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Child Protection Training For Global Affairs Canada Staff
3 courses given in Gatineau: two in English, one in French
About 30 public servants and 6 IBCR members trained
4 new case studies reviewed and improved
BRIEF PROJECT HISTORY: Five years ago, the International Bureau for Children’s Rights signed a master services agreement with Global Affairs Canada for the development and leading of child protection training sessions for departmental staff. Ever since the Department of Foreign Affairs was merged with the Department of International Trade in 2014, the target audience for these courses has included international development experts as well as agents in charge of consular, political and economic affairs.
Design practical and updated courses to foster the acquisition of technical skills
Help lead three-day courses, in English and in French, to enable participating public servants to discuss the technical, thematic and standard components of children’s rights
PARTNERS: Global Affairs Canada
ACHIEVEMENTS: The new course was offered three times in order to reinforce new course objectives in line with governmental priorities for the protection of children
Our Committed Partners
“The exercises were all relevant I appreciated them because they enabled me to put into practice the knowledge I had acquired Each exercise’s theme was also very interesting The diversity of the subjects discussed enabled me to get out of my comfort zone […] and explore other areas (mining, humanitarian aid, [children and] war, etc ) ”
Five new modules will soon be available online In cooperation with the Department for the Protection of Children, Education and Gender Equality and a firm specialised in posting courses online, the IBCR was asked to select course sections focused on knowledge transfer for an online course comprised of five 30-minute modules Each module will be evaluated and participants will be awarded a certificate upon successful completion The certificate will be a preliminary requirement to be able to participate in in-person courses These courses will be condensed into two days and mainly focus on practical and technical aspects .
Global Affairs Canada now has all the tools and modules it needs to translate the course and make it available online in 2016
Case studies –Ottawa, Canada