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Training Of Security Forces And Child Protection Officers
Our Committed Partners
“With three instructors under my supervision, we began teaching the module to 700 students currently undergoing basic constable training Myself, I gave training courses to 15 student officers who took part in the constable training we had just developed It’s been so enriching ”
BRIEF PROJECT HISTORY: Since 2009, the Togolese delegation has been involved in the pan-African initiative to train security forces on the protection of children’s rights. In 2011, during a regional workshop held in Niamey, the delegation began developing its own action plan. The implementation of this project aimed at reinforcing the child protection system in Togo began the following year thanks to collaborative efforts between the IBCR, WAO-Africa and the Government of Togo and with financial support from UNICEF and Save the Children. After an initial assessment in 2012 of police and constable training on children’s rights in Togo, and an assessment of the actions and training needs of social workers and justice staff within the juvenile justice system in 2015, the IBCR developed several training toolkits. Basic and specialised training toolkits (for new recruits and for specialised officers and focal points, respectively) were validated and finalised for Togolese police officers and constables. Subsequently, the IBCR, in cooperation with UNICEF and WAO-Africa, oversaw the first courses given by the newly-trained staff. Institutional support was also provided with a view to integrating these courses into national programmes. In 2015, the Programme québécois de développement international (Quebec Programme for International Development), developed by the Quebec Ministry of International Relations, provided support during the fourth phase of the project, which was implemented by UNICEF Togo. Thanks to this support, the project was expanded to include social and justice workers
GOALS: With this project, the IBCR and its partners wanted to: Permanently integrate mandatory training modules on children’s rights into educational programs for Togolese police officers and constables, social workers and judges
Build upon the capacities of instructors working in justice, social work and security force educational facilities so that they may teach new courses and share their knowledge and know-how on child-friendly practices
PARTNERS: National Constable and Police Forces of Togo, Central Directorate of the Judicial Police, National Police and Constable Schools, National Human Rights Commission, Department of Human Rights, Consolidation of Democracy and Civic Education, Department of Justice, Department of Social Action and National Solidarity, General Directorate of Child Protection, Department of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Local Communities, Groupe de réflexion et d’action Femme, Démocratie et Développement (Focus and Action Group on Women, Democracy and Development), International Catholic Child Bureau – Togo, Terre des hommes, UNICEF Togo, Save the Children, and the Quebec Ministry of International Relations
Development workshops
Training toolkits for judges developed and validated
Training toolkits for social workers developed
Capacity building for national partners and for WAOAfrica, the partner NGO, on andragogical techniques