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Fake Expectations
Much of what you’ve heard about Bermuda, the bad as well as the too-good-to-be-true, is probably wrong. New Resident attempts to redress the balance
Myth #1 BERMUDA’S A BAD MOVE FOR YOUR CAREER Incongruously, Hamilton (daytime population: 14,000 or so) ranks right up there with New York and London in the insurance industry and its gaining strength, too.
There is hardly a global big name that doesn’t have a Bermudian presence in one form or another. In short, therefore, it is possible that the island could be a very positive step in your career.
Myth #2 EVERYTHING IS GROSSLY EXPENSIVE HERE groceries and fresh produce, more expensive than you’re used to. Other items, clothing and jewellery for example, are arguably less expensive.
It can also be argued that your household budget will be very elsewhere. For instance, you’ll probably spend far less on gas/ petrol and car insurance.
And living in Bermuda means some of life’s richest pleasures will be literally on your doorstep and free of charge.
Myth #3 IT’S SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR SINGLES If you are lonely in London or Toronto or wherever, yes, you will be miserable here too. However, if you are reasonably outgoing and tolerably pleasant, you’ll get on very well. There’s a lively social scene here if you look for it. We suggest you join a club or organisation — there’s everything from sports, to theatre and arts — where you’ll meet lots of like-minded people.
Myth #4 IT’S A TAX HAVEN, ISN’T IT? Interesting one, this. Bermuda considers itself an “international bring their money here for a variety of reasons, sometimes to do with our geographical location, sometimes to do with light regulation, sometimes to do with low taxation — as opposed to no taxation. If this pricks your conscience, don’t worry because you as an individual will be paying your fair share of taxes. Not a lot but enough to be noticed.
Myth #5 TRANSPORT IS A NIGHTMARE HERE Yes, you will be allowed only one car per household, and a small car at that. But you will soon adapt to riding a scooter or motorbike when necessary. And our ferry is a wonderful way to commute to work.
Myth #6 IT’S A CULTURAL DESERT Of course, on an island of only 65,000 souls you don’t expect to have ballet and opera and theatre going on all the time. But within its limitations, there is actually quite a lot happening in amateur drama and dance (often excellent), music of all kinds, painting and even poetry. And even culinary festivals throughout the year.
Myth #7 HURRICANE SEASON IS HELL No, it isn’t. For one thing, for centuries as if they were under constant cannonball attack. For another, we we have a well-oiled plan to deal with such crises.
Myth #8 BERMUDA IS TOO AMERICAN/ENGLISH Americans think it is either wonderfully or awfully English, the by American ways. In fact, you will discover that the place is distinctively Bermudian, having purloined bits and pieces from diverse cultures.
Myth #9 IT IS FAR TOO SMALL AND CLAUSTROPHOBIC Truth is, this small island feels far larger when you live here. We may not have forests or mountains, but we do have one of the largest playgrounds and open spaces in the world — it’s called the Atlantic Ocean.
Anyway, if you do get ‘rock fever’, to New York or Boston and be there in less than two hours. How great is that!
Myth #10 IT’S POLITICALLY UNSTABLE, TOO You must be thinking about some other islands to our south? Bermuda has a long history and tradition of stable Government and seamless administrations following elections. The most recent Parliamentary election of October 2020 being an example of the island’s mature and open democracy.