2014 Sacramento Conference Schedule

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Looking Unto

Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. —Hebrews 12:2


Sacramento, CA • July 1–4



Gibson Ranch County Park

rta Elve

Table of Contents Map and Church Floor Plan . . . 2–3 Conference Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Tuesday Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Elverta Rd

Wednesday Schedule . . . . . . . . . 6–7 Thursday Schedule . . . . . . . . . . 8–9 Friday Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . 10–11

Watt Rd Elkhorn Blvd Elkhorn Blvd

Second Slavic Baptist Church

Watt Rd To Sacramento



Second Slavic Baptist Church 6601 Watt Ave North Highlands, CA 95660

Location Code

ALERT Cadets Gibson Ranch County Park Book Sales Church Lobby Children’s Institute First Floor Classrooms Pre-Embassy

Dads’ Sessions, Student Sessions, COMMIT, Curriculum Training Church Gymnasium General Sessions Church Sanctuary

Main Entrance

Second Floor Classrooms




Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. —Hebrews 12:2

Session Etiquette

Hours for Meals

Please conclude all visiting and return to your seats when the music starts at the beginning of each session. Do not bring any food or drinks into the church sanctuary except for bottled water. Please turn all pagers and cell phones to “vibrate” or “off.”

Lunch—12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. Supper—5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Please be punctual to meals, but not early as a session will be concluding just prior to meals. Enjoy meeting new friends while you wait in line.

Families With Young Children

Emergency Contacts: ATI Emergency: 630-688-7922 Medical Emergency: 911 First Aid Station Located at ATI Registration Book Sales 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m. (Church Lobby) Student Expo 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m. (Church Lobby) Book Sales and the Student Expo will be closed during sessions.



Other Information

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Family Viewing Area and Nursing Mother’s Room is available in a room off the church sanctuary. Young v children who are able to quietly attend the main session are encouraged to sit with their families.

Meals packages are best reserved prior to the conference. However, a limited number may be available for purchase at the ATI Information Table.

©2014 IBLP • Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 • www.iblp.org

Please do not leave any personal items in the Church overnight. Any items left will be placed in the Lost and Found located at the ATI Information Table in the church lobby. To maintain our testimony to the gracious church family, please take care to keep the seating area neat and clean at all times. Unauthorized videotaping or recording of sessions is not permitted during this conference. Live duplication of most sessions will be available at the book sales in the church lobby.


July 1

11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.— Registration (Church Lobby) 2:00–5:00— Curriculum Training Parents Only (Church Sanctuary) o A Testimony the Power of God —Monte and Marci Dauer

o How God Blessed Our Families —David and Priscilla Waller

o The Vision: Raising Sons and Daughters Who Are Mighty in Spirit —Chris Hogan

Chris Hogan

3:00–4:00— Orchestra Rehearsal (Church Gymnasium)

Tuesday Evening 6:30—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Flag Presentation—ALERT Welcome—Chris Hogan Invocation—Kevin McCray Greeting and Introductions—Gil Bates

Tim Levendusky

o “Let Us Run With Patience” —Tim Levendusky

Triumphant Music o The Essentials of Prayer—David Gibbs, Jr. 9:45—Fellowship: Meet Other Families

David Gibbs, Jr



July 2

Wednesday Morning

7:00—Dads’ Session (Church Sanctuary) o Are You An Act?—David Gibbs, Jr. o Now is Not the Time to Be Negligent: A Call to Stand Before God and Serve Him—Tom Harmon (Video)

David Gibbs, Jr.

8:15—Program Sign-In ALERT Cadets


Children’s Institute


(Church Parking Lot) (Main Floor Classrooms)

(Church Gymnasium) (Upstairs Classrooms)

9:00—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music Clayton Reedstrom: Come Thou Fount

o Increase Our Faith—David Gibbs, Jr. o Letting Go and Letting God —Gil and Kelly Bates

Gil & Kelly Bates

Break Neufeld Family: Springtime in Glory

o Knowing God—Tom Harmon (Video) “Every problem a person has in life is directly or indirectly related to his concept of God.” Tom Harmon


Wednesday Afternoon 12:00—Lunch (Pick up children from CI) 12:45— Student Choir & Orchestra Practice (Church Gymnasium) 1:00— Breakout Session for Mothers: Practical Tips on Parenting—Michelle Duggar (Church Sanctuary)

2:00—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music

Tomber & Tomlin Su: Jesus Paid It All

o Christ Centered Living and Learning —Kevin McCray

Matt Krause

o Small Decisions, Large Consequences —Matt Krause (Video)

o Passing the Torch to the Next Generation—Josh Duggar (Video)

Wednesday Evening

2:00—Student Sessions (Church


o Seedtime and Harvest—Tom

Harmon (Video)

oD evelop a Passion Worth Living For —David Waller

oL ooking to Jesus for Effective Missions


—Otto Koning (Video)

6:30—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music

Headquarters Staff: Since I Have Been Redeemed

o God At Work in Prisons—Bob Holyfield (Video) o Update on Prison Work in Florida —Ruthie Westfahl (Video)

Neufeld Family: When He Blessed My Soul

oT he Work of God Around the World —George Mattix


George Mattix



July 3

Thursday Morning

7:00—Dads’ Session (Church Sanctuary) o Looking to Jesus in Marketplace Ministry—Dwain Swanson (Video) o Complex Conversations: Helping Others Discover God’s Truth for Themselves

Dwain Swanson

—Chris Hogan

8:15—Program Sign-In ALERT Cadets


Children’s Institute


(Church Parking Lot) (Main Floor Classrooms)

(Church Gymnasium)

Chris Hogan

(Upstairs Classrooms)

9:00—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music

Christianne Smith: It Is Well

o How to Wage Spiritual Warfare—Otto Koning (Video) o “Come Unto Me . . . And I Will Give You Rest”—George Mattix

Otto Koning

Break Neufeld Family: Springtime in Glory

o The Spirit of the Accuser

—Paul and Jenny Speed (Video)

“Countless Christians are being destroyed because they do not understand their enemy. Learn to identify the spirit of the accuser and overcome him by looking to Jesus.​” 8

Paul & Jenny Speed

Thursday Afternoon 12:00—Lunch (Pick up children from CI) 12:00— Widows, Widowers, and Single Moms’ Banquet (Church Private Dining Room off of Gymnasium)

12:45— Student Choir & Orchestra Practice (Church Gymnasium) 12:45–1:45 — Mothers’ Panel Q&A Please submit questions to ATI information table (Church Sanctuary)

2:00—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music Shaw Family: Amazing Grace

o I ntelligent Design —Cooper Dauer

oT he Impact of Generosity in a City

—John Morgan (Video)

John Morgan

Break oT hree Mindsets for Passionate Living

2:00—Student Sessions (Church


o “Ye are the Light of the World” —Keith Neds

oL ooking Unto Jesus for a “New” Perspective

—Paul and Jenny Speed (Video)

—David Waller

Thursday Evening 5:00—Dinner

oP arameters That Yield Spiritual Power—Gil Bates

6:30—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music

Neufeld Family: O Glorious Love When the Trumpet of the Lord Shall Sound Daniel Hung: Report on work in Asia

oL ooking to Jesus for Direction in Life Relationships—Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Ice Cream Fellowship (Church Gymnasium)

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar



July 4

Friday Morning

7:00—Dads’ Session (Church Sanctuary) o How to Become the Richest Man in the World—Gil Bates o God’s Rubber Band—Paul Speed (Video) 8:15—Program Sign-In

Paul Speed

ALERT Cadets


Children’s Institute


(Church Parking Lot) (Main Floor Classrooms)

(Church Gymnasium) (Upstairs Classrooms)

9:00— General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music Neufeld Family: I Will Bless the Lord At All Times

o Hearing the Voice of God —Tom Harmon (Video)

o Looking to Jesus by Giving Thanks in All Things—Gabriel Cleator

Tom Harmon

Break Tomber & Tomlin Su: Amazing Grace Lu Family: The Book of Jonah

o Real Relationships Meet Real Needs —Chris and Anne Hogan


Chris & Anne Hogan

Friday Afternoon 12:00—Lunch (Pick up children from CI) 1:00–2:00— Student Choir and Orchestra Dress Rehearsal (Church Sanctuary)

12:45–1:45 — Fathers’ Panel Q&A (Church Gymnasium) Please submit questions to ATI information table

2:00—General Session (Church Sanctuary) Triumphant Music

String Ensemble: Trust and Obey

o The Crucial Factor That America Needs—David Barton (Video) oW hat to Do When You Can’t Figure Out What God is Doing—Gil & Kelly Bates

Gil & Kelly Bates

Break oC onclusion: Vision for Future Ministry —Tim Levendusky

o Program Presentations

Tim Levendusky

(CI, COMMIT, Pre-Embassy, ALERT Cadets)

5:15— Break (Parents pick up children from programs) 6:00—Student Choir and Orchestra 6:30—Final Words and Dismiss for Application


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As ye have therefore received

Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith . . . .

—Colossians 2:6


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