IBIS Annual report 2011-2012

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2011 2012


Annual Report

About IBIS

democratic influence

quality education fair distribution of resources

IBIS in two minutes Annelie Abildgaard

Yeray Lopez

What do we do? IBIS works for a just world in which all people have equal access to education, influence and resources.

How do we do this?

create sustainable development for the individual and society. Consequently, our work is for all girls and boys to have equal access to education and to ensure quality in the teaching.

Through support to civil society in Africa and Latin America, IBIS will ensure that people have equal access to education, influence and resources. Through information and political work, IBIS will influence the political agenda and create greater understanding for the problems developing countries face as well as point out specific options for actions.

Democratic influence because: Everyone has the right to have an influence on their own lives and society. Therefore, we support popular civil society organisations in their work of representing their own rights and we work to promote democracy in the local community.

in other words...

Fair distribution of resources because: Everyone has the right to a fair share of the world's resources. Therefore, we support popular civil society organisations in their work so that globalisation will also benefit the world's poorest people and we want to influence the debate on global economic and political issues.

IBIS works to educate people and for the education to enable them to exercise influence in a way that ensures the resources of society and the world are more fairly distributed. Quality education because: Education is a human right and the way in which to 2


Report from the Chair p. 4

p. 6 Highlights from the year

IBIS around the world p. 14

p. 12 Thank you!

p. 29 Annual Accounts 2011 IBIS in the programmes p. 18

editorial staff Thomas Schytz Larsen, tsl@ibis.dk Malene Aadal Bo, mab@ibis.dk Hanne SelnĂŚs, hs@ibis.dk Annelie Abildgaard (editor-in-chief), aa@ibis.dk layout Front page photo: Tine Harden Graphic design: Oktan, Peter Waldorph Print: CS Grafisk A/S editorial office address IBIS, Vesterbrogade 2B, DK-1620 Copenhagen V

IBIS is an independent, member-based Danish development organisation. We work in cooperation with popular civil society organisations and local national authorities in Africa and Latin America. IBIS is a member of Alliance2015. www.ibis.dk and www.alliance2015.org

Report from the Chair

When IBIS is best I'm a fan of Robin Hood. There, I've said it. Both Disney's romantic and amusing version from the beginning of the 1970s and Russel Crowe's more unpolished rendition from the year before last. But I have become most delighted with the real nerdy version, which in the past year has scurried around the city's streets and among the elite circles and spoken about something so quite technical as tax on financial transactions. This version of Robin Hood is very close to my heart because the ambition for this hero's work is not just to battle one tyrant, but to even out some of the world's fundamental imbalances. Three years ago when IBIS initially broached the topic of tax on financial transactions, which is fundamentally about taxing the richest and giving the money to the development of some of the world's poorest countries, it was a really difficult matter to talk about and to fight for. But we persisted and pushed and this year the topic finally landed on the EU's agenda - well assisted by a financial crisis. Getting the so-called Robin Hood tax introduced is one of the reasons why I have placed so much energy and commitment into IBIS year after year. Because here at IBIS, we work with both the local level and the national level, but we also work hard to create the global changes that can seriously bring about a more equal distribution of the world's goods. The local work helps children when IBIS assists in creating cooperation around providing quality education to the children. But unless the project contributes to creating more fundamental changes, it will not not solve the problems for all the other children in the country. And these changes in society can, once again, not be

Mette M端ller The Chair of IBIS

implemented if financing for education at a global level cannot be secured through, for example, a Robin Hood tax. In this way, the nerdy Robin Hood links the chain together all the way from the specific projects to the global changes. This is sustainable development when IBIS is best.

Getting the so-called Robin Hood tax introduced is one of the reasons why I have placed so much energy and commitment into IBIS year after year. Lasting effect in Angola

Robin Hood is a hero in Disney's universe, but he is also a hero to us who are fighting to get the so-called Robin Hood tax on the global agenda. Photo: Evelina Gold 4

Sustainability has also been a watchword in Angola where last autumn IBIS rounded off our education programme. I participated in the final days and was impressed by the tremendous and effective work the employees and partners had done so that IBIS' work with teacher training, school boards and the education of youngsters could be passed on to the Angolan organisations and authorities. They were ready to pass on the work and in so doing ensured that, together with them, IBIS has created a lasting effect. Bolivia saved by change of government We hope to do the same in Bolivia which IBIS, together with other organisations, has fought hard to keep on the list of Danish bilateral support recipients. Therefore, one of the best news items of the year

Report from the Chair is that the Minister for Development Cooperation, Christian Friis Bach (R) will maintain development commitment in Latin America - the bilateral support to Bolivia will continue together with the general work to ensure human rights in Central America. Among other things, this gives us the opportunity to continue the good cooperation with the Danish embassy on the Food School in Bolivia, which Claus Meyer and IBIS are working together on to establish in the capital city, La Paz, and which I especially look forward to following.

Teachers praise IBIS I was also so thrilled when IBIS was given the Stinus Award, which is the award given by the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) to persons or organisations that have "shown persistent commitment in primary and lower secondary school". It was extremely important to get this recognition from the daily users of, among other things, LæseRaketten (Reading Rocket). And I enjoyed standing at the podium at the Danish Union of Teachers' Congress and hearing the teachers' chairman, Anders Bondo, say that: "IBIS is an obvious choice because of their global perspective. IBIS' LæseRaketten combines the global with a national perspective and we think this is quite brilliant. It is important for pupils to learn to consider themselves as citizens with a global co-responsibility. IBIS provides content to the term 'the pupil as a world citizen'."

IBIS provides content to the term 'the pupil as a world citizen'

Together with chef, Claus Meyer, IBIS has created the Food School in Bolivia where youngsters are not only offered the opportunity to learn the art of making food but, for example, are also trained in becoming competent entrepreneurs. Photo: Eva Køngerskov

“LæseRaketten” is popular in the schools and all of us at IBIS are very proud of this. Because of LæseRaketten, in 2011 IBIS was awarded the Stinus award by the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF). Photo: Mikkel Østergaard

What I am looking forward to In the time ahead, I am looking most forward to three things that have the word "strategy" in common. To begin with, we have begun clarifying last year's work with IBIS' new vision and looking at how IBIS should prioritise its work in Denmark in future. I am expecting a great deal from this. Secondly, we have just adopted new strategies for IBIS' two core areas: education and governance. Both strategies focus on how IBIS - as a relatively small organisation with limited funds - can systematically work on creating good local examples that can be used as role models and as an argument for a specific change, and consequently create changes for everyone in society. I look forward to seeing these strategies implemented. Thirdly, we now have a new development strategy and a new law on development work, both of which

contain good and proper aspects. IBIS will follow this closely and ensure that the good words are translated to reality.

Thank you Finally, there is only one thing left to say and that is a big thank you to all members, supporters, partners and competent employees for your efforts and results in the past year. Only with your efforts can IBIS succeed in changing anything in the world. Best wishes,

Mette Müller, Chair of IBIS


Highlights from the year

New teachers in Sierra Leone In Tonkilili in Sierra Leone, Concern and IBIS have together established an educational resource centre and work jointly to train teachers. Here is the first of many groups of teachers who have been trained since 2010. Photo: Lotte Ærsøe

highlights 2011-2012 Alliance2015 Since the beginning of 2000, the aim of IBIS' participation in Alliance2015 has been to become a more skilled and stronger player in the global struggle against poverty and injustice. Just this year there are several examples that the close cooperation makes good sense. For example, the Alliance took on a strong position in the relief work in Pakistan and in the Horn of Africa countries and IBIS played a central role in the joint education cooperation, which again has shown really good results in West Africa this year. Here, German Welthungerhilfe, for example, is responsible for building roads and constructing school buildings, while IBIS recruits and trains teachers,


develops teaching materials and mobilises parents and authorities. In Guatemala and Bolivia, the Alliance is responsible for The Global AIDS Fund, which IBIS manages, while Dutch Hivos is responsible for the health content. Throughout Latin America and some places in West Africa, two or more Alliance partners share offices and administration and the entire Alliance supports the European campaign against child labour, which was launched in 2011. This year the strategic discussions have also begun on how the Alliance cooperation can become even better. There is a desire to focus the strengths and share the tasks to a higher degree, so the overall effort

will be even stronger and more effective.

Refugees from the Ivory Coast The Alliance made sure there was shelter, food, water and temporary education for the many thousands of refugees who, since last spring, have been driven out of their homes in the Ivory Coast and have taken refuge in Liberia's border areas. Photo: R. Gordon

About Alliance 2015

Alliance2015 is made up of:

Alliance 2015 is a partnership between seven NGOs, all of which work with development and to achieve the UN's 2015 goals. Alliance2015 is Europe's second-largest alliance and through this, IBIS is present in 76 countries and represents a strong political voice locally and internationally.

ACTED from France, CESVI from Italy, Concern from Ireland, Hivos from the Netherlands, People in Need from (The) Czech Republic, Welthungerhilfe from Germany and IBIS from Denmark.

Highlights from the year

Capacity Building/Organisation Development

Photo: Mike KollĂśffel



Outstanding volunteers

Over the past four years, the Change Triangle has become a basic model for the way in which IBIS' works on development and this year it has become especially clear that it makes good sense. The idea is that in cooperation with local partners, IBIS develops and implements, for example, a project with small satellite schools in remote areas in Ghana (first aspect) In parallel, we train and strengthen the local organisations and build up, for instance, parents' committees and networks of local decision-makers (second aspect). Experiences from the project are then used to influence local and national authorities to prioritise education and to spread the model, which has proved that it works (third aspect). During the year there has been success in Sierra Leone where the authorities have promised to increase the transparency in relation to school fees reserved for girls. And in Bolivia, bilingual cultural teaching for indigenous people is an important part of the proposal for a new education law. Altogether a result of linking together the specific strategic pilot projects, organisation strengthening and effective advocacy.

The voluntary forces in IBIS have worked intensely and the previous year has once again shown that they place tremendous commitment and inspiring energy behind their campaigns and events. Find Skatten “The Tax Campaign� is still of great current interest and has gradually found its way into Danish living rooms. Quite new figures show that Danes want more transparency in the multinational companies tax payments. The activists in IBIS can, through debates and quirky campaigns, take some of the honour for directing focus on the illegal capital flight from developing countries. Another group of volunteers have started a campaign about Yasuni - a rainforest area in Ecuador - and directs focus on climate problems and the rights of indigenous people. The campaign will commence in earnest in the course of 2012 with the red mask of the indigenous people as the symbol.

Photo: Evelina Gold

Triangular success

Robin Hood to fight for the world's poor One of the major topics this past year has been the question on the introduction of a tax on financial transactions, the Robin Hood tax as it is also called, since it has the potential to finance both the eradication of poverty and climate adaptation. IBIS supports the Danish part of the campaign and has been a leading force in the attempt to create Danish and international support for the proposal. In the course of the year, this has led to innumerable meetings, stunts and a great deal of media attention - and more and stronger positive voices from several sides at The Danish Parliament .


Highlights from the year

Photo: Hanne Selnæs

Christmas Calendar for children in Ghana

STOP child labour!

Photo: IBIS archive

Children should work in school and not in factories, in fields or mines! Last year, IBIS began working in earnest against child labour with the campaign "STOP child labour - school is the best place to work”. The campaign was given 793,000 DKK from Danida's Information Grant in spring 2011 to implement the "Media competition for Schools 2013" in cooperation with Politiken and Ekstra Bladet. In this competition, 6th to 10th grade classes will compete to make the best newspaper or website with child labour as the theme. The campaign has also been in dialogue with Danish companies at the conference, Partnership2012, to take responsibility and guarantee that their products are not made using child labour. Read more and support the campaign at www.stopbornearbejde.dk.

Praise to IBIS' work with education in emergency situations “Save the mind as well as the body”. That's the motto Eldrid Midttun works and lives by. She is a recognised pioneer within the field "education during crises" and in summer


2011 she was hired to review the work IBIS has done since 2002, initially in Angola and subsequently in Sierra Leone, Liberia and South Sudan. She concludes that IBIS does "impressive and important work" and fills a very important void between the very first disaster relief and the actual development work when we mobilise and establish education programmes. We have done this recently on Haiti just after the earthquake where we helped to establish temporary schools, followed-up by intensive teacher training. Previously, work was done for older children who, as a result of war in Sierra Leone, for instance, had never had an education but who subsequently succeeded in completing primary school

In 2011 Danida decided that the profit from the 2012 Children's Calendar for Developing Countries should go to IBIS' work in setting up small schools in villages in remote rural areas in Ghana where children cannot otherwise attend school because the distances are too great. Since then, IBIS, Danida and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) have been busy producing teaching materials, websites, and a very new Christmas calendar series for DR1 TV channel. In addition, IBIS has prepared a Christmas Caravan - a group of young volunteers who travel to Ghana to meet the children they are raising funds for and who will then visit the Danish schools.

in half the time through a specially organised programme. "Everywhere IBIS' work has been of crucial importance to the children, their parents and the local communities and the organisation is recognised as a competent and reliable partner," is the conclusion in the report which especially emphasises IBIS' focus on educating teachers and helping to build up the capacity that is needed to make the work sustainable.

Scan the code and read the entire assessment. You can also find it at www.ibis.dk

Highlights from the year

Photo: Karina Kleivan

Spotlight on youngsters Youngsters have the ability to be more open to new thoughts and ideas than their parents. They have a greater desire and more courage to do something differently. And, of course, in a short while the youngsters will become adults and consequently they are the ones who will shape the society in which they live. Therefore, in 2011 IBIS adopted a policy on how we can involve youngsters more in the development work we perform in Latin America and Africa. The main objective is to "contri-

bute to the strengthening of youngsters as active fellow citizens with the same rights, obligations, opportunity to participate in decisions and the same access to and control of resources like others." This year for example, IBIS trained more than 1,000 West African youngsters in gaining influence and conducting campaigns, eradicating the circumcision of girls in Ghana and the work of keeping youngsters out of violence and criminality in Guatemala's cities.

Photo: Emilie Tranholm Larsen

The municipal primary and secondary schools' annual exercise day has gained an added perspective. IBIS has given the Danish children the opportunity to exercise for the children of the world and an increasing number of schools are making use of this. Exercise for Children of the World not only speeds up children's schooling in the developing countries, but the Danish pupils' running shoes cover more kilometres and at extra speed. In 2011, the Danish school pupils collected more than 130,000 DKK by running for the children in South Sudan.

Photo: Claus Kjærby

Exercise with intention

Operation Dagsværk (Operation One Day's Work) against oil pollution in Peru's rainforest A whole day out of high school and doing odd jobs in the community with all the salary donated to charity. That’s the concept behind Operation One Day’s Work in Denmark. On the 7th of November 20,000 high school students worked for Peru's rainforest and Indian people. Wafande wrote a support song, which was danced to at parties in the evening of the day and at bars supporting 'Operation Dagsværk'. When the money was counted, the result was 6.2 million DKK which will go to IBIS' work far into the Amazon jungle where oil companies threaten the livelihood of indigenous people. Through an education programme project, the indigenous people will gain the strength to fight for their rights, rainforest and daily life when they face the oil companies. The project began in the beginning of 2012.


Highlights from the year

More strong friends

Photo: Iben Bjørgulf Antonsen

Last year IBIS decided to increase the effort to get more large donors such as the EU and UN to contribute more to our work. The goal is for the so-called "institutional donors" to finance 40 percent of IBIS' work in 2015 and make IBIS less dependent on Danida, in particular. "Right now it's going in the right direction. This will mean funds for more of the things we want to do and, at the same time, I believe I can see that it further raises the quality of our project work. The new donors force us, to an even higher degree, to take a critical look at our own work and make us even better at working together with new partners," says Pia Dyrhagen, who has led the initiative since November 2011.

Education For All

Hempel supports schooling

Photo: Torkill G. Nielsen

Hempel, which among other things produces ship paint, has decided to work together long-term with IBIS. The starting signal sounded in 2011 when Hempel chose to support IBIS' work at two schools in Mozambique. In January 2012, Hempel took the step further and also chose to become involved in children's education in Bolivia and Ghana where the work itself will begin in autumn 2012.


Hey Denmark, make a contribution to those children who battle against poverty every day, just a small contribution, at least for their schooling. We have the latest technology and software and yet we have become disconnected from half of the world.”

That was the message when Asmus and Mathias from 5th grade at Nærum School stood in pouring rain on the stage in front of The Parliament on the occasion of the year's day of action in April. Here, 4983 hand-drawn postcards made by the pupils were hung on string around the parliament building, full of calls to action for schooling for everyone. The postcards all got soaked, but they certainly looked beautiful - and the message hit home: The pupils want the Danish politicians to act now so all the children of the world can attend school, which the Minister for Development Cooperation, who was a special guest at the event, could not avoid hearing, seeing and reading. Prior to this, there had been sunny events in the same week in Aalborg and Aarhus and a visit by the Minister for Children and Education at a school in Fredericia, which had worked with the campaign's reader, LæseRaketten. This year, LæseRaketten was about Liberia in West Africa and has shared stories of life there with children at half of the Danish and Greenlandic school. Liberia became even more real to the Danish pupils when the LæseKaravanen (Reading Caravan) (eight young volunteers) went out to 50 schools to show films and tell personal stories about daily life as children in the African country. This was a visit that was so popular that it was sold out just 18 minutes after the teachers had arrived at work on the day registration opened.

First-hand witnesses from Africa Many schools and pupils have been extra creative in relation to selling lottery tickets and fundraising for the benefit of children's schooling in Liberia. Whole theme weeks, fun runs, a flea market, reading marathon, Liberian restaurants, plays and much more meant that the pupils could not only really involve themselves in the cause, but also break the record with a fundraising result of more than one million Danish Kroner. 2011 was also the year when IBIS asserted itself internationally and was elected to the board for the global campaign of which The Whole World Goes to School is part of.

Highlights from the year

Photo: Eva Køngerskov

In spring 2012 FDB, which sells chocolates produced from cocoa beans in Ghana, chose to give 1.5 million DKK from their Africa pool to IBIS' and Toms Group's joint school project which will help to get children out of cocoa production in Ghana. At the beginning of 2012, Toms supported a minor project at their own expense focusing on quality education while IBIS and Toms is working on getting external funds for yet another school project that will help to eradicate child labour. This will take place in two districts where Toms can trace the cocoa all the way back to the individual villages and family farm.

Photo: Eva Køngerskov

FDB and Toms support the fight against child labour in Ghana

Development and the art of cooking

Photo: Carsten Villadsen

A desire for development is the common denominator in IBIS' and Claus Meyer's cooperation on a food school in Bolivia. The combination of Meyer's cooking, IBIS' experience with development work and fast learning youngsters - the majority with an Indian background - led to the innovative cooperation in 2011. The cooperation combines education and the employment of marginalised youngsters and a restaurant that will make indigenous Bolivians proud of their food culture.

Once again this year IBIS has headed at NGO FORUM, which represents about 60 Danish development organisations. NGO FORUM works on strengthening the cooperation between Danish organisations and takes an active part in the dialogue with authorities, politicians and media to influence the Danish and international development policy agenda. In spring 2012, the work has especially focused on

the development of a new Danish development policy. "We have managed to include the social sectors, including education, into the strategy and that is an important aspect for us. It is also positive that in future, NGO FORUM will nominate five members for the new committee. This gives the opportunity to influence the strategic level in future," says the Forum's chairman, IBIS' General Secretary, Vagn Berthelsen.

Photo: Lotte Ærsøe



Ricardo Ramirez The pupils here attend an IBIS-supported school in Lautren in south-east Liberia. They are some of the many children and youngsters who have been given an education for life through IBIS' work. Many thanks to everyone who supports IBIS' work.



This is how IBIS works IBIS educates children and youngsters, men and women, groups, associations, organisations, politicians and international society. Malene Aadal Bo

Part of the work is organised under education programmes, which is aimed at the right to quality education for everyone becoming a reality. This takes place through the training of teachers and school boards, by working with good teaching material and by strengthening civil society's influence on the education policy.


Another part is under the Governance programmes, which focuses on how, as an individual, group, organisation and state, you can be heard and exercise influence on the decisions that are made.

civil society





• Develop and test models with quality teaching of marginalised children, youngsters and adults, both in developing countries and fragile states • Supports, in particular, the education of girls and women • Strengthens the bilingual, intercultural education of Indian children and youngsters • Enhances the qualifications/ skills and supports the education of quality teachers

• Strengthens the individual's participation in the democracy • Teaching in rights and skills • Special focus on the strengthening of women, youngsters and Indian ethnic groups

• Strengthens and trains school boards, parent committees, teachers' associations, student councils, youth organisations and more • Supports organisations and networks that work with quality in education, advocacy activities and education rights

• Strengthens civil society's lobbying in relation to extraction of natural resources and tax policy • Strengthens local and national organisations and their influence on democratic reforms • Focus on decentralisation, transparency and good administration in the public and private sectors

IBIS' theme programmes work determinedly on creating

Three key words for the way in which IBIS works: 1. Rights

3. Quality:

IBIS' approach is based on rights. This means that, as a basis, we believe that all people have the right to education, influence and a fair part of the resources. And then this means that the way in which we work is to inform people of their rights and support them in fighting for these rights themselves.

A child can easily attend school for many years without learning anything. And a woman can easily have a seat in parliament without ever being heard. Consequently, IBIS has significant focus on quality - on children getting good and relevant teaching, on teachers being competent teachers, that the organisations are competent and credible and that all of them exercise influence and then use that influence in a good and proper way.

2. Partnerships: IBIS works primarily via or together with local or international partners. First and foremost, this is a way of ensuring local anchoring and sustainable changes and it is also the way to gain impact to seriously make a difference.







• Supports civil society's influence on legislation and financing of the right to quality education • Uses the tested teaching models to influence the authorities to provide better education • Cooperates with local authorities with a view to providing an improved education effort in dialogue with civil society

• Supports civil society in exercising influence on legislation in relation to fair economic redistribution and climate policy • Dialogue with governments on anti-corruption, decentralisation and rights

• Supports regional education networks to ensure political and financial support for Education for All goals • Contributes to and is part of international and Danish education campaigns and networks especially related to the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) • Works together with other international NGOs on improved education for the poor of the world

• Participation in international networks that work for transparency and fair taxation of multinational companies • International campaigns focusing on climate changes, the rights of Indian people and fair distribution of the world's resources

cooperation and synergy between all four levels.


IBIS works here IBIS in Guatemala www.ibisguatemala.org Country Director Anna Maria Mendez IBIS in Nicaragua www.ibisnicaragua.org Country Director Sergio Pivaral Leiva IBIS in Bolivia www.ibisbolivia.org Country Director Ximena Valdivia de Tapia IBIS in Ghana www.ibisghana.org Country Director Chals Wontewe

Guatemala Nicaragua

IBIS in Sierra Leone www.ibissierraleone.org Country Director Tijani Ahmed Hamza IBIS in Liberia www.ibisliberia.org Country Director Rosalind Hanson-Alp IBIS in South Sudan www.ibissouthsudan.org Country Director Peter McCanny IBIS in Mozambique www.ibismozambique.org Country Director Anne Hoff IBIS in Denmark www.ibis.dk General Secretary Vagn Berthelsen



IBIS on the map

Aalborg Aarhus Kolding Copenhagen Ireland

The Netherlands Germany Czech Republic France


Senegal Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia

Ivory Coast

Burkina Faso Togo

South Sudan

Ghana Kenya

Country offices in the programme cooperation countries Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, South Sudan, Mozambique Regional programmes. Smaller projects, only countries with project and partner activities via regional programmes Peru, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Togo, Ivory Coast, Guinea Alliance2015 is a partnership between seven like-minded European organisations, that all work with the eradication of poverty France, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Germany and Denmark


South Africa


Central America

Guatemala Youngsters and women have been given special attention in IBIS' work with indigenous peoples in Guatemala. The same people bear the consequences of the increased mining operations in the country. Per Bergholdt Jensen

system, which takes into account indigenous peoples' children and ensures that they are also given a quality education. There was success in getting the authorities' acknowledgement that bilingual and culturally sensitive teaching is important and the right thing to do in a country where the population speaks 23 different languages. Specifically, a new teaching method and a curriculum, which IBIS' partners have developed for the Maya-Kaqchikel people was introduced and 250,000 copies, in total, of new intercultural teaching material has been printed and distributed everywhere in the country with IBIS' support.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • We succeeded in getting the national education authorities' acknowledgement of the models and methods IBIS' partners develop for schools where some of the children belong to an indigenous group of people. • A large number of IBIS' partners have gained knowledge

In Guatemala there are millions of young men and women who have no education or job. This has led to increased poverty and a rise in criminality in the country and has made Guatemala City one of the most dangerous places in the world. Consequently this year, IBIS has directed particular focus on youngsters and has had success with a number of education and employment initiatives in Guatemala's slum areas. IBIS has had a desire to include, to a higher degree, young people and women in the decision-making processes of our partner organisations. This was most successful with the Maya-Kaqchikel local government, which IBIS has worked together with for five years. The local government led the way during the year to create increased gender and age equality in the organisation by reserving places for youngsters and women in various forums. Another important theme in the course of the year has been to support and strengthen indigenous peoples' organisations in defending their rights and livelihoods when major companies - not least mining companies - move into their local areas. This impacts the Mayan Indians in particular, who live in the mining areas and are rarely asked when new mines are opened - even though it is their right according to ILO's Convention No. 169 and the UN's Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Parallel with the work of strengthening the indigenous peoples' organisations, IBIS in Guatemala has focus on supporting the building up of an education 18

of legislation regarding the mining industry and have become stronger in how they defend indigenous peoples' rights on this point.

Mayan women gained influence For several years, IBIS has cooperated with the traditional Mayan local government in the mountain town of Chichicastenango in order to improve the rights for 140,000 Mayans in the QuichĂŠ Province. The Mayan local government was, however, quite male-dominated, so IBIS facilitated several equality courses. Since midwives have a special role in the Mayan societies, IBIS offered courses to them, which has raised their self-respect and made them active in the local government. A council of 70 midwives has been elected to participate in the Mayan local government's assembly at the same level as the 30 male mayors.

Facts about IBIS in Guatemala IBIS has worked in Guatemala since 1990 to support a peaceful development in the troubled country and, in particular, to strengthen the indigenous peoples to exercise their rights as individuals and as a nation. IBIS in Guatemala works together with almost 30 local partners. The office has 18 employees (including those employees who share with the partner organisation, Hivos) and an annual turnover of approximately 17 million DKK.

Central America

Nicaragua IBIS' work to create quality education for the country's minorities and protecting indigenous peoples' rights have become even more important as many other donors havE stopped their work in the country. Per Bergholdt Jensen

In 2012, Denmark closed its embassy in Nicaragua and a number of other countries followed suit, and have recently given up or phased out their development work in the country. However, IBIS is still continuing its work to support the building up of an intercultural democracy in the country and strengthening the country's indigenous peoples, who are amongst the weakest and most marginalised groups in society. In various ways IBIS tries to ensure indigenous peoples' collective rights and give them the opportunity to be heard. Furthermore, we work on raising the quality of the education that is given to indigenous peoples' children and youngsters - in particular, by spreading bilingual cultural teaching in the country's schools. Together with local partners, we have developed and trained teachers in the special methods for pupil-focused, bilingual and culturally sensitive teaching and we have done so with great success. The principles are now being implemented in the curriculum for the Garifuna and Chorotega people - two of the country's indigenous ethnic groups. IBIS works on strengthening the indigenous peoples' organisations so they can demand and exercise their collective rights. IBIS has assisted the so-called Rama-Kriol Territorial Government to prepare a plan that ensures sustainable development in their territory, which comprises an area of 4,000 square metres of protected jungle. Indigenous peoples' organisations and local authorities are traditionally very male-dominated. To improve this situation IBIS has recently, and with success, made a special effort to increase women's influence among indigenous peoples. We succeeded this year among the Miskito and Mayangna Indians in particular who have, among other things, adopted an equality policy

and have formerly given women a place in the decision making process

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • Through its role as administrator for "The Democratic Governability Fund for the support of Civil Society in Nicaragua", IBIS has had the opportunity to support more than 30 local organisations and made IBIS an important supporter of civil society in Nicaragua. The fund is financed by donors amounting to 50 million DKK in total. • Teachers from the Garifuna, Chorotega and Miskito Indians have been trained in providing bilingual and culturally sensitive high-quality teaching and the results have helped to spread the methods. • In cooperation with the Danish embassy and the Rama-Kriol Territorial Government, IBIS has tested a new method for conflict resolution which can inspire other groups in Nicaragua.

Facts about IBIS in Nicaragua For more than 30 years IBIS has worked in Nicaragua, which is one of the poorest countries in Central America. Our focus is on the country's indigenous peoples, who we strengthen to be able to demand and exercise their rights - including to be part of the Nicaraguan democracy and to have control over their own territories and natural resources. Moreover, we work on ensuring quality education for the indigenous peoples' children. IBIS in Nicaragua works together with 39 partners, has 15 employees and an annual turnover of approximately 17 million DKK. 19

South America

Bolivia In Bolivia, IBIS works to ensure a proper education for the children of indigenous peoples and supports the organisations in their fight for their rights and so that new mining projects do not become a curse for Bolivia's impoverished. Lise Josefsen Hermann

Bolivia has become wealthier in recent years, but the country's impoverished indigenous peoples have basically not benefited from this. On the contrary, they feel the consequences of the mining operation that is making others richer - and they often prove to be too poorly educated and too loosely organised to defend their rights and be heard. In 2011, the indigenous peoples succeeded in coming together and arranging a powerful 66-day long protest march against a major road construction through the TIPNIS national park. This is the first time the indigenous peoples' organisations - among these several of IBIS' partners - have had the strength and solidarity to push the government, which has now put the construction on standby. During the entire event IBIS supported the organisations and, for example, helped to finance the news channel that became essential to keeping the march unified. 2011 was also the year in which several of the things IBIS has fought for were included in the country's new teaching legislation. It has now become a right to be taught in a language one understands, even though Spanish is not the native language. At the same time, IBIS has been among the first to react to the migration that is taking place in recent times from rural areas to urban areas and which means that more than half of the country's indigenous peoples are currently living in mixed urban areas. This entails needs for new teaching methods, which IBIS has developed and tested with success in the cities, Sucre and Potosi. In the past year IBIS has had special focus on the young migrants through, for example, the holding of a large youth conference on digital media and, not least, through the establishment of a food school in La Paz. This is a school, which in cooperation with chef Claus Meyer, educates and creates employment for impoverished youngsters.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • IBIS' projects with bilingual cultural teaching in schools for children of indigenous peoples has inspired some of Bolivia's new education legislation and the methods our partners have developed and tested have functioned as examples for some of the legislation. • The project, "Leader training for women" was expanded and has great success in giving the indigenous women the courage and strength to interfere and gain influence on otherwise very traditional leadership among indigenous peoples. 20

Slave child with dreams The cap sits lopsided on 16-year old Erlan who until five years ago practically lived as a slave with the local 'squire'. Erlan and 550 other youngsters now attend a boarding school supported by IBIS and Operation One Day’s Work. His time at the school is paid for through the project. If this was not the case, he would not be able to afford it. Erlan is taught in his Indian language, Guarani. This gives him self-esteem and this is essential for him because his self-esteem was low after he, his parents and grandparents had lived all their lives as real slaves. His dream is to become a lawyer and teach Guarani children about their rights. So they can get to have as good a life as he has.

Facts about IBIS in Bolivia IBIS has worked in Bolivia for almost 30 years and supports the indigenous peoples via: A political programme, which supports organisations in becoming a strong mouthpiece and good democratic custodians of self-governance in the indigenous peoples' territories. An education programme, which ensures a good education for children in a language they understand and with content that values their culture and background. Moreover, IBIS works on moderating the effects of climate changes and the destruction caused by the mining industry. IBIS in Bolivia has 20 partner organisations and 12 employees and an annual turnover of almost 33 million DKK.

West Africa

Sierra Leone IBIS cooperates with mothers, retired teachers, traditional leaders, local authorities as well as organisations when it comes to creating quality teaching and fighting for equal access to resources and influence for everyone. Rikke Bruntse Dahl

A trade programme is the latest addition to IBIS' education programmes in Sierra Leone, which has had 200 young students in the course of the year. The education programme, which takes place locally, is intended to give the youngsters the opportunity to earn a living. Even though, according to the International Monetary Fund, Sierra Leone's economy is robust and growing within agriculture and the mining industry, the majority of the youngsters do not have an income they can live on. Elections are taking place in Sierra Leone in November 2012. The election is expected to be a litmus test on how deeply integrated democracy is in the country today. Together with local organisations, IBIS has initiated activities in specially marginalised areas in order to promote peaceful and transparent elections - and a larger participation of women. One of the year's most successful cooperations is between IBIS and the partner organisations, which work for more transparency in the mining industry and to place focus on the potential of creating development through tax income from the country's natural resources. Together with DanWatch and partners in Sierra Leone, IBIS published a report "Not Sharing the Loot" in 2011, which deals with precisely these themes. The report created controversy in civil society as well as among politicians and the debate is now about to root itself seriously in Sierra Leone.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • 209 youngsters have commenced learning a trade such as tailor, farmer, carpenter or motorcycle mechanic. The youngsters are some of the 5,000 school pupils who IBIS has given six years schooling in just three years. This programme has run since 2006. • Together with a number of partners, IBIS exposed fraud with public funds for girls' high school education. Through solid lobbying, the problem of both the World Bank and Sierra Leone's government have been taken care of.

Facts about IBIS in Sierra Leone IBIS has worked in Sierra Leone since 2006. The first project was to get older children and youngsters through basic school at high speed. They had missed out on this due to years of civil war. Since then, IBIS in Sierra Leone has grown and now has 30 employees and a turnover of 14.2 million DKK. Currently, IBIS' work is still about the education of children and youngsters, but also to a high degree about building up the democracy for the benefit of the most impoverished. IBIS has 14 different civil society partners in Sierra Leone.

You can demand something of your chief In Sierra Leone, traditional chiefs still have a pivotal influence on the development of a local area, but there are no formal systems by which the local population can hold them responsible for progress. A dialogue between the two parties is an important starting point. Paul Komba Pessima and his colleagues in iEARN, one of IBIS' partners, are masters in creating this kind of dialogue. Armed with a video camera and a projector, the team creates awareness about the chiefs' responsibility for development of the local communities. "People have not known what they can demand of their chiefs, so we explain this to them. Now they know that they have a right to get something for the taxes they have been charged. Then the majority don't mind paying," explains Paul Komba Pessima. He visits the chiefs every third month. While the camera rolls, he asks the chief what he has done for the local community since the last time and what the future plans are. Today, chief Bindi is in the spotlight. Bindi says that he has organised the reconstruction of a school and will

now work on improving the road between the school and the village. After an interview, iEARN shows the film on a projector to the people of the chief 's domain. So they can see what the chief has started, make him keep to his promises and check that he speaks the truth. If they are dissatisfied, iEARN supports them in complaining to the right organisations and demanding what is their right.


West Africa

Liberia Teachers are trained, children attend school, youngsters get an education, and parents learn to read and write. This year, IBIS will also begin working with civil society's influence on the development of democracy in post-war Liberia. Tine Harden

In recent years, IBIS has worked intensely on reducing the divide between relief work and long-term work with development in Liberia. Therefore, IBIS' education projects that focus on the training of teachers and schooling for older children and youngsters, who were affected by the civil war, are now gathered in a new and even more cohesive education theme programme. 2011 was the year in which Liberia finalised negotiations on new and old agreements with the minding industry, but the country's immense wealth has not yet benefited Liberia's impoverished. Consequently, as part of the new theme programme regarding democracy development, IBIS cooperates with local organisations so they can put the pressure on politically, in order for the income from the mining industry to go to education and the eradication of poverty in general. 2011 was also the year in which the world, yet again, was reminded that peace is an uneasy thing in West Africa. At the beginning of the year, more than 175,000 refugees flocked from the neighbouring country, the Ivory Coast, across Liberia's borders to the east. This affected daily life and schooling in the areas in which IBIS worked with education, since several schools had to close for a period in order to provide shelter for the refugees. In cooperation with the Alliance 2015 partner, Welthungerhilfe, IBIS started a new project, SIRCH (Support to Ivorian Refugees and Host Communities) where we work on giving both young refugees and youngsters in the local society the basic educational skills and a trade.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012

LOVETEE TAILEY is only in third grade even though she is 15-years old. She had to start over when she returned with her parents to Liberia from the Ivory Coast where they had lived as refugees in the capital, Abidjan. Lovetee grew up here, spoke French and went to school up to the fourth grade. Then peace came to Liberia and the family returned to the little village out in the countryside where her parents originally come from. "Everything is different here," says Lovetee, whose everyday life changed four years ago from skyscrapers, traffic and water in the tap, to a life without electricity, houses of clay and palm leaves where food is made on an open fire and everyone speaks English. But Lovetee really loves the school. In three years, older children like her get through six grades. IBIS and the village's parents have made sure that the school can function with teaching materials, training of teachers for the specially 'compressed' form of schooling and a school board.

• Teaching of 4,636 children, youngsters, parents and teachers in the south-eastern part of Liberia where the education system had broken down. This is almost one

Facts about IBIS in Liberia

percent of the population in South-east Liberia.

IBIS began working in Liberia in 2005 by educating a generation of illiterate older children and youngsters who had never attended school because of the war. The need for this type of teaching still exists, but there is also a strong need to move on from situations characterised by relief aid, which contributes to keeping the population dependent on aid from outside. Therefore, IBIS is now taking the step further and from 2012 will also support new civil society organisations. IBIS cooperates with three different organisations in Liberia and has 75 employees, in total. The turnover in 2011 was almost 20 million DKK.

• Changed attitude to the education of girls and boys. In 2009, only every third person in the local communities where IBIS works believed that both genders hould have the right to education. In 2011, 90 percent agreed that girls and boys have an equal right to education. • This year, 117 youngsters have completed a trade education programme at IBIS' Youth Education Pack (YEP) and Education for Empowerment (EYE) and for the first time, more girls than boys were awarded a diploma.


West Africa

Ghana The poor and marginalised also have a right to education and participation in the democracy in Ghana. Especially the inclusion of girls and women. IBIS is working on this in a solid cooperation with an abundance of organisations and authorities in Ghana. Hanne SelnĂŚs

For ten years IBIS has operated in Ghana and currently works together with as many as 50 local partner organisations to promote the rights of the impoverished in the country. Women are the most marginalised and the most excluded from decisions and resources. On the whole, IBIS' work is therefore specially focused on both participation of girls and women. Economically, Ghana progressed steadily last year and has now been given the status of a middle-income country. The majority of the country's population, however, find that their living conditions have not improved as a result of this new status. In 2011, Ghana began exporting oil, but in terms of tax, the money has not begun to flow through. In the past year, the debate around the mining industry and tax conditions have, however, begun to have a strong presence in the population's awareness and have become an integrated part of IBIS' and our partners' work on governance. On the positive side, in 2011 IBIS could once again confirm that the work to get the many teachers trained, who up to now have taught without ever having learnt how to, is progressing as intended. During the year, more than 300 teachers were busy improving their teaching skills to the benefit of the pupils. IBIS' work to equip local society to participate in politics and act as watchdogs over politicians and the administration of the public expenditure, led to more money for disabled people in two regions in 2011. The disabled people and their organisations are now aware

Women should also have a voice One of IBIS' partners, NORSAAC (Northern Sector Action on Awareness Centre), has established a network for female politicians from ten districts so they can exchange experiences and support each other in a political world that is often male-dominated. Mary Alhassan, a local politician in Tamala, Northern Ghana, says: "I was really pleased to be elected to the municipal council but when I realised how few female politicians there were in relation to our male colleagues, I was put off. I realised that it would be difficult to take on the men and get them to see the problems from women's perspectives." Through workshops and as a member of the network, Mary Alhassan turned the situation: "I became inspired and motivated by others who face similar challenges,"

that two percent of the money the municipal councils receive from the government must go to disabled people and they can consequently pressure the local politicians so that this actually takes place.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • 75 percent of the pupils at the small, satellite schools in the villages which IBIS, the Danish Union of Teachers and Ghana Friendship Groups support, mastered the basic skills, compared to only 30 percent at national level. 24 out of 28 girls who were part of the first group of pupils at the school for 7th to 9th grade girls, which IBIS supports, passed their exams and were consequently able to continue on to high school. • One of the organisations that receives support from IBIS scrutinised the public budgets in two regions through a series of workshops where they also trained and mobilised the local communities. The result was that the area was given the promised 18 million US Dollars for local development, that were rightfully theirs.

Facts about IBIS in Ghana IBIS in Ghana is well-equipped to work for quality education for all children through various innovative projects and to support civil society in increasing the local populations' participation in decision-making processes. IBIS has close to 50 partners in Ghana. There are 45 employees and an annual turnover in 2011 of almost 18 million DKK.

she says. "The other women's commitment made me stronger and I became a member of two committees in the municipal council where I am now listened to," says Mary Alhassan.

Ghana's women must be heard in the political process


East Africa

Mozambique In cooperation with local communities and partner organisations, IBIS is helping to expand the democratic scope in Mozambique both in education and political influence. Simon Davide

When IBIS in Mozambique supports children and impoverished men and women in educating and organising themselves, letting their opinions be known and fighting for their cause, we help to challenge the political as well as economic powers that be. 2011 is a good example of this. In several local communities where IBIS trained local "change agents" in previous years, citizens who know their rights and keep up with the administration of the public funds, several of these citizens experienced being threatened and/or poorly treated when they asked local politicians inconvenient questions. Nevertheless, they took on a still more active role in the local community and demanded influence and transparency. Today in most places they are recognised, to a great extent, by authorities and by the local community as positive key persons. And of the 227 change agents, 71 were members of the advisory municipal council in 2011. After IBIS chose to include the local authorities in the democracy development programme, the trust between IBIS, the partners and the local authorities has also grown significantly. On the school area, in 2011 there were clear signs that the training of school boards has a positive influence on the management and daily life of the school. This concerns development plans at the individual schools, which improves the teaching, handles issues such as sexual abuse and gives girls and vulnerable children the opportunity to also complete their schooling. IBIS and the partner organisations have worked consciously on influencing politicians and legislation in 2011 when this applies to the education sector, women's rights, eradicating poverty and the mining of the country's natural resources.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012

Coal and rights It is less than a year ago that farmer, Simon Davide Kaliramphassa, was forced to move heads of lettuce, tomatoes and maize to a new field. And he will have to move again soon. Kaliramphassa's property is on the world's fifth largest coal reserve located in the Tete Province in north-west Mozambique. Mozambique has some of the world's largest coal reserves, but for the time being there are mainly the large, international mining companies and a small Mozambican elite who have earned money on the country's enormous volumes of raw materials. IBIS in Mozambique is working for the country's raw materials to benefit all of the country's citizens - also the most impoverished. Therefore, IBIS supports the partner organisation, Centre for Public Integrity in researching the mining industry's macro-economic consequences and to map the government's agreements with the mining companies. IBIS is also working on the capacity development of a network of approximately 20 local citizen rights' organisations, so they will be able to take up the fight with the many different challenges the mining industry creates.

• Through lobbying, one of IBIS' partner organisations helped to get the teacher training programme extended from one to three years. The education programme was rolled out as a pilot project in three provinces from this year. • 901 teachers were trained in participant-oriented teaching methods in cooperation with a teachers' college. The college has been nominated as being the best in the country - according to the area's teaching director, this is because of the partnership with IBIS.


Facts about IBIS in Mozambique Mozambique is the country in which IBIS has worked the longest; since 1975, when the land gained independence after having been a Portuguese colony. We have 25 partnership agreements with organisations within civil society. Seven within education and the remainder within the work on democracy. 54 employees worked for IBIS in Mozambique in 2011 and there was a turnover of almost 34 million DKK.

East Africa

South Sudan In South Sudan there is a desperate lack of education programmes - especially for former refugees and street children. Therefore, IBIS is working on establishing schools, training teachers and building up a school system in the new country. Preben Hjorth/Danmarks Indsamling

The world's youngest country is characterised by unrest and poverty and that everything has to be done for the first time. The authorities lack expertise and resources and civil society organisations in the country are only now beginning to stir. This means that IBIS has basically been responsible for the daily operation of the education programmes that we have had in South Sudan since 2007. Energy is being put into establishing special teaching programmes for older children who, because of the civil war, have not attended school previously and, provisionally, this has meant that 10 percent of the children in Central Equatoria who have not attended school, now have a new chance to learn to read and write. IBIS has built schools, trained teachers, developed teaching materials, trained school principals, established parent committees and worked to spread our methods to the rest of the country. The goal is always for local organisations and authorities to take over the responsibility for the programmes and, therefore, the year has also been spent on strengthening and preparing local and national education authorities for the task. This year, IBIS has taken the first step for a special effort for the many children who live wretched lives on the streets in the capital city, Juba. The plan is to establish a workshop where the children can get some food and a place to sleep and from where attempts will be made to help the children return to their families. The next step is to establish an education programme for the street children. The work for South Sudan's street children is supported by the national fundraising event, Danmarks Indsamling.

Street children in Juba A survey conducted by IBIS shows why the children live on the streets of Juba and the predominant reason is poverty in the family, primarily among the many former soldiers who are not yet integrated into the new South Sudan after secession. Then there are some who have been exposed to violence and abuse in the home, like the boy whose mother threatened him with a gun when he asked why his older sister had to get married at such a young age. Common to a large number of the street children is that they have lost one or both parents and consequently have no home at all to return to. Whatever the reason why the children cannot live at home, the life they find on the streets of Juba cannot be much better. They often sleep in the markets where they are beaten by older children and are harassed by the shoppers and authorities. In addition, the girls fight against nightly rapes and threats that drive them into the sex industry.

Selected milestones for 2011-2012 • A close cooperation has been established with the social service authorities around Juba's street children, which will form the basis for the street children getting a real offer of help for the first time. • There has been success in strengthening and training teachers, school principals and local education authorities to a degree, so that from September they can take over the operation and development of the education programmes which IBIS has developed and tested. • IBIS has decided to make South Sudan a partner country and has developed a country strategy for the next five years. Focus continues on building up the education sector, but in the long term, to also contribute to developing

Facts about IBIS in South Sudan IBIS has worked in South Sudan since 2007. Our focus is on ensuring education for the children and youngsters who have never attended school especially girls and street children - and to support the building up of the country's education system. IBIS works closely together with local and national authorities in the country, but as yet no civil society partners since, basically, these do not exist in South Sudan. Part of our work in future will be to participate in the building up of the country's civil society. IBIS in South Sudan has 22 employees and a budget of 9.5 million DKK for 2012 - an amount that is expected to increase steadily until 2016.

a South Sudanese civil society and democracy. 25


Africa out of poverty IBIS' regional Africa programme, Africa Against Poverty (AAP) focuses on supporting the people who are affected by the growing oil and mining industry in Africa. Mike Kollรถffel

Through the regional Africa programme, AAP, IBIS has special focus on the many billions of Dollars that are extracted every year from the African mines and oil fields, but which disappear out of the countries without the affected local communities or the public purse getting anything that is worth mentioning. In Sierra Leone this year, AAP has helped our partner, NMJD, to analyse the contracts for two new, major iron ore mines and has found out that the contracts are illegal. So far there has been success in forcing one of the mines to renegotiate its contract so that now better terms and conditions are ensured for the population around the mine and a larger tax payment of the income from the mine. AAP has also created debate and awareness with a report that shows that the five largest mines in Sierra Leone do not pay company tax at all because they are owned by companies in tax havens. And that is the case in many places in the region. In Ghana, AAP has consequently helped to establish a network, which among other things, works to change the legislation and ensure that also the ordinary Ghanaian people get something out of the oil billions. We also support WACAM - a local organisation which, in several instances, has assisted villages to defend their rights against the large mining companies. 26

At the same time, AAP tries to influence Danish and international legislation to stop the capital flight out of Africa and ensure a fair taxation of the natural resources. A great result is that the government platform for the Danish government has set down an objective that "Denmark will lead in the battle to close tax loopholes, address illegal capital transfers and promote a fair taxation of natural resources." IBIS has worked together with Alliance 2015 for greater influence for civil society in connection with the global summit meeting in Korea in December 2011. Here, we supported partners in four countries and gave them an opportunity to prepare themselves for the meeting and be heard in their fight to defend civil society's right to be heard.

Facts about AAP AAP has 12 partners in Africa, including regional partners and an annual turnover of around four million DKK. The programme has one full-time employee and one student worker employed in Copenhagen as well as one full-time and one part-time employee in Africa. AAP supports partners and processes in Africa, Denmark and globally

Latin America

Latin America against poverty and inequality The regional programme, Latin America Against Poverty and Inequality (LAPI) supports organisations in their fight against the negative effects of climate changes and mining of raw materials. Mike Kollรถffel

New technology and increasing world market prices mean that natural resources are dug, hammered and blown out of the ground as never before - and often in protected nature inhabited by people who experience being forcibly removed, having their water and soil contaminated and their livelihoods destroyed. At the same time these groups, to a high degree, also experience the negative consequences of the climate changes. In order to strengthen some of the world's most vulnerable people in their fight for their rights, IBIS has launched the policy programme, Latin America Against Poverty and Inequality, LAPI. Initially, LAPI supports ten Latin American organisations which, for example, work to get mining companies to pay a fair share of their profits in tax and fight to gain influence on national and international climate policies. At the same time, IBIS tries to ensure the indigenous peoples' rights at regional level in relation to international oil and mining companies. A great deal has already been achieved in making and spreading guidelines for the so-called "Free Prior and Informed Consent", which is a principle that will ensure that indigenous peoples will be heard when a company wants to mine natural resources in their area.

Last, but not least, the programme tries to influence decisions that are made in Denmark and internationally. This year we succeeded, among other things, to put pressure on the new Minister for Development Cooperation to continue Danish support for development in Latin America. At both Danish and European level, IBIS and our partners have been successful in putting topics such as capital flight and tax on financial transactions onto the agenda.

Facts about LAPI LAPI covers activities across Latin America and has special focus on the rights of indigenous peoples in relation to the climate and mining industry. The programme supports advocacy activities via partners in Latin America and through various networks in Danish and international forums. The programme has one full-time and one part-time employee and an annual turnover of around three million DKK.



Annual Accounts 2011

Assessment of the year's results Peter Bro-Jørgensen

Per Bergholdt Jensen

In 2011, IBIS has successfully implemented further decentralisation by closing three regional offices and moving additional competencies to the national offices in our partner countries. 2011 also saw the conclusion of the programme in Angola and this was done in such a way that we have, to a high degree, ensured sustainability of the comprehensive education work IBIS has done in the country. At the same time, with the structure reorganisation, partner activities have been implemented as planned in all our partner countries within IBIS' two main themes: education and democracy. And partnership assessments continue to be focused on in all locations to be able to create a measurable strengthening and capacity development of civil society. In 2011, new strategies for the overall work in Nicaragua, Guatemala and Bolivia have been developed and in 2012 the same will be the case for all our partner countries in West Africa and Mozambique. At the political level, IBIS strongly asserted itself in the course of the year in relation to topics such as tax havens and capital flight and was a penetrating voice when it came to special problems around the mining industry in the countries in which IBIS works. Much of this work took place in Denmark and with significant support from voluntary forces in and around the organisation. At the same time, the same volunteers were the focus of an assessment of IBIS' relationship to its members and volunteers and it signalled the beginning of the making of an actual and overall strategy for IBIS' work in Denmark for the first time. This will be done in the course of 2012.

The increase in the fixed contribution means that to begin with we live up to the demands placed on us from Danida (the so-called own financing requirement) and that we have greater freedom to work in the countries and in the way we find most suitable. Every year IBIS also receives large and important contributions from foundations, campaigns, CSR activities and other collaborations and fundraising such as the annual event Danmarks Indsamling.

Assessment of the year's financial results The year's financial results were a profit of 1.1 million DKK - 600,000 DKK more than was budgeted in 2011. These financial results ensure a consolidation of IBIS' equity, which at the end of the year comprised 14.2 million DKK corresponding to 6.7 percent of the year's turnover, which in terms of solvency is very satisfactory. The turnover on Danida's general grant increased to 121.2 million DKK, corresponding to 57 percent of the overall turnover. The overall turnover of 211.8 million DKK is still some distance from the long-term financial goal in the organisation strategy of 280 million DKK in 2015. However, this is satisfactory when seen in the light of 2011 being a year of restructuring when the new structure was introduced. The overall turnover on "other institutional donors" of 65.5 million DKK is, however, not satisfactory and focused efforts will be needed in the coming years to raise this turnover to what is expected in IBIS' organisation strategy.

In 2011, IBIS succeeded in ensuring that 17 percent of the turnover was channelled through or used together with Alliance2015 partners. This is most satisfactory and close to the long-term goal which is for 15 percent of the annual turnover to be associated to activities we perform in cooperation with our partners in Alliance2015.

Other issues in 2011 In Liberia, misuse of funds has taken place at IBIS' office in Monrovia. The misuse involved money from both Danida and other donors and was discovered by internal controls in the spring. IBIS' bank in Monrovia has stated that they share part of the responsibility and will cover some of the loss. The total loss has been calculated to be 190,000 DKK which has been allocated in the accounts.

Expectations to 2012 The year is expected to continue to be characterised by the restructuring to the land-based structure given that 2012 will focus on the consolidation of the many new initiatives. Moreover, the implementation of new country strategies and theme programmes will require a great deal of attention in 2012. In 2012 there will be, not least, even greater focus on applying for and acquiring contributions to our work from large institutional donors such as the EU.


Income Statement

for the period 1 January - 31 December 2011 amounts in 1,000 DKK

Income 2011 2010 Development activities

Danida general grant Other institutional donors Private funds

121.249 65,476 14,041

118.901 68,446 10,911

Total development activities 200,766 198,258 Humanitarian contributions 10,721 9,953 Other operational grants 296 313

Total income



Expenses 2011 2010 Project and programme activities

Development activities Humanitarian contributions Campaigns and advocacy

167.192 10,207 18,637

172.411 10,467 10,873

Total project and programme activities 196,037 193,751 Loss and provisions on projects 599 Innovation 1,097 Other expenses 12.972 10.604

Total expenses



Results for the year +/(-)

Income 2011


Danida general grant Other Danida grants Alliance2015 EU SIDA OD Dutch Gov.ment funds Unrestricted funds from fundraising Earmarked funds from fundraising Other

121.249 18.517 34.782 863 9.190 990 6.669 5.639 8.698 5.186

57% 9% 17% <1% 4% <1% 3% 3% 4% 3%

211.783 100%




3% 57%




Number of members and individual donors at the end of 2011: 30




Balance Sheet as at 31.12 2011 amounts in 1,000 DKK


2011 2010

Fixed assets 1618 Deposits 669


Current assets Receivables 2.950 3.005 Securities 279 300 Cash at bank or in hand 35.311 39.049 Total current assets 38,540 42.354

Total assets

40.827 43.693

Liabilities 2011 2010


Equity as at 1 January Results for the year

Equity as at 31 December

13.078 1.079

8.908 4.170



Short-term debt

Funds for activities 7.967 7.099 Payable interest on donor funds 608 535 Termination benefit 4.053 4.674 Other debt 14.042 18.307

Total creditors



Total liabilities Expenses 2011



Mozambique West Africa AAP Other African countries South America Central America LAPI Other project activities Loss/provisions Innovation Other expenses

34.504 53.779 3.016 13.261 32.762 36.134 4.082 16.536 599 1.097 14.935

16% 26% 1% 6% 16% 17% 2% 8% < 1% 1% 7%



In 2011, expenses for administration were:




8% 2%



16% 1% 6%


The annual accounts in its entirety can be read on www.ibis.dk


IBIS in Guatemala

IBIS in Sierra Leone

19 Avenida 0-89, Zona 15 Guatemala City, Guatemala www.ibisguatemala.org Tel: (+502) 2369 7776 / 77 / 78

23a Cantonment Road Kingharman Road Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel.: +233 (0) 78 950 050 www.ibissierraleone.org

IBIS in Bolivia Calle 12 no. 10, Calacoto Zona sur, Casilla 14681 La Paz, Bolivia www.ibisbolivia.org Tel: (+591) 2 2773530

IBIS in Ghana P.O. Box ct 5061 No. 83 Klottey Crescent, Labone Cantonments Accra, Ghana Tel.: (+233) 21 775 773 www.ibisghana.org

IBIS in Liberia 9th street, Sinkortown P.O Box 1276 Monrovia, Liberia tel.: +231 (0) 77 656 268 www.ibisliberia.org

IBIS in South Sudan Juba Na Bari Area, Block3-K-South Juba, Republic of South Sudan tel.: (+211) 955036178 www.ibissouthsudan.org

IBIS in Mozambique Rua Fernäo Melo e Castro N.124 Bairro De Sommerschield C.P. 1049, Maputo, Mozambique Tel: +258 21 499522/3 www.ibismozambique.org

IBIS in Denmark Vesterbrogade 2B 1620 København V, Denmark Tel: (+45) 3535 8788 www.ibis.dk TR


De la entrada Residencial Lomas del Valle 1 Cuadra Abajo, 20 metros al lago. Mano derecha. Sede Alliance 2015 Apartado Postal: 2534 Managua, Nicaragua www.ibisnicaragua.org Tel: (+505) 2279 4347 / 48 / 49




IBIS in Nicaragua

1 G N R . 54


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