Vol IV, July 2013
Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development
From Editor in Chief Tiur Rumondang
Readers, We are pleased to bring you the 4th IBCSD Newsletter. Highlights are given in this edition to the international event that recently held in Jakarta, Tropical Forest Alliance Workshop which targeting zero deforestation on 2020 focusing on Palm Oil as well as Pulp and Paper Sector. We will make detail about sustainability in these 2 sectors on the next edition. For now, let's give space for the celebration of Jakarta in its 486 anniversary. We also want you to learn a bit about BNI’s activity in engaging social aspect on their business.
Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA) Workshop An article contributed by WBCSD Jakarta, June 27-28th 2013. Why should the world mind about Indonesia’s tropical forests or even care that they are being degraded and lost?
guidelines to ensure paper and packaging was from zero net deforestation suppliers and indicated further plans to develop similar guidelines for palm oil, soya and beef. Other complementary solutions that emerged Well – for many important reasons in addition included an ongoing moratorium on to the unique habitat for iconic species like concessions for tropical forest conversions; the orangutan. Firstly tropical forests are directing further expansion of production integral parts of the world’s onto available degraded land climate and water systems areas; changes in local regulations “Bringing together that enable life-on-earth. to enable land swaps between Secondly, as global consumers government, business major concession holders, of food and users of paper and civil stakeholders, community and small land owners and packaging we all and SMEs; palm oil and pulp wood contribute to expanding levels the TFA workshop look production to progressively adopt of demand that cause at locally practical but 3rd party certified management conversion of tropical forests globally relevant and and chain-of-custody standards into palm oil and pulp impactful solutions” with the CGF providing the market plantations in Indonesia. incentive of progressively Pointedly, throughout the specifying certified inputs within workshop, Riau province on Sumatra was their procurement policies; and a dedicated literally a “hotspot” due to the early start of program of local level capacity building and the fire season - the first step in, often, the outreach in key production areas within illegal process of extensive and Indonesia. sustained forest conversion. WBCSD, its Indonesian partner and many Bringing together government, member companies where active throughout business and civil society the workshop. WBCSD assisted in the stakeholders, the TFA development of the CGF paper and packaging workshop look at locally guideline and will remain actively involved as practical but globally relevant further CGF guidelines are developed and the and impactful solutions. The TFA rolls out is next series of workshops and Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) solutions – the next focused on Brazil and – a coalition of 400 consumer beef and soya production. brand and retailing companies – announced new sourcing By James Griffiths, WBCSD MD Natural Capital
Tropical Forest Alliance Workshop, Jakarta, 27 June 2013
Seminar on Investing in the Energy Efficiency of Indonesia’s Buildings and Plant Sites , 3 July 2013. KADIN Indonesia in collaboration with the ‘Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development’ (IBCSD) organizes a capacity building seminar as part of the Sustainability Action Plan in the framework of the ACTIVE Project, a two-year program co-funded by the European Commission which supporting the EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue. The one day seminar focuses on energy efficiency of building and plant sites.
Celebrating the 486th Jakarta with CSR for Sustainability IBCSD
IBCSD announces that PT. Saratoga Capital has joined its membership on 3 July 2013 in Jakarta, sharing a common view and commitment in meeting sustainable development challenges ahead of us. Saratoga Capital is an Indonesian private equity company specializing in acquisitions, growth capital, and special-situation investments. The company has commitment to the sustainable development by investing in many sectors that closely related with sustainable issue such as natural resources, energy, and food & beverage.
June 22th is believed as Jakarta anniversary. Over the last several decades, Jakarta has proudly developed into one of Asia's most prominent metropolitan centers. With a current population of over nine million people, Jakarta has undergone dramatic growth especially over the last few years, and has been the province with the biggest Gross Regional Domestic Product as around 422 trillion rupiahs in 2011 (BPS booklet, August 2012).
On the seminar held by US Chamber of Commerce, AmCham Indonesia, and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington, DC , on June 26th, Basuki or more familiarly known as Ahok, also said that the facility will be given in the form of free of charge promotion. Furthermore, he also mentioned several programs that will be used CSR fund such as on housing plans in Marunda, Revitalization of Waduk Pluit, Garden and Greenery, as well as on transportation.
Jakarta has been an attractive city, since it provides better income on average for its wage earners as Meanwhile, on the other side, Jakarta faces several compared to other provinces. What the business challenges. Firstly, how to build a good urban sector can do for Jakarta in return is to contribute governance such as on education and health, and to the program proposed by the province governor. secondly, how to develop Jakarta as an eco-friendly Therefore, by creating Jakarta a comfortable place city in response to global climate change, including to live, in terms of enough water supply, good air pollution, flooding , heavy traffic, urban transportation, etc, the more sustainable our sanitation, and water supply. Lastly, how to businesses will be. encourage Public Private Partnership by integrating the local and informal sector to the global economy also remains as a challenge (Prof DR Sutanto Soehodho, Previous Deputy Governor of Jakarta on Citynet Yokohama Congress 2009). Responding to these challenges, the business sector can develop CSR program on sustainability such as on the area of the transportation sector, waste treatment, clean water process, housing, small medium enterprises, and creative industry. Basuki T. Purnama, the Jakarta Deputy Governor said that the company that gives CSR to the province government will be given facilities, for example on applying for the business license.
MEMBERS Village Woven Weaving BNI
Part of BNI’s contribution to sustainable community development is assisting communities to develop sustainable profit- making enterprises. One such Project is the “BNI Village Woven Weaving” started in 2009. Among the many objectives are supporting Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage, assisting with product marketing, passing on skills to the next generation and motivating weavers to create a weaving industry capable of serving as their main livelihood.
To learn more about IBCSD membership, please contact: info@ibcsd.or.id Indonesia Business Council For Sustainable Development (IBCSD) Menara Duta Building, 6th Floor Wing B Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B-9 Jakarta 12910 T: +62 21 5290 1941-42 F: +62 21 5290 1949 www.ibcsd.or.id
Together with partners Cita Tenun Indonesia and the southern Sumatra Regional Government, BNI built industrial development centers for Songket weaving. Totally, BNI disbursed loans of Rp 1.5 billion to 250 weavers in order to both attract and assist local people to become Songket craftsman. The results of the program have been good with songket weaving being presented at several national and international exhibitions. In addition, business capacity among these entrepreneurs and songket craftsman has increased and they are more self-employed and endowed. Most significantly, Songket weaving products have becomes more popular and widely accepted across the country, ultimately increasing the economic life of local communities.
Happy Ramadan Mubarak 1434