2013 Conference Guide

Page 1

Living in

Victory every day!

Big Sandy, TX April 23­–26

Nashville, TN May 28­–31

Sacramento, CA July 2­–5

Indianapolis, IN

July 30­–August 2


Living in Victory . . . Every


Dear Friend,

This conference is designed to give you powerful truths for the day in which we now live. There are only two reasons why we do not live in daily victory: Either we do not know the truth or we are not applying it. In this conference you will discover deep Biblical truths that will give you a new level of freedom and victory.

Conference Goals: 1. Learn how to actually experience our victorious position in Christ 2. Know how each piece of God’s armor causes us to stand strong

LIVE Conferences!

3. Understand vital principles of true hospitality

7. Experience the power of oneaccord and rich fellowship




6. Learn how successful business leaders started their companies


5. Learn how to solve problems with creativity and wisdom

A powerful new series on the commands of Christ that reveals deep truths on how to resolve seven deadly stresses.


4. Discover an overlooked key to make prayer delightful and powerful

These Living in Victory Every Day conferences promise to be some of the best ever, with deep spiritual truths given in practical, life-changing ways. Where else could you find a week that will last a lifetime?

Lasting answers . . . The Institute in Basic Life Principles is dedicated to giving clear training on how to find success by following God’s principles found in Scripture.

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the

victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” —I Corinthians 15:57

Photos courtesy of Sara Quinnett, James Staddon, Laura DeMasie, Jon Courville, and Chad Paine


How to Conquer 7 Deadly Stresses Jesus identified seven deadly stresses in His Sermon on the Mount. He also gave us 49 commands that contain practical instructions on how to love our neighbor as Christ loved us. There are seven commands that directly relate to each of the seven stresses. By applying the commands to

Jamie Lash

Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.

When our staff heard a series of messages by Jamie, we knew he had to be a speaker at this year’s conference!

David is the Founder and President of the Christian Law Association.

©2012 IBLP • Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001

Printed in USA



How to Live in Daily Victory

resolving specific stresses, a whole new level of insight and understanding comes to light.

For example, the seven commands that relate to anger reveal root causes of anger that we never saw before! This new training is a must for everyone who wants to walk in daily victory.

The instructions for daily victory are very clear: be “planted together in the likeness of his death,” know “that our old man is crucified with him,” “reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God,” realize “if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live,” and many more (Romans 6 and 8). But how do we actually carry out these instructions in daily living? This important question will be answered with fresh insight from Jamie Lash. He will be giving a series of messages on this vital topic. (Speaking live in Big Sandy!)

How to Conquer Discouragement Dr. David Gibbs, Jr. impacted all of us last year as he began his message with this question: “Why would you want to waste your life merely doing great things for God—when He has called us to do impossible things?” After explaining how we can do the “impossible,” he told how his invalid mother actually did this! Then he gave the five reasons that David was a man after God’s own heart. Every point Mr. Gibbs makes is illustrated with a powerful story. He will be with us again this year with more life-changing messages, including how to help others conquer discouragement by following the example of Abishai and how to run to win. (Speaking live at all conferences!)

VITAL TRUTHS Jim Sammons Jim has not only successfully trained up his children but also is known around the world for his wisdom on financial freedom.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Millions of people around the world love to watch the Duggar family on TV.

Otto Koning Otto Koning is known internationally for his pineapple story and other messages on living in victory.

Laying the Foundation for Daily Victory Like most parents, Jim was concerned about the influences that even friends in the church youth group would have on his son and daughters. He implemented one event during their growing up years that they point to as a highlight in their relationship with Jim and their walk with God. Only a few fathers have understood the importance of this activity, and fewer yet have actually carried it out. Jim will be explaining this activity and giving practical direction on how to do it. This session is a must for every father who wants to understand his teenagers and help them avoid the pitfalls of our culture.

Five Critical Relationships in a Teenager’s Life Ninety-five percent of the thousands of teenagers we have interviewed have stated that they do not believe that their fathers understand them. That is certainly not the case with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. In order to enjoy the harmony and fellowship they have in their home, it has been essential for them to understand the thoughts and emotions of each one of their nineteen children. Further training that Jim Bob and Michelle will share with us is how they have been able to overcome anger and irritation when almost every day things happen that were not “in the schedule” or expected.

Conquering the Giants That Challenge Victory Living in daily victory is the life message of Otto Koning. First he learned how to conquer the giant of anger within, and then he discovered Biblical principles of how to conquer the principalities and powers without. Otto Koning has a worldwide ministry through his books, messages, and public speaking. It will be a delight to have him with us for further training on the vital steps of living in daily victory.

Horst Schulze Horst has received world acclaim for his exemplary hotels, which are built on hospitality.

David Rogers, Ph.D., P.E., R.G., C.E.G., C.H.G. While serving in the Marines and in the Navy, David learned how to solve engineering problems.

Roger Magnuson Roger will bring a wealth of courtroom experience into his powerful message on how to put on God’s armor.

How to Demonstrate True Hospitality Every believer is commanded to be “given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13). Hospitality is also a prerequisite for church leaders (I Timothy 3:2) and we are all to “entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares’” (Hebrews 13:2). No one understands the importance of hospitality better than hotel owners, and Horst Schulze is a legend in this industry. He grew up in Germany and started his hotel career at age 14. He built the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain and is now establishing a new chain that is acclaimed as having the best hotels in the world. People pay thousands of dollars to hear his lectures and we are honored that he has agreed to oversee our Drake Oak Brook Hotel. Every month he polls the guests in his hotels and has found that the newest trend is toward individual, personalized service. He has a wealth of knowledge on how to demonstrate hospitality.

How to Develop the Skill of Creativity One of the most important factors for success is creativity. It is the basic ingredient for all problem solving and all successful business ventures. Dr. David Rogers is one of the nation’s top engineers. He receives and solves engineering problems from other nations on a regular basis. He does not solve these problems with engineers, because their training limits their ability to see new solutions. So, he works with young people who have had no training in engineering, and they solve the problems! During his highly celebrated military career, Dr. Rogers traveled the world solving engineering problems. He then taught engineering at UCLA and now is Chairman of the Engineering Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology. He will give us the principles of creativity, which we can use in every area of our lives.

How to Cause Satan to Flee From Us Imagine Satan taking one look at you and saying to his demons, “Let’s get out of here!” This is precisely what the Scripture states: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” ( James 4:7). But how are we to effectively resist the devil? The secrets are contained in the instructions of putting on “the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11). You will see this familiar passage in a whole new light as each piece of armor is explained, along with instructions on how and when to put each piece on!

IMPACTING CONCEPTS Additional speakers may be at each conference!

Tom Harmon As a state trooper, Tom was never without his weapons. He sees a direct correlation for believers to always be armed.

Paul and Jenny Speed The transparent lives of Paul and Jenny have been a testimony to thousands.

Chris and Anne Hogan Their continual interaction and discipleship with couples have given them a wealth of practical training to share with others.

How to Use Our Invincible Weapons Tom Harmon has just completed a book on how to walk in daily victory. It identifies powerful weapons that God has given to us. However, he singles out one as the most valuable assault weapon he has used. When Tom reluctantly attended his first Basic Seminar, he was stunned by the truths that he learned. Then, as he began to apply them, he began finding victory in each area of his life, especially in the area of conquering impure thoughts. He is looking forward to sharing his experiences with us and giving a practical background to spiritual warfare. His message will clarify the reason that God promises that “sin shall not have dominion over you” (Romans 6:14).

How Coming to Freedom Is Just the Beginning Thousands of married couples who were living with disillusionment and frustration have come to true freedom through the wise and effective counseling of Paul and Jenny Speed. However, as most couples understand, the fire of genuine love tends to go out and the fire of sensual pleasure continues to grow. God lamented the fact that the Ephesians believers had left their first love. Paul and Jenny will explain how to keep the fervency of genuine love alive after coming to freedom.

How to Have Mountaintop Vision and Valley Living To live in daily victory, we need to have our mountaintop experiences. It is there that we will get our purpose for life and direction for the future. However, things don’t grow very well on mountaintops. For this we must go to the valley. Chris Hogan has demonstrated the truth of this analogy. He caught his vision for working with youth and families but then obeyed his father, who asked him to work in the business world for ten years. During that time, Chris discovered the principles of marriage harmony, business success, and how to raise up Godly sons and daughters. Chris and Anne had their eleventh child on December 3, 2012. We praise God for their leadership in the ATI program.

ers Dr. David Rog

Donald Staddon

Brent Keilen Jordan Webster

Rep. Timmy Barr

Special Training for World-Changers Every believer inherited the awesome promise to Abraham that through us and our descendants “shall all nations be blessed” (Galatians 3:8–17). In order to do this, the world must see God’s joy and success in our personal lives. “God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him” (Psalm 67:7). There were three ways that God blessed Adam before he brought a wife into his life: a dynamic daily walk with Him, significant financial resources, and a world-impacting life message (Genesis 1–3). These vital prerequisites are the curriculum of Embassy University and the training at this conference.

Music Opportunities Students of all ages are welcome to audition for the Student Orchestra! For information on auditioning, please visit ati.iblp.org/events/regionalconference/ music, or call us at 630-323-9800, x590.

Families or siblings may audition to perform special music at a conference by sending a DVD or MP4 of their presentation to the Music Department. Please include your contact information (including a current email address) and indicate which conference(s) you plan to attend. Audition tapes should be sent in as soon as possible but no later than three weeks before the conference you are attending. Recordings will not be returned. ATI Music Department Box One • Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 music@ati.iblp.org • 630-323-9800, ext. 590

STUDENT SESSIONS For all students aged 12 and up • Full-day schedule Daily Dress for Young Men • Navy or black slacks • White dress shirt and tie • Dress shoes

Daily Dress for Young Women • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modest-fitting blouse • Dress shoes Please strive to maintain a professional appearance and attitude at all times.

The Missing Factor That Will Revolutionize Your Prayer Life

How to Triumph Over Satan’s Favorite Weapons

Paul’s first instruction to Timothy was to major on four aspects of prayer: “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” (I Timothy 2:1). Most people overlook one basic factor that will make all the difference in the delight and effectiveness of their prayer life. When you hear this you will wonder why you did not see it sooner!

Most young people retreat or surrender when they are ridiculed for their faith. Yet, the hallmark of a successful person is to learn the secrets of standing alone. When you learn these responses, you will have a new boldness in your walk with God.

How to Develop Your Most Valuable Skill There are five qualities that are vital for your success in life: initiative, creativity, diligence, wisdom, and enthusiasm. The most important of these is creativity that springs out of wisdom. You will learn the foundational principles of creativity from Dr. David Rogers.

How to Overcome Fear With Wise Answers Many young people are afraid to talk about the Christian life because they fear certain questions they cannot answer. Scripture says that “the heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips” (Proverbs 16:23). It also says, “Be ready always to give an answer” (I Peter 3:15). We will give wise answers for these questions.

Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar have powerful messages to share!

COMMIT For ladies aged 12–15

Bring Your Faith to an Unshakable Relationship Many girls struggle with their identity, the pressure of peers, and the expectations of being perfect Christians. But how can your faith go from intangible to unshakable? That is the topic we will be talking about at this year’s COMMIT sessions. We will deal with doubts from the culture of our day, having a belief system that is rooted in truth, and learning how to give wise answers to those who ask us why we are different.

Kayla, Laura, and Becky are excited to lead the COMMIT program this year!

Learn the Basis of Your True Significance

$50 per participant ( Join Student Sessions after noon)

2. What does being set apart mean?

1. How do we find our identity in Christ? 3. How can we get along with difficult family members?

“Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” —Colossians 2:7

Team Leaders Each team will be led by an enthusiastic team leader who will encourage the young ladies in the ways of the Lord. Young ladies aged 16 and older who have hearts for ministering to others are invited to serve as team leaders or team assistants. For more information, please contact commit@opportunities.iblp.org or call 630-323-9800 ext. 220. Daily Dress for Young Ladies • Solid navy or black skirt of modest length (Please avoid slits.) • Solid white, modest-fitting blouse • Dressy casual shoes

CHILDREN’S INSTITUTE For children aged 4–7

Full Days $50 per participant

The Goal

Team Leaders

The goal of the Children’s Institute is to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). By teaching and discipling children in God’s truths on levels that are both understandable and exciting to them, seeds that will undoubtedly yield much fruit are planted in each child’s life. Team leaders learn basic principles of life and are taught creative ways to integrate these principles into lessons that captivate and motivate children.

Students who have a strong love for teaching children can apply to be a team leader or assistant. Students may request a team leader application.


Charity, Dakota, and Hannah will lead the Pre-Embassy program again this year!

For girls aged 8–11 Full Days $50 per participant

Know Your Value

Team Leaders

The Pre-Embassy leadership team is delighted to work with young ladies aged 8 to 11! At this time, foundations are being laid upon which the girls will build their entire belief systems. For this reason, it is important that God’s truth is engrained in each of their hearts. Too many young ladies have settled for the offers of the world simply because they don’t understand the value that has been placed on them by Christ. This year’s program will address the common lies believed by girls in this age group and teach them about the true worth that God has given to them.

Young ladies aged 16 and up who have a heart for younger girls can apply to be a team leader or assistant. To apply for a teacher or assistant position, please email us at preembassy@iblp.org. Daily Dress • Burgundy shirt* • Navy or khaki skirt • Khaki bucket hat* • Tennis shoes

To apply for a team leader or assistant position, download an application from www.ati.iblp.org/ci.

Items to Bring • Bible and notebook • Small binder* • Backpack or tote bag

* One Pre-Embassy binder, khaki bucket hat, and Pre-Embassy shirt will be issued at registration. Additional shirts may be purchased for $10 each.

ALERT Cadet Challenge

For young men aged 8–17

The Vision for ALERT Training When ALERT began, its goal was to train young men to be physically and spiritually strong for effective service. Practical training in emergency response has been given to more than two thousand young men, and this training will continue to be given at the Big Sandy Academy.

Meanwhile, other nations are requesting ALERT men to train their junior and senior high schoolers to carry out the programs that are given at Big Sandy. Through precise drill instruction and redesigning classes into ten-man teams, nations could design an army for character, academics, and public service.

The Purpose of ALERT Cadets The Cadet program, which operates in local communities around the world, is a branch of ALERT that assists fathers and sons to build relationships and turn their hearts to one another. Each year ALERT and Cadet leaders come together to hold the ALERT Cadet Challenge at the ATI Conference. The “Challenge” is filled with spiritual, mental, and physical lessons designed to impart a global vision for service to each young man and challenge him to develop a heart fully committed to Christ.

Squad Leaders Contact ALERT Headquarters, or apply online. International ALERT Academy: 903-636-9228, www.alertcadet.org/events/challenge, cadet@alertacademy.com. Leaders should register for the ALERT Cadet Challenge; standard costs apply.

Items to Bring • KJV Bible, pen/pencil • Small backpack • Water bottle (minimum 1 liter), filled • 6' long, ¼" braided, nylon rope • Rain poncho, sunscreen, compass • 3 morning snacks (lunch will be provided) Mark items with last name.

Uniform for Challenge • Tennis shoes or broken-in hiking boots • Khaki-colored BDUs* or pants • ALERT Cadet T-shirt and a khaki cap**

*BDUs can be purchased at thealertstore.com. Click on the ALERT Cadet link. **One shirt and one cap wi­ll be issued at registration; additional items may be purchased at the conference on a first-come, first-served basis.

$70 per participant • Full Days

APRIL 23–26, 2013 International ALERT Academy One Academy Blvd. • Big Sandy, TX 75755

All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Confer­ence. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.

Americas Best Value Inn & Suites

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites

903-533-0214 3247 West Gentry Parkway Tyler, TX 75702 Approximately 22 miles (25 minutes) from campus $75*/single or double Ask for Anayeli Cut-off date: April 9

903-595-2681 or 800-298-9537 2828 NW Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75702 Approximately 22 miles (25 minutes) from campus $53*/single or double Continental breakfast Cut-off date: April 9 www.tylerinn.com

Quality Inn

Comfort Suites

Regency Inn

903-663-4991 3307 N. 4th St (off Loop 281) Longview, TX 75605 Approximately 24 miles (32 minutes) from campus $64*/single; $69*/double Full breakfast Ask for Richie Cut-off date: April 2

Fairfield Inn

903-663-1995 3305 N. 4th St. (off Loop 281) Longview, TX 75605 Approximately 24 miles (32 minutes) from campus $79*/single or double Breakfast included No cut-off date

903-757-7858 203 N. Spur 63 (off Hwy. 80) Longview, TX 75601 Approximately 22 miles (28 minutes) from campus $60*/single or double Breakfast bar Ask for Sean No cut-off date

Big Sandy, Texas ALERT RV Park and Campground This is a fun experience for hundreds of families! Contact the ALERT Academy at 903-636-2000 to make your reservations!

903-845-8003 1009 E. Broadway (Hwy. 80) Gladewater, TX 75647 Approximately 11 miles (13 minutes) from campus $54*/single; $64*/double Breakfast included Ask for Nick No cut-off date

Super 8

877-361-2508 3304 S Eastman Road Longview, TX 75602 Approximately 25 miles (33 minutes) from campus $51*/single; $59*/double Ask for Bridget www.super8.com Cut-off date: April 9

Meal packages are available. Please contact ALERT at 903-636-2000 or events@alertacademy.com for more information. *Most prices do not include tax.

MAY 28–31, 2013 Nashville Training Center 612 W. Due West Ave. • Madison, TN 37115

All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Confer­ence. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.

Best Western Fairwinds 615-851-1067 100 Northcreek Boulevard Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 8 minutes from Nashville Training Center $69.99*/single or double Ask for Chris No cut-off date

Days Inn 615-228-3421 or 615-216-7049 3312 Dickerson Pike Nashville, TN 37207 A p proximately 4 minutes from Nashville Training Center $55*/single or double Ask for Sam Cut-off date: May 14

La Quinta 615-885-3000 2345 Atrium Way Nashville, TN 37214 A p proximately 14 minutes from Nashville Training Center $71*/double Cut-off date: May 14

*Most prices do not include tax.

Manguson Hotel 615-859-1771 809 Wren Rd Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 8 minutes from Nashville Training Center $55.99*/single or double Ask for Ron Cut-off date: May 14

Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville Country RV

615-859-0348 1200 Louisville Hwy. Goodlettsville, TN 37072 A p proximately 13 minutes from Nashville Training Center www.nashvillecountryrvpark.com No-Sewer Sites: $32.50/night Standard Sites: $34.50/night Premium Sites: $39.50/night A d ditional 10% discount for ATI families. Limited to 5 persons per site; each additional person—$1/night.

Ramada Inn and Suites 615-883-5201 2425 Atrium Way Nashville, TN 37214 A p proximately 14 minutes from Nashville Training Center $79.95*/2-bedroom suite Cut-off date: May 14

Meal packages are available. Visit www.ati.iblp.org/nashville, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who preorder by May 21. Full meal plan includes seven meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday dinner.

JULY 2–5, 2013 Sacramento Convention Center 1400 J Street • Sacramento, CA 95814

All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Confer­ence. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.

Best Western Sutter House

916-441-1314 1100 H St. Sacramento, CA Ap proximately 3 blocks from Convention Center $89*/single or double In cludes free parking for overnight guests and deluxe continental breakfast. Ask for Doris Cut-off date: June 18 www.thesutterhouse.com

Holiday Inn Express

916-444-4436 728 16th St. Sacramento, CA Ap proximately .3 miles (1 minute) from Convention Center $99*/single or double In cludes continental breakfast and parking. Cut-off date: June 18 www.hiexpress.com

*Most prices do not include tax.

Hawthorn Suites

916-441-1200 321 Bercut Dr. Sacramento, CA Ap proximately 2 miles (5 minutes) from Convention Center $72*/single $99*/double In cludes full, hot breakfast buffet, and parking. Ask for Deb Cut-off date: June 1 www.hawthorn.com

Sacramento, California

La Quinta Inn and Suites 916-448-8100 200 Jibboom St. Sacramento, CA Ap proximately 2 miles (5 minutes) from Convention Center $60*/single or double In cludes a deluxe continental breakfast, free WiFi, and parking. Ask for Farid Cut-off date: June 18

Sheraton Grand

800-325-3535 1230 J St. Sacramento, CA Ap proximately .7 miles (1 minute) from Convention Center $99*/single or double Ask for Gaby Cut-off date: June 7

Meal packages are available. Visit www.ati.iblp.org/sacramento, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who order by June 25. The full meal plan includes six meals, Tuesday dinner–Friday lunch.

JULY 30–AUGUST 2, 2013 Indianapolis Marriott 7202 East 21st Street • Indianapolis, IN 46208

All the listed rates have been specially reduced for those attending the ATI Regional Confer­ence. When reserving your room, be sure to ask for the ATI/IBLP Conference rate.

Americas Best Value Inn


Indianapolis KOA

Rooms booked at the following three hotels will lower IBLP’s fee for use of the Marriott auditorium:

Indianapolis Marriott

317-352-1231 or 800-228-9290 7202 East 21st Street $79*/single or double Ask for Lisa Cut-off date: July 8

La Quinta Inn

317-359-1021 or 800-531-5900 7304 East 21st Street $49*/single or double Ask for Lisa Cut-off date: July 8

Fairfield Inn

317-332-0101 7110 East 21st Street $78*/double $84*/king suite $87*/double suite Cut-off date: July 8

*Most prices do not include tax.

317-788-0500 317-359-5500 7314 East 21st Street Indianapolis, IN $52*/single; $55*/double Continental breakfast No cut-off date

Indianapolis, Indiana

800-562-0531 5896 West 200 North Greenfield, IN 46140 ww w.koa.com/campgrounds/ indianapolis/reserve indianapoliskoa@gmail.com Ref erence discount code: Homeschool Fr e e WiFi, closest campground to the Marriott, Saturday pancake breakfast No te: When placing your reservation online, the correct rate will not be shown. To receive the discount, you may call or email KOA, and they will make sure that the appropriate discount is applied. No cut-off date

S & H Campground

317-326-3208 or 888-550-1410 2573 West 100 North P.O. Box 561 Greenfield, IN 43140 Tent Camping: $25* per night RV Parking: $30* per night Ca bin Camping: $40* per night Includes water, electricity, WiFi service, and a free continental breakfast on Saturday. www.shcampground.com

Meal packages are available. Visit www.ati.iblp.org/indianapolis, or call 630-323-2842 for more information. A discounted rate is available to those who preorder by July 23. Full meal plan includes seven meals, Tues­day dinner–Friday dinner.

2013 Conference Registration Form • Paper registrations must be postmarked three weeks before the conference begins. Online registration will be available until one week prior to the conference. All other registration will be received at the door with appropriate fees.

I am registering for the conference in

• Final details will be posted on the website two weeks before the conference. • The conference help line is 630-570-4242. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ct.

1. Big Sandy

2. Nashville

(April 23–26)

• Please bring your smiles. Our photographers will be taking pictures of bright, smiling faces that might appear in future IBLP promotional materials, products, or slide shows.

3. Sacramento

(May 28–31)

4. Indianapolis

(July 2–5)

Last name

Family ID number

Parents’ first names

Phone number

(July 30–August 2)

Address City/State

ZIP code

Email address

Providing your email address will enable us to notify you of future seminars in your area, ministry reports, and other special offers.

Register Online! Visit www.ati.iblp.org/regionalconferences Child’s Name

Please select one option for each child registering.

Base Fee

Nursing Family Children’s PreAge Infant Viewing Institute Embassy COMMIT Ages 0–3




Authorized Signature

Note: All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and will incur a $35 processing fee. Please allow 4–6 weeks for processing refunds.


Student Sessions

Main Sessions Only

Base Fee: $

Program Fee(s): $

Total: $

– Expiration Date


ATI Rate

Ages 4–7 | Fee: $50 Girls 8–11 | Fee: $50 Ladies 12–15 | Fee: $50 Boys 8–17 | Fee: $70 12 and up | Free!

For credit card use (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover only), please provide the following information:

Credit Card:


Family $175 $100 Individual $60 $40 Family at the door $200 $150 Individual at the door $90 $60

Security Code

(The 3-digit code is located on the back of your card.)

Please complete this form and return it to

Conference Registration Box One Oak Brook, IL 60522-3001 Make checks payable to “IBLP”

Living in Victory . . . every day!





The Institute in Basic Life Principles 707 West Ogden Ave • Hinsdale, IL 60521–3069 • www.ati.iblp.org




Institute in Basic Life Principles


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