IBIS annual report 2012-13

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2012 2013


Annual Report 1

About IBIS

democratic influence

quality education fair distribution of resources

IBIS in two minutes Annelie Abildgaard

Yeray Lopez

What do we do? IBIS works for a just world in which all people have equal access to education, influence and resources.

How do we do this? Through support to civil society in Africa and Latin America, IBIS wishes to secure people equal access to education, influence and resources. Through information and political work, IBIS wishes to influence the political agenda and create greater understanding for the problems facing developing countries, and point to specific options for actions.

in other words... IBIS works to ensure quality education for all and for the education to enable them to exercise influence in a way that ensures the resources of society and the world are more fairly distributed.


Quality education because: Education is a human right and the path to create sustainable development for the individual and society. Our work is for girls and boys to obtain equal access to education and to ensure quality in the teaching. Democratic influence because: Everyone has the right to influence their own life and society. This i why we support popular civil society organisations in their work of safeguarding these rights, and why we work o promotoe dedemocracy in the local community. Fair distribution of resources because: Everyone has the right to a fair share of the world’s resources. Therefore, we support popular civil society organisations in their work so that globalisation will benefit the world’s poorest. We wish also to influence the debate on global economic and political issues.


Report from the Chair p. 4

p. 6 Highlights

How IBIS works p. 14

p. 16 Where IBIS works

8% 3%

IBIS country by country p. 18 p. 28 Figures of the year

editorial Malene Aadal Bo, mab@ibis.dk Camilla Maybom, cma@ibis.dk Annelie Abildgaard (editor-in-chief), aa@ibis.dk layout Front page photo: Mike Kollรถffel Graphic design: Oktan, Peter Waldorph Print: CS Grafisk A/S

IBIS is an independent, member-based Danish development organisation. We work in cooperation with popular civil society organisations and local national authorities in Africa and Latin America.

editorial office address IBIS, Vesterbrogade 2B DK-1620 Copenhagen V

IBIS is a member of Alliance2015. www.ibis.dk and www.alliance2015.org


Report from the Chair

What we can accomplish together…

Throughout the year, IBIS has worked tirelessly in Africa and Latin America with exactly this issue: increasing the quality of education offered to children and young people and including those who have previously been overlooked. The most important approach is to implement this in a thorough and sustainable way, so that knowledge and experiences can be applied in these countries and can benefit many more people than only those IBIS and its partners are in contact with. My favourite example is from South Sudan where IBIS has helped older children to complete an entire compulsory school education programme in half the expected time. In 2012 we succeeded in transferring the whole system, including trained teachers and supervisors, to the local school administration in South Sudan, which is now continuing the work. Taking into consideration the challenges in Africa’s newest country, this is a great result. If sustainability is to be credible, funds are needed in the national treasury to continue the projects. Therefore, in 2012, IBIS together with its partners intensified the work of ensuring that funds are not siphoned out of the developing countries. This year, such work generated DKK 250 million to Sierra 4

Leone’s treasury. By combining their efforts, IBIS’ partners discovered that companies that extract natural resources had been avoiding paying this enormous amount in tax. Sierra Leone’s government is now demanding payment of the money. IBIS and its partners are monitoring how the money will be spent. On the subject of the great things we can bring about by joining forces, I must mention Bolivia. IBIS’ cooperation with chef Claus Meyer moved onto its next, exciting phase, when the food school’s restaurant, GUSTU, opened in Bolivia’s capital city, La Paz. The opening was a huge success with tremendous support from many parts of Bolivian society, international media attention and great hopes for future development through young people’s culinary entrepreneurship. There are many good results to look back on and many new challenges ahead. It has been a good year for IBIS. This applies to Africa and Latin America, where the programme work is in progress, and to Denmark where we inform, raise funds and lobby to create political changes for the benefit of the world’s poorest. Thank you to everyone who has supported, carried out and backed IBIS’ work in the past year. It is thanks to each of you that we can fill this year’s annual report with so many results. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Photo: IBIS


a rule, big changes require catching the attention of politicians and this year IBIS’ ‘Whole World in School’ campaign finally resulted in dialogue with the Prime Minister. That too looked like it was about to go horribly wrong. All parts of the ‘Whole World in School’ were severely impacted by the school conflict in Denmark; the Reading Caravan’s visits to schools, school fundraising and Action Day, where the Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, was due to give a speech. For four weeks Danish school children experienced the same sad reality as 61 million children around the world: a daily life without school. For the Danish children the lockout fortunately ended and we managed to make a new appointment with the Prime Minister, so the campaignday could go ahead as planned. The event took place at Christiansborg square, where a fantastic flash mob of 650 pupils made it clear to Helle Thorning Schmidt that teachers are key to quality education.

Mette Müller Chair of IBIS

Forkvinden beretter

4 key questions to Mette Müller What are IBIS’ most important achievements this year? It’s difficult to choose. The tax conference and Capital Flight campaign that prompted Tax Minister, Holger K. Nielsen, close the tax loopholes for the benefit of developing countries, was an important thing. And that we helped to find a quarter of a billion kroner in tax evasion, which Sierra Leone’s government is now collecting. And then I was really pleased when I read a quote from a girl who has attended one of the girls’ clubs in Ghana. “We are not drums to be beaten on by boys and men,” she said, showing she has gained new self-esteem and appetite for the future.

The OPS Day, for sure! The OPS Day is IBIS’ annual results’ party, where employees and the board review and discuss the most important results and experiences from the year. We evaluate what we have achieved and every single year I am impressed by what we have accomplished, together with our partners and with the support of members and volunteers.

What are you looking forward to?

Photo: Hanne Selnæs

What is your best IBIS-experience?

Realising our new strategy for the work in Denmark, so that we can create dialogue with more people and simultaneously strengthen the impact of our development policy. I am looking forward to that, but there is a fierce fight for attention and funds, so we need to be both clever and a little lucky to get our messages heard.

Photo: Lotte Ærsøe

What is the biggest challenge facing IBIS?

Photo: Jeppe Carlsen

Following the work that is taking place right now around the world in order to formulate new objectives for sustainability and the reduction of poverty that will replace the 2015 objectives. This will be really exciting for IBIS; to be part of formulating the aid for the future. And then I’m also especially pleased that IBIS has been so fortunate to once again be chosen as partner for Operation One Day’s Work.

35-years old. MA in Africa Studies. Has worked for the Danish Youth Council and is currently programme manager for the Bestseller Foundation. Began her commitment to developing countries as a volunteer in Mozambique. Chair of IBIS since 2008.

Photo: Eva Køngerskov

Mette Müller



Foto: Connie Dupont

Connie Duont from IBIS met this beautiful woman when in autumn 2012, she was in Burkina Faso to prepare IBIS’ new education programme in the West African country. Read more on page 8.



Photo: Per Bergholdt Jensen


Photo: Jeppe Carlsen

Human rights in Central America

Operation One Day’s Work and the diamonds The ground under Sierra Leone’s diamond district, Kono, is rich in valuable gems, but nonetheless, the majority of the population live in poverty. In 2012, the project was chosen as the project for Operation One Day’s Work 2013, which through education, campaigns and information aims to help change the country’s unequal distribution of resources. High school students from all over Denmark will be raising funds

for Sierra Leone on ‘Day’s Work Day’ 6 November. The first group of volunteer day-workers have already been to Sierra Leone and are now working hard to get the teaching materials and campaign ready for the autumn’s fundraising. The project focuses on encouraging young Sierra Leonans to learn about and demand their rights so a fair share of the income from the diamond industry is spent on education and development in local communities.

In Honduras and Guatemala human rights are under pressure. An increasing number of activists are attacked and the international trade union movement is warning of an enormous increase in the number of murders of leaders of movements and trade unions. Consequently, Danida has given DKK 50 million to strengthen the Central American Human Rights Court and to support democracy in the region, among other things. DKK 15 million will go to IBIS and DanChurchAid, which together with the local civil society, will protect activists and prevent attacks on indigenous peoples and women by spreading awareness of their rights.



With General Secretary Vagn Berthelsen as chair, IBIS continues to head the NGO FORUM – the Danish development organisations’ interest group. The forum discusses the overall policies for development work along with more down-to-earth issues which set the framework for IBIS’ and other NGOs’ activities. This year the members discussed, in particular, the evaluation of the Danish civil society strategy and have provided input for the new one. NGO FORUM has also been given a seat in the new development policy council, formed by the Minister for Development Cooperation, Christian Friis Bach. In 2012, one of the topics was how to strengthen the cooperation between NGO FORUM, the 92-group and Concord Danmark so the three “umbrella organisations” –of which many have overlapping members – can work in the same direction. www.ngoforum.dk

Photo: Connie Dupont

Photo: Anders Thormann


IBIS travels to Burkina Faso Ouagadougou. We might as well learn to spell it, because it is the name of the capital city in the country which became IBIS’ new partner country in 2012. It was selected after the conducting of a thorough study asking which country had the greatest need for what IBIS does best – that is, creating a good basic school


education and helping to build up a strong civil society. Among other things, Burkina Faso battles with an illiteracy level of more than 70 percent and the country’s main export is unprocessed raw materials such as cotton and gold. So there is plenty for IBIS to do in terms of education, rights and the mining industry.

Burkina Faso is also a country where the authorities are open and competent and there is a lively and exciting civil society that can be built on further Moreover, we already know the country as, together with Børnefonden, we are running an education project there, which we will continue with for the next three years.


Photo: Lotte Ærsøe

Now we want to do more in Denmark

Advent Calendar sends Ghanaian children to school The little fingers that opened the doors on “U-landskalenderen 2012” are the reason why 2,000 Ghanaian children will soon be on their way to school. The total funds of DKK 9 million raised from the calendar will go to IBIS’ work with setting up satellite schools in northern Ghana for little ones who cannot walk the long road to the ordinary school. An important part of the project is also to train talented adults from the villages so they will be able to give quality teaching in the schools. “When our employees finally leave, the schools will hopefully already be part of the Ghanaian school system. That is the essential element and what IBIS is working for,” says campaign employee, Dorthe Nielsen.

Some of IBIS’ work takes place in Denmark and this year we have put together some new ambitious plans for this. To begin with, we would like more people to support our work and our vision. Therefore, we will try to bring more members on board and create more opportunities for members to become involved – for example, by being volunteers or participating in events. Secondly, we have once again seen that IBIS can influence important decisions when we concentrate on competent political work in relation to, e.g. quality education or tax. We would like to strengthen this area and consequently, we have created a new policy and campaign department headed by department manager, Lars Koch.

Capital flight as a blockbuster If you stop capital flight from the world’s most impoverished countries, these countries will be in a position to finance their own development. Tax avoidance and capital flight are often very technical and difficult topics to communicate, but with the campaign, “Capital Flight”, IBIS took the plunge. Interest was created through a film poster, a website with a countdown to the film premier and an ambiguous description of the movie. The film was a brief and straight-forward information film on capital flight, which ended with an opportunity to give your signature to the campaign to fight capital

flight. In two and a half weeks, more than 40,000 people were invited to IBIS’ Facebook event “Capital Flight” and it launched on Sunday, 25 November 2012. The campaign created both debate and awareness of IBIS and the complicated topic. In total, 7,000 people watched and one in every two people handed in their signature. Just as many signed during the subsequent debates. Soon after, when a conference was held in Copenhagen on capital flight and tax havens, IBIS could hand over more than 7,000 signatures to Tax Minister, Holger K. Nielsen (SF). He was pleased that so many

people are concerned about the problem and with the signatures, he was given an extra mandate to push for a joint European solution.



At the turn of the year, the chocolate manufacturer, Toms, together with COOP, the Ghanaian Souce Trust and IBIS, were given DKK 10 million from, among others, DANIDA, for a new education project in the cocoa districts in Ghana. The aim is to improve the living conditions for 4,800 cocoa farmers by, for example, increasing the yield from their soil. In addition, 1,000 girls and boys will learn reading and arithmetic and teachers will be trained to increase the quality of the local schools. An initiative will also be launched to eliminate child labour. Another of IBIS’ major company partners, the paint manufacturer, Hempel, increased its support during the year for IBIS’ work with education and the fight against child labour. Four projects in Ghana, Mozambique, Bolivia and Guatemala are now being supported with a total DKK 1.6 million a year. Read more about both initiatives at ibis.dk/partnerskaber

Photo: Mikkel Rytter Poulsen

Stronger partnerships with Toms and Hempel

Alliance2015 = aid effectiveness and quality IBIS is one of the seven members of Alliance2015, which came together to implement better and more effective development aid. Again this year, it has been proved that this cooperation works Altogether, the Alliance is present in 84 countries around the world, which enables IBIS to obtain greater knowledge and insight into those countries we do not have contact with ourselves every


day. Together we have a strong voice in international political forums and, not least, the cooperation makes us more competent and more effective in our work. We share half of our country offices with one or more Alliance partners and this year the partners joined forces on 41 different projects – for example, HIV prevention in Bolivia and Guatemala, education for the most impoveris-

hed in Liberia and the protection of indigenous peoples and forests in Peru and Ecuador. The Alliance spent almost DKK 4.5 billion on development and emergency aid in 2012. www.alliance2015.com

Photo: Kathrine Dalsgaard


Commitment that moves This year, the voluntary forces in IBIS put in some tremendously successful work. In spring 2013, LATINOFILM took part in a large Latin American film festival in Aarhus. The festival was a cooperation between IBIS’ LatinoFilm, The Danish Film Institute and the cinema, Øst for Paradis, and made headlines in national newspapers and film publications. The TAX GROUP in Aarhus worked at full speed and developed

entirely new teaching material, which has been used by a number of high school classes in the area and which, come autumn, will be issued to all the high schools that register for Operation Dagsværk. See the material at uv.od.dk. The YASUNI CAMPAIGN has gradually gained recognition in the Copenhagen street scene and in April it swung by the Minister of Climate, Martin Lidegaard, with visual signatures. 800 people showed their faces in order to defend the indigenous

peoples in the Yasuni rain forest and the number increased significantly when in July the campaign went to Roskilde Festival. “IBIS’ 50 permanent volunteers provide an indispensable contribution to the development of campaigns and events,” says volunteer coordinator, Michael Gaardsøe, who together with the rest of the volunteers has become an integral part of IBIS’ policy and campaign department. Read more: ibis.dk/bliv_frivillig

School is the best place to work In spring 2013 pupils from 150 Danish school classes were transformed into journalists and media moguls. They participated in the Media Competition 2013 and made a newspaper or a news website on the theme, child labour. The aim was to spread knowledge of the problem and each class were given 1,000 copies to distribute in

their local communities and among their families. The media covered the campaign, which culminated when the winners were awarded in Politikens Hus in May. The campaign, Stop Child Labour, also worked on highlighting the importance of companies taking responsibility in the fight against child labour.

In summer 2012, IBIS appeared on an international CSR conference in Copenhagen, talking together with Claus Meyer and Toms, about their experiences of working together to get more children away from work and into school.


Photo: Anna Nielsen


Surprised Prime Minister “I think it’s just wonderful and fantastic that you have taken a stand – that you have all come here today. Because I think it shows that you have taken time to think about other children than yourselves.” Prime Minister, Helle ThorningSchmidt. Every year IBIS organises an “action day” to pass on an important message to the politicians. This year the message was: There is a shortage of 1.7 million teachers worldwide.

The global teacher shortage disrupts children’s education, and help from the world’s politicians is much needed. But if anyone understands that now is the time for action, then it’s the Danish school children. The lockout in spring gave them an unwanted, but useful perspective. Many actually felt that it was no fun at all not being able to go to school. Perhaps that is why it was an impressive sight when on the action

Photo: Julie Greve Bendtsen

The Reading Caravan in Greenland


day in May, 650 school children performed a flash mob dance for a very surprised Prime Minister. “With the dance they did something together and it is precisely by standing together that we can create results,” says campaign manager, Helle Gudmandsen. IBIS supports cooperation and solidarity, but Helle ThorningSchmidt also indicated that we must stand together on this. In the weeks leading up to the action day, thousands of children from around the country cut out and decorated cardboard teachers, which they sent to IBIS. On the day of action, the cut-outs framed the beautiful stage and reminded everyone that there are many out there wanting to see more teachers. The action day was also held in Aarhus and Aalborg, where you could rummage through waste and get a sense of how children in Nicaragua, who are not yet school children, live their lives. Read more on: www.heleverdeniskole.dk

The Reading Caravan travels far and wide, but in April 2013 it went on an especially long journey. For a while it was transformed into a one-man caravan, which for the first time took the trip all the way to Greenland to tell the youngest school children in Nuuk about Nicaragua’s children. Julie Greve Bentsen was the lucky caravan participant, who was able to pack her backpack with the moving stories and fun experiences from Central America’s poorest country For four days she travelled and gave a total of 11 presentations to the enthustiastic Greenlandic pupils.


Opening night for a rather unique restaurant food entrepreneur, Claus Meyer, combines the practical training of a group of vulnerable young men and women with the setting up of a Bolivian network of gastronomic competencies. The food school has already given new hope to a handful of young people who are getting education

and vocational training and a chance to start their own businesses. When GUSTU opened in spring 2013, it was with great support from both Bolivian politicians and international media who found the idea of creating development through food very interesting. More at madskolenibolivia.dk

Photo: Stephan Gamillscheg

In spring 2013, the doors to restaurant GUSTU in Bolivia were opened with a large opening party. Students from the associated food school filleted fish, baked bread and prepared vegetables, while delicious drinks were shaken to perfection in the bar. The project, in which IBIS closely cooperates with

A cap of importance In the summertime the streets in Denmark teem with white caps - worn by newly graduated highschool students - and it is always connected to joy, pride and the sense of new-found freedom for the many young men and women. If you had taken a closer look, you would have perhaps seen that some of the caps were different and sported a puzzle piece on them as an emblem. Those caps brought double the joy. They were

purchased through the Initiative For Life (IFL) non-profit web shop. This means that when an IFL cap is placed on a head in Denmark, the same cap supports the education of a young person somewhere else in the world. In 2012 Initiative for Life donated the profit from the sale of caps to IBIS to support the education of young people in Liberia. Thank you to all you thoughtful students.


This is how IBIS works

This is how IBIS works IBIS works for a more just world. Here you can get an overview of how we do this. Malene Aadal Bo

IBIS helps to educate and train children and young people, men and women, groups, associations and organisations to influence politicians and international society. Part of the work is organised through education programmes, which are aimed at realising the right to quality education for everyone. The programmes involve

the training of teachers and school boards, trying out new teaching models and strengthening civil society’s influence on the education policy. We also run governance programmes, which aim at ensuring human rights and supporting individuals, groups and organisations in gaining democratic influence.

Three keywords on the way IBIS works





IBIS’ approach is based on rights. This means that, as a basis, we believe that all people have the right to education, influence and a fair share of the resources. This also means that the way in which we work is to inform people of their rights and support them in fighting for these rights themselves.

IBIS works primarily with help from or together with local or international partners. First and foremost, this is a way of ensuring local ownership and sustainable changes and it is also the way of gaining impact to make a difference.

A child can easily attend school for many years without learning anything. And a woman can easily have a seat in parliament without ever being heard. Consequently, IBIS has a keen focus on quality - on children being given good and relevant education, on teachers being competent teachers, on organisations being competent and credible and on all of them exercising influence and using such influence in a good and proper way.

This is how IBIS works

Individual education • Develop models for the quality teaching of marginalised children, young people and adults. • Work especially with basic education, life skills, vocational training and literacy. • Support the education of competent teachers.

democracy • Strengthen the individual’s participation in the democracy. • Teach men and women about rights and methods to exercise influence. • Focus particularly on strengthening the influence of women, young people and indigenous population groups.

Civil society education • Support and train school boards, parents committees, teacher associations, student councils, etc. • Support organisations and networks that work for quality education and rights to education.

State/government education • Help organisations and networks to influence the legislation on education. • Support local authorities in providing better education programmes.

democracy • Support civil society in gaining influence on legislation concerning fair economic distribution and climate policy. • Initiate dialogue themselves, and via partners, with government with regard to anti-corruption, decentralisation and rights.

democracy • Support civil society’s campaigning in relation to the mining of natural resources and tax policy. • Strengthen local and national organisations supporting democratic influence.

Globally education • Support regional education networks and perform own political work to ensure political and financial support for the objectives of education for everyone. • Create information in Denmark and globally about children’s right to a good education.

democracy • Participate in international networks that work for transparency and fair taxation of multi-national companies. • Be part of international campaigns focusing on climate change, indigenous peoples’ rights and fair distribution of the world’s resources.

IBIS’ thematic programmes targets the creation of cooperation and synergy between all four levels.


Where IBIS works Country offices in the programme countries Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, South Sudan, Mozambique and soon Burkina Faso.

Where IBIS works

Regional programmes Smaller projects, only countries with project and partner activities via regional programmes. Peru, Senegal, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Togo, Ivory Coast, Guinea. Alliance2015 The organizations, which together with IBIS constitutes Alliance 2015. Acted, Cesvi, Concern, Hivos, People in Need and Welthungerhilfe. IBIS in Guatemala www.ibisguatemala.org Country Director Anna Maria Mendez IBIS in Nicaragua www.ibisnicaragua.org Country Director Sergio Pivaral Leiva IBIS in Bolivia www.ibisbolivia.org Country Director Ximena Valdivia de Tapia


IBIS in Ghana www.ibisghana.org Country Director Chals Wontewe IBIS in Sierra Leone www.ibissierraleone.org Country Director Tijani Ahmed Hamza IBIS in Liberia www.ibisliberia.org Country Director Rosalind Hanson-Alp IBIS in South Sudan www.ibissouthsudan.org Country Director Peter McCanny IBIS in Mozambique www.ibismozambique.org Country Director Anne Hoff IBIS in Denmark www.ibis.dk General Secretary Vagn Berthelsen 16


Where IBIS works















Latin America

Guatemala IBIS in Guatemala has had special focus on women’s rights – not least justice for victims of the civil war – and the youths’ possibilities for education and jobs. ECAP

These Mayan women still have to cover their faces for fear of persecution and stigmatisation. But with IBIS’ help they have taken the first step and have been given the word of the law that they have been victims of a crime.

First they saw their husbands murdered and lost their homes. Then they had to serve as house slaves for the government soldiers with forced labour and sexual assault as part of their everyday life. For many years this was the harsh reality for thousands of women – especially Mayan women – who, since the civil war ended in 1996, have lived in silence for fear of stigmatisation and persecution. Through its partner ECAP, IBIS has given these women psychological assistance and legal support so that the first 14 of them could have their case brought before a court in 2012. Here, they were given the word of the law recognizing that they had been victims of a crime. “It took a great deal of work and courage from the women. But it has been a personal victory for them to go from being victims to take charge. They have been given a voice and now have the courage to pave the way for others,” says Susana Navarro García who heads ECAP. Strengthening the legal status for women from the indigenous peoples has been one of IBIS’ focus areas in 2012. IBIS puts pressure on national and local court authorities to ensure equality and to provide impoverished women with access to the legal system. At the same time, IBIS’ partners teach the women their rights and guides them what to do if they are victims of assault. This has led to more than 30 cases on gender-based violence at the local courts. In Guatemala, the youth are often poorly educated and lack job opportunities. This means that many of them are at risk of ending in crime. IBIS has taken steps to ensure education and employment for the youth. Right now close to 700 young people are engaged in primary school or vocational education via IBIS programmes. 18

For Guatemala’s indigenous peoples the government’s decision to use the mining of natural resources to create growth is a big concern. IBIS supports the indigenous peoples’ organisations to influence agreements and contracts for mining and ensure that their rights are respected. Among other things, this has resulted in a proposal for a new mining law ensuring that a share of the profit is used for local development.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • One of the country’s indigenous groups has succeeded in opening a division of the country’s only public university in their local area. This gives young indigenous people far better opportunities to take higher education. • One of IBIS’ partners has made an agreement with the high court and the Ministry of Justice that the organisation will play an essential role in relation to improving the justice systems in three of the country’s districts. • 75 women and youth people have become legal advisors and can provide tuition and practical help to others.

Facts about IBIS in Guatemala IBIS has worked in Guatemala since 1990. We have strengthened the indigenous population to exercise their rights. IBIS in Guatemala supports youth and women and has succeeded in developing a number of education and employment initiatives in Guatemala’s slum areas. We work together with 34 local partners. The office has 25 employees and an annual turnover of approx. DKK 15 million.

Latin America

Nicaragua Our patient equality work bears fruit in Nicaragua, where IBIS has special focus on strengthening the indigenous peoples’ education and influence. Fabiola Villarreal

Luis Manuel Martínez dreams about being an entrepreneur. Anielka Orozco wants to be an IT specialist. But to begin with, the two seventh grade pupils just want to learn a lot. They live in the impoverished town, Ciudad Dario, in northern Nicaragua and attend a school where the grades are usually far below national average. Despite this, Luis, Anielka and their friends, have high hopes. Their school is one among 40 schools that have joined IBIS in a major project to improve the tuition. School principals and teachers are being further trained in order to increase the pupils’ benefits from the tuition. This also reduces the number of pupils who drop out. “Now it’s more fun to be in school. They teach us more issues and explain things better. We practice more and there are many more examples that help me to understand,” says Luis Manual Martinez. Another effort that is slowly but surely bearing fruit is IBIS’ work to increase equality. After having been marginalised for years in relation to both education and influence, in 2012 the women of indigenous peoples made up for almost 69 percent of the participants in the projects supported by IBIS. One of IBIS’ partners has developed a book and a documentary about women and education, which are used for information and debate. Altogether these are steps that have contributed to historically many women and members of indigenous peoples being elected at the muicipial elections. Equality and the involvement of marginalised groups, including indigenous peoples, are also the key words for the 14 new projects which have received support from the “Fund for the support of civil society” in 2012. The fund is managed by IBIS in Nicaragua

on behalf of five large donors who, together, have put forward almost DKK 60 million. As in recent years, many donors have discontinued their cooperation with Nicaragua, the fund is today an important support for Nicaraguan civil society.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • IBIS has supported the establishment of an anticorruption centre where experts register and investigate citizens’ suspicions on corruption committed by officials, politicians and private companies. • At the municipal election in autumn, there were historically many women and members of indigenous groups of people who were elected as a result of IBIS’ work of including indigenous peoples’ women in the decision-making processes, among other things. • The democracy foundation which IBIS manages has received even more support. The foundation contains, in total, close to DKK 60 million to strengthen civil society.

Facts about IBIS in Nicaragua IBIS has worked in Nicaragua for more than 30 years. We focus on the country’s indigenous population which we strengthen to get control over their own territories and natural resources. At the same time, we ensure that the indigenous peoples’ children are given a quality education. IBIS in Nicaragua works together with 39 partners; has 15 employees and an annual turnover of approximately DKK 17 million.


Latin America

Bolivia IBIS’ work focuses on creating multilingual and inter-cultural teaching for the children of indigenous people and on creating training and job opportunities for young people. Mike Kollöffel

Kenzo Hiroze Velasco is 22 years old and comes from Bolivia’s lowlands. In the past, he was a real rebel who would never settle down at school and had problems with his father. Things are going much better for him now and he has renewed hope for the future. Kenzo is a student at GUSTU, a food school in La Paz, which was opened by IBIS in cooperation with Claus Meyer and the Melting Pot foundation. “At last I have been given a chance and found me some good role models,” says Kenzo referring to GUSTU’s head chefs. He is convinced that GUSTU can help to root out racism against the indigenous peoples of Bolivia – something he has experienced himself. “When I have completed my apprenticeship, my dream is to start a food school for indigenous peoples in the lowlands and in this way help others out of poverty.” Kenzo Hiroze Velasco is one of 22 young people who are right now being trained as chefs and entrepreneurs at the school. In the long-term, the school will finance itself through the associated gourmet restaurant, which opened in 2013. The food school is part of the work to create better education and employment opportunities for young people from the indigenous groups of people. Another focus area for IBIS in Bolivia is quality education for the indigenous peoples children and in 2012 IBIS assisted the Bolivian government in introducing bilingual and culturally sensitive teaching in the schools. The country’s new education law has also made local crafts a part of the curriculum as this is considered important to the Bolivians’ identity, culture and ability to find work. Consequently, IBIS has retrained teachers on these subjects. Last but not least this year, 20

our partners made good progress in developing the curriculum for the indigenous languages as well as teaching materials which respect and include the country’s indigenous peoples.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • The various indigenous peoples’ organisations gathered around a joint political agenda: before mining operations can be started, they must give their consent. • Together with the Bolivian company, ESMICAL, IBIS in Bolivia has received DKK 2.7 million to increase production among small potato producers. • Films and photos produced with the support of IBIS prevented attacks and gained support when thousands of Bolivians protested against the government’s plan to build a road through TIPNIS - a protected National Park.

Facts about IBIS in Bolivia IBIS has worked in Bolivia for almost 20 years. We help, in particular, indigenous peoples’ organisations in becoming strong democratic players and skilled administrators of the indigenous peoples’ territories. We help impoverished children receive a good education in a language they understand and with content that values their culture. Moreover, IBIS works towards moderating the effects of climate change and the destruction caused by the mining industry. IBIS in Bolivia has 24 partners, 13 employees and a turnover in 2012 of approximately DKK 20 million.


Sierra Leone Besides creating a good education for children and young people, IBIS focuses on strengthening civil society and alleviating the negative effects of mining. Rikke Bruntse Dahl

Joshua Beinya is 28-years old and lives in Kono – Sierra Leone’s diamond district. Every day he stands in the mud and digs for gold dust and diamonds. His dream is to become a lawyer so he can defend his neighbours and colleagues. “We need to know what is going on so we can stop illegal mining. And we need to ensure that a share of the profit from the diamonds comes back to our community,” he says. Right now, however, there is not much that indicates that he will ever have the opportunity to study further. On the other hand, he may perhaps benefit from Operation One Day’s Work in 2013, which supports IBIS’ work in the area. The project will train young people to be strong mining activists who can protect the rights of the locals and uncover corruption and misuse in connection with the mining. In 2012, IBIS helped re-establish the so-called mine clubs at the schools and form a strong network of local organisations. At the same time, we supported information via radio programmes and public hearings. We have achieved significant results together with our partner, BAN. The organisation specialises in reading budgets and advocacy. In 2013, this meant that in due time attention could be drawn to a large cut-back in the public health budget. The subsequent protests were so extensive that the politicians amended the budget. The work of BAN also resulted in the discovery of USD 40 million which multinational companies had snuck out of the country without paying tax – money the state is now working to retrieve. Key to IBIS’ work in Sierra Leone is still the education of children and young people. We train school teachers and college teachers, and in 2013 we are focu-

sing especially on developing manuals and methods for the teachers. We have succeeded in producing material which the Ministry of Education will now use as the basis for the curriculum, which, for the first time, is being developed in Sierra Leone.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • IBIS supported a major campaign to encourage women and young people to run for election in 2012. The result was that far more women and young people participated and were successfully elected at local level. • Together with our partners, we revealed several cases where school funds were being defrauded. It prompted the government to realise the need for civil organisations in the committees that monitor school funds. • Today IBIS is recognised as an important resource in terms of protecting people against the negative consequences of mining.

Facts about IBIS in Sierra Leone IBIS has worked in Sierra Leone since 2006. The first project aimed at increasing the number of older children and young people in basic schooling, which they had missed out on due to years of civil war. IBIS in Sierra Leone has 30 employees, 14 partners and had a turnover in 2012 of DKK 14.8 million. Currently, IBIS’ work also involves furthering democracy for the benefit of the most impoverished.



Liberia In Liberia, we are training teachers and supporting the building of an education system. In addition, we are working towards creating education and employment opportunities for young people. Irene Sleven

Alphonse Dweh is back in Kumah Town where he had a happy childhood. Now he wants to give the town’s children an equally solid start to life by being a good teacher for them. “After the civil war there was a lack of schools and teachers so I began teaching on a voluntary basis. Even though I think it went well, I was very pleased when IBIS offered to help further my teaching skills and contribute to giving Liberia’s children a really good education,” he says. In order to increase access to and the quality of education, IBIS has been focussing since 2009 on training teachers in this west African country, whose education system was completely destroyed by civil war and poverty. In 2009, we provided training to teachers of whom only a third had had a formal education. In 2010, we helped with the development of teaching materials. In 2011, we supported teachers who applied to the teacher training college. And in 2012, we provided intensive training for those teachers who lacked the qualifying exam, achieving a 95 percent pass rate. Besides training skilled teachers for Liberia’s children, IBIS also focuses on training young men and women who lack basic education and cannot support themselves. In 2012, IBIS opened a third education centre where young people learn to read and write, learn about democracy, learn a trade and study entrepreneurship. All in ten months. 82 percent of the students completed the course in 2012. A large part of this group were women and an evaluation shows that one year on almost half of the students from 2011 have an income from the trade they learned. 22

IBIS’ third focus in 2012 was to create more knowledge. Among other things, this has resulted in a collaboration with Rutgers University in the USA, which involves a study of gender, violence and abuse in schools and a collaboration with Humboldt University in Berlin, which will be carrying out research on employment opportunities for young people in Liberia.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • Twice the amount of teachers expected (57 percent) passed the entrance examination for the teacher training college after completing IBIS’ intensive training programme. • IBIS supported the establishment of “The Liberia Oil and Gas Initiative”, a network of NGOs engaged with the opportunities and risks of the mining industry. • The evaluation of the programme that provides vocational training to young people (YEP) shows that the training not only gives young people the means to support themselves but it also increases their self-esteem and makes them active fellow citizens.

Facts about IBIS in Liberia IBIS began working in Liberia in 2005 in order to support a generation of older children and young people who had never attended school because of the war. In 2012, IBIS also supported new organisations in order to strengthen education and democratic influence. IBIS in Liberia has 85 employees and in 2012 achieved a turnover of approx. DKK 17 million.


Ghana Girls mix FREELY with boys in the schools, there are more schools in remote areas and more men and women now have a say.

Georg Dam Laar

For the first time ever, a girl produced the top marks when pupils from 22 schools in northern Ghana took their middle school exam in 2012. Her parents are farmers who cannot read or write. The girl’s name is Grace Bourawono. “I am so pleased I could attend school. Because I had teachers who encouraged me and gave us extra tuition after school, it all went really well,” she says. In Ghana, IBIS’ equality work, especially through the training of teachers and authorities, has meant a great deal to the girls. They can now have discussions with boys, move freely together with boys and benefit as much from the teaching as the boys. Fewer parents are taking the girls out of school and the special girls’ clubs, which gained strength in 2012, are enormously important to the girls’ self-esteem and self-confidence. The clubs are where the girls get together and learn about their bodies and rights, they meet women who have come far in life and they are encouraged to be hard-working and ambitious. And it works. “We are not drums to be beaten on by boys and men. We want the opportunity to study and to get as far in life as the role models we have met in the girls’ clubs,” as one of the girls puts it. The quality of teaching in impoverished North Ghana has more or less increased in line with the rate at which IBIS has been training teachers and helping to establish school boards to keep an eye on the quality of the school. On the national level, IBIS’ local partners have succeeded in prompting the Ministry of Education to resume the work of increasing the coverage and quality of compulsory school education – work that had come to a standstill.

Other IBIS partners help Ghanaians who live in areas where mining operations are prevalent. For example, one large mining company was successfully persuaded to build a new school as the previous school had been destroyed by vibrations from the mine drilling. In 2012, IBIS supported citizens, especially women, in gaining influence over their daily lives. For example, a group of market women were successfully granted funds to renovate the local marketplace.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • Strong school boards have meant that fewer pupils are now dropping out of school. Parents have fired the incompetent teachers and convinced other parents to let their daughters continue in school. • The concept of establishing small schools in remote villages has been such a great success that at least 20 more will now be opened. This will take place with financing from Hempel and the Advent Calender and others. • Through national advocacy IBIS and partners have successfully lobbied for considerably more funds from the state for development in impoverished North Ghana.

Facts about IBIS in Ghana IBIS in Ghana works towards quality education for all children and youngsters. At the same time we support civil society in order to strengthen the population’s rights and participation in decision-making processes. IBIS has close to 50 partners in Ghana. There are 45 employees and in 2012 turnover topped DKK 14 million. 23


Mozambique With support from IBIS, even more children in Mozambique are receiving good quality education, while young people and women are being given more of a voice. Cirgilio Ivone

A group of women from the Muhmai quarter in AltoMolóque have gathered around their new well. They are pleased that the water in the well is clean and that it is so close by that they no longer have to spend five hours every day fetching water. They are also proud because they have fought to get the new well themselves. “By coming together we were no longer afraid of raising our voices to the authorities about our problems and demanding a say,” says Soraia Eduardo, who is 29-years old and mother of three. In recent years and in cooperation with local partners, IBIS has helped men and women to form networks and exercise influence on their local community. The work has begun to create results. In 2012, several areas succeeded in establishing new wells and an electricity supply. However, it’s not just wells and electricity that the people of Mozambique want. They also want quality education for their children. For years IBIS has supported this – often by training teachers. In 2012, we focused particularly on creating and training school boards so that they are aware of their roles and rights and can ensure that money for education is spend well. On the political level, IBIS and our partners have succeeded in making a mark in the government’s new plans for the education sector. For example, teacher training has been improved and quality has been the key word. By supporting our partners, IBIS has influenced the drafting of a new law in Mozambique that will prevent money for education and development disappearing as a result of corruption or tax evasion. In 2012, a strong campaign convinced the parliament to adopt most of a major law package on anti-corruption, while the 24

government was convinced to renegotiate a number of contracts that gave far too generous conditions for foreign companies. The hope is that the initiatives will form the basis for the government to make entirely new oil and mining laws in 2013, which will ensure transparent decisionmaking processes, consideration of the local population and a fair taxation that can be used for development.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • In 2012, we succeeded in convincing the Minister of Education to establish two special institutions for the training of school principals and training college teachers. They have now been constructed and are in use. • IBIS and our partners successfully used Facebook in the political campaigns – for the purposes of debate, gathering support and creating political pressure. • The youth parliament in Mozambique, which is supported by IBIS, has grown from a city phenomenon to a national youth movement. In 2012, it brought together young people from the entire continent for a major conference on youth, participation and democracy.

Facts about IBIS in Mozambique Mozambique is where IBIS has worked the longest. We have promoted education and democratic development since 1976. We work together with 29 different local organisations and have 39 employees. In 2012, IBIS in Mozambique’s turnover topped DKK 35 million.


South Sudan In South Sudan, IBIS gives girls, street children and young people a new chance through education.

Foto: Hanne Selnæs

Stella Alex is one of very few female teachers in South Sudan. Therefore, she knows how important it is for girls to attend school. This was also the reason why she went to visit a girl who had dropped out of school to convince her to return. She succeeded, but it is by no means every time that the story ends like this. Marriages, pregnancies, responsibility for the household, menstruation and long distances to the school often keeps the girls away. These are all conditions Stella Alex, a single mother herself, meets every day. She is a teacher at the four-year fast-track school programme in the area in which IBIS has so far focused its work in the new South Sudan. In these ALP classes (Accelerated Learning Programme), older children are given the opportunity to complete eight years’ basic school in half the time. Since 2007, IBIS has been responsible for the programme which has trained teachers, local communities and employees in the local school system so they can head this unique teaching programme. In 2012, IBIS was consequently able, as planned, to hand over the entire project without problems, including trained teachers and counsellors, to the local school administration. Stella is one of the 22 female teachers IBIS has trained. The remainder of the, altogether, 150 teachers are men. As far as pupils go, things are however improving greatly. 45 percent of the pupils who started in the classes are girls, which is also the case for 40 percent of those who complete the programme. In order to remove some of the special obstacles which older girls are faced with in the miserably poor country, IBIS supports a girls’ school, Yei Girls Secondary School, which creates safe settings around the education of girls in the ninth grade.

In the capital city, Juba, a project for street children supported by the Danish TV Collection - has also taken up a lot of time. IBIS has now employed a manager and trained employees. This means that the education of the children can commence in 2013. In 2012, IBIS also decided to improve a new initiative on education in the province of Northern Bahr El Ghazal, which harbours many refugees.

Key milestones for 2012-2013 • IBIS’ method of training teachers in South Sudan has been very effective: the teachers begin with a course, test the methods in practice, then return to the course to reflect on the programme. We call it the “Spiral Model”. • IBIS prepared a literacy manual, which meant that 3,282 pupils were able to pass a reading and writing test after three months’ intensive training. The method has since been adopted by the ordinary schools. • Close cooperation with the Ministry of Education has meant that IBIS is now a respected partner in the area.

Facts about IBIS in South Sudan IBIS has worked in South Sudan since 2007, focusing on educating children and youngsters. In South Sudan, IBIS works closely together with local and state authorities, international organisations such as UNICEF, partners in Alliance 2015 and a slowly budding civil society. In 2012, IBIS had 24 employees in South Sudan and a turnover of approx. DKK 8 million.


The regional programmes

Cross cutting politics IBIS has succeeded, in both Latin America and Africa, in being a part of setting and changing the political agenda on topics such as tax and capital flight, climate and the protection of indigenous peoples. Marie Ildvedsen and Mike Kollöffel

Latin America Against Poverty (LAPI) Many months of lobbying has proved a success. This became clear on 8 December 2012, the day on which the climate conference, COP 18, in Doha ended. In the final document it was stated that the future preservation of forests must also take into account the people who live in and live off the forest. “Previously, forest preservation – the so-called REDD programmes – was concerned exclusively with CO2 and in the eagerness to preserve as much as possible, people were violated, typically indigenous peoples. Sometimes they were thrown out of their homes and other times they were prohibited from hunting, fishing or using the forest they depend on,” says Stine Krøijer from IBIS. Consequently, in 2012 IBIS made an effort cooperating with indigenous peoples on this agenda. At the same time, we have tried to convince the Danish and European representatives who participate in climate negotiations that indigenous peoples’ rights should be looked after and their development should be ensured as part of REDD. In parallel with this, LAPI launched the Yasuni Initiative in order to create Danish support of the alternative method for forest preservation that is currently being tried out in Ecuador. Here, the state and local residents are given funds for sustainable development and, in return, they must refrain from extracting oil from the underground. So far the Danish climate minister has shown his support of the initiative and our hope is that in the coming years he will set aside climate funds for this purpose. Another important result in 2012 was when together with Danwatch, IBIS in Guatemala gathered evidence that a gold mine, in which a large number of Danish 26

pension companies had investments, were responsible for serious human rights violations. Pressure from IBIS in Denmark created publicity of the issue. This prompted several pension companies to withdraw their funds from the mine and the mining company has since changed its methods.

Africa Against Poverty (AAP) In 2012 and 2013, IBIS worked to persuade politicians, company owners and the public to initiate a dialogue on tax. To be more precise, the tax that is avoided and which African developing countries consequently miss out on when natural resources and capital are taken out of the country. The result was beyond all expectations. Both in Denmark and at the European level, work is being done to close tax havens and push companies towards openness. In several African countries, companies have been forced to pay tax which they have previously avoided – in several instances after pressure and with support from networks or alliances supported by IBIS. In Mozambique, Ghana and Sierra Leone, IBIS’ partners have strengthened civil society so that local organisations can now keep an eye on companies and authorities in the mining industry. Our partner organisations also teach men and women so that they know their rights. Now they can protest if an oil or mining company does not comply with employee or environmental regulations or if local society does not receive its rightful share of the profits. This work has created a number of specific results and has meant that IBIS has taken on an expert role in the field. Among other things, we are now being asked for opinions and analyses in relation to the mining industry in Greenland.

De regionale programmer

Facts about AAP and LAPI Africa Against Poverty (AAP) is IBIS’ regional programme in Africa whose primary focus is on advocacy activities in relation to the mining industry. Through partners and networks, IBIS works for the socially and environmentally sustainable mining of natural resources, ensuring that mining takes place with respect for human rights. An important element is to stop the illegal activity of capital flight and ensure that the mining of a country’s natural resources provides income and development for the country and the people affected by the mining. Latin America Against Poverty (LAPI) has the same goals regarding the mining industry in South and Central America, but with a stronger focus on the indigenous peoples. LAPI focuses especially on climate change. For example, by supporting networks and alliances that work to alleviate the effects of climate changes and, not least, by fighting for climate initiatives to include consideration of democracy, indigenous peoples and the battle against poverty. Number of employees: 5 Turnover: AAP DKK 4.5 million, LAPI close to DKK 7 million.


Operational review and accounts

Results for the year 2012

2012 facts Peter Bro-Jørgensen

Mike Kollöffel

2012 was a great year for IBIS when it came to raising awareness. The ‘Whole World in School’ ran without a hitch with 170,000 participating pupils all over Denmark, who read the Reading Rocket and 50 schools were visited by the Reading Caravan. The ‘Stop Child Labour’ campaign was far-reaching and the Advent Calendar was renewed with an IBIS Caravan, which involved 6,000 pupils from 50 schools, who were quick off the mark to book a visit in the two minutes that passed before everything was sold out. On the political level, 2012 was a year in which the relentless effort made in areas such as tax havens, natural resources mining and capital flight created significant results. The ‘Capital Flight’ campaign, together with a series of documentaries broadcast on Danish television, attracted a wide audience and strengthened the support for action. Fundraising work achieved its highest overall result yet; a result mainly attributable to a significant increase in CSR-related fundraising, supported in particular by major partners like Claus Meyer and Hempel. Operation One Day’s Work and the Danish TV Collection were accounted for a significant share of the fundraising result, while the Reading Rocket’s school collection raised record-breaking funds to the tune of DKK one million that went towards educating children in Liberia. In 2012, IBIS underwent a comprehensive strategic reorganisation. New strategies were developed for our two main themes, Education and Governance, which laid the foundation for new local strategies that have now been developed for all our African partner countries. On the education side, IBIS is continuing to focus on ensuring quality education for marginalised groups. At the same time, it is also looking at creating long-term financing for education in the


budgets of the countries themselves. As part of our strategy to develop governance, we have increased our focus on the extractive industry and on finding ways to ensure that the profits from natural resources are ploughed back into the developing countries themselves.

The financial results for the year Financially, profits for 2012 topped DKK 500,000. Despite this being less than the budgeted DKK 1.5 million, it is nevertheless considered satisfactory. It ensures a consolidation of IBIS’ equity, which at the end of the year comprised DKK 14.7 million. The amount corresponds to 7.1 percent of the year’s turnover, exceeding IBIS’ financial objective of five percent. 2012 was generally characterised by a slight reduction in turnover from DKK 211.8 million in 2011 to DKK 206.3 million in 2012. This results from the fact that in the previous financial year we finalised the majority of our regional programmes and spent a great deal of 2012 planning and designing new country and thematic programmes. Humanitarian efforts – primarily in relation to programmes and projects in Liberia and South Sudan – increased from DKK 10.7 million in 2011 to DKK 14.6 million in 2012, accounting for seven percent of the turnover. This is an increase of two percentage points and is considered satisfactory. Unfortunately, in 2012 IBIS did not succeed in consolidating progress via Alliance2015 from last year. Together with or through partners in the Alliance, our turnover in 2012 amounted to DKK 15.8 million – corresponding to eight percent of IBIS’ total turnover. In 2011, the percentage was 14 and we attribute the decrease mainly to a delayed project in Bolivia. We therefore expect the figure to rise in 2013. Finally, in 2012 for the fourth year in a

Operational review and accounts

row, IBIS achieved independent financing through our own fundraising, which was able to strengthen our equity. Thus, IBIS maintained its positive trend in recent years of increased fundraising in Denmark. This meant that in 2012 we could allocate DKK 21.8 million of privately raised funds to development work, not least, schooling for marginalised children in West Africa and street children in South Sudan. The corresponding amount in 2011 was DKK 17.3 million. 82 percent of IBIS’ funds in 2012 were invested in long-term development work. Additionally, seven percent was allocated to humanitarian interventions in South Sudan and Liberia. The remaining 11 percent was spent on advocacy work through fx. Africa against poverty, Latin America against poverty, and the ‘Stop Child Labour’ campaign. From 2013, we plan to distribute the costs in the ratio of 80-10-10, which we consider to be realistic. Administration expenses, defined as the remaining share of the overall costs, comprised 6.8 percent in 2012, compared to 6.2 percent in 2011, which continues to be very satisfactory.

Other issues In 2012, IBIS had two issues in Mozambique and Liberia, where partners or IBIS’ employees are suspected of having committed fraud using entrusted funds. In total, the suspected fraud amounts to almost DKK 70,000, of which DKK 39,000 is due to be repaid, while a court case is pending for the remainder. In both cases, all implicated parties have been dismissed.

Expectations for 2013

Following a year that saw a lot of activity in the development of new programmes and consolidation of new structures, the expectation is that 2013 will also see many new activities and initiatives. Particular focus will be aimed at fundraising through institutional donors in order to create the best frameworks for the continued development of IBIS and the best frameworks for our work.


Figures for the year

Income Statement for the period 1/1-31/12 2012 amounts in 1,000 DKK

Income 2012 2011 Development activities

Danida general grant 106.498 115.913 Other institutional donors 58.971 67.523 Private funds 21.753 17.330

Total development activities 187.222 200.766 Humanitarian contributions 14.597 10.721 Other operational grants 397 296

Total income



Expenses 2012 2011 Project and programme activities

Development activities Humanitarian contributions Campaigns and advocacy

152.359 14.103 19.889

167.193 10.207 18.637

Total project and programme activities 186.351 196.037 Loss and provisions on projects 79 598 Innovation 1.550 1.097 Other expenses 13.733 12.972

Total expenses



Results for the year +/(-)

503 1.079

Income 2011 Danida general grant SIDA Alliance 2015 Humanitarian efforts Other Danida grants NORAD Dutch Gov.ment funds EU Private funds Other

106.498 53% 16.010 8% 15.808 8% 14.597 7% 12.619 6% 5.826 3% 3.229 2% 1.473 1% 22.151 11% 4.005 2%

202.216 100%

8% 53%

8% 7% 6% 3% 2% 1% 11% 2%

Number of members and individual donors at the end of 2012: 30


Figures for the year

Balance Sheet as at 31/12 2012 amounts in 1,000 DKK


2012 2011

Fixed assets Deposits

2.263 789

1.618 669

Current assets Receivables 2.141 2.950 Securities 301 279 Cash at bank or in hand 51.235 35.311 Total current assets 53.677 38.540

Total assets

56.729 40.827

Liabilities 2012 2011


Equity as at 1 January Results for the year

Equity as at 31 December

14.157 503

13.078 1.079



Short-term debt

Funds for activities 29.716 7.967 Payable interest on donor funds 466 608 Termination benefit 4.109 4.053 Other debt 7.778 14.042

Total creditors



Total liabilities Expenses 2011 Guatemala Nicaragua Bolivia Mozambique South Sudan Ghana Liberia Sierra Leone West Africa AAP Latin America LAPI Other project activities Loss/provisions Innovation Other expenses

14.580 7% 17.060 8% 19.926 10% 35.911 18% 8.513 4% 14.220 7% 17.482 9% 14.802 7% 8.811 4% 5.154 3% 5.456 3% 6.804 3% 15.857 8% 79 0% 1.550 1% 15.508 8%

56.729 40.827





8% 3%


3% 3% 4%


7% 9%



201.713 100%

In 2012, expenses for administration were:


The annual accounts in its entirety can be read on www.ibis.dk 31

2012 2013 ”

There are so many great things about being part of the Food School in Bolivia. Being part of something that is so huge and far-reaching is fantastic. I dreamt about going to university and learning something, but I ended up working nights at a petrol station, where you don’t learn anything. We do here. We make mistakes, enjoy successes and learn a whole lot – also from each other. Who knows what I can turn all this into in the future… Kenzo Hiroze Velasco is 22 years old and belongs to the Tacana indigenous peoples from Bolivia’s lowlands. In 2012, he was enrolled at the Food School, opened by IBIS in La Paz in cooperation with Claus Meyer.

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