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School Report

Saltus demonstrates what makes it a world-class educational establishment
Everything we do at Saltus is designed to prepare our students for a fast-paced, ever-changing world. It is an allencompassing approach to learning, from Foundation Year through to Graduation, and embraces each students’ potential as learners, as human beings, and as ethical members of a global community. With two stunning campuses, students enjoy an enhanced learning environment that is full of life, energy and discovery.
Academic Excellence is the core of what we do – the business we are in. Our innovative programme ensures that Saltus students emerge with healthy self curious minds, and compassion for community. In short, they are ready for university and the world beyond.
Extracurricular activities are their passion. Whether based in athletics, service learning, or the each student has the opportunity to explore options that encourage their creativity and dedication.
The more students are challenged and skilled they will be as leaders in their future lives. Our new student leadership model encourages everyone to be leaders and to develop a collaborative, communicative, fair and supportive mindset. We prize role models and place value on the impact behaviour can have on the lives of those around us.
Expert Faculty is the backbone academic programme. Their expertise, character and commitment add to the educational experience. Saltus teachers are education is apparent in all they do.
With all the opportunities available to Saltus students, they obtain a well-rounded education that encourages their love for learning and prepares them well for their future.
For Students Who Think

Students who have learning and ADHD, often struggle in traditional schools. They can feel isolated as their peers move ahead while they fall behind. Bermuda Centre for Creative Learning for children who think and learn master teachers with a nurturing approach, have a positive impact for families.
Each student has a personalised learning plan which includes goals to meet their academic and social and emotional growth. Teachers continually track student progress, which allows them to move year levels throughout the school year. Daily physical education classes, brain-breaks, and mindfulness are incorporated into the school day. Specialist therapeutic interventions are available as part of BCCL’s wraparound support.
BCCL follows the UK National Curriculum, the International Primary Years Curriculum (IPC), and the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC). All integrate core subjects through project-based learning, allowing students to learn multiple subject areas through thematic units in a cross-curricular approach.
BCCL is in the City of Hamilton, has rolling admission for children ages 6 to 15, and invites prospective students to spend an Experience Week with its learning community to determine eligibility. Tuition bursaries are available for families who qualify. Please visit: www.bccl.bm, Facebook and Instagram to learn more about the BCCL way of learning.
Personalized Learning
Children with learning or attention issues are as smart as their peers and can achieve at high levels, but too often are misunderstood as lazy or unintelligent. Without the right academic or emotional support, they are more likely than their peers to repeat a grade, develop low self-esteem and lose interest in school.*
BCCL is the first and currently the only school in Bermuda that provides a personalized learning plan for students who think and learn differently.
*National Center for Learning Disabilities

The Innovation Centre at BHS

BHS is an independent, International Baccalaureate, A Level and Round Square School for students from the Early Years Programme (EYP) through to Y13. BHS is all-girls’ from ages 4-16, and co-educational in the Programme (SYP). BHS is the only Levels and to be a Global Member of the Round Square Organisation. The school’s mission is to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, community consciousness and resilient independence.
Set in the heart of Hamilton, the BHS campus is a place where students acquire critical and creative thinking and dynamic problem-solving skills in an inspirational learning environment. The state-of-the-art Innovation Centre and Arts Wing provides facilities unlike any other in Bermuda. Students at BHS are given every opportunity in sports, the STEM subjects, the performing wide variety of extra-curricular activities. As a Round Square School, students have access to travel around the world on exchanges, conferences, service projects and cultural trips, where they broaden their worldview beyond the shores of Bermuda.
Head of School, Linda Parker states, “When I walk around school observe lessons or activities, I am endlessly reminded of how very fortunate we are at BHS. We work collaboratively with talented young people who have very bright futures. As I interview prospective students several aspects of the school: our warm and nurturing environment, the incredible international opportunities available and the high level of academic achievement.”
With a dedicated University Admissions Counsellor, graduating students are given individualised guidance and 100% of BHS graduates go on to tertiary education around the world.
If you would like to visit BHS, please contact the Director of Admissions and Inclusion at admissions@bhs.bm. www.bhs.bm. Tel: 295-6153

BHS empowers all girls to confidently carve their own path, develop their individual potential and step into the world boldly, responsibly and joyfully.
Dr. Samantha DeCouto ‘94
Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Somers Medical Services Limited
Addy Botelho ‘32
Year 4 student
To learn more about BHS or our co-educational Senior Years Programme, please visit www.bhs.bm
Building Lives for Eternity
Bermuda Institute is a Seventhday Adventist pre K-12 college preparatory coeducational school, located in Southampton. It is the only Seventh-day Adventist school on the island. It is operated by a twenty-three-member Board of Directors who represent a crosssection of the school constituency, such as pastors, church members, parents and teachers.
Bermuda Institute was established in 1943 for the sole purpose of providing a Christ-centered education for the Seventh-day Adventist Youth of Bermuda, and any other young person who desires a Christian learning environment.
Though our curriculum is based on the American System that requires our students to sit the SAT and ACT exams, our philosophy of education fosters the development of the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of each student. This is acquired through church, and the school in harmony with the standards and ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We integrate faith and learning in everything we do. It is not just about the learning of content, though it is highlighted, but the total development of the individual. science, master critical thinking and communication skills, with a strong emphasis on service. We are well known in the community for our dynamic music program. We are accredited by the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges and Universities, National Council for Private School Accreditation, and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Because of the small class sizes, our campus enjoys a family atmosphere. With fewer students in the classroom they receive more individual attention from our dedicated teachers who want the best for their students, and they reach their full potential. They take the time to get to know each child personally, build their self learning environment for everyone.
At Bermuda Institute we are proud of the fact that 98% of our graduates go on to higher education. With their College Preparatory Diploma to attend any school of their choice in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and the Caribbean, then they return home to give back to their community.
Our mission is to encourage every student who enters our gates to develop a personal relationship with God, challenge them to academic, physical and social excellence, thus equip them for Heaven, service to God and their fellow men. www.bermudainstitute.bm

Preparing the head, hands and heart of each learner
SBermuda’s International School, was founded in 1991 by a group of parents who created the Montessori Trust.
The school was originally known as the Montessori International Academy and changed its name relocated to Devonshire in 2001. small classes and over 500 students ranging in age from 3 to 18 years old. The school is divided into three divisions: Montessori, Primary and Secondary. At the Montessori levels (ages 3- 9), the student to teacher ratio is very small — 12:1 — providing one of the most personalised learning experiences of any school on the island. school, is currently validated by the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools authority, as well as the International Baccalaureate Organisation and is an associate member of the American Montessori National Association of Independent Schools. As Bermuda’s only accredited SEED School (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity), diversity, equity and inclusion.
Visitors to the school remark on the warm, inviting, family atmosphere and the vibrant sense of energy and innovation that experience. The campus is beautifully landscaped and has seen extensive improvements recently, including a fresh state-of-the art science suite, “success centers” for remediation and enrichment and, most impressively, an exciting instructional spaces for delivering the I.B. Diploma Programme.
The newly introduced I.B. Diploma Programme provides a robust and broad preparation for tertiary education and the world of work. The select range of courses students to meet the demands of university study and the world of work beyond.
As an international school servicing a broad population of both local and mobile families, the Montessori and I.B. programmes are readily transferable and recognised in over 200 countries. The school’s rolling admission policy, which accepts students throughout the school year, provides new families to the island the opportunity to join a dynamic and diverse school community that is committed to providing a stellar program of study for the 21st century global learner.
For students to thrive in the 21st century they must engage in meaningful work that is both academic and grounded in real world contexts. Rooted in IB dedicated staff understand the power of connecting with students, inspiring them to test their limits and transcend them.
diverse community designed for the global learner.

Warwick puts students at the centre
Education has changed over the last 20 years; we foster young minds and encourage enquiry and application of knowledge, instead of regurgitation. Students are now at the centre for all learning. Science at Warwick Academy has evolved with this new approach. We are fortunate to be generous donations to build a Marine Science Facility (MSF) and a STEM/ Collaboration room.
At Warwick Academy we want these programmes to be embedded into the curriculum and to span across the curricula also. Students have actively participated in Marine Science activities and coral conservation. A variety of subjects have taken integrated crosscurricular classes at the facility. We have had lessons on the Vietnam War, with mangrove, seagrass and modelling, degassing of warmer oceans, plating and exploring ocean microbes, benthic mapping, plankton and sponge ecology, and exploration between the history of slavery and molluscs just to name a few classes. We have also had after school clubs exploring the biodiversity of Hamilton Harbour, and individual students who have used the facility to collect data for research papers. the use of the MSF to community organisations, other schools and citizen science projects. We were delighted to have BUEI use the facility this summer and try out our “see anchor’ underwater trail. Warwick students have also been involved in the creation of a collaborative project to help enact the DENR plan for Seahorse Conservation. We now have a team of volunteers who are busy monitoring and collating data on the vulnerable seahorse populations in Bermuda. We have welcomed working relationships between BAMZ and BIOS that have evolved over the years and look forward establishing more.
In conjunction with the establishment of the MSF, we have incorporated our MATE ROV club into the Y9 Physics curriculum. Computer programming and robotics is the wave of the future and certainly a key element in the understanding and exploration of our ocean’s vast depths.
We have barely begun to scratch the surface of the exciting immersion opportunities Warwick Academy students to be excited and inspired when they come to school. We value the relationships that we build and want to give every student an opportunity to be successful in the years to come. We are so much more than just a place to learn. www.warwick.bm. Tel: 236-1917. Email: info@warwick.bm