritual community, hobby group or other organisation to which you belong.
Have a purpose in life. It makes you happier and healthier. People who have a reason to wake up in the morning, and know what brings them joy and happiness, tend to have a more positive outlook on life, and live longer, better lives.
Build some relaxation habits into your daily routine. Learn to meditate, it can be remarkably
Even sitting quietly for just one hour a week has been shown to make people more content and joyful. Becoming more grateful can also help. Keep a gratitude journal each day and jot down things for which you’re thankful. And sometimes it’s ok to just say no to something that might bring stress into your life.
Dr. Simmons is a nationally and internationally renowned breast cancer surgeon at NewYork-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical.
Dr. Simmons has done extensive research on minimally invasive, cosmetically advantageous surgery. As a pioneer, she is known for developing Skin and Areola Sparing Mastectomy. Many of her patients have a mastectomy that saves all the breast and nipple. After immediate reconstruction, the patient’s breast appearance is very natural.
As the first surgeon in the New York Metropolitan Area to evaluate the use of cryoablation (freezing) to destroy both benign breast tumors and breast cancers. Her research on this technology has become an acknowledged option for the treatment of benign tumors called fibroadenomas. She is the lead investigator in a National Institutes of Health multicenter trial evaluating this type of ablative therapy as a treatment for breast cancer. This is expected to usher in a new era of treatment of breast cancers without surgery in the near future.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Tel: 212-746-9100. www.Nyp.org/globalservices
breast health.
Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Dr. Risk graduated from Dalhousie University Medical School in 1988. After working as a general practitioner for four years, he returned to school for postgraduate training in diagnostic radiology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. He completed his four-year residency program in 1997 before being admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) with a
Dr. Risk worked as a general radiologist at St. Martha’s Hospital in Nova Scotia for 5 years before joining a large group of radiologists in Calgary, Alberta where he has worked since 2002. Within this very busy hospital and community clinic-based practice he helped foster and develop the small, dedicated breast imaging and intervention-focused group of radiologists with a subspecialty
years he has played an integral role as part of this group providing the vast majority of breast imaging and breast biopsies for the greater Calgary area and beyond.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email: info@chc.bm. www.chc.bm
Dr. Fosker MBChB, BSc, FRCP, FRCR is the medical director and radiation oncologist at the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, Director of Oncology at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and a consultant at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston.
patients with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapy and immunotherapy. Prior to moving to Bermuda, Dr. Fosker worked as a specialist at St James’s Institute of Oncology in Leeds, Europe’s largest purpose built cancer centre. Dr. Fosker has completed a Fellowship at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and has published research in a number of clinical areas as well as in medical education, service development and health economics. Aside from his clinical work he has held other positions of responsibility, including working for the Macmillan Cancer Charity as a policy adviser, and for NHS England as a clinical advisor. He is the recipient of a number of awards including the ‘RS Bush Award’ for academic excellence from Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Fosker received a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the University of Leeds. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email: info@chc.bm. www.chc.bm
Patrick Murray hails from the UK and is a graduate of the University of Leeds, gaining membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He obtained his research doctorate investigating immunological changes that happen within head and neck cancer, sparking his interest in the treatment of cancer. In 2013, he was awarded a medical doctorate (MD research) from the University of Hull for successfully defending his thesis on immunomodulation in the head and neck cancer
completed his clinical fellowship at the Leeds Cancer Centre in the UK, the largest purpose-built cancer centre in Europe, before extending his training with a focus on high precision radiation techniques such as SBRT and SRS with a specialisation in head and neck cancer.
In 2017, Dr Murray was awarded the esteemed BJR Barclay Medal Award for his BJR paper on “A systematic review of outcomes following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the treatment of early-stage primary lung cancer”. He worked as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust before moving to Bermuda to join Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy department as a radiation oncologist. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email: info@chc.bm. www.chc.bm
Dr. Alikhani, MBBS, MRCGP, MSc, Dip Palliative Care is the Medical Director and Palliative Care physician at PALS. She and the rest of the PALS team provide specialist palliative care and support to all those patients living with cancer in the community. She trained in the UK as a GP and came to Bermuda with her
discovered her love for looking after her patients who were at Agape House. This sparked educational interest and she completed postgraduate training in palliative care. She left general practice in 2008 to become a full-time palliative care physician at Agape House.
Dr. Alikhani was instrumental in developing the palliative care services at KEMH and in the community and in establishing the
by their loved ones in their last few months of life. Her mission and message is always to be able to give people the choice of where and how they wish to be cared for aligned with their values.
Both seek to improve the patient’s quality of life as much as they treat. Palliative care involves active therapy that can last sometimes for many years. Hospice care is typically a solution for cancer patients whose life expectancy is six months or less. PALS. Tel: 236-7257. info@pals.bm. www.pals.bm
As a breast specialist radiologist, Dr. Risk is a medical doctor who specialises in diagnosis of breast disease, using mammography and ultrasound. For the Centre, having an onsite radiologist is about raising the level of patient