IBIS annual report 09/10

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Annual Report 2009/2010

IBIS GIVES THANKS IBIS would like to thank all its members, volunteers, support members, community members, individuals and contributors for all their help and support in 2009. A special thank you for cooperation in 2009: Civilingeniør H.C. Bechgaard og Hustru Ella Mary Bechgaards Fond, Asta og Jul P. Justesens Fond J.L. Fondet, Novo’s medarbejderfond, Erik Thunes Legat, Boghandler Børge Nielsens Fond, Kong Frederik og Dronning Ingrids Fond, Danmarks Lærerforening, Flakkebjerg Efterskole, Nyager Skole, Absalons Skole, Ingrids Jespersen Gymanisum/Elevråd, Nordre Skole, Toms Group, Borg og Bigum, ATKI Aps, Progressive IT, Pharmaculture Coffee and many other small and medium-sized enterprises. For their invaluable support to the Education for all project and the production of the Reading Rocket 2009: Kenneth Bøgh Andersen, Jan Kjær, Kirsten Sonne Harild, Hans Laurens, Victoria Winding (for donation af Thomas Windings historie), Jan Solheim, Tove krebs Lange, Erik Petri, Marianne Vestergaard, Eva Mondrup, Peter Waldorph, Trykkeriet Norhaven A/S, Dansklærerforeningens forlag A/S, Danida, Center for Undervisningsmidler, Multicenter Syd, Randers Regnskov, HJEM-IS, Sagnlandet Lejre, Cirkus Arena and DSB.

TeXt & Photo Anders Elsig, Anders Thormann, Anna Hinrichsen, Anne Lund Petersen, Anne Margrethe Hefting, Bent Jahns, Bodil Trier, Carsten Rath, Christian Damholt, Hanne Selnæs, Lars Koch, Lise Hermann, Lotte Ærsøe, Louise Svendsen, Marianne Vestergaard, Mette Müller, Michael Gaardsøe, Mikael Kristensen, Nanna Kreutzmann, Per Bergholdt Jensen, Peter Bro-Jørgensen, Pia Beltoft, Rune Geertsen, Sara Hebgaard, Sidsel Koordt, Sigrid Lauenborg Dahl, Stine Skøtt Thomsen, Susanne Tilsted, Torkil Nielsen Vagn Berthelsen. EDITORS Thilde Baden Rasmussen, Malene Aadal Bo and Annelie Abildgaard PUBLISHER IBIS © 2010 ART DIRECTION Jesse Jacob Møller Lindkvist / Mediefabrikken ProduCtion Mediefabrikken PRINTING The 2009-2010 Annual Report may be ordered at a IBIS near you or downloaded from www.ibis.dk More at www.ibis.dk IBIS in Denmark ibis@ibis.dk, IBIS in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia ibis@ibiswestafrica.com, IBIS in Angola cd@ibis.dk, IBIS in Mozambique anne@ibismz.org, IBIS in Central America ibis@ibis.org.gt, IBIS in South America ibis@ibisur.org

COntent 4

















Board report The Chair of IBIS, Mette Müller, takes a look back at the year.

IBIS in the world IBIS works in the areas of education and democratic development – see in which countries.

Central America A long, tough fight has finally borne fruit for the Rama people of Nicaragua, who have now officially been granted title deeds to their territory.

South America Indigenous organisations have gained greater political influence after local and regional elections, where many indigenous leaders were elected.

West Africa A workshop school in Liberia gives hope to youngsters without formal schooling. At the school they learn a trade at the same time as getting an academic education.

Mozambique Participatory education is a success and the student drop-out rate has dropped significantly.

Southern sudan The school gardens are flourishing and so is the work with school boards in fragile Southern Sudan.

Angola The IBIS accelerated learning model will now serve as a model for schools across the country.

Alliance2015 When the earth quaked beneath Haiti, Alliance2015 really showed some character.

1GOAL A number of Danish celebrities have lent their support to the education campaign 1GOAL: Education for all.

Anything.tv [Hvadsomhelst.tv] IBIS has launched a new fundraising concept where alternative video features will help to bring in funds.

Education for all Eight IBIS volunteers have been touring the country under the name of the Reading Caravan, telling Danish students about life in Angola.

Climate Summit During COP15, IBIS and Oxfam International joined forces in the struggle against climate change.

Tax Fraud Money from natural resources flows out of developing countries. IBIS wants to put a stop to that.

Enterprises IBIS has intensified its collaboration with the business sector, to the benefit of both parties.

Volunteers Charity parties, film events, a climate forum, the African school and the Roskilde Festival were all part of the volunteers’ programme this year.

Accounts Excellent financial results in 2009, with a surplus of 3.76 million DKK.

The Chair

: Much to be proud of


he first thing that comes to mind when I look back at 2009/2010 is that there are many things that have gone our way. First of all, the year brought many new and innovative projects, showing that IBIS has got the courage and strength to break new ground. Secondly, there was a record turnover of 217 million DKK this year; 10 million more than last year, and far more than in 2007 where the figure landed at 170 million DKK. This means that far more people in Africa and Latin America have benefited from the work of IBIS, which makes me proud.

Good results in Peru and Mozambique One of many positive results was achieved in Peru, where years of IBIS work has led to a breakthrough in cooperation between indigenous peoples organisations. Coordinated efforts between the highland and lowland indigenous peoples have given them decisive influence on the management of their own territories, which the government has ignored for years. For example, today, indigenous organisations are at the table during negotiations on legislation concerning the use of natural resources. These are cases that often have an impact on the everyday life of the local population, but just a few years ago it would have been unthinkable that they themselves could have a say in the matter. Another source of pride for me is how it has been possible to reduce corruption within the education system in Mozambique. IBIS’ collaboration with local organisations and authorities means that parents are now able to challenge and control how the money for their child’s education is being spent. The key is training on laws and rights, making civil society organisations capable of monitoring public authorities and their behaviour, creating discussion and helping to put a stop to the illegal collection of school fees. Hence, one of the major barriers to getting all children in school is being dismantled. This also shows ordinary Mozambicans that it is possible to fight corruption in other spheres of life; corruption that destroys everyday life for so many, ensuring the poorest stay poor.


Wide support for the work of IBIS 2009 was also the year when a couple of school children with IBIS lottery tickets in their hands knocked on my parents-in-law’s front door in a small village outside the Danish town of Herning, far away from Copenhagen, which is the first time IBIS has shown its face in a village so far away from the country’s major cities. Furthermore, IBIS in Denmark organised various fun, creative and innovative activities at the Climate Summit, the Roskilde Festival and in connection with the 1GOAL campaign, among others. In particular, 1GOAL received a lot of support both from the Danish national football team and a host of Danish celebrities, whose support showed that it is possible to think differently and raise awareness about important issues that affect developing nations in a humorous way. There was also an outpour of support when the earthquake hit Haiti and caused massive destruction. We did not spend one dollar on advertisements, yet still, we succeeded in raising almost 100,000 US Dollars for the emergency relief efforts. This was the first time that IBIS, alongside our European partners in Alliance2015, had participated in emergency efforts, and the Board would like to see this aspect of IBIS’ work continue and grow in the years to come. New organisational structure One issue that has been less visible to the outside world, but indeed has been discussed at length inhouse, is the new organisational structure adopted in July 2009, to be implemented next year. It has been a long process, and the biggest and most controversial decision was to close down the regional offices and allocate their duties to the country offices and Head Office. The regional offices have done a fantastic job, but today IBIS works in fewer countries and more often in strong alliances, meaning the need for regional offices is not so great. I am sure that the new structure will create the best framework for the future, where flexibili-



ty and close contact between the different actors are becoming increasingly important. Comments on the new Danish development strategy This year the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Søren Pind, presented a new development cooperation strategy, which in IBIS’ view, contains both good and bad elements. It is disgraceful for Danish development policy that Latin America is given such low priority, as is Denmark’s direct support to education. With IBIS’ continued commitment to Latin America’s indigenous people and our struggle for quality education for all children, we know how big the need is and what a sad effect the reduction can have. However, one positive aspect of the strategy is that the issue of fair tax payment has now been given a prominent position. IBIS has been working at length to get companies in developing countries to pay fair tax on their activities. IBIS can take much of the credit for a stronger focus on taxes, for which we can be very proud.

that will bring IBIS into the future – a process to which I look forward. We must also evaluate and learn from the many projects and campaigns carried out, and we must continue our work in Denmark and abroad. Efforts in Haiti will be entering a new phase, the new organisational structure must be implemented, and IBIS must continue to make its voice heard whenever political decisions that could harm Africa and Latin America’s populations are being made. Thank you to all our members, contributors and collaborators for helping to make this an excellent year.

Mette Müller The Chair of IBIS

And next year? First of all, we must create a new vision




: IBIS in the World


AAlborg AARHUS Copenhagen

central AMERICA



ecuador peru bolivia

Honduras AAlborg AARHUS







: Denmark As of September 2010, IBIS had 12,459 members and contributors in Denmark, and we cooperate with a number of organisations, educational institutions, individuals and businesses. Most operations are run out of the Head Office in Copenhagen. The rest of the activities take place in IBIS’ offices in Aarhus and Aalborg, which are the volunteer centres in these parts of the country. One of the most important campaigns in Denmark is the annual education campaign: Education for All. This campaign is the Danish component of the Global Campaign for Education, which strives to get every child into school by 2015. Furthermore, in Denmark IBIS continuously works to create attention and understanding of the problems faced by developing countries.


: Central America In Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, IBIS’ work focuses on indigenous peoples’ rights, intercultural governance and education. IBIS supports indigenous movements and organisations in these countries. At the end of 2010, IBIS will be closing its programme in Honduras to focus efforts on Guatemala and Nicaragua. : South America On this continent, IBIS primarily works to strengthen the opportunities for indigenous representation and political influence and to ensure their access to quality intercultural education. The programmes in Peru and Ecuador will be phased out in 2011in favor of a more general and enhanced cross-disciplinary effort in the region.



IBIS is an independent Danish development NGO working for equal access to education, influence and resources for the populations of Africa and Latin America. Working in close cooperation with 263 local organisations and authorities, we support development efforts in 12 countries. IBIS considers education to be one of the most important tools in the development of our planet’s poor countries. Therefore, we work to provide equal access for all and quality education. IBIS strives to develop local democracy and popular organisations so that the populations of developing nations are equipped with the tools required to claim their rights, implement checks on leaders and exert influence on the development of their own countries.


the rest of AFRICA

sierra leone liberia ghana


southern sudan


sierra leone liberia




: West afriCa Years of civil war have impeded school attendance in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Therefore, IBIS makes a special effort to provide educational opportunities to the children and youth affected by war. The focus in Ghana is also on schooling, in addition to supporting women seeking political influence. Political work in the areas of natural resources management and conflict management are other important focus areas in West Africa. : Southern sudan Africa’s longest running civil war has left its mark, and this is especially evident in the area of education in southern Sudan. Based on experiences in other civil warstricken countries in Africa, today IBIS is working on a school project for about 3,000 children.


: Southern Africa In Mozambique, IBIS works in the fields of education and informal education by training teachers, getting local communities involved and informing citizens of opportunities to participate in democracy. IBIS has supported Angola’s weak civil society in the post-civil war period, and right now some of the focus is on finding local organisations to continue the work when IBIS withdraws next year.


IBIS prioritises working with international advocacy, since a number of national issues in developing countries may only be solved internationally. Capital flight and tax evasion with focus on the extraction of oil and minerals in Africa is a main priority.



: Central America Noé Coleman


n Central America, IBIS supports the struggle for indigenous peoples’ rights in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras. The main issues are intercultural education for change, collective rights and intercultural governance, including territorial self-government.

Territorial victory for the indigenous peoples of Nicaragua Five years of collaboration with the Rama people of Nicaragua hit a high point in 2010, when the Nicaraguan government officially granted the deed to their historical territory in the jungle and coastal areas of the southern Atlantic, RAAS. IBIS cooperated with Danida on the surveying of the territory using aerial photographs and GPS images. Furthermore, IBIS counsels and supports the territorial government to help increase its capacity to administer the territory. The case has been a victory for all indigenous peoples in Nicaragua, as it is an example to other groups, among them the Mayangna. Improving education and reducing corruption in Guatemala In Guatemala, IBIS supports intercultural bilingual education for indigenous people, including curricula and material in local languages. The work strengthens young Mayans’ access to culturally relevant education which improves student learning and future prospects. In 2010, IBIS has also produced intercultural educational booklets for public schools. The aim is to increase understanding among Guatemala’s ethnic groups. Under the guidance of IBIS, the Foundation for Good Governance works in Guatemala to strengthen democratic procedures in public institutions and to ensure open dialogue between the state and the civil society. In 2010, the foundation contributed by helping to reform the corrupted police force by organising courses and counselling high-ranking policemen. Human rights in Honduras By the end of 2010, IBIS will be concluding its programme in Honduras. Over the years, IBIS has supported indigenous peoples such as the Garifuna and descendants of African slaves in gaining access to education, health, land and other resources, as well as


: forests and rivers are our identity

The Mayangna of northern Nicaragua support themselves through fishing, hunting and agriculture, but their lifestyle is threatened by mining companies that pollute the rivers, and by trespassing peasants and livestock farmers who burn down the forest. “The loss of nature is the biggest threat we face. Our identity and culture are connected to the forests and rivers. Without nature, there will be no Mayangna people,” states Noé Coleman, head of the Mayangna territorial government in the Sauni Arungka region. The indigenous peoples of Nicaragua have a statutory right to autonomy in their territories, but this requires proof of ownership of the territories, meaning a road paved with surveying, feasibility studies and legal prosecution. “We had to chop our way through the jungle to take GPS readings, and we studied old maps and archives to prove our historical right to the area,” says Noé Coleman. Furthermore, the Mayangna have received invaluable support from the Rama and international donors in their struggle for territorial rights. “Without the help from organisations such as IBIS, our territorial government would have been very weak,” emphasises Noé Coleman. In 2010, the Nicaraguan state finally acknowledged the Mayangna territory.

political influence. After the coup d’état in 2009, IBIS tried to publicise human rights violations in Honduras in its role as member of an international mission. Keeping abreast of climate change Central America is one of the world’s most exposed regions to climate change. Therefore, IBIS supports the regional environmental network “Sustainability Watch” in securing clean water, preventing disasters and gaining influence over the region’s environmental policy.



: South America Melva Hurtado


he greatest results of IBIS’ commitment in South America in 2009/2010 were seen in our work with women’s groups, indigenous representation and participation, and organisational strengthening of IBIS’ partner organisations. Indigenous peoples gain political influence Regional and local elections were held in Bolivia on April 4th, 2010. One of the results was a higher degree of representation of indigenous organisations – including IBIS’ partners. The elections were a great victory for indigenous people, though they sometimes feel they are being used by the government now boasting that it represents the indigenous population. Other gains that improve the conditions of marginalised populations, are the fact that indigenous people now participate in the drafting of bills and that indigenous organisations have been active players in the creation and implementation of indigenous self-governance. After years of political ground work supported by IBIS, there has been another breakthrough in that the indigenous territories have been legally recognized. Partners know the way There have been organisational advances for IBIS’ most important partner organisations in all three South American countries where IBIS works. Today, the two major partner organisations in each country have a clear strategy for their work. In the area of education, the most important result is a higher degree of respect for the fact that indigenous populations are not one united group, and within the indigenous organisations they are now talking about intercultural multilingual education instead of bilingual.

: from shy woman to leader “In the beginning, I trembled with fear simply at the thought of having to speak in front of people. I could not speak as well as other politicians with diplomas,” says Melva Hurtado, recalling 2006 when she was elected president of the indigenous organisation CMIB in the Bolivian lowland state of Beni. IBIS has supported courses for female leaders in Bolivia. Thanks to these courses, Melva Hurtado no longer fears the podium, and she is proud of what she and her colleagues have achieved. For example, she participated in the constituent assembly when Bolivia’s new constitution was adopted in 2009. “It was a very special thing for me as an indigenous woman to be part of the constituent assembly, and to leave my mark on our new constitution. It was really something!” says Hurtado, with a wide smile. The results of the December parliamentary elections and the local and regional elections in April arouse enthusiasm as well. “It is historical that so many indigenous women from the Bolivian lowlands are now holding politically influential positions. Formerly, it was unthinkable that we, as indigenous persons, could be members of a municipal council,” says Hurtado proudly.

Women elected Last but not least, work in the area of equal rights has been successful. IBIS has been working on training female indigenous leaders, especially at the local and regional levels. After the April 2010 local elections, 43 per cent of the Bolivian municipal council members are women, and in the national government that took office in January, half the ministers are women.




: West Africa Jawah Tealeh


ducation and participation in local democracy are still the central focus areas for IBIS in the three West African countries: Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana.

Ghana leads the way to quality education The local democracy programme in Ghana has developed a model for support and dialogue with individual organisations and a focused training course for partners and their target groups. This model is being emphasised as unique and useful by our partners. Furthermore, in Ghana IBIS has invested heavily in developing models for quality education, such as 56 satellite schools in small remote communities as well as opening a junior high school for girls with room for 105 girls. The focus of both models is to support students, especially at-risk girls, to help them finish their education, and to train teachers in studentcentred teaching. The schools have excellent results in teacher commitment and very low dropout rates; at the junior high school for girls, no one has dropped out so far. New partnerships in Liberia and Sierra Leone The experiences in Ghana form the basis for the development of new partnerships in Liberia and Sierra Leone. In 2009, efforts in Sierra Leone focused on searching for local organisations with a potential to train and support citizens. New cooperations with educational organisations and institutions have also gathered speed, especially in the diamond-rich Kono province where, in addition to school projects, other activities have been put into action focusing on children’s rights. Support to Youth Education has been added to the range of activities in Liberia and Sierra Leone. In October 2009, IBIS, in cooperation with the local Ministry of Education and the Norwegian Refugee Council, opened a workshop school called “Youth Education Pack (YEP)”. The school delivers a ten-month practical training course to underprivileged youth without formal schooling where they learn reading and math at the same time.


: hope for a better future Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and after a long and violent civil war, there is a need for everything. In Fishtown, a two-day trip from the capital of Monrovia, IBIS is supporting the town’s first workshop school for youth 15 to 30 years of age. Apprentices are chosen by application, where youth living in the poorest conditions and bleakest outlook are first in line. One of them is 25-year-old Jawah Tealeh, a single mother of a three-year-old daughter. “I am very happy to be at the school and it gives me a lot of self-confidence to be learning something,” says Jawah Tealeh. She arrives at school every day with her daughter, who plays at the kindergarten attached to the school, while her mother learns how to repair motorcycles. Jawah lost her right arm in a car accident that took her husband’s life. It has not made her give up on her dream of becoming a mechanic, but it was not until the workshop school opened that her dream could become a reality. “If I had dreamt of being a tailor, it would have been impossible, but it is possible to be a motorcycle mechanic with just one hand,” she says, continuing with a shy smile:, “I already have a job when I finish with a mechanic in Fishtown, but first I have to learn how to read and write and fix engines.”

West afriCa




BIS Mozambique works in two programmes: education and citizenship. Both programmes deal with school boards, and in 2009 more than 1,100 school boards were trained in project development, public education and local governance. This was also the year when IBIS really started to work with partner organisations. Today IBIS Mozambique works with 15 partner organisations, and the number is rising.

Now they stay at school In 2009 alone, IBIS trained more than 300 teachers on how to involve the students in the classroom. The student-centred teaching has meant that more children finish their education. The education programme in Mozambique generally emphasises getting more girls and vulnerable children into the schools and combating sexual abuse, early marriage and teacher absence. At the “Criança Feliz” centre in Maputo, 150 orphans and other vulnerable children have secured an education by enrollment in the primary school. Courage to participate In the citizenship programme, a public education centre in the province of Niassa has really taken off with a series of activities. At the centre, IBIS has trained 10 civil society organisations and 650 citizens in local governance, human rights, advocacy, gender issues and HIV/AIDS.

: better teaching keeps children in school “My students are much happier and more motivated now, and I hope this helps them to stay in school,” says Felix Gemusse, the vice principal of the Carico School in the province of Zambezia. He thinks that conditions have improved considerably after IBIS began the education programme in 2009, where the school board and teachers were trained to help improve the quality of teaching. “The training and supervision from IBIS contributed to broadening the teachers’ teaching methods, and this stimulates their imagination,” says Felix Gemusse. “I sense that we are all more responsible and engaged in the teaching and learning process.” He explains that initially all lessons took place in the classrooms and that teachers never thought of creating teaching material themselves; but that has changed. “Now, both myself and my colleagues produce the educational materials we need, and sometimes we take the students outside the classroom to teach them in a different environment,” says Gemusse. He sees a definite trend of more and more students staying in school.

At the 2009 parliamentary and presidential elections, IBIS, in cooperation with the women’s network “Forum Mulher”, ran a national public education campaign to get women to vote and run for a seat. The result was that many citizens found the courage to make an effort to improve their local communities.






n Southern Sudan, IBIS works with an intensive primary school course, an accelerated learning programme (ALP), which aims to ensure that children and youth who did not attend school during the civil war get a primary school education in four years that equals an education that normally takes eight years. Despite the challenges in Southern Sudan, in particular irregular pay by the authorities to teachers in 2009, resulting in low morale and unfocused teaching, the project has succeeded in counteracting this phenomenon by appealing to local leaders to take responsibility for the situation. Furthermore, a decision was made to focus the programme’s activities on schools with the necessary backing from the local community. This effort has resulted in the number of students, which had dropped in early 2010 from the original 3,400 to 2,100, once again has risen to around 3,000 and the number continues to rise.

parent committees a success 45 school gardens have been set up where, the students, as a part of the education, work and learn how to cultivate the land. 26 of these gardens have produced a harvest. The schools have also benefited from renovated classrooms, new school furniture and teaching materials. In addition, the teaching itself, as well as teacher performance have been observated to guarantee the quality of education. School administration and the local community are essential to the ALP centres and, therefore, the work with the parent committees has been a high priority. Meetings have been held to discuss topics such as girls participation in the classroom and the selection of new ALP students. As an important element in the dialogue between civil society and the local administration, extra effort has been made to strengthen the interaction between local civil servants and parent committees.



lso in Angola, a considerable part of IBIS’ work is focused on getting out-of-school youth back to school and improving the quality of teaching in the schools. The tangible experiences from the programme have resulted in IBIS being invited to develop an improved accelerated learning model together with the Angolan Ministry of Education. The goal is to have this model form part of a programme for accelerated learning all over Angola. A voice for the poor Another focus in 2009 was the cooperation with the civil society organisations in the capital, Luanda, which IBIS has helped to strengthen and gain a voice. This is an important project in securing the country’s development for the benefit of the many people who live in absolute poverty.


Through its support to Angolan organisations, IBIS also contributed to strengthening and expanding the national network of organisations for people living with HIV. With IBIS’ help, representatives from the country’s 18 provinces have been trained to give HIV positive individuals the opportunity to be organised and disseminate information on HIV/AIDS. In 2008, IBIS decided to phase out the activities in Angola over the course of four years. Due to the soaring revenues from oil production, the country has passed the limit for BNP per capita, which underlies the allocation of Danish development aid. This means that 2011 will be the last year with a commitment in Angola. Therefore, the focus of programme work will be to ensure the sustainability of activities.

Southern sUDAN & ANGOLA


: ”Alliance2015 showed its strength in Haiti”


he earthquake in Haiti left most of the capital in ruins, and emergency organisations all over the world scrambled to make extensive preparations, as time was a critical factor. Among the many organisations, four were Alliance2015 partners (French ACTED, Italian Cesvi, Irish Concern and German Welthungerhilfe), all with lengthy experience in Haiti, with offices, personnel and partners, which meant that they could quickly organise emergency action. A relevant question in unforeseen and severe situations like the one in Haiti is whether emergency aid reaches its destination as efficiently as possible or whether the many actors involved simply fall all over each other, despite good intentions. The Alliance is the answer I think that Alliance2015 is part of the answer to the question of better coordination and division of labour. As Chair of Alliance2015, I am pleased to see that the cooperation is working and that it meets the aforementioned challenges. This is primarily due to the fact that trust among the organisations has been built over time, and that the collaboration has developed from the experience gained during earlier disasters. Among other things, the successful cooperation led to joint transportation and a common depot, making operations more streamlined and costeffective. In Europe, the cooperation of the Alliance also meant that IBIS and PIN (the Czech member), with no experience in Haiti, collected money and gave it to partner organisations already on site. 3.5 millions for Haiti The ”Denmark Collection” and IBIS collected 3.5 million DKK for Haiti, a feat for which we should feel quite proud. In round figures, one million has gone to immediate emergency aid, while the remaining 2.5 million have been allocated to an education programme to ensure that children return to school, and also ensure education for those children who did not prviously have access to school. Concern will be running the programme, with IBIS contributing by sending an advisor.


Alliance2015 is a partnership of seven European development NGOs. Together, the seven organisations work in over 80 countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia where the work is focused on the UN 2015 goals. Read more at: www.alliance2015.org

In this way, the Haiti effort is a collaborative one based on emergency aid, but it is also a collaborative effort that includes long-term development. Apart from the education component in which IBIS takes part, the Alliance partners in Haiti have established a major rehabilitation programme with a focus on sustainable social and economic survival strategies. The Haiti effort is proof that Alliance2015 has made progress, and I believe that there is potential to advance further, as an essential requirement has been met: trust.

Vagn Bertelsen – Chair of Alliance2015 and General Secretary of IBIS





This summer, football and education joined forces when the international football federation (FIFA) chose to support the global campaign 1GOAL: Education for All. Desmond Tutu, Zinedine Zidane, Shakira and other celebrities joined in and used the World Cup in South Africa to focus on the 72 million children worldwide who do not go to school. The aim of the campaign was to bring attention to the many children who do not learn to read and write, and to remind the world’s leaders of the goal set in 2000 – namely that all the children in the world are to have the opportunity to go to school by 2015. In Denmark, IBIS was in charge of the 1GOAL campaign, a campaign supported by the entire

national football team. Therefore, IBIS was on the sidelines when some of Denmark’s international players visited their old schools, telling students about what their time in school meant to them. Celebrities join in The football stars were accompanied by other famous Danes such as chef Nikolai Kirk, TV host Peter Kær, musicians from Magtens Korridorer, comedians Rasmus Botoft and Martin Buch, singer Karen Mukupa, Simon Kvamm and many education spokespersons from parliamentary political parties. Both internationally and in Denmark the campaign received a lot of support, and more than 18 million people have signed on to support 1GOAL: Education for All.

: Hvadsomhelst.tv [Anything.tv]


n July 2010, IBIS in Denmark launched a new web TV channel: hvadsomhelst.tv (anything. tv). The idea is to raise money for the work of IBIS, and at the same time bring attention and support to the 1GOAL: Education for All campaign. Hvadsomhelst.tv is about doing something difficult, odd, funny or downright crazy to show how important it is for all children in the world to have the possibility of attending school; so important that one is prepared to do anything.

challenge, thereby turning it into a fundraising effort. If the findraising goal is reached, the person or group has to perform the stunt, film it and upload it to the hvadsomhelst.tv homepage. The project was launched at this year’s Roskilde Festival, where festival visitors were overwhelmingly in favour of the initiative. The guests’ challenges could be followed on the homepage and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Fundraising through challenges The idea behind Hvadsomhelst.tv is to get the public involved and give them an opportunity to collect money by doing something unusual. Hvadsomhelst.tv is a platform where ordinary people and celebreties may challenge themselves and encourage friends and family to support the




: education for all


hat is it like to be a child in Angola? In the 2009/2010 school year, 190,000 Danish students were able to read about it and many other issues in the Reading Rocket, the IBIS textbook, when they participated in the Education for All campaign. The number of participants was the highest thus far, and we are really pleased that half of Danish schools use the Education for All text book, teaching materials and the homepage. The Reading Caravan was a hit As a new initiative in the campaign, Education for All sent eight IBIS volunteers and two tour guides to Angola in February 2010. After their trip, they visited 52 Danish schools under the name of the Reading Caravan. As a live supplement to the Reading Rocket, they told Danish students about their travels and organised different “African” activities for students. They carried items on their heads, taught in Portuguese and did capoeira. The Reading Caravan was a huge success and, in addition to positive comments from teachers and students, more than 60 articles about the school visits have been published in the local press.

Rikke Sig Hansen

: the stories made an impression ”It was amazing to visit the Danish schools and tell the students about our experiences, I really feel that our stories made an impression on the children and opened their eyes to the conditions in other countries. Many students admitted that they were very happy they did not have to fetch water by the river every morning or to be placed in a classroom with 70 other students.” - Rikke Sig Hansen, Reading Caravan participant from IBIS Århus, Denmark

flea markets, washed cars, ran fundraising events or sold homemade postcards in support of the children of Angola. All in all, 900,000 DKK were collected, which means that a great number of Angolan girls and boys will have the opportunity to attend school.

All children must cross the finish line There are 72 million children across the world who are not in school. The students who participated in the Education for All campaign helped focus on that fact during the action week in April backing this year’s special World Cup campaign - 1GOAL: Education for All. By photographing all the students together in front of a football goal or classmates forming a 1GOAL shape with their bodies in the schoolyard, students showed their support to all children who have no opportunity to go to school. Songwriting, car wash and circus Apart from lottery tickets and collection tins, there have been various creative ways of collecting funds in schools across Denmark for this year’s fundraising drive. One class chose to write a song to support Angola, others put on a circus, organised


Education for all / Denmark


: Climate Summit


limate change was in the forefront towards the end of 2009 due to COP15. To IBIS, that meant close cooperation with Oxfam International on everything, including office-sharing and logistics for lobbying. Cooperation culminated in the massive climate change demonstration on Saturday, December 12th when Oxfam and IBIS

marched shoulder by shoulder. Round banners shaped like life jackets and banners with slogans such as “There is no Planet B” and “Climate Change Kills” sent a clear message to world leaders that it is time to do something for the world’s climate. The Summit ended without any binding agreement, but that is a different story...

: Tax fraud on the agenda


n the past year, IBIS’ focus on the oil and mining industries led to a series of activities and results. Some of these activities took place in Ghana, where the big question is whether the country can handle the new oil riches and avoid falling into the trap of corruption and underdevelopment, as has happened in many other oil-producing countries. IBIS supports a network of organisations that try to influence oil legislation and monitor the government and foreign oil companies. However, corruption does not only happen around Ghana’s oil, and that is why IBIS supports similar initiatives in other African countries and in relation to other natural resources, such as diamonds and gold.



top capital flight Both in Denmark and abroad, IBIS focused specifically on stopping capital flight from developing nations, as oil and mining companies illegally transfer their profits to tax havens. It saves the companies from paying taxes, thereby cheating the developing countries out of sorely needed income in the billions. In October 2009, IBIS in Denmark hosted a well– attended conference together with Danida on the problems and economic potential of natural resources. We have succeeded in gaining overall acceptance of the need to do something about capital flight. We consider it a great victory for IBIS that Danida has included tax issues in its new development strategy

TAX FRAUD / Global


: IBIS - a beneficial business partner


n 2009, IBIS intensified its cooperation with the business sector. Partnership is one of the strategic focus areas for IBIS, so we strive to enter into cooperative relationships with businesses on various levels – anything from single donations to long-term partnerships. Companies gain positive publicity, happier clients and investors, proud employees and, overall, a more sustainable basis of business. Apart from the financial support, IBIS benefits from the cooperation by getting in touch with new stakeholders and communities.

Toms gets a new visiting service As an offshoot of the partnership, IBIS developed a new concept in 2009 for the visiting service at Toms. It gives Danish students and other visitors the opportunity to gain insight into Ghana and cocoa production in the country. A visit includes a guided tour, exhibits and films. Furthermore, IBIS published a textbook called “Glimt af Ghana” [A glimpse of Ghana], with stories about people, schools and cocoa, which accompanied by a teacher’s guide, can be a framework for project work in Danish schools.

Partnership between the Toms Group and IBIS Chocolate manufacturer Toms Group entered into a partnership with IBIS in 2006. The project aims to combat child labour on cocoa plantations in Ghana by ensuring the children of cocoa farmers a basic yet good quality education. Widespread satisfaction with the cooperation and the results of the project means that IBIS and Toms will continue to cooperate on education in the cocoa producing areas of Ghana.

Business partnership for small business Another partner programme was launched in 2009 where small companies are given the opportunity to become business partners through a fixed annual donation to IBIS. A business partner that donates 25,000 DKK a year, for example, will be featured on www.ibis.dk and will be given the opportunity to have IBIS come to their company to give a lecture. Moreover, all business partners receive a certificate for their donation, a web banner to the company homepage and they become regular subscribers of IBIS magazines and newsletters. Thereby, business partners contribute to the continuity and consistency of IBIS’ work.

“The project has really helped us. They gave us books, blackboards, maps, and made us and the School Management Commitee of our school sensitive and attentive to children’s rights and the importance of quality education.” Madam Augustina Twumwaa, member of Sakyikrom Presbyterian Primary Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).



“The parents prioritise and show an interest in their children’s education. Nowadays, you will not see children carrying goods to market during school hours.” Mr. Kwaku Owusu, Public Relations Officer, Asunafo South DEO


: Volunteer work Film and debate Once again, IBIS volunteers in Denmark showed different films about development and developing countries. Film director Niels Boel brought migration issues in Latin America into focus, while Africa was in the spotlight when the recipients of Danida’s World Image Grant showed their films. Volunteers in Kolding arranged a film night on Cuba, and in Aalborg the documentary “Life and Debt” gave critical insight into Jamaica, which is being pressured by the IMF. Aarhus held its Latin American film festival for the third year in a row. In the name of climate In 2009, Denmark really threw itself into the fight to improve our climate at COP15 and, naturally IBIS volunteers actively participated. In the DGI-Byen (Copenhagen), IBIS’ digital climate initiative ‘Footprint Diary’ was presented, and volunteers took pictures of enthusiastic visitors who showed their support for the indigenous peoples’ climate struggle. IBIS volunteers also kept the flag high at the huge climate demonstration at the Bella Centre on December 12th.

“It was really cool to be at the Roskilde Festival with IBIS. The commitment of IBIS volunteers and festival guests made our film project a success.” – Lise Lund, volunteer in Copenhagen


Meaningful parties Fun-spirited IBIS volunteers had a good year at a series of parties and concerts to drum up support. In Copenhagen, Bolivian and Danish rappers sang about rights at the “Rap for Your Rights” event. The earthquake in Haiti also got volunteers cracking with different concerts, for instance the Maybeats at Krogerup folk high school. The Kaospilots helped IBIS Aarhus to organise a fantastic Haiti support party and also brought education into focus by converting a container into a Ghanaian classroom at the West African Festival, where local children saw for themselves what an African school day is like. IBIS at the Roskilde Festival The sun was shining from a cloudless sky when IBIS volunteers made their presence known at the Roskilde Festival this summer, this time with the 1GOAL: Education for All campaign and the creative fundraising project hvadsomhelst.tv [Anything.tv]. The former focus on children’s right to an education, while the latter is a video blog that gives people the opportunity to perform for a good cause. IBIS had a small stand at the festival marketplace, but the focus was primarily on two video teams that cycled around on Christiania-bikes filming festival guests while distributing information about the campaigns.

“The support parties were a good opportunity to combine party and fundraising.” – Lasse Treu, volunteer in Copenhagen


“We looked for material in the garbage around town and managed to build an African school inside a container. The kids really liked the African atmosphere and were very eager to ask the Ghanaian teacher a lot of questions.” – Eva Leth, volunteer in Aarhus





: Accounts

SATISFYING results in 2009 With a 3.76 million DKK surplus, this year’s financial results were exceptionally satisfactory, especially in light of the fact that originally the forecast was a surplus of only 0.77 million DKK. Starting with a record turnover of 217 million DKK in 2009, the positive figures on the bottom line are due to the fact that the country offices in both Africa and Latin America brought in far more revenue than in previous years. They signed more agreements with different donors, and at the same time the country offices have put resources to better use, obtaining largescale operational advantages. Another important point explaining the surplus is that IBIS has really begun to reap the benefits of streamlining the private fundraising system; the professional capacity has increased and there is greater focus on payments from members and donations from companies and funds in Denmark. For the first time in IBIS’ history, private fundraising met the target of 10% own funding, which is a Danida requirement. Furthermore, the IBIS head office has improved management of its financial resources, managing to cut down on labour and administrative costs, which also contributed to the good results in 2009. It is especially gratifying that, with these positive results, IBIS equity makes up 4.1% of turnover, which is above the 3% target. The surplus provides greater flexibility in the prioritisation of activities, and where and how IBIS wants to work in the future.


Expectations for 2010 and beyond The aim of IBIS is to maintain and strengthen its position as an independent NGO capable of meeting its own development targets. In that sense, it is essential that funding increasingly comes from different donors, including Danida, the EU and the embassies, as this means less dependency on one single donor. At the same time, it is important that the equity and turnover continue to provide stable and sound development. The plan is to use 85% of financial resources for long-term development work, 10% for humanitarian aid, and 5% for global advocacy. Misuse of aid funds It was discovered at the end of 2008 that there had been a misuse of funds from the IBIS office in the capital of Liberia, Monrovia. The final loss has been established at 320,000 DKK, which has been set aside in the accounts. Furthermore, in 2009 irregularities for up to 100,000 DKK were found with a regional West African partner supporting activities in Liberia. This case is being investigated by IBIS´ West Africa Regional office in Ghana. Finally, there were two minor cases in 2009 in Mozambique and Nicaragua where a total loss of less than 50,000 DKK is expected. SATISFACTORY AUDITOR’S REPORT The accounts for 2009 have been audited without annotations and the auditors comment that IBIS has ”an efficient control environment”, which minimises the risk of undescovered fraud”.

ACCOUNTS / global


Income 2009 Danida frame Other Danida grants Alliance2015 EU Embassy grants Fundraising Other

115,548 18,626 29,870 8,474 22.651 9,352 12,894

53% 9% 14% 4% 10% 4% 6%



Membership end of 2009:


expense 2009 Mozambique Southern Afrika West Africa Other African countries South America Central America Information Other project activities Fundraising & Adm.

26,288 5,557 45,541 19,441 51,116 44,232 2,643 9,983 8,853

12% 3% 21% 9% 24% 21% 1% 5% 4%



In 2009, Administration was 4,7%


ACCOUNTS / global



income AND EXPENSE statement for the period 1/1-2009 - 31/12-2009 Numbers in 1.000 DKK



income Donor grants for project and programme activities Danida frame 111,368 111,855 Restricted funds from fundraising 5,015 4,665 Other donors (EU, Danida, Global Funds etc.) 86,059 78,697 Administration fees 9,981 9,969 Donor grants total Unrestrcited funds from fundraising Other income

212,423 4,338 654

205,186 4,408 790

Income total

217,415 210,384

Expense Danida Other Project and programme activities: frame donors Total Mozambique 21,035 5,253 26,288 38,759 Southern Africa 2,999 2,558 5,557 27,184 West africa 31,475 14,066 45,541 40,963 Other African countries 12,395 7,046 19,441 5,565 South America 19,849 31,267 51,116 41,343 Central America 21.257 22,975 44,232 31,621 Other project activities 8,889 3,003 11,892 13,292





Expenses in country offices and Head Office and in the association 9,588 11,490 213,655 210,217 Annual result+/(-)


ACCOUNTS / global




Balance sheet as per 31/12-2009

Numbers in 1.000 kr





Assets Fixed assets Current assets Receivables Securities Cash at bank or in hand

3,531 269 35,645

4,999 219 26,286





Current assets total

Assets total

Liabilities & net assets Net assets Equity at January 1st. 5,148 4,981 Annual result 3,760 167 Equity at December 31st.



Short term debt Unspend funds for activities Accrued interests on donor funds Other debt

14,601 916 15,958

12,072 1,984 13,225

Liabilities total



Liabilities and net assets




ACCOUNTS / global


Annual Report 2009/2010

IBIS Mozambique Rua Fern찾o de Melo e Castro no. 124 C.P.1049 Maputo Mozambique Tlf. (+258) 21 499 522 Fax (+258) 21 499 536 Luzete@ibismz.org www.ibismz.org

IBIS Sierra Leone 23A, Cantonment Road Off Kingharman Road Freetown Sierra Leone Tlf. (+232) 76 950 050 ibis@ibiswestafrica.com www.ibiswestafrica.com

IBIS Angola Rua Sebasti찾o Desta Vez no. 116 Bairro Val처dia Luanda Angola Tlf. (+244) 222 449 427 cd@ibis.dk

IBIS Central America 19 Ave. 0-89, Zona 15 Colonia Vista Hermosa II Ciudad de Guatemala Tlf. (+502) 23 697 776 Fax (+502) 23 697 775 ibis@ibis.org.gt www.ibis.dk/ca

IBIS South America Calle 12 No. 10, Calacoto, Zona Sur, Casilla 14681 La Paz, Bolivia Tlf. (+591) 2 277 35 30 Fax (+591) 2 277 35 23 ibis@ibisur.org www.ibisur.org/



IBIS Liberia 9th Street Sinkor Town P.O. Box 1276 Monrovia Liberia Tlf. +(231) 77 656 268 ibis@ibiswestafrica.com www.ibiswestafrica.com




IBIS Ghana 83 Klottey Crescent P.O. Box CT 5061 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tlf. (+233) 302 762 506 Fax (+233) 302 775 773 ibis@ibiswestafrica.com www.ibiswestafrica.com

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