IBIS annual report 2010/2011 english version

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2010 2011


Annual Report

democratic influence

About IBIS

contents individual civil society state/goverment Board report s. 4 global s. 6 How we work s. 8 Highlights


Where we work p. 12

fair distribution of resources

ibis IN TWO MINUTES Annelie Abildgaard

Yeray Lopez

What do we want?

IBIS works for a just world where all people have equal access to education, influence and resources.

How do we do it?

Through support to civil society in Africa and Latin America, IBIS will ensure that people have equal access to education, influence and resources. Through education and political work, IBIS will influence the political agenda and create a greater understanding of the problems faced by developing countries and identify practical options for action

In other words...

works to educate people and for education to enable them to wield their influence in a way that ensures that society’s and the world’s resources are more equitably distributed. 2

p. 14 Thank you

IBIS country by country p. 16

Quality education because: Education is a human right and the way to create sustainable development for the individual and for society. That’s why we work for all women and men to have equal access to education and to ensure quality in teaching. Democratic influence, because: Everyone has the right to influence their own lives and communities. Therefore, we support grassroots organisations in their efforts to assert their own rights and we work towards promotion of democracy in the community. Fair distribution of resources because: Everyone is entitled to an equitable share of the world’s resources. Therefore, we support grassroots organisations in their work to ensure that globalization benefits the world’s poorest, and we want to influence the debate on global economic and political conditions.

p. 25 Accounts

edoitors Malene Aadal Bo, mab@ibis.dk Annelie Abildgaard (responsible editor), aa@ibis.dk layout Cover photo: Klaus Holsting Graphic design: Anja Ley Christensen Press: Media Factory ApS, Circulation: 10.000

IBIS is a member-based and independent Danish development organisation. We work in collaboration with grassroots organisations and authorities in Africa and Latin America.

editorial address: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 2nd floor, 2200 Copenhagen N, tel. 35 35 87 88

IBIS is a member of Alliance2015. See more on www.ibis.dk and www.alliance2015.org


Chairwoman’s report

Chairwoman’s report

Change in spite of it all This summer I heard a radio programme in which a researcher concluded that ”organisations actually work in spite of it all and they only keep doing so because, and as long as, a hope for change exists.” It led me naturally to think of IBIS and, in spite of everything, hope and change. The world is chang­ing around IBIS and IBIS is also helping to change the world. Very often in defiance because our work is constantly challenged by those in power, undemocratic rules, corruption and much more. I am happy that, in spite of it all, IBIS is doing well and that we obtain very good results. 2010/2011 has been an eventful, challenging and positive year for IBIS, where we have succeeded with a lot and have learned a lot - not least because of the huge effort made by committed employees, partners and volunteers. My highlights from the year that has passed all include hope, change and defiance.

Regards, Mette Müller Chairwoman, IBIS

Educational results that really make a difference

It is said that it is difficult to show results of the long-term work for education but IBIS’s work for education has this year once again delivered impressive results of the kind that is most difficult to achieve: IBIS’s work in education has inspired changes throughout the school systems to the gratification of everyone in the country and not only those who were part of the project. In several places, we have managed to persuade the authorities to apply IBIS’s experience on a larger scale, to permanently employ teachers, whom IBIS has helped to educate, to change the national legislation and to create better curricula and, in general, to have created higher quality education based on our work. It shows that IBIS largely succeeds in the long haul, which creates collaboration between teachers, parents and authorities and inspires and supports people working to create good training opportunities for all children.

Hope in Sudan - inspite of the odds

It was great to meet these wonderful students in Bolivia and see how much pride they take in going to school and how much joy they get from it. 4

This year, we on IBIS’s Board have decided that the new South Sudan shall be IBIS’s new partner country. Africa’s newest country is in a crucial phase of rebuilding and the need to rebuild the educational system and give war kids a chance to get an education and learn important life skills is enormous. IBIS has already been working on a small scale in South Sudan. Since 2007, we have supported special schooling for the children and young people who missed their school start because of war and poverty and are now too old to start in mainstream classes. There are considerable challenges for South Sudan and IBIS will work closely with our partners from Alliance2015 to effectively help the country to a good start.

Taxes which work

Small taxes can change big things for many people. We believe in this and - in spite of the complexity of this subject and the major forces that are at stake - this conviction means that IBIS has this year strengthened efforts to ensure that international companies pay tax on the natural resources they extract from developing countries. Money, amounting to 160 billion dollars a year and which companies often succeed in sneaking out of the countries. In a country like Ghana, fair taxation of oil and gold could make aid entirely superfluous - that is, if the money is spent properly and transparently by the country’s government. IBIS is also active in this field and, this year, IBIS’s partners have, inter alia, managed to get the country’s oil contracts published so that citizens can see what’s coming in, and participate in discussions of how the money is to be used. In addition, IBIS has been active in the Danish and European campaigns working to introduce a tax on all financial transactions - the so-called Robin Hood tax, which now actually appears to have a chance of becoming a reality. The next battle will be to ensure that a fair proportion of the money goes to developing countries and doesn’t just end in European treasuries.

Foreign policy changes in Denmark

Just as IBIS plays an active role in creating changes in our partner countries, this year we have been active in influencing the Danish agenda. IBIS has helped to put Sudan’s debt cancellation on the agenda, create discussion about Danida’s decision to phase out in Latin America and IBIS has often participated in debates about tax and tax havens. At the turn of the year, IBIS became chairman of the NGO forum, which is the central organ of cooperation for Danish organisations interested in development assistance. The chairmanship has given us a special responsibility but also a special platform to engage in dialogue with politicians, authorities and media

Focus on Latin America

Is there anything better than when a bunch of active members gets a bright idea, make it a reality and creates a huge success? I can’t think of anything, and I have enjoyed watching Latino-movie aficionados in their hundreds troop up to IBIS every first Thursday of the month to watch movies, listen to music, talk about Latin America and send the profits from beer and popcorn to educationhungry women in Guatemala. In this way, the members help to keep Latin America on the agenda at a time when it is downgraded by nearly everyone else. At the same time, the events support IBIS’s

I have been happy to follow the success of Latino Films. With a perfect blend of exciting movies, Latino rhythms and popcorn, we succeed in filling the hall with committed people every month.

IBIS’s work in Sudan is certainly not easy or without its challenges. But the day that South Sudan gained its independence was a big step and I was happy to see the hope which shone in the faces of its new citizens.

efforts to maintain the effort in the region through country programmes in Bolivia, Guatemala and Nicaragua, and not least through

IBIS is also changing

In a changing world, it is important to ensure that the way in which we organize our work is the best way to achieve the best and greatest possible assist­ ance for your money. During the past year, IBIS has thus gone through a major restructuring and increased responsibilities and competencies at the offices of our cooperation countries. Changes of this magnitude are rarely easy but our employees have made considerable efforts to ensure its success. Today, the regional level, which previously existed for South America, Central America and West Africa, is redundant and IBIS now comprises the headquarters in Copenhagen and country offices in seven partner countries (eight, when the office in South Sudan is fully established). Thus the distance has been reduced and the foundations of a strong and efficient system have been laid. Finally, on behalf of the board, I want to say a big thank you to all those who support our work, either as a member, contributor, collaborator or employee. Thanks to you, we can maintain our hope that the world can be changed for the better. Sincerely,

Mette Müller, chairwoman of IBIS 5


IBIS would like to change the world and the primary tool for this, is education in the broad sense of the concept. We educate children and adole­scents, men and women as well as groups, associations, organisations, politicians and the international community. Part of the work is organized under the training programmes because it is really school-based


Another part of the work is part of the governance programmes that focus on how individuals, groups, organisations and states are heard and exert influence on the decisions that are made.

civil society



IBIS’S approach is rights-based, which means that we basically believe that every one has a right to education, influence and a fair share of resour­ ces. It also means that the way we work is to inform people about their rights and support them in their fight for these rights.



IBIS works primarily through, or in conjunction with, local or international partners. It is first and foremost a way of ensuring local








•T eaches vulnerable children.

• Teaches rights and rules.

• Informs about the rights and rules.

• Teaches vulnerable children.

• Defends the rights of the individual.

• Creates and strengt­ hens school boards, parent groups, stu­ dent groups, etc.

• Influence legislation and try to ensure the availability of resources for quality education.

• Influence rules and laws in relation to ensuring participati­ on in democracy by vulnerable groups.

• Influence legislation and try to ensure the availability of resources for quality education.

• Strengthen the capa­ city of government apparatus in rela­ tion to cooperation with and service to, civil society

•E ducates and upgra­ des teachers. •D evelops and ensu­ res the availability of teaching materi­ als and premises •O ther support so that children can go to school and thrive there.


education with special emphasis on basic skills such as reading, writing, maths and foreign languages.

3 code words for ibis’s way of working with:

• Builds the capacity of organisations working with qua­ lity education.

• Trains in lobbying and communica­ tion. • Coaches women to become politically active. • Styrker lokale organisationer og netværk, der deler IBIS’ vision.

ibis’s thematic programmes focus on creating

• Strengthen the govern­ment appara­ tus, so it is better to perform its tasks especially in relation to education.

anchorage and sustainable change and is the way to gain clout to really make a difference.



It is definitely possible for a child to go to school for many years without learning any­ thing. And a woman can definitely sit in parliament wit­ hout ever being heard. IBIS has, therefore, a strong focus on quality - so that children learn something in school, so that teachers are good teachers so that organisations are capable and credible and so that all those with influ­ ence, also use their influence in a good and proper way.


Education • Participate in international cam­ paigns for quality education. • Work together with other international NGOs on better education for the world’s poorest. • Create awareness in Denmark and globally of children’s right to a good education.

Governance • Support and partici­ pate in international campaigns, working for a more equitable distribution of world resources. • Support and network with other organisations working for access to influence by vul­ nerable groups.

cooperation and synergy between all four levels



There was a need for quick help in the spring as refugees in their tens of thousands fled from the Ivory Coast across the border with eastern Liberia.

highlights... from IBIS New structure for IBIS

Latin America on the poster The many volunteers in IBIS have once again ensured that its work has gained a hearing in the population. This has been achieved by, amongst other things, film and discussion events, Robin Hood events in front of Danske Bank and presentations on Bolivia for school pupils. Audiences flocked to ten big ”Latino Film” events, which IBIS ’volunteers launched in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg during the year, and which were a fusion of Latin American films, crispy Latino tones, delicious food and festive cultural experiences. The initiative was taken by volunteers, who wanted to maintain a focus on Latin America at a time when the region is disappearing from the politicians’ and hence the media’s radar. In Aarhus, it took the form of a popular Latin American Film Festival, while the support party ”Latino Country” ended the season in Copenhagen with a bang.


”’Latino Country’ is more than just a movie night. it is also a party, a dance floor and a theatre, ”said one volunteer Yeray López Portillo about the successful support event. Profits from the events have helped Mayan women in Guatemala to get an education.

Tax is the new black Treasure and costumes was another recurrent theme for the volunteers’ activities during the past year. The campaign ”Find


• There are voluntary groups in four Danish cities - Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus and Kolding. • Th ere are about 70 active volunteers. • Th e volunteers will focus on IBIS’s work through campaigns and events.

From 1st May 2011, the regional IBIS offices in Africa and Latin America have been closed and the programmes are now managed through seven, soon eight, country offices. Popularly speaking, an ”IBIS on two levels.” The reorganisation has taken place because the closing of countries in Latin America and the growth of the Liberia and Sierra Leone programmes in West Africa mean that the regional structure was no longer appropriate. The transformation strengthens decentralisation in IBIS. the Treasure” focused on how especially multinationals - as modern pirates in suits - robbing developing countries of resources without paying taxes in the poor countries they operate in. Volunteers in suits with pirate swords and eye patches told the citizens of Copenhagen that, for every crown given in aid, ten crowns disappear out of the developing countries through illegal capital flight and, in Aarhus, politicians, experts and interested parties were invited to the panel discussion. Costumes were also in focus in IBIS’s other campaign ”Robin Hood Tax”, where volunteers in green tights and with bows and arrows were fighting for a global tax of 0.05 percent of financial transactions. The tax is intended to curb financial speculation and not least finance both the UN’s 2015 target, climate pledges to developing countries and welfare in Western countries.

Promising steps from Alliance2015 in Liberia G.Gordon /UNHCR In Liberia, IBIS works closely with two of our partners from Alliance2015. General Secretary Vagn Berthelsen visi­ ted earlier this year and was pleased at the good collaboration between the partners. ”It was good to feel the positive atmosphere and thought provoking to think back to a workshop we held three years ago in the capital Monrovia. At that time there was widespread scepticism. People did not know each other; they were afraid of being given additional work on top of an already busy day and in general tried to ”read” whether their own people from headquarters now meant this cooperation seriously. Since then a lot has happened, ”said Vagn Berthelsen. Concern and IBIS together run a larger project that, amongst other things, will train teachers in the country and we cooperate with Welthungerhilfe on a very large project in eastern Liberia, where we have receive

funds from a German donor to repair, build and reconstruct schools and roads and to ensure that there will be content in schools. Our partner takes care of the infrastructure, while IBIS gives teachers further training, trains the authorities and provides educational materials. The Alliance has also been at work in relation to the civil war in Ivory Coast, which resulted in about 100,000 people fleeing to Liberia in order to save their lives. The many refugees are concentrated in eastern Liberia, where the alliance organisations work and have together played a positive role in coordinating relief efforts. IBIS has focused on ensuring the authorities’ capacity and coordinating information, while some of our partners have built camps and distributed relief items. Liberia is one of the ”pilot countries” which the alliance has appointed as a priority in relation to developing cooperation

New policy programme for Latin america IBIS participates in the struggle for indigenous rights across national boundaries and puts the mining industry under pressure with a new Latin American programme, ”Latin America against Poverty and Inequality.” The goal is to create alliances within the region and strengthen the local partners in the struggle against oppression and environmental disasters. The program will give civil society and particularly indigenous people

influence on policy areas such as inequality, democracy and sustainability. IBIS ’support will focus on climate change, extractive industries and advocacy work in Denmark and Europe. In practice, the new programme will, for example, support cooperation partners in their efforts to influence the national legislation on oil extraction and mining or policies for climate change and sustainable development.

between the seven European organisations, which, in addition to IBIS, Concern and Welthungerhilfe include ACTED, Italian Cesvi, Czech PIN and Dutch Hivos.

Spotlight on oil There is a strong focus on Africa’s oil and minerals from the EU, China and from the countries themselves. Through our programme ”Africa Against Poverty” (AAP), IBIS supports organisations in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Mozambique to keep an eye on what happens with natural resources. In Ghana during the past year, for example, it has been possible to get transparency in contracts with the companies This is a major advance in keeping an eye on what happens with the money from oil. Will it remain within the country and will it be spent on development? In Denmark, IBIS works to create awareness about the oil and mining industry. In the spring, Denmark joined EITI - an initiative to create transparency in the oil and mining industry. Shortly afterwards, Maersk Oil also joined the initiative, under pressure from IBIS, amongst others.



IBIS breaks through the media wall The press monitoring bureau Infomedia has registered that, in 2010, IBIS was mentioned almost 1,000 times in the Danish media. More precisely, the figure is 998 or almost four times as high as in 2009, when, according to Infomedia, IBIS featured in the media 274 times. IBIS’s education campaign in the Danish state schools, ”Whole World in School”, accounts for most of the hits in the media. In 2009, the campaign’s activities were mentioned 60 times.

The following year, the number rose to 281 (in September 2011 the figure has reached 254). In 2010, the earthquake in Haiti and the big Danish Fundraising Campaign lead to IBIS being mentioned 207 times in the media. IBIS’s political focus on taxation and development also achieved considerable impact in newspapers, radio and television in 2010, where IBIS was mentioned 91 times in this connection.

The Achuar Indians live in the Amazon region and are dependent on nature, which the oil companies have started to destroy

The hole world in school 2010/2011

”EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO SCHOOLING, AND IT MUST BE LONG. WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HERE AND THERE, WHEN EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO A LIFE LIKE HERE?” (4th grade students, Avedøre school) The target of all the world’s children attend­ ing school has still not been reached. But thanks to the ”Whole World in School” cam­paign more than 180,000 Danish schoolchil­dren have now learned how important it is to learn to read and count also for children in other countries. Two major events in particular have been placed on the table in the school year 2010-2011. The big newspaper competition ”A world in poverty,” was launched in autumn 2010 and, in spring 2011, the focus was on Bolivia, which was the theme of IBIS’s popular reader the ”Reading Rocket”. The newspaper competition was collaboration between the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet and 300 school classes across the country converted the classroom to an editorial office from which they wrote articles about the world’s poorest. IBIS helped the budding journalists with


expert knowledge about Africa and Latin America. Minister of Education, Tina Nedergaard (V), handed over the trophy to the two winning classes and she was not in doubt for a moment about the learning aspect of the competition: ”The most valuable aspect of this newspaper competition is that so many schools have reflected on what poverty really is.”

The “Reading Rocket” in bolivia

The Danish schoolchildren were given even more to reflect on when IBIS’s reader ”Reading Rocket” landed in Danish schools in the week up to Easter. In the book, students could, amongst other things, read stories of schoolchildren in Bolivia who cannot understand what the teacher says because they speak their native language while the teacher can only speak Spanish. The website verdeniskole.dk (’world in school’) that complements The ”Reading Rocket” had been given a real brush up with small videos, thematic pages and interactive educational materials. Last but not least, last year’s huge success with a ’Reading Caravan’ of volunteers was repeated and, after a trip to Bolivia, the eight volunteers gave presentations at 50 schools across the country. The culmination of this year’s ”Whole

Great praise for the Reading Caravan ”Then came the day. DUPER SUPER SUPER speakers. Very well prepared and proficient, which could keep our sweet but fidgety children in primary schools calm? Pleasant. Exciting. But gosh - the other classes were so jealous that we immediately decided to have common topic weeks next year. ” School teacher on the ’Reading Caravan’ visit World in School” campaign was three days of action, which were held in Aarhus, Aalborg and Copenhagen in early May. This gave the pupils an opportunity to sing, dance and get a taste of Bolivia. The icing on the cake was a big puzzle (Denmark’s largest!), which filled 229 square meters and consisted of 4,583 pieces on which the pupils had designed and written what they had learned in school. But holes in the puzzle illustrated that not all children have the opportunity to attend school.


• A collection on Teachers’ Day amoun­ ted to 88,000 DKK. The money goes to an IBIS school project in Liberia. • The ”Whole World in School” cam­ paign reached 254 media hits in the first half of 2011. • In 2011, the ”Reading Rocket” appear­ ed for the first time in Greenlandic.

IBIS project vinds Operation Day’s work Rune Geertsen IBIS received overwhelming support for its project in Peru, ”The oil in the rainforest - the silent disaster” because Operation Day’s Work selected the project for the 2011 collection. This means that, this November, high school students across the country will work one day for the Achuar Indians in Peru. These people are deeply affected by the

ravaging of oil companies and the huge quantities of spilt oil, which every day flow out and pollute the jungle. But the poor and poorly educated Achuar Indians are easy to exploit. The goal of the Day’s Work project is to create awareness of the problem and prepare residents to take up the struggle against oil companies.

Collaboration with private companies Since 2006, IBIS has cooperated with the Toms Group on combating child labour in the cocoa areas of Ghana. This has involved training for teachers, involvement of local communities and parents, establishment of school boards, parents’ councils and advocacy at local and national level. A positive evaluation has given both Toms and IBIS the urge to continue the work, and right now money is being raised to expand the project to three new districts in Ghana. Meanwhile, Toms has donated funds for, already in 2010/2011, strengthen­ ing schools in the region including teaching materials and teacher training. This year, IBIS also entered another exciting collaboration, as Hempel has chosen to support IBIS’s training program in Mozambique with 400,000 crowns a year for an initial three year period. The funds are allocated to the project ”The Happy School” which aims to strengthen children’s well-being and learning

NGO Forum IBIS has, since the turn of the year, been chairman of the NGO Forum. NGO Forum is collaboration among 50 Danish development organisations, all interested in following and influencing Danish development policy. NGO Forum works to develop the organisations’ professional capacity in selected areas, informs and coordinates opinions to influence development policies. During the past year, the NGO Forum has, amongst other things, participated in the debate on a new strategy for Danish development assistance.

The education project in Ghana has shown that availability of proper education can reduce child labour. This is done, for example, by equipping a school library and reading club at the school, teaching craft and practical skills, organizing sports and games before and after school and, not at least, by paying special attention to the many orphaned children. See more on www.ibis.dk/csr

Clement Kjærsgaard hosted one of this year’s debates




IBIS works here DANMARK

AALBORG AARHUS Kolding copenhagen






south SUDAN


aalborg aarhus kolding copenhagen

In early September 2011 IBIS has 16,358 members and contributors in Denmark and we collaborate with a wide range of organisations, educational institutions, individuals and businesses to achieve our goals. Most activities are based at the headquarters in Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The rest are based at IBIS’s offices in Aarhus and Aalborg, which provide the framework for the voluntary work in these parts of the country because a large number of national problems in developing countries can only be solved internationally. Capital flight and tax avoidance, oil and mineral extraction in Africa and Latin America and the effects of climate change in poor countries are the main priorities.

Guatemala nicaragua

eastern AFRIcA

south sudan sierra leone liberia


West Africa: Central america: In Guatemala and Nicaragua the work focuses on indigenous people’s rights intercultural governance and education. IBIS supports indigenous people’s movements and organisations in these countries.

South america: On this continent, IBIS works especially with strengthening indigenous people’s possibilities for political influence and with creating access to intercultural quality teaching.



Global Advocacy: IBIS prioritises international advocacy work because a large number of national problems in developing countries can only be solved internationally. Capital flight and tax avoidance, oil and mineral extraction in Africa and Latin America and the effects of climate change in poor countries are the main priorities.

Civil war has for many years prevented schooling in Liberia and Sierra Leone so, in these countries, IBIS is making a special effort to provide teaching to the war’s children and adolescents. In Ghana, there is also a focus on schooling for vulnerable groups. At the same time, considerable emphasis is placed on support to women seeking political influence. Political work on extracting natural resources and conflict management are other important aspects of our work in West Africa.

Eastern Africa:


Africa’s longest civil war has taken its toll - not least in education in South Sudan. With experience from other countries in Africa affected by civil war, IBIS works today with a school project for approximately 3,500 children.

Southern Africa: In Mozambique, IBIS works with education and information including teacher-training, involving the local community and informing people about their opportunities for participating in democracy.


Mike Kollรถffel This photo depicts two boys who are on their way to school. A possibility they would not necessarily have had without all of you who every day are interested in, and support, the work we are doing around the world. Many thanks for that.


Central America

Central America





Per Bergholdt Jensen

Guatemala is Central America’s most populous nation with 14 million inhabitants, half of which are indigenous people. 24 different languages are spoken in the country. At the same time, Guatemala is one of the world’s most violent countries. A weak state and tremendous social inequality, along with corruption and impunity have given rise to rampant gang and drug crime. There are major problems with racism, violence against women, poor education, malnutrition among children and issues of land access. It is a huge challenge to build a state that respects the fact that Guatemala is multi-ethnic, multilingual and multicultural and which recognises that all citizens are equal. In Guatemala, IBIS works to promote democracy and equality. This happens through two programmes that strengthen intercultural governance and intercultural education for change. Thus, in 2010-2011, we have helped to improve indigenous peoples’ chances of achieving autonomy. At the same time, we have supported these groups so that they can contribute to the creation of intercultural society in America. In Chichicastenango, we have helped the traditional Mayan municipal authority spread knowledge of indigenous peoples’ collective rights. Our support also helps to prevent conflicts, crime and violence in the city. Maya mayors also helped to form a network of Guatemalan Mayan authorities so that, collectively, they can become stronger. In Guatemala, IBIS fights the inequality, which affects the majority of indigenous peoples and marginalised groups like youth and women. We support the academic and practical training of young Mayans, so that their chances of getting a job are improved. They also contribute to young people’s knowledge of positive development in their local community. IBIS also supports pre-primary projects for early stimulation of children, which helps them to outperform their peers in school. Finally, IBIS cooperates with the environmental network, Sustainability Watch, to reduce the effects of climate change.

Facts about IBIS in Guatemala IBIS has worked in Guatemala since 1990. In 2011 IBIS’s regional program in Central America was ended and, instead, we started independent country program­ mes in Guatemala and Nicaragua. In Guatemala ,IBIS has 16 employees with multi-ethnic and multicultural backgrounds who manage a total of 15 projects within two major thematic programmes. 16

Education for the future IBIS supports 80 marginalised young people from some of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Guatemala City through the project ‘Education for the Future’. They follow both general education and vocational courses that provide them with skills that they can use to get jobs in the future, so the risk that they end up in criminal street gangs is reduced. ”In my neighbourhood in Guatemala City, there are thieves and gangs who kill others for a few crowns or who blackmail shops. My parents had a business but we had to close it because they were blackmailed and received death threats. Now my father is a bricklayer’s assistant”, says 13-year-old Dayana Hernández. ”I’m here in the project because I failed my exams last year. In the beginning I didn’t want to, because you have to be here all day, but I changed my mind and I’m really happy to be here. If I couldn’t study, I wouldn’t have a future. I like languages and later I would like to study at a university in another country.”

Milestones in 2010-2011:

• 180 indigenous adolescent girls have completed their education and professional training so now they can participate in development work in their communities and promote education for girls and women. • 19 indigenous local communities have strengthened their political participation and have become better at claiming and defending their collective rights. • The first complete set of teaching materials for elemen­ tary school has been produced in the Mayan Cakchiquel language.

Nicaragua is Central America’s largest and poorest country and around one quarter of the adult population is unemployed. The Sandinista president, Daniel Ortega, is accused by his opponents of corruption, abuse of power and electoral fraud in municipal elections in 2008. They also believe that his re-nomination for election in 2011 is unconstitutional. Several international organisations have pulled out of Nicaragua and several embassies have been closed, while aid to the state has been stopped or transferred to the civil society. IBIS works for indigenous people’s rights in Nicaragua. The indigenous population represents nine percent of the country’s six million inhabitants and they have a right to autonomy in their territories. Some of the original people’s rights have improved under Ortega but their lifestyles are threatened by large national infrastructure projects or by Mestizer who steal their land and destroy nature by illegal logging and cattle ranching. In Nicaragua, IBIS has both a programme of intercultural governance and a programme of intercultural education for change. In 2010-2011, IBIS has worked to ensure that indigenous peoples can be assigned the right to their territories. We have helped them to govern their historic lands in a way that is in accordance with their traditions and culture. Our efforts mean that Nicaragua’s civil society will now cooperate with the territorial governments. This improves the conditions of the indigenous peoples and contributes to an intercultural state in Nicaragua. IBIS has improved the access of indigenous peoples to quality education in their own language through the thematic programme ”Intercultural Education for Change.” We have supported diploma education, courses and campaigns for indigenous people in higher education. Thus IBIS has led to 200 people, mostly women, being trained to reinforce these people’s language, culture and rights. The effect is like ripples in water since each person passes his or her knowledge on to others, thus improving the rights of indigenous peoples, education and health. In Nicaragua, IBIS also supports the Central American environmental network Sustainability Watch, which works to alleviate the effects of climate change.

Facts about IBIS in Nicaragua There are 30 on-going projects under the thematic programmes in Nicaragua, including the Civil Society Common Fund for Democratic Governance, and there are 16 employees in IBIS, including 5 in the fund.

“we were granted a title deed for our territory” ”We Rama live by fishing, hunting and agriculture,” explains Vicente Ruiz Daniels, head of the Rama people’s local communities on the tiny island of Rama Cay in Bluefields Bay on Nicaragua’s Caribbean coast. He is a member of the Rama and Kriol Territorial Government, which represents 1600 Rama and 400 Afrokrioler in a preserved jungle area the size of Funen. ”We are very grateful for the support of IBIS and the Danish Embassy. The organisational assistance meant that we organised ourselves and started the long process that led to the state officially giving us the deed to our territory in 2010. IBIS has strengthened our governance. We know the national laws and the international conventions that protect our rights, so now we can negotiate with the state. IBIS has also helped us to create our own plan for development and administration of our territory in accordance with our culture and vision. ”

Milestones in 2010-2011

• IBIS has been awarded the administration of Civil Socie­ ty’s Common Fund for Democratic Governance, which, with funds from European embassies and development agencies, will work to strengthen democracy and gover­ nance in Nicaragua. • IBIS’s efforts to strengthen the territorial governments institutionally have increased confidence in them, so they now receive additional development funds from both government and development organisations. • 25 Miskito teachers have received pedagogical training in bilingual intercultural education, while 25 Garifunas have followed a diploma programme in order to maintain and strengthen their language and culture. • 30 female indigenous leaders have been trained in reduc­ tion of gender-based violence. 40 Ramafol women have been trained and ”empowered” in their rights as women and indigenous people. .


West Africa

South America





Lise Josefsen Hermann

IBIS has worked in South America’s poorest country, Bolivia, for nearly 30 years and has always supported the indigenous population. Since 2005, Bolivia has been ruled by the indigenous Evo Morales, however, he faces increasing criticism from the indigenous population - there is a difference between being indigenous president and being a leader to the advantage of the indigenous population. Yet optimism can be detected amongst our partners. In 2010/2011, some milestones were set for the indigenous people in Bolivia. Bolivia’s new constitution succeeded in defining the country as a plurinational state and recognising the country’s 36 indigenous languages on an equal footing with Spanish. 34 of those languages are still in danger of extinction, something which IBIS, through education projects, is working to avoid. IBIS works generally for the proper implementation of the new constitution. IBIS’s partners are increasingly powerful actors in society. They are better qualified to criticise and influence the government and introduce concrete and workable bills to solve specific problems. Last year, for example, in connection with a new electoral law and proposal for a new law for indigenous selfrule areas. It also succeeded in mobilising a massive protest against the government’s planned megainfrastructure projects that threaten nature in some of the indigenous peoples’ territories. The lowland’s indigenous umbrella organisation, CIDOB, has distinguished itself on equality and decided that women should be allocated 50% of the positions in the CIDOB, which is led by a woman every other period. Meanwhile, the national women’s organisation CNAMIB has become stronger.

Facts about IBIS in Bolivia IBIS has been in Bolivia since 1983 and works with two thematic programmes: A political programme that supports indigenous peoples’ organisations, good governance and consolidation of autonomy in the indigenous peoples’ territories and a training programme focusing on intercultural bilingual edu­ cation, which is about giving children an education in a language they can understand and valuing the indigenous cultures. Moreover, a regional program­ me on advocacy in relation to curbing the effects of climate change and the mining industry’s destruc­ tion. IBIS in Bolivia has 20 partner organisations. There are 15 employees and an intern.


Lotte Ærsøe

Jasper Johansen

In the area of education, IBIS has supported the development of regional curricula with respect for the indigenous population. In 2010, materials and curricula for the oppressed Guarani Indians will be elevated

Indigrenous peoples’rights Luis lives in a small village in the Bolivian highlands - El Altiplano. Here it is cold, harsh and incredibly beautiful. Typical crops are potatoes and broad beans. Many also breed llamas, sheep and cows. He leads the indigenous organisation, JAKISA, which, with support from IBIS, organises the Jatun Killaka people and works to strengthen the people’s autonomy and democratic participation. “IBIS was the first to support us and has given us a lot of help. Young people, women, elderly - all in the villages have benefited from the support and participated in courses. People from all villages have been trained in indigenous self-government. It has helped me so that I can actively participate in the formation of the two autonomies in my area. We have learned about important things like politics and government budgets, so now I can better navigate the political and public system. Now I know who is responsible for what and how my organisation and our villages can claim our rightful share of public budgets. The support has been continuous, making it possible to undertake long-term activities.”

Milestones in 2010-2011:

• Regional curricula with respect for indigenous peoples give Indigenous children an education they can understand. • Better equality in indigenous organisations, for example 50% female leaders in the low lands organisation CIDOB.

Work at local, district and national level in Sierra Leone bears more and better fruit. To find the right partner, IBIS has been in contact with a wide range of small and large organisations and authorities at national and local level, working with human rights, education and democracy. IBIS has gained valuable knowledge about the challenges facing the fledgling civil society and how, together, we best can find lasting solutions. IBIS now supports the formation of networks and alliances between small organisations so that they can draw upon each other’s experience and become stronger in the meeting with authorities and donors. IBIS cooperates with and supports NGO’s and elected representatives in the development of good democratic institutions. For example, youth and women’s groups, parents’ councils in schools. Together with Alliance2015 partner Concern, IBIS has succeeded in getting parents, traditional leaders and citizens in the villages to join school committees, where they learn about legislation, the responsibilities and the right of everyone to education. Work to organise the civil society ranging from school committees to national and regional networks working with tax and regulatory issues concerning the extraction of e.g. gold, oil and diamonds, in which Sierra Leone is very rich.

Facts about IBIS in Sierra Leone IBIS has been in Sierra Leone since 2006. The thematic programmes for Education and Democracy started in earnest in 2010.

Active parents safeguard children’s school The parents’ council of Matoir School in central Sierra Leone has been successful in getting all the area’s children to school. They succeeded in this because they had learned that it is the children’s right and the parents’ duty to send them to school. Now the parents’ council checks at regular intervals that the children now also go to school and, at the same time, they keep a watchful eye on the teacher to make sure he does too. At the same time, the parents have taken the first step to getting their own desire to learn to read fulfilled. They have mobilised one of the town’s literate to be responsible for the teaching of adults. ”We meet twice a week after the children’s school hours. Then we learn to write the letters of the alphabet and read some of the children’s books”, says Mamuma Kanu, who is one of the mothers on the parents’ council. ”The women in the marketplace just outside the school have discovered that we are being taught. They also want to learn to read and write. We try to see if there are others who can teach them, because we are many in our parents’ class”, she says.

Milestones in 2010-2011:

• IBIS and partners took the initiative to gather traditio­ nal leaders at a series of meetings to determine how the traditional structures can become more transparent and democratic. • The school for the war’s children and young people has enrolled 1,333 new students for a three-year course that gives them the syllabus for 1st to 6th class. 59 new young uneducated teachers teach in the schools at the same time as doing their teach education studies. • Sierra Leone’s educational sector has undergone a major reform. IBIS and Alliance2015 partner Concern partici­ pated with ideas for the new policy.


West Africa

West Africa





Lotte Ærsøe

As with all IBIS’s partner countries, education activi­ ties and projects in Liberia are now finally united under an education thematic program. IBIS began the first educational projects for the war children in 2005. The development of the new thematic programme was initiated in early 2010 and culminated in a complete programme in May 2011. IBIS in Liberia has underway spoken with all relevant organisations, government agencies and key persons. The Liberian Ministry of Education and the Alliance2015 partner Concern and colleagues in IBIS globally have bid in with ideas, corrections and additions and contributed with experience from similar programs in IBIS. Liberia is one of the world’s poorest countries and has many challenges, both economically and politically. Geography is another challenge with large areas covered with rain forest and no public transportation. With a large group of children and young people without education because of the war, many teenagers in primary school classes, few trained teachers and a weak civil society, the Ministry of Education has more than enough on its plate if it is to ensure

Facts about IBIS in Liberia IBIS’s experience in Liberia spans teacher training, parent councils, schools for war children, working with government and advocacy and it has echoed all the way to the government offices. That they felt at the IBISsupported workshop school YEP in Fishtown. Here the young apprentices received a distinguished visit from the country’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. During the visit, the president broke protocol and asked if she could hear what the young people themselves thought about their education and future.


quality education for all. During the work with the thematic program, it became clear that not only does Liberia have a need for schools, materials and trained teachers, but also for support to develop the educational system at all levels from the individual school to the Ministry. IBIS in Liberia has chosen to focus on three educational challenges: access, quality and responsible management in education. While schools, materials and trained teachers are important and must be addressed here and now, the programme focuses on capacity building of the civil society and the local community to make sure that the government delivers an appropriate quality education for all.

The school has changed my lifr For 25 year old Sarah Johnson, it has sometimes been hard to cope with schooling, which doesn’t leave much time for earning money. But she has kept on: “I’m happy with what I learn in the YEP-centre. It has changed my life. The head of the centre is almost like a father to us and urges us to stay in school, even though it’s hard sometimes. I was about to give up but then I attended a workshop on how it can help the girls to get an education and what he said there made me change my mind. I am very grateful to him for that”, said an emotional Sarah Johnson. Sarah has now completed her course along with 64 other young people.

Milestones in 2010-2011:

• 2,769 children and young people are attending school through the concentratedALP schooling. • More than 500 teachers have completed courses in pedago­gy, quality curricula and developing educational materials.

Development never stops. But the economic support should not last forever. It was with pleasure, therefore, that IBIS Ghana in 2010 completed a major program, which for seven years has supported more than 150 civil society organisations in becoming stronger advocates of human rights. From the beginning, both IBIS and its partners knew that it was a partnership with a time horizon and a part of the project was aimed at helping organisations to stand on their own feet. The programme supported activities ranging from radio broadcasts about HIV, information on why education is better for children than working and stopping the circumcision of young girls in northern Ghana. Women’s and youth organisations, civic groups and other rights-based organisations received funding for holding meetings and courses on human rights, women’s participation in local elections, and how to ensure that the municipality’s money actually goes to the allotted purpose. The organisations were offered training in advocacy, strategy development, budgeting, good financial management and democratic decision-making processes in organisations. Built in to the project were regular meetings where partners exchanged experiences and developed networks that now exist independently and without IBIS ’support. Partnerships are also significant for the other activities in the education and democracy programmes. Here IBIS continues to support both smaller and bigger civil society organisations. Amongst other things, the support goes to unite the smaller organisations and draw on the unique knowledge they each have of, for example, the local education situation or infringements of civil rights in a village municipality. The support for local organisations in Ghana aims to create a strong civil society and provide each citizen with knowledge and support to participate in democratic decision making processes.

Milestones in 2010-2011:

•W ith support from IBIS, the youth organisation SYPPA has influenced the municipal legislation and has ensured that 40 percent of all appointments at district level are women and that there is positive discrimination of disabled people. •T ogether with Toms group, IBIS has supported the training of 730 teachers launched 50 school councils and ensured that there are modern teaching materials in 200 schools in two Kakaodi Districts. All to ensure that children go to school and do not end up as child workers in cocoa production.

New network emerges In December 2010, the oil began to flow from the huge reserves under the seabed off the Ghanaian coast. The government called on everyone to give their verdict, so the oil becomes an asset and not a curse for the country. In March 2010, more than 100 Ghanaian organisations formed a platform with support from IBIS, amongst others, to fight for the profits resulting from Ghana’s great oil adventure being to the benefit of its people and not disappearing into oil companies’ coffers. ”The government’s energy committee invited to a dialogue on the legislation of greatest economic transformation in Ghana’s recent history. We are proud that, after such a short time, the platform is being taken seriously by the government”, said Nana Asantewa Afadzinu, IBIS’s former policy adviser in West Africa. The platform provides a community and a voice for those organisations in Ghana, which work to ensure that oil revenues are used to achieve a healthy economy, development of democracy and individual sectors - notably health and education, environmental protection and respect for human rights in the regions that are affected by oil industry activities.

Facts about IBIS in Ghana IBIS has been active in Ghana since 2001. Until May 2011, the office in Ghana’s capital Accra hosted the regional leadership of all IBIS’s programmes in Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The programmes have grown large and are administered today from the individual countries.


Southern Africa

Eastern Africa





Bent Jahns

Stine Skøtt Thomsen

Rune Bech Persson og Bent Jahns

On 9 July 2011, the people of Southern Sudan celebrated its independence. Reconstruction and especially the development of South Sudan present extraordinary challenges in all fields. In education alone, the need is tremendous. Only one third of its population is literate, of these only a tenth is women. Around half of all children and young people do not go to school and those who do go to school must often share their teacher with 100 other students, sharing their school book with four others, and be very lucky to be sitting in a classroom and not on the ground under a tree. To ensure a sufficient number of trained teachers and training facilities for all schools is amongst the pressing challenges. IBIS has worked in South Sudan since 2007 and, for the past three years, has run a so-called accelerated learning programme (ALP) in Central Equatoria. The ALP is targeted at children and young people who are too old to start in the regular school and offers the eight year curriculum in just four years. Its activities concentrate around the schools with the necessary support from the local community. These efforts have meant that, this

year, the number of ALP students has stabilised at about 3,500, 40 percent of whom are girls in 50 local communities. Parents’ Councils recognise the quality of the education that ALP teachers give and, in several places, these teachers have been asked to take responsibility for the ordinary primary education. This is a credit to IBIS’s work and the training, which we have helped to give the teachers. But it means that, this year, IBIS has been close to lacking teachers for ALP schools. In cooperation with the local authorities, a new system has, therefore, been developed where student teachers get a month’s intensive training in the accelerated teaching methods and then start working in the schools. They take the rest of their education in parallel and through training, for which IBIS is responsible. This has resulted in 77 new teachers, who have also proven to be both highly motivated and very academically talented.

New partnerland

The performance of ALP students has attracted attention when, earlier this year, they took the final primary school exams. 60 percent of them passed, which is as much and, in some cases, more than pupils in the normal schools achieve after eight years of schooling. Especially the girls are doing better in ALP classes. This is an impressive result that will be used in the work to disseminate the pupil-centred teaching method to larger parts of the new South Sudan. IBIS’s Board has chosen South Sudan as a new partner country and, in the light of experience from previous years, IBIS is right now starting to formulate a country strategy for the next five years.

Facts about IBIS in Sydsudan IBIS has worked in Sudan since 2007. The focus is to provide education to those children and young people who have never been to school. Concurrently with teaching and learning activities, IBIS is responsible for decorating classrooms and creating school gardens, which have proven successful in teaching subjects such as agriculture, environmental management, and which promotes teamwork between boys and girls. At the same time, it is an important part of the pro­ gramme to train school principals and parents’ coun­ cils, support the civil servants and politicians who work with education and generally increase the political focus on education in the new country.


Mozambique is a country with great economic dis­parities, where more than three-quarters of the population live in poverty. Furthermore, the country’s development is hindered by the fact that people have little opportunity to participate adequately in the political decision making processes. There is profound corruption, a lack of infrastructure, high rates of HIV / AIDS and the quality of the education system is poor. In 2010, this resulted in three days of rioting in the capital Maputo, where people protested in the streets against the rising cost of living. Since 2008, IBIS has had an education programme and a civil rights programme in Mozambique. In 2010, two new programmes were started: ”Women in Politics” and ”Access to Information”. The Access to Information programme aims to strengthen democracy and ensure civil liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press and transparency in public administration. In 2010, the programme made partnership agreements with three partners and their activities include studies of women’s access to information, training of journalists and lobbying for the Parliament to approve a law to ensure citizens’ right of access to documents. In 2010, with the Women in Politics programme, IBIS increased focus on helping women to gain political influence through the capacity building of local female politicians and by providing support to civil society organisations working for women’s rights. IBIS’s educational programme is working to educate school councils in democratic school management and in supporting vulnerable and orphaned children to completing their education. In 2010 alone, 1,605 members of 95 school councils were trained in school council work, while 1,061 teachers were trained in participatory teaching methods. In collaboration with a partner organisation, IBIS also has a recreational centre for vulnerable children and orphans in the outskirts of Maputo.

Milestones in 2010-2011:

Milestones 2010-2011:

• 3,500 children are enrolled in ALP classes. • 766 of those children and young people that began in the ALP class a year ago can now read and write.

• IBIS has groomed the district advisory council to hold democratic elections for the first time. 71 of IBIS’s change agents were elected, including 49 women. • The number of children who drop out of school in IBIS’s focus areas has fallen by 13 percent. • IBIS has increased the number of partner organisations Mozambique and now has a total of 22 partnership agreements. • 2 ,183 persons have been trained in HIV / AIDS prevention.

Anne Witthøfft

The Civil Rights Programme focuses on strengthening civil society in Mozambique. In 2010, 234 so-called change agents and 8 civil society organisations were trained in civil rights, budget monitoring, planning and lobbying in order to foster active and conscious citizens who hold public authorities accountable

Maria Langa mobilisers women Maria Langa is currently mayor of Manjacaze and was recently elected as vice president of an African municipal council organisation. She says that, after the Civil War, many women were widows who just sat and waited for some men to come and solve their problems. ”I wanted to change that, so I started to mobilise women to become self-sufficient,” says Langa. Maria Langa was trained as an activist of IBIS’s project ”Women in Democracy”, which together with Mozambique’s largest national women’s network, Forum Mulher, trained 420 women activists in order to get more women to exercise their right to vote and run for municipal and parliamentary elections in 2008 and 2009. Langa was one of those who were elected. She says herself that the project’s education made her very aware of women’s rights and why it is so important for women to also have a voice and influence in local politics. ”Women’s responsibility should not stop at home. We need to create communities where women have their own ideas for development and progress for the municipality”, says Maria Langa.

Facts about IBIS in mozambique IBIS has worked in Mozambique since 1976. 83 employees are working to create quality in education for the country’s vulnerable children and develop the frail local democracy. 23


Phased Out Countries

When we say goodbye

annual accounts 2010


Lise Josefsen Hermann

The 1st May 2011 was the last working day for most employees of IBIS’s programmes in Peru, Ecuador and Honduras, where IBIS has, for some time now, been phasing out its operations in order to finally close the offices during 2011. In September it was also Angola’s turn. When IBIS phased out its activities in the four countries, it is, unfortunately, not because all children go to a good school and the marginalised groups have achieved full equality. It is, instead, an expression of IBIS’s having to prioritise its efforts. It has been a difficult process, because, even if IBIS is not the most cash-rich partner, that a local organisation can have, indigenous organisations in Latin America, in particular, say that IBIS is something else that is crucial. A partner who does not come with its own agenda

but is there to support the partners’ political objective. It is far from all donors who act in this way”, says Gitte Weise Hermansen, who is programme coordinator for Latin America. Fortunately there are many signs that IBIS’s commitment will have a lasting effect. In Angola, there are some clearly strengthened civil society organisations, and in Latin America there has been a focus on the rights of indigenous peoples. This makes it harder for governments to oppress and exploit the most vulnerable groups. In several of the countries, IBIS will still keep in touch via the regional policy program LAPI (Latin America against Poverty and Inequality) and Operation Day’s Work, which next year will go to a project in Peru.


IBIS has worked here since 1997. Initially to alleviate the worst effects of the war that ended in 2002. After which, the focus was on support for reconstruction of civil society and the educational system.

The most important results:


IBIS has been in the country since 1995. The work has concentrated on support to indigenous peoples’ organi­ sations and greater equality through political influence and education, amongst other things.

The most important results:

• Indigenous peoples’ organisations are now recognized as an important social and political actor. • We have succeeded in breaking the taboo on violence against women and organisations to focus on this topic.

• IBIS has put the need to have and train school boards on the agenda in Angola. • Success with the special course of education for children who have missed out on their schooling because of the war. • We have succeeded in building and strengthening a number of important civil society organisations.


IBIS has worked here since 1997. Initially to alleviate the worst effects of the war that ended in 2002. After which, the focus was on support for reconstruction of civil society and the educational system.

The most important results:


IBIS has worked here since 1987 with support for civil society through education and support for developing organisations.

• IBIS has put the need to have and train school boards on the agenda in Angola. • Bilingual intercultural education is now offered in the cities to which many migrate.

The most important results:

• Civil society, including women’s organisations, was strengthened and created a good relationship between civil society organisations and local authorities. • The indigenous peoples’ organisations have gained influ­ ence on a new national policy for poverty reduction. • Intercultural bilingual education appeared on the national agenda and was anchored locally.


Watch a little film about the work IBIS has done in Angola. Use your Smartphone to scan the code. You can also see the video on ibis.dk/Angola

Assessment of the year’s results Peter Bro-Jørgensen

Lise Josefsen Hermann

The overall assessment of 2010 in the area of programmes is that the implementation of the activities has gone very much according to plan. The work is followed through the use of indicators that make it possible to demonstrate that IBIS works systematically towards becoming more and more ”aid efficient”. The decision to phase out the activities in Honduras, Peru and Ecuador has been implemented in 2010. There has lately been a particular focus on making it possible for our partners to stand on their own feet and to collect and transform all the lessons learned to our work in other countries. 2010 was a good year for IBIS’s educational work with many activities in Danish schools. At the political level in 2010, IBIS put a special emphasis on topics such as tax havens and capital flight and got political backing to put the tax issue on the Danish development agenda. The fund raising work was successful in achieving the requirement for self-financing (Danida requires that organisations themselves raise 10 per cent of the amount, which they receive from Danida) based on regular contributions from members and support members, contributions from foundations, the Denmark collection and contributions from campaigns, CSR activities and other cooperation activities. In addition, IBIS’s collection in connection with the Haiti earth­ quake raised a substantial amount of funds that are used for disaster relief in conjunction with the Alliance2015 partner Concern.

Assessment of the year’s financial result

The year’s financial result of a surplus of 4.2 million DKK was very satisfactory. The original budget was a surplus of 1.5 million DKK in 2010. The reasons for this included IBIS’s repeat of last year’s positive fundraising results in

Denmark and that IBIS has a number of good agreements with institutional donors. A total of 14.4 million DKK of private funds was collected (against 9.6 million DKK in 2009). Since IBIS’s self-financing could be achieved with their own collected funds, equity was further increased and at the end of 2010 reached 13.1 million DKK, equivalent to 6.3 percent of annual turnover, which is extremely satisfactory and provides a fertile ground for IBIS’s continued development. Turnover in 2010 totalled 208.5 million DKK. This was just over 8 million DKK lower than budgeted and cannot in itself be regarded as satisfactory in relation to IBIS’s goals to increase overall turnover. With this result, the relative share of total revenue, of the framework grant, increased to 58 percent in 2010 as opposed to last year’s 51 percent.

Other matters in 2010

In connection with the implementation of a project in Liberia, it was discovered that a number of activities were implemented by a partner organisation without budgetary provision. The responsible regional partner organisation has repaid the entire amount to IBIS at the beginning of 2011.

Outlook for 2011

2011 is expected to be characterised by the transition from a regional to a country-based structure, which came into force on 1 May 2011. With a streamlining and reorganisation of funds within the existing financial framework, there will be an investment in the new country structure. It is expected that, these investments will make a positive contribution to reaching the ambitious financial targets in the organisational strategy, especially for fundraising. 25



Income statement

Balance as at 31.12 2010

for 2010 amount in 1.000 dkk.

amount in 1.000 dkk.

Revenue 2010 2009


Donor funds for project- and programme activities

Fixed assets

Danida framework grant Ear marked funds collected Other donors (EU, Danida, Global Funds, etc.) Administrative income

111.492 5.457 76.795 9.534

111.368 5.015 86.059 9.981

Donor funds. Total 203.278 212.423 Collected funds 4.932 4.338 Other operating surpluses 313 654

Total Revenue



2010 2009

1.339 938 Current Assets Receivables 3.005 3.531 Securities 300 269 Cash 39.049 35.645 Total current assets 42.354 39.445

Total Assets

43.693 40.383

Project- and programme activities:



Danida rframework

Mozambique West Africa Other Africa South America Central America Other project activities

21.061 30.295 16.263 19.126 19.288 9.447

Other donors 3.746 17.651 7.089 17.072 29.290 3.422



Total 24.807 47.946 23.352 36.198 48.578 12.869

26.288 45.541 24.998 51.116 44.232 11.892

Liabilities 2010 2009

Equity at 1st January 8.908 5.148 Net result 4.170 3.760 Equity at 31st December 13.078 8.908

Short term liabilities

115.480 78.270 193.750 204.067 Costs at country offices and headquarters and association 10.603 9.588

Funds for the activity 7.099 14.601 Accrued interest on donor funds 535 917 Other debt 22.981 15.957

204.353 213.655

Total credits

Years result +/(-)

Revenue 2010 Danida framework Other Danida-grants Alliance2015 EU Other grants Collected funds Other

113.249 16.284 20.435 3.215 29.086 10.390 15.864

54% 8% 10% 2% 14% 5% 7%





Total liabilities

14% 54%

2% 10% 8%

Mozambique West Africa Other Africa South America Central America Information Other project activities Collect. & Adm.




Expenditure 2010


number of members, support members and contributors end 2010: 26



24.807 47.946 23.352 36.198 48.578 2.251 10.931 10.290

12% 24% 11% 18% 24% 1% 5% 5%

204.353 100%

administrative expenses 2010:










4,7% 27



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