Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. —Hebrews 12:2
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. —Hebrews 12:2 For families, the annual conferences are special times of fellowship and encouragement around the Word of God. As the IBLP ministry goes through a transition, this fellowship is even more appreciated. Together we will hear a special lineup of speakers who will point us to Jesus as the focus of our lives, families, and ministries. Often, life presents questions and problems for which we simply do not have answers; this is what draws us to Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith” and the One “in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” If any family is to flourish and be used of God to make disciples in our world today, it will be the result of one thing—their relationship with Jesus. Because of that truth, the focus of this conference will be looking to Jesus in every aspect of our daily lives. One of the rich treasures we enjoy is hearing from the hearts of wonderful people who come to share lifechanging truths that can help us draw closer to Christ as families and individuals. Each of them will share things they have personally been learning about looking to Jesus for the answers to life’s questions. How blessed we are by the opportunity this conference provides for us to bring everything back to the Word of God. We desire to acknowledge our total dependence on Him, reflect on His never-ending love, and passionately seek Him as our all-in-all. We humbly desire to open our hearts as we hear God’s direction for our lives, and our prayer is that you, too, will be inspired and encouraged to look to Jesus.
Photos courtesy of James Staddon, Jon Courville, and Kevin Boyes
Hearing the Voice of God
Tom Harmon
Twenty-five years ago, Tom Harmon surrendered his life to preach. Since then, he has been sharing up to four hundred messages per year throughout the nation. He is now writing his seventh book to encourage believers in the foundational truths of the faith. His messages are impacting because he transparently shares about Christ’s work in his life and how he has been changed by hearing God’s voice through the Word. This has borne fruit in his marriage, with his children, and with his grandchildren. We look forward to hearing more from his life and testimony.
©2014 IBLP • Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001
Printed in USA
Looking to Jesus in the Storms of Life
David Gibbs, Jr.
David Gibbs has fast become a conference favorite with his gripping messages that are packed with riveting stories and life-changing illustrations. Since founding the Christian Law Association, David has made himself and his staff available free of charge to churches and individuals who are in the midst of crisis situations. He has motivated people to look to Jesus in the midst of their storms instead of being caught up in the waves that are threatening them. You will not want to miss the encouragement he brings.
Speaking live in Big Sandy and Nashville
Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, and Sacramento
Recognize Jesus as the Head of Your Home
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been an inspiration to millions and are known around the world through the TV series 19 Kids and Counting. They have already had an amazing two hundred episodes with an average viewing audience of 1.5 million. By being in the spotlight year after year, they have come to discover the necessity of making Christ the head of their home. Both will share examples of how this has influenced their daily decisions, and Michelle will share special sessions for moms.
Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, and Sacramento
Real Relationships Meet Real Needs
Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, and Sacramento
Chris and Anne Hogan
Chris and Anne Hogan have ministered under the banner of reconciliation for marriages, families, churches, organizations, and the Body of Christ. They coach people to become ministers of reconciliation through their ministry, Noble Call Institute. At the conference they want to share with you how to overcome the resistors that prevent us from being relational to reconcile. They are eager to inspire you to seek Jesus to become ministers of reconciliation within your home, church, and workplace through looking unto Jesus for reconciliation.
Look to Jesus for a Life of Freedom Speaking live in Big Sandy
Paul and Jenny Speed
Countless marriages are being destroyed by irreconcilable differences that are far deeper than surface problems. Hidden sins that have been kept from the spouse and children cause both a break in the spirit of the marriage and a tendency for the sons and daughters to repeat the failures. God has used Paul and Jenny Speed to help many “hopeless� marriages and family conflicts to be cleared up as individuals and families realize the freedom in the truth found in Jesus Christ.
The Impact of Generosity in a City Speaking live in Big Sandy Dr. John Morgan
Dr. John Morgan started a church with sixteen people. Today, its members number in the thousands. One key distinctive of this church is how they have focused on giving. Because of this Biblical focus and the benefits that have resulted to those around them, the Houston Chamber of Commerce voted the church the Business of the Year and named Dr. Morgan the Man of the Year. He will explain the rich Biblical concepts of giving to God and watching God multiply what is given.
Looking at Jesus When Money Is Not in Sight
Gil and Kelly Bates
Gil and Kelly Bates have nineteen children. They have seen the Lord provide in amazing ways. They look to Jesus for their daily needs. They have been blessed with a debt-free home and a tree-trimming business that motivates them to look to Jesus instead of looking to a fixed salary for provision. Their lives are an encouraging testimony of God’s ability to provide in direct answer to prayer. Your faith will be inspired as you hear Gil’s recent stories.
Speaking live in Big Sandy and Nashville
Look to Jesus for Effective Missions
Otto Koning
Otto Koning is probably best known from the classic Pineapple Story. His passion for loving people and reaching them through missions permeates his life. His messages are filled with humor and transparent stories from his own life experiences, and they give hope and encouragement to families who are seeking to let Christ love people through them. Effective missions are based on looking to the Boss of the Harvest—essentially, looking to Jesus. We pray you will be motivated as Otto shares how God has continued to bless his efforts to love people and share the Gospel with them.
Speaking live in Big Sandy and Nashville
The Crucial Factor That America Needs
David Barton
In 1987, David Barton began the WallBuilders organization. With his huge collection of Early American documents, he has become an authority on Constitutional matters and speaks at high-level meetings regularly. He has an amazing grasp of what is happening in the United States and will be speaking to us about how we can keep the freedom that we currently enjoy so we can pass on our faith to the next generation.
Speaking live in Nashville
Looking to Jesus in Marketplace Ministry Speaking live in Big Sandy Dwain Swanson
Dwain Swanson mentors more than 150 men in forty-one states by using a special headset while riding a lawn mower as he runs his landscape company. Since initiating this unique means of discipleship and accountability, he has helped other men start similar groups, with similar results. We will learn how he challenges these men to grow spiritually while still providing an income to support his family. We trust his testimony may motivate you to look to Jesus while becoming creative in redeeming the time God has given you.
Looking to Jesus in Times of Transition
Speaking live in Big Sandy, Nashville, and Sacramento Tim & Angie Levendusky
As the Institute goes through a transition, it is important to have a leadership team that can review the past, evaluate the present, and plan for the future. Recently Tim Levendusky was appointed interim President of IBLP. Many are familiar with Tim through his many years of ministry, starting with coordinating Seminars and then as the director of different training centers. For the last several years, Dr. Levendusky has managed the ministry’s international work in Mongolia and South Korea. Tim and Angie, along with their son Josiah, look forward to meeting you and your family.
Looking to Jesus During Hurts Speaking live in Big Sandy
Anthony Burrus
Growing up, Anthony’s family was unexpectedly forced to live in a multinational neighborhood. Instead of becoming hurt and bitter, he accepted it as a challenge and learned the languages of his neighbors. Today he knows more than thirty languages. Anthony has a powerful walk with God because he was able to keep his eyes on Jesus. His messages are filled with his personal life stories that give encouragement and hope for us all.
As ye have therefore received
Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith . . . .
—Colossians 2:6
Family Ministry Opportunities Families or siblings may audition to share special music or a Scripture recitation at a conference by sending a DVD or MP4 of their presentation to the ATI Department. Families are encouraged to consider submitting music that is related to a hymn. Families quoting Scripture are encouraged to use the King James Version. Please provide your contact information (including a current email address and cell phone you will have) and indicate which conference(s) you plan to attend. Audition tapes should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than two weeks before the conference you are attending. Recordings will not be returned.
ATI Department Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001
630-323-9800, ext. 590
Students of all ages are welcome to audition for the Student Orchestra. If you play an orchestral instrument, we would love to have you join us! For information about auditioning, please visit ati.iblp.org/events/regionalconference/music, or call us at 630-323-9800, ext. 590. The student choir does not require an audition, and all students are encouraged to participate!
Friday Presentation Dress Code Dress for Young Men • Navy or black slacks • White dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes
Dress for Young Women • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes
For students aged 14 and up Part-day schedule (will join Student Sessions when not on assignment) $50 per participant
Conference Photography Workshop
Learn, Practice, and Master Successful Event Photography Want to increase your skills in event photography? Consider the Conference Photography Workshop! With five years of experience covering ATI Conferences, instructor James Staddon is eager to share what he has learned with others who want to delve deeper into photography. Event photography is more challenging than most other genres of photography. Learning handson during the Conference, you will practice techniques on how to effectively capture the moment, quickly pose people or groups, create consistently bright and sharp images in difficult lighting situations, and speed up the post-processing work flow to meet time-sensitive deadlines! All this while honing the art of photography etiquette, learning the balance between boldness and discretion, and developing a Christian perspective necessary for all areas of photography. Items to bring: SLR camera, laptop computer, and photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Note: IBLP will retain the perpetual right to use, print, and publish all images taken during the course of the workshop.
For students aged 12 and up Free • Full-day schedule
Vital Truths for Your Spiritual Warfare We pray this year will be one you will not soon forget. We have carefully selected passionate young people and older veterans of the faith to share from their experience the importance of looking to Jesus to find lasting fulfillment, true success, and eternal fruitfulness. We pray that their testimonies will inspire you to keep your eyes on Jesus as well as give practical answers to life’s most difficult questions. Daily Dress for Young Men • Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes
Daily Dress for Young Women • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes
Please strive to maintain a professional appearance and attitude at all times.
Daily Dress for Young Men • Dress slacks • Dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes Daily Dress for Young Women • Dress skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes Please strive to maintain a professional appearance and attitude at all times.
CADET CHALLENGE For young men aged 8–17
$70 per participant Full-day schedule
The Purpose of ALERT Cadets The Cadet program, which operates in local communities around the world, is a branch of ALERT that assists fathers in turning their hearts to their sons and leading their sons into Biblical manhood. Each year ALERT and Cadet leaders come together to hold the ALERT Cadet Challenge at the ATI Conference. The “Challenge” is filled with spiritual, mental, and physical lessons designed to impart a global vision for service to each young man and challenge him to develop a heart fully committed to Christ.
Squad Leaders Contact ALERT Headquarters, or apply online. International ALERT Academy: www.alertcadet.org/events/challenge, cadet@alertacademy.com, 903-636-9228. Leaders should register for the ALERT Cadet Challenge; standard costs apply.
CHILDREN’S INSTITUTE For children aged 4–7 Full-day schedule $50 per participant
Items to Bring •K JV Bible, pen/pencil • Small backpack •F illed water bottle (minimum 1 liter) • 6 ' long, ¼" braided, nylon rope •R ain poncho, sunscreen, compass • 3 morning snacks (lunch will be provided)
Uniform for Challenge • Tennis shoes or broken-in hiking boots • Khaki-colored BDUs* or pants • ALERT Cadet T-shirt and a khaki cap**
Mark items with last name. *BDUs can be purchased at thealertstore.com. Click on the ALERT Cadet link. **One shirt and one cap will be issued at registration; additional items may be purchased at the conference on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Goal The goal of the Children’s Institute is to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). By teaching and discipling children in God’s truths on levels that are both understandable and exciting to them, seeds that will undoubtedly yield much fruit are planted in each child’s life. Team leaders learn basic principles of life and are taught creative ways to integrate these principles into lessons that captivate and motivate children.
Team Leaders Students who have a strong love for teaching children can apply to be a team leader or assistant. Students may request a team leader application. To apply for a team leader or assistant position, download an application from www.ati.iblp.org/ci.
Passionately Pursuing Jesus Cultivate your relationship with the Lord and get a vision to change your world! The sessions and activities of COMMIT are planned with this goal in mind: to motivate young ladies to choose to seek God first, become fully committed to Him, love Him with all their hearts, and humbly serve others in their irreplaceable youth before facing the pressures of adulthood.
For ladies aged 12–15 $50 per participant (join Student Sessions after noon)
Team Leaders Each team will be led by an enthusiastic team leader who will encourage the young ladies in the ways of the Lord. Young women aged 16 and older who have been on a Journey to the Heart and have a desire to minister to others are invited to serve as team leaders or team assistants. For more information and to apply to be a team leader or assistant, please contact commit@opportunities.iblp.org.
Foundational Truths for Life The Pre-Embassy staff is excited to work with your girls aged 8-11 again! This year’s program will be centered around the one characteristic that Jesus Christ taught would set us apart as his people more than any other— love for one another. The lessons throughout the week will encourage them to see their relationships within and outside of the family through the eyes of Jesus. The girls should come prepared to participate in exciting activities both in small and large group settings and form new friendships with a team of other young ladies their age.
Team Leaders Young ladies aged 16 and up who have a heart for younger girls can apply to be a team leader or assistant. To apply for a teacher or assistant position, please email us at preembassy@iblp.org.
For girls aged 8–11 Daily Dress • Burgundy shirt* • Navy or khaki skirt • Khaki bucket hat* • Tennis shoes
Items to Bring • Bible and notebook • Small binder* • Backpack or tote bag
* One Pre-Embassy binder, khaki bucket hat, and Pre-Embassy shirt will be issued at registration. Additional shirts may be purchased for $10 each.
Full-day schedule $50 per participant
BIG SANDY, TX April 22–25, 2014
International ALERT Academy One Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755
ALERT RV Park and Campground This is a fun experience for hundreds of families! Contact the ALERT Academy at 903-636-2000 to make your reservations!
All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Conference. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.
Americas Best Value Inn & Suites
Regency Inn
Comfort Suites
Super 8
Fairfield Inn
*Most prices do not include tax.
903-533-0214 3247 West Gentry Parkway Tyler, TX 75702 Approximately 22 miles (25 minutes) from campus $80*/single or double Cut-off date: April 8
903-595-2681 or 800-298-9537 2828 NW Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75702 Approximately 22 miles (25 minutes) from campus $53*/single or double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: April 19 www.tylerinn.com
903-663-4991 3307 N. 4th Street (off Loop 281) Longview, TX 75605 Approximately 24 miles (32 minutes) from campus $76.49*/single or double Hot deluxe breakfast Cut-off date: April 14
Meal packages are available. Please contact ALERT at 903-636-2000 or events@alertacademy.com for more information.
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
903-663-1995 3305 N. 4th Street (off Loop 281) Longview, TX 75605 Approximately 24 miles (32 minutes) from campus $79*/single or double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: April 14
903-845-8003 1009 E. Broadway (Hwy. 80) Gladewater, TX 75647 Approximately 11 miles (13 minutes) from campus $55*/single $65*/double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: April 18
(formerly Quality Inn) 903-757-7858 203 N. Spur 63 (off Hwy. 80) Longview, TX 75601 Approximately 22 miles (28 minutes) from campus $59.99*/single $62.99*/double Hot breakfast No cut-off date
Super 8 903-758-0711 3304 S Eastman Road Longview, TX 75602 Approximately 25 miles (33 minutes) from campus $51*/single; $59*/double www.super8.com Cut-off date: April 9
NASHVILLE, TN May 27–30, 2014
All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Conference. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.
Nashville Airport Inn & Suites 615-883-5201 2425 Atrium Way Nashville, TN 37214
Nashville Training Center 612 W. Due West Ave. Madison, TN 37115
A p proximately 14 minutes from Nashville Training Center
Best Western Fairwinds
$99*/double-bed suite
615-851-1067 100 Northcreek Boulevard Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 8 minutes from Nashville Training Center $69.99*/double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: April 27
No cut-off date
La Quinta 615-885-3000 2345 Atrium Way Nashville, TN 37214 A p proximately 14 minutes from Nashville Training Center $80.10*/double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: May 6
Magnuson Hotel 615-859-1771 809 Wren Road Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 8 minutes from Nashville Training Center $55.99*/single or double Extended continental breakfast No cut-off date
Continental breakfast
Nashville Country RV Park 615-859-0348 1200 Louisville Highway Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 13 minutes from Nashville Training Center www.nashvillecountryrvpark.com No-Sewer Sites: $32.50/night Standard Sites: $34.50/night Premium Sites: $39.50/night A d ditional 15% discount for families requesting the IBLP Conference rate. Limited to 4 persons per site; each additional person—$2/night
Meal packages are available. Visit www.ati.iblp.org/nashville, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who preorder by May 20. Full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner. *Most prices do not include tax.
SACRAMENTO, CA July 1–4, 2014
Second Slavic Baptist Church 6601 Watt Ave. North Highlands, CA 95660 Free Parking Available at the Church
Best Western Sutter House 916-441-1314 1100 H Street Sacramento, CA 19 minutes from the church $99*/single or double In cludes free parking for overnight guests and deluxe continental breakfast. Cut-off date: June 15 www.thesutterhouse.com
Holiday Inn Express 916-444-4436 800-465-4329 728 16th Street Sacramento, CA 17 minutes from the church $99*/single or double In cludes hot breakfast and parking Cut-off date: June 9 www.hiexpress.com
Sheraton Grand 916-447-1700 1230 J Street Sacramento, CA 19 minutes from the church $105*/single or double Cut-off date: June 1
Hawthorn Suites
800-767-1777 916-441-1200 321 Bercut Drive Sacramento, CA 17 minutes from the church $72*/single $99*/double In cludes full, hot breakfast buffet, and parking Cut-off date: June 9 www.hawthorn.com
All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Conference. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.
La Quinta Inn and Suites 916-448-8100 200 Jibboom Street Sacramento, CA 17 minutes from the church $71*/double In cludes a deluxe continental breakfast, free WiFi, and parking Cut-off date: June 9
La Quinta Inn Sacramento North 916-348-0900 4704 Madison Ave, Sacramento, CA 9 minutes from the church $49*/single or double In cludes a deluxe continental breakfast, free WiFi, and parking Cut-off date: June 16 laquintasacramentonorth.com
*Most prices do not include tax.
Meal packages are available. Visit www.ati.iblp.org/sacramento, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who order by June 25. The full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner.
2014 Family Conference Registration Form • Paper registrations must be postmarked three weeks before the conference begins. Online registration will be available until one week prior to the conference. All other registration will be received at the door with appropriate fees.
I am registering for the conference in
• Please bring your smiles. Our photographers will be taking pictures of bright, smiling faces that might appear in future IBLP promotional materials, products, or slide shows.
• Final details will be posted on the website two weeks before the conference. • The conference help line is 630-570-4242. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ct.
1. Big Sandy
2. Nashville
(April 22–25)
(May 27–30)
4. Sacramento (July 1–4)
Last name
Family ID number
Parents’ first names
Phone number
Address City/State
ZIP code
Email address Providing your email address will enable us to notify you of future seminars in your area, ministry reports, and other special offers.
Register Online! www.ati.iblp.org/regionalconferences Child’s Name
Please select one option for each child registering.
Family Children’s PreAge Viewing Institute Embassy Ages 0–3
Base Fee
Ages 4–7 | Fee: $50 Girls 8–11 | Fee: $50 Ladies 12–15 | Fee: $50 Boys 8–17 | Fee: $70
ATI Rate
ALERT Photography Student Workshop Sessions Cadet
For credit card use (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover only), please provide the following information:
Credit Card:
Family $185 $105 Individual $60 $40 Family at the door $200 $150 Individual at the door $90 $60
14 and up | $50
12 and up | Free!
Main Sessions Only
Base Fee: $ Program Fee(s): $ Total: $
– Expiration Date
Please complete this form and return it to
X Authorized Signature Note: All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and will incur a $35 processing fee. Please allow 4–6 weeks for processing refunds.
Security Code
(The 3-digit code is located on the back of your card.)
Conference Registration Box One Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 Make checks payable to “IBLP.”
“Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man,
built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” which
—Matthew 7:24–25
Institute in Basic Life Principles 707 West Ogden Ave • Hinsdale, IL 60521–3069 • www.iblp.org
Institute in Basic Life Principles