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Verlagsprogramm ibidem Ukraine Special

2021 - 2022 ibidem Press

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Ukraine Special 2021 - 2022

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Historicism, Legitimacy Contests, and the (Re-) Construction of Political Communities in Ukraine, 1939–1946

12 / 2022. 440 Seiten

€ 49,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1704-8

This book explores the relationship between history, legitimacy, and violence in the building and brea king of nations and states on the territory of contemporary Ukraine during the Second World War and in its aftermath. At its center are various institutions of the Soviet state. Other states and rival political movements also enter the picture insofar as their acitivities influenced Soviet policies. Methodologi cally, the study shifts attention from a limited body of normative texts and their creators within the Soviet political and cultural elite to a wider array of practices, organizations, and players engaged in power struggles and production of knowledge about the past in different social domains. Specifically, it brings into focus groups not normally thought of as participants in the production of Soviet memory discourse, notably NKVD officers, Soviet archivists, Ukrainian nationalists, Nazi collaborators, and former partisans in the German-occupied territories. The book not only demonstrates the complexity of nation-shaping processes, but also restores agency to some seemingly powerless actors.

Voices Band 28




A Comparative Case Study Through the Prism of a TwoLevel Game Approach

12 / 2022. 356 Seiten

€ 39,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1247-0

The escalating rivalry between the EU and Russia in their shared neighborhood creates important economic, political, and legal challenges for the lands-in-between. Belarus and Ukraine have received proposals of integration from both the EU and Russia. However, the extents to which they accepted these offers differ and result from a multitude of factors as well as their interplay affecting the policy choices of their governments. International integration is a foreign policy question, but it has a strong domestic dimension, too. Explaining various integration stances demands considering a country’s foreign and internal affairs. Alla Leukavets applies here Putnam’s two-level game-theoretical approach in combination with findings from Europeanization literature and democracy promotion studies. She develops various actor-centered and structural explanatory variables and applies them in the sub sequent empirical analysis. Her research results benefit from triangulation through primary docu ments analysis and semi-structured interviews with elites and experts in Minsk, Moscow, Brussels, and Washington, DC. The book analyses how the simultaneity of European and Eurasian integration challenged the two countries to make a major strategic integration choice. The study sheds light on the reasons for and genesis of the Ukraine Crisis, and on how external actors, such as the EU, can succeed in facilitating domestic reforms in Eastern Partnership countries.

Band 197
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Fedor, Julie; Umland, Andreas



Russian Disinformation and Western Scholarship: Bias and Prejudice in Journalistic, Expert and Academic Analyses of East European and Eurasian Affairs

11 / 2022.

€ 34,00 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1746-8

Western academics, experts, and journalists specializing in Eastern Europe and Eurasia have grappled with two fundamental analytical crises in connection with the 1991 disintegration of the USSR and Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine. Both crises were brought about by similar lack of understanding by scholars, think tank experts, and journalists of Moscow’s relations with its neighbors. Typically, they were characterized by a downplaying of the historic and current role of Russian great power nationa lism. The authors of this issue of JSPPS investigate how the Kremlin’s recent turbo-charging of Russia’s information warfare, 24-hour TV, and social media activity has expanded on traditional pro-Rus sian sentiments among Western academics, experts, and journalists. The contributors analyze the downplaying of Russian nationalism, misinterpretations of the 2014 crisis, sympathetic portrayals of Crimea’s occupation, and the use of the term “civil war” rather than “Russian–Ukrainian war” for the Donbas conflict in academia as well as the think tank world and media in the UK, Germany, Poland, Japan, USA, and Canada. The list of contributors includes: Olga Bertelsen (Tiffin University, Ohio), Paul D’Anieri (University of California at Riverside), Sanshiro Hosaka (University of Tartu), Andrei Znamenski (University of Memphis, Tennessee), and Sergei I. Zhuk (Ball State University, Indiana).


Motyl, Alexander


10 / 2022. 312 Seiten

€ 29,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1675-1

Combining social science with the multi-disciplinarity of area studies, Alexander Motyl discusses in fifteen essays the malleability and modernity of national identity, the attractions and limits of social constructivist imaginings of nations, the impact of national discourses, binary morality, and historical narratives on interpretations of the Holocaust and the Holodomor, the relationship between liberalism, nationalism, and fascism, and the role of national identity and nationalism in Eastern Europe in gene ral and the Soviet Union, Ukraine, and Russia in particular. Throughout the chapters, Motyl questions conventional wisdom, exposes its inconsistencies and weaknesses, and encourages readers to rethink their views in light of conceptual clarity, theoretical rigor, elementary logic, and empirical evidence.

Band 250
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society


10 / 2022. 200 Seiten

€ 24,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1695-9

Serhy Yekelchyk analyzes the uneasy post-Soviet transition in Ukrainian historical writing. He dis cusses the challenge of transcending not just Soviet ideological dogmas, but also the “Soviet” way of understanding historical processes and human actions. Two major factors have been influencing this transition: contacts with the Ukrainian diaspora and the “rediscovery,” also facilitated by the diaspora, of long-suppressed Ukrainian historical scholarship from the early twentieth century. However, the diaspora was more than the keeper of pre-Soviet historical narratives. By the early 1990s, it had profes sional historians practicing modern historical approaches, which also made an impact on the Ukrai nian historical scholarship. Yekelchyk explores the application of Post-Colonial theory to Ukrainian and diasporic writing on the central problem of Modern Ukrainian history, that of nation building. He also highlights new—transnational and cultural-history—approaches to the study of Ukrainian history. One of the book’s most important conclusions concerns the global character of present-day Ukrainian historiography, with scholars originally from Ukraine and those of non-Ukrainian background playing an increasingly prominent role in the West, and Ukrainian-based historians actively participating in Western projects, publications, and debates.

Band 26
Ukrainian Voices

Baidaus, Eduard


10 / 2022. 650 Seiten

€ 59,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1582-2

This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Moldova. At various times, this region was a former imperial Russia borderland, a province in interwar Romania, a republic in the Soviet Union, and ultimately a modern state where the interests of Moscow and the West collide. The book presents research on the historical preconditions and spread of the secessionist movement in Transnistria, the war in the Dniester River valley, and the diplomatic deadlock of the Transnistrian problem. It further examines the conflicting positions that political parties, the public, and experts have taken towards the problems that challenge the nation- and state-building processes in this post-Soviet state. Additional focal points include the reassertion of Russia‘s power in the post-So viet space, Ukraine‘s effort to become a major political player in the region, and Romania‘s attempt to retrieve its influence in Moldova. This study demonstrates that separatism generates mutually exclu sive nation-building projects on the territory of a single state, where pre-existing historical conditions and geopolitical realities interweave and impede the construction of a modern nation-state. It also evinces that international actors play a significant role in this process, and that they are dominant and superimposed on the local decision-makers. Moreover, domestic and external factors connected with nation-building policies often conflict with each other and hinder the development of a resolution of the so-called „frozen conflict“ over Transnistria.

Band 252
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

10 / 2022. 680 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8382-1725-3 € 69,90 , Hardcover

This work is a contemporary historical, narrative analysis of events in and around Ukraine from 2013 to 2019. These years were almost as significant for Ukraine as the achievement of independence in 1991, because Ukraine was in danger of losing its independence again after the victory of the „Maidan“. This popular uprising against the kleptocratic regime of President Yanukovych led to a takeover of power by the parliamentary opposition—and to the total loss of influence by Russia. Against the threat of Russian troops deploying along the border, Russian agents in eastern Ukraine tried to bring about a „Crimea scenario,“ i.e. the secession of the eastern part of the country. President Putin intended to resolve the „Ukraine conflict“, which in truth is not a „civil war“ but a Russian war of attrition against Ukraine, on his terms in the „Minsk process“: namely, by creating an „autonomous“ part of the Donbas within the Ukrainian state—as a lever for Russian influence over the whole of Ukraine. The author concludes by placing the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the context of the dawning „Chinese century“. The book draws from academic literature, official publications, and a variety of current news in print and digital outlets. It is essential reading for everyone who wants to understand the current situation in Ukraine.

Schneider-Deters, Winfried UKRAINE’S FATEFUL YEARS 2013–2019: VOL. I: THE POPULAR UPRISING IN WINTER 2013/2014
Volume I
and PostSoviet Politics and Society Band 254

Schneider-Deters, Winfried


Vol. II: The Annexation of Crimea and the War in Donbas

10 / 2022. 880 Seiten

€ 79,90 , Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-8382-1726-0

This work is a contemporary historical, narrative analysis of events in and around Ukraine from 2013 to 2019. These years were almost as significant for Ukraine as the achievement of independence in 1991, because Ukraine was in danger of losing its independence again after the victory of the „Maidan“. This popular uprising against the kleptocratic regime of President Yanukovych led to a takeover of power by the parliamentary opposition—and to the total loss of influence by Russia. Against the threat of Russian troops deploying along the border, Russian agents in eastern Ukraine tried to bring about a „Crimea scenario,“ i.e. the secession of the eastern part of the country. President Putin intended to resolve the „Ukraine conflict“, which in truth is not a „civil war“ but a Russian war of attrition against Ukraine, on his terms in the „Minsk process“: namely, by creating an „autonomous“ part of the Donbas within the Ukrainian state—as a lever for Russian influence over the whole of Ukraine. The author concludes by placing the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the context of the dawning „Chinese century“. The book draws from academic literature, official publications, and a variety of current news in print and digital outlets. It is essential reading for everyone who wants to understand the current situation in Ukraine.

Band 255
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society




Archival Records and Historical Sources on the 1990 Revolution on Granite

09 / 2022. 412 Seiten

€ 49,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1376-7

€ 32,99 , e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7376-1

The third instalment of this multi-volume project presents a selection of archival sources from the time of Ukraine’s Revolution on Granite in October 1990. They include telegrams sent to participants of the Revolution from supporters in different parts of Ukraine, KGB documents such as internal notes and other records, as well as transcripts of parliamentary sessions from the time of the revolution. All ma terials included in the volume are published in two languages: the original language of the document (Ukrainian or Russian) and in English translation. The publication completes two earlier SPPS volu mes: Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine I – Theoretical Aspects and Analyses on Religion, Memory, and Identity edited by Pawe? Kowal, Georges Mink, and Iwona Reichardt (2019), and Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine II – An Oral History of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity edited by Pawe? Kowal, Georges Mink, Iwona Reichardt, and Adam Reichardt (2019).

Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Kowal, Pawel; Reichardt, Iwona; Pryshchepa,
Band 258

Kragh, Martin


More than three decades since the fall of the Soviet Union, several conflicts over territory and political influence in Eastern Europe persist. This volume gathers new empirical and conceptual perspectives on the situation regarding security and human rights in the EU‘s eastern neighborhood. The first part of this volume consists of five articles, detailing the origins and recent developments in the conflict areas of Donbas (Ukraine), Transnistria (Moldova), Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Georgia), and Nagor no-Karabakh (Armenia and Azerbaijan). The second part provides a comparative perspective, focusing on the implications of protracted conflicts for European security, the OSCE, and international law. The articles analyze the regional context, explain the role of regional powers such as Russia, Turkey, and the EU, and provide clear policy recommendations regarding conflict resolution and accountability.

With a foreword by Fredrik Löjdquist and Martin Kragh 09 / 2022. 220 Seiten ISBN 978-3-8382-1688-1 € 29,90 , Paperback


Kyiv‘s Foreign Affairs and the International Relations of the Post-Communist Region

09 / 2022. 376 Seiten

€ 39,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1615-7

The geopolitics of post-communist Europe are not only important for Ukraine itself, but ultimately also for the future of the continent as a whole. This concerns the interactions between Kyiv, on the one hand, and the capitals of East-Central Europe as well as the Southern Caucasus, on the other. Where does Kyiv currently stand geopolitically and how should it engage in the region between the Baltic, Adriatic, Black, and Caspian Seas? This volume examines which interests and motivations some select countries in East-Central Europe and the Caucasus have towards Ukraine and provides answers to the question which chances there are for new multilateral networks or structures. Such multilateralism around Ukraine could go beyond the already existing, yet geographically and functionally circum scribed Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM), the Visegrad Four, the Bucharest Nine Group, and the Three Seas Initiative. The volume also illustrates how the ever-present “elephant in the room”—Russia—shapes the international relations of the post-Soviet space. Resear chers from several post-communist countries examine these issues from their specific points of view.

Band 242
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Davidzon, Vladislav


This is a selection of essays and dispatches from a veteran observer of the development of Ukrainian culture and politics over the course of a decade. The volume deals with the issue of Ukrainian-Jewish relations and its historical legacy in the context of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. It charts the events that took place in Ukraine after the 2013-2014 Euromaidan Revolution and focuses on the place of Ukrainian Jewry within a quickly developing Ukrainian political nation.

„Vladislav Davidzon has for almost a decade been one of the most acute observers of A masterful chronicler of the real odyssey of the Ukrainian Jew amidst revolutionary times!”

Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of Jerusalem: The Biography

„Vladislav Davidzon has for almost a decade been one of the most acute observers of the Ukrainian–Jewish relationship and of the place of Ukrainian Jewry within a developing political nation. His stylish reportage has been invaluable for understanding the dynamics of the Jewish Ukraine in a historical moment. This volume will surely enter the canon as an important document for anyone who wishes to understand this moment.”

Wolf Moskovich, Professor of Slavic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Band 25
Selected Writings 2013-2022 08 / 2022. 250 Seiten ISBN 978-3-8382-1509-9 € 34,90 , Paperback ***
Ukrainian Voices

Eperjesi, Ildi; Kachura, Oleksandr



With a Foreword by Olexy Haran

08 / 2022. 352 Seiten

€ 42,00 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1680-5

In Eastern Ukraine, unfathomable human dramas have unfolded since 2014. Thousands died in the fighting. The homes of tens of thousands were destroyed. Many were captured and tortured, millions ousted from their homes. The lives of many were broken. Volunteers started to collect food, clothes and even weapons for the frontline. Charity organizations transferred donations to the Donets’ Basin (Don bas). Priests became chaplains for soldiers. Journalists and photographers flooded into the war-zone and sometimes became involved in the events. A Hungarian and Ukrainian journalist, Eperjesi and Kachura had the opportunity to meet and talk to many of these characters. The book provides a tab leau of the emblematic figures of the war in the Donbas. It not only presents tragedies, but also human moments and noble deeds. The two journalists show how the lives of ordinary people have changed as a result of the horrors of war. They also spoke to pro-Russian militiamen and even with a Russian military officer captured in Ukraine. Shreds of War is one of the few authentic books with on-the-spot coverage, interviews, and dramatic photos documenting the war in Eastern Ukraine.

„This book documents the epoch. It is sociography which hits your heart, makes you think, and raises the ques tion as to how long the world can put its head in the sand while millions of people live under conditions typical of disaster films in Europe.”

— Maria Gal, journalist, Budapest Ukrainian Voices

Band 27

Romanova, Valentyna


Reform Dynamics and Party Politics in 2010–2021


ISBN 978-3-8382-1700-0

The post-2014 decentralization policy is consolidating the center-periphery relations in Ukraine. Already before 2014, domestic policymakers had been drafting proposals for local amalgamation and an increase of regional authority. Before the 2020 watershed subnational elections, only the local amalgamation policy was completed, however. A significant repercussion of the post-2014 decentrali zation reform has been a sharp decrease in congruence of the shares of competing national parties in the parliamentary, regional, and municipal electoral arenas. On the other hand, the party system has, at the municipal level, become less fragmented. Regional councils have, in contrast, remained highly frag mented. The outcomes of the indirect elections of regional councils’ heads have benefitted Ukraine’s ruling party. Methodologically, the book illustrates the added value of investigating elections from a multilevel perspective. It contributes to the comparative exploration of party systems change over time, and constitutes a case study of more general patterns of interaction between municipal decentralization and political development in democratizing states.

/ 2022. 216 Seiten
€ 29,90 , Paperback ***
Band 249
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Dubrovskyi, Volodymyr; Mizsei, Kalman; Wynnyckyj, Mychailo


What Has Changed in Ukraine during 2013–2021?

07 / 2022. 200 Seiten

€ 29,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1560-0

This book views the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, from a broad systemic perspective, as an ongo ing process in which societal, economic, political, and institutional developments are intertwined. The Euromaidan and further developments, especially the Russian aggression, accelerated the westward reorientation of the economy, strengthened institutional checks and balances (for instance, through decentralization), changed the main social cleavage from an ethnolinguistic one to a division between urban creative and “oligarchic” classes, reshaped identity towards formation of a political nation, and increased the role of modernizing forces, especially civil society. However, so far, the Revolution has failed to bring about, despite some progress, a critical mass of changes regarding the rule of law while much of the economy remains rent-oriented. If modernizing forces are prudently managed, Ukraine has a chance to move forward on an evolutionary path. Otherwise, new conflicts are possible.

Band 243
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Dietrich, Marc



07 / 2022. 400 Seiten

€ 49,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1687-4

Ukraine is again—since its annexation of Crimea in February 2014 and the ongoing war in the Don bass—the stage of the largest crisis in Europe since the end of the Cold War. When it comes to under standing the resolution and prevention of complex hybrid conflicts, theories in international relations are trapped in their state-centered perspectives. Meanwhile, the role of the individual actor, alone or organized, often remains underestimated as political and moral agent. In this book, Marc Raphael Dietrich sheds light on a critical yet politically practicable notion of cosmopolitanism which centers on the individual and is framed by a set of universal principles, thus providing valuable alternative insights on the Crimea and Donbas conflict.

Band 251
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Luks, Leonid; Dehnert, Gunter; Lobkowicz, Nikolaus; Umland, Andreas; Tsoi, Marina



Zum 200. Geburtstag von Fedor M. Dostoevskij

07 / 2022. 184 Seiten

€ 34,50 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1745-1

€ 22,99 , e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7745-5

Themen der Ausgabe sind: - Die „jüdische Frage“ im publizistischen Werk Fedor M. Dostoevskijs und Heinrich von Treitschkes - Dostoevskij als Meister der Kommunikationskatastrophe - „Unser Freund seit uralten Tagen“ – Das Pferd bei Rodèenko, Repin und den russischen Realisten. Teil II: Politische Pferde - Katharina die Große (1762-1796) im Spiegel zeitgenössischer Publikationen im Alten Reich (Teil I) - Ein jugoslawisches Szenario im postsowjetischen Raum? Anmerkungen anlässlich des russi schen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine Aus dem Beitrag von Eva Daniela Seibel: Ein Vergleich, den Katharina II. auch selbst angestrebt hatte, war der mit demjenigen Monarchen, der dem aufgeklärten Herrscherideal in den Augen der Zeitgenossen in vielem sehr nahe kam. In einem Wettbewerb, in dem es um das Prestige des Landes sowie das Ansehen des Herrschers ging, forderte „[a]ls Jüngere an Jahren (…) Katharina den Titelverteidiger, den roi-philosophe, Friedrich den Großen, heraus [und] mit zunehmendem Alter hatte er Mühe diese Konkurrenz zu bestehen“ (Claus Scharf). Öffentlich keitswirksam begann die Kaiserin nicht nur mit Voltaire einen Briefwechsel, sondern warb um die Gunst einer Reihe von aufgeklärten Persönlichkeiten. Letztendlich bekam die russische Kaiserin die öffentliche Bewunderung für ihre Reformen, die selbst in den cultivirtesten [Reichen], unüberwindli che Schwierigkeiten gefunden haben würden (Magnus Alopäus). Man gestand ihr zu, dass es in einem Land wie Russland „unvergleichlich größere Aufgaben [waren], als sie der aufgeklärte Preußenkönig bei seinem Herr-schafts¬antritt vorgefunden hatte.“ (Scharf) So bedachte der preußische Professor Franz Christoph Jetze die Kaiserin mit einer Antonomasie, die bisher dem Preußenkönig vorbehalten war, indem er Katharina II. als gekrönte Philosophin glorifizierte. … Hier hatte sich auch ein wesentli ches Bewertungskriterium gewandelt. Erschienen ihre Vorgängerinnen gleichsam als Schülerinnen des Westens, welche die Transformation des Russischen Staates nach westeuropäischem Vorbild voran zubringen hatten, so war Katharina II. aus dieser Rolle herausgetreten. Jetzt konnten eine russische Herrscherin und ihre Reformpolitik als mustergültige Herrschaft verehrt werden und Westeuropa als Vorbild dienen.


Khromeychuk, Olesya


06 / 2022. 154 Seiten

€ 19,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1770-3

€ 9,99 , e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7770-7

Als dieses Buch geschrieben wurde, war es die Geschichte eines Todesfalls unter vielen im Krieg in der Ostukraine. Nach dem 24. Februar 2022 hat es eine neue Dimension erhalten – jetzt ist es nicht mehr so sehr eine persönliche Geschichte, sondern die Geschichte eines Landes, das schwersten Angrif fen ausgesetzt ist. Die Ahnungen über Putins Absichten, die den Bruder der Autorin bewegten, als Soldat der ukrainischen Streitkräfte im Donbas zu kämpfen und sein Land zu verteidigen, haben sich inzwischen aufs Schlimmste bewahrheitet. Olesya Khromeychuk erzählt die Geschichte ihres Bruders Wolodymyr Pawliw, der 2017 an der Frontlinie getötet wurde, und nimmt dabei den Blickwinkel eines Zivilisten und einer Frau ein – Perspektiven, die in Kriegsberichten eher vernachlässigt werden –und konzentriert sich auf die Geschichten, die sich weit weg vom Kriegsgebiet abspielen. Durch eine Kombination aus persönlichem Erinnerungsbericht und Essay bringt Olesya Khromeychuk ihren Lesern die Ereignisse dieses nun noch brutaler geführten Krieges im Herzen Europas und die private Erfahrung des Krieges an sich näher. Dieses Buch spricht jeden an, der mit Trauer und dem Schock über den plötzlichen Verlust eines geliebten Menschen zu kämpfen hat.

Über dies Buch kann man eigentlich nicht schreiben, man muss es lesen. Der Leser wird reich belohnt.

— Professor Dr. Gerhard Simon

Ukrainian Voices Band 29

Keudel, Oleksandra


A Comparative Analysis of Five Cities in Ukraine

06 / 2022. 540 Seiten

€ 54,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1671-3

€ 36,99 , e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7671-7

Oleksandra Keudel proposes a novel explanation for why some local governments in hybrid regimes enable citizen participation while others restrict it. She argues that mechanisms for citizen partici pation are by-products of political dynamics of informal business-political (patronal) networks that seek domination over local governments. Against the backdrop of either competition or coordination between patronal networks in their localities, municipal leaders cherry-pick citizen participation me chanisms as a tactic to sustain their own access to resources and functions of local governments. This argument is based on an in-depth comparative analysis of patronal network arrangements and the ad option of citizen participation mechanisms in five urban municipalities in Ukraine during 2015–2019: Chernivtsi, Kharkiv, Kropyvnytskyi, Lviv, and Odesa. Fifty-seven interviews with citizen participation experts, local politicians and officials, representatives of civil society and the media, as well as utilizati on of secondary analytical sources, official government data, and media reports provide a rich basis for an investigation of context-specific choices of municipal leaders that result in varying mechanisms for citizen participation.

„Why would public authorities willingly devolve to the less powerful some of the decision-making power that they struggled so hard to acquire? While some might presume that this would only happen under the pressure of strong civil society networks, Oleksandra Keudel answers this question from the perspective of local politici ans. In a rare example of scholarship on citizen participation in hybrid regimes, the author plunges into the logic of patron-client networks in five Ukrainian cities to show how political leaders use participatory politics to their own benefit. Founded in rigorous comparative analysis and a sophisticated theoretical framework, her original approach illuminates a less studied side of participatory politics: not so much a bottom-up transformation, but rather a resource managed by local elites in their disputes for power.“

Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

—Rebecca Abers, Professor of Political Science, University of Brasília

Band 245

Velychenko, Stephen; Ruane, Joseph; Hrynevych, Liudmyla IRELAND AND UKRAINE

Studies in Comparative Imperial and National History

05 / 2022. 750 Seiten

€ 69,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1665-2

€ 46,99 , e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7665-6

The contributors to this volume show that the themes of empire, colony, and national liberation movements can be addressed in a European continental as much as in Asian, Latin American, or African contexts. There is a further benefit from a within-Europe comparison: It calls into question the tendency to assume fundamental differences between “western” and “eastern” Europe, including the now largely abandoned distinction between a “western” nationalism, defined as a civil nationalism, and an “eastern” one, defined as ethnic. It also answers the question whether intra-European comparison of this kind is possible, in a context where post-Soviet scholarship is often invisible in Anglo-American scholarship. As Norman Davies reminds us, low public awareness of Europe’s smaller and, in west-Eu ropean minds, “more distant” nations, underlies the persistence of false generalizations about them, including assumptions like “that the whole of the west was advanced while the whole of the east was backward.”


Barshadska, Iuliia BRÜSSEL ZWISCHEN


04 / 2022. 440 Seiten

€ 49,90 , Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1667-6

€ 32,99 , e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7667-0

Der Sieg der Euromaidan-Revolution, russische Anschluss der Krim und Beginn des Krieges im Donbas im Laufe des Jahres 2014 waren Glieder einer sich bis heute fortsetzenden hochkomplexen Ereigniskette. Sie haben die internationale Gemeinschaft sowie insbesondere die Europäische Union in neuer Form herausgefordert. In diesem Buch wird die Reaktion der EU auf den ukrainisch-russischen Konflikt mittels einer detaillierten Untersuchung des auswärtigen Handelns der EU bis ins Jahr 2019 beleuchtet. Wie haben sich EU-Akteure im ukrainisch-russischen Konflikt positioniert und versucht ihren Beitrag zur Konfliktbeilegung zu leisten? Es wird insbesondere die Komplexität des Konflikts in und um die Ukraine seit Beginn der Euromaidan-Revolution Ende 2013 verdeutlicht – einschließlich politischer, wirtschaftlicher und kultureller Zusammenhänge im Kontext hochsensibler außenpoliti scher Themen der EU. Warum und in welcher Weise waren einzelne EU-Institutionen und -Mitglied staaten in Versuche zur Konfliktbeilegung in der Ukraine involviert? Auf Grundlage eines Prinzi pal-Agenten-Modells und des Actorness-Ansatzes werden verschiedene Problemfelder, mit denen sich die EU auseinandersetzen musste, analysiert. In welchem Maße und auf welche Art gelang beziehungs weise misslang es der Union ihre Akteursrolle in Krisen- und Konfliktsituationen zu stärken sowie ihre außenpolitische Autonomie zu erhöhen? Diese theoriegeleitete politik-, verwaltungs- und rechtswis senschaftliche Fallstudie leistet einen quellen- und datengesättigten Beitrag zur laufenden Diskussion über Delegationsbeziehungen innerhalb der EU sowie ihre Handlungsfähigkeit bei der Beilegung internationaler Konflikte.

Die Autorin: Dr. Iuliia Barshadska, geb. 1990, studierte Jura und Politologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Deutschland- und Europastudien in Kyjiw und Jena. Von 2017 bis 2021 promovierte sie an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena als Stipendiatin der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. Barshadska ist Mitglied der Deutsch-Ukrainischen Akademischen Gesellschaft e.V. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München. Der Vorwortautor: Apl. Prof. Dr. Olaf Leiße ist Leiter des Arbeitsbereichs Europäische Studien am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Friedrich-Schil ler-Universität Jena.

Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Band 248

Ogiienko, Vitalii THE HOLODOMOR AND THE ORIGINS OF THE SOVIET MAN Reading the Testimony of Anastasia Lysyvets

03 / 2022. 178 Seiten

€ 24,90 , Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1616-4

€ 16,99 , e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7616-8

Anastasia Lysyvets’s memoir Tell us about a happy life … (Skazhy pro shchaslyve zhyttia …), published in Kyiv in 2009 and now available for the first time in an English translation, is one of the most pow erful testimonies of a victim of the Holodomor, the Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine. This mass starvation was organized by the Soviet regime and resulted in millions of deaths by hunger. The simple village teacher Lysyvets’s testimony, written during the 1970s and 1980s without hope of publication, depicts pain, death, and hunger as few others do. In his commentary, Vitalii Ogiienko explains how traumatic traces found their way into Lysyvets’s text. He proposes that the reader develops an alter native method of reading that replaces the usual ways of imagining with a focus on the body and that detects mechanisms of transmission of the original Holodomor experience through generations.

„Through the eyes of a ten-year-old girl, Anastasia Lysyvets delivers a terrifying testimony of the famine-geno cide organized by Stalin against the Ukrainian peasantry in 1932–1933. With the innocent cruelty and terrible lucidity of a child, she relates the killing by starvation of her family and neighbors. At the same time, this childturned-adult exhibits magnificent courage in testifying against the forgetfulness, denial, and destruction of memory practiced by communist regimes, which force their victims to glorify their executioners and sing of ‘the radiant future of communism’. An essential account.”

—Stéphane Courtois, Director of Research, CNRS, Paris

Ukrainian Voices Band 24

Fedor, Julie; Makarychev, Andrey; Yurchuk, Yulia



SPECIAL SECTION: ISSUES IN THE HISTORY AND MEMORY OF THE OUN V YULIYA YURCHUK, ANDREAS UMLAND: Introduction: New Studies on the Record and Remembrance of the OUN(b) in World War II OLEKSANDR MELNYK: Ukrainian Nationalism, Soviet Power, and Le gitimacy Contests in the Kyiv Region, 1941–44: Actors, Issues, and Interpretations PER A. RUDLING: Managing Memory in Post-Soviet Ukraine: From “Scientific Marx-ism-Leninism” to the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, 1991–2019 A DEBATE ON “USTASHISM,” GENERIC FASCISM, AND THE OUN II Featuring contributions by OMER BARTOV, JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, SERHIY KVIT, OLEKSANDR PAHIRIA, ANDREAS UMLAND, YULIYA YURCHUK ARTICLES MISCHA GABO WITSCH: What Has Happened to Soviet War Memorials since 1989/91? An Overview IGOR ILJUS HIN: “A Strong History for a Strong Nation:” A Review Essay on Roman Ponomarenko’s SS Galician Volunteer Regiments (1943–44) REVIEWS TATIANA KLEPIKOVA on Emily Channell-Justice; IVAN KURILLA on Mark Edele; ANASTASIA MITROFANOVA on Fabrizio Fenghi; THIJS KORSTEN on Krista A. Goff; ADRIEN NONJON on Robert Horvath; ROBERT F. BAUMANN on Shoshana Keller; ELISE WESTIN on Oksana Kis; STANISLAV PANIN on Keith A. Livers; MICHEL ANDERLINI on Erica Marat; JUHO KORHONEN on Aliide Naylor; NICK BAIGENT on Maya K. Peterson; AIJAN SHARSHENOVA on Peter Rollberg and Marlene Laruelle; KACPER WA?CZYK on Adnan Vanatsever; A. K. MAGOMEDOV and A. I. EMELIANOV on Evgenii Vittenberg

03 / 2022. 282 Seiten ISBN 978-3-8382-1676-8 € 34,00 , Paperback ***


Aseyev, Stanislav


11 / 2021. 206 Seiten

€ 16,80, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1620-1

2017 wird der ukrainische Journalist Stanislav Aseyev im okkupierten Donezk verha et und wegen „Extremismus“ sowie „Spionage“ zu 15 Jahren Ha verurteilt – unter anderem, weil er in seinen Reportagen aus dem Kriegsgebiet das Wort „Donezker Volksrepublik“ in Anführungszeichen gesetzt hatte. Zweieinhalb Jahre verbringt er in Ha , den Großteil in der so genannten „Isolation“, einem Donezker Foltergefängnis mit der Adresse Heller Weg 3. Die dortige ehemalige Fabrik wurde 2014 in ein Konzentrationslager verwandelt und steht seither unter Moskauer Kontrolle. Hinter dem Gefängniszaun gelten keine Gesetze, das Leben ist bestimmt von Demütigung, Angst und Folter. Um in der Hölle des Lagers überleben zu können, schreibt Aseyev, wann immer er kann: auf Pappfetzen und Papierresten. Er lernt Textfragmente auswendig und sagt sie vor sich her. So kann er sie bewahren, obwohl ihm seine Aufzeichnungen später abgenommen werden. O en, tiefgründig und emotional berichtet der Journalist von Leid, das im heutigen Europa unvorstellbar scheint. Seine Mission ist es zu überleben, um berichten zu können. Ende 2019 kommt Aseyev durch einen Gefangenenaustausch zwischen Russland und der Ukraine frei. Das Buch legt Zeugnis ab über ein heutiges Konzentrationslager, von dem nur wenige wissen, obwohl das UNO-Hochkommissariat für Menschenrechte dortige Folterungen dokumentiert hat. Diese Erzählung handelt davon, wie es gelingen kann, menschlich zu bleiben unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen; von Glauben,Vergebung, Hass – und dem Leben danach.

*** GESCHICHTE Ukrainian Voices Band 17



PROPAGANDA? Anmerkungen zum Informationskrieg des Kremls

11 / 2021. 144 Seiten

€ 16,80, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1628-7

€ 10,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7628-1

An wen richtet sich Putins Propaganda, und wie funktioniert sie? Was ist ein „hybrider Krieg“, und wie hängt er mit der „Russischen Welt“ zusammen? Wer ist auf technischer Ebene für Agitation verantwortlich, und wie funktioniert Propagandajournalismus? Ist es möglich, dem Informationskrieg zu widerstehen, und welche Methoden können am besten der hybriden Kriegsführung des Kremls entgegengesetzt werden?In lockerer und verständlicher Form erzählt der Politologe Mykola Davydiuk von seinen Erfahrungen im medialen Krieg, gibt Beispiele für die Manipulation von Menschen und warnt davor, selbst eine Marionette im gefährlichen eater der russischen hybriden Kriegsführung zu werden. Das Buch ist für alle nützlich, denen die aktuelle Situation in der Ukraine und das Informationsumfeld, in dem sich ihre Bürger be nden, nicht gleichgültig sind.

Ukrainian Voices Band 18

Mykhed, Oleksandr (Hg.)


Über die Ostukraine

11 / 2021. 322 Seiten

€ 29,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1648-5

€ 19,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7648-9

Im Jahr 2014 besetzte die russische Armee mit Unterstützung lokaler Kämpfer Teile der beiden östlichsten Regionen der Ukraine, Donezk und Luhansk. Diese galten in der Sowjetära als das pulsierende industrielle Herz der sozialistischen Utopie. Ende 2016 begab sich Olexandr Mykhed auf eine Recherchereise durch die Ostukraine. Er war auf der Suche nach Antworten auf die drängendsten Fragen derjenigen, die diese Region nie mit eigenen Augen gesehen haben. Dieses Buch lässt uns an dieser Reise teilhaben und erö net Einblicke in den ukrainischen Osten. Mykhed berichtet über Gespräche mit Einheimischen und Prominenten wie dem Schri steller Serhij Zhadan oder dem Historiker Ihor Koslowskyj, der 700 Tage in russischer Gefangenscha verbracht hat. Wir lernen die Bergleute kennen, die belgischen und britischen Investoren, die die östlichen Städte gegründet haben, sowie den Fluch und Segen der Kohle. Das Original dieses Buches wurde in der Ukraine zu einem Bestseller und mehrfach ausgezeichnet; es stand auf der Longlist des BBC Book Award und des Non ction Book Award.

Ukrainian Voices Band 20


Eleonora; Fedor, Julie (ed.)


Memories, Cityscapes, People

11 / 2021. 436 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8382-1523-5 € 49,90, Paperback ***

Built on up-to-date eld material, this edited volume suggests an anthropological approach to the palimpsest-like milieus of Wroc?aw, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Chi?in?u. In these East-Central European borderline cities, the legacies of Nazism, Marxism-Leninism, and violent ethno-nationalism have been revisited in recent decades in search of profound moral reckoning and in response to the challenges posed by the (post-)transitional period. Present shapes and contents of these urban settings derive from combinations of fragmented material environments, cultural continuities and political ruptures, present-day heritage industries and collective memories about the contentious past, expressive architectural forms and less conspicuous meaning-making activities of human actors. In other words, they evolve from perpetual tensions between choices of the past and the burden of the past. A novel feature of this book is its multi-level approach to the analysis of engagements with the lost diversity in historical urban milieus full of post-war voids and ruptures. In particular, the collected studies test the possibility of combining the theoretical propositions of Memory Studies with broader conceptualizations of borderlands, cosmopolitan sociality, urban mythologies, and hybridity. e volume’s contributors are Eleonora Narvselius, Bo Larsson, Natalia Otrishchenko, Anastasia Felcher, Juliet D. Golden, Hana Cervinkova, Pawe? Czajkowski, Alexandr Voronovici, Barbara Pabjan, Nadiia Bureiko, Teodor Lucian Moga, and Gaelle Fisher.

„ is book is at the very cutting edge of scholarship on east-central Europe’s borderland cities and their memory cultures. Taking an invariably open but critical approach, the chapters in the volume not only reveal much about the attitudes of the inhabitants of the cities in question towards the complex, multicultural past, but also provide important insights into the vagaries of urban memory and mythologization more broadly. e book represents the best in contemporary memory studies in that it is theoretically rich, but also empirically well-grounded and methodologically rigorous. e way the various chapters operate across disciplines— as good scholarship in the elds of both memory and urban studies should—is also a particular strength. is volume represents compulsory reading for anyone interested in borderland cultures, urban memory and narratives of cultural diversity.“

Dr Uilleam Blacker, Associate Professor in Comparative Russian and East European Culture, University College London

Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Band 235


Decommunization and Multivocality in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine

11 / 2021. 328 Seiten

€ 39,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1506-8

On 8 December 2013, Ukraine’s central Lenin monument in Kyiv was pulled down. In the following months, in what became known as the “Leninfall,” Ukraine swept away hundreds of communist monuments, expressing an explicit desire to break away from the Soviet past and, implicitly, from Russia. is book examines the evolution of post-Euromaidan de-Sovietization beyond the issues of toppling of old statues and implementation of new anti-totalitarian laws. It explores decommunization as both a political and cultural phenomenon that exposes the multivocality of the Ukrainian population and involves various forms of dialogical interaction between ordinary citizens and the state. Posters, gra ti, or street names are physical and discursive canvases where old meanings are being contested and re-articulated, and where new political symbols that combine nationalist and democratic elements are being de ned.

“Dr. Kutkina’s book, the fruit of a 7-year long ethnographic research conducted under exigent conditions, takes the reader on a fascinating interdisciplinary journey involving political science, anthropology, cultural studies, visual studies, and memory studies, navigating through the multifaceted theoretical lacunae of the borderlands, decommunization, de-Russi cation, post- and neo-colonialism, nationalism studies, poststructuralist and postfoundational theory as well as, in particular, the theory of hegemony and counter-hegemony, dialogism and heteroglossia, the construction of multivocality, and discourse analysis.”—András L. Pap, Professor of Law, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest

Band 231
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Yaremchuk, Olesya UNSERE ANDEREN

Geschichten ukrainischer Vielfalt

10 / 2021. 176 Seiten

€ 16,80, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1635-5

Dieses preisgekrönte Buch über vierzehn ethnische Minderheiten handelt von der Regionalgeschichte und den persönlichen Schicksalen der Tschechen und Slowaken, der meschetischen Türken, der Schweden, der Rumänen, der Ungarn, der Roma, der Juden, der „Liptaken“, der Gagausen, der Deutschen, der Wlachen, der Polen, der Krimtataren und der Armenier in der Ukraine. Ausgehend von wissenscha lichen Erkenntnissen, ethnographischer Forschung und Interviews, liefert Olesya Yaremchuk eine faszinierende Darstellung der Entstehung dieser Gruppen in der Ukraine und ihrer Entwicklung innerhalb der Landesgrenzen. Begleitet von lebensnahen Fotogra en, die die literarischen Reportagen zum Leben erwecken, beschreibt Unsere Anderen die unzähligen freiwilligen und erzwungenen Migrationen, welche die Ukraine seit Jahrhunderten prägen. Gleichzeitig bietet das Buch eine einfühlsame Schilderung der außergewöhnlichen kulturellen Vielfalt der Ukraine, die die sowjetische Dampfwalze der auferlegten sprachlichen, kulturellen und religiösen Vereinheitlichung überdauert hat und die es verdient, als Bestandteil der allgemeinen ukrainischen Identität stärker anerkannt zu werden. Marta Barnych und Anton Semyzhenko haben den Band als beitragende Autoren bereichert.

„Yaremchuks Reportagen sind wahrlich kunstvoll, mit emotionalen Anfängen und starken Schlusspunkten, an denen man voller Schluchzen zittert, noch bevor man die Seite umgeblättert hat.“—Dr. Roman Kabachiy, Journalist und Historiker Ukrainian

Band 19

Khromeychuk, Olesya



10 / 2021. 126 Seiten

€ 19,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1570-9

is book is the story of one death among many in the war in eastern Ukraine. Its author is a historian of war whose brother was killed at the frontline in 2017 while serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Olesya Khromeychuk takes the point of view of a civilian and a woman, perspectives that tend to be neglected in war narratives, and focuses on the stories that play out far away from the warzone. rough a combination of personal memoir and essay, Khromeychuk attempts to help her readers understand the private experience of this still ongoing but almost forgotten war in the heart of Europe and the private experience of war as such. is book will resonate with anyone battling with grief and the shock of the sudden loss of a loved one.

“ ere has always been too much silence around the armed con ict in eastern Ukraine—Europe‘s forgotten war. Olesya Khromeychuk refuses to bend to this silence. In vivid, intimate prose and with un inching honesty, she introduces us to the brother she lost in the war and found in her grief. Poignant, wise, and unforgettable.”—Dr Rory Finnin, University of Cambridge

Ukrainian Voices Band 15


Beck, Marieluise (Hg.)


Auf den Spuren von Terror und Gewalt

10 / 2021. 148 Seiten

€ 14,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1653-9

€ 9,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7653-3

Der Ruf des Maidan nach Recht und Freiheit rückte die Ukraine in das ö entliche Bewusstsein Deutschlands. Das Land, das in seiner Geschichte nur für einen Wimpernschlag seine nationale Eigenständigkeit erlebte, verschwand nach den Schrecken des Zweiten Weltkriegs für Jahrzehnte hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang. Doch wer die Vergangenheit des Landes nicht kennt, kann seine Gegenwart nicht verstehen. Dieser Sammelband bündelt die komplexe Geschichte von Terror und Gewalt in der Ukraine, vom millionenfachen Hungertod des Holodomor über die wechselnde Besatzung, von der „Shoah durch Kugeln“ bis zu Tschernobyl. Wer sich dieser wechselvollen, schmerzha en Geschichte des Landes stellt, wird das Streben der Ukraine nach Unabhängigkeit, Freiheit und Demokratie besser verstehen. Das Zentrum Liberale Moderne (LibMod) ist eine unabhängige Denkwerkstatt, ein Debattenforum und ein Projektbüro. Sein emenfeld reicht von internationalen Fragen bis zu gesellscha spolitischen Herausforderungen. LibMod steht für die Verteidigung der liberalen Demokratie und begleitet osteuropäische Länder auf ihrem Weg der demokratischen Transformation.

Ukrainian Voices Band 16

Elsner, Regina


A Historical and Theological Investigation into Eastern Christianity between Unity and Plurality

10 / 2021. 388 Seiten

€ 49,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1568-6

e Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) faced various iterations of modernization throughout its history. is con icted encounter continues in the ROC’s current resistance against—what it perceives as— Western modernity including liberal and secular values. is study examines the historical development of the ROC’s arguments against—and sometimes preferences for—modernization and analyzes which positions ended up in uencing the o cial doctrine. e book’s systematic analysis of dogmatic treatises shows the ROC’s considerable ability of constructive engagement with various aspects of the modern world. Balancing between theological traditions of unity and plurality, the ROC’s today context of operating within an authoritarian state appears to tip the scale in favor of unity.

“With her choice of the ‘unity’ vs. ‘diversity’ discourse, Elsner has clearly identi ed a relevant meta-theme of the Russian theological tradition and spells out its signi cance throughout history and in current debates with competence and in an inspiring way. Elsner’s book forms a valuable contribution to a better understanding of the con icts emerging from modernity and of some probably inappropriate solutions as well as the motives behind them. e book deserves wide reception.”—Dr. Alfons Brüning, Professor of Eastern Christianity, Universities of Nijmegen and Amsterdam

Band 236
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Biedarieva, Svitlana (ed.)


Political and Social Perspectives, 1991–2021

9 / 2021. 222 Seiten

€ 39,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1526-6

is volume focuses on political and social expressions in contemporary art of Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. It explores the transformations that art in Ukraine and the Baltic states has undergone since their independence in 1991, discussing how the con icts and challenges of the last three decades have impacted the reconsideration of identity and fostered resistance of culture against economic and political crises. It analyzes connections between the past and the present as seen by the artists in these countries and looks at their visions of the future. Contemporary Ukrainian art portrays various perspectives, addressing issues from controversial historical topics to the present military con ict in the East of the country. Baltic art speaks out against the erasure of past historical traumas and analyzes the pertinence of its cultural scene to the European community. e contributions in this collection open a discussion of whether there is a single paradigm that describes the contemporary processes of art production in Ukraine and the Baltic countries. With contributions by Ieva Astahovska, Svitlana Biedarieva, Kateryna Botanova, Olena Martynyuk, Vytautas Michelkevi?ius, Lina Michelkevi??, Margaret Tali, and Jessica Zychowicz.

“ is is a timely volume that explores the newest artistic trends in the Baltic countries and Ukraine. From memories of WW2 through visions of the apocalypse in the 1990s to the documentary turn in contemporary art, these essays chart the impact of social transformations and political con icts on a young generation of creative talents. e book o ers an impressive range of critical approaches and provides an indispensable guide to an emerging and ambitious art scene.”—Myroslav Shkandrij, Professor Emeritus of Slavic Studies, University of Manitoba Ukrainian Voices

Band 14




9 / 2021. 154 Seiten

€ 24,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1533-4

€ 16,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7533-8

In his timely study, Andrii Demartino investigates the multitude of techniques how social media can be used to advance an aggressive foreign policy, as exempli ed by the Russian Federation’s operation to annex Crimea in 2014. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Demartino traces the implementation of a series of Russian measures to create channels and organisations manipulating public opinion in the Ukrainian segment of the internet and on platforms such as Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, and Twitter. Addressing the pertinent question of how much the operation to annex Crimea was either improvised or planned, he draws attention to Russia’s ad-hoc actions in the sphere of social media in 2014. Based on an in-depth analysis of the methods of Russia’s in uence operations, the book proposes a number of counterstrategies to prevent such “active measures.” ese propositions can serve to improve Ukraine’s national information policy as well as help to develop adequate security concepts of other states.

Ukrainian Voices Band 13

Himka, John-Paul UKRAINIAN NATIONALISTS AND THE HOLOCAUST OUN and UPA’s Participation in the Destruction of Ukrainian Jewry, 1941–1944

9 / 2021. 508 Seiten

€ 45,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1548-8

€ 30,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7548-2

One quarter of all Holocaust victims lived on the territory that now forms Ukraine, yet the Holocaust there has not received due attention. is book delineates the participation of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainska povstanska armiia—UPA), in the destruction of the Jewish population of Ukraine under German occupation in 1941–44. e extent of OUN and UPA’s culpability in the Holocaust has been a controversial issue in Ukraine and within the Ukrainian diaspora as well as in Jewish communities and Israel. Occasionally, the controversy has broken into the press of North America, the EU, and Israel. Triangulating sources from Jewish survivors, Soviet investigations, German documentation, documents produced by OUN itself, and memoirs of OUN activists, it has been possible to establish that: OUN militias were key actors in the anti-Jewish violence of summer 1941; OUN recruited for and in ltrated police formations that provided indispensable manpower for the Germans‘ mobile killing units; and in 1943, thousands of these policemen deserted from German service to join the OUN-led nationalist insurgency, during which UPA killed Jews who had managed to survive the major liquidations of 1942.

“ is is the most meticulously researched and de nitive history of the Ukrainian nationalist movement‘s collaboration in the Holocaust. Himka‘s precise account illuminates the virulent antisemitism that pervaded this movement like other fascist campaigns during the Second World War. In painstaking detail and drawing from multilingual testimonies, Himka pinpoints the units, places, and individual perpetrators and recounts the suffering of Jews, Poles, and Ukrainian embroiled in the devastation of western Ukraine.”—Wendy Lower, John K. Roth Professor of History & George R. Roberts Fellow, Claremont McKenna College

Ukrainian Voices Band 12


Problems of Legitimacy and Succession in Russia

9 / 2021. 230 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1050-6

€ 22,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7050-0

Using the Russian president’s major public addresses as the main source, Bo Petersson analyzes the legitimization strategies employed during Vladimir Putin’s third and fourth terms in o ce. e argument is that these strategies have rested on Putin’s highly personalized blend of strongman-image projection and presentation as the embodiment of Russia’s great power myth. Putin appears as the only credible guarantor against renewed weakness, political chaos, and interference from abroad—in particular from the US. A er a rst deep crisis of legitimacy manifested itself by the massive protests in 2011–2012, the annexation of Crimea led to a lengthy boost in Putin’s popularity gures. e book discusses how the Crimea e ect is, by 2021, trailing o and Putin’s charismatic authority is increasingly questioned by opposition from Alexei Navalny, the e ects of unpopular reforms, and poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, Russia is bound to head for a succession crisis as the legitimacy of the political system continues to be built on Putin’s projected personal characteristics and—now apparently waning—charisma, and since no potential heir apparent has been allowed on center stage. e constitutional reform of summer 2020 made it possible in theory for Putin to continue as president until 2036. Yet, this change did not address the Russian political system’s fundamental future leadership dilemma.

“ is important book tackles some of the key issues in present-day Russian politics. Bo Petersson argues that the legitimacy of the Russian political system rests heavily on Putin’s personal popularity. e regime, though, now nds itself confronting the ‘Putin predicament’ wherein Putin’s charismatic authority appears to be waning in the face of new challenges, but no viable alternative leader has been allowed to emerge. Can the regime overcome this or is a succession crisis inevitable when Putin nally leaves o ce? is is a timely and up-to-date study that will be welcomed by all those interested in the political trajectory of contemporary Russia.”—Dr. Kenneth Wilson, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Dongguk University (Seoul)

Band 237
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society


A Spatial Perspective on Kyiv, Minsk, and Moscow

9 / 2021. 292 Seiten

€ 39,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1495-5

€ 26,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7495-9

Urban space is an important part of the political environment—a place where people congregate to discuss, deliberate, and interact with each other. In times of great public discontent, people o en turn to urban spaces to make their opinions heard and to demand change, with varying degrees of success. How are mass protests a ected by the urban public space in which they occur? is book provides a theoretical model to analyze city spaces, based on the use of theories from political science, urban planning, and sociology. Hansen’s approach consists of a mapping of the causal mechanisms between spatial elements, the political environment, and their combined e ects on protests. is mapping is applied to three case studies—Kyiv, Minsk, and Moscow.In addition to the spatial perspective model, Urban Protest provides new insights as to how the interactions in space occur, and demonstrates how geography can create limitations and opportunities in a large variety of ways.

“Focusing on three case studies (Moscow, Kyiv, and Minsk), Hansen presents a rich, insightful, and valuable contribution to the research on protest and space.”—Bjarge Schwenke Fors, Head of Department, e Barents Institute (Kirkenes)

Band 234
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Rojansky, Matthew; Kasianov, Georgiy; Minakov, Mykhailo (ed.) FROM “THE UKRAINE” TO UKRAINE

A Contemporary History, 1991 - 2021

5 / 2021. 400 Seiten

€ 45,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1514-3

€ 30,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7514-7

e contributors to this collection explore the multidimensional transformation of independent Ukraine and deal with her politics, society, private sector, identity, arts, religions, media, and democracy. Each chapter re ects the up-to-date research in its sub-discipline, is styled for use in seminars, and includes a bibliography as well as a recommended reading list. ese studies illustrate the deep changes, yet, at the same time, staggering continuity in Ukraine’s post-Soviet development as well as various counter-reactions to it. All nine chapters are jointly written by two co-authors, one Ukrainian and one Western, who respond here to recent needs in international higher education. e volume’s contributors include, apart from the editors: Margarita M. Balmaceda (Seton Hall University), Oksana Barshynova (Ukrainian National Arts Museum), Tymo i Brik (Kyiv School of Economics), José Casanova (Georgetown University), Diana Dutsyk (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), Marta Dyczok (University of Western Ontario), Hennadii Korzhov (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), Serhiy Kudelia (Baylor University), Pavlo Kutuev (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), Olena Martynyuk (Columbia University), Oksana Mikheieva (Ukrainian Catholic University), Tymo i Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh), Andrian Prokip (Ukrainian Institute for the Future), Oxana Shevel (Tu s University), Ilona Sologoub (Kyiv School of Economics), Maksym Yenin (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), and Yuliya Yurchenko (University of Greenwich).

“ is timely book takes stock of Ukraine’s political, economic, social, and cultural development since 1991. It does so in an unconventional way: each chapter is the result of an exchange between a scholar based in Ukraine and a scholar based at a Western institution. e result is a lively dialogue within and across chapters, weaving together empirical richness and conceptual re ection. e Kennan Institute has provided the setting for this dialogue to take place. e book combines an introduction to the study of Ukraine with an assertion of the country’s political signi cance and a map for future research. It will be an important source of reference for scholars, policy-makers, and a wider interested public.”—Prof. Gwendolyn Sasse, University of Oxford and Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)



A Kaleidoscope from Hromadske Radio 2016–2019

5 / 2021. 340 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1472-6

€ 22,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7472-0

is book is like a time capsule containing a selection of interviews that aired on Hromadske Radio’s Ukraine Calling show. ey capture what people were thinking during a critical time in the country’s history, from the July 2016 NATO Summit through to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s 2019 landslide election victories. Decision makers, opinion makers, and other interesting people commented on events of the day as well as larger issues. Topics range from politics to sports, religion, history, war, books, diplomacy, health, business, art, holidays, foreign policy, anniversaries, public opinion to freedom of speech. Interview guests include Canada’s then Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, writer Andrey Kurkov, Crimean political prisoner Hennadii Afanasiev, who was tortured in 2014, Ukraine’s acting Health Minister Ulana Suprun, American analyst/journalist Brian Whitmore, UNHRC’s Pablo Mateu, ethnologist Ihor Poshyvailo, investment banker Olena Bilan, Tu s University’s Daniel Drezner, a cameo appearance by Boris Johnson, and many more. Together these interviews provide a unique, diverse, and kaleidoscopic perspective conveying the substance, atmosphere, and avor of Ukraine while it was on the receiving end of a hybrid war from Russia.

“Ukraine Calling is a wide-ranging and captivating collection of key thinkers‘ and policymakers‘ takes on the current state of a airs in Ukraine and beyond. e interviews provide a time-capsule like snapshot of the most newsworthy events in recent years through thought-provoking and in-depth analysis by highly respected international experts and insiders. Not only will the content fascinate its readers in its own right, it will also provide a treasure trove of data resources for scholars and students of Ukrainian politics and society.”—Olga Onuch, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Manchester

Ukrainian Voices Band 6

Isachenko, Daria; Minakov, Mikhail; Sasse, Gwendolyn; Minakov, Mikhail (ed.)


Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism

4 / 2021. 260 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1538-9

€ 22,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7538-3

e USSR’s dissolution resulted in the creation of not only een recognized states but also of four non-recognized statelets: Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. eir polities comprise networks with state-like elements. Since the early 1990s, the four pseudo-states have been continously dependent on their sponsor countries (Russia, Armenia), and contesting the territorial integrity of their parental nation-states Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Moldova. In 2014, the outburst of Russia-backed separatism in Eastern Ukraine led to the creation of two more para-states, the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR), whose leaders used the experience of older de facto states. In 2020, this growing network of de facto states counted an overall population of more than 4 million people. e essays collected in this volume address such questions as: How do post-Soviet de facto states survive and continue to grow? Is there anything speci c about the political ecology of Eastern Europe that provides secessionism with the possibility to launch state-making processes in spite of international sanctions and counteractions of their parental states? How do secessionist movements become embedded in wider networks of separatism in Eastern and Western Europe? What is the impact of secessionism and war on the parental states? e contributors are Jan Claas Behrends, Petra Colmorgen, Bruno Coppieters, Nataliia Kasianenko, Alice Lackner, Mikhail Minakov, and Gwendolyn Sasse.

„De facto regimes proliferate globally and demonstrate remarkable resilience. e volume is highly topical, it addresses the legitimacy, politics of recognition and the modus operandi of quasi-states in a comparative, not just additive manner. e authors, all renowned in their eld, combine theoretical insight with original empirical research on post-Soviet de facto regimes and beyond. is volume contributes to the renewed scholarly interest in the survivability of de facto regimes.“—Andreas Heinemann-Grueder, University of Bonn

Band 226
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Schmies, Oxana (ed.)


A Strategic Challenge in the Past and Future

4 / 2021. 284 Seiten

€ 39,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1478-8

€ 26,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7478-2

e Kremlin has sought to establish an exclusive Russian sphere of in uence in the nations lying between Russia and the EU, from Georgia in 2008 to Ukraine in 2014 and Belarus in 2020. It has extended its control by means of military intervention, territorial annexation, economic pressure and covert activities. Moscow seeks to justify this behavior by referring to an alleged threat from NATO and the Alliance’s eastward enlargement. In the rhetoric of the Kremlin, NATO expansion is the main source for Moscow’s stand-o with the West. is collection of essays and analyses by prominent politicians, diplomats, and scholars from the US, Russia, and Europe provides personal perspectives on the sources of the Russian-Western estrangement. ey draw on historical experience, including the Russian-Western controversies that intensi ed with NATO‘s eastward expansion in the 1990s, and re ect on possible perspectives of reconcilitation within the renewed transatlantic relationship. e volume touches upon alleged and real security guarantees for the countries of Eastern and Central Europe as well as past and current de cits in the Western strategy for dealing with an increasingly hostile Russia. us, it contributes to the ongoing Western debate on which policies towards Russia can help to overcome the deep current divisions and to best meet Europe’s future challenges.

Band 229
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Scherba, Olexander


Undiplomatic Thoughts

4 / 2021. 168 Seiten

€ 19,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1501-3

€ 12,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7501-7

is book draws on the author’s experience from 26 years of Ukrainian diplomatic service in, among others, Bonn, Berlin, Washington, and Vienna, and his work as a speechwriter to most Ukrainian foreign ministers for the last two decades. Scherba’s captivating essays re ect his views of international a airs from a Ukrainian perspective. His deliberations are presented in uncomplicated, plain language. e articles assembled here have repeatedly caused discussion in Ukraine and abroad.By his opponents, Scherba is o en described as being surprisingly undiplomatic and even provocative. For instance, his article “Why nationalism can’t be the national idea of a European Ukraine”, published on a Ukrainian nationalist website, stirred considerable controversy in Ukraine. Aside from explaining Kyiv’s take on some key issues of international relations, these essays provide insights into Ukrainian political thinking since the start of Russia’s military aggression in 2014, and into the painful political intramural ghts in Ukrainian society ever since.

Ukrainian Voices Band 7

Hauter, Jakob (ed.)




Dimensions and Interpretations of the Donbas Con ict in 2014–2020

4 / 2021. 236 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1383-5

€ 22,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7383-9

is volume of collected papers takes stock of what has become known about the war in eastern Ukraine’s Donets Basin (Donbas) between April 2014 and mid-2020. It provides an introduction to the con ict and illustrates the key point of contention in the academic debate surrounding it—the question whether this war is primarily an internal Ukrainian phenomenon or the result of a covert Russian invasion. e contributions by recognized specialists from Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and Japan o er multifaceted views and insights into this long-lasting con ict for both expert readers and those who are new to the topic. e volume’s contributors are Tymo i Brik, Jakob Hauter, Sanshiro Hosaka, Yuriy Matsiyevsky, Nikolay Mitrokhin, Maximilian Kranich, and Ulrich Schneckener.

Band 227
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Riabchuk, Mykola


Essays on Europe, Ukraine, and Europeanization

3 / 2021. 258 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1484-9

€ 22,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7484-3

is collection of essays re ects the personal experience of a Ukrainian intellectual engaged, since his Soviet-time youth, in a painstaking but fascinating process of the both cultural and political ‘Europeanization’ of his country. e title refers, ironically, to the notorious Chancellor Metternich’s quip that Asia presumably begins at the eastern fence of his garden (or, as another apocryphal version maintains, at the eastern end of the Viennese Landstrasse). is is a story of both exclusion and inclusion, of walls and fences, but also of a longing for freedom and a quest for solidarity. It is a book on di erent ways of being a ‘European’—at both the collective and individual level,—despite various challenges or, perhaps, thanks to them.

„Riabchuk o ers thoughtful and illuminating re ections on Ukraine‘s complex political circumstances within contemporary Eastern Europe and on the ideological signi cance of Europe for recent Ukrainian history. His essays are exceptionally important for understanding the culture and politics of post-Soviet Ukraine over the course of the last generation.“—Larry Wol , author of Inventing Eastern Europe, e Idea of Galicia, and Disunion within the Union: e Uniate Church and the Partitions of Poland

Ukrainian Voices Band 5

Bertelsen, Olga (ed.)



Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

3 / 2021. 418 Seiten

€ 45,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1529-7

€ 30,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7529-1

e contributions gathered in this fascinating collection, in which scholars from a diverse range of disciplines share their perspectives on Russian covert activities known as Russian active measures, help readers observe the profound in uence of Russian covert action on foreign states’ policies, cultures, people’s mentality, and social institutions, past and present. Disinformation, forgeries, major show trials, cooptation of Western academia, memory, and cyber wars, and changes in national and regional security doctrines of states targeted by Russia constitute an incomplete list of topics discussed in this volume. Most importantly, through a nexus of perspectives and through the prism of new documents discovered in the former KGB archives, the texts highlight the enormous scale and the legacies of Soviet/Russian covert action. Because of Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its on-going war in Ukraine’s Donbas, Ukraine lately gained international recognition as the epicenter of Russian disinformation campaigns, invigorating popular and scholarly interest in conventional and non-conventional warfare. e studies included in this collection illuminate the objectives and implications of Russia’s attempts to ideologically subvert Ukraine as well as other nations. Examining them through historical lenses reveals a cultural clash between Russia and the West in general.

“In an era of great power competition, this volume sheds light on the sharp power tools the Kremlin is employing to its advantage—and how to recognize the signs.”—Nikolas Gvosdev, senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute

Band 224
Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Stiazhkina, Olena ZERO POINT UKRAINE

Four Essays on World War II

3 / 2021. 294 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-1550-1

€ 22,99, e-book ISBN 978-3-8382-7550-5

In her Four Essays on World War II, Olena Stiazhkina inscribes the Ukrainian history of World War II into a wider European and world context. Among other aspects, she analyzes the mobilization measures on the eve of the war, and reconsiders Soviet narratives on them. Scrutinizing social and political processes initiated by the Bolshevik leadership in the 1920s and 1930s, she outlines how mobilization and militarization became integral parts of Soviet politics. Today, the Kremlin uses Soviet and post-Soviet Russian narratives of World War II to justify its aggressive policies towards a number of democratic countries. Russia is engaged in falsi cation of the past to underpin claims of a so-called “Russian World” and its ongoing war against Ukraine. Against this background, Stiazhkina o ers a new understanding of what happened in Ukraine before, during, and a er World War II.

“ is book has all the chances to li to new levels the public discussion and overall culture of World War II remembrance. It is a result, primarily, of a humanistic drive of the author who is guided by respect and attention to matters of human dignity. De nitely, a must-read.”Anton Drobovych, Director, Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Kyiv

Ukrainian Voices Band 10

Sinchenko, Oleksii; Stus, Dmytro; Finberg, Leonid


3 / 2021. 412 Seiten

€ 34,90, Paperback

ISBN 978-3-8382-1551-8

€ 22,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-7551-2

is anthology of seminal texts documents the development of the post-war anti-Soviet Ukrainian dissident movement. e collection is designed to introduce, via some crucial primary sources, Western and other non-Ukrainian readers to various forms of Ukrainian opposition to the communist regime. Stories of ideas and personal undertakings are unfolding before the reader in a vivid pulsation of texts that testify for themselves. e anthology gathers contributions from di erent genres. ey range from poetry, public speeches, and samvydav—uncensored, self-published—texts to court speeches. ey come from dissidents who were held in jails, special psychiatric hospitals (for not accepting the o cial ideology), and prison camps. Finally, they include self-re ections by dissidents on their personal experience of opposing the totalitarian system. is variety of contributions creates a multidimensional picture of the Ukrainian dissident movement—a generation of prominent Ukrainian public and cultural gures who, in one way or another, insisted on their freedom of speech and made history by daring to challenge the o cial ideology and culture. is remarkable book about the struggle for freedom has been compiled by Oleksii Sinchenko, Dmytro Stus, and Leonid Finberg. Scholarly reviewed by Myroslav Marynovych.

“ is book is about a generation of Ukrainian intellectual and moral leaders who, despite the danger of being apprehended and physically exterminated, resisted the totalitarian Soviet machine. ey chose to live in camps with their conscience intact rather than to tolerate the terror and arbitrariness of the authorities on the outside.”Taras Vozniak, Editor of the Independent Cultural Magazine “¯”, L’viv

Ukrainian Voices Band 11

Ford, Christopher


Le marxisme anti-colonial dans la révolution ukrainienne 1917 - 1925

2 / 2021. 412 Seiten

€ 45,90, Paperback ***

ISBN 978-3-8382-0899-2

€ 30,99, e-book

ISBN 978-3-8382-6899-6

Les marxistes ukrainiens ont joué un rôle de premier plan dans la révolution ukrainien. Organisés au sein du Parti ouvrier social-démocrate ukrainien, ils ont construit un Parti communiste ukrainien indépendant – les Ukapisty – qui rivalisait avec les communistes russes et les nationalistes ukrainiens dans leur quête pour une République socialiste ukrainienne indépendante. Dominant une section de l‘Armée Rouge, ils ont mené une révolte pro-soviétique en 1919 même plus grande que le soulèvement de Cronstadt. Leur lutte avait des rami cations internationales et gagna le soutien de la Hongrie soviétique. Ces événements aidaient à décider le sort des révolutions en Europe. Les Ukapisty étaient le dernier parti d‘opposition légal en URSS avant leur liquidation en 1925.Ce volume éclairant comprend une sélection de documents originaux pour la première fois en langue française. Cela fournit aux lecteurs des textes essentiels des marxistes ukrainiens, de leurs considérations sur la question nationale aux ré exions sur la révolution, en passant par leurs tentatives de comprendre la tragédie en cours de la révolution en retraite.

« Ce livre est une contribution opportune aux discussions revigorées sur l’histoire contestée de l’Ukraine et les trajectoires de ses mouvements sociaux autochtones contre le régime impérial. Dans son histoire méticuleuse des Ukapisty, Ford montre que la révolution russe n‘était pas seulement russe, qu‘elle a englobé - entre autres - la révolution ukrainienne. Son texte nous rappelle de manière éloquente comment la puissance façonne et colonise l‘histoire - ce qui est si important pour notre compréhension des relations entre l’Ukraine et la Russie telles qu‘elles se déroulent encore aujourd‘hui. Cette histoire des marxistes ukrainiens met en évidence un récit important de la lutte du pays contre l’impérialisme russe. Les textes originaux qui accompagnent cette histoire sont très importants pour tous qui veulent connaître la lutte pour émanciper l’Ukraine telle qu’elle était vécue par ceux qui l’ont combattue, qui parlaient sa ou ses langues, qui en ressentaient le pouls. Le lecteur français en pro tera. »—Yuliya Yurchenko: auteur de l‘Ukraine et l‘empire du capital, maître de conférences au département des a aires internationales et de l‘économie, Université de Greenwich

Soviet and PostSoviet Politics and Society

Band 230

Kuzio, Taras; Jajecznyk-Kelman, Stefan


01 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1791-8

Ercolani, Giovanni


Art, Identity, and the Revolution of Dignity With a foreword by Chris Farrands.

01 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1763-5

*** Ukrainian Voices

Dalton, David


How Ukraine’s Political Economy Regime Survived the Crisis

02 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1740-6


A Family Story of Exile and Return

02 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1691-1

Ukrainian Voices
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Beck, Marieluise


Tracing the Roots of Terror and Violence

With a foreword by Dmytro Kuleba

04 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1773-4 ***

Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas


Irregular Armed Groups in the Russian-Ukrainian War in 2014–2015

04 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1777-2

Ukrainian Voices
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Kostiuchenko, Tetiana; Martsenyuk, Tamara


Personal Experiences of Ukrainian Scholars With a foreword by Tetiana Kostiuchenko and Tamara Martsenyuk

04 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1757-4

Ukrainian Voices

Ageyeva, Vira


06 / 2023

ISBN 978-3-8382-1748-2

Ukrainian Voices


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