Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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Dr. Paul Risk

Dr. Patrick Murray

As a breast specialist radiologist, Dr. Risk is a medical doctor who specialises in diagnosis of breast disease, using mammography and ultrasound. For the Centre, having an onsite radiologist is about raising the level of patient FDUH RƵHUHG LQ WKH GLDJQRVWLF LPDJLQJ GHSDUWPHQW HVSHFLDOO\ IRU breast health. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Dr. Risk graduated from Dalhousie University Medical School in 1988. After working as a general practitioner for four years, he returned to school for postgraduate training in diagnostic radiology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. He completed his four-year residency program in 1997 before being admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) with a 6SHFLDOLVW &HUWLƶFDWH LQ 'LDJQRVWLF 5DGLRORJ\ Dr. Risk worked as a general radiologist at St. Martha’s Hospital in Nova Scotia for 5 years before joining a large group of radiologists in Calgary, Alberta where he has worked since 2002. Within this very busy hospital and community clinic-based practice he helped foster and develop the small, dedicated breast imaging and intervention-focused group of radiologists with a subspecialty LQWHUHVW LQ WKLV ƶHOG RI GLDJQRVWLF LPDJLQJ 'XULQJ WKHVH SDVW years he has played an integral role as part of this group providing the vast majority of breast imaging and breast biopsies for the greater Calgary area and beyond. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email:

Patrick Murray hails from the UK and is a graduate of the University of Leeds, gaining membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He obtained his research doctorate investigating immunological changes that happen within head and neck cancer, sparking his interest in the treatment of cancer. In 2013, he was awarded a medical doctorate (MD research) from the University of Hull for successfully defending his thesis on immunomodulation in the head and neck cancer PLFURHQYLURQPHQW ƶHOG RI VWXG\ LPPXQR RQFRORJ\ +H completed his clinical fellowship at the Leeds Cancer Centre in the UK, the largest purpose-built cancer centre in Europe, before extending his training with a focus on high precision radiation techniques such as SBRT and SRS with a specialisation in head and neck cancer. In 2017, Dr Murray was awarded the esteemed BJR Barclay Medal Award for his BJR paper on “A systematic review of outcomes following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the treatment of early-stage primary lung cancer”. He worked as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust before moving to Bermuda to join Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy department as a radiation oncologist. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email:

Dr. Chris Fosker

Dr. Alikhani, MBBS, MRCGP, MSc, Dip Palliative Care is the Medical Director and Palliative Care physician at PALS. She and the rest of the PALS team provide specialist palliative care and support to all those patients living with cancer in the community. She trained in the UK as a GP and came to Bermuda with her \RXQJ IDPLO\ \HDUV DJR 6KH ƶUVW ZRUNHG DV D *3 EXW VRRQ discovered her love for looking after her patients who were at Agape House. This sparked educational interest and she completed postgraduate training in palliative care. She left general practice in 2008 to become a full-time palliative care physician at Agape House. Dr. Alikhani was instrumental in developing the palliative care services at KEMH and in the community and in establishing the (QG RI /LIH %HQHƶW DV SDUW RI VWDQGDUG KRVSLWDO EHQHƶW 7KLV EHQHƶW DƵRUGV LQGLYLGXDOV WR EH FDUHG IRU LQ WKHLU KRPH VXUURXQGHG by their loved ones in their last few months of life. Her mission and message is always to be able to give people the choice of where and how they wish to be cared for aligned with their values. :KDW LV WKH GLƵHUHQFH EHWZHHQ SDOOLDWLYH FDUH DQG KRVSLFH FDUH" Both seek to improve the patient’s quality of life as much as SRVVLEOH KRZHYHU WKH GLƵHUHQFH LV LQ WKH VWDJH RI WKH LOOQHVV they treat. Palliative care involves active therapy that can last sometimes for many years. Hospice care is typically a solution for cancer patients whose life expectancy is six months or less. PALS. Tel: 236-7257.

Dr. Fosker MBChB, BSc, FRCP, FRCR is the medical director and radiation oncologist at the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, Director of Oncology at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and a consultant at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. $V D &OLQLFDO 2QFRORJLVW 'U )RVNHU LV TXDOLƶHG WR WUHDW FDQFHU patients with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapy and immunotherapy. Prior to moving to Bermuda, Dr. Fosker worked as a specialist at St James’s Institute of Oncology in Leeds, Europe’s largest purpose built cancer centre. Dr. Fosker has completed a Fellowship at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and has published research in a number of clinical areas as well as in medical education, service development and health economics. Aside from his clinical work he has held other positions of responsibility, including working for the Macmillan Cancer Charity as a policy adviser, and for NHS England as a clinical advisor. He is the recipient of a number of awards including the ‘RS Bush Award’ for academic excellence from Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Fosker received a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the University of Leeds. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, 46 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04. Tel: 236-1001. Email: 22

Dr. Sharon Alikhani

Health & Beauty Summer 2022

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